The Remnant Magazine
April 2016 | Volume 1, Issue 4
"Children, obey your parents in the Lord, because this is right. Honor your father and mother which is the first commandment with a promise - that it may go well with you and that you may have a long life." Ephesians 6:1-3
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Inside this issue: “The Great Cancer Scare”… information we all can use. See page 23. “Forgiveness”… a key to transformation. See page 19.
“Unexpected Moves of God”… expect the unexpected. See page 7.
Happy Mother’s Day to all Mothers represented by: 1. 2. 3.
Mary J. Coleman pictured with daughter Audrey. Mother and sister of staff member Mary W. Coleman. Susan Woodard Williams pictured with daughter Lori-Ann Woodard. Mother and sister of Neil Woodard, Editor In Chief. Viola Allmond pictured with her husband. Mother and Father of staff member Vivian Allmond-Booker.
Winnie R. Swatts with daughter E. Denise Swatts-Scher, contributing writer for the magazine.
“Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.” Romans 11:5
Page 1 of 52 “The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness.” Honore de Balzac
In Memory of the Late Elder Neil Robert Woodard, Editor-In-Chief (January 2, 1955 – April 27, 2016) About this Issue from the heart of The Remnant Magazine Staff: It is with deep sorrow that we share with you the news of Neil’s passing. He was excited about publishing this magazine and for those of you who know him well; you know he was excited about every publication. For that reason we had to push through with this Issue on his behalf. We believe he would have it NO other way and we apologize for being late. Neil was overjoyed by the front cover which is a tribute to all mothers represented by the four pictured. Also, as his death was totally unexpected and a shock to us all, so timely is his prophetic message of expect the unexpected in the article written by him entitled: “Unexpected Moves of God,” which is his choice for the theme of this April 2016, Volume 1, Issue 4 Magazine. Please keep The Remnant Magazine, LLC and his family in your prayers.
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(Featured throughout) Accept Your Correction ..……………….. 31 Neil Woodard
Editor’s Notes…….…......……..….
Neil Woodard
The Word of God Unexpected Move of God.....……..….. 7 Neil Woodard
Sharing With Family ………………………. 11 Elder Thomas Williams, PhD
God’s Encouragement …………………… 17 Dr. Michele Quick
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
Not Going to Work (Freedom of Speech) ...................... 35 Elder Thomas Williams, PhD
Sports Can The Cubs Win It All This Year? ….. 41 Lamar Battle
Albert Einstein
Resources ………………………………… 42
Forgiveness ………….………………………. 19 E. Denise Swatts-Scher
Health Facebook
Testimonials/ Inspiration Leap of Faith ……………….………………….. 47
The Great Cancer Scare ………………… 23
Wayne Dawson
Neil Woodard
Unexpected .…................................... 49
Detox Baths/Home Remedies and the Such ……………………….…………………. 40
David Thornton Prayer Requests ………………………………… 48
Mary Coleman
Looking Ahead …………..…….….. 51 Neil Woodard
“Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.” Romans 11:5 Page 3 of 52
The Remnant Magazine Staff Volume 1 / Issue 4 April 2016
Editor In Chief Neil Woodard
Layout / Design Director Mary Coleman
Media Marketing / Advertisement Bobby Junes Neil Woodard
Contributing Editors David Thornton E. Denise Swatts-Sher Lamar Battle Elder Thomas Williams, PhD Wayne Dawson Mary Coleman Dr. Michelle Quick
In honor of our Editor-In-Chief we are excited about our upcoming May 2016 | Volume 1, Issue 5 magazine, A Tribute to the Late Elder Neil R. Woodard. We know he touched many lives and we would love to include a portion of your story. Send to by Friday, May 27, 2016 if interested in sharing your thoughts. Let us know if more time is needed.
Production Managers Mary Coleman Neil Woodard
Research Consultant Elder Thomas Williams, PhD Dr. Christine Valentine
Youth Consultant Hollis Brown
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EDITOR’S The Unexpected! (Without faith, it is impossible to please God and believe.) God prepares His people for the unexpected. The theme of this month’s magazine is the unexpected. There are times that God prepares us without our being aware of preparations occurring in our daily lifestyles. An example of that will be found in David Thornton’s article. In his case preparation was unconscious, yet in other scenarios preparation takes faith as God’s Word promotes one set of values and the world promotes an entirely different set of values. Who will we believe and what are we prepared to do? Other articles in this issue include forgiveness and the great cancer scare. In these articles unusual experiences are recorded and while they were spiritual in nature they were provided to teach us about hidden things and thus be prepared for the unexpected. What about those who don’t believe? Does God prepare the unbeliever for the unexpected? Does He prepare the world? Actually, yes He does to a degree. It is just that there is so much unbelief, arrogance, anger loathing (of self and of others) that we as a people cannot receive the truth. This may be why the scripture states that; “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.” Amos 3:7 So just how does God prepare the world? Believe it or not Hollywood and the entertainment industry have come out with some unexpected and interesting films and music. It is not to say that all that Hollywood does is from God or is prophetic but there have been some prophetic statements coming out the entertainment industry. For me the most recent example is a new TV show called “Containment.” It examines a disease which is fast spreading and killing people off while the Government is not only powerless to stop the spread of it, but is also responsible for the outbreak. For many of us it is just entertainment but the truth is that we are closer to these things than we can imagine. For most of us, this is just good TV. While there are statements (prophetic and otherwise) throughout the Bible many people choose to ignore the Word of God. God’s people… those who pay attention and are in daily relationship with Him will receive
revelation about things to come and hidden things regarding present tense circumstances. The theme of this Editor’s Note is this; “without faith, it is impossible to please God and believe.” We all face unexpected circumstances in our personal lives; are we ready for them? Are we in real relationship with God or is this just a prosperity thing? If we can’t hear God through the multitude of voices that exist in the world and refuse preparation for our own lives then how can we be prepared when the greater prophetic words begin to find fulfillment? Being ready for the unexpected is based upon relationship. Some of us have parents who have had exceptional relationships with the Lord and their prayers have protected us. Others of us have a real relationship with God where interaction is daily and communication is clear; then there are those of us who don’t know God, nor have our parents known God and we are swallowed up when unexpected circumstances arise. The articles presented here are done so in light of unexpected developments. There are times in our lives that all we can do is pray… In other situations however, we are required to take action and accept the responsibility placed upon us through training, circumstances and use of knowledge all of which will have been provided for us by the Father of Lights whose son is Jesus. In light of the political and racial climate in the United States we should expect the unexpected. The winter of 2015-16 in the Southeast and Northeast region of the United States has been unusual and these are just some of the signs of change upon us. Are you ready? Is your faith and your love in God or in what and who the world has to offer? Expect the move of God in your own personal life (for good or bad, it depends upon you) and expect God to move in this country (for good and bad, depending upon the population). Salvation and the right relationship with God (or the lack thereof) will determine the direction of unexpected movement in our lives collectively and individually. The blessing of love is always an unexpected thing. Our need is love and I think for the most part, God has the desire to provide those things which reflect His love for us.
“Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.” Romans 11:5 Page 5 of 52
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The Word of God Unexpected Move of God by Neil Woodard During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. George Orwell They say timing is everything. If we look at the times we can actually see a portion of the unexpected move of God. The month of April here in America reflects our Spring season and the part of the first half (fourth month) of our year, however the Hebrew calendar sees April as the beginning of their year referred to as Nisan/Abib (March-April). Three Feasts of the LORD occurred at this time within the Israelite tradition according to Leviticus Chapter 23. These feasts included the Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread and the Feast of the First Fruits. Is God about to celebrate His people? If we look at the Passover alone, the history behind it tells us that this event led to the liberation of the Nation of Israel from bondage and the simultaneous breaking of their oppressors. The Civil War led to the Emancipation of slaves as the south lost the war. Clearly in these circumstances, somebody has got to win and somebody has got to lose. If we’re looking at an unexpected move of God in our lives and in this country I would think that it would be spiritual first, impacting the economy including corporations and political mechanisms which historically oppressed the working class. As I consider these examples (The Civil War and Moses liberating the Nation) I see that these were ‘in your face’ confrontations and Revolutionary acts of standing on the truth of liberating a people from abuse, oppression and bondage. Again in considering these confrontations it was the ‘good guys’ who started it. Moses just went to Pharaoh saying; ‘Let My People Go!’ That was just the beginning, Moses displayed all kinds of powers by calling down hail, causing darkness in the land, bringing up overwhelming hordes of lice, locusts and frogs, the dying off of Egypt’s cattle and finally the straw that broke the camel’s back, death of the first born of all those who were not covered by the blood of a lamb. It is like God started the war and then finished it at the Red Sea. As for the Civil War, President Lincoln did in fact declare war on the Confederacy despite differences of opinion which maintain that he did not declare war. President Lincoln did declare war. On July 4, 1861 in a speech before the Congress he stated; “So, viewing the issue, no choice was left but to call out the war power of the Government; and so to resist force employed for its destruction by force for its preservation.” It was a long speech not long after he was elected President of the United States. The unexpected secession of southern states and then the unexpected canon fire on Fort Sumter resulted in war and the unexpected defeat of the south. In the same speech the call to war by President Lincoln was further expressed in the following statement: “It is now recommended that you give the legal means for making this contest a short and a decisive one; that you place at the control of the Government for the work at least 400,000 men and $400,000,000. That number of men is about one-tenth of those of proper ages within the regions where apparently all are willing to engage, and the sum is less than a twenty-third part of the money value owned by the men who seem ready to devote the whole.” So… maybe President Lincoln did not say Let my people go, but the result was slavery did come to an end. The point? When God is ready to deliver His people He does so in the most unexpected manner and in these two cases we see the war powers of God were brought to bear and it was God who put His stamp on it. Continue on page 9 “Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.” Romans 11:5 Page 7 of 52
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Unexpected Move of God by Neil Woodard (Continued from page 7) The unexpected move of God is twofold. First there is a declaration (by word or deed) to the oppressing population that war/conflict is official, next there is the liberation of God’s people. God has a time table and does not just move because He feels like it today but tomorrow is gone fishing. We often wonder why some prayers are answered immediately and others take a long time for the answer to arrive. Timing is everything. We live in times of universal deceit now where evil is considered right and good and where righteousness is considered as evil, thus speaking truth is unpopular and in some cases unlawful. This is the basis on which God declares war; the acceptable and lawful oppression, abuse and murder of a population by the rulers of a land as godlessness increases. What can we expect? Expect the unexpected. Expect that God sees and is totally aware of the abuse and oppression of one group of people by another and expect that God will declare war on the oppressing population. This will all be very much UNEXPECTED. Whether warfare comes in the form of a sudden crash in the economy or outbreaks of seemingly incurable diseases or through military might, God will declare it as His purpose will be to once again liberate the population of people undergoing severe oppression. In the case of Moses, God said Let my people go. Yes Moses was the spokesperson and they did not regard him at first but as each curse became more severe and Egypt was being depleted of its natural resources, people (Egyptians) began to believe in Moses as well as the God of Moses. Let’s look at that. When God declared war through Moses (Let My People Go…) military might was not used because His people had no military through which He could fight. God used nature, the environment, even universal devices. The sun stopped shining for three days and the darkness was thick. Water was turned to blood. Guns and nuclear weapons won’t be God’s weapons of choice in order for repentance to occur, He will use other means and the population will recognize it. Disease as by plague is characteristic of the warfare of God along with other unexpected moves. Just read Exodus chapters 7-14. Disease and plagues will be tools that God will use to wage war on today’s oppressors. I have written about the Change of God in preceding issues of The Remnant Magazine. This change is a change from dark to light. Some wonderful things will occur for God’s people and all who decide to believe but I cannot pretend that it all ends there. War will be declared by God upon those who persecute His people and the end result will be liberation and deliverance for those who believe. Let’s look at time… God’s time is not our time. The Word states that one day with the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. Physicists believe that space time curves thus the measurement of time on the planet is slower or at least different than in space or in other planets. Nevertheless, God has a definite time table for his unexpected works on the earth. For example the nation of Israel was in bondage for over 400 years before Moses came on the scene. They were not only delivered from their bondage/slavery, the nation ultimately became MARRIED to God (see Exodus chapters 1924, this was the established covenant of the law and the people answered with one voice… All the words which The LORD has said, we will do Ex 24:3). It was time for the nation to witness the great power of God and also tell other nations about it. Now it’s our time. Repentance and baptism in the name of Jesus Christ will result in our spiritual union and marriage to the God of Glory. A time for war in our lifetime does not necessarily refer to nuclear war, but war nonetheless. There are other forms of warfare and we’ve witnessed war in a variety of ways. While I won’t go into the many forms of war that there are, many of which we ourselves engage in daily, I will say this; when God wages war, the world will see it and look for an escape. God’s people are being persecuted all over the world and one of the first statements that will come from the mouth of the King is that people must repent. The directive for repentance will be applied to specific populations. This word repent is just as powerful and equivalent to the words spoken in ancient times to let my people go. So let’s all look to repent ourselves and abide in right relationship with The Father through His Son Jesus. Resistance to the word to repent will occur and the movement of God will begin. Our hope is in the love of God and where change is concerned…there are always possibilities… meaning that hope is never to be lost, never.
