January 2011

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Kickstart Motorcycles Hosts: 7th Annual Hogs and Honeys Valentines Benefit Party February 12th 2011 ~ 7pm to Midnight

Valley Forge 1160 First Ave King of Prussia

~Tickets: $35.00 in advance Best Party Reserve your table now ! Of the Year !! ~Tickets $40.00 at door ~ Beer ~Lots of Door Prizes ~Food Tasting by Local Restaurants ~Lots Of Basket Raffles !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Music by Suzie & The Homewreckers Performing Today’s Dance, Country and Rock and Roll Music !!!

Check us out on At 7th Annual Hogs & Honeys Valentines Benefit Party

All Proceeds to Mission Kids Child Advocacy Center of Montgomery County Visit us at:

Www.Missionkidscac.org Or On facebook at Mission Kids

For Advance tickets email: kickstart1sam@verizon.net or Contact one of the following…. Sam Gardy, Kickstart Motorcycles, 484-576-6512 Sue Gardy, Hogs Committee, 484-576-3091 Lisa Ferry, Jem Restaurant, Swede Square Shopping Center, East Norriton Twp Detective Jean Morrison, East Norriton Police Department at 610-272-0748 Sgt Cathy Penecale, Whitpain Police Department at 610-279-9034 www.thunderroadspa.com

Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania­1

EDITOR / OWNER Robin Montgomery Lapp 717-682-7529 thunderrdspa@yahoo.com

regional sales manager and central pa sales team paul yeater 717-635-5830 cowboy6370@gmail.com lancaster and surrounding area robin keys 717-286-4689 reller65@aol.com tony montgomery 717-431-4551 tmonty22@comcast.net wilkes/barre-scranton and surrounding area dave corby bikerdave@yahoo.com - Home 570-388-2670 (PRESIDENT ABATE, LUZERNE COUNTY) SCHUYLKILL County Janice Jones (570)889-3080 mainstbar@live.com Lancaster/Lebanon/Reading Katrina Shawver Kshawver@yahoo.com 717-673-5444 North West Territory Eric George Egeorge1@zoominternet.net 814-827-0396 814-463-9350 Pittsburgh Connection: Monica Bistarkey 412-334-8514 mbistarkey@hotmail.com PHILLY AREA/READING AREA Sales Manager/SALES sean garnett trmpa.se@gmail.com 484-614-5680 south central sales Chris culbert 717-877-7792 rhinoglide@gmail.com Layout & Design Meredith Hancock / Hancock Graphics distribution & article contributions MICHELLE AND J.D. JOHNSON

National Founders Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive / Chapmansboro, TN 37035 Office 615-792-0040 / Fax: 615-792-7580 email: thunderroads@charter.net © THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE IS PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THUNDER PUBLISHING. all rights reserved. no part of its content may be reproduced without written permission. publisher assumes no responsibility and is not to be held liable for errors beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error, slander of any group or individual, failure to produce any issue as scheduled due to reasons beyond our control. and any all suits for liable, plagiarism, copyright infringement and unauthorized us of a person’s name or photograph. opinions and claims made by advertisers and authors are their own, and do not necessarily represent the policy of thuner roads magazine or thunder publishing. publisher does not promote the abuse of alcohol or other drugs.

2 Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania

**********Welcome 2011!!!!******* Really? Can it be the end of 2010 already? I feel like I just finished shoveling last years tons of snow and here we are back to the winter, again. Things pretty much come to a screeching halt here in the North east as far as Bikers are concerned. There are a few big bike shows around to get you excited for the new spring riding season, just around the season. Not much else going on. It is however, the perfect time to get your bike in the shop and tuned-up. Maybe get some custom work done or get it cleaned, polished and shiny for the 2011 riding season. Better yet, build a custom bike from scratch. I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday season with Family and Friends. Time to embrace 2011 with a positive outlook. Like I said last year, 2011 gives us 365 opportunities to do something positive, fun and different. What are you waiting for? Don’t forget to send stories and photos for us to share. We also welcome ideas on how to improve. We have gotten a few over the past year and we are always trying to do better. We want to be the best magazine in Pa for you the Pa Biker, so please give us your feedback. Let us know how we are doing and how we can make it better. Email us at: thunderrdspa@yahoo.com. Make sure you check us out on Face book. A lot of good info is being posted. Also, it has been a long time coming, but we finally got our new website up and running thanks to Sean Garnett, our in house computer guru! Check it out! Until next month… Ride Safe, Ride Friendly and Feel The Thunder! Remember: Happiness is a choice!

Robin Montgomery Lapp Editor/Owner

Whether you think you can or think you can’t…you are right! ~~~~~~~~~~~Henry Ford~~~~~~~~~~~

Know the Law............................................4 On a Wing and a Prayer............................6 Rev Kev Black Sheep................................7 Snaptips....................................................8 Timonium Show.........................................9 Rhino’s Rogue Ways...............................10 Seldom Inn Summer Blowout..................11 NCOMM Newsbytes................................12 Center Calendar......................................14 Leola Trike Build......................................16 Biker Approved Directory.........................20 Jim Britton’s Labratory.............................22 Geneva Puzzle........................................23 Noodles Tips............................................28

ON THE COVER Read more about hte Timonium Motorcycle Show on page 9.


Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania­3

Know the Law by Attorney Steve Stambaugh I can’t believe that we put another year in our side mirrors. Where does the time go? Hopefully we had good weather for the annual New Year’s Day Frosty Ball Run. No better way to start the New Year than in the saddle. Since most of us have our bikes parked for the winter, battery tenders doing their work, I thought I would go ahead and revisit a prior article on Pennsylvania’s DUI law. The most important factor in a DUI case is your BAC (blood alcohol content). BACs are broken down into 3 tiers. Tier 1 is the “lowest” rate and covers AC’s of .08% to .099%. Tier 2 is called a “high”“ rate and covers BACs of .10% to .159%. Tier 3 is the “highest” rate and covers BACs of .16% and above. District Attorneys, Judges and newspapers like to note that people in the “highest” tier are “more than twice the legal limit”. For perspective, a 12 oz. can of beer (4-4.5% alcohol), a 4 oz. glass of wine (15-20% alcohol) or a 1.5 oz. shot (30-50% alcohol) each = .04%. Stated differently, drink two beers and you are at Pennsylvania’s legal limit! Another important factor in Pennsylvania’s DUI law is whether the charged offense is your first, second, third, fourth or more offense. The more you repeat offend, the harder the law will hit you in terms of mandatory minimum license suspensions and mandatory minimum periods of imprisonment.

4 Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania

Other important factors are whether you caused an accident, whether anyone was injured, whether minor children were resent in your vehicle, and many others. Suffice it to say that Pennsylvania’s DUI law is designed to hit hard and there are many factors that the District Attorney can use to escalate your charges and thus your penalties. Because Pennsylvania’s DUI law is so complex I can not go into all the permutations in this article so I will limit this article to first time offenders and the Accelerated Rehabilitation Program (“ARD”), jail time, license suspension and how long you are on probation. All first time offenders are eligible to apply for acceptance into the ARD Program. If you are accepted into the ARD Program and successfully complete ARD there is no jail time and no conviction record. You are on probation for six months. Tier 1 BACs have no license suspension, Tier 2 BACs have a 30 day license suspension, and Tier 3 BACs have a 60 day license suspension. If you are NOT admitted into the ARD Program or were admitted but violate your probation and get removed from the ARD Program, then the following apply. Tier 1 BACs still do not have a license suspension. Tier 2 BACs have a minimum sentence of 48 consecutive hours imprisonment but can be sentenced to up to 6 months and also receive a 12 month license suspension. Tier 3 BACs have a minimum sentence of 72 consecutive hours imprisonment but also can be sentenced to up to 6 months and also receive a 12 month license suspension. I will discuss second and third time offenders in next month’s article. See you on the road.


Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania­5

On A Wing and A Prayer Forward in the new year…. 2010 is over and another year has begun. In the past year I’m sure you had some failures and some victories— hopefully more victories than failures. Let’s not look back, but let’s look forward. In the Bible, in the book of Joshua, chapter 1 verses 1 - 9, Moses had died and Joshua was to take his place. Joshua was thrust into the leadership position and probably felt a little insecure. God gave him these words of encouragement to help him go forward. God is giving us the same encouragement today: (1.) Verses 1– 4 tells of his call. Just as Joshua was called to do something he had never done before, God wants us to go forward too. He wants to stretch us to accomplish things that we never thought we could do. He wants us to listen to His voice and He will direct us in 2011. (2.) Verse 5 tells of his confirmation. God confirmed that He was with Joshua. God will be with us. When trouble or temptation comes this year, we know that God will help us to overcome, if we ask Him. When we have trouble, we can read Psalms 46:1; temptation we read I Corinthians 10:13. (3.) Verses 6 – 7 tells of courage. God told Joshua to be strong. God tells us to be strong in the Lord (Philippians 4:13.) As we put our whole heart into what we do, God will give us the courage and strength. We never stand alone if we have God in our hearts. (4.) Verse 8 tells of the command. God told Joshua to think and speak God words. God wants us to do the same. Verse 8 says, “This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth.” In this coming year don’t speak words of doubt or fear, but of faith. “Thou shall meditate on it day and night.” That means we need to think about what the Bible says all the time.“ “That you may observe and do all that is written.” That means we need to do and live how the Bible says to live. “for then you will make your way prosperous 6 Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania

and then you will have good success.” If we do all of the beginning of verse 8 we can have the promise at the end of the verse.. We can have success. Verse 9 says, “Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with you wherever you go.” Do you want to be a success in 2011? Then follow the same advice that was given to Joshua. Read the Bible daily so you will know what it says and then live out what you read everyday. We don’t know what 2011 holds for us, but we know that if we are living with God in our hearts, that God holds this year. 2010 is over and 2011 is before us. We must go forward! Ride safe, Pastor Frank 717-567-3337 Faith Christian Center Lower Bailey Rd. Newport, Pa 17074

