February 2011

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ON 20 HI-DEF 50" TVS





EDITOR / OWNER Robin Montgomery Lapp 717-682-7529 thunderrdspa@yahoo.com

regional sales manager and central pa sales team paul yeater 717-635-5830 cowboy6370@gmail.com lancaster and surrounding area robin keys 717-286-4689 reller65@aol.com tony montgomery 717-431-4551 tmonty22@comcast.net wilkes/barre-scranton and surrounding area dave corby bikerdave@yahoo.com - Home 570-388-2670 (PRESIDENT ABATE, LUZERNE COUNTY) SCHUYLKILL County Janice Jones (570)889-3080 mainstbar@live.com

Wow…winter is here! There are still some brave souls out there riding. If you are one of them, please pay attention to your condition as you ride, mental as well as physical. If you start getting too cold, it’s time to pull in for a cup of coffee and a warm up. Too cold and your reaction time as well as your basic judgment starts to freeze up, and that’s not the way to enjoy winter motorcycle riding. If you make sure your bike is ready; make sure your motorcycle riding gear is up to snuff; and make sure your head is in the right place for Winter Motorcycle Riding; you too can enjoy the chuckles you’ll do inside your helmet, as you witness the startled looks you’ll get from the folks coming the other way, in their cars, when they spot the crazy, fool, riding a motorcycle in the winter! Allow Your Own Inner Light to Guide You There comes a time when you must stand alone. You must feel confident enough within yourself to follow your own dreams. You must be willing to make sacrifices.

Lancaster/Lebanon/Reading Katrina Shawver Kshawver@yahoo.com 717-673-5444

You must be capable of changing and rearranging your priorities so that your final goal can be achieved.

North West Territory Eric George Egeorge1@zoominternet.net 814-827-0396 814-463-9350

There are times when you must take a few extra chances and create your own realities.

Pittsburgh Connection: Monica Bistarkey 412-334-8514 mbistarkey@hotmail.com

Be confident enough that you won’t settle for a compromise just to get by.

PHILLY AREA/READING AREA Sales Manager/SALES sean garnett trmpa.se@gmail.com 484-614-5680 south central sales Chris culbert 717-877-7792 rhinoglide@gmail.com Layout & Design Meredith Hancock / Hancock Graphics distribution & article contributions MICHELLE AND J.D. JOHNSON

National Founders Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive / Chapmansboro, TN 37035 Office 615-792-0040 / Fax: 615-792-7580 email: thunderroads@charter.net © THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE IS PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THUNDER PUBLISHING. all rights reserved. no part of its content may be reproduced without written permission. publisher assumes no responsibility and is not to be held liable for errors beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error, slander of any group or individual, failure to produce any issue as scheduled due to reasons beyond our control. and any all suits for liable, plagiarism, copyright infringement and unauthorized us of a person’s name or photograph. opinions and claims made by advertisers and authors are their own, and do not necessarily represent the policy of thuner roads magazine or thunder publishing. publisher does not promote the abuse of alcohol or other drugs.

2 Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania

Sometimes, familiarity and comfort need to be challenged.

Be strong enough to at least try to make your life better. Appreciate yourself by allowing yourself the opportunities to grow, develop, and find your true sense of purpose in this life. Don’t stand in someone else’s shadow when it’s your sunlight that should lead the way. Work hard at what you like to do and try to overcome all obstacles Laugh at your mistakes and praise yourself for learning from them Pick some flowers and appreciate the beauty of nature Say hello to strangers and enjoy the people you know Don’t be afraid to show your emotions laughing and crying make you feel better Love your friends and family with your entire being they are the most important part of your life Feel the calmness on a quiet sunny day Find a rainbow and live your world of dreams always remember life is better than it seems! Happiness is a choice! - Unknown Until next month when the hope of spring and warm weather is just around the corner.

Robin Montgomery Lapp Editor/Owner

Know the Law............................................4 On a Wing and a Prayer............................6 Neil Sneeringer Memorial Rally.................7 Snaptips....................................................8 Rhino’s Rogue Ways...............................10 Noodles Tips............................................11 NCOMM Newsbytes................................12 Center Calendar......................................14 Leola Trike Build......................................16 KISS in the Kitchen.................................18 Timonium Show.......................................19 Biker Approved Directory.........................20 ABATE Update........................................21 Salt Flats National Record.......................22 Geneva Puzzle........................................23 Upcoming Events....................................27

ON THE COVER Read more about hte Timonium Motorcycle Show on page 19.


Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania­3

Know the Law by Attorney Steve Stambaugh As promised in last month’s article, this month’s article will address Pennsylvania’s DUI law as it applies to second and third time offenders. Again, the law “rates” offenders by the level of their BAC (blood alcohol content), which as you will recall is separated into 3 tiers: Tier 1 is the “lowest” rate and covers BAC’s of .08% to .099%; Tier 2 is called a “high”“ rate and covers BACs of .10% to .159%; and Tier 3 is the “highest” rate and covers BACs of .16% and above. I will again limit my discussion to mandatory minimum license suspensions and mandatory minimum periods of imprisonment (and thus will not address any of the many variables that go in to sentencing including but not limited to intermediate punishment sentences, etc.). For second (2nd) time offenders, the following penalties apply: Tier 1 BACs have a minimum sentence of 5 days imprisonment which the Court can extend for up to 6 months plus a one year license suspension followed by a full year of an ignition interlock after your license is restored; Tier 2 BACs have a minimum sentence of 30 days imprisonment which the Court can extend for up to 6 months plus a one year license suspension followed by a full year of an ignition interlock after your license is restored; Tier 3 BACs have a minimum sentence of 90

