Cresswind November/December 2020

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The Official Newsletter of the Cresswind Community


November/December 2020 Vol. LV

Free Pickup & Delivery for Cresswind Residents

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FIRST SERVICES REGIONAL DIRECTOR Gary Hulion 770-536-3300 COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION MANAGER Catherine (Kitti) Kleinedler 770-536-3300 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Darlene Carr 770-536-3300 LIFESTYLE DIRECTOR Elizabeth Zappi 770-536-3300

THE CLUB 770-536-3300 Patricia Elliot: Guest Services Debbie Anderson: Guest Services Peggy Siewert Guest Services Justin Smith: Maintenance NEW HOME WARRANTY Kolter Homes, LLC Director of Customer Service: Ryan Carroll Office: 770-287-5693 Cell: 770-503-5418

The content for The Waterfall is

provided by the residents of Cresswind at Lake Lanier for no profit to ensure

Helpful Numbers

EMC SECURITY SYSTEM 24 Hour Alarm Cancel 1-888-745-4733 Sales and Service 770-963-0305

HELPFUL NUMBERS: Emergency - 911 City of Gainesville Water 770-535-6878 Liberty Utilities 855-216-6305 Spectrum 1-888-345-7139 First Service Residential (After Hours) 1-877-411-1165


Helpful Numbers ................................... 3

that the residents receive relevant and

Lifestyle Director ................................... 4

on in their community.

Kitti’s Corner ......................................... 5

updated content about what is going

This newsletter is provided at no cost to

our community and is printed and mailed

Committee Corner ................................. 6 Scrapbook.............................................. 8

to each residence from advertising profits.

Residents News .................................... 17

newsletter a possibility for each resident

What’s Happening ............................... 28

Support the advertisers who make this every other month.

If you would like to contribute to its contents, please contact

Sue Garcia ( and

Eleanor Whalen (

Sept/Oct Sports & Fitness Schedule..... 32 Please visit our website at

The Waterfall Cover Photo Courtesy of Leo Cortjens

To advertise in The Waterfall, contact Leah Nelson at The Times - 770.535-6330 - The Waterfall is a publication of The Times. Subject matter published is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher of this newsletter. Professional advice should be obtained before making any decision in which a professional is readily available. Advertisers assume responsibility for the content of the ads placed in publication. Material published may not be reproduced without the written permission of The Times. The information and advertisements contained in this Newsletter are provided for the members of the Cresswind at Lake Lanier Homeowners Association as a courtesy only. No representations are made as to information presented, the quality of the goods or services advertised, or the veracity of the statements relating to the goods and services. The printing of opinions, information or advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by the Neighborhood or such opinions, information, goods or services.

November/December | The Waterfall | Page 3


From the Lifestyle Director


It is time to get your boots and coats out and head over to the Cresswind Clubhouse for some Holiday Cheer! 2020 LIFESTYLE EVENTS IN NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER! As we continue through this journey of re-opening and returning to normal, my hope is to have First Fridays in the Ballroom, Trivia, Bingo and a Set of Comedians to make the last months of 2020 the very best months. Please continue to check out the daily email blasts for the latest updates on upcoming and added events. Remember we are #CresswindStrong.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 10, 17 & 24TH – TRUCK THURSDAYS 5PM – 7PM Enjoy a different Food Truck vendor each week with Food Truck Thursday. Preorder and prepay for your dinner and pick-up in front of the Cresswind Lake Lanier Clubhouse. Note: *Dates are subject to change and announced via an email blast.

FIRST FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6TH TBA 7PM – 10PM BALLROOM This concert will have two (2) sessions. The first session starting at 7:00PM – 8:15PM. The second session starts at 8:45 -10:00PM. Tickets are $10 and may be purchased via WePay.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20TH FOURTH QUARTER BAND 7PM – 10PM BALLROOM This classic rock and roll band will have two (2) sessions. The first session starting at 7:00PM – 8:15PM. The second session starts at 8:45 -10:00PM. Tickets are $10 and may be purchased via WePay. Grab your boots and your best dance moves and head on over to the clubhouse for a rockin’ night.

TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, NOVEMBER & DECEMBER 5-6PM - NEIGHBORS ENTERTAINING NEIGHBORS – PAVILION Each week at the Pavilion, we will have a Cresswind resident entertaining other Cresswind residents. Bring a chair, a beverage, a mask, an umbrella, a donation to Cresswind Veterans club (suggested donation $7 cash), your best social distancing manners and be prepared to enjoy some great entertainment. Check the Daily for updates.

Remember, check the WEBSITE for most up to date calendar of events, things change!

Page 4 | The Waterfall | November/December

Kitti’s Corner

Kitti’s Corner By Kitti Kleinedler

We have probably all met that someone in life who just goes above and beyond in whatever he does. Well here at Cresswind we have another person we can add to that list, Joe Carr aka Cabana Boy.

Joe has been at Cresswind since 2015 when he and two of his sons cleaned the clubhouse in the wee hours of the night for then manager, Diane Sexton. Paula King hired him for his first set up/clean up gig through his family run cleaning company, Evergreen in 2016. Since then he has been a regular fixture around Cresswind working approximately 70 events a year. But that is not all Joe does. He has been hired for odd jobs around the clubhouse such as painting the arbor and swings and reattaching stone to the back of the building. But most of you probably got to know Joe this summer when he selflessly assumed the role of Cabana Boy at the outdoor pool. He transitioned from the dreaded pool monitor to the guy everyone wanted to see practically overnight. His bubbly personality and antics poolside added a definite bright spot to this COVID summer. Of course, the frosty drinks and wide variety of snacks he provided only endeared him more to pool goers. What you may not know is that after the pool closed at 8 PM, Joe spent the next 4 -5 hours cleaning the clubhouse working for Evergreen, our cleaning contractor. Why does he do it? Joe loves people. And he especially loves Cresswinders. One only has to talk to him for a few minutes to recognize his heart for people. And Joe, Cresswind has a “heart” for you. Thank you for all that you do.

