Oct 15

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Vol. 1 No.109

Monday Oct. 15 2012

‫יום ב’ פ’ נח‬ ‫כ”ט תשרי תשע”ג‬

Zmanim 6:15.....‫שקיעה‬ 7:15...............60 7:27...............72

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True Tzedakah

Page 2


Are Your Air Fresheners Dangerous ?

Page 4

Recipe: Pear Pancakes

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Knowledge Fact

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True Tzedakah Rabbi Menachem Nachum of Chernibol – the Meor Einayim lived about two hundred and fifty years ago. He was renowned for his piety and his kindness in helping out those less fortunate Jews . One day, Rabbi Menachem Nachum, contrary to his warm and understanding nature, refused to accept any visitors. His family was perplexed, but abided by his wishes and announced to the disappointed crowd, that Rabbi Menachem Nachum would see no one today. The next day, the needy once more assembled at his door. Again the message came out that like yesterday, no one would be admitted. No charity would be given out. A week past, and then another week. Finally the Rabbi announced that he would receive visitors. The crowds began streaming to his door as before. And they received the same encouragement and warm heart, together with advice and charity as before. His students were puzzled. Why had Rabbi Menachem Nachum stopped his customary reception of needy people for the two week period? What was behind it all? One of the students decided that he would approach the master and ask him to explain his seemingly strange behavior. Rabbi Menachem Nachum answered him. “I have always had a soft heart, and when some one came to visit me, and they


had troubles, it bothered me dearly. The more a person would tell me his problems, the worse I felt. I had to make him happy, because that alleviated my personal pain of hearing of his pain. Each person who came to me, I did my best to make him happy, because if I didn’t make him happy, then I, too, would be unhappy. “Suddenly, I realized that I was not helping him because it is a Mitzvah, but because I was in pain to hear about another Jew and his problems. Can you imagine how I felt? Terrible! I knew that I had to work on myself to give and to help because it is a Mitzvah and not because I wanted to feel good.” “But what’s the difference?” his students asked. “You resumed helping out the needy just like before!” “Yes, it’s true. From the side of the needy, it is the same. The difference is from me. What if someone was to come and ask for help and I did not feel his pain? Would I have been so charitable as if I felt his pain? Therefore I had to work on myself to give generously without feeling the needy person’s pain, just like if I felt their pain!” May we all merit to give to our less fortunate brethren with a warm smile and in a generous manner even though we do not feel their pain.

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Are Your Air Fresheners Dangerous ?

Phthalates have been linked to a range of health problems, and many popular air fresheners are full of them. So, whenever you spray your home with an air freshener, you’re not only freshening up your home with your “scent-of-choice” — you’re also inhaling a potentially dangerous chemical that’s been linked to several diseases. The research is pretty clear: Conventional home air fresheners are not a safe option. Fortunately, alternatives exist that are much safer and just as effective. In case that’s not enough for you to switch, let’s take a closer look at the dangers of phthalates. Phthalates Interrupt Hormone Function Phthalates are added to fragrances to enhance their smell. It could be easy to avoid them if they were listed on the label; but they’re not listed because it’s not required by law. So, your air freshener at home may very well contain this ingredient. According to the Natural Resources Defense Council, around 86% of the air fresheners they sampled contained phthalates. This was revealed after 14 air fresheners were examined in a laboratory. Surprisingly, they discovered that even some of the so-called “natural” home fragrance products contained phthalates as well. Phthalates have been making the news lately and are linked to problems like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Phthalates, when inhaled, eventually make it into your bloodstream — or, they can simply be absorbed through your skin.

making your own air fresheners at home with these natural extracts. You can use a diffuser or make your own bottled spray. But here’s a word of advice: Use only essential oils — they are the ones that are most effective. Here are some examples: • Lavender oil: The scent of lavender oil has been shown to alleviate migraine pain and enhance sleep. In one study, for instance, 67 middle aged women reported improved sleep quality after inhaling lavender essential oil. • Orange oil: Orange oil may help to lessen anxiety. In one trial, participants inhaling orange oil showed fewer signs of stress after being exposed to a stressor called the Stroop Color-Word Test. • Spanish sage: According to studies, Spanish sage improves memory in healthy adults.9 This oil prevents the breakdown of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that supports cognitive function. What You Need to Know Many commercial air fresheners contain phthalates which have been linked to various health problems. Making matters worse, these phthalates aren’t even listed on ingredient labels, so you can’t identify offending products when shopping. So, instead consider making your own at home with essential oils. These oils are safe, effective, and even offer therapeutic effects. What more do you really need to know?

