March 2011

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EDITOR / OWNER Robin Montgomery Lapp 717-682-7529

regional sales manager and central pa sales team paul yeater 717-635-5830 lancaster and surrounding area robin keys 717-286-4689 tony montgomery 717-431-4551 wilkes/barre-scranton and surrounding area dave corby - Home 570-388-2670 (PRESIDENT ABATE, LUZERNE COUNTY) SCHUYLKILL County Janice Jones (570)889-3080 Lancaster/Lebanon/Reading Katrina Shawver 717-673-5444 North West Territory Eric George 814-827-0396 814-463-9350 Pittsburgh Connection: Monica Bistarkey 412-334-8514 PHILLY AREA/READING AREA Sales Manager/SALES sean garnett 484-614-5680 south central sales Chris culbert 717-877-7792 Layout & Design Meredith Hancock / Hancock Graphics distribution & article contributions MICHELLE AND J.D. JOHNSON

National Founders Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive / Chapmansboro, TN 37035 Office 615-792-0040 / Fax: 615-792-7580 email: © THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE IS PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THUNDER PUBLISHING. all rights reserved. no part of its content may be reproduced without written permission. publisher assumes no responsibility and is not to be held liable for errors beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error, slander of any group or individual, failure to produce any issue as scheduled due to reasons beyond our control. and any all suits for liable, plagiarism, copyright infringement and unauthorized us of a person’s name or photograph. opinions and claims made by advertisers and authors are their own, and do not necessarily represent the policy of thuner roads magazine or thunder publishing. publisher does not promote the abuse of alcohol or other drugs.

2 Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania

Since I didn’t seem to have a lot on my soapbox agenda, I thought I would pass along something I received that made me chuckle. I thought it might put a smile on your face as well! Adult Truths 1. I think part of a best friend’s job should be to immediately clear your computer history if you die. 2. Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong. 3. I totally take back all those times I didn’t want to nap when I was younger. (I really wish I had napped) 4. There is great need for a sarcasm font. 5. How the hell are you supposed to fold a fitted sheet? 6. Was learning cursive really necessary? 7. GPS’s or Map Quest really need to start their directions on # 5. I’m pretty sure I know how to get out of my neighborhood. 8. Obituaries would be a lot more interesting if they told you how the person died. 9. I can’t remember the last time I wasn’t at least kind of tired. 10. Bad decisions make good stories. (I like this one!) 11. You never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment at work when you know that you just aren’t going to do anything productive for the rest of the day. (I remember those days) 12. Can we all just agree to ignore whatever comes after Blue Ray? I don’t want to have to restart my collection...again. (Like I did after VHS) 13. I’m always slightly terrified when I exit out of Word and it asks me if I want to save any changes to my ten-page technical report that I swear I did not make any changes to. 14. I keep some people’s phone numbers in my phone just so I know not to answer when they call. (Shhhhhh) 15. I think the freezer deserves a light as well. 16. I disagree with Kay Jewelers. I would bet on any given Friday or Saturday night more kisses begin with Miller Lite than Kay. 17. I wish GPS or Google Maps had an “Avoid Ghetto” routing option. (Man, been there done that) 18. I have a hard time deciphering the fine line between boredom and hunger. 19. How many times is it appropriate to say “What?” before you just nod and smile because you still didn’t hear or understand a word they said? (I understand this one) 20. I love the sense of camaraderie when an entire line of cars team up to prevent a jerk from cutting in at the front. Stay strong, brothers and sisters! 21. Sometimes I’ll look down at my watch 3 consecutive times and still not know what time it is. 22. Even under ideal conditions people have trouble locating their car keys in a pocket, finding their cell phone, and Pinning the Tail on the Donkey but I’d bet everyone can find push the snooze button from 3 feet away, in about 1.7 seconds, eyes closed, first time, every time. 23. The first testicular guard, the “Cup,” was used in Hockey in 1874 and the first helmet was used in 1974. That means it only took 100 years for men to realize that their brain is also important. Ladies.....Quit Laughing. Heal the past, live the present, dream the future. Happiness is a choice! Enjoy life!!!

Robin Montgomery Lapp Editor/Owner

Know the Law............................................5 Rider Insurance Celebrates 40 years........7 On a Wing and a Prayer............................8 Snap Tips..................................................9 Thunder on the Lake...............................10 Joker’s Wild.............................................12 Center Calendar......................................14 Noodle’s Tips...........................................16 I Hope I Honored Him..............................17 KISS in the Kitchen.................................18 ABATE Update........................................19 Biker Approved Directory.........................20 Rev Kev...................................................21 Geneva Puzzle........................................23 Upcoming Events....................................27 Rusty Sprocket........................................29


Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania­3

4 Thunder Roads速 Pennsylvania

Know the Law by Attorney Steve Stambaugh Well - another winter month has passed, which brings us another month closer to riding. The Timonium Bike Show was a nice pre-season teaser as always, with lots of nice bikes, good vendors, and some very fine ladies perfectly attired. You gotta love those ladies. I could say something about the Steelers’ losing the Super Bowl but no sense in that. I can remember a lot of long years with no play-off appearances so, at least they made it to the game and there’s always next year. Still ...................... Let’s talk about the law which is poised to undergo some pretty serious changes at the State level now that the political pendulum has swung back from the Democrats to the Republicans. Readers of this article have probably by now figured out some of my politics, which despises what President Obama has done to this Great Nation, both the immediate effects of his policies and worse the long term ramifications as we bear the burden of his policies in the decades to come. That said, when it gets down to brass tacks in Pennsylvania, the swing to Republican majorities in the House and Senate coupled with a Republican Governor is not the honey pot of relief that one might expect. The problem with both parties is that they cater to their radical extremes which I do not believe is in the best interests of the Nation or the individual states. You recall Governor Ridge? Well, he gave us worker’s compensation reform and medical malpractice reform. Any time you hear the word “reform” be on alert because big insurance and big business are usually going to benefit from a huge break that will be paid for in the average citizen’s blood, sweat and tears. While we should be reforming Medicaid, Medicare and Disability law so that we aren’t paying for illegal aliens, that would make to much sense so instead Pennsylvania’s elected officials are taking aim at regular folks who’s lives are devastated by personal injuries. I am referring to “The Fair Share Act”. (2011 Pa. Senate Bill No. 2, Pa. 195 General Assembly - 2011-2012). Sounds p th retty good doesn’t it? Well, here are the facts. For as long as I can remember, liability in Pennsylvania has been joint and several. What this means is that, if you are injured by more than one actor, each of those actors who had a hand in causing your injury is jointly and severally liable for your injuries. This is a lawyer’s way of saying

that each actor is responsible for the entire extent of your injuries. What joint and several liability does is shift the risk of coming up short from the person who got injured to the folks that caused the injury. Here’s an example. Say that I was riding my dresser through an intersection on a steady green light. Mary’s 16, and she didn’t see the red light so she hits me and, because I am injured, I can’t get up and get out of the road. Following behind Mary is her friend, Scott, who’s mind is thinking about Mary, with the result that he likewise runs the red light and, unfortunately for me, runs me over causing me additional injuries. Now, let’s say that Mary is driving her parents’ car and that it is covered by a $500,000.00 per person liability policy. Scott on the other hand, bought his own car and paid for his own insurance (I would like Scott if he hadn’t run me over), and that all Scott could afford was the minimum $15,000.00 per person liability policy required by Pennsylvania law. Let’s further say that my case is worth $500,000.00, and that I and Mary and Scott’s insurance carriers all agree that Mary and Scott each caused 50% of my injuries. Under Pennsylvania’s current joint and several liability law, I can recover the whole $500,000.00 from Mary’s insurance company and it can go after Scott’s carrier’s in order to get reimbursed by his $15,000.00. Thus, while Mary’s carrier pays $235,000.00 more than it should have, I get fully compensated. Pennsylvania’s new Republican Senate majority thinks this is unfair and thus wants to limit me to a straight prorata recovery based on each actor’s negligence. What this means in real life dollars is that I would recover $250,000.00 from Mary (50% of her available $500k policy), $15,000.00 from Scott (although Scott is liable for 50% of my injuries, he only has a $15,000.00 policy), and I come up $235,000.00 short in terms of compensation for my injuries. In other words, under Pennsylvania’s Fair Share Act, the injured person is the one who comes up short, and the folks who caused the harm get to walk. Sound fair? If not, call your State House and Senate representatives, not to mention Governor Corbett and let them hear from you. And, don’t let them tell you that the law has a 60% kicker provision whereby current joint and several liability law applies to any actor who’s negligence is 60% or greater. That is like the tail wagging the dog. The law in this area should not be changed. If anyone should come up short, it’s the folks who caused the harm, not the poor guy or gal who was obeying the law and was injured by someone that wasn’t. Of course, the above example is yet another reason why underinsured and uninsured motorist coverage is going to be even more important moving forward, which just happens to be the subject of next month’s article. See you on the road. Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania­5

A Wish To Live Forever

I met a fairy today that said she would grant me one wish. “I want to live forever,” I said. “Sorry,” said the fairy, “I’m not allowed to grant wishes like that!” “Fine,” I said, “then I want to die after Congress get their heads out of their asses!” “You crafty bastard,” said the fairy.

6 Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania

RIDER INSURANCE CELEBRATES 40 YEARS IN THE MOTORCYCLE INDUSTY SPRINGFIELD, N.J. – 2011 marks the 40th Anniversary of Rider Insurance. Currently the largest motorcycle insurance provider in New Jersey and the only company exclusively serving the motorcycle community, Rider attributes our success to the extraordinary support of our loyal customers and to the dedication of our employees in staying focused on what we do best – motorcycles. “We understand the needs of our customers because we don’t just serve the community – we belong to it,” said Harry Bleiwise, chairman and founder of Rider Insurance. “It has been both a privilege and an honor to serve a group of people like no other in the world.” Much has changed in the past four decades, and Rider Insurance has kept pace with that change. To see how far we’ve come, we need only look back at how it all started. Working out of the basement of his home, Harry Bleiwise founded Rider Insurance Agency in 1971 because, as a new member of the motorcycle community, he discovered that motorcyclists were not being treated with the respect they deserved. Harry wanted to do something to change that. His dedication to motorcyclists was rewarded as, over the next six years, Harry gained the loyalty of over 20,000 New Jersey riders. In 1977, one of the largest insurance companies that Harry’s agency was placing business with pulled out of the state of New Jersey. Rather than abandon his fellow riders and dedicated customers, Harry