Tying up loose ends and paving the way... The great thing about every New Year is … It’ New! Did you ever realize that our lives are full of new beginnings? Your first day at school, first driving lesson, first date, first real job with a pay check, your wedding day, your first child or grandchild; they all mark the day of a new beginning. Whether you have good memories or bad memories of these events, they are what they are and cannot be changed. I thank God that with every New Year there is a new beginning. It is the opportunity to seek new accomplishments and strive for new goals. What most people do not realize is that there are two steps to every new beginning. First, you have to let go of the past. Good memories or bad, for some people the past has a death grip around their neck that hinders every new beginning they face. They are always singing the song “Oh the past was so great, …. ” or … “Nobody knows the trouble I have seen”! With every new beginning I think that we need to “Tie up the loose ends of the past” first. We may need to make something right with a loved one or to ask forgiveness of a friend. Maybe we need healing of a broken heart or need to ask for God’s forgiveness. Excepting that the “past is the past” is not easy for some, but it must be done to “pave the way of the future”. I have a motto on the wall of my office that reads “The future is purchased by the present”, quoting the 18th century author Samuel Johnson. Paving the way of the future, the second step to a new beginning, is about the choices


we make today. Every New Year presents the opportunity to make the right choices that will lead us to a bright future. May I dare to ask, when is the last time you evaluated the choices of your life? Not the choices of the past, but the ones of your future. What path are they leading you on? My goal for 2011 is to strive to live the words of the apostle Paul in Philippians 3:13-14 But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. God Bless, have a wonderful & joyous New Year! Kevin (RevKev) Kohler Central Pa Black Sheep Director & Harrisburg Area HOG Chaplain 717-439-6776 cell www.blacksheephdfc.org You are invited: Pennsylvania Black Sheep Breakfast Jan 8th, 8:00am Eastern Chapter @ Family Cupboard 12 Newport Rd. Lititz, Pa Jan 22th, 8:30am Central Chapter @ Crossroads Café 9147 Allentown Blvd Grantville, Pa

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By Vince Snyder

Creativity Today's cameras all have what they call creative modes. These are the ones that let you shoot in black and white, sepia, vivid color and a few other effects. I am a big believer that you should shoot just “standard” color photos. My reasoning for this is pretty simple actually. If you shoot in black and white mode as an example (I do love black and white shots so don't feel I am discouraging you from doing them) you are stuck with a photo in black and white. In most cases that isn't a problem. However if you would have shot it in color you can copy the photo and make different versions of this photo. If you shoot in black and white you can't make it a color shot. However the reverse of that scenario will work. So if you use one of many photo editing software packages (some are free) you can copy and convert your color photo into many different styles available. You will find that these software packages can bring what you think is not such a great shot to be a good photo sometimes. Another tip I mentioned was to copy your photo prior to editing. The reason for this is if you go and start editing the image and make a mistake on it and then really mess up by saving it you have a real mess. If you copy the file and edit the copy you will always have the backup copy of the original. Please learn from my mistake on this one! Again I encourage you to email me with any questions you may have or any topic you might want covered.

Good luck and see you next month!


Vince Snyder can be reached at images@snapworksstudio.com. All photographs ©2010 Snapworks Studio / Vince Snyder. No Duplication without written permission

8 Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania



Timonium, MD - In nine short years, The Timonium Motorcycle Show has grown into one of the largest, best-attended indoor cycle expos on the East Coast. Located in Baltimore County, Maryland, the Timonium Bike Event not only features all the hottest new 2011 motorcycle models from the world’s top manufacturers, but also hosts one of the most prestigious custom and antique bike competition meets of the year. Over 250 bikes compete in many separate trophy classes for big cash prizes and trophies. Twowheel enthusiasts can check out more than 315 of the area’s top motorcycle aftermarket companies offering everything from riding gear and equipment to travel destinations and insurance. A group of the Nation’s most famous bike builders show off their latest creations next to over 25 local custom builders and fabrication shops from nine states. Some of the superstar builders they’ll meet this year are: Arlen Ness, the undisputed godfather of bike builders and one of the charter members of the prestigious Hamsters Motorcycle Club: Chica, of Chica Customs Cycles from Huntington Beach, California, who specializes in ‘the old style of today’ – Old School look using today’s technology; Doug Keim of Doug Keim Creative Cycles “The Pride of the Jersey Shore” and Randy Simpson of Milwaukee Iron “Steel Made in America” from


