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EDITOR / OWNER Robin Montgomery Lapp 717-682-7529 thunderrdspa@yahoo.com



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When our staff was planning the October issue, we wanted to add a few new fun and helpful ideas like our new Rhino’s Rogue Rides and Corby’s Biker approved eating establishments.(tough job, but someone’s gotta do it, right?) He’s taking one for the team. Me personally, October is my favorite month . The air has gotten cooler and the humidity has dropped. The Holiday season has started and everyone just seems to be a little more excited then usual. Halloween is such a fun time of year and there still are a lot of fun Bike Rides to enjoy. The Rides are especially awesome with the changing of the Fall colors. We are trying to cover all angles for the Bikers out there, so if there is anything we’ve missed, please let us know. It’s all about the PA Biker, so let us know what you like. Most importantly, make sure to visit our advertiser’s and let them know you heard about them in Thunder Roads Pa. We want them to know their advertising dollars are working so we can continue to get this magazine out to all of you! October is full of crisp air and cool nights. A time to sink into a good magazine. May we suggest….Thunder Roads Pa. Remember…Happiness is a choice!

Robin Montgomery Lapp Editor/Owner

“There is no season when such pleasant and sunny spots may be lighted on, and produce so pleasant an effect on the feelings, as now in October.” - Nathaniel Hawthorne Go green - recycle Congress in 2010! “Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children.” Ancient Indian Proverb

From The Editor.........................................2 Know the Law............................................4 Brandon M. Styer......................................5 On a Wing and a Prayer............................6 Snap Tips..................................................7 911 Ride ...................................................8 Never Judge a Book by its Cover..............9 Rev Kev Black Sheep..............................10 NCOM News Bytes..................................12 Abate Update..........................................14 Thunder Roads PA Bike Show................15 KISS in the Kitchen.................................16 Randy Texter...........................................17 Center Calendar......................................18 Extra Special Ride...................................20 Reader’s Rides........................................21 Food Dude Biker Approved.....................21 Rhino’s Rogue-Ways...............................22 Upcoming Events....................................23 Kristen Skowood Benefit Ride.................24 Swaltz’s Swap Meet................................26 Lansdale Bike Night................................27 New Holland Summer Fest.....................28 Joker’s Wild.............................................32 11 Rules...................................................33 Biker Approved Directory.........................34 Noodle’s Tips...........................................35

ON THE COVER photo by Snapworks by Vince Snyder


Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 3

KNOW THE LAW by Attorney Steve Stambaugh First and foremost - a quick word about safety. There seem to have been more motorcycle accidents this year than ever before. There are undoubtedly many reasons for this: drivers just don’t see us; they are using cell phones (texting and/or talking); people’s stress levels are on a razor’s edge (whether due to the economy, family issues, etc.) and their minds are elsewhere; and/or people just seem to be in a big hurry to go wherever it is that they are going. Whatever the reasons, the net result to us is the same, and its never good. Given all the biker cases I handle it goes without saying that I am a very defensive driver and presume that the other driver does not see me. Even so, I was almost taken out three days ago by a college student who was pulling out of a gas station. It was well past dark and all three lights on my Ultra were lit. I was in the left hand travel lane of two southbound travel lanes. She had a stop sign but never stopped as she pulled out (in fact

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she barely slowed down), which I was prepared for. What I was not prepared for was that she crossed over the right travel lane and immediately into the left travel lane where I was on my Ultra. My choices were either to ride into the driver’s side of her car or evade into the oncoming travel lane, which I did while braking hard. I tucked back in behind her vehicle and could clearly see that she was talking on her cell phone and that she was very young. Suffice it to say that my Vance & Hines pipes ended her cell phone call when I circled around and pulled within inches of her front passenger door. Be safe out there. Even forgetting about the blown stop sign, this young girl had a completely clear travel lane to enter into and instead of driving in that clear right hand travel lane, she went right through it and into my travel lane like I wasn’t even there. I have no idea what would have happened had there been an oncoming vehicle but I suspect that it would not have been good. Next - you will recall that last month’s article warned you about being deceived by Allstate Insurance Company’s snake oil slick television commercial blitzkrieg aimed squarely at bikers - slow motion footage of a riderless bike going down followed by Allstate’s tag line is that it offers motorcycle policies that protect you and your bike for as low as $100.00. Well, it seems like the other insurance companies have seen the commercial and are jumping on

the deception bandwagon. DO NOT BE DECEIVED. You must protect yourself by purchasing the necessary amounts of uninsured motorist coverage and underinsured motorist coverage and $100 won’t even come close to paying for what you need. In fact, I doubt that a $100 policy even has uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage! Check your policies or call my office and schedule a time to come in with your policies for a free insurance coverage check-up. Better now than after an accident when it will be to late. And, finally, this is the last and final reminder to keep Saturday, November 6th clear for the York County Harley Davidson Owner’s Association’s 14th Annual David Milliken Derr, Jr. Memorial Toy Run to Penn State Children’s Hospital in Hershey. I would like to see us break 700 motorcycles this year so pass the word and bring your friends. Registration is from 10:00 a.m. til about 12:30 p.m. at the Sam’s Club parking lot in York. Please get there no later than 12:30 p.m. because the Toy Run has to leave promptly at 1:00 p.m. The Toy Run is escorted by a detachment of Pennsylvania State Police motorcycle cops who lead the Run and assist in shutting down access to I-83 during the Run. We own I-83 while we ride to Hershey to help the kids!!! This Run is the last HUGE Run of the riding season so come out and join the fun. Please check out YCHDOA’s web site (www.ychdoa. com) for additional details. Also, remember that the kids at the Penn State Children’s Hospital have to face their medical conditions rain or shine, hot or cold, and yes, sleet or snow, SO WE RIDE regardless of the weather. See you on the road.

Brandon M. Styer

Brandon M. “B-Sty” Styer, 19, of Pennwick Road, Lancaster, PA, died on Thursday, October 15, 2009 in Southern Afghanistan while serving with the United States Army as a Combat Engineer. Born in Lancaster, he was the son of Jill M.,wife of Scott A. Myers, Fayetteville, Pa. and Terry D. and Diane K. Styer, Lancaster, PA . and the step son of Dr. John A. Hall, Lancaster, PA.

In addition to his parents and step father, he is survived by his twin sister, Alyssa M. Styer, Fayetteville, PA; Sisters; Angela, wife of Gabriel Bauza, Lancaster, PA and Tracy, wife of Rick Bowling, Willow Street, PA; his maternal grandmother, Dawn Hertzog, Lancaster, PA; an Aunt, Sheri Witmer, Tampa, FL; four nieces; Aleizae Bauza, Miaya Bauza, Lexie Bowling, and Sierra Gossett, and a nephew, Joey Bowling. He was preceded in death by his grandfather, Kenneth E. “Wit” Witmer in 2006. Brandon graduated from Conestoga Valley High School in 2008. He enlisted in the Army during his senior year of high school. He left for basic training on September 16, 2008. While in high school, Brandon was on the Baseball and Wrestling teams. He immensely loved both these sports. Brandon’s favorite classes in school were in the video production field. Brandon was an avid animal lover, especially German Shepherds. Brandon ‘s great love was his car, a Mazda RX8, which he recently customized. He was a Washington Redskins and Philadelphia Phillies fan as well. Brandon was a member of the Leola United Methodist Church, Leola, PA. While a teen, Brandon was an active member of the youth group.