felt it was his responsibility to come to their aid. He invested everything that he had and borrowed the rest to come up with the capital required to start his own insurance company. On June 3, 1977, Rider Insurance Company, the only insurance carrier exclusively serving motorcyclists, opened for business. Since opening our doors, we at Rider Insurance have prided ourselves on offering competitive rates, excellent coverage, and hassle free service. Our employees are committed to providing the outstanding service needed to allow riders to enjoy the freedom of the open road with peace of mind. Rider is also committed to giving back to the community and actively participates in numerous local and national motorcycle events. In addition, through the Bleiwise Family Charitable Foundations and general corporate sponsorships and donations, Rider has been able to support many worthy causes and organizations. Although for many years Rider was only available in New Jersey, in 2007, after many requests, operations expanded into new states. Rider now provides great coverage and service to motorcyclists in Indiana, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. While we’ve come a long way since Harry’s basement, we have remained true to our mission to serve the motorcycling community with the respect they deserve. “In reaching this milestone, there is a great deal of appreciation and thanks owed to our employees, both past and present, as well as our valued loyal customers, without whom Rider would not be the company it is today,” said Charles Lally, President. “We plan to continue to grow and expand until we are able to provide the same great service to all riders across the country.” For more information on Rider Insurance or to get a quick quote, call 800-595-6393 or visit Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania­7

On A Wing and A Prayer Fear vs. Fear not… In this day and age the news is full of war, rapes, murders, people losing their jobs or their homes. Some people have become so fearful that they are afraid to leave their house. I read of one woman who stayed in her house from age 31 to age 61. How sad. Everyone of us has faced fear at some time in our life. We either conquer it or we are conquered by it. It doesn’t matter what is going on in the world today—God has promised in the Bible to protect His people. If a person doesn’t know Jesus, then it is natural to fear, but for each one who has asked Jesus Christ into his life, he need not fear because of his relationship with Him (Jesus.) I’m not telling you to not use wisdom when dealing with strangers or going some places, but there is a difference between being careful and being fearful.

fear comes into my mind I go to God and He helps me to overcome whatever fear I am feeling. I believe what the Bible says and I live by what it says. The Bible says that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13) so I believe that. I can overcome any and all fear that comes into my life by having faith in the word of God. I would say to any of you who haven’t asked Jesus into your life to do that. Ask Jesus to forgive you for all your sins. Read John 3:16-18. Get to a good church where they preach from the Bible. Read the Bible on your own at home and pray. The Bible says, “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casteth out fear.” This is saying that someone who loves God with all his heart does not have to be afraid of death. It is guilt that sometimes makes people fear what is to come after death. To those of us who have asked Jesus to forgive our sins, we have nothing to fear in this world or the world to come. God loves you and wants you to have peace. God wants you to not have fear. Ride safe, Pastor Frank 717-567-3337

Psalms 34:4 says, “I sought the Lord and He heard me and delivered me from all my fears.” Look at three things in this verse. 1. “I sought the Lord”—A Christian (someone who has asked Jesus into his life) can talk to God about anything, including fear. 2. “He heard me”—God listens to Christians 3. “delivered me from all my fears”—God will help His people to overcome any fear. 2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and love and a sound mind.” That means God gave us power to face our fears and to stand up to our trials. He gave us love, to first of all love Him, and then love all mankind. He gave us a sound mind to see things in a well balanced way and in the right proportion. We can overcome any fear with God. Psalms 27:1 says, “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” You might be thinking, Pastor Frank, don’t you ever feel fear? I can tell you that when 8 Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania

Is looking for someone who wants to own their own, already established, licensed Thunder Roads® Magazine. You won’t need a publishing background. Layout and design is provided, as well as training.

Be your own Boss and love what you do! Call us at 717-682-7529 for details

By Vince Snyder Photo Editing

The photo you just took looks great, but you wish you could adjust this or that, like the pro’s do. Chances are your computer has a photo editing software package preinstalled or your camera came with one. Most of these packages can look pretty intimidating at first but they really aren’t that difficult to use. So, my first tip when using any editing software is a very important one for you if your a novice. Never work on the original of the image. Make a copy of the file and work on that version. Reason is simple - if you destroy the image in your experimenting you could lose the image for good. Second tip is to explore sites like YouTube for training videos on your software. You will be surprised how many FREE videos are available to teach you various things on the internet. My third tip is a repeat of my theory of photography. Have fun with it! Do not hesitate to try and be creative not only with the photo taking but the photo editing. You can learn not only how to remove red-eye but maybe add awesome backgrounds or effects to your images. Good luck and see you next month!


Vince Snyder can be reached at All photographs ©2011 Snapworks Studio / Vince Snyder. No Duplication without written permission

Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania­9

Annual Thunder on the Lake On September 9, 10, 11 2011 the 17th annual Thunder on the Lake will take place at Walt’s Tavern located in Conneaut Lake Pa. What an event this is, on Friday they will have a blessing of the bikes and then a memorial ride around the lake, Saturday, bikes are coming and going, checking out the vendors, riding around the lake, and is the day that the bike games are held, also a bike smash, in the evening there is a wet t-shirt contest followed by a live band. On Sunday the weekend raps up with a bike show. Although the main event is held a Walt’s Tavern all the bars around the lake get into the action with activities for the weekend at their establishments. Conneaut Lake itself is the largest Natural Lake in Pennsylvania, also is a vacation destination, with many 10 Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania

hotels, and Conneaut Lake Park which opened in 1892. This rally offers a little something for everyone. I highly recommend this rally, Walt and his employees, and the Officers from Thunder on the Lake are super people, who put in large amount of time planning this event and ensuring that you have a rally that you won’t forget. Mark it on your calendars and plan to attend. I will see you there. Websites to visit:, www. Eric George, Northwestern Pennsylvania. P.S. I forgot to mention that Walt’s Tavern always has a cold beverage and fantastic menu for anytime of the year.

