2023 Summer Issue of The Newsvine

Page 26


Every page an altar to His works!”



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email us at thenewsvine@gmail.com

google us at: the newsvine or follow us on: issuu.com/thenewsvine










Charlene Wilson

Lindsay Castro

Leo & Virginia Aguilera

Leo Aguilera & Creative Team

Joshua Aguilera, Autumn Amador, Alexis Diaz, Jocelyn Powell

Carol Castillo

Alexis Diaz

Virginia Aguilera

Norbert Feliciano






Dana Le’Blanc

Uday Narayan









B.U.F.F. (MEN 50+)





Although the world is in turmoil, God isn’t. He has a plan. Our job is to stay focused on the job He has assigned us and leave the rest to Him. We are to have faith, not fear. Trust, not trepidation. We have confidence in a God Who is all-knowing, all-powerful, and is ever-present. He hears every prayer, whether it is whispered or cried out in desperation. It doesn’t matter where you live, your financial or social status, age or ethnicity. Simply, He loves, He cares, and He responds.

No matter what anyone may tell you, God is real. He is not an inconsequential character in an old book. He sees you. He knows you. He has a plan for your life. He is just waiting for you to reach out to Him. As the song says, “He’s as close as the mention of His name.” Give Him a try. Start up a conversation with Him. He always has time for YOU!

Jerry Powell

Jonathan Quinones

Jeremiah Williams

Uday Narayan, Xenn Seah

Joshua & Jeannette Aguilera

Tim & Jeriann Montes

Charlene Wilson

Antonio & Gloria Gutierrez

Kellee Hopper, Matt Aguirre

Nancy Holston, Tim Montes

Dana Le'Blanc

Sujay Diaz, Mary Aguirre

Herb Jenkins

Charles & Joyce Bispo

Jonathan Quinones

Alex Diaz







Chris & Lindsay Castro

Joyce Jones

Joyce Jones

Joshua Williams

Jeremiah Williams

MaKayla Johnson


SUNDAY - 9:00 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m.

MONDAY - 7:00 p.m.

WEDNESDAY - 7:00 p.m.

THURSDAY - 7:30 p.m.

FRIDAY - 7:00 p.m.

SATURDAY - 10:00 a.m.


Spanish/Service - Youth Chapel

Pre-service Prayer

Morning Service - Sanctuary, KREW

Growth Track - Youth Chapel

All-Church Prayer

Mid-Week Service, KREW

Spanish Service

Revive Youth Service

Saturday Morning Outreach

Modesto, CA 95354-3414.

submitted articles to The Newsvine are subject to pastor’s approval and editing by The Newsvine staff.

It is our hope that this magazine inspires, challenges, and ministers to you, whether you are a church member, minister, loved one, friend, or a curious someone who has stumbled upon our publication. May its photos, articles, and its Testimony of Faith stir your heart and speak to your soul. In this issue we have coverage of our Easter services, special guest speakers, Mother's and Father's Day, Baby Dedication, graduates, Memorial Day church picnic, Revive Youth and KREW Kid weeks, Mission-focused articles, and much more! Be sure to read Carol Castillo's article entitled, "Don't Let Your Past Ruin Your Present" and the powerful testimony of Sister Rebekah Hunt.

Thank you to our faithful readers. Please be sure to share The Newsvine with your family and friends. Our next issue will come out the first week of October. God bless you all. Maranatha! The Lord is coming!

Newsvine Editors

Leo and Virginia Aguilera

is published quarterly (first week of January, April, July,
Revival Church, 825 7th Street,

Besides Tithing, Christians Should Also Give Offerings

(Editor’s Note: In our last issue, I presented the basic Biblical principle in our doctrine why all Christians need to tithe. I quoted the Bible verse found in Matthew 23:23 (NLT) where Jesus Christ Himself commands us to pay our tithes with the proper attitude: “What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you are careful to tithe even the tiniest income from your herb gardens, but you ignore the more important aspects of the law-justice, mercy, and faith. You should tithe, yes, but do not neglect the more important things.” Every righteous command Jesus gave to the Pharisees IS a universal command for all believers to follow. Now I will address Christ’s command that all His followers should give offerings as well. Offerings are the acts of giving beyond tithing, as will be explained.)


The prophet Malachi made the distinction between tithes and offerings when he separated the two with the word “and” in Malachi 3:8: “...Wherein have we robbed Thee? In tithes AND offerings.” Jesus also made the distinction when he spoke to the Pharisees how to properly give tithes (see Editor’s Note) and then addressed the listeners at the Sermon on the Mount on how to give offerings to the poor in Matthew 6:3 (NIV): “But when you give to the needy...” Paul provided guidance as well when he instructed the members of the church to support the ministry in I Cor. 1:14:, “In the same way, the Lord ordered that those who preach the Good News should be supported by those who benefit from it.” Then Paul gives an excellent example of an offering beyond the tithes in II Cor. 8:4,5 (NLT) when he praises the generosity of the Macedonia church for giving to the needs of the Jerusalem church: “They begged us again and again for the privilege of sharing in the gift for the believers in Jerusalem. They even did more than we had hoped...” Another example of giving an offering is when Paul said to the Corinthian church to have the offering for the Jerusalem church ready in II Cor. 9:5: “So I thought I should send these brothers ahead of me to make sure the gift you promised is ready. But I want it to be a willing gift, not one given grudgingly.” Time and time again God speaks to us in the Old and New Testaments that His true believers will always give of their material substance as the source of offerings and tithes.


We saw with the Apostle Paul that offerings can be meeting the needs of the local church or other churches in need.

Offerings to missionaries or outreach ministries in the local congregation are excellent examples. Remember the salaries of the local pastor and assistants are to come from the tithes. Missionary pledges and the upkeep of the church building, bus ministry, outreach programs, and church charities should be met from added offerings in the offering plate by the local saints.


