Sep 27

Page 1

Vol. 1 No.108

The Coffee wishes all our readers a Freilichen Yom Tov Thursday Sep. 27 2012

‫יום ה’ פ’ האזינו‬ ‫י”א תשרי תשע”ג‬

Zmanim 6:44.....‫שקיעה‬ 7:44...............60 7:56...............72

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Story For Sukkos Page 2


Asthma and antioxidants

Page 4

2 Recipies for Yom Tov

718-435-1223 1317 36th street Brooklyn ny


New Breah Automotive Serving the community for over 30 years

Danny & Mordechai Rosenblum

Page 9

Exclusive Coupons Saying

Page 8

Knowledge Fact

2 Sudoku Puzzles

Page 8

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Story For Sukkos It was only a short time before Sukkos, and in all of Berdichev there could not be found a single esrog. The Tzaddik, Reb Levi Yitzchak, and the entire congregation, were concerned how they would be able to fulfill the important mitzvah of Lulav and Esrog. They waited, but no esrog arrived in Berdichev. Finally, the Tzaddik instructed his followers to go to the closest main highway – perhaps there they would find some Jew who had an esrog. And so they met Moshe, on his way home after a long journey, who had in his possession a very beautiful esrog. But his home was not Berdichev. He lived in another city, far from Berdichev; he was only passing through on his way home. The followers of Reb Levi Yitzchak persuaded Moshe to meet with the great Tzaddik, Reb Levi Yitzchak. The Tzaddik tried to convince Moshe to spend Sukkos in Berdichev which would result in so many Jews having the merit of properly performing the mitzvah of Lulav and Esrog, and of course, Reb Levi Yitzchak too would also have the privilege of performing the mitzvah. Moshe would not agree. After all, he was traveling home to his family, whom he hadn’t seen for so long. How could he deprive them and himself of the simcha of Yom Tov? In order to further persuade the traveler, the Tzaddik, Reb Levi Yitzchak, promised Moshe wealth and great nachas from his children. Moshe responded that he had both wealth and wonderful children, and was not in need of anything more. Finally, in desperation, Reb Levi Yitzchak told Moshe that if he would fulfill his request, the rabbi would promise him that after 120 years, he would spend eternity together with the rabbi, in his four cubits in the World to Come. When Moshe heard this incredible offer from the great Tzaddik, he immediately acceded to the Tzaddik’s request and agreed to remain in Berdichev for Sukkos. Rabbi Levi Yitzchak and the entire community were delighted, and Moshe was ecstatic. Unbeknownst to the traveler, a secret command had been issued by the Tzaddik to all the people of Berdichev, that under no circumstances should they allow Moshe to enter any of their sukkos during Yom Tov. No one knew why, but the decree of the Tzaddik, was an unalterable decree. On the first night of Sukkos, after davening, Moshe returned from shul to the inn where he


was staying, and found in his room wine for kiddush, candles, challahs, and a table covered with food. The guest was perplexed...Doesn’t the innkeeper have a sukkah? A righteous Jew like he, no sukkah? He went out to the yard and found a sukkah, beautifully built and arrayed, the owner and all the members of his household sitting around the table. The guest sought to enter, but he was not permitted. Why, why? How could this be? No response. So he went to the neighbors on the street and found them, each one in their own sukkah. He begged them to allow him to enter, to sit in their sukkah - for just a moment. No one answered. Finally, he learned that Rabbi Levi Yitzchak had decreed that he should not be allowed into a single sukkah in the entire city of Berdichev. In panic, he ran to the Tzaddik’s home. “What is this?” he cried. “What is my trespass? What is my sin?” Said the Tzaddik: “If you will nullify the promise I made to you that you would sit with me in the World to Come, I will immediately instruct my followers to allow you to enter their sukkos. The guest was astonished - outraged but was silent. “What can I do?” he thought to himself. “After all, is it an insignificant thing to sit together with this great Tzaddik in the World to Come? On the other hand, in my entire life I have never missed performing the mitzvah of sitting in a sukkah. How can I fail now, on the first night of Yom Tov, to fulfill this wonderful mitzvah?” Finally, the guest came to a conclusion -- in favor of the sukkah. He said to himself: “Is it possible that all of Israel will sit in a sukkah and I will eat in a house, like a non-Jew? G-d forbid!” He then renounced the promise that the Tzaddik had made to him, and at the demand of Reb Levi Yitzchak, extended his hand to confirm the agreement, and proceeded to sit in a sukkah. When Yom Tov concluded, Reb Levi Yitzchak summoned Moshe to his home. “Now,” said the Tzaddik: “I am returning to you my promise. You see, I did this to teach you, that I didn’t want you to merit the World to Come for no reason, as if it were a business deal or bargain. I wanted you to truly earn a place in the World to Come because you were deserving, because of your deeds, and so I caused you to be tested in the mitzvah of sukkah. Now that you have passed the test, and have shown true devotion to the sukkah, you truly deserve to be my partner in the World to Come.”

