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ADVERTISING SALES advertising@thenabd.org.uk
TEL 0844 415 4849
The NABD Unit 20, The Bridgewater Centre Robson Avenue Urmston Manchester M41 7TE
Telephone: 0844 415 4849
Email: office@thenabd.org.uk Web: www.nabd.org.uk
Articles on varied relevant subjects for inclusion in Open House are always welcome from all members.
Email or post your articles to the contact details above. Please enclose original photographs or digital images of good quality/size (750kb minimum) on a CD - please do not embed in word documents as we cannot use them. Also images printed on inkjet printers or using plain paper are of no use whatsoever so please don’t send them.
Submissions may be edited before publishing. Please remember that articles received after copy dates CANNOT be included.
Copy Date for the next issue of Open House (Issue 103) is 31st March 2023.
The was set up in April 1991 by a group of people in Manchester who believe that disabled people should have full access to the independence and freedom of motorcycling.
During the past twenty - odd years, this unique Association has immensely.
The membership of the has increased to over 7,500 individuals from all over Britain, Eire and Europe with well over 150 clubs, groups and businesses affiliating to show their support of our aims.
The NABD has many diverse aspects including:
Financial Grants
To assist with the cost of special adaption work to bikes and trikes to suit the individual requirements of disabled riders. These grants range from £500.00 to £2,000.00 dependant on the type of machine and the specific needs of the disabled rider.
NABD grants are also now available toward the costs of refresher training and assessments.
Assessments and Training
The NABD has a number of “learner legal” 125cc machines, which are adapted to suit various disabilities.
These machines are lent to disabled riders free of charge for the purposes of professional training/ tests and rider assessments.
The NABD also offer financial help with the cost of refresher training for riders who have become disabled due to traumatic accidents or who have endured a protracted period of time off the road.
4 Open House
The NABD has negotiated discount rates for members from some of the more reputable companies. Where an individual has difficulty obtaining a reasonable quotation we will attempt to negotiate a satisfactory conclusion.
Bikesure Insurance (part of the Adrian Flux Group) in cooperation with the NABD operate a unique discounted insurance scheme for our members.
It is our belief that; “When it comes to motorcycling, a disability should not be a handicap”.
The NABD has a wide network of appointed representatives throughout Britain who co-ordinate the efforts of local members and organise regular meetings and fund-raising events.
The NABD is constantly trying to educate the organisers of motorcycle events to the fundamental needs of disabled riders. Many organisers now ask our advice on facilities for people with disabilities as a matter of course.
NABD information and publicity stands attend a large number of motorcycling and disability events each year throughout the British Isles.
The NABD’s quarterly magazine, Open House, which gives a broad view of the work of the association, is available to every NABD member and affiliate and to other supporters and interested parties.
The adaptions made to motorcycles and trikes are as varied as current technology will allow.
Adaptions range from simple re-siting of existing controls, to the fitting of specially designed kits or even the building of specialised vehicles where necessary to suit the particular needs of a disabled rider.
Due to the detailed engineering work involved, the NABD utilises a network of professional engineers throughout Britain and Eire.
The NABD holds many events around Britain throughout the year. These NABD events range from major annual motorcycle rallies to smaller fund-raising activities.
Although these events are intended primarily to raise funds, they have gained a reputation for being good value, quality entertainment.
Several of the more regular events are now classed as some of the best on the motorcycle scene.
The administration of the NABD is financed entirely from the proceeds of membership fees and our own direct fund-raising efforts.
All donations made to the NABD are used solely to fund the adaption grants and other services offered to disabled riders by the Association.
The NABD is a voluntary association. We only have two paid employees, a full-time office administrator and a full-time admin assistant. The gross turnover of the NABD for 2018-1019 was over £245.000.00.
Other Funding
The NABD are constantly seeking funding from sources like the National Lottery and the European Union.
We are also seeking sponsorship from commercial interests and the motorcycle industry in particular.
NABD membership is available to anyone with a love of motorcycling irrespective of disability. Each member receives a members pack, the Open House magazine and discount prices on some items of NABD merchandise.
Also, and perhaps more importantly, members get the chance to help lots of people enhance their lives in a practical and constructive way.
Affiliations from motorcycle clubs and businesses are also very welcome. See www.nabd.org.uk for further details, or contact the NABD office (contact details on page 3).
The NABD has several objectives concerning the rights and safety of disabled riders, we are regularly consulted on issues relating to disabled motorcycling by the DVLA, DfT, VOSA, DSA, and the Highways Agency.
We also work closely with MAG and BMF on many issues affecting the rights of bikers.
The Future
Over the years the NABD has helped thousands of people with disabilities to enjoy the independence and the freedom of motorcycling.
With the continued support of the biking community the NABD will remain the world’s foremost support group for disabled bikers!
NABD Website: www.nabd.org.uk
Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/TheNABD
Email: office@thenabd.org.uk
The views and opinions expressed in Open House are not necessarily those of the editor or the NABD and no responsibility can be accepted for any action taken as a result of reading any of the information herein.
Reproduction of this magazine in whole or part is prohibited without prior permission of NABD.
On behalf of the Trustees and
It was pointed out to me recently that, as we approach the 32nd anniversary of the NABD, I have now spent half of my life as the NABD Chairman. Now there’s a sobering thought!
When I was asked to take on the Chairman’s post in 1992, I replied “I can give it a year, to help get everything running smoothly, but then I have other things to do…” As it transpires, many of those “other things” are still on my ‘to do’ list!
I think it fair to say that the NABD well-and-truly took over my life, as it has with a number of other stalwart people that it has come to heavily rely upon.
I will freely admit that had anybody suggested 30+ years ago that I would spend half of my life as an unpaid volunteer for a registered charity, I would have thought them to be completely mad but now I wonder in which of us that madness truly resided.
I will not deny that being actively involved in the
NABD on a daily basis takes its toll, both physically and psychologically, but there is also a great joy to be had in being part of something that really changes people’s lives for the better.
Still, it is what it is and the job is not done yet, so perhaps I still have a few years in me and I hope the same can be said of the other members of the National Committee, some of whom have been in-post for more than 20-years themselves (insanity obviously loves company) and all of whom are completely dedicated to the aims of the NABD.
Sad Losses:
Since the last issue of Open House was published, we have been notified of the deaths of two ex-NABD-Committee members.
Dave Silburn and Adrian ‘Lemmy’ Straughan were both staunchly dedicated to the NABD and both had served long tenures as National Committee members and Trustees of this great charity in previous years.