4 Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania

days imprisonment which the Court can extend for up to 5 years plus 18 months license suspension followed by a full year of an ignition interlock after your license is restored. For third (3rd) time offenders, the following penalties apply: Tier 1 BACs have a minimum sentence of 10 days imprisonment which the Court can extend for up to 2 years plus a one year license suspension followed by a full year of an ignition interlock after your license is restored; Tier 2 BACs have a minimum sentence of 90 days imprisonment which the Court can extend for up to 5 years plus 18 months license suspension followed by a full year of an ignition interlock after your license is restored; Tier 3 BACs have a minimum sentence of 1 year imprisonment which the Court can extend for up to 5 years plus 18 months license suspension followed by a full year of an ignition interlock after your license is restored. As you can see from the foregoing, the penalties escalate quickly as your BAC increases. I have not touched upon the fines but let me assure you that they are substantial in addition to which, when you do get your license back, your insurance rates will have gone through the roof. Also, the maximum period of incarceration is also the period of time that you will be on probation, which means that if you violate the law while on probation, you will have the new offense to deal with as well as the probation violation. As always - Ride Safe and check your insurance policy to make sure that you have purchased the maximum amount of uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage that you can afford. See you on the road.

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ner Din wo! T For tine’s n e l ls Va cia ils Spe eta r l fo




Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania­5

On A Wing and A Prayer Hurts in the family… The family is the backbone of society and in the last thirty years it has been under attack. As a pastor I deal with a lot of families today that are hurting because of things that have been said or done. There are two powerful forces on earth — they are “love” and “selfishness.” The family is to be built on the foundation of the love of God. It cannot succeed when there is selfishness. There are different kinds of love, but the love I am talking about today is “agape” love. Agape love is unconditional love. That means when someone makes a mistake, you deal with the problem and still love them. Some people run by their emotions. They say they love someone — marry them — then a year later fall out of love and divorce. That is not love. Agape love does two things. First it pays no attention to the wrong that is done and second, it still loves the person who has done wrong. If a family has agape love as the foundation, it will produce a strong family. If the family has selfishness as the foundation, it will produce problem after problem. If you are a Christian then you need to obey what the Bible says. The Bible encourages us to have agape love. That will equip you to be a strong husband, wife, father, mother or child. When you have a strong relationship with God then you will have a successful relationship with others. Satan is using the same weapons that he used to cause trouble in the Garden of Eden. Genesis 3:1-8 tells us all about it. What do we learn from this story? First: Satan wants to deceive us and get us to run by our emotions. Second: Emotions are feelings on the inside of us that are caused by hurts or pleasure. Third: Negative emotions move you away from God. There is an old saying, “complain and remain.” Nothing is ever accomplished when all we do is complain about a person (or problem), and don’t deal with them. Fourth: Don’t depend on emotions — they change hourly. Fifth: God gave us emotions but they are not to rule our lives. What should you do when you are hurt by a family member or someone else? The answer is to deal with it God’s way. Have agape love toward that person. Deal with the problem but continue to love them. Words can hurt very deep. Proverbs 12:18 says, 6 Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania

“these are those who speak rashly, like the piercing of a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” Anyone can say words to cut people, but we need to be wise and speak encouraging words to our family and to others. Hurtful words are based on selfishness. Agape love speaks healing words. Everyone will be hurt at some time in their life. Remember these things. First: Don’t use hurt as an excuse to do nothing. I am a minister and I have been hurt, but I can’t stop reaching out to help people. I can’t run by that emotion. Second: Deal with past hurts before you build new relationships. If you don’t, you will just take that “baggage” into the new relationship. Third: Hurts will mess up your decisions and the way you look at people. You will have in the back of your mind “everyone is out to put it to me.” Fourth: Hurts will make you bitter and keep you from a peaceful and happy life. Fifth: Hurts will cause you to harden yourself and you won’t let others, including God, be close to you. (And God is the answer to your hurts.) Many times people who are hurting end up hurting other people. They go around and around because they haven’t dealt with the hurt. They harden their hearts and have pity parties. This ends up in anger, blaming other people, and often turns into depression. What is the answer for hurts? If you haven’t already asked Jesus to come into your life, that is the first step. Ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins and accept Him into your life. He will help you deal with the hurts. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “if any person is ingrafted in Christ, he is a new creation (a new creature altogether); the old (previous moral and spiritual condition) has passed away; the fresh and new has come.” After you have come to Jesus, here is how you can deal with your hurts: First: Refuse to think about your past hurts all day long. Second: Ask Jesus to help you to deal with them. Third: Forgive the people who have hurt you. Yes, that is what God tells you to do. If you don’t forgive, then they will have control over you because you will always be thinking about what they have done to you. Forth: Walk in agape love (unconditional love.) Be quick to forgive and love. Fifth: Ask someone strong in Jesus to pray with you. There are many families that need emotional healing because of the many hurts that have been done. Are you the one who has been doing the hurting? Are you the one who is hurt? Deal with it God’s way. Always remember that Jesus loves you and wants to help you with your hurts. Be strong in Jesus and ride safe, Pastor Frank 717-567-3337 Faith Christian Center Lower Bailey Rd. Newport, Pa 17074


For the last 11 years a group of individuals have been holding a motorcycle rally to raise money in memory of their friend Neil Sneeringer who passed away at a young age from cancer. The rally is held at the Fauncetown Pavilion near Titusville to raise money for Crawford, Venango and Forest Counties Special Olympics. The 2010 event was held on July 30, 31 and August 1. The event kicked off Friday evening with a memorial run to Neil’s final resting place, and then it was back to the rally to listen to the Block Apart band. On Saturday we enjoyed a poker run, Special Olympians showed those who attended the event their athletic skills. There were vendors, DJ, bike games, and the night was rocked by local band Midnight Spank. If you want to attend the 2011 rally there is plenty of room for tent camping available, with a limited amount of hook ups for mobile homes. For the cost of admission, beer and pop are provided for the 3 days and on Saturday a pig is roasted along with chickens with all the fixings. With generous donations from sponsors and gate fees, the 2010 event raised $4,400.00 for Crawford County and Venango and Forest Counties Special Olympics in memory of Neil Sneeringer. Planning for the 2011 event is underway; the Fauncetown Pavilion can be accessed off routes 27 and 408 in Crawford County. Please check the events section of Thunder Roads for the 2011 Neil Sneeringer Memorial Rally. – In the wind, Eric G.


Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania­7

By Vince Snyder The Small Stuff

This Snap Tips is about macro photography. Macro is shooting things up close or very small things. Flowers an bugs are the common images you see shot in macro. Most cameras have a setting for macro. One the reason for the setting is that the cameras auto focus changes its settings to be able to work close up. With these winter days upon us and the bike sitting in the garage, lets try something new. Lets look at taking shots of your bike you might not have thought of taking. First put the camera in Macro Mode (if your camera has this setting). Now look for interesting close-ups on the bike. These close-ups will most likely be shot within 3 feet of the bike or closer. Maybe you have nice stitching on your seat, your air cleaner, custom paint, the headlight or maybe the area on your tail pipes that goes from the heated blue back to chrome. Do you have an old parts bike sitting outside? Maybe shots with the snow sitting on the tank or tail pipes, rain dripping from the handle bars. Just look for little areas that could be of interest. Again, photography is meant to be fun and a way to express yourself. So grab your digital camera and snap away. Good luck and see you next month!


Vince Snyder can be reached at images@snapworksstudio.com. All photographs Š2010 Snapworks Studio / Vince Snyder. No Duplication without written permission

8 Thunder RoadsÂŽ Pennsylvania


Thunder Roads速 Pennsylvania足9





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We care about you. Ride safely, respectfully and within the limits of the law and your abilities. Always wear an approved helmet, proper eyewear and protective clothing, and insist your passenger does too. Never ride while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Know your Harley® motorcycle and read and understand your owner’s manual from cover to cover. ©2009 H-D. All rights reserved. Harley, Harley-Davidson and the Bar & Shield logo are among the trademarks of H-D Michigan, LLC.

Rhino’s in the garage this month with the “Rhinoglide” in pieces, but be assured he will be out and running soon. He will be on his road trips with the new RC Component wheels & brakes, DM performance cleaner, FSD exhaust, etc.. lot’s of changes over the next few months. I hope all of my fellow bikers had a great Christmas and New Years. Let’s help as bikers, to make another American come back story for 2011! USA can’t be held down for long with the spirit of the true Americans such as the majority of us.......the bikers. Chris “RHINO” Culbert 10 Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania

NOODLES TIPS FOR THE ROAD You know you’re from Pennsylvania when: You think the roads in any other state are smooth. Hearing horses clopping down a paved street doesn’t bring you to the window to see what’s going on outside. You can stop along the road to buy fruits, vegetables, or crafts on the “honor system.” You consider Pittsburgh to be “out west,” and you know the fastest way to Philly is the Turnpike. When it snows they put cinders on the roads instead of sand. You can give directions to Intercourse with a straight face. Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow. You know the four seasons: Winter, Still Winter, Almost Winter, and Construction. Your idea of a traffic jam is ten cars waiting to pass a tractor on the highway. You measure distance in minutes. Don’t-cha just love it here in Pa? My favorite is sticking my head out of the window, cruising about 50 mph, just after they spread the fields with manure. Mmmmmmmmmmm! Makes me want to jump out and roll around in it! Sure hope that Groundhog gives us good news!

This Photo is part of a Calendar that is being sold to benefit the

Brandon Styer Scholarship Fund

Please support this foundation, by buying your 2011 calendar today! Please visit our Website at:

www.tstyerphoto.com www.thunderroadspa.com

Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania­11

Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)

News Bytes

THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. If you’ve been involved in any kind of accident, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE or visit www.ON-A-BIKE.com. MOTORCYCLE-RIDING CONGRESSWOMAN SHOT In what has been described as a national tragedy, a deranged gunman opened fire during a public meeting with constituents by Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords outside a Tucson supermarket on January 8 that left six dead and more than a dozen injured including the state rep who was critically injured with a bullet wound to the head. Giffords, 40, rides motorcycles and married an astronaut at a wedding where everything had to be biodegradable. She is a centrist three-term Democrat who champions gun rights, lists fiscal discipline as one of her top issues and was re-elected in a conservative district when Republicans took control of the House. Before entering politics she ran the family tire business, which was founded by her grandfather in 1949. Perhaps growing up in an autofocused family led to her love of motorcycles. She is a co-chair of the Congressional Motorcycle Caucus with Republican Walt Jones of North Carolina. In 2009 Rep. Giffords taped a video message encouraging people to ride their motorcycles to work, saying that she likes to ride motorcycles, but also likes that they leave a smaller carbon footprint than cars. She also sided with motorcycle riders who favor state legislation to ride helmet-free, as she does. Though early reports suggested Giffords was fatally shot, she miraculously survived being shot point-blank through the brain and her doctors are optimistic about her chances of recovery. The thoughts and prayers of America’s motorcycling community are with her and the other victims of this tragic assault. NEW YEAR, NEW LAWS The New Year rang in several new laws across the country affecting the motorcycle riding community, including the onerous new California anti-noise law that requires EPA-labeling for motorcycle exhausts on bikes built after 2012. Other less volatile laws also took effect on January 1st, including another California law that requires would-be motorcyclists under 21 to complete an approved safety course before an applicant can receive an instruction permit to learn to ride. California lawmakers also passed a law to curb motorcycle thefts by outlawing possession of so-called “pigtails” which are homemade ignitions that allow a crook to start a motorcycle in as little as 20 seconds. Previously, burglary tools for the purpose of breaking into or stealing a vehicle other than a motorcycle were prohibited. Several states have recently enacted legislation requiring the completion of a motorcycle training course before being issued a motorcycle license endorsement, and this year Connecticut and North Carolina join the growing list of states tightening restrictions on motorcycle licensure for newbie riders. In Oregon, a new training requirement went into effect to mandate safety classes for new

