Aug 2010

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EDITOR / OWNER Robin Montgomery Lapp

717-682-7529 regional sales manager and central pa sales team paul yeater 717-635-5830 lancaster and surrounding area robin keyes 717-286-4689 tony montgomery 717-431-4551 EPHRATA/LANCASTER/READING George Svencer (717)-278-1853 wilkes/barre-scranton and surrounding area dave corby - Home 570-388-2670 (PRESIDENT ABATE, LUZERNE COUNTY) PHILLY AREA/READING AREA Sales Manager/SALES sean garnett 484-614-5680 south central sales Chris culbert 717-877-7792 Layout & Design Meredith Hancock / Hancock Graphics distribution & article contributions MICHELLE AND J.D. JOHNSON

National Founders Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive / Chapmansboro, TN 37035 Office 615-792-0040 / Fax: 615-792-7580 email: © THUNDER ROADS MAGAZINE IS PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THUNDER PUBLISHING. all rights reserved. no part of its content may be reproduced without written permission. publisher assumes no responsibility and is not to be held liable for errors beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error, slander of any group or individual, failure to produce any issue as scheduled due to reasons beyond our control. and any all suits for liable, plagiarism, copyright infringement and unauthorized us of a person’s name or photograph. opinions and claims made by advertisers and authors are their own, and do not necessarily represent the policy of thuner roads magazine or thunder publishing. publisher does not promote the abuse of alcohol or other drugs.

WOW…what a year! You know, as you go through life, you find friends in the strangest ways. They accept you for who you are and can be very diverse, as I have found. Our friends, in a real sense, reflect the choices that we make in life. I notice that I am way more jaded the older I get and also very selective in whom I care to hang around. We all have acquaintances, but friends are people you know have your back and whom you trust. Although it is primarily a working friendship, I feel I have met a very special friend in Paul and Dorothy Yeater. Paul’s hard work and dedication have shown me a lot and Dorothy for all of her support. We have survived one full year with a lot of growing pains here at Thunder Roads Pa and we would have never been successful without the two of them. So Thanks, Yeater’s! Looking forward to an even better second year ahead. I also want to Thank, Dave Corby, Sean Garnett and Robin Keys, and Michelle and JD Johnson for their effort in getting this magazine out there! I couldn’t do it without them. My Brother Tony who does whatever I ask of him…thanks. We also want to welcome aboard Chris Culbert and George Svencer who have joined the team. I am very excited to have them on board. I want to thank the advertisers who took a chance and hung in there for an entire year and have signed on for a second! Without the advertising support, we wouldn’t be out there. For those who say they are going to…what are you waiting for? Most of all I want to Thank my husband who’s support has been amazing and unwavering! Here we go….round 2. I hope you are as excited as I am! 100,500 is the number of words an average person consumes. Meaning, reads or hears, everyday. This amount has tripled from 1980 to 2008. Thanks to hours spent on the Internet and maybe Thunder Roads Pa! ~*~*~*~*~*~ Look to this day! For it is life, the very life of life. In its brief course lie all the verities and realities of your existence. The bliss of growth, The glory of action, The splendor of beauty; For yesterday is but a dream, And tomorrow is only a vision, But today, well lived, Makes every yesterday A dream of happiness And every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day. Attributed to Kalidasa ~*~*~*~*~*~ ANYWAY (anonymous) People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered. Love them anyway. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Do good anyway. If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies, Succeed anyway. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable. Be honest and frank anyway. People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs. Fight for some underdogs anyway. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway. People really need help, but may attack you if you help them. Help people anyway. Give the world the best you have, and you’ll get kicked in the teeth. Give the world the best you’ve got anyway. ~*~*~*~*~*~

Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 2

From The Editor.........................................2 Rev Kev.....................................................7 Where is T Burk?.......................................9 NCOM News Bytes....................................8 Know the Law .........................................11 KISS in the Kitchen.................................12 George Svencer......................................14 Old Bike Barn..........................................16 Center Calendar......................................18 Brandon Lee Robinson............................20 Abate Update..........................................21 Snap Tips................................................21 Calendar of Events..................................24 On A Wing And a Prayer..........................26 Joker’s Wild.............................................30 Mission Kids............................................31 B.A.D. Biker Approved Directory.............32 Biker Dave...............................................33 Shayna Texter..........................................34 Noodles Tips............................................37

ON THE COVER Photography by Holly Lees 814-322-5617

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For additional information visit or contact one of the following members Scott Weaver: OR (610) 207-7827 Jeanne Parker: OR (717) 572-5123

6 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

When Tragedy strikes…

At the Wrong place, Wrong time? No one can explain the tragic events that took place on a Lancaster county road several weeks ago claiming the lives of 5 good people and leaving another in serious condition. Yes, as time goes on the authorities may piece together an explanation of the events that unfolded; but no one will ever truly answer the questions that weigh upon the hearts of those who face a tragedy like this. Tragedy always leads us down the road to the question, Why? And “Why?” has an echo of emptiness that leaves us struggling for answers. I remember well the day I got word my father was killed in a small tractor accident close to our home. The word that Dad was gone hit me so hard my knees buckled under the weight. It was so fast, so sudden. The worst was all the things I wanted to say to him, but would not get the chance. Why?... It has been twenty years since then and I have learned a few things about the “Why?” of life that I would like to share. 1st It is OK to ask Why?… Even Jesus when he was on the cross ask the question; Why? “My God My God why have you forsaken me?” “Why?” is a normal part of life. “Why?” expresses our feelings of frustration and even our anger about the events of life. “Why?” is OK. 2nd God understands Why?… God truly understands our emotions and he truly understands our loss. He watched his own Son be tortured and die on a cross, crying out Why? He experienced loss so He understands loss. 3rd Only God can answer the Why?... This is a conclusion each person must draw on their own.

The “Why?” of life can make you run from God or run to God. God’s answer to Jesus’ “Why?” came three days later on a Sunday morning! Unfortunately most answers to “Why?” do not come that quickly. In the meantime I have found peace by trusting God even in the “Why?” of life and I have found rest knowing one day he will answer all the “Why?” Make no mistake, “Why?” still has an echo of emptiness, but I have since learned to listen a little closer and in the echo I have heard the still small voice that says: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest..” Matthew 11:28 Kevin (RevKev) Kohler SVHD Harrisburg Area HOG Chaplain HDFC Director

Central PA Black Sheep

717-439-6776 cell Everyone is Welcome! Saturday, August 28th Black Sheep Breakfast, 8:30am at Crossroads Café, 9147 Allentown Blvd, Grantville Saturday, August 14th, Ride to York BBQ to benefit Guatemala Orphanage, Leave SVHD at 10am Monday, August 30th Ride to the Reading Phillies “Gluttony Night” – Reserved Seats & “All You Can Eat” concessions are $15 Advance payment due by July 31 Call RevKev to order your tickets! Leave SVHD 5pm Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 7

Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)

News Bytes

MISSOURI GOVERNOR VETOES HELMET REPEAL BILL As most bikers across America were celebrating Independence Day weekend, riders in Missouri were reeling from their governor’s veto of a bill to partially repeal the Show-Me state’s 42-year old mandatory helmet law to allow freedom of choice for adult motorcyclists. Despite overwhelming approval from both the State Senate and House earlier this summer, on July 2nd, Gov. Jay Nixon vetoed Senate Bill 202, denying riders 21 and older the right to ride without a helmet. In 30 other states, most adult motorcyclists have the right to make wearing a helmet a personal choice. The legislation also would have prohibited insurance companies from reducing claims from injured motorcycle riders, deeming them at-fault solely on the basis that a motorcycle is a hazardous vehicle. In 1999, Freedom of the Road Riders for Missouri (FORR-MO) and other concerned riders and groups succeeded in lobbying a helmet repeal bill through the legislature and onto the desk of then-Gov. Mel Carnahan, who vetoed it.

from enforcing some rally ordinances, including the helmet law, is still pending in federal court. The lawsuit claims some of the 15 new municipal ordinances are unconstitutional because they are vague, chill freedom of speech or infringe on interstate business rights.

