Vol. 1 No. 64
Monday May. 14 2012
โซืืืงืชืโฌ-โซืืื ืโ ืคโ ืืืจโฌ โซืโื ืืืืจ ืชืฉืขโืโฌ
Zmanim 8:06.....โซืฉืงืืขืโฌ 9:06...............60 9:18...............72
โข When a Father Feels his Son โข Health: The Absurdities of
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When a Father Feels his Son The tzaddik and Mekubal Rโ Gamliel Rabinowitz from Eretz Yisrael relates the following story as an illustration of the importance of maintaining a close relationship with our children. One of Rโ Gamlielโs followers once sent one of his sons off to learn in the Mirrer Yeshiva. The Mir is a place where many can excel in Torah study, but for some boys, the lack of the typical yeshiva structure and enforced discipline from higher authorities brings on problems of its own. Not every young man is able to learn through self-motivation alone. This boy, however, was not the greatest iluy in his yeshiva back home, and yet, he did exceptionally well in his studies at the Mir. The bachurโs Rebbe wondered about that and inquired of the father. What was the secret to his sonโs unusual, unexpected success in Torah learning? The father answered simply, unassumingly,
โMy son and I are very close. He phones me every day and because of our strong bond, I sense immediately if there is something bothering him. Any time I got that sense that all was not right, I would personally make the trip to the Yeshiva to visit my son and shower him with the warmth and love that only a father can provide.โ Indeed, years later, after the son married and settled down to build a family of his own, he asked his father, โHow did you always know precisely when to come visit me, when I needed that extra dose of encouragement and fatherly love?โ But his father didnโt understand the question. He loved his son so deeply and had such a sincerely loving relationship with him. How could he not know when his son was in trouble? His heart always told him when his son needed him.
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โซืืืืโช :โฌืคืืขืืโฌ โซืืืโฌ โซ"ืืืข" ืืื ืืขืจืขโฌ โซืืืโฌ โซืขืืืขืจืโฌ โซืืื ืืขืจืข ืจืื'ืก ืืื ืฆืืืงืื ืืืืคืฉืืืืโฌ โซืืื ืืฆืืช ืืื ืขืืกืง ืืืื ืืชืืจื ืืืชืคืืื!โฌ โซืืืื ืโช :โฌืงืขื ืขื ืืืจ ืฉืืืฆื ืื ืืฉืื'ืข ืืืืืโฌ โซืชืืจื ืืืืก ืืขื ืขื ืืืก ืืงืืืโช ,โฌืืื ืืืื ื ืืืงโฌ โซืืขืจืื!โฌ
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Health Pr eventing t oo t h decay natur all y In our previous article, we discussed why fluoride is not the best prevention for tooth decay and in many instances is actually the cause of tooth decay in young children. So is there anything else, besides for the known preventative measure of brushing our teeth, and the dubious effects of fluoride, that can help prevent tooth decay? To begin with, we have to understand what causes tooth decay. The accepted theory given is that the bacteria in our mouth produce acid as a byproduct and this acid eats into our teeth by taking out the minerals that keep our teeth strong. Diet We all know that sugar is bad for the teeth but what a lot of people donโt know is that any refined carbohydrate can cause tooth decay. So reducing our intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates like white bread and pasta is the first step towards promoting healthy teeth. The reason generally given is that sugars feed the cavity-inducing bacteria in our mouth thus assisting in demineralizing our teeth. Xylitol Xylitol is the most effective thing to take for cavity prevention. Countless scientific studies have shown that xylitol will reduce cavities by as much as 70%. To understand how this works, allow us to introduce you to a new concept: The bacteria in our mouth are only harmful because they protect themselves with a shield called a bio film. This is the gunk that we can sometimes feel on our teeth. The bacterium
uses sugar and carbs to build up this bio film. However, xylitol, is different. Because of its unique molecular makeup, instead of helping the bacteria build up these biofilms, xylitol actually breaks it up. This is why xylitol is so effective. One good way to give kids xylitol is to put it in there bottles at night if they take bottles. It is also a good idea to use throughout the day as a substitute for sugar. One good way to do that is to buy plain yogurt and sweeten it yourself with a little ground up berries and a spoonful or two of xylitol. Xylitol is most effective when used on a steady basis over long periods of time.
