The Student Magazine Issue 53

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WELCOME .................................................................................... Happy New Year! The weeks of eating, drinking, partying and being pampered by Mother are over and it’s back to your uni life. Good news - we’ve missed you.

To celebrate your return to the Steel City, we’ve treated you to an X Factor special, including an interview with the latest winner, James Arthur, courtesy of Capital FM, plus we had an exclusive chat with runner up, Jahmene Douglas.


Director Hussain Shafique Editor Kate Hobson Design Director Shane Gilmartin

However, we all know what January means – exams/ deadlines/ essays. Take a deep breath and manage to balance on the positive edge of despair with our tips and tricks to ease you through the revision season. And to distract you for a little while with hopeless dreams of romance and roses, our Love Doctors have concocted a cheeky quiz to help you create that perfect Valentine’s date, and we compare Valentine’s from a single pringle’s perspective with that of one lovesick half of a couple. Look out for all the regular features from Beats to Bites and, of course, flip over for our unique Chinese version. Good luck with all your exams!

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f‘The Student Magazine’ Add me! ‘Stu Thestudentmag’ u@thestudentmag

.................................................................................... 06. what a gwan

What’s going off in the universities

10 . capital fm interview

A chat with X Factor winner, James Arthur

14. Single vs Not So Single

Valentine’s from two different perspectives


18. Valentine’s Quiz

Stuck for date ideas this year?

22. scene

Have you been snapped?

26. X Factor Interview

We caught up with runner up, Jahmene Douglas


30. fashion

Hot threads

34. exam stress

Tips for handling stress with Samaritans

40. chinese new year

Happy Chinese New Year!


50. Studentstrology The Stars chat to us

54 . blogged

Fingertip to keyboard

58. Gadgets Top Tech


62. bites and booze

We wined and we dined

66. Flicks

Pick up your popcorn

70 . Beats & sheffield all stars Put on your headphones


74. listed

Hot events this month Student Magazine Ltd All rights reserved, no part of this magazine may be used or reproduced without written permission of the publisher. All imagery is property of Student Magazine Ltd. If you submit unsolicited material to us, you automatically grant Student Magazine Ltd a licence to publish your submission in whole or part in all editions of the magazine. Any material you submit is sent at your own risk and, although every care is taken, neither Student Magazine Ltd nor its employees, agents or subcontractors shall be liable for loss or damage.

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What A Gwan?


The Tuesday Club Presents Wait... Fez Club, Friday 15th February We have seen many of the industry legends playing at ‘Wait...’, from Goldie to B Traits, but the guys at The Tuesday Club are pulling out all the stops this time. Not only have they got Benga on the decks, one of the most influential dubstep DJs of his time, with tracks like ‘Baltimore Clap’ and the more recent, ‘Open Your Eyes’, they have also upped the venue from the SU to Fez Club, and anyone who has been to one of their nights know how memorable they can be. Take some photos at this event and tag ‘The Student Magazine’ to have your image featured in the listings section. Tickets £11 from

Amateur Transplants Amateur Transplants: Adam Kay Marrow Gig – Tuesday 12th February Tuesday 12th February sees the auditorium play host to singer Adam Kay Marrow, as he has kindly agreed to come perform a special charity gig. It’s all for a good cause, as your £10 ticket price will be donated to blood cancer charity, The Anthony Nolan Trust. Adam is a performer who has proved a hit across the UK; his Edinburgh Fringe shows have proved a critical success and his song ‘London Underground’ was a viral hit, clocking up 7 million views on Youtube so far! Running from 7.30pm until 11pm, this show promises to be a great event, and all in aid of a good cause.

Officer Elections You can now nominate yourself to be one of the eight officers chosen to work full-time in the SU for the next academic year. You’ve got until February 8th to nominate yourself, so if it’s something you’ve always wanted to do or you’d like to stick around for another year helping to improve student life then you should go for it. Being an officer is a great opportunity to really change things and gain great experience whilst doing it, helping to make your CV stand out in the future.

Give It A Go Give It A Go: Tropical Butterfly House – Sunday 24th February Give It A Go always delivers the goods when you fancy a random day out! And where better than the Tropical Butterfly House near Sheffield? As well as a huge range of fantastic butterflies, the Wildlife Centre also houses amazing creatures from all over the world. Visit the Small Animal House, Meerkat Mansion, prarie dog camp, birds of prey and parrots, as well as the butterfly house. With a whole day at the centre, you’ll even have time to visit the Butterfly Café and Jungle Gift Shop. Tickets are just £14.


There’s no need to stray away from University this Month - with so much going on you’d be a fool to leave the comfort of the union...

HALLAM UNIVERSITY The Hallam Award Drop In Sessions Away from academic achievement, many students take part in extracurricular activities and volunteering that really enrich their time at University and make their CV shine. The Hallam Award is a great way of gaining recognition for this work and having something that employers will be impressed by. You will focus on writing about how you have developed skills throughout your extra activities, and drop in sessions with staff will help you reflect on your progress and understand how your experiences make you more employable. The Hallam Award is a great way to boost your CV and give you confidence in what you have achieved.

You Are Here: A Sheffield Exhibition Running over five days, starting on Monday 18th February between 1pm and 5pm, then continuing between Tuesday 19th February and Thursday 21st February between 10am and 5pm, then ending on Friday 23rd of February, where it runs between 10am and 1pm, is the You Are Here exhibition. With free entry you get to take a trip to the illustrious Millennium Gallery to witness the best and brightest Sheffield Hallam has to offer the world of art. The exhibition features pieces that showcase the Sheffield cityscape and surrounding community, as well as its unique residents, in new and exciting ways. It promises to be a triumph!

Elections: Student Officer Question Time When electing your student government you want to know the details of their manifesto, what they are going to do to make your life better, or at least what wicked new nights they’re going to put on at the union anyway. Now you can quiz them for yourself, as Tuesday 26th February sees Hallam Union put on question time. With free admission, the event is being held in the City campus, at the Pennine Lecture Theatre. It starts at 6pm and it’s your chance to root out the answers to the questions that are bugging you. Make sure you know the student officer who is going to represent you and head on down! Candidates for other student government positions will be answering questions online between Monday 25th February and Thursday 28th February.

Monday Night Quiz Every Monday night throughout January and February you can take part in an interactive new quiz that is just that little bit different. Gather your friends and housemates and get yourself down to Bar Phoenix to use your knowledge to win prizes – you’re going to need it as this quiz is created to make it impossible to cheat! It’s free to enter and there are extra picture and bingo rounds meaning even more prizes. With pints less than £2 and spirits double up for £1, there is no excuse not to attend as it is a brilliant night to bond with friends – and perhaps to even boost your IQ!



Every month Adam O’Neill brings us all the celeb gossip from 105 Capital FM HQ. He’s on Capital across Yorkshire every afternoon between 4-7pm! The sound on everyone’s radio and the name on everyone’s lips right now is James Arthur – the winner of 2012’s The X Factor has dazzled the viewers with his soulful performances and undeniable focus on succeeding in the music business.

14. 10.

Capital FM’s Adam O’Neill grabbed a few minutes with the upcoming star for a chat about his X Factor experience and what he’s got planned for the future.

So your a l b um i s due out ASA P - ha v e y ou writ t en i t a l r e a d y ? I’ve got many, many songs ready to go. I’m going into the studio to lay down every song that I’ve ever written. I’ll give the label an idea of the 12 I’d like and then we’ll work together on getting the right ones into the album. Will you r sound b e di f feren t now y ou’ v e c ome out of the X F a c tor process, or w i l l y ou ha ve t o ke e p to the soun d y ou ha d on X Fa ct or, a s tha t’ s w ha t t he publ i c know y ou for? The good thing about what I did on X Factor was that it didn’t really waiver from the sound I wanted to use anyway. There’ll be a mix of stuff like I did on the show but also a bit of a different sound that people haven’t heard from me before. Will you b e w or ki ng w i th a n yon e? I have an endless list of people I would love to work with, I am literally not going to say any more names it’s getting ridiculous; I keep littering names!

We l l tha t’ s t h e b es t w a y - ge t t h e n am es out the r e o r t h ey w o n ’ t know y ou w an t t o w o rk w i th the m . S o w ill w e b e se e i ng H om et o w n G lo ry on y our a lb u m ? I don’t really want covers on my album, but I’d be happy to put it out there - I might just record it and put it out on the internet. Whe n y ou w ere s t o o d o n the sta ge w ait in g t o s ee i f y ou w ere t h e w in n er, d i d y ou th in k t h at t h ere ma y b e a c h an c e t h at y ou c oul d h av e a n u m b er one ? No, I didn’t even think about that, it was a total shock really, I hadn’t even thought about it and then on Monday we were in a car promoting the single. H ow a r e y o u f in din g t h e a tte nti on - are p eo p le a l w a y s st o p p in g y o u an d a ski ng for y o u r au t o gr a p h a nd p ic t u re? Well, that has started happening but people are really polite. I went back to my hometown and signed about 600 autographs! I realised after signing a couple that my signature looks really bad and I’d need to sort something out, I’d changed it by about 300.


Singled Ou t

VAL EN Ti NE ’ S D A Y Our unlucky-in-love singleton ponders on how to spend the most loved-up day of the year

Remember when Valentine’s Day wasn’t a big deal? It was something parents would comment on whilst trying to recreate that first romantic date Some dads gave our mums a sloppy kiss and a card saying, “Guess who?”, and that might’ve been it. Back then, it seemed acceptable, even sweet at times. But then you grow up and discover what an ordeal it can be to remain single on the day of love. It all starts with Facebook groups popping up a couple of weeks before the dreaded holiday arrives. There’s plenty to choose from: “Like” if you’re single on February 14th, you’re alone and don’t care, Comment if you hate romance...the list goes on. Whether we want to or not, we get caught up in the loathsome feeling of missing out on something important. You might curl up in bed and ignore the world until February 15th. Or you might get drunk and throw your post night out chips at unsuspecting couples- not one of my friend’s proudest moments.


Sometimes it might not be pretty, depending on which Valentine scenario you opt for. The night can normally be spent doing one of three things. First of all, you can settle down on your couch and watch romantic comedies and heroines with a love life as tragic as your own. Yet they always come out with a hunky Colin Firth lookalike, and you end up with a stomach ache from eating too much cookie mixture. Obviously, not the best night to look forward to. The second option is congregating a group of single mates and having impromptu karaoke sessions: “I Will Survive”, “I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar” and “Don’t Cha are classic favourites. A past highlight of mine was watching the sing along version of “Mamma Mia” with my girlfriends. We belted out tunes, jumped on the bed and revelled in our strong sense of sisterhood.

The third option is going out for a night on the town. Putting on those six inch heels and hurtling from club to club seems like the perfect way to forget about your single status. The music pumps and the memories of past relationships fade away. The lucky ones end huddled up with friends, leaving the night on a high. Others give into loneliness and hook up with another lost Valentine’s Day soul. It works for the night, but the walk of shame you’re submitted to the next morning makes it less appealing. Or you might just enjoy your drinks and have it become another hazy memory, just like Fresher’s Week or your last birthday night out. Whether you go out or not, feeling guilty about being single isn’t what you should focus on. After all, doesn’t love come in many forms? It could be love for your friends, parents, a club or cheese and onion Pringles. This should be a day for celebrating that love, not wallowing in sadness. Feel free to have your own version of love this Valentine’s Day.


Our loved-up, one half of a couple describes Valentine’s from a lovestruck perspective



Sometimes, a special someone pops out of the blue. Finally, there’s a person worth spending your time with and who, miraculously, wants to spend time with you too. The days slip by as a relationship begins to form and flourish. You might’ve had enough time to make it official, or still be deciding whether it’s time to take that step. But don’t lose track, because Valentine’s Day springs upon its victims when they least expect it. The concept of celebrating such a day was foreign to me until I met my boyfriend. We’d been friends for months before a night amongst course mates and one too many Jaeger bombs brought us together. Things had only just taken off before February 14th loomed on our calendars. Suddenly, a date, chocolates and presents were expected. And I was completely unprepared. The idea of presents was especially scary. Apart from not knowing the person well enough, Valentine themed gifts themselves are about as bad as essay deadlines. Best boyfriend trophies, enormous teddy bears and mugs covered in hearts are amongst the worst. How are you supposed to show your feelings for someone with a mug? Where’s the personal thought in that?

The date venue also varies depending on the relationship. If you’ve just recently left the single life, a fancy restaurant might be on the cards. There’s still a lot for you to discover about the other person, and they’ll want to make a good impression. For those more established couples, a night in with takeaway or cooking a nice meal together is more likely. What both situations have in common is that it’s better to be somewhere you can talk and enjoy each other’s company. Films are also a popular choice and could be the perfect addition for your date. Go out for a meal or a nice walk afterwards and discuss the film in question. This will encourage conversation, which is especially needed if it’s a new relationship. There are plenty of events going on. Bars will do special Valentine Day offers, cinemas will have themed movies and your student union will have organized activities running throughout the day. If you’re stuck for ideas or short on cash, pop online and check out what your city has to offer. You won’t be disappointed.

Just because your ex liked corny gifts and public displays of affection doesn’t mean your new partner will. Take their likes into account and, even if the night ends badly, they will appreciate the work you have put in. To my surprise, my friend-turnedboyfriend took me laser tagging on the day. The only people there were us and group of 10 year olds we ended up playing against. Childish? Perhaps, but I loved it. We’ve been together for almost three years now, and it’s still one of the best dates I’ve ever had.

Above all, try to make the day individually tailored to your partner. There’s nothing worse than feeling left out because you’ve made no effort and just bought them the standard “Be my Valentine” card. Each person is unique, and so is each February 14th for every couple.


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’ Stuck for ideas to dazzle your date on Valentine’s Panic no more – the Date Doctors at The Student Magazine have rustled up a handy quiz to ease you through the difficult deciding process. Simply choose your top answer for each question, tally up your totals and check your result... but the rest is up to your inner romantic goddess to take care of!

How do you usual l y g re e t your da te ? With a huge bouquet of flowers and a massive hug, sweeping them off their feet With a sweet kiss and squeeze of the bum With a swift, ‘Alright?’, then quickly stride off, expecting them to follow

How lon g have you be e n tog e t h e r w ith you r l over ? A few weeks A few months A year or more

Wha t presen t woul d you l ove to g e t for Va l ent i ne’s D a y ? A diamond ring A nice box of chocs and perhaps a naughty night in a hotel A tacky pink teddybear

Wha t are you m os t e xc ite d a bout for Val ent i ne’s D a y ? The presents Spending time with my favourite person Getting treated for once


On a ty pical Fr iday n ig h t, you an d your l over a re d oi ng w h a t ? Texting each other messages of adoration and devotion Chilling out together with a pizza and TV sesh Separate things with our own mates

How wou ld you de sc r ibe your re l a tion sh ip ? AMAZING Romantic and fun Perfectly fine

Are you in l ove ? Yes, soooo in love I am really happy but wouldn’t say love just yet Well, I would miss them if they weren’t there

Wha t ’s you r favour ite da t e n ig ht fil m ? Titanic Love Actually Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Mos tly Ah – the mush of the honeymoon stage. You’ve only known each other a few minutes yet you’re already fantasising about weddings and babies. Big gestures are obviously your thing, so for a perfect Valentine’s date think big. Your lover is (at the moment) on the same let’smove-as-fast-as-we-can page as you, so massive, cheesy gestures will go down well. Spend the day out wandering hand in hand around a theme park or zoo, then book an entire restaurant out just for you two, for one-on-one dining. Soon you’ll have totally blown out the ‘OMG you’re so amazing’ stage so enjoy this while it lasts!

Mos tly A cosy night in is what you two need. Take some time to stock up on ingredients to cook up a posh treat you’ll both enjoy, and no, beans on toast is not acceptable. Check out Marks and Spencer ’s ‘Dine in for £10’ offer if you can’t be bothered to actually cook with your bare hands, and remember the gooey chocolate dessert is all about sharing. Fair y lights and candles are a necessity, then finishing off the evening with a good dose of naughty snuggles to polish it all off nicely.

Mos tly Having been with your partner for a long while, Valentine’s Day is starting to lose its sparkle. This year, take cupid by the horns and make a big effort to spice up the romance. Ensure your lover puts aside the entire evening and send -a bouquet of flowers or posh chocolates to their house in the morning to surprise them, with a note instructing them to be ready at 7pm! Whisk them out to your favourite restaurant and for once tell them how you really feel to rekindle that lost love.


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Jahmene Douglas i n t e r v i e w

After dominating our TV screens for a few weeks, X Factor comes live to arenas around the UK in early 2013. Fan favourite, Jahmene Douglas, came runner up in the singing competition, dazzling audiences with his incredible, soulful voice and adorable selflessness. The Student Magazine caught a few minutes with Jahmene as he prepares for the tour, to hear all the gossip from behind the scenes and what he’s got planned for his new, star-studded future.

Firstly, how would you sum up your X Factor experience? It was a surreal rollercoaster of emotion and growing, like a lot of growth throughout the whole thing, from being nothing to be someone that has to perform. Actually I feel really good, I just feel like I’ve grown into a performer now, into the singer that I need to be.

Do you think James deserved to come first? Yeah, I think most of the people in the competition that made it to the top 13 would have probably deserved to come first. James just came out on top because he stayed true to himself all the way through, sounded the way he should have sounded, I think he just came out really well throughout the whole show.

Are you glad you entered? Did you ever think that you would go all the way to the final? I never saw myself going far so when I got to the final two, it hit me then When I was just standing there in the final two just me and James, I was like, ‘What? What’s going on’?! I look back and I just think, ‘Whaaat, I’ve done quite well, actually’!

How was Nicole Scherzinger as a mentor? Nicole as a mentor was just - for her we were her friends first and then she put us as singers second. She was there and she would be there through the emotions with us, when we were sad she was sad and she’d just feel everything.

Do you still talk to anyone from the show? I try to keep in touch but obviously everyone’s got hectic schedules now and everyone’s performing day after day, We’ll meet up soon, we’ve got the tour soon, so that’s all good. So you ended up coming runner up to winner James Arthur – are you pleased with that or is there a little piece of you that’s like, “oh, I wanted to come first”? (Laughs) I’m more than pleased, like I’ve come away with everything that I went in the competition for, so there’s no reason for me to complain or doubt myself. Yes exactly, because it’s still amazing to come through all those people! Thank you, but it’s just, I feel blessed, even if I was to come fifth, it was an amazing experience to be a part of. Why do you think you didn’t win? Was it the old idea that the public thought you were safe so didn’t vote for you? I just think, to be honest, it was one of those things that was going up and down, with the minutes, and it’s just fate at the end of the day. I just think that for James, it was probably better for him to win, as an original acoustic, songwriting artist, and it’s good for me to push myself even more to come second.

On the show she seemed to be really involved with it, like she really cared about it, more than the others. I didn’t think it’d be like that, she was texting us, like at one in the morning she’d be like, ‘Are you guys alright, you guys alright’? She’d just make sure we were ok. Have you spoken to her after the show, do you still talk to her? Yeah, still talking to her, she’s been going around the world, the crazy schedules of celebrity people! She’s a good friend to have. What have you been up to since the end of the show? I’ve been gigging like crazy, trying to pay the bills… I’ve moved to London now, to make sure everything’s close by and erm, yeah, it’s been crazy. But I’m trying to do a lot of work with Women’s Aid as well, because I thought they deserve some of that, I don’t want to be the ambassador and then slack that role, I’ve got to push it, keep raising awareness and money. We saw on the show that you’re really close to your family – how have they reacted to your success? Is it life changing for them as well? Well, Christmas alone was a lot different this year! We had the first real Christmas tree that we’d ever had, it’s nice to be able to spoil my family. I know where they’re coming from, I know what they haven’t had, it’s nice

to be able to make money to do that. The X Factor tour kicks off at the end of January, coming to Sheffield’s Motorpoint Arena on 12th February. How have you been preparing for it? Well, I think all these little gigs everywhere keep you on top of your game, as otherwise, you just won’t be singing, but I’m trying to stay on top of it, do my vocal warm ups that I’ve been taught and everything, drinking my lemon, ginger and honey which is disgusting but it has to be done! Trying to keep on top of it all. Are you excited? Are you looking forward to it or are you a little bit nervous? I’m excited, I’m nervous that the dynamics are going to be different between the contestants; I just hope it’s the same fun as it was before! It’s amazing that you’re going on an arena tour at this stage of your career; usually you’d have to wait for ages to do something like that! Crazy, right? But bearing in mind it’s the deep end because the final of Manchester, it feels more comfortable than the TV studios with an audience like that because you’re getting so much back. Through the whole tour I think it’s just going to be incredible… as long as I don’t mess the microphones up again and everything! Got to be prepared for the worst, love a bit of drama every now and then! What’s next ? Any singles or albums in the pipeline? Well, I’ve got some surprises, I’ll just say that I’ll have hopefully an album by the end of the year. It’s crazy to think that by the end of the year it’s going to be out. My little face of a CD cover, in Asda on sale, bit embarrassing, but good. Jahmene Douglas is appearing at Sheffield Motorpoint Arena on 12th February with The X Factor Tour 2013. For tickets see



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The newest innovative salon to leap onto Sheffield’s hair scene is Volt – a vision of black, grey and pink hidden away down a cobbled street by the cathedral. Having opened in December 2012, directors Helen Porter and Jennie Copley launched Volt after reaching a stage in their career when they could realise their dream of creating a salon space of their own. An established team of stylists with 20 years of experience, the team have worked in various Sheffield salons as well as a large London salon chain, plus are Wella Trend Vision finalists. The salon lies in an amazing space, a former cathedral bookshop on East Parade in the beating heart of the city, right next to the Cathedral tram stop. Having been empty for many years, the space was begging to be transformed and Helen

and Jennie collaborated with Anwar Studio to create an individual identity. Throughout the salon is featured stunning design, including a bespoke reception desk, mirrors, signage and branding. Their unique, modern design merges perfectly with the old, listed building features, with the team designing plans to exact specifications. Having given themselves a six week period in which to complete the project, the Volt team created the space with their own bare hands, working tirelessly to get it finished. Volt is somewhere a little different to your usual salon space – think shocking pink lights meet exposed brick, stainless steel fittings braving it under dominating wall arches. Specialising in all aspects of hairdressing, the team are pros when it comes to wedding hair, hair extensions, perming, fashion colouring, technical cutting and colour corrections, plus they offer a wide range of services from a simple cut and finish to a full head of highlights, for both ladies and gents.

friendly, relaxing atmosphere for clients, clients are treated to a full service from the moment they book an appointment. Treat yourself to a full menu of tipples, including the unmissable Bailey’s coffees, or beer, wine and teas and coffees. Sink into their luxury massage chair and relish your whole Volt experience from the welcoming start to the glossy, end result. Give Volt a call on 0114 2721 377 to book an appointment, or visit their fabulous website at for a full price list. Volt are also looking to expand their team with creative people who are passionate about their work – if you think you’ve

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Be prepared for winter chills with our selection of high street essentials to take you through to spring and beyond. Winter accessories like the fur snood will add a touch of style to a plain outfit for a chic winter ensemble.