SOUTH CAROLINA CONSIDERS LEGALIZING POKER RUNS Not all of the news coming out of the Palmetto State is as controversial as Myrtle Beach’s anti-biker ordinances, and recent actions by the State Senate could eventually legitimize poker runs. The S.C. Senate Judiciary Committee approved legislation in May that would have revised the state’s 207-year-old gambling laws which ban “any game with cards or dice.” Although the bill died at the end of the legislative session, bikers were able to educate some legislators that banning all such games is not in the best interest of charities.

“It’s a basic freedom of choice,” said FORR-MO chairman Mark Chapman, “Another human being should be not be able to make a choice for someone else.”

Currently, the state’s centuries-old gaming laws are enforced at the discretion of the local law enforcement agency and typically only when someone complains. South Carolina’s Lions clubs have lost roughly $500,000 since last year when state law enforcement officers - responding to a complaint - threatened a club that was raffling off a motorcycle.


Traditional motorcycle poker runs, which have historically raised tens of thousands of dollars for local and statewide charities have been severely curtailed as a result of an Attorney General’s ruling that the events were illegal under the current State statute

Tom McGrath, the Virginia-based AIM Attorney (Aid to Injured Motorcyclists) who is personally representing Myrtle Beach, S.C. residents William and Carol O’Day and 47 other motorcyclists who received tickets for not wearing helmets in protest of the city’s new helmet law, told The Sun News that he is awaiting a decision from the state’s high court involving their case. McGrath, on behalf of the O’Days, filed the first constitutional challenge against Myrtle Beach seeking a court order to stop the city from enforcing two of the myriad new ordinances it passed last fall to dissuade bikers from attending the spring and fall rallies held there for decades, including the mandatory helmet requirement and noise law. But the O’Days were also among 47 others who received tickets during a Feb. 28 protest ride when the new law took effect, so they are now part of the helmet lawsuits the Supreme Court has agreed to hear. McGrath said there might be little point in moving forward with the Circuit Court lawsuit now that the high court is going to issue a ruling. The South Carolina Supreme Court became involved after attorney Thad Viers, representing his brother Bart in a helmet lawsuit, and the group Business Owners Organized to Support Tourism appealed directly to the state’s highest court for a ruling. The two cases have been combined for the sake of oral arguments before the Supreme Court, and McGrath’s and Viers’ helmet arguments will be heard at the same time. So far, no court date has been set, but McGrath speculated about a hearing in November. Another case involving business owners suing the city to stop it

8 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

A separate proposal would ask voters whether the state constitution should be changed to allow nonprofit groups to hold a limited number of raffles yearly. Currently, the only legal raffle is the state lottery. GOVERNMENT MAY MAKE ANTI-LOCK BRAKES MANDATORY ON MOTORCYCLES Citing spiraling motorcycle accident statistics, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration may require new safety features on bikes. For example, the federal agency plans to decide by next year whether or not anti-lock brakes should be mandatory equipment on motorcycles. The government report also mentions an insurance industry study that shows that the rate of fatal crashes are 28% lower for bikes equipped with optional ABS braking systems than for those same motorcycles without them. Though NHTSA frequently enforces the implementation of safety technology into automobiles, their involvement in motorcycling tends to focus more on helmet usage and the prevention of drunk riding. Anti-lock brakes are now standard on some Harley-Davidsons and optional across a variety of manufacturers on everything from dual purpose bikes to scooters -- and in many cases, they can be disabled if the rider chooses.

WHERE IS THIS? Where is T. Burk winners for July: Suzie Rineer It was The Mercer Museum in Doylestown, Pa

We forgot to mention that the month of June was Hickory Run State Park Where is T. Burk in August? Be the first to guess correctly and win a T Roads PA T shirt and koozie!