Our LORD Jesus Christ was very direct about giving to the poor. In Matthew 6:3 He did not say IF we give to the poor, He said (NIV): “But WHEN you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.” The Lord commands all Christians to give to the poor and needy, whether in our local community or beyond. The Lord also commands us to be secret and discreetly confidential in this type of offering. Married couples and individuals should be giving to charities that truly help the poor and underprivileged. When a Christian feels in his heart to

(Continued on next page)

In Luke 21:1-4, Jesus commended the widow giving all she had as an offering into the temple's treasury. Bible illustration by Gustave Dore, 19th century.

give to a charity, he does not need to tell his pastor or family members that he is doing so. If a married couple gives to St. Jude Hospital to help child patients battle cancer, they need not tell church members and their friends they are doing so. Giving to local homeless shelters, gospel missions, and funds for free meals to the poor, as can be specified to any local Salvation Army, is pleasing to God. Volunteering for community service, as our local brother Jeremiah Williams is an excellent example of a generous citizen and civic leader, is a commendable sacrifice of time and labor. Even in giving those few dollars to those extending a hand for help, God sees and rewards the giver. Before giving to a charity, a Christian needs to study and discern if that organization is legitimate. My advice is to give carefully.

Giving to church needs, missionaries, and alms to the poor and needy is divinely ordained. Giving offerings is God’s command to perform AFTER the Christian gives his tithes, not instead of.


As Paul teaches us in II Cor. 9:6-7 (KJV): “Now this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly, and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let them give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.” Here Paul gives us the promise of how God will bless us with the simple law of the harvest. The more seed you plant, the bigger the harvest. The more generous you are in giving of your substance, the more He will bless YOU! And you should have JOY when you give. Being joyful is addictive, so your giving should be part of your worship. Once you give your tithe you have the freedom to give offerings Deciding where to give and how much should always be preceded with prayer. The Holy Spirit will guide you to become aware where your money or service is most needed.

A good old Dutch adage says, “The only things you take from this world are the things you gave away.” God is keeping an account of all that we give in tithes and offerings. It is like a bank account accumulating for us in heaven. That godly widow, faithful in her tithes and offerings and even generous with her time and service to her community, may not be wealthy here on earth, but her treasure in heaven would make the richest CEO on Wall Street bow his head in shame. Jesus spoke these words in the same sermon he preached about giving: “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth... but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven... for where your treasure is there will your heart be also.” (Matthew 6:19-21) AMEN!

Happy Birthday, Pastor Johnson


"And I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will guide you with knowledge and understanding."
- Jeremiah 3:15 (NLT)
The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.
11:25 NLT)

Table of Contents

Palm Sunday - Paul Pamer

Good Friday Communion Observance

Easter Sunday Celebration

Growth Track Quiz Tournament Finals

Volunteer of the Month - Mary Aguirre

Guest Preacher - Jonathan Whittemore

Heritage Service

KREW Extravaganza

Church Outside the Walls

Baby Dedication

Focus on Missions - India, Greece, Hong Kong

Mother's Day

Guest Preacher - Dannie Hood

Guest Preacher - Drew Galloway

Memorial Day Picnic

Class of 2023 Graduates

Testimony of Faith - Rebekah Hunt

Life Group Kick Off

Jesus Tour

Revive Youth Week

KREW Kids' Week

Wisdom Begins with a Word - Carol Castillo

Life Groups Current Events

Father's Day

Volunteer of the Month - Brandon Fletcher

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13 14 15 16 18 20 21 22 24
29 30 32 33 34 36 38 - 41 42 43 44 45 46 - 48 49 50 51 SUMMER NEWSVINE 2023 • 5

Reverend Paul Pamer


Bring the Fire!

Easter week kicked off with Reverend Paul Pamer, senior pastor of Apostolic Church in Barberton, Ohio, preaching the message on Palm Sunday. "Bring the Fire" was his title. He described the events when Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem, how the people took off their coats and threw them down in the road before our Lord. He said for many of the people, their cloak was the most valuable possession they owned. He said we must give God our best. We cannot give Him our second best. When Jesus came riding in on Palm Sunday, he said, He came to change the world. "He's come to bring the fire. He's come to usher in unquenchable fire. God has set the fire to set you free!" He explained how the word hosanna has a different connotation to Jews. In English, it is similar to the words, "Save us!" So when the Jews that day cried out to Jesus, they were passionately saying over and over again, "Save us!" We need Him to save us, our families, our world! Jesus, Hosanna, save us!


Good Friday Communion Observance

"And He took bread, and when He had given thanks, He broke it and gave it to them, saying, 'This is My body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of Me' (Luke 22:19 ESV).

"And He took a cup, and when He had given thanks He gave it to them, saying, 'Drink of it, all of you, for this is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins' (Matthew 26:27-28 ESV).


His Blood Still Cleanses Us from Sin!

This year, the church moved its midweek service to Good Friday to commemorate the Lord's Supper. It was a very moving time. With such songs as "Your "Love Came Down," "Hallelujah for the Cross," and "Thank You, Jesus, for the Blood," the ensemble ushered in a spirit of gratefulness to the "Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world" (John 1:29). Then Pastor Johnson led us in the partaking of communion by reciting the words of Jesus during the last supper with His disciples.

Oh, what a Savior! What love He showed us that "while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). Oh that precious blood of Jesus that will never lose its soul-saving power!


Easter Sunday Celebration KREW KIDS

Our KREW kids, led by new KREW choir director, Celia Jackson (below middle), enthusiastically sing!

RC Choir

Our RC Choir, anointed and full of fire, blessed the church and prepared those in attendance for the Word of God. Wave after wave of worship rose up from the congregation as the choir sang "Child of God," "Matthew 28," "Death, Hell & the Grave," "The Blood," and "Jesus." It was truly a celebration of Christ's resurrection!


