oct 18

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Vol. 1 No.112

Thursday Oct. 18 2012

‫יום ה’ פ’ נח‬ ‫ב’ חשון תשע”ג‬


6:11.....‫שקיעה‬ 7:11...............60 7:23...............72

Friday 5:54.............‫זמן‬ 6:09.....‫שקיעה‬

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Weather Today 67°|59° Mostly Sunny Tomorrow 68°|57° Rain / Thunder

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First Be A Mensch,

Page 3


Media Ignores the Benefits of Antioxidants

Page 4

Recipe: Easy Baked Fish

Page 9

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First A Mensch, Then a Tzadik Tamim Rabbi Frand on Parshas Noach This week’s parsha begins with the words “These are the chronicles of Noach. Noach was a righteous faultless man (Ish Tzadik Tamim) in his generations” [Bereshis 6:9]. Rav Giftar once visited Ner Israel for Parshas Noach and made the following observation: We see from this pasuk that Noach possessed three qualities. He was a Tzadik. He was a Tamim). And he was an Ish (a ‘person’). However, notice that the sequence of the adjectives is Ish, Tzadik, Tamim. We thus see, said Rav Gifter, that before a person can be a Tzadik or a Tamim, he first has to be an Ish -- a Mensch (one who acts like a proper and dignified man). Rav Gifter told an interesting story. Rav Yisrael Salanter had a son-in-law who was about to take for himself, his own son-in-law. The future son-in-law was a

tremendous scholar and Rav Yisrael’s sonin-law was so impressed with him that he sent a notebook of the young man’s Torah insights to Rav Yisrael Salanter, so that Rav Yisrael could see who his granddaughter was marrying. Rav Yisrael read the Torah insights and he sent back to his son-in- law, “Yes. You’ve showed me that this son-in-law that you are considering is in fact a Gaon, but the verse does not say ‘I gave my daughter to this Gaon’; it does not say ‘I gave my daughter to this illui’; it says ‘I gave my daughter to this man’ [Devorim 22:16]. It is nice to be a Gaon and a Talmud Chacham, but first you must impress me that he is a Mensch.” This future grandson-in-law whose chiddushei Torah impressed Rav Yisrael Salanter was none other than Rav Chaim Ozer Grodzenski.

REFRESHER WORKSHOP FOR MARRIED WOMEN Given by experienced Kallah teacher Classes in B. P. beginning week of Oct. 22. Bring a friend for a discount! CE FRIEDMAN 347.869.9358 T:347.927.4ADS(4237) F:718.799.9188 E: mail@thecoffeepaper.com



Mainstream Media Ignores the Benefits of Antioxidants

If a study concludes that antioxidants don’t work, it gets plastered all over the media. But where’s mainstream media when there’s a positive study, one in which antioxidants are shown to lower the risk of a heart attack? Well, it’s pretty clear to us — they’re nowhere to be found. And that’s a major shame. A recent study, examining data in 32,561 women, found that an antioxidant-rich diet, including daily intake of fruits, vegetables, coffee and whole grains plays a role in preventing heart attacks. Are reports of positive health benefits from non-drug sources somehow incompatible with Big Media? It certainly looks that way from here. Anyway, let’s dig into the study we’re talking about. Total Antioxidant Capacity and Your Heart The American Journal of Medicine, one of the world’s most respected journals, published findings from Karolinska Institute in Sweden showing a reduced risk of heart attacks in women following a diet rich in antioxidants.


The researchers calculated total antioxidant capacity in 32,561 healthy women, using a database that measures the oxygen radical absorption capacity (ORAC) of common foods in the United States. Once the data was collected, the women were placed into five categories, indicating their daily capacity of dietary antioxidants. Every year, the women completed the dietary

questionnaire, in which they were asked how often they consumed each type of food or beverage on the survey. During the study, 1,114 women suffered a heart attack. The researchers calculated that women in the highest category of antioxidant capacity had a 20% lower risk of a heart attack, when compared to women in lower antioxidant groups. Accepted Limitations of the Antioxidant Study The study was an analysis from a large cohort study measuring the sensitivity of mammography for cancer screening. So, the original study wasn’t about heart disease or antioxidants. In reviews like this, researchers shouldn’t

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draw any definitive conclusions.

your heart.