Thunder Roads速 Pennsylvania足11

A crusty old Marine Sergeant Major found himself at a Gala event hosted by a local liberal arts college. There was no shortage of extremely young idealistic ladies in attendance, one of whom approached the Sergeant Major for conversation. “Excuse me, Sergeant Major, but you seem to be a very serious man. Is something bothering you?” “Negative, ma’am. Just serious by nature.” The young lady looked at his awards and decorations and said, “It looks like you have seen a lot of action.” “Yes, ma’am, a lot of action.” The young lady, tiring of trying to start up a conversation, said, “You know, you should lighten up. Relax and enjoy yourself.” The Sergeant Major just stared at her in his serious manner. Finally the young lady said, “You know, I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but when is the last time you had sex?” “1955, ma’am.” “Well, there you are. No wonder you’re so serious. You really need to chill out! I mean, no sex since 1955! She took his hand and led him to a private room where she proceeded to “relax” him several times. Afterwards, panting for breath, she leaned against his bare chest and said, “Wow, you sure didn’t forget much since 1955.” The Sergeant Major said, after glancing at his watch, “I sincerely hope not; it’s only 2130 now.” A guy walks into a bar down in Kentucky and orders a glass of white wine. All the hillbillies sitting around the bar look up, very curious and skeptical of this stranger in their local bar. The bartender says, “You ain’t from around here, are ya?” The newcomer replies, “No, I’m from Minnesota .” The bartender says, “What do you do in Minnesota ?” The guy says, “I’m a taxidermist.” The bartender says, “A taxidermist? What in tarnation is a taxidermist? Do you do taxes?” “No, a taxidermist doesn’t do taxes. I mount animals.” The bartender grins and hollers out loud, “It’s okay boys. He’s one of us.” How do you make 5 pounds of fat look good? Put a nipple on it. Learn From Your Parents Mistakes..... Use Birth Control. What was the original point & click interface? A Smith & Wesson. Red Meat is NOT bad for you. Fuzzy Green Meat IS bad for you. When blondes have more fun.....Do they know it? 12 Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania

A man came to visit his grandparents, and he noticed his grandfather sitting on the porch in his favorite rocking chair wearing only a shirt, with nothing on from the waist down. ’Grandpa, what are you doing? Your “winkie” is out in the wind for everyone to see!’ he exclaimed. The old man looked off in the distance without answering. ’Grandpa, what are you doing sitting out here with nothing on below the waist?’ he asked again. The old man slowly looked at him and said, ’Well....last week I sat out here with no shirt on, and I got a stiff neck that lasted a week. This here is your Grandma’s idea. “Late again,” the 3rd grade teacher said to little Sammy. “It ain’t my fault this time, Miss Crabtree. You can blame this’un on my Daddy. The reason I’m three hours late is my Daddy sleeps naked! Now, Miss Crabtree had taught grammar school for thirty-some-odd years. Despite her better judgment, she asked little Sammy what he meant by that. Full of grins and mischief, and in the flower of his youth, little Sammy and trouble were old friends, but he always told the truth. ”You see, Miss Crabtree, out at the ranch we got this here low down coyote. The last few nights, he done ate six hens and killed Ma’s best milk goat. Last night, when Daddy heard a noise out in the chicken pen, he grabbed his shot gun and said to Ma, “That coyote’s back again, I’m a gonna git him!’’ “Stay back, he whispered to all us kids!” “He was naked as a jaybird, no boots, no pants, no undies, no shirt! To the hen house he crawled, just like an Injun on the snoop. Then, he stuck that double barreled 12 gauge shotgun through the window of the coop.” “As he stared into the darkness, with coyotes on his mind, our old hound dog, Zeke, had done woke up and comes sneakin’ up behind Daddy. Then, as we all looked on, plumb helpless, old Zeke stuck his cold nose in Daddy’s crack!” “Miss Crabtree, we all been cleanin’ up chicken parts since three o’clock this mornin’!!”. A frustrated wife buys a pair of crotch-less panties in an attempt to spice up her dead sex-life. She puts them on, together with a short skirt, and sits on the sofa opposite her husband. At strategic moments she uncrosses her legs ... enough times till her husband says “Are you wearing crotch-less panties?” “Oh my, why yes I am” she says with a seductive smile. “Thank God for that... I thought you were sitting on the damn cat.” The F.D.A. just announced the release of a new drug for lesbians with depression. It’s called: trycoxagain

Thinkin’ Spring?...

Susquehanna Valley Harley-Davidson 6300 Allentown Blvd., Harrisburg PA 17112 717-810-1993

We’ve got everything you need to gear up for the upcoming riding season.

Check out our in-store newsletter for more details on our St. Patrick’s Day merchandise!!

This Photo is part of a Calendar that is being sold to benefit the

Brandon Styer Scholarship Fund

Please support this foundation, by buying your 2011 calendar today! Please visit our Website at:

Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania­13

NOODLES TIPS FOR THE ROAD TEN WAYS TO MAKE DRIVING LESS BORING Often times, my Mom and I just want to go out for a drive for some cheap entertainment. Here are some fun things we do: Write the words “Help me” on your back window in red paint. The more it looks like blood, the better. Wave at people often. If they wave back, offer an angry look and an obscene gesture. Hang numerous car-fresheners in the rear-view mirror. Talk to them, stroking them lovingly. Keep at least five cats in the car. Stop and collect road kill in the middle of the road, stopping all traffic with your flashers on. Stop at the green lights. Go really slow, then speed up, then go slow and then speed up again. Have conversations, looking periodically at the passenger seat, when driving alone, or perhaps sit a mannequin next to you with a really bad wig. Wear a Chicken suit, Or a funny mask of any kind. At stop lights, eye the person in the next car suspiciously. With a look of fear, lock your doors. Remember…dogs are just kids in fur!