Natural Air Freshener Alternatives are Safer The good news is that you can have a fragrant home naturally. There are plenty of safe and natural scents to choose from. Consider essential oils for example. They have been shown to actually benefit your health instead of harm it. Research shows that essential oils support mood, sleep, and memory, and can even help with pain. So consider


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Pear Pancakes


The pancakes: • 2 large eggs • 2 cups whole wheat pastry flour • 1 1/2 cups milk (or more if batter is too thick) • 1 Tbsp maple syrup (or honey, agave nectar or brown sugar) • 2 Tbsp baking powder • 1 tsp ground cinnamon • 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg • 1/8 tsp ground allspice • 1/2 tsp salt The pears: • 6 Tbsp unsalted butter • 3 Tbsp (packed) brown sugar • 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon • 1/4 tsp salt • 3 Bartlett pears, cored and chopped • Extra maple syrup, if desired


The pancakes: 1. In a large bowl, whisk the eggs. Add the flour, milk, brown sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice and salt. Mix well. 2. Heat a frying pan over medium heat or heat a griddle to 375 degrees F. Using a 1/4 cup measuring cup, scoop the batter onto the griddle. When the pancakes start to bubble on top, flip them over and cook until the batter is cooked all the way through. 3. Repeat with the remaining batter. The pears: 4. In a saucepan set over medium heat, melt the butter. 5. Add the brown sugar, cinnamon and salt, and stir to combine. 6. Stir in the pears and cook, simmering, until the pears are tender. You may need to turn down the heat slightly to keep the caramel at a gentle simmer. 7. Serve the pancakes, with the pear REFRESHER WORKSHOP FOR and caramel sauce spooned over top. MARRIED WOMEN

8. Serve with extra maple syrup, if desired.

Yield: Makes approximately 12 6-inch pancakes

Given by experienced Kallah teacher Classes in B. P. beginning week of Oct. 22. Bring a friend for a discount! CE FRIEDMAN 347.869.9358

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It might sound silly, but whenever you see a store that has 1-click shopping, they’re probably paying Amazon some licensing fees. Amazon was granted a patent for the technique in September of 1999. They also own the trademark of “1-Click.” The patent covers a technique through which a store allows a user to complete an online purchase without having to use shopping cart software, and also without inputting billing and shipping information. Apple is one of the few licensors of this patent. They added 1-Click to their Apple Computer store and then later added it to iTunes and iPhoto. In 1999, Amazon sued Barnes & Noble because of their Express Lane service, which was similar to 1-click shopping. B&N thought they had designed a way to get around the patent, but they still settled out of court.

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KOLLEL CHATZOS the Segulah with the Power of Torah

APARTMENT COMPLICATIONS Thank Hashem that that today I can sit here calmly and leave you a coherent message, since for the past year my mind was a rollercoaster of jumbled thoughts and emotions.


I don’t have to tell you that finding an apartment nowadays is a complicated procedure that takes months. After struggling and searching for a while, Hashem paired us with the perfect apartment at a pretty reasonable rate. We hoped that the purchase would finally provide us with some peace of mind after the endless weeks of turmoil. But that’s when our real trouble started. Due to baffling reasons, we were unable to occupy our new apartment. Everything was ready and even furnished, but it kept on being delayed, time and time again. The first time, the inspection failed, and the next time, something else popped up. It was as if someone was standing in our way and would not budge….. My wife suggested we join “Kollel Chatzos” as a partner saying “there are many segulahs and respectable organizations, but “Kollel Chatzos’s”




undertaking is something we cannot do on our own!” Her good idea worded marvelously! Now-a mere week and a half later- I am sitting in my dining room leaving a “thank you message” for the wonderful learners of “Kollel Chatzos”, the amazing power of Torah that helps a person no matter the circumstance!

TOPIC SOURCE Through the Power of Torah of “Kollel Chatzos” You Will Find Favor in Everyone’s Eyes!

CHATZOS PARTNERSHIP Become a partner And experience miracles! SEGULAH OF KETORAS The only Segulah written in the Torah! MISHNAYAS & SHAS According to your specicationsfor the soul of a loved one VACHTNACHT The Torah learning will protect the newborn

('‫)זוהר הק' ח"ג כ‬

The “Holy” Winter Nights Devout Jews used to call the current winter nights “The Holy Winter Nights”, taking into account that the nights are far longer than in the summer, and if used wisely, can truly be “holy nights”, lled with Torah and prayer for Klal Yisroel. “Kollel Chatzos” and its esteemed Torah learners shlit”a, extend their hours and make sure that the nights are truly used to immerse in Torah and be our protectors from all evil and illwill. They pray for our brethren to assure health, wealth, children, spouses, peaceful marriages etc. through the power of Torah that opens all the gates to Heaven!

1855-CHATZOS 2 4 2 - 8 9 6 7

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