Easter Message

What an amazing Easter message we had this year, culminating in a total of 20 people being baptized in Jesus' name between our Palm Sunday and Easter services! "Easter should be loud, powerful, grave shattering!" exclaimed Pastor Johnson during his Easter Sunday message. He went on to say the dead, lifeless, and helpless, live when Jesus gets on the scene. Jesus has all power in heaven and earth, he said, and He is victorious over


death, hell, and the grave. With Jesus. you will live, and you will have life more abundantly. "You don't have to believe the bad news," said Pastor Johnson, "that your life is over." He spoke of the transformational power of Christ that can "pull you out of the grave clothes, just like Lazarus." There is still life-giving power available. He declared, "There’s resurrection, grave-opening power in this service today... There is hope for you and me!"

Pictured from left: One of the 20 baptisms; Bishop and Sister Sharon Keyes; Sister Sharon Keyes & Sister Kim Johnson; Sister Joann Gann and Sister Sharon Keyes.

Quizzers Compete on Oneness

It was an exciting Midweek service when our Growth Track quiz team finalists competed on their knowledge of oneness scriptures. With Sujey Diaz acting as Quiz Master, it was Team Fuego versus Team Exodus. The match was a nail-biter, with the match coming down to the last question. Congratulations to Team Fuego for prevailing. As one of our Growth Track teachers, Andrea Powell said, "Aren't you glad you know who God is? When we learn the word of God, we all become winners."

Teams listen carefully to the question posed by Quiz Master Sujey Diaz. Competing on Team Exodus was Ashley Valencia, Gary Wilson, Jr., and Noah Wells, coached by Dana Le'Blanc. Team Fuego, coached by Vinnie Zapien, was made up by quizzers Gloria Sadeddeen, Claudia Carrera, and Frances Robledo.

From top left: Quiz Master Sujey Diaz; a victoria Team Fuego joyfully lifts up their hardearned trophey. Left: While Team Fuego celebrates, Coach Dana Le'Blanc congratulates winninng coach Vinnie Zapien

Growth track

Mary Aguirre April Volunteer of the Month

Called to Serve

In April, Pastor Johnson and the church honored and thanked Mary Aguirre for her many years selflessly serving our church (left), volunteering wherever she has the opportunity. She has helped with our missions conference for 17 years and Kidz Zone for 14 years. She is on the serve team as a greeter where you can see her smiling face as she welcomes you into the sanctuary. When one of our members loses a loved one, she helps to make meals for our church's "meal train" in the week before the funeral. Sister Aguirre also provides a vital service for funerals by making sure there is a luncheon prepared for the grieving families. She coordinates ladies to bring food and to set up and clean up. These are just a few of the areas in which she contributes her time and skills. "It's my honor to serve," she said. "I guess it's my calling."


Jonathan Whittemore

We welcomed back Brother Jonathan Whittemore who previously attended our church when he was at Christian Life College. Now he returned as a guest evangelist, preaching several services in May and June. He is dynamically anointed in delivering inspiring messages AND OUR CHURCH WAS BLESSED! Thank you, Evangelist Jonathan Whittemore. You are in our prayers.

"Extravagant Praise"
"Now Is the Time" "Send the Fire!"

Heritage Service

We were blessed to have two great women of God minister during this year's Heritage Service who have given their lives to the kingdom of God. On the left is Sister Perry who not only sang, but also spoke. On the right is Sister Bobbie Shoemake, the mother of our Sister Nancy Holston, who blessed us with some wonderful old gospel numbers.

The special Heritage Choir led by our music team of Kellee Hopper, Nancy Holston, Tim Montes, and Matthew Aguirre, sing one of the old time favorites,"One, One, One, One Way to God," with Sister Perry singing lead.

One of the special moments of our Heritage Service were videos of Sisters Pauline Cameron, Donna Wharton and Andrea and Jerry Powell who shared memories of what it was like to be an Apostolic Pentecostal back in the day when J.E. Rode, J.D. Dansby, and Bishop Keyes were former pastors of the church. Above: Our bishop's wife, Sister Sharon Keyes and Sister Perry pray for our youth. We thank God for the opportunity to share our heritage with our young people who will pass this precious gospel onto future generations. "His truth IS marching on!"

Sister Nancy Holston introduces her mother, Bobbie Shoemake, an old-time favorite gospel singer of many including Bishop Randy and Sister Sharon Keyes who are seated on either side of the Shoemakes. From the left: Joyce Jones and her daughter, Nicole Evans, sing "Great Is Thy Faithfulness;" Paul Winter sings lead on "Heaven's Jubilee;" and Jeremiah Williams sings "Just a Little Talk with Jesus."


Extravaganza is different because we are creating an Apostolic culture. It's not just a normal Sunday school lesson. And it's not little kids church. It's a regular Apostolic power-filled church service, mostly led by the kids themselves. We have a praise team that consists of our children with the help of the youth band. Our kids love the freedom they have to express their worship to God during the worship time. They run the aisles, jump, shout, and sing along–and they know the reason why they do that. We have taken more than a year to teach them how and why we praise. We use our own children to preach a five minute sermon, and we have ministers come and preach to them and have an altar call at the end. Now we are at the point where they are learning to pray for each other or for new visitor's children. Many have been baptized in Jesus' name. We embrace our church's mission: love, grow, serve. - KREW Director Sujey Diaz. Above, Pastor Jon Quinones delivers an inspiring Easter Sunday message to our children. Below, Newsvine Editor Leo Aguilera draws a dragon representing Satan and his evil works as an object lesson after Brother Charles (pictured in box) gives his friends his testimony.

"But Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.'"
Matthew 19:14 (ESV)

Church Outside the Walls Ladies Shelter Ministry

In May, our very talented and anointed Brother Tim and Sister Jeriann Montes joined the Ladies Shelter Ministry team to minister. Brother and Sister Montes were a blessing to the ladies as they led the worship session. "The ladies love to sing and worship," said Sister Grace Delgadillo God bless these godly women of God who faithfully minister outside the walls of our church.