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Asthmatics Breathe Easier with Antioxidants

According to the American Lung Association, over 20 million people suffer from asthma — with wheezing and shortness of breath ranging from mild to severe. The disease manifests very differently from person to person. For instance, some people suffer from asthmatic episodes only during exercise while others are easily triggered by indoor or outdoor allergens. Here’s an interesting fact: Death and hospitalizations due to asthma now appear to be increasing, following a decreasing trend since 1999. In 2007, there were 3,447 deaths attributed to asthma — an age-adjusted rate of 1.1 per 100,000. Approximately 63% of these deaths occurred in women. Some believe this increase in asthma is due to environmental pollutants while others argue it’s linked to artificial ingredients increasingly found in our food. No one knows for sure, however. If you have asthma, we suggest avoiding both pollutants and artificial ingredients as much as possible. You might consider for instance, to stay indoors as much as possible during the heat of the day. Buying natural food as much as your budget allows is also a good idea. And staying away from processed and canned foods is a must. When it comes to buying organic, the latest research shows that antioxidant-rich foods, like deep dark fruits and vegetables, are your best bet for improving your lung function. Let’s take a look at the new findings. Antioxidants Improve Lung Function for Asthmatics Consumption of an antioxidant-rich diet led to improvements in lung capacity and duration between and severity of asthma attacks. The University of Newcastle researchers conducted the study and


concluded that the typical Western diet, low in antioxidants, like carotenoids, probably is a contributing factor to worsening lung function and asthma control in the United States. The researchers recruited 137 adults with asthma and randomly assigned them to either a high or low antioxidant diet for 14 days. After 14 days, the high antioxidant group was switched to a placebo diet while the low group was given a lycopene-rich tomato paste. The results were pretty clear: The low antioxidant group had worsening lung function and a shorter duration between asthma episodes than the group given the high antioxidant diet. The researchers calculated that the low group was two times more likely to suffer episodes. Interestingly, when the low group was switched to the tomato paste, no improvements were seen. This led the authors to conclude that “antioxidants in their natural matrix [whole-food] are most likely to provide beneficial and safe treatment of asthma.” So, bottom line is to eat deep-colored fruits and vegetables. How many servings? Well, we suggest five servings of each per day. That’s one serving of each every time you eat.

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‫האזינו‬ ‫חצות‬ ‫שותפות‪:‬‬

‫ווערט א שותף מיט די‬ ‫לומדי הכולל וואו אידן‬ ‫זעען כסדר ישועות‬

‫די קטורת‬ ‫סגולה‪:‬‬

‫די איינציגסטע סגולה‬ ‫וואס ווערט דערמאנט‬ ‫אין די תורה הקדושה‬

‫לימוד משניות‬ ‫וש"ס‪:‬‬

‫לויט אייער פארלאנג‬ ‫לע"נ עלטערן\משפחה‪-‬‬ ‫מיטגלידער\ א‪.‬ד‪.‬ג‪.‬‬

‫געשאפן א‬ ‫דזשאב!‬

‫וואך נאכט‬ ‫שמירה‪:‬‬

‫לימוד התורה פארן‬ ‫קינד'ס שמירה דורך די‬ ‫לומדי הכולל שליט"א‬

‫‪·´Ä½ ´ÃÄ‬‬ ‫ ‪¿¼ Å‬‬

‫ני"ו‪ ,‬אבער מיר האבן נישט מצליח געווען‪.‬‬ ‫ביז כ'האב געפאלגט מיין חבר'טע‪ ,‬זי‬ ‫האט מיר געזאגט‪" :‬פרוביר אויס "כולל‬ ‫חצות‪ ,‬א חשוב'ער איד האט מיר געזאגט‬ ‫אז דער 'כח התורה' איז דער גרעסטער און‬ ‫שטערקסטער כח אויבן אין הימל!"‪.‬‬