The Photo in this month’s Calendar is part of a Calendar that is being sold to benefit the

Barndon Styer Scholarship Fund

Please support this foundation, by buying your 2011 calendar today! Please visit our Website at:

www.tstyerphoto.com www.thunderroadspa.com

Relatives and friends are invited to attend Brandon’s Life Celebration Funeral Service at First United Methodist Church, 29 E. Walnut St., Lancaster, PA on Saturday, October 24, 2009 at 10:00 A.M. with The Rev. Kent E. Kroehler and The Rev. David Ryan officiating. Interment at Conestoga Memorial Park with Full Military Honors. The family will receive friends at the Funeral Home of Fred F. Groff, Inc., 234 W. Orange St., Lancaster, PA on Friday from 6:00 – 9:00 PM. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be sent to the Brandon Styer Scholarship Fund or the Wounded Warriors Project, (www.woundedwarriorproject. org), in Brandon’s memory. From the scholarship fund, a senior at Conestoga Valley High School and also a senior from Lancaster Christian School will receive a scholarship in Brandon’s memory. The address for the scholarship fund is Lancaster Red Rose Credit Union,1010 New Holland Ave., Lancaster PA 17601. Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 5

On A Wing and A Prayer You are not the Lamb Picture this in your mind: A man in the Old Testament goes to the temple with his lamb to make a sacrifice to God. The lamb is for his sin. The crazy thing is that the priest does not ask the man any questions. The priest does not say: Have you been a good boy? Have you been good to your wife? Have you read your Bible enough etc…? Not one question for the man! The priest only examines the lamb. Is the lamb healthy? Does it have any blemish? It was the lamb that the priest looked at, not the man. The animal had to be perfect, not the man. You see the lamb was the symbolic substitute for the man and his sin. The lamb was the picture of what Jesus would do for us. Jesus was the Lamb of God who took away the sins of the world. Now God the Father looks at us, through His son, the Lamb of God, and says we are cleansed, accepted and good — just as if we had never sinned. We are not holy and perfect, but God does not examine us, He examines the lamb! 2 Corinthians 5: 21 “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” Now we are accepted by God. He is completely satisfied, not because of our holiness, but because of the holiness of Jesus. Now by faith, we accept God’s gift of His righteousness. We need to understand His unconditional love for us. He loves you! Check this out: In Psalm 147: 10, David says our Father’s pleasure is not in the great strength of a horse or the strength in the legs of a man. God made many things: the stars, the moon, our world, but they are not for Him— He made them for us. Ps. 147: 11 says what He really gets pleasure from is us, those who put their hope in His unfailing love. You are what God is attracted to, more than all of creation. Trusting in God’s unconditional love for you is what gets God’s attention. Your hope in His love for you is the greatest praise you could give Him. You are what He loves! He is attracted to you, that’s grace.

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When you and I know that God is good, and trust in His love, He will stop at nothing to bless us. The encouraging thing about God’s love is that He will not stop loving us even when we fail. When we are discouraged, when it seems like we do not deserve God’s love, His unfailing love is still there. Heb. 10:10 says, “We have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.” God’s love is just as strong for us when we are in the valley as it is when we are on the mountain top. Our relationship with God is not based on our performance but on His sacrifice for us. It is hard to accept God’s unconditional love, but His love is true. There will be failure, difficult times, testing, and discouragement, yet His love will be just as strong for us as the first day we accepted Him. He will bring you through. Remember, God looks at the sacrifice (Jesus) not you. You look perfect, holy, righteous, and justified to Him. A prophetic writer Victoria Boyson wrote: Flowers do not bloom year round, but do we lose faith in them because they stop blooming for a time? No, because we understand the different seasons they go through. And God understands that we go through different seasons and changes. Sometimes we bloom and sometimes we don’t. God loves us and appreciates us just as much when we are not in bloom, because He knows all and sees all. You may be going through a difficult time right now, but God looks ten years into your future and smiles. He never panics when we make mistakes; He just uses our mistakes for His glory. That is the love we hope in. There is a time when every pot is a lump of clay, but God looks at that lump of clay and sees a beautiful pot! Will you pray with me? Father I praise you for what you have done. Help me to accept it and grow in your unconditional love. Ride Safe, Pastor Tim Crisafulli The Chapel of Rest Columbus, Ohio

By Vince Snyder Picking a New Camera? Looking or thinking about getting a new camera. I am hoping I may help weed out the process a little with a few tips to think about. Now I have my own favorite manufacturer. However, I will not try to sway you in any one direction. I am writing this article aimed at point and shoot cameras not the higher end ones. Budget, Reputation, Quality, Comfort and Ease These are the aspects I look to meet when buying a point and shoot camera. Budget: First you will need to determine what your budget is for a camera. This factor alone will either lesson or increase your spectrum of cameras to select. Reputation: To narrow down the field more you should look at the reputation of the manufacturers that you have to choose from. There are a select few that are known as the premiere manufactures and you should consider them. Quality: This aspect covers many things. Is the over all construction of the camera good. How is the image quality (obviously this is really a very important quality). Comfort and Ease: These refer to how heavy is the camera, how well does it fit into your hand, pocket or purse. The layout of the controls is also very important. Some cameras the buttons are so close it becomes very cumbersome. Make sure you really spend time looking at the camera in the store. Snap a few pics and make sure the return policy and warranty are in your favor. After buying it, I also suggest getting the biggest memory card you can. This avoids running out of space or the need to get additional cards. Good luck and see you next month!


Vince Snyder can be reached at images@snapworksstudio.com. Check out his work at www.snapworksstudio.com. All photographs ©2010 Snapworks Studio / Vince Snyder. No Duplication without written permission

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8 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

“I rode with a few from Bethlehem Pennsylvania, on route 378. We rode past Schochs Harley Davidson in Stroudsburg, where they picked up a few. We continue on our ride to our next meet up. We Continued our ride where we stopped to put on our helmets, some relieved themselves On The State Highway, We were on Cameras. Funny, but , Every picture tells a story.” ~Lizz

The Gentleman with the spoon tells the story of his favorite Eatery near Ground Zero, how he would always come away with a spoon with every visit. Today was his first time back and his last spoon.

Our Final Stop Was here. The street was blocked off . I was disappointed that this be our final destination.

Rode with me from Route 378 Bethlehem Pa. His first time into New York

We continued our ride where there were hundreds more, Tramontin Harley Davidson, Blairstown New Jersey What a site to be seen. Fire Trucks, State Troopers. On and Off Duty. Hundreds lined the parking lot while the band played on. Story be told, some were there to protest the Religious Antics. All were there to pay their respects , and just to remember. Some felt it was time to go back Many knew this day was hard but needed to be done. The entire day was lined with state police. We were honored along the route. Cameras were every where, There would be no violence this day. We knew they knew Bikers Take No grief. We knew they Knew we were going to say our peace. We did not go to the site, That I was disappointed in. All traffic in New Jersey was stopped for us to pass. Mostly who would have known, They shut down New York City in all directions for one mile of bikers. No One In , No One Out…

Please, view my photos, read what you see. Glad to have been a part of The Heart and The Soul Of Those We remember www.thunderroadspa.com

Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 9

Never Judge a Book by its Cover That old Saying that we have all heard as we were growing up. We have said it about bikers in general. Just because we dress in black T Shirts, leather and have chain wallets doesn’t mean we are out to destroy your towns or steal your girl friends. The same reasoning can apply to the places we like to visit. Just because a Main St bar and Grill looks like a dump doesn’t mean the people inside are not worthy of a simple Hello. Recently on a Saturday afternoon a group of friends went for a ride and stopped by Main St. Bar and Grill in Shenadoah. Which is a old coal town where the industry as left in such a hurry that the dust still hasn’t settled. It looks like it could be the definition of the word dive, but thankfully we took a chance and stopped in for a drink. We were more then

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surprised at how friendly and excepting of us the locals were. The barmaid even got a good laugh out of Dabob’s request for a pork n bean sandwich. Hey some of us are a little different for sure. After some great laugh’s with new friends it had occurred to me that this would be a great story and example of why we should “never judge a book by its cover”. So when your out riding and you see a place that might not look like your type of stop. Take a chance you never know what you might find. Hey how many times have we said that about a “Biker” Next Time your looking for a place to take a ride to. Stop by Main St. Bar and Grill and tell our New Sales Rep Janice Hello. She loves “bikers”.

