November 2010

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Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 1

EDITOR / OWNER Robin Montgomery Lapp 717-682-7529

regional sales manager and central pa sales team paul yeater 717-635-5830 lancaster and surrounding area robin keyes 717-286-4689 tony montgomery 717-431-4551 EPHRATA/LANCASTER/READING George Svencer (717)-278-1853 wilkes/barre-scranton and surrounding area dave corby - Home 570-388-2670 (PRESIDENT ABATE, LUZERNE COUNTY) Schuylkill County Skhuykill County Janice Jones (570)889-3080 PHILLY AREA/READING AREA Sales Manager/SALES sean garnett 484-614-5680 south central sales Chris culbert 717-877-7792 Layout & Design Meredith Hancock / Hancock Graphics distribution & article contributions MICHELLE AND J.D. JOHNSON

National Founders Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive / Chapmansboro, TN 37035 Office 615-792-0040 / Fax: 615-792-7580 email: © THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE IS PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THUNDER PUBLISHING. all rights reserved. no part of its content may be reproduced without written permission. publisher assumes no responsibility and is not to be held liable for errors beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error, slander of any group or individual, failure to produce any issue as scheduled due to reasons beyond our control. and any all suits for liable, plagiarism, copyright infringement and unauthorized us of a person’s name or photograph. opinions and claims made by advertisers and authors are their own, and do not necessarily represent the policy of thuner roads magazine or thunder publishing. publisher does not promote the abuse of alcohol or other drugs.

2 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

Well, I guess our riding season is coming to an end…. or is it? Have you considered Gatorskins? I’m not just saying this because they are an advertiser, I am saying it because I bought my husband a set and he swears by them. He says they are Unbelievable!!! I had the pleasure of meeting Cathi Burke at Battlefield Leather’s when I just started out with the magazine. She is the Owner of Battlefield Leathers, Renegade’s and Gatorskins. I later met her husband Mike at The Renegade Store in York. Cathi was very helpful when I was first starting out and being a Female in this biz, it’s not always easy. She and her Husband Mike have a Unique product with Gatorskins and I am happy to endorse a product that works! They also have a lot of unique products and apparel in their stores at GREAT prices! Stop by and check them out. Fun stuff! Oh…and grab a Thunder Roads Pa while you are there. The Holiday’s are right around the corner and Gatorskin’s would make a great gift. I also want to encourage everyone to visit us on Facebook. There are a lot of great postings. It will give you a lot of information from other bikers and also about what is going on in the area. It is very interactive and a lot of fun. We are 12,000 copies strong here in Pa. We have grown by leaps and bounds. Just a year ago we were at only 5000 copies. Thanks to you for helping us grow! If you have a business, it sure is a great way to get your name out there to the local people who are going to support you. Give us a call! Let’s talk about how we can get your name out there. Just got an email from a gal who just bought “ Butt Buffers” from seeing our ad. We welcome any feedback from customers who visited any of our advertisers-good or bad! We encourage all of you to let our advertisers know where you saw their ad. They are what keeps us on the shelves. MY Favorite Holiday! Thanksgiving is here! The kids are home and I get to share it with Family. I have the best Family in the world! I have so many things to be Thankful for. Too many to mention! I hope that all of you take the time to reflect on what you have to be Thankful for. Grateful people spot the positive without denying pain. I hope you get to share the Holiday with Family and Friends, but try to celebrate Thanksgiving everyday! This year try and go around the table and mention one thing you are truly happy for, or say a blessing! “Round The table, peace and joy prevail. May all who share this season’s delight enjoy countless more”.~Chinese blessing~ One year we all wrote something we were Thankful for, down on a piece of paper. We didn’t look at them until next year. It was funny to see how things change in one year! Whatever you do…Enjoy, be safe and eat a bunch! Last and most important…Freedom is not Free! Please say a special Thanks to All of Our Military for their service, Past and Present this Veterans Day! Every Day! Until next month….safe riding! Remember: Happiness is a choice!



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From The Editor.........................................2 Know the Law............................................4 911 Ride....................................................5 On a Wing and a Prayer............................6 Annual Dist 8 Meet & Greet.......................7 Riding Fix in a War Zone ..........................8 Rev Kev Black Sheep..............................11 Dr. Bob Pro Hill Climb Race Team...........12 Food Dude...............................................13 Leather Barn & Frank’s Cycle MS Run....14 NCOMM Newsbytes................................16 Veteran’s Day Facts................................17 Center Calendar......................................18 Reader’s Rides........................................20 Gator Skins..............................................21 Rhino’s Rogue-Ways...............................22 Upcoming Events....................................23 ABATE Update........................................24 Zembo Shrine Auto & MC Show..............26 Geneva Puzzle........................................27 Poems by Rusty Sprocket.......................28 KISS in the Kitchen.................................29 Joker’s Wild.............................................32 Biker Approved Directory.........................34 Noodle’s Tips...........................................36


Robin Montgomery Lapp Editor/Owner

“You must give some time to your fellow men. Even if it’s a little thing, do something for others---something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.” — Albert Schweitzer

See story on page 8.

Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 3

Know the Law by Attorney Steve Stambaugh

November is Election month and, in my mind, this November’s Election will be one of the most important elections this great Nation has ever faced. Given how heavily politics and this Nation’s potential future have weighed on my mind since the last Election, I thought that I would cover a completely different topic this month. So, this month I am going to discuss the case of Snyder v. Phelps, which is a First Amendment Free Speech case that was argued in October before the United States Supreme Court. The case of Snyder v. Phelps began when USMC Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder’s father, Albert Snyder, brought suit against the Westboro Baptist Church and three of its members (Fred W. Phelps, Sr., Rebekah Phelps-Davis and Shirley Phelps-Roper) after the “church” picketed his son’s funeral on March 10, 2006 and posted an online epic about Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder’s upbringing and his parents. For those who have not heard about this case, USMC Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder gave his life for this Nation in the Iraq War. He died on March 3, 2006. Lance Cpl. Snyder’s body was flown home from the Iraq War so that his family could give him a decent burial but, in the course of attempting to do so, Albert Snyder was greeted by Westboro Baptist Church signs saying that Matt Synder deserved to die and “Thank God for Dead Soldiers.” A Maryland Federal Court jury found in Mr. Snyder’s favor but the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overturned the verdict. Mr. Snyder’s resultant appeal was argued before the United States Supreme Court on Wednesday, October 6th. The issue was whether the First

Amendment protected Westboro Baptist’s hateful and incendiary speech or whether Westboro and its followers crossed the line by picketing a military funeral where the service person in question was not a public figure. It will likely be the Summer of 2011 or later until the Supreme Court issues its decision. The First Amendment states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” The Westboro Church argued that Albert Snyder was not a private citizen but rather was engaged in a public event - public because his son’s funeral was public to the extent that notices were posted and because Westboro’s picket took place at the outdoor (and thus “public”) portion of the proceedings. Such an argument is outrageous and deeply offensive to me - a funeral is uniquely a private event for the expression of grief by family, friends and others who wish to show their respect. This is common sense.

He worked in the Banquet Department at Windows on The World Restaurant which was located on the 106th and 107th floors of the North Tower. He was a waiter. The spoon is one of the serving spoons that they used. He has a few of them at home He says they tended to end up in his pocket at the end of the night. He tells me to ask any waiter and he/she will likely admit to having a stash of spoons, corkscrews and cucumbers in a drawer at home.

The outcome of this case is difficult to predict because the Supreme Court has almost universally sided with “free speech” and against any encroachment on it. However, when you look at the facts of this case, any outcome that allows Westboro and/or any other person or entity to get away with such outrageous conduct can not be condoned. If this Country does not soon stop playing to the lowest common denominator and suckling the least productive and most outrageous members of our society while punishing those who seek only to apply and follow the rule of law, what was once the greatest and most prosperous Nation on earth will go the way every other socialist nation has gone in history - down the tubes. Be safe - see you on the road. See you on the road.

