Nov 27

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Vol. 1 No.137

Tuesday Nov. 27 2012

‫יום ג’ פ’ וישלח‬ ‫י”ג כסלו תשע”ג‬


4:31.....‫שקיעה‬ 5:31...............60 5:43...............72

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Black Cumin Seed Oil Benefits Page 4


Lemon Garlic Chicken Kabobs Page 8

Over your coffee

Page 10

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Time Imagine there is a bank that credits your account each morning with $86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day. Every evening the bank deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use during the day. What would you do? Draw out every cent, of course! Each of us has such a bank. Its name is TIME. Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds. Every night it writes off, as lost, whatever of this you have failed to invest to good purpose. It carries over no balance. It allows no overdraft. Each day it opens a new account for you. Each night it burns the remains of the day. If you fail to use the day’s deposits, the loss is yours. There is no going back.


There is no drawing against the “tomorrow.” You must live in the present on today’s deposits. Invest it so as to get from it the utmost in health, happiness, and success! The clock is running. Make the most of today. To realize the value of ONE YEAR, ask a student who failed a grade. To realize the value of ONE MONTH, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby. To realize the value of ONE WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper. To realize the value of ONE HOUR, ask a parent waiting at the airport for their child-who has been away for a year. To realize the value of ONE MINUTE, ask a person who just missed the train. To realize the value of ONE-SECOND, ask

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a person who just avoided an accident. Treasure every moment that you have! And treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time. Remember that time waits for no one. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present!

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Black Cumin Seed Oil Hits Nutrient Research Headlines

Inflammationis the common denominator of all age-related disease. Unfortunately, the typical American diet, often consisting of refined grains, sugar, and omega 6 oils tends to fuel the flames of inflammation. So, naturally, the best thing people can do is change their diets. If easing inflammation is your goal (and it should be), more greens, dark colored fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds and cold-water fish are the foods to eat. But we also acknowledge that making dietary changes can be hard and takes time. This is where antiinflammatory nutrients can be so valuable. There’s a new nutrient making research headlines: black cumin seed oil. The oil has profound anti-inflammatory effects. Let’s take a look at the research. Black Cumin Seed Oil Improves Inflammation Black cumin seed oil was administered to 40 women diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis — a highly inflammatory disease. They were given two placebo capsules daily for one month, followed by 500 mg twicea-day of cold-pressed black cumin seed extract. The researchers measured the participants Disease Activity Score (DAS-28) — an assessment of disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis patients. It is commonly used in clinical trials and in rheumatology practices. The higher the DAS score, the worse the disease. After the study subjects received black cumin seed extract, the researchers noted a significant decrease in DAS-28 compared with the placebo phase of the trial. Similarly, the number of swollen joints and the duration of morning stiffness improved.


Black Cumin Seed Oil Helps Nasal Allergies Subside 66 people were recruited for a doubleblind clinical trial to test the effectiveness of black cumin seed oil on nasal allergies. The researchers tested the levels of IgE antibodies during an allergic reaction. At the start of the study, total IgE levels were reported in all participants and 38 of them had levels greater than 100. After treatment, 59 of the participants had no IgE detected, and no participant had levels above 100. The change in itching and nasal congestion significantly improved. Black Cumin Seed Oil Enhances T-cell Immune Activity An active component of black cumin seed oil, boosts survival and activity of other key cells in the immune response to infection or cancer, namely CD-8 T-cells. These cells are the “field troops” that actively hunt down and kill infected or cancerous cells after activation by T-helper cells. This activity, known as “conditioning,” amplifies the effectiveness of these vital immune system cells against cancer and infectious diseases. These effects appear in humans treated with black cumin seed oil as well, according to a study presented at a recent international conference. That study reported a 55% increase in the activity of T-helper cells and a 30% increase in natural-killer cell function following black cumin seed oil supplementation. Black cumin seed oil eases inflammation while at the same time enhancing the immune activity of your T-cells. Pretty interesting, isn’t it?

