825 7th Street, Modesto, CA 95354
Business Phone: 209-522-5365 email us at thenewsvine@gmail.com google us at: the newsvine or follow us on: issuu.com/thenewsvine
Charlene Wilson Lindsay Castro
Leo & Virginia Aguilera
Leo Aguilera, Gabriel Chavoya & Creative Team
Joshua Aguilera, Autumn Amador, Alexis Diaz, Jocelyn Powell Carol Castillo
Alexis Diaz
Virginia Aguilera Norbert Feliciano
Dana Le’Blanc
Uday Narayan
Jerry Powell
Jonathan Quinones
Jeremiah Williams
Charlene Wilson
Uday Narayan, Xenn Seah
Sujay Diaz, Mary Aguirre
Charles & Joyce Bispo
Kellee Hopper, Matt Aguirre
Nancy Holston, Tim Montes
Jerry & Andrea Powell
MaKayla Johnson Jerry & Andrea Powell
Jonathan Quinones
Jeremiah Williams
Alex Diaz
Herb Jenkins Chris & Lindsay Castro
Ethan & Suzanne DeMoss
Antonio Gutierrez Joyce Jones
Sujay Diaz Dana Le’Blanc
SUNDAY - 9:00 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m.
MONDAY - 7:00 p.m.
WEDNESDAY - 7:00 p.m.
THURSDAY - 7:30 p.m.
FRIDAY - 7:00 p.m.
SATURDAY - 10:00 a.m.
Spanish/Service - Youth Chapel
Pre-service Prayer Morning Service - Sanctuary, KREW
Growth Track - Youth Chapel
All-Church Prayer
Mid-Week Service, KREW
Spanish Service
Revive Yth (Youth Service)
Saturday Morning Outreach
THE NEWSVINE is published quarterly (first week of January, April, July, October) by Revival Church, 825 7th Street, Modesto, CA 95354-3414. Any submitted articles to The Newsvine are subject to pastor’s approval and editing by The Newsvine staff.
Being Christian During the PolitiCal season
This November are mid-term elections, and the political cli mate can stir up emotions and passions in Christians with frustrations if your candidate loses, or propositions you are against pass. How easily you can be drawn into heated argu ments, or you might be pushed to stir up debates with loved ones, friends and acquaintances who are unsaved or backslid den.
Would you rather win a debate or win a soul? Unless you know your audience, such as a fellow Christian who shares your political world view and value system, be careful when you share your views and political persuasions with the un saved in person or on social media. Some of them have never darkened a church door for awhile or EVER, and they may be completely ignorant of basic Biblical principals and Christian beliefs. You cannot preach with a judgmental tone your person al Christian standards and Biblical interpretations to change the unsaved without first converting them. Paul admonished us in Philippians 2:14-15: “Do all things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless, and HARMLESS, children of God.” You can do irreparable harm with your wit nessing to an unsaved soul by insulting them or hurting their feelings with judgmental calls on their political choices. He/ she may NEVER come to a church service, because to that unbeliever you gave a false representation of what a Christian should be. Heed Paul’s warning in 2 Timothy 2:23-24: “Don’t have anything to do with fool ish and stupid arguments be cause you know they produce quarrels. And the Lord’s ser vant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.”
Remember: “a soft word turns away wrath.” MA RANATHA, The Lord com eth.
EDITORS, Leo and Virginia Aguilera
Timothy 3:16 states, “And without contro versy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit....” Isaiah 9:6 says, “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given.... THE MIGHTY GOD, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” Colossians 2:9 says, “For in Him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.” Colossians 1:15 explains that Jesus is the “image of the invisible God…” In John 14, when Philip asks Jesus to show them the Father, Jesus said, “Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known Me, Philip? He that have seen Me hath seen the Father....” Isaiah 44:6 says, “...I am the First, and I am the Last; and beside Me there is no God.” Isa iah 8:8 says, “...Is there a God beside Me? Yea, there is no God; I know not any.” Isaiah 43:11 states, “I, even I, am the Lord; and beside Me THERE IS NO SAVIOUR.” John 1:1 says, “In the be ginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word WAS God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us (and we beheld His glory...).”
All through the Old and New Testaments the pages are filled with the message there is only one God. It was idolatry for the Jews to believe anything else. It was God Who robed Himself in flesh to walk the earth in order to give of His precious blood to purchase our salvation. There is no one without sin, but God. Be cause He is a spirit, He has no blood to shed. But when He robed Himself with flesh, the blood was there to shed. He became “the only begotten Son,” begotten within Himself. The human body of His entity became the Christ, the anointed One, the expressed image of God the Father.
