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For the best coffee you go to Sterns/Srulys Bake Shoppe

Vol. 1 No. 65

1278 49th St | 5405 13th Av. | 5804 16th Av. | 718.871.0333

Tuesday May. 15 2012

‫בחקתי‬-‫יום ג’ פ’ בהר‬ ‫כ”ג אייר תשע”ב‬

Zmanim 8:07.....‫שקיעה‬ 9:07...............60 9:19...............72

• The (Finest) Shirt Off his Back • Health: Exercise and Depression • How to Make New Towels More Absorbent • 6 Exclusive Coupons • 2 New Sudoku Puzzles

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The (Finest) Shirt Off his Back Rabbi Sholom Schwadron was a 20th century sage and tzaddik of Jerusalem who was also a famous “maggid”, a public speaker who used stories and parables to convey ethical and spiritual insights. He was a living example of what he taught, and he excelled in the mitzvah of tzedakah despite his own very limited financial resources. In fact, his family lived very simply, and they rarely had more than just the bare necessities of life. He lived off a small salary from a yeshiva, where he served as the mashgiach to the students. He refused to accept fees for his many public talks, even when he was invited to travel abroad and speak to Jewish communities in the Diaspora. A son-in-law of Rabbi Sholom Schwadron once related the following story about his father-in-law, who was also known by the affectionate name, “Reb Sholom”: One Yom Tov evening, a poor man knocked on Reb Sholom’s door asking for alms. His son-in-law had just arrived to spend the holiday and was putting his belongings in his room. Suddenly he heard a soft cry emerge from the front room, and saw one of Reb Sholom’s younger daughters wringing her hands. “Oy! Look what Abba is doing! Why is he doing that?” The son-in-law went to the front door where he saw Reb Sholom unfolding a brand new shirt before the poor man’s happy eyes. It was a fine shirt he had purchased in England many months earlier in honor of Yom Tov. After he had shown his needy visitor how beautiful the shirt was, Reb Sholom refolded it and returned it to its wrapping. He said, “Take it! Take it! You should have a new shirt. A Good Yom Tov!” The poor man accepted the shirt and left. Turning back inside, Reb Sholom met his daughter’s reproachful eyes, and she said: “Abba! If you had no money and had to give him a shirt, why give him the special shirt from England? Why?” Reb Sholom saw her pain and was silent. A


moment later, he went to the bookcase and removed a volume of the Mishnah Torah, the classical work on Torah law written by the Rambam. He then began to read to his household from the laws of bringing korbanos (Hilchos Issurei Mizbeyach 7:11). In this section, the Rambam states that a person should suppress his selfish inclination and bring the best quality of whatever he is offering to the beis hamikdash. The Rambam points out that this principle applies to all our “offerings” in life, and he cites the following examples: “If one builds a House of Prayer, it should be more beautiful than his dwelling place. When feeding the hungry, he should give of the best and sweetest food on his table. When dressing those who have no clothes, he should offer his finest clothing.” In his sweet tone of voice, Reb Sholom finished reading this passage, leaving his family with a profound lesson in tzedakah which has accompanied them to this very day.

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‫בה"ב‬ ‫תשע"ב‬ ‫בעתו ובזמנ"ו‪:‬‬ ‫פונקט אין צייט‪...‬‬

‫איך דאס ערשטע מאל דערציילט‬ ‫פאר מיינע עלטערן אז כ'בין א שותף‬ ‫מיט די "לומדי כולל חצות"!‬

‫א משפחה‬ ‫מיטגליד‬ ‫דערציילט‪:‬‬

‫צוויי פון מיינע געשוויסטער זענען שוין‬ ‫געווען 'העכער די יארן'‪ ,‬און וואוסענדיג אז‬ ‫מיינע עלטערן קוקן שוין זייער שטארק‬ ‫ארויס געהאלפן צו ווערן מיט שידוכים‪,‬‬ ‫האב איך אריינגערופן אין אפיס פון "כולל‬ ‫חצות" ‪ -‬אן די וויסן פון מיינע עלטערן ‪-‬‬ ‫און כ'האב אליינס מחליט געווען צו ווערן‬ ‫א שותף מיט די חשוב'ע לומדים שליט"א‪.‬‬

‫"ווען ביזטו געווארן א שותף?" – האט‬ ‫מיין טאטע זיך פאראינטערעסירט‪.‬‬ ‫כ'האב אים דערציילט דעם פונקטליכן‬ ‫טאג ווען דאס איז געשעהן‪ .‬ער איז‬ ‫געווארן מורא'דיג איבערגענומען‬ ‫דערפון‪" .‬וואס?! יענע וואך איז געווען‬ ‫דאס ערשטע מאל וואס א שדכן‬ ‫האט גערופן צו אונז אהיים אין אפאר‬ ‫חדשים!"‪.‬‬

‫מיט א צייט שפעטער האט מען ב"ה‬ ‫געבראכן טעללער ביי ביידע פון מיינע‬ ‫געשוויסטער‪ ,‬איך האב זיך מיטגעפריידט‬ ‫ווי דער מחותן אליינס! אבער כ'האב פאר‬ ‫קיינעם נישט דערציילט דעם 'סוד' אז‬ ‫איך האב געהאט די זכי' אויסצו'פועל'ן די‬ ‫ישועה דורך "כולל חצות"‪.‬‬