Beyond the Prsion Walls

For years we sent The Newsvine to Brother Todd Lauderdale while he was in prison with Brother Bobby Rodella's son. Although it was a difficult time for both of these men, they were determined to let their light shine and busied themselves with teaching Bible studies to their fellow inmates. One gentlemen, named Diego, has maintained his friendship with Brother Todd, a faithful member of Revival Church since his release several years ago. Recently, Brother Uriel had the honor of baptizing Diego in the life-changing name of Jesus Christ. Pictured to the far right is Diego with Brother Todd. Thank God for Christians who look beyond the walls of the church and work where they are planted. Pray for Diego as he begins his new walk with Jesus Christ.

City Councilman Jeremiah Williams

In our next issue, we will include an article on Brother Jeremiah Williams, one of Modesto's newest City Councilmen, covering his first months in office. He has already been hard at work for the citizens of Modesto. Pictured here are Newsvine Editor Leo Aguilera and Councilman Jeremiah Williams standing with California State Senator Marie Alvardo-Gil at her swearing in ceremony held in the offices of Modesto Irrigation District in March of this year. We are praying for you, Brother Williams, for wisdom as you deal with our city's challenging issues.


Baby De dicat io n

Pastor Todd Johnson praises families for bringing their children to the church to the dedicated to the Lord. He emphasized the importance of raising children in God's house, especially during the challenging times in which we live. He prayed for God's protection and blessing on these young children and their families.

“Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.”
- Psalm 127:3


Greetings from ELDER CHACKO THOMAS, India

We ended the last year with the orphanage Christmas celebrations at the campus, and New Year programs. As always, the underprivileged and poor children were our main guests and we gave out Christmas gifts and hampers, and a good dinner to about 100 children. The message of Christmas was played out in skits, dances, and carols. It was a blessing to see the children's faces light up with joy and excitement. It was a joyous evening as we all glorified and worshiped God.

Three of our village churches celebrated anniversaries. As part of our Mumbai church anniversary, we had our three-day General Conference at the campus hall. Over 300 people attended from all over the country. God poured down His Holy Spirit upon His people and 24 people accepted Christ and got baptized on the last day. It was a great time of fellowship and sharing of God's Word!

In a nearby village close to the orphanage, a poor family had lost their mud house as heavy rains caused their roof to collapse. They had since been living under a plastic sheet. God helped us to build a beautiful concrete house for them, complete with tiles and cement roof. The family could not hold back tears of joy as we cut the ribbon of their new home. Please pray that God will use our acts of charity to demonstrate His love to the lost and draw them to Jesus. Your support and your prayers have been helping us reach out to many lives and turn them toward salvation. Thank you for investing in His kingdom here in India. I truly appreciate your support and heart for Indian missions and little children. May the Lord continue to shine His face upon you and your family! Praying for you all.

Above: Pictures from the three-day General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ in India. Over 300 people attended from all across India and 24 people accepted Christ and were baptized in Jesus' name! Above: Christmas and New Year's celebrations at the orphanage. Christmas gifts and dinner were provided to about 100 very excited children. Right: Elder Thomas cuts the ribbon to a house they were able to build for a family whose home had collapsed from heavy rains.



What motivated you to be a short-term missionary to Greece?

The number one thing that motivated me to go to Greece would be God's calling. Coming from a missions-based church, Pastor has always taught us saints to be a good steward and that the generous shall prosper. Ever since God blessed me with a job, I've had a heart for the mission field in a financial aspect, but I never thought about going to the actual missions field myself. I didn't think that was for me until I truly felt God calling me after our Missions Conference of 2022. I knew God was preparing the way and calling me, but I felt that confirmation strongly that Saturday night of the conference.

Describe the specific activities you engaged in while you were in Greece?

Some activities I engaged in were helping the praise team in worship and assisting Sister Moreno with any duties that needed to be done such as: making baskets for our special guest speakers and helping with the small toddlers class. I would also help teach Bible studies to our junior high and youth class and touched on some graphic designing.

What challenges did you encounter during your missionary trip?

Much of the challenge that I encountered during my mission trip was the spiritual aspect of everything. There were different strongholds and different battles to fight. Something that one of my mentors told me was that, "When God has called you as an ambassador of God to a specific place, you are now there to fight on the battlefield." I couldn't agree with her more.

Did you face any language barriers during your trip?

If so, how did you overcome them?

Greece is a country where many of the Greeks know a lot of English. Many of the schools in Greece actually require the children to speak and write in English because it is important, and many English speaking people come to the country of Greece. There were only a few times there was a language barrier, but at those few times there was always someone to help translate for myself and for my other friends that were AIMing with me.

Share a memorable or impactful experience from your time in Greece that significantly influenced your desire to be involved in missions and/or strengthened your faith?

One experience that impacted my faith forever was visiting a small daughter work church in Greece in the little town called Piraeus. This church's services were translated in both Greek and Spanish. There were at the most about ten people who had shown up to the service. My heart truly felt so overwhelmed by the beautiful people. The church was very small, and they had only two singers,

Chloe Espinoza standing in the Acropolis. Singing with the praise team

Sister Karla and Brother David. Sister Karla would sing beautifully in Spanish, and Brother David would sing while playing the piano. His brother would also play the drums, and that was all the church needed. The people there were so hungry for God, and it didn't matter if there were 10 people or 10,000, God moved so mightily. God showed me that there is so much beauty in simplicity. I will forever remember that beautiful church.

What lessons did you personally learn from this missionary trip?

The two most important things that I learned was: One, this life only matters if you have a personal and intimate relationship with God and two, there is nothing better than God's love for His people. Without the pure and precious love of God, we will get nowhere in this life or in the next. I felt that God showed me that those things were the only things that mattered in this life.

Chloe was hosted by missionaries Joshua and Christene Moreno. In this photo she poses with them, their children, and fellow AIMers, Frankie and Brooke.
The ancient city of Athens, Europe's oldest capital


How has your experience in Greece influenced your future plans for missionary work?