12 Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania

motorcyclists under the age of 30, and the law will expand over the next few years to include all new riders regardless of age. Already in the works for 2011, state legislatures are considering new laws to ban passengers under 8 years old in Virginia (House Bill 1850), allow Sunday motorcycle sales in Indiana (Senate Bill 108), and calls for a helmet law in Kentucky (House Bill 163). In Nebraska, Legislative Bill 62 has been filed to allow adult riders to opt out of the state’s mandatory helmet law with the completion of an approved motorcycle safety course. EUROPEAN COMMISSION ADVOCATES MANDATORY ABS FOR MOTORCYCLES A European Union Commission has presented its proposal for new framework regulation for motorcycles. It plans to mandate antilock braking systems (ABS) for motorcycles with more than 125cc displacement from 2017 onwards. Although the first anti-lock braking system was installed on a motorcycle in 1988, only 16% of all newly manufactured motorcycles in Europe were equipped with ABS, and by comparison car manufacturers have made ABS standard equipment since 2004 which has contributed to a 49% overall decline in fatal car accidents in the EU. Experts regard anti-lock braking as a huge boost to safety. For example, a benefit analysis conducted for the European Commission calculates that the proposed regulation would reduce the number of fatal motorcycle accidents by more than 5,000 over a 10-year period. A study presented by Vagverket, the Swedish highways authority, in October 2009 showed that 38% of all motorcycle accidents involving personal injury and 48% of all serious and fatal accidents, could have been prevented with ABS. This active safety system allows motorcyclists to brake safely in critical situations without locking the wheels, and thus without having to fear an inevitable fall. Braking distance is also significantly reduced. The proposal is currently passing through the EU legislative procedure but will likely be adopted next year. The regulation will come into effect from 2017. In the U.S., the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has considered requiring ABS on new motorcycles sold in America, and will likely take up the issue in the near future. ECONOMIC UPTICK HAS AMERICANS BUYING LEISURE PRODUCTS AGAIN People are buying expensive leisure products again, after they held back during the recession. A new report from Milwaukee’s Robert W. Baird and Company said motorcycle sales fell by half during the downturn, and ATV sales were just 30% of what they used to be. But Baird analyst Craig Kennison says many consumers now have a brighter outlook, in spite of high unemployment and a housing market that continues to be depressed. He said inventories for new leisure items are low, and there’s a strong demand for used goods. Kennison said Milwaukee’s Harley-Davidson Motor Co. slashed its production during the recession - and that drove up the prices for used bikes. But now, he says more folks are buying new Harleys

News Bytes with the help of trade-ins.


And while it’s hard to prove, Kennison expects the same trend for cars, RV’s, and other big ticket items. He also said consumers are more confident about their personal wealth, especially after the Bush tax cuts were extended. Had Congress not acted this month, Kennison said it might have been a disaster for discretionary spending.

Most “experts” agree that riding motorcycles helps you to FEEL younger, but can riding actually make your body healthier and more youthful?

SURVEY SAYS; AGE UP, QUALITY DOWN Bikers are getting older and they spend more at a motorcycle dealership they are happy with, according to a new ownership survey recently released by J.D. Power and Associates. J.D. Power’s 13th annual U.S. Motorcycle Competitive Information Study also reveals that motorcycle quality has dipped to 2008 levels, with 152 problems reported per 100 motorcycles (PPM) -- an increase of 29 PPM. One half of owners surveyed reported that most of those problems (44%) are engine related, and the study suggests that gearshift problems, clutch chatter, and insufficient engine power have the greatest impact on overall satisfaction. The study cites a few no-brainers, like the fact that “Sales volumes and revenue of ancillary goods and services tend to be considerably higher -- by an average of $957 -- at motorcycle dealerships that provide a highly satisfying experience vs. dealerships that do not.” But the causal relationship between customer satisfaction and dollars spent is less ominous than their findings that the average rider age has risen from 40 to 49 since 2001, “an indication that many owners may soon exit the market”... combined with the study’s findings that first-time motorcycle buyers are on the decline, makes it all the more imperative that the motorcycle industry seeks to capture the interest of younger riders who might consider buying their first bike. FEWER BUSINESSES SELLING MOTORCYCLES, PARTS & ACCESSORIES There are 10,428 retail outlets in the United States that conduct business related to motorcycles, scooters or ATVs, down by more than 25% from 13,973 such businesses in 2009, according to the Motorcycle Industry Council. These were the principle findings of the MIC 2010 Retail Outlet Audit, a summary of which the council sent to its members this week. The audit was completed in December 2010. The report broke down the total by the number of retailers that sell new major-brand vehicles -- 5,134, or 49.2% -- and the number of retailers not selling new vehicles, but specializing in parts, accessories, apparel, used vehicles or service: 5,294, or 50.8%. The MIC conducted its research by collecting information from all the manufacturers above, as well as from the trade magazines Dealernews and Motorcycle Product News. Because the study’s sources vary from year to year, the MIC warns that comparisons with previous years are subject to “considerable error.” The report further indicates that 58.8% of the new vehicle retail outlets carry only one of the 13 major brands. Slightly less than onefifth are dual-line outlets, and 21.9% carry three or more of the major brands. The total number of franchises distributed among the 5,134 new vehicle outlets declined 5.6% to 9,182 from 9,731 in 2009.


