5 minute read

Fair at Market Day

Fair at Market Day: Consumer Rights and Privileges Everyone has the right to consume Revisited and no one must consume these rights. All people included in any aspect of the existing societies are considered to be consumers. A consumer refers to an individual that use goods and services generated within the economy. The rights of consumers are strongly bounded to consumer protection. This is a concept that is designed to ensure fair competition and the free flow of truthful information in the market place. It is empowered by two bodies: the government and non government institutions. The government is the one who is responsible for enacting and enforcing laws regarding consumerism. The non government institutions are the initiators for consumer activism. When purchasing a certain commodity, it is common among the consumers to check out the ingredients or components of the thing that they need or want to buy. Like these products, the consumers must also be aware of their own ingredients, their rights as consumers. So, what are these rights of the consumers? The first thing that must be in their minds is that they have the right to basic needs. It will guarantee survival, adequate food, clothing, shelter, health care, education and sanitation. Consumers also have the right “The consumers must also be aware of their own ingredients…”

to safety. They need to be protected against the marketing of goods or the provision of services that are hazardous to health and life. They also have the right to information. There must always be protection against dishonest or misleading advertising or labeling and the facts and information needed to make an informed choice. Any individual also has the right to choose. They can choose products at competitive prices with an assurance of satisfactory quality. Beyond the previous rights mentioned, consumers still have far more serious rights to be possessed and be aware of. They have the right to be represented. This will enable them to express their interests in the making and execution of government policies. They also have the right to redress or be compensated for misrepresentation, shoddy goods or unsatisfactory services. Like any other fields, proper knowledge and education is also a right. Consumer education will help them acquire skills necessary to be an informed customer. Most importantly, they have the right for a healthy environment. Consumers need to live and work in an environment which is neither threatening nor dangerous and which permits a life of dignity and well-being. Consumer protection aims to protect the consumer from abuse. It provides a venue for grievance or redress. It also ensures a better quality of living by improving the quality of consumer products and services. Laws are being designed to prevent businesses that engage in fraud or specified unfair practices from gaining an advantage over competitors and provide additional protection for the weak and those unable to take care of themselves. In the Philippines, there is an existing law called the Republic Act No. 7394 or also known as the Consumer Act of the Philippines. It is the policy of the State to protect the interests of the consumer, promote general welfare and to establish standards of conduct for business and industry. It targets to meet significant objectives such as protection against hazards to health and safety and deceptive, unfair and unconscionable sales acts and practices; provision of information and education to facilitate sound choice and the proper exercise of rights by the consumer and adequate rights and means of redress; and involvement of consumer representatives in the information of social and economic policies. Two main problems are placed on top priorities of consumer protection. These include deceptive acts and practices and unfair or unconscionable sales acts or practices. Deceptive acts are acts by a producer,


manufacturer, supplier or seller, which occurred before, during or after the transaction through concealment, false representation of fraudulent manipulation which induces a consumer to enter into a sales or lease transaction of any consumer product or service. On the other hand, unfair or unconscionable sales act is an act by the producer, manufacturer, distributor, supplier or seller, which occurred before, during or after the transaction, by taking advantage of the consumer’s physical or mental infirmity, ignorance, illiteracy, lack of time or the general conditions of the environment or surroundings, induces the consumer to enter into a sales or lease transaction grossly inimical to the interests of the consumer or grossly one-sided in favor of the producer, manufacturer, distributor, supplier or seller. Agencies in the country like the Department of Health, Department of Agriculture and Department of Trade and Industry are the primary concerned branches towards promoting consumers rights in terms of food, drugs, cosmetics, devices, substances, agricultural products and other related commodities. They work hand-in-hand to prevent the occurrence of some issues relating to the rights of consumers. At present times, different consumer-related cases are happening globally. One situation is when toys made in China are recalled containing lead which could cause brain damage. Another example is when a Filipino-American nurse has filed a complaint against the Belo Medical Group over an alleged botched skin tightening procedure done on her. Other relevant cases include the April 2007 Nestle KitKat chocolate incident which was voluntarily recalled after being found to contain hard plastic; Cadburry in Ireland and UK declared that there had been a salmonella scare in the products last June 24, 2006; and the 1982 Chicago Tylenol murders occurred when seven people died after taking pain-relief capsules that had been poisoned. For every single day of our lives, we always strive and work hard to be able to satisfy our wants and provide for the needs of our family members. In line with this kind of a daily routine, we must be supported by certain laws and procedures that will help to make things at an easy phase and avoid unnecessary and illegal transactions which could possibly harm or go against the right of the consumer. All violations must be eliminated at once and just always be fair for everyone. Feel like a market day with freedom, development and satisfaction at all times.

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