Weekly News Tabloid THE COREA COURIER
대한민국 유일한 무료 영자신문
(No.1) 2013. 1. 28. ~ 2013. 2. 3. Contact Info. 02-2157-2126
The First & Only Free English Newspaper
Korea’s 2012 "Little Psy" performs GNI highest in at the KBLAll-Star Game history
North Korean Leader calls for strong action 북한 김정은, ‘중대 대응조치’ 결의 By Lee Jae-sung
프로농구 올스타전을 빛낸 “리틀싸이” North Korean Leader Kim Jung-un [NEWSIS]
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un assembled top security and foreign affairs officials on the 26th of January in reaction to the UN Security Council’s decision to impose additional sanctions on North Korea. The meeting of top officials is a clear manifestation of Kim’s position to defy Security Council’s resolution. The Security Council condemned North Korea for launching a longrange ballistic missile.
핵심 단어 • Sanction 제제 • Manifestation 표명 About
By Lee Seung-kon
“Little Psy” Hwang Minwoo performs a show at the KB Kookmin Card 2012-2013 Pro Basketball All-Star Game KBL Superstar held in the th “Little Psy” Hwang Min-woo afternoon of the 27 at Jamsil [NEWSIS] Arena, Seoul.
1인당 국민소득 22700달러 추정...... 역대 최고치 By Kim Kyu-yup Korea’s gross national income (GNI) broke a new record of 22,700 dollars in the year 2012. According to the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, the GNI increased 0.94% from last year’s. But the Ministry adds the dollar had depreciated and the new record falls short of the target 23,000 dollars.
• “리틀싸이” 황민우가 27일 오후 서울 잠실실내체육관에서 열린 KB국민카드 2012-2013 프로농구 올스타전 슈퍼스타 KBL에서 무대를 선보이고 있다.
The Corea Courier is Korea’s first freely distributed English news
circulation. Rapidly expanding in publication and distribution, The Corea Courier aims to achieve nation-wide distribution. Its contents and delivery have been founded on principles of reducing educationinequality and enhancing cost-effectiveness. The Corea Courier is published to the public every Monday. The Corea Courier is spelled with a “C” for “Corea” as opposed to “Korea” to signify the importance of tracing back to Korea’s origins, and based on those origins, promoting inbound globalization. The mission statement of The Corea Courier is to provide a possible solution to the English Divide, Cultural Divide, and Generation Divide within Korea.
The Corea Courier 는 대한민국 최초의 무료 배포 영자신문입니다. 급격한 속도로 배포지와 발행 부수가 확대되는 가운데, 코리아 쿠리어 (이하 코쿠)는 전국적으로 배포를 늘릴 계획입니다. 코쿠의 컨텐츠 제작과 배달 과정은 교육 불평등 축소와 비용 효율 증대의 원칙에 기반을 둡니다.코쿠는 대중에게 매주 월요일에 배부됩니다. 코쿠는 “Corea”를 “C”로 씀으로써 대한민국의 발자취를 거슬러 올라가는 것의 중요성을 강조하고, 그에 기반하여 대한민국의 국제화를 달성하고자 하는 뜻을 품고 있습니다. 코리아 쿠리어 의 궁극적인 목표는 대한민국의 영어격차, 문화격차, 그리고 세대격차를 해소하는 데 있습니다.
( First Edition ) 2013. 1. 28. ~ 2013. 2. 3.
Dear Readers of The Corea Courier. I would like to offer my sincere congratulations to the staff of The Corea Courier on their notable efforts to contribute to the advancement of English language media in Korea. I believe that their dedication to spreading opportunities for a broad public to have free access to good quality journalistic resources in English will be widely appreciated by both Koreans and international residents of our increasingly diverse Dr. Paul Tonks, Yonsei University country. 대한민국 영어 미디어 발전을 위해 노력하는 코리아 쿠리어 일동의 공헌을 진심으로 축하합니다. 대중에게 양질의 저널리스트적 자원을 무료로 접할 수 있는 기회를 제공하는 그들의 노력은 끊임없이 다양화하는 우리 나라의 한국인 뿐만 아니라 외국인 거주자들로부터 많은 관심을 받으리라 예상됩니다. It is a great privilege for me as an academic to have the opportunity to teach here in Korea because I am able to mentor and indeed learn from such dedicated and talented students. Education, of course, has been fundamental to Korea’s remarkable historical development. It is the deep commitment of the Korean people to education that has enabled Korea’s modern transformation into one of the world’s most impressive economic, political and cultural success stories. 이들처럼 헌신적이고 재능 있는 학생들을 가르칠 기회가 주어진 것은 대한민국의 한 학자로서 크나큰 특권이라 생각합니다. 그 동안 교육은 대한민국의 놀라운 역사적 발전에 핵심적인 역할을 담당해 왔습니다. 한국인들의 교육에 대한 열정은 경제, 정치, 그리고 문화적 면에서 대한민국을 세계적으로 가장 빛나는 성공신화 중 하나로 발돋움할 수 있게 해주었습니다. Whilst Korea has made immense progress in all spheres, including the increasingly global mindset and English communication skills possessed by its citizens, many still have concerns about English education access and opportunities for learning. It is my hope that the initiative of launching The Corea Courier, with its strong ethos of social responsibility and engagement, will make a positive impact through its valuable English language articles. 대한민국이 다방면에서 월등한 진척을 이룬 반면, 아직도 많은 이들은 영어 교육에 대한 접근성과 교육의 기회 불평등에 대한 우려를 표하고 있습니다. 이에 저는 사회적 책임과 약속에 대한 정신이 강한 코리아 쿠리어의 발간이 소중한 영어기사로 한국사회에 긍정적 영향을 주리라 기대합니다. Yours, Paul Tonks, PhD Associate Professor of History Yonsei University Underwood International College
폴 통스 역사학 교수 연세대학교 언더우드국제대학
Congratulations on the launching of The Corea Courier! It is a rare occasion to come across talented 코리아 쿠리어의 창간을 축하드립니다. Lee Hee-chan, PhD young minds with such willpower and dedication. Professor of Tourism Management I find it difficult not to send my deepest regards Sejong University and hope for The Corea Courier’s success. College of Hospitality Tourism Boys, be ambitious!
Greeting from Royal Thai Embassy
For Thailand to be part of The Corea Courier’s premier issue, it is really quite an honour. The idea was conceived on 5 December 2012 when the Royal Thai Embassy hosted a reception to celebrate His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s 85th Birthday Anniversary. For Thais, 5 December is always one of our most auspicious days, and therefore a really good omen for any undertaking. So, I am very confident that The Corea Courier will excel in its endeavour and aspiration aimed at “bridging the gap”. There is no better way to overcome various divides than through correct and better understanding. For this, it is indeed a great pleasure for me to extend my warmest and heartfelt congratulations to The Corea Courier. Kittiphong na Ranong Ambassador of Thailand
태국이 코리아 쿠리어 초판의 일부분이 될 수 있었다는 것을 큰 영광으로 생각합니다. 코리아 쿠리어가 “격차 해소” 의 임무를 훌륭히 해내리라 확신합니다. 이에 저는 기쁜 마음으로 제 진심이 담긴 축하의 말씀을 코리아 쿠리어에 전하는 바입니다.
키티퐁 나 라농 주한 태국대사
Politics & Society
( First Edition ) 2013. 1. 28. ~ 2013. 2. 3.