Since just about everything that day was vaporized in the fire, this spoon He holding is one of the few remaining in tact artifacts from the World Trade Center. He had left the employ of Windows on The World some time before 9/11, but it is his understanding that something like 76 restaurant staffers died in the attack. He has sent me a link To a famous picture of a Windows waiter plunging to his death : He tells me he was also at Ground Zero shortly after the attack. He continues to tell me he went down to Exchange Place on the Jersey City side of theHudson River and was loading Tug boats with supplies. He says he ended up carrying acetylene tanks onto one of the boats and was so tired that “I sat down on the boat for a moment to rest. The next thing I knew, we were crossing the river and I spent the rest of the night resupplying rescue workers and washing out search dogs eyes. It was a couple of months before I could bring myself to clean the dust off my boots.” end of quote. My friends, let me introduce you to Vince... I’m sorry my Tears are flowing. My story goes on, How ever no end to my story . This wonderful man held a spoon this past anniversary we rode 9-11-2010 through the ride were police, Helicopters fire trucks. We were all under watch. More so that day than any other. We came by the thousands on our bikes, to show our respects. They thought we were there to fight the Masque . We hate the idea.We are bikers first. We were there to watch their backs, The dead are still there, Please , Please leave them alone. Let them rest i peace. My story goes on, so that we shall never forget... never ever forget

4 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 5

On A Wing and A Prayer You are not the Lamb


Depression is an emotional problem. Depression affects a persons thinking, family life, work or school life, sleeping and eating habits and over all—their general health. In 1984 thirty five million American’s said that they were depressed. Today those stats are higher. Teenagers have the highest suicide rate. Suicide thoughts begin with

The main signs of depression are: withdrawing from people; problems are magnified; lack of concentration; lack of ambition to do anything; sleeping a lot, and life no longer matters. Depression can bring about feelings of jealousy, fear or even hostility. How do you face depression? The answer is that you have to face the fact that it is real. Most depression comes from a traumatic situation in one’s life. That might be a disappointment, sorrow, rejection, personal failure, natural disaster, losing a loved one, a long illness, etc. Many times a person who is depressed has not dealt with their situation. Many women who have had abortions have to deal with depression years after the fact. How do you deal with depression? Realize that you can be set free from this problem. God does not want you depressed. Philippians 4:8 says to “think on things that are true, honest, just, pure, and lovely.” God says in the Bible that you can have perfect peace when you focus on Him, not your problems. Second, know and believe in what the Bible says. Ephesians 3:20 says, “now unto Him (Jesus) that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according 6 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

to the power that worketh in us.” When you ask Jesus to come into your life and ask Him to forgive your sins, you don’t have to live under guilt or condemnation. You can have a life of peace as you walk in God’s ways. Galatians 5:16 says, “this I say then, walk in the spirit, (your God thinking), and you won’t fulfill the lust of the flesh, (your natural thinking.) Depression is part of the flesh. Third, God gave you tools to protect you from depression. He gave you the Bible and prayer. You can talk to Him anytime night or day. He will talk back to you through the Bible. Fourth, learn to protect your emotions. Proverbs 4:23 says, “Keep and guard your heart (that is your thinking) with all vigilance, for out of it flow the springs of life.” Remember learn to protect your mind by thinking on good things. Fifth, have a relationship with God. Jesus knew that spiritual and postitive forces could always overcome negative forces. Matthew 7:7 says, “ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you.” Many of our servicemen have come back from Iraq and Afghanistan and have committed suicide because of the things they had gone through. My heart goes out to them because I know that if they would have turned to God, He would have helped them get free from those things that depressed them. Depression is not of God. How do I know this? John 10:10 says, “the thief (satan) comes to steal, kill and destroy, but I (Jesus) have come to give you life and life more abundantly or to the fullest. If you are dealing with depression, the answer is accept Jesus into your life and learn that He can deliver you from this terrible thing. He can give you peace. If you have failed, he can help you overcome that too. In my 63 years on this earth there have been times when I was depressed, but I found that Jesus is the answer to overcoming it. Remember, Jesus loves you and wants the best for you. Have Him be first in your life. Go to a Bible believing church so other Christians can help you find the way to peace. If I can help you, just call or write. Ride safe, Pastor Frank 717-567-3337 or snemeth@pa.netRide Safe,

2nd Annual Dist 8 Meet & Greet Our 2nd Annual Dist 8 Meet & Greet was a success. Even with the heavy rains, days before and the river rising. We had close to 90 members, families and guest show up for some great food, music and of course beverages. About twenty of the diehards stayed the weekend in the rented tents, campers or even camping in the back of their own pick-ups. (Psycho and Lynn.) Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves mingling well with all the other chapters and guests. Then the diehards sat back and enjoyed the huge main campfire. While shooting the breeze around the fire many stories were told about the great summer of adventures. Most of the praise for this event being successful goes to Gerri, Denny, Bob and Diane for all their hard work. Bald Eagle Mtn. supplied the pig while Tri- County and Luzerne County chapters chipped in to cover the band. Bob and Diane from Steel Steeds Motorcycle Campground have a great place for this type of get together and host several parties throughout the camping season. Hats off to all! We will be looking forward to the next one.

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Target Our Boats, We’ll Take Your Bike or How to Get Your Riding Fix In a War Zone

The Ugly Girl

We have ignition! The author, his boat, and 35 of the finest young Americans he has ever known. by Jason Shiflet Like most riders, I’ve ridden a fair share of motorcycles in a fair variety of locations. However, there is one ride and one bike that really stand out in particular. Now, it surely wasn’t the longest ride, and it definitely wasn’t the nicest ride. But without a doubt it was a unique ride. In order for me to explain what made this ride special I’ll have to provide a little back-story on the bike and how I came to “acquire” it. It was early January 2007. Not your typical riding season, unless you happen to be in Iraq. In that case, there’s pretty good riding weather year-round. Although if winter riding is not your thing, you probably wouldn’t enjoy flying bullets any more than you would enjoy flying snowflakes. Anyway, it was the winter of ’07 and I found myself serving as the platoon commander for a reinforced Small Unit Riverine Craft (SURC) platoon. Our job was to utilize our SURCs to patrol the Euphrates River and other waterways in central Iraq for a variety of reasons, not the least of which was to deny the insurgents the use of those waters. 8 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

On this particular mission we happened to encounter several Iraqis on a canal in small wooden rowboats. By order of the Governor of Al Anbar province, this canal was off limits to all Iraqis. Needless to say, as we approached the Iraqis, they quickly made their way ashore and fled on foot. Two of them, military aged males, jumped on a motorcycle and after traveling about a hundred yards, ditched the bike and headed off on foot. Several Marines went ashore, but as usual the Iraqis had disappeared. However, the Marines did find the motorcycle. Furthermore, bungeed to the seat was a black pillowcase with eyeholes cut into it to make a hood. Now if you see a makeshift black hood bungeed to a motorcycle here in the States you would probably assume that some cracker couldn’t afford a real face mask for riding in the cold. But in Iraq, the guys who carry black hoods are the same guys who like to blow up Americans and their fellow countrymen. After checking out the bike, the Marines began to question some of the local residents who live along the canal. Throughout our operations in the area, we had established a pretty good relationship with the locals. In fact, we had

even taken a medical team down the canal to inoculate the children and provide other basic medical care. So, after asking one of the local men about the bike, he curtly replied that we should “burn it and teach them a lesson”. Initially that’s exactly what we were going to do. Now I like to torch a vehicle just as much as the next guy, but some part of my motorcycle-loving heart just knew that there had to be an alternative. Turning to the Executive Officer and senior ranking Marine on this patrol, I said, “Hey Sir, why don’t we just take it home?” There was a brief pause and then, “Well, Gunny, if you think we can get it on the boat, sure.”

then it was dark. It would be the next day before I could really check her out. Morning came quickly, but I was anxious to get out and see what we had. I made my way to our staging area and took my first real good look at the bike. As the pictures can attest, she was no beauty. But she had two wheels and a motor and I couldn’t wait to ride her. But first, I had to size her up. Well, the glass was missing from all of the lights. In its place was cellophane, red over the brake light, clear over the headlight. I was both impressed with the Iraqis’ ability to jerry-rig, and disappointed in the way that this poor bike had been treated.