I am so privileged enough to say that my missions experience was so great. I was blessed with one of the greatest missionary families and with one of the best churches and people in Greece, but with that being said, YES! My dream is to go on many more AIM missionary trips, LORD willing, and next time for longer! I don't believe that this was the first and last missions trip for myself, but I believe that this is only the beginning of what God has called me to do. Anywhere can be the mission field, and my answer is, Yes!!

What advice would you give to someone who is considering participating in a short-term missionary trip?

To anyone who is contemplating to go to a short missions trip, I say GO!! If God has called you for this, then I encourage everyone and anyone to go! Of course, with your pastor's approval and much prayer and fasting. But if God has given you all those green lights, then I say GO forth!! Sometimes stepping into something like this can be intimidating, but you will not regret it. If God is calling you, then it's time to answer, and He will be with you every step of the way. God bless!

The view from Mar's Hill where the Apostle Paul preached to the Athenians about the Unknown God. A church service in The Crossroads Church in Athens, Greece.


Missionary XENN SEAH Ministers in Hong Kong


Missionary Xenn Seah recently ministered at a gathering of three churches in Hong Kong. After three long years of Covid restrictions, they were thrilled to finally be able to meet as a group for revival services. It was a time of encouragement, worship, the Word, and to strategize how they would go forward. Brother Seah, author of the book Cross Over, has a powerful testimony of God's delivering power. He was a hopeless addict in prison, but thank God for Brother Steve Willoughby, former missionary to Singapore who reached out to him. Still on fire for Jesus Christ, Brother Xenn continues to minister, sharing his testimony and preaching the Word of God. Please remember to pray for Brother Seah and his wife, Barb, and for missionaries Stephen and Lynette O'Donnell, who have labored in the field since they were appointed to Hong Kong in 1987. Also pray for our churches in Hong Kong as they meet the challenges of the day.

...and in Canada!

Brother Seah travels worldwide to share his amazing testimony. This flyer shows him in Canada.

Mother's Day


These two anointed guest preachers are always welcome at Revival Church. Brother Dannie Hood has a long history of visitations with us. Brother Drew Galloway has recently begun to minister at RC. Their sermons are vital to illuminating God's will and purpose for our congregation.

Dannie Hood

"The Cancellation Policy of Heaven"

"Your destination is more important than your present dilemma."


Drew Galloway

Pentecost sunday

"Two Questions of Pentecost"

"There's only one proper response to Pentecost and that is to experience it for yourself!"

Memorial Day Picnic - Our

Our RC Veterans Honored

Mayor Attended!

Above City Councilman Jeremiah Williams with picnic coordinators John and Amy Rodriguez, Modesto Mayor Sue Zwahlen, and The Newsvine co-editor Virginia Aguilera. Left: We were honored to have Mayor Zwahlen speak to us. She commended our veterans and praised Revival Church .


A Time of Remembrance & Fellowship


Congratulations to the Class of 2023!

COLLEGE Graduates

Focus on Lauren Hunt

Lauren Hunt graduated from Northern Arizona University with a BS in Communication Sciences & Disorders and plans on pursuing her education by earning a master's degree in the field She is seeking employment as a Speech Language Pathology Assistant. While in secular college, Lauren also enrolled in ministry classes at Christian Life College in Stockton. "God asked me to be there," she said. Lauren feels a strong calling to the work of God and feels a strong burden to prepare herself for whatever God plans for her life. Lauren has been very active at Revival Church. She is currently a member of the RC Praise Team and is one of the church's worship leaders. In addition, she has served as a leadership team member of both Hyphen and Revive. In 2019, she also went on a two-week mission's trip to Ecuador. Lauren is an exemplary young Christian woman who is talented, dedicated, and passionate about the kingdom of God. God bless you, Lauren, and our other graduates as you all pursue God's direction for your lives.

Alexis Diaz Modesto Junior College Degree: AA in History College Plans - 4-yr university Career Goal - History Teacher Adrian DeAnda San Joaquin Valley College Program - Electrical Technician Career Goal - Journeyman license Jennifer Cameron CSU, Stanislaus Degree - Master's in Social Work Clinical Practice Career - Family & Marriage Counselor

Joyce Dunnell

Teachers College of San Joaquin


Disabilties credential

Career: Special Education Teacher

Zoe Warren

Christian Life College

Degree: AA in Business Administration

College Plans: Christian Life College

Major: Business Administration


Kiah Williams

Alder Graduate School of Education

Degree - Master's in Education

Career - 5th Grade Teacher


Fred C. Beyer High School

College Plans - MJC, CSU Stanislaus

Major - Criminal Psychology

Career Goal: Teacher or Criminal Psychologist

Jayda Martinez

Keyes to Learning Charter College Plans - CSU, Stanislaus

Major - Liberal Arts

Career Goal: Elementary School Teacher


Grace M. Davis High School College Plans - CSU, Stanislaus

Career Goal - Radiology

Julian Salazar

Thomas Downey High School

College Plans - MJC

Major - Business Administration

Career Goal - Chef

Eva Solis

Modesto High School

Plans - Online real estate classes

Career Goal - Real Estate Agent

Samantha Dominguez Atish Narayan

Testimony of Faith - Rebekah Hunt

Lagerquist, was a devoted United Pentecostal Church member. She would take Rebekah to the UPC church in Fremont. Even as a young child, Rebekah had a revelation of the oneness of God and would defend her belief with scripture. “I believe it was God Himself who gave me the revelation,” she said. Rebekah was sad when her godly grandmother moved to Idaho when she was only five years old. When Rebekah would sometimes visit Sister Faye, her grandmother would take her to church. Rebekah attended Blacow Elementary in Fremont. Before she was old enough to attend the second grade, a high school neighbor girl who was her trusted babysitter, began to touch her inappropriately. Because at the time, she did not understand that she was being violated and how immoral it was, she said nothing to her parents. “Thank God, my parents moved me to Montana,” said Sister Rebekah.