Lynchburg, VA. Also, check out the Lightcycle from the Disney movie Tron, the Batman Batpod and the Green Machine in the Parker Brothers Display from Florida. Motorcycle apparel fashion shows, tattoo contest, celebrity autograph ‘meet and greets’ which include stars from FX TV’s hit series ‘Sons of Anarchy’, Michele Smith, Host of Discovery Channel’s HDT Motorcycle Series “Two Wheel Thunder’ and Playboy Cover Girl, Jessica Robinson form the final layer of this diversified event. Show Hours: Friday and Saturday, February 11 and 12, 10:00am – 9:00pm and Sunday, February 13, 10:00am – 6:00pm. Admission for Adults: $15.00, children 10 – 15 years $5.00 and under 10 are free with paying adult. Go to www.cycleshow.net to print-out $5.00 off coupons, good on adult admission only. Advanced tickets can be purchased at these Maryland Dealer locations…Pete’s Cycle Dealerships, Bob’s BMW in Columbia and the Harley Davidson Store on Pulaski Highway in White Marsh. There’s expanded parking for over 2,000 vehicles this year which will eliminate the traffic issues of past years getting onto the Maryland State Fairgrounds and parking is free! For more information, call, 410-561-7323, visit www.cycleshow.net, facebook.com/timoniumcycleshow or info@aldadvertising.com.

Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania­9

“A Frozen Ride”! Once upon a time there was a Dumb

Jerome and Benson but great stop off on this stretch through

“A” named Rhino, who in his infinite wisdom thought he

and around Gallitzin State Forest. With brain thawed and ice

could ride halfway across the state in 25 degree weather

melted off my goat and stache, I was outta there! I headed

with no shield. I’ve never been one to ride with a windshield,

up toward Windber and route 56. How about the area called

whether stupid or not it’s just my preference. But man brrr…!

Windber or is it Windbrrrrr? Sorry for the pun. This took me

Okay, so I did it anyway, to prove to myself I can still do it. I rode out to our biker friends in the west (Western PA that is). I took route 30W out of Gettysburg stopping in again at Bobby “A”’s near Caledonia. I don’t know anybody there, just love the bar and fireplace! I continued out 30 W

back up and over the mountain absolutely as good as it gets! By this time, the temperature was somewhere around 45degrees mid-day of the ride, so it was getting better. If you have time, spend an hour or so in Gallitzin State Park. I figured at this point, time for me to get back home. So I

through Chambersburg and into the first real mountains

continued down route 56 (Quaker Valley Road) to route 99

where at the top of the first mountain right on the Franklin

to the turnpike, and then back home. When getting back, I

and Fulton County line is one of the states premier biker

pulled my ride in the garage and on the jack stand for the

stops, the mountain house, where I ran into some other so

rest of winter and to have some work done on her. I will be

called hard core bikers. Self admitted I was rethinking this

taking the Rhino’s Rogue Ways out of commission and off

ride, but after my brain thawed and having great warm food,

the road for the next couple of months. I will, however, tac in

I said goodbye to “sanity” and continued. After I rode for

some other cool stuff to do each month.

awhile it got better and there were more and more awesome surroundings in the Laurel mountain range. I continued through Bedford to Somerset, where I then took route 601 to the north sweet ride! I didn’t take note of the little bar near 10 Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania

Again, Happy New Year, brothers and sisters, keep the rubber on the road or in the garage…for now….. —Chris “Rhino” Culbert

Seldom Inn

Summer Blowout

On August, 26, 27, 28 29th the Seldom Inn held their Summer Blowout, in conjunction with the Rumble on the River, which is held at Wolf's Corners Fair Grounds. The Seldom Inn is located on Route 36 South of Tionesta, and 3 miles from Wolf's Corners. The Blowout started on Thursday the 26th, their bike night with a DJ and give a ways, and finished Sunday afternoon. On Saturday, there were vendors, live models, cold beer, music and a lot of bikes. The Bar is a gathering point for those who attend the Rumble on the River and like to take a break, get some great food, or enjoy a cold beverage. If you are in the area or are attending the Rumble on the River be sure to make the Seldom Inn one of your stops, the owners are motorcycle friendly, have entertainment, great food and cold beverages . In the Wind, Eric George Northwestern Pa. www.thunderroadspa.com

Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania­11

Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)

News Bytes

NHTSA STILL PUSHING MOTORCYCLE-ONLY CHECKPOINTS NATIONWIDE The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has ignored congressional requests to halt or delay a plan to implement and fund motorcycle-only checkpoints nationwide. The first federally-funded checkpoints, dubbed “roadside motorcycle safety checkpoints,” will be launched by the Georgia Department of Public Safety, via a NHTSA grant to the Georgia State Patrol. NHTSA has implemented the checkpoint funding plan despite being asked by members of Congress not to fund the program until the merits were explained. NHTSA has requested applications from law enforcement agencies across the country to conduct “safety checks” that specifically target motorcyclists to pull aside for a lengthy inspection of their vehicle, equipment and paperwork. The New York State Police have been conducting motorcycleonly checkpoints since 2007, often targeting major motorcycle events such as Americade. Seeking a legal remedy to stop the constitutionally questionable roadblocks, Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) Attorney Mitchell Proner of NYC has filed a class action lawsuit against the NYSP and New York State on behalf of ABATE of New York and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM). Proner believes the Federal Court will agree that the stops are designed primarily for law enforcement purposes as opposed to public safety purposes. “Rather than promoting any legitimate public safety concern, the checkpoints are intended to harass and intimidate motorcyclists attempting to attend motorcycle events thereby depriving them of their First Amendment right to freedom of assembly as well as their Fourth, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment rights to due process, equal protection and freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures.” NTSB CALLS FOR STATES TO REQUIRE HELMETS