We couldn’t tell much about the bike, but all the controls were “normal” (left foot shift, left hand clutch, etc). We figured out that it was a 250cc two stroke. We think it was Czechoslovakian, but I’m still not sure. Based on the ingenious measuring cup built into the underside of the fuel cap, we guesstimated the fueloil mixture and decided to use 90 weight oil, since that’s the closest thing to 2-stroke motor oil that we could find. Everything else was in ugly, but functioning order. Since nearly all of the fuel had spilled out during this beauty’s boat trip, we topped off the tank and kicked her over. And kicked. And kicked. And kicked some more. 47 kicks and one pulled hamstring later, I was surrounded by a cloud of smoke but happily sitting on a running motorcycle in the middle of Mesopotamia. Needless to say, as I made my way up and down the muddy roads of our Forward Operating Base (FOB), struggling to find the next gear and blowing blue-gray smoke all over the place, a crowd began to gather. This was not authorized. This was not professional. But damn it was fun! So here’s the tally for my most unique ride. Total miles covered: maybe 1. Bike ridden: still not sure. Destination: that funny place in one’s head that only a rider has known

As a postscript, I’ll add that our Company Executive Officer, a Marine captain, submitted an official letter to the Army I got back on the radio to the Sergeant on the ground, “Red Colonel in charge of the base. That letter requested that 5, this is Red 1, you think you can get that bike on the boat?” we be permitted to keep the bike for use around the FOB. Sergeant Brian Forse, the ground element leader, responded He cited logistical requirements, mission requirements, and some other official sounding reasons that we needed the exactly the way I expected him to. This was a Marine bike for our operations. It was some of the most creative who would have said “affirmative” if I had asked him to writing I had ever seen. The Colonel got the letter. I never carry that bike home on his back. In short order and after rode that bike again. some grunting, pushing, and a few chuckles we had the motorcycle loaded on the boat. Now those SURCs are 40 If any readers can positively identify the make or model foot gunboats, not exactly meant for ferry duty. But we made of this motorcycle, or for any other comments, feel free to it work, continued the patrol and then returned to base. By e-mail the author at

Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 9

Finding or creating purpose, It is your choice! (Part 1)

November 13

November 21


t-rex Trivia Night with nutty becci


wednesday Tuesday

game night

anarchy Night

$3 jameson drinks

$5 Miller Lite pitchers all day

$5 jim beam pitchers all day

$5 wraps

1/2 price apps

$5 burgers


all day

all day

all day


college night

beer pong tournaments $5 Bud Light Pitchers all day

blue room blowout

Music • Pool • pong

$5 apps 3-7pm

december 4


blue room blowout

Music • Pool • pong


$5 Captain & coke pitchers all day

November 20

$5 Miller lite pitchers all day

EVERY GAME EVERY SUNDAY $5 coors light pitchers all day

What happens when a person loses his purpose in life? I am not exactly sure how to have this discussion, but there are times when things that are not so pretty must be brought into the open. I received the saddest phone call recently from a friend whose brother had just ended his own life. The frustration in his voice spoke volumes but had few real answers. Most people do not realize how important “purpose” is until they lose it. For many people their purpose is found in their job. But what happens when they lose their job? Some find purpose in their family, but families mature and change. The list could go on and on… But one thing is for sure, life changes and therefore our purpose changes. It is usually in these transition periods where we have most of our struggles. We see the transition period as permanent but in reality it is only temporary! Our feelings and emotions cannot always be trusted during these transitions. We need to find solid ground on which to make our life decisions. A friend made a profound statement to me that we are only as “sick as our secrets”. I thank God for good friends who have been there for me in the transitions of life. They were there to give me solid advice and direction. The problem is: they can only help if we let them in. We must make

the choice to let them in. It takes real courage to take the steps to let a friend into your life when you know things are not going well. The very best friend you could possibly have is one who helps you find your purpose. God has been my best source of finding purpose and meaning in life. Psalm 32:8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you. Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Kevin (RevKev) Kohler 717-439-6776 Central Pa Black Sheep Director SVHD Harrisburg HOG Chaplain You are invited: Pennsylvania Black Sheep Breakfast Nov 13th, 8:00am Eastern Chapter @ Family Cupboard 12 Newport Rd., Lititz, Pa Nov 20th, 8:30am Central Chapter @ Crossroads Café, 9147 Allentown Blvd, Grantville, Pa

220 W PHILADELPHIA ST YORK • 717.845.4773 10 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 11

Dr. Bob Professional Hillclimb race team Robert Shreiner is the owner of the Dr. Bob Pro Hillclimb race team. He lives in Leola, PA (actual address is Bird in hand but lives nowhere near there). He has a shop on the second floor of his garage where he designs and creates the bikes that make up his team. His current bikes include two R1 Yamahas, two R6 Yamahas, and a 450 YZF Yamaha. Motorcycle Hillclimb is the oldest form of competitive motorcycle racing. Racers run one at a time and are timed from the bottom of the hill to the top. All the hills are different. They range from speed hills with jumps to gnarly rough terrain….each hill has its own set of challenges. Characteristics of the bikes are: · Run on Nitro methane · Extended frames/swingarms-bike length up to 10 feet long · Run with chains on the back tire or paddle tires for traction · Built light · Unique suspension *Dr. Bob –deigns, modifies frames, fabricates and assembles frames, designs and welds his own gas tanks, creates needed unique parts with milling machine, designs and creates swing arms. I. Robert Shreiner’s start -went to first race with Craig Bear (friend and owner of B&B sales and service) -ran first race at Thunderbird’s M.C. in Columbia, PA on a 250cc Honda 4 stroke twin. -he was 22 years old. -First motorcycle ever owned was a Super 90 II. Amateur years -29 years of amateur racing (age 22-51) -3 AMA Amateur National Championships -1981-400cc class Champion-360cc Montessa -1984 and 1985- 750cc class Champion on 750cc Kawasaki H2 triple -Numerous New England and state championships -daughter Lorie started racing in 1978 and raced for 13 years until she started trying to have a family. -won many state championships on a 175cc Husqvarna and a 200cc Cagiva. -very close relationship racing together III. Move to Professional racing -1995-started racing pro at 51 years of age -started racing pro on 750cc Kawasaki H2 triple - Fabricated entire bike- 540cc BSA -not as successful at a professional level due to age and stiff competition-finished in the middle of the pack most often -decided to put younger rider on bikes and build bigger higher horsepower 4 cylinder Yamaha -dubbed Dr. Bob by friends who said he was always able to fix a bike/ motor, and he was ALWAYS in the shop so they said “the doctor was always in”-for tax purposes, a team name was required so it became Dr. 12 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