Kick off 2013 with an ever so stylish bang, loading your winter wardrobe up with cosy treats to bring a little bit of snuggle bliss to even the gloomiest of february days. Slouchy Multi Cable Jumper Miss Selfridge, £39

Faux Fur Patchwork Snood ASOS, £18.50

Hat H&M, £7.99 Cable and Fur Earmuffs Topshop, £14

Multi Patchwork Stripe Mitten Accessorize, £15

Faux Fur Lined Parka Oasis, £88


Davidson Biker Wellies Topshop, £30


Whether you like it or not, now’s the time to trade in your t-shirts for a warmer substitute and layer up your winter wardrobe. Knits and Fairisle prints continue to be on trend and can easily be incorporated into any outfit to add some variety. A personal favourite is the Fairisle Bobble hat from Accessorize.

Fabric Foley Jacket Republic, £50

Fairisle Pull On With Bobble Accessorize, £18

Fabric Fleck Hoody Republic, £20

Charcoal Knit Mittens River Island, £14

D-Struct Gilet with Knit Detail ASOS, £38

Shoes H&M, £29.99

Long Sleeve Shirt Pull and Bear £25.99


claire wilson Address: 274 Sharrow Vale Road, S11 821 Telephone: 0114 267 82 97

Mass production has saturated our high streets to the point where we all look the same, and as a consequence, fashion is losing the individuality that has made it a hallmark of 20th Century culture. Luckily for us we still have independent fashion shops, which make it their mission to bring new and exciting styles to our attention and in the process, reinvent fashion to meet the demands that innovation has traditionally placed on it. Claire Wilson - located in the heart of Sheffield’s independent shopping district, at 274 Sharrow Vale Road - is renowned throughout the Steel City for its unique range of accessories, with its fantastic range of fascinators and hats proving a big hit with the fashion


conscious of Sheffield. Claire Wilson has recently come under new management, and new management means big changes. Claire Wilson is now looking for even more talent, even more unique fashion that will seal its place as one of the freshest fashion centres of the Steel City. Claire Wilson want to make sure that our city stays unique, that the best, most unique designers have a forum to bring their fantastic designs to the public. So if you’re an aspiring designer with spark, don’t hesitate to get in touch; take this opportunity to get your designs out there to a large, solid customer base that are looking for the next big thing in independent fashion. It’s the perfect place to display your designs, as Claire Wilson has a reputation for excellence, having been a stalwart of the local Independent fashion scene for years. Claire Wilson has provided designs by such icons as Vivienne Westwood in clothes, fascinators, shoes, handbags and other fashion essentials to the fashionistas of the Steel City. Don’t miss out!

For more info visit:

70% off all hats

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a m S t re s s J a n u a ry E x g in id o v A o ’s G u id e t Doctor Stu n an d ge t

do w t to co m e , . W e’ ve al l go er ov m os t of us ly r al ci fo ar e of fi fo rt un at el y ri un ho d ap an et Th e ho lid ay s m t, e in po in g ov er th y at so m e om it lo al e re ar at s to ba ck re al is e th nu ar y ex am dd en ly , yo u w or k. Th e Ja in si gh t. Su ng th at m ea ns hi s re vi s yt ay er lid ev ho e ob sc ur in g so m e of th t as le ca l ho ri zo n, at u ar e so en t w n no w , yo ou ld ha ve sp u bu ck le do yo ss he re to yo u re al ly sh le e un e, Ma ga zi ne ar a co ns eq ue nc Th e St ud en t an no t, at in g an d as th e w n te g an d m or e of op pa ni ck in u, St yo ! ed to w t re . He re sc ss ca n ge e ex am ro om ow th e st re g yo u in th in ct fe gh t of he lp . W e kn af au up st th e on sl ss th at en ds st re ss am id ce du it ’s th e st re re to s re -f ir e w ay ar e a fe w su s! am ex th e Ja nu ar y

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The Sheffield / Doncaster Purple Vouchers book is out now!

Available from Weston Park Hospital Cancer Charity shop, Showroom Cinema Box Office, Tourist Information (Peace Gardens ) Sheffield Fire & Police Museum.

For a full list of savings check out

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To be a truly savvy student shopper, you need your wits about you to juggle solo living with a measly student loan. The Purple Vouchers Pocketbook is your secret weapon against the draining bank account – the little book that makes a BIG difference to shoppers in the Yorkshire region. Packed with vouchers adding up to more than £6000 in savings on products and services throughout the Sheffield area, the price of the book at £20 quickly pays for itself. Loaded with vouchers from leisure, dining, fast food and retail businesses, big names include KFC, McDonalds, Subway, Frankie & Benny’s, Sheffield Wednesday FC, Embrace, Cubana… and the list goes on! It’s easy to make the savings – simply buy a book for just £20 (with more than £6000 worth of savings inside you’ll more than make this back) from, Weston Park Hospital Cancer Charity Shop, Showroom Cinema Box Office, Tourist Information (Peace Gardens) or Sheffield Fire and Police Museum. Once the precious pages are in your grasp, register your book at, which enters you into regular competitions, with a chance to win £100s of great prizes.



Take a look throughout your book of vouchers – on the front of each one are the terms and conditions of use, with many 2 for 1 deals, so check your voucher carefully and don’t miss the address on the reverse as many vouchers are valid at multiple locations. To use a voucher, just show your Purple Voucher book to the sales assistant, tear out the voucher and hand it over when paying. Keep your Purple Vouchers book with you all the time so you never miss out on a saving! With a Purple Voucher Book you won’t be missing out on meals out, days out or cheeky treats anymore – don’t let the student loan get the better of you! Visit the Facebook page (search for ‘Purple Vouchers’) for a chance to win great prizes in one of their regular competitions and giveaways, arm yourself with a voucher and hit the shops with a clear conscience.



s the Chinese New

Confucianism and Buddhism.

humanitarians, capable of feeling

Year dawns, the world

These teachings date back to the

vast sympathy for those down on

celebrates with a fanfare of truly

earliest Chinese Imperial era and

their luck and often compelled to

phenomenal heights. Along

have become ingrained into the

help the less fortunate. In addition

with this comes a whole host of

psyche of the Chinese nation over

to this, although they float on a

traditions that date back into the

centuries of adherence.

sea of serenity, they are capable of intense passion; they make

foggy mists of antiquity itself. The people of the Chinese nation, as

To the astrologers and

fantastic lovers.

well as those who have emigrated

philosophers of the Chinese

As the Chinese New Year dawns

into the diaspora of other nations

Zodiac, the Snake symbolises

we are entering the year of the

around the world, still hold to

mental depth and agility.

Snake - a culturally ambiguous

these ancient traditions as a

Those born into the Year of the

figure, often polarising popular

means of celebrating their cultural

Snake are themselves natural

opinion. The thing to remember

heritage. One of these ancient

philosophers, as they are prone to

is that the Snake is the ultimate

traditions is that of the Chinese

speaking seldom. However, when

symbol of thought, prosperity,

Zodiac, which attributes the

they do speak it is often to impart

and philosophy and by extension,

spiritual characteristics of animals

great words of wisdom, words that

progress. It seems like this is

to a particular year. There are

act to change the world through

the year of great philosophical

twelve animals in total and they

the power of interpretive thought.

significance. The Snake could change the world.

rotate on a 12 yearly Luna cycle. Snakes are often inexperienced


This coming year (10th February

in the ways of money saving; as

2013 – 30th January 2014) is the

money is something they usually

Year of the Snake, and like all the

have in great amounts. The Snake

other Chinese Zodiac signs, the

does also have negative attributes

cultural beliefs attached to those

attached to it as those born into

born of the Year of the Snake are

the tradition of the Snake are

based on the teachings of ancient

said to be vain, selfish and often

Chinese philosophy, springing

reluctant to part with their money.

from the ancient Chinese

However, in contrast to that is

religious institutions of Taoism,

the fact that they can be great

noodle hot pot

With each year comes a new animal to represent that year; people born in that year follow the characteristics of that year’s animal. Take a look to discover which animal you are!


RAT 1996


Those born to the year of the Rat are traditionally the world’s romantics, the types who’ll sweep you off your feet. In addition to this, they are known to be financially successful, if a little short tempered at times.





The people lucky enough to be born to the Year of the Rabbit are pillars of the community. Intelligent by nature, the Year of the Rabbit inspires people to be articulate, talented and ambitious. In addition they are some of the nicest people you’ll ever meet.



OX 1997


To be born under the guidance of the Ox is to be a well of patience, as you have a very strong tolerance. However by contrast, Ox tend to be eccentric, bigoted and have a fierce temper when provoked.





The dragon is bright and majestic, and those born under its influence are infused with that same burst of frenetic energy. Personality traits naturally attributed to Dragons are excitability, spontaneity and stubbornness, with a good dose of eccentricity thrown in for good measure. The Dragon is the life and soul of any party.





The Year of the Tiger is known for producing sensitive souls, as those born when the Tiger is in ascendance are given to deep thinking and capable of great sympathy, however have an extremely short fuse.




Those born to the auspices of the Year of the Horse are the quintessence of likeability. If you are born to the Horse you are most likely to be popular, and it’s because you are a naturally cheery person. You give out good vibes and it makes people want to be around you.




The many blessings given to those born under the sign of the Sheep make them the height of sophistication. These people are imbued with elegance and grace and have a natural talent for the arts. Yet conflictingly they are often shy when it comes to the art of public speaking and can be naturally timid.

Individuals born to the legacy of the year of the Monkey are geniuses of the wheel of life; they know how to play the game. Clever, skilful and flexible, they are chameleons, being able to blend into any situation. They can, however, be too agreeable, leading people to often become suspicious of their motivations.

The people born to the auspices of the Year of the Rooster are the philosophers of the world. Prone to long bouts of deep thought, Roosters are capable and talented by nature, often liking to keep themselves busy and productive. These are the people who might just change the world.






The people born under the guardianship of the Year of the Dog are the best people in the world. Like the Dog they are constantly loyal and affectionate, more to the point they are the most honest people you will ever meet. They care little for wealth and material things, but often seem to have them.








The people born under the providence of the Year of the Pig value chivalry and gallantry, believing in the founding principles of modern altruism. The Pig has great fortitude and courage; they are able to bear the brunt of the worst storms. They are naturally intelligent.



Is it true they do d aily deals &a Yes! I sta Sunday buffet? y in the lo op on facebook and twitte Sakushi r






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Where can I get delicious d Japanese foo in Sheffield?


27 Campo Lane, Sheffield, S1 2EG 0114 273 7399 The wonderful thing about living in a student city in 2013 is that there are so many opportunities available to us. No longer are fish and chips or a cheeky Italian pizza as wild as it gets when it comes to cuisine. We came to Sheffield and a whole world opened up to us. Now we get exotic choices like Thai and authentic Indian and Chinese (as opposed to the takeaways we were so used to) and the opportunity to broaden our horizons and try new food often leaves our small town minds reeling. The rise of the cosmopolitan Sushi bar has meant that authentic Japanese cuisine has become an option, when before it really wasn’t. We’re in luck as we have a fantastic Japanese restaurant right on our doorstep, the only sushi bar with a moving conveyor belt in Sheffield city centre.

Welcome to Sakushi Restaurant. A fantastic gem of an oriental eatery tucked away along the main thoroughfare of Campo Lane, it caters for all of you out there that want to break away from the old and embrace something new. Sakushi is quite simply the sushi expert of Sheffield, knowing how to make appetising sushi which perfectly hits that insistent itch to indulge in something that’ll tickle your taste buds and ensnare your senses. Bringing the sushi belt to Sheffield, Sakushi offers something exciting to the table. Sit back and watch your favourite dishes roll their way round to you on the moving conveyor belt, all dishes colour coded by price. Or order from the incredibly varied menu of big bowl ramen noodles, Japanese starters, mixed bento boxes and fresh Sashimi. Sakushi’s menu embraces all manner of speciality Japanese dishes and focuses on bringing an authentic experience into your life, offering a fantastic range of Sushi specials with

their Soft Cell Crab Roll proving a particularly juicy highlight at £8.95 and even a special vegetarian selection at £7.55. However, Sakushi are hardly a one trick pony and offer other Japanese classics such as a selection of Nigiri (sushi rice with topping), Jnari (a sweet marinated tofu parcel, fried and stuffed with sushi rice and topping) and a selection of Kare (Japanese curry) amongst many others. It gets even better now as this wide selection of Japanese cuisine is available for delivery. Sakushi have a fast, efficient takeaway service aimed to bring your food straight to your door, fresh and ready to enjoy. Sakushi now even have an online order service, simply visit http://, browse their online takeout menu and click on ‘order now’. Easy peasy sushi.

UNWIND YOUR MIND YOGA Address: 141 West Street, Sheffield, S1 4EW Telephone: 07846 509 004

When all the stresses and strains of student life become too much, a calming yoga session might be just what you need to unwind the body and mind. At Unwind Your Mind Yoga, you will definitely find a way to relax and chill out after a stressful week of revision. Offering a range of classes from beginners to the more physical and intense, they offer a range of Hatha, Ashtanga and Satyananda sessions, as well as relaxation and Meditation. Founder Sophia is trained by Union Yoga and Yoga Alliance, having also completed training with the British Wheel of Yoga – nationally and internationally recognised Yoga schools


providing quality, certified training. Having been training in Yoga for six years, Sophia has been practising for over 9 years, having initially got into the activity after experiencing back trouble. After being recommended to try Yoga and Pilates to help her back problem, Sophia found Yoga to completely help her problem. This spurred her on to further explore Yoga physically and mentally, and after a few years she wanted to share the benefits she’d found and moved into teaching. Developing her skills with The British Wheel of Yoga, she later obtained a teaching qualification from Union Yoga and Yoga Alliance, also receiving a certificate enabling her to practice yoga with children and young adults.

own studio, offering classes there every day except Saturday. In the day the focus is mainly on one to one classes, with group sessions in the evening. The group sessions are 1 hour 30 minutes as are private sessions, which may be offered on request. If you fancy a dabble in Yoga then give Sophia a call on 07846 509004, or visit her Facebook page at ‘Unwind Your Mind Yoga’ for more information.

Sophia says, “I did my main training in Ashtanga Yoga but I decided to diversify. I now teach Hatha, Ashtanga and Satyananda styles. Simply put, I teach many styles at many levels to suit the student”. Unwind Your Mind Yoga has now opened their

Unwind Your Mind Yoga Strength... Suppleness... Serenity


Beginners 6.30am - 8pm


Student Class @ Collegiate Campus 12.30pm-2pm ‘midweek wind down’ Mixed ability Hatha 6.30am - 8pm


One to One

Sessions Available

Student Class @ City Campus 12.30pm-2pm


‘Ashtanga Yoga’ Intermediate to Advanced 6.30am - 8pm


‘The Sunday Session’ Mixed ability Hatha 6.30am - 7.30pm

Tel: 07846 509 004 Location: The Studio, 141 West Street, Sheffield, S1 4EW f’unwind your mind yoga’ u’unwindymyoga’






STUDENTSTROLOGY A New Year, a new start for you, Aquarius. This is the time of new beginnings, take advantage of the surprise opportunity that may just come your way. It’s a risk, but you’re smart, you’ll figure it out.

A New Year might not mean new beginnings for you, Pisces. Grudges don’t automatically expire on 1st January and it means that you might have to take the initiative and let bygones be bygones. It’s in your nature to forgive, you’re a kind soul.

Coming back from the Christmas holidays means coming back to routine, and you, Aries, can be a little restless at the best of times, so it might be an absolute nightmare for you. Suck it up; we all have to get back to the grind at some point.

A new term might just mean a new love interest for you, Taurus. They may be a little resistant at first; not everybody’s as sure of themselves as you. Give them a little time, show a little restraint. You’re persistent by nature.

You are the social butterfly, Gemini. People are drawn to you like a moth to a flame. Except during exam time, when everybody’s too busy revising to pay you any attention. Don’t get too annoyed, you may want to get drunk but even you have to sit your January exams.

After spending the holidays at home you’ve remembered how important your family are to you, Cancer, and it means you’re going to be missing them. You’ll get over it eventually; you’ll have to if you want good marks on your exams!

Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll February 2, 1977

“I prefer an ugly truth to a pretty lie. If someone is telling me the truth that is when I will give them my heart.”

We get it, Leo, you like to put on a show. You’re a bit over dramatic and that can be hilarious but in the cold winter months, it can get annoying. Tone it down, you don’t always need to be the centre of attention.

Exam time is like walking through a field of land mines for you, Virgo. You’re a perfectionist that never puts your books down. Please just take a little time to relax, it won’t help if you overstress.

You are a born diplomat Libra, people look to you to play peace maker and it’s a role you play well. Unfortunately with house mates clashing after returning from Christmas break, it may be a role you’ll have to play again.

Why does everyone seem to see you as their own personal secret keeper, Scorpio? It must be because you are naturally trustworthy and it means you may be forced to keep a secret this month.

New faces are set to enter your life this month, Sagittarius. It ’s a good thing you’re friendly by nature, since it might be left to you to make them feel welcome.

This month will see you put into a position of authority Capricorn. It ’s where you’re most comfortable, you’re a leader. Don’t let the power go to your head though, the best leaders know how to play well with others.

Sex and the Steel City By Kate Hobson Published February 2013 The whole concept of New Year’s resolutions is a fickle one. Promising yourself that you’ll be good for the rest of the year is a very difficult promise to keep, especially when the thing you’re promising not to do is your guilty pleasure. No doubt many people will pledge to find themselves a boyfriend/ girlfriend this year, ‘settle down’ and stop playing the field. Erm – yeah, like that’s the easiest thing to do. One thing that really riles me is someone saying they’re looking for a serious partner. Cue desperateness, fooling yourself that you’re happy and inevitably breaking up after a few months. So, you say you want a boyfriend? Does that mean you’ll take the first thing that comes your way (whereas usually you’d see the incompatibility warning signs and bail) and force a relationship? Making it ‘official’ after one date, moving in together after one month and confessing your undying love after two? Perfect – you’ve found the one… until it all comes crashing down a few months down the line and you come to realise that moving too fast was definitely not a great idea. You can go out with someone for months before they get boring, before you accept that their annoying habits with the soap will never be resolved. Throwing all your energy into this one ‘ideal’ relationship will more often than not result in one very un-ideal situation. Take a look at Kim Kardashian and her loser ex-husband to be, Kris Humphries. Major fail. The key to finding a real relationship is to relax; the real thing will come along all by itself when the time is right and taking it slow will make the prize all the more satisfying. Don’t push it; let nature take its course and the relationship you dream about may just come true.


Lights, Camera, Mind Blown By Yasmine Gleghorn Published February 2013 In the past, 3D was a trend I found hard to follow. Whilst many called it visual Viagra, I hesitated. A movie should be judged by its plot and performance, not solely on technological merits. Reality became three dimensional and movie plots became simpler. Take Avatar, for example. A great viewing experience, but predictable to the last detail. Unlikely hero arrives on strange planet. He miraculously adapts to circumstances for which other characters have been training for their entire lives. He falls in love. Chaos ensues. Watching giant blue aliens was fun for a while. But, as the credits rolled, I felt no connection to the characters or the storyline. However, time goes on and progress appears. 2012 has been the year of directors successfully using 3D to their advantage. Whilst some had it as a film’s sole attraction, others got it right, The Dark Knight Rises and Skyfall are amongst some of the lucky ones to use the technology wisely and still deliver a darn good story. But could it work the other way? Could a film stand out for its visual achievements? One has happily proved me wrong. Life of Pi is so stunning, there are barely words to describe it. Ang Lee doesn’t only deliver emotion and breath-taking locations, he somehow manages to turn 3D into a fine art and adapt it in the most complex ways. A book previously consideredunfilmable is now the standout film of the holidays - and made me forget about judging visual effects for the foreseeable future.


Festive Frolics By Laura Keen Published February 2013 So the festive season started rather traumatically with every supermarket in Sheffield selling out of advent calendars. But fear not, the night before had compensated for this rather teary moment. Oscillate Wildly bring a banger every time and Julio Bashmore was no exception. First ticket release sold out within minutes of the event being announced, so there was no doubt that this was going to be a good old knees up. So we all stocked up on tickets and made our plans for a BIG night. With people travelling to Sheffield from left, right and centre, we all congregated in our flat for a pre-festive soirée with a side of tequila. Once we were feeling sufficiently funky, we flagged down a few taxis and headed straight for DQ. We deliberately turned up early so we could catch Squarehead’s set - an upcoming local DJ bringing a funky mash up of house, garage and pretty much anything else the crowd desires. At £2 for a double spirit and mixer, the drinks were flowing and the crowd was moving. Undoubtedly, Squarehead brought the vibes and the atmosphere was electric. Several hours later, after putting the world to rights in the smoking area, it was time for Julio Bashmore. We pitched up next to the speakers and admired the sheer talent of this massive producer. There were several blank faces at the contrast of his down tempo approach to mixing with his wellknown tune “Au Seve”. Unquestionably, the man has talent, but there’s only so much two -stepping one person can do. On to the bar for some first-day-of-advent shots and we were all feeling suitably merrily festive. Some more so than others… it was Zabiela all over again. Stumbling over the disheveled remnants of what looked to be my flatmate, I knew it was our time. With the help of several onlookers, I hoisted the dead weight into a taxi and we were homeward bound.


Transfer Madness By Tom Hardy Published February 2013 The January transfer window is one of my favourite parts of the football season. There’s nothing quite like sitting down on deadline day to watch Jim White announce a rather dubious last minute transfer on Sky Sports News. These late deals are regularly referred to as, ‘panic buys’. They’ve left many football fans across the country in utter disbelief in the past. One that immediately springs to mind is Afonso Alves’ £10 million move to Middlesbrough a couple of years back. I think the best comparison I can make to deadline day is shopping for presents on Christmas Eve – it involves a lot of people running around like headless chickens, paying over the odds for something they don’t really need. With all the real transfers comes the gossip. I reckon I buy more newspapers towards the end of a transfer window than at any other point in the year. I get a buzz and sense of satisfaction, finding out who could be moving where. It feels as if you’re in the know, when in fact most of the stuff in there is nothing but rubbish. Take one that I found not so long ago linking Crystal Palace winger Wilfried Zaha – a secondtier English footballer – with arguably the greatest side in the world, Real Madrid. Who makes these things up?! To think that someone sits behind a desk and gets paid for writing such garbage is ridiculous. But their aim is to get people talking. Isn’t that what I’m doing now? Point proven, really.