Secondly, the study used surveys to collect data on dietary habits of the women participating in the review. Surveys are notoriously unreliable and, as stated above, no definitive conclusions should be made.

What did the media do with it? They posted it everywhere. The study even made morning talk shows. And this is despite its serious limitations.

We recognize and accept the limitations of the study. And we believe that the results warrant further investigation using prospective, randomized and controlled trials. But even with its limitations, the study results should be reported by traditional media outlets. So why aren’t they reporting the results? It’s Not Because of the Study Limitations Mainstream media simply does not care about study limitations. Just look at the latest omega-3 fish oil study. This seriously flawed study concluded that omega-3 oils do nothing for protecting

So what are we supposed to think? A seriously flawed study against fish oil makes headline news, while a positive antioxidant study with known limitations is completely dismissed. A study, by the way, that showed a potential risk reduction for our number one killer … a heart attack! This is very frustrating. What You Need to Know According to a review of a large cohort study, daily antioxidants from fruits, vegetables, coffee and whole grains may reduce your risk of a heart attack. Again, it’s not a perfect study, but it certainly warrants further investigation.

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KOLLEL CHATZOS the Segulah with the Power of Torah

APARTMENT COMPLICATIONS Thank Hashem that that today I can sit here calmly and leave you a coherent message, since for the past year my mind was a rollercoaster of jumbled thoughts and emotions.


I don’t have to tell you that finding an apartment nowadays is a complicated procedure that takes months. After struggling and searching for a while, Hashem paired us with the perfect apartment at a pretty reasonable rate. We hoped that the purchase would finally provide us with some peace of mind after the endless weeks of turmoil. But that’s when our real trouble started. Due to baffling reasons, we were unable to occupy our new apartment. Everything was ready and even furnished, but it kept on being delayed, time and time again. The first time, the inspection failed, and the next time, something else popped up. It was as if someone was standing in our way and would not budge….. My wife suggested we join “Kollel Chatzos” as a partner saying “there are many segulahs and respectable organizations, but “Kollel Chatzos’s”




undertaking is something we cannot do on our own!” Her good idea worded marvelously! Now-a mere week and a half later- I am sitting in my dining room leaving a “thank you message” for the wonderful learners of “Kollel Chatzos”, the amazing power of Torah that helps a person no matter the circumstance!

TOPIC SOURCE Through the Power of Torah of “Kollel Chatzos” You Will Find Favor in Everyone’s Eyes!

CHATZOS PARTNERSHIP Become a partner And experience miracles! SEGULAH OF KETORAS The only Segulah written in the Torah! MISHNAYAS & SHAS According to your specicationsfor the soul of a loved one VACHTNACHT The Torah learning will protect the newborn

('‫)זוהר הק' ח"ג כ‬

The “Holy” Winter Nights Devout Jews used to call the current winter nights “The Holy Winter Nights”, taking into account that the nights are far longer than in the summer, and if used wisely, can truly be “holy nights”, lled with Torah and prayer for Klal Yisroel. “Kollel Chatzos” and its esteemed Torah learners shlit”a, extend their hours and make sure that the nights are truly used to immerse in Torah and be our protectors from all evil and illwill. They pray for our brethren to assure health, wealth, children, spouses, peaceful marriages etc. through the power of Torah that opens all the gates to Heaven!