Bob racing. IV. Move to team owner/builder -built first R1 in 2000-Walter “Tiger” Strank from Johnstown, PA rider -2002-built R6-rider Tiger Strank -2003-built 2nd R1 to enlarge the teamrider Chris Kabo Johnstown -2008-built 450cc YZF Yamaha for the Prosport class for grandson Robby DeBusk, Brownstown, PA -2010-built 2nd R6 for grandson Robby DeBusk -Championships -2001-800cc Championship-Tiger Strank -2004-540cc Championship-Tiger Strank -2005-won both Class ChampionshipsTiger Strank -2006-won both class championshipsTiger Strank -at this time we met Keith McCarty from Yamaha through Tiger. When asked about help for the team, he offered to supply Yamaha parts as we needed…this was the first time ever in the history of Pro hillclimb that there was any factory support sponsorship. -2007-Extreme class championship (formerly named 540cc)-Tiger -2007-Unlimeted class championship (formerly named 800cc)-Antony DeHart, Niles, Michigan -2008-Unlimited class ChampionshipTiger -2008-Prosport Class Championship in first professional year-Robby DeBusk of Brownstown, PA-Dr. Bob’s grandson. -2009-Extreme class Championship-Nate Redmann, Rochester, MN (first year riding this bike for us). -total of 11 Professional national Championships Current race team: Riders: · Nate Redmann- Extreme and Unlimited class, Rochester, MN · Robby DeBusk- Extreme Class, Brownstown, PA · Anthony DeHart- Unlimited class, Niles, MI · Josh Lingle- Prosport class, Manheim, PA · Jay Sallstrom, MN-filling in for injured Anthony Dehart Crew: · George Longabaugh-son-in –law of Dr. Bob from Brownstown, PA · Rob Redmann-father of rider Nate Redmann, Rochester, MN · Jim Keenen- East Petersburg, PA · Shane Patterson-East Petersburg, PA Currently Nate Redmann is leading the points in the Extreme class and Josh Lingle is leading the points in the Prosport class. Robby is fourth in the Extreme class after winning his first win this year on the R6 (rookie season on the bigger bike). There are 2 races left for the year.

BONNEVILLE WORLD FINALS MOTORCYCLE SPEED RECORD SET USING DYNACYCLE OIL Dynacycle Oil Increases Horsepower and Lowers Engine Temperature Under Harsh Conditions JAMESBURG, NJ - (October 18, 2010) - Aaron Wilson, of NRHS V-Twin Performance, returned to the Bonneville Salt Flats near Wendover, UT for the 2010 Bonneville World Finals. Aaron finally broke the 200 mph limit with a top speed of 203.497 mph and set a new 2-way average speed record of 195.264 mph in the 1650cc A-PF class. Aaron's motorcycle competing at the World Finals used Dynacycle Oil, a 20w-50 premium semi-synthetic motor oil known for lowering engine temperature and increasing horsepower. Dan Dunn, owner of NRHS V-Twin Performance located in Longmont, Colorado, proudly states "NRHS specializes in all things Harley and Buell including CNC Headwork, Engine/Bore Kits, Dynamometer Tuning, Parts, and Services." He and the NRHS Racing Team have set the record for the "Fastest American V-Twin" at Bonneville 6 of the last 8 years. Dan says, "We consider it a Win-Win whenever you get an increase in horsepower and lower engine temperatures especially in harsh conditions like the Salt Flats. My racing team and I are very impressed with Dynacycle Oil and the way it performs. The bearings and pistons still looked new even after running multiple passes at RPMs above 7,500 for 2 miles at a time." The Dynacycle Oil Company, established in 2003, is a biker owned and operated business headquartered in central New Jersey. Dynacycle Motor Oil, a 20w-50 premium semi-synthetic blend motor oil made in the USA, is specifically formulated for all 4 stroke air and water cooled motorcycle and performance engines. For more information about Dynacycle Oil, please contact us or visit our website at For more information about NRHS V-Twin Performance, please visit their website at © 2010 Dynacycle Oil. All Rights Reserved.


BIKER APPROVED the search for a good meail On a recent ride home from Steel Steeds Motorcycle Campground (a story for another time) a few of “The Group” decided to stop into Bandit’s Roadhouse in Berwick. I have stopped there for lunch several times before and have always enjoyed it. Bandit’s is truly one of those places that caters to bikers. All summer long they have live music and an outdoor bar for “Cycle Sundays”. They definitely have the Biker Dave ingredients of a great biker hangout, good food, reasonable drinks and attractive servers. Frank had to try one of the Sunday specials, all-you-can-eat crab legs. Charlie had some hot wings and I had finally decided on a bbq chicken wrap. Well we had to stop Frank after 3 plates of crab (a storm was moving in) so you know they were awesome, and Charlie’s wings and my wrap were great! I think we might just have to take the cages down to Berwick this winter and spend the afternoon enjoying more great times at Bandit’s. I just hope they are ready for the rest of “The Group”. Check them out on line @ See ya there!

Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 13

Best of Show Kevin Todd Trike Cathy Benner Sport Heather MacDowell 1st Rick Jones 2nd 3rd Colin Gockley Custom 1s George Jamirson 2nd Dave Remp 3rd Mike Stief

The Leather Barn & Frank’s Cycle 3rd Annual MS Motorcycle Ride and Bike Show By George Svencer The Leather Barn & Frank’s Cycle teamed up to raise money for the Multiple Sclerosis Society. It may have been a rainy morning and a light drizzle thru out the day but bikers showed up to go on the ride. After the ride they had 14 bikes that entered their first time bike show. I was one of the judges for the show, using a professional score card. I know what your thinking, how can you judge the bikes being dirty from the rain? Right! Every rider knows when a bike is kept clean or hasn‘t been cleaned in awhile. You know grease on the back wheel or the spokes. Each rider had a chance to do a quick cleaning on their bikes. Some of the riders did make it there with out getting their bikes messed up from the rain. Chris Edwards and I helped put the bike show together coming up with 5 classes. The Leather Barn and Frank’s Cycle added Best of Show, which had $100 cash prize. (Trophies provided by Michener’s Engraving) Now you can’t have a bike ride and a bike show without good music and good food. The music was provided by LITTLE WING and HELLFISH. The chicken was provided by M&S Suzuki and Nolt’s Oil. Barbecue cooking was 14 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

Cruise 1st 2nd 3rd

Tim Rice Terry Rice Ruthy Keenan

Touring 1st Kevin Todd 2nd Darryl Yannes Eric S. Adams 3rd

done by B&C Contracting. Let’s not forget some body art done by Cink Custom Body Art and Piercing. Being a little wet, it was a good thing Vogan Manufacturing provided the tent to help keep things stay dry. Charlie’s Gas station helped with the ice to keep the cold ones cold. The Leather Barn and Frank’s Cycle would like to thank all of the volunteers for their time and effort. A special thanks to all of those who made contributions to make this event happen. A thank you goes out to all who gave monetary donations. A thank you for all of the riders and bike show participants. If your looking for some cool stuff or need you leather repaired, stop by The Leather Barn. If you are looking for A dyno tuning, stop and see Frank’s Cycle. I plan to get my Full Dresser done. See their ad in our B.A.D. section of Thunder Roads. Best of Show winner ,with the highest points would receive $100 cash prize. Which was Kevin Todd with his Honda GoldWing. Kevin almost took home the $100 prize, but he donated it back for the cause. Hey Kevin, I’m not a Honda kind of guy, but that was one sweet looking bike.

Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 15

Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)

News Bytes

THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. If you’ve been involved in any kind of accident, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE or visit FEDS PUSH HELMET LAWS AND MOTORCYCLE-ONLY ROADBLOCKS The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is seeking applications from law enforcement agencies across the country to conduct federally-funded motorcycle-only roadside checkpoints.

road users despite more motorcycles being ridden more miles! The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System reports that 4,462 riders died in 2009, 850 fewer than in the previous year, representing a 16% drop in fatalities despite a 5% increase in miles traveled and 4.5% increase in the number of motorcycles on the road. The Motorcycle Industry Council recorded half a million more motorcycles in use in 2009, up from 11 million in 2008, and according to the MIC 2009 Motorcycle Owner Survey, they were ridden 1.3 billion more miles. There was also a decrease in motorcycle accident injuries, down 6.3% from 96,000 in 2008 to 90,000 last year.