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A Lifetime member of my A.B.A.T.E. of PA Chapter died in June from injuries he sustained from being rear ended at a red light. The next day a young man died from injuries received when an SUV made a left turn in front of him. In 2008 I was hit by an elderly lady because “she didn't see me”. The police department noted in the report that she was at fault, but for some reason failed to give her a citation. All too often we read about injuries to motorcyclists and the only reporting is “he wasn’t wearing a helmet”. There is almost no information about the other motorist who frequently caused the tragedy, unless they were DWI. Not only is the biker hurt…or worse, but now the implication is a $35.00 piece of plastic would somehow have saved him. I don’t care HOW much safety gear I have on, I would much rather not be hit by a speeding car at all! ##Car and Driver Magazine conducted a test in 2009 and found texting is almost 20 times more dangerous to reaction times than being (.08 BAL) drunk. Although texting while driving is illegal in many states the criminal penalties are almost insignificant, lives are still lost and those left behind forever changed. It took years of demonstrations by groups like Mothers Against Drunk Driving before we all looked at accidents caused by impaired driving as a crime. We need to make these kinds of distracted driving collisions a REAL crime too. We’ve all done it, read an email, sent a quick text while driving, checked a sports score. Join me in my promise not to do it again, and get your friends and family to do the same. It can wait a few minutes until you’ve stopped the car. I don’t want to have to write about any more friends next month. R.I.P Joe. Ride forever free in heaven. April 28,1965- June21, 2010

10 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

Know the Law by Attorney Steve Stambaugh

Hope you are all enjoying the Riding Season. I just got back from NDHP’s Summer Run in Coudersport and, wow, what a party. This Annual Event draws riders from several States. The weather was absolutely gorgeous. I have added it to my calendar for next year and suggest you do the same. Looking forward, please keep Saturday, November 6th clear for the York County Harley Davidson Owner’s Association’s 14th Annual David Milliken Derr, Jr. Memorial Toy Run. Last year’s Run saw 600+ motorcycles and riders join us in our ride to Penn State Children’s Hospital in Hershey. We are looking to set another record run this year so please start spreading the word. Registration times and details will appear in next month’s issue. Remember, the Toy Run is made in conjunction with the Pennsylvania State Police who lead the Run and assist us in shutting down access to I-83 during the Run. In short, we own I-83 while we ride to Hershey to help the kids!!! This Run is usually the last BIG Run of the riding season so come out and join the fun. Last and again, please check out the YCHDOA and NDHP web sites www. and for additional Runs. I thought I would take a few minutes this month to discuss medical expense issues as they relate, uniquely, to riders. I say uniquely because, as regular readers of this article know by now, Pennsylvania law does NOT require that insurance companies provide first party medical benefits as part of Pennsylvania motorcycle insurance policies. This is different from automobile policies which require a minimum of $5,000.00 in first party medical benefit coverage. Given the risk of death or serious injuries we face as riders, the bottom line

is that, because its not required, insurance carriers do not offer it. This means that one of two things will happen if you are injured and need medical treatment. One option is that you are lucky enough to have health insurance in which case your medical bills get paid by your health insurance carrier subject to your deductible and co-pays. The other option is that you do not have health insurance which means that you either pay for your bills directly or face a mountain of bills that need to be paid at some point in your case. In either event you have already heard me preach endlessly about uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage so I will not rehash that sermon here. What I will say is that you have some control over your medical bills by determining what kind of services you need. By virtue of allowed pricing schedules, prices for the same essential services can vary greatly depending on where those services are rendered. Thus, for example, if you go down but the EMTs advise you that you don’t need an ambulance ride, you could save those charges by having someone take you for medical treatment. Similarly, depending on the nature of your injuries, you may not need to go to a Hospital Emergency Room but rather could go to an Urgent Care Center. If your accident occurs during the day you could even call to determine whether your primary care physician would see you that same day. The critical component here is the severity of your injuries. If there is ANY doubt, you should always take the ambulance ride and always go to the Hospital’s Emergency Room for a full work-up. You can worry about the bills later. Take care of your life and good health first. On the other hand, if your injuries are not potentially life-threatening, then the Urgent Care Center seems to be the best compromise. The physicians there are of a higher caliber than your family doctor and have the required diagnostic tests available to give you the best overall assessment of your condition. See you on the road.

