Acebeam Rider Rx It’s definitely near to camping season again isn’t it? One of the worst things about camping, in my humble experience, is that moment in the middle of the night when everyone has retired and you wake up needing the loo and it’s right over that ridge. The one with several tents and their vicious guide-ropes (that are totally out to get you – those things are sentient and looking to over-throw humanity, I tell you!) along the way. In the dark. After that dread realisation, you then discover you forgot to bring a torch and the odyssey begins…
(or forgot) to charge your torch during the day. When fully charged, it can knock out a pretty impressive 650 lumens of light for a few minutes, more than powerful enough to light a whole room and probably enough to wake up all the other campers in the area too! So maybe go for one of the less bright yet still useful settings of 450 or 330 lumens. The brightness for the AA battery is nowhere near as impressive but 85 lumens for 35 mins is nothing to be sniffed at.
There is one other interesting feature for this torch and I’m getting one of these things this summer! It’s a pretty that is that it has ‘fidget’ parts on it. The clip is moveable impressive looking piece, with a stainless steel shell and a and will hopefully provide entertainment for the bored or Lithium ion battery built in that can be charged with a usb restless. At the very least, it should help to give someone a cable. But, even better, is the fact that you can also use a little bit of relaxation while avoiding those suspect guide regular alkaline AA battery, just in case you were unable ropes.
Small, powerful and smart looking, I want!
For more information on the Acebeam Rider Rx click here