Now mirrored in other states, “Motorcycle-Only Safety Checkpoints” were initiated in New York last year and are set up during large motorcycle rallies or near large biker gathering spots to check not only license, registration and insurance, but also for DOT-compliant helmets and legal exhaust systems. ABATE of New York is working with NY A.I.M. (Aid to Injured Motorcyclists) attorney Mitch Proner on legal actions to halt these discriminatory roadblocks in the Empire State.

Overall U.S. traffic fatalities hit the lowest level ever recorded, since 1950 when the government began tracking such statistics, and the 33,808 road deaths in 2009 was down 9.7% from the year before. All traffic accidents, fatal or not, declined by 5.3% between 2008 and 2009, though motor vehicle crashes are still the leading cause of death for those between the ages of 3 and 34, NHTSA said.

But police forces across the country may soon receive public funds to target motorcyclists, though U.S. Reps F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. (R-WI) and Tom Petri (R-WI) along with several colleagues in Congress have written to Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood asking him to suspend funding of the federal grants for the NHTSA checkpoint program.

A group of patriotic motorcyclists recently staged a counterdemonstration during the Arlington National Cemetery burial of a local Navy SEAL, parking motorcycles and revving engines to oppose a protest staged by members of the fundamentalist Westboro Baptist Church of Kansas.

In addition, after learning that NHTSA recently testified to the Senate Committee on Commerce Science and Transportation that “The most important step we could take would be to assure that all riders wear a DOT-compliant helmet,” according to NHTSA Administrator David Strickland, who added “NHTSA will actively work with Congress to promote helmet use,” Congressman Sensenbrenner and fellow Congressional lawmakers have also introduced H. Res. 1498 which “supports efforts to retain the ban on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s ability to lobby state legislatures using federal tax dollars and urges NHTSA to focus on crash prevention and rider education.” The US Defenders have joined with other state and national motorcycle groups in urging riders to contact their Congress members to support H. Res. 1498, and to write DOT & NHTSA to oppose federally-funded motorcycle-only safety checks. “This is one more piece of evidence of the constant profiling attempts targeting our community at large,” said Escondido Paul, National Lt. Commander of the US Defenders, in issuing a nationwide Call To Action through all Confederations of Clubs and coalitions in every state. For further information, consult MOTORCYCLE FATALITIES PLUMMET IN 2009 It’s not surprising when accident rates increase in proportion to increased usage and number of miles travelled, but last year motorcyclist fatalities decreased more than any other category of

Veterans Day


Similar scenes play out across America, as a grieving family lays their loved one to rest, the funeral of a service member killed in action is disrupted by vocal protesters shouting vindictive and incendiary remarks at mourners and wave signs that read “Thank God for Dead Soldiers” and “God Hates the USA”. The motorcyclists, mostly veterans who are members of the Patriot Guard Riders, led the funeral procession and then strategically parked their bikes in between the family and the protesters and revved up their engines to drown their chanting, and saluted in respect as the funeral cortege passed by giving them a thumbs up. The church protesters, who contend that God is killing members of the military because of the nation’s sins, often demonstrate at military funerals, and are now the subjects of a United States Supreme Court case that will decide if the Constitution protects highly offensive hate speech from civil claims filed by grieving relatives. In Snyder v. Phelps, the father of a Marine killed in Iraq in 2006 was awarded $5 million in his lawsuit against the church for “intentional infliction of emotional distress”, but a federal appeals court overturned the ruling on free speech grounds, and now Albert Snyder is asking the High Court to reinstate the verdict.

Freedom isn’t free Some interesting facts about what it has taken to make our country and keep it free. There has been Millions of American who have fought and defended our country over past 234 + years and I for one am proud of our forefathers. Casualties as of November 20, 2009 Total Serving Battle Deaths Other Deaths Total Deaths Wounded #Pct Killed #Revolutionary War


4,435 6,188 0

War of 1812

286,730 2,260 2,260 4,505 0.79%

Mexican War


Civil War

2,213,363 140,414 224,097 364,511 281,881 16.47%

Spanish American

306,760 385


2,446 1,662 0.80%

World War I

4,734,991 53,202


116,316 204,002 2.46%

World War II

16,112,566 291,557


405,399 670,846 2.52%

Korean War

5,720,000 33,746



Vietnam War

8,744,000 47,355 10,796 58,151 153,303 0.67%

Desert Storm

2,225,000 147 235 382 467 0.02%



13,283 4,152 16.87%

103,284 0.65%

Justices heard oral arguments in the case on October 6th and the Supreme Court is expected to render a decision late next Spring.

Enduring Freedom

656 260 420 4529 0

Iraqi Freedom


QUOTABLE QUOTE: “The world is run by those who show up.” - Anonymous


579,366 430,104 1,009,470 1,466,390



31,571 0

So on November 11 Please take the time to thank a veteran. 16 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 17

Gator Skins thermals are the warmest and best solution for cold weather outdoor sports; in fact, they are a fantastic warm body answer for any outdoor activity in cold weather. Knitted from an extremely thin and lightweight material that moves with the wearer. A breathable, rugged fabric that is water repellant and warms three times better than wool. Great stuff!

READER’S RIDES 2001 Harley Davidson Sportster

¾ 1200 CC

¾ Screaming Eagle Stage I kit

¾ Chrome bolt-on’s

¾ after market straight cut pipes

I had a 1972 Sportster 1000 CC which unfortunately I had to sell to keep a roof over my head…but in 2006 I replaced it with the 2001 Sportster. My 2001 Sportster is for sell, if anybody is interested. You can contact Thunder Roads rep for Reading area at In 2008 I was searching for a cruising bike. My first choice was a full-dresser. I went to the Harley Davidson dealer in

Orwigsburg, PA looking for the dresser. While the salesman was taking me to the back lot to show me another dresser, we passed the Road King up on the lift and I stopped in my tracks. “Don’t you want to see.…” “I want that one!” The chrome, the skulls, the flames…there was nothing else to see. One week later, I was riding it home.

The Gator Skins technology was developed by DuPont researchers from a new leading edge material. This micro fabric is knitted from ultra microfibers that are smaller that a human red blood cell, yet they hold a greater amount of warm air next to the body than traditional fabrics of equal or greater thickness. Gator Skins will keep you warmer in the cold and dryer in wet weather and still breath better than any other water repellant material you’ve tried.

Skins is a breathable material, it still retains warmth in a miraculous new way. Due to the various fibers used, Gator Skins have the ability to allow some air to pass and some fibers to warm quickly and effectively hold onto warm air molecules. This second fiber has millions of tiny air pockets that trap warm air thus warming the fibers themselves, creating an inviting and pleasant experience.


1721 Whiteford Road, York, PA 17402 717-755-7105

Gator Skins are proudly made in the U.S.A. by a veterandisabled owned company. Water repellant / windproof When fitted properly Gator Skins will repel water and not allow wind to enter the shirt. Due to our circuitous crosssectional knitting, water and wind will not penetrate the fabric exterior. Breathability / wicking capabilities Though Gator Skins repel water and wind from the exterior, they allow air to flow through the fibers from the inside out. Air molecules are smaller than water molecules and move through the fabric, but the larger water molecules are grabbed on the inside by the micro fibers and evaporated with the air flow, thus wicking sweat. Heat retention The secret of our performance lies in our patented construction and fabric. Ultra microfibers retain just the right amount of warm air next to the body insulating the body perfectly for a comfortable experience. Though Gator

20 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

Damage proof Gator Skins will not fray, even if you somehow manage to punch a hole in one of our shirts, it will not rip or fray. Due to the lock knit technology used, the damage will not increase.