A recent Medical College of Georgia study found that; “A daily dose of whole body vibration may help reduce the usual bone density loss that occurs with age,” on top of improving muscle strength and promoting weight loss... so it would appear that pulsating power from a motorcycle engine and the rumble of the open road will help aging bones get stronger. The extrapolation isn’t entirely far-fetched, and may lead to a healthy new excuse to ride; “Honey, I’m taking my exer-cycle for a workout.” WEIRD NEWS: CANADIAN BIKERS OUTRAGED OVER GOVERNMENT SPYING Motorcycle operators in Quebec are outraged that the province’s automobile insurance board hired a private PR firm “to spy on us” and gather information about the group. The insurance board decided to monitor the group of motorcyclists earlier this year after learning that a coalition of angry owners had been formed to fight huge insurance rate hikes. The public relations firm National was granted a contract to investigate the activities of the Front Commun Motocycliste, which had set up kiosks at a Quebec City motorcycle show. “They give the impression of being organized, documented and especially very motivated,” the firm stated in its two-page report after observing the group at the bike show. The report stated that the motorcycle owners were “dynamic and aggressive in their approach” with visitors. Members of the group were appalled to learn that the government would pay a private firm to monitor their activities. “We are outraged, flabbergasted and scandalized to learn that taxpayers’ money was used to spy on us. We are average taxpayers. We aren’t al-Qaeda,” said Éric Lessard, spokesman for the group. “The government is showing complete contempt for motorcycle owners.” The board denied spying on the group, telling the Globe and Mail newspaper that “There was a lot of anger and we knew protest groups were being formed,” according to a spokeswoman for the automobile insurance board, Audrey Chaput. “We granted a contract to the firm National to go out and listen to what the groups were saying and to feel the pulse of the movement.” Motorcycle owners have protested vigorously against insurance rate increases that have doubled since 2007 for owners of average-size motorcycles and more than quadrupled for owners of high-powered motorcycles considered more hazardous by the insurance board. QUOTABLE QUOTE: “Political tags - such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth - are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire.” Robert Anson Heinlein (1907-1988) American author and science fiction writer

Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania­13

Installing tour-pak, and reconnect all wiring

Modifying bottom of tour-pak to fit trike body. It needs to be cut out wider so it does not rub the body.

Leola Trike Build What Should You Look for When Considering a Trike? part THREE of three By Brandon Zimmerman

Located in Leola, PA, Leola Motortrike has much more to offer the customer than most dealers with custom trikes and services. Ron Myers, President, and his customers made recommendations on what to look for in a dealership and in a trike when considering a purchase. • Customer Service: Specializing in private consultations, education, training, and reviews of the various options with the customers sets Leola Motortrike apart from other dealers. “I like people who are going to be honest and straightforward and treat me right,” says Raymond Tinsley of Elizabethtown, PA, a lifelong cyclist who just purchased his first trike at Leola Motortrike. “When you like people, you like being around them,” and he “felt comfortable going back with questions” during the process. His opinion of Motortrike? “I would recommend Leola Motortrike to anybody. I had a great experience, was very pleased.” • Independent Suspension: The suspension is unique in each trike, and the complexity of the design and various options to satisfy the ride requirements require a thorough knowledge of the Independent Suspension design criteria in such areas as traction/grip, ride quality, leaning/sway control, and bump steer/stability, and suspension travel. Richard Ludwig of Temple, PA, who has 20 years of motorcycling experience and just purchased a second trike from Leola Motortrike, says, “Independent suspension rides much nicer than the straight axle. It’s much more comfortable!” He advises prospective customers to “take a test ride, you can tell the difference right away. Definitely go for Independent Rear Suspension, and buy lots of chrome!” • Master Mechanics: Between owner Ron Myers and the two master mechanics, Leola Motortrike boasts a combined 102 years of mechanical experience and 86 years of painting experience. Almost no 16 Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania

Holes have been drilled for fender bra snaps to prepare for fender bra installation. business in the country can claim this level of expertise. In addition, all the employees are lifelong riders, and master mechanic John Graybill is a former Motocross racer. Graybill takes all trikes on a test ride on a wide variety of road surfaces and speeds to ensure they are road-worthy and completely safe. • Stability: In a Motortrike conversion, the heaviest components are built on the rear as low as possible, which reduces load transfer to the outside tire on cornering and helps keep the inside tire on the road. This results in increased stability and an impressive, safe ride. “I’ve driven our trikes in ways I won’t publicly admit to, and I have never been able to corner a Motortrike Independent Suspension trike hard enough to lift a wheel,” says John Graybill, Leola Motortrike’s test driver. • Handicapped Adaptations: Leola Motortrike creatively customizes trikes for those who have suffered in injury or are otherwise handicapped. Most cyclists fear giving up biking when they experience a debilitating injury or when health issues impede riding. Leola Motortrike offers innovative handicap adaptations to keep you on the road safely. “All a customer has to do is let us know what their impediment is, and we’ll help them find a way to ride safely”, says Myers. • Storage Space: Look for more storage space than a twowheeler. The roomy 4.6 cubic feet of trunk space and 24 ½” x 16” trunk door allow storage of two full-face helmets and luggage in the Motortrike Adventure conversion.

After cut edges are sanded smooth, bottom of tour-pak is reinstalled and trim screwed in place.

Almost ready for test drive!

The original seat is re-installed.

Drilling holes for license plate.

Finished product ready for test drive. Every trike is driven on a 5 mile route of varying road surfaces to test for superior ride quality and optimal handling. After that, every trike is detailed and polished to prepare for delivery to customer.


Thunder Roads速 Pennsylvania足17

K.I.S.S. page composed & edited by: Toni McCoy Shearon of Tennessee JUST FOR THE TWO OF YOU STOVETOP ROAST CHICKEN W/ HOT BUTTERED NOODLES & PORTOBELLO MUSHROOMS 1 Pound of Fresh Portobello Mushrooms (do NOT wash; pat dry or clean w/ a paper towel) 2 of Each Chicken Part; Breast, Thigh & Leg 2 Tbls. Cornstarch 1/4 Cup Water 1/4 Cup Olive Oil 3/4 Cup Rose’ Wine 1/4 Cup Soy Sauce 1 Clove Garlic, Pressed 1/4 tsp. Dried Oregano Cooked & Buttered Egg Noodles Covered & Set Aside (be sure and mix w/ enough butter or quality margarine) FRUIT & KISSES RED SMOOTHIES XOXOX 1 Carton (8 ozs.) Strawberry Yogurt 1/2 to 3/4 Cup Cranberry Juice 1-1./2 Cups Frozen Unsweetened Strawberries, 1/4’d 1 Cup Frozen Unsweetened Raspberries 3 tsps. Sugar or Splenda

Pour some ice cold Asti Spumante into champagne flutes, light a candle and share a big slice of this Torte together, in bed, and this recipe will help create a sweet memory.

