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June 2011
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Suzanne Edgley Virtual PA 07762 184156 ww w.suzanneedgley.c
Vicki Higham
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Pioneering... Passion, Inspiration, Networking, Knowledge... Pink
7-'(';+9>-%8A%R3A&05%Q39&/%7-'(';+9>-A e
Turn the page for Lee Barkerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Lemon Tart...
How Lee Barker does his
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Lemon Tart... Ingredients
For the Sweet Pastry "\@;%Q:(()+ "@@;%M40&;%P:;9+ 70&4-%'*%P93( \@@;%7390&%<3':+ ?%.;;%`'3H5 ?%(85>%U'3/%,03H%'+%B9()+
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For the Tart Filling =%);;5 #\@;%U95()+%5:;9+ NM %PVCMF DSFBN Z:04)%'*%?%3),'&5
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Anna Elliott
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Hello there and welcome to our first print publication! I really wanted to put something together that would introduce our Furness brides to our local and fabulous wedding professionals even the smallest of traders! In here you will find some lovely little businesses offering excellent services. In fact I bet you never knew they were on your door step! Now before you read on make sure you visit www.thelocalwedd ingpeople.co.uk and join the site. This will open discount and freebie doors galore, news on upcoming events, taster evenings, previews and competitions! Also follow us on Twitter @TLWP_ Cumbria, find us on Facebook and come and see us all at our wedding fair too!
/LVɈ ɧ
Venue Dressing
The very fact you!re reading this article suggests two things possibly, a) that congratulations are in order and b) it!s time to look at the matter of venue decor for your forthcoming special day. Chances are then that your venue is booked, photographer is booked, cars DUH VRUWHG Ă RZHUV KDYH EHHQ chosen, cake is ordered and let!s face it, practically being baked! But it would be no VXUSULVH WR Ă&#x20AC;QG WKDW D % % (bride to be), having mostly everything else sorted, will only now turn her attention to the venue itself and how she will go about decorating it. As the subject tends to lie toward the bottom end of the â&#x20AC;&#x153;to doâ&#x20AC;? list for most couples, when they do address it, it may all seem so very daunting and their wedding date oh so very close! This need not be the FDVH <RXU YHQXH LV D YHU\ LPSRUWDQW DQG VLJQLĂ&#x20AC;FDQW part of your day, it will play host to you and your guests, EH WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW FKDQFH IRU \RX WR JUHHW \RXU JXHVWV as husband and wife and all that happens here will be recorded in your photographs/videos for you
WR WUHDVXUH DOZD\V ,W LV EHĂ&#x20AC;WWLQJ WKDW WKH PDWWHU of decor is thought through carefully. It can be a UHĂ HFWLRQ RI FRORXUV WH[WXUHV PHPRULHV SHUVRQDOLWLHV and everything that is special to you and your partner. Let!s not forget the importance of top table styling, this will be the focal point of your room and all eyes will be upon it. Choosing appropriate decor here, beautifully themed and presented, will provide a perfect styling base for the rest of the room. There are many ways to dress your reception and almost anything is possible, the most important thing to remember is that this is your day, let your personalities shine through, choose colours and themes that are special to you, ideas that will compliment and enhance everything that is the very essence of your celebration. Last but not least, keeping an eye on the budget plays a very important part in your wedding preparations and venue decor LV QR H[FHSWLRQ WR WKLV EXW ZLWK FDUHIXO choices, innovative ideas and clever use of fabrics and materials, a gorgeous reception is achievable, will delight everyone and will result in beautiful memories that you will treasure forever. - Geraldine Ophide, Homestead Studio
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The Dress