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When you first begin adding xylitol to your diet, it should be introduced slowly as it can cause loose bowels when taken in high amounts right away, as your body has not yet had the chance to become accustomed to it. Nutrients Avoiding carbohydrates is pretty basic in preventing cavities but another important component is the fact that our diets are very deficient in key nutrients that are vital for the health of our teeth. Therefore it is important
to eat a natural diet, avoiding processed foods and eating lots of natural foods, including vegetables, meat and eggs. Vitamin D and Vitamin K2 are also vital in mineralizing the teeth, and is almost impossible to get them from our diets today. Some people have reported remission of cavities with Vitamin K2. Calcium and magnesium also play a key role as do other bone building nutrients.
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Baked Rice with Mushrooms This is a simple but delicious recipe for baked rice that can be made on any hectic weekday, as it can be whipped up in minutes. Ingredients: 1 cup brown rice 1/3 cup oil 2 tsp. onion soup mix 2 รห cups water Salt and pepper to taste 3 tsp. soy sauce 1 8-oz can mushrooms Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Pour rice into an eight-inch square baking pan, add the rest of the ingredients, and mix well. Bake for 1รห hours.
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Black iPod Touch most recent generation-32 GB Sealed in Original Box $259 call: 1-347-903-7704
Gown for rent
6 romweber bucket chairs. No offer refused. 718 306 2992
โStarlite Travelโ
Gown for sale
4 beautiful mauve jumper gowns with shells for rent for 10 year old and 12-14-16. Please call. 718 851 2623
Gown for rent
Gown Magnificent mature sis-
$95 + tolls 347-585-4526.
Moshe Y. Fasten Travel Consultant Cel. 347-407-4800 Cel. 347-585-4526 Email. myfasten@gmail.com
Mechanical heating service
Treadmill for sale please call 3474101701 Gown size 6 beautiful cream gown for mother of bride 917 497 7614 A beautiful navy beaded machuta.dress size 12-14 to sell 917-757-7254
Gown for rent
Magnificent mature sister of bride raquel blush gown size 6-8. For rent Call 718 851 8591 BLOSSOM FINE MATERNITY
Merchandise Sale/Rent For Sale
sprint blackberry bold 9930 in box used 5 weeks bought it by sprint clean ESN very mint condition I switched to verizon please call 347-452-0196
For sale:
brand new silver iPod classic160GB for $210 call:347-585-667
Giving away
2 cans of Enfamil (8oz newborn and 12.5oz infant) . Pick up at 12th ave and 40th st. Call 7184315033
Gowns For Rent
Ivory perlstien gown size 6-8 for teen for sale or rent 718 930 7986
Restring your pearls for only $20. (average length strand) call: 718 633 0685
HELLO! Say Hi. All over USA unlimtd for only $22.63 mntly w/ Lifeline. $37. w.out Lifeline, call 718.501.4158 & chk out our other plans! Sign up enjoy the savings
For sale.
Gown for rent
Custom raquel gown size 8 10 blush color to rent or sale call 347 631 1093
GOWNmaternity 2 piece for sale $150 please call 718-633-5949
ter of bride raquel blush gown size 6-8. For rent pls. Call 718 851 8591
size 6 beautiful cream gown for mother of bride 917 497 7614
We do all type of plumbing work from a to z 24hr emergency calls Excellent prices 347-350-7597
For all your typing and mailing list needs in English and Yiddish pls call (718) 686-1465
sale $300 please call: 718-633-5949
Best Collection Ever New Exclusive Eve wear Line Knits (St John) Starting at $200. Hours: Sun 11:00-5:00 Other times By apptmt. 1141 50th Street, 718 972 1324
$$$ cash for your old car$$$ we pay cash for your old car van. call yidel 347 875 0227
Gown For sale
Lโshem Mitzvah.
Acorn stairlift (chair) in perfect condition. 718-851-2903
Lost & Found found
Found gold bracelet, first day pesach, 13 ave & 53 st. Call 718-496-8570
Lost a Canon Camera in a church ave. taxi. If found please call 718-791-9827
Lost honda odyssey car key tue please call 718 216 6580
baby/young girl bracelet in the Off white magnificent dress size 44th street and 15th ave vicinity. 8 for sale 7184350321 Please call 7188530409
Classified rates: 1 day- $5 1 week (5 days) $15 4 weeks (20 days) - $40
Free Classifieds
text: 347-927-4237 or email us at mail@thecoffeepaper.com.
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