16 Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania

I Hope I Honored Him. READ THIS FIRST!!!!! I just moved in the area about a month ago. I was feeling pretty lonely and something was just... missing...why not get a dog?? I went to the local shelter which was very clean and had big roomy cages for the dogs. The shelter said that I seemed like a labtype which I didn’t understand, but I guess they know what they are talking about. They took me to this black lab that looked like the perfect dog at a glance, well behaved and obviously in good shape. As I was leaving with the dog, they informed me that his name is Reggie, and handed me a box full of his belongings. When we got home, Reggie was still very well behaved...almost too well behaved. The better word might be bored. He just glared at me every time I tried to hype him up to play. There’s no way he was this way with his previous owner. I looked in his box of belongings for a toy and there was a new container of tennis balls in there. I grabbed one, and tossed it his way. He just watched it roll by his face while he laid on the floor with his head on his front paws. A week went by and Reggie still showed no activity, but the shelter said to give him two weeks and he should warm up to me. So far, it wasn’t looking so good. By the end of the second week, Reggie at least started to nudge the tennis ball, so I spread all the tennis balls around the house to give him something to do, but he still wasn’t warming up to me. I decided to call the shelter to let them know it just wasn’t working out, and as I dialed the last number to the shelter, I glanced in the box and saw an envelope. I hung up the phone and grabbed the envelope and opened it finding a letter written by his previous owner...

I folded the letter and slipped it back in the envelope. Sure I had heard of Paul Mallory, everyone in town knew him, even new people like me. Local kid, killed in Iraq a few months ago and posthumously earning the Silver Star when he gave his life to save three buddies. Flags had been at half-mast all summer. I looked at that lab that day and had a totally different respect for him. He was glaring at me as usual, but when I whispered “Hey Tank...” he was on all fours, tail wagging frantically and completely alert. I grabbed a tennis ball that was next to me and said, “...ya want this tennis ball? Huh boy?” You could tell he wanted to run, so I tossed the ball in the next room. He ran passed me, almost knocking me down to get to the ball. When he came back, he had 3 tennis balls in his mouth.

Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania­17

K.I.S.S. page composed & edited by: Toni McCoy Shearon of Tennessee

LUCK OF THE IRISH HEARTY STEW 1-1/2 to 2 lbs. of Boneless Sirloin Steak Meat; cut into bite-size pieces 2 Tbls. of All Purpose Flour 2 -3 Tbls. butter or margarine 1 Large Yellow Onion; chopped in big chunks 1 Can of Beef Stock and 1 Carton or Box of Beef Stock 1 Can of Stewed Tomatoes; un-drained 1 Envelope of Good Seasons Garlic & Herb Dressing Mix 1 lb. of red potatoes, jackets left on, cut into 3/4 inch chunks 2 Handfuls of pre-packaged baby carrots 1 Cup of Frozen Peas 1 Cup of either Frozen Corn or Frozen Broccoli, or both 2 Tbls. Worcestershire Sauce 1/2 Palm-full of Thyme 2 Tbls. Pearl Barley (in spice aisle any grocery) 1 Heaping Tbls. of Parsley 1 Bay Leaf 4 Beef Boullion Cubes; dissolved in 1 cup hot water Melt 1/4 stick of butter or 2 tablespoons of margarine over medium heat. Dredge your meat chunks thoroughly through flour and then dredge again. Place into melted butter in a Dutch Oven and let brown up good on all sides. Remove to side plate. Now, on medium-high heat, sprinkle apprx. 3 heaping tablespoons of all-purpose flour into same pot. Keep working it around and around for about a minute or so to cook off the flour taste. Next, add your dissolved beef boullion cubes hot water mixture and again, let it all get mixed in well. Keep that wooden spoon moving! Next, add the (1) can of beef stock and keep an eye on it as it will thicken up quickly. Turn heat down to medium-low. Add the box of beef stock now. Add back in the beef chunks, potatoes, tomatoes, dressing mix, onion chunks, Worcestershire, thyme, barley, parsley and bay leaf. Cook covered for 45 minutes. The last 15 minutes, remove bay leaf and if needed, if stock too thick, add 1 cup of hot water. This will dilute the beef flavor so only add it if truly necessary. Now add in all your frozen veggies and a large pat of butter or 1 Tbl. of margarine, whichever. Take cover off and let go until frozen carrots are tender throughout. Serve in big soup bowls along with a cold apple/walnut & pear salad mixed in creamed mayonnaise and chopped Romaine lettuce. Serve hot crusty bread and take some room temp. margarine or butter and throw in a palmfull of basil and spread on thick slices of hot bread. Aye! Now this Irish Stew is truly “magically delicious”! 18 Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania

ONION PIE.......VIDALIA STYLE 3 Cups of thinly sliced Vidalia Onions 1/2 Stick of Melted Butter 1 Pre-made Pie Shell 2 Eggs; beaten 3 Tbls. All-Purpose Flour 1/2 Cup Half & Half 1 Small Tub (8 oz.) of Sour Cream 1 Tub (8 oz.) Philly Cream Cheese (room temp.) 10 Slices of Hickory Smoked Bacon cooked crisp 1 Pkg. of pre-sliced mushrooms 1-1/2 cups of Grier cheese (get from Deli counter) Salt & Pepper to Taste Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Melt butter down in a skillet and add onions and mushrooms and saute until lightly browned. Place your pie pan on a sheet pan in case any drips over. Line bottom of pie crust with sauteed onions and mushrooms. In a small bowl beat up the two eggs and the flour together until smooth. Gradually add the half & half, cream cheese, sour cream and salt & pepper to taste. Mix well and pour all over the onions in the pie shell. Crumble bacon all over the top of pie and distribute evenly. Bake for 25 minutes and the last five, slide oven rack out and top generously with Grier cheese and let bake for 5 more minutes. Let cool 5 mins. before cutting. OH SO LUCKY! IRISH GREEN CUPCAKES with GREEN BUTTERCREAM FROSTING 1 Pkg. of White Cake Mix Follow package directions, only add GREEN food coloring to the mix as dark as you prefer. Bake as directed. If baking directly in cupcake tins be sure and spray bottom & sides generously. If baking in cupcake papers, only fill 3/4 full. Cool thoroughly. Buy 2 cans of Betty Crocker Buttercream frosting and again add food coloring to the desired green that you want. Frost cupcakes generously. Take a butter knife and dab at the frosting to make stiff peaks after you’re done frosting. Looks very pro. *Tip: Take frosting and place it in a plastic ketchup bottle like you see in Diners, and stick it a 1/2 inch into the side of your cupcake and squirt to have a creamy filling surprise when you bite into cupcake. Another cool & delicious treat tip is chop up a bunch of chocolate mint squares, sprinkle over quality vanilla ice-cream and then pour heated, bottled caramel sauce all over the top. So Simple Sweetie!

ABATE Update A little over a month into the new 24 month legislative session, 800 plus bills have been introduced in both the House and Senate in Pennsylvania. Talks have taken place as to who will be introducing bills we are interested in passing. The first bill introduced is HB-254, introduced by Representative Seth Grove. This bill limits 3 motorcycle permits in 10 years, and is aimed to end permit abuse. Also included in this bill is the stipulation that junior licensee’s would be required to take the Motorcycle Safety Program course in order to get their license. We feel that the Landowner protection bill is also important to pass. This would protect landowners who allow their place to be used for Motorcycle Safety Program sites. This bill is HB-563 introduced by Representative Richard Geist, with 71 cosponsors. ABATE of PA supports both of these bills. Dates to mark on your calendar now: May 21-22, 2011- Freedom Weekend- Shellsville VFW picnic grounds. May 23, 2011- Rights Rally - Monday 12:00 Capitol With all the new Representatives in Harrisburg, it is very important to have a good showing of motorcyclists to awe them. And to reinforce our strong grass roots group. All motorcyclists welcome!

June 17 & 18 & 19, 2011 Hazen-State Party. Check ABATE’s web page for more information. With NHTSA pushing their agenda of mandatory helmet usage for all the States, we need to support the American Motorcyclist Association and the Motorcycle Riders Foundation. Both the MRF and the AMA have staff and offices in Washington, DC, watching and fighting for our motorcycling rights. In news from other states, Kentucky has a mandatory helmet bill introduced, and Illinois has 5 mandatory helmet bills introduced. Both states have freedom in helmet usage. At the federal level – HR-412 bill would exempt youth motorcycles and ATV’s from the current lead ban on children’s toys. As always, Come to an ABATE meeting in your area to learn more, and help protect your motorcycling rights here in Pennsylvania, and more. Ride Safe and Sober. Tom Christofes, Jr State Legislative Coordinator for ABATE of PA

Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania­19

Welcome to the new B.A.D. directory!

Here you will find great places that are Motorcycle and Biker friendly !

They help bring you Thunder Roads Pennsylvania each and every month!

C.P.R. Cell Phone Repair

31 West Main St Leola. Pa 17540 717-656-5452 Susquehanna

Heavy Metal Photography Personalized and Custom Photography Steve Keefer

Susquehanna Battery

31 West Main St. Leola, Pa 17540 717-656-5452

Interstate Battery Systems Inc Of Reading 1742 Swamp Pike Gilbertsville, Pa 19525 800-427-1500 610-323-3296 Kieth or George Zeglestowsky