Suspect for police bus arson caught 경찰, 버스차고지 화재 용의자 체포 By Kim Kyu-yup
The police arrested an arson suspect who torched an entire police bus station. According to Gangseo District Police Department, suspect Hwang (45) was arrested on the 26th 9:40 A.M. The police have taken Mr. Hwang as a prime suspect under criminal investigation. Mr . Hwang has been under investigation for two days. The police previously notified Mr. Hwang to voluntarily cooperate in the investigation but their request was refused. Afterwards, the police applied for an arrest warrant. Witnesses identified Mr.
Forensic Science Team at the Scene
Hwang as a prime suspect based on his gait which was identical to a camera recording hidden in the bus. Mr. Hwang lost his job after killing a jaywalking pedestrian. It has also been confirmed that Mr. Hwang had a quarrelsome relationship with his employer. The arson took place on the 15th
at exactly 3:02 in the morning. 32 busses were burned. 38 busses worth 1.5 billion won were destroyed. The fire was extinguished within an hour and 45 minutes.
flame carried to Jeju By Lee Jae-sung
• 경찰은 26일 용의자 황모(45)씨에 대한 체포영장을 집행했다. • 황씨는 버스의 블랙박스 영상에 찍힌 용의자의 걸음걸이와 비슷하다는 목격자 진술에 따라 유력한 용의자로 지목됐다. • 황씨는 지낸 해 무단 횡단하던 행인을 치어 숨지게 한 뒤, 취직하고 있던 전 회사와 갈등이 있었다는 것이 확인됐다.
핵심 단어 • Arson 방화, 화재 • Jaywalk 무단횡단 • Quarrelsome 다투기 좋아하는 • Gait 걸음걸이
“We will remember them.” Women News hosted the ‘New Year’s Celebration Ceremony (신년하례식)’ at Kim Koo Museum on January 18. This year’s award for the ‘2012 person of the year’ was handed to a group of elderly women who
Olympic Torch: PyeongChang from
By Lee Jae-sung
Pyeongchang Special Olympic relay runners [NEWSIS]
" 영원히 기억하겠습니다 "
were comfort women during the colonial period. They led protests on a weekly basis every Wednesday to raise awareness on the historical issue of ‘comfort women.’ During the ceremony, the chairwoman of Women News, Kim Mee said, “we will
The PyeongChang Special Winter Olympic torch left Jeju Island in the hands of relay runners after the welcoming ceremony. The welcoming ceremony was held in Jeju city hall square on January 26, 2013. PyoengChang Special Olympics World Winter Games will be held in the eastern alpine city of PyeongChang from January 29 to February 5, 2013.
기사요약 Chairwoman Kim Mee is a granddaughter of Kim Koo (1876 – 1949)
remember them.”
기사요약 • 여성신문이 선정한 ‘2012년 올해의 인물’로는 20여년간 수요시위를 주도하며 국내외로 일본군’ 위안부’ 문제를 널리 알린 일본군 ‘위안부’ 할머니들이 선정되었다. • 여성신문 김미 회장은 “저희를 비롯해 앞으로 우리 미래 세대가 여러 어르신들께서 지켜오신 세월에 누가 되지 않도록 잊지 않고 영원히 기억하겠습니다”라고 축하와 격려를 전했다.
• 26일 오전 강원도 평창 일대에서 열리는 평창동계 스페셜올림픽 세계대회 성화가 제주지역에서 봉송된 가운데 제주도청 광장에서 진행된 성화 도착 환영식 후 성화봉송 주자들이 성화를 들고 평창으로 출발하고 있다.
핵심 단어 • Torch • Alpine
성화 고지대의
Business & Economy
Samsung Electronics dominates 30% of world smart phone market 삼성전자 세계 스마트폰 시장 점유율 30% By Moon Sung-kee
Last year, Samsung Electronics held the highest market share for smart phones in the world. Apple fell behind with 19% market share. According to a report by a research firm (Strategy Analytics), Samsung sold 213 million smartphones last year, breaking Nokia’s 2010 record of 100.1 million. Apple sold 135.8 million units, falling behind Samsung despite a 46% growth from the previous year. Nokia is third place in the market, holding a mere 5%
compared to their 15.8% from the year before. According to the International Data Corporation, Samsung had a 129% increase in production between 2011 and 2012. During the fourth quarter of last year, Samsung sold 63.7 million smartphones. Apple sold 47.8 million in comparison. Nokia sold 35.1 million, HTC sold 32.6 million, RIM sold 32.5 million units.
(No.1) 2013. 1. 28. ~ 2013. 2. 3.
Exxon Mobil tops Apple as the most valuable company 엑손모빌, 애플 제치고 세계 '최고 가치 있는 기업' 등극
By Lee Jae-sung
Oil giant Exxon Mobil became the most valuable company on Friday January 25, 2013 as the company regained its crown. On Friday, Apple’s shares dropped 2.36 percent to 439.88 dollars per share, making Apple’s market value around 415 billion U.S.
dollars. Meanwhile, Exxon's shares gained 0.42 percent to 91.73 dollars per share for a market value of around 417 billion dollars. Apple' s share price first surpassed that of Exxon in 2011. Since then the two giants have been competing for
the crown. In January 2012, Apple beat Exxon by a large margin and has been holding on to its title until last Friday.
기사요약 • 이날 뉴욕 증시에서 엑손모빌 주가는13센트 오른 91.48달러를 기록하면서 엑손모빌 시가총액이 4170억 달러를 나타냈다. 애플 주가는 실적이 기대에 미치지 못하면서 하락세 지속으로 시가총액이 4145억 달러를 기록했다.
핵심 단어 • Regain • Margin • Share
되찾다 간격 주식
A new arena in the telecommunication industry By Kim Kyu-yup
A new chapter has opened on the fierce competition between Korea’s telecommunication giants. SK Telecommunications (SKT) joined KT and LG U+ in announcing a new service package for unlimited 4th generation Longterm Evolution (LTE) database roaming. LTE 4G is the state of the art mobile phone communication standard. SK Telecommunication announced on the 26th that it
will launch “Kwalkwalkwal 2.0,” a calling plan that provides unlimited LTE database roaming on the 31st. SKT publicized that it will promote lowered subscription rates from January 31st to April 30th. Consumers can subscribe to unlimited LTE database roaming with a price range of ₩109,000 per month (109), ₩88,000 per month (88), ₩75,000 per month (75), 65, and 55. The
new ‘55·65·75·88’ calling plans incorporate a ₩3,000 discount for the preexisting unlimited LTE option of ₩9,000. SKT Unlimited LTE Calling Plan [NEWSIS] Subscribers to the new calling plans can have unlimited wireless devices. The price is ₩8,000 on access except when watching a 24 month fixed payment basis. high definition videos. SKT has Meanwhile, KT and LG U+ announced that it also added a publicized three different sets of ‘shared’ option for unlimited LTE promotions on the 25th. wireless connection that can be shared across the user’s tablet PC, digital camera, and other
기사요약 • KT, LG U+에 이어 SK텔레콤도 4세대 롱텀에볼루션 (LTE) 데이터 무제한 요금제 서비스를 내놓으면서 국내 통신사 간 경쟁의 새 막이 열렸다. • LTE 무제한 요금제 가입자는 월 8000월 (24개월 약정)을 추가하면 LTE 요금제별로 기본 제공되는 데이터 양을 태블릿PC, 갤럭시 카메라 등 다른 기기에서도 나눠 쓸 수 있다.
핵심 단어 • Calling plan • State of the art
요금제 최신식의
Business & Economy
(No.1) 2013. 1. 28. ~ 2013. 2. 3.