‫זייט דעמאלטס האבן זיך זאכן‬ ‫אנגעהויבן צו רוקן‪ ,‬מ'האט אנגעטראגן‬ ‫מערערע פארשלאגן‪ ,‬און ב"ה יעצט‬ ‫איז די גאנצע שטוב איבערגעפולט‬ ‫מיט שמחה און גליק‪ .‬אשריכם! "כולל‬ ‫חצות" איז א געשעפט וואו ס'לוינט‬ ‫צו אינוועסטירן!‬

‫הערשט עטליכע טעג צוריק האב‬

‫מקור הענין‪:‬‬ ‫אידן וואס שטייען אויף‬ ‫ביי חצות‪ ,‬זייערע‬

‫אמאל‬ ‫היינט!‬

‫ברכות און‬ ‫וואונטשן ווערן‬ ‫מקוים!‬

‫‪New‬‬ ‫‪York‬‬

‫אמאל‪ :‬פלעגן‬ ‫און‬ ‫"אלע" אונזערע‬ ‫און‬ ‫עלטערן‬ ‫אונזערע רבי'ס און צדיקים אויפשטיין‬ ‫ביי חצות און עוסק זיין בתורה ובתפילה!‬ ‫היינט‪ :‬קענען מיר שטיצן די חשוב'ע לומדי‬ ‫תורה וואס זענען דאס מקיים‪ ,‬און האבן א חלק‬ ‫דערין!‬

‫)זוהר הק' )ח"ג יג‪ .‬סח‪ (.‬שער‬ ‫הכוונות להאר"י ז"ל ‪ -‬נד ע"ד(‬

‫ווערט א "שותף" אז די תלמידי‬ ‫חכמים זאלן דערמאנען אייער‬ ‫נאמען און בעטן פאר‬

‫סיי וועלכע שמירת‬ ‫ישועה אדער‬ ‫הלילה‬ ‫פאר א‬ ‫זכות‬ ‫איר נויטיגט זיך וואכנאכט‬

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Health Exercise and Depression Want to learn more about exercise and depression? Many studies indicate that people who exercise regularly benefit with a positive boost in mood and lower rates of depression.

• It increases energy levels.

What Are the Psychological Benefits of Exercising With Depression? Improved self-esteem is a key psychological benefit of regular physical activity. When you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins. These endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain.

• It helps reduce body fat.

Endorphins also trigger a positive feeling in the body, similar to that of morphine. For example, the feeling that follows a run or workout is often described as “euphoric.” That feeling, known as a “runner’s high,” can be accompanied by a positive and energizing outlook on life. Endorphins act as analgesics, which means they diminish the perception of pain. They also act as sedatives. They are manufactured in your brain, spinal cord, and many other parts of your body and are released in response to brain chemicals called neurotransmitters. The neuron receptors endorphins bind to are the same ones that bind to some pain medicines. However, unlike with morphine, the activation of these receptors by the body’s endorphins does not lead to addiction or dependence. Regular exercise has been proven to help: • Reduce stress • Ward off anxiety and feelings of depression • Boost self-esteem • Improve sleep Exercise also has these added health benefits: • It strengthens your heart.


• It lowers blood pressure. • It improves muscle tone and strength. • It strengthens and builds bones. Is Exercise a Treatment for Clinical Depression? Research has shown that exercise is an effective but often underused treatment for mild to moderate depression. In fact one study showed that group exercise worked just as well as the drug Zoloft. Are There Particular Types of Exercise That Are Better for Depression? It appears that any form of exercise can help depression. Some examples of moderate

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exercise include: • Biking

• Swimming

• Dancing

• Yard work, especially mowing or raking

• Walking

• Gardening • Golf (walking instead of using the cart) • Housework, especially sweeping, mopping, or vacuuming • Jogging at a moderate pace • Low-impact aerobics • Playing tennis

• Yoga Because strong social support is important for those with depression, joining a group exercise class may be beneficial. Or you can exercise with a close friend or your partner. In doing so, you will benefit from the physical activity and emotional comfort, knowing that others are supportive of you.

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How to Make New Towels More Absorbent Have you ever noticed that new towels seem to repel water, rather than absorb it? Usually, it takes many trips through the washing machine for a towel to become more absorbent, but these tips will help speed up the process. 1. Wash the towel in hot water before using it. Some people run their towels through the machine twice (without drying). This will remove extra dye and any coatings (e.g. fabric softener) left from the manufacturing process. Don't wash anything else with them because colored towels might bleed. 2. Add a cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle. Dilute it first or wait until the water level is high enough to dilute it instantly, or else it might discolor your towels. The second wash cycle can include 1/2 cup of baking soda, but don't use baking soda and vinegar in the same rinse. 3. Avoid using fabric softener of any kind. Fabric softeners coat the surface of fabric with a thin layer of chemicals that makes the fibers hydrophobic. If you can't stand how towels feel without fabric softener, use amido amine softeners if available.

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