Committee Members of the NABD, I offer a somewhat belated ‘Happy New Year’ and ‘Best wishes for 2023’ to all NABD members and supporters.
I have written more detailed eulogies elsewhere in this issue but I felt it only fitting that they were included in the ‘Chairman’s Chunk’ if only to offer the accolade that, they were of the best of us, and as such, they will always be remembered with pride and affection!
New Arrival:
On a happier note, the National Committee recently welcomed Tracey Tynan, who has taken on the post of Membership Secretary, which in turn has freed-up Mark Mayo (previously Membership Secretary) to take on the Club Affiliations Coordinator role, which in turn has freed-up more time for Vic Hawkes (previously Club Affiliations Coordinator) to dedicate to his role as Open House Magazine Editor.
In addition to being a keen volunteer with organisational skills, Tracey is also the partner of our esteemed Webmaster, Simon Freedman. The fact that they live under the same roof has obvious, and immediately apparent, advantages where the on-line membership system is concerned.
We welcomed Tracey with open arms, and a large backlog of work to get stuck into. True to form, she immediately dived in and has got things up and running in impressively short order.
NABD Services - Firing on All Cylinders Once Again:
After the unavoidable hiatus throughout 2020 and the extreme uncertainty of 2021 the core services of the NABD, such as the Adaptation Grant Scheme and the Learner Loaner Scheme began to get back on track in early 2022. For the past sixmonths or so, both of these services and several others have been fully operational once again though, as expected, the level of general donations to the NABD has been slow to recover after the pandemic and they are still a long way short of the pre-pandemic level.
Despite the significantly lower amount of donations coming in we have managed to keep-up with demand on both the Adaptation Grants and the Learner Loaners.
Roughley’s Bike Show:
This Stockport-based one-day show has been an unwavering supporter of the NABD for many years and, despite having their own hiatus during the
pandemic, the 2022 show exceeded all expectation and became their most successful show to date!
The proceeds of this show are split between a number of charities and non-profit organisations and the NABD was a recipient of a very welcome and much-needed £2,000.00 donation from their 2022 show.
Such was the success of the 2022 show that, in addition to the donations made to their regular charities, they also donated £2,000.00 to the Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) and a very welcome £800.00 to The Hulse Towers Hedgehog Refuge (a registered charity), which is a hospital for sick and injured hedgehogs run by myself and my lovely wife Mandy.
On behalf of the NABD, and The Hulse Towers Hedgehog Refuge, I offer our heartfelt thanks and our unmitigated admiration to the small but extremely dedicated crew who organise and run Roughley’s Bike Show!
Bravo, one and all!
The 30th Anniversary and ‘Last-Ever’ You’ve Been Nabbed Rally…
May 5th-7th 2023 at The Royal Cheshire Showground
Just to clarify the situation about the 2023 event being the last ever You’ve Been Nabbed Rally.
We will be replacing this iconic rally with new events that will be just as wonderful though probably somewhat smaller and hopefully easier to manage and populate.
The You’ve Been Nabbed rally was originally designed to cater for 3,000 people but numbers have been dropping steadily since 2015 to below 2,000.
Sadly, many bikers (particularly those with disabilities) are now getting to the stage-of-life where camping is just not pleasurable (or in many cases even practical or possible) and we have been struggling to get enough people attending to justify the huge amount of time and expense involved in putting-on such a large-scale event.
This issue has been affecting other events in exactly the same way so it is not a problem that
Open House Issue 102 7
is particular the this NABD event, though we probably feel it more keenly due to the larger proportion of people with disabilities who have traditionally attended our events.
Also, the You’ve Been Nabbed rally requires more than 120 volunteer marshals working in shifts over the weekend and many of our regular volunteers are people with disabilities. Over recent years, as volunteers have got older and/or their disabilities got worse, it has become quite a struggle to find enough people who are willing or able to do this essential work.
When you add into that mix the fact that at least ten of our regular long-standing stalwart marshals have died over the past five years, you can probably understand the difficulties we face.
After the 30th Anniversary rally next May, we will be planning some new events that will hopefully offer camping and alternate accommodations for those who now find camping unfeasible and where the number of necessary volunteer marshals is significantly reduced.
We may well continue to run events where camping is the main form f accommodation but where fewer people need attend to put the event into profit. After all, in addition to being very high-quality social events, NABD rallies are also an important facet of our overall fundraising strategy.
We remain committed to maintaining the level of quality in our events that the You’ve Been Nabbed rally has always provided and, of course, the work of the National Association for Bikers with a Disability will continue as it has for the past 32 years.
We are hoping that the 2023 event, being the 30th Anniversary rally as well as the last ever You’ve Been Nabbed rally, will see an upsurge in attendance so that this iconic event can end on a high, as it truly deserves to.
Advance tickets are available at £35.00 each via https://nabd.co.uk/shop3/6-rally-tickets (or by phone on 0161 749 7050 when the NABD office reopens on January 3rd 2023)
On behalf of the Trustees of the NABD and all of those stout-hearted folk who have been involved
in making this rally such an iconic event over the years, I would like to thank everybody who has attended in the past and those who will come along next May to help us celebrate 30-years of this very special event!
See poster and further information about the rally elsewhere in this issue of Open House.
Volunteer Marshals Wanted:
If you feel able to donate a minimum of 4-hours per day (Friday, Saturday & Sunday) at the 30th You’ve Been Nabbed rally to help marshal the event, please contact Tina via rallysec@thenabd.org.uk for further information.
NB. We also ask that, those volunteers who can, turn-up on the Thursday to help with the site setup.
Volunteer marshals are well looked-after at the event, with two free meal each day and free tea/ coffee and soft drinks throughout the event.
We also have a Marshal’s-Only Party on the Sunday evening after the litter-picking etc. where marshals can get together and sooth their aching muscles with copious amounts of free booze, free food and the camaraderie of other equally heroic folk. (And this year the Monday is a Bank Holiday, so hopefully more people can stay for the party).
RickNABD Chairman Open
Scan here to visit: The NABD Shop
Scan here to visit: The NABD Website

Scan here to purchase: YBN30 Tickets

Graham’s mint Kawasaki ZX-10
Graham used to own a Kawasaki ZX-10 ‘back in the day’ and was his dream bike. But due to an injury he was unable to enjoy it to the fullest. He decided to find another one and after three years of searching he found this one in immaculate condition with only 16000 miles on it.

However, in 2018 he ended up in hospital for seven weeks with a perforated gallbladder. Complications set in as he developed sepsis, which is a potentially life-threatening condition.
‘Six months later I was in hospital having my gallbladder removed and developed sepsis again. I was rushed in on a Wednesday evening for emergency surgery to remove an infected blood clot and the surgery saved my life.’
But the resultant damage from the sepsis meant that Graham was unable to continue to ride his beloved ZX-10
‘The Sepsis has destroyed the balance receptors in the back of my brain’
‘It has left me with physical scars and mental scars too. I suffer with PTSD as a result and serious depression. I also had a knee replacement that was done incorrectly so I need a knee revision.’
As he could no longer ride his ZX-10 he decided to have it converted into a trike so he could still enjoy it.
‘With a lot of research, I decided to send it to Steve and the crew at Casarva Trikes and what a superb job they have done.’
As well as the trike conversion, Graham also had a Kliktronic K-lever2 twin lever brake kit and a gear changer fitted. He applied to the National Association for Bikers with a Disability to help with the costs for the K-2 levers through the grant system, which was approved.