WHO IS THE BLACK SHEEP HDFC M/M? Black Sheep HarleyDavidsons for Christ is a Christian Motorcycle Ministry that was established in 1999 by Pastor Marty Edwards in Temecula, California. Of all the motorcycle ministries in the country, Black Sheep has a primary focus of serving the 1.8 million HOG members around the world. The ministry started out of a tragic motorcycle accident resulting in the death of a young man connected with the local Harley Davidson dealership. Pastor Marty offered his services to the local dealership, their employees, and the HOG Chapter to assist in this difficult situation and thus the ministry was born. The plan was never to go beyond southern California, but as others heard about Black Sheep, the word began to spread. In the past 11 years Black Sheep has established over 900 chapters in 38 states and 6 countries. Australia and Mexico are the most recent additions. Black Sheep is said to be the 4th largest motorcycle ministry and one of the fastest growing. Of the 1200 -1400 Black Sheep members, most of whom are HOG members, we primarily serve HOG but we also serve the motorcycling community at large. Myself and other Black Sheep members have recently been involved in several events hosted by various motorcycle clubs. Most Black Sheep members are not ministers. In fact it is the exact opposite. Most Black Sheep members are Christians who want to identify with a motorcycle ministry and be of service to the biker community. I serve as the Chaplain of the Harrisburg HOG Chapter under Susquehanna Valley Harley Davidson and as the Central Pa Black Sheep Director. I always get the question “Why the name “Black Sheep”? I recently had a pastor tell me he did not like the name “Black Sheep”. I guess it was my rebellious nature that rose up when I said “I love it, after all Jesus was the Black Sheep of his family”! To answer the question: Pastor Marty was the pastor of several churches called “Lambs Fellowship”. The members of the churches were referred to as “Sheep”. The bikers of the church (being the unique group that we are) picked up the nickname the “Black Sheep”. The name stuck. Black Sheep members are honored by the name, knowing the renowned biker reputation, but also knowing the fact that Jesus was certainly the Black Sheep of his culture. Most bikers understand the notion of being the “Black Sheep” of something. They identify with the name and we want them to know that God loves


them. God loves even the “Black Sheep.” Another question we get “Why is Black Sheep a Harley only Group?” First let me say at last count there are over 130 different Christian motorcycle clubs/ ministries across the country. Many are riding clubs, but others have ministry directives and goals stated in their By Laws. I’m sure they all have worthy aspirations, but only one of them has their primary focus to be a ministry and service to the HOG community, Black Sheep. The decision is not meant to be exclusive but rather strategic. Our By-Laws reserve patched membership to riders of any American made VTwin, be it a Victory, Harley, Big Dog, or one of the many Custom bikes, in order to best accomplish our objective. Bikers with all makes and models have been coming to Black Sheep Events since our beginning. Some have even chosen to be a part of our “Friends of Black Sheep” with the purchase of our support patch. All bikers are welcome and encouraged to be a part. We have two Black Sheep Chapters in Pennsylvania. The Eastern PA Chapter serving the Lancaster/Reading area was established 6 years ago. Recently we formed the Central Pa Black Sheep Chapter serving the greater Harrisburg/York Area. One of the most visible events of Black Sheep is our monthly breakfast we hold the 4th Saturday of each month. The Eastern Chapter, under the leadership of John Signor, meets the 2nd Saturday of each month in Lititz, Pa. Everyone is welcome at all Black Sheep events. Come join us and to invite other bikers to join us each month. If you would like more information about Black Sheep call me at 717439-6776 and check out our information at www. blacksheephdfc.org. Kevin (RevKev) Kohler


Central Pa Black Sheep Director SVHD Harrisburg HOG Chaplain Black Sheep Breakfast Events: 2nd & 4th Saturday each month Saturday, October 9th, Eastern Pa Black Sheep Breakfast, 8:00am, Family Cupboard, 12 Newport Rd., Lititz, Pa Saturday, October 23rd, Central Pa Black Sheep Breakfast, 8:30am, Crossroads Café, 9147 Allentown Blvd., Grantville, Pa

Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 11

Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)

News Bytes

CALIFORNIA LAWMAKERS HOPE TO HUSH LOUD PIPES California is home to the largest population of motorcyclists in the country, and if legislators have their way, it could also soon be home to one of the most onerous anti-motorcycle laws in America. By a bare majority vote of 21-16 on August 30 the state Senate approved SB435 which will make it a crime to operate a motorcycle manufactured after Jan. 1, 2013 that fails to meet federal noiseemission control standards and that all new motorcycles sold after that date must display and maintain compliance labels from the Environmental Protection Agency. A similar bill last session would have required biennial smog checks for emissions violations, but after meeting resistance from bikers’ rights groups it has since been amended to target illegally modified exhaust systems. Supporters of the bill say that many motorcycle owners modify their exhausts to make them louder, but swapping a compliant tailpipe equipped with a catalytic converter for one without emissions controls produces more smog-forming pollutants per mile. Opponents of the measure counter that many aftermarket exhausts meet federal EPA emissions standards but aren’t labeled, and labeling on stock systems is often difficult to locate, meaning that law-abiding riders could be unfairly ticketed. SB435 has already passed the Assembly and its fate now lies in the hands of the state’s most famous motorcycle rider, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose office has not yet taken a position on the proposed legislation. SOUND REASONING SILENCES N.H. NOISE ORDINANCE Although North Hampton, New Hampshire voters approved a noise ordinance in May that prohibits motorcycles without an EPA sticker from being operated or even parked in town, a lawyer for the federal agency has expressed that just because the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requires a label on all motorcycle mufflers indicating the noise the vehicle produces does not exceed 80 decibels doesn’t mean a municipality has the authority to enforce that noise level. “The Noise Control Act (NCA), which authorizes EPA to enact noise control regulations, states that ‘nothing in this section precludes or denies the right of any state or political subdivision thereof to establish and enforce controls on environmental noise,” wrote EPA Senior Assistant Regional Counsel Timothy Williamson in an Aug. 31 letter to North Hampton Town Administrator Steve Fournier. “However, neither does it grant localities any additional authority to control environmental noise beyond that available to them under state and local law.” “The ordinance basically bans motorcycles from the town if they do not have an EPA label on their exhaust system even though the motorcycles comply with the state’s noise level limit of 106 decibels,” said Seacoast Harley-Davidson in court papers challenging the new law. Even the town’s own legal counsel has indicated the ordinance