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Kashmiri Kitchen

Address: 617 Ecclesall Road, Sheffield, S11 8PT, Telephone: 0114 268 2511

Ever find yourself struggling to choose between pages of starters/ curries/ naans on a visit to your favourite Indian? The latest addition to Sheffield’s spice scene, Kashmiri Kitchen, may have just the solution to your problem. Situated in the heart of Sheffield’s thriving food scene, Kashmiri Kitchen is a light and bright space with stylish wooden floors, whitewashed

walls hung with commissioned paintings and a deep burgundy colour scheme. Serving traditional family recipes from Kashmir, Kashmiri Kitchen focuses on dishes like those eaten at home, instead of the Westernised onepot dishes which are increasingly becoming a regular occurrence on the restaurant scene. The main menu features just seven dishes, meaning that each can be tailored to create perfect dishes. There’s a ban on chicken tikka masala and the dishes are recommended by owner Ali’s mum herself – you can’t get much more home-cooking than that. Starters include family favourites like Onion Pakora, Meat or Vegetable Samosas and Seekh Kebab, and the Mains consist of two lamb dishes, two chicken dishes and three vegetarian dishes. A particular house speciality is Chicken

Pulao, Biryani slow cooked with tender chicken and traditional Kashmiri spices, or try Kashmiri Bindi, a vegetarian treat consisting of pan-fried okra with garlic and ginger, combined with an onion and chilli sauce. “But what about my student budget?” we hear you ask. No need to dig deep – all starters are under £3 and all mains under £6, meaning a delicious meal can be munched for under £10. Sundries include doughy Naans, Roti, Rice and Chips, if there’s room after cramming in all the delicious flavours, try a dessert of Kheer, a Kashmiri style rice pudding, homemade Mango and Pistachio Kulfi or a decadent and gooey slice of Chocolate Fudge Cake.


GADGETS Every discerning student needs a nifty little piece of ingenious tech to get them going. We’ve scoured the oddest corners of the web to uncover the hottest gadgets you desperately need in your lives this month!

iPad Mini From £269


Apple never stays still for long, as soon as you buy one product you’re just waiting for the next updated model. So it comes as no surprise that only 18 months after the release of the iPad 2, Apple has presented us with its flashier, shinier little brother. In competition with other smaller tablets like the Google Nexus 7 and Kindle Fire HD, Apple have stepped up their game with the iPad Mini but have still left room for improvement for when they roll out its inevitable successor. The iPad Mini is a more affordable model, as prices for the Wi-Fi only model come in at £269, but which is still higher than its rivals. As always with Apple, you’re paying for the brand and usability that loyal customers expect. You’re getting the full iPad experience on a more compact device which is easier to hold and navigate and is perfect for train journeys, when trying to carry a full sized iPad might be too much of a hassle. It showcases all the features that we’ve come to love from Apple products and you can see its classy design is similar to that of the iPhone 5. Thinner and lighter than ever, the iPad Mini is easier to hold, so you don’t feel constantly terrified that you’re going to drop it. It offers ultra-fast wireless and the Wi-Fi reception has been improved compared to other Apple products. With only a 5 megapixel camera, it’s not mind-blowing as a photography tool, but its impressive 7.9 inch display makes viewing your images and videos much more enjoyable. Strangely, it doesn’t have a Retina display, which may be the reason for its improved battery life, though it’s probably just another addition that Apple are saving to wow us with on the iPad Mini 2. This baby iPad is destined to fly off the shelves as it is much more affordable and ultra-portable when offered alongside its siblings. Maybe the best things do come in small packages.


Have a look at our top app choices on the next page! Top 8 paid & free apps for the iPad available for download from the iTunes store.


top apps For your iPad & iPad Mini

Top 8 paid apps

The Chase £1.49

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Fifa 13 £2.99

The Room £1.49

Minecraft £4.99

Angry Birds SW £1.99

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With presentations, essays and dissertation work to keep track of, it’s no wonder that some work gets forgotten about. Avoid the panic attacks and all-nighters in the library with the myHomework app. Set reminders for your deadlines and record your timetable, just in case you can’t remember where that Monday morning seminar is.

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You’re all warm and cosy; hat, scarf, gloves. Then your phone goes off. You have to remove your gloves and face that numbness in your fingers as you try to type out a reply. With the Touch Screen Gloves, available in four different colours, your hands can stay toasty while you text.


While technology has improved mobile phones with 3G internet and HD cameras, battery life has gotten worse. The Mophie Juice Pack could be the answer if your iPhone’s dying half way through the day. This slim and portable back up battery will recharge your battery back to 100%, perfect for those on the go.


Want to play music with your friends but your phone just isn’t loud enough? The Audiobot is your cute, portable music blasting buddy, which you can recharge with a USB cable. Available in a variety of colours each with their own beanie hat - which one will you collect?



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............................................................................................................................... As you read this, you’re probably thinking that this is just an ordinary student magazine. Packed full of fascinating snippets of editorial, reviews, gossip and competitions, of course, but there’s not anything too mind-blowing about that. Look a bit closer, however, and you’ll discover that this particular issue holds something just a little bit more unique within its pages. With this first issue of the new academic year, The Student Magazine launches Fully Augmented Reality, a way of adding virtual little extra treats to the paper pages themselves. As one of the first magazine companies within the Yorkshire area to bring this to the student population, we’re excited to be on the frontline of new media – and you lucky readers are some of the first in the UK to be treated to this! ‘But what exactly is this reality stuff?’, I hear you ask. It’s simple - the technology brings the pages to life via your very own smartphone. It’s easy to get to grips with - simply follow these points:

1. Download the free ‘Layar’ app 2. Open app 3. Hover your phone over a participating page in the magazine as it scans the page 4. Discover various buttons popping up on your screen, which could be anything from a link to a website, to a Facebook page, video clip or even an exclusive reader offer

Your reading experience will never be the same as we bring print bang up to date, allowing you to get fully involved in our features and adverts, discovering much more than what you simply see on the page.

All that’s left to do is welcome you to our extra special pages and invite you to jump in with both feet – get scanning and who knows what you might discover?


Our hungry beasts bring you the lowdown on the city’s top student eateries

Mud Crab

521-523 Ecclesall Road, Sheffield, S11 8PR 0114 263 1617

.................................................................... On a quiet night off, with nothing much but mouldy bread and porridge in the cupboard, I decided to treat myself to a jaunt down to Mud Crab, situated on Ecclesall Road. I’d heard both good and bad things before my visit, something I’d expect from a new venture, so I arrived with an open mind. The place is kitted out with neutral sofas and comfy seating, giving it a loungy feel. Despite the sporadic nic-nacs here and there to catch your eye, the overall vibe encourages you to relax, with the menu offering up Mud Crab’s take on American Diner food. A short while back, pretty much every food establishment on Eccy Road was an Italian, in one form or another, but over the past year, many places seem to have gravitated away from pizza and pasta in order to find a new identity. The owners of Mud Crab dropped the tired Fellicini’s name and reinvented themselves in a bid to freshen things up a little. And to be fair, American Diner food is pretty fresh. Being on a student budget, life’s kinda hard when it comes to fine dining, and I always find myself scrutinising the menu looking for the cheapest offer, or whatever’s going to supply me with the biggest bang for my bucks. After some deliberation over a Brooklyn beer, I plumped for the chilli while my date ordered the nachos. Despite being fairly busy, the service was prompt and the waitress was duly attentive. The food is never going to win any Michelin stars, but then again, diner food shouldn’t. It’s comfort food. The chilli was tasty and fresh, and the plate of nachos was bountiful. It’s a bit of a stretch on a student budget, but let’s face it, most places on Ecclesall Road are, and you’re certainly not paying over the odds. The date was going rather well so we dug deep and ordered the homemade Oreos with peanut butter milk. It’s quirky dishes like this that prove Mud Crab’s intent to be one of the stand out eateries on Eccy Road; and if they keep making the milk like that, they shouldn’t be far off.


BOOZE We drank and danced the night away… all to review Sheffield’s bars, just for you

The Viper Rooms

35 Carver Street, Sheffield, 0114 275 0934

.................................................................... Geeky Mondays, Neighbourhood Wednesdays, and all round fun, The Viper Rooms gets good reviews from everyone. Describing itself as a disgracefully grown up night out for the elegantly wasted, it’s become Carver Street’s most inclusive new bar. There are plenty of reasons why The Viper Rooms was so quick to pick up a solid clientele. First established in Harrogate in 2007, it built up an outstanding reputation since its opening for its service levels and house standards, alongside hosting many famous VIP faces. Now a known face in Sheffield since 2011, it continues to divulge a discerning and quality night out. Generally offering free entry before 11pm, and a £3 fee afterwards (with exceptions on alternate nights), the bar is split over two separate self-contained rooms and an outdoor terrace overlooking the city. The upstairs room is an airy and comfortable cocktail bar, but head downstairs and you’ll find an underground basement club experience. Powered by an amazing sound system blasting 90s tunes, RnB Hip Hop, Party, Chart, Drum n Bass, you’ll get different styles depending on the night you decide to grace The Viper Rooms with your presence. You can opt for Geek Chic Mondays, the night designed for students, sexy braces and knee length socks. The Viper Club plays House and Dubstep, while drinks offers include £2.50 for vodka mixers and a bomb, £2.50 for a bottle and bomb and 2 for 1 fish bowls. Tuesdays are Risqué, with both rooms playing R&B, Electro and House where

you can expect to hear the likes of David Guetta, Nero, DJ Fresh and Avicii in the Viper Lounge and electro Dubstep remixes in the ViperClub. Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays offer live indie and rock bands, alternative sessions, massive student deals for Carver Street Thursdays and 2 for 1 cocktails with waitress service to start your weekend in style. Fridays and Saturdays are a lavish affair. Upstairs has 2 for 1 cocktails, whilst downstairs clubbers can party non-stop until 3am. Drink prices vary from night to night, but stay affordable throughout the week. Tuesday have shots from £1 and beer for £1.50, while Saturdays offer 2 for 1 on all drinks from 4pm to 9pm. No matter when you arrive, there will always be fantastic discounts and offers available. The bar service also includes private VIP bookings for small gatherings, with exclusive booths accommodating 6 to 20 people. Larger parties can be provided with everything from peripheral entertainment, live acts, fire breathers, stilt walkers and catering. The Viper Rooms has given a new lease of life to this 200 year old building on Carver Street with its stylish yet reasonably priced approach. 23 year old student Charlotte Lindley says about the club, “It has excellent DJs, innovative remixes, classic tunes new and old, cheap drinks and friendly bouncers. To be honest, there’s not much wrong with that mix at all”. So don’t wait, get your party gear on and we’ll see you there!



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FLICKS Take an insight into the thoughts of the Student Magazine critics as they pick and prod to find out about the latest releases.

Gangster Squad

15, Drama Director: Ruben Fleischer


Set in 1940s LA, Gangster Squad chronicles what one character calls, “the battle for the soul of Los Angeles”. A significantly prostheticised Sean Penn plays real-life East Coast Mafioso and all round hard-nut Mickey Cohen, who wages war against the LAPD’s eponymous Gangster Squad, led by square-jawed ‘good cop’, John O’Mara (Josh Brolin). As Cohen’s grip on the city tightens, O’Mara and his five cohorts must stretch the boundaries of the law in order to get their man. Throw in a little romance courtesy of Ryan Gosling’s cop, Jerry Wooters and Emma Stone’s moll, Grace Faraday, and you have yourself a gangster flick that ticks all the boxes, right?

Sadly, no. Gangster Squad pitches itself somewhere between The Untouchables and Heat, but lacks the thrill of De Palma and the sheen and depth of Mann (see Mann’s seriously underrated Public Enemies for the right way to do a period gangster movie), and it sure as hell ain’t no Scorsese. To call Gangster Squad derivative is kind – in an over-saturated genre, to take cues from past masters (Godfather, Goodfellas, Scarface, Carlito’s Way, etc) is commonplace, but Gangster Squad verges so close to parody that Dick Tracey begins to seem a more apt comparison. It’s a story we’ve seen a thousand times before, with stock characters we couldn’t care less about. Sean Penn does that sub-Pacino shouty thing he does quite well and Gosling and Stone make a frustratingly attractive couple, but even they are under-used. There’s some very slick blood and gore however and Brolin is decent, so if you’re looking for a Saturday night popcorner, you could do worse, but not much.


Did you know?

The film gives the impression that the Gangster Squad were responsible for Mickey Cohen’s arrest. In reality, Cohen was arrested in 1950 for the more mundane crime of tax evasion. He was also not sent to Alcatraz until 1961, over a decade after the film’s time frame. When the two civilian men are playing Chinese Chess in Chinatown, the pieces clearly do not represent an actual game because some of the pieces are in positions that are not possible in a regular game.


Dvd Love We pick out the finest up and coming pre releases so you don’t have to...

Les Miserables Paranormal Activity 4 Release date: 25th February 2013 Movie Quote: “Dad, what is that? That is awesome!”

Looper Release date: Released Now Movie Quote: “This time travel crap, just fries your brain like a egg... “

Rated: 12A, Drama, musical Director: Tom Hooper


It’s perhaps hard to believe now, that when Les Miserables made its West-End début in 1985, it was panned by critics and denounced by scholars as a mawkish, ‘lite’ adaptation of Victor Hugo’s seminal tome. The stage production has now been seen by some 60 million people and can stake its claim as one of the longest running shows on both the WestEnd and Broadway. For the few uninitiated, Les Miserables takes place in post-revolutionary France. Prisoner on parole, Jean Valjean (Hugh Jackman), is attempting to create a new life for himself whilst evading the clutches of the menacing Inspector Javert (Russell Crowe). Meanwhile, down-and-out Fantine (Anne Hathaway), has turned to prostitution to feed her child, who Valjean promises to care for. Social, political and emotional climaxes are reached under the backdrop of the June Rebellion.

Tom Hooper stormed The Academy in 2010 with his stirring The King’s Speech, and here he is once again on Oscar baiting form, directing a gritty, spectacular, occasionally overwrought adaptation of a gritty, spectacular, often overwrought stage production; the set pieces are stunning, the colours, sights and sounds of the film are a thing to behold. Much has been made of the fact that the actors’ singing was recorded live, this mostly works in the film’s favour, although the consistently unlikable Russell Crowe falls a little short of the mark. Hathaway is superb, and her passionate rendition of ‘I Dreamed a Dream’ is definitely a highlight. Appearances from the reliable Sacha Baron Cohen and Helena Bonham Carter add some comic relief to proceedings and mostly the film is a success. But doesn’t it all feel a bit worthy?

The Twilight Saga, Breaking Dawn Part 2 Release Date: 11th March 2013 Movie Quote: “Jacob Black: So, should I call you “Dad” now? Edward Cullen: No”

Free Movies Fancy some free movies and tv shows unlimited for a month? At Netflix you can get a free one month trial, but you need to remember to cancel the membership a day before otherwise (this is where they get you) they carry it on and take the money out of your account.


Django Unchained

Rated: 18, Drama, Western Director: Quentin Tarantino


It’s been four years since Quentin Tarantino rewrote the history books with Inglorious Basterds, and now, he returns with a Deep South set spaghetti western, or as he would have it, a “southern”. Set in 1858, Django Unchained tells the story of Django Freeman (Jamie Foxx), a slave whose freedom is bought by dentist-cum-bounty hunter, Dr. King Schultz (the ever reliable Christoph Waltz), in exchange for assistance in tracking down his latest bounty. When Django, under Schultz’s tuition demonstrates a flare for bounty hunting, he is made a partner. With King’s help, Django sets out to rescue his wife, Broomhilda (Kerry Washington) from the cruel clutches of plantation owner Calvin J Candie (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his staunch head slave Stephen (Samuel L Jackson). We’ve long since known that subtlety is a word absent from Tarantino’s dictionary, and Django is

as raucous, ballsy and all out headstrong as we’ve seen him. He is unflinching in portraying the racist attitudes and brutality - both verbally and physically – of mid-nineteenth century America, even if he occasionally plays fast and loose with the facts. Tarantino has always had a questionable take on racial politics and a curious over-fondness for the n-word, and Django certainly won’t be winning any favour in that respect, but here it is all to the benefit of the film. Waltz can now officially lay claim to being Tarantino’s best contribution to American cinema; the Austrian-born actor purrs his way through some of the director’s finest dialogue with aplomb. DiCaprio looks like he’s having the time of his life as the cartoon villain, while Jackson relishes playing perhaps Tarantino’s most deplorable character to date. Of course the film runs on at least twenty minutes too long, and the violence is a little excessive, but for fans, it’s classic QT through and through.


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BEATS Get your ears wagging with our three latest album reviews. plus our dirty downloads to get the rave jumping!

Disclosure have brought a new track out called White Noise ft Aluna George, Played first on Zane Lowe’s Radio 1 Show, these guys are going from strength to strength, if you havent already check out their Boiler Room video with Skream B2B it’s something else, hopefully they will make a return in 2013 after smashing it at The Leadmill.

Girls Aloud Ten

Ke$ha Warrior

Bruno Mars Unorthodox Jukebox

Asking for something new and worth hanging on to? You would probably invest in Girls Aloud’s much awaited greatest hits album, Ten. Opening with Something New, the first of four new songs on the album is upbeat and reiterates the five girls as “leaders of the pack”.

Most critics stamped an expiration date on Ke$ha around the same time she stamped a dollar sign into her name. But with the release of her third studio album, Warrior, the party girl is proving that she is the only one doing the stamping, be it on stage with a clan of glittery dancers, or in Prince’s living room where her journey began.

Bruno Mars is probably the most famous thing to come out of Hawaii since Barack Obama and one sixth of the Pussycat Dolls. His cheeky charm, sharp style and suave lyrics bagged him a flock of female fans and attracted some of the biggest moguls in the business, including the likes of rap superstar, Eminem. Bruno’s debut album went two times platinum in the UK and secured him three #1 hits; now the pint-sized Doo-Wopper is back with his sophomore release; Unorthodox Jukebox.

Their three year hiatus ends with Ten, where the girls celebrate a decade of hits that started as soon as we heard Sound of The Underground back in 2002. Featuring a stunning mixture of top tens and fan-voted favourites, Nicola Roberts, Nadine Coyle, Cheryl Cole, Kimberley Walsh and Sarah Harding return with an update from their 2006 compilation The Sound of Girls Aloud. Following on, expectations naturally shift to material from 2007’s Tangled Up and 2008’s Out of Control. Definite highlights of Ten are the new tracks. While all stylistically individual, On the Metro stands out amongst the rest for its fun lyrics and upbeat club quality. That doesn’t mean ballad Beautiful ‘Cause You Love Me should be discarded, but is probably more suited to easy listening and chill out moods. What is undeniable is that the material as a whole makes the prospect of a 2013 album all the more exciting. However, what gives ‘Ten’ an extra boost is the second disc with added fan-voted -for songs. Tracks like Black Jacks from 2007’s Tangled Up and Memory of You complete an album that showcases the best of Girls Aloud and gets fans pumped for more. Although the girls have gone their separate ways in recent times – including Cheryl with her solo career, Kimberley with her West End appearances and Nicola with her make up range – die-hard fans will be more than relieved to hear the lasses back together with a new album. Although greatest hits compilations are often something of a sellout, this one’s a concoction of pure pop and reminiscent girl power (can we say that when the Spice Girls aren’t involved?).



Morphing from Animal, to Cannibal, to Warrior is no easy task, but Ke$ha has mastered these transformations to great avail, achieving chart-topping success and worldwide fame. With four prior #1 hits under her belt, we were beginning to wonder how many more party tips we could squeeze from her lyrics – but it seems she’s seen our party and raised us a full on rave. Her first release from the album, Die Young, went straight to the #1 spot, and grabbed the world’s attention with its illuminati-style video. Her second single, C’mon, is already lurking in the Top 40 despite not even being released yet. With a helping hand from Dr. Luke and Max Martin, it’s undeniable that Ke$ha knows how to craft a popular hit, and despite their chart success, Warrior’s first two singles are a tad generic. If you took a verse from C’mon and embedded it into Tik Tok, it wouldn’t sound out of place… but whether you can really slate Ke$ha for ripping off herself is another argument altogether. As for the rest of the album, it’s always a nice surprise to find the best is yet to come. Crazy Kids is a part pop, part dance track with an infectious dubstep beat and even a hint of rap from the lady herself. The trash talking pop siren may not have deviated much from her previous work with Warrior. But reflecting on the age old saying – If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

Whether you’re a Bruno fan or not, it’s hard to deny that he’s an all-round artist. He can sing, dance, play instruments and has even penned successful hits for other artists, take CeeLo Green’s ‘Forget You’, for example. For a man who seemed to have already established himself in terms of style and originality, Unorthodox Jukebox flips the tables somewhat. Mars’ first single from the release, Locked Out Of Heaven, uncannily channels the sound of Sting and The Police, while Natalie sounds somewhat like an homage to the king of pop, Michael Jackson. There are hints of everything from Jamiroquai to Bon Jovi, showcasing the pop star’s dynamic ability, but also perhaps demonstrating that he is still searching for his comfort zone in terms of musical identity. Aside from artist comparisons, Mars throws another alteration into the mix with this album. There is much less of the baby faced singer who wrote about innocent love and romance, and more of the sexually charged bad boy who boasts of Young Wild Girls, parties and cocaine – perhaps a throwback to 2010 when the singer was arrested for possessing the drug at a party in Las Vegas. Whether this new side of Bruno will be embraced or not is yet to be seen, but things are looking good – the first single went to #1 around the world, his ‘Hooligan’ fans seem to be pretty accepting in terms of his “alleged” extra-curricular activities and a little production assistance from Mark Ronson never did anyone much harm.

BEATS SHEFFIELD ALL STARS SECRET SOIRÉE Hi guys, tell us a little about Secret Soirée? We’re just two lads who love House Music. we set up secret soiree to express ourselves through the music that we enjoy. Its all about the music! What type of music are you throwing down in there? All forms of House music. whether it be deep, disco, soulful, jazz or just down right dirty. We love it all! It’s normally on a Thursday isn’t it? but a little birdy told me you are moving to a bigger venue on a Saturday for a one off event? Yeah, it’s the last Thursday of the month at The Washington, but we do have an easter weekend party planned, where were going a hell of a lot bigger! You’ll have to keep your ears to the ground for that one. It stands to be a belter, with a couple of big hitters coming down to grace the decks. How important is it to you two to keep the Thursday house scene alive? I remember personally going to Crystal on a Tuesday when it was rammed in the top room but it seems as if The Tuesday Club has taken over, do you think that you are the best Thursday night available in Sheffield for House heads? Theres a massive following for House music. It covers all age groups and it shouldn’t be just limited to weekend crowds. People want to party mid-week, The Tuesday Club proved that. Yeah we’d love to be the best Thursday night House event, for sure. Any future events you can give us a sneak peak on? maybe some summer vibes? Yeah plans for April and beyond are in motion. Expect big things!! How hard was it starting your own event, for all those out there who are thinking of doing something similar ( not on a Thursday obviously keep that to the pros )? It’s not easy, theres alot to organise but you gotta keep your focus on what you’re doing it for, which has to be the music.

f ‘Secret Soirée’





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Image: Faction NYE Party @ Dirty Little Secret

LISTED The ultimate guide to all the interesting happenings in our city.