‘The finishing touch and to future proof it I got the Kliktronic brake system and I’m so grateful for the grant.’
Graham would like to thank everyone at the NABD and everyone who supports the charity.
I’m sure you’ll agree, it certainly is a beautiful bike, and an excellent conversion.
This grant of £650.00 was sponsored by John Thompson and David Williams (Botanicals Fundraiser)
Casarva Trike conversations can be found at https://www.casarva.co.uk or call them on 01733 234 942
For more information on the Kliktronic K-2 lever and gear changer, visit: https://www.kliktronic.co.uk or call 01359 242100
(Entropy... with tents)
the last weekend of April, I was compering on the main stage at the ‘Into the Valley’ Rally at Driffield Showground and on the Saturday afternoon I presented my first ‘Smacked Arse Comedy Show’ of the year.
This was my first rally in nine months, due to the privations of the pandemic having put the mockers on so many events once again.
Though I had been looking-forward to getting back to rallies and entertaining the finest audiences on the planet, I feel no shame in admitting to being somewhat less excited about the prospect of a return to camping!
I quite enjoyed camping at events even throughout the 1980’s and the early 1990’s when my camping kit consisted of a 1960’s single-pole canvas tent, a piece of tarpaulin for a ground-sheet, six tent pegs and a lightweight sleeping bag with the same tograting as a dishcloth.
In those days I could happily sleep naked in a snowstorm as long as I was pissed enough.
By the latter few years of the 1990’s the relentless march of arthritis had forced me to upgrade my kit to include a modern two-man tent and a somewhat more robust sleeping bag, though I was just as likely to crawl into them at silly o’clock in the morning and grab a couple of hours kip still wearing wet clothes.
Over more recent years, the whole camping thing has grown to be so damned painful and uncomfortable that I now thoroughly detest it,
even when we have the opportunity to use the trailer tent that I bought six years ago.
Unfortunately, the trailer tent is currently in need of new wheels, so as the Into the Valley Rally approached, I contacted Jake at ‘Carry Nowt Camping’, he’s a lovely chap who, for a reasonable fee, will supply you with a good-sized tent and furnishings, ready-erected for you on arrival at the event. (For further info see: https://www.facebook. com/groups/148488665229790/ )
At least I wouldn’t have to go through the torture of crawling about in the wet grass pushing pegs into the ground on arrival and on the Sunday all we had to do was roll-up our sleeping bags and leave!
However, despite having the luxury and relative comfort of ready-made camping, and the great pleasure of introducing some excellent bands and presenting an epic comedy show, by the time we got back to Manchester I was really feeling the effects of a weekend camping.
I’m sure many older readers will understand when I say, the cold and damp had seeped deep into my bones and was making itself known with every movement.
Those who have never felt such torment should consider themselves fortunate and determine to
pack as much joyful foolishness into their lives as they can before the ravages of age and infirmity come knocking and demanding restitution!
Just three-days after our return from the ITV Rally, my lovely wife Mandy and I were in a field near Knutsford to meet the guys who would be settingup two huge marquees and six smaller ones for the 29th You’ve Been Nabbed Rally.
I had been working on organising this event since December and not one single aspect of it had been straight-forward so far. Some regular suppliers of infrastructure and many traditional trade stands had not survived the economic despair of the pandemic and absolutely everything had significantly increased in price due to the runaway inflation caused by the Westminster Clowns.
To say that my stress levels were extremely high, would be an understatement on a par with saying that otters have slightly moist tits!
So, there we were, in yet another field, trying to ensure that the marquees are set-up as per the site-plan I had submitted with the licensing applications. Once the corner pegs of the marquees were in place, Mandy and I began putting-up our own colossal tent, which was to be our home and office for the next five-days. The rain started as we pulled the tent out of its bag, by the time we got the bugger up we are soaked to the skin and my back and knees were screaming out for Gabapentin and Oramorph!
NB. When Khyam claim that a tent is ‘Quick Erect’, it ain’t necessarily so!
The following day we returned to the site where Mandy and two other volunteers set-up more than 100 tables and 600 chairs in the marquees while I put in place the 70+ new signposts that I had made at home earlier in the week and moved eight water points to allow for our new security-dogs zone around the perimeter.
By 2pm, we had 40+ volunteer marshals on site, each of them beavering away like the heroes they are to get the site set-up and ready for the arrival of 2,000+ bikers.
By Friday lunchtime, when the gates officially opened, the number of volunteer marshals had
doubled but we were still well short of the 125+ we usually have working on the event.
I would estimate the average age of our volunteer marshals to be about 45-years-old, and this being a fundraising event organised by The National Association for Bikers with a Disability, many of them suffer from disabilities and medical issues of their own.
By the end of what proved to be an utterly fabulous event, you could feel the pain and fatigue emanating from many of the marshals as they picked litter and began disassembling the event.
I am writing this article exactly one week after returning from the event and I am just getting my pain levels back to ‘normal’. I know for a fact that many of our marshals have suffered similarly or even worse for their efforts, and it is worth mentioning here that none of us receive any pay for these efforts.
So why write this article?
If nothing else, it is a plea to all rally-goers to treat volunteer marshals with the respect they have earned and truly deserve!
It is also a plea to the hearts of some younger, fitter, bikers to volunteer to help the NABD with its 30th Anniversary of the You’ve Been Nabbed rally in May 2023 by contacting Tina via secretary@ thenabd.org.uk because I for one, don’t mind admitting, “I’m getting too old for this shit!”.
Rick Hulse
The Last Ever
You’ve Been Nabbed Rally
Tickets are now on sale for the 30th You’ve Been Nabbed Rally.
May 5th – 7th 2023 at The Royal Cheshire Showground, Flittogate Lane, Tabley, Knutsford, WA6 0HJ.
Get your tickets now and join us in celebration of 30-years of this glorious event (and 32-years of the NABD).
The 30th You’ve Been Nabbed Rally is going to be a spectacular event!
This will be the ‘Last Ever’ You’ve Been Nabbed Rally* (because none of us are getting any younger) so it’s definitely ‘Not to be Missed’!
This 30th Anniversary event will feature:
• An iconic Bike & Trike Show (Sponsored by Back Street Heroes Magazine).
• Two stages featuring live music.
• A huge ‘Smacked Arse’ Comedy Show (with very special guests).
• A Real-Ale festival bar with 40+ Real Ales & traditional Ciders.
• Two traditional bars with booze at low prices.
• Two discos.
• Exotic Dancers.
• 40+ trade stalls.
• Clean, well-maintained toilets.
• Excellent facilities for people with disabilities.
• Hot Showers.
• A wide range of food stalls.
• Professional 24-hour 1st Aid/medical cover.
• Professional security cover.
Royal Coronation Coverage…
A big screen in the Family Marquee on Saturday afternoon for those who wish to watch the Royal Coronation live.
(Unfortunately, this will coincide with the huge ‘Smacked Arse Comedy Show’ in the Adult’s Only Marquee, due very bad planning by the government and the monarchy).
For those who like to dress-up, the Fancy Dress theme on Saturday is ‘Kings & Queens’ etc. (or anything even vaguely related to monarchy).
You don’t have to be an NABD member or a disabled biker to attend and we don’t care how you get there, just so long as you get there!
Advance tickets are £35.00 (before April 30th 2023). The price on-the-gate will be £45.00. (Camping & bike/trike parking are included in the price).
Cars and campervans are welcome (free parking for blue badge holders).
Advance tickets and details of vehicle passes etc. can be found at https://nabd.co.uk/shop3/6-rally-tickets
NB. This is a ‘Strictly No Dogs’ event (except registered & insured disability assistance dogs with accreditation).
Tickets are available via https://nabd.co.uk/ shop3/6-rally-tickets or by phone on 0161 749 7050 (transaction fees apply).
Tickets can also be purchased via the post. Cheques should be made out to ‘NABD’ and sent to: NABD, Unit 20, The Bridgewater Centre, Robson Avenue, Manchester, M41 7TE. (Please enclose an A5 stamped & addressed envelope for return)
For further ongoing information see: https://www. facebook.com/events/496866025599749/
* Though this will be the Last Ever You’ve Been Nabbed Rally, the NABD will continue going from strength to strength and we will be organising some brand-new events in 2024 (if not sooner).
NB. For further information about why this will be the last You’ve Been Nabbed Rally, see the ‘Chairman’s Chunk’ in this issue of the Open House Magazine.
Rick Hulse - NABD ChairmanHave you had a NABD grant? We need your help!
You may have noticed a distinct lack of articles in the magazine about the people who have received a NABD grant and modified their transport.
Well, this isn’t a choice from me, or anyone else. It’s because people seem to be reticent about sending us pictures and a few words on their newly adapted steed.
So, if you have received a grant from the NABD over the past 3 years or so please send me a few words and a couple of photos about it. I am in the situation now where I am having to spread out the very few reports we have received, so that we can have at least one in each magazine. But our members would like to hear where their donations are going.
All you need to do is send me a couple of photos, one of you with the bike/trike or whatever, and one of the adaption.
Obviously, the more pictures the better.
They need to be a minimum of 500Kb for publication (so send me the originals, rather than off Facebook or other social media – they compress the pictures to a much lower size).
If you are not up to writing much, just give me a few words explaining why you applied for the grant, what the grant was for and what it has meant to you since getting it. Any information you like. I can then write something for you.
If you’re not sure, or have any questions, just email me and we can talk about it.

Email me at; openhouse@thenabd.org.uk or you can send it all on a disc or something to the office; NABD, Unit 20, The Bridgewater Centre, Robson Avenue, Urmston, Manchester, M41 7TE. (Please no printed pictures or printed documents... I can’t use them!)
Cheers, Vic

Donated in Excellent Condition by NABD Member, Ian Rothwell YOU COULD WIN THIS TRIKE FOR JUST £1.00
Public draw to take place on S aturday, 6th May 2023 at the 30th You’ve Been Nabbed Rally Winnerswill be notified directly and full results will be published in the NABD Open House Magazine and on www.nabd.org.uk
Card payments are processed via PayPal but you do not need a PayPal Account to buy tickets To purchase over the telephone(min telephone order 5 tickets) ring 0161 749 7050 (10:00am – 3:00pm Mon-Fri) ALL PROCEEDS GO TO THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR BIKERS WITH A DISABILITY (NABD)
membership matters
Hi, Membership Secretary Tracey here.
I just wanted to give you an update 8 months into the role. Our new membership cards are going down a storm, 600 since May sent out and loads of positive comments about them. NABD Reps and Committee cards along with new lanyards also posted.