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INSIDE OUT BACON CHEESEBURGERS 1 lb. Ground Chuck 4 Tbls. Ranch Dressing, Divided 4 Slices of Premium Bacon, Cooked & Crumbled 4 Slices of Your Choice of Cheese 4 Hamburger Buns, Split & Lightly Toasted 4 Large, Crisp Lettuce Leaves 8 Medium Slices or 4 Extra Large Slices of Home Grown Tomatoes Mix meat and 2 Tbls. of the Ranch dressing. Shape ground chuck into 8 thin patties. Mix remaining dressing with the crumbled bacon. Spoon out 1 Tbls. of bacon/ dressing mixture onto center of each of 4 of the patties. top with a slice of preferred cheese and second (topper) meat patty. Pinch edges of patties together to seal tightly. Grill patties 7 to 9 min. on each side. When you do the first flip, generously sprinkle Worcestershire sauce all over patties. Fix up your toasted buns and enjoy!

1 Container of Sour Cream Combine ALL ingredients and chill for 2 hours to let flavors meld and either serve cold with your favorite chips, or cover with Saran wrap (leave a small section peeled back) and nuke for one minute, stir and nuke another minute. Tastes super either hot or cold !

PINEAPPLE FRUIT AND RICE SALAD 1 Cup of Uncooked Instant Rice 1/2 Cup Yoplait Fat Free Pineapple or Pina Colada Yogurt (from two 6-oz. containers) 1/4 tsp. Ground Cinnamon 1 Cup Frozen (thawed) Whipped Topping 1 Medium Unpeeled Eating Apple, coarsely chopped 1 Medium Unpeeled Pear, coarsely chopped 1 Cup Seedless Grape Halves Cook rice as directed on package. Place cooked rice in wire mesh strainer or colander. Rinse with cold water to chill; drain well. In large bowl, mix yogurt and cinnamon. Fold in whipped topping. Gently stir in rice and remaining ingredients. Serve chilled. Feel free to add other ingredients you think might enhance the recipe.

LEMON BLUEBERRY & RASPBERRY PUDDING CAKE In a medium bowl, with electric mixer on high speed, beat 4 large egg whites and a pinch of salt until foamy; gradually beat in 1/4 cup sugar until stiff peaks form. In a separate bowl, mix 3/4 cup sugar and 1/3 cup flour. Add the unused 4 large egg yolks, 1/3 cup fresh lemon juice, 4 Tbls. melted butter and 1 Tbls. grated lemon zest; whisk until well blended. Whisk in 1-1/2 cups milk. Stir in 1/4 of the egg white mixture; gently fold in remaining egg whites in two additions until no white steaks remain. Divide 1/2 cup each of blueberries and raspberries among 4 little ceramic bowls (preferably with short handles). Pour batter over berries. Place dishes in large shallow roasting pan; fill with 1 inch of boiling water. Bake at 350 for 35 minutes; until tops are golden brown and spring back when pressed. Remove dishes to wire rack. Serve warm either with Cool Whip or with rich, vanilla ice-cream. This is the freshest, best tasting pudding cake. Nothing tastes like piping hot cake with fresh fruit and ice cream.