Again let us look at the ancient words for person: PROSOPON in ancient Greek and PERSONA in ancient Latin. All we English literature teachers and professors (while instructing on ancient Greek plays) have taught that prosopon and persona means mask, or role, ONE actor would wear in performing multiple roles on the ancient Greek stage. He would just change his persona or mask to play a different role. Confusion was caused when in the early centuries prosopon and persona were evolved to mean an INDI VIDUAL instead of the roles an individual performed. Keeping the classic meaning in mind, the words THREE PERSONS IN ONE is simply God performing three roles in the Godhead, or three manifestations of Himself - NOT three different individuals. Is it that hard now to comprehend the majesty of the oneness of God? When the Holy Ghost dwells within us, that is God in us, but we still have our own individuality, our own personal
ity. However, the human body of Je sus Christ was unique in that it had all God within it. There was no oth er personality or individuality in that vessel except God Almighty! This is the vessel God Almighty has chosen to represent Himself again and again, as recorded in the Scriptures spoken by Jesus Himself: “he that have seen Me has seen the Father!” John 1:9.
The same can be said of the Holy Ghost. It is the spirit of God. It is not another individual person ality in the Godhead. Christ said that the Holy Ghost comes from God and is His Spirit: “But when the Comforter is come, Whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which PROCEEDETH from the Father, He shall testify of Me.” John 15:26. The Spirit will testify that Jesus Christ is indeed the Messi ah, the Holy One, the Alpha and Omega, The everlasting Father, The Prince of peace!
When God in the manifestation of Jesus Christ in the flesh was suspended between heaven and earth on that wooden cross, He ended His “marriage” to an idol-worshipping Israel, who is com pared to as being an unfaithful wife in many scriptural passages of the prophets. God was now free to claim a new bride, His holy church among the Gentile nations. Only God the Father could accomplish this under the law He gave to Moses. He could not use a proxy to end His marriage with Israel. He came Himself in the mortal flesh of Jesus Christ to end His covenant with that na tion. Again, it needs to be clarified: He did not send a completely different person to die in His place as the heathens practice in the sacrifice of their children, for many references are made in the Old Testament that God detested the human sacrifice of children for the redemption of their parents. He did not allow Abraham to go through with the sacrifice of his son Isaac. Therefore, Jehovah God did not watch His Son bleed and die on the cross, as many believe. God was willing to make the sacrifice Himself. God in His infinite love for us – love we cannot understand and will nev er be worthy of - made the sacrifice AS Christ Jesus, the anointed One! He left the splendors of heaven to become one of us – the Son of Man.
When Christ said moments before He expired - “It is finished!”there was more meaning in those words than we realize. In many ways Israel remains a widow to this day, a nation every Christian nation is obligated to defend and support. But we Christians are His NEW bride, and we can all look forward to attend the Mar riage Supper of the Lamb. Hallelujah, AMEN!
Table of
Youth Week
June marks the beginning of summer with long, hot days, youth camps, and the long-awaited Youth Week. It’s a time to have fun, reconnect, and get a fresh refilling of the Holy Ghost! Youth Pastor Josh Aguilera, his wife Jeannette, and their team planned a week packed with activities. Monday night was a question and answer session with Administrative Pastor Jon Quinones and his wife Ashley. Tuesday night was wild and colorful
Park Day, complete with shaving cream and puffs of colored dust. Wednesday was “Yth Takeover” in which the young people literally took over from ushering, to leading in worship, to our very own high school students bringing the Word of God. Thursday night was a strategic game of laser tag. The week culminated with worship and preaching with a Revive Nite service in the chapel. It was an awesome week!
Monday - Floats with the Goats
Tuesday - Park Day
Week, led by Directors Chris and Lindsay Castro, was packed full of events. It began on Monday with the city’s annual 4th of July Parade headed by our own Public Relations liason, Jeremiah Williams. Lauren Hunt opened the public ceremonies by singing the National Anthem and Administrative Pastor Jon Quinones spoke the prayer. Later, the Hyphens had a BBQ at the park. Tuesday night, as you can see from the pictures, was wild. Wednesday night, several of our Hyphens offered up insights from the Word of God. Thursday night was spent picking up words of wisdom from our very gifted Tim and Jeriann Montes. On Friday (and Sunday morning), Southern California Hyphen Director Victoria Reyes ministered. The week wrapped up with a day on the beach. Wow! What an exciting week for our Hyphens!
Monday - 4th of July
After Modesto’s Annual 4th of July Parade, featuring Lauren Hunt singing the National Anthem, Hyphens meEt in the parK for a picnic.
Tuesday - Fight Night
On Tuesday night, Hyphens meEt for a color war.
Wednesday - Hyphen Takeover
On wednesday night, our hyphen youth adults took over the service. speaking were Alyssa Moran, Ethan Hunt, Noah Wells, and Hailey Torres.
THURSDAY - Breakout session
On Thursday Night, Hyphens were broken into two groups: Young Ladies with Jeriann Montes and Young men with her husband Tim Montes.