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is unenforceable, saying that the state has already determined the appropriate noise levels for motorcycles and that the town, therefore, does not have the option of creating its own more restrictive noise ordinance. That opinion was clearly reiterated in Williamson’s letter on behalf of the EPA. “Thus, neither the NCA nor the regulations in Part 205 (of the EPA code) grant municipalities the authority to enact or enforce ordinances that supersede any limitations on their authority under state law,” he wrote. Town officials decided not to fight the Harley dealer’s request for a preliminary injunction against the enforcement of the noise ordinance. “The ordinance will remain unenforced until we have a hearing,” Fournier said, indicating that the town’s new noise ordinance will not be enforced until after the judge issues a ruling on the matter. MASSACHUSETTS ENACTS RIDER TRAINING FOR JUNIOR MOTORCYCLISTS The Massachusetts Motorcycle Association (MMA) announces that Senate Bill 2344, dubbed Ryan’s Bill, an “Act relative to assuring that motorcyclists between the ages of 16 and 18 are provided with adequate education relative to the proper safety and operation of a motorcycle.” has been signed into law by Governor Deval Patrick. Recognizing the additional burden formal training may require, MMA Legislative Director Rick Gleason states, “A weekend of formal training sets the stage for a lifetime of motorcycling enjoyment and the skills acquired through training can help a rider avoid a crash.” This new law does not make training mandatory, and only affects those under 18 who wish to earn their motorcycle license. MMA Chairman Dave Condon further clarifies that passage of Ryan’s Bill does not require a junior operator take a motorcycle training course. “A motorcycle permit in this state is good for two years. Therefore, a junior motorcycle operator can still ride on his\her permit beyond their 18th birthday, and take the road test offered by the Registry of Motor Vehicles.” Condon further stated, “The MMA was very careful in not taking anyone’s choice away or interfering with a parent’s right to decide what is best for their child.” Condon also pointed out that current state regulations require 40+ hours of formal training before a Junior Operator may obtain a license to operate an automobile. Motorcycle Rider Education Program (MREP) officials analyzed ten years of information from the Massachusetts RMV and found that just over 63% of those involved in fatal motorcycle accidents have never received any formal motorcycle rider training and 22.5% of motorcycle fatalities were from riders under the age of 21. The MMA supported the legislation in honor of 16 year old Ryan Orcutt of Brockton who died in a motorcycle accident. QUOTABLE QUOTE: “Das Beste oder nichts (The best or nothing).”Gottlieb Daimler (1834-1900), inventor of the motorcycle and the first automobile

WHERE WAS T BURK? Penn’s Peak just outside of Jim Thorpe, Pa Thanks to: Nelson Steiger-Lehighton, Pa Butch Gollatz-Coplay, Pa Denise Hagelans Matt Lausch They all guessed correctly

TBurk is taking a month off, but stay tuned to see where he will head next!


Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 13

ABATE Update HB- 2442 wording to change the definition of motorcycle (To allow for extra rear wheels) HB-590 and HB-1189 have been run through the Appropriation committee, and have come back with zero financial cost to the state. HB-2442 is a definition change which should be zero financial cost to the state. This came up at a Chapter meeting. If you are using EZ Pass on your motorcycle and you are hauling your motorcycle, the EZ Pass transponder will pick up the bike, too. Remove the transponder from the bike and put it in the foil pouch that the transponder came in, to keep from getting charged for the tow vehicle and motorcycle.

Happy Halloween! This means that leaves will be falling on the ground, so beware of the leaves on the roads, especially if they are wet. They are just like hitting ice, believe me, I know firsthand. By the time you read this article, the 2009-2010 legislative session here in Pennsylvania will be all but over. “No Lame Duck Session” that is the talk. Hopefully we will get passage on one or more of our bills. Down to the last few days, then the Legislators will be heading back to their home districts for that last minute push to get re-elected. These are the three bills that we are trying to get passed by the end of this session: HB-590-Red light bill HB- 1189- Landowner Protection for MSP training sites.

14 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

The tolling of I-80 is still alive- even with the federal government nixing it twice. Short version of the story- If the state wants to toll I-80, it seems that it could be done, but there is a catch. All monies collected from the I-80 toll must go back into repairing and up-keeping of I-80 only. No monies could be transferred to any other state projects. PennDOT and the Turnpike Commission are battling over highway funds, no telling who is going to win that one. Due to the shortfall of transportation funds, no Title 75 (Transportation) bills are moving. With the November elections coming up, you wonder who the biker friendly legislators or candidates are in your area. Come to an ABATE meeting in your area. They will have a BikePAC Voters Guide to help you decide who you would like to see in office. Get and VOTE!!! Ride Safe and Sober, Tom Christofes, Jr. State Legislative Coordinator – ABATE of PA




Y 1ST ANNIVERSAR 1 st place Glen Martzall and His Wife, Chris

2nd Place Carrie Smith

By George Svencer Well folks, you may have not known this, I was out searching for bikes for our bike show. The only way you would have known was if I came up to you and asked if I could take a picture of you and your bike. I brought this idea up to my editor and asked if we could do a bike show. Robin thought it would be a cool idea. 3rd Place Kevin Gauaghan

4 th Place Sean Ressler www.thunderroadspa.com

So how I choose these bikes were, as I was walking around different bike events checking out the bikes and if one would catch my eye, it would be the one for our show. It didn’t have to be all decked out. I was looking for a bike that looked great or different or stock with a twist to it. These bikes had to stop me in my tracks and say to myself “NICE BIKE”! So I gather up 13 bikes and they were our show. Thunder Roads staff and I did the voting. There would be four places. 1st place would get a nice size picture and a Thunder Roads T-shirt. 2nd, 3rd and 4th place would also get their picture in our magazine and also make mention the other participants. All for the “BRAGGING RIGHTS”!! Staff and I would like to thank all the participants. I hope you all think this was a cool Idea, because we had fun with it too! Our bike show runner ups in alphabetical order by first name. Chato Dejesus, Chris Edwards, Gail Szandrowski, Kerry Miller, Lou Riciardelli, Scott Ewing, Tom Ressler, Tony Ramos, Wanda Townsend. Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 15

Was talking w/ a woman who is actually an experienced cook, but she said she had never prepared “country-fried” or “chicken-fried” (both terms means the same method of cooking) pork chops or steak, which was amazing to me, so here’s the simple recipe.