20 Thunder Roads速 Pennsylvania

Rebooting your Marriage! A buddy and I recently joked with each We often want change, but forget that the first Welcome to the new B.A.D. directory! other saying, “after 30 years of marriage, we change must come from ourselves. Most of you will find great places that are Motorcycle and Biker have all thisHere marriage stuff the time wefriendly only see! things Welcome to the new B.A.D. directory! figured out”. After saying it, you Thunder through our own point of They help bring Roads Pennsylvania each and every month! quickly came I think we both view and we forget Here you will find great places that are Motorcycle and Biker friendly !how our to the realization that we partner may see them. Tom They help bring you Thunder Roads Pennsylvania each and every month! did not know what we were Anthony makes a powerful talking about. A fact that I point when he says “Switch am sure our wives would add glasses with your partner a resounding “AMEN”! The and observe how you truth is that just when you would answer the question, “Would you be happily think you have it figured out, things change, we change, married to you?”” life changes… and you need to renew and reboot your God Bless, relationship. Let’s face it relationships get “stale” Kevin (RevKev) Kohler quicker than we realize, and we all need to apply a little “Tender Loving Care” to get things Central Pa Black Sheep Director back on track. TLC comes in many forms. It & Harrisburg Area HOG Chaplain 717-439-6776 cell may be planning a romantic evening, giving an unexpected surprise, preparing a special meal, or putting in a little extra effort around the You are invited: Black Sheep Breakfast house. However, the best TLC you can give to any relationship is to evaluate the kind Mar 12th, Eastern Pa Black Sheep, 8:00am@ Cell ofC.P.R. partner youPhone have Repair been. Tom Anthony, the Family Cupboard West Main St AZ Black31 Sheep Director asked a question in a C.P.R. Cell Phone Repair 12 Newport Rd., Lititz, Pa Pa 17540 31Leola. West Main St recent Black sheep article that really gave me 717-656-5452 Leola. Payou 17540 be married to you?” Think pause. “Would Mar 26th, Central Pa Black Sheep, 8:30am Susquehanna 717-656-5452 about it. This is a tough question for anyone to @ Crossroads Café, 9147 Allentown Blvd, Susquehanna answer, it is an eye opening proposition. Grantville, Pa

Heavy Metal Photography

Heavy Metal Photography Personalized and Custom Personalized and Custom Photography Photography Steve Keefer Steve Keefer

Susquehanna Battery

Susquehanna Battery 31 West Main St.

31Leola, West Pa Main St. 17540 Leola, Pa 17540 717-656-5452 717-656-5452

Welcome to the new B.A.D. directory! Here you will find greatInterstate places that areSystems Motorcycle Battery Inc and Biker friendly ! Interstate Battery Systems Inc OfReading Reading They help bring you Thunder Roads Pennsylvania each and every month! Of 1742Swamp SwampPike Pike 1742 Gilbertsville, Pa 19525 Gilbertsville, Pa 19525 800-427-1500 610-323-3296 800-427-1500 610-323-3296 KiethororGeorge GeorgeZeglestowsky Zeglestowsky Kieth

Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania­21

Fallen Soldiers Memorial Motorcycle Ride Route Leave Amvets Post 19 and get on New Danville Pike to 741. Turn right and follow 741 to the 283W entrance. Follow 283W to the 743 E-town/Hershey exit. Turn left and follow 743 to Route 230 in E-town. Turn left and follow 230 thru E-town/Mount Joy to the red light at the Sheetz store (Esbenshade Road). Turn right and follow Harrisburg Pike thru Salunga, Landisville back to 741. Turn right and follow New Danville Pike back to Amvets Post 19. Come and meet the families of the fallen soldiers of Lancaster County since 09/11/01. If you are not able to attend but would still like to contribute, please send your donations to Amvets Post 19, Attn: Memorial Ride, 715 Fairveiw Ave. Lancaster,Pa 17603 Any questions please e-mail:

22 Thunder Roads速 Pennsylvania

Thunder Roads速 Pennsylvania足23

Thunder Roads Magazine National S.E.O. Of 2010

DENNIS MARTIN of THUNDER ROADS MISSOURI/SO. ILLINOIS DENNIS MARTIN of THUNDER ROADS MISSOURI/SO. ILLINOIS is the proud recipient of the THUNDER ROADS STATE EDITOR/OWNER OF THE YEAR AWARD for 2010. Dennis has been a very vital and contributing member of this fabulous Family/Network since 2005. So yes, he is without a doubt an oldie-goldie Thunder Roads veteran. We've had the pleasure of meeting up with Dennis at a few rallies over the years with he and his lovely wife, Stacey, and they are not only a very savvy, smart and hard-working couple, but they're damn good looking too. Well...Stacey's a knockout anyway and Dennis is well...he's a biker, what else is there to say? But Dennis has ALWAYS had great ideas and valuable contributions and is just a team player who loves doing his magazine and has put out a top-notch quality magazine since 2005!!!! and that aint easy in a world where every month you've got to top the previous month. Way to go, Dennis. You're a helluva guy and we're proud to know you and proud to have you as part of this Family/Network. Keep up the high standards and quality magazine for your loyal readers/bikers of Thunder Roads Missouri/So. Illinois.

Brian & Toni, Thank you for the recognition. Without an outstanding staff and the support of my lovely wife Stacey, we wouldn't have won this award. The other Thunder Roads State Editor Owners (SEO) publish a fantastic magazine every month and I am grateful to be among them. Last year was one busy-ass year, and I feel honored to be a part of the best magazine network around. There have been some bumps in the road, but I am sure all the SEOs have their stories on the past. Dennis Martin | Thunder Roads Magazine MO / So IL | Owner / Editor


Thunder Roads Magazine is looking to expand! Red States Currently Have Thunder Roads Magazine Editions White States Are Open For Future Thunder Roads Magazine Editions



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THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE is expanding across the World and we want YOU to be a part of it. If you think you have what it takes to build on a 10+ year established name, and turn it into your ideal business for yourself and your family in the motorcycle industry, we want to speak with you NOW! LIVE YOUR DREAM & MAKE IT HAPPEN!