SO GIRLS YOU HAVE GOT THE BIG ROCK AND ARE NOW LOOKING FOR THAT HOT FROCK! So when you are ready to try on dresses, do a little research before visiting the shops. Have a look at the wedding magazines, consider the venue where your wedding will be, think about the time of year, cut out pictures from magazines and take them with you. Most specialist bridal shops will require you to make an appointment so they can spend the time with you and advise you on your dress. Don!t buy your dress from internet sellers - there are so many reasons for this, but to Ă&#x20AC;QG RXW ZK\ ORRN DW ZZZ EULGHVDZDUH FR XN 7U\ RQ GLIIHUHQW VW\OHV \RX ZLOO VRRQ Ă&#x20AC;QG WKH VW\OH that suits you best. Listen to the consultants in the bridal shop and take their advice. :KHQ \RX Ă&#x20AC;QG Ň&#x160;WKH RQHŇ&#x2039; \RX ZLOO XVXDOO\ EH DVNHG to pay 50% and then pay the balance when the dress arrives at the store, remember a dress can WDNH XS WR ZHHNV IURP RUGHULQJ WR DUULYLQJ VR you need to consider this when deciding when to go dress shopping. dress arrives at the store UHPHPEHU D GUHVV FDQ WDNH XS WR ZHHNV IURP
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ordering to arriving - so you need to consider this when deciding when to go dress shopping. There are some dresses available off the rail and some that can be ordered on a shorter delivery, but; its never too soon WR EX\ ,I \RX Ă&#x20AC;QG WKH GUHVV \RX ORYH RUGHU LW 6RPH designers discontinue dresses without much notice you may go away and then return to order a few weeks/ PRQWKV ODWHU DQG Ă&#x20AC;QG \RXU GUHVV LV QR ORQJHU DYDLODEOH Make sure that you take a look at the latest Kathy Ireland dress collection. They have a collection of dresses that will transform any walk down the aisle LQWR \RXU YHU\ RZQ +ROO\ZRRG UHG FDUSHW H[SHULHQFH If you are looking for silk, satin, tafetta or lace they have it all. The return to sophisticated elegance is the hallmark of the latest collection. The Kathy ,UHODQG H[SHULHQFH LV PXFK PRUH WKDQ MXVW EX\LQJ D GUHVV ,WŇ&#x2039;V DERXW Ă&#x20AC;QGLQJ WKH SHUIHFW GUHVV IRU \RXU perfect day. You don!t want to look like a million other brides. The whole idea, the whole point, is to look like you looking and feeling a million dollars. www.family-affair.co.uk
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Choosing a
The list you have will seem daunting but dont forget WKH PRVW LPSRUWDQW DVSHFWV QHHG Ň&#x160;WLFNLQJ RIIŇ&#x2039; TXLFNO\ but with thought. One of those services you need to decide, probably earlier than you think, is the choice of your photographer. Good ones get snapped up very quickly and generally work a couple of years in advance. So, your date, thats 18 months away is already well within their schedule. There are lots about but you really need to research and interview the person you want before parting with your hard earned money. Be warned though. You need to fully establish the difference between someone who Ň&#x160;VD\VŇ&#x2039; WKH\ DUH D SKRWRJUDSKHU DQG RQH ZKR Ň&#x160;UHDOO\ LVŇ&#x2039; as the gap is huge! Good photographers are there amongst the vast numbers that now pervade the internet but remember that it pays to research and hire in a quality SKRWRJUDSKHU DQG 127 VHOHFW EHFDXVH Ň&#x160; ZHOO WKH\ DUH the cheapest.! You!ll really, really regret that decision. 1HYHU KDV WKDW ROG DGDJH EHHQ WUXHU RI Ň&#x160;\RX JHW ZKDW you pay for.! So, if it seems too good to be true, it will be! Back to the day then. Most of the budget you!ll allocate for your day is just for that, ONE DAY but the pictures THEY LAST FOREVER and you need to make sure that the person your entrusting, is someone you connect with and importantly, you admire their work. The food, the location, the suit hiring, the bridesmaids dresses are all gone come midnight and so those PHPRULHV QHHG WR PDWFK \RXU H[SHFWDWLRQV ZKHQ \RX see the photographs. They are like amber and your FKRLFH RI Ň&#x160;VQDSSHUŇ&#x2039; LV D YLWDO RQH Is the person you are interviewing going to be the actual photographer or will someone else turn up on the day? 7KDWŇ&#x2039;V PRUH FRPPRQ WKDQ \RX WKLQN $JHQF\ Ň&#x160;VQDSSHUVŇ&#x2039; are on the increase so please ask before you book. An H[SHULHQFHG SURIHVVLRQDO SKRWRJUDSKHU ZLOO XQGHUWDNH D Ň&#x160;UHFFHŇ&#x2039; RI WKH ORFDWLRQV ZLWK \RX VRPHWLPHV D SUH shoot and offer to organise wet weather locations (it is Cumbria after all ha ha!) Discuss the budget and negotiate with them make sure that you are both happy. Anything you are seeking sub ÂŁ500-600 for a full day shoot with an album and copyright free images could be sub standard. A professional photographer will spend a considerable amount of time editing your pictures before presentation and so the fee you are going to part with, will actually go a long way to ensure that you get the best for your wedding. Cast your net and look. Assess and narrow it down to as many as you need to see but make sure you do. Never book a photographer without a meeting.