‫מיין מאן פלעגט ארבעטן ביטער שווער‬ ‫אהיימצוברענגען פרנסה‪ ,‬אבער ליידער‬ ‫האט מען אים אפגעזאגט פון זיין דזשאב‪,‬‬ ‫ווייל מ'האט געמאכט טיפע ביזנעס‪-‬‬ ‫שניטן‪ ,‬אלס רעזולטאט פון די עקאנאמיע‪.‬‬

‫בלויז א וואך איז אדורכגעגאנגען זייט‬ ‫כ'האב אריינגערופן מיט מיין קרעדיט‪-‬‬ ‫קארד‪ ,‬און כ'שרייב שוין א דאנק‪-‬בריוול‪...‬‬ ‫יא! מיין מאן האט געטראפן זייער א‬ ‫צוגעפאסטער דזשאב ב"ה צום נייעם יאר!‪.‬‬

‫מיר האבן עס זייער שווער אויפגענומען‪,‬‬ ‫ס'האט אפעקטירט די קינדער און – כ'וועל‬ ‫מודה זיין‪ :‬אפי' אונזער שלום בית אביסל‪...‬‬ ‫– מיר האבן פרובירט אלעס וואס מעגליך‪,‬‬ ‫זוכנדיג א פאסיגן דזשאב פאר מיין מאן‬


‫לימוד התורה בחצות הלילה‬ ‫איז א סגולה לפרנסה ברויח!‬


‫"א דזשאב"‪ ...‬דאס איז טאקע א‬ ‫ענגלישער‪-‬אויסדרוק‪ .‬אבער זייער אסאך‬ ‫משפחות קוקן ארויס דערויף‪ ,‬איבערהויפט‬ ‫אונזער קינדער‪-‬געבענטשטע משפחה‪,‬‬ ‫וואס איז אזוי אנגעוויזן אז די השפעה זאל‬ ‫אריינקומען‪.‬‬

‫)רש"י תהילים קל"ז‪ ,‬הרה"ק רבי בונם מפשיסחא זצ"ל בשם החוזה(‬

‫אידן האבן זיך אויסגעבעטן‪ ,‬פרנסה‪ ,‬ישועות‪ ,‬רפואות‪ ,‬שידוכים‪ ,‬זרע‬ ‫מ'גרייט זיך שוין‬ ‫של קיימא‪ ,‬שלום בית‪ ,‬א‪.‬א‪.‬וו‪ .‬מ'האפט אז מ'האט גע'פועל'ט די ישועה!‬ ‫צו 'זיגלען"‬ ‫מ'האפט אז מ'האט זיך אויסגעבעטן אלעס גוטס! אצינד ווארט מען‬ ‫בלויז אויפן "זיגל" אויף חתימה טובה‪ ,‬לאמיר אויסנוצן די איצטיגע טעג צו שטיצן דעם בעסטן‬ ‫אדוואקאט‪ :‬דער כח התורה פון "כולל חצות"‪ ,‬ווייל תורה עפנט אויף אלע טויערן‪ ,‬אלע שערי‬ ‫רחמים ורצון אויבן אין הימל!‬

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SEGULAH OF KETORAS The only Segulah written in the Torah!

MISHNAYAS & SHAS According to your specications-for the soul of a loved one

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“A Job”…An American motto, but to many

A friend

of mine told me “Try “Kollel

families, especially those blessed with

Chatzos”. I was told by a scholarly elder

many children, truly something you hope

that the power of Torah is the greatest and

and rely on.

mightiest up above!” So I did just that.

For years, my husband worked tirelessly

Only a week has passed since I called

to bring home a salary to support our large

you with my credit card, and already I am

family, but unfortunately, he became a

penning this thank-you letter….It happened!

victim of the dreaded downsizing, a bitter

My husband found a most suitable and

effect of the worsening economy.

perfect job, just in time for the New Year!