Price of oil at decline for 19 consecutive weeks 전국 기름값 1922.5원…19주 연속 하락
By Kim Kyu-yup
Decline in prices of global market for oil has led to a 19th week decrease in domestic oil prices to 1922.5 won per liter. According to, a domestic agency for oil price, average price of gasoline decreased again by 2.8 won from last week The domestic price for oil has been decreasing since last September for 19 consecutive weeks, breaking a new record since 2002. Price of gasoline has decreased at a total 104.0won in the past 19 weeks. Price of gasoline decreased 2.5won per liter while price of kerosene declined
1.0won at 1737.6 and 1372.7 won respectively. Prices of suppliers were varied all across the nation. On average, prices in Seoul (2003.0 won), Jeju (1937.9 won), Chungnam (1934.5 won) were higher. Kwangju (1896.7), Daegu (1897.2 won), Kyoungbuk (1902.6 won) were on average lower. A representative of the Korea National Oil Corporation (KNOC) claimed “since the U.S., China, and other nations are making advancing macroeconomic policies while Japan is implementing expansionary policies, global price of oil will rise. But due to the depreciation
기사요약 • 한국석유공사 관계자는 “미국, 중국 등 주요국의 경기지표 개선과 일본의 경기부양책 실시 등으로 국제 유가는 상승세를 보이고 있지만 최근 원달러 환율 내림세의 영향으로 당분간 국내 소비자 판매가격은 현 약세를 유지할 것”이라고 전망했다. • 국제유가 약세로 국내 휘발유 가격이 19주째 내림세를 이어가며 ℓ당 1922.5원까지 떨어졌다. • 국내 보통휘발유 가격은 지난해 9월 셋째 주부터 19주 연속 내리며 2002년 이후 최장기간 내림세를 이어갔다. 보통 휘발유 값은 지난 19주간 총 104.0원 내렸다.
of the dollar, consumers will see current prices maintain for now.”
핵심 단어 • • • • • •
Respectively 각각, 각자 Kerosene 등유 Gasoline 휘발유 Expansionary policies 확대정책 Macroeconomic 거시경제 Depreciation 가치의 감소
How credible are your sources? The truth behind securities firm chirashi (증권가 찌라시) By Lee Seung-kon
People gossip all the time. But how do they know what they know? Chirashi (찌라시) is Japanese for ‘flyers’ or ‘leaflets.’ It is a unilateral form of communication. Since its source is hard to identify, the reliability of its contents is highly questionable. But in almost any case, celebrities are found trying to explain that the rumors are false. If such rumors were caused by unintelligible sources
to begin with, then why bother to put in such effort? The cause is found in the term “securities firm.” The moment the word “securities firm” is attached to “chirashi,” the story becomes a little different. Whether the rumors are true or false, they become directly linked to cash flow and profitability. Securities firms are very sensitive to any form of information. Hence, an ‘ambiguous trust’ is applied to the words ‘securities firm’ and
‘chirashi.’ The problem is that oftentimes, the information provided by securities firm chirashi is groundless. Accuracy is simply an option that can enhance the value of chirashi. Not by any means is it a necessary requirement. Hence, information is often manipulated for the interest of those concerned. Nonetheless, the contents of securities firm chirashi quickly spread to the general public. Since its content has to be provocative
in order to grab public attention, it does much harm to celebrities, to who name value and image mean everything. Following the suicide of Choi Jin-sil (1968~2008), the authorities have launched mass investigation on the creation and distribution of securities firm chirashi. However, it exists to this day due to the anonymous nature of its production.
핵심 단어 • Unilateral • Groundless
일방적인 사실무근
• Unintelligible • Mandatory
알 수 없는 의무적인
• Ambiguous
애매모호한 • Manipulate: 조작하다
Global News
(No.1) 2013. 1. 28. ~ 2013. 2. 3.
The World at a Glance
America 1) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: The city prepares for the upcoming Rio Samba Carnival which will be held from February 9 to 11. (AP) [Jan 25] 2) Park City, Utah: The film “Fruitvale” and the documentary “Blood Brother” won over audiences and Sundance Film Festival judges. Meanwhile, “A River Changes Course”, a Cambodian film, won the grand jury prize for international documentary while “Jiseul”, a Korean narrative film”, claimed the grand jury prize for dramatic world cinema. (AP) [Jan 27] 3) Caracas, Venezuela: A fierce gun battle between inmates and National Guard troops at a Venezuelan prison. Death toll has risen to 61 while 120 more were injured. The riot was the latest in a series of deadly clashes in Venezuela’s overcrowded and often anarchical prisons. (AP) [Jan 27] 4) Santiago, Venezuela: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez overcame a respiratory infection and is under further treatment. (AP) [Jan 27]
5) Washington, U.S.: President Obama has called for a ban on military-style assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines and is pushing other policies following the mass shooting last month. President Obama says gun-control advocates have to do a little more listening than they do sometimes. (AP) [Jan 27]
Europe 5)
Santiago, Chile: Europeans officials attending a summit with Latin American
leaders said the European Union (EU) has a strong desire to push for closer ties between the two regions. The EU now considers the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) its main dialogue partner in the region, according to Jose Manuel Barroso, the European Commission President. (AP) [Jan 27] 6) Davos, Switzerland: The annual World Economic Forum concluded with much less glamour that persisted in the past years. Thematic discussions such as the fragile state of the global economy, plight of the world’s 220 million jobless, and the escalating war in Syria dominated the meeting this year. (AP) [Jan 27] 7) Berlin, Germany: German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the German people bear “an everlasting responsibility” to not forget the Nazi-era crimes and prevent such a “dark chapter” of Nazi-committed crimes from occurring again. Her speech came a days ahead of the anniversary of the freeing of the Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz in 1945. (AP) [Jan 27]
Africa / Middle East
8) Cairo, Egypt: At least 27 people were killed after a riot by angry Egyptians in the city of Port Said. Rioters demanded the death penalty to be revoked. Egypt faced a violent revolution two years ago with the ouster of Hosni Mubarak. Demonstration against the current President Mohammed Morsi occurred last Friday where nine people were killed. 9) Konna, Mali: French and Mali troops retook control over of the airport and bridge of the crucial, norther city of Gao on Saturday, making their biggest advance yet in their bid to oust Al-Qaida-linked extremist. French forces launched a military offensive in support of the shaky central government of Mali, a former French colony. The international community has been gathering support for France against a rebel terrorist group in northern Mali. (AP) [Jan 27] 10) Beirut, Lebanon: Syria’s state-run news agency says troops have raided an opposition stronghold near Damascus, killing an unspecified number of rebels and uncovering tunnels used by them to move about and smuggle weapons. Syria’s crisis began in March 2011 and has far killed more than 60,000 according to the U.N. (AP) [Jan 26]
Asia / Oceania
11) Colombo, Sri Lanka: The annual Buddhist procession in Kelaniya was held in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The procession commemorates the visit of Lord Buddha to the temple. (AP) [Jan 25] 12) Quetta, Pakistan: Pakistani Muslims celebrated the Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi, the birthday of Prophet Mohammed, in southwest Pakistan. Muslims celebrated the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammed all over the world. (Xinhua) [Jan 25] 13) West Sumatra, Indonesia: Two separate landslides triggered by torrential rain in western Indonesia have killed at least nine people, including four geothermal wordkers, and left 17 others missing. (AP) [Jan 27] 14) Tokyo, Japan: Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe described the China visit made by Natsuo Yamaguchi, leader of the ruling New Komeito Party, as important to mend bilateral relations. Yamaguchi met with Chinese Communist Party’s leader Xi Jinping on Friday for four days in Beijing (Xinhua) [Jan 27]
(No.1) 2013. 1. 28. ~ 2013. 2. 3.