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Artist Highlight
Lakeisha Hocker Pencil and ink artwork by Lakeisha Contact LaKeisha for pricing and customer drawings: Phone: (804) 439-2767
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Sharing With Family by Elder Thomas Williams, PhD On January 25, 2016, I applied for an academic teaching position with an evangelical Christian university in Pennsylvania and as part of the application process had to submit a statement of faith. When I wrote the statement of faith, I did NOT compromise what I believe but hoped that my honesty and biblical worldview would make me a good fit for the university. To make it easier for the university search committee to follow my voice, I organized my statement of faith into eleven categories and kept it within the standard of practice by alluding to but not quoting any Scriptures. Writing a statement of faith is a challenging as well as a thought-provoking process and is a “brief summary” of what you believe as a new creature (2nd Corinthians 5:17) based on Scripture. Thus, I share my statement of faith with The Remnant Magazine family in hopes of encouraging each reader to examine and think about what he or she believes according to the Word of God.
Statement of Faith (as submitted on January 20, 2016) ABOUT GOD I believe that God created the heavens, earth, sea, and man. I believe that there is only one God. I believe that God created all things through Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I believe that God is Spirit. I believe that God is a consuming fire. I believe that God was manifested in the flesh. I believe that God is holy and expects his people to be like Him. I believe that God wants all men to be saved. I believe that God hears and answers our prayers. I believe in the Godhead. I believe that God is merciful and kind. I believe that God has our best interest in His mind.
ABOUT JESUS I believe that Jesus was the Word made flesh. I believe that Jesus is the express image of the Father. I believe that Jesus is the head of the Church and Savior of the body. I believe that only Jesus can save a sinner from his or her sins. I believe that Jesus is the mediator between God and man.
WHAT JESUS HAS DONE I believe that Jesus died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he rose the third day according to the scriptures. I believe Jesus saved the human family by His life. I believe that Jesus sent the Holy Ghost down from heaven. I believe that Jesus sits in heavenly places with the Father and makes intercession for the Church. I believe that Jesus hears and answers prayers. I believe that Jesus died for our sins in order to reconcile man back to God. I believe that Jesus’ life saved me from my sins and reconciled me back to the Father.
(Continued on page 13) “Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.” Romans 11:5 Page 11 of 52
Featured Artist Highlight
Uma hails from the New York and New Jersey region and has been singing and composing gospel and children’s gospel at local churches for over 15 years. The name Uma means bright and luminous. This well describes the heart and intent of this artist who uses her wide vocal range of Alto to 2nd Soprano to spread the brightness and light of love and hope through her music. She does not follow the standard format of gospel genre. She expresses the music from her soul with earthy and jazz flavors that are mixed into her own unique style. Her lyrics are based on personal experiences that are truly heartfelt. Her fans speak of the soothing effects of her voice touching intimate parts of the soul. It’s time for the genre of gospel and inspirational music to be taken to another level. Uma is the one who breaks the barrier of the current market lyrics and sound by singing about the personal intimacy with God and less focus on external turmoil and trials. Uma believes her passion for singing about divine love is meant to be heard all over the world to uplift, encourage and empower towards living a full and happy life. Join her on her celebration of life and oneness with the Creator! Check out Uma’s latest CD “Lord We Need You Today” featuring Shimrock Page 12 of 52
Sharing With Family by Elder Thomas Williams, PhD (continued from page 11) ABOUT SIN I believe that Adam brought sin into the world. I believe that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. I believe that sin is hazardous to our health.
ABOUT REPENTANCE I believe that Godly sorrow will cause one to repent. I believe that all men should repent and turn to God before it’s too late. I believe that God calls all men to repentance. I believe that a person who repents should be baptized in water for the remission of sins. I believe that repentance leads to baptism.
ABOUT BAPTISM I believe people who believe and are baptized shall be saved. I believe that there is one Lord, one faith, and one baptism. I believe that the command to baptize can be found in the synoptic gospels. I believe that the application of the command to baptize is in the Acts of the Apostles. I believe that anyone born again of the water and Spirit is a new creature (creation). I believe that believers should walk in the Spirit, live holy, and obey the Lord God.
ABOUT THE HOLY GHOST I believe that anyone who is born again of the water and Spirit needs to be filled with the gift of the Holy Ghost. I believe that anyone who receives the gift of the Holy Ghost will speak in tongues, prophecy, and manifest the fruit and gifts of the Spirit. I believe that Jesus sent the Holy Ghost down from heaven. I believe that the Holy Ghost is the promise of the Father, another Comforter, a gift, a great teacher, a guide, a reminder, and God himself. I believe that the Holy Ghost is active in the life of the Church (people of God).
ABOUT SCRIPTURE I believe that what we believe about Jesus must be based on Scripture. I believe in the power and authority of Scripture. I believe that the Scripture are God’s word and voice in the earth. I believe that God speaks through His word and does not contradict himself. I believe that all Scriptures are inspired by God.
ABOUT THE END TIME I believe that there will be a bodily resurrection of the just and unjust. I believe in eternal life for the righteous and eternal punishment for the wicked. I believe that the twelve apostles will judge the twelve tribes of Israel. I believe that the saints will judge the world and angels. I believe that hell was prepared for the devil and his angels. I believe that there will be a new heaven and a new earth. Continued on page 15 “Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.” Romans 11:5 Page 13 of 52
Featured Artist Highlight
James Fleet
Biddy Fleet
James Fleet’s father is Biddy Fleet. Biddy Fleet has worked with: Charlie Parker, Jelly Roll Morton, Billy Taylor, Thelonious Monk, Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Wess, Fletcher Henderson, James Moody, Sonny Stitt, JP Johnson, Fats Waller, Claude Hopkins, Red Callendar, Roy Eldridge, Tiny Bradshaw, Buddy Tate, Coleman Hawkins, Cootie Williams, Andy Kirk, Don Byas, Lou Donaldson, Lee Konitz, and Yul Brynner!!! He also appeared in movies, on television, on Broadway (w/ Brynner in 1943), and performed at the best venues with the Kings and Queens of Jazz during the glory days of the 1930s, 40s and 50s. Click here to listen to some of Biddy Fleet’s work.
Click here to hear James Fleet in “Chasin' the Bird” from "On the Shoulders of Giants" (2006). See the February, Volume 1, Issue 2, page 12 for more details on James Fleet.
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Sharing With Family by Elder Thomas Williams, PhD (continued from page 13) ABOUT CHURCH ORDINANCES I believe that communion is the only ordinance that Jesus said to do in “remembrance of me.” I believe that marriage is an ordinance. I believe that baptism is an ordinance.
ABOUT FAITH I believe that we are saved by grace through faith. I believe that faith is essential in the life of a believer. A person’s faith must be in Jesus alone. I believe in supporting the Church with my time, spiritual gifts, and finances.
Scripture Challenge: Re-read each “I believe statement” and find the scripture(s) which support them. Send your answers to and all participants will be recognized in next month’s publication unless you indicate that you do not want your name published.
To respond to this article please forward your responses to and please indicate it in your response if you would like us to publish your questions/statements.
“Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.” Romans 11:5 Page 15 of 52
Featured Artist Highlight
“John Cooksey”
John Cooksey, drummer, writer and producer has performed with Ashford and Simpson, Roy Ayers, Noel Pointer, Phyllis Hyman, Micheal Urbaniak, Carlos Garnett, the late Kenny Kirkland, The Persuaders, Talking Heads with David Bryne and Brian Eno, Kim Clarke & Rob Shecps with the (Magnets), Patience Higgins, Marcus Persiani, Paul Ramsey, Joey Morant, Blues singers Ray Shinnery and Slam Allen (who he recorded with also) and a host of others just to name a few. John has also recorded with Producer Patric Adams for Atlantic records, Sal-Soul records, RCA records, Arista records, and a host of other recording studios and labels. He is currently working around town with many of the NY scene musicians. John has recorded with talking heads producers Brian Eno & David Bryne (The Bush of Ghost album) Eddie Kendricks, Melba Moore, Herbie Mann, Ace Spectrum, The Main Ingredient, Carlos Garnett and many more just to name a few. John has also subbed for Steve Gadd with stuff at the legendary club Mickeals in Manhattan before it’s closing. John has also toured with the Harlem Jazz and Blues band with Trumpeter Joey Morant in Tokyo in 2010 and Russia in 2013-2014. He can be seen playing with Jazz organist Nathan Lucas in clubs like the Lenox Lounge the Red Rooster and BTH Restaurant. He is also working with his own quartet known as the John Cooksey "Spontaneous Combustion quartet" on Monday's at Paris blues in Harlem. He has worked with other NY musicians like Jim Farley and Gerald Hayes, Danny Mixson, vocalist Vinnie Knight and has subbed for Tyrone Govan at the legendary Cotton Club in Harlem. John is currently working with Tyrone Govan and his top secret group (Der-Secret) at Paris Blues on Thursday's. He is currently working on his first studio project in years and hopefully he will have it finished by summer’s end. john cooksey
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God’s Encouragement Prophetic Statement of Encouragement and Instruction Dear Reader, If you are going through storm after storm after storm… if there is so much rain in your life, take a moment to check your relationship with God. Is your relationship with God dry? Like parched land? If so, don’t despair! Be glad, people of Zion, rejoice in the LORD our God, because there will be a harvest. The harvest comes after the latter rain (Joel 2). God is faithful. You are not barren and you are not powerless (Genesis 1:28-31). Every area of your life has been designed to be fertile. Harmony with the divine Creator and everything connected to His creations is a blessing and can provide us with comfort during turbulent times. The healing powers of plants, animals and minerals have sympathy on you. Do not manipulate them or you will lose their sympathy (and they become just something to decorate with, keep you company or expensive vitamin supplements). Do not allow your divine intellect to be veiled by carnal desires and unbelief. Take back the power that has been given to you by Christ’s shed blood. It is time to enjoy the harvest. Matthew 8:13 In Christ, Dr. Michele Quick Back to Eden
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“Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.” Romans 11:5 Page 17 of 52
Featured Artist Highlight
“Laurie West� Stage name: Aunel
Laurie West, one of the most incredible R&B vocalists on the east coast will never forget the love of her life‌children. Laurie is a family oriented person first and then a vocalist supreme second. Laurie began as a studio artist singing for an independent label which produced commercial jingles as well as some original music which was ultimately aired over the radio waves. People began to take notice of her when began to perform live. Even her live performances and her outstanding vocal talents are the result of her family history. She is a story teller because her mother was a story teller. To this day she can tell the stories that she created for her nieces and nephews. On the stage her dominant presence is in part a result of her acting out the story of the song. Laurie sings as though she has actually lived through the story of the songs and for the most part, she has. Laurie is an R & B vocalist with experience in the fusion of Gospel and Blues and has been making a statement and musically telling our stories for over 20 years. By the way her stage name Aunel is derived from her relationship with her nieces and nephews Aunel stands for Auntie Laurie.
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Family Forgiveness by E. Denise Swatts-Scher Wow! Forgiveness; does one really know what that word really means? You always hear a lot of people quoting "I can forgive but I'll never forget!” True forgiveness like our Lord and Savior’s forgiveness towards us means forgiving and forgetting. When we are forgiven by Jesus Christ the slate is wiped clean. As human beings are we capable of forgetting, maybe, or maybe not. Are we just capable of forgiving and not holding the person accountable and that’s that? Is that about as close as we can come? About two years ago, I had such a challenge on this very word {forgiveness}. I was watching Pastor T.D. Jakes and I do remember his sermon was on true forgiveness, I remember that night I couldn’t get that sermon out of my mind and then I started thinking about my mother. I always viewed her as a selfish woman who really should not have had children. She had three girls. She was very stoic with us, no hugs, no affection, not even a good old atta-boy when we did well in school. My mother who was an only child, had her first child at the age of 15. Her mother, my grandmother made it very hard for my mother. My grandmother ruled with an iron fist, no tenderness, no hugs, no nonsense. I started looking at my mother in a new light. People are made from who raised them, their environment, their financial situation and beliefs. Growing up, my mother probably felt all alone (no siblings), isolated and probably had little or no connection with her mother. I also realized that people back then provided for their children but had little time to raise them if they were very poor. Bottom line, my grandmother as I knew her as well, was all about keeping a roof over our heads, food on the table, clothes on our back, shoes on our feet and really nothing else, the basics were covered. Very unsure of herself and depressed, she too was probably looking for love and affection in the wrong places, anywhere that she could find it. My mother was born in the 1930's and life was very hard. She never finished high school because of her pregnancy and her choices of work were either the cotton fields or housekeeping. I’m quite sure she had dreams but they were shut down because back then people lived in the now. There was no room for dreams or continuing education for her, it was work, work, and nothing but work. No time for being a teenager whose world was just beginning. There was no encouragement and dreams were for fools, coupled with her being a bad girl who had gotten herself pregnant. The father of her child turned out to be a married man who turned a young girls head so she was alone and resentful. She hated the housekeeping jobs waiting on people who took their wealth for granted and sometimes made her life a living hell just for sport. My mother was six feet tall and beautiful which made her life miserable from the wives of these houses. They made themselves feel better by degrading her. I sat back and just imagined living in those times being degraded, chased after by the husbands of those households and I started feeling sorry for my mother and getting a better understanding of why, during the times I was born. She was so selfish, she hoarded everything she got, holding on to it for dear life because she never had anything and what little she did manage to get she shared with no one so scared it was going to be snatched from her.
Continued on page 21
“Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.” Romans 11:5 Page 19 of 52
Quilts by Maxine Fuller Contact Maxine at or at 404- 822-6508 See Maxine’s article in the February, Vol. 1, Issue 2 “QUILTING: A SPIRITUAL PRACTICE”
Item #2c
Item #2b
Item #1e
Item #1
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Forgiveness by E. Denise Swatts-Scher (continued from page 19) I really started taking myself out of that box and putting her in it and started looking through her eyes and wow, a new revelation started forming. I started looking back in the 30's and 40's and imagining life back then for her. Can you imagine a piece of lemon candy meaning so much to you or maybe one good Sunday dress or one pair of Sunday shoes meaning so much to you? A piece of chicken on Sunday was such a treasure that you lived from Sunday to Sunday just waiting on that one piece of chicken if you were so lucky. We take things like that for granted and the amount of food we let spoil from week to week in our refrigerators. It’s mind boggling. I’m looking back and I finally realized my mother did the best she could with what she had to offer mentally, physically and financially. But my forgiveness doesn’t stop with her. My grandmother was a tough old bird who grew up in the early 1900's. Imagine what kind of life she had! Discrimination being an afterthought, working hard in the cotton fields in Mississippi in the worst of conditions from sun up to sun down. Abandoned by her first husband, trying to keep a roof over her head and my mother’s until she met her second husband who worked on the railroad so she was still singularly raising her daughter walking on eggshells, grinding meal, milking that one cow and very bitter. I wonder what her dreams were and in her state of mind, putting foolish thoughts aside, settling on reality, just imagine! The only thing she had in common with her siblings (no brothers, five sisters) is that they were females, black and poor and let’s just keep going down the lane to her mother who was a child of a slave. Imagine her and her mother, my great, great grandmother, how they lived, how they thought, how they managed. We all know something especially if you are African-American, the toll of slavery has taken upon us even until this day, post traumatic stress by association. In the wee hours of the morning, I laid in my bed piecing all of this together and crying with joy, thanking God that my mother was still here and vowing from this day forward to stop looking back in the past and concentrate on the future. As realization hit me, I started clawing my way out of this mental grave that my mother had put me in. I started mentally scratching my way out, I scratched so hard and so fiercely that I punched through that grave and it felt like my hand hit air. I pushed with my other hand and felt air. I clawed my way up and got my head out and I started gasping for air. I kept pushing up until my shoulders, my back, then one leg free then the other and I started crying and gasping for air. It felt like a hundred pound weight had just been removed from my chest and I knew I was finally free! Free of anger, free of despair, free of blaming, free of hurting free of blaming me and most of all FREE of blaming my mother, thanking God for planting a seed in me, thanking God for using a television as a vessel to make me see. In Matthew 18:21 it states; "Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?" Verse 22 states "Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times seven." (NIV) Mark 11:25 states; and when ye stand praying forgive, if ye have ought against any that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses (KJV). Luke 6:37 states “Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned; forgive and ye shall be forgiven.” So I got up and I put my foot forward and I stopped! I turned around and I saw my mother’s hand stretching out from the very grave in which I had just climbed out of and I went back and grabbed her hand knowing that I would not, could not leave her there but then I noticed something strange. As I starting pulling my mother out of the grave, she was so heavy. So I pulled harder and she made it to the top and then I noticed she was holding my grandmother’s hand and we kept pulling and my grandmother was holding her mother’s hand and so on and so on. I looked at these women and thanked them, no longer seeing their faults, but their strength’s which I inherited. I realized that I am an amazing woman because of these women! Continue on page 22 “Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.” Romans 11:5 Page 21 of 52
Forgiveness by E. Denise Swatts-Scher (continued from page 21) As a mother, I know I have made a whole lot of mistakes but hopefully my son will forgive me. So... can we forgive and forget? Just because I can recall incidents doesn’t mean that I have not forgotten but I have truly forgiven my mother. Will I ever discuss this with her? NO. This is my version of my mother and she will probably have forgotten a lot of instances or deny my version, what I recall. Why would I rehash all this to her and make her feel less as a mother? I don’t have to ask her anything! Two years ago I started telling my mom that I love you in every ending of our daily conversations. I love to listen to her voice even when she repeats herself, savoring every word that comes from her mouth thanking God that I can still hear her voice. There are a lot of people whose parents are no longer with them, thank you so much God that I can still hear mine (And a special thanks to Pastor T.D. Jakes for being that vessel that changed my life).