Friday - Hyphen Night with Victoria Reyes
Friday night was a real treat with Victoria Reyes, Southern california UPCI hypHen Director.
Saturday - Santa cruz
Hyphen week capped out with a fun outing to santa cruz, complete with beach vollyball.
Summer Social
You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream!
On a recent Wednesday night after worship and the Word from Pastor John son, the entire congregation was invited to grab a spoon and dig into some yummy ice cream, complete with all the trimmings. It was a fun time to cool off from the summer’s heat and to fellowship. Who could resist ice cream... and a warm Revival Church smile? Sure do love my church!
Baby on the Way!
We rejoiced with Pastor and Sister Johnson as they recently celebrated the soon arrival of their first grandchild, Atlas Clay Fairbanks, by hosting a baby shower for their oldest daughter, Mehgan and her husband Taylor Fairbanks who pastors Vessel Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. It was a wonderful time of food, games, and gifts for this dedicated couple who only two years ago started a brand new church in Baton Rouge. Congratulations, Mehgan and Taylor! We can’t wait to meet baby Atlas!
Taylor Fairbanks “You Don’t Know What You Got Till It’s Gone”
What Is the Greatest Thing You Can Do?
PastorTaylor Fairbanks of Vessel Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, posed this question to the congregation during a recent Sunday morning service. He used the story of Samson who was gifted with great strength. He explained that Samson began to believe that this supernatural strength came, not from God, but from himself. “He was blinded by his blessing,” said Pastor Fairbanks. “The power was not given for his pleasure, it was for a purpose beyond himself: to save and help the people of Israel.” Likewise, the gifts we have are for the purpose of reaching out and discliping others. “The greatest thing that you can do for your walk with God,” he
said, “is switching from walking with Him for yourself to walking with Him for others.” God, help us to take the focus off of us and realize that we have a mission. Let us not be like Samson who became so self-absorbed that he did not realize the presence of God had left him. As Pastor Fairbanks said, “We have one mission only: to seek and save that which is lost.” To hear his complete sermon, go to: https://youtu.be/Uot1tQtkxOk?t=2673. Pictured below clockwise from top left: Pastor Fairbanks preaches; his wife Meghan sings and is greeted by her grandfather, Bishop Randy Keyes; the altar call; and a blessed baptism in Jesus’ name.
Our Bible Quizzers SCORE at NATIONALS!
What an incredible year for our Bible quizzers with two teams qualifying to compete in Nationals in Bronson, Missouri, this summer. Our beginner quizzing team of Naomi Salazar (above) and Logan D’Aquino (AKA Western 4) com peted fiercely against 67 champion teams and tied for ninth place! Wow! To top it off, Naomi was the second highest scoring quizzer in the tournament and was named to the All Tournament Team (pictured right)! We are so proud of our quizzers, and their coaches, Sujey Diaz and Linda Salazar.
Pictured from top left: Naomi Salazar and Logan D’Aquino, AKA Western 4, ready to quiz, supported by coaches Sujey Diaz and Linda Salazar; Beginner quizzer Logan D’Aquino, hugged by his proud mother Jessica D’Aquino, holds up the trophy he and Naomi won for being in 9th place. (It’s almost as big as he is!) Left: Proud and excited coaches pose with Naomi and Logan after being awarded their trophies.
Pastor Johnson congratulates our Bible quizzers and their coaches for their hard work. Pictured from left: Junior coaches Joshua Williams and Jessica D’Aquino; quizzers Lauren Williams, Logan D’Aquino, Addy Suarez, and Naomi Salazar, RC Quiz Director and coach Sujey Diaz; and beginner coach Linda Salazar. Although the junior team did not place in Nationals, they previously placed fourth in the Western District Finals held in June. All of these hard-working quizzers learned over 200 Bible verses!
July Volunteer of the MonthNorbert Feliciano
Congratulations to Norbert Feliciano for being selected as our July Volunteer of the Month. In addition to being a faithful usher, he is an amazing painter. He, along with Mike Shoffitt, painted the outside and inside of our church building--a huge project requiring a lift to reach the high ceiling of our sanctuary. “He works tirelessly around the clock,” said
Pastor Johnson, “dedicating so many hours without complaint.” Norbert has also been a long-time, valued staff member of The Newsvine. We at Revival Church are so fortunate to have a member like Norbert, who is willing to use his talents, time, and energy to bless our church. We appreciate you!
Maurilio “Leo” Gomez
“...well done, thou good and faithful servant.” Matthew 25:21a
Lord, the Banquet Hall is Ready, All things in Place by Aaron Gomez
Granny Ketner has placed the servers, They await your orders. Robert has finished his arrangements with rags at his side. Gabriel is ready to sound the trumpet and call up Your Bride.
James on the piano, Bill on the guitar, Richard is ready to sing “The Prodigal,” a masterpiece. Grandpa Powell is warming the bus with Grandma at his side, Ready to pick up Your most beloved.