Sunye of Wondergirls, the first to marry of the currently active idol singers 원더걸스 "선예," 결혼에 골인 By Lee Seung-kon
Sunye (24) of ‘Wondergirls’ marries James Park (29) [NEWSIS]
Sunye (24) of ‘Wondergirls’ held her wedding at the Lotte hotel of Sogong-dong, Seoul on the 26th. After a year and a half of dating, she married Korean Canadian missionary James Park (29), who she met during missionary work in Haiti. The members of ‘Wondergirls’ were very supportive of Sunye’s marriage. “One of the things I most appreciate about them is that they fullheartedly encouraged and congratulated me on my wedding. They were very
respectful of my decision.” People question whether Sunye will be able to continue her career as a singer. “I do not plan to retire from being a singer.” “I do not know when it may be, but I will continue to sing as long as I have my voice even if it may not be on television.” There are concerns on whether the ‘Wondergirls’ will be able to remain active. “I am sad (for not being able to work with my members) but I look forward to seeing their progress.” The master of ceremonies
• ‘원더걸스’의 선예 (24)가 26일 캐나다 교포 선교사 제임스 박 (29)과 서울 소공동 롯데호텔에서 결혼식을 올렸다. • 둘은 아이티에서 선교활동을 하며 만났다고 한다. • 선예는 비록 방송에 나오지 못하더라도 노래를 계속 하고 싶다는 의사를 밝혔다. • 둘은 몰디브에서의 신혼여행 후 신랑의 본 거주지인 캐나다에 신혼살림을 차릴 계획이다.
The truth behind Bieber’s breakup 저스틴 비버, 고메스와 결별 이유 ‘하룻밤 외도’ By Kim Kyu-yup
It has been revealed that Selena Gomez (21) decided to break up with Justin Bieber (19) because he had an affair. A British media reported on the 24th Justin Bieber [ N E W S I S ] that “Gomez decided to part ways with Bieber because he had a sexual affair with an anonymous female 22 years of age studying nursery”. It adds, “Bieber was under the effect of marijuana”. According to reports, Bieber was accompanied by rapper Real Twist in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles. He stayed one night at the Four Seasons Hotel with another female. A close associate of Bieber disclosed that “Bieber was high from smoking marijuana and could not resist.” Bieber and Gomez started dating since February last year. They went on a trip to Mexico only to end up in a bitter quarrel. Bieber called Gomez over 100 times every day after their breakup. Justin Bieber also had a separate affair with Barbara Palvin, a model from Victoria’s Secret, last November.
기사요약 • 세계 팝스타 아이돌 저스틴 비버는 최근에 전 여자친구와 결별하였다. • 고메즈는 비버의 하룻밤 외도로 인해 이별을 결심하였다고 한다. • 보도에 따르면 비버는 당시 마약을 복용한 상태였다.
핵심 단어 • Have an affair 외도하다
• Quarrel 말다툼
for the wedding was Jo Kwon of 2AM, Sunye’s close friend. The wedding was officiated by the minister of Sunye’s church. The newlyweds are to settle down in Canada after their honeymoon in the Maldives. “I think it obvious that we live in Canada, for it is the home of my husband as well as his parents.”
핵심 단어 • Master of Ceremonies 사회자 • Officiate 주례하다 • Newlywed 신혼부부
(No.1) 2013. 1. 28. ~ 2013. 2. 3.
Seoul Weather Forecast Jan. 27th~ Feb. 1st
27th AM
Source: Korea Meteorological Administration (출처: 기상청) L: Low Certainty M: Medium Certainty H: High Certainty
Weather Certainty
Hazard ‘attacks’ ball boy, receives 3 match ban
볼보이 '폭행' 아자르, 3경기 출전 정지 징계
By Moon Sung-kee
January 26 (Korean time)—The English FA has given Chelsea winger Eden Hazard (22) a 3 match ban for kicking a ball boy in the stomach. The FA stated that Hazard’s action “constituted violent conduct whereby the standard punishment that would otherwise apply
was clearly insufficient.” Hazard can respond to the FA’s charge until the 29th. Chelsea was playing their second leg of the Capital One Cup semifinal against Swansea at Liberty Stadium. Chelsea needed two goals to have a chance to progress. The ball had gone out for a goal
kick. Hazard quickly tried to retrieve the ball, but the ball boy fell over it. In the process of retrieving the ball, Hazard appeared to have kicked the ball boy, Charlie Morgan (17), in the stomach. The ball boy seemed to be wasting time, and possibly exaggerated his injury in order to get
Hazard sent off. Hazard was red carded and Chelsea failed to make a comeback. Hazard and Morgan apologized to each other after the match, but punishment from the FA seems unavoidable.
핵심 단어
• 아자르 (22)는 지난 24일 웨일스 스완지의 리버티 스타디움에서 열린 캐피털원컵 4강 2차전 스 완지시티와의 원정경기에서 볼보이 찰리 모건 (17)에게 폭행을 가했다. • 아자르는 퇴장을 당했고, 첼시는 컵 결승진출에 실패했다. • 아자르는 잉글랜드 축구협회(FA)로부터 3경기 출전 정지 징계를 받았다.
Eden Hazard
• • • •
Insufficient Liberty Process Exaggerate
불충분한 자유 과정 과장하다
Korean Baseball - Park
Jae-hong retires SK, 박재홍 은퇴 By Moon Sung-kee
Park Jae-hong
핵심 단어 • Opportunities 기회 • RBI (run batted in ) 타점
Park Jae-hong announced his retirement from professional baseball. Last November, SK Wyverns offered him coaching opportunities after retirement, but he decided to extend his playing career until recently. Park was with the Wyverns for 8 years since 2005. During 2008 he had a 0.318 batting average with 19 homeruns and 72 RBIs, and contributed to the SK’s first championship.
기사요약 • 박재홍 선수가 은퇴 소회를 밝혔다. • 그는 지난 11월에 은퇴를 고려 하였으나 최근가지 선수생활을 연장해 왔다.
LifeStyle & Culture
(No.1) 2013. 1. 28. ~ 2013. 2. 3.
Around The World
This week, The Corea Courier travels to...........Thailand
; " The Land of Smiles " Contents provided by Royal Thai Embassy and Tourism Authority of Thailand Edited by Lee Seung-kon E-mail)
Sun, Sand, and Sea:
More than 21,000,000 visitors visited Thailand in 2012
For years, millions of tourists made their journeys to see for themselves what is so amazing about Thailand. Many of them visit repeatedly, as there are many things remained unseen during the previous visit(s). In 2012, the Land of Smiles witnessed some 21 million visitors. Thailand has almost everything for everyone at reasonable cost. It is a combination of things that make Thailand tick. 수 백만 명의 관광객들이 “미소의 나라” 태국을 꾸준히 방문하는 데는 이유가 있다. 2012년 한 해 동안 태국은 21,000,000 명의 방문객을 유치하였다.
Value of Money: Overall, it will not cost a fortune.
Everything is reasonably affordable. 태국의 물가는 저렴한 편이다.
People: Thailand is called the Land of
Smiles as a result of the unique character of Thais being gentle, happy, friendly, and desirous to please and accommodate with foreigners. Visitors can easily feel at home in Thailand where there has been a great deal of assimilation between different races, cultures and religions.
Land of Smiles
태국이 “미소의 나라”라 불리는 것은 특히 외국인에게 온화하고 친절한 태국인들의 성품 덕분이다.