(Editor's Note: Sister Rebekah Hunt is a matriarch of a very active family involved with many ministries in our church. She herself is part of our praise team, many times as a soloist with a gifted voice. Her faithfulness is an example for all in our church. Her testimony will reveal tests and trials not common with most, but as you will see, it is her determination to keep her salvation at all costs. Read and be inspired!)


Sister Rebekah Jean Faye Martin was born on July 14 in San Leandro, California. She was named after both of her grandmothers, Jean and Faye. Her parents Vicky and Steve, who married young, had a violent, dysfunctional marriage and divorced by the time Rebekah was three. She was the only child from their volatile union.

Vicky remarried shortly after the divorce to a man named Gary Martin. As he raised her since she was a small child, Rebekah considers him as her father and said, “He was a loving father.” Vicky at the time was employed doing clerical work, and Gary was an owner/ operator for Global Van Lines. They were now living in Fremont and two brothers were born at this time, Gary, Jr. and Brett. Vicky and Gary partied a lot.

Her grandmother on her biological father’s side, Faye

In Montana, they lived in Libby which is near Coeur d’Alene. They were drawn there because her step-father Gary grew up there and wanted to be near his family. Montana is known for its cold winters, with temperatures frequently reaching below zero degrees. However, Rebekah did not mind the cold weather. “It was awesome!” she said. She loved playing in the snow. They moved to a ranchette and Gary found a job at the vermiculite mine there. She attended elementary school there for two years, but the family moved back to California when the mine closed due to asbestos contamination. Vermiculite is used for many products including some potting soil mixes, insulation, and packing materials and most of the time only contains a very small amount of asbestos. Unfortunately, the vermiculite at Libby had a high concentration of asbestos which not only contaminated the surrounding groundwater, but became airborne, causing hundreds of deaths and an estimated 3,000 people were diagnosed with diseases such as mesothelioma, a rare and aggressive cancer. It became one of the country’s worst man-made environmental disasters. “It was only God that we got out of there in two years,” said Rebekah. “The whole town got infected with asbestos. Almost everyone we knew who lived there has died.”

They moved to Newark, California, where they lived until she was in the 8th grade. Gary got a job at Dia-


mond Manufacturing, and Vicky worked for Fremont Christian Church. Her parents had found God, and the family started attending Fremont First Assembly of God Church. “My youth pastor was super impactful in my life,” she said. It was at this time that Rebecca had a supernatural experience with God.


While at Redwood Christian Camp one summer with her grandparents, Rebekah received the Holy Ghost. “I remember being super repentant. I wanted to be close to God and was fearful of going to hell. I went to the altar with my friends. I prayed and lifted my hands. All

lot of people because the students from her junior high were divided into two different high schools. Because of all her family’s moves, she was accustomed to being the new kid, but she said for a while, “you are always the popular kid.” She dated, but never was in a serious relationship. She tried out and was chosen as one of the school’s cheerleaders. She went to prom all four years, and was in the homecoming court most of her high school years, even being nominated for homecoming queen.”I had a blast in high school,” she said. Yet, even with all of her social success, she hated the academics of school and was an average student, earning B's and C's in her classes.

Unfortunately, as she was maturing into a young woman, she had to fight off several to maintain her purity. She again became a target of unwanted attention and inappropriate touching by family members and high school associates. Of the former, without a lock on her door, she was vulnerable. Shocked and confused, she pretended to be asleep. “When my mother found out later,” she said, “she didn’t believe it.” None of the family believed Rebekah. “The abuse made me feel super insecure,” she said. “ I felt abandoned. I just blocked the abuse out. Now, I’ve forgiven and it doesn’t affect me.”


I remember when I fell to the ground was the presence of God over me.” It was then that she saw a vision of a man in a glowing, white gown. He kept telling her not to be afraid. “I was slain in the Spirit for three hours, speaking in tongues” she remembers. Her friends were amazed! By this time it was not common anymore in the Assemblies of God for people to get the Holy Ghost baptism with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. No other campers had the same intense experience as Rebekah. She had to be carried back to her grandparents’ RV. After that she got serious about having a prayer life and reading her Bible.

During her 8th grade year, her family moved to Manteca where they lived with her grandparents for a year. “We were going to the Assembly of God church in Manteca and Modesto,” she said, “but nothing clicked. I know my other grandmother, Sister Faye, was praying for me. She really loved me a lot.”

In high school, she initially did not really know a

When she was a junior in high school, her Aunt Sherri and Uncle Peter invited her to their church, Christian

Life Center in Stockton, California. She started visiting but, “ I didn’t fit in because I had cut hair and makeup,” she said. She was baptized about three months after she started attending and became friends with Brother Nathaniel Haney who was the youth pastor. He explained to her the scriptures on baptism and told her that you must be baptized. She didn’t understand at the time, but felt if the Bible said she must be baptized in Jesus’ name, then she would obey. “When I was baptized, I remember speaking in tongues as I came out of the water,” she said.

She started getting more involved in the youth and joined the youth choir. She stopped wearing make-up when they told her it was against their standards. She eventually got the confirmation that being baptized in Jesus’ name was right. This revelation helped her to accept the Pentecostal standards. There were several men who had an impact on her life during these years. Ted Graves and Chester Mitchell were just two of them. Rebekah’s parents started going to CLC for a couple of years, But when they stopped going to church, Rebekah kept going. At age 18, she moved to the Bay Area and got a job at OMI. Although she had to commute all the way to Stockton for church, she made the sacrifice. She had a genuine experience with God, and she was not going to let it go.