8 Bone-In Pork Chops (Center Cut) 2 X-Large Eggs 2 Cups of Whole Milk 2 Cups of All-Purpose Flour Dash of Nutmeg Salt & Pepper to Taste A quality margarine, such as “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter”. Don’t use cheap margarine or else you’ll dang sure have cheap tasting chops. Let your chops sit out about 15 mins. to get to room temperature while you pour your milk into a glass pie plate or any bigger bottomed, shallow bowl. Crack your two eggs into your milk and beat gently w/ a fork. Add your dash of nutmeg. Now pour your 2 cups of flour into a highersided, big bottomed bowl. Get as large a skillet as you got (I always use one of those long, electric skillets), as then I can do all my pork chops at one time. Go ahead and take a chop in left hand and dip into milk bath. I always poke at the meat a bit while in milk bath to tenderize it and let it soak up, then again take your left hand and transfer the chop over to your right hand mid-air and then proceed onto the flour bowl. You keep your dip hand and flour hand separate so that you don’t end up with two gooey hands and drag a bunch of flour into milk bath. But while your chop is in the flour, pat it well and coat it good on one side then flip over and pat it again to coat well. Place on a plate and finish up dunking and dredging the remaining chops. Get your skillet up to medium hot, add 2 big tablespoons of margarine and melt down till sizzling. Arrange your chops so they all fit in your skillet but there’s plenty of room and no parts of chop are overlapping other chops. Salt & pepper uncooked side and then, gently life after one side has cooked for apprx. 4 minutes and make sure they are a true, golden brown, flip them, and salt & pepper the other side. You may need to add a few more pats of margarine around sides and kinda’ work up under chops to ensure that the just flipped side gets as evenly golden brown as the original side. Remove from skillet when done and plate up right away. Serve w/ fried apples or apple fritters or anything? apples! I’ll take a country16 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

fried pork chop over a steak any day of the week! *Note* If you dont have a long, electric skillet, then just do 2 batches, but be sure you place first batch in oven on low to keep hot. Don’t foil tent them or they’ll lose all their crispiness and just end up with a mushy top.


Only 3 ingredients: 1-1/4 Cups *Bisquick Brand Boxed Biscuit Mix 1/2 Cup Grated Sharp Cheddar Cheese 1/2 Cup Water Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place a silicone pad on a cookie sheet. Combine the biscuit mix and cheese in a small bowl. Add the water and stir until combined. Don’t over-mix. Just combine. Dough will be a bit moist. Drop dough by tablespoonfuls onto silicone pad and leave enough room for them to expand. Bake for about 10 minutes until they firm up but are nice and brown. Serve with honey butter. Just that simple, just that quick! *These are our daughter’s alltime fave. Hence, her nickname...”Biskit”.

GRANNY OLLIE’S BUTTERMILK PIE 1-1/2 Cups Sugar 1 Cup Buttermilk 1/2 Cup Bisquick Biscuit Mix 1/2 Cup Real Butter; melted 1-1/2 tsps. Pure Vanilla Extract 3 Large Eggs Get your oven up to 350 degrees. Grease or spray a 9-inch pie pan. Put all ingredients in a medium bowl and beat for 1 minute with handheld electric mixer or if you don’t have a hand mixer, just beat by hand until all ingredients mixed well. Pour mixture into prepared pie pan and bake for apprx. 50 minutes. Insert a toothpick into center and if it comes out clean.....it’s done! Cool for 5 minutes and let pie solidify and firm up. Slice and serve good and warm. Take a can of Extra Creamy Whipcream and make little flower dollops all over the top and place a rasberry or blueberry in center of each dollop. This is truly a little slice of Heaven from my Granny Ollie, up in Heaven.

In Loving Memory

Randy Lee Texter June 14, 1962-August 30, 2010


Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 17

Extra Special Ride On September 10, 2010 I had the pleasure of taking my loving wife of 16 years on her first escorted ride. She works nights and with two younger children, she never gets the chance to do the weekend charity rides. We were going to see Toby Keith and Trace Adkins at Toyota Pavillion at Montage Mountain, and I purchased the tickets through the local Harley dealer, where proceeds went to Susan B Komen fund to help fight breast cancer. The police escorted ride was the highlight of the night because they took us right to the top of the Mountain, non-stop past the long lines of concert goers and Scranton/Wilkes Barre Yankee fans, waiting in the stop and go traffic to get in the parking lots. I am a Phillies fan so passing the Yankees fans was extra special for me. Even where there was only one lane coming down the mountain road, they made the cars pull over so we could go right to the VIP parking. While passing these long lines she leaned forward, and told me how cool it was. So if you ever have to chance to take someone special on a ride like this don't pass it up. Especially if that someone is usually left behind. It might just teach her why you ride or enjoy the things we do. I'd also like to say Happy Anniversary to my wonderful wife, MaryAnn, truly my “One Hot Mamma�. Love you with all my heart.

20 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

READER’S RIDES CHOPPER CHIC I was interested in trail bikes as a kid growing up. I married my husband and he owned a Harley, I rode on the back of his bike for about a year. I love riding, feeling the air in my face, and joining in on all motorcycling events that we could with A.B.A.T.E. and all other motorcycle organizations. I then decided I had to have my own bike and control my own destiny. I went though about five different bikes until I found the one I liked and felt comfortable on, it is a 2009 Harley- softail. That is my cruising bike for long trips, since my husband has a Ultra Classic with side car, Electra Glide Classic custom, and a Bourget Python Chopper, I felt I should have one more bike. We bought the one you see, a Bourget Low Blow for me, and I really love it. You should see the looks I get riding this beast down the road. Men don’t think women should be riding something like that. Oh well they will get over it. Hey all you women out there try riding you will love it take my

word for it. I have been riding for about five years and have loved every minute of it!! Geri Stackhouse, Montgomery, PA



BIKER APPROVED his October I will be starting a new journey that I have been practicing for my whole life. Taste testing food, if you know of a place that you think has food fit for a "King" biker of course. Let me know at bikerdave2367@yahoo.com


Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 21

This is the maiden journey of scenic highways and byways of Pennsyl vania, with Chris “Rhino” Culbert and Thunder Roads Pa. I want to share the journeys’ with all of you. This will highlight sights and places to see, eat, drink, etc. If any of you have a favorite place you would like me to visit, please email me at rhinoglide@gmail.com . Be sure to let me know how you all like the ride. Positive or negative feedback is always welcome. The first journey is for a great fall ride through Columbia and Sullivan Counties. I followed the Susquehanna River taking Rte 11/15 North cutting across Rte 11 through Northumberland to Bloomsburg. From Bloomsburg, I took Rte 487 North through some nice country. It was a little bumpy, but not hateful. A perfect stop along the way was Ricketts Glen State Park. Some of the greatest waterfalls in the state are located here. Allow three hours if you want to hike the trails. Some hiking boots or sneakers would be a good idea. I continued along Rte 487 North

22 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

until I reached Dushore then taking Rte 87 South. I was running a little low on food and beverage, so I stopped in at the Forksville Inn for a black diamond steak! This bar is a throwback to the 40’s; built in 1947 and still looks the same today! After you leave Forksville, kick back and check out the panoramic views along this stretch of Rte 87. This stretch takes you between Tiadaghton and Wyoming State Forest. Fall leaves don’t get any more colorful. Don’t forget the stop offs at Worlds End State Park and the scenic covered bridges. A must see is the Highknob overlook and Inn. In the town of Loyalsock, I stopped at their local tavern, had a quick beverage then got on my horse and rode south on Interstate 180. This highway turns into Rte 147 back to Northumberland and Rte 11. Until next month, keep the rubber on the road and enjoy this fall ride. Chris “Rhino” Culbert


October 2

Yuasa Motorcycle Fest 2010 Lauredale, Pa Sponsored by: Yuasa Battery, Latin American Motorcycle Association And Classic Harley Davidson Benefit’s the United Way http://YuasaMotorcycleFest. eventbrite.com Gentleman Motorcycle Club Buck, Pa All Money Block Shoot 1PM to 5PM

October 3, 2010

3rd Annual Biker Sunday from 9 Am until noon with a Scavenger Hunt after the service, food and music, ALL WELCOME! For more information log onto www.thebikerchurchpa.com/ information call Our church is located at Poplar & Chapel Rds, Boyertown, PA 19512. From Route 562, turn onto Poplar Rd. Travel 0.5 miles.