Unique History: There are
still debates as to exactly when Thailand came into existence. But by 10th Century AD, Thais were reported to have been found in mainland Southeast Asia. Thailand is situated at the cross road between China and India and has always welcomed any contacts with foreigners, especially the European colonial powers which arrived in 1511. Thailand was never under colonial rule. Adaptability played a vital role. Thailand’s long rich history offers many attractions to visitors, e.g. art, culture, tradition, food, architecture, archeology. 태국의 깊고 풍부한 역사는 관광객들에게 많은 볼거리와 먹거리를 제공한다.
Weather in general is gorgeous even during the rainy season, when there is still plenty of sunshine. With around a 3,000 km long coastline, Thailand offers countless white sandy beaches with turquoise blue sea. Many of them rank among the world’s best. They can be full of activities or quiet. Pattaya, Phuket, Krabi, Samui, Hua Hin are some of the most popular resorts. Many islands in Andaman Sea in southern Thailand are the best spots for scuba diving. 태국은 환상적인 날씨를 자랑하는데, 심지어 우기에도 충분한 햇빛이 비춰질 정도이다.
Shopping: Bangkok in particular is well known as a heaven
for shoppers. Prices are competitive. There is a variety of goods ranging from handicraft, clothes, to gems and jewelry. 방콕은 특히 쇼핑 애호가들의 천국으로 유명하다.
Traditional massage: Thai
Massage, a branch of Thai traditional medicine, involves rhythmic pressing and stretching of the entire body to relax tensed muscles and revitalize your body. Wat Pho (Pho Temple) in Bangkok is well known for being Thailand’s first school of traditional medicine. Even US President Barrack Obama paid a visit to Wat Pho despite his tight schedule in Thailand of less than 24 hours. 24시간의 짧은 스케줄로 태국을 방문했던 오바마 미국 대통령도 태국마사지를 받고 미국으로 돌아갔다고 한다.
Golfing: Endless gorgeous golf courses at very reasonable fees all over the country.
아름다운 골프 코스들을 전국 곳곳에서 합리적인 가격으로 즐길 수 있다.
Unique location: Thailand is a convenient base for travelers
to use to explore Thailand’s neighbouring countries e.g. Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar and Vietnam. Now, tourists can also apply for a visa to enter Cambodia at any Thai Embassy or Consulate. 태국은 이웃국가들을 방문하기 용이한 위치에 있다.
Visa: No visa is required for Korean tourists on visits of 90 days or less. Many other nationals also enjoy similar visa exemption, or at least a 15 day visa free visit. 90일 이하로 태국을 방문하는 한국인들은 비자 없이 방문 가능하다.
For more information on the Land of Smiles( including Thai Food), look forward to The Corea Courier's next issue!!
LifeStyle & Culture
(No.1) 2013. 1. 28. ~ 2013. 2. 3.
Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics
Movie Review
Korea’s Globalization Ranking and Score (1970~2009) by KOF Index of Globalization By Kim Kyu-yup
“Scissors, Paper, Stone” By Lee Seung-kon
In light of the Tim Burton exhibition being held at the Seoul Museum of Art, The Corea Courier decided to introduce one of director Tim Burton’s most notable works: Edward Scissorhands. “Scissors, Paper, Stone.” – Edward
KOF Globalization Index
Meet Edward Scissorhands (Johnny Depp). As the name suggests, he has scissors for hands, which makes him good at doing, or undoing certain things. He was minding his own business, hedge-trimming with his hands in the garden of his inventor’s Republic of Korea Globalization Index Progress ( 1970~2009 ) mansion, when Peg Boggs (Dianne Wiest) decides to stop by to pitch a sale. Frightened by appearance at The KOF Index of Globalization countries. Scandinavian nations first, and then soon taking pity on him, Peg decides to by Dr. Axel Dreher is widely and other European countries referenced for aggregated rankings dominate the first quartile of the bring her new friend down from his castle. She brings of globalization by countries. list. Third world countries (TWCs) him in to her family. Dr. Dreher measures three fill the bottom of the list. dimensions: economic, social, According to data, Korea has Meet Kim Boggs (Winona Ryder). She is as pretty and political. Sub-indices include doubled its globalization standards on the outside as she is on the inside. Freaked out to actual economic flows, economic within forty years. find a ghostly man dressed up in leather with scissor restrictions, information flows, Bursting out of complete personal contact, and cultural destitution sixty years ago, Korea hands lying down in her bedroom in the middle of proximity. The highest score of the has shown incredible adaptation the night, she soon finds herself pitying him, and then index is 99. in the global economy by rapidly eventually falling in love with him. The index is measured by mainly improving its standards. institutional variables, and thus, Sound familiar? If you’re thinking Beauty and the leaves out the cultural dimension. Beast, well then, think more towards FREAK and the Korea ranks 60th out of 208 beauty. In a sense, Edward is the modern day concept of Frankenstein; both characters were made by man. Source : • KOF Globalization Index - 2012. Ranking for the year 2010 based on They were both hideous. They longed for human data for the year 2007 affection. 기사 요약 There is reason for the chemistry between the • 대한민국은 전세계 208개 국가들을 대상으로 실시한 KOF Globalization two lead actors. Depp was 27 when Edward Index 평가에서 60위를 기록하였다. Scissorhands was released in 1990, and Ryder 19. 핵심 단어 Their acquaintance on the set marked the start of • Globalization 세계화 • Dimension 요소 their relationship which ended at engagement, to the • Restriction • Economic 경제적 제한 disappointment of many. After the split, Depp had • Proximity • Social 사회적 근접 • Institutional • Political 정치적 제도적 his tattoo of “Winona Forever” modified instead to • Quartile 사분의 일 “Wino Forever.” Edward Scissorhands also marks the first of many films that director Tim Burton and actor Johnny Depp How to Play : collaborated on. Fill every box, row, and column with digits 1 through 9.
No box, row, and column can have the same digit. Test your logic and IQ to see if you can solve the following puzzles!
Too Easy Sudoku
기사요약 • 가위손(조니 뎁)은 페그 보그스 (다이안 위스트)와 함께 사람들이 생활하는 마을로 내려와 킴 보그스 ( 위노나 라이더)와 사랑에 빠진다. • 영화 촬영장을 벗어나서도 조니 뎁과 위노나 라이더는 연인 관계로 발전하였지만, 안타깝게도 그들의 관계는 결혼생활로 이어지지는 않았다. • 가위손은 팀 버튼 감독과 배우 조니 뎁이 합작한 수 많은 작품 중 첫 작품이다.
핵심 단어 • Hedge-trimming 생울타리 손질 • Engagement 약혼 • Collaborate 합작
LifeStyle & Culture
(No.1) 2013. 1. 28. ~ 2013. 2. 3.
팀 버튼 전시회 - 서울 시립 미술관
Tim Burton exhibition - Seoul Museum of Art
By Moon Sung-kee
You are at the Tim Burton exhibition. Disproportionate bodies. Stripes. Large round eyes. Sharp teeth (or stitches). First Impression? Awesome. If you like cute and quirky, you will enjoy this exhibition. If you like dark and violent, you will also enjoy this exhibition.
on a Tuesday afternoon and found it extremely difficult to move around freely or stay put in one place. Mobs will drag you down to their pace. I do not recommend following a guide. If you choose to do so, know that you are willingly placing yourself in the middle of a swarm. Take a rest and enjoy the artwork, even if you may not fully understand everything. It is a much better alternative than trying to look past twenty heads for half a glance at a display. The exhibition contains both early and recent works. If you have watched Edward
There are watercolor paintings, scribbles, picture books, notes, costumes, clay figurines, as well as mini theaters. If you like weird—a cute and violent weird—this is your exhibition.
are macabre, hyperbolic, and full of black comedy. All the while, much of the violence seems innocent and indicative of childlike imagination. Take a look at Vincent, voiced by Vincent Price. You will be able to experience some of Burton’s poetry, displayed in simple sketches and rhythmic artistry. In case you didn’t know, Burton worked at Disney. After Vincent and Frankenweenie, he left the company, supposedly because his works were too dark and scary. You can also learn about Burton’s upbringing in Burbank, California. The exhibition includes several of his works as a child.