The National Transportation Safety Board stated on Tuesday, November 19, that all states should require riders to wear federally approved helmets. Christopher A. Hart, the NTSB’s vice chairman, called motorcycle accidents ”a public health issue.” and said that helmet laws have been added for the first time to the NTSB’s “Most Wanted List” of safety improvement priorities. The list is considered a powerful tool by which the NTSB forces legislative change. But highway safety laws are largely left up to the states, which have been increasingly resistant to many federal recommendations, and the transportation agency’s appeal comes at a time when motorcycle deaths have actually been on the decrease since 2009. This is not the first time there has been federal pressure exerted on states to pass helmet laws. In the late 1960s, Congress threatened to withhold highway funding for states failing to adopt universal helmet laws, and within a few years almost every state had a helmet mandate. But by the late 1970s, political resistance and pressure from motorcycle groups convinced Congress to break the link between motorcycle laws and federal highway funds, and over half the states repealed their helmet laws. In 1991, Congress decided to try again, offering safety grants to states that enforced helmet and seatbelt laws. States that didn’t

12 Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania

enforce such laws had three percent of their federal highway money redirected to their highway safety programs. Still, only two states re-instituted helmet laws and by 1995 the federal effort was again overturned and five more states soon repealed their helmet laws. Today, only 20 states require all riders to wear helmets, and last year more state legislatures considered laws to repeal helmet laws than to enact them. Forcing states to implement safety regulations is not territory the safety board want to enter, according to Steve Blackistone, NTSB’s state and local government relations specialist, who said “We are not prescriptive; we cannot mandate implementation.” But on the same day as the NTSB proclamation, the insurance industry advocacy group Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety called upon Congress to observe the NTSB recommendation and “enact federal legislation that would result in all states adopting allrider helmet use laws.” NEW JERSEY ESTABLISHES STRINGENT GUIDELINES FOR NEW RIDERS A measure sponsored by Senator Nicholas J. Sacco, chairman of the Senate Transportation Committee, which would establish safety guidelines for new motorcycle riders in the Garden State was approved by the Assembly recently by a vote of 67-7. The bill, S-736, would enact several motorcycle safety regulations, including a tiered licensing provision. Under the bill, if a person is issued a motorcycle license for a vehicle with a smaller-size engine -- less than 231 cubic centimeters -- they would be legally prohibited from operating a motorcycle with an engine displacement of more than 500 cc. Senator Sacco said that this provision would ensure that new motorcycle riders are restricted from operating vehicles with engines that are too powerful for that driver’s skill level. Among other provisions, the bill would also require all applicants under the age of 18 to complete a motorcycle safety program as a condition for licensure or endorsement. The bill was approved by the Senate by a vote of 31-3 on August 23, but must be returned to consider Assembly amendments which were largely technical in nature. If approved in the Senate, it would head to the Governor to be signed into law. MOTORCYCLE SALES DOWN, RIDERSHIP UP Motorcycle sales continue to be hard hit, despite the declared end to the recession, but according to the Motorcycle Industry Council there are other indicators that point to a brighter future for the two-wheel industry. Although year-to-date market data reveals an 18.3% drop in new unit sales, tire sales are up 6.6% in 2010 versus 2009, indicating motorcyclists are still enthusiastic about the sport and riding. In addition, motorcycle miles travelled increased by “approximately 5% last year, some 1.3 billion more miles than in 2008,” according to the MIC’s 2009 Motorcycle Owner Survey. “In many ways, we are better poised for a comeback than ever,” said Ty van Hooydonk, communications director for the council.

News Bytes CHINA BECOMES THE WORLD’S LARGEST MOTORCYCLE PRODUCER China has now overtaken Japan as the largest producer of motorcycles in the world. Yearly, 50 million motorcycles are produced worldwide, and China now produces at least 27.5 million of that figure or a little more than 50% of the total world production. China has already taken over the top spot in world automobile production by producing more cars than Japan and the U.S. combined. Interestingly, some historic American companies like HarleyDavidson are moving ahead for plans to produce motorcycles in China, but whether they will be exported to the U.S. or simply sold in this Asian market is not quite known yet. The city of Chongqing has become China’s motorcycle production center, with more than 10 million motorcycles a year coming out of this modern city alone. In fact, four of five of the largest Chinese motorcycle brands that produce over 1 million units a year come out of this city. China has more than 130 motorcycle brands. Expect to see more powerful and modern motorcycles coming from China as this nation seeks to become the largest and most powerful economy in the world. WEIRD NEWS: HEAD GAMES

In Lagos, Nigeria, motorcycle taxis called “okada” are so dangerous in that local hospitals have special orthopedic wards meant just for people who have suffered accidents while riding them. So you’d think a law requiring passengers to wear helmets would be welcomed.