Saturday 2nd

CRYSTAL – Mixed up Saturdays with DJ Corey, 9.30pm-3am, free before 11pm COPORATION – Zeitgeist Zero, doors open 7pm, £6 or Reservoir Rocks | Revolution | Extreme Hardside, 10pm, £3.50 adv | Subtitle, 10pm £4 adv DEMPSEYS – The Big Weekender, chart, pop, Euro beats, 9pm-6am DQ – Threads - unique genreless night, hosting an eclectic mix of bands and DJs EMBRACE – Play – 50% off entry, 50% off drinks until 1am SOYO – SOYO Saturdays – main room – house, disco, funk, Yo Bar – old skool R&B, new jack swing THE FORUM – Shook – house, R&B, pop, funk, hip hop, indie, 9pm – 2am STEELHOUSE – Big Time – Doors at 8pm for Big Time drinks offers and free entry, £3 entry from 11.30 – 12.30 and £5 after that LEADMILL – Sonic Boom – Saturday’s only indie alternative! 10.30pm – 3am, £3.50 (before midnight) £5/£4 NUS (after midnight) MILL SONIC to 82500 for booze & entry offers! PARIS – Boudoir Sounds – soul, funk, disco, R&B, house, 10.30pm – 3.30am, £4 before 12pm PLAYERS – Sin-Tillate - Free Entry, open til 1.30am THE VIPER ROOMS – Decadence – Eclectic music, range of cocktails and champagne, VIP service, 8pm – 3am, £4 adv, £4 & £5 on the door REPLICA – Student Saturdays - Get your glad rags on for the ultimate clubbing experience, 11pm – 4am THE BOWERY – Landslide – The official Threads pre-club night, 9pm – 1.30am PLUG- Shuffle- James Zabiela, LJ Freeman, Ollie Hayes, Becky Hayes, Emilio, Doors 10.30pm, £5 THE HARLEY- The Pictish Trail – 7.30pm – 11.30pm, £9 or Thirsty Ear-. Steel City Rockers B-Boy Birthday Bash: Resident & guest DJs playing the best in soul, funk, breaks, hip-hop & b-boy jams 10pm 4am. Free before 11pm, £2/3 after. O2 ACADEMY – Jake Bugg + Little Green Cars + Hudson Taylor, doors open 6.30pm, SOLD OUT | Beat Surrender – mixture of classic 60’s soul + motown + ska + mod and Britpop, doors open 11pm, free entry FEZ CLUB – Delve Deeper feat Shur-I-Kan, Kessien, Reece Johnson & Steve Lynham, Mike O’Mara & Dan J, £6 early bird, £8 adv, £10 door

Sunday 3rd

DEMPSEYS – Karaoke night, 9pm-4am PLAYERS – Afterparty - the best in chart, R’n’B and dance playing all night, Free Entry, open til 12.30am THE HARLEY – Sunday Salvation: DJs spinning Sunday soundtracks. Musical bingo at 6pm, 3.30pm – 2am

Monday 4th

DEMPSEYS – Gimme 5 – 9pm – 4am CORPORATION - Oddball | Bug | The Pit, 10pm2.30/3am, £3 before 12pm, £4 after DQ – Rough Hill Presents: Plus1, Monday night student madness, cheap drinks, 2 floors, 2 vibes. Downstairs the best mashup of chart, pop party anthems and upstairs is the rave cave with electro, dubstep, garage & anything from the UK bass scene EMBRACE – Get Dirty Mondays, 10pm – 3am, £3 adv, £4 on the door


LEADMILL – Shag – pop, chart, R&B & indie, rock, punk, trash, Britpop, old skool, new rave, disco, beats, Doors 10.30pm PLAYERS – I Candy - Players presents the sweetest tunes this side of Sheffield…free candy…giveaways… drinks to make your mouth water…Jug Vodka Kick £6., Treble Vodka Mixer* £2.50…Live Dancers…Free Entry…open til 12.30am SOYO – SOYO Live – 8pm – late, free entry. PARIS - Déjà vu – A devastating mash-up of R&B, hip hop, UK funky house, dubstep, £1 drinks, 4 bombs £5, guestlist at THE HARELY- Monday Mixtape – a mishmash of all the best tunes – drinks offers all night, 11pm – 4am THE VIPER ROOMS – Geek Chic – Playing host to sexy geeks and boffin freaks! Get your geek on! 8pm – 3am STEELHOUSE – Eat My Disco & Voodoo present The Big Cheese – cheesey pop, 80p entry, 80p drinks

Tuesday 5th

CRYSTAL – Billionaire, Sheffield’s exclusive midweek musical brothel, four floors of pop, R&B, electro, motown, indie, house, £1 drinks, VIP guestlist at - 10pm-3am DEMPSEYS – Skint – Sheffield’s biggest gay weekday night, 9pm–4am PLAYERS – Welcome Party – official pre-bar to Dirty Dollar @ Steelhouse, R’n’B, hiphop and old school classics, Free Entry, open til 12.30am SOYO – Paparazzi – Mix of house, electro and R&B, 8pm–12.30am THE FORUM – Adelante – Latin music and dancing, 9.30pm–1pm STEELHOUSE – Dirty Dollar – chart, R&B, dub, chart, £2 before 12.30am LEADMILL – Tuesday Club – Joy Orbison and Pearson Sound, 11pm, £8 THE VIPER ROOMS – Risqué Tuesdays – Flirtatious R&B and elated electro house music, 8pm – 3am, £3 adv PARIS – The Bomb Factory – Nothing but Student Anthems All Night 11pm–4am SHEFFIELD STUDENTS UNION – Tuesday Club 11.30pm – 2.30am, £4 adv THE HARLEY – Biz n Pieces club night – special guest Breakesjunky, 10pm–4am, Free B4 Midnight, £2 B4 1:30 and £3 after PLUG –Spanked - Sheffield’s biggest Tuesday night party - Doors 10:30pm, Price £3

Wednesday 6th

CORPORATION – The Skool Disco | Stone Love, 10pm-2am £5/£4 NUS before 12pm, £5 after, or FREE in Skool Uniform before 10.30, £1 before 12pm DEMPSEYS – 342 Wednesdays – Buy any 2 drinks; get one free, 9pm–4am EMBRACE – Boing Boing – Hallam student night, chart & dance anthems, cheese & pop, R&B anthems, £4, 11pm-2.30am PLAYERS – Sparta – Wednesday Sports Team Night…weekly giveaways, £2.50 Treble Vodka Mixer*, 3 Bombs £5, massive student anthems, open til 12.30am PARIS - Mad Racket – R&B, house and Electro, £3 before 12pm SOYO – Superbowl – home to The Mega Bowl; Sheffield’s biggest fishbowl of drink

THE FORUM – Rotation – Different music each week, 9pm–1am HALLAM UNION – Boing Boing Karaoke Pre-Bar @ The Hubs, Doors 8pm, free entry SHEFFIELD STUDENTS UNION – Roar, 11pm2.30am, £4.40 adv THE VIPER ROOMS – Neighbourhood - Classic indie with mod for it soul and motown, 8pm–3am, free before 11.30pm, £3 guestlist before 11.30pm, £4 after 11.30pm THE HARLEY - Clothes Line - The creators of Cool Beans bring you an all new Wednesday night experience, live visuals, £2 drinks before midnight, mega party vibes. 11pm–4am, free entry. O2 ACADEMY – Anberlin – UK Tour, doors open 7pm, SOLD OUT

Thursday 7th

CORPORATION – HYPERLINK “ n+on+7+February+2013” Orange Goblin HYPERLINK “ ge+Goblin+at+Corporation+on+7+February+2013” + The Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovell + The Earls Of Mars + Asmovel, doors open 7pm, £12.50 | Dirty Thursdays | Free entry b4 midnight, £3 after DQ – UGLY Sheffield’s freshest party with hip hop, R&B, grime and garage, doors 11pm, £2 before 12pm, £3 after DEMPSEYS – Games Night, 9pm-4am THE FORUM – Thirsty Ear – DJ Night, 9pm-1am, free entry SOYO – SuperDeluxe – massive mix of tunes and £1.50 drinks, 8pm–12.30am STEELHOUSE – Voodoo Project, pop chart, R&B, dub, D&B, dance PLAYERS – Spoilt Brat - House, R’n’B, Old School and more, £1 Shots*, £1.50 Bottles, Free Entry, open til 12.30am PLUG – Jump Around - 10pm-3.30am, £4 NUS, £5 on the door PARIS, BEG BORROW AND STEAL, CRYSTAL, THE VIPER ROOMS (Carver Street) – 1 Block party, 4 incredible venues, 1 wristband, 1 epic night, guestlist at, 10pm–3am, £4 adv PARIS – Vibes Alive – Dubstep, hip hop, electro, UK funky mash-ups, 10pm–3am THE BOWERY – First Word, 9pm til late, free O2 ACADEMY – Cash – Johnny Cash Tribute + Martin Black, doors open 7pm, £11.25. THE HARLEY – Lifted: A party promoting the best in up and coming UK electronic music. Headliner: Walter Ego, 10pm – 4am, £3

Friday 8th

CORPORATION – HYPERLINK “ n+on+8+February+2013” The Faceless HYPERLINK “ less+at+Corporation+on+8+February+2013” + The Safety Fire + Actions To Onslaught, doors open 7pm, £10 | Drop | Anthemic | Fracture, 10pm-2.30/3am, £3.50adv/£1 before 10:30pm/£5 after/£6 after 12pm. CRYSTAL – Friday Flavours, all Smirnoff drinks £3! 10pm-3am, free before 11pm DQ – Shake Down, every Friday night. Entry £3 before midnight, £5 after

LISTED DEMPSEYS – Nine hours of the Sheffield gay scene’s best music, 9pm-6am EMBRACE – Every Friday – playing the best in Commercial, RnB, Hip Hop, Chart and Dance, £1.20 drinks all night, free entry before midnight LEADMILL – Villagers, doors open 7.30pm, £12 or GaGa - Shiny spanking new Fridays at The Leadmill! Text MILL GAGA to 82500 for a CHEEKY DEAL SOYO – Love You – house, R&B, and chart 8pm – 12.30am STEELHOUSE – Dogs Balearics – Ibiza comes to Sheffield, Doors 8pm Free Entry, £3 Entry after 11.30pm SHEFFIELD STUDENTS UNION – Space - 11pm3am, £4 adv, £5 on the door PLAYERS – Fook Me…..I’m Famous - party anthems, dirty beats, soulful tunes, £2 selected drinks 8-10pm, Free Entry, open til 1.30am PLUG – Limehouse Lizzy – live music act – Door open 7pm, £13 | Detonate Hospitality - Danny Byrd + Shy FX S.P.Y + DJ Ez + Nu:LOgic + Dismantle + Fred V & Grafix + Transit Mafia + Jack Opus + Jikay, DOORS OPEN 10pm, £13.50 PARIS – Baby Got Back – 90s R&B flavours, hip hop, classic beats, 90% old school joints and jams, 10% future classics - £3 before 12am, £5 after THE VIPER ROOMS – Lavish, 8pm – 3am, £4 adv, £4 & £5 on the door REPLICA – Tease – Drinks from £1, 11pm–4am THE BOWERY – Fresh Fruits, 9pm–2am, free O2 ACADEMY – The Enemy Live @ Propaganda – The UK’s biggest indie night brings an audio-visual extravaganza to O2 Academy Sheffield every Friday night, Tickets £6, 10:30 til 3:30am or The Next Big Thing Competition – Heat 3, 6pm–10pm, £7 FEZ CLUB – AOI feat Hot Since 82 + De:Bug residents, Lukant, Ozzi, Joe Trotter, Corbeau, 10pm6.30am, tickets available online via Party For The People & Skiddle THE HARLEY- Pangaea Carnival:”Souf Yorksha’s tropical carnival party wiv DJ’s and live instruments playing owt that’s tropical n bouncy”, 11pm–4am, £4, £3 in tropical fancy dress

Saturday 9th

CORPORATION – Reservoir Rocks | Mode, 10pm, £3.50 adv | Subtitle, 10pm £4 adv CRYSTAL – Mixed up Saturdays with DJ Corey, 9.30pm-3am, free before 11pm DEMPSEYS – The Big Weekender, chart, pop, Euro beats, 9pm-6am DQ – Threads - unique genreless night, hosting an eclectic mix of bands and DJs | Upstairs – Underground Heroes feat DJ Caspa, Luke Pompey, Ozzi, Joe Trotter, De:Bug residents, Corbeau – 10pm-6.30am, £5 adv @ PFTP, Skiddle EMBRACE – Play – 50% off entry, 50% off drinks until 1am SOYO – SOYO Saturdays – main room – house, disco, funk, Yo Bar – old skool R&B, new jack swing THE FORUM – Shook – house, R&B, pop, funk, hip hop, indie, 9pm – 2am STEELHOUSE – Big Time – Doors at 8pm for Big Time drinks offers and free entry, £3 entry from 11.30 – 12.30 and £5 after that LEADMILL – Dutch Uncles, doors open 7.30pm, £12 or Sonic Boom – Saturday’s only indie alternative! 10.30pm – 3am, £3.50 (before midnight) £5/£4 NUS (after midnight) MILL SONIC to 82500 for booze & entry offers PARIS – Boudoir Sounds – soul, funk, disco, R&B, house, 10.30pm–3.30am, £4 before 12pm PLAYERS – Sin-Tillate - Free Entry…open til 1.30am PLUG- Shuffle- LJ Freeman, Ollie Hayes, Becky Hayes, Emilio, Doors 10.30pm, NUS £5 advance THE VIPER ROOMS – Decadence – Eclectic music, range of cocktails and champagne, VIP service, 8pm– 3am, £4 adv, £4 & £5 on the door REPLICA – Student Saturdays - Get your glad rags on for the ultimate clubbing experience, 11pm–4am THE BOWERY – Landslide – The official Threads pre-club night, 9pm–1.30am THE HARLEY- Xrayhorse- Late night electronic throw down, expect, Progressive Klub music and full on dancefloor pressure: House, Disco, Bass and Vibes... Guest DJs booked from across the globe - 8pm-4am, adv tickets £5, more on the door, £4

before 10pm O2 ACADEMY – I Set The Sea On Fire – official album launch + The Encounters, Nathanna + Reaching For New Heights + Drop Dead Angus, doors open 6.30pm, Tickets £7 or Littlecrazy concert + Dark Horse + he Downtown Roots + Frazer + Nigel Passey Band, doors open 6.30pm, tickets £8

11.30pm–2.30am, £4 adv THE HARLEY - Banana Hill. See Facebook and Twitter (@harleysheffield) for more details. 10pm–4am, £3 PLUG - Spanked | Sheffield’s biggest Tuesday night student party - Doors 10:30pm, Price £3 MOTORPOINT ARENA –The X Factor Live Tour 2013, doors open 7.30pm, £32.50

Sunday 10th

Wednesday 13th

DEMPSEYS – Karaoke night, 9pm-4am CORPORAION – Feed the Rhino + Marmozets + Steak Number Eight, doors open 7pm, £7 PLAYERS – Afterparty - the best in chart, R’n’B and dance playing all night, free entry, open til 12.30am O2 ACADEMY – The Rollin’ Clones – Rolling Stones Tribute Band – Meals on Wheels Tour, doors open 7pm, tickets £8 THE HARLEY - Sunday Salvation: DJs spinning Sunday soundtracks. Musical bingo at 6pm, 3.30pm – 2am or Favela Brazil: Pulsating Samba Beats, Beautiful & Sexy Samba Dancers, Nonstop Brazilian Music with a mixture of Latino beatz.. 10pm–2am, £3

Monday 11th

CORPORATION - Oddball | Bug | The Pit, 10pm2.30/3am, £3 before 12pm, £4 after DEMPSEYS – Gimme 5 – 9pm–4am DQ – Rough Hill Presents: Plus1, Monday night student madness, cheap drinks, 2 floors, 2 vibes. Downstairs the best mashup of chart, pop party anthems and upstairs is the rave cave with electro, dubstep, garage & anything from the UK bass scene EMBRACE – Get Dirty Mondays, 10pm–3am, £3 adv, £4 on the door LEADMILL - Shag – pop, chart, R&B & indie, rock, punk, trash, Britpop, old skool, new rave, disco, beats, doors 10.30pm PLAYERS – I Candy - Players presents the sweetest tunes this side of Sheffield, free candy, giveaways, drinks to make your mouth water, Jug Vodka Kick £6, Treble Vodka Mixer* £2.50, Live Dancers - Free Entry, open til 12.30am SOYO – SOYO Live – 8pm – late, free entry SHEFFIELD STUDENTS’ UNION – Population – chart toppers and sing-a-long anthems, £4.50 adv, 11pm–2.15am PARIS - Déjà vu – A devastating mash-up of R&B, hip hop, UK funky house, dubstep, £1 drinks, 4 bombs £5, guestlist at THE VIPER ROOMS – Geek Chic – Playing host to sexy geeks and boffin freaks! Get your geek on! 8pm–3am THE HARLEY – Ambush: A chilled House Night that missions to bring people closer together with the groove of decent music - strictly good vibes only, 10pm–4am, £3 STEELHOUSE – Eat My Disco & Voodoo present The Big Cheese – cheesy pop, 80p entry, 80p drinks O2 ACADEMY – Paloma Faith – FALL to Grace Tour 2013 + Josephine, doors open 7pm, SOLD OUT FEZ CLUB – Circle Fez Mondays 001, feat Clive Henry, £4/5

Tuesday 12th

CRYSTAL – Billionaire, Sheffield’s exclusive midweek musical brothel, four floors of pop, R&B, electro, motown, indie, house, £1 drinks, VIP guestlist at - 10pm-3am DEMPSEYS – Skint – Sheffield’s biggest gay weekday night, 9pm–4am PLAYERS – Welcome Party – official pre-bar to Dirty Dollar @ Steelhouse, R’n’B, hiphop and old school classics, Free Entry, open til 12.30am SOYO – Paparazzi – Mix of house, electro and R&B, 8pm–12.30am THE FORUM – Adelante – Latin music and dancing, 9.30pm–1pm STEELHOUSE – Dirty Dollar – chart, R&B, dub, chart, £2 before 12.30am LEADMILL – Tuesday Club – Sheffield Showcase – doors open 11pm, £3 THE VIPER ROOMS – Risqué Tuesdays – Flirtatious R&B and elated electro house music, 8pm–3am, £3 adv PARIS – The Bomb Factory – Nothing but Student Anthems All Night 11pm–4am SHEFFIELD STUDENTS UNION – Tuesday Club -

CORPORATION The Skool Disco | Stone Love, 10pm-2am £5/£4 NUS before 12pm, £5 after, or FREE in Skool Uniform before 10.30, £1 before 12pm DEMPSEYS – 342 Wednesdays – Buy any 2 drinks; get one free, 9pm–4am EMBRACE – Boing Boing – Hallam student night, chart & dance anthems, cheese & pop, R&B anthems, £4, 11pm-2.30am PLAYERS – Sparta – Wednesday Sports Team Night, weekly giveaways, £2.50 Treble Vodka Mixer*, 3 Bombs £5, massive student anthems, open til 12.30am PARIS - Mad Racket – R&B, house and Electro, £3 before 12pm SOYO – Superbowl – home to The Mega Bowl; Sheffield’s biggest fishbowl of drink THE FORUM – Rotation – Different music each week, 9pm–1am HALLAM UNION – Boing Boing Karaoke Pre-Bar @ The Hubs, Doors 8pm, free entry SHEFFIELD STUDENTS UNION – Roar, 11pm2.30am, £4.40 adv THE VIPER ROOMS – Neighbourhood - Classic indie with mod for it soul and motown, 8pm–3am, free before 11.30pm, £3 guestlist before 11.30pm, £4 after 11.30pm THE HARLEY - Clothes Line - The creators of Cool Beans bring you an all new Wednesday night experience, live visuals, £2 drinks before midnight, mega party vibes. 11pm–4am. Free entry O2 ACADEMY – Kerrang! Tour 2013 – Black Veil Brides + Chiodos + Tonight Alive + Fearless Vampire Killers, doors open 6.30pm, Tickets £18.50

Thursday 14th

CORPORATION – HYPERLINK “http://www. on+on+14+February+2013” Betrayal HYPERLINK “ t+Corporation+on+14+February+2013” + Thick As Blood + Demoraliser, doors open 7pm, £7 or Dirty Thursday, free entry b4 midnight, £3 after DQ – UGLY Sheffield’s freshest party with hip hop, R&B, grime and garage, doors 11pm, £2 before 12pm, £3 after DEMPSEYS – Games Night, 9pm-4am THE FORUM – Thirsty Ear – DJ Night, 9pm-1am, free entry SOYO – SuperDeluxe – massive mix of tunes and £1.50 drinks, 8pm–12.30am STEELHOUSE – Voodoo Project, pop chart, R&B, dub, D&B, dance PLAYERS – Spoilt Brat - House, R’n’B, Old School and more, £1 Shots*, £1.50 Bottles, free entry, open til 12.30am PLUG – Jump Around - 10pm-3.30am, £4 NUS, £5 on the door PARIS, BEG BORROW AND STEAL, CRYSTAL, THE VIPER ROOMS (Carver Street) – 1 Block party, 4 incredible venues, 1 wristband, 1 epic night, guestlist at, 10pm–3am, £4 adv PARIS – Vibes Alive – Dubstep, hip hop, electro, UK funky mash-ups, 10pm–3am THE BOWERY – First Word, 9pm til late, free THE HARLEY - Speed Rating. Looking for love this Valentine’s Day? Come take part in our Speed Rating event; featuring music-based speed dating, a CD swap, and great drinks offers, 6pm–10pm, £3 | Party for the People: Party For The People presents The Harley Sessions: Website Launch Party with PROSUMER [OstGut Tun/Playhouse], Sir Vinyl Instinct [Itchy Pig/ Collect!] & GrowMore, £4 before 11.30/ £5 after, all profits go to charity