Announcements Upcoming Events in Richmond Virginia
Curve Appeal Featuring Thurman Hargrove, Jr. will be performing at: The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in Richmond, Virginia 200 N Boulevard, Richmond, Virginia 23220 May 26, 2016 - 6-9 pm
The Bishops Quartet Featuring Bishop Thurman Hargrove, Sr. will be performing at: Gospel Baptist Church, 2317 Harvie Road Richmond, Virginia 23223 June 5, 2016 - 3 pm
To hear what a Generational Blessing sounds like click on any or all of the links below (see the story in The Remnant Magazine, March 2016 Volume 1 | Issue 3) Thurman Hargrove, Jr. - Thurman Hargrove, Jr. Reverbnation page - The Bishops Quartet 1st CD - The Bishops Quartet 2nd CD - RESOUND - (RESOUND is the third generational blessing feature the daughter of Thurman Hargrove, Jr.)
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Health The Great Cancer Scare by Neil Woodard This issue’s Health section is full of unorthodox occurrences both good and evil. Nevertheless the truth is being expressed with each documented medical and spiritual experience described in this article. So in the spirit of the unorthodox, I will begin with an experience that I had decades ago. For those who have read the book of Daniel, the common expression ‘visions of my head upon my bed’ characterizes several dreams and revelatory experiences written in the book. Here is my experience and it relates to health and many other issues we face. Sometime in the early to mid 1980’s I experienced the following… Sometime after 3 am in the morning the visions of my head upon my bed were these…my view point was from space and I can see the earth spinning slowly. I felt and was aware of All of the evil that exists and how mankind’s purposeful evil was running rampant on the earth. There were great evils occurring on the earth as mankind inflicted these evils upon men and this great evil was increasing. I thought; how can God deal with this great evil? What must he be thinking? Doesn’t it bother him? As the earth seemed to fade from my view from space my spirit was elevated and taken higher (I really couldn’t see much at this point) but I felt the most indescribable peace in the entire universe that exists. This peace was far stronger and greater than all evil that I had felt earlier. My spirit was where God is. In my soul I felt the impression of these words; Behold, it is well with my soul…a little later as I was beginning to awaken I could hear the voice of The Father speak and say; Behold, it is well with my soul…then I woke up. The Word of God states that the love of money is the root of all evil (not money itself but the love/lust for it) and this is where I will begin with regard to the cancer scare. Chemo therapy and radiation have been the acceptable and standard way of treating cancer since the 1950’s. According to Dr. Frank Shallenburger conventional chemotherapy does not work. Before we examine his findings regarding the ineffectiveness of chemotherapy let’s quickly review what is commonly known as Big Pharma. The term Big Pharma refers to the conglomerate of organizations and pharmaceutical companies which make billions of dollars through the enforced legal endorsement of therapies and chemo medications that are not intended to cure and have been proven to kill. These organizations include the FDA, CDC, AMA etc. Pfizer projects an annual cancer drug return at $11 billion dollars for 2018 and in 2010, Gleevec grossed $4.3 billion. Roche’s Herceptin (the HER2 drug) and Avastin did even better: $6 billion and $7.4 billion respectively. Cancer plays a huge role in the rising costs of healthcare. America’s National Institutes of Health predict that spending on all cancer treatment will rise from $125 billion last year to at least $158 billion in 2020. If drugs become pricier, as seems likely, that bill could rise to $207 billion. - See this and more at: Patients will spend at least $50,000 for treatment and that is outside of medical insurance. This can produce a total of 50 billion dollars annually for pharmaceuticals and supporting organizations in the United States alone. These figures answer the questions:
Why are there only three approved treatments for cancer those being surgery, radiation and chemotherapy? Why hasn’t the FDA approved other therapies?
The history behind these answers provides the reasons why there has been no progress in conventional treatment. Continue on page 25 “Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.” Romans 11:5 Page 23 of 52
Featured Artist Highlight
"I am a fledgling artist & vocalist, honing my crafts, learning, teaching and giving my whole self to the world. I believe that love conquers all and that life is art…..Vida Como Arte!" Click here to listen to Trish.
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The Great Cancer Scare by Neil Woodard (Continue from page 23) Getting back to documented findings of chemotherapy and other conventional cancer treatments we can review the ineffectiveness of cancer treatments against the effectiveness of other treatments for heart disease, stroke and influenza. According to a chart on the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics (pg 51) indicating changes in U.S. death-rate by cause between 1950 and 2005 we see:
Between 1950 and 2005 death-rate by heart disease decreased by approximately 60% During this same period death-rate by strokes decreased by approximately 75% During this same period death-rate by influenza decreased approximately by 50% During this period the death-rate by cancer has not decreased at all, in fact in observing the chart the death-rate increased very slightly
The chemotherapy treatments are themselves often carcinogenic. Those taking meds will notice on various labels the term carcinogenic indicating that the medicine itself is cancer causing. The AMA (American Medical Association) according to the Fitzgerald Report of 1953 to the Senate Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee suppressed natural cures for cancer and promoted pharmacological vaccines with carcinogenic properties (vaccines with cancers) contaminated with a monkey virus SV40. Further reports of scientist Bernice Eddy, discovered cancer in polio vaccine were cited in ‘The Executive Reorganization and Governmental Research on Government Operations United States Senate, Ninety-Second Congress, Second session’ (1972) page 502. Excerpts: In 1954 Eddy as a polio control officer, found A live virus supposedly killed in a polio vaccine; in 1955 She was relieved of her duties as a polio control Officer… The (monkey) virus known as SV40 was entering the vaccines And just as in the polio case were surviving the Formalin treatment… Let’s look at some more facts; according to statistics in the 1950’s one in every 20 people had cancer, in the 1970’s one in every ten people had cancer and in our world today one in every three people have cancer. So here is my question; are vaccines today tested for carcinogenic properties? Why has cancer become so prominent in the last 65 years? It is very possible that the increase in the cancer rate was planned as vaccines were injected with carcinogens? Millions were vaccinated with the SV40 virus. Today’s vaccines can have Mercury (a carcinogen), Formaldehyde and embalming fluid and these vaccines are not limited to America, they are found in Africa and other countries. Finally, the AMA (American Medical Association) founded in 1847 as an allopathic physicians union came into exceptional prominence in the early 1920’s as a regulating medical yet non-government organization. It had the exclusive power to grant and revoke all medical licensing. Prior to this JD Rockefeller understood that controlling the pharmaceuticals led to controlling the medical field for financial gain did so using the AMA as well as patenting synthetic drugs. He manipulated the industry and in 1906 the Flexner Report convinced law makers to develop legislation to license doctors being trained only in pharmacology and surgery. (Continued on page 27)
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The Great Cancer Scare by Neil Woodard (Continue from page 25) Getting back to Dr Shallenberger, his findings state that chemotherapy was present in the 1950’s but was not utilized as much then as it is now. Presently chemotherapy has widespread use but the death-rate is the same or close to the same now as it was back in 1950. Conclusion; cancer patients lived as long in 1950 without chemotherapy as they do now in 2016 with chemotherapy. Why doesn’t chemotherapy work? It kills the immune and control systems and targets all the cells in the body. It is harsh on the body as it causes hair loss and weakness, is toxic for the heart, kidneys and liver and is a one dimensional treatment and can and has caused other forms of cancer (since the immune system and the liver is broken down) and can result in death. The evidence is overwhelming; chemotherapy does not work. Oncologists treat the symptoms of cancer but not the root cause. True effective cancer treatment is often individual as the causes of certain cancers are individual to the patient. Further, effective cancer treatment is not one dimensional but generally treated on comprehensive multiple levels. Cleaning the liver and the colon, hydrating and cleaning the body’s cells, effective handling of stress (resulting in peace), juicing and eating raw foods (called epi-gen-e-tics), and allowing our body’s own immune systems (of which we have several) to battle cancers are just some of the ways in which we can win the war over cancer. Just a quick aside, there is an article in this issue’s magazine which focuses on forgiveness. It is a documented fact that our emotions cause internal chemical reactions. Harboring hate, distain and any negative unforgiving feelings may or may not be a root to cancer, but you have to ask yourself are these feelings worth the pain and the time? Is the lack of forgiveness really justified? Doctors using alternative methods of treating cancers are often persecuted, taken to court, labeled as quacks, stripped of their licenses, instructed by higher authorities not to treat cancer patients in non conventional ways and imprisoned thanks in part to the AMA and Rockefeller. Parents who have decided to have their children treated through alternative methods have been threatened by social services to return their children to conventional methods or lose their children to foster care. These are examples of the true cancer scare. Patients are literally scared into taking chemotherapy or radiation treatments or going under the knife. Cancer is not the death sentence as much as the conventional treatment for it is. Meantime, there are increasing numbers of documented cures for various cancers through alternative methods. Let’s look at what has worked for individuals who have actually been cured of cancer. While I will not mention all of the names of those who have overcome cancer, I will review a few individual cases. One young man had undergone Chemotherapy and became increasingly sick as a result. He then refused the treatment and began to eat raw foods, took vitamin supplements and went through infra red treatments. He said that when he refused the chemo he was buffeted with scare tactics by the health professionals. In the case of Jordin S. Rubin (the NY Times Best-selling author of; The Makers Diet), a God fearing man experienced a number of medical conditions including diabetes, parasites, rheumatoid arthritis, bacteria and fungal infections to mention just a few had been diagnosed with cancer in 2008. His reaction was to pray, fast and retreat. He changed his diet according to Biblical principles, he fasted for 40 days and he took 6 weeks away from work, removing stress. By the time that he went back to the doctor for another diagnosis he was assessed as being 100% cancer and death free. He refused to submit to convention. He prayed often and focused on the scriptures. His take is that when we are desperate enough…we will find God. He feels that cancer is spiritual and must be dealt with spiritually. There are many more testimonies of people who have used natural cures for eradicating cancer in their lives. The death sentence that most feel when they are told that they have cancer is not always from the cancer itself, it is generally in the conventional treatment that has been designed to take you out for good. If Big Pharma were to admit that natural cures and treating the whole person is the way to go and change the laws and stop the terror and fear tactics they would lose out on the billions per year that they make and more people would live. Life is not their goal so why should we adhere to death? (Continued on page 29)
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Public Service Announcement Courtesy of Women of Proverbs 8 Council, Inc. New York, New York
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The Great Cancer Scare by Neil Woodard (Continue from page 27) For the reader who has a vested interest in learning about non conventional cancer treatments please research the following references. Some of the educational and treatment therapies are worth considering for those whom we love. Please do your own research as there are people who have been cured from cancer. (Read Genesis 1:29) Life One is a plant derived immune boosting formula developed by Dr. Michael Farley ND see:
Vitamin B17 (Effective as an add on supplement, do the research) Additional References (with relevant statements): For additional information on Dr Frank Shallenberger you can watch his video on You Tube at: . Dr. Frank Shallenberger MD, HMD is a traditionally trained medical doctor who also has a degree in Homeopathic medicine and combines traditional and alternative treatment to cure cancer (57 minute video) The Fitzgerald report August 3, 1953 “Public and private funds have been thrown around like confetti at a country fair to close up and destroy clinics, hospitals, and scientific research laboratories which do not conform to the viewpoint of medical associations,” Benedict Fitzgerald, special counsel to the Senate Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee 1953/he investigated the obstruction of natural cancer treatments by the AMA Please realize, though, the “success” of the Rockefeller-funded polio vaccine program set the precedent for the entire U.S. vaccine program, which apparently is being followed to this day. With the explosion of cancer in the United States, this information deserves serious consideration and further investigation. DISCLAIMER - The research/information provided in this magazine is not meant to be used as a substitute for Professional Medical advice. It is recommended before attempting to change anything in your medical or health regimen that you first check with a health professional to determine what may be appropriate for you.