But it turns out that, for many Nigerians, the only thing scarier than a motorcycle taxi is a motorcycle helmet. Many people refuse to wear them out of fear of juju, or supernatural powers. Some fret that previous passengers may have put nefarious juju spells on the helmets to steal someone’s good fortune, or to make a person disappear in order to be used in a sacred ritual. “Our people are quite superstitious about anything dealing with their head,” says Ralph Ibuzo, who created the “Original Lapa Guard”, a cloth cap that he claims can protect wearers from disease and sudden disappearance. “People believe that if you put on a helmet, [others] can take away your brain, or your good luck,” he told the Wall Street Journal, so the hygienic cap provides a thin layer of separation between the head and a helmet full of potential trouble. Aside from preventing paranormal paranoia, Mr. Ibuzo also has the law on his side as this sub-Saharan city enacted a traffic regulation last year that requires okada passengers to don helmets. But despite efforts at enforcement by city officials and traffic police, most passengers refuse to wear them out of concern about juju, widely feared throughout West Africa. QUOTABLE QUOTE: “The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.” Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), 3rd President of the United States and principal author of the Declaration of Independence

Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania­13

Leola Trike Build “That Motorcycle Has Three Wheels!” part two of three ABS ring installed on rear axle on IRS suspension ready to install

By Brandon Zimmerman LEOLA – Three-wheeled motorcycles are becoming an increasingly familiar sight on roads around the country. These three-wheelers, called trikes, offer an attractive and safer alternative to a two-wheeled bike. They appeal to both young and old alike, while providing exceptional comfort, storage and personal style. As America’s baby boomers age, trikes are the preferred choice for those who want to continue riding safely and with increased stability. Trikes are built from standard motorcycles in a process called a trike conversion, and not many people know more about that process than Ronald Myers.

ABS sensor installed(hidden by frame bar). Note: Steel

Back of bike. Kit is now attached at seven different places. Drive shaft installed

Drive shaft ready to install View of progressive shock on right and axle underneath frame. Axle is covered with a rubber boot to keep dirt out of universal joints. The center pumpkin never moves (not seen) and therefore the universal joint at either end of the axle allows the wheel to move up and down independently of one another on uneven road surfaces. This engineering technology is responsible for the unsurpassed smoothness of the ride. 16 Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania

Attaching brake lines from bike to kit.

Ronald Myers, the founder of Leola Motortrike, knows a thing or two about trike conversions, having built perhaps the most trikes of any Motortrike dealer in the country. Over 500 of his conversions are scattered all across the United States, and yet Myers never forgets a trike. Sometimes a trike has changed hands – and even states – and he’ll get a call from someone as far away as Florida who purchased a trike with a Leola Motortrike sticker on the bumper and he will remember whom it was built for. That, combined with a personable demeanor and love of motorcycling, has led the 72-year-old Myers to be the proud owner of the longest established Motortrike dealership east of the Mississippi. Leola Motortrike has a customer base covering 9 states, stretching as far west as Colorado, and has been honored as one of the top-ten dealerships in the country. When riders decide to get a trike conversion, they generally begin to shop around, comparing styles. There are so many brands, varieties, and options available for trikes, however, that even the most mechanically inclined riders can become confused. What happens at this point, Myers says, is “people begin to shop based on what they do know – price and appearance.” Expertise, training, and build techniques can vary greatly between shops, even when dealing with the same brand

Original Honda exhaust re-installed. Good view of independent suspension axles (covered by rubber boot) on either side of pumpkin. The air bag suspension is shown above axles. Stainless steel brake lines are easily seen.

continued on page 18

Bleeding brakes to remove any air in lines

Driveshaft attached to rear end and bolts tightened. Note: The automotive strength rear end and universal joint, which will provide long life to the Trike. Also, ABS ring and sensor attached.

ABS sensor system on Trike kit keeps ABS fully functional for continued optimal braking safety. www.thunderroadspa.com

Massive calipers hide ½ “ thick brake pads that will last a long time. In their combined 20 years experience, Leola Motortrike mechanics have never needed to change a set. Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania­17

Removed left panel to install air suspension controls

Hooking up wires in rear air bags to air bag suspension control system.

The shock control system is modified to accept air ride suspension controls. Here, the plastic is ground down so the new LED display will fit.

The original tail lights are taken out of the saddlebags and installed in the Trike body.

Reassembling preload adjust with new parts

Removing radio amplifier from rear fender to install 18 Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania

After wires all run on body, body is lifted onto Trike and attached with 9 bolts; 5 in the trunk and 2 on either fender.

With body installed, view of where tour-pak gets installed

Massive ½” thick brake rotor provides excellent rear braking.