LISTED Friday 15th

CORPORATION – Drop | Anthemic | Fracture, 10pm-2.30/3am, £3.50adv/£1 before 10:30pm/£5 after/£6 after 12pm CRYSTAL – Friday Flavours, all Smirnoff drinks £3! 10pm-3am, free before 11pm DQ – Shake Down, every Friday night. Entry £3 before midnight, £5 after DEMPSEYS – Nine hours of the Sheffield gay scene’s best music, 9pm-6am EMBRACE – Every Friday – playing the best in Commercial, RnB, Hip Hop, Chart and Dance, £1.20 drinks all night, free entry before midnight! LEADMILL – Ian McCulloch, doors open 7.30pm, £16 | GaGa - Shiny spanking new Fridays at The Leadmill! Text MILL GAGA to 82500 for a CHEEKY DEAL SOYO – Love You – house, R&B, and chart 8pm– 12.30am STEELHOUSE – Dogs Balearics – Ibiza comes to Sheffield, Doors 8pm Free Entry, £3 Entry after 11.30pm SHEFFIELD STUDENTS UNION – Space - 11pm3am, £4 adv, £5 on the door PLAYERS – Fook Me…..I’m Famous - party anthems, dirty beats, soulful tunes, £2 selected drinks 8-10pm, free entry, open til 1.30am PLUG - Covert Soundsystem - Sheffield’s Biggest and Busiest Friday Night Party - Covert’s residents Emilio & LJ Freeman - £3 guest list - £1 drinks, doors open 11pm, £3.50 | Planet Zogg Valentines Ball – the ultimate experience in Sci Fi love – doors open 11pm, £8. PARIS – Baby Got Back – 90s R&B flavours, hip hop, classic beats, 90% old school joints and jams, 10% future classics - £3 before 12am, £5 after THE VIPER ROOMS – Lavish, 8pm–3am, £4 adv, £4 & £5 on the door REPLICA – Tease – Drinks from £1, 11pm–4am THE BOWERY – Fresh Fruits, 9pm – 2am, free O2 ACADEMY – Propaganda – The UK’s biggest indie night brings an audio-visual extravaganza to O2 Academy Sheffield every Friday night, tickets £4, 10:30pm til 3:30am MOTORPOINT ARENA – Example – The Evolution of Man Tour 2013, doors open 7.30pm, £25 THE HARELY- Flam: Flam, a series of shindigs hosted by drumro[ll] residents SixFootSick and Up and Atom at drumro[ll]’s spiritual home, 10pm– 4am, free entry til 11, £3 after FEZ CLUB – The Tuesday Club Presents: WAIT… feat Benga, Mystonic, DMK, Mr. Bossman, 11pm4am, £8 earlybird, £10 adv

Saturday 16th

CORPORATION – HYPERLINK “http://www. Corporation+on+16+February+2013” Sonic Boom Six HYPERLINK “ gig/1396/Sonic+Boom+Six+at+Corporation+on+1 6+February+2013” + The LaFontaines + Under The Influence, doors open 7pm, £8 | Reservoir Rocks | Mode, 10pm, £3.50 adv | Subtitle | Extreme Hardside CRYSTAL – Mixed up Saturdays with DJ Corey, 9.30pm-3am, free before 11pm DEMPSEYS – The Big Weekender, chart, pop, Euro beats, 9pm-6am DQ – Threads - unique genreless night, hosting an eclectic mix of bands and DJs EMBRACE – Play – 50% off entry, 50% off drinks until 1am LEADMILL – Everything Everything, doors open 7.30pm, £14 | Sonic Boom – Saturday’s only indie alternative! 10.30pm – 3am, £3.50 (before midnight) £5/£4 NUS (after midnight) MILL SONIC to 82500 for booze & entry offers SOYO – SOYO Saturdays – main room – house, disco, funk, Yo Bar – old skool R&B, new jack swing THE FORUM – Shook – house, R&B, pop, funk, hip hop, indie, 9pm–2am STEELHOUSE – Big Time – Doors at 8pm for Big Time drinks offers and free entry, £3 entry from 11.30–12.30 and £5 after that PARIS – Boudoir Sounds – soul, funk, disco, R&B, house, 10.30pm–3.30am, £4 before 12pm PLAYERS – Sin-Tillate - Free EntrY, open til 1.30am PLUG - Ohm Sweet Ohm - Joris Voorn + Geoff

Ticehurst, doors open 10.30pm, £10 | Shuffle- LJ Freeman, Ollie Hayes, Becky Hayes, Emilio, Doors 10.30pm, NUS £5 advance THE VIPER ROOMS – Decadence – Eclectic music, range of cocktails and champagne, VIP service, 8pm– 3am, £4 adv, £4 & £5 on the door REPLICA – Student Saturdays - Get your glad rags on for the ultimate clubbing experience, 11pm–4am THE BOWERY – Landslide – The official Threads pre-club night, 9pm–1.30am THE HARLEY - The Platform Projects Present; Project One - A fusion of live creative talents including an innovative showcase of fashion, art, music and dance raising money for Art Felt, part of The Children’s Hospital Charity, 7PM – 11PM, £3 | Reminisce This..... Disco- Reminisce This take you on a musical trip down memory lane, following Disco from its origins to the myriad of tracks it has influenced today, Special guest TBA, 11pm-4am, £3/4 entry O2 ACADEMY – Red and White and Whiet Affair – Valentines Birthday Bash! Doors open 11pm, tickets £16.80 FEZ CLUB – Future Nights – Launch Night feat Woozee, L’Jae, Jayskilatah, Back&Forth, Chewy, £4 before midnight, £5 after HOPE WORKS – Cargo 7th Birthday Warehouse Party feat Tama Sumo, KRL, Tony Lionni – www.

Sunday 17th

DEMPSEYS – Karaoke night, 9pm-4am PLAYERS – Afterparty - the best in chart, R’n’B and dance playing all night, Free Entry…open til 12.30am THE HARLEY - Sunday Salvation: DJs spinning Sunday soundtracks + Musical bingo at 6pm, 3.30pm2am, free entry

Monday 18th

CORPORATION – Oddball | Bug | The Pit, 10pm2.30/3am, £3 before 12pm, £4 after DEMPSEYS – Gimme 5 – 9pm–4am DQ – Rough Hill Presents: Plus1, Monday night student madness, cheap drinks, 2 floors, 2 vibes, downstairs the best mashup of chart, pop party anthems and upstairs is the rave cave with electro, dubstep, garage & anything from the UK bass scene EMBRACE – Get Dirty Mondays, 10pm–3am, £3 adv, £4 on the door LEADMILL – Shag – pop, chart, R&B & indie, rock, punk, trash, Britpop, old skool, new rave, disco, beats, Doors 10.30pm PLAYERS – I ♥ Candy - Players presents the sweetest tunes this side of Sheffield, free candy, giveaways, drinks to make your mouth water, Jug Vodka Kick £6, Treble Vodka Mixer* £2.50, live dancers, free entry, open til 12.30am SOYO – SOYO Live – 8pm – late, free entry SHEFFIELD STUDENTS’ UNION – Population – chart toppers and sing-a-long anthems, £4.50 adv, 11pm–2.15am PARIS - Déjà vu – A devastating mash-up of R&B, hip hop, UK funky house, dubstep, £1 drinks, 4 bombs £5, guestlist at THE VIPER ROOMS – Geek Chic – Playing host to sexy geeks and boffin freaks! Get your geek on! 8pm–3am THE HARLEY - Japancake: Pixie and friends bring you the cutest slice of party pie in town with a Japanese themed night of JPOP, Para Para, great drinks offers and a Spicy Sushi Challenge, 11pm-4am, free b4 midnight, £2 after STEELHOUSE – Eat My Disco & Voodoo present The Big Cheese – cheesey pop, 80p entry, 80p drinks MOTORPOINT ARENA – Girls Aloud – Ten – The Hits Tour 2013, doors open 7.30pm, £37.50 FEZ CLUB – Circle Fez Mondays 002, feat Jeremy Underground Paris, £4/5

Tuesday 19th

CRYSTAL – Billionaire, Sheffield’s exclusive midweek musical brothel, four floors of pop, R&B, electro, motown, indie, house, £1 drinks, VIP guestlist at - 10pm-3am DEMPSEYS – Skint – Sheffield’s biggest gay weekday night, 9pm–4am PLAYERS – Welcome Party – official pre-bar to Dirty Dollar @ Steelhouse, R’n’B, hiphop and old school

classics, Free Entry, open til 12.30am SOYO – Paparazzi – Mix of house, electro and R&B, 8pm–12.30am THE FORUM – Adelante – Latin music and dancing, 9.30pm–1pm STEELHOUSE – Dirty Dollar – chart, R&B, dub, chart, £2 before 12.30am LEADMILL – The Tuesday club – The Toddla T Sound live – doors open 11pm, £7 THE VIPER ROOMS – Risqué Tuesdays – Flirtatious R&B and elated electro house music, 8pm–3am, £3 adv PARIS – The Bomb Factory – Nothing but Student Anthems All Night 11pm–4am SHEFFIELD STUDENTS UNION – Tuesday Club 11.30pm–2.30am, £4 adv PLUG – SWIM DEEP – Best friends + Avida Dollars, doors open 7pm, £6 THE HARELY- Ryad: Midweek session with Rekreation (Noir Music, Pura Records)+ Special Unannounced Guests +Cargo DJs+ Ryad Djs,10pm-4am. Free b4 midnight, £2 after

Wednesday 20th

CORPORATION – HYPERLINK “http://www. icon+Exposure+Tour+Featuring%3A+The+Ghost +Inside+at+Corporation+on+20+February+2013” Rock Sound Impericon Exposure Tour Featuring: The Ghost Inside HYPERLINK “http://www.corporation. +Tour+Featuring%3A+The+Ghost+Inside+at+Corp oration+on+20+February+2013” + Bury Tomorrow + Stray From The Path + Landscapes doors open 6pm, £11 | The Skool Disco | Stone Love, 10pm-2am £5/£4 NUS before 12pm, £5 after, or FREE in Skool Uniform before 10.30, £1 before 12pm DEMPSEYS – 342 Wednesdays – Buy any 2 drinks; get one free, 9pm–4am EMBRACE – Boing Boing – Hallam student night, chart & dance anthems, cheese & pop, R&B anthems, £4, 11pm-2.30am PLAYERS – Sparta – Wednesday Sports Team Night, weekly giveaways, £2.50 Treble Vodka Mixer*, 3 Bombs £5, massive student anthems, open til 12.30am PARIS - Mad Racket – R&B, house and Electro, £3 before 12pm SOYO – Superbowl – home to The Mega Bowl; Sheffield’s biggest fishbowl of drink THE FORUM – Rotation – Different music each week, 9pm–1am HALLAM UNION – Boing Boing Karaoke Pre-Bar @ The Hubs, Doors 8pm, free entry SHEFFIELD STUDENTS UNION – Roar, 11pm2.30am, £4.40 adv THE VIPER ROOMS – Neighbourhood - Classic indie with mod for it soul and motown, 8pm–3am, free before 11.30pm, £3 guestlist before 11.30pm, £4 after 11.30pm THE HARLEY - Gold Teeth - a selection of Hip Hop, Garage, House, Disco, Funk and Soul - Expect anthems and debauchery in equal measures, £4

Thursday 21st

CORPORATION – Jim Lockey + Solomon Sun, doors open 7pm, £6 | Dirty Thursdays - free entry b4 midnight, £3 after DQ – UGLY Sheffield’s freshest party with hip hop, R&B, grime and garage, doors 11pm, £2 before 12pm, £3 after DEMPSEYS – Games Night, 9pm-4am THE FORUM – Thirsty Ear – DJ Night, 9pm-1am, free entry SOYO – SuperDeluxe – massive mix of tunes and £1.50 drinks, 8pm–12.30am STEELHOUSE – Voodoo Project, pop chart, R&B, dub, D&B, dance PLAYERS – Spoilt Brat - House, R’n’B, Old School and more, £1 Shots*, £1.50 Bottles, free entry, open til 12.30am PLUG – Jump Around - 10pm-3.30am, £4 NUS, £5 on the door PARIS, BEG BORROW AND STEAL, CRYSTAL, THE VIPER ROOMS (Carver Street) – 1 Block party, 4 incredible venues, 1 wristband, 1 epic night, guestlist at, 10pm–3am, £4 adv


LISTED THE BOWERY – First Word, 9pm til late, free THE HARLEY – The Catch Connection: presents All Things Fresh - feel the good house party vibe of house, afrobeat, bashment and more, 10.30pm– 4am, £3

on for the ultimate clubbing experience, 11pm – 4am THE BOWERY – Landslide – The official Threads pre-club night, 9pm–1.30am THE HARLEY- No Uniform – Celebrating our 7th Birthday in style - Breakage headlining

Friday 22nd

Sunday 24th

CORPORATION – Exit Ten + Support, doors open 7pm, £8 or Drop | Anthemic | Fracture, 10pm2.30/3am, £3.50adv/ £1 before 10:30pm/ £5 after/ £6 after 12pm CRYSTAL – Friday Flavours, all Smirnoff drinks £3! 10pm-3am, free before 11pm DQ – Shake Down, every Friday night. Entry £3 before midnight, £5 after DEMPSEYS – Nine hours of the Sheffield gay scene’s best music, 9pm-6am EMBRACE – Every Friday – playing the best in Commercial, RnB, Hip Hop, Chart and Dance, £1.20 drinks all night, free entry before midnight LEADMILL – Who Cares Music Presents: The Trap, doors open 7pm or GaGa - Shiny spanking new Fridays at The Leadmill! Text MILL GAGA to 82500 for a CHEEKY DEAL SOYO – Love You – house, R&B, and chart 8pm – 12.30am STEELHOUSE – Dogs Balearics – Ibiza comes to Sheffield, Doors 8pm, free entry, £3 entry after 11.30pm SHEFFIELD STUDENTS UNION – Space - 11pm3am, £4 adv, £5 on the door PLAYERS – Fook Me…I’m Famous - party anthems, dirty beats, soulful tunes, £2 selected drinks 8-10pm, free entry, open til 1.30am PLUG - Covert Soundsystem - Sheffield’s Biggest and Busiest Friday Night Party - Covert’s residents Emilio & LJ Freeman - £3 guest list - £1 drinks, doors open 11pm, £3.50 PARIS – Baby Got Back – 90s R&B flavours, hip hop, classic beats, 90% old school joints and jams, 10% future classics - £3 before 12am, £5 after THE VIPER ROOMS – Lavish, 8pm – 3am, £4 adv, £4 & £5 on the door REPLICA – Tease – Drinks from £1, 11pm–4am THE BOWERY – Fresh Fruits, 9pm–2am, free O2 ACADEMY – Exit Calm + Stellavision, doors open 6.30pm, Tickets £8.50 or Scot Mills DJ set (one nigh only) @ Propaganda – The UK’s biggest indie night brings an audio-visual extravaganza to O2 Academy Sheffield every Friday night, Tickets £5, 10:30 til 3:30am THE HARLEY- The Get Down: The very best in soul, funk and Hip Hop - T-Funk and special guests, 10pm-4am, £3

Saturday 23rd

CORPORATION – Reservoir Rocks | Subtitle | Mode,, 10pm, £3.50 adv | Subtitle | Extreme Hardside CRYSTAL – Mixed up Saturdays with DJ Corey, 9.30pm-3am, free before 11pm DEMPSEYS – The Big Weekender, chart, pop, Euro beats, 9pm-6am DQ – Threads - unique genreless night, hosting an eclectic mix of bands and DJs EMBRACE – Play – 50% off entry, 50% off drinks until 1am LEADMILL – Sonic Boom – Saturday’s only indie alternative! 10.30pm–3am, £3.50 (before midnight) £5/£4 NUS (after midnight) MILL SONIC to 82500 for booze & entry offers SOYO – SOYO Saturdays – main room – house, disco, funk, Yo Bar – old skool R&B, new jack swing THE FORUM – Shook – house, R&B, pop, funk, hip hop, indie, 9pm–2am STEELHOUSE – Big Time – Doors at 8pm for Big Time drinks offers and free entry, £3 entry from 11.30–12.30 and £5 after that PARIS – Boudoir Sounds – soul, funk, disco, R&B, house, 10.30pm–3.30am, £4 before 12pm PLAYERS – Sin-Tillate - free entry, open til 1.30am PLUG- Shuffle- LJ Freeman, Ollie Hayes, Becky Hayes, Emilio, Doors 10.30pm, NUS £5 advance THE VIPER ROOMS – Decadence – Eclectic music, range of cocktails and champagne, VIP service, 8pm–3am, £4 adv, £4 & £5 on the door REPLICA – Student Saturdays - Get your glad rags


DEMPSEYS – Karaoke night, 9pm-4am PLAYERS – Afterparty - the best in chart, R’n’B and dance playing all night, free entry, open til 12.30am THE HARLEY - Sunday Salvation: DJs spinning Sunday soundtracks + Musical bingo at 6pm, 3.30pm-2am.

Monday 25th

CORPORATION – Reel Big Fish + Suburban Legends + Magnus Puto, doors open 7pm, £14.50 or Oddball | Bug | The Pit, 10pm-2.30/3am, £3 before 12pm, £4 after DEMPSEYS – Gimme 5 – 9pm–4am DQ – Rough Hill Presents: Plus1, Monday night student madness, cheap drinks, 2 floors, 2 vibes. Downstairs the best mashup of chart, pop party anthems and upstairs is the rave cave with electro, dubstep, garage & anything from the UK bass scene EMBRACE – Get Dirty Mondays, 10pm–3am, £3 adv, £4 on the door LEADMILL – Shag – pop, chart, R&B & indie, rock, punk, trash, Britpop, old skool, new rave, disco, beats, doors 10.30pm PLAYERS – I Candy - Players presents the sweetest tunes this side of Sheffield, free candy, giveaways, drinks to make your mouth water, Jug Vodka Kick £6, Treble Vodka Mixer* £2.50, live dancers, free entry, open til 12.30am SOYO – Being There - SOYO Live – 8pm – late, free entry SHEFFIELD STUDENTS’ UNION – Population – chart toppers and sing-a-long anthems, £4.50 adv, 11pm–2.15am PARIS - Déjà vu – A devastating mash-up of R&B, hip hop, UK funky house, dubstep, £1 drinks, 4 bombs £5, guest list at THE VIPER ROOMS – Geek Chic – Playing host to sexy geeks and boffin freaks! Get your geek on! 8pm–3am THE HARLEY – Veronica Falls – instantly addictive pop songs with shades of grey, 7.30pm–11.30pm, £7 STEELHOUSE – Eat My Disco & Voodoo present The Big Cheese – cheesey pop, 80p entry, 80p drinks FEZ CLUB – Circle Fez Mondays 003, feat Greymatter, £4/5

Tuesday 26th

CRYSTAL – Billionaire, Sheffield’s exclusive midweek musical brothel, four floors of pop, R&B, electro COPORATION – Royal Republic + Her Bright Skies, doors open 7pm, £7.50 motown, indie, house, £1 drinks, VIP guestlist at - 10pm-3am DEMPSEYS – Skint – Sheffield’s biggest gay weekday night, 9pm–4am PLAYERS – Welcome Party – official pre-bar to Dirty Dollar @ Steelhouse, R’n’B, hiphop and old school classics, free entry, open til 12.30am SOYO – Paparazzi – Mix of house, electro and R&B, 8pm–12.30am THE FORUM – Adelante – Latin music and dancing, 9.30pm–1pm STEELHOUSE – Dirty Dollar – chart, R&B, dub, chart, £2 before 12.30am LEADMILL – Tuesday club vs Rinse FM – Jackmaster + Oneman + Ben UFO, doors open 11pm, £8 THE VIPER ROOMS – Risqué Tuesdays – Flirtatious R&B and elated electro house music, 8pm–3am, £3 adv PARIS – The Bomb Factory – Nothing but Student Anthems All Night 11pm–4am SHEFFIELD STUDENTS UNION – Tuesday Club 11.30pm–2.30am, £4 adv THE HARLEY - De: Bug: - De:Bug residents and guests,10pm-4am, free b4 midnight, £3 after PLUG – Spanked | Sheffield’s biggest Tuesday Night Student Party | doors 10:30pm, price £3

CORPORATION – HYPERLINK “ n+on+27+February+2013” Don Broco HYPERLINK “ co+at+Corporation+on+27+February+2013” + Mallory Knox + Hey Vanity, doors open 7pm, £8 The Skool Disco | Stone Love, 10pm-2am £5/£4 NUS before 12pm, £5 after, or FREE in Skool Uniform before 10.30, £1 before 12pm DEMPSEYS – 342 Wednesdays – Buy any 2 drinks; get one free, 9pm–4am EMBRACE – Boing Boing – Hallam student night, chart & dance anthems, cheese & pop, R&B anthems, £4, 11pm-2.30am PLAYERS – Sparta – Wednesday Sports Team Night - weekly giveaways, £2.50 Treble Vodka Mixer*, 3 Bombs £5, massive student anthems, open til 12.30am PARIS - Mad Racket – R&B, house and Electro, £3 before 12pm SOYO – Superbowl – home to The Mega Bowl; Sheffield’s biggest fishbowl of drink LEADMILL – The Leadmill Comedy Club + Pete Cahill + HYPERLINK “ the-leadmill-comedy-club-feat-pat-cahill-mattrees-kwame-asante-tiernan-dou” \o “The Leadmill Comedy Club :: feat Pat Cahill, Matt Rees, Kwame Asante, Tiernan Douieb” Matt Rees + Kwame Asante + Tiernan Douieb, doors open 7.30pm, £4 THE FORUM – Rotation – Different music each week, 9pm–1am HALLAM UNION – Boing Boing Karaoke Pre-Bar @ The Hubs, Doors 8pm, free entry SHEFFIELD STUDENTS UNION – Roar, 11pm2.30am, £4.40 adv THE VIPER ROOMS – Neighbourhood - Classic indie with mod for it soul and motown, 8pm–3am, free before 11.30pm, £3 guestlist before 11.30pm, £4 after 11.30pm O2 ACADEMY – Lawson – Chapman Square Tour 2013, doors open 7pm, tickets £15.75 THE HARLEY - Clothes Line - midweek madness, a heterogeneous mix of hits and party bangers, 10pm– 4am, free entry

Thursday 28th

CORPORATION – Dirty Thursdays | Free entry b4 midnight, £3 after DQ – UGLY Sheffield’s freshest party with hip hop, R&B, grime and garage, doors 11pm, £2 before 12pm, £3 after DEMPSEYS – Games Night, 9pm-4am THE FORUM – Thirsty Ear – DJ Night, 9pm-1am, free entry SOYO – SuperDeluxe – massive mix of tunes and £1.50 drinks, 8pm–12.30am STEELHOUSE – Voodoo Project, pop chart, R&B, dub, D&B, dance PLAYERS – Spoilt Brat - House, R’n’B, Old School and more, £1 Shots*, £1.50 Bottles, free entry, open til 12.30am PLUG – Ben Ottewell, Little Gem, Doors 7pm, Price £10 | Jump Around - 10pm-3.30am, £4 NUS, £5 on the door PARIS, BEG BORROW AND STEAL, CRYSTAL, THE VIPER ROOMS (Carver Street) – 1 Block party, 4 incredible venues, 1 wristband, 1 epic night, guestlist at, 10pm–3am, £4 adv PARIS – Vibes Alive – Dubstep, hip hop, electro, UK funky mash-ups, 10pm–3am THE BOWERY – First Word, 9pm til late, free THE HARLEY – Hedon Sounds - disco, hip-hop, garage, funky & beyond - Supporting charity @ every event, £1 B4 11pm/ £3 after

Wednesday 27th

The Student Recommends Secret Soirée, 30th March at The Fez club. f/SecretSoirée

生肖运势 鼠——对于那些出生在鼠年的人来说,生命是一场充满着喜悦与荣光的连续的 旅程。在他们的生命中,每一次对智慧和真理的探寻必定以一个对任务的完美 达成而结束。这个月,你上一段的生命之旅将会结束于一个新的开始。在这个 生命旅程的交接中,难免会遇见些许困难。 Life is one joyous, continuous journey for those born in the illustrious Year of the Rat. Each search for knowledge and truth must end with a great quest. This month, as your journey ends and a new one begins, you may reach an arduous crossroads.