The kitchen is radiant, prepared for your day. The menu will exhaust all the food that they crave. We only lack a head cook who will serve at Your side, One who allows Your Spirit to lead, a part of Your Bride.
Dianne, you have faithfully put this all into place. I have a man in mind who I anointed for this post. At WABC he gave his heart to cook for the students of his day. He’s a witness to the lost and a father to many.
He has served his generation through the gifting I gave him.
Countless missionaries, pastors & evangelists have eaten. Young campers have come to be fed by the Word & his meals. Young converts were blessed by his meals & his faith.
His body no longer suffers from the pains of this world. His faith now fulfilled as he longed for His country. Before Gabriel rises, this last generation must prevail. In the meantime, Leo will prepare this heavenly meal.
The Gomez Family
VICTORY in the Midst of the Enemy’s Attack!
What a treat to have Raymond Woodward minister to our congregation in August. Not only is he the Teaching Pastor of Capital Community Church in Fredericton, New Brunswick, and Executive Presbyter for the United Pentecostal Church of Canada, he has ministered around the world for over 35 years.
Speaking of Shammah, one of David’s three mighty men, Pastor Woodward compared his determination to stand his ground against the enemy to how we must do the same. The Philistines during Shammah’s time would wait until the harvest each year and then attack and steal Israel’s crops. It seemed impossible and even inconceivable to stand up against such a formidable en emy. So the people chose to flee rather than risk their lives fighting against the well-armed and trained Philistines. But one day while others were fleeing, Shammah stood his ground even though he was outnumbered. “Shammah did something nobody thought to do,” said Pas tor Woodward, “he locked his feet, squared his shoulders, looked the enemy straight in the face and stood his ground.” Shammah had decided that on that day, he would fight for what was his, even if it was only a field of beans. “He decided today is going to be a day of victory, not a day of defeat. Today is going to be a day of gain, not of loss. Today is going to be about my future, and not my past.” Pastor Woodward pivoted to our lives and said we need to know that somewhere, sometime, somebody has to stop retreating and stand up for themselves and for their family. But, we do not fight alone! “If you stand up to the enemy, God will stand there with you,” he said. “Sometimes you choose your battles, sometimes they choose you,” he said. “You can either run or you can stand. You can either flee or you can fight. You can either be a coward, or you can be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might!”
Recent Events
Congratulations to our‘Give God 12’ Graduates!
In May of this year, a group of our ladies kicked off the Give God 12 Bible study developed by Kim Haney, pastor’s wife of Christian Life Center in Stockton, Cal ifornia. It was led by Hilda Rochester, Barb Seah, Gracie Delgadillo, Joyce Jones, Angela Warren, and Jeanne Lozada. The program consists of daily scripture reading, at least 30 minutes of daily personal prayer, the weekly viewing of related preaching videos, a personal weekly fast day, and cutting out any worldly influences that take away one’s time and focus from a personal relationship with God. For 12 weeks, groups of our ladies have been meeting on Sunday nights at the church to dis cuss assigned scripture readings and to pray together. In addition to the spiritual aspects of the program, the intent was also to create new friendships and stronger connections among our ladies. Pictured to the right are the graduates who faithfully attended all 12 weeks. “A daily time set aside for Bible reading and prayer gave me focus for my walk with God,” said graduate Donna Beard. “The discussions with the sisters and fellowship helped me form new friendships.”
Happy Birthday, MaKayla!
appy Birthday to MaKayla John son! The church is blessed to have such a hard-working pastor’s daughter. MaKayla is a faithful worship singer, the talented director of our Media Ministries, an active Hyphen member, and also a dedicated altar worker. Pictured left: Joyce Jones, on behalf of the church, speaks highly of MaKayla as she pres ents her with flowers and a gift. Thank you, MaKayla, for serving the church so generously with your time, energy, and giftings.
KREW Kids Backpack Giveaway
Augustmeans summer is coming to an end and school is ready to begin. That means backpacks, pencils, and more! KREW kid’s August Extravaganza was ready with backpacks filled with school supplies. Our students were also blessed by a powerful word from Alyssa Suarez. Let us remember to pray for all of our children (and their teachers) as they begin a new school year. May they be successful in their studies and be a light for Jesus in their schools.
July BUFF Fellowship
The BUFF men (50+) met in July at the home of Freddie Hernandez. As you can see, Brother and Sister Hernandez had a delicious spread prepared for them. BUFF director Herb Jenkins conducted the monthly meeting reviewing upcoming projects and encouraging the men to sign up for their August event, attending a Modesto Nuts baseball game at John Thurman Field in Modesto. We are thankful for our BUFF men who vol unteer their time to support our elders and single ladies. Recently, they spent time working to clean up Pauline Cameron’s property whose husband, Bill, passed away this past year. God bless these men who have a burden to serve the Lord.
