You Should Know About This
There are so many illnesses and ailments that could invade out bodies, micro-organisms such as parasites, bacteria, viruses, pathogens and fungi can play havoc with the delicate environment inside our bodies with the smallest change causing a big upset. The common cold and yeast infections are some of the most popular types of problems that people deal with and Candida has become a well known issue for many.
The digestive tract are where many problems occur, including Candida. So, what is Candida? It is a fungus that resides in the colon of every person and, when the environment of this area is changed, it begins to flare and grow, causing the host an array of health issues. It infects the blood flow with waste products which is then transported to cells and organs, causing them to be impaired and to become a vessel for the Candida. At this stage, the Candida continues to grow and to become more toxic which leads to inflammation and tissue damage.
One of the main reasons that causes the initial growth of the Candida fungus is poor immunity which derives from lack of nutrients. Nutrients play an important role in maintaining a well-balanced ecosystem inside the body and, when they are severely lacking, certain systems within the body become ineffective, such as the immune system. Diet also plays an important part in Candida’s growth and development, not just due to the lack of nutrients being consumed from food but also because sugar is one of the main ingredients in our food choices. Sugar feeds the Candida, it thrives on it, so with a high sugar diet, the Candida is able to feed and grow with incredible speed. Alcohol suppresses the immune system and also a lack in fibre restricts the amount of fatty acids being produce which in turn allows Candida to grow.
Antibiotics are regularly prescribed to patients, even if the illness cannot be cured by this medicine. Candida growth can be stimulated by antibiotics being overused because the bacteria that completes with the Candida for space and food is wiped out by the medicine, thus leaving plenty of room and food for the Candida to thrive. This could also lead to toxins being released by the dead bacteria and these toxins work as an immunosuppressant which, in turn, also provides a good environment for the Candida to grow.
So, what is so bad about Candida? Well, there are a large number of symptoms and problems that come hand in hand with this fungi. Things like bloating, fatigue, acne and headaches can be considered relatively mild effects of Candida, however, there are far worse symptoms. Candida can also cause sinusitis, IBS, hypothyroidism, multiple sclerosis, hypoglycemia and epilepsy. There are ways and means to treat Candida naturally, such as changing to a low sugar and no yeast diet that can create an equilibrium; this will allow the Candida levels to drop and to bring your body back to perfect harmony.