Call Toni or Brian 615-792-0040

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MOTOR-VATION, INC Mechanicsburg, PA 717-795-8604


BLUE RIDGE POLARIS/VICTORY Wapwallopen, PA 570-868-3402

HERNLEY'S POLARIS/VICTORY Elizabethtown, PA 717-367-8867

PHILADELPHIA CYCLE CENTER Philadelphia, PA 215-533-5200

TRUMBAUER'S SALES Quakertown, PA 215-529-6556 Restrictions: $500 savings in US Dollars. Nontransferable. Coupon is not redeemable for cash. Victory® or Polaris® dealership employees are not eligible for this offer. Coupon can be combined with current promotions but not with any other coupons. Limit one coupon per customer. Must purchase a new Victory motorcycle between January 1 and February 28, 2011. Not valid on prior purchases or Lehman Trikes®. 12 Months No Interest to 18.99% Reduced Rate LOL: On approved Polaris StarCard® purchases. Periodic Monthly Payments required. No Interest Charges for 12 months. Thereafter, 18.99% APR effective until purchase is paid in full, as long as your account is kept current. Variable APRs as of 01/1/11. Variable Standard Rate APR 21.99%. For Accounts not current, the promotion is cancelled, and the Penalty Rate of 28.99% APR applies. Minimum Interest Charge: $2. Certain rules apply to the allocation of payments and Interest Charges on your promotional purchase if you make more than one purchase on your Polaris StarCard. Call 1-888-367-4310 or review your cardholder agreement for information. See dealer for details. Cross Country shown with optional trunk. Always wear a helmet, eye protection, and protective clothing and obey the speed limit. Never ride under the influence of drugs or alcohol. ©2011 Polaris Industries Inc.

26 Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania

Restrictions: $500 savings in US Dollars. Nontransferable. Coupon is not redeemable for cash. Victory® or Polaris® dealership employees are not eligible for this offer. Coupon can

UPCOMING EVENTS March 20 Wyo Valley Motorcycle and Powersports Show - 15th Annual Kingston, PA

Wyo. Valley Motorcycle Club presents 15th Annual W.V. MC and PS Show, sponsored by MandT Bank. 109th Armory, Kingston. $5/Person, Kids 8 and under Free! Free Parking, all Events Indoors! All Major Brands and Models represented! Plus Custom Bike Builders, many 1-of-a-kind Models! Free Biker Fashion Shows at Noon and 2PM by Pocono Mtn Leather! “Peopl...... For More Information Click Here

April 17 Murrysville Alliance Blessings of The Bikes Murrysville, PA

Murrysville Alliance Church Blessing Of The Bikes All bikers are invited to attend our 11:00 AM service. Come dressed as you are. Dan Williams 570-301-7753 / Motorcycle Event Organizer

April 17 Camp Lavine Motorcycle Benefit Run Bloomsburg, PA

Ride begins at the Columbia-Montour Boy Scout Council Service Center and ends at Camp Lavigne with a chicken BBQ dinner after a scenic ride through several counties. Registration 9:00 to11:00 am. Ride departs 10:00 to 11:00 am.Pre-register by April 8, 2011 $15.00 per rider ($20.00 after April 8th). Ride benefits Boy Scout Camp Lavigne. Terry 570-784-2700 / Motorcycle Event Organizer

April 30 Northampton Joint Veterans Association Motorcycle Ride Northampton, PA

Benefits the veterans memorial plot improvement program. Nate 610-509-2324 / Motorcycle Event Organizer

March 20th The Harrisburg SuperSwap ‘11 2301 North Cameron Street, Harrisburg, PA will be taking place in none other than Harrisburg, PA It will begin on March20th, 2011 This event will allow a motorcycle rider the opportunity to: -Buy a new motorcycle -Build a Recycled Cycle to suit your needs -and to restore and rebuild your cycle! Admission: -$15.00- adults -Anyone under 16 is free Call 315.472.7931 for more info

March 19-20th Lehigh Valley Motorcycle Extravaganza Allentown, PA

Swapmeet-Agriculture Hall, Allentown Fairgrounds Crickett 732-295-2953 / Motorcycle Event Organizer

㻌㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 HIGH PERFORMANCE CYCLES㻌 㻌

(610) 841-5151 Hours- Friday 11AM to 7 PM Saturday 8AM to 4 PM

AMERICAN * CUSTOM * METRIC SALES * SERVICE* ACCESSORIES * APPAREL 6216 Hamilton Blvd Allentown, PA 18106 Hours- Tuesday - Friday 11 AM to 7 PM & Saturday 8 AM to 4 PM

Authorized Dealer

Thunder Roads® Pennsylvania­27


FOR ONLY $25.00 A YEAR Name___________________________________________ Address_________________________________________ City______________________________________________ State____________________________________________ Make checks payable to: Thunder Roads PA, PO Box 146 Quarryville, PA 17566



28 Thunder Roads速 Pennsylvania

Welcome Sounds

Rusty Sprocket She recalls early spring days when she used to sit in the old kitchen keeping the inner door open so it was just the screen between her and the sounds of his coming… His crisp downshifts out on the two-lane… the steady low throbs of the motor tunneled to echoes up the long drive by the tight-growing pines… the low “swish” as he hit the long shallow puddle left as a memory of the last rain… the sudden volume as he swung close in front of her porch sending faint vibrations beneath her thin hand on the oilcloth tabletop

Silence… The click of the kickstand then three quick thumps of his riding boots up the steps to her porch… two more footfalls and the long-drawn screeak of hinges and the small bump of the screen door behind him as the last sound of his coming… Her own chair scraping the wood floor and the soft scrunch of leather come together with leather Then all the sounds in reverse, but louder and faster as she rode off with him All rights reserved © 2010 Rusty Sprocket

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