虎——老虎是冥冥之中注定的那股生命之力,它在整个宇宙里以其不可抗拒的 王者风范书写着它的传奇。同时,在面对如旋转木马一样的生命旅程的时候, 它更是热切地想以一颗宽容的心驾驭生命。在这个月里,不要让这种热情冷 却,在面对困难时,你只需换个角度便又可君临天下。 The Tiger is the indefinable force of life that weaves through the universe with rapturous abandon. The Tiger eagerly rides the carousel of life with a merry heart. Don’t lose that spirit this month; in the face of tough trials, ride on through to the other side.

龙——龙的气息如同宇宙之火,照亮了整个世界,让它在黑暗的蹂躏里得以幸 存。在这个月,你需要继续坚守你这永恒之光的岗位,以帮助你身边那些需 要你的光亮前行的人。 The breath of the Dragon is the fire of the cosmos and the Dragon is the presence that lights up the world, saving it from the ravages of the dark. Be the eternal light this month, Dragon, those in the dark need you to light their way.

牛——牛年出生的人生来就是那股维持生命周期的稳定力量,因此他们拥 有掌控自己命运的能力。在这个崭新的一月,好好利用自己的能力,因为 命运只掌握在自己的手中。 Those born to the Year of the Ox are traditionally the stabilising force that perpetuates the life cycle, therefore weavers of their own destiny. Take advantage of this in January, only you have the power to change your own fate.

兔——兔年出生的人天生就能驾驭生活的琐碎,尘世的喧闹与浮华。在这 个月里,你需要做的就是好好的运用你的能力,以你如飓风一样的强劲的 对生活的操控力掌控你的生活。 The Rabbit and those born under its auspices are above the petty trivialities of life, they float above the commonplace dissent and decay of the Universe. That’s what you may need to do this month, as petty squabbling forces its way into your path with the power of a hurricane.

蛇——蛇年出生的人的拥有着不可动摇的信念。无论面对什么苦难,坚定且深 邃的目光下的他们依然不屈不挠。所以在这个月,好好善待你的力量好让他们 在学习和生活上都能为你所用。 Those born in the Year of the Snake are unshakeable in their convictions. Their gaze remains unchanged; unyielding, inexorable and deep and that strength in your convictions will serve you well both academically and personally this month.

马——马年出生的人都有着不羁与狂野的性格,他们在生命的大地上尽情地奔 跑,向往和追逐着那无穷的自由之力。这个月里,不要让其他的或人为或自然 的因素阻挡了你前行的道路。 The soul of one born in the Year of the Horse runs wild and free, galloping furiously along the land of life, unrestrained and forever free. This month others may try to hold you back, but don’t let them.

猴——猴子天生就是所有生命谜题的向导甚至是答案。所以猴年出生 的人在这个月更要好好利用你们的能力,去妥善解决即将到来的各种 难题。 The Monkey by nature is the solver of riddles and seasoned traveller of the maze of life. Those born in the Year of the Monkey are problem solvers and those skills will be put to the test this month.

狗——狗年出生的人都有着一颗勇敢的心。这个世界上没有什么可以阻止一颗勇 敢而无谓的心前行,同时在任何时候我们在他们的脸上也都看不见丝毫畏惧的表 情。但是在这个月,这种勇气可能会有相反的效果,所以你们需谨慎行事。 Those born to the auspices of the Dog are courageous at heart. Brave and fearless, no one can slow the dog down and no cowardice lays in their countenance. This bravery may be a detriment this month, act with caution.

羊——羊年出生的人天生就有着宽容的外表和内心,他们善于发现生命里所 有美丽的事物。这个月里,如果你能继续发掘生命之美,那么命运之轮可能 会因此改变。 Those born in the tradition of the Sheep are magnanimous by nature and countenance. They look for the beauty and life in all things. This month, if you look deep enough, that beauty may change your direction on the wheel of fate.

鸡——公鸡们迎接着黎明与朝阳,将世界从沉睡中唤醒。鸡年出生的人 们在这个月将会被迫扮演组织者这一角色。

The Rooster welcomes in the dawn and acts as Marshall of the rising sun, rousing the world from slumber. Those born in the Year of the Rooster will see themselves forced to play organiser this month.

猪——猪是友好和合作的代名词。伴随着猪年出生的人的是平和与繁 荣,所以这个月里他们会在他们的生命中看见繁荣的出现。

The Boar is the ambassador of universal good will and cooperation. The coming of the Boar heralds peace and prosperity and this month, the Boar will know prosperity in their own life.



就餐空间能让顾客们亲眼看到厨师们是 如何精心准备每一份食物的。

27 Campo Lane, Sheffield, S1 2EG T: 0114 2737 399

.................................................................... 寿司如今已经成为了各大超市的主打产 品,而在几年前寿司还仅仅被人们当做 一道外国菜来看待。现在你随便走进一 家Tesco,你都可以在虾仁三明治的附 近轻易地发现寿司的身影。更有甚者, 市面上还出现了专门的寿司连锁店。所 以,如果有一天你想吃寿司了,为什么 不去Sakushi试试呢?Sakushi作为一家谢 村正宗的且广受顾客欢迎的日本餐饮 店,里面的寿司和面条类食物绝对是你 品尝日本美食的最佳选择。 坐落在Campo路上的Sakushi已经有5年 历史了,而且作为谢村市中心第一家独 立经营寿司和面条等的餐饮店,它拥有 超过七千名会员,这足以说明它在本地 人心中无可替代的地位了。每当夜幕降 临,店里面就会坐满了白领、小夫妻、 成群的朋友以及国际学生。你可以看到 他们都沉醉在享受从餐馆中心的传送 带上取下的食物当中,比如说美味的便 当、面条和日式拉面。而且这里的装潢 也很有日本动漫的感觉,红白相间的墙 壁上点缀着各类植物。一个相对宽敞的

另外,那里的店员还不停的告诉我们,“ 我们要尽我们所能去让顾客吃的开心” 。我们作为一个寿司店的新面孔,那里 的服务员不仅耐心的给我们解释菜单上 的各种食物而且有时候还加上了他自己 的建议。传送带上的寿司会根据托盘的 不同颜色而有不同的价格,比如说绿色 盘子的寿司是£1.80,蓝色是£2.30,黄 色是£2.80,橙色是£3.30,粉色是£3.80 。“你可以根据你的预算来选择不同的寿 司”服务员建议我们说。当我们决定尝 试一下这里比较受欢迎的食品时,他建 议我们试试 “照烧鸡肉里卷”(Chicken Teriyaki Ura Maki),这种寿司是由米饭 混杂着鸡肉、洋葱、黄瓜和蛋黄酱制作 而成。另外,日式便当和天麸罗也在初 次尝试Sakushi的顾客里面非常受欢迎。 总体来说,这里的寿司选择简直就囊括 了一切你能想到的寿司种类。 Sakushi是很推崇分享彼此的食物的,所 以日式便当似乎就成为了一个很好的开 端。便当盒被分为四个小的区域,顾客 可以从小吃菜单里面选择两种食物, 然后就可以获得免费的米饭、沙拉和 味增汤。我们选择了鸡肉烧(chicken teriyaki)和海鲜饺子(seafood gyoza),

放松你的心灵 瑜伽 力量…柔软…平静

一共£11.45。我不得不承认这里的食物 真是太美味了,但是友情提示下,别放 太多芥末!我在吃我的海鲜饺子的时候 就放了太多芥末,所以大家千万觉得从 我的悲剧中吸取教训。 在众多的可供选择的寿司种类当中,我 们接下来选择了寿司拼盘(£7.95)。它里 面包含了五种不同的手握寿司(nigiri sushi)——三文鱼、吞拿鱼、舔虾(ebi) 和鸡蛋寿司,以及三个三文鱼和鳄梨 (avocado)卷。吃寿司的最好的方法就 是沾一点(一点点就好!)芥末和酱油 然后让寿司充分吸收这些酱料的味道, 再放上一片生姜就可以吃了。虽然我的 男友不太喜欢鳀鱼寿司(anchovy sushi) ,但是我倒比较喜欢它的咸咸的味道。 另外,这里的三文鱼和鳄梨片绝对都是 合大家胃口的。 一餐吃下来,就连我那鸡蛋里挑骨头的 男友都对这里的食物很满意。所以,我 们整晚都在尝试不同的寿司直到我们的 已经撑到不行。不用我们多说,你们也 应该知道如果有了这里的会员卡那么你 的美食之旅将变得更加划算。现在,我 成为了Sakushi的第7001个会员,我想我一 定会经常去Sakushi的!

星期一 初学者



星期三舒缓全身 哈达瑜伽混合班




提供 一对一 课程

阿斯汤加瑜伽校园课程 中级到高级学员


周日课程 哈达瑜伽混合班

电话 07846 509 004 地址 The Studio, 141 West Street, Sheffield, S1 4EW

f’unwind your mind yoga’ u’unwindymyoga’



谢菲尔德纪念碑——植物园 Botanical Gardens

十九世纪的谢菲尔德是一个没有生气的城市。作为北方钢铁 和煤炭开采行业的心脏,谢菲尔德的烟雾密度仅次于利物浦 和伦敦这样的大都市。拥挤和脏乱的生活条件使得霍乱、伤 寒等疾病在谢菲尔德的工人阶级中肆虐。对那些如实验室里 的小白鼠一样可怜的谢菲尔德工人阶级来说,他们的平均寿 命跟今天相比简直就低得可怕。虽然英国维多利亚时代的政 府以其对穷人生存困境的冷漠而臭名昭著,但是他们偶尔 做出的一些慷慨的事情也在某种程度上改善了人们的生活环 境,比如说修建了一个后来被称为谢菲尔德植物园(Sheffield Botanical Gardens)的地方。 这个故事就发生在1833,因为这一年见证了谢菲尔德植物园 和园艺协会的成立。该协会的成立是为了通过在谢菲尔德开 发植物园,而达到促进健康的娱乐生活和提升自我教育的目 的。接下来的几年间,该协会怀着这样一个目标四处奔波 筹集资金。除此之外,1834年也目睹了原Bretton Hall的园丁 Robert Marnock被任命为这个植物园的设计者和管理者这样 一个事实。之后他就着手开始设计植物园的极具时尚气息 的“花园式”布局,这个布局的特点是每个植物都是零星地 分布在各处,同时它们都能被完美展示出来。 这个植物园终于在1836年正式开放,而且当它首次面对社 会时它就引来了超过12000人的观赏。然而在这个植物园收 获了巨大的成功之后,维多利亚时代的阶级偏见风气抬头 了,由此这个植物园被规定只能在每年的四个节日里对外 开放。除此之外的时间,这个植物园只对植物园的股东和 赞助者开放,当然这些赞助者需要捐赠一大笔钱才能享受 到这一特权。 然而,这种文化精英主义的政策很快就停止了前进的脚 步。1844年,资金的缺乏最终导致了第一任协会的失败。但 是这个植物园被第二任协会(也被称为谢菲尔德植物园和园 艺协会)的成立而拯救了。在这期间,尽管那些间接禁止工 人阶级进入植物园的规则没有被废除,但是这个植物园仍经 历了巨大的变革比如植物园温室的扩充,新茶阁的修建以及 如今的管理员室的建成。这一切都导致了这个植物园在接下 来的几十年间成为了国际推崇的典范。 这一切都在1987年变得不一样了。世界已经开始改变,比如 说阶级政治的变革,这些变革或多或少都对这个植物园的存 在产生了影响。而这种影响又一次归根于经济上的原因。同 时,同时期其他植物园的免门票政策,周围居住环境的改善 等都致使这个植物园陷入了低谷。然而在《谢菲尔德信托》 (Sheffield Town Trust)的帮助下,植物园终于化险为夷并且 在1898年废除了多年前就应该废除的门票政策。之后植物园

享受了一段时间的平静直到希特勒的德国空军轰炸到谢菲尔 德。由于闪电战的冲击,植物园里的一些建筑物遭到了不同 程度的损坏,有的甚至已经不复存在了。 不幸的是,又一次因为经济上的原因,多少年来那些使得 这个植物园不断发展和繁荣的来自人们对这个植物园的信 任和依赖,也随着这个战争的结束而一去不复返了。于是 在1951人们把这个植物园以象征性的租金租给了谢菲尔德议 会。后来谢菲尔德议会被证明是一个给植物园带来了令人耳 目一新的变化的新主人,因为议会主持修理了植物园的穹 顶,并新建立了一个鸟舍和水族馆。在议会恢复植物园昔日 辉煌的过程中,“闪电战”里毫无意义的军事行动所造成的 不愉快的回忆慢慢被抹去了。然而80年代的经济衰退再次使 得植物园的财政陷入了拮据的境地,这种财政拮据境地的 不断深化引发了1996年《谢菲尔德植物园信托》(Sheffield Botanical Gardens Trust)的形成,由此一场长达8年的资金筹 措计划开始了。八年间669万英镑的资金从各方汇集,这让 我们有理由相信,在21世纪植物园昔日的辉煌将会继续被书 写和传承下去。 就植物园本身而言,它就像城市里的一片绿洲,为每一个热 爱自然的人们提供了理想的去处。同时植物园里还存在着不 同的具体的花园以迎合不同人的追求。其中有特点的有:种 植了不同品种玫瑰的“玫瑰花园”,还愿了真实的维多利亚 时期种植风格的“维多利亚花园”,拥有银杏和水杉等古老 植物而且向人们展示了植物进化过程的“自然演变花园”以 及拥有来自远东地区的植物比如说杜鹃花的“亚洲花园”。 但是,植物园里最大的亮点还当属展览馆。展览馆是一个建 于原有风格之上的大型的建筑,里面展示了来自世界各地具 有异国情调的温带植物。如果你从亚洲展览区开始逛起,那 么你将首先领略到亚洲丰富的香蕉和柑橘类植物,然后在几 步之内你便能感受到环游世界的感觉。当你沉浸在展览馆的 世界里时,你会遇见来自中亚喜马拉雅山的植物,来自地中 海附近的蕨类植物,当然还有世界各地的像鹤望兰一样的令 人惊奇的植物。 用精彩绝伦这个词来形容谢菲尔德植物园简直是再适合不 过了。不过当你沉浸在这些植物的世界里时,你也不能忘 记它们的存在是来之不易的。因为在这些植物的背后隐藏 着的是所有谢菲尔德市民的勇气和决心,正是因为有了这 些勇气和决心,自然之美才能在谢菲尔德这个城里的文化 里显露无疑。



欢迎来到谢菲尔德最新潮的美发沙龙 首次消费立享8折优惠! 我们资深的造型团队随时为您服务。 首次消费立享8折优惠!我们资深的造型团队随时为您服务。 本店毗邻谢菲尔德教堂

来电请咨询 0114 2721 377

美发沙龙 Address: 8 East Parade, Sheffield, S1 2ET, Telephone: 0114 2721 377 Web:

这位谢村美发界新来的“不速之客”名 叫Volt——它毗邻谢村教堂并隐匿在那 条铺满了鹅卵石街道之上的黑、灰与粉 这三色之中。 2012年12月,Volt的老板海伦·波特 (Helen Porter)和珍妮·科普利(Jennie Copley)在她们事业更上一层楼之时开 创了这个可以帮助她们实现梦想的且属 于她们自己的美发沙龙。这是一个由 拥有着20年经验的资深设计师们组成的 团队,他们不仅仅曾经在谢菲尔德各 大美发沙龙里工作过,而且在伦敦的一 些美发连锁店里都曾留下他们的身影。 这里不得不提到的是在他们中间还有那 些曾经闯入过威娜国际趋势美发大赛 (Wella Trend Vision)决赛的一些优秀 设计师们。 这个沙龙坐落在一个十分有利的位置 上,它的前身是谢村市中心黄金地段East Parade路上的教堂书店,且紧邻着Tram 教堂站。由于这块宝地已经闲置多年, 所以它无时无刻不在呼唤着一双慧眼能 够发掘它的价值。就在这时海伦、珍妮 以及Anwar Studio决定在这里开创一片彰 显她们独特个性的新的天地。整个沙龙 里都充盈着各种迷人的设计,定制的前 台、镜子,独特的标语和商标。她们独 特、摩登的设计理念与这个传统、古老 的建筑风格互相辉映,相得益彰,这都 是源于这个团队对细节的足够重视和出 色把握。六周的时间,他们用他们裸露 的双手和不知疲倦的精神,在这里营造 出了一种恍如隔世的感觉。

Volt可是威娜(Wella)这个品牌的黄金沙 龙,同时它还提供一系列的塞巴斯蒂安 (Sebastian)产品。不仅如此,Volt还为客 户创建了一个温暖,友好且轻松的气氛, 所以当他们开始预约的那一刻起,顾客就 被如同被小心翼翼地呵护着一样去享受这 里的每一项服务。来了之后,记得好好品 尝下这里的各种酒水,比如说不容错过的 贝利咖啡(Bailey’s coffees),啤酒,葡萄 酒和茶饮料。然后你所需要做的,就是让 自己舒服地窝在它家的豪华按摩椅上,慢 慢地从你进门听到的欢迎声中开始品味你 在Volt的每一分钟。 欢迎电话预约,请致电0114 2721 377或登录详细了解各项服务收费 情况。同时,Volt也在寻求那些对这项工 作充满了激情与创意的人来加入她们的团 队,如果你认为你是这样一个人,那么请 马上与她们联系吧! 二月底之前,首次消费立享八折优惠 周一至周四,学生特价七五折优惠 免费无线网

这个沙龙坐落在一个十分有利的位置 上,它的前身是谢村市中心黄金地段East Parade路上的教堂书店,且紧邻着Tram 教堂站。由于这块宝地已经闲置多年, 所以它无时无刻不在呼唤着一双慧眼能 够发掘它的价值。就在这时海伦、珍妮 以及Anwar Studio决定在这里开创一片彰 显她们独特个性的新的天地。整个沙龙 里都充盈着各种迷人的设计,定制的前 台、镜子,独特的标语和商标。她们独 特、摩登的设计理念与这个传统、古老 的建筑风格互相辉映,相得益彰,这都 是源于这个团队对细节的足够重视和出 色把握。六周的时间,他们用他们裸露 的双手和不知疲倦的精神,在这里营造 出了一种恍如隔世的感觉。 在Volt你能体验到在其他地方体验不到 的经历,你能想象刺眼的粉红色灯光是 如何闪耀在充满了历史斑驳感的砖瓦之 上,冰冷的不锈钢管件是如何穿插在 在庄严肃穆的拱门之下的么?美发行 业的各路精英就是齐聚在这样一个场景 当中的。当谈到婚礼发饰、接发、烫 发、染发、精剪以及改色的时候,我们 不得不赞叹她们的技术之灵巧。再加上 她们提供的服务种类之多,从简单的修 剪到一套完整的发型设计,无论是男士 还是女士,这里绝对是您寻求美丽的必 去之地。



咱们的饕餮小编们为你揭幕村里最火的吃货好 去处。

青蟹 Mud Crab 521-523 Ecclesall Road, Sheffield, S11 8PR 0114 263 1617

.................................................................... 在又一个宁静的夜晚,只有橱柜里仅剩 的发霉面包和麦片粥还陪伴着我。见此 情景我决定放纵自己一把,于是我来到 了位于Ecclesall路上的“青蟹”(Mud Crab)餐厅。 在来之前,这里的种种流言不管是好的 还是坏的我都有所耳闻。不过既然我选 择了给自己和它一个机会,所以我是带 着一种开放包容的心态来这里的。这里 的空间被舒适的沙发和座椅占据着,给 人以一种轻松愉快的感觉,仿佛自己就 置身于家里的客厅当中。除了这里的某 些哗众取宠的人之外,这里的整体感觉 特别是它家菜单中提供的各种的美式晚 餐还是让人很放松的。 就在不久之前,Eccy路上的餐厅基本上都 是大同小异的意大利餐厅。但是在过去 的一年,有些地方似乎已经趋向远离披 萨和通心粉这个主题而去寻找一个全新 的定位。比如说“青蟹”的老板就摒弃 了这家餐厅原来的名称——Fellicini而改 造自身目的是为了给这条街上的餐饮行 业注入新鲜的血液。说句公道话,这里 的美式晚餐还是挺新鲜且美味的。 作为一名学生,我不得不时刻的留意自 己的口袋。所以基本上每次我在外面吃 饭都会努力的寻找菜单上最划算的食 物,这样既能让我饕餮一顿的同时也能 为我省下不少银子。在挣扎了很久要不 要点布鲁克林啤酒(Brooklyn beer)后, 我最终选择了烤干酪辣味玉米片。虽然 这里的人气总是很旺,但是这里的服务 总是很贴心,女服务员们的应答也总是 很及时。 这家餐厅应该是不会获得任何米其林星 级餐厅的称号了,可是话又说回来,这 里的美味的晚餐可不一定。它的辣椒新 鲜且可口,而且玉米片的分量也很足。 虽然作为一个学生,你的预算之内的选 择不是很丰富,但是就这样吧!更何况 Ecclesall路上的多数餐厅都是相同的情 况。我去的那天日子选的特别好,所以 我决定多体验一下这里的各种可能性, 于是我又点了这里自制的奥利奥饼干, 配以花生酱和牛奶。虽然这道菜有点难 登大雅之堂的感觉,但是它恰恰证明 了“青蟹”的水准已经在Eccy路独具一格 了,而且如果他们能继续保持如这道菜 里美味的牛奶的制作水准,那么他们离 米其林星级已经不远了。



