Editors’ welcome Editors’ welcome Editor
TERM FOUR BABY!! Welcome everyone to the last edition of the hilarian for 2021! It’s been a rocky and wild ride getting here but we made it. We’re so excited to break the curse and finally publish an Issue 4. While this is a slightly shorter Issue, you can still look forward to more mean horoscope content, Christina’s movie/tv recommendations, and of course, a banging summer playlist to listen as you read this Issue. Oh, and definitely feel free to procrastinate your exam study by doing a cheeky puzzle or two ;) We would also like to say a big hello to Jackson, our new editor for the forth and final hilarian edition this year. We’re so grateful for his amazing contribution in pulling Issue 4 together. The editing team has changed a lot over the course of 2021 but Jenny, our skilled graphic design queen, has pulled us all together each issue and got the magazine over the line. So a huge props to her and all her lit graphics <3 Well, I guess this means this is more of an Editors’ Goodbye than a Welcome... But we had so much fun creating content and for you and making you laugh (hopefully) this year. While this is the end of the 2021 Hilarian, we are so excited to see what the 2022 Editors come up with :)) Lots of love to all for the final time, Jenny, Isabel and Jackson