DIPPED W/ LOVE STRAWBERRIES INTO HAZELNUT WHIPPED CREAM 1 Quart of Strawberries; pop the tops and rinse well 1 Cup or Small Carton of Whipping Cream 1/4 Cup Sifted Powdered Sugar 1 Tbl. Frangelico, or Other Hazelnut-Flavored Liqueur’ 1/2 to 1 tsp. Grated Tangerine Rind

Beat whipping cream at medium speed with an electric mixer until foamy; gradually add powdered sugar; beating at high speed until soft peaks form. Gently stir in liqueur’ and tangerine rind. Serve with chilled, fresh strawberries and dip away, baby, dip away!!

MY VALENTINE FOR LIFE, STRAWBERRY CUSTARD TORTE 1 Packaged Quality Yellow Cake Mix 1/3 Cup of Sugar or Baking Splenda 1 Tbl. Cornstarch 1/8 tsp. Salt 1 Cup Whole Milk 2 Egg Yolks, Lightly Beaten 1 Tbl. Butter or Margarine 1 tsp. Vanilla Extract 1 Carton (8 ozs.) of Frozen, Whipped Topping, Thawed 1 Pkg. (12 ozs.) Frozen Sweetened, Sliced Strawberries, Drained and Thawed Halved Strawberries and Mint Leaves for Top Garnish 18 Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania

Place sliced mushrooms in a 1/4 inch of olive oil, with a pat of real butter for total browning over medium-low heat. Combine cornstarch and water in a small bowl, stirring until smooth. Add next 5 ingredients, pour over chicken. slow roast on top of stove for 1 hour or until chicken is done. Serve with buttered noodles generously topped w/ either dried or fresh parsley. If dried, rub in your hands to awaken the flavor. * My mom used to make this same recipe in a cast iron skillet, but she’d jazz it up by adding strips of green, red and yellow peppers and letting it all cook down on top of stove with a cover over 3/4 of the skillet to allow air to flow. Mild green chilies is a nice addition also. Any way you do it, this dish is fabulous and the key to it is slow and steady. Don’t rush the good stuff and like Julie Child said...”don’t crowd the mushrooms when browning!”. In a blender or food processor, combine yogurt and cranberry juice. Add strawberries, raspberries and sugar; cover and process until blended. Pour into chilled, fancy dessert glasses. Serve immediately. These are so rich, you can serve as dessert.

Prepare and bake cake according to package directions, using two greased and floured 9-inch round baking pans. Cool for 10 minutes, remove from pans to wire racks to cool completely. In a saucepan, combine the sugar, cornstarch and salt; gradually stir in milk until smooth. Bring to a boil over medium heat; cook and stir for 2 minutes or until thickened. Remove from the heat. Stir a small amount of hot filling into egg yolks; return all to pan, stirring constantly. Bring to a gentle boil; cook and stir for 2 minutes. Remove from heat. Cover and refrigerate until chilled. Place half of the whipped topping in a bowl; add strawberries. Split each cake into two horizontal layers; place one layer on a serving plate. Spread with half of the strawberry mixture. Top with a second cake layer; spread with custard. Add third layer; spread with remaining strawberry mixture. Top with remaining cake and whipped topping. Refrigerate overnight.



Timonium, MD - In nine short years, The Timonium Motorcycle Show has grown into one of the largest, best-attended indoor cycle expos on the East Coast. Located in Baltimore County, Maryland, the Timonium Bike Event not only features all the hottest new 2011 motorcycle models from the world’s top manufacturers, but also hosts one of the most prestigious custom and antique bike competition meets of the year. Over 250 bikes compete in many separate trophy classes for big cash prizes and trophies. Twowheel enthusiasts can check out more than 315 of the area’s top motorcycle aftermarket companies offering everything from riding gear and equipment to travel destinations and insurance. A group of the Nation’s most famous bike builders show off their latest creations next to over 25 local custom builders and fabrication shops from nine states. Some of the superstar builders they’ll meet this year are: Arlen Ness, the undisputed godfather of bike builders and one of the charter members of the prestigious Hamsters Motorcycle Club: Chica, of Chica Customs Cycles from Huntington Beach, California, who specializes in ‘the old style of today’ – Old School look using today’s technology; Doug Keim of Doug Keim Creative Cycles “The Pride of the Jersey Shore” and Randy Simpson of Milwaukee Iron “Steel Made in America” from


Lynchburg, VA. Also, check out the Lightcycle from the Disney movie Tron, the Batman Batpod and the Green Machine in the Parker Brothers Display from Florida. Motorcycle apparel fashion shows, tattoo contest, celebrity autograph ‘meet and greets’ which include stars from FX TV’s hit series ‘Sons of Anarchy’, Michele Smith, Host of Discovery Channel’s HDT Motorcycle Series “Two Wheel Thunder’ and Playboy Cover Girl, Jessica Robinson form the final layer of this diversified event. Show Hours: Friday and Saturday, February 11 and 12, 10:00am – 9:00pm and Sunday, February 13, 10:00am – 6:00pm. Admission for Adults: $15.00, children 10 – 15 years $5.00 and under 10 are free with paying adult. Go to www.cycleshow.net to print-out $5.00 off coupons, good on adult admission only. Advanced tickets can be purchased at these Maryland Dealer locations…Pete’s Cycle Dealerships, Bob’s BMW in Columbia and the Harley Davidson Store on Pulaski Highway in White Marsh. There’s expanded parking for over 2,000 vehicles this year which will eliminate the traffic issues of past years getting onto the Maryland State Fairgrounds and parking is free! For more information, call, 410-561-7323, visit www.cycleshow.net, facebook.com/timoniumcycleshow or info@aldadvertising.com.

Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania­19

Welcome to the new B.A.D. directory!

Here you will find great places that are Motorcycle and Biker friendly !

They help bring you Thunder Roads Pennsylvania each and every month!

C.P.R. Cell Phone Repair

31 West Main St Leola. Pa 17540 717-656-5452 Susquehanna battery@yahoo.com

Heavy Metal Photography Personalized and Custom Photography Steve Keefer www.heavymetalphoto.com Steve@heavymetalphoto.com

Susquehanna Battery

31 West Main St. Leola, Pa 17540 717-656-5452 Susquhannabattery@yahoo.com

Interstate Battery Systems Inc Of Reading 1742 Swamp Pike Gilbertsville, Pa 19525 800-427-1500 610-323-3296 Kieth or George Zeglestowsky

20 Thunder Roads速 Pennsylvania

ABATE Update

Welcome to the new B.A.D. directory! organizations, American Motorcycle ABATE ofHere PA STATE you willLEGISLATIVE find great places thatstates are Motorcycle andthe Biker friendly ! Association & the Motorcycle Riders Foundation. COORDINATOR’S REPORT They help bring you Thunder Roads each and every month! Welcome to the newPennsylvania B.A.D. directory!

Kentucky – Rep Jim Wayne of Louisville, KY has

Here you will find great places that are Motorcycle and to Biker friendlyback ! on all riders. introduced legislation put helmets The 2011-2012 legislative session is now underway. That Is Bill # - each HB163and every month! They help bring you Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

The legislators are sworn in and it is time to get down to business. Some points of interest about the new legislature- Out of 252 legislators, both House and Senate- 42 are women, 5 more than last session. The youngest at 24 years old is Representative Justin Simmons (R-Lehigh County). There are 32 new state lawmakers. Of the 29 in the House of Representatives, there are 8 Democrats and 21 Republicans. In the Senate there are 8 newbie’s, all are Democrats.

With the large number of new legislators, ABATE of PA is looking at holding a Lobby Day in the spring sometime before the Rights Rally. No dates have been set at this point; come out to an ABATE meeting in your area to learn more. Note- last minute deals are on going in the Senate and House; so a complete list of committee persons is unknown.

C.P.R. Cell Phone Repair

Now that the 31 USWest Census Main is St complete, Pennsylvania will loseC.P.R. a congressional seat at the federal level. Our Cell Repair Leola.Phone Pa 17540 Representatives will drop from 31 717-656-5452 West Main St 19 to 18.

Leola. Pa 17540 the ABATE of PA - 26th Susquehanna To everyone whobattery@yahoo.com attended 717-656-5452 Leadership and Legislative seminar, thank you. I Susquehanna battery@yahoo.com hope you enjoyed yourselves and learned something new. Presenters were from national and different

Heavy Metal Photography

Personalized and Custom Heavy Metal Photography Photography Personalized and Custom Steve Keefer Photography www.heavymetalphoto.com Steve Keefer Steve@heavymetalphoto.com www.heavymetalphoto.com Steve@heavymetalphoto.com

Note – Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) that was shot; is a Harley rider and a supporter of the MRF and motorcycling. Bikers Inside The Beltway, 2009: The event, held on the grounds of the United States Capitol, was an opportunity for motorcyclists from across the nation to invite their Members of Congress to come out and talk about motorcycle safety with some of their constituents. Congressman Nick Rahall (D-WV), the number two Democrat in the House Transportation and Infrastructure (T&I) Committee and the Chairman of the House Resources Committee, addressed the group of riders in attendance. Additional keynote speakers at the event included Tom Petri (R-WI), a subcommittee chair of the House T&I Committee; Brad Ellsworth (D-IN); Judy Biggert (R-IL); and Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), the co-chair of the House Motorcycle Safety Caucus and sponsor of HRes 269, the motorcycle safety awareness bill recently passed by the House. Thomas Christofes, Jr ABATE of PA - State Legislator Coordinator

Susquehanna Battery

31 West Main St. Susquehanna Battery

Pa 17540 31Leola, West Main St. 717-656-5452 Leola, Pa 17540 Susquhannabattery@yahoo.com 717-656-5452 Susquhannabattery@yahoo.com

Welcome to the new B.A.D. directory! Interstate Battery Systems Inc Here you will find great placesBattery that are Motorcycle Interstate Systems Inc and Biker friendly ! Of Reading

Of Reading They help bring you Thunder Roads Pennsylvania each and every month! 1742 Swamp Pike 1742 Swamp Pike Gilbertsville, Pa 19525 Gilbertsville, 610-323-3296 Pa 19525 800-427-1500 800-427-1500 610-323-3296 Kieth or George Zeglestowsky Kieth or George Zeglestowsky


Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania­21

SALT FLATS NATIONAL RECORD For several years now, Ron Kesselring a.k.a. “Café” has reveled in vintage Harleys’ and British bikes. He recently unveiled to the world a 1941 Knucklehead that could run at a speed of 113mph in the pre 1955 vintage bike class. There are tons of rules and regulations. The modifications can only be up to 1350cc, transmission, carb and fairing. The frame and front end have to remain stock. The front light, front brakes, mufflers, and fender all need to be removed. quiet anymore. The rest is up to the worlds’ top vintage bike “Gurus”. Café Although he didn’t run the times he wanted, due to some certainly fit the bill and became this countries’ top dog on his mechanical break downs early, which cost him a day. He go fast vintage Harley. vows to go back year after year to keep raising the bar, A little about Café, he started working with bikes as a pre and no doubt that he will. Long after the salt dust settles teen, peddle power bikes that is. He created custom bikes at the flats, each year the legends with the marks to show, for kids even then, with the chopper Schwinn 3-speed to a will include this small town PA man. Without big money, complete upside down bike. Obviously, bike building was “his sponsors, and computer engineering and design, he’s just thing”. He did not pick it as his life long career, it picked him. an old school biker with his ability to make horsepower and I’m sure Mr. Harley, Mr. Davidson and even the Brits from design to the ‘enth degree. days gone by, would nod their heads and give the thumbs up Chris “Rhino” Culbert to this All American Biker and his quiet passion, well not so




Black and Blue is an opportunity to come together with family, friends and co-workers in an effort to build hope and raise funds for those individuals battling neuromuscular diseases.





