The Coffee May 7

Page 1

Vol. 1 No. 59

Monday May. 7 2012

‫יום ב’ פרשת אמור‬ ‫ט”ו אייר תשע”ב‬

Zmanim 7:59.....‫שקיעה‬ 8:59...............60 9:11...............72

Daily paper for women


• Measure for Measure • Health: The Power of breakfast • Recipe: Honey Mocha Bundt Cake • 5 Exclusive Coupons • 2 New Sudoku Puzzles

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Measure for Measure Many years ago, R’ Chaim Moshe Sneider was Rosh Yeshiva in Yeshivas Tora’s Emes in London. The Grozhinsky family owned a bakery near the Yeshiva. They offered the Yeshiva the extra bread, rolls and other baked goods… Every day a different student would step into the bakery to pick up the extras to feed the yeshiva. This task however, was not a very popular one among the boys. Many complained that the packages were too heavy, they were too embarrassed etc. There was one boy, though, named Moshe, who never complained. He would go whenever he was asked to and would even take over when his friends were reluctant to do it themselves. The Rosh Yeshiva, R’ Chaim Moshe, demanded that the boys get up very early, and he needed one volunteer to do the rounds and wake the boys every morning. Another boy, coincidentally also named Moshe, offered to do this job. He would wake up earlier than the others and wake the boys in the yeshiva, ensuring that they were all

ready on time. One day, R’ Chaim Moshe was teaching his students when he suddenly announced, “Moshe Reichman, the boy who is always eager to pick up the bread for the Yeshiva, will one day be blessed with such riches, the entire world will know about his wealth. And,” the Rosh Yeshiva continued, “Moshe Shternbuch, the boy who wakes up early every day and makes sure the other students are up and ready to learn Torah, will become a talmid chacham of such stature, all of world Jewry will marvel at his wisdom.” Years later, it was evident that his predictions had been right on the mark. Moshe Reichman amassed great wealth and became a generous philanthropist of Jewish causes. R’ Moshe Schternbuch, on the other hand, was appointed as a Rav in Eretz Yisroel and in South Africa, and authored many well-known seforim. They were each rewarded by heaven, measure for measure, for the great deeds they did so many years ago in their youths.

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The Power of br eakf as t The benefits of eating a solid breakfast are hard to dispute. People who skip that all-important first meal of the day, studies show, suffer setbacks in mood, memory and energy levels. They are also more likely to gain weight, in part because of excess eating later in the day. Research on the habits of people taking part in the National Weight Control Registry, a long-running study of successful dieters, for example, shows that about 80 percent eat breakfast daily. But emerging research suggests another advantage to consistently eating breakfast: a reduced risk of Type 2 diabetes. In a study published in the current issue of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers followed 29,000 men for 16 years, tracking their diets, exercise, disease rates and other markers of health. About 2,000 of the men developed Type 2 diabetes over the course of the study. Those who regularly skipped breakfast had a 21 percent higher risk of developing diabetes than those who did not. The heightened risk remained even after the researchers accounted for body mass index and the quality of the subjects’ breakfasts. Other studies have also found a link between skipping breakfast and greater


risk of Type 2 diabetes. While it is not clear why the relationship exists, some scientists suspect that a morning meal helps stabilize blood sugar through the day. Some studies show that consuming a larger proportion of your calories later in the day, especially carbohydrates, has a detrimental impact on blood sugar and insulin levels. THE BOTTOM LINE Regularly skipping breakfast may raise the risk of Type 2 diabetes.

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Honey Mocha Bundt Cake This is a honey-themed bundt cake that really ties into the Upsherin idea and can be made for that special day when your son will lick the honey off the alef-bais letters. A perfect way to jumpstart the beginning of many sweet years of nachas.

Honey Mocha Bundt Cake: 4 eggs

3/4 cup oil 1/2 cup honey 1 1/2 cups sugar 3 T vanilla sugar 2 1/2 tsp. baking powder 2 tsp. baking soda 3 1/2 cups flour 2 T instant coffee 1 cup hot water Preheat oven to 350 degrees.


Place eggs, honey and sugar in a bowl and beat until smooth. Add in cocoa, vanilla sugar, baking powder, baking soda and flour. Dissolve instant coffee in hot water and add to the bowl. Mix all ingredients well until smooth. Batter should have a liquid consistency that pours easily but not too runny. Spray bundt pan so that the cake can be easily removed afterwards.


Pour the batter in until it is filled only halfway. (You can use the leftover batter for a small loaf pan and bake for 20 minutes.) Bake for 35-40 minutes. Test by piercing the center. If it comes out clean, remove from oven.

Honey Coffee Glaze:

2 cups confectioners sugar 4 T oil 2 tsp. instant coffee dissolved in 3 T hot water 1 heaping T honey Mix confectioners sugar and oil. Dissolve coffee in hot water. Add coffee and honey to mixture and mix well. Pour over the cake and spread.