1855-CHATZOS 2 4 2 - 8 9 6 7

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‫כולל חצות‬

‫די סגולה מיט די "כח התורה"‬


‫דירה‪-‬‬ ‫קאמפליקאציעס‬ ‫געלויבט השי"ת אז היינט קען איך זיך‬ ‫שוין אוועקזעצן און לאזן פאר אייך דעם‬ ‫מעסעדזש‪ .‬ס'איז שוין א יאר צייט וואס‬ ‫מיין קאפ איז נישט געווען אויפן פלאץ‬ ‫אז כ'זאל זיך קענען צוזאמקלויבן און‬ ‫לאזן א מעסעדזש פאר עמיצן‪.‬‬ ‫כ'דארף ענק נישט זאגן וואס ס'מיינט‬ ‫צו זוכן א דירה דאהי‪ ,‬ס'איז א פראצעדור‬ ‫פון לאנגע חדשים‪ .‬נאך פלאג און‬ ‫זוכענישן האט דער אויבערשטער‬ ‫מיר געהאלפן אז כ'האב געטראפן א‬ ‫פאסיגע דירה פאר גאנץ א גוטן פרייז‪.‬‬ ‫און מ'האמיר געהאפט אז דאס וועט‬ ‫אביסל צוגעבן צום מנוחת הנפש און‬ ‫הרחבת הדעת ביי מיר אין שטוב‪.‬‬ ‫אבער דעמאלטס האבן זיך הערשט‬ ‫אנגעהויבן די עגמת נפש'ער‪ ,‬צוליב‬ ‫פילע אומפארשטענדליכע סיבות‬ ‫האבן מיר נישט געקענט אריינגיין אין‬ ‫אונזער נייע דירה‪ .‬אלעס איז שוין געווען‬ ‫גרייט און אויסגערישט‪ ,‬אבער ס'האט‬ ‫זיך געהאלטן אין איין פארשלעפן‬ ‫איינמאל און נאכאמאל‪ ,‬איינמאל איז די‬ ‫'אינספעקשאן' דורכגעפאלן‪ ,‬א צווייט‪-‬‬ ‫מאל איז עס געווען עפעס אנדערש‪,‬‬ ‫ממש ווי עמיצער האט זיך געשטעלט‬ ‫אין וועג‪...‬‬ ‫מיין פרוי שתחי' האט מיר מעורר‬ ‫געווען אז מיר זאלן זיך אנשליסן אלס‬ ‫שותפים אין "כולל חצות"‪ ,‬זאגענדיג‬ ‫"ס'איז פארהאן אסאך סגולות און‬

‫חשוב'ע פלעצער‪ ,‬אבער‬ ‫"כולל חצות" איז א זאך‬ ‫וואס מיר קענען נישט טון אליינס!"‪.‬‬

‫איר עצה טובה האט געהאלפן‬ ‫–‬ ‫יעצט‬ ‫אויסגעווענטליך!‬ ‫אנדערהאלבן וואך דערנאך – זיץ‬ ‫איך שוין ביי מיר אין דיינינג‪-‬רום און‬ ‫איך לאז א "יישר כח מעסעדזש"‬ ‫פאר די חשוב'ע לומדי "כולל חצות"‪,‬‬ ‫דער וואונדערליכער כח התורה וואס‬ ‫העלפט ארויס דעם מענטש אין יעדן‬ ‫פארפלאנטערטן מצב!‬

‫דורכן כח התורה פון "חצות"‬ ‫וועט מען נושא חן זיין ביי יעדן!‬ ‫)זוהר הק' ח"ג כ'(‬