November/December | The Waterfall | Page 5

Committee Corner The ARC Needs You

By Debbie Seymour

necessary to maintain our home values and the ambiance of the Cresswind Community. An Important Addition to the ARC Regulations: Front Sitting Areas

Do you like people? Are you curious? Would you like to see what other Cresswinders are doing to the exterior of their homes, maybe get some inspiration for your own home and hardscaping? If the answer to one or more of these questions is a yes, you may be the perfect candidate to join the Architectural Review Committee (ARC). Currently, there are nine members on the ARC, however some members are rotating off the committee, and we are looking for two or three new members starting January 2021. Being on the ARC is very interesting. Typically, the workload is fairly minimal. There is one meeting (presently these are Zoom meetings) per month, approximately one hour in length, and then a few visits and/or telephone calls each week. For the sake of consistency and fairness, ARC decisions are done by majority rule. Besides meeting new people and discussing what they want to do to with their outside living space, another pleasure of working on the ARC, because of the myriad requests we receive, is that it is a continuous learning opportunity. Please email Mark Soss at marknsoss@gmail. com with your name, contact information, pertinent personal background information, and why you would like to be a member of the ARC. Having a strong and diverse ARC is

Front porches are important. A front porch will help you get to know your neighbors and passersby, and allow you to observe what is happening on your street. Would you like to be more social with your neighbors and friends but does your Cresswind home lack a covered front porch? If yes, we may have some exciting news for you. Our Cresswind at Lake Lanier Rules and Regulations Manual was recently updated, and for homes without a covered front porch, we now have options for adding a front sitting area. The intent is to allow homeowners to create a relaxing, casual sitting area that reflects established Cresswind aesthetic standards. To that end, the following guidelines were established: With prior ARC approval, a sitting area can be created in the green space located in the area leading to the front door from the driveway. The proposed sitting area cannot proceed past the front edge of the garage and must have landscaping in front of it. Pavers and stones may be used to create the floor of the sitting area. The size of the sitting area will be limited to what will allow placement of two chairs or a small bench, one or two small tables, and up to two earth tone flower pots. Please refer to the Cresswind Rules and Regulations Manual, Section 5-3.2 (q), Front Sitting Area, page 60, or contact any member of the ARC for more information if you have any questions. Lastly, please be patient with us as we fine tune this new addition to our repertoire!

Welcome Committee News By Sue Joninas

Our Cresswind Welcome Committee is still reaching out to new residents with all of them being resales. Our members are sending cards, calling, and offering their support. We let the residents know they can call us and we will help them in any way we can. We also find that neighbors on their street are reaching out to make them feel welcome. We hope some new residents will accept a visit very soon. We held a New Resident Orientation on September 9th for all new residents since March on the back patio. We had several speakers and they enjoyed the reception and left with much more information about Cresswind and Gainesville. If you do not hear from a Welcome Committee Member within four to six weeks of closing, please contact me at We do not want to miss any new residents. Welcome to Cresswind! Page 6 | The Waterfall | Novmeber/December


special person!

We understand she is your hero, and we will treat her like one every day. We are here to help make life fulfilling and engaging while giving you peace of mind.

VISIT US TODAY: 2900 McEver Rd, Gainesville, GA 30504 • 678.940.1101 November/December | The Waterfall | Page 7

Page 8 | The Waterfall | November/December

November/December | The Waterfall | Page 9

Committee Corner

Cresswind Education Committee by George Maule

As the Clubhouse begins to open up, the Education Committee will begin to develop more programs. Until then, we will continue with Zoom conferences, meeting outside the clubhouse by the fireplace and the amphitheater. We now have permission to utilize these areas using social distancing, wearing masks, and bringing your own chairs. We can accommodate up to 75 people at these programs. Ongoing Events for Medicare Open Enrollment, which begins October 15th and ends December 7th, is the only opportunity for beneficiaries to change their Medicare plans. If you need help with this, the following contacts will provide assistance: 1. Legacy Link is available by phone to help walk you through the enrollment process or make changes to your Medicare plan. Their phone number is 470 285-5936 or you may email 2. You can also contact our resident expert, Jerry Volante at 949 291-9767 to learn more about your choices. Jerry will also be offering a program on November 20th, 2020 by the grill/fireplace area from 11:30 - 12:30 pm. 3. The state office of Georgia Cares has been offering monthly

Health & Fitness Committee By Laurie Solomon Over the past number of months, the Health & Fitness Committee in coordination with the Board of Directors has worked to keep residents safe and active. In addition to the gym, many classes have returned to the Georgia Room and Lanier Room. Residents may use Sign Up Genius to participate in Yoga, Ballet and Tai Chi classes by going to the Cresswind Webpage, click on the Lifestyle tab, and then select the Lanier Room or the Georgia Room. All other fitness classes are on a “first come first serve� basis. In September, we coordinated a Flu Shot Clinic with Northeast Georgia Hospital partnered with Walgreens. Kudos go to Jackie Edginton and Elizabeth for making this happen and run smoothly. In October we held a Drug Drop Off to safely dispose of any unused or expired medications. It was a safe and expedient way to get those bottles out of our homes. Pending on the opening of the Ballroom, The Geek Squad from Northeast Georgia Hospital Systems is scheduled to educate residents on the use of the My Chart App. It is a way for patients to securely connect with doctors, and access personalized health information at any time. Date TBA. Page 10 | The Waterfall | November/December

Medicare webinars to help also. Log on to https://www. and the Medicare link is on the right side of the screen.

We are still in need of 1 or 2 more Cresswind residents to volunteer to become Education Committee members. Please consider this opportunity and contact us if interested. If you have any requests for educational programs or possible speakers, please contact us.

Moving into the colder months we are confronted not only with the COVID-19 virus, but colds and the flu as well. Keeping these maladies at a distance will present a challenge. Many people question whether supplementation with vitamins and minerals can be beneficial. This has to be decided on an individual basis and discussed with your physician to make sure there are no contraindications with your health conditions and medications. If you eat a healthy well-balanced diet and maintain a healthy weight, you should be able to get most of your nutrients through food. It is important for individuals who use supplementation to understand what you are digesting and their intent before taking them. You can access a wealth of information at It is an independent company that tests, ranks, and checks that the supplements have in them what they claim. The average OTC supplement may have only 30% of what is on the label. Buyer beware. As we enter this new season fraught with the chance of illness, please stay vigilant with frequent hand washing, social distancing, wearing masks, and staying home if you do not feel well. If we all work together, we can look forward to a spring of renewal.

Committee Corner

Covenants, Rules and Regulations Committee by Mario Russo

The newly approved Rules and Regulations Manual can be viewed on the Cresswind website. Go to the “RESOURCES” tab, then select “COMMUNITY RULES & REGULATIONS”. Do you refer to or read the Rules & Regulations? It appears we as a community may not read the Rules & Regulations, however most of us read the ever-popular Waterfall Newsletter. With that, we will be selecting a rule or two you may not be aware of and share them here in The Waterfall in a “Did You Know?” (DYK) This newsletter’s DYK are; Rule 5-3.2. ARC Approval Required (r) (2) Ingress and egress [page 62] 1. (A) Sectional garage or side garage doors are to remain closed except: 1. (i) For vehicles to enter or exit 2. (ii) While working in the garage 3. (iii) To allow movement of material into or out of the garage 2. (B) Sectional garage doors or side garage doors may be cracked open a maximum of six (6) inches to allow for ventilation. 1. Contents of garage may not be visible from the street or the neighbor’s yard. Rule 6-3.3. Vehicle Operators [page 89] (a) Golf carts or motorized vehicle operators must be at least sixteen years of age and have a valid stateissued driver’s license and be able to provide proof of insurance. (b) The CA Management may ask to see a driver’s license and proof of insurance when stopping a golf cart for traffic violation. (c) Failure to produce those documents within five business days after being stopped will result in the vehicle’s registration being cited for violation of Community Rules. (d) The Cresswind property owner shall be responsible for a CA citation regardless of who operated the golf cart. If we can answer any questions about the Rules & Regulations, please feel free to contact a committee member. A committee member roster along with the mission statement is listed on the Cresswind website. Go to the “INFO” tab, then “COMMITTEES”, select “Covenants and Rules and Regulations Committee”.