Prayer for Healing… Father, in the name of Jesus Christ we pray for those suffering with incurable conditions. We are asking that you provide wisdom, knowledge and healing for those in need whether your move in their lives is a matter of time and process, or instantly. All life is in your hands and we acknowledge that you are more in control than any plan, doctor, medication or therapeutic process. We thank you in advance for providing the wisdom to assess our situation. We also thank you for a closer relationship with you resulting in direct communication from you in what our next step should be and the faith to move according to your leading. Finally we acknowledge that love heals and the greater part of healing is the result of love… for you, for self, for family and for others. Thank you and Amen! Neil R. Woodard “Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.” Romans 11:5 Page 29 of 52
Featured Artist Highlight
“Eric Plaza”
Erik Plaza began playing trumpet at the young age of 11. As his love for music continued to grow, his talent flourished and he went on to attend Erasmus Hall High School in Brooklyn New York. Because of his natural acumen and his commanding sound and leadership he was soon to be elevated to lead trumpet for the Jazz Ensembles and Concert bands. Erik’s appreciation for charity landed him lead trumpet of the Roosa School of Music big band. One of their performances included the Brooklyn Academy of Music where they opened for Wynton Marsalis and the Prospect Park picnic house for political fundraisers. Erik currently worships at Christ Fellowship Worship Center in Brooklyn New York. Click here to here to hear Erik in action!
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History Accept Your Correction by Neil Woodard Before I delve into some deep historical occurrence of gigantic proportions and exceptional relevance I want you to take a moment to scan your own personal history at any point in time. Maybe you remember your elementary school experiences or your wedding or, (ugh) your divorce or the time that you took a chance against all advice and you sank…or you swam victoriously. I ask you to take just a moment to remember any significant moment in your life which was historical for you. What did you learn? Think about it… The title/theme of this writing, Accept Your Correction is based upon world history and the lesson that we were to have learned. As you know, if you don’t learn from the lessons of the past that you are bound to repeat that experience again. In every lesson there is correction whether painful or joyful. As a basketball player I ran and ran and worked on drills, I won and lost championships, suffered injury, dunked on people, laughed and was laughed at…there was the good with the bad. In all of that there were lessons, some that I learned and some that I did not. When I look at the history of various ethnic groups and socioeconomic populations (the impoverished, the wealthy and the working class) I have to ask; how did these people get to this point? This question refers to a population and is personal as well. How did we arrive at this point? The answer is not always black and white. Historically we’re going to review Deuteronomy Chapter 28, America’s Reconstruction period and recent history, the lessons and preparation for what is yet to come. In Deuteronomy 28th Chapter God utters blessings and curses for the nation. Blessings are associated for when the nation is operating in obedience and the curses pertain to the nation when it operates in rebellion and forsakes God. The Hebrews were all people of color and the Jews that are in Israel now are not descendents from the original Hebrew. The Jews because of rebellion were scattered all over the planet. Horrible things were mentioned pertaining to these punishments, horrible things which have been occurring to people of color from ancient times to modern times. Statements found in Deuteronomy 28:41 are reminiscent of slavery; thou shalt beget sons and daughters, but shall not enjoy them; for they shall go into captivity. During the slavery period families were separated as they were sold off to the slave masters. Verse 30 states: thou shalt betroth a wife and another man shall lie with her; thou shalt build a house and thou shalt not dwell therein… This statement describes the black experience as slaves in America. There are many curses which characterize what black people have experienced in America and around the world. The Word also speaks of a yoke of iron around the neck. Slavery was vicious and still is today. So what is the lesson for the original Hebrew/Jew? Obey God and worship Him according to His Word and His law (love is that law). As we learn to accept our correction, it doesn’t end there. Everyone receives correction, both the oppressor and the oppressed. There is no superior race, there never was. Getting personal, I had asked you earlier to consider your own life lessons. Does God rule in your life or is God an afterthought? How are you living and how have you lived? Honestly what role does God play in your life? Going to church is just not enough. Let’s go to the Reconstruction Period and see what seeds were sown then which impact people today. The Reconstruction Period in America takes place immediately following the Civil War. The entire country is becoming more industrialized. This period of time set a precedent for the future of race relations. Continue on page 33
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“A Taste of Jazz” by Neil Woodard
“A Taste of Jazz” is a work of art that includes a mixture of inspirational jazz, blues, and gospel sounds. DOWNLOAD the entire CD or purchase individual tracks!! Click here ( to get yours today!!!
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Accept Your Correction by Neil Woodard (Continued from page 31) On the one hand southern legislators passed the black codes forbidding free blacks to buy, own or rent property and land. This was done in an attempt to get blacks back to the plantation. On the other hand Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and drafted the 14th Amendment granting citizenship to blacks and guaranteed equal protection under the law. Still again on the other hand the KKK was formed to promote terror to blacks in the south who exercised their rights. Yet we see that a black man was elected to Congress in Louisiana after the 1870 15th Amendment was passed giving blacks the right to vote. Black people still had it rough as they were unaccepted in northern unions and persecuted in the south despite the laws that had been passed. The entire working class, however, was about to experience unexpected disenfranchisement. The Reconstruction Period was the time of the infamous Robber Barons, the likes of Andrew Carnegie (steel), John D Rockefeller (oil), Charles Schwab (steel) and Henry Frick (Penn Railroad). According to Howard Zinn (A Peoples History of the United States) “In the year 1877, the signals were given for the rest of the century: the blacks would be put back; the strikes of white workers would not be tolerated; the industrial and political elites of North and South would take hold of the country and organize the greatest march of economic growth in human history. They would do it with the aid of, and at the expense of, black labor, white labor, Chinese labor, European immigrant labor, female labor, rewarding them differently by race, sex, national origin, and social class, in such a way as to create separate levels of oppression-a skillful terracing to stabilize the pyramid of wealth.” As a result of the Robber Barons laborers of various ethic persuasions wages were low and subject to further reduction, families were on breadlines and children were forced to work, many laborers worked long hours daily, Robber Barons used bribery and corrupt ethical practices with politicians and they also manipulated the stock market. Blacks were not the only ones to suffer; they were just at the bottom of the totem pole. Everyone was in the same predicament but the divide and conquer tactic maintained a racial divide. Robber Barons, is a derogatory term for the wealthy elite industrialists who monopolized railroads, steel, oil, tobacco etc. They bent the rules to suit themselves. They manipulated banks and government toward unfair business practices. They’re ruthless policies of greed and control and lack of concern for their laborers (poor and unhealthy working conditions) and competition resulted in riots, strikes, loss of life and the development of labor unions. They set the tone for American business, trade, law and politics. The point historically is that everyone suffers and no one is better than anyone seeing as how we all share the fruits of the oppressed. As a people and I refer to all people not just people of color, we must return to the God of love who created us. We cannot hate others and think that our religious ceremony will be acceptable to God. We have lessons to learn as individuals and as a people. If we don’t learn from history we will surely repeat it. There is also something that we need to consider from Deuteronomy Chapter 28 verses 59-62 because as I look in history, I have not seen the fulfillment of these verses. Consider the words of these verses as I believe that we (yes, the world) is at a crossroads and we can either delay the judgment of these words or continue to hate others and say we love God while living in rebellion and find ourselves experiencing the worst. When we refuse to obey God’s law, enter Deuteronomy 28:59-62; …Then the LORD will make thy plagues wonderful and the plagues of thy seed, even great plagues and of long continuance and sore sicknesses and of long continuance. Moreover He will bring upon thee all the diseases of Egypt, which thou wast afraid of, they shall cleave unto thee. Also every sickness and every plague which is not written in the book of this law, them will the LORD bring upon thee until thou be destroyed. And ye shall be left few in number, whereas ye were as the stars of heaven for multitude; because thou wouldst not obey the voice of the LORD thy God.