“This little light of mine. I’m going to let it shine.”
“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”
Reaching Outside the Church Walls to the Philippines!
Philippine believers gather to pray together in Jesus’ name.
What a thrill to hear that a group of people from the Philippines has become connected to our church through our online presence. These precious people live up in the mountains where they do not have access to the Internet. They come down each month to where they are able to connect to our online services. Administrative Pastor Jon Quinones said they found our church online and have contacted us through our website, email, and have been watching
our services on YouTube. Pastor Quinones also has been sending them Apostolic material purchased from the UPCI Pentecostal Publishing House. How excit ing it is for our church to reach beyond our walls to minister across the Pacific Ocean to this island nation and elsewhere. May God continue to bless our online efforts as we obey Christ’s command to, “Go into all the world, and preach the Good News to every crea ture” Mark 16:15 (NLT).
More Church Outside the Walls
Reaching Them Where They Are
Since March, Grace Delgadillo and Jeanne Lozada have been teach ing bible studies in the local women’s shelter. They recently started our RC Women’s Shelter Ministry Team (pictured left with Seth who was visiting from Tennessee). This photo was taken after their first service. The team’s heartfelt singing, words and prayers touched hearts. “To God be the glory for all that He is doing in their lives... and ours,” said Sister Grace. “Serving God is beautiful!”
faithful ministry is our outreach at the Alzheimer’s center in Modesto led by Joyce Jones. Every - and I mean EVERY - Saturday, Joyce and her crew minister in song and the Word. Says faithful team member Donna Beard (in hat), “I value my time spent at the Alzheimer’s center, encouraging and worshipping with these dear souls.”
A Sermon for the end timeS
“Time has an end,” said Evangelist Greg Godwin, “and it’s coming to us quickly.” Brother Godwin described God’s judgments poured out by the seven angels of Revelation after the rapture of the church. He said, even with all the torments of these punishments, people will refuse to repent. “It’s time to repent,” said Brother Godwin. “We are on the brink of the last days.” He then reminded the congregation of the prophesy that the generation that sees Israel bloom like a fig tree will not pass away until of these things happen. A generation, he said, could be 70 years. Israel, after approximately 2,000 years, became a nation in 1948, 74 years ago. When he concluded, the altars were filled and 15 were filled with the Holy Ghost and 7 were baptized. Praise God! It’s time to get ready for the coming of the Lord!
Baptisms in Jesus’ Name!
August Volunteer of the MonthJoyce Jones
Joyce Jones is a very worthy recipient of Volunteer of the Month. She seems to be serving everywhere! When the church was short on ushers, she became the first woman to serve in this capacity--always with a bright smile and a caring word. She also has been faithfully leading services at a local nursing home, ministering with her team in song and God’s word to seniors and their families. After cheerfully greeting each senior, she focuses on helping them, in spite of their failing memories, to connect with the Lord with
familiar old-time gospel songs. Aside from faithful ly attending women’s prayer and encouraging those praying in the altar, she has recently started a women’s devotional group on Sunday nights, first with Kim Haney’s “Give God 12” and now with a series entitled “The Principles of Holiness” by Carla Burton, founder of A Passion Approach - all this while organizing monthly social gatherings for her Mature Ladies’ Life Group. God bless you, Sister Jones, for your burden and passion for the Kingdom of God.
Wisdom Begins with a Word
by Carol CastilloDeep Cleanse from Shame
Cleanses have become a popular nutrition al trend over the past several years. Juice cleanse; water cleanse; green tea cleanse: all are an arguably debatable approach to remove toxins from the body, lose weight, and promote health. While focusing on physical health is im portant, sometimes we need to take time out for a deep spiritual cleanse from shame.
Shame is one of the worst psychological toxins. It damages identity, warps self-esteem, and holds us back from accomplishing God’s will in our lives. Its presence is insidious, hiding in cracks and burrowing into crevices. Often you aren’t even consciously aware of its presence.
Shame perches like a black raven in our hearts, talons dug deep, as it murmurs an endless loop of hurtful words from others…and from yourself. Shame convinces you that you are not enough. It cripples your sense of ade quacy and promotes feelings of being unloved, unwanted, and “less than.”
In the Beginning
Adam and Eve were innocent, having no sin or guilt prior to the Fall. “And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.” (Gen. 2:25). Once they sinned, they felt vulnerable and guilty, shamed and ex posed, and tried to cover up their naked guilt on their own (Gen.3:7). But God in His grace and mercy, covered their guilt and shame with an animal blood sacrifice, which freed them from sin and allowed them to enjoy renewed fellowship with God.
Feeling Guilty
“Adam and Eve Driven out of Eden” by Gustave Doré
But shouldn’t Adam and Eve have felt guilty? They were, after all, guilty of committing the sin of disobedience. Of the fruit of the tree, God said in essence, don’t eat that. And they ate it anyway.