You will see Biker Church signs on the left. Turn left into the driveway. The church sits on the top of the hill. Call Chaplain Rich Grill at 610-3677570 www.bikersunday.com

October 9

Isaiah Natale Benefit Run Catawissa, Pa Sponsored by: TriCounty ABATE starts at Catawissa Cracker Barrel 570-356-3105

October 10

Pittsburgh, Pa 4th Annual Scott Fickess Memorial Ride sponsored by Pizza Roma Restaurant Starts at the Restaurant 8350 Perry Hwy 10am registration. Ride leaves at noon Benefits The Children’s Institute 412-526-6237


Skippack, Pa FALL HARE SCRAMBLE RACE Sponsored by the Blue Comet Motorcycle Club 4042 Mensch Rd Open at 6AM Peewee class starts at 8AM 610-489-1240

November 6

Birdsboro, Pa Bros MC Annual Toy Run Starts at Birdsboro Fire Co Registration at 10 AM to 11 AM All proceeds to benefit The Children’s Home of Reading 484-614-8916

November 7

Reading, Pa Eastern PA TOY RUN Sponsored by Classic Harley Davidson, Armed Forces Brotherhood, Leathernecks MC, Blue Mountain Jeep Alliance Starts at Classic, 983 James Dr in Leesport, 9AM 610-916-7777

Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 23

Kristen Skowood Benefit Ride By George Svencer

From tragedy to triumph! This is proof that bikers are brothers and sisters! We are one big family! When a fallen biker is in need of help, the biker family will be there. This ride is to support Kristin Skowood in her recovery, to help pay medical bills and her therapy. For those of you who don’t know, Kristin was in a motorcycle accident which claimed five of her loved ones (three bikes in all). Kristin’s friends had a benefit ride for her and the turn out was over whelming. Only expecting 300 to 500 supporters in all. Ashley Wharton, a friend of Kristin and the ring leader of this benefit ride gave me the numbers. The total bike count was 1084. Approximately 1500 riders (driver and passengers). About 2000 bikers and non bikers showed up for this fundraiser. As I photographed the bikes coming in, it was beginning to look like a lot more than 500 bikes. It was unlike anything I ever seen, for a first time benefit ride. Groups of 10 to 15 riders at a time. I heard one lead rider of his pack tell a flagman quote “ I brought some friends along” which had about 25 bikes in his group. Before the large volume of bikers were showing up, I had ask the New Holland Police if they had it covered and if they had done a large group of riders before? They said yes and we’re ready. As more bikes poured in I went back to them jokingly, told them that, I had the 1-800 number for the National Guard and they just chuckled. Even my funning around, the New Holland PD did have it together and did a great job. The sign in went smooth. You would think it was a long wait seeing the long line. It wasn’t! It was just that so many people were showing up. 24 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

The ride itself went smooth with the help of New Holland , Blue Ball, Terre Hill, White House, Ephrata and Intercourse Fire departments blocking traffic and intersections. Great Job guys and gals! There was no problems that I know of with break downs, cars jumping in line and no fender benders with the bikes. Besides who would want to interrupt the line of bikes, it being a site to see. Bystanders were cheering us on and giving the thumbs up. Arriving back to where we started at the American Legion in New Holland, (which was a great host to the event), it was time to eat. Doing the cooking was Nick’s Chicks. Tyson donated chicken, but knowing they would run out of food they got more while we were on the ride and nobody went hungry and none got wasted. The hot dogs were donated by Kunzler, drinks donated by Coke, Turkey Hill, Potato chips by Herrs. Some local Harley dealers lent a hand, Lancaster, Smaltz, Laugermans and Iron Valley. Some of the other sponsors were Scan Tron and Lancaster Fracture Prune.

Rick Bowman organized the ride along with his partner Frank Sheridan. The ride itself was 16 miles thru Lancaster County with a pit stop at Martins Trailside Truck Stop. Normally, it’s closed on Sundays but opened for the riders to make a quick stop. I overheard a rider say that if we would of lined up side by side the line of bikes would be approximately 8 miles long. Not sure about that , but one thing for sure there were a lot of bikes!!! Also I think it was proof that we’re All Proud to be Bikers.


Ashley, Rick, and Frank wanted to make mention of some special folks for their help. Wanda Sheridan, Jeri Sheridan, Kim Boley, Lindsay Brinkman and Ashley’s husband Mike. Also to the flaggers, great job guys!! Music provide by Savage Romeo. A very special thanks from Ashley, Rick and Frank to you, the riders that showed up to help support Kristin. Thank You!!!

Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 25

SMALTZ’S SWAPMEET By George Svencer If you were looking for some bargains, this was the place to be this weekend. The bargains were so great they had a BURN OUT PIT to burn off your back tire to replace it with a new. This was the place to be if you were restoring an old Harley in your back yard. You could find the parts here new and used. Let me ask this, what’s better looking than a pin up model, you know the one you have hanging in your garage? That’s right! Cars, trucks and motorcycles build back in the day. The kind of dream rides you wish could have! Like the pin up models, these hot rods were only to look at! Checking out pure hand crafted works of art. There were some gorgeous antique rides. You just can’t have an event with out having some music like Steve Hayes and the Howlers and Acoustic’ of Mark Groff. Of course my favorite was the food vendors. Some others were Independents Chopper, Howard’s Killer Customs, Bika Chic, kid’s bounce, bike games, Antique Motorcycle Club Perkiomen Chapter, bike dyno. It was fun for the whole family! Smatz’s Harley Davidson would like to thank everyone who made this event a great time. Special thanks going out Latin American Association.

ANTIQUE BIKE SHOW WINNERS William Walker People Choice Edward Hartz

1st Prize Panhead

Doug Strange 1st Prize Ace-Flathead 4cycle Jimmy Pietrinferni 1st Prize Shovelhead 26 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

The 15th annual

Lansdale Bike Night

The 15th annual Lansdale Bike Night for the first time in a few years went off with beautiful weather, maybe thanks to some prayers from Fred McClincy, and the Gospel Riders or maybe just lady luck was in attendance… Sponsored by the Blue Comets MC of Skippack, PA and touted as the largest single day bike event on the east coast, which draws an estimated 80,000 people every year with proceeds from the event benefiting the General Nash District of the Boy Scouts of America and the PEAK Center in Lansdale. The Order of the Arrow Lummi Lodge No. 1, comprised of Boy Scouts from troops in the area, manage trash receptacles, help set up vendor spots and handed out brochures. Members of the Lucky Seven motorcycle club out of Ambler raised money for the Center for Autism, while ABATE raised funds to fight child abuse while many other organizations like Rolling Thunder Chapter 1 PA raised money for veterans. Bands played throughout the show on three stages while kids played games and attacked the moon bounce. As many families strolled the show, food was plentiful as were the vendors selling everything from cigars to chiropractic services, and who hasn’t had a sore back after a long ride? Bikes of all types, including a motorcycle hearse, came from near and far for the bike show which offered 1st , 2nd & 3rd place in 18 categories including stock, custom, touring bikes, sports bikes, bikes with sidecars, and a specialty category for miscellaneous makes, such as ATVs and even motorized bar stools — as well as a Best of Show award. Additionally, bikers who also attend the Boyertown and Glenside bike shows held earlier in the year were eligible for a Triple Crown award at Lansdale. New this year was the “King Daddy Trophy” for those that win a first-place award in their class in all three bike shows. It’s hard to keep track of everything and everyone at an event of this size and magnitude, so anyone or thing that I didn’t mention… sorry… I was having too much fun! Look for us at the next show and get our attention, who knows, you may end up in the next issue of Thunder Roads Pennsylvania! See you on the flip side, keep it light and remember to smile! ~Bubba www.thunderroadspa.com

Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 27

28 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

By George Svencer Do you smell what’s cooking? Well do ya? I do, on Friday August 27 you can smell what New Holland, Pennsylvania is cooking. It’s the start of the Summer Fest Pa State Championship BBQ Competition and Motorcycle Ride plus Bike Show. I live right around the corner from the park and I can smell the smell of the best recipes from all over United States. These competitors come out to show off what they got. Now this cook off is team competition. Winners receive trophies. To me it’s not a Fest but a Feast! All I think of is FOOD!! Don Getz and his crew puts on a self-guided bike ride thru Lancaster County. Don also puts on a bike show. I guess you can say this is “Where the Bikes Meet the Brisket”. Once again competition was tough, separating 1st, 2nd and 3rd place by tenths of a point. There were a lot of great looking bikes from antique to half truck dragster trike and eye catcher. Another bike had REAL MONEY glued to the gas tank. Another rider brought his first childhood owned bike (Benelli) which he had in his barn still in great shape. This was a judged show and I think the judges had there work cut out for them. In the past 2 and half years of doing shows, these judges are some of the best and the toughest with also being fair. I’ve done this show 3 years now, the first year I didn’t place at all. The economy also played a part in this, classes were drop back from 16 to 7. Trophies are sponsored by local business’s. It was still a great show, a lot of people came out for the fun, food and a little Blue Grass music by a local group. All this summer fun was to benefit New Holland’s Liberty Fire Company and the Community Memorial Park. The crew at the Summer Fest would like to thank all the sponsors, volunteers, vendors and all the participants that made it a fun weekend. We hope to see you next year. www.thunderroadspa.com

Bike Show Winners Peoples Choice

Stu Pennypacker


1st Marjorie Busch 2nd Marjorie Busch 3rd Roy Sweiger


1st Nick Pent 2nd Jeff Carr 3rd Rick Metter


1st Chris Kita 2nd Denny Lengel 3rd Don Brill


1st Dave Shelly 2nd Stu Pennypacker 3rd Richard Horning


1st George Svencer 2nd John Funderwhite 3rd Tim Pent


1st Robert Truitt 2nd Kevin De Pasquale 3rd Curtis Hulse



Kelly Frank

Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 29

30 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

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Three vampires walk into a bar. The waitress comes up to them and asks them what they’ll have. ? The first vampire says, (Transylvanian accent inferred) “I’ll have a glass of O Positive.” The second vampire says, “I’ll have a glass of O Negative.” The third vampire says, “I’m the designated driver. I’ll just have a glass of plasma.” The waitress turns toward the bartender and yells, “Gimme’ two bloods and one blood lite!” A couple was invited to a swanky masked Halloween Party. She got a terrible headache and told her husband to go to the party alone. He, being a devoted husband, protested, but she argued and said she was going to take some aspirin and go to bed, and there was no need of his good time being spoiled bynot going. So he took his costume and away he went. The wife, after sleeping soundly for one hour, awakened without pain, and as it was still early, she decided to go to the party. In as much as her husband did not know what her costume was, she thought she would have some fun by watching her husband to see how he acted when she was not with him. She joined the party and soon spotted her husband cavorting around on the dance floor, dancing with every hot chick he could, and copping a little feel here and a little kiss there. His wife moved on up to him and being a rather seductive babe herself, he lmmediately turned his attention to her. They were both getting turned on so agreed to go out to her car for a “quickie”. Just before unmasking at midnight, she slipped away and went home and put the costume away and got into bed, wondering what kind of explanation he would have for his wild behavior. She was sitting up reading when he came in and asked what kind of a time he had. He said, “Oh, the same old thing. You know I never have a good time when you’re not there.” Then she asked, “Did you dance much?” He replied, “Honestly, I never even danced one dance. When I got there, I met Pete, Bill Brown and some other guys, so we went into the den and played poker all evening. But I’ll tell you what, the guy I loaned my costume to damn sure had a real good time between all the dancing, groping, and trips to the parking lot!”. Q: Why did the vampire need mouthwash? A: She had bat breath. Q: Why wasn’t the vampire working? A: He was on his coffin break. Q: Why did the vampire’s lunch give her heartburn? A: It was a stake sandwich. 32 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

Two guys left the bar after a long night of drinking, jumped in the car and started it up. After a couple of minutes, an old man appeared in the passenger window and tapped lightly. The passenger screamed, “Look at he window. There’s an old ghost’s face there!” The driver sped up, but the old man’s face stayed in the window. The passenger rolled his window down part way and, scared out of his wits, said, “What do you want?”The old man softly replied, “You got any tobacco?”The passenger handed the old man a cigarette and yelled, “Step on it,” to the driver, rolling up the window in terror. A few minutes later they calmed down and started laughing again.The driver said, “I don’t know what happened, but don’t worry; the speedometer says we’re doing 80 now. ”All of a sudden there was a light tapping on the window and the old man reappeared.“There he is again,” the passenger yelled. He rolled down the window and shakily said, “Yes?” “Do you have a light?” the old man quietly asked. The passenger threw a lighter out the window saying, “Step on it!”They were driving about 100 miles an hour, trying to forget what they had just seen and heard, when all of a sudden there came some more tapping. “Oh my God! He’s back!” The passenger rolled down the window and screamed in stark terror, “WHAT NOW?” The old man gently replied, “You guys want some help getting out of the mud?” One dark night Bubba & Buck were walking home after a party and decided to take a shortcut through the cemetery, just for laughs. Right in the middle of the cemetery they were startled by a tap-tap-tapping noise coming from the misty shadows.Trembling with fear, they found an old man with a hammer and chisel, chipping away at one of the headstones.“Holy cow, Mister,” Bubba said, after catching his breath, “You scared the crap outa’ us, we thought you was a real-time, ghost! What the hell are you doing working here so late at night?” “Those idiots!” the old man grumbled. “They misspelled my damn name!”

Life is good in the South.

On the night of a Halloween costume party a couple were arguing, having trouble picking suitable outfits. After a while the wife got mad and stormed out of the room. Fifteen minutes later she came back completely naked except for a lemon between her legs. The husband looked at her for a moment and then stormed out of the room himself. Twenty minutes passed and then he stomped back in, completely naked, with a potato around his penis. The wife gave him a weird look, and the husband quickly replied; “If you’re going as a sour-puss, I’m going as a dictator”.

11 rules

your kids did not and will not learn in school Rule 1: Life is not fair - get used to it! Rule 2: The world doesn't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself. Rule 3: You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school. You won't be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both. Rule 4: If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss. Rule 5: Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping: they called it opportunity.


Rule 6: If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them. Rule 7: Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you thought you were. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent's generation, try delousing the closet in your own room. Rule 8: Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life HAS NOT. In some schools, they have abolished failing grades and they'll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life. Rule 9: Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you FIND YOURSELF. Do that on your own time. Rule 10: Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs. Rule 11: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.

Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 33

B.A.D. Biker Approved Directory ATTORNEYS Steven Stambaugh 717-846-1400 2121 S. Queen St, York, Pa 17403 Stambaugh-Law.com

AUTOMOTIVE Glenn’s Auto Repair 2218 Beaver Valley Pike New Providence, Pa 17560 Joes Automotive 1042 Drytown Rd, Denver, Pa 17517 www.joesautoandcyclerepair.com 717-445-5123

Motor-Vation Victory Kawasaki 7042 Wertzville Rd Mechanicsburg, Pa 17050 717-795-8604 www. motor-vation.com sales@motor-vation.com Schaeffer Harley Davidson 570-366-0143 11230Brick Hill Rd Orwigsburg, Pa 17961 www.schaeffershd.com Hellion Custom Cycles 6384 Brady Lane, Mecanicsburg, Pa 717-766-1414



West End Beer Baron 2101 W Main St Eagleville, PA 19403-3005 (610) 539-1790

GEICO Local office 3350 B Paxton St, Harrisburg, Pa 717-232-3040 York 717-699-0001 Lancaster 717-GO GEICO

CONSTRUCTION Arc Electric 717-397-4306 www.arcelectricpa.com Eller Construction 83 Hill Road, Kirkwood, Pa 717-529-1985

DEALERS Sales And Service Cycle Stop 228 W Main St Norristown, PA 19401 (610) 277-6220 Old Glory Motorcycle 820 Hershey Ave, Lancaster, Pa 17603 717-509-8463 Oldglorymotorc@yahoo.com Freebyrd Custom Motorcycles 2515 Delta Rd, Brogue, Pa 17309 FreebyrdCustomMotorcycles.com

Laugerman’s Harley Davidson www.laugerman.com 100 Arsenal Road,, York, Pa 17404 717-854-3214 Leola Motortrike 7 Linden St, Leola, Pa 17540 717-656-7531 www.leolamotortrike.com Motortrike@aol.com

34 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

Rider Insurance 120 Mountain Avenue Springfield, NJ 07081 Tel: 800-595-6393 Fax: 973-258-9732 For Riders, By Riders.... www.rider.com Progressive Insurance Goodville Notary 1574 Main St Goodville, Pa 17528 717-445-5885 mindyplank@comcast.net

WEBSITE DESIGNER Maxtel Design Pittsburgh, Pa info@maxtelecomm.com www.maxtelecomm.com

PHOTOGRAPHY Candy Bakey www.candybakey.smugmug.com candy.bakey@gmail.com Heavy Metal Photography Personalized and Custom Photography Steve Keefer www.heavymetalphoto.com Stev@heavymetalphoto.com

SNAP TIPS Vince Snyder Images@snapworksstudio.com www.snapworksstudio.com

RESTAURANTS/ BARS/PUBS Alfredo’s Restaurant 1132 W Main St Norristown, PA 19401-4331 (610) 277-1529 C.R. Lapp’s Family Restaurant 101 Fite Way, Quarryville, Pa 17566 717-786-1768 www.crlappsfamilyrestaurant.com The Rawlinsville Hotel Drytown Road, Rawlinsville, Pa 717-284-3244 Bandits Roadhouse Bar and Grill 1922 W. Front St., Berwick, Pa 18603 bandits-roadhouse.com 570-752-2313 Quaker Steak and Lube Bloomsburg, Pa, 570-389-9464 211 Columbia Mall Drive and Dickson City Location 570-489-5823 4005 Commerce Blvd

TABACCO SHOPS Cigar Cigars 252 Bethlehem Pike Colmar, PA 18915 (267) 644-1550

TATTOOING ATOM AGE Tattoo Shop 5007 Carlisle Oike, Mechanicsburg, Pa 717-975-0690 www.atomagetattoo.com

APPAREL Ozark Biker Shop 877-735-1377 www.RealBikers.com dave@realbikers.com GATORSKINS @Battlefield Leathers 1954 B York Rd Gettysburg, Pa 717-334-0657

B.A.D. Biker Approved Directory APPAREL Renegade Classics 1721 Whiteford Rd York, Pa 17402 717-755-7105 DR. TOM’S LEATHER & FIREWORKS 2870 SUSQUEHANNA TRAIL ROUTES 11 & 15 717-503-2254 www.drtomsleather.com UNIQUE CYCLE Supply LLC 426 Lincoln Hwy West New Oxford, Pa 17350 BIKERMAMA LEATHER CLEANING 814-389-6119 www.bikermamaleathercleaning.com bikermamaleathercleaning @yahoo.com

SERVICES Amerigreen 100% - American Fuel Oursoilouroil.com 888-423-8357

AMSOIL - Chris Parrow A-1 SYNTHETICS 10141 Bell Inn Lane, Ellicott City ,MD 21042 Phone-410-461-4490 C.P.R. - Cell Phone Repair 31 West Main St Leola, Pa 17540 717-656-5452 susquehannabattery@yahoo.com

SERVICES INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEMS INC OF READING 1742 Swamp Pike, Gilbertsville, Pa 19525 800-427-1500 610-323-3296 Kieth or George Zeglestowsky Old School Motorcycle Transport 570-864-0901 oldschoolmotorcycletransport.com

Susquehanna Battery 31 West Main St, Leola, Pa 17540 717-656-5452 susquehanna battery@yahoo.com

NOTARIES Marietta Notary 40 Old Colebrook Rd, Marietta, Pa 17547 717-426-1793 mariettanotary.coam, mariettanotary@aol.com Goodville Notary Service 1574 Main St, Goodville, Pa 17528 717-445-5885 Fax717-445-9848 mindyplank@comcast.net

CAMPGROUNDS Steel Steeds Shoreline Campground 1095 State Highway 405, Milton, PA 17847 (570) 524-9433 Cell (570) 939-0484 SteelSteeds@gmail.com PA Ralley on River www.PARallyOnTheRiver.com Northumberland, Pa

A.B.A.T.E. of PA District 8 2010 “Meet and Greet Party” $15.00 p/p

Pig Roast*Live Band*BYOB Sat October 2nd 12:00 noon

Come out for the day and meet members from other Chapters in the District or camp out and have a GREAT WEEKEND! Contact your Chapter officers for more details Hosted by Steel Steeds Motorcycle Campground 1095 SR 405 Milton, PA www. steelsteedscamp.com/


Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 35

Two Wolves One evening an old Cherokee told his Grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, “My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all”. “One is evil-it is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.” “The other is good-it is joy, peace, love, hope,serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.” The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his Grandfather, “Which Wolf Wins?” The Old Cherokee simply replied, “ The One You Feed.”

SUBSCRIBE TODAY! THUNDER ROADS PA DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR! FOR ONLY $25.00 A YEAR Name___________________________________________ Address_________________________________________ City______________________________________________ State____________________________________________

Make checks payable to: Thunder Roads PA PO Box 146 Quarryville, PA 17566

36 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

NOODLES TIPS FOR THE ROAD Don’t Drink and Drive You might spill your drink! Just messing with you!!! That is silly-and yes---Averi, I do mean SILLY as in Stupid this time. I am a friend to Silly Bikers everywhere! Remember that the horn and headlights are not just for getting’ the attention of the Chick with the short skirt. They are best used to flash at the slow drivers. You know the ones in your way when you are driving 190 miles per hour. Also Remember that if you are passing someone or being passed, make sure to make eye contact and wave hello if he/or she is cute! Noodles Quote: Don’t buy from breeders when you can rescue from shelters! “He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.” --- Author Unknown

38 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

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