Care Committee by Judy Brannan The year 2020 has been a year of many changes and a “new norm” for everyone. As we begin a new year, the Cresswind CARE Committee would like to reacquaint you with the purpose and goals of our Committee. Many of you are new to the community and may not be aware of our existence. Formed in August, 2018, we were created to serve the Cresswind Community by providing assistance as needed in times of crises with a respect for individual privacy. With this mission in mind, we can set up Meal Trains for those recovering from surgery or undergoing long term treatments. We also send sympathy and getwell cards to residents as needed. Another well-used resource provided by the CARE committee is a list of available medical equipment that you can borrow as needed. This includes such items as wheelchairs, walkers, canes, shower stools, and benches, etc. A representative from the CARE committee will bring the equipment to you and pick it up when you are finished using it. For more information or to get help with a resource, contact Elaine Vetter. (elvetter@hotmail. com) The CARE Committee has created a CARE information card for each household in Cresswind. Because of COVID, many of you have not received these cards, particularly in Phase I. If you are ready to have a representative bring you this card and explain our purpose to you, and you have not received a card, please call Judy Brannan (770-289-1073) to have this information delivered to you. This card will have the name of the representative for you to contact if you need help. You can also review this information on the Cresswind website at The contact representatives for the Cresswind CARE Committee are: Phase 1 Judy Brannan ( Phase 2 Maura Williams (; Rose Blum ( Phase 3 Dolores Richardson (

November/December | The Waterfall | Page 11




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78 Dawson Village Way N., Suite 210, Dawsonville November/December | The Waterfall | Page 13

Committee Corner

Marina Committee Update

By Warren Lange

A significant event occurred in August as Kolter formally turned over the Cresswind Marina to the Homeowner Association. This was important to the boat slip use right owners as this change allowed the HOA to finalize a process for handling slip resales. The Cresswind Marina Committee (CMC) worked closely with the Board to help assure that the slip resale process was in accordance with the governing documents of the community and policies related to slip use right ownership while also representing the interests of current use right owners. Those homeowners who were interested in slip ownership began submitting applications in late September. As of this writing, the first resale has been completed and others are in process. The waiting list exceeds the number of slips that are available for resale at this time. Over the past several months, the CMC has been working closely with the Board on possible changes to the anchoring system that keeps Dock D in position. In the past year, the ramp has slipped off of the sidewalk several times requiring dock repositioning. The Board recently approved expenditure to improve Dock D anchoring. This should be completed by the end of the year.

A CMC work group was established in May to make recommendations on measures which can help with dock security. As a result of their efforts, several high quality new signs have been posted indicating that the docks have cameras in use. There are several temporary cameras in place at this time while the work group continues to evaluate quotes for permanent light/ camera equipment for the docks to improve security. The proposals include WI FI coverage for the marina area to allow remote access to the proposed cameras as well as providing free internet access as a benefit for any residents using the marina area.

Should anyone have questions or want to discuss subjects related to the marina, please contact any of the CMC members. The committee members for 2020 include: Warren Lange


Rod Quisenberry

Vice Chairperson

Vickie Gassman


Randy Garcia

Member at Large

Gene Evans

Member at Large

Page 14 | The Waterfall | November/December

Honor a Loved One. Bless a Child. A great way to honor or remember a loved one, or celebrate special occasions, the Eagle Ranch Honor & Memorial Gift Program directly benefits boys and girls going through a crisis. Thanks to you, Eagle Ranch helps make life better for children and their families. To make a gift, or learn more, visit or call 770.967.8500.



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September/October | The Waterfall | Page 15

Committee Corner Landscape Committee

Homeowner Improvements on Common Property By Linda Furgerson

For many years, homeowners have been discouraged and/or prevented from making improvements to the common property areas directly behind their homes. Specifically, homeowners were prevented from making any landscape and/or architectural type of changes/improvements on these areas. Starting in January representatives from the Landscape and Architecture Review Committees, with full support and involvement of the HOA Board, began the development of a consistent procedure to review homeowner requests to make improvements on common property. This procedure provides for the consistent and thorough review, approval, and authorization for these requests. Here is a rundown of the procedure:

1. Prior to making any improvements to common area property, homeowners must first submit a complete Landscape Request and/or ARC Request per the process outlined in the Rules and Regulations manual.

2. The applicable committee (s) will review the request. If the committee would normally approve the request, but it is determined the request involves common property, representatives of that committee would meet with the homeowner to clarify the following: • Despite the homeowner’s investment in the improvements, the property will remain common property, under the control of the HOA

• The HOA reserves the right to have the improvements removed and the property returned to its pre-improvement condition • The homeowner must complete additional documentation Recorded Use and Maintenance Covenant and submit to the HOA indicating their agreement to maintain the improvement to community standards

• Homeowners are responsible for paying a small fee for filing the required documentation with Hall County 3. If the homeowner agrees to all of the conditions listed above, the applicable committee then forwards their approval of the request and all supporting documentation to the HOA Board for Page 16 | The Waterfall | November/December

their review and approval 4. The HOA Board then reviews the original

application and approval statement from the

committee(s). If they approve, a representative from the HOA will supply the homeowner with the

official Recorded Use and Maintenance Covenant 5. This document must be signed and notarized

by the homeowner and then returned to the HOA Board

6. The President and Secretary then sign and

notarize the Recorded Use and Maintenance

Covenant on behalf of the HOA. The Cresswind

Attorney then has the document recorded in Hall County.

7. The homeowner will receive a final copy of

the Recorded Use and Maintenance Covenant

indicating it has been properly recorded in Hall

County. Homeowners must be in possession of this final recorded document before they can proceed with their authorized improvements.

8. The homeowner is responsible for all fees

associated with the cost of filling (approximately

$50) the Recorded Use and Maintenance Covenant, and must reimburse the HOA accordingly.

While this may sound convoluted and difficult, it is in the best interest of the homeowner, their neighbors, and all the residents of

Cresswind. Following this procedure allows us to ensure the improvements are in-line with established guidelines for Landscape and/or ARC improvements, but it also ensures that

the improvements will be maintained by the

homeowner. Additionally it also protects the HOA Board and all residents from any liabilities caused

by the improvement. We ask for your patience as we rollout and implement this new procedure.