Continue on page 39 “Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.” Romans 11:5 Page 33 of 52
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Relationships Not Going to Work by Elder Thomas Williams, PhD (Freedom of Speech) In 2 in 1 Leaving something behind: A brief examination of a text and A few Bible-based poems and sayings (Williams, 2011, p.164), I said that freedom of speech is a myth but did not elaborate (explain why). I believe that freedom of speech is a myth because no one is actually “free” to just say anything that he or she wants to say. I believe that to just say anything is potentially dangerous and reckless, but the “principle” of freedom of speech is not potentially dangerous or reckless per se. I believe that freedom of speech (if it exists) is situation and time-specific and should NOT be abused and/or taken lightly. The timing of our words is everything (Proverbs 25:11). The Bible says that there is a time to be silent and a time to speak (Ecclesiastes 3:7). I understand that there is a time to be silent and a time to speak, but how will “I” know when it is time to be silent and when it is time to speak? Because I struggle with knowing the-when-of-it, I look to the Lord to help me. Knowing when to be silent and when to speak at times feels like being caught in-between a rock and a hard place. It is hard because some people run on raw emotions and think that they should say something. Speaking during an emotional moment is tricky and can be potentially explosive. The apostle Paul wrote, “Study to be quiet” (1 Thessalonians 4:11) but “when” do I study to be quiet, “where” do I study to be quiet, “how” do I study to be quiet, and “why” should I study to be quiet? I will attempt to answer the “when” and “why” questions by sharing some of my father’s wisdom with you. When I was growing up in post-riot Newark, New Jersey, my late father repeatedly told me and my siblings that a man’s mouth will get him into trouble. Daddy knew from experience what happened when a person could not rightly discern when to be silent and/or when to speak. He often said, “You have your mouth closed when it should be opened and opened when it should be closed.” My father’s teaching was good but how the Holy Ghost leads me is far better. The Holy Ghost has told me several times, “Do not say that.” “Let it go.” I am glad when I obey because trouble cannot come and camp outside of my front door. When I miss the mark, God’s grace and mercy covers me. Moreover, at certain times and with certain people, the Lord will move on me to tell him or her something. I strive to obey because I do not want anyone’s blood to be on my hands (a reference to Ezekiel 3:18). In everyday life, you cannot just say anything, without a consequence. For instance, walk into a movie theatre and scream fire. Go to work one day and tell your supervisor-of-record off. Argue back and forth with a judge during a court proceeding. Repeatedly say something to a police officer that he or she does not like. Be a rat in prison (Sykes, 1958) and/or a snitch on the streets. Go into a Trinitarian church and preach about being baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, and/or go into a Jesus-Only congregation and attack the Godhead. In one’s professional life, a person cannot afford to just say anything. The stakes are just too high! Continue on page 37
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Not Going to Work by Elder Thomas Williams, PhD (continued from page 35) To reduce the likelihood of just saying anything whenever you are the pastor-of-the-day and/or guest speaker in another person’s pulpit, be mindful:
To yield to the Holy Ghost To respect leadership To consider your audience To just preach and/or teach the gospel To speak the truth with and in love To stir up their pure minds To encourage the church To stay away from touching the congregation’s doctrine
About nineteen years ago, I was the superintendent of the Sunday school department in a certain apostolic holiness church in the Sunshine State. The then-pastor asked me before our Tuesday night bible study began, to teach a Sunday lesson on tithing. I taught the lesson but did not take a position “for” or “against” tithing. I preach in Trinitarian and in nontrinitarian congregations but will not knowingly preach against anything that a denomination believes and teaches. The Bible does not lend itself to a just say anything approach. To just say anything (to me) is foolish and does not minister grace to anyone (Ephesians 4:29). Moreover, a person who just says anything appears to have no control over his or her tongue (James 3:8), and that is bad. A just say anything approach is not going to work because someone is going to get hurt in the process, and it just might be you. I do believe, however, that the people of God should just say what the Lord tells them (us) to say, but with salt and grace (Colossians 4:6). I cannot emphasize this enough: A just say anything approach is potentially dangerous and potentially reckless, but the principle of freedom of speech is not. “Let the Lord lead you like Gideon” (Williams, 2011, p.21), be tactful, and speak as you are moved by the Holy Ghost (2 Peter 1:21). Whenever you have the Lord’s words in your mouth, you won’t just say anything (see Jeremiah 1:9). References Sykes, G. (1958). Society of captives: A study of a maximum security prison. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. Williams, T. (2011). 2 in 1: Leaving something behind: A brief examination of a text and A few Bible-based poems and sayings. Fairfield, IA: 1st World Publishing.
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“Virtuous Woman� answers (KJV) from March Volume 1, Issue 3 She girdeth her loins with strength 1 Who can find a virtuous woman? Strength and honour are her clothing 3 Her husband doth safely trust in her She stretcheth her hand to the poor 4 A woman that feareth the Lord is praised Eateth not the bread of idleness 6 For her price is far above rubies
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Accept Your Correction by Neil Woodard (Continued from page 33) A significant statement in those verses reveals that there will be a plague and sickness that is not written in the book of the law. Cancer was not a disease that is indicated in the Bible or in the (Old Testament) book of the law (of Moses). If you have read the Cancer Scare in this issue’s magazine you will see proof that the health industry has been infecting millions of people with cancer through vaccinations that we’ve received as children and our children are still receiving tainted vaccinations. The cancer rate has increased dramatically and incredibly since the introduction of the polio virus. Read the article. Our responsibility now is to turn to God. (See citations/references in the article The Cancer Scare in this issues magazine) Individually and as a people what are you prepared to do? In order for us to accept our correction we have to acknowledge it, learn from it and return to God. If we do not then a worse thing will come on us and we don’t want that. We can delay this judgment as the country of Nin-e-veh did (Jonah). God sent the prophet Jonah to Nin-e-veh who told them that they would be shortly destroyed. These people were living in idolatry but the king upon hearing the Word proclaimed a fast of repentance for everyone, even the animals were not fed at this time. They also stopped the violence and other ungodly practices characteristic of their lifestyle. They’re repentance changed God’s mind and they were spared. How many of us really believe that we need to repent now in order to avert destruction and get to know the creator? How many? Most of us are very comfortable and feel as though this won’t happen in my time. If that is the case then we have not learned from our own history. While the words of this history lesson seem a little harsh, consider the alternative. History teaches us that God waits a long time and warns people and then He moves. We can be ready. Our biggest responsibility will be to engage in right relationship with God. Love is all that there is.
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Detox Baths, Home Remedies and the Such by Mary Coleman Psalm 139:14 declares, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” This verse speaks of the incredible nature of our physical bodies. The human body is the most complex and unique organism in the world. No matter how advanced modern science becomes, man has yet to replicate what God has created. The complexity and uniqueness speaks volumes about the mind of our Creator. Every aspect of the body, down to the tiniest microscopic cell, reveals that it is fearfully and wonderfully made. Made with the capacity to express love, show compassion, comprehend ideas, analyze, strategize, use sound judgment to make life changing decisions. The body’s immune system is able to fight off so many enemies and restore itself from the smallest repair (even repairing bad portions of DNA) to the largest (mending bones and recovering from major accidents). Yes, there are diseases that will eventually overcome the body as we age, but we have no idea how many times through a lifetime our body has healed itself. I truly believe if we learn to listen to our body, many times we can be instrumental in using home remedies to combat/prevent illnesses and promote a healthier existence. According to 2 Peter 1:3, “By this divine power the Lord has given us everything we need for life…” Now what do we need for life? What about wisdom, courage, peace, faith, comfort, HEALING, strength, etc. So it is my belief that God has equipped us, we are fully loaded (as with a luxury vehicle), to be self-sufficient in every way as long as we stay connected to Jesus Christ, the true Vine. I recall years ago when I would get a rash on my arm during the summer months. I assumed it was a heat rash because it would appear every summer like clockwork. I just happened to have some sulfur and jojoba oil in the house. By the prompting of the Holy Spirit, I mixed the two making a paste and applied it to the rash and have not had another outbreak. I KNOW it was the Spirit guiding me because I could not have thought of mixing those ingredients except by divine instruction… I do recommend CAUTION in doing such a thing without consulting with a medical professional because some household products/chemicals can become toxic if improperly mixed. Like I use to mix bleach and ammonia and didn’t realize it generates toxic chloramine vapor. Nonetheless, I am sharing my experience because home remedies do work and I wish I paid more attention to the things my mother and grandmother did. For example, I remember the days when my grandmother made soap in a big black iron pot. That soap was used to bath, wash clothes and who knows what else. I also remember Epsom salt was used to soak the feet. Recalling these memories in my life I decided to check the internet for other home remedies and found this website called The Healthy Home Economist. I stumbled upon information/recipes for detox baths and which ones are best and for what aliments. For example, did you know an apple cider vinegar (ACV) bath is said to draw excess uric acid out of the body and this may help to relieve the pain associated with gout due to a buildup of uric acid in the body. You should check out the website for some other good tips and helpful information. DISCLAIMER - The research/information provided in this magazine is not meant to be used as a substitute for Professional Medical advice. It is recommended before attempting to change anything in your medical or health regimen that you first check with a health professional to determine what may be appropriate for you. To respond to this article please forward your responses to and please indicate it in your response if you would like us to publish your questions/statements.
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SPORTS Can The Cubs Win It All This Year? by Lamar Battle Hey, hey… holy mackerel the Cubs are on their way........Or are they? This refrain from a popular Cubs tune in some ways underlines the un-failing love by Cub fans for a team that are known universally as the "lovable losers." Lovable losers? Well let’s see, it’s been over a hundred years since the team won a world title. The Cubs represent a franchise that suffers from a combination of mismanagement and incredible bad luck. Who can forget that late season collapse at the hands of the New York Mets in 1969? How about the ground ball between the legs of first baseman Leon Durham during the NL Championship Series? Or the interference on a sure foul ball catch, by maligned fan Steve Bartman during yet another key playoff series. And of course last year’s loss at the hands of those darn Mets in no less the NL Championship Series. There are those who believe that the curse of the Billy Goat is still in effect. What? The Curse of the Billy Goat is the alleged curse placed on the Cubs franchise in 1945, when Billy Goat Tavern owner Billy Sianis was asked to leave game 4 of the World Series against the Detroit Tigers at Wrigley field because the odor of his pet goat (named Murphy) was bothering other fans. He was out raged and allegedly declared, "Them Cubs, they ain't gonna win no more". The Cubs have not won a World Series since 1908 or played in one since 1945. (Courtesy of Wikipedia) Could there be hope? The Ricketts family, current team owners brought in hot shot team president Theo Epstein who previously guided the Boston Red Sox to a World title. Theo has seemingly made all of the right moves to put the Cubs in position to actually win their first world title since 1908.The Cubs have spent money and brought in top flight players like staff pitching ace, Jake Arrietta, star in the making, 3rd baseman Kris Bryant, young phenom Anthony Rizzo and fresh from the Saint Louis Cardinals organization, right fielder Jason Haywood. Outfielder Dexter Fowler currently leads the team with a 385. batting average. The Cubs, who are current sporting the 2nd best record in baseball, have pitching and defense. They can hit for power and average. They can run the bases and boast one of the games top managers in Joe Maddon. So what could stop this team picked by many experts to win it all this year? Stay tuned. By the way the Billy Goat restaurant is still in business. I’m just sayin…
To respond to this article please forward your responses to and please indicate it in your response if you would like us to publish your questions/statements. “Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.” Romans 11:5 Page 41 of 52
Resources Center for Parent Information and Resources Council for Professional Recognition The Council for Professional Recognition promotes improved performance and recognition of professionals in the early childhood education of children aged birth to 5 years old Partners | National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics SCORE "Counselors to America's Small Business." It is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides free business mentoring services to entrepreneurs in the United States.