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‫כולל חצות‬

‫די סגולה מיט די "כח התורה"‬


‫פראבלעם!‬ ‫געטראפן דעם ָ‬ ‫ָ‬ ‫מיט עטליכע טעג צוריק האבן מיר‬ ‫ערהאלטן דעם פאלגענדן טעלעפאן‪-‬קאל‪:‬‬ ‫יא‪ ,‬א גוט יאר‪ ,‬אלס מיין הכרת הטוב‬ ‫פאר די חשוב'ע לומדי תורה שליט"א‬ ‫פון "כולל חצות" שפיר איך פאר וויכטיג‬ ‫אנצורופן און דערציילן‪ ,‬ווי פאלגענד‪:‬‬ ‫כ'בין דער אייגנטומער פון א גרויסן בנין‬ ‫מיט פילצאליגע איינוואוינער )טענענטס(‪,‬‬ ‫און אין די לעצטערע חדשים זיך‬ ‫גרייטנדיג צום ווינטער האב איך געהאט א‬ ‫אויסטערלישער פראבלעם מיטן הייצונג‪-‬‬ ‫סיסטעם‪ ,‬ס'האט פשוט נישט געארבעט‪,‬‬ ‫און מיר האבן נישט געקענט דערגיין דעם‬ ‫אורזאך דערצו‪.‬‬ ‫נאכן אראפרופן מערערע עקספערטן‪,‬‬ ‫וואס האט מיר אפגעקאסט די ריזיגע סומע‬ ‫פון נאנט צו ‪ !$200,000‬האט אנגעהויבן צו‬ ‫ווערן קעלטער‪ ,‬און כ'האב דערזעהן אז‬ ‫מיר האבן נאך אלץ נישט געטראפן און‬ ‫אנטדעקט דעם "פראבלעם"‪ .‬און אן קיין‬ ‫פראבלעם איז נישטא קיין לעזונג‪...‬‬ ‫זעענדיג אז דער ווינטער איז שוין דא‪,‬‬ ‫און נאכן באקומען עטליכע טעלעפאן‪-‬‬ ‫רופן פון איינוואוינער וועלכע האבן זיך‬ ‫אויסטערליש באקלאגט אז זיי דארפן‬ ‫"סטיעם" פאר זייערע משפחות‪ ,‬האב איך‬ ‫א פארלוירענער אריינגערופן צו "כולל‬ ‫חצות" און איבערגעגעבן מיין נאמען און‬ ‫מיין בקשה‪ ,‬בעטנדיג אז די געהויבענעם‬ ‫לומדים שליט"א זאלן פאר מיר מתפלל‬ ‫זיין‪.‬‬ ‫גלייכצייטיג האב איך אויך מזכיר געווען‬ ‫אז מיר נויטיגן זיך אין א נייעם בנין‪ ,‬וואס‬ ‫איך זוך שוין א לענגערע צייט‪ ,‬אבער‬ ‫כ'האב דערווייל נישט מצליח געווען צו‬

‫חצות‬ ‫שותפות‪:‬‬

‫טרעפן‪.‬‬ ‫מיין בשורה טובה צו היינט איז‬ ‫וואונדערליך‪ ,‬אויף ביידע פראנטן! בלויז‬ ‫עטליכע שעה נאכן רופן "כולל חצות"‬ ‫האבן מיר אנטדעקט און פארראכטן‬ ‫דעם הייצונג‪-‬פראבלעם! און צוויי טאג‬ ‫דערויף זענען מיר שוין געווען בקשר‬ ‫מיט א אייגנטומער פון א גרויסע פאסיגע‬ ‫געביידע וועלכע זוכט עס צו פארקויפן!‬ ‫ס'נעקסטע מאל וועל איך נישט ווארטן‬ ‫קיין איין מינוט‪ ,‬נאר כ'וועל באלד רופן‬ ‫דעם ריכטיגן אדרעס "כולל חצות"‪ ,‬און‬ ‫אזוי ארום זיך איינשפארן הונדערטער‬ ‫טויזנטער דאלארן‪ .‬יישר כוחכם!‬

‫דורך די סגולה פון לערנען ביי‬ ‫חצות איז מען זוכה צו א גרויסע‬ ‫הצלחה אין אלע וועגן!‬