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Resident News

The President’s View - Looking Ahead

My Fellow Residents – We are now in the last months of 2020 and we need to review and evaluate our performance this past year. By all standards it has been unique, challenging, frustrating, troubling yet enlightening. Our Cresswind Community like others throughout our Country have been plagued by a Pandemic we have collectively never experienced before. The long-term effects will not be completely known for months to come; however, we have come through these times by our resilience, fortitude, understanding, cooperation and with the assistance of our friends and neighbors. We are indeed embarking on a new journey as we reacquaint ourselves with activities, events and relationships that we have placed on hold too long. Time is not our best friend, so we need to use it wisely. We should all reflect on this recent journey and be thankful that we can all continue ours. We are returning to a greater state of Community normalcy as a result of our adherence to guidelines, our fortitude and perseverance. Kudos to our residents, FSR Staff, Committees and Clubs which have assisted us in weathering this ferocious storm By this time, we will all know where our Leadership in Washington will be vested. We are in the midst of our own HOA Board Elections. Most of our Amenities have been re-opened along with prudent guidelines which are being observed. Activities in our Ballroom have begun again. We are positioning ourselves to address the challenges and opportunities which will be coming our way in 2021. I would suggest that it is a time for a renewal of our commitment to make Cresswind the Best Experience of our lives. We have faced the Pandemic and have come through it. We regale in being our own Community under our own Leadership and control our destiny. We all should take time as we turn the page on 2020 to reflect

on the challenges, we each faced. Our futures still remain in front of us – our aspirations and hopes abound and we need to smile a bit more each day as we greet it – it indeed is a gift for us to enjoy. However, our Election turns out, we all can rest assured that the guidance and leadership brought by the incoming HOA Board will establish firm goals and objectives, continue to engage residents and work for the betterment of our Community. I will continue to ask that each of us re-commit ourselves to respectful dialogue, raising concerns to be addressed and choose to become more engaged and involved in our going forward successes. Join a Committee – join a new Club – volunteer your time both within Cresswind and Gainesville – bring positive energy to each and every day – bring some joy into your lives as we traverse 2021 together. We have many opportunities to use our skills and energies to benefit each other and our community – do not squander our valuable time – help each other in whatever manner you are able – LOOK AHEAD for the sake of each other and make tomorrow the next best day of your lives. We have weathered this storm, but rest assured, there will be more we will face – CRESSWiND STRONG is who we are, what we stand for and how we live our lives. We are all making choices each day – let us continue to support each other as we welcome 2021 and engage on our upcoming journeys. Best Wishes Regards as We Greet 2021 Dan Gershkowitz

DVD Exercise Classes By Judy Brannan and Steve Remsen

The Clubhouse is slowly opening by stages as we continue to fight and protect ourselves from the COVID-19 virus. As such, there are safety and health guidelines to keep up as safe as possible. Judy’s DVD walking class has started back and is open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 10:30 am on a “first come, first served” availability. Two classes are running concurrently — one in the Lanier room (18 participants) and one in the Georgia Room (10 participants). No equipment is needed for this class and wipes are available in each room as needed. As the weather is now cooler, we anticipate an increase in the number of participants requesting these classes. We are glad to be back in business. Steve’s Exercise class is also open on the same basis in the Lanier Room on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:00 am. This Exercise Class uses chairs and also weights and balance. We are glad to be back in business to help you stay healthy. Page 18 | The Waterfall | November/December

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November/December | The Waterfall | Page 19

What’s Happening

Bible Study Club


By Dave Dittmeier We had a pastor one time whose mantra was “Semper Gumby” = “Always Flexible.” There is also a saying that when life sends lemons, make lemonade. The Bible Study Clubs had not held a Nondenominational Service or continued studies since Covid began, but we are now slowly returning. The first Nondenominational Service since March was held the first Sunday in October. The guest pastor, Dr. Zack Williams from Flat Creek Baptist Church, shared a most important message from 1 Corinthians 15 about God’s grace. Caleb and Kaley Lang, also from Flat Creek Baptist Church, led the attendees in praise and worship. Two photos are attached. The Men’s Bible Study commenced a study/discussion of the Book of Revelation. Initially they began meeting using Zoom and then moved to the pavilion. The Women’s Bible Study and The Way have not been meeting since Covid but are hopeful to have begun again by the time this article is published.

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What’s Happening

CPAC – The Show Must Go On By Chuck Bridwell

You know the old Broadway song, “There’s No Business, Like Show Business.” The song talks about even when you go through tough times, you have got to keep plugging along. Although there were many cancellations of shows and concerts over the last few months, the Cresswind Performing Arts Club stepped up as soon as they were allowed to begin entertaining our fellow Cresswind residents again. Beginning in August CPAC has produced several events including: Scene It – Cresswind Style Out Past Nine Annual Variety Show Storytelling Showcase Michelle Winters, Pop Violin Legends of Comedy Plans are being made now for lots of future events. Our goal is to be a part of making Cresswind the happiest place on earth. (Eat your heart out, Disney.)


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Page 22 | The Waterfall | November/December

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November/December | The Waterfall | Page 23

Thinking About Selling? Then We Need To Talk! Why? Please Take a Look Below: I use a targeted process to promote your listing to other agents who have potential buyers for your home.

I run paid social media ads to capture prospective buyer leads for your home. Click through rates have been phenomenal and acquire both e-mail addresses and phone numbers for follow up. The most recent ads have yielded an average of 3 new prospective buyer leads per day.

Your home will be a featured listing on my Cresswind at Lake Lanier Living website which I promote via paid social media ads:

I have a proprietary 55+ database of 7,500 people, who have an income level which allows them to purchase and who live within 25 miles of Cresswind to whom I target market your listing.

I send Just Listed post cards to all homes in Cresswind. So if “someone knows someone� looking to move here, they can pass it along.

I’ve been able to acquire the exclusive rights for Cresswind at Lake Lanier on three of the top four internet portals where folks search for 55+ communities. These portals provide me weekly leads of people interested in our community, plus I advertise your listing on each of them as well.

Private Communities Registry If your property is currently listed with a real estate broker, please disregard. It is not our intention to solicit the offerings of other real estate brokers. We are happy to work with them and cooperate fully.

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I’ve been very blessed in my life. Through my business, I would like to pass along some blessings to others.

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Gene Bramblett

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What’s Happening

Lake Lanier Bouncers Club By Diana Gash

Lake Lanier Bouncers Club, a new dance/exercise class at Cresswind, uses special bounce boots. Class is limited to 16 individuals starting Saturdays at 9am for 45 minutes in the Lanier room. In order to participate, individuals need to have the following requirements: good balance, sense of musicality/timing, previous cardio classes or medical clearance to participate with cardio fitness/dance. The class is taught by Wendy O’Hanlon who will also assist in getting the bounce boots with a discount. Lake Lanier Bouncers Club has a website click on the “Lake Lanier Bouncers” link under the Club section on the Cresswind webpage for more pictures and details. There is no financial gain to Wendy for the purchase of the boots. The boots (cost begins at $179 + shipping) used by the club come highly recommended by a certified instructor that has represented different brands. She noted the other brands displayed some quality issues that would increase risk of injury. Please contact Wendy ( with questions and for setting a time to observe a Saturday session.