By Mark Gilligan
:KHQ \RX GR PHHW WHOO WKHP ZKDW \RX H[SHFW Ask to see many, not just a couple of wedding pictures, styles or an album. See a range that they have shot, different weather conditions, locations and dont be afraid to ask them for contacts of previous clients. Never forget that this person will be a truly integral part of your day. Are they shooting full frame? As it ZLOO DIIHFW WKH Ă&#x20AC;QDO TXDOLW\ RI \RXU SLFWXUHV HVSHFLDOO\ if you are going to a large digital album, or a big print for the wall. 5HPHPEHU Ň&#x160;\RX JHW ZKDW \RX SD\ IRUŇ&#x2039; Speak with friends as personal recommendations are D JRRG EHW DQG GRQW EH WHPSWHG WR OHW Ň&#x160;8QFOH *HRUJHŇ&#x2039; It!s quite different taking pictures to order, to a client EULHI %\ DVNLQJ Ň&#x160;WKH IULHQG UHODWLYHŇ&#x2039; \RX DUH VHULRXVO\ dicing with danger as they will NOT be used to shooting to demand and under pressure. They are now beLQJ DVNHG WR GHOLYHU Ň&#x160;RQH VKRW FKDQFHVŇ&#x2039; DQG EHLQJ DEOH to take hundreds and NOT just a few smiley pics is so different. That!s why it pays to pay for a good photographer. It!s a big choice and an important one. www.wastwaterphotography.co.uk
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Handmade gifts and invitations are proving more popular than ever. Brides and Grooms, the world over, are looking for something that is unique and individual for their wedding by commissioning artists and craftsmen. Even cupcakes, a new trend to any wedding, can be individually made for your guests, giving your day that special uniqueness.
Your wedding is to be one of the best days of your life, you also want your guests to have a memorable day too. Making your wedding individual separates it from the rest! Having things handmade, means the Bride and Groom can highlight traits that are unique to themselves and their wedding day from diamantes to lace to hot pink feathers, the options are endless. Giving guests a handmade invitation makes them feel special. It shows you have gone to the effort to have every invite exclusively made. The same goes for on the day, each little detail, when handmade, is that little bit more precious. You’ll find your guests will be taking home their favour, place card and any other memorabilia as keepsakes of your special day.
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The other focal point on your day is the cake! Having the embellishments and cake topper handcrafted add more wow factor and are usually made to be kept for many years to come. The sky is your limit when exploring the handcrafted world, I have even seen towers of paper roses, made by hand, standing tall in the centre of tables or branch centrepieces decorated with crystals. A new craze is the vintage buntings, many places hire these but having one custom made and personalised to match your theme on the day means you can keep it. Imagine 50 years later getting it out for your Golden Wedding Anniversary...how lovely would that be! <3 For the artistically inclined, why not have a go yourself, with a little research and careful planning you’re not only making your day that bit more special but you could also save money! Donna Dacre – The Wedding Stationer Making your day unforgettable...
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Fit to Wed?
