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Vol. 1 No. 72
1278 49th St | 5405 13th Av. | 5804 16th Av. | 718.871.0333
Thursday May. 24 2012
Daily paper for women
• SHABBOS STORY • Health: Milk Allergies • Recipe: Chocolate Chip Cheese Ball • 5 Exclusive Coupons • 2 New Sudoku Puzzles
יום ה’ פ’ במדבר ג’ סיון תשע”ב
8:15.....שקיעה 9:15...............60 9:27...............72 Fri 8:01.............זמן 8:16.....שקיעה
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SHABBOS STORY It was Sivan of 5567/1807, and thousands of joyous Chasidim were anticipating the wedding that would unite two illustrious dynasties. The chassan, Reb Yekusiel Zalman, was the son of Reb Yosef Bunim Wallis, who was the son-in-law of the great defender of the Jews before the heavenly court, Reb Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev. Reb Yekusiel would be marrying Baila, who was the daughter of Reb Dov Ber, later known as the Mittler Rebbe, who was the son of the Baal HaTanya, Reb Schneur Zalman of Liadi. The town of Zhlobin was chosen as the setting for the wedding, as many of the Baal HaTanya’s Chasidim resided in Zhlobin. In addition, it was situated an equal distance from the towns of Berditchev and Liadi. In those times, the people followed the custom of conducting the chupah on a Friday afternoon, after which the festive meal would be served in the evening, as a Shabbos meal. This wedding was no exception.
this town?” The messenger of the Rebbetzin responded, “The Dnieper River flows nearby, but the river does not have fish.” The saintly “Berditcherver,” as he was sometimes referred to, summoned a horse and buggy and he then sent a message inviting his mechutan, The Baal HaTanya, to join him at the banks of the river. When they arrived at the river, Reb Levi Yitzchak removed a handkerchief and waved it over the river, all the while murmuring verses from the Shabbos zemiros Azamerb’Shvuchin, the famous song composed by the Arizal and traditionally sung on Friday night. Reb Levi Yitzchak then called out the words “vinunin urachashin,” which is Aramaic for fish and meat. Suddenly, schools of fish cane swimming towards them from all directions. People ran to get their nets, and soon their buckets were filled with fish, in honor of the holy Shabbos.
On the morning of the wedding day, the Ba’al Hatanya’s wife made it known that she had a problem. While the Rebbetzin was willing to prepare the entire Friday night meal, as the custom was that the meal would be prepared by the bride’s family, there was one slight problem. There was no fish available, and what would a Shabbos wedding meal be without fish? Furthermore, the Rebbetzin had heard that Reb Levi Yitzchak had a custom to always eat fish at a Seudas mitzvah, and if there was no fish, he would recite Kiddush and HaMotzi and not partake in the remainder of the meal. This would surely be unfitting for such a joyous occasion. When Reb Schneur Zalman heard of the dilemma, he declared that Reb Levi Yitzchak himself should be consulted. When Reb Levi Yitzchak heard about the problem, he asked in wonder, “Could it be that there will not be fish for Shabbos? Are there no rivers in
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Health Milk Allergies In a recent article, we wrote about the benefits of cheese for people who tolerate dairy well. Unfortunately, for some people, dairy doesn’t agree with them. There are three general types of problems that can occur with dairy consumption; immediate reaction allergies, delayed reaction allergies and lactose intolerance. Let’s explore all three. Immediate reaction allergy This type of allergy reaction happens within a few minutes of consuming the allergen like peanuts or dairy. The reaction could be life threatening anaphylactic shock that requires immediate medical attention. These allergies are caused by IgE antibodies and are treated with anti histamines. Delayed allergy reaction These types of allergies, which are caused by different types of antibodies known as IgG, are much harder to detect and identify as symptoms may take hours and even days to show. Similar to other food allergies, the majority of milk allergy symptoms can be lumped into three “reaction” categories: Skin: Itchy, Red Rash; Eczema; Hives; “Shiners” or Black Eyes; Aphthous Ulcers (canker sores); Swelling of the Lips, Mouth, Tongue, Face, or Throat. Digestive: Abdominal Pain; Abdominal Cramps; Abdominal Bloating; Diarrhea; Gas; Nausea; Vomiting. Respiratory: Runny Nose / Congestion; Sneezing; Watery Eyes; Itchy Eyes; Coughing; Wheezing; Shortness of Breath; Recurrent “colds”; Sinusitis. If you have any of these symptoms, going on a dairy-free diet for a few month can
be very helpful, especially when paired together with a gluten free diet, which is another very common food allergy. Delayed food allergies may be caused by a leaky gut. A leaky gut occurs when the gut allows proteins to get through and leak into the blood stream. Because proteins should not be there, our immune system perceives it as a threat. Healing the gut may sometimes alleviate these symptoms. But that is a discussion for a different article IY”H. Lactose intolerance Lactose intolerance is caused by our inability to properly digest the milk sugar lactose. Symptoms often occur 30 Continued on page 6
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במדבר תשע"ב סעודות שבת: אן אנדערע צורה!