What’s Cooking for the Future By Lisa Giblin

The Cooking Club generated a survey to all members and received valuable responses regarding our program offerings. These responses will drive our direction for future years to come. We were pleased to make a $500 contribution to the Community Fund’s Grandparents Raising Grandchildren program. This was made possible due to two of our residents volunteering their expertise in building cabinetry for our kitchen under budget. The dollar savings allowed us to contribute to this worthwhile cause. Our Cooking Club Board elections are currently ongoing with results in late November. Please take a few minutes to respond. I know the candidates will appreciate your support. We look forward to delivering exciting programs in our schedule for 2021.

Social Singles News

By Elaine Vetter

Cresswind Chorus New Beginning! By Chuck Bridwell

Like so many other performing groups, the 135-voice Cresswind Community Chorus has been on a break since March, when the pandemic broke out. The plan for the future is that chorus rehearsals will begin again in January or February of 2021. However, there are plans for a video of music from past holiday performances to be released on YouTube in midDecember. There also may be smaller holiday concerts with limited audiences in the ballroom in December if all the details can be worked out. We all love the music of the holiday season. Thanks to all who have been a part of the chorus in the past and thanks in advance to all who will be a part in the future. We look to a bright new day in music in Cresswind.

Social Singles started the fall with several opportunities for members to interact. ‘ReConnect’ was the theme for our comeback social in October after a six-month break. It was held on the back patio where we enjoyed lawn games, music, and visiting with others on a beautiful fall evening. We hosted several Pumpkin Painting parties and the end results added to the scenery for the scarecrow competition that the Garden Club sponsors every fall. Small groups continue to join up for walks, kayaking, boating, and hikes and those will continue as the weather cooperates. Future activities and events are being planned for both inside and outside the clubhouse to finish off the year. If you are single and would like to get involved or want more information, please access our link on the Cresswind website and share your contact information. We would love to have you join us. Page 26 | The Waterfall | November/December

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November/December | The Waterfall | Page 27

What’s Happening

Ping Pong Club News By Jim Cook

Good News! The Cresswind Board has approved the resumption of Ping Pong play at our regularly scheduled times on Tuesdays at 3:00pm and Thursdays at 3:00pm beginning Tuesday, October 6. Currently all players will need to be out of the clubhouse by 5:00pm meaning that all play must be completed by 4:45pm and the equipment stored away. Anyone arriving at clubhouse to play Ping Pong should inquire at front desk if a SIGNUP SHEET has been picked up already. If you are the first to arrive, go ahead and carry the SIGNUP SHEET down to the Lanier Room. Everyone who arrives to play Ping Pong must then register on the SIGNUP SHEET. The capacity of the Lanier Room currently is 18 people, NO EXCEPTIONS. This means that it is first come, first served. If you arrive a little later and someone else is ready to leave then you will be allowed to stay as long as the capacity of the room is not exceeded. PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES WE WILL BE OPERATING UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE! General Rules: · Masks must be worn to enter the clubhouse. They must remain on for the duration of your stay with the exception of activities that involve elevated heart rates (Fitness Center, Aerobics, Ping Pong). · If you feel sick or have a fever, do not enter the facility, please stay home.

Cresswind Bowling League by Jim Cook

· Please use hand sanitizer or wash your hands frequently.

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· All areas are open when staff is on site only, with special exceptions for the ballroom. · Any group that does not adhere to the mask, social distancing, or room capacity guidelines will be restricted from using the clubhouse. Lanier Room and Ping Pong Rules: · Capacity 18

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· Open during day time only for exercise classes, meetings, small gatherings.

· It is recommended that masks be worn at all times in this space except when playing.

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Ping Pong Club Board Members for 2020 are as follows: Jim Cook Kim Miller Russ Shussler Randy Garcia PACIFIC C Alex Ford Contact any of the Board Members for information about the Ping Pong Club. Hea NORTH AME Medic Health/Medi Choosing the License GAA I can help you License CA License FL #

The Cresswind Bowling League began the 2020-2021 bowling season in September at Stars and Strikes in Buford. There are currently 12 teams competing this season. The season consists of two halves of 14 weeks for each half with the winners of each half bowling against each other at the end of the season for the championship. There may be an opportunity to add more teams at the start of the second half of the season if anyone is interested. The second half of the season would start on Wednesday, January 6th, 2021. Also, anyone interested in bowling should consider getting on the substitute list where you may be called upon to bowl when a regular member is unavailable. Being a substitute is a great way to ease back into bowling if you have not bowled in a while. Just contact one of the Cresswind Bowling Board members to get signed up. For information about getting on the substitute list and additional information about the Cresswind Bowling League, click on the Cresswind ‘Bowling Club’ website link on the Cresswind Daily Update email. Page 28 | The Waterfall | November/December

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November/December | The Waterfall | Page 29

What’s Happening

Greetings from the Fall Garden By Sarah Galshack

We are approaching late fall and all the bulbs, corms, and perennials are nestled snug in the soil beds. The Community garden is asleep. But wait, what is all the green showing in the raised beds? Fortunate Georgia gardeners have a third season to raise some “cool weather” vegetables. The wonderful summer season tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants have finished producing and in September it is time to plant broccoli, kale, brussel sprouts, cabbage, and all the many vegetables that thrive in cool temperatures. Early fall was busy in the garden as a host of volunteers thinned the perennial beds of daylilies, liatrus, iris, canna lilies, etc. They divided, bagged, and sponsored the first annual Garden Club plant sale. Excited Cresswind neighbors who wanted to enhance their personal yards came out to reap the rewards. It was a very successful undertaking. Hope everyone was able to visit the Garden to enjoy the Scarecrows on display. Although we were not able to gather together to celebrate them, we hope they provided some joy to all who visited. We sure have some creative residents and we have to thank them for providing us with this great fall happening.

Cresswind Investment Club By Janet Nelson

Dealing with market volatility has caused us to examine our current investments more critically, resulting in sales of some stocks to protect our gains. We have broadened our scope to include smaller cap stocks, which are not as broadly researched. Dividing into groups has increased the participation of most members, which was our goal, and working on Zoom seems to work well. Unfortunately, we have had to defer our annual parties until next year, when we will be anxious to celebrate! Recently we have had a couple of resignations, but those positions were quickly filled by residents waiting to join. We meet the first Monday of each month at 1 pm (except for holidays.) For those who might be interested in visiting our club, please contact Leo Cortjens, or Janet Nelson,

Cresswind LL Kayak Club By Dick Osborne

As with most, if not all, of the Cresswind clubs, COVID-19 had a significant impact on the Kayak Club’s planned activites through the summer and early fall. We cancelled our annual community kayak day to introduce our Cresswind residents to kayaking. And we cancelled our annual club-sponsored paddle to Skogie’s but that did not stop the club’s members from enjoying the lake. Throughout the summer, small groups enjoyed informal daytime and evening group paddles. One small group even enjoyed an evening paddle to Skogies in early October to feast on a low-country boil dinner. The key event coming up is the club’s fall membership meeting in November. At the meeting, we will elect our five board members for 2021, and we will hold the event that many look forward to twice a year: the lottery to award the 36 kayak storage slots at the marina. We will email details to our active members. If you would like to join the Kayak Club, check our website. The link is included each day in the Cresswind LL Daily Update. Even as you read this issue of the Waterfall, there will still be sunny days with mild temperatures to enoy the lake by kayak. Happy, healthy paddling! Page 30 | The Waterfall | November/December

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November/December | The Waterfall | Page 31

What’s Happening

Small Band News

Fishing News By Gus Brown, Reporting

By John Kelley

Small bands have been busy during this fall, entertaining at the Variety Show, porch/ driveway concerts, dance parties, etc. The Jazz Club jams should be starting up soon; players come sit in with us. We are looking to start an informal concert series. Watch for upcoming announcements in the Daily Update.