Susquehanna Valley Harley-Davidson 6300 Allentown Blvd., Harrisburg PA 17112


Saturday, February 26th, 2011 * 6-10pm [www.svhd.com - (717) 810-1993]

*Goodwill Ambassadors will be in attendance*

All proceeds from this event will benefit the Central Pennsylvania Chapter of the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Your support and generosity will be greatly appreciated!!

22 Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania



Make checks payable to: Thunder Roads PA PO Box 146 Quarryville, PA 17566


Thunder Roads速 Pennsylvania足23

24 Thunder Roads速 Pennsylvania

Call Toni or Brian 615-792-0040


Thunder Roads速 Pennsylvania足25









MOTOR-VATION, INC Mechanicsburg, PA 717-795-8604


BLUE RIDGE POLARIS/VICTORY Wapwallopen, PA 570-868-3402

HERNLEY'S POLARIS/VICTORY Elizabethtown, PA 717-367-8867

PHILADELPHIA CYCLE CENTER Philadelphia, PA 215-533-5200

TRUMBAUER'S SALES Quakertown, PA 215-529-6556

VictoryMotorcycles.com Restrictions: $500 savings in US Dollars. Nontransferable. Coupon is not redeemable for cash. Victory® or Polaris® dealership employees are not eligible for this offer. Coupon can be combined with current promotions but not with any other coupons. Limit one coupon per customer. Must purchase a new Victory motorcycle between January 1 and February 28, 2011. Not valid on prior purchases or Lehman Trikes®. 12 Months No Interest to 18.99% Reduced Rate LOL: On approved Polaris StarCard® purchases. Periodic Monthly Payments required. No Interest Charges for 12 months. Thereafter, 18.99% APR effective until purchase is paid in full, as long as your account is kept current. Variable APRs as of 01/1/11. Variable Standard Rate APR 21.99%. For Accounts not current, the promotion is cancelled, and the Penalty Rate of 28.99% APR applies. Minimum Interest Charge: $2. Certain rules apply to the allocation of payments and Interest Charges on your promotional purchase if you make more than one purchase on your Polaris StarCard. Call 1-888-367-4310 or review your cardholder agreement for information. See dealer for details. Cross Country shown with optional trunk. Always wear a helmet, eye protection, and protective clothing and obey the speed limit. Never ride under the influence of drugs or alcohol. ©2011 Polaris Industries Inc.

26 Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania


Restrictions: $500 savings in US Dollars. Nontransferable. Coupon is not redeemable for cash. Victory® or Polaris® dealership employees are not eligible for this offer. Coupon can

UPCOMING EVENTS January 21-23 CANCELLED! Reading , Pa 4th Annual NorthEast Motorcycle Expo Greater Reading Expo Center www.kevmarv.com

January 29

Hannum’s Polar Bear Run 1011 W. Baltimore Pike Media, Pa Registration at 8AM leaves at 10 Am 610-566-5562 www.hannumsmedia.com

March 19-20

Phoenixville, Pa Greater Philadelphia Expo Center Doors open at 10 AM www.kevmarv.com 978-688-8888 Lehigh Valley Motorcycle Extravaganza Allentown, Pa Doors Open At 10AM Agricultural Hall in Allentown, Pa 732-295-2953 www.motorcycleextravaganza.com


Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania­27


of PA has a new chapter! The Lancaster County chapter has received it’s charter and is looking for members Meetings are on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:30 pm in the ballroom at the Dirty ‘ol Tavern, S. Prince St. Lancaster. Contact us at lancabate@aol.com, on facebook at ABATE of Lancaster County or call Chuck Moore at 717-725-8738 The Federal Government is pushing for a mandatory helmet law, join us and have your voice heard!


28 Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania

NE W 2011


Used Parts & Bikes Runs in Conjunction with the

TIMONIUM Motorcycle Show o FEB 11 12 13, 2011 2 ne s w Sho MD State Fairgrounds, Timonium, MD $120

(4 or more spaces @ $110.00 each)


5’ X 10’ Used Bike Space(s) @ $100.00 each


10’ X 10’ Commercial Product or Service Space(s) @ $400.00 each

(Individual owners only….no commercial new or used bike dealers) (Please submit copy of owner’s title with this application)

(No commercial new or used bike dealers) Exhibition Hall


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Vehicle Entrance

10’ X 10’ Used Parts Space(s) @ $120.00 each

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No commercial dealers selling used bikes will be allowed !!

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1818 Pot Spring Road, Suite 112 • Timonium, MD 21093 www.cycleshow.net Tel: (410) 561-7323 • Fax: (410) 561-3032


Arlen Arlen Ness Ness

Huge & CustomBike Antique Show

FEB 11-13 MD MD State State Fairgrounds Fairgrounds Timonium, Timonium, MD MD Michele Smith



Discovery TV’s HDT ‘Two Wheel Thunder’

Doug Doug Keim Keim Play Jessboy Cove ica R r obinsGirl on

Avoid the Lines.

Light Cycle

$5.00 off Admission Tickets can be purchased at Pete’s Cycle’s Fullerton, Bel Air or Severna Park locations, Bob’s BMW in Columbia and the Harley Davidson Store on Pulaski Highway in White Marsh.

Randy Randy Simpson Simpson

Copper Mike

TIG-Kim Coates

JUICE-Theo Rossi

BOBBY-Mark Boone Jr

MARCUS-Emilio Rivera

IMA-Kristen Renton

(410) 561-7323 www.cycleshow.net facebook.com/timoniumcycleshow

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