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‫אמור‬ ‫תשע"ב‬ ‫"מארטגעדזש"‬ ‫ָ‬ ‫פראבלעמען‪...‬‬ ‫ָ‬ ‫א מעסעדזש וואס א‬ ‫"כולל חצות שותף" האט‬ ‫איבערגעלאזט אין אפיס‪:‬‬ ‫א גוטן אווענט‪ ,‬דא רופט נאכאמאל ‪.---‬‬ ‫כ'האב גערופן מיט אפאר וואכן‬ ‫צוריק וועגן די שוועריקייטן וואס כ'האב‬ ‫מיטגעמאכט מיט מיין 'באנק'‪ ,‬נאכדעם‬ ‫וואס כ'האב געהאט גרויסע מארטגעדזש‪-‬‬ ‫חובות אויף מיין הויז‪ ,‬און מ'האט מיר‬ ‫אפגעשראקן אז אויב וועל איך נישט‬ ‫באצאלן תיכף ומיד וועל איך חלילה‬ ‫פארלירן מיין הויז‪.‬‬ ‫כ'דארף אייך נישט מסביר זיין‬ ‫וואס דאס מיינט פאר עמיצער וואס‬ ‫מוטשעט זיך אזוי אויך אויף פרנסה‪,‬‬ ‫ס'האט מורא'דיג פארשווערט דעם טאג‬ ‫טעגליכן לעבן‪ ,‬און כ'האב באמת נישט‬

‫כולל חצות;‬ ‫רבי שמעון!‬

‫געוואוסט וואוהין זיך צו ווענדן‪.‬‬ ‫ב"ה! אין די לעצטע תקופה ‪ -‬זייט‬ ‫כ'בין געווארן א שותף אין כולל חצות‬ ‫ איז אלעס נשתנה געווארן לטובה!‬‫קודם האט די באנק פארלענגערט‬ ‫דעם דאטום; און ממש פריער האב‬ ‫איך געענדיגט רעדן מיט זיי‪ ,‬זיי זענען‬ ‫שוין גרייט צו פארהאנדלען וועגן די‬ ‫פרייז‪ ,‬זיי מאכן שוין גרויסע פשרות‪...‬‬ ‫בקיצור‪ :‬זאכן האבן זיך אנגעהויבן צו‬ ‫רוקן ב"ה‪.‬‬ ‫כ'רוף יעצט‪ ,‬ווייל כ'וויל ענק‬ ‫איינמעלדן אז עטס קענטס טארדזשן‬ ‫מיין קרעדיט‪-‬קארד א יעדן חודש ביז‬ ‫די ענדע יאר‪ ,‬און האטס מיר טאקע‬ ‫ווייטער אינזין אז ס'זאל זיך אלעס‬ ‫מסדר זיין על צד היותר טוב בעזר ה'‪,‬‬ ‫אין אז איך זאל האבן הצלחה אין אלע‬ ‫ענינים‪.‬‬ ‫כל טוב‪ ,‬בשורות טובות!‬

‫מקור הענין‪:‬‬ ‫‪New‬‬ ‫‪York‬‬

‫מיט באגאדזשן‬ ‫חיזוק גייען אידן‬ ‫ארויס פונעם הייליגן‬ ‫יו"ט ל"ג בעומר‪ ,‬וואוסענדיג אז מ'האט‬ ‫פארשאפט א נחת רוח פארן תנא רבי שמעון‪ ,‬דורכן‬ ‫שטיצן זיין שטרעבונג און הייליגער וואונטש‪ :‬כולל‬ ‫חצות! השי"ת זאל העלפן אז דער הייליגער תנא‬ ‫רשב"י זי"ע זאל טאקע זיין א מליץ יושר פאר אלע‬ ‫"שותפים" און פאר גאנץ כלל ישראל!‬

‫אויב מ'איז מקבל דעם‬ ‫"עול תורה" פון אויפשטיין‬ ‫חצות‪ ,‬איז מען זוכה צו‬

‫'מעבירין ממנו‬ ‫עול מלכות ודרך‬ ‫ארץ'!‬ ‫)ילקוט מעם לועז ‪ -‬אבות(‬

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‫סיי וועלכע שמירת‬ ‫ישועה אדער‬ ‫הלילה‬ ‫פאר א‬ ‫זכות‬ ‫איר נויטיגט זיך וואכנאכט‬

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Furnished rental

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Gown for rent

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Black Recliner, used in good condition. Very reasonable. Call 718 435 8127

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Printer : Brother HL-2240 Laser Printer – brand new in box $85 (orig.$120) 347-461-4000

For sale:

Children’s gown for sale. Beautiful jumper style, pink and ivory, size 4&5. $45. 718-851-3151


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