‫ווערט א שותף מיט‬ ‫די לומדי הכולל וואו‬ ‫אידן זעען כסדר‬ ‫ישועות‬

‫די קטורת‬ ‫סגולה‪:‬‬

‫איינציגסטע‬ ‫סגולה וואס ווערט‬ ‫דערמאנט אין די‬ ‫תורה הקדושה‬

‫לימוד‬ ‫משניות‬ ‫וש"ס‪:‬‬

‫לויט אייער פארלאנג‬ ‫לע"נ עלטערן\‬ ‫משפחה‪-‬מיטגלידער\‬ ‫א‪.‬ד‪.‬ג‪.‬‬

‫וואך נאכט‬ ‫שמירה‪:‬‬

‫לימוד התורה פארן‬ ‫קינד'ס שמירה דורך די‬ ‫לומדי הכולל שליט"א‬

‫)זוהר הק' ח"א רז‪ - :‬פלא יועץ(‬

‫"זיי מזכיר אויך ביי קטורת"‬ ‫פון אפיס פון "כולל חצות" ווערט צוגעלייגט‬ ‫אז דער חשוב'ער בעל הבית הי"ו – וועלכער‬ ‫האט אונז אריינגעשיקט דעם איצטיגן בריוו –‬ ‫האט אונז אויך געבעטן אז מיר זאלן מזכיר זיין‬ ‫זיין נאמען לטובה בשעת'ן פארזאגן ברבים‬ ‫ובהתעוררות רב דעם ספעציעלן "סגולת‬ ‫הקטורת"‪ ,‬וועלכע ווערט פארגעזאגט דורך‬ ‫אלע לומדי הכולל שליט"א‪.‬‬

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Lemon Garlic Chicken Kabobs Chicken with zest and difference Ingredients: Chicken 1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil Zest of 1 lemon 2 tbsp minced garlic 2 tbsp minced fresh flat-leaf parsley 2 tsp kosher salt, plus more, to taste 1 tsp freshly ground pepper, plus more, to taste 2lbs boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into 3/4-inch pieces Optional vegetables Juice of 1 lemon 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil 1 large red onion, cut into 1-inch chunks 2 red bell peppers, seeded and cut into 1-inch chunks Directions: 1 )Chicken preparations: In a bowl, whisk together olive oil, lemon zest, garlic, parsley, salt and pepper. Add chicken and stir to combine. Cover bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 2 hours or up to 8 hours. 2) To prepare grill, plank and skewers: Soak a cedar plank in water according to package instructions. Prepare a medium fire in a grill and heat plank. If using wooden skewers, soak them in water to cover for at least 20 minutes. 3) Vegetables preparations: In a small bowl, whisk together 1/2 cup olive oil, the lemon juice, salt and pepper. Set aside. Thread onion and bell pepper onto skewers, alternating pieces and dividing them equally. Remove chicken from marinade; discard marinade. Thread chicken onto separate skewers, taking care not to pack pieces too tightly. 4) To grill: Lay skewers on warm plank. Brush vegetables with olive oil-lemon juice mixture. Close lid and cook until chicken is opaque throughout and the vegetables are soft and beginning to brown, approximately 8 - 12 minutes. Transfer skewers to a warmed platter and serve immediately. Yield: 4 servings.


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Over Your Coffee They say... Time is what we want most, but what we use worst. Did you know...?


Dwight D. Eisenhower, who served as the 34th President of the United States from 1953 to 1961, had just a few years prior to his term been a general in World War Two. When in Germany, he learned of the extermination camp in Ohrdruf, Germany. Upon discovering it, he arranged to meet other generals there, as that area of Germany had been captured by the Allies already. Eisenhower led a tour through the extermination camp and was so appalled that he ordered every American soldier there not on the front lines to visit Ohrdruf. This was so they would know exactly what they’re fighting against. Eisenhower said that the atrocities there were “beyond the American mind to comprehend.” As a result, he ordered every citizen of the town of Gotha to tour the camp. After the mayor and his wife toured the camp, they were so disturbed and ashamed that they went home and hanged themselves. Commenting on the atrocities, Eisenhower later said “I never dreamed that such cruelty bestiality, and savagery could really exist in this world.”

Sudoku - Medium Level

Sudoku - Hard Level

The 1883 eruption of the Krakatau volcano in Indonesia is thought to have released 200 megatons of energy, the equivalent of 15,000 nuclear bombs. Even though the island was uninhabited, the eruption killed 36,000 people as the result of burning ash showers and huge tsunamis. It generated the loudest sound historically reported.

During WWII, General Eisenhower ordered every citizen of Gotha, Germany to tour a concentration camp.

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