Fitting the Gator Skin shirt The shirt is worn against the skin or over a cotton t-shirt. The warmest application is directly against the skin. The shirts should be worn loose like a t-shirt. Wearing Gator Skin shirts too tight will impede their water repellant properties and their warming capacity. Shirt construction Gator Skins shirts have knitted sleeve cuffs and collars to stay close and out of the way of other gear. The shirts also have extra long tails to stay tucked in while leaning forward when riding bikes. Pants Gator Skins pants are worn closer than the shirts because they will be under the users pants. The waist should fit comfortably and the lower cuff should end right around the ankle.

Cleaning instructions Gator Skins should be washed in cold or warm water normally. They should be hung to dry or run through an air dry cycle. If dried in a hot dryer the shirts fibers will tighten up due to its unique knitted properties. A quick fluffing of the shirt will bring it back to normal size. GATOR SKINS WILL NOT SHRINK. Washing will soften new shirts and pants.

Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 21


Well, another month and another great PA ride. I decided that I wanted to see more fall colors and “whitetails on steroids”, elk that is. With that in mind, I set out on Route I-80 West until I came to exit 147, taking Rte 144N toward Moshannon. Throughout this ride there are endless woods and wildlife. So with that being said, take it easy on the twist grip…well you know, be safe. I ended on Rte 144 at Renovo. I gassed up and headed out on Rte 120W. This skirts through and around Bucktail State Park. I saw my first elk below Westport where Kettle Creek dumps into the Susquehanna headwaters. There he was, an awesome 6x5 elk. I continued on 120W to the intersection of Rte 872, which is Wykof Run. It was here, where I stopped in at The Willows for a few beverages and a burger. This is a beautiful setting sandwiched between the river and mountain hemlock “stunning”. Continuing on 120W to Driftwood, at this point I said goodbye to Rte 120 and jumped onto Rte

22 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

555 South. Along the way , I stopped at Hicks Run wildlife viewing area. I heard bugling in the distance, it was almost a haunting sound. Then I continued on through Dents Run and into Benezette, which by the way is overrun with mature elk. I then headed out Winslow Hill Road to the elk viewing areas at Gilberts Farm and Dents Run. I watched loads of elk in all of their rutting glory! An interesting fact: these elk in this small region of Pennsylvania, are the only wild elk found east of the Mississippi River. Heading back into Benezette, I stopped at the Benezette Inn for a quick beef and gravy, and a few drinks. Then off again, on Rte 555 through Weedville and Penfield and back to I-80. This trip is approximately a 90 mile loop. Dress warm and enjoy this one. As always, be cautious of wet leaves , wildlife and other obsticles. Until next month, brothers and sisters, keep the rubber on the road.

Birdsboro, Pa Bros MC Annual Toy Run Starts at Birdsboro Fire Co Registration at 10 AM to 11 AM All proceeds to benefit The Children’s Home of Reading 484-614-8916

November 7

Reading, Pa Eastern PA TOY RUN Sponsored by Classic Harley Davidson, Armed Forces Brotherhood, Leathernecks MC, Blue Mountain Jeep Alliance Starts at Classic, 983 James Dr in Leesport, 9AM 610-916-7777

November 13

Reading Pa Toy Run for the Kids of P.A.L. Sponsored by Outsiders MC Starts at All Seasons Motor Sports in Reading. Proceed benefit Underprivileged children of the Police Athletic League. Gentleman Motorcycle Club Buck, Pa Fall Dance 8:00-12:00

Dec 11-12

Lehigh Valley Motorcycle Extravaganza Sponsored by PBM Productions, Inc Swapmeet will be held at Agriculture Hall of Allentown. Doors open at 10AM This is also a Toys For Tots drop point 610-395-5280

Washington, Pa Toys For Tots Run

Chris “Rhino” Culbert

Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 23

ABATE Update The 2009- 2010 legislative session is now over, and I am sorry to say that the legislature did not see fit to pass any of the legislation that ABATE of PA was pushing for. The Governor has signed only 3% of all the bills introduced this session, out of a total of 5658 that were introduced. We will regroup and re-introduce ABATE of PA’s legislative agenda for the 2011-2012. We are already planning our strategy, and are just waiting to see who will be the winners in the November elections. Come out to an ABATE meeting in your area to learn, more. Ride Safe and Sober, Thomas Christofes, Jr ABATE of PA State Legislative Coordinator

24 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 25

Zembo Shrine Auto & Motorcycle Show Harrisburg, Pa By George Svencer I can’t believe it, cars and bikes can play together! Zembo Shrine put on another great show. Over 150 participants taking the top 50 cars, trucks and top 30 bikes! So if you weren’t there, you may have missed out on taking home a trophy. The Shriners raise money for The Children’s Hospital, for disasters and other community needs. This is my third year of being apart of this show. This was my first year covering the show for Thunder Roads. If you’re the type of person that likes to help out to raise money for the kids, then this is a must go to event! Next year, it is possible that Zembo Shrine and Thunder Roads PA will team up to put on a benefit ride. This benefit ride is still in the planning stages. I’ll keep you posted. I hope to see you next year at both the car, bike show, and if things go well, at the 1st annual benefit ride. The Zembo Shrine would like to thank “ALL” of the volunteers, “ALL” the Zembo Shrine Units. The Sponsor list goes as fellows: AJ’S Truck & Trailer, Carlisle Events, Halls Ice Cream, Paxton Herald, Rock-it Pizza, T.J. Giftland Trophies. A Special Thank You going out to all who helped with donations, and all of the participants that took time to bring their gorgeous hot rods and bikes out for the show. Congratulations to all the winners!!

26 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 27

Poems by Rusty Sprocket Me and the Moon Me and the moon took a ride last night had the road to ourselves got along alright me in black leather and scruffy jeans moon in pale silver like mystery and dreams me rippin’ the road near the center stripe moon shadow kept pace by the side of my bike me one loud cruisin’ high-rollin’ biker moon had me cast as a gray-ghosted piker me blastin’ pipes in a two-lane barrage moon ridin’ mute as a midnight mirage… Moon and me took a ride last night rode out together got along alright

The Wind’s Own Gypsy Soul The rider knows what the wind can bring the moods it has the songs it sings… from shrill keening of a coming storm to a Zephyr sighing soft and warm

The rider knows how the Night Wind calls when his kickstand is down and the darkness falls… how it finds him in his dreams to whisper out his name with a haunting, insistent, echoed refrain: “Rider… (Rider)… come ride with Me… Rider… (Rider)… come ride with Me!!” The rider knows the wind’s own gypsy soul… that does not tell where it has been or where it will go or what songs it will sing tomorrow