The lake is turning over and the fish are beginning to wake up. The boys are catching crappie on the Cresswind dock. It is time for the big strippers to begin visiting our neighborhood during their fall run up lake. Time to wet a line - try your luck- and catch some of the famous Lake Lanier fish.

Make & Take

By Kathie Zeranski

Now that we are back in the Clubhouse, we can start having some classes in the Art Room. The Make & Take Group is for one-time classes where you create something that you can take with you after the class. These include Flower Arranging, Jewelry Projects, Drawing Projects Ukrainian Eggs, Wreaths, Card Making and many other projects. Also, we have some classes that go once a week for four to six weeks. These have included things like Painting, Zentangle and Calligraphy. I am excited to be able to start scheduling some classes for us all. If you are one of the very talented people in our neighborhood that would like to share your expertise with your friends and neighbors, please contact me and we can set up a reservation for your class. If you are interested in taking a class, watch for the announcements in the Daily Updates. Remember that there are class size limits and sign up. I will Page 32 | The Waterfall | November/December

be putting the class announcements in the Daily Update for now. I would like to compile a new list of people that are interested in classes, the old one is outdated. If you are interested in hearing more about classes as they are scheduled, please send me your name and email address. I will start a new list that I will use to send out more information on classes than you can see in the Daily Updates. If your name was on the previous list, I am starting fresh. Please send me the email if you still want to be on the list. I am looking forward to scheduling some fun classes for us all and I know what kind of talent there is in this Neighborhood.


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Clubs at Cresswind

Hyde Park Club International Explorers ABC Men’s Book Club International Missions Club Alive & Well In the Stacks Acrylic Painting Investment Club Billiards Italian Club Bocce Club Kayak Club Book Babes Ladies Bunco Book Worms Ladies Golf Club Bounce Club Ladies Hand & Foot Bourbon Cabinet Club Ladies Poker Bourbon Tasting Line Dance - Traditional Bowling league Line Dance - Intermediate Bridge Education Line Dance – Cardio(Advanced) Chorus Living Stylishly with Neighbors Cooking Club Mah Jongg Clogging. Beginner Make & Take Crafts Clogging - Intermediate Men’s Bible Study Community Flag Club Men’s Card Club Community Fund (501C·3) Men’s Golf Club Cone 5/6 Exchange Men’s Softball Club Couple’s Bible Study Mexican Train Club Cover to Cover Book Club Mixed Card Group Cresswind Car Club Model Railroad Club Cresswind Performing Arts Club Needlecraft Cribbage Club @ CLL Neighborhood Theatre Dance Rhythms Oil Painting Duplicate Bridge Performing Arts Technical Team Fishing Club Photography French Club Pickleball Club Friday Samba Ping Pong Club Garden Club Pinochle Genealogy Club Playscript Readers Club Glaucoma Support Club Pokeno Great Decisions Poker Club Hand & Foot Canasta Club Pottery Club Quilting Hearts

Page 34 | The Waterfall | November/December

Reading Between the Wines Rubber Bridge Rummikub RV Club

Samba Club

2nd Monday Book Club

Scene Actors Guild (SAG) Sequence

Shalom Club SLAC

Slot Car Club

Small Band Club Social Singles Spades

Spanish Club

Sports & Games Stamp Club Storytellers Tanglers

Tennis Club

The Falls Investment Club The Way Bible Study

3rd Monday Afternoon Book Club Travel Club Trail Club

Tuesday Morning Book Club Ukulele Club

Variety Show Club

Veterans Inc (501C-3) Watercolor Painting

Wendy’s Choreography Wine Tasting

Writers in the Wind

Women’s Bible Study

Ongoing Weekly Sports & Fitness Schedule






Water Aerobics Dance Rhythms 8:30

Water Aerobics


Water Aerobics

Men’s Competitive Tennis


Yoga Ladies Tennis Pickleball Open

Yoga Men’s Tennis Pickleball Open

Water Aerobics Ladies Tennis Round Robin Pickleball Open

Yoga Mixed Tennis

Pickleball Open 9-11:00 Bounce Class Men’s Competitive Tennis





Water Aerobics Pickleball Open


Ladies Golf


DVD Exercise


DVD Exercise

DVD Exercise

DVD Exercise

DVD Exercise

10:30 11:00

Strength Training


Strength Training 11:30

Ballet 12:30

Beginning Clogging 12:30

Dance Rhythms 12:30


Pickleball Open 1-3:00

Advanced Tai Chi

Intermediate Clogging 1:30

Men’s Open Tennis 1-3:00


Mixed Doubles Open Play Tennis

Continuing Tai Chi

Cardio Line Dance

Traditional Line Dance Intermediate Line Dance

Cardio Line Dance

Ping Pong


Ping Pong


Traditional Line Dance

Muscle Up Class 4:45-5:45

4:00 5:00 6:00

Pickleball-Mixed Doubles


Gym equipment instruction with Elizabeth 3-4pm on 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month. RSVP at Front Desk.

Paid Classes

Check for more details. November/December | The Waterfall | Page 35

What’s Happening

Genealogy Club

By Dave Dittmeier

Ancestral Mathematics In order for you to be born you needed: 2 parents 4 grandparents 8 great-grandparents 16 second great-grandparents 32 third great-grandparents 64 fourth great-grandparents 128 fifth great-grandparents 256 sixth great-grandparents 512 seventh great-grandparents 1,024 eighth great-grandparents 2,048 ninth great-grandparents

Cresswind Model Railroad Club By Bill Edmondson Not too much to report on our club activity since last issue; with virus controls and restrictions in place, we have had no meetings or gatherings to operate our layouts. However, our club members are still actively building and improving their own home layouts. Attached are a few photos to exhibit their modeling skills and we extend best wishes to all for good health…stay safe!

For you to be born today from 12 previous generations, you needed a total of 4, 094 ancestors over the last 400 years. Think for a moment – How many struggles? How many battles? How many difficulties? How much sadness? How much happiness? How many love stories? How many expressions of hope for the future? – did your ancestors have to undergo for you to exist in this present moment…… Interested in getting your family tree started?? Contact us: Howie or Dave

Cresswind Veterans Club By Bill Edmondson

Dealing with the Coronavirus issues and controls in place has presented us with significant challenges, yet we have continued to learn and progress as we help veterans in Hall County. We have used the Zoom platform to handle meetings and provide support for our court mentors program. And by phone, we continue to receive referral requests from the V.A. and area churches to assist veterans who have fallen on bad times and need a little temporary assistance (food, housing, medicals). It is due to the generosity and support of our Cresswind residents and local business sponsors that make this possible, and we truly thank you.