Drive shaft hooked up to transmission with safety loop installed.

continued from page 17 of trike, so finding a competent dealer is very important. Building a trike requires technical expertise, training and the right equipment. At Leola Motortrike, between the owner and two Master Mechanics, there is a combined 102 years of mechanical experience and 86 years painting experience invested into every trike. Almost no other business in the country can boast this level of expertise and knowledge, along with a combined 114 years of personal experience as motorcyclists. Leola Motortrike is more than just a technically skilled dealer, though. Specializing in private consultations, education, training, and reviews of the various options with the customers set Leola Motortrike apart from other dealers. “It’s about bringing a solution to certain types of riders,” says a Leola Motortrike sales associate. “This is why we ask our customers to tell us their needs, to be open about handicaps and health issues.” Sometimes the solution is a trike specifically customized and built for the customer. One of the distinguishing characteristics of a Motortrike conversion is the smooth ride and effortless handling. What Myers is selling is an engineering marvel, and his employees are well-suited to the task of providing a great finished product. The suspension is unique in each trike, and the complexity of the design and various options to satisfy the ride requirements require a thorough knowledge of the Independent Suspension design criteria in such areas as traction/grip, ride quality, leaning/sway control, and bump steer/stability, and suspension travel. Every trike built is taken on a grueling test ride by a Master Mechanic to test these features on highways, pot-holed roads, aggressive cornering, and other obstacle-laden roads to ensure the trike handles optimally even in the most demanding of road conditions. “When Motortrike first released the Independent Rear Suspension, I put one through its paces. People should never try to do what I do on a test ride of our trike,” laughs John Graybill, Leola Motortrike’s Master Mechanic and a former


Motocross racer. “I know if it works for me, no one else is going to drive like that. I’ve driven in ways I won’t publicly admit to, and I have never been able to corner a Motortrike Independent Suspension trike hard enough to lift a wheel,” although he admits being able to do it with other conversions. In a Motortrike, the heaviest components are built on the rear as low as possible, which reduces load transfer to the outside tire on cornering and helps keep the inside tire on the road. This is why Graybill has been unable to lift a wheel while cornering an Independent Suspension trike. The engineering of Motortrike’s Independent Suspension was specifically designed to improve ride and handling quality. This was accomplished by the soft springs at the rear with 4” of suspension travel, more than any other trike kit on the market. The 4” of rear wheel travel, along with a lowered spring rate, decreases the natural frequency of the rear, which adds to the comfort of the ride. This is only possible with soft springs and enough travel. All Motortrike kits use air ride suspension, which adjusts the spring rate and ride height while a separate shock absorber controls and dampens jolts and bumps. The differential housing (center section) utilizes Ford 7 ½” parts which are used in various Ford vehicles such as the Ford Ranger. The rear brakes consist of a three-piston caliper on each wheel, which retains the linked braking system found on the GL 1800 Gold Wing. The brake rotors are 12” in diameter with ½’’ thick brake pads, which enables phenomenal braking power even at high speeds. “In all my years of experience, I have never replaced a set of rear brake pads on a Motortrike conversion,” Graybill says proudly. The accompanying pictures detail some of the build techniques that contribute to a safe, secure, and trouble-free ride experience. Leola Motortrike, located in Leola, PA, can be reached at 717-656-7531, and their website is www.leolamotortrike.com.

Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania­19

Welcome to the new B.A.D. directory!

Here you will find great places that are Motorcycle and Biker friendly !

They help bring you Thunder Roads Pennsylvania each and every month!

C.P.R. Cell Phone Repair

31 West Main St Leola. Pa 17540 717-656-5452 Susquehanna battery@yahoo.com

Heavy Metal Photography Personalized and Custom Photography Steve Keefer www.heavymetalphoto.com Steve@heavymetalphoto.com

Susquehanna Battery

31 West Main St. Leola, Pa 17540 717-656-5452 Susquhannabattery@yahoo.com

Interstate Battery Systems Inc Of Reading 1742 Swamp Pike Gilbertsville, Pa 19525 800-427-1500 610-323-3296 Kieth or George Zeglestowsky

20 Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania

ABATE Update Its official, the 2009-2010 State Legislative session in over. While ABATE of PA did not get any new legislation passed in this session we were successful in fighting off Representative Dan Frankel’s (D- Allegheny County) bill to make all Pennsylvania motorcyclists wear helmets. Looking to the 2011-2012 legislative session- We are planning which bills we would like to see introduced, and who we would like to ask to introduce them. Good thing we do have the wording in place for the land-owner protection bill and the add-on trike kits. We are looking at a different type of wording for the red light issue. Like California’s red light bill or camera sensors. (Not big brother type) With the change in the House, back to Republican control, we will have to wait to see who will assume the leadership and committee positions. Now all three, Senate, House of Representatives, and the Governors office are controlled by republicans. We will be facing some issues in Washington, DC. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is promoting Mandatory helmets for all motorcycle riders in the US, along with grant funded roadside stops for motorcycles only. I believe that this


is a form of lobbying, which should be prohibited since the passage of the TEA legislation. We are going to have to step up our fight at the federal level. Please join the American Motorcycle Association (AMA), or the Motorcycle Rider Foundation (MRF). These organizations are our voices in Washington. Check out both organizations for yourselves on their web sites. Both of these organizations can use your help. Representative Frankel is using NHTSA’s stand in Washington to help promote his helmet legislation here in Pennsylvania which he plans on reintroducing, yet again, next session. He is also using the old “unfair burden to taxpayers” argument. Come to an ABATE meeting to learn more about how you can help to keep motorcycling alive and free here in Pennsylvania, and through out the US. Learn how to protect your rights. Ride Safe and Sober, Tom Christofes,Jr. ABATE of PA - State Legislator Coordinator

Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania­21

Jim Britton's Laboratory Jim Britton was a rare gem to meet today at DiStefano's Cycle Shop in Imperial, PA just West of Pittsburgh. After a short conversation he graciously drove me out to his turn of the century block garage in the bitter cold today, as an old-school gentleman would. He is my father's age, maybe a few years older and also a quietly powerful Capricorn. He kept my language in check, as you might expect. So he very well should command respect! He has been re-designing cafe racers just miles from where I grew up for as long as I have been alive. While I was in grandma's kitchen with flour on my nose, Jim was out here re-designing some of the most beautiful bikes I've seen to date. I wanted to highlight some of his rare and beautiful work here. The 1974 Honda 360 had been almost completely destroyed in the 2005 Pittsburgh flood. Jim got this bike from Carnegie in 2008 and resurrected it back to and beyond its state of glory. We should all be happy to have guys like Jim around...if you love bikes, that is.

Completed bikes shown: 1974 Honda 360 (Red) 1975 Honda 750K5 (Silver/Orange) Bikes in progress: 1979 Suzuki GS425N (Primer grey) 1974 Honda CB200 (Blue) 1965 Honda CB160 (Red)

22 Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania


Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania­23

24 Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania


Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania­25

of discovering what’s around the next curve. You crave the thrill It’s no different of discovering what’s around

the next curve.

when it comes to pulling away.

It’s no different when it comes to pulling away.


With a new 106-cubic-inch Freedom® V-Twin, 97 horsepower, 113 foot-pounds of torque (23% more than Harley-Davidson®*), and a new 100K-mile transmission, you get more bike than ever before, no matter which model you choose.


With a new 106-cubic-inch Freedom® V-Twin, 97 horsepower, 113 foot-pounds of torque (23% more than Harley-Davidson®*), and a new 100K-mile transmission, you get more bike than ever before, no matter which model you choose.


BAER SPORT CENTER, INC. Honesdale, PA 570-253-2000 BLUE RIDGE POLARIS/VICTORY Wapwallopen, PA 570-868-3402

BROMLEY MOTORCYCLE SALES, INC Trevose, PA 215-357-1534 HERNLEY'S POLARIS/VICTORY Elizabethtown, PA 717-367-8867 MOTOR-VATION, INC Mechanicsburg, PA 717-795-8604

PHILADELPHIA CYCLE CENTER Philadelphia, PA 215-533-5200 RAY'S YAMAHA POLARIS VICTORY Reading, PA 610-582-2700 TRUMBAUER'S SALES Quakertown, PA 215-529-6556

VictoryMotorcycles.com *Based on comparison to 2010 Harley-Davidson Street Bob® (92 ft-lbs torque. Published data as of June 21, 2010). Victory® and Victory Motorcycles® are registered trademarks of Polaris Industries, Inc. Always wear a helmet, eye protection, and protective clothing and obey the speed limit. Never ride under the influence of drugs or alcohol. ©2010 Polaris Industries Inc.

26 Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania


Reading , Pa 4th Annual NorthEast Motorcycle Expo Greater Reading Expo Center www.kevmarv.com

March 19-20

Phoenixville, Pa Greater Philadelphia Expo Center www.kevmarv.com


Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania­27


Only a Biker understands why I stick my head out of the window! My resolution this year will be to: Not wake Mommy up by sticking my cold, wet nose under the covers to wake her and I will not play tug-of-war with Dad’s underwear when he’s on the toilet.


of PA has a new chapter! The Lancaster County chapter has received it’s charter and is looking for members Meetings are on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:30 pm in the ballroom at the Dirty ‘ol Tavern, S. Prince St. Lancaster. Contact us at lancabate@aol.com, on facebook at ABATE of Lancaster County or call Chuck Moore at 717-725-8738 The Federal Government is pushing for a mandatory helmet law, join us and have your voice heard!

Wishing Everyone a Safe and Healthy, Happy New Year!

This Photo is part of a Calendar that is being sold to benefit the

Brandon Styer Scholarship Fund

Please support this foundation, by buying your 2011 calendar today! Please visit our Website at:

www.tstyerphoto.com 28 Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania


We apologize! November Edition we failed to mention the photographer for Dr. Bob’s Racing Team Jeff Whitehead




THUNDER ROADS PA DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR! FOR ONLY $25.00 A YEAR Name___________________________________________ Address_________________________________________ City______________________________________________ State____________________________________________

Make checks payable to: Thunder Roads PA PO Box 146 Quarryville, PA 17566

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