turkey gravy, mix a good brand bottle of turkey CHAMPAGNE BASTED......ORANGE, LEMON, gravy with pan drippings, in the same roasting pan and then pour into gravy boat. Now, you ‘ve & PARSLEY TURKEY got a phenomenal bird & gravy you’ll be proud I prepred this recipe a couple years ago, using a to serve your Family and it’s totally unique fruity large turkey breast only, instead of the entire bird, flavor compliments the turkey flavor superbly. but it was simple & scrumptious. The secret is to baste baby baste......4 times per hour! LIME BUTTERED BROCCOLI FLORETS 1 Turkey; thawed - (14 to 16 lbs.) WITH PEARL ONIONS 1 Stick Real Butter; softened 1 Box or Bag of Frozen Broccoli Florets 1 tsp. Celery Salt 1 Box or Bag of Frozen Pearl Onions Salt & Pepper to Taste 1/2 Stick of Real Butter; Melted 2 Large Whole Oranges; zested & Cut In Fourths 2 Tbls. of Real Lime Juice & Zest 2 Large Whole Lemons; zested & Cut In Half Salt & Pepper to Taste 1 Spice Jar of Orange Peel Seasoning Microwave frozen veggies in a large, serving 2 Cups of Ballatore’ Sparking Wine bowl together until crisp tender but not wilty. 2 Medium Onions; chopped Combine lime juice & melted butter & salt/pep1 Bunch of Fresh Parsley; Minced per in a small saucepan. Toss butter sauce thu1 Cup of Condensed Beef Consomme; undiluted roughly all over veggies when butter melted and 1/2 tsp. Dried Thyme nice and hot. *If you’ve got more to feed, just 1/2 tsp. Produce Seasoning double or triple the recipe. This is so dang easy, 1/2 tsp. Dried Marjoram Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Get a large, high-sided but so incredible tasting! roasting pan. Spray w/ non-stick butter spray heavMELT IN YOUR MOUTH........ ily and all up sides and coat bottom well. Next, clean BANANA & DARK RUM SUNDAES out cavity of bird and pat dry w/ paper towels really 1/2 Stick of Real Butter; Melted good. Take real, softened butter, celery salt, salt & pepper and orange and lemon zest (save some zest 3/4 Cup Quality Maple Syrup for basting sauce) from fruits and form a paste and Dash of Ground Nutmeg & Cinnamon rub all over entire bird generously and inside cavity 4 Medium-Firm Bananas; Halved & Sliced also. Place bird in roasting pan. Place cut oranges & 1/4 Cup Golden Raisins lemons inside the cavity, squeezing a bit of juice out 1/4 Cup of Dark, Spiced Rum 2 Tbls. Slivered Almonds (or any nut of your of them into cavity as you do. Next, rub bird down choice);* Be sure and grease a cookie sheet and all over the outside with Orange Peel spice; cover that bird up with orange spice! Place breast side up toast up whichever one you choose though. in pan and bake for 3 to 3-1/2 hours tented with foil. 1 Quart of Premium Country Vanilla All-Natural Ice Cream In large bowl combine the Ballatore’, onions, parsley, In large, non-stick skillet, melt butter over consomme, zests, thyme and marjoram; pour half into roasting pan and keep half for basting. Bake for med-low heat. Stir in maple syrup, cinnamon & 3 hours longer; remember to baste 4 times per hour nutmeg until blended. Remove from heat and while tented and the last hour of cooking, when you add the bananas, raisins, dark rum and almonds. remove the tent. Be sure and tuck wings down un- Cook over med. heat until bananas are totally der turkey as these burn easily. Remember.....Baste! glazed, stirring gently. Divide up into individual serving bowls & add ice-cream over top. Slurp! Baste! Baste! Remove bird from pan and let sit for 20 mins. after removing from oven so that all juices From Our Thunder Roads Family To Yours.. God Bless, Be Grateful & Give Thanks. go back into meat. For authentic & simple roast

K.I.S.S. page composed & edited by: Toni McCoy Shearon of Tennessee

All rights reserved © 2010 Rusty Sprocket

28 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 29

Come Sail with Thunder Roads Magazine & Full Throttle Saloon March 13-20 2011

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30 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 31

of discovering what’s around the next curve. You crave the thrill It’s no different of discovering what’s around

the next curve.

when it comes to pulling away.

It’s no different when it comes to pulling away.

One day a father gets out of work and on his way home he suddenly remembers that it’s his daughter’s birthday. He pulls over to a Toy Shop and asks the sales person, ‘How much for one of those Barbie’s in the display window?’ The salesperson answers, ‘Which one do you mean, sir? We have: Work Out Barbie for $19.95, Shopping Barbie for $19.95, Beach Barbie for $19.95, Disco Barbie for $19.95, Ballerina Barbie for $19.95, Astronaut Barbie for $19.95, Skater Barbie for $19.95, and the most popular; Divorced Barbie for $299.95’. The amazed father yells: ‘It’s how much?! Why is the Divorced Barbie $299.95 and the others only $19.95?’ The annoyed salesperson rolls her eyes, sighs, and answers: ‘Sir..., Divorced Barbie comes with: Ken’s Audi A-8, Ken’s Malibu Beachouse, Ken’s Danzi Z33 Race Boat, Ken’s Designer Futniture, Ken’s Screamin’-Meanie Platinum Computer, one of Ken’s Best-Looking Friends, and a custom key chain made with Ken’s Balls. A biker is riding a new motorcycle out on the highway, while passing a car, he knocks on the window. The driver of the car opens the window and says, “Yes?” The bike responds, “Ever driven a Honda motorcycle?” The driver says, “No I haven’t.” The biker drives on, until he sees the next car. While passing it, he knocks on the window. The driver of the car opens the window and says, “Yes?” The bike responds, “Ever driven a Honda motorcycle?” The driver says, “No I haven’t.” Then, suddenly, there is a curve, the biker sees it too late. He crashes off the road into a ditch. A car stops and a man runs to the unlucky biker. Looking slightly crunched up and battered, the biker asks, “Ever driven a Honda motorcycle?” The man replies, “Yes I have. I had a Honda for 20 years”. The crashed biker gasps, “Where the hell is the damn brake?” Chopper Zeke was in a bar n’ grill yesterday, feeling no pain and chillaxin’ with a great mellow buzz, when he suddenly realized he desperately needed to fart. The music was really, really loud, so he timed his farts with the beat of the music. After a couple of songs, heI started to feel a whole lot better. He finished his beer, and noticed that everybody was staring at him... Then it dawned on him that he was listening to his iPod. Two blondes living in So. California were sitting on the beach talking and gazing at a beautiful full moon when one blonde says to the other, ‘Which do you think is farther away... Florida or the moon?’ The other blonde turns and says ‘Helloooooo, can you see Florida ???” 32 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

Two bikers; Buster and Bodie rode into a gas station in Kentucky for a fill-up because they heard about a contest being offered by the station to patrons who purchased a full tank of gas. When they went inside to pay, the guys asked the attendant about the contest. “If you win, you’re entitled to free sex” said the attendant. “How do we enter?” asked Buster. “Well, I’m thinking of a number between 1 and 10, if you guess right, you win free sex.” “OK. I guess 7,” said Bodie. “Sorry, I was thinking of 8,” replied the attendant. The next week, the two buddies go back to the same station to get gas. When they went inside to pay, Buster asked the attendant if the contest was still going on. “Sure,” replied the attendant. “I’m thinking of a number between 1 and 10, if you guess right you win free sex.” “2” said Buster. “Sorry, I was thinking of 3,” replied the attendant. “Y’all come back soon and try again.” As they walked back to their bikes, Bodie said to Buster, “You know, I’m beginning to think this contest is rigged.” “No way,” replied Buster. “My wife won three times last week.” A 3-year old boy examined his testicles while taking a bath. “Mom’, he asked, “Are these my brains?” the mother sighed and calmly replied, “Not yet”. Business Slogan of The Year: If Our Service Is Not Up To Your Standards.... Please Lower Your Standards. What do you do with 365 condoms? Melt them down and call it a very Goodyear.


With a new 106-cubic-inch Freedom® V-Twin, 97 horsepower, 113 foot-pounds of torque (23% more than Harley-Davidson®*), and a new 100K-mile transmission, you get more bike than ever before, no matter which model you choose.


With a new 106-cubic-inch Freedom® V-Twin, 97 horsepower, 113 foot-pounds of torque (23% more than Harley-Davidson®*), and a new 100K-mile transmission, you get more bike than ever before, no matter which model you choose.


What is an Australian kiss? Same as a French kiss.....but down under. What is a man’s ultimate embarrassment? Running into a wall with a hard-on and breaking his nose.

BLUE RIDGE POLARIS/VICTORY Wapwallopen, PA 570-868-3402

Life is good in the South.

A biker’s greatest achievement was his brood of six kids. He was so proud that he continually called his wife: “Mother of Six”, which pissed her off to no end. But he kept referring to her as “Mother of Six” no matter where they went. At end of a poker run, he shouted across the bar, “Hey, “Mother of Six”, you ready to go home?” His irritated wife screamed back: “Anytime you’re ready, “Father of Four”!”