אונזער צער און ווייטאג איז געווען אויסטערליש ,און מיר האבן פרובירט צו רעדן צו אים כסדר, אבער זעהט אויס אז מיר האבן נישט געהאט די ריכטיגע שפראך, און דאס האט גורם געווען אז די שבת'דיגע סעודות – ווען ער פלעגט אהיימקומען -פלעגן זיין אנגעצויגן און זייער אומבא'טעמ'ט.
א מאמע שרייבט אונז אין א פעקס:
לכבוד די חשוב'ע לומדים פון "כולל חצות". דא שרייבט צו אייך א מאמע וואס איז אויסטערליש דאנקבאר און העכסט- איבערגענומען פונעם טויש וואס איר האט פאראורזאכט ביי מיר אין שטוב.
געלויבט השי"ת ,זייט מיר זענען געווארן 'יערליכע שותפים' מיט 'כולל חצות' ,איז צום דערקענען א מורא'דיגע שינוי לטובה! אין די לעצטע וואכן האבן די שבת'דיגע סעודות געטראגן אן אנדער פנים! די אטמאספערע אינדערהיים איז צוריק פרייליך און געהויבן ,און מיר קוקן ארויס ווייטער אויף א שטארקע הצלחה! וואויל איז אייך!
איינע פון מיינע בחורים ני"ו איז ב"ה גאנץ א וואויל בחור'ל ,מיר שעפן פון אים אסאך נחת ,אזוי ווי א יעדע טאטע-מאמע וואונטשט זיך .אבער אין די לעצטע תקופה האבן מיר באמערקט א שטיקל טויש אין אים ,און ס'האט זיך ארויסגעשטעלט אז ער האט געשאפן א פארבינדונג מיט נישט-וואוילע חברים. מיר – די עלטערן – האבן באלד דערשמעקט אז עפעס טויג נישט,
מ'גרייט זיך אויפצושטיין...
מקור הענין: דורכן אויפשטיין חצות, איז מען זוכה צו
בנים צדיקים, ערליכע קינדערלעך!
New York
כלל ישראל זיך גרייט אויפצושטיין ביינאכט ,יא! ס'קומט דער הייליגער יו"ט שבועות ווען כלל ישראל איז אויף ביינאכט ,לערנענדיג "תיקון ליל שבועות". בשעת'ן גיין אין ביהמ"ד שבועות ביינאכט ,געדענקט :מיטן זעלבן התעוררות ,מיטן זעלבן ברען ,שטייען די חשוב'ע און געהויבענע 'לומדי כולל חצות' אויף א יעדע נאכט! לערנענדיג און דאווענענדיג ,אויס'פועל'נדיג ישועות ורפואות ,כמבואר בספרי קודש.
)זוהר הק' י"ב(
ווערט א "שותף" אז די תלמידי חכמים זאלן דערמאנען אייער נאמען און בעטן פאר
סיי וועלכע שמירת ישועה אדער הלילה פאר א זכות איר נויטיגט זיך וואכנאכט
1855-CHATZOS 2 4 2 8 9 6 7
אדער צו קויפן די זכות פון
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Chocolate Chip Cheese Ball "A sweet change from the usual cheese ball. Serve with graham crackers or chocolate wafers." Prep Time:20 Min Ready In:3 Hrs 20 Min Ingredients: 1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened 1/2 cup butter, softened 1 cup confectioners' sugar 2 tablespoons brown sugar 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract 3/4 cup miniature semisweet chocolate chips 3/4 cup finely chopped pecans Directions: 1. In a medium bowl, beat together cream cheese and butter until smooth. Mix in confectioners' sugar, brown sugar and vanilla. Stir in chocolate chips. Cover, and chill in the refrigerator for 2 hours. 2. Shape chilled cream cheese mixture into a ball. Wrap with plastic, and chill in the refrigerator for 1 hour. 3. Roll the cheese ball in finely chopped pecans before serving.
Cont. from page 4
minutes to 2 hours after you eat or drink
Gas (flatulence)
milk products, and are often relieved by • Nausea not eating or drinking milk products. It is estimated that 70% of the population Large doses of milk products may cause may have this condition. Lactose intolerance worse symptoms. comes from a deficiency of the enzyme Symptoms include: lactase which digests the lactose. This • Abdominal bloating enzyme can be taken as a supplement and many people see relief of their symptoms • Abdominal cramps when taking lactase supplements.
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