We all took it hard; it affected the children seeing their father in such a vulnerable position and having to cut back on all but necessities, and, I admit, it started taking a toll on our marriage. We tried everything possible to help him regain employment but to no avail.

“Seal” of Approval


Learning Torah at Chatzos at Night is a Segulah for Abundant Income! ‫ הרה"ק רבי בונם‬,‫)רש"י תהילים קל"ז‬ (‫מפשיסחא זצ"ל בשם החוזה‬

Jews everywhere have prayed and begged for forgiveness, health, wealth, shidduchim, children, good marriage, etc. We hope that we have succeeded and found favor by hashem',

our Judge. Now, as we await his “seal” for a favorable verdict, a good year, let us utilize the very best advocate to advance our cause; the incredible Torah power of “Kollel Chatzos”, because Torah opens all the gates and leads us straight to the doors of mercy and goodwill in Heaven!


1855-CHATZOS 2 4 2 - 8 9 6 7

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They say... Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday...

Did you know...?


On July 27, 2007, 2 News Helicopters collided while live on the air and covering a police chase. Despite the best efforts of the stations, one of the audio feeds from a helicopter continued to broadcast the screams of a crew as they plummeted to their deaths. It’s now known as the 2007 Phoenix news helicopter collision. The incident went down when the helicopters from KNXV-TV and KTVK collided in midair above Steele Indian School Park in Phoenix. Four people in the helicopters were killed. The helicopters were covering a car chase happening at the time. When the helicopters collided, someone on the KNXV one was heard to say “Oh, geez!” Right after that, the image broke up and violent crashing noises were heard. The station cut to the studio anchor, but the screaming of the people on board could still be heard because the link hadn’t yet been cut off. The cause of the accident was ruled to just be both pilots failing to see each other. At first, the suspect in the car chase that was being reported on was going to be charged in the deaths, but that charge never went through.

Sudoku-X - Medium Level

Sudoku - Hard Level

A giraffe can go without water longer than a camel can.

Two news helicopters crashed while covering a story. One station aired the sound of the crew as they were going down.

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This recipe renders a fork-tender, juicy and flavorful brisket. It’s a pretty simple recipe as briskets go, and is absolutely delicious. A good suggestion is to substitute a cup of beer for the water.

Oven Barbecued Beef Brisket

Ingredients • 4 pounds beef brisket • Salt to taste • 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper • 1 teaspoon garlic powder • 1 cup barbecue sauce • 1 cup water Directions 1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (160 degrees). 2. Sprinkle both sides of brisket with salt, pepper and garlic powder. Place in a large This recipe is perfect as a main course, and the best part is that it should work for any family. The meatballs can be made without the vegetables, or you can sneak the peas and carrots in just for your toddler, or even for the entire family, which puts a whole different twist on the “eat your veggies” orders !

covered roasting pan. 3. Cook covered with no water at 325 degrees F (160 degrees C) allowing 1 hour per pound. 4. Before last hour of cooking, remove brisket and let it rest for 10-15 minutes to allow the juices to redistribute and then slice. Return slices to pan and add barbecue sauce mixed with water. Cover meat with sauce, cover, and cook 1 hour longer.

Juicy Chicken Meatballs

1 lb. boneless, skinless chicken thighs 1/4 of a small onion 3-4 small cloves of garlic 1 egg white 1 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 teaspoon salt 3 dashes black pepper 10 cilantro leaves, roughly chopped Mashed green peas Finely diced carrots Cayenne pepper Oil, for shallow frying

Method: 2 Blend the chicken, onion, garlic, egg white, lemon juice, salt and pepper in a food processor until well combined. Transfer the ground chicken into a bowl and stir in the chopped cilantro leaves. For the toddler version, fold in the mashed peas and diced carrots. For the regular version, just add a pinch or two of cayenne pepper. Stir to combine well. Wet both hands with some water and shape the ground chicken into meatballs and lay on a plate lined with parchment paper. Heat up a pan or skillet with some oil, shallow fry the meatballs until lightly browned or cooked through. Serve immediately.

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