We are also thankful for your donations to fund our bench, adjacent to the flagpole in front of our clubhouse. This project was completed and installed late September in cooperation with the Cresswind Community Fund, and we thank all participants. The wording truly “honors veterans who sacrificed for our freedom.” Page 36 | The Waterfall | November/December

November/December | The Waterfall | Page 37

What’s Happening

Pickleball News

By Rosemarie Bower

This has been a year that did not go quite as planned for our club. We started off with the Polar Express tournament, then on to our Valentine’s Dinner Dance, and then SHUT DOWN! However, we were able to get creative. The courts opened back up in May; courts got resurfaced; we offered leagues; we had a new/novice training. and our membership has grown to 280! It has been a challenge for all of us, but it has been great to see folks come out and enjoy the courts. I have missed not being able to gather in larger groups and share the laughter and smiles with all of you. The month of November will have us voting for three new members to come on the 2021 Board. Please continue to check your email for upcoming news regarding who the candidates are and when and how we will vote.

Page 38 | The Waterfall | November/December

I would like to thank the 2020 Board: Gary Foster -Vice President, Linda Potter - Treasurer, Wendy Warder – Secretary, Pat Burke, Gerry Cieply and Donna Howard – Members at Large. These folks have been the behind the scenes people, the ones I go to, the ones who will let me bend their ears, the ones that I have relied on this past year. Thank you just does not seem enough. I have enjoyed working with all of them. In closing, thank you for letting me be your president this past year. Let us hope the new year will allow for more flexibility and see folks continue to enjoy this fun sport we call pickleball!

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November/December | The Waterfall | Page 39

What’s Happening

Cresswind Community Fund

Make A Difference in Someone's Life...And in Yours!

Happy Thanksgiving

To You and Your Family!

We give thanks for your time, effort, and friendship! And Thank You for Giving Back! Spirit of Cresswind 2nd Annual Golf Tournament! Your participation, volunteer work, donations, and support of Hall County 24 FIRST RESPONSDERS - Fire, Police, Sheriff Free Golf Day, made the day a huge success! Seventy percent of the 104 Golfers were Cresswind Residents! Great second year!

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Program Your donations have helped Grandparent led families offset nagging bills, minor debt, and provide basics to their family. To date you have helped 16 families, a total 21 adults and 29 grandchildren. Your donations have also provided Chrome Books to help meet the educational needs of some of the grandchildren.

Help Me Please Service Program – Plan Ahead for Pre-Holiday Projects! Thank you for using Help Me Please. What a year with 247 Cresswind Projects completed, with over $23,000 donated. Thank you! And Thank You from us all HMP volunteers for your work. You make it happen!

The Spirit of Cresswind* HELP THE HUNGRY – Make Thanksgiving Special for Hall Seniors! Just a few weeks until Thanksgiving. Please donate before Thursday, November 19th so we can get funds to the 8 Hall County Food Banks! Your donation has great impact! For every $1,000.00 donated, it provides about 2,000 pounds of food (a ton!). One food bank tells us that for every dollar they receive they can put out FIVE Thanksgiving Day meals! Amazing!

Our Goal - $4,000.00 for about 8 Tons of Food! Any amount Page 40 | The Waterfall | November/December

What’s Happening Invitation to ALL Cresswind Residents! “Holiday Celebration” 4th Quarter Meeting

Thursday, December 17th | 3:00 - 4:30pm!

Holiday Food, Music & Prizes! To donate, get program information or to become a member go to The Cresswind LL Community Fund is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization. Donations can be either General or Restricted donations to a specific program and are tax deductible by law.

Community Fund Mission: to enhance the lives of adults primarily 55 and older through charitable, educational, health-related, and cultural opportunities in greater Gainesville & Hall County

*The Spirit of Cresswind, Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, HELP THE HUNGRY, HELP Me Please and Cresswind LL Community Fund are service marks of Cresswind LL Community Fund, Inc.

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What’s Happening

Camper Corner: RV Club

By Linda Gillot

What exactly does the CLL RV Club do? When the CLL RV Club travels

together, we always have fun, and sometimes we find ourselves the recipients

of some unexpected blessings. On a recent trip to Townsend, TN the ten of us

found ourselves lucky enough to share our RV park with a professional bluegrass band that was more than willing to play for us (and anyone else who wanted to

come by their site). What a treat! And in Cades Cove, a mama black bear with two cubs ambled along the road in the woods beside us. As if that wasn’t spectacular enough, sitting in the corner of an old, abandoned Baptist Church, we later found a

gentleman playing his dulcimer. After playing a few tunes for us, he brought out his bowed psaltery and continued his stirring

mini concert. These were just a few of the things we encountered and enjoyed in spite of the intermittent rain showers over our week in the mountains. Of course, as always, we gathered around a fire each afternoon for happy hour while social distancing and enjoying each other’s company under the camp pavilion. These are but a few examples of the unplanned experiences

we have when traveling together. If you have an RV and live in Cresswind, please feel free to join us! We have no dues and

our official “meetings” are the two socials per year where we begin talking about future trips. Visit our website (https://sites., where you can learn more about our club. Email us at to let us know of your interest and we will put you on our email list. Upcoming trips include a week in Orange Beach, AL in November and then in the spring, a trip full of history down the Natchez Trace.

So, exactly what does the CLL RV Club do? We definitely try to not let the grass grow under our feet as we roll along

through this drifter’s life we love. And we continue to enjoy sharing the unexpected joys of traveling with our wonderful neighbors.

Social distancing and Happy Hour in Townsend, TN

Cades Cove, Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

Mama Black Bear with two cubs.

Page 42 | The Waterfall | November/December

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November/December | The Waterfall | Page 43

What’s Happening

Page Page 44 44 || Th Thee Waterfall Waterfall || November/December November/December

Writers in the Wind: Cresswind Creative Writing Group By Laurie Homa

Writers in the Wind, Cresswind’s creative writing group, has wrapped up another year. We have continued to stay engaged through zoom and have had some interesting meetings. In September, we hosted writers from Deaton Creek. These five authors banded together to write a book. Their format was simple but creative. One person wrote the first chapter and then it was forwarded to the next person and so on. Each added their own twist to the story and even killed off someone else’s character. Writers in the Wind members are hoping to try this innovated project in 2021.