A word of warning: you might want to reconsider bringing your DSLR camera. You can’t take pictures of the actual exhibition. If you bring it anyway, you can still take pictures of posters, character artwork, and a giant eyeball creature located at the central hall. Tickets are sold outside the museum for ₩12,000 per person. The exhibition provides docents four times a day Tuesdays through Fridays. The gallery is CLOSED on Mondays. There are no docents on weekends, and their services are in Korean. You can also rent prerecorded headphones (Korean/English) for ₩3,000. You do not need the help of either in order to enjoy the exhibition. Another warning: this exhibition is extremely crowded. I arrived at the exhibition
If you want something more solid, try looking for clay models of Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas. His hollow eyes and stitched smile are far from frightening. Corpse Bride displays are also quite pretty. Scissorhands, you will be pleased to know that his costume is on display. If you want more of the same, look for Batman’s (No, not the one with Christian Bale) or Catwoman’s (Michelle Pfeiffer version). If you prefer simpler works, take a look at sketches of Stainboy. If you are interested, the exhibition has several short animation clips of him. If you are looking for something more creative (bizarre), look everywhere else. Burton’s caricatures and creatures rarely fail to look demented. There are nails in eyes, open fangs, and artistic blood stains all over framed papers. Ironically, most of them look like something out of a storybook. His works
Whether you visit alone, as a couple, or as/with a child, it will be hard not to find the exhibition intriguing. Towards the end of my tour, I strolled by a video screen on the wall. In the animation, a clay creature was being disemboweled by pliers. Disgusting? Violent? A little girl walked by and caught a glimpse of the ending. She was holding her mother’s hand, looking eager and fascinated. The mother wrapped her arms around the child and told her in Korean, “Hey, let’s watch again from the beginning.”
핵심 단어
기사요약 • 감상평: 괴상하고 혼란스러우면서도 귀엽고 순수하다. • 팀버튼전은 전시품에 대한 카메라 촬영이 금지된다. • 팀버튼전은 아이들에게도 흥미로울 수 있는 전시품들을 전시하고 있다.
• • • • • •
Disproportionate 균형이 안맞는 Quirky 별난 • Caricature 풍자화 Demented 미친 • Macabre 섬뜩한 Hyperbolic 쌍곡선의 • Indicative 표시/상징하는 Intriguing 흥미를 돋우는 Disemboweled 내장을 꺼내다
*Additional Information: Location
Seoul Museum of Art (서울시립미술관)
December 12, 2012 ~ April 14, 2013
Weekdays *Closed Monday
10:00 – 20:00 *Docents available only on weekdays at 11:00 / 14:00 / 16:00 / 18:00
10:00 – 19:00
Website (Korean)
Gift Shop
Available Source: SeMa Official Website
(No.1) 2013. 1. 28. ~ 2013. 2. 3.
Ways to improve dental health
Nights of Dubai
By Lee Jae-sung
By Lee Seung-kon
What better way to start the New Year than with a healthier smile? Boston Chungplant Dental Clinic is famous for its high quality dental care based on diligence and outstanding service. Boston Chungplant Dental Clinic is located near Sadang, one of the busiest districts of Seoul. It is rapidly gaining a reputation amongst dental patients as a popular prosthetic dental clinic specializing in dental implant surgeries. According to the head doctor Dr. Hong Ki-chung from Boston Chungplant Dental Clinic, “a good smile is a reflection of healthy oral condition.” In addition, people with healthy teeth and gums are usually more capable of maintaining overall wellbeing by consuming a variety of healthy foods. Dr. Hong’s suggestions to maintain good oral health include:
·Prevention – Meet dental hygienist at least once every six months. Take a regular dental exam at least once a year. ·Healthy eating – Try to eat low carb foods, and try to avoid simple sugars. Anti-inflammatory food can help fight dental plaque (such as broccoli). ·Daily practice – Brush teeth at least twice a day for two minutes at a time. Use mouthwash. Floss at least once a day.
interpretation of traditional Arab food. By creating such unique “fusion” menus, he has been able to make Arab cuisine fit to satisfy the appetites of picky Korean customers. Once seated, things only get better.
In the harsh cold weather of the Korean peninsula, it seems only natural for us to dream of a quick getaway to a place much warmer, preferably a tropical desert. For those of you seeking adventures under the warmth of the Dubai sun, save the plane ticket and instead take a step into Layaly Dubai, located only a couple of minutes’ walk away from exit 2 of Noksapyeong subway station.
• 사당역 근처에 위치한 보스턴청플란트치과는 보철 및 심미치료에 특화된 치과의원으로 임플란트시술로 환자들 사이에 유명세를 타고 있다. • 보스턴청플란트치과 대표 홍기정 원장의 3가지 치아관리 방법: 1. 6개월에 한번씩 정기검진 받기. 2. 단 음식을 줄이고 브로콜리 같은 소염제 성분이 들어간 음식 섭취는 치석을 줄이는데 도움이 된다. 3. 하루에 2번 이상 2분씩 이빨 닦고 가능하면 가글과 치실 사용하기.
핵심 단어 • Diligence 어있는
• dental hygienist
• Anti-inflammatory
소염제 성분이 들
Unconventional reading skills taught at DangDang By Lee Jae-sung Daechi is the current Mecca of English education in Korea. The multitude of Hakwon institutions, standalone and franchise, cater to various demands regarding English learning. While some focus on the mastery of standardized tests such as College Scholastic Aptitude Te s t ( C S AT ) , TO E F L a n d T E P S , DangDang English Institute (당당영 어학원), accentuates practical reading comprehension skills for high school students. Ms. Yoon Se won and her partners at DangDang English Institute (당당영어 학원) have worked as English teachers for the past six years in Daechi and Mokdong areas. According to Yoon, there are several ways for students to develop reading comprehension skills. She asserts that English teachers often “place too much weight on the
importance of building background knowledge and vocabulary.” While Yoon agrees that background knowledge and vocabulary are necessary, she believes that improving them is not the only method of expanding one’s English aptitude. DangDang does not limit itself to teaching its students by only using standardized material. It emphasizes the use of English comprehension skills in practice as much as its use in standardized tests. Each standardized test does not necessarily test one’s ability in English, but rather one’s familiarity with the type of English presented in the test. According to Yoon, in TOEFL, it is important to objectify the context of the texts and identify the core contents through reading comprehension skills because the texts are academically oriented. For TEPS, readers must be able to grasp the topic, the main idea and especially the logical relationships
between the sentences. Students can engage in the same strategies with CSAT. When reading novels, on the other hand, there tends to be a greater advantage in understanding the plot based on sequential logic. Yoon allocates much of her time in researching how to deliver reading comprehension techniques to students effectively. “I believe that passionate research is like a mother to good lecturing.” – Yoon Yoon maintains a constant discipline for her research in hopes of enhancing the level of English amongst her students.