Their disobedience produced guilt, which is a feeling of responsibility or remorse for a real offense, crime or wrong. Guilt arose from their actions. So yes, guilt was an appropriate state for them to experience.
Feeling Ashamed
Guilt and shame often go hand in hand but there is a critical difference. Guilt says, “I did something bad.” It’s healthy to recognize when you have done something bad (guilt), because God offers an appropriate resolution: accept
responsibility, ask forgiveness, make amends, repair and restore, learn from the error.
Unlike guilt, which is about what you did, shame is about who you are. Shame says, “I am bad.” Shame is identity-based. It’s un healthy to internalize the wrong and draw neg ative conclusions about who you are based on the wrong you did.
In fact, shame doesn’t even need a wrong committed to make its appearance. All you have to do is fail to live up to your own, or someone else’s expectations. Shame then brainwashes you into believing that whatev er you did or failed to do is proof that you're an unacceptable, inferior, or defective person, worthy of contempt.
Furthermore, you will never be good enough. God will never love you. God will never use you.
You are flawed.
You are hopeless.
Trapped by Shame
Once you believe those lies, shame becomes a snare, impossible to move past. Instead you start living with a shame-based identity. Let’s look at some ways that can influence your life.
Some people, particularly men, tend to "act out" through heightened anger and violent be havior toward others.
Others, especially women, "act in" by keeping their emotions wrapped up tightly inside and being super critical of themselves.
Shamed-based people avoid relationships and isolate from community. They fear showing their true (damaged and broken) selves to the world.
Shame can result in perfectionism, the belief that if I am perfect, then no one will criticize me, and I can hide from the possibility of fail ure and rejection.
All these behaviors sabotage opportunities to grow and derail anything God wants to do to
bless us. Because despite being forgiven by Jesus, cleansed from sin by the sacrifice of His blood, and renewed by the infilling of the Holy Spirit, many of us still battle with shame.
Outwardly you appear like you have it all to gether, being freed from sin and forgiven; but inwardly you are still vulnerable to shame by believing something that is not true about you.
The Temptation of Jesus
After Jesus was baptized, the Bible says that
the Spirit “immediately” led Jesus into the wilderness. (Matthew 4:1-11) Jesus ate noth ing for 40 days. He was alone, tired, hungry, thirsty.
Two of the three times the devil tempted Jesus, he began with “IF you are the Son of God.” He did not tempt Jesus directly with sin. Instead, he called His identity into question. He invited Jesus to doubt who He was in God.
“If you are the Son of God . . . turn these stones into bread.”
“If you are the Son of God . . . throw yourself down from the temple.”
“If you are the one destined to rule the world, bow down and worship me and I’ll give you what you want.”
Daily we are tempted to prove our worth the same way. The satanic message of doubt also approaches us when we are weak, at low ebb, isolated, in need.
Satan wants to get you to base your identity
on something about you. Anything – good or bad. How well-liked you are. What your job title is. How successful your kids are. What kind of car your drive. Your physical appearance. Your talents.
Shame also tries to embed something that happened to us—even years ago—into our identity and make it relevant to today. Past trauma can make us lose sight of our sense of self due to being mistreated, abused, violated, rejected, abandoned, or attacked at the hands of others. Often we try to keep past trauma buried in a dark cave; the trauma may be dead but shame lives on in secrecy and silence.
All this distracts you from the gospel message that in Christ we have the final approval of the only One whose opinion really matters.
How to Heal from Shame
The only way to heal from shame is to move the focus off who you are and onto Whose you are.
You will never be enough. You will always be flawed. You will fail.
There is truth to all that.
But it’s not the whole truth.
God’s truth about who you are trumps every thing else.
God says:
“You were bought with a price” “(You are) fearfully and wonderfully made” “One soul is worth more than the whole world”
Nothing imputes more value to yourself than what Jesus did for you on Calvary. Know this: out of the entire sea of humanity who has ever lived, lives now, and will live, if you were the only person who ever obeyed and followed Jesus, He would have sacrificed His life and died for you. Just for you.
You alone.
That is worth. That’s what makes us worthy. You cannot hide your flaws, struggles, weak
nesses, and tragedies beneath a cloak of busy ness, self-importance, position, or wealth. Only the sacrifice of Jesus and His blood atonement for your sins hides you. The old hymn says “Rock of Ages, cleft for me. Let me hide myself in Thee.”
We absolutely do need to hide. But we need to hide in the right place. When you hide in Jesus, He cleanses you from all shameful sins, weaknesses and failures. Jesus pronounces you guiltless and promises that His grace will be sufficient for all our weaknesses (2 Corinthians 12:9-10).