OK so my challenge this issue was to complete Diane Singleton’s 6 Week Challenge. My goal was to lose as close to a stone as I could and a good 2 inches off my waist and hips - ready for my sisters wedding on June 11th. See I have found the perfect dress made from vintage material. The designer hand makes them to measure so - yes I have ordered the dress - yes it’s a 10... :/ Although I have been a size 10 most of my life; I am 8 months post-natal and currently a size 14 so I am in desperate need of some exercise, a good diet and most importantly someone to motivate me and give me a push. Diane says she’s the girl for the job... So a phone call later and I’m in DS Fitness on Abbey Road in my trainers. Yes trainers - and they’re so white it’s embarrassing... First things first - Diane weighs me in at 10st 3lbs and measures my waist at 31” and my hips at 41” :[ That done, we head upstairs into a quiet gym full of ladies and not athlete’s either, just normal women. They smile and nod as I’m led to the cross-trainer with trepidation... 15 minutes later and I’m basically knackered, Diane then shows me the rest of the equipment that applies to me and what to do with it, then writes me a gym programme so I know what to do next time if I’m left to my own devices. I agree to attend ‘Body Attack’ the next evening and I’m off home feeling - alive I suppose. Week 1 - Attended 2 Classes and 1 Gym Session - 10st 3 Week 2 - 3 Classes and 15mins Crosstrainer - 10st Week 3 - 3 Classes and 15mins Crosstrainer - 9st 11 Week 4 - 1 Class and 1 Gym Session only :/ - 9st 10 Week 5 - 2 Classes and 1 Gym Session - 9st 8.5 This is week 6 coming up, so I’m not ready to show you my after picture yet :) I have been working so hard at the gym - sometimes 3 nights a week, although sometimes I just couldn’t motivate myself to go and just wanted to order Chinese food. I didn’t though, mainly because I knew Diane would make me work harder next time. Plus what’s the point in fat burning so much that your leg feels like its going to explode if your only going to go home and undo the hard work?
I can honestly say I have changed my life by seeing this through. I can now feel and see my abs, my pelvic floor is convinced its 1995 and I have more energy for my kids and h2b (husband to be). I will continue with the Wednesday night double (pure abs then kettle bells) class forever and I even sold my car during this process too because I just walk everywhere now, saving money and the planet in one movement of the mind. It doesn’t matter who you are, what size you are, how busy you are, how many kids you have... YOU CAN do this and YOU WILL get results. Since I began this challenge I have had overwhelming support from my facebook friends, so much so that 12 of them, individually, joined up to do their own 6 week challenge and if you log on to www.thelocalweddingpeople. co.uk you can see our before and after pictures! :) Lisa Watkinson Hart Editor 9st 7lbs, 36-28-38, Size 10
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Send Us your love story
Do you have a romantic, captivating or intriguing love story or proposal to share with us? Lisa Barker Wedding & Events is offering a free ‘Cherish the Day’ bespoke planning service for the most romantic or intriguing story received, worth up to £1,500. Runner up prizes are: a complimentary lifestyle shoot (value £90) with a further 20% discount off with any prints or albums purchased with Ronson Photography, Bridal car and ribbons provided by Astral Executive Chauffeur cars and a voucher provided by Madam Chocolat for their Wedding chocolate fountain service! How to enter: Your story must arrive with a picture describing your romantic love story or proposal by 23rd June. You can e-mail your post to info@lisabarkerweddings. co.uk or post to Lisa Barker Weddings & Events, 28 The Gill, Ulverston,Cumbria www.lisabarkerweddings.co.uk LA12 7BP www.lisabarkerevents.co.uk The winners must be planning a wedding in Cumbria no later than 2012. The deadline for the submission of your post is 23rd June,2011. Judging will info@lisabarkerweddings.co.uk take place on 30th June, 2011. ( The judge’s decision is final and no correspond- info@lisabarkerevents.co..uk ence will be entered into) 07425 169938
Terms & Conditions: There is no cash equivalent for the prize. The competition is open to adults aged over 18 years of age. The winner agrees to have their story and name printed & photo to be used in The Local Wedding People magazine, The Pinfold magazine and our websites for publicity purposes; including use within social media platforms and newsletters. Subject to availability
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Inside issue 2
The Pinfold Times Cumbrian Rural Academy