Helpful Resources in Richmond, Virginia (please contact agency to ensure details have not changed) (Virginia Residents Dial 211 for assistance in locating food pantries/meals or other resources) The Daily Planet 511 W Grace Street Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm (804) 648-4177 (dental, mental health, laundry, shower, substance abuse Richmond Behavioral Health Authority (804) 819-4100 24 hour crises intervention For homeless/mental health treatment YWCA Hotline (804) 643-0888 Shelter for women and children undergoing domestic violence counseling, support, legal assistance Richmond City Police Project HOPE (804) 646-2064 Non emergency needs for homeless Service assistance The Healing Place (804) 230-1217 Overnight Men’s Emergency Shelter and social detox program
HOMEWARD PO Box 5347 Richmond, Va. 23220 (804) 343-2045 Ex-offender Assistance Resources on Federal Bonding, Virginia Civil Rights Restoration, and Public Assistance available to ex-offenders.
Homeless Point of Entry 517 Grace Street (804) 783-0678
Henrico Dept of Social Services 8600 Dixon Powers Drive (804) 501-4001 (Parham Rd) Gov Center Nine Mile Rd (804) 652-3123 Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm Chesterfield Dept of Social Services 12304 Washington Highway (804) 748-1100 Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm Hanover County Department of Social Services 12304 Washington Highway (804) 752-4100 Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm Richmond City Dept of Social Services 900 East Marshall St (804) 646-7217 4100 Hull St (804) 819-3200 th 705 North 25 St (804) 780-8031 Intake, Referral, Food Stamps Vouchers, TANIF, Relief services Virginia Workforce Connection "Your doorway to employment and labor market information in Virginia" The Richmond Entrepreneur’s Assistance Program (REAP) Provides comprehensive job training and meaningful employment for new and diverse entrepreneurs.
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PLACES TO FIND MEALS IN THE RICHMOND, VIRGINIA AREA Location Broomfield Christian Methodist Church 609 Jefferson Davis Highway (804) 232-5600 Food Not Bombs Monroe Park, Main & Belvidere (804) 303-5449 Greater Mount Moriah st 913 N 1 Street Richmond, Va. 23219 (804) 644-9208 Trinity Baptist Church 2811 Fendall Ave (804) 321-2427 nd 2 Presbyterian Church TH 5 N 5 Street (804) 649-9148 Shepherd’s Way Relief Center 400 E Main St (804) 212-1164 St Peter’s Catholic Church 800 East Grace Street (804) 643-4315 rd 3 Street Bethel AME rd 614 N 3 Street (804) 643-8157 nd 2 Baptist Church 1400 Idlewood Ave (804) 353-7682 St Paul’s Episcopal Church 815 East Grace Street (804) 603-3589 Sharon Baptist Church 22 East Leigh Street (804) 643-3825 First Baptist Church 2709 Monument Ave (804) 358-5458 Centenary United Methodist 411 East Grace Street (804) 648-8319 Grace and Holy Trinity 8 North Laurel Street (804) 359-5628 Sixth Mount Zion Baptist Church 14 West Duval Street (804) 648-7511 Resurrection Lutheran Church 2500 Seminary Ave (Ed. Bldg.) (804) 321-7291
Lunch Mon-Fri Noon – 12:30
Sunday 4pm Mon-Fri 12-12:30pm
Mon & Wed 11:30am - 2:30pm (Sept – June only) Monday 10:30am-12:30pm Saturday 3-4:00pm Tuesday 10:30am-12:30pm Wednesday 11:30am-1:00pm Saturday 10:30am-12pm Thursday 10:30am-12:30pm Thursday 11:00am-1pm (Sept-June only) Shower Food Pantry Mon, Wed, Sat 10am – 12pm Friday 10:30am - 2:30pm
Thursday 6pm – 8pm
Friday 1:00-1:45pm (closed in August) Friday 11:00am-12:30pm rd
3 Saturday of the Month 11 am – 1pm (closed in August)
“Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.” Romans 11:5 Page 43 of 52
The following resources are National Resources Helpful Links for Teens and Young Adults If you need help, talk to your parents or a trusted adult about your problem. If you have no one to talk to, contact the hotlines and organizations listed below. In the case of an emergency please contact your local law enforcement office by dialing “911” for emergencies only and give the location, including your county and city, and give the address where help is needed.
Abstinence National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy 1-877-4-ME-2-ASK (1-877-463-2275) Provides information to teens about abstinence, sex, love, and healthy relationships. Gravity Teen 1-800-230-PLAN (1-800-230-7526) A phone hotline and online hotline offers anonymous answers to questions about abstinence, sexual behaviors, relationships and communicating with your parents.
Abuse, Bullying, Violence and Discrimination Discrimination and Anti-Hate Line 1-800-649-0404 National Coalition Against Domestic Violence Hotline (24 hours) 1-800-799-SAFE (1-800-799-7233) National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-422-4453 A trained counselor will tell you how to get help if you have been sexually and physically abused. The call is free and answered 24 hours a day. National Campaign Against Youth Violence 1-800-99-YOUTH This group encourages teens to use outlets other than violence to express themselves. The site offers tips for preventing violence and information to start anti-violence projects in your community. National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information 1-800-394-3366 National Resource Center on Domestic Violence 1-888-Rx-Abuse National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) 1-877-739-3895 This organization provides information, support, and help for teen victims of sexual violence. Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) 1-800-656-HOPE If you have been sexually assaulted, have a friend who has been sexually assaulted, or want to know how to reduce your risk of sexual assault, RAINN is where you want to turn.
Crisis Contact Crisis 601-713-HELP (601-713-4357) 601-366-9298 (en español) A helpline for adolescents in crisis. Page 44 of 52
Covenant House Crisis Hotline 1-800-999-9999 A national crisis hotline for youth. The call is free. They answer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and can provide referrals and offer crisis counseling on many topics. Girls and Boys Town National Hotline 1-800-448-3000 A crisis hotline for parents and teens. The free and confidential call is answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They offer problem solving on any issue and encourage teens to talk to their parents or caretakers about issues that may require professional assistance.
Dating and Relationships Love Is Respect 1-866-331-9474 Provides information and resources on healthy teen relationships. A helpful website designed by professionals for developing pre-teens, adolescents and young adults.
Disabilities and Discrimination Discrimination and Anti-Hate Line 1-800-649-0404 Provides assistance with discrimination and hate problems. Disabilities and Discrimination Hotline 1- 800-426-HAND Provides information about discrimination to individuals with special health care needs . Minority Health Resource Center 800-444-6472 An informative public health site which focuses on issues affecting American Indians and Alaska Natives, Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders, Black/African Americans, and Hispanics/Latinos. Education and School National Dropout Prevention Center 1-800-656-2599 Provides information on the importance of staying in school.
Grief Support and Education Teen Support Place An online grief support group for adolescents and teens. Shining Light 954-827-0295 Provides grief support to teen and their families. Health and Hygiene American Medical Association Provides medical information on adolescence.
“Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.� Romans 11:5 Page 45 of 52
A Message from Uma Glow
Hello Remnant Newsletter friends! I’d like to introduce myself. I am the owner and CEO of Uma Glow, LLC which is a division of UMA Enterprises, LLC. My slogan is “Let Me Help You LOVE You” by taking care of yourself from the outside in. It is a commandment to honor the vessel that God has given so you can be the best for your family, friends and anyone else that needs you. We are all exposed to chemicals every day through our environment, but we have a choice in what we put into and on our bodies. I encourage everyone to choose a healthy diet with less processed foods. Think about what you last ate. How close was that meal to its natural state? The further away you get from the natural (loaded with ingredients that you can barely pronounce), the closer you get to living less of a quality of life in the future. The same goes for the products you use every day that are applied to your skin and hair. But the good news is you can make the choice to love yourself as God would have you to do! Let’s start with the wonderful products that my business produces. My products are manufactured with certified organic ingredients, fair trade ingredients and essential oils. We do not use any chemicals, fillers or toxic materials. I’ve researched each ingredient used in my products which can be reviewed at your leisure on my website So let me help you love you by using my wonderful products made with love!
Lori-Ann Woodard Uma Glow “Love You” Body Butters and Uma Glow Body Creams Uma Hair Glow Cream for all hair types Uma Glow Facial Creams: “Face The Day” day cream and “Sweet Slumber” night cream
LIKE ME ON THE UMA GLOW COMMUNITY FACEBOOK PAGE!!! The mission of UMA Enterprises is to spread heartfelt love, care and encouragement that will improve the lives of people around the globe through many avenues. We touch lives by what is felt (Uma Glow skin care products); by what is heard (Uma Sound); by what is taught (Health & Awareness division); and by what is given (Nonprofit Division tbd). When love is birthed, it self-perpetuates and makes the world a better place. This is the core mission of UMA Enterprises.