Our October workshop, again via zoom, was presented by Gina Edwards, a well know and terrific writing coach from Tallahassee, Florida. As always, Gina inspired us to keep writing. Her topics, “Make a Scene” (an overview of eight essential components of a scene) and “How to create a believable setting, taking your reader into your story” were enjoyed by all in

attendance. It is amazing how a few writing tips can change and improve your written work. Engaging the reader is one of an author’s most difficult tasks. Our thanks to Gina for her expertise. Our writers continue to publish their Books, Short Stories and Poetry on-line and by self-publishing. It is always exciting to see your work in print and being read by others. Our November and December meetings fall over the Holidays so there will be no meetings. If anyone is interested in joining our group, we will be ready to go in January. For more information please contact Laurie Homa at m2old4this@aol. com. Enjoy the Holidays. We look forward to 2021.

Community Travel Club By Pam Papciak

The Community Travel Club (CTC) is ending the year on a high note with our Asheville Holiday Trip. A few

of the many highlights include a candlelight tour of the

Biltmore Estate, a guided tour of Asheville decked out in holiday decorations and the Winter Light show at the North Carolina Arboretum.

The CTC Board is hard at work planning trips for

to do this year.

has guided our decision making and we look forward

Board member. For information, email Pam Papciak at

next year. The club survey sent out to our membership to sharing these options with you. We are sure you are ready to get out and see Georgia sites and the

surrounding areas, as we start traveling again in 2021. After a January and February layoff, we plan to begin CTC excursions in March with 2020 cancelled trips,

concerts, plays, and professional sports we were unable

If you enjoy planning trips, consider becoming a CTC

If you are not a member, our yearly dues are just $5.00 payable to CTC. If you are a 2020 member, your dues will carry over to 2021. Check out the photos on our website to see what you are missing if you are not already a member!

November/December | The Waterfall | Page 45

What’s Happening

The Quilting Club By Evelyne Palmer

The Quilting Club has not returned to meet as a Club respecting the guidelines set for use of the Arts and Crafts room. We are looking forward to the weekly meetings to share our projects in person with our fellow quilters. The members have continued to challenge their skills as evidenced by this Kaleidoscope quilt. It is amazing how cutting fabric apart and sewing it back together can end up with these results. Our thanks to Flo Swartz who put her talents to work making it possible for Suzie Quilts to come back for this year’s Scarecrow Contest in the Community Gardens. Members did make items ahead anticipating a Holiday Bazaar, which is our fundraiser for the year. If you are looking for that special gift, we have a variety of Microwave Koozies in many colors and Curling Iron covers available. Email for information. The Club members continued their group project of making lap quilts for Seniors in Need by completing 19 more quilts and presented to Legacy Link in their parking lot. Our total is now 187. Many members are taking this time to attend classes either virtual or in person at local quilt shops. We welcome any resident to join us. Contact Evelyne at for information. We are able to meet every Thursday, 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. in the Arts and Craft room in restricted number and are slowly starting to return.


by, meet us and see the work we do. We do many quilting related projects, big and small, work at individual levels, and have fun! The Club is available to offer assistance to our fellow residents if you have any quilting projects you started and now have the time to finish.

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What’s Happening

HAWKINS Family Dentistry Since 1978

Dr. Lee Hawkins • Dr. Ben Hawkins Dr. Sara Dyer • 770-536-1229 November/December | The Waterfall | Page 47

What’s Happening

Tennis Club By Sandy Barmak

It sure was a hot summer and everyone welcomed the cooler temperatures of fall. It is good to see the courts busy. Two teams are enjoying friendly competition on Friday mornings with our new CLL Tennis League that began in October. The Slammers are captained by Norman Slovis and the Cresswinners by Debbie Cortjens. Depending on weather, play will continue until November 13th, so come out to cheer our players. We recently added Sunday afternoon mixed doubles play from 2- 4 pm to accommodate our employed tennis players. Of course, everyone is invited to take advantage of this new open play opportunity. Several players have been engaged in competitive play outside of our community. In consideration of our community members, the Tennis Board decided not to have nonresidents play on our courts due to COVID concerns at this time. George Majesko captains a Silverball team that competes with other neighborhood teams. If you are interested in playing Silverball, please contact Dan Skeels at and a second team may be formed in the spring. Bill Papciak and Mike Marsico captain a highly competitive ALTA Senior B-1 team that plays out of Alberta Banks Park. They are hopeful that they will be able to capture another ALTA Atlanta City Championship. The women’s USTA teams opted to sit the fall season out and look forward to possibly playing in the spring. Once again, Bill Papciak and his team of instructors held several clinics in September which brought players of all levels of skill and mobility to the courts. It was good to see new residents participating. To date, Bill has lead 51 Tennis Clinics for the Cresswind tennis players. Watch your Daily Update for information on upcoming clinics. You will learn new skills, strategy and have a fun time. Our social committee is busy planning socially distant events for this fall. After several socials were cancelled, we all look forward to getting together for tennis play and friendship. For more information about tennis be sure to check our website, or contact our president, Sandy Barmak at

Page 48 | The Waterfall | November/December








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678.521.2747 November/December | The Waterfall | Page 49

y or t S r ou Y Tell Cresswind at Lake Lanier

Cresswinf at Lake Lanier Storytelling Group Storytelling Group

Once Upon A Time

Come to the next meeting of the Cresswind Storyteller’s Group

Come explore and enjoy the world of storytelling. Share your By Bert stories or just come and listen toEmma stories others have to share. ...there was an active community at Lakeof Lanier someatof3:00pm the residents met to tell Theadult second Wednesday everywhere month stories, all kinds of stories, real folkRoom stories, adventures, fables, legends, inlife thestories, Arts tall andtales, Craft manyin more. (our monthly sessions will and be held the Cresswind Pavilion behind The Cresswind Storytellingduring Club holds sessions on the second Wednesday of the Clubhouse the storytelling Coronavirus clubhouse shutdown) every month from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Our last session had over 35 people attend to listen AllThe levels of storytelling, to 10 storytellers’ wonderful tales. guiding theme was “My Favorite Job”. The Theme for our November session is “All Glitters are Is Not Gold”. including beginners with no That experience welcomed. You can come to tell a story or just listen to stories that will bring back memories as you Some of the activities of the Storytelling Group members are: enjoy visualizing each story. Our stories unite us in this life’s journey. Oh yes, and some of • Discuss what makes for a good story. our storytellers are LIARS! Yes, they lie and participate in Cresswind’s own Liar’s Club • Review storytelling techniques. upcoming in January. •

Share storytelling knowledge and experience.

The Storytelling Club is a wonderful group of people that support each other and weave tales • Demonstrate storytelling skills learned through telling of your stories. of life to share with all of us. Please come to our next session on Wednesday, November 11th If to requested, coaching andhave guidance. at 3:00• pm tell a story obtain or just listen - you will FUN! To be added to our distribution • Explore outreach for storytelling.Remember, we all have a list, just send an email to Bertopportunities Emma at • Prepare for a Cresswind Storytelling story to tell. Event.

“Once Upon A Time…” Contact Bert Emma ( for additional information

Page 50 | The Waterfall | November/December

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Find a surgeon with Georgia’s first accredited Hernia Surgery Center of Excellence at November/December | The Waterfall | Page 51

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