EASY & CREAMY HOT OR COLD SPINACH DIP 1 Cup of Hellmann’s Mayonnaise 1 Pkg. Knorr Vegetable Recipe Mix 1 Pkg. Frozen Chopped Spinach, thawed & squeezed dry 12 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

SUMMER RAZZMOPOLITANS 1 Tub of Crystal Light Sunrise Classic Orange Mix 5 Cups of Iced Water 2 Cups Cranberry-Rasberry Drink 1/4 Cup Fresh or Bottled Lime Juice Place drink mix in plastic or glass pitcher. Add cold water; stir until mix is dissolved. Add cranberry-rasberry drink and lime juice. Stir and refrigerate. Pour into sugar-rimmed martini glasses. (Add ice cold voka or rum if so desired). Garnish with fresh rasberries on a pick in glass

Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 13

George SVencer

Photography by Holly Lees

I bought my ride 2 and half years ago when it only had 2800 miles on it. I got over 27000 miles on now. The paint work, done by Chris Cruz was on it. I love dogs so the wolves got me interested, but more so how the art work was done. To me, it looked like it was a picture from a Franklin Mint collection and the low miles didn’t hurt. I always say “what’s the first thing you think of when you hear the words ”Full Dresser”, you may think "OLD MANS BIKE"!” So I took off the lower fairings and upper fairing vents. Made 14 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

it look a little sleeker. I think the full dresser doesn’t get enough credit!! When I bought the bike, it wasn’t the show piece. Because of the salt air in Florida where the bike was from and I bought it at Classic Harley Davidson in Reading, PA., Some of the chrome has been changed out for brand new. What I have now is a bike worth showing! And that’s exactly what I do several times a year. My friend Mike Stone started me on these shows and showed me

all the bling bling that can be put on a dresser. He has a dresser 2007 and it looks good. My first show was with Motorcycle Monthly magazine where I won first place there and was totally hooked. Now I do that show twice a year. In 2009 I was invited to be apart of Axis Of Steel in Lancaster, PA and I won the Peoples Choice award and $500 in cash. For a dresser that is one of the hardest awards to win, so winning at a big show like that, where there were 1.3 million dollars worth of bikes I was "SKY HIGH"!!

I did the New Holland bike show and cook off where the first year I did not place, but the second year I took next to the top prize which was BEST DETAILED. Carlisle Bikefest I was awarded the Special Recognition award. Harrisburg Shriners show I took first place two years in a row plus Judges Choice. I had a Best in Show trophy from Iron Valley Harley Davidson and another win at a Farm Show Complex swap meet in Harrisburg, PA. Continuing an impressive string of wins, I did the Triple Crown bike night which is Boyertown, Glenside, Lansdale (all in PA) where when you do all three shows, win or lose you get a trophy - I got four trophies including first place in all three shows. When people ask me ‘Do you ride this bike or just show it?’ it always makes me grin. Since I ride all year round, I like to keep my ride clean and for the Axis of Steel show I worked on it for two weeks trying to make it almost perfect. I knew “That won't happen (perfection) the paint has riding wear.”I do big non money shows all the way to benefit shows, plus car/truck/motorcycle shows. So far in two and half years I have about 43 trophies. I try to do a show every weekend little to big. What my game plan is to attract the younger riders that dressers are KOOL! So I try to keep my bike sleek, soft and smoothed. I took off as much Harley name as I could. Just look at it and the way it sounds and that is all the more you need.” Since then I did Timonium, Md show I won 1 st place also got a pic with Michele Smith on my bike. The Gettysburg show was cool I got to meet Mark Boone Junior and got some pics with him on my bike and I took 2nd place for best paint which was great because it was the 1st time award. I didn't care what place but it was best paint. I also did York Revolution and York Motorcycle Clubs bike nights I took Best In class and best in show. also did Gettysburg Bike Week Bike Show and took the second top prize, Trophy and $500 in cash. In the mean time I was doing this other contest. With the help of my family and riding friends and last but not least My Facebook friends from all over the world. I sent a email out to all my friends on facebook not sure of the turn out, if any. I got half of the votes from 382 FB friends. Look for me out and about with Thunder Roads Pa!