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Testimonials / Prayer Requests Leap of Faith by Wayne Dawson We are taught the old axiom, “Look before you leap” and for most rational thinking adults this is good advice. After all, we know for example, drivers are more prone to having automobile accidents when multi-tasking or simply because they are distracted. Experience teaches us that investigation before commitment pays dividends. So what about faith? We learn as Christians, “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see…and without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him” (Hebrews 11:1,6). Friends, it appears that what we practice in our culture is in juxtaposition to what we are taught to believe. Or, perhaps not, what if indeed our parents and fore-parents made sense and were in alignment with the teachings of the Bible. As a 23 year old young man, I enjoyed up until then, a reasonably care-free lifestyle. My parents were not materially rich, but my father was a successful civil engineer enabling my mother to remain home and raise me and my two elder sisters. We attended the best schools and lived in a really safe and beautiful residential neighborhood. Yet, I yearned for so much more and beyond the lifestyle available to me in Jamaica. Shortly after my 23rd birthday, and daily rehearsing stories in my mind about living abroad, my opportunity was attracted to me! Then, I worked as the Entertainment Director for one of the island’s leading tourist resorts. It was surreal… getting paid to have fun. Once, when a team of recruiters from Aruba visited Jamaica and inquired about contracting an All-Inclusive Specialist to develop that brand of hoteling in the Netherland Antilles, I was referred. Without a second thought, I was packing for Aruba. The next three and a half years of my life ranked among the most memorable. What had I done? I followed my passion. In my mind’s eyes I had painted that picture of “successful me” entertaining hundreds of people, a thousand times! I knew that everything would all work out, because it always did. To be candid, I had “looked long before leaping” not with my physical eyes, but through Spirit. I envisioned a life of joy and fun, played the vision thousands of times. But, I also believed – I held the faith in that I would “land on my feet.” The Ancient Egyptians (not Socrates, as made popular) upheld the credo, “Man know thyself, and the Truth will set you free.” What does it mean? What is the Truth? According to the Scripture, Man was made in the image of God (Gen. 1:27). Surely, if this is your Truth, you have been blessed with the qualities inherent in God – you are Pure Potential – perhaps then when your Spirit is ignited you too can see through the ‘Heart’ that which will allow you to leap by your faith. My friends, when we transform our lives by taking on the Spirit, thus elevating Christ within, there are no boundaries. We can go forth knowing that all things believed can be achieved. We move in faith. We therefore can obey that tiny voice in our head, warning us, “look before you leap” without a sense of conflict with our Christian teachings. We live by faith, not by sight (Eph. 6:16). And so it is. Amen. Wayne Dawson’s Bio: Wayne is a transplant from Kingston, Jamaica via New York, where he lived and raised his family in the early years before moving to Florida, remarrying to his present life-partner, Dr. Audrey Dawson. While still in Jamaica, he started out his career in Hospitality in the ‘80’s and was responsible for expanding the “All-Inclusive” vacation concept throughout the Caribbean under his first company, PALS International. After his migration to the United States, Wayne has led one of the nation’s oldest non-for-profits as its Campus Director in Harlem, New York City. He has had over 14 years of experience in youth development for the Boys and Girls Clubs of America. He is a former professor at City University of New York, teaching in the areas of Psychology, Education and Social Work. Currently, he is a Training Manager for a Fortune 100 company in Florida. Wayne is the biological father of four amazing children, Dia, Kai, Taj and Jared, and through his second marriage, three others and a grandson, Tania, Tyree, Tania and Deanie respectively. Wayne often speaks to groups on Values, Identity and Purpose, and has been a contributor to several newsletters and articles.
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Prayer Requests
“We serve a Merciful and Most Gracious God! Just when we think we can’t deal, handle or take anything else, He comes up behind us, grabs us under our arms and says I’ve got you! Lean on me… I will carry you through!” Stacie Johnson
Thanking God for the healing He is providing for Dawn! We ask that you remain prayerful with us for her complete healing.
Fabrics of Our Lives When the fabric of a quilter's masterpiece becomes frayed and worn, the quilter takes on the task of restoration. The quilter, like a potter, knows how to make the masterpiece whole again. We are the masterpiece of our Maker and He, the Potter, knows how to make us whole again. He knows the fabrics of our lives. Trust in the Lord to mend the fabrics of your life...
Special Prayers for: Susan Woodard Williams and family Also pray for the future of this magazine, that God will give us direction and connect the right people to get the job done. The Remnant Magazine Staff
Mary Coleman Let us pray without ceasing for those in need of God’s healing power.
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Unexpected by David Thornton (You never know what’s around the Corner) It is said that you can never predict the future or better yet what is around the next corner. In life it is said that we walk by faith and not by sight. Have you ever wondered what it was that brought you to a particular place in your life and after the results are proven you realize that it was an act of faith that brought you to that point? There are times in our life that the unexpected has come into our life and changed the course of it whether good or bad. I have had several experiences in my life where the unexpected has changed the course of my life for the better. One incident was with me trying very hard to get to a college to acquire an education and compete in the game of basketball. I was at my wits end and was willing to just give up on that dream and get a job and go to work and start my life according to society. Just to give you some insight on how I made it to college, not the college of my choice but college. I had refused to play high school basketball at Fashion Industries High for three years because due to the fact I had my mind set on being a designer in the Fashion world and move on to FIT. Basketball was just something I did as a child and it was fun. One day when I turned 17 years old I was looking at the Daily news standing in my parent’s kitchen and what I was looking at was the selection of the All-City team for New York city High school basketball players. I saw most of the guys who I played with during my young days while playing with Riverside Church which was one of the most powerful programs in New York at the time. While I was standing in the kitchen there was a knock at the door and I went to the door in order to see who it was. I looked through the peep hole and saw it was my aunt who came to visit. I opened the door to let her in and as she came pass the threshold she asked me what I was up to and I replied with that laid back attitude that I still have today and said oh nothing much. Just looking at the daily news of some guys who are playing basketball in the high schools here in the city and they made the newspaper. Her reply to that was “Wow that’s great”!! By the way, Dave I heard you were rather good playing basketball. And once again I said with humbleness about myself, yeah I’ve been told that. As she ventured off to the back where my mom was she turned back to me and said you know you can get a scholarship to go to college for free if you’re really good. The unexpected, who knew that my aunt of all people would help me to make a decision to play basketball in high school, I left Fashion at that time and transferred to Louis D Brandies. I might add that I had a lot of veterans such as Allen Lorick, Floyd Lane who emphasized that I should pursue a basketball career because they felt I had the talent to go far. So I put my dream of being a designer on hold and made the transfer. I made the transfer to Brandeis as I thought that I would have more exposure in playing basketball there. Little did I know that Fashion had won a state championship once if not twice. I played one year and made some great accomplishments at Brandeis however I did not get to the college of my choice because playing one year did not give me enough bargaining power as if I had played four years. However I did not give up. I believed that Mr. Loach, who was the coach of Riverside Church at the time, would assist me in getting to a school that was reputable and I could display my talents and become the next All American. The school he sent me to was Wheeling College in Wheeling West Virginia. I spent a summer there to see if it was a fit. I definitely knew that I could get a great education there however to be noticed in the basketball world was not happening. I left there after the summer and came back to Harlem with nowhere to go. Depressed and mad at the world. I got to my building where I grew up and where all knew my talent as a star in the Ghetto to say the least. As I approached the building I ran into a friend that said Yo Pie, which was my nickname at the time and still is amongst some of the old-timers who knew me then and now, I have a game down in the Goat tournament today and I have a shirt for you if you want to play. Continued on page 50 “Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.” Romans 11:5 Page 49 of 52
Unexpected by David Thornton (Continued from page 49) I said cool let me run my bags upstairs and I’ll meet you down there at the park on 99th and Amsterdam Ave. Because I was working out in West Virginia I was built like an Ox. I went down there and played the game and had about 40 points after it was said and done. I did not linger around the park just took my congratulations on a game well played and came back uptown. As I approached my building once again I heard someone say “Yo Pie”. I turned and it was this little short dark skin brother. He walked up to me and said you don’t know me but I just saw you do your thing down at the Goat tournament and I was impressed. He said my name is Evander Ford. We’re you going to school my brother? I said as of now nowhere I just came back from West Virginia and I did not like the school that I was at then he said well what’s your plans big fella? Oh just get a job start and start my life in the real world and be a star in the Ghetto. He laughed and then He steps closer to me and says how you would like to go to Texas to play? My reply to him was “when does the plane leave? This story speaks for itself and will confirm the point that things in life are unexpected… There are so called clichés however are they clichés that are supported by something more spiritual that come from God? I have always based my life on clichés and have applied them to the real world. “Being at the right place at the right time” “Timing is everything” to mention a few. Look back into your journey through life and try to identify the times that things unexpected change the course of your life. Hopefully there are more positive reflections than negative…. This was just one experience that I have shared with you however the one where I met the love of my life is an extraordinary reflection. Maybe one day I will share that one with you. Perspectives of the True One… The unexpected….. Go figure…
Contact George Harris for all of your catering needs: George Harris P. O. Box 344 Rockville, VA 23146 Phone: 804-749-3323
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Looking ahead
Next month will deal with the theme of Thanksgiving (not the holiday). True thanksgiving expresses the faith of God. The faith of God is the ability to speak into existence the things that do not exist. Examples are all over the Bible. There was darkness all over the place when God said; be Light! Light shined forth immediately. In Joshua chapter ten the nation was battling hard against their enemies and it was getting dark. Joshua spoke and commanded the sun and the moon to stand still in order for light to remain and the battle to continue and so the sun and the moon stood still and the light remained for the entire night. Israel won the battle. Before Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead he thanked the Father for hearing him and then he called Lazarus from the dead. The example here is that we are to thank God beforehand for what He will do. There is power in that. There is gratitude in thanking God for what has been done already, but the greater prayer, the prayer of faith is thanksgiving for what is yet to occur. Jesus thanked The Father for raising Lazarus before he was raised, not after and that is a significant example for us to follow. Verbal thanksgiving is the beginning of the expression of the power of God. Thanksgiving and gratitude is a required characteristic in our relationship with God. In my experience God responds to collective prayer and prayers of repentance praise and worship (thanksgiving). Thanksgiving is a matter of love and our relationship with God must always be one of love and respect. Therefore the theme of thanksgiving is really a theme of our love relationship with God. Gratitude is an attitude and the closer we get to God the more we become like Him and that is the entire purpose of thanksgiving, the elevation of our thinking and being. The entire purpose of this magazine is that we not only get closer to God, but that we become like God. Joy will facilitate healing, a higher order attitude, greater relationships and power, as the scripture states; the joy of the Lord is your strength. Imagine… looking ahead into eternity… and being like God. Now that is something to look forward to. Neil Woodard, Editor In Chief The Remnant Magazine
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