Because of Jesus, you are loved. You are wor thy. You are accepted. You are chosen. Set apart. Whole. Redeemed. Jesus, who was per fect in every way and knew no sin, took your shame and suffered humiliation so you could have life and have it more abundantly. Your shame can then be a showcase for God’s glory.
Whether you only have momentary feelings of shame, or you’ve been hiding in shame for years, go to Jesus for a toxic shame cleanse. Be honest, real, and vulnerable before Him. He will help you overcome shame, because He already has.
“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38,39
to those who put their
God’s Got This!
“God, do you see what is happening in the world right now,” was the lament of the book of Habakkuk began Tim Gad dy, Senior Pastor of New Life Church in Cabot, Arkansas, when he visited Revival Church at the beginning of September. He then proceeded to define faith and its application to our lives. Quoting Hebrews 11:1: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen,” he went on to say that “the Chris tian life itself is the denying of my way and following Jesus, and it is rooted in me not having all the answers all the time. There are going to be questions we don’t have answers for. There are going to be situations we cannot figure out, but it is incumbent upon us to rise up when we don’t understand and simply believe.” He said that faith is believing that God does have the answer, that God will come through, that He will be on time, that He will save, that He will bring the prodigals back home. He stressed the importance of our staying the course. “We are the kind of people once we start this journey, we’re going to see it through,” he said. “Faith is the ac ceptance of God’s purpose and His plan for my life. I am so grateful when we don’t have answers, we’ve got God! He has it figured out!” What an encouraging message!
A Compelling Story of three SiSterS
Text by Editor Leo Aguilera Sisters Jackie Walls, Rosie Estrada, & Josie Barraza![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/221009204708-c69c9980bd2db8f2f8884fbac633061e/v1/1a19073ec395e8660a800ffd0c9b82ef.jpeg)
Editor’s Note: In previous two issues, we learned that the Hurtado sisters, Rosie, Josie, and Jackie, were born into extreme poverty. Their parents were field laborers and had to work hard, grueling hours in the hot sun, picking various fruit and vegetable harvests throughout California. The sisters joined their parents picking while still young girls, and their lives were dictated by a domineering, abusive father who beat them and their mother into submission, creating a hostile environment of fear and pain. Their misery was compounded with his drinking, gambling, and womanizing, building tension in the marriage until, one night, an explosion of violence left their father dead, shot by their mother in act of a complete meltdown. She was sent to the psychiatric ward of the state prison, where a team of psychiatrists de termined she was innocent because of extreme mental and physical trauma leading to temporary insanity. Their mother was released after nine months. We continue with the family free from fear, but with the sisters still facing the struggle and challenges of life as one by one they are drawn to the only One who can deliver and heal their souls)
“But in my distress I cried out to the LORD; yes, I prayed to my Godfor help.He heard me from his sanctuary;my cry to himreached his ears.”
Psalm 18:6 (NLT).
Rosie’s Story - Part 3
A Horrendous Wreck WitH FAte!
met her husband, Javier, at a party. He was stationed in the reserves in Santa Barbara. It was late, but not too late to keep partying. After telling Rosie he was going home, he wrote his phone num ber on her arm. She gave him the impression that she also was going home. However, they were both em barrassed later when they ran into each other cruis ing down a city street to the next party. They kept in touch and eventually started dating.
Soon they became very serious, but then Javier’s mother persuaded him to move with the family to Hawaii for a job. Rosie was devastated, as they had just become serious. Angry, she moved in with her sister Terry and got a job. But she was depressed. She partied heavily, yet she could not escape from her loss. She would be bawling, crying, and drinkingmissing Javier.
trying to pull her out of the car. When they were fi nally able to open the car door, a police officer peered in and asked if she was all right. Although he was speaking, Rosie could not respond. She was in shock. Suddenly, panic hit her, seeing the large crowd of on lookers. She pushed the officer away, and she started running. They screamed at her to stop, “You’re going to bleed to death!” They finally caught up to her and took her to the hospital by ambulance.
One day she took out the brand new Thunder bird that Terry had purchased for her mother. Rosie was plastered. She partied with her friends, drinking more, and when it was time to go home, they begged her not to drive. She was stubborn and drove away alone before anyone could take away the keys. She remembers driving fast, at least 60 MPH. She is not sure what caused the accident, but thinks she may have swerved and gone out of control. She remembers hitting a white wall with her car, which later turned out to be the back of a giant water truck. “All I saw was glass everywhere, and this white, shiny wall,” she recalls. She was so intoxicated, she was not ful ly conscience and aware of any pain. The steering wheel was pushed up under her rib cage. “Everything flashed through my mind,” she said. “I started seeing picture after picture of different stages of my life. Ev erything was in slow motion. Glass was raining down around me like diamonds.”