‫סגולת‬ ‫הקטורת‪:‬‬

‫איינציגסטע‬ ‫סגולה וואס ווערט‬ ‫דערמאנט אין די‬ ‫תורה הקדושה‬

‫לימוד‬ ‫משניות‬ ‫וש"ס‪:‬‬

‫לויט אייער פארלאנג‬ ‫לע"נ עלטערן\‬ ‫משפחה‪-‬מיטגלידער\‬ ‫א‪.‬ד‪.‬ג‪.‬‬

‫וואך נאכט‬ ‫שמירה‪:‬‬

‫לימוד התורה פארן‬ ‫קינד'ס שמירה דורך די‬ ‫לומדי הכולל שליט"א‬

‫די "הייליגע" ווינטער נעכט‬ ‫ערליכע אידן פלעגן אנרופן די איצטיגע ווינטער נעכט‪:‬‬ ‫"די הייליגע ווינטער נעכט"‪ ,‬נעמענדיג אין באטראכט אז די‬ ‫נעכט זענען פיל לענגער ווי אין די זוממער‪ ,‬און ווען עס ווערט‬ ‫אויסגענוצט ווי עס ברויך צו זיין‪ ,‬איז עס ווירקליך "הייליגע‬ ‫נעכט"‪ ,‬אנגעפולט מיט תורה און תפילה פאר אידישע‬ ‫קינדער‪.‬‬ ‫"כולל חצות" מיט אירע חשוב'ע לומדי תורה שליט"א‬ ‫טוען אין אזעלכע נעכט פארלענגערן זייערע שעה'ן‪ ,‬און‬ ‫מאכן זיכער אז די נעכט ווערן טאקע אויסנוצט אויף עוסק‬ ‫צו זיין בתורה‪ ,‬האלטן שמירה אויף אידישע קינדער‪ ,‬און‬ ‫אויס'פועל'ן פאר אידנ'ס‪-‬וועגן פרנסה‪ ,‬ישועות‪ ,‬רפואות‪,‬‬ ‫שידוכים‪ ,‬זרע של קיימא‪ ,‬שלום בית‪ ,‬א‪.‬א‪.‬וו‪ .‬דורכן כח התורה‬ ‫וואס עפנט אלע טויערן אין הימל!‬

‫‪1855-CHATZOS 2 4 2 - 8 9 6 7‬‬ ‫‪7‬‬

‫חצות‬ ‫שותפות‪:‬‬

‫ווערט א שותף מיט‬ ‫די לומדי הכולל וואו‬ ‫אידן זעען כסדר‬ ‫ישועות‬


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Easy Baked Fish This recipe is simple and yet so delicious. The mixture that is spread on top ensure that the salmon will be moist and tasty. For added flair, you can add some fresh dill to the top of the steaks prior to baking. Ingredients 3 tablespoons honey 3 tablespoons Dijon mustard 1 teaspoon lemon juice 4 (6 ounce) salmon steaks 1/2 teaspoon pepper Directions 1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. 2. In a small bowl, mix honey, mustard, and lemon juice. Spread the mixture over the salmon steaks. Season with pepper. Arrange in a medium baking dish. 3. Bake 20 minutes in the preheated oven, or until fish easily flakes with a fork.

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They say...

A man ran 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 consecutive days!

Change your thoughts and you change your world.

Sound impossible? Not for Dean Karnazes who has run 350 miles nonstop over three days! Karnazes is an American long distance runner, but “long-distance” might not exactly capture the scope of his running. In 2007 he attempted to run across the country from New York City to San Francisco, but was forced to stop in St. Louis and was devastated. However, he completed the run in 2010 in 75 days and was named one of Time’s 100 most influential people! How is Karnazes able to run like this? When a person exercises, their body is technically being increasingly damaged the longer they works out.

Did you know...?


This is measured through CPKs, which are around 2,400 for an average person after running a marathon. For Karnazes, his CPKs measured 447 after 25 consecutive marathons. This means that instead of damaging his body like a normal person by exercising, he is almost not even affected meaning his body could keep running almost indefinitely. Scientists also found that he has more blood in his circulatory system than the average person, meaning he needs less oxygen and stays hydrated longer. The most amazing thing about Karnazes? Results concluded that if he is properly fed and drinks enough water, he could keep a seven-minute-mile pace forever!

Sudoku - Easy Level

Sudoku - Hard Level

When the 14-year-old daughter of Romney’s partner at Bain Capital disappeared in 1996 in New York City, Romney closed the entire office, transported his employees to the city, set up a command center, printed 300,000 fliers, and searched for her. The police credited the Bain team for finding the girl.

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Text to: 347-927-4237 or email us at mail@thecoffeepaper.com.

Free classifieds: • Cannot be called or faxed in. • Do not include service or business ads. • Are not guaranteed placement.

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