We have also recognised our Life Members in awarding them with a gold edge certificate, along with new gold membership cards. If you are missing any Year Bars or Member Patches, please let me know.
If you have any queries please don’t hesitate in contacting me by email on membership@ thenabd.org.uk. I don’t often go on our NABD Facebook page so may not see your membership queries. We are also on Twitter @TherealNABD

See you at the NABD National Rally on the 5th to 7th May. You can buy you tickets here: https://nabd. co.uk/shop3/en/6-rally-tickets
Thanks, Tracey
webmaster witterings
Hello, you wonderful people. Here’s an update regarding the IT side of the NABD.
First of all, from the bottom of my heart I’d like to thank everyone who participated in the Online Virtual NABD events we held during COVID Lockdowns. From the Musicians and Comedians, to the compères and most importantly the audiences that joined us, donating so much money & participation to make those events so successful. Those funds certainly saw us through the COVID times financially, but more importantly from a mental well-being point of view, when we weren’t able to be together in a field.
I know we had a couple of technical hitches from time to time, but since it was our first attempts at this sort of event & being thrown into the deep end, I reckon we all did bloody marvellously, considering!
The videos are actually available on the NABD YouTube channel, where you’ll find You’ve Been Nabbed’s Been Nobbled, Smacked Arse Comedy at Virtual Nabdonia 2020, plus all of the musical performances.
It can all be found here: https://www.youtube.com/@thenabd6583
After YBN29 actually went ahead in 2022, the next major project was the introduction of the new Membership Card system, sponsored and provided

by Wilton Site Services. The implementation included a Magicard300 Printer and 2000 printed card stock, which we now print the Member details on each time. The pre-printed elements include the colour Logos on front and back, so the Member info can be printed just using a much cheaper black only ribbon.
We had to wait a while for the card stock to be delivered, & when they arrived it was a matter of learning how the software worked to print the right information, the right way up and on the right side of the card!
It has taken some time around our day jobs, but we’ve now printed over 600 cards & have been tweaking the system to ensure that we don’t miss people out or send two cards to the same person!
It’s still not perfect, but far better than it was. So as we move into 2023 I hope there will be fewer queries to the Membership Secretary. Every active Member will get this Open House and a 2023 Year Bar but, if you think you are missing anything, please let the Membership Secretary know on membership@thenabd.org.uk and we’ll get it sorted out for you.
The Portal also shows whether a card has been printed for you and when. If you have a Membership that auto renews - Monthly or Annually - your card will say “Never” as an Expiry date & we won’t have to issue new ones every year. Those that do have an Annual Membership, your card will have your Expiry date on it & you’ll get a new one when you renew.
Once again I must ask everyone to please
check that we have the right email address on your Account. We do get a number of bounced emails, but I cannot just list the names of people who’s email is incorrect, due to Data Protection considerations.
Please log in to the Membership Portal and check that your information there is correct, including your address and email. The postal address is where we will send your Open House, so if you didn’t get one and you’re reading a friends, either your account is inactive since you haven’t renewed, or your postal address is wrong and it’s gone to your old address!
You can check everything here : https:// membership.nabd.org.uk You can log on with your email address or your Logon name, which will be Surname + Membership Number for people who were members in 2020 when the system was set up (e.g. Smith11796) If you don’t know your Password or have never logged on before, please use the Lost Password option to set a Password you will then use.
The next job on the cards is to make more use of Office365, which the NABD have available to us as a Non-profit Organisation. It was a huge help when COVID struck, since the NABD files are now held in OneDrive and Julie can work from home as well as the office much more easily than before.

If anyone has technical issues regarding the Websites or Memberships etc, please contact me on webmaster@thenabd.org.uk and I’ll do my best to assist you.
Thanks, Simon
VAT Exemptions on the Purchase of New Adapted Motor Vehicles:
HMRC legislation allows for vehicles to be supplied at the ‘0% rate of VAT’ to disabled people who normally use a wheelchair or a stretcher and who need an adapted motor vehicle to enable them to travel safely.
For the purposes of this VAT relief, a wheelchair user is any disabled person who normally uses a wheelchair (electrically powered or otherwise) in order to be mobile (The use of a Mobility Scooter does not qualify the user as a wheelchair user).
This VAT relief also includes disabled wheelchair users who do not need to use their wheelchair all of the time but who can be considered as normally using a wheelchair.
For example, a:
• disabled person with a degenerative condition, such as multiple sclerosis, who uses a wheelchair only when their condition requires it
• lower limb amputees who use a wheelchair when necessary for respite from wearing/using prosthetics etc.
Perhaps the most important thing to remember is, for the whole vehicle to qualify for this VAT relief the vehicle must be permanently adapted, and the adaptations must be completed before the vehicle is supplied to the customer and supplied on the same invoice to qualify for the VAT exemption. The VAT exemption rule will not apply if the vehicle is purchased separately and then subsequently adapted”.
The VAT1615A form (Customer declaration for zerorated VAT supply of an adapted motor vehicle*) must be completed and signed by the person claiming the exemption and this information must be made available to HMRC upon demand.
If adaptations to suit a disability are made to a vehicle after purchase, it is only those adaptations that are 0%-rated for VAT. This requires the signing of an ‘Eligibility Declaration by a Disabled Person’ form**. NB. These rules apply to Motorcycles, Trikes, Motorcycle & Sidecar Combinations, Cars, Vans, Motorhomes etc. Basically, any motor vehicle that has seating for anything up to 12 people, including the driver.
Qualifying Use:
To qualify for zero rating the adapted vehicle must be for the domestic or personal use of the disabled wheelchair user. This means normal everyday use
by the disabled wheelchair user such as going to the shops, taking the children to school, travelling to and from work. It also includes incidental use at work, providing the main use remains as a private vehicle.
Suppliers cannot zero rate vehicles supplied to businesses regardless of who uses them or how they have been adapted. For example, an adapted vehicle that will be used as a taxi or intended for immediate resale at a profit.
VAT Exemption, 3-Year Rule:
As of April 2017, HMRC legislation limits the number of vehicles that can be purchased at the Zero Rate of VAT to one vehicle in any 3-year period.
Therefore, any additional vehicle purchased by an individual within this period of three years will be subject to VAT at the applicable rate; currently 20%.
Exceptions to the 3-year Rule:
There could be occasions when there are reasons why a disabled person needs to replace an adapted motor vehicle within a 3-year period and the normal rules can be waived. These are when the:
• vehicle has been stolen
• vehicle has been destroyed or damaged beyond repair in circumstances beyond the control of the disabled person
• disabled wheelchair user’s condition changes and because of this the vehicle is no longer suitable for use by that person
In order for an exception to the 3-year rule to be made, you will need to provide additional evidence to:
• the supplier of your vehicle – if your previous vehicle has been stolen or destroyed or damaged beyond repair you will need to provide information from insurers, police or details from the garage writing-off the vehicle
• HMRC – if your condition has changed significantly and your adapted vehicle is no longer suitable to meet the needs of your condition, you will need to contact the HMRC helpline
HMRC will then consider the case and send you a letter confirming whether or not the 3-year exception is met. The supplier will not be able to zero rate their supply to you without this confirmation letter.
NB. This 3-year rule does not apply to VAT relief on adaptations carried-out after the point of sale.
VAT Relief on the Repair and Maintenance of Adapted Vehicles: (Including Servicing)
The repair or maintenance of an adapted motor vehicle can be zero-rated when the work relates to a vehicle (or an adaptation to a vehicle) that was eligible for zero rating when it was bought or supplied.
If you take the vehicle for repair or maintenance to a third-party garage you will need to produce the original purchase invoice for the vehicle or adaptation to confirm that it had previously been supplied at the zero rate.
Suppliers that did not supply the vehicle will need to check the original invoice for the purchase of the vehicle to confirm that it was supplied at the zero rate. You should keep a copy for your records.
VAT Relief on Adaptations to Motor Vehicles for Disabled People who do not use a Wheelchair: If a disabled person who is not a wheelchair user needs a motor vehicle to be adapted to meet the needs of their condition, the adaptations can be zero-rated. The vehicle is not eligible for VAT relief but the adaptations may be zero-rated. This requires the signing of an ‘Eligibility Declaration by a Disabled Person’ form**.
VAT Relief on Second-hand Adapted Vehicles: A second-hand adapted vehicle can be zero-rated if the qualifying conditions are met. Although secondhand cars are usually sold on the Second-hand Margin Scheme, this is an optional scheme, not a mandatory one, and an eligible vehicle can be sold outside that scheme and normal VAT practice followed.
NB. The Margin Scheme on second-hand cars and other vehicles (VAT Notice 718/1) has more information about the Second-hand Margin Scheme.
Penalties for Misuse of the VAT Relief System: Penalties will apply to any person who gives an incorrect eligibility declaration to the supplier of a vehicle.
HMRC may raise a tax assessment, if a supplier contravenes the 3-year rule or fails to keep and submit the required eligibility declarations.
Abuse of this VAT relief is not acceptable. This includes people purchasing numerous adapted vehicles within the 3-year period, removing the adaptations and then selling the vehicle on for a profit.
In severe cases of abuse, where fraudulent intent can be established, an individual may be prosecuted in a criminal court.
Open House Issue 102
No Refunds from HMRC after purchase:
This is not a VAT refund system and there’s no facility for HMRC to refund VAT to you if you’re charged VAT incorrectly. If you’re entitled to buy VAT-free goods, your supplier should not charge you VAT. If your supplier refuses to accept your ‘Eligibility Declaration by a Disabled Person’ form and allow the VAT relief, go to a different supplier, because you cannot claim the VAT back once you have paid it.
*The VAT1615A form (Customer declaration for zero-rated VAT supply of an adapted motor vehicle) is available from: https://assets.publishing.service.gov. uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_ data/file/605061/VAT1615A.pdf or, if you ask nicely, Juliewillemail you a copy fromtheNABDoffice: office@thenabd.org.uk
**The VAT ‘Eligibility Declaration by a Disabled Person’ form (for VAT relief on adaptations and services) are availablefromtheNABDofficeviaemail: office@thenabd.org.uk
If you require either of these forms and you do not have access to email or printing facilities you can request them by writing to: NABD, Unit 20, The Bridgewater Centre, Robson Avenue, Manchester, M41 7TE. (Please enclose an A5 self-addressed envelope with a first-classstamponit).
HulseNABD Chairman – January 2023
It was with the utmost heartfelt sadness that I learned today of the death of Dave Silburn on the morning of Sunday 25th September 2022.
Dave was a truly lovely man who, over many years, was a good friend and one of the best official Representatives & National Committee members that the National Association for Bikers with a Disability (NABD) had ever been blessed with, retiring only when repeated chest problems made it impossible for him to continue.
In addition to many years as an active NABD Rep, running stalls at events such as the Stafford Classic Motorcycle show and many others, Dave had spent a number of years administering the NABD’s Learner Loaner Scheme, in which he was instrumental in helping many disabled people to enter, or re-enter, the world of independent motorcycling.
Also, with a boundless energy that belied his advancing years, Dave organised and ran the ‘Hop & Barley Rally’ at Burton-Upon-Trent, with the invaluable assistance of the Unwanted MCC,
raising thousands of pounds for the NABD each year in the process.
Known affectionately by many as “Grandad Dave” and/or “Gandalf” he was often the embodiment of a biker’s refusal to grow old gracefully, even throwing himself out of a perfectly good aircraft in his mid-70’s to raise funds for the NABD.