PHILADELPHIA CYCLE CENTER Philadelphia, PA 215-533-5200

HERNLEY'S POLARIS/VICTORY Elizabethtown, PA 717-367-8867

RAY'S YAMAHA POLARIS VICTORY Reading, PA 610-582-2700 TRUMBAUER'S SALES Quakertown, PA 215-529-6556

MOTOR-VATION, INC Mechanicsburg, PA 717-795-8604 *Based on comparison to 2010 Harley-Davidson Street Bob® (92 ft-lbs torque. Published data as of June 21, 2010). Victory® and Victory Motorcycles® are registered trademarks of Polaris Industries, Inc. Always wear a helmet, eye protection, and protective clothing and obey the speed limit. Never ride under the influence of drugs or alcohol. ©2010 Polaris Industries Inc.

Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 33

B.A.D. Biker Approved Directory ATTORNEYS Steven Stambaugh 717-846-1400 2121 S. Queen St, York, Pa 17403

AUTOMOTIVE Glenn’s Auto Repair 2218 Beaver Valley Pike New Providence, Pa 17560 Joes Automotive 1042 Drytown Rd, Denver, Pa 17517 717-445-5123

BEER DISTRIBUTORS West End Beer Baron 2101 W Main St Eagleville, PA 19403-3005 (610) 539-1790

CONSTRUCTION Arc Electric 717-397-4306 Eller Construction 83 Hill Road, Kirkwood, Pa 717-529-1985

DEALERS Sales And Service Cycle Stop 228 W Main St Norristown, PA 19401 (610) 277-6220 Frank’s Cycle Products Dymo Tuning Performance Work, service most brands Ephrata, Pa 17522 717-733-0411 Old Glory Motorcycle 820 Hershey Ave, Lancaster, Pa 17603 717-509-8463 Freebyrd Custom Motorcycles 2515 Delta Rd, Brogue, Pa 17309

Laugerman’s Harley Davidson 100 Arsenal Road,, York, Pa 17404 717-854-3214

34 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

Leola Motortrike 7 Linden St, Leola, Pa 17540 717-656-7531 Motor-Vation Victory Kawasaki 7042 Wertzville Rd Mechanicsburg, Pa 17050 717-795-8604 www. Schaeffer Harley Davidson 570-366-0143 11230Brick Hill Rd Orwigsburg, Pa 17961 Hellion Custom Cycles 6384 Brady Lane, Mecanicsburg, Pa 717-766-1414

INSURANCE GEICO Local office 3350 B Paxton St, Harrisburg, Pa 717-232-3040 York 717-699-0001 Lancaster 717-GO GEICO Rider Insurance 120 Mountain Avenue Springfield, NJ 07081 Tel: 800-595-6393 Fax: 973-258-9732 For Riders, By Riders.... Progressive Insurance Goodville Notary 1574 Main St Goodville, Pa 17528 717-445-5885

WEBSITE DESIGNER Maxtel Design Pittsburgh, Pa

SNAP TIPS Vince Snyder

RESTAURANTS/ BARS/PUBS Alfredo’s Restaurant 1132 W Main St Norristown, PA 19401-4331 (610) 277-1529 C.R. Lapp’s Family Restaurant 101 Fite Way, Quarryville, Pa 17566 717-786-1768 The Rawlinsville Hotel Drytown Road, Rawlinsville, Pa 717-284-3244 Bandits Roadhouse Bar and Grill 1922 W. Front St., Berwick, Pa 18603 570-752-2313 Quaker Steak and Lube Bloomsburg, Pa, 570-389-9464 211 Columbia Mall Drive and Dickson City Location 570-489-5823 4005 Commerce Blvd

Bikermama Leather Cleaning 814-389-6119 bikermamaleathercleaning Renegade Classics 1721 Whiteford Rd York, Pa 17402 717-755-7105 The Leather Barn 717-733-6001 Vests, jackets, boots,gloves,saddlebags,leather repair, accessories 1665 W. Main St. Ephrata, Pa 17522 DR. TOM’S LEATHER & FIREWORKS 2870 SUSQUEHANNA TRAIL ROUTES 11 & 15 717-503-2254 UNIQUE CYCLE Supply LLC 426 Lincoln Hwy West New Oxford, Pa 17350

SERVICES Amerigreen 100% - American Fuel 888-423-8357 AMSOIL - Chris Parrow A-1 SYNTHETICS 10141 Bell Inn Lane, Ellicott City ,MD 21042 Phone-410-461-4490 C.P.R. - Cell Phone Repair 31 West Main St Leola, Pa 17540 717-656-5452 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEMS INC OF READING 1742 Swamp Pike, Gilbertsville, Pa 19525 800-427-1500 610-323-3296 Kieth or George Zeglestowsky Old School Motorcycle Transport 570-864-0901

Susquehanna Battery 31 West Main St, Leola, Pa 17540 717-656-5452 susquehanna

NOTARIES Marietta Notary 40 Old Colebrook Rd, Marietta, Pa 17547 717-426-1793 mariettanotary.coam, Goodville Notary Service 1574 Main St, Goodville, Pa 17528 717-445-5885 Fax717-445-9848

CAMPGROUNDS Steel Steeds Shoreline Campground 1095 State Highway 405, Milton, PA 17847 (570) 524-9433 Cell (570) 939-0484 PA Ralley on River Northumberland, Pa

TABACCO SHOPS Cigar Cigars 252 Bethlehem Pike Colmar, PA 18915 (267) 644-1550

TATTOOING ATOM AGE Tattoo Shop 5007 Carlisle Oike, Mechanicsburg, Pa 717-975-0690


Candy Bakey

Ozark Biker Shop 877-735-1377

Heavy Metal Photography Personalized and Custom Photography Steve Keefer

GATORSKINS @Battlefield Leathers 1954 B York Rd Gettysburg, Pa 717-334-0657


B.A.D. Biker Approved Directory

Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 35

NOODLES TIPS FOR THE ROAD Remember that motorcycles can be easy to miss. Motorcycles are already more difficult to spot than cars because of their smaller profiles, and drivers are conditioned to look for other cars, not motorcyclists. Traffic, weather, and road conditions require motorcyclists to react differently than drivers, so it is often difficult to judge and predict when riders may take evasive action. This means drivers must always be aware of their surroundings. Remember: Check twice, save a life. Know when crashes are likely to occur. You are more likely to be involved in an accident with a motorcycle when: You are making a left turn in front of a rider. A motorcyclist is riding in your blind spot. There are hazardous road conditions. Potholes, wet leaves, railroad tracks, and other obstructions may force a motorcyclist to take an action you don’t expect. You have an obstructed line of sight. Sport utility vehicles, delivery vans, and large trucks may block motorcyclists from your view. Be more aware of motorcyclists. Remember that motorcyclists have the same privileges of other drivers. Be sure to give riders a full lane of travel, and always keep a close watch for motorcyclists--especially at intersections and on highways. Anticipate a motorcyclist’s maneuvers. A piece of road debris that poses no threat to a car may be deadly for a motorcyclist. Predict evasive moves a motorcyclist might take by always being aware of your surroundings. Also, don’t follow motorcycles too closely. Allow enough room for the motorcyclist to take evasive actions. Also, my buddy Bragg says,” Always wear eye protection because you don’t really look that cool when you are laying on the side of the road”! Wow…isn’t that the truth!

The Photo in last month’s Calendar is part of a Calendar that is being sold to benefit the

Brandon Styer Scholarship Fund

Please support this foundation, by buying your 2011 calendar today! Please visit our Website at: 36 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania


Name___________________________________________ Address_________________________________________ City______________________________________________ State____________________________________________

Make checks payable to: Thunder Roads PA PO Box 146 Quarryville, PA 17566

Some Gave All Army PFC. Brandon M. Styer from Lancaster, Pa Died Oct 15, 2009 serving during Operation Enduring Freedom.

38 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

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