기사요약 • 당당영어학원은 영어 독해공부에 집중한다. • 대치동과 목동일대에서 지난 6년간 강의를 해온 당당영어학원의 강사들은 독해실력을 늘리는데 여러가지 방법이 있다고 말한다. • 당당어학원의 강사들은 효과적인 강의전달을 위해 연구에 많은 시간을 쏟는다고 한다.
핵심 단어 • multitude 다수 • accentuate 강조하다 • reading comprehension 독해력
Meet Eid “Marko” Almasri. “Is he our tour guide?” you ask. To some extent, yes. Although technically speaking, not really. He is the owner of the restaurant. But he’ll be kind enough to “walk you through” Arab cuisine 101; he will explain how the dishes are prepared, and help you choose which ones you should try first if you’re new to Arabic food. He even speaks Korean. Try beating that. His favorite hobby is the seemingly peaceful act of smoking Hooka. But be aware, for this talkative restaurant owner takes much pleasure in entertaining his customers with stories of his life and culture. “I’ve heard of Dubai, but what’s ‘Layaly’?” you may ask. That’s Arabic for “nights.” That’s right. Dubai nights (better known to us as Arabian nights). The founding philosophy of this restaurant is to familiarize Koreans with Arab food. In order to accomplish this goal, Marko has a unique European
The emotional pleasure of looking down on the picturesque view of Noksapyeong, accompanied by the exotic interior design which walks you through the history of Arab culture, will only be magnified by the sensual feeling of your glands savoring the renowned “Leg of Lamb” dish. Contrary to conventional lamb dishes, this lamb is prepared by Marko’s secret recipe, which removes the bad odor that lamb normally has, hence making it much more enjoyable to customers. Whether you dip your bread in Mutabal or Hummus, you really can’t go wrong. Other dishes Marko takes great pride in include the Laheum Azine, Musaqua, Sayadieh Dazine, and Duck Dazine. Wine and beer is served as well for customers, so don’t be afraid of walking into a restaurant free of alcohol, as you would expect of a restaurant from Muslim culture. As an exclusive offer for the readers of The Corea Courier, Layaly Dubai offers an additional 10% discount along with this coupon. Layaly Dubai L o c a t i o n : S e o u l , Yo n g s a n - g u , Itaewon-dong, 527, 3rd floor Contact Info: (02) 702-5887 Open for 365 days a year, from 11:00AM to 2:00AM Homepage: layallidubai
10% Discount For all dishes at Layaly Dubai Valid through June 31, 2013
기사요약 • ‘라얄리 두바이’는 아랍음식을 한국인 입맛에 맞게 유럽풍으로 해석 한 퓨전 레스토랑이다. • 주인 이드 “마르코” 알 마스리는 수다스럽지만 친절한 “빡빡이 아저 씨” 이다.
핵심 단어 • Peninsula • Picturesque
반도 아름다운
• Exotic 이국적인 • Renowned 유명한
(No.1) 2013. 1. 28. ~ 2013. 2. 3.
대한민국의 영어교육은 어휘와 문법, 듣기에만 초점이 맞춰져 있습니다. 그러나 영어를 하나의 언어로써, 문화로써 배우고 싶다면, 교과서 영어로는 한계가 있습니다. 이러한 한계를 극복할 방법을 소개해드리고자 저희 코리아쿠리어에서 노래 감상을 통해 편한 마음으로 공부 할 수 있도록 매주 유명한 팝송의 영자와 한글 가사를 발행합니다. 여러분의 눈과 귀는 물론이고 평소에도 흥얼거리면서 입까지 열리게 해줄 코쿠의 ‘Music Script’섹션을 소개합니다
Screen English 영화 속 명대사 Forrest Gump (1994) 포레스트 검프
Across the Universe – The Beatles
Forrest Gump (1994) is a highly accalaimed epic romance-drama film that depicts the life of Forrest Gump. The film has won numerous awards for best picture and well-received by critics at the time of its debut. The above scene shows Forrest proposing his feelings toward childhood crush Jenny.
Words are flowing out Like endless rain into a paper cup They slither while they pass They slip away across the universe Pools of sorrow, waves of joy, Are drifting through my opened mind Possessing and caressing me
단어/말들이 흘러나온다 종이컵에 끝없이 들어오는 비처럼 [말은] 스르르 지나가고 우주 속으로 미끄러진다 슬픔의 웅덩이/수영장(과) 기쁨의 파도(는) 나의 열린 정신 속에 떠다닌다 (나를) 사로잡고 어루만진다.
Jai guru deva om ( )* Nothing’s gonna change my world x 4
신비로운 구루에게 영광 아무것도 나의 세상을 바뀌지 않을 것이다
Jenny: “You can’t keep doing this. You can’t keep trying to rescue me!” 제니: “제발 이러지 좀 마. 자꾸 날 구하려 하지 말라구!”
Images of broken light Which dance before me like a million eyes They call me on and on across the universe Thoughts meander Like a restless wind inside a letter box They tumble blindly as they make their way across the universe
깨져버린 빛의 이미지들은
Forrest: “I can’t help it. I love you” 포레스트: “어쩔 수 없어. 나는 너를 사랑해”
내 앞에서 백만 개의 눈처럼 춤춘다 그들은 계속 우주 속에서 나를 부른다 생각들이 거닐고 있다 편지 상자 안에 있는 쉴 틈 없는 바람처럼 (생각들은) 맹목적으로 우주 속에서 굴러 다닌다.
Jai guru deva om ( )* Nothing’s gonna change my world x 4
Sounds of laughter, shades of life Are ringing through my opened ears Inciting and inviting me Limitless undying love Which shines around me like a million suns, It calls me on and on across the universe
웃음 소리들, 생의 색깔들(은) 나의 열린 귀를 통해 울린다 나를 자극하고 초대한다 끝없고 영원한 살랑은 나를 돌며 백만개의 별처럼 빛난다. 계속 우주 속에서 나를 부른다
Jai guru deva om ( )* Nothing’s gonna change my world x 4 Jai guru deva ( )* [repeat]
신비로운 구루에게 영광 아무것도 나의 세상을 바뀌지 않을 것이다 신비로운 구루에게 영광 [반복]
*참고해주세요! Jai guru deva om 영어가 아니라 Sanskrit이라 하는 언어입니다. Nothing’s는 nothing is 의 줄인 말 입니다. Gonna는 going to의 줄인 말 입니다.
Korean and English PROVERB Which of the two sentences below is the correction translation of “사공이 많으면 배가 산으로 간다?”
“Too many boatmen send the ship to the mountain” ( ) “Too many cooks spoil the broth” ( )
정답 “Too many boatmen send the ship to the mountain” (X) “Too many cooks spoil the broth” (O) 해설 In Korea, there is an expression, “사공이 많으면 배가 산으로 간다,” which, in direct translation, is equal to “Too many boatmen send the ship to the mountain.” It means too many people trying to lead a group into different directions will eventually bring a less desired outcome. The correct English expression is “Too many cooks spoil the broth.”
포레스트 검프 (Forrest Gump)라는 영화는 미국 영화 중에 최고의 명 작 중 하나로 꼽히는 영화이다. 포레스트(Forrest)는 선천적으로 두뇌 발달이 일반 사람들보다 더디 다. 포레스트는 자신의 첫사랑인 제니(Jenny)를 항상 따라다니며 위험에 처해 있을 때 주저하지 않고 제니를 도와준다. 밑에 장면은 그가 제니 에게 사랑을 고백하는 장면이다.
Jenny: “Forrest, [sighs], you don’t know what love is” 제니: “포레스트, [한숨], 넌 사랑이 뭔지 몰라”
(No.1) 2013. 1. 28. ~ 2013. 2. 3.