Cumbria Rural Academy is expanding to meet the training and learning needs of people with varying abilities across the county. The academy is based at Bigland Hall near Cartmel and currently provides equine study courses for serious riders, keen enthusiasts and apprentices alike. However the center believes there are a number of factors that suggest a broader based education package is required to meet future training needs for the county’s young people. These factors include: The school leaving age will rise to 17 in 2013 and 18 in 2015. Many young people are not academic, Cumbria is primarily rural, tertiary education often results in ‘brain drain’ and/or educated young people taking on
unskilled jobs in order to stay in Cumbria A large number of gifted teachers, scattered across the county are able to deliver courses from their own premises. This may not be a formal classroom, but the natural habitat of the learning for instance, a stable or a farm. CRA aims to collaborate with interested teachers and trainers to create a cluster of learning opportunities that are not offered in the school system. Courses might include dry-stone walling, equestrian courses, agricultural and forestry courses, art based courses, land based courses, farming skills, renewable energy courses etc. We are currently inviting qualified individuals to register an interest if they think they may want to be
involved. The academy, based at Bigland Hall near Cartmel, has been selected as a Centre of Excellence for the provision of the Dual Equine Qualification Apprentice Programme in conjunction with the Preston-based Myerscough College and Mike Kidd Horse Power Training. An open meeting will be held this month (June). Call 015395 30333 to register and for more information about current courses. The academy can also be contacted through Facebook at www.facebook.com/#!/ pages/Cumbria-RuralAcademy/179665022081218
The Pinfold will be launching 1000 balloons in aid of St Mary’s Hospice on Barrow Carnival day. John Woodcock will be releasing the balloons at approx. 4pm from behind the town hall.
This is a green event and will be environmentally friendly; the balloons used decompose at the same rate as an oak leaf. There is a £250 cash prize for the ticket returned from furthest
away by 31st July. Tickets will be sold on the day but can also be purchased at www. thepinfold.com
The Great Balloon Race
Kay Hebbourn
The Pinfold Times
Cumbria Small Business Show
If you do nothing else this summer, make sure you don’t miss the inaugural Small Business Show event at The Park Leisure Centre, Barrow, on July 1/2. Just announced on Facebook, there is already unprecedented interest from small businesses, budding entrepreneurs, further education providers and general public, keen to learn about and support local businesses. Learning and opportunity are keywords which best describe the show’s ethos. It will appeal to everyone from nine to 90 interesting in starting, running and expanding a business or furthering their ideas to help our local communities by actively forwarding our local economy. The event is a joint venture between Connect Cumbria, a social media marketing and management company and MEplus, specialists in personal and business training and development. Together, they have made it possible for us all to celebrate everything that is good and vibrant within the small business community. The business show demonstrates
both parties keen desire to bring the small business community and the public together. Organisers believe that through the development of collaboration and networking, strong relationships between all stakeholders is possible. The show’s website, giving information about the events, speakers, exhibitors and opportunities (there’s that word again) is being constantly updated. The exhibition will be filled with existing small businesses ready and willing to demonstrate what they do and there will be special ‘feature’ events and seminars delivered by successful business people, including Speed-Networking, The Boardroom and 1-1 business advice from local business experts. The Boardroom is where Dragons’ Den and The Apprentice meet. Entrants are invited to ‘pitch’ their business idea in two age groups (under 18 and 19+) for the chance to win £1000 worth of prizes. Speed Networking is
a fun and quick way to make new contacts and start to build lasting and mutually beneficial relationships and the business advice available could prove to be invaluable. All in all, The Cumbria Small Business Show has all the makings of a truly memorable and beneficial event that represents the ideal opportunity to learn and collaborate. For more details, contact the organisers : http:// connectcumbria.co.uk or call 01229 847829 or 0779 3536400 or http:// w w w.faceb o ok.com/ cumbriabusinessshow
We’ll be there!
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