咱们的饕餮小编们为你揭幕村里最火的吃货 好去处。

蝮蛇酒吧 The Viper Rooms 35 Carver Street, Sheffield, England 0114 275 0934

.................................................................... 无论是星期一的“奇客”之夜(Geeky Mondays)还是星期三的“社区”之夜 (Neighbourhood Wednesday),蝮蛇 酒吧每一天都能带给你不同的惊喜。作 为一个在各种派对动物们的支持下在“ 黑夜中”成长起来的酒吧,它现在俨 然已经成为了Carver街上最具特色的一 道风景。 我们不禁会问,在夜生活丰富的“腐 国”蝮蛇酒吧是如何吸引如此多的忠实 粉丝的呢?2007年当蝮蛇酒吧第一次出现 在Harrogate的时候,它就因其出众的服务 和极具特色的环境赢得了众人的好评, 特别的是它还吸引了许多名人前去一探 究竟。然而自从它在2011年落户谢村之 后,如今它已经发展成为了谢村的一个 招牌,每天都会有更多的人去蝮蛇酒吧 享受这里的每一个夜晚。 蝮蛇酒吧有着每晚11点前的免费入场,11 点后每人3镑(根据不同的日期价格不 定)的慷慨政策。另外酒吧也被分为了 几个不同的区域,包括两个独立的设施 齐全的室内场所和一个可以俯瞰整个城 市的室外露台。楼上的房间是一个舒适 的鸡尾酒吧,但如果你往下走你就会发 现一个充满惊喜的地下酒吧,里面给力 的音响系统播放着各种如90年代的怀旧 音乐、蓝调、嘻哈、派对音乐、流行金 曲、现场演奏乐等。最重要的是,你可 以根据你当晚的心情选择不同风格的房 间,一切都在你的掌握之中。 这里每天不同的主题之夜给你了更多的 选择。你可以选择参加周一的“奇客时 尚”(Geek Chic)之夜,这个夜晚是特 别为学生一族、性感吊带和长袜美女设 计的主题之夜。在各种类型音乐的比如

说House和Dubstep之下,这里的酒水价 格也十分的优惠。比如说vodka mixers和 bomb只要2.5镑,Bottle和bomb也只要2.5 镑, fish bowls更有买一送一的优惠。周 二是R&B、Electro和House音乐下的“性 感之夜”(Risqué)。在Viper Lounge里 你可以听到来自David Guetta、Nero、 DJ Fresh 和Avicii等人的音乐,而在ViperClub 里各种电子混音将会让你整个人都沸腾 起来。周三、周四和周五这里有独立 摇滚乐队现场演奏,加上每晚各种不同 的选择、周四“卡佛街”之夜(Carver Street)给力的学生折扣和向女服务员买 酒就可享受买一送一活动,蝮蛇酒吧的 这一切一定能点燃你胸中周末派对的热 情之火。 在蝮蛇酒吧,周五和周六的夜晚更是个 放纵自己的好机会。楼上的房间里所有 鸡尾酒都是买一送一,而且楼下的趴体 会一直不停地持续到凌晨三点。 虽然每晚这的酒水价格都不一样,但是 总体来说价格仍旧十分优惠。每周二shots 只要1镑起,啤酒也只要1.5镑。每周六下 午4点到晚上9点,这里所有的酒水都是买 一送一。无论你什么时候来蝮蛇,你都 会享受到各种给力的优惠和折扣。 同时,这里还提供可容纳6人至20人不等 的聚会VIP包房服务。这里还会为较大型 的聚会活动提供各种娱乐设施比如说现 场表演道具、焰火、高跷和各种食物。 蝮蛇酒吧时尚的环境以及合理的价格给 Carver街上的这栋有着200年历史的建筑 赋予了新的生机。Charlotte Lindley一个23 岁的学生是这样评价这个酒吧的:“这 里有优秀的DJ、新潮的混音、经典和潮 流的音乐、便宜的酒水和友好的保安。 实话说,把这些东西都混在一起以后, 我倒觉得很不错了!”所以,你还在等 什么呢?穿上你的派对套装,我们蝮蛇 酒吧见!




0114 306 2254

人身伤害案件专家 为什么选择我们? 免去调解人的麻烦 职能范围覆盖全英

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Greenhead律师事务所是Greenhead律师有限公司(CRN:7762352)的商业名称,该公司在英格兰和威尔士均有注册。 注册办事处:三一路142号,哈德斯菲尔德,Hd1 4DT。本公司由律师监管局((566976))授权及监管。


Greenhead 律师事务所自从2007年开始服务客户以来,一直保持着其友好客户关系以及专 业的行业水平。至今为止我们服务了许多不同类型的客户,更重要的是这些新客户大部分 都是由老客户以及相关专业人士推荐而来。 在Greenhead 律师事务所,我们会用您所青睐的语言为您提供专业、高效以及友好的法律 服务。让每个这里的员工都感到自豪的是,我们会用简单易懂的方式向您阐释清楚相关法律 条文,这样就能轻松帮您扫除后顾之忧。 虽然本公司采用了极具现代化特征的方法去处理每一件案子,但是我们仍然致力于保存那些 传统的价值观念,比如说个性化的服务,精准的定位以及深厚的专业知识。我们感到自豪的 是,在我们提供的友好和专业的服务下是我们精细培育多年的良好口碑与信誉。

委托索赔即可获得£600 £600现金(受相关条款和条件制约) 加上100%事故赔偿 分公司:谢菲尔德 哈德斯菲尔 德曼彻斯特



我们特地为你准备的来应对凛冽寒冬的最新时尚街装可以带领你们穿越冬季而感受到春 天的气息。冬季的皮草围脖配饰也会为你的整体风格添加一抹独特的风情,而成为冬季 里最别致的搭配。

这里最新的时尚资讯将为你揭开2013年的序幕,同 时在这个寒冷的一月也会为你的冬季衣橱增添些许精 品,让你能感受到春天般的温暖与幸福。 多用家居毛衣 Miss Selfridge, £39

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无论你喜欢还是不喜欢,现在正是用那些温暖的冬季衣物占领你 的衣橱从而替换走你身上的T恤的时候了。针织衫和印花图案仍 旧是当季最流行的元素,并且都极易与其他风格的衣物搭配。这 里,小编特别推荐一款来自Accessorize的非常彰显个人品味的 有费尔岛(Fairisle)风格的印花针织帽。

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D-Struct 针织混搭马甲 ASOS, £38

潮鞋 H&M, £29.99

长袖格子衬衣 £25.99









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自助廚房 氛圍 最先進的設備



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每个月Adam O’Neill都会在105 Capital FM HQ给我们带来 最新的名人资讯和八卦消息。每天下午4点到晚上7点,整 个约克郡都能收听到他在Capital电台给大家发出的问候。 当下从每台收音机里传出来的名字和每个人嘴边挂着的名 字必定都是一个人,他就是詹姆斯·阿瑟(James Arthur) 。作为2012年《英国偶像》(X Factor)的冠军,他用他深情 的表演征服了观众,同时他也在音乐事业上获得了极大的 成功。 来自Capital FM的Adam O’Neill抓住了几分钟的时间跟这 位未来巨星聊了聊他参加《英国偶像》的经验以及他对未 来的打算。

14. 30

所以,你的新专辑应该马 上就要发行了,你已经写 好了么? 我已经有很多很多新歌准 备发行了,所以我接下来 要做的就是一头栽进录音 室录下它们。我的初步想 法是有12首歌可以考虑放进 这张专辑,不过还是得跟 我的伙伴们商量好哪些应 该被收录到里面。 既然你现在已经顺利拿到 了《英国偶像》的冠军, 那么你的声音风格会变得 不一样么?还是你会坚持 你在《英国偶像》上的那 种声音风格,因为这才是 观众喜欢和了解你的原因? 我想不会变吧。我在《英 国偶像》里的声音风格应 该是我想要继续坚持的那 种。不过这张专辑里将会 有一些我在节目里曾经使 用过的风格的混合,但是 这肯定不是那种人们之前 没有从我这里听到过的声 音风格。 你会合其他人合作么? 在我想要合作的人的清单 上,那些名字你数都数不 过来!不过我现在不会说 更多的名字了,这感觉好 奇怪,就好像这些名字是 从我口中乱抛出来似的。

好吧,不过这样也不错。 说出他们的名字否则他们 还不一定知道你想要跟他 们合作呢。那么你的这张专 辑里会出现《Hometown Glory》么? 我到不怎么想现在就把这 首歌收录进去,不过我很 乐意去尝试。我也许会去 录音室把它录下来然后放 到网上。 那么当你站在台上等待着 最后的消息的时候,你有 没有想过你会成为冠军? 没有,我想都没有想过。 当我听到这个消息的时候 我整个就懵了,因为之前 我完全没有想过这个事情, 然后后来在一个星期一, 我们就在一个车里宣传我 的单曲了。 你是如何看待公众对你的 关注的?人们总会在街上 把你拦下来然后找你要签 名和合照么? 一开始还有人这么做,不 过他们真的都很礼貌。我 记得我回家乡的时候我给 600张照片签了名字!特别 是最后当我给一对夫妇签 名之后我才发现我的签名 看上去糟透了,所以我得 想办法解决这个问题。然 后我决定以后我只能给300 张照片签名了。


一个学生如果想要成为一个真正精明的 消费者,那么你需要运用你的智慧独自 应付来自如学生贷款等诸多方面的压 力。Purple优惠券集(Purple Vouchers Pocketbook)就是你应对你那捉 襟见肘的银行账户时的秘密武器,这本 小册子能给你的约克郡购物经历带来巨 大的改变。

Web: Telephone: 01302 623 242

这本能够让你在整个谢菲尔德地区的各 种产品和服务上节省超过6000英镑的小册 子,现在售价仅需20镑,而且你很快就 能收回你的成本。另外,这本优惠券集 里面包括了从休闲、餐饮、快餐到零售 业等诸多领域。那些大家都耳熟能详的 品牌也包含在内比如肯德基、麦当劳、 赛百味、Frankie & Benny’s、Sheffield Wednesday FC、Embrace、 Cubana这些品 牌都不胜枚举。 其实节省就是这么简单,你仅仅需要从 它的官方网站 或者是温斯顿公园医院(Weston Park Hospital)癌症慈善商店,Showroom 电影 院售票处以及谢菲尔德消防&警察博物 馆,旅客信息中心(和平花园)等地方 花20镑买一本优惠券集就好了(它能帮 你节省超过6000英镑而且能很快就收回 你的成本)。一旦你拿到了这份珍贵的 小册子,记得去 上注册你的优惠券集,这样你就有机会 赢取价值数百英镑的丰厚奖品。 拿到优惠券集之后记得先翻看一下这本 小册子。在每个优惠券的前面都标注了 这张优惠券的使用条款,而且有许多是 买一送一的优惠,所以使用之前千万要 认真看清楚每张优惠券的使用条款。 同时,也不要忽略了优惠券反面的地 址,因为很多优惠券是在多个地方都 有效的。

至少能帮 您节省


在使用每张优惠券时,你只需向售货员 出示你的Purple优惠券集,然后撕下相应 的优惠券,并且在付款的时候将优惠券 一并交付给收银员就好。另外,记得随 身带上你的优惠券集,这样你就不会错 过任何一个省钱的机会啦! 有了Purple优惠券集,你再也不会错过任 何一次吃便宜的大餐、去廉价的旅行和 拥有任何其他诱人折扣的机会了。有了 它,学生贷款的后顾之忧似乎已经不再 那么重要了。现在就访问Facebook主页( 搜索“Purple Vouchers”),你就有机会 赢得丰富奖品。还等什么?赶快用这本 优惠券集武装自己,骄傲地将那些店铺 都扫荡一遍吧!


性感的钢铁之城 By Kate Hobson Published February 2013 所有关于新年计划的想法最终大多都不了了之了。向自己保证将会好好的 度过下半年通常是个很难遵守的承诺,特别是当你保证自己千万不要做什 么的时候,其实你会有一种负罪的快感。 不用说,很多人都会自己承诺 自己说一定要在今年找一个男友或者女友,这样你就可以安定下来不再到 处瞎玩了,好像这其实是件最容易做的事。 最让我受不了的是有人居然痴心地说要以最快的速度找个靠谱点儿的男女 朋友,而且还不断地提醒着自己得主动一点,不断地自欺欺人地假装自己 很快乐很享受这段恋情,但几个月后却总是以草草分手告终。所以你还想 说你想要个男朋友吗?难道你要跟任何一个你在路上看到的男孩子(通常 都不是什么好东西)说“做我的男朋友吧!”然后一次约会后就草草确定 了这段关系,再然后一个月后同居,两个月后向他表达你对他至死不渝的 爱?就算让你瞎猫遇上死耗子找到一个,几个月后一切还是得土崩瓦解, 这时你才会恍然大悟,原来进展太快绝不是一个好主意。 你可以在厌倦一个人之前,在接受他那些例如打呼噜之类等解决不了的 毛病之前和他约会好几次,而不是将自己全身心都投入到一段假想的完 美的感情中,因为这最终只会把自己置于一个进退两难的处境。看看Kim Kardashian和他的窝囊前夫Kris Humphries你就知道了,他们大多都以 失败告终。 找寻一段正经的恋情的关键就是放轻松,顺其自然慢慢来才能使结果更加 让人满意。不要太过于求爱心切,你只需相信水到渠成,相信姻缘天注 定,那么你所梦想的爱情最终一定会实现。

............................................................................................................................... 灯影下的神奇 By Laura Keen Published February 2013 在过去,我对3D这个风潮一点都不感冒。当很多人戏称这个技术是“视觉伟哥”的时候,我偏偏一点也不买它的账。我总觉得一部 电影优秀与否应该与它的情节和表现力有关而不仅仅取决于它的技术有多么优秀。 现实变为了立体随之而来的是电影情节的简单化,比如说《阿凡达》这部电影。虽然我们不得不承认这部电影给观众带来了超乎想 象的视觉体验,但是观众在观看这部影片时可以轻而易举地预见影片随后的情节甚至那些细微之处都可以一一涵盖。超现实的英雄 来到了陌生的星球,然后他奇迹般的以他训练有素的特性全身心地适应了这里的所有,继而他坠入爱河,可想而知,天下大乱即将 到来。开头大家看着这些巨大的蓝色外星人还津津有味,但是随着观影的深入,我觉得影片的人物与故事情节似乎一点联系都没 有。 然而,随着时间的推移和技术的进步,2012年成为了各大导演在3D上大显身手的一年。虽然有些导演仍旧独守着3D这个空房,但 是其他导演还是做出了令人颇为满意的作品。《蝙蝠侠之黑暗骑士的崛起》(The Dark Knight Rises)和《天幕坠落》(Skyfall)就 是那些聪明的导演成功运用3D技术打造的成功电影的代表。 写到这里,我不禁要问,除了3D技术当今的电影能否寻找其他的突破口?电影是否能够因为其视觉的成就而真正彰显其魅力?有一 部作品正面回答了我的问题。《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》的横空出世让整个世界都为止震惊、哑口。李安导演在这部电影里不仅仅以其对 人物心理和情节的出色把握征服了观众,他更设法把3D技术打造成一门复杂的但是能为电影本身服务的艺术方式。这部电影使得一 本不被世人所熟知的小说现在电影之林里大放光彩,同时也让我在面对可预见之未来的电影视觉效果时而忘言。


假日狂欢 By Yasmine Gleghorn Published December 2012 这个颇有节日气氛的月份就这样跌跌撞撞地来到了我们身边,随之而来的是谢村里所有 超市的降临节日历(advent calendar)都会被销售一空。不过还好,因为前天晚上的 活动算是弥补了这个让人无奈的时刻吧。Oscillate Wildly每次都会给我们带来不小惊 喜,Julio Bashmore也不例外。在发票当天,当这个活动一经对外宣布,分分钟之内所有 门票都被抢购一空。所以毫无疑问,这将是又一个非常传统的但是异常精彩的活动。所 以,我们也随着大家囤了几张门票,同时为这个盛大的夜晚做了详细计划。 随着四面八方的人群不断涌入谢菲尔德,我们也都在宿舍集结完毕准备提前开一个节日 晚会,晚会的主角当然是龙舌兰酒。当大家都酒过三巡之后,我们再一起拦几辆的士直 奔DQ。 我们特意提前到了那里,这样我们就能碰上Squarehead了——这是个即将到本地来的 DJ,他也将会带来了一些时髦的如车库乐等的那些年轻人喜欢的音乐。在那里,只要2 镑就可以买到双份的spirit和mixer的优惠价格使得在场的人群都在酒精的陪伴下不断骚 动着。毫无疑问,Squarehead的出场以及他的电子乐一下子就调动了全场的气氛。几 个小时后,人们的热情逐渐冷却下来,右边吸烟区的人也越来越多,这个时候该Julio Bashmore上场了。我们选择了在扬声器旁边的位置这样我们就能完全地沉浸在他音乐的 世界里面了。当他以降速的方法演绎出他最有名的音乐《Au Seve》的时候,我看到有些 人都惊呆了。 不用多说,他的确十分有音乐上的天赋,但是他再有天赋也不能帮我解决现在的问题 啊。我们在酒吧里喝了不少降临节的第一顿酒以后,都觉得十分有节日的感觉。不过, 你知道有的人总是会喝的太多……每次都是Zabiela。看着蓬头垢面的他,我都很怀疑他 到底是不是我室友了。不过我知道,是时候回去了。在周围的观众的帮助下,我们好不 容易才将这个重的要死的人抬上出租车,我们就这样迷迷糊糊地回到了家。

............................................................................................................................... 疯狂的转会 By Tom Hardy Published February 2013 一月份的转会窗口期是我这个足球赛季里最喜欢的一个部分,因为没有什么比坐在电视机前看Sky台体育新闻里播报吉姆·怀特 (Jim White)在最后期限做出的毫无把握的转会决定而更带劲儿了。 通常,这些最后的交易都被戏称为“恐慌下的交易”。它们都会使全国各地的球迷对这些交易都抱有一种全然不信的态度。比如说 几年前阿方索·阿尔维斯(Afonso Alves)在最后以1000万英镑的年薪转入米德尔斯堡(Middlesbrough),这就好比圣诞前夕你 却在匆忙地给别人选购圣诞礼物一样。事实上,这样的例子大有人在,这些人就好像无头苍蝇一样在他们完全不需要停留的地方乱 撞一气。 在真正的转会行为到来之前那些小道消息往往会铺天盖地而来。所以通常我都会在转会窗口结束之前买比全年任何时候都要多的报 纸。在这些报纸里纷繁的报道中,我常常能通过我自己对谁要转到哪里去的推断而感受到一丝丝满意和自豪。这种感觉带来的成就 感就好像是当其他人都被蒙在鼓里的时候而你却是最清醒的那一个。 拿一个不久之前我发现的例子来说,这个例子将一个水晶宫队(Crystal Palace)的二线边锋球员——维尔弗雷德·扎哈(Wilfried Zaha),与皇马里的一个可能是这个世界上最伟大的侧翼球员联系在了一起。谁写的这件事情?一想到有人坐在一张桌子后面正写 着这样一篇垃圾一样的文章并且还能得到工资就不自觉地让人觉得荒谬至极。不过,其目的是可能就是为了让人们不停地谈论吧。 这不就是我现在正在做的么?或多或少是吧!



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还在为情人节约会的活动烦恼么?不用担心,本杂志的“ 约会医生”为你特殊准备了一个小小的测验,让你轻松面 对那些烦恼的选择。 只需在每道问题下选择你的答案,然后根据你答案的数目 找到你的测试结果。希望你能遵循藏在你内心里的那缕最 浪漫情怀,让它指引你向前去。

通常你是如何跟 你 的 约 会 对 象 打 招 呼 的 ? 一个甜蜜的拥抱和一束芬芳的鲜花,让他(她)对你一见倾心; 一个甜蜜的亲吻然后轻拍对方的臀部; 迅速的问一句“还好吗?”然后大步向前走并希望他们能跟上。

你跟你的恋人在 一 起 多 久 了 ? 几个星期 几个月. 一年或以上

你为给你的恋人 送 什 么 样 的 情 人 节 礼 物 ? 钻石戒指 一盒巧克力或者一个美妙的夜晚 一个俗气的粉红色泰迪熊

情人节最让你感 到 激 动 的 地 方 在 哪 里 ? 礼物 能和最爱的人在一起 享受一次生活


周五的晚上, 你 跟 你 的 爱 人 一 般 会 做 什 么 ? 发短信互诉衷肠,表达爱意 一起出去买点外卖然后窝在家里看电视 各自跟自己的好朋友过

你如何形容你 跟 你 恋 人 之 间 的 关 系 ? 心醉神迷 浪漫并且让人乐在其中 非常融洽

你现在正在谈 恋 爱 么 ? 是的,而且深陷其中 我很高兴有一个异性好朋友,但是还没有发展到那一步 我很羡慕那些恋爱中的人

你最喜欢的适 合 恋 人 之 间 一 起 看 的 电 影 是 什 么 ? 泰坦尼克号(Titanic) 真爱至上(Love Actually) 德州电锯杀人狂(Texas Chainsaw Massacre)




啊,你正处于恋爱的蜜月阶 段。虽然你们彼此对对方只 有些许的了解,但是你们已 经开始谈婚论嫁,娶妻生 子了。有大动作的约会策略 绝对是目前最适合你的,所 以在情人节的约会活动上你 一定得有更多的鬼点子。现 在你的恋人跟你一样正处于 变着法子想让你们的关系更 进一步的阶段,所以那些大 手笔的、让人意想不到的点 子最为给力。白天手牵手在 某个主题公园或者动物园逛 逛,然后包下一整个餐厅让 你们享受烛光晚餐。但是不 久,你们就会对“天啊,你 太迷人了”的阶段感到筋疲 力尽,所以趁这个阶段还未 结束,好好享受这一切吧!

一个温馨的家庭之夜是你们 俩需要的。花一些时间去准 备食材然后亲手做一些你们 都喜欢的可口佳肴,但是 千万别做那些太普通的比如 酸辣大白菜这样的菜式。如 果你们不太喜欢自己亲手 做饭,去看看玛莎(Marks and Spencer)的10镑晚餐 吧,要知道最美味的巧克力 甜点的秘诀在于分享。童话 般的灯光和蜡烛在这顿晚餐 中是必需品,晚餐过后用最 温暖的依偎和拥抱去结束这 样一个美好的夜晚吧。

在与你的恋人共度了比较长 的一段时间后,情人节在你 们面前可能已经光辉不再 了。但是今年让丘比特再次 点燃你们的激情吧,尝试着 去重新寻回你们之间的浪 漫,不过之前你得保证你的 恋人留了整晚的时间给你。 情人节早上记得给他们一个 惊喜,送一大束花或者精美 的巧克力去他(她)的房 子,然后提醒他为晚上7点 的约会做好准备。晚上去你 们最喜欢的餐厅然后告诉他 你内心的真正感觉,告诉他 你们需要重燃你们爱情的 火焰。


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节还 人 情 人 是情 劫?