Latterly Dave had been suffering with dementia and chronic chest problems but he will be longremembered within the NABD as a man with the heart of a lion, a golden soul, an every-ready sense of fun and as an inspiration to so many of us.
The NABD, and the biking world as a whole, is much diminished by the loss of such a man!
RIP Dave, we were truly blessed to have known you and called you friend. xxx
Rick Hulse NABD ChairmanOpen House Issue 102 19
Open House Issue 102
Bikers Hangout
The NABD were invited to take the local stand along for a day out at the Bikers Hangout (www.bikershangout.co.uk) event, which was previously held in Frodsham for a few years, but has now moved to Warrington for this, the third year, after outgrowing its previous venue.

Arriving early, or so i thought, I parked up (yes, I took my car, which I will explain why later) and was met by Karl, one of the organisers. He pointed me in the direction of a grassed area to the rear of the hotel where fellow NABD rep Rosie Brown had her NABD stand already set up.
I had a wander around the event, passed a few other stands and the stage. Further up the field there were food and drink stalls along with the hotels bar. At which point i was reminded by my house trained teenagers (hence the car) that we had passed the food stalls without feeding the rabble.
A few burgers and chips later and they were satisfied enough to head back to the stand at the perfect time to see Rick and Mandy arriving aboard the Can-Am, the NABDs prize draw trike, which
you could win for a quid. (Further details elsewhere in this issue - Vic)
One of my house trained teenagers even helped out on the NABD stand! I think the offer of ice cream was the leverage required.
The band started to play and the drinks were flowing along nicely with the steady queue of people for the NABD prize draw raffle tickets.
Bikers hangout have an app (apparently, this is some mobile phone type techy thingy – Vic) in which you can see where they are and any events they are hosting.
All in all, this was a very well organised event and felt more like a rally that has been going for a few years rather than a day event.
This is one to watch out for and if your free pop on in, you wont be dissapointed.

As editor of the magazine, I normally mess about a bit with any write ups I receive, just to meet editorial needs. However when I read these words from Matt, it touched something deep inside of me so I decided just to leave it as it was written.
I know that every volunteer who does work for the NABD does so for one reason and one reason only. That is to help those who need it get into, or resume, riding.

Matt’s story highlights this reason perfectly. You can tell that it means so much to him, and his partner. Thank you both for sending it in. Vic
BecauseofMatt’scommunicationdifficulties,thecommentsmadebelow were recited to andwritten by his partner, Nita
Matt Iles’ W800 Trike
I was involved in a motorbike accident at the age of 17 and I suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and I was in a coma for 21 days.
My family were told I would probably not survive and if, by a miracle I did, I would be severely disabled.
While in the coma my heart stopped three times and I was resuscitated. I was also read the last rites.
The excellent medical care I received, and the
support of my loving family and many friends helped me to come through this terrible event.
It took many years of rehabilitation to get to where I am now.
Unfortunately, my brain injury has left me with, amongst many other things, physical health issues, communication problems and cognitive impairments.
Despite my life changing accident, I have maintained my love of motorbikes. Open House
One problem I have is very poor balance. This has always prevented me from being able to get back to riding a motorbike.
I met my wonderful partner, Nita, nearly seven years ago and she loves bikes too. I had ridden pillion with her so many times but never dreamed that I could one day ride again.
Nita bought a second motorbike and suggested that my poor balance might not be such a problem on three wheels, maybe a trike might be something to consider. I had never thought of getting a trike and said that I would love to try it.
She gave me her Kawasaki W800 and we approached The Trike Shop to enquire if it was possible to convert this bike to a trike.
Haydn and Bev from The Trike Shop were amazing and told us about the National Association for
Bikers with a Disability. We are proud to say we are now both NABD members.
With the help of Nita and the support of the NABD, I went ahead with the full conversion of the Kawasaki W800 to a trike. I have so far only gone on a few rides on my fantastic new trike, with Nita following on her Triumph America for support.

My balance problem does not cause any issues at all on the trike and I am loving every minute of it.
Thanks to everyone who has made my dream come true.
Roll on the summer!!
MattThis grant was sponsored by the Ulster Vespa Club
For more information on The Trike Shop, visit www.trikeshop.co.uk or call +44 (0)29 2036 9420

Open House Issue 102
Open House Issue 102
Sponsor a Barrel of Real Ale or Cider at The 30th You’ve Been Nabbed Rally

Publicise your event, honour a memory, or just for a laugh, have your message featured on a barrel throughout the event! Individuals, clubs, groups, and/or companies can sponsor barrels of real ale or traditionally brewed ciders for just £75.00 Sponsors can have their name and logo on barrels at the event . They can also rename the ale or cider to promote their own club, group, company or event,or simply for the funof it!
All you have to do is telephone 0161 749 7050 or do it online via https://www.nabd.org.uk/ybn-30/
It’s an excellent way of supporting a great registered charity like The National Association for Bikers with a Disability (NABD) …and it’s tax-deductible for the sponsor!
The YBN30 Rally will be held at The Royal Cheshire Showground, from 5th-7th May 2023
It was with great sadness that I received the news that Adrian ‘Lemmy’ Straughan was diagnosed with Stage-4 Pancreatic Cancer in early October and subsequently passed away on Monday 24th October 2022.
Lemmy had been a dedicated supporter and member of the National Association for Bikers with a Disability (NABD) for many years, first as a volunteer marshal at NABD events in the 1990’s then as an official NABD representative in the early 2000’s and then as an NABD trustee and the Manager of the National NABD Information/Advice Stall at events for more than 10-years.
The level of dedication and commitment shown to the NABD by Lemmy earned him the love and respect of all involved and he became a recipient of the special ‘NABD Chairman’s Award’ for dedication above-and-beyond the call of duty.