I met my future husband Shane Hunt in 1993. A friend of mine, Andy Dugas, and I went with friends to a Christian night at Great America. Rebekah admits it wasn’t love at first sight for her, but Shane obviously liked her from the beginning. The next week he asked

her out. She was uncomfortable because she had set him up with one of her friends, but she finally relented. They continued to date as she attended CLC and he attended Revival Church in Modesto. Three years later, he proposed and she said yes! With their pastors’ blessings, they married in 1996, and Shane brought his bride to Revival Church.


Soon after Rebekah had their first child, a daughter named Lauren, she came down with fibromyalgia, a chronic disorder that causes widespread pain in the body. “I was in a lot of pain,” she said. “I could barely lift my hand. I would get migraines three times a week. I was miserable!” Due to her excruciating pain, she was practically bedridden for three years. Her condition became progressively worse. In desperation, she prayed to God for healing! She sincerely believes God gave her direction to search the Internet for a treatment that could provide relief. She found a doctor in South Lake Tahoe who offered a treatment that he claimed had been successful. She and Shane decided to give it a try. She stayed at the treatment center for eleven weeks and then she was sent home to continue a reduced maintenance program. The painful, excruciating symptoms were gone! It was a miracle! She was completely healed of her fibromyalgia! This doctor no longer practices, for the FDA and pharmaceutical companies shut him down, but she feels God directed her to him at just the nick of time.

Sister Rebekah Hunt poses with her husband Shane, our church drummer; her daughter Lauren, also a member of our Praise Team and her son, Ethan, who assists on the soundboard, are active in HYPHEN.


At this point of interviewing her for the testimony, Sister Rebekah hesitated to end her story. She then went on to say that most of her young life she was plagued by something sinister and evil, something that surfaced time and time again to attack her spiritually, despite having great victories in her walk with the Lord. She recalls that these incidences began after the abuse she suffered from her babysitter when she was seven. She believed it opened a door to attacks by dark forces, triggered at times by acquaintances who delved in witchcraft.

When she was little, she would be awakened at night with a weight pressing down on her chest. She would also see in the darkness of her bedroom, shadows moving, She found relief by praying and hiding under the covers. When she was in junior high, these disturbances occurred again when she spent the night with a relative she discovered had practiced witchcraft, consulted Ouija boards, and read tarot cards. Another relative living there was into drugs and was an alcoholic. Today he is in prison for murder.

When she attended Christian Life Center pastored by the Haneys, the youth were inspired to witness to save the lost. She encountered three friends from her high school days whom she invited to attend Bible studies at her parents' home. There it was discovered they were witches who were hungry to be delivered. Brother Jonathan Martin, a youth leader, had intense prayer with them. Rebekah recalled seeing their bodies shaking and convulsing and demonic shadows darting quicker than the eye could comprehend. Rebekah was among twelve young people from the church who were praying with this unholy trinity for deliverance. They visited the church a few more times, but she believed they were too involved with the dark arts, even practicing animal sacrifices, and never surrendered their lives to Christ.

When she married Shane, she was frustrated and fearful when her daughter as a young toddler starting screaming at night for unknown reasons. Rebekah had her physically checked by a doctor who found no abnormalities. Rebekah discerned that the devil was messing with her family. She and Shane called Pastor Johnson to their home who blessed their home with a powerfully anointed prayer, casting out all demonic spirits and any past evils. The prayer worked! To this day, Rebekah has never had to deal with any disturbances or spiritual assaults. She gives

credit to the Lord using the man of God to deliver her and her family from the dark forces of the enemy. The Hunt family are a gift to our church. They are generous and active with various ministries. Rebekah married into a family of generations of faithful saints, pastors, and prayer warriors. She adds to the family a strong testimony of serving Christ with her talents and devotion to a life of prayer and loving all.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand" (Ephesians 6:12-13 KJV).

Sister Rebekah Hunt sings with the Praise Team, leading the church in worship.

Life Group Launch

It's that time again to connect to a Life Group, whether your thing is kick ball, trampolines, prayer, or outreach, there is a life group for you! In June, signups for the summer semester took place in the foyer. Life Groups were started with the early church as an example. "And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread,

and in prayers" (Acts 2:42 NKJV). It is important to connect with fellow believers who can not only provide friendship, but also a word of encouragement and prayer during challenging times. Ecclesiastics 4:10 says, "for if either of them falls, the one will life up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and does not have another to life him up" (Amplified).


JESUS TOUR with James Wilson & Draylin Young

Revival Church was blessed in May to host the Jesus Tour with the incredibly gifted James Wilson and Draylin Young. Their music uplifts the name of Jesus and brings Him glory!


Youth Week



Monday - PARK DAY - LASER TAG - YOUTH TAKEOVER Ashlyn Gregory Ryan Paul Riley Torres Natalie Diaz Youth Pastor Tim Montes Youth Pastor Jeriann Montes FRIDAY - WORSHIP NIGHT

KREW Kids' Week


Wisdom Begins with a Word

Stop Letting Your Past Ruin Your Present

• A parent describes living with the knowledge of their son’s suicide as having completely detonated and destroyed their emotional well-being.

• A neighbor is so hurt and traumatized by infidelity that it seems impossible for the marriage to ever move past it.

• A co-worker is fired because the poison of an abusive childhood leached into current work relationships in a thousand harmful ways.

Emotion and memory are linked. Memories we recall easily are usually associated with intense emotions. Traumatic events can etch themselves deep into our brains and leave lasting impressions.

Post-traumatic stress happens not just to combat veterans, but to survivors of tragedy, violence, and loss. Persistently ruminating on past events can cause significant emotional distress and interfere with daily living.

Christians who’ve experienced the love and forgiveness of Jesus and have a genuine relationship with Him are sometimes surprised and dismayed to discover their pasts aren’t as readily erased as their sin. Sin,

though forgiven, has consequences. One of them is living with far-reaching results of tragic events or sinful choices, even when they were outside your control.

It's normal to think about the past from time to time. But if we’re not careful, the roots of past shame, regrets and trauma can entangle themselves around our current life in Jesus and choke the joy out of it.