正 如 张 爱玲所说的一样,爱情 来 临 的 时候是这样的——“见了 他 , 她 变得很低很低,低到尘 埃 里 , 但她心里是欢喜的,从 尘 埃 里 开出花来”。就这样, 爱 情 的 种子在彼此的心中萌发 了 。 此 时你可能在精心的培育 这 颗 嫩 芽,好享受它茁壮成长 之 后 的 绿茵,或许你的心还徘 徊 不 定 。不过,当又一个情人 节 来 临 的时候,别懈怠也别太 着 急 , 因为爱情就好像一根弹 簧 , 太 用力或者不用力都能带 给 你 意 外的伤害。 在 我 遇 到我的男朋友之前,这 个 节 日 对我而言是完全陌生 的 , 更 别提去庆祝它了。在相 恋 之 前 ,我们一直都还只是好 朋 友 , 直到有一个同学聚会的 晚 上 , 身体里过剩的酒精不知 为 何 就 这样让我们神奇地在一 起 了 。 这一切都突然地发生在 离 一 个 充斥着约会、巧克力和 礼 物 的 节日前不久的一天,当 我 真 正 意识到这个世界上还有 这 样 一 个节日的时候,我毫无 准备。 送 礼 物 一直都是一件让我很头 疼 的 事 情,特别是在当我对他 没 有 很 细致地了解的时候,情 人 节 的 礼物对我来说简直就比 论 文 的 截止时间还要可恶。最 佳 男 友 奖杯,巨大的泰迪熊或 者 印 有 心形图案的马克杯,这 些 烂 俗 的点子绝对在我的考虑 之 外 。 我真不明白,为什么有 人 会 想 到用一个马克杯去表示 你喜欢一个人?她们有脑子么?


同时,在约会地点的选择上你也需 要考虑到你跟他现在处于什么样的 阶段。如果你刚刚结束你的单身生 活,那么一家高档的餐厅可能是个 比较好的选择。因为你们之间需要 了解的地方还有很多,在这样一个 环境下,彼此可能会留下较好的印 象。但是如果你们已经是老夫老妻 了,那么一家不错的外卖店或者一 次温馨的烛光晚餐就再好不过了。 不过最重要的还是你得选择一个 有助于双方交流情感,了解彼此的 地方。在当下一起去看一场电影可 能是最流行的约会方式了,因为无 论对谁来讲电影院总归是个不坏的 地方吧。看完电影后一起去吃顿饭 然后散散步,聊聊电影里的情节, 这些都有助于增进彼此之间的了 解。这些方法虽然很常见但是作为 一段新的恋情的开端,其效果是有 目共睹的。 情人节期间各种活动也会让人目不 暇接。比如说酒吧里各种情人节特 别节目,电影院里各种主题电影, 就连学校的学生会也会在那天准备 各式活动。如果你觉得你需要一点 情人节的灵感或者此时你手头正 紧,上网看看谢村各种商家的活动 吧,他们可是鼓足了力气准备在情 人节大干一场的。

最重要的是,尽量让你的恋人 能享受到好像一个专为他( 她)量身定做的情人节。因为 世界上没什么比你什么都没有 准备而只是临时买了一张情人 节卡片给她的这样的冷落还要 糟糕的感觉了。 世界上每个人 都是独特的个体,所以对那些 情侣来说,每年的情人节也必 须是特殊的。

不要因为你的前女友喜欢老土的 礼物和公开场合下的示爱就天真 地认为你的新女友也喜欢这些, 多费点脑筋想想她的特殊癖好 吧,就算最后的效果可能会不尽 人意但是她绝对会感激你所做的 一切的。 你知道么?在有一年的情人节那 天我的朋友出生的男友带我去玩 了镭射枪射击。而且在那个地方 除了我们之外全部是10岁以下的 小朋友。幼稚么?也许吧,不过 我很喜欢。如今我们差不多在一 起三年多了,现在回想起来那年 的情人节应该是我迄今为止拥有 的最棒的一个情人节吧。

单身很 失落?品客 陪你过!

还记得从 什 么 时 候 开 始 情 人 节 不算个事 儿 吗 ? 也 许 就 在 你 的 父母不停 地 想 要 重 拾 第 一 次 的 浪漫感觉 但 又 嫌 这 嫌 那 的 唠 叨 下这个节 日 仿 佛 也 变 得 没 有 那么重要 了 。 有 些 老 爸 会 给 咱 么的老妈 一 个 心 不 在 焉 的 吻 然 后接上一 句 “猜 猜 是 谁 ? ”, 也 或许仅仅 只 有 一 个 吻 了 。 回 想 起来,这 一 切 似 乎 又 是 可 以 接 受的,甚 至 是 很 甜 蜜 的 。 但 是 你长大后 才 会 发 现 在 一 个 充 满 爱的节日 里 单 身 是 件 多 么 折 磨 人的事。 在这个可 怕 的 节 日 来 临 的 几 周 前,贴吧 和 微 博 就 已 经 在 不 停 的刷屏了 : “如 果 你 也 是 单 身 请点赞”, “我 单 身 我 骄 傲 ”,“ 情侣去死 去 死 团 纳 新 ”… 这 样 的帖子不 胜 枚 举 。 无 论 我 们 愿 不愿意, 我 们 都 将 深 深 陷 入 失 落中,感 觉 自 己 失 去 了 生 命 中 重要的一 部 分 。 你 也 许 会 蜷 缩 在床上不 管 不 顾 地 捱 到 2月 1 5 日,也许 会 醉 酒 后 把 隔 夜 的 薯 条扔在毫 无 戒 备 的 情 侣 头 上 。

其实情人节过的怎么样还是要 看你的过节方案是什么。通常 来讲,这天晚上有三种方案可 供选择。其一,你可以窝在沙 发里看浪漫喜剧,女主人公有 着跟你一样可悲的爱情经历。 但是她们最终总能找到一个像 金城武一样帅的男人,而你最 终只会吃了太多饼干而在胃疼 中结束这一天。显然,这不是 你想要的。 第二个选择是召集一帮单身 朋友来开个即兴卡拉OK的聚 会,“单身情歌”“姐姐妹妹站 起来”“失恋万岁”这些都是经 典必唱曲目。至于我个人的主 打歌就是和我的女友们合唱“ 妈妈咪呀”中的经典唱段。我 们扯着嗓门,在床上蹦蹦跳 跳,享受闺蜜亲密无间的快 乐。要说还有什么更助兴的, 就是能打扰到隔壁正在爱爱的 情侣,我们朝墙喊道:“你妈 知道你们在干什么吗?”如果 我们得不到爱情,那别人也别 想得到!

第三个选择,就是进城疯一整晚。 穿上十五公分的高跟鞋,流连于各 个夜店之间,似乎是让人忘记单身 处境的最好方法。音乐响起,往日 恋情烟消云散。运气好的,和朋友 开开心心嗨通宵。运气差的,只能 寂寞的和另一个更寂寞的人一起过 一个寂寞无比的情人节。当然这只 适用于夜晚,当你早上回到家里, 才会发现一切变的没那么美好。也 许你会享受你的宿醉并对这个夜晚 只留下模糊的记忆,就像是迎新 会或者去年生日派对时那样喝的 烂醉如泥。 不管你是选择宅在家里还是出去疯 玩,你都不该因为单身而感到羞 愧。毕竟,爱是有很多形式的,对 不对?你可以爱你的朋友,你的父 母,某个酒吧,或者是洋葱奶酪味 的品客薯片!这是为爱而生的节 日,不应该难过。情人节那天,去 找寻属于你的爱吧!


咨询电话 电子邮箱

每一年都有不同的生肖来代表这一年,在这一年出生的人往往都具备生肖动物的某些特质。仔细看 看下面的介绍,找出你身上的与众不同的特质吧!


鼠 1996


浪漫这个词仿佛就是为鼠年出生的 人而创造的,你们是天生的情种, 一不小心就会让其他人拜倒在你们 的魅力之下。除此之外,你们也因 为自身经济上的富足而出名,但是 如果有时候你能稍微控制下你的小 情绪,那么事情将会变得更好。


兔 1999


兔年出生的幸运儿是社会的栋梁 之才。足智多谋的天性使得你们 拥有伶俐的口齿,过人的天赋和 勃勃的雄心。另外,你们也是朋 友们心中最善良的伙伴。



牛 1997


在牛年出生的你们是良好耐心的 代名词,因为你们都因你们强大 的忍耐力而为大家所赞赏。但 是,俗话说“物极必反”,过度有耐 心可不好,因为这往往会带来偏 执,顽固与火爆脾气。


龙 2000


龙是光明与伟岸的化身,在龙的庇 佑下龙年出生的你们身体里充满 了源源不断的正能量。你们的人 格特制遗传了龙的天性——不羁, 自主和顽固,而且在适当的方法 里你们充分展示了你们性格中的奔 放。龙是世间万物的生命和灵魂。


虎 1998


虎年出生的你们都有一颗敏感的 内心,因为胸怀王者之气的你们 常常需要目光长远而体恤万物, 但是因为这份霸气,你们往往控 制不住自己的脾气。



马年出生的你们骨子里有着无限 的可能性。因为存在你们天性里 的乐天派气质,所以你们非常受 大家的欢迎。你们总是能给身边 的朋友情感上的共鸣,所以朋友 们总希望有你们的陪伴。



羊年出生的人总是会收到很多的 祝福,所以你们身体里充满了各 种元素相互碰撞出的火花。你们 的优雅和风度总是能在艺术的殿 堂里面展露无遗,但是当你们面 对公众的关注时可能会表现出稍 许的腼腆,这也是你们天生性格 的胆小之处。



狗年出生的人受到了狗的庇护, 所以你们是这个世界上最忠诚, 最重感情的人。你们的忠诚使 得你们不看重财富以及物质上的 富足,但是因为你们可贵的品 质,这些东西往往会伴随着你 们一生。



猴年出生的你们继承了猴的特 质,所以你们总是牢牢掌握着命 运之轮,你们总是在人生的游戏 里如鱼得水。聪慧、干练、灵巧 的你们仿佛如变色龙一般,轻易 地融入任何状况。但是,因为你 们惬意的生活,人们往往会对你 们的动机持怀疑态度。




鸡年出生的人是世界的哲学家, 你们擅长深入的思考。你们天生 具备了出众的能力与才华,所以 你们往往让自己保持一种忙碌高 效的生活。你们往往是能改变世 界的人。


猪年出生的你们拥有骑士精神和 大无畏精神,你们总是优先考虑 他人。你们身上所具备的勇气和 毅力使得你们在人生的暴风雨中 总是做勇敢的先锋者,你们身上 的潜在智慧总是能在关键时刻助 你一臂之力。


noodle hot pot

中国新年 十二生肖之蛇年——1989,2001,2013 随着中国农历新年的来 临,整个世界都在张灯 结彩地庆祝这个节日。 在这些不同的庆祝活动 背后,是那些在历史的 迷雾中存在了千百年的 传统。炎黄子孙们以及 那些散落在世界各地的 龙的传人如今仍然坚守 着这些传统,以此来纪 念那些已经融入到我们 血液里的文化传统。在 这些古老的传统中,中 国的十二生肖文化是一 大特色之一。中国人民 将十二种动物身上的特 质分别赋予给不同的年 份,它们以12年月亮周 期循环 往 复 着 。 这个即将到来的一年 (2013年2月10日—— 2014年1月30日)是农 历蛇年,正如其他的生 肖一样,中国文化赋予 蛇年出生的人的气质是 扎根在中国古代哲学思 想之中,并且融合了古 代道家、儒家以及佛教 思想。这些思想积淀可 追溯到中国古代帝国时 期,而且它们早已成为 了中华文化中根深蒂固 且必不 可 少 的 一 部 分 。


对于中国古代占星学家 和哲学家而言,十二生 肖中的蛇象征着精神的 深度和广度。那些蛇年 出生的人天生就有哲学 家的头脑,因为他们总 是惜字如金。然而,当 他们通过语言表达他们 的思想之时,这些话语 往往都是智慧的结晶, 而且这些话语中蕴含的 思想的力量常常能给世 界带来巨大的变化。 蛇年出生的人往往缺乏 如何在金钱上开源节流 的经验,因为他们往往 不缺小钱。当然,蛇年 出生的人也有些负面评 价比如说他们常常跟虚 荣、自私以及吝啬联系 在一起。然而,相比之 下他们往往是伟大的人 道主义者,他们能洞察 到他人的不幸从而同情 并帮助那些不幸的人。 除此之外,尽管他们的 内心往往平静如水,但 是他们同样也可以热情 似火,这让他们不失为 一个梦幻般的恋人。 由于中国的农历新年即 将来临,蛇年的脚步也 慢慢的近了。但是,这

种中国传统历法文化之 下的飘忽不定的新年时 间也在某些层面上影响 了公众的意见。不过我 们要记住的是,蛇是思 想、繁荣、哲理以及进 步的象征。似乎接下来 的这个蛇年将会成为充 满了伟大的哲学意义的 一年,因为蛇年出生的 人往往能改变世界。

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Jahmene Douglas 访谈录

在占据了我们的电视屏幕长达数周之后,《英国偶像》终于又将在全英打响2013年的战役。Jahmene Douglas这个 人物在节目的突然出现,给观众们带来眼花缭乱的表演的同时也向我们展现了他那深情的歌喉和他可爱且无私的 一面。 The Student Magazine抓住了几分钟跟他聊了聊他准备这次比赛的情况以及他听到关于他的一些传闻的反应,同时 也谈了谈他对他的崭新且充满希望的未来的打算。 首先,你会如何总结你在《英国偶像》 上的经历? 这就好像是我的所有情绪都坐上了一个 超现实的过山车一样,起起伏伏,当然 还有成长,我在这整个事情里面都成长 了很多,从最开始的一无所知到现在的 知道我该如何去表现我自己了。事实 上,我的感觉还蛮不错的,所以我就把 它当作是我已经成为了一个表演者,一 个我应该成为的歌手。 你进入了下一轮你高兴么?你有没有想 过你会一路杀进决赛? 当我进入二强比赛之前我从来没有想过 我会走得如此之远,就好像是这个结果 一下子吓到我一样。当我和James站在 二强比赛的台上的时候,我还在想“到 底怎么了?”我往后看了看然后我想“ 哇,原来我表现得很好!” 你现在是否还跟这个节目里的其他选手 保持联系? 我尝试过,不过很明显所有人现在都忙 的不可开交,大家都在不停地练习再练 习,我会继续尝试跟他们联系的。我们 马上就能见面了,而且我们马上就有新 一轮的挑战,所以还不错吧。 你接下来要面对冠军James Arthur,对 于这个你感到高兴么?或者说你自己有 时候会想你应该拿冠军么? (笑)我的感觉远不止开心,我的一切 就是为了这个比赛而来的,所以我绝对 不会抱怨什么或者怀疑我自己。

那么你认为James就是当之无愧的第 一名? 是的,我觉得在这个比赛中能进入前13名 的大部分人都可以被称为当之无愧的第 一名。James只是在最前面,因为他一路 上都坚持做他自己,唱他应该唱的歌, 所以整场节目我都觉得他发挥得很好。 你觉得Nicole Scherzinger这个老师 怎么样? Nicole这个老师,怎么说呢,首先我是她 的朋友,然后她才把我看作歌手。当我 需要她的时候,她都会分享我的情绪。 当我伤心的时候,她也会伤心,她就是 能感觉到我的一切心理。 是的,在节目上她看上去很投入,就好 像她真的比其他任何人都喜欢这个节 目一样。 我没想到她会是这样的,她甚至还会发 短息给我们。比如说早上,她都会问我 们“你们还好么?”她只想确保我们都 能好好的。 在节目结束之后你还跟她说过话么?你 现在还在跟她联系么? 是的,我现在还在跟她联系。她一直喜 欢去环游世界,真是名人的疯狂表现! 她,怎么说呢,是个值得交的朋友。

当然!你从那么多人中脱颖而出就已经 非常棒了! 谢谢,其实即使我只是第五,我也会感 到很幸福,因为能参加这个比赛就已经 是一个很棒的经历了。

节目结束之后你都在忙什么呢? 我像疯了一样的一直在巡回演出,为了 支付我的账单……我现在已经搬到伦敦 去了,这样我就可以确保一切都在身 边。是的,确实疯了。不过我也试图给 Women’s Aid做了很多工作,因为我的 确认为她们需要这个。我不喜欢先做了 什么大使之类的角色,然后就不再管事 了,我必须一直坚持做,希望这样可以 提高人们的意识同时也筹集点资金。

你为什么会认为你不会赢?难道是因为 观众都认为你很安全,所以你就不愿意 支持你自己了? 我只是觉得,说实话,那些起起伏伏都 是分分钟的事情,这都是安排好了的 命运。我只是觉得,对于James来说, 让他赢可能会更好吧,因为他毕竟是一 个原创歌手,我屈居第二也没有什么大 不了的。

我们在节目上看到你跟你的家人都非常亲 密,那么他们是如何看待你的成功的? 这给他们的生活也带来了变化么? 那么,今年的圣诞节确实有很大的不 同!我们第一次有了一颗真正的圣诞 树,能这样“宠”着我的家人真是件幸 福的事情。我知道他们来自哪里,我知 道他们不曾拥有什么,所以很高兴我能 赚钱去满足他们的需要。

今年的《英国偶像》将在一月份月底揭 开序幕,然后在2月12号来到谢菲尔德。 你为这个准备的怎么样了? 恩,我想我的那些小演出能时刻都让我 保持我的最佳状态,否则我肯定是不会 坚持唱歌的。但是我仍然在努力保持着 这种状态,比如说每天都做老师教我的 练声,喝柠檬、生姜和蜂蜜水,虽然这 个不怎么好喝但是我都喝下去了。最重 要的是保持状态! 你激动么?你现在是期待它快点到来还 是有一点小紧张? 我很激动,但是我也很紧张,选手们的 参赛动力都不太一样,我只是希望这次 能跟以前一样有意思就好了。 在你的职业生涯的这个阶段能去参加一 个比赛实在是太棒了,因为通常你都需 要等很久才能找到这样一个机会。 很疯狂,不是么?不过我始终还是要记 住最终的战役是在曼彻斯特,在那样一 个演播室里比赛会更让人感到舒适,因 为你可以拥有更多的支持者。只要我不 再把麦克风和其他的东西搞乱,我觉 得这整个过程将会是特别让人难以置信 的。做最好的准备和最坏的打算,我还 一直很喜欢有一点戏剧化的人生。 接下来你会做什么?有什么单曲或者专 辑在准备中? 好了,我确实有一些惊喜。我只能说我 希望在今年年底能有一张专辑。现在想 想,能在年底发一张专辑真是件疯狂的 事情。我的专辑将会在阿斯达(Asda)发 售,封面将会是我的一张脸,虽然这有 点尴尬但是我觉得蛮好的。 Jahmene Douglas将会在2月12号在谢菲尔 德Motorpoint Arena开启《英国偶像》之 旅。订票事宜请登录www.bookingsdirect. com。


目 录

WELCOME ....................................................................................


首先,祝大家新年快乐!终于,这个可以在家无所忌惮地享受妈妈的照顾 的大吃大喝,夜夜笙歌的假期就这样结束了,现在是时候回归大学生活的 正轨了。不过,我们已经忍不住开始想念这个逝去的假期了。 为了庆祝大家回到谢菲尔德这个钢铁之城,小编们为你准备了关于《英国偶像》的特殊 消息,包括最新的冠军——James Arthur的访谈录,来自Capital FM的问候以及我们与 Jahmene Douglas独家访谈。

SHEFFIELD Director Hussain Shafique 侯賽因 沙菲克 Editor Kate Hobson 凯特 哈布森 Sub Editor Arthur Zhang 张盛 Design Director Shane Gilmartin 肖恩 吉爾馬丁 Junior Designer Amy Gilbert Web Designer Fracesca Cirillo 弗蘭西斯卡 瑟里盧 Accounts Dawn Goodwin 唐恩 顧德文 Contributors Lianne Williams 莉安 威廉姆斯 Rebecca Needham 丽贝卡 尼达姆 Joe Davis 乔 达维斯 Yasmine Gleghorn 亚斯明 格雷 Tom Hardy 汤姆 哈迪 Laura Keen 罗拉 基恩 Emma Gibbins 艾玛 吉宾斯 Kieran Smith 基兰 史密斯 Holly Ren 任彥瑾 Arthur Zhang 张盛 Josie Li 韋早拾 Creative writer who wants to be noticed?

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希望筒子们都顺利地通过了你们的考试,不过在这里我们要坏坏地用我们的小小杂志指 南在你通往学霸的道路上让你乐不思蜀一下。同时,我们的爱情医生也将会用那缥缈的 浪漫和梦幻的玫瑰去稍微分散一下你的注意力。这里的爱情小测试将能够帮助你营造一 个无与伦比的情人节约会。同时我们也从不同角度对比了大家关于情人节的态度比如说 一个“品客”的角度和一对正在饱受相思之苦的恋人的角度。另外2013年2月也正见证 了中国新年——蛇年的来临,所以Student Magazine也将风风火火地庆祝这一节日! 此外,这里面的点点滴滴仍旧都是大家所熟悉的,当然翻过另外一面你依然可以找到我 们的英文版本。 ‘The Student Magazine’ Add me! ‘Stu Thestudentmag’ @thestudentmag



.................................................................................... 6 . 《英国偶像》访谈录

亚军Jahmene Douglas访谈录

10. 中国新年



18. 单身 VS 不再单身


22. 情人节小测试





30. 电台资讯

《英国偶像》冠军——James Arthur访谈录

34. 饕餮酒徒


32.學生占星術 星座運程


34 . 節奏


38 . 潮流


42. 植物园(Botanical Gardens) 谢村最美花园一瞥


46. 學生占星術 星座運程

Why don’t you join our growing panel of critics and have your say each month in your own column/blog?


Student Magazine Ltd 25 Leigh Street, Sheffield, S9 2PR .........




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Student Magazine Ltd All rights reserved, no part of this magazine may be used or reproduced without written permission of the publisher. All imagery is property of Student Magazine Ltd. If you submit unsolicited material to us, you automatically grant Student Magazine Ltd a licence to publish your submission in whole or part in all editions of the magazine. Any material you submit is sent at your own risk and, although every care is taken, neither Student Magazine Ltd nor its employees, agents or subcontractors shall be liable for loss or damage.



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云顶俱乐部 云顶俱乐部 谢菲尔德 谢菲尔德


A fantastic new venue in Sheffield City Centre with A fantastic new venue in Sheffield Centre three bars, two restaurants and a firstCity class casino.with

three bars, two restaurants and a first class casino.

谢菲尔德市中心不可或缺的新娱乐场所,内设三 谢菲尔德市中心不可或缺的新娱乐场所,内设三 个酒吧,两个餐厅以及一个一流的赌场。



赌场 | 酒吧 | 餐饮 | 娱乐

赌场 | 酒吧 | 餐饮 | 娱乐

Free car parking after 6pm 每晚六点后提供免费停车服务 Free car parking after 6pm


Student Magazine 以及我们的赞助商祝大家中国农历新年快乐!

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