The next day when Rosie woke up, she was in the prison ward of the hospital in downtown Los Angeles. She was in pain, but she did not know what was wrong. When her mother visited her for the first time, she passed out in front of her, requiring medical attention. Her brother gasped in horror. Rosie asked to see herself in the mirror and immediately regretted it. Her lips were grossly swollen and hanging down with stitches. Her face was black and blue. Her eyes were gruesomely blood-shot. She thought to herself, “I shouldn’t be alive.” Although her face and legs were lacerated and heavily stitched, miraculously, she did not break any bones. “It was only God,” she said, that saved her from an early death. She was also amazed that she did not have to go to jail. When she went to court, they dropped all the charges. And even to this day, her mother has never complained to her about the loss of the car. However, it took Rosie months to heal.
After Rosie recovered from her accident, Javier invited her to come to Hawaii. While she was there, she became pregnant. Javier had not found good em ployment. They needed a course of action. They de cided to try Modesto. Josie was there, and his mom had also made a contact with a Modestan who could employ Javier immediately in construction. When they both returned to Modesto, they were married by a justice of the peace.
She remembers someone banging against her car,
That is when Josie started inviting Rosie to church consistently. Rosie never wanted to go. Finally, she made a deal with her sister. She would come to church, if she could have a few beers first. When she
“You’re going to bleed to death!”
“All I saw was glass everywhere...”
“I shouldn’t be alive.”
walked into church, she was wearing her tight jeans, dark shades, and had a pack of cigarettes rolled up in the sleeve of her white T-shirt. Even dressed like that with the smell of beer on her breath, she was con vinced that these church people were full of the devil when she saw them running around the church during worship. Even so, she kept coming back to church. When asked why, she replied, “I can’t explain it, but there was something I wanted to know more about. There was something I wanted more of.”
One night when Javier and Rosie were both at church, and it was near the end of the service, Broth er Bobby Rodela went up to Javier. He asked him if he wanted the Holy Ghost. Javier was hesitant when he saw there was no one up at the altar. But when he went up, within 30 seconds, Javier got the Holy Ghost. It took Rosie another six months.
Holy Ghost that night. When the altar call was given, she went to the altar expecting it. “I lifted my hands, and I remember getting lost in the Holy Ghost. I felt joy from the top of my head to the soles of my feet,” she said with tears in her eyes. On the way home, she asked her husband to stop by the liquor store because “she was thirsty. Instead of buying a beer, she pur chased a soda. When she put her money down on the counter, she told the surprised clerk, “I got the Holy Ghost!” Pastor Keyes baptized her in Jesus’ name, and Rosie began her new life as an Apostolic saint.
She had been going to church regularly because she wanted to keep an eye on her husband. This one particular night, she was very moody. “I was sitting there all bitter and sour, wishing church would finish,” she said. She was startled when Javier accidentally hit her in the face while he was lost in worship. She became very angry. “I remember leaning forward. I clinched my fist, and I was getting ready to sock him, when suddenly I felt something come over me. It caused me to relax my hand and sit still in the pew. I recognized it was the Holy Ghost.” She stood up and told her husband that she was going to receive the
“I felt joy from the top of my head to the soles of my feet.”
Rosie Estrada today
“He lifted me up from the pit of despair, out of the miry clay; He set my feet upon a rock, and made my footsteps firm.” Psalm 40:2
September Volunteer of the MonthAngela Warren
Congratulations to Angela Warren, our September Volunteer of the Month. As Administrative Pastor Jon Quinones said when honoring her: “She is always working behind the scenes - making sure logistical things are in order, making sure services and our guest
speakers are taken care of.” Many times we have seen her laboring at special events, ensuring everything looks perfect and runs smoothly. She is already busy preparing for the upcoming Stewarship Missions Conference. What a blessing she is to Revival Church!
Ministry Focus: Music
AtRevival Church, we are blessed to have an outstanding music ministry team: Matthew Aguirre, Nancy Holston, Kellee Hopper, and Tim Montes. They are responsible for overseeing the worship singing, musicians, and sound for our services and livestreaming. We are fortunate to have such gifted, dedicated, and spiritual leaders in this very important ministry. They are supported by our talented and gifted worship singers and musicians who lead us into
the presence of God every service. We are definitely spoiled! Thank you, all, for the hours you sacrifice for God’s kingdom, blessing not only our local church, but also our online viewers across the world. “Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts” (Colos sians 3:16, NIV).
End of Summer Activities
BUFF - Take Me Out to the Ballgame!
Not even the sweltering August heat could deter our BUFF men from enjoying a day of fellowship, watching the city’s local minor league base ball team, the Modesto Nuts, play. Thank you, Herb Jenkins, for planning another great outing for our men and their sons. It was definitely a home run!
Atlas Clay Fairbanks
Congratulations to Taylor and Mehgan Fairbanks on the birth of their son Atlas Clay. We are thrilled for his grandparents, Pastor and Sister Johnson.