On a more personal level, I had known Lemmy as a friend of more than 20-years. We had shared many sessions of hedonism and laughter over the years as well as sharing a dedicated belief in the NABD (and suffering many of the battle-scars, both physical and psychological, that are all too
common to those of us who form its front-line).
I was also honoured to be the best man at Lemmy’s wedding, despite being prevented from starting my traditional food-fight at the wedding reception.
Though distance and other commitments had conspired to me not actually seeing him over the past few years, I was truly shocked to hear of his diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer and terribly saddened to receive the news of his death. (Though I took some solace in knowing that his period of suffering had been blessedly brief).

Lemmy has earned his place in the NABD roll of honour and he will be remembered with love and respect by those of us who have worked with him and partied beside him.
RIP Lemmy, you’ve done your bit and earned your rest. Many glasses will be raised in your honour in years to come!
We will remember!
Rick Hulse NABD ChairmanOpen House Issue 102
of our Adaptions”. Due available House into and every this article overview of available opmost to suit the disabilities. included the contact are www.nabd.org.uk or reduced/restricted knee or matter of pedal to thumb levers. the rear mechanical extension to the machine. beside the behind it for side of you may the side cured with hand operated the stand to machine.
This is the latest up-date of our “Rough Guide to Adaptions”. Due to the limitations of the available space in the the Open House magazine we can not go into minute detail of each and every option, but hopefully this article will give a fairly good overview of the most commonly available options for the adaption of most motorcycles and trikes to suit the needs of riders with disabilities. Where possible we have included the web-site addresses or other contact details of manufacturers. More comprehensive details are available on www.nabd.org.uk or from the NABD office: office@thenabd.co.uk
Left Leg: (Amputation, reduced / restricted strength / mobility in the knee or the ankle joints):
The easiest method would be to use an electrongic gear change system such as the Kliktronic push button gear-changer www.kliktronic.co.uk. This unit works by pushing two buttons on the handlebars that operate an electronic actuator connected to the gear pedal. The Kliktronic gear-changer is supplied as a complete, easy to fit kit, which can be used on all styles of motorcycle.
Another method is to use a cross over linkage to the right side of the motorcycle, mounting the gear pedal either beside or in-front of the rear brake pedal.
Right Leg: (Amputation, reduced/restricted strength/mobility in the knee or the ankle joints):
1. Electronic push button gear-changer (to fit 1” and 7/8” bars) (“on-bar” or “under-bar” push-buttons)
2. “Crossover” to the right side of the motorcycle
This is usually a simple matter of transferring the rear brake pedal to a handlebar-mounted lever. This can take the form of a thumb operated lever or “twin” levers. Another method of adapting the rear brake system is to utilise a mechanical linkage or hydraulic extension to transfer the brake pedal to the left-hand side of the machine. This can be sited either beside the gear pedal or directly behind it for heel operation.
1. Twin levers
2. Thumb brake
3. Crossover to the left side of the motorcycle. For any type of leg disability you may find it difficult to operate the side stand. This can usually be cured with the simple addition of a hand operated actuating lever or moving the stand to the right side of the machine.
Left Leg: (Amputation, reduced / restricted strength / mobility in the knee or the ankle joints):
Right or Left Leg:
For any type of leg disability you may find it difficult to operate the side stand. This can usually be cured with the simple addition of a hand operated lever/linkage or moving the stand to the opposite side of the machine.
Right or Left Leg:
For any type of leg disability you may find it difficult to operate the side stand. This can usually be cured with the simple addition of a hand operated lever/linkage or moving the stand to the opposite side of the machine.
The kliktronic switches, the twin levers and the thumbrake are all available in 1” or 7/8” bar sizes.
The easiest method would be to use an electrongic gear change system such as the Kliktronic push button gear-changer www.kliktronic.co.uk. This unit works by pushing two buttons on the handlebars that operate an electronic actuator connected to the gear pedal. The Kliktronic gear-changer is supplied as a complete, easy to fit kit, which can be used on all styles of motorcycle.
Right Arm: (Amputation, Brachial Plexus Injury, reduced strength/ mobility in hands or fingers or elbow & shoulder joints):
Another method is to use a cross over linkage to the right side of the motorcycle, mounting the gear pedal either beside or in-front of the rear brake pedal.

1. Electronic push button gear-changer (to fit 1” and 7/8” bars) (“on-bar” or “under-bar” push-buttons)
2. “Crossover” to the right side of the motorcycle
This is usually a simple matter of transferring the throttle and front brake lever to the left handlebar. The front brake caliper can then be operated by a “twin lever” in tandem with the clutch lever (see www.klever2.com and/or www.pfmbrakes.com for twin lever kits) or by fitting a thumb operated lever below the left handlebar. Some switchgear may require adapting to suit left hand operation.
If the disability of the rider just involves difficulty with operating a twist grip throttle (i.e. fused or stiff wrist, tendonitis etc) the only requirement may be the use of a thumb-operated throttle (as used on quads). Where it is a matter of reduced mobility or amputation of fingers or wrist problems it may be that a thumb operated brake lever will solve the problem. A further, though less common option would be to operate the front brake with a left foot pedal mounted behind the gear pedal for heel operation.
The kliktronic switches, the twin levers and the thumbrake are all available in 1” or 7/8” bar sizes.
Right Arm: (Amputation, Brachial Plexus Injury, reduced strength/ mobility in hands or fingers or elbow & shoulder joints):
This is usually a simple matter of transferring the throttle and front brake lever to the left handlebar. The front brake caliper can then be operated by a “twin lever” in tandem with the clutch lever (see www.klever2.com and/or www.pfmbrakes.com for twin lever kits) or by fitting a thumb operated lever below the left handlebar. Some switchgear may require adapting to suit left hand operation.
If the disability of the rider just involves difficulty with operating a twist grip throttle (i.e. fused or stiff wrist, tendonitis etc) the only requirement may be the use of a thumb-operated throttle (as used on quads). Where it is a matter of reduced mobility or amputation of fingers or wrist problems it may be that a thumb operated brake lever will solve the problem.
A further, though less common option would be to operate the front brake with a left foot pedal mounted behind the gear pedal for heel operation.
1. Left-hand throttle
2. Right-hand thumb throttle