Easy Mandarin 中文
A: What are you studying?
A: 你 学习 什么? Nǐ xuéxí shénme?
B: I am studying Chinese.
B: 我 学习 汉语。 Wǒ xuéí Hànyǔ.
A: Where do you study?
A: 你 在 哪儿 学习? Nǐ zài nǎr xuéxí.
A: Do you think Chinese is hard?
B: I study at Korea University.
B: I think listening and speaking is relatively easy. Reading and writing is very difficult.
B: 我 在 韩国 大学 学习。 Wǒ zài hánguǒ dàxué xuéxí. A: 你 觉得 汉语 难 马? Nǐ juéde Hànyǔ nán ma? B: 我 觉得 听,说,比较 容易,读,写 很 难 Wǒ juéde tīng, shuō bǐjiào róngyì, dú, xiě hěn nán.
New Words 生词 汉语 (hànyǔ) [n]: Chinese 중국어 大学 (dàxué) [n]: college 대학교 觉得 (juéde) [v]: feel, think 생각하다, 느끼다 比较 (bǐjiào) [adv]: comparatively 비교적 学习 (xuéxí) [v]: study 공부 容易 (róngyì) [adj]: easy 쉽다 难 (nán) [adj]: hard 어렵다
PART 5 1. We have waited for six hours in a meeting room to see the mayor _______ 9 a.m. (A) while (B) after (C) since (D) form
2. I tried in _______ to persuade our client to delay the contract date. (A) vain (B) giving up (C) endless (D) best effort
3. As in _______ years, Anderson Corporation has 4. The famous automobile manufacturer, General Motors announced a plan to _______ a plan to hire more employees for this year. hundreds of employees due to sluggish (A) since economy. (B) later (A) employ (C) previous (B) recruitment (D) those (C) scout (D) fire
Solutions!! 1.정답: (C)
2.정답: (A)
해석 : 우리는 오전 9시부터 시장님을 보기 위해 회의실에서 6시간 동안 기다렸다.
해석 : 나는 업무적 고객을 설득하여 계약날짜를 미루려 했지만 허사였다.
단어 : mayor: 시장 meeting room: 회의실
단어 : Contract: 계약 Delay: 미루다 In vain: 헛되이
해설 : 계속을 나타내는 현재완료 시제와 어울리는 전치사는 출발점을 나타내는 ‘since’ 이다.
해설 : 문맥에 어울리는 관용적 표현은 ‘in vain’ ( 헛되이) 이다.
3. 정답: (C)
4. 정답: (D)
해석 : 지난 몇 년처럼 Anderson 회사는 올해 더 많은 인용을 채용할 계획을 가지고 있다.
해석 : 자동차 생산으로 유명한 업체인 GM은 악화된 경제상황으로 수백 명의 직원을 해고할 계획을 표했다.
단어 : hire: 고용하다 employee: 고용인 해설 : ‘years’를 수식할 수 있는 형용사가 와야 하며 문맥상 이전의 라는 뜻의 ‘previous’가 와야 한다.
단어 : manufacturer: 생산자 announce: 발표하다 sluggish: 느려진 해설 : 문맥상 ‘fire, dismiss’등이 어울리며, 나머지 보기는 반대로 채용한다는 의미이다.
Job Advertisement
(No.1) 2013. 1. 28. ~ 2013. 2. 3.
Job Description
Job Description
A leading shipping agent in the name of Unipros Limited is continuing its expansion and needs suitable candidates for the following post:
Description : Managing Director: He/She must be well versed with the shipping industry and must have sufficient background knowledge. He/She must be able to independently handle overseas customers and market our services. He/ She must be good in spoken English and English reading comprehension. He/She must be able to ahieve satisfactory results for us in achieving goals. We offer full-time position with \25,000,000/ year plus our attractive benefits. Deadline to tender in your respective resume is on the 15th February, 2013. Interested Candidates should e-mail their resumes at
A leading natural resources company is searching for suitable candidates for the following post:
Description Searching for a Lawyer with 10 years of work experience or more Working Location: Dubai Salary: $220,000 (including benefits)
Principal Accountabilities * To provide the company with legal advice * Represent the company legal interests in relation to employment matters and ensure the overall interests of the company
An Ideal Candidate Description 1. The successful candidate will be a professionally qualified lawyer with the required English skills. 2. Excellent communication skills and the authority and confidence to manage relationships at all levels including at the most senior levels. 3. High level analytical and problem solving skills and the ability to communicate complex issues and concepts to non-lawyers. 4. A collaborative approach to working in a team 5. Adaptable, a proactive approach to problem solving 6. Awareness of implications of cultural diversity for the organization 7. Resilience
구인 광고 (해운회사 사무직)
• • • • • • • • • •
기업명 : 유니프로스 (중견해운회사) 담당업무 : 사무 근무지 : 서울 자격조건 : 남, 녀 / 어학능력 등등 남녀불문 , 영어독해시험봄 고용형태 : 정규직 근무기간 : 시험통과시 3.1부터 근무 우대조건 : 영어능통자 마감일 : 2월 15일 급여 : 년 2,500 만원 이력서는
Deadline to tender in your respective resume is on February 15, 2013. Interested candidates should e-mail their resumes at
구인 광고 (변호사)
• • • • • •
Employment Job Description A leading natural resources company is searching for suitable candidates for the following post:
Job Description
경력 : 10년 이상의 변호사 선호 연령대 : 30대 후반 40대 초반 해외 E&P 사업 국제계약 경력자 근무지 : 두바이 영어로 구술 및 문서 작성에 능통한자 급여 : 미화 ㅏ150,000 복지수당 미화 70,000 총 220,000 (원화 약2억5천) 이력서는
Job Title: Tax Officer Department: Finance & Administration Reports to Sr. Accountant Location: Dubai Salary: Negotiable
Basic Functions
Set up and perform tax accounting procedure
Key Activities (Describe briefly major duties performed)
General & Technical Under general supervision, completes tax provisions, computations, and statutory returns, and handles straightforward correspondence with external revenue bodies Prepares and submits standard tax returns, assisting in the preparation of more complex computations and information for published accounts and forecasts Responds to straightforward correspondence with governmental revenue bodies under little or no supervision Provide interpretive counsel on tax matters Ensure compliance of the company with the related tax laws
Knowledge, Skills and Experience
1~2 years in tax related experience and understanding of relative techniques
Deadline to tender in your respective resume is on February 15, 2013. Interested candidates should e-mail their resumes at
Employment Job Description A leading natural resources company is searching for suitable candidates for the following post:
Description Searching for a Administration Assistant Working Location: Dubai Salary: \3,000,000/month (excluding tax)
Principal Responsibilities organizational departmental planning performance management and improvement systems organization development employment and compliance to regulatory concerns regarding employees policy development and documentation employee relations company-wide committee facilitation company employee and community communication; compensation and benefits administration Deadline to tender in your respective resume is on February 15, 2013. Interested candidates should e-mail their resumes at
구인 광고
구인 광고
• • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • •
근무지 : 두바이 직책 : 회계 업무 급여 : 협상 후 결정 숙소제공 휴가 년 30일 여행티켓 제공 세무 회계 분야 1년 이상 근무자 우대 영어 능통자 우대 이력서는
근무지 : 두바이 직책 : 행정 보조 급여 : 세 후 3600만원 숙소제공 휴가 년 30일 여행티켓 제공 여성우대 영어능통자우대 이력서는
(No.1) 2013. 1. 28. ~ 2013. 2. 3.