I give honor and praise to the Great Architect of the Universe, I give my most humble heartfelt thanks for all the goodness, and loving kindness to me, my family, and all mankind. MWGM The Honorable Noel C. Osborne Sr., I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve this great jurisdiction. As the Regional Deputy Grand Master for the Northern Region, I also would like to thank you for your mentorship, guidance, and support throughout my Masonic Career. That being stated I would like to leave the Craft with this message:
as church gatherings, youth activities for the
WHAT DO MASONS Knights of Pythagoras and celebrations for Juneteenth with our communities. We also DO? make Masons and ceremoniously bury our dead. Masons are caring, compassionate Masons spread the cement of brotherly and charitable men. Freemasonry teaches love and affection among its membership us that charity is the most important act and the community at large in which that we can and must do if we are to get into they live. We care about the homeless, heaven, where all good Masons hope to the hungry, the sick, in the downtrodden. arrive. We learned by the parable of “Jacob ladder”, that extended from earth to heaven, had three principal rounds of which are denominated as Faith, Hope, and Charity which admonishes us to have faith in God, Hope in immortality, and Charity to all mankind.
The greatest of these is Charity. For Faith may be lost in sight. Hope end in fruition, but Charity extends beyond the grave, through the bondless realms of eternity. Our goals, hopes, and endeavors, are to make the world a better and kinder place, one Brother at a time.
THE MEASURE OF A MASON Remember those words you heard echoing throughout the chamber as you stood in the Northeast corner of the lodge by the Worshipfull Master. ‘You now there stand and upright man and a Mason, and I give it to you strictly in charge to ever walk and act as such, before God and man’…. These words marked the beginning of your journey in search for light in more light in masonry. Following the ceremonial right of making you a Mason and a brother, the learning and enlightenment of the Masonic order would start, with many questions… what do Masons do? What makes a man a Mason? And what are Masons goals? There are many more questions that can be asked however, I will only touch on What Masons do. 12
We endeavor to make a difference in their lives and in the communities, we live in through, contributing to local food banks, contributing educational supplies for the school children, providing annual scholarships to children seeking college education, supplying coats to the homeless in the winter months, and providing toys to underprivileged children at Christmas. We take care of our widows, participate in community activities, such
To summarize: A Mason is an awesome Brother with a heart of gold, filled with the Love of God. Although brethren may disagree on issues from time to time, it is said, that they Love each other mightily and always strive for peace and harmony. Fraternally, R.W. Walter E. Hynson Jr., 33° Regional Deputy Grand Master Northern Region