3. Left-hand thumb brake
4. Left-hand twin levers
5. Left-heel brake
Left Arm: (Amputation, Brachial Plexus Injury, reduced strength/ mobility in hands or fingers or elbow & shoulder joints):
In most cases this is a simple matter of adapting the clutch operating lever and some minor modification to the switchgear on the left handlebar. There are several ways to adapt the clutch lever depending on the severity of the individual’s disability. In the
Left Arm: (Amputation, Brachial Plexus Injury, reduced strength/ mobility in hands or fingers or elbow & shoulder joints):
In most cases this is a simple matter of adapting the clutch operating lever and some minor modification to the switchgear on the left handlebar. There are several ways to adapt the clutch lever depending on the severity of the individual’s disability. In the
case of total loss of/or loss of use of the left hand, the clutch lever must be re-sited elsewhere.
Most commonly this is a simple matter of transferring the lever to the right handle bar using “twin levers” for front brake and clutch (see www.klever2.com and/or www.pfmbrakes.com for twin lever kits) or by fitting a thumb operated lever below the right handlebar to operate the front brake and using the original front brake lever for the clutch.
In the case of reduced mobility or strength in the left hand, further options would be; An hydraulic to cable conversion kit for smaller bikes makes the use of cable operated clutches much lighter. For a limited range of motorcycles, an automatic clutch such as the Rekluse Z-Clutch www.rekluse.co.uk may be available. Recently some of the major motorcycle manufacturers have produced large capacity motorcycles that are available with automatic
transmission, thereby doing away with the clutch altogether. The Yamaha FJR1300AS has an automatic transmission as does the Honda DN01, the Honda CTX700 and the Honda VFR1200DCT.
1. Right hand twin levers
2. Automatic Clutch
3. Thumbrake & Clutch
Right or Left Arm:
With all adaptions to suit riders with a hand or arm disability we strongly recommend the fitting of a high quality steering damper. When necessary a Velcro glove to handlebar grip can be used to help keep the affected hand on the handlebar & in some cases for amputees, prosthetics can be specially adapted to enable some handlebar use.
However we must stress the importance of never being too firmly connected to a solo motorcycle. If you do have a spill while riding you need to be able to separate from the machine very easily rather than be dragged along by it into what could prove to be a more dangerous situation.
Both the twin levers and thumb brake are available in 1” or 7/8” bar sizes.
Wheelchair Users & Balance problems: (Bilateral amputation, paraplegia, MS, reduced mobility/strength in legs, balance problems, etc):
With these types of disability one obvious issue is that of stability, which usually means the addition of a “third road wheel” whether this is in the form of a bike and sidecar combo or a trike.
In the case of bike and sidecar combos sometimes it is possible to utilise standard outfits when the bike has been converted to “full hand controls”. But there are also some manufacturers who manufacture specialised or adapted sidecar outfits that are specifically designed to suit independent use by wheelchair users such as Motopodd Ltd www.motopodd.com and Unit Sidecars Ltd www.unitsidecars.co.uk
In the case of trikes it is always preferable to have a trike fully manufactured specifically to suit
case of total loss of/or loss of use of the left hand, the clutch lever must be re-sited elsewhere.

the individual rider. Where this is not possible, some second hand machines can sometimes be modified to suit the needs of a disabled rider (i.e. full hand controls, stirrups, foot-plates, seating styles, back support, automatic transmission, wheelchair carriers, etc).
www.trikeshop.co.uk and/or
www.trikedesign.co.uk and/or www.boomtrikes.co.uk and/or www.rewacotrikes.co.uk
Most commonly this is a simple matter of transferring the lever to the right handle bar using “twin levers” for front brake and clutch (see www.klever2.com and/or www.pfmbrakes.com for twin lever kits) or by fitting a thumb operated lever below the right handlebar to operate the front brake and using the original front brake lever for the clutch.
There are “drop down” stabiliser kits www.adaptivemotorcycles.com and www.koeltgen.de/kontakt.h tml for solo motorcycles on the market but as yet we have not been able to fully test their viability for disabled riders.
transmission, with the clutch Yamaha FJR1300AS transmission DN01, the Honda VFR1200DCT.
1. Right hand
2. Automatic
3. Thumbrake
Right or
1. Bike and sidecar
2. Trike
3. Stabilisers (for solo bikes)

Reverse Gear for bikers:
In the case of reduced mobility or strength in the left hand, further options would be; An hydraulic to cable conversion kit for smaller bikes makes the use of cable operated clutches much lighter. For a limited range of motorcycles, an automatic clutch such as the Rekluse Z-Clutch www.rekluse.co.uk may be available. Recently some of the major motorcycle manufacturers have produced large capacity motorcycles that are available with automatic
The vast majority of motorcycles do not feature a reversing facility. However, for many people with disabilities, a reversing facility is essential when a motorcycle has been converted to a trike. There are several methods of achieving this; perhaps the oldest method was to incorporate an electric reversing motor, but this has generally proven to be ineffecient and ofter a serious strain on the battery. More recently, purpose built reversing differentials and in-line reversing gearboxes have emerged onto th emarket from the motor racing scene. Companies like Quaife Engineering Ltd
www.quaife.co.uk and Elite Racing Transmissions Ltd www.eliteracing transmissions.com produce in-line reversing boxes for shaft-driven vehicles and reversing differentials for chain, belt or shaft driven vehicles.
NB. This guide is not intended as an exhaustive catalogue of the adaptions available for bikes and trikes. It is meant as a brief guide featuring the most popular solutions to the most common problems faced by many riders with disabilities when considering adapting machines.
There are always other options available and we at the NABD are constantly working with some highly skilled engineers to develop new alternatives and improvements to existing kits.
With all adaptions a hand or recommend quality steering When necessary handlebar keep the affected handlebar amputees, specially adapted handlebar However we importance connected If you do have you need from the machine than be dragged what could dangerous
Both the twin are available
Wheelchair problems: (Bilateral paraplegia, mobility/strength balance problems, With these obvious issue which usually “third road the form of or a trike. In the case combos sometimes utilise standard has been converted controls”. manufacturers specialised that are specifically independent such as Motopodd www.motopodd.com Sidecars Ltd www.unitsidecars.co.uk
In the case preferable manufactured
Reg. Charity No. 1040907 (SC039897 in Scotland)
Are you a disabled person who wants to learn to ride a motorcycle? Then join the NABD and take advantage of our unique
This could enable you to complete a CBT course and both modules of the practical test with the loan of a suitably adapted 125cc motorcycle for up to 3 months. (Subject to conditions).
A small number of adapted bikes are available specifically for the use of disabled riders (subject to a £150.00 service charge).
We will take care of delivery and collection, so you can concentrate on passing your test.
NABD “Learner Loaners” are loaned to NABD members specifically for the purpose of training & tests and for no other purpose. Users must provide a copy of a fully comprehensive insurance policy and provisional license prior to delivery.
For further details, please contact: Gordon Hooper (Learner Loaners)
NABD, Unit 20, The Bridgewater Centre, Robson Avenue, Urmston, Manchester, M41 7TE. Tel: 0844 415 4849 Email: office@thenabd.org.uk WebAddress: nabd.org.uk
Tel: 07761 642107 or Email: loaners@thenabd.org.uk
Membership, Merchandise, Adaptation Information, Social Networking, Licensing Issues, Trike Legislation, Insurance Problems, Event Information, Adaptation Kits, VAT Exemptions, Vehicle Tax Exemptions, Learner/Loaner Bikes, Event Tickets, Training & Test Advice. IT’S ALL AVAILABLE ONLINE...
The NABD Website: www.nabd.org.uk
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/TheNABD
Facebook Page for A�liated Clubs: www.facebook.com/groups/212678039073921
Facebook page for NABD Supporters in Northern Ireland: www.facebook.com/bikers4bikers
Twitter Page: www.twitter.com/TherealNABD
The NABD Online Shop: www.thenabd.co.uk
Premium Affliliation
STANDARD Affliliation

FLEECE Black with Silver Celtic Logo Members price inc p&p £24.00
Non Mem price inc p&p £25.00 Sizes available:L/XL/XXL
Embroidered Black with Yellow Standard Logo Members price inc p&p £50.00 Non Mem price inc p&p £53.00 Sizes S/M/L/XL/XXL

Black with White Standard Logo Members price inc p&p £19.00
Non Mem price inc p&p £21.00 Sizes M/L/XL - XXL (add £2)
Black with White Standard Logo Members price inc p&p £11.00 Non Mem price inc p&p £13.00 Sizes M/L/XL/XXL
SWEATSHIRT Black Standard Sleeve Members Non Mem
Embroidered Black with Yellow Razor Logo

4 FLEECE Black with Silver Celtic Logo Members price inc p&p £24.00
Members price inc p&p £10.00

Non Mem price inc p&p £11.00

5 PADDOCK Embroidered Black Standard Members Non Mem

Sir Billy
Connolly OBE
Comedian and bite/trike rider
David Holding
Para-Olympic gold medalist

Superbike and Supermoto presenter for the BBC (pictured here iwth fast bloke Eddie Irvine)

Neil Hodgson
World Superbike Champion
Sammy Miller MBE

Motorcycling legend
Lord Rotherwick
Member of the House of Lords and biker (pictured here with his son Gus)