A Man with a Dark Past

For the rest of his life, the Apostle Paul had to live with knowing that he had sought the murder of people guilty of nothing more than confessing that Jesus Christ is Lord. As a devout Pharisee bent on destroying Jesus believers, Paul (then called Saul) witnessed and approved the stoning of Stephen (Acts 6-7 tells Stephen’s story). After his conversion, people who had suffered tremendous persecution at his hand struggled with believing that his conversion was real.

With a past like that it’s no wonder Paul humbly referred to himself as “chief of sinners” (I Timothy 1:15). It was the very depravity of Paul’s past that kept him humble and grateful while being mightily used by God. He never lost sight of who he might still be were it not for the unmerited grace of God, His everlasting mercy, and His gift of salvation.


Paul didn’t run from his past. He didn’t deny it or try to shirk accountability. He faced it with grace and honored God for delivering him from the sin of it.

Instead of his past becoming Satan’s tool of self-condemnation, his past became God’s tool for self-transformation and proof that not even a vile murderer was beyond God’s redemptive love.

Paul learned from his past but didn’t live in it. He said, “Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race…” (Philippians 3:13-14 NLT). He kept his mind trained on a single focus and refused to give distracting memories, regrets and heartache any power over his present.

How Can We Get Past Our Past?

The past must be confronted in a healthy way. We cannot change the past, but we can face it and honor its rightful place. Lessons learned about ourselves through self-examination can be beneficial and help us gain new understanding and self-awareness.

Think of yourself as an archaeologist. An archaeologist goes into a dig with preparation and purpose to retrieve treasure from the past. They know what’s important to discover and have an identified goal in mind. The dig area is braced and supported properly so there isn’t a cave in. Safety is paramount to the recovery process.

Start with safety. Examine what you believe about God. If you see Him as a disapproving authoritarian ready to condemn you for every mistake, you won’t feel safe enough in His presence to move on to the next step.

Spend time in His Word and in prayer to gain understanding of your privileges as His child. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says you are a new creation in Christ. You’re no longer defined by your past; your now is all that matters: you are a beloved child of God, King of the Universe, Lord of all Creation. God is love and He delights in you. “Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need” ) (Hebrews 4:16 ESV).

Express it. What happened must be expressed. Hidden and bottled feelings and memories will eventually find a way to emerge, usually in the worst possible way. Holding on to them leads to emotional and physical symptoms like anxiety, depression, heart palpitations, headaches, stomach pain, and unexplained fatigue.

Journal it out or verbalize it to God. He loves to sit with you and wants to hear

"The Predication [preaching] of Saint Paul" by Joseph-Benoit Suvee (1743-1807)

your story. He listens with love and patience, with acceptance and mercy. Don’t judge your memories as bad or good or try to fix anything. Just let it be and get it all out without fear or self-justification.

Forgive it. Once everything is out on the table, forgive. Holding on to anger at someone gives them power over you. Only God has power over you. Let Him handle any past wrong.

Sometimes we think we’ve forgiven everyone involved but we overlook forgiving ourselves. Treat yourself with mercy and compassion. You can’t love others until you truly love yourself.

Stop replaying it mentally, wishing for a different outcome. Stop wishing for retribution against whoever wronged you. Stop hoping that if you talk about it often enough, people will believe your side of the story.

It’s done and it’s over. It’s not going away and it’s not changing. Accept it, forgive it, learn from it, and move forward.

Surrender it. This is the hardest part. You’ve done your part by digging through the mess and retrieving all your memories. You’ve been honest and transparent with God. You’ve forgiven. Now what?

Once an archaeologist has found all that can be gained from a dig, they stop shoveling and close the dig site.

Now it’s time to let go of the shovel and walk away from your past. Continuing only buries you in more dirt. It's impossible to heal from old wounds if you keep digging into them.

The Past is a Nice Place but You Don’t Want to Live There.

Going forward, resolve to live in the now. Enjoy the current moment. Find one thing to express thanksgiving for daily. Get your

eyes off yourself and focus on helping others and growing God’s kingdom.

If possible, physically distance yourself from constant reminders. When you feel an urge to dig at old wounds, dig deeper into the Word instead. This process may take time but with determination and practice, you can do it.

And when your past calls, don’t answer. It has nothing new to say.

“Do not remember the former things, or ponder the things of the past.”

Isaiah 43:18 AMP

This article is geared to people who struggle with the past but is not a substitute for professional counseling. If you feel as though your past is causing you extreme distress, professional counseling may also help.

"...I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us."
- Philippians 3:13-14

Life Group Current Events Mature Ladies Luncheon

Our lovely Mature Ladies met in June for a potluck luncheon. The colorful (and sparkling) decorations were provided by Sister Mary Aguirre. After a raffle for prizes–everyone was a winner, it was time to announce the event's surprise speaker. To everyone's delight, it was Sister Lindsay Castro. Her topic was "What is your legacy?" Thank you, Sister Joyce Jones and your team, for providing a delightful fellowship for our "young" ladies.

Game Night Fun!

It was another fun Game Night at the home of John and Amy Rodriguez. After enjoying a delicious potluck meal finished with pineapple upside cake and chocolate cake, the games began. What fun! Can't wait for the next Game Night! Pictured right is Amy Rodriguez's life group, "Who Let the Dogs Out. Who could resist spending time with these adorable doggies!


Father's Day


Volunteer of the Month Brandon Fletcher

In May, Brandon Fletcher was honored by Pastor Johnson as our Volunteer of the Month. This young man has faithfully served our church for many years. Presently, he runs livestream, media, and lights, and unlocks and locks up the church when needed. He also runs sound on Sundays for the Spanish-speaking service. Previously, Brandon was a member of the Youth Leadership Team before he stepped down to become more active in Hyphen. He also used to run sound for the main church services. When he was part of the Youth Leadership Team, he was in charge of media and sound in the chapel. God bless Brother Brandon for his faithful service and example.

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