Mark O’Shea

Herpetologist, author, TV presenter and biker

Gary Havelock
Champion Speedway rider

Mik Scarlet TV presenter and DJ

Stevie Simpson
(One Bloke, One Mandolin), biker, troubadour, singer/ songwriter

Open House Issue 102
Open House
Vice Chairman
National Secretary
Rep’s Liaison
NABD National Committee
Rick Hulse
Ian Taylor
John Byrne
Tina Slesser
Ross Lockett
John Lysons
Webmaster Simon Freedman
A liated Clubs Liaison
Mark Mayo
Gordon Hooper
National Stall Manager Phil Morris
National Stall Assistant
Alma Caviaciuti
Derek Durham
Fundraising Coordinator Ross Lockett
Ashton Under Lyne - Tameside Kel Power 07715 350 706 kelpower.rep@thenabd.org.uk
Dave Jackson 07487 888 622
Ashley Tandy 07771 750 383 ashleytandy.rep@thenabd.org.uk
Michelle Straughan 07739 902805 chelle.straughan@gmail.com
Hinckley – Leicestershire
Ross Lockett 07812 657 680 rosslockett.rep@thenabd.org.uk
Horncastle - Lincolnshire
Steve Ayres 07843 137979
Rosie Brown 07403 411968 hole_lotta_rosie13@yahoo.co.uk
London - E11
Steve Wilton 07917 127414 stevewilton.rep@thenabd.org.uk
Loughborough - Leicestershire
Grayham Johnson 07729 638 886 jhnsngrhm@yahoo.co.uk
National non-committee administrative positions:
Rally Secretary
Projects Co-ordinator
Open House Editor
O ce Manager
A liated Business Liaison
Brian Wadsworth 07792 089 619 brianwadsworth.rep@thenabd.org.uk
Poole - Dorset
Helene Gallimore 07824 772 167 helenegallimore.rep@thenabd.org.uk
She eld - South Yorkshire
Stuart Gregory 07974 150 957 stuartgregory.rep@thenabd.org.uk
Shipley - West Yorkshire
Dan Girling 07368 161 608
Andy Arnott andyarnott.rep@thenabd.org.uk
St Ives - Cornwall
Sean Farrell 07936 153 390 seanfarrell.rep@thenabd.org.uk
Sta ordshire
Sue Bocking 07970 429 949 s uebocking.rep@thenabd.org.uk
Eddie Hancock 07872 929 869 eddiehancock.rep@thenabd.org.uk
Warminster - Wiltshire
Phillip Arbon philiparbon.rep@thenabd.org.uk
Wellingborough - Northamptonshire
Dave Haswell 07895 694287
Tracey Tynan
Tina Slesser
Pauline Chaplin
Gren Russell
Stuart Gregory
Vic Hawkes
Julie Williams
Kevin Rogers
Portadown (Co Armagh)
Alison Winter 07916 142 618 alisonwinter.rep@thenabd.org.uk
Chirk - Clwyd Tev Thomas 07584 449 483 tevthomas.rep@thenabd.org.uk
Mid Glamorgan
Ian Heyes iianheyes.rep@thenabd.org.uk
Cowdonbeath, Fife Tomo Thomson 07540 422919 squaddie1968@gmail.com
Isle of Arran
Duncan Maceira 07986 997342 duncan.maceira@gmail.com
Edinburgh Alan Russell 01316 237 124 alanrussell.rep@thenabd.org.uk
AAA MotorcycleTraining Ltd
Amanda & Dean, Compound 4, Saxon Business Park, Littleport, Ely, Cambridgeshire. CB6 1XX
Tel: 07384 746025 or 07787 125667
Email: aaamct@outlook.com
Belonga Mick
Mick Manchester, Les Brouillons, Bethines, 86310, France
Tel: 07970 371063 Email: Belongamick@email.fr www.Belongamick.com
Dedicated biker accommodation in France
BoomTrikes Ltd
White Bear Marina, Park Road, Adlington, Chorley, PR7 4HZ
Tel: 01257 806045 Mob: 07866549884
Trike Builders, Custom and Adaption Engineers
Mike Gregory, 210Wessex Court, De-HavillandWay, Stanwell, Staines-On-Thames, Middlesex.TW19 7JL
Tel: 07568 703387 Email: mikebuckham0416@gmail.com
DerekWinter, 38 Grange Road, Portadown, Co Armagh, BT62 4JD
Tel: 028 388 52635xx
Principal Insurance Ltd
Matt Byrne, Dalton House, Dane Road, Sale, Manchester, M33 7AR
Tel: 0161 972 2597 or 0808 178 0181
Email: xinfo@principalinsurance.co.uk
Casarva Ltd
Steve Read, 16 Axis Park, Manasty Road, Orton, Southgate, Peterborough. PE2 6UP
Tel: 01733 234942 Email: info@casarva.co.uk www.casarva.co.uk
Trike Manufacturers,Trike Kits, Conversions and Adaptations
Mulderrigs (Solicitors)
Paul Mulderrig, 72 Bank Street, Rawtenstall, BB4 8EG
Tel: 0800 052 3693
www.mulderrigs.co.uk Law Society’s Personal Injury Panel. Association of Personal Injury Lawyers.
Trike Design LTD
Hank, Unit 2A, Ponty Gwindy Industrial Estate, Caerphilly, CF83 3HU
Tel: 02920 880885
Trike Builders, Custom & Adaption Engineers
Datum MotorcycleTrikes Ltd
Tony Clack, Unit 2A Merrivale Road, Okehampton, Devon, EX20 1DU
Tel: 01837 53658 or 07590 299850
Email: datummotorcycletrikesltd@gmail.com
JanineWilliams, Summit House, 50Wandle Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 1DF
Tel: 020 8667 9443 Email: info@phab.org.uk
Bev Meredith, Unit 10,Waterside Business Park, LambyWay,
Tel: 02920 369420 Email: info@trikeshop.co.uk
Trike Manufacturers,Trike Kits, Conversions and Adaptations
Kliktronic LTD
www.aaamct.co.uk Belfast DJ’s
Don Anderson, 18 HornWalk, Belfast, BT11 9NG
Tel: 02890 289021 or 07790 296461
Email: anderson_don@hotmail.com www.nidjs.com
The DeJaVu Roadshow
Steven Osborne, 382 Bourne Road, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 3LL
Tel: 01775 711874 Email: dejavuroadshow@hotmail.co.uk
J. Byrne Ltd
65 Old Road, Ashton Under Lyne, Lancashire, OL6 9DH Tel: 0161 344 1175
RewacoTrikes UK LTD
Maria Lodge, 3 New Green Cottages, Newmans End, MatchingTye, Harlow, Essex. CM17 0QX Tel: 01279 730695
Website for bikers

Email: info@thebikerguide.co.uk
Fatbob Crafts
Tony Fulton, 58 RomanWay, Godmanchester, Cambs. PE29 2RW
Tel: 07495 901012 Email: enquiries@fatbobcrafts.co.uk www.fatbobcrafts.co.uk
Karmenz BikeTraining
Karl Menzel, Billing GardenVillage,The Causeway, Northampton. NN3 9EX
Tel: 01604 402444 Email: karl@karmenzbiketraining.com ww w.karmenzbiketraining.com
Union Leisurewear Ltd
Sandra, c/o: Flexispace Business Centre, Old Hall Street, Middleton. M24 1AG Tel: 0161 877 7780
Custom Paints Ltd
Saj Khan, 3 Norfolk Bridge Court,Warren Street, Tel: 01142 752187 Email: saj@custompaints.com www.custompaints.com
Foxylady Reborn
DianeVane, Sunnyside Cottage, Metherinham Lane, Dunston, Lincolnshire, LN4 2EU
Tel: 07541 502197 Email: foxylady1960@live.com
Parkitt Performance Motorcycle Racing Unit 4, AshvaleWorkshops, Ashvale Road,Tuxford, Nottinghamshire. NG22 0JY Tel: 07530 928314
WyrdTony Pagan Armour & Jewellery Tony Bunch, 43 Deepdale Crescent, Cowgate, Newcastle Upon Tyne,Tyne &Wear. NE5 3HQ Tel: 0191 286 6004 Email: fat.tonys@outlook.com

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