SPECS: 2004 Ultra Classic/ 88 ci/ FLHTC-VI / Art work done by Chris Cruz / BUB mufflers/ Vance & Hines true duals/ Polished Aluminum Wheels/ 4" mirror windshield/Harley & Kuryakyn bolt ons/ 18 wheeler lug nut caps for the rear axle covers/ Stock rotors polished out/ Stock Caliper painted with heat paint & dressed up with chrome toppers/ Stock Rear pulley Chromed/ Bolts changed out from stainless to chrome or has toppers/ AntennaX antennas/

Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 15

BILL’S OLD BIKE BARN One of the most unique places I have ever found is located right here in Northeast PA, Bill's Old Bike Barn located on Route 11 in Bloomsburg. You will find the one of the best collection of motorcycles, and memorabilia anywhere. Don't be surprised to see Bill riding around on his 1930VL Harley Davidson complete with sidecar. Bill being a Army Veteran has a special place in his heart for military equipment. Everything from the SdKfz 2, better known as the Kleines Kettenkraftrad HK 101 or Kettenkrad to the Harley Davidson 350 Rotax used in Desert Storm. A yellow chopper really caught my eye, not only because of the Briggs & Stratton engine, but the details put into this bike were amazing, Bill says it’s really fast too. I found it interesting the builder of this bike lives within a couple miles of “the Barn” and has never stopped by for a visit. Bill travels all over the world collecting pieces for his museum and when you talk to him you can tell that he loves doing this. He will talk with everybody about motorcycles, the life and the way it used to be. You can spend hours looking in every corner and still not see it all. Bill also collects 1939 Worlds Fair memorabilia and has built a special town, “Billville” in his museum to remember this time in America's history. Billville has a post office, hobby shop, barber shop and even the Avon Lady's Store. One of the little houses has a desk Bill brought back from France that was made in 1840. Of course there are some local favorites like the black bear rug and the elk mingled in with the bikes. There is even a BP gas station in the corner now that might be a real collectors edition someday. I think it is probably safest in Billville. So next time you’re out looking for a great place to visit. Stop by Bill's Old Bike Barn, you won't be sorry. Also keep a look out for the 2011 BMW Riders Convention coming July of 2011 to the Bloomsburg Fair grounds in Bloomsburg , PA Check it out on the Web at 16 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania



AMERIgreen’s 100% American Made Fuel

Just like AMERIgreen isn’t like other fuel companies, a Harley isn’t like other motorcycles. So, naturally the two make a perfect fit. That’s why we transformed a stock Harley Davidson 1200 Nightster Sportster into a Flex-Fueled engine that burns AMERIgreen E85 (Ethanol). No purchase necessary. Enter to win at, or register at any of our distributors listed on Winner will be announced on Saturday, October 2, 2010.

*Please read all official contest rules and regulations at prior to entering. Contest rules and regulations subject to change by AMERIgreen.

Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 17

18 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 19

Brandon Lee Robinson Whelp it’s time for another race report. This time from round six of the K&N Grand National Flat Track Championship held at Gas City, IN. The fourth time was the charm to finally get the race in at this new venue and it sure was a good one. This short track was really cool looking, super wide turns, flat on the bottom and banking up high. I was really excited to get out there and see what we could do on my AMS Suzuki. In practice I struggled a bunch and the track ended up being very slippery and technical. I usually excel on slick tracks like this, but for some reason I just couldn’t get my bike to handle the way I wanted. At the end of practice I found myself sitting in the back of the pack as I qualified 32nd. I think this was the worst I have ever qualified at a GNC event and believe me I wasn’t a happy camper. We changed a bunch of stuff during practice and it never really affected how it handled, so I made the bold choice to switch to my AMS Honda for the heat race without any track time on it. Heck I didn’t even check my gearing or air pressure before I went out for the heat. I was in the second heat on the outside of the second row. I found myself a good patch of moisture on the starting line and found myself about 5th into the first turn. Things got shuffled around pretty fast because of the wide track and so many racing lines. I figured I would go straight to the high line because I had no idea how my AMS Honda was going to handle. Well I lucked out and I think the setup was darn near perfect and I had a grin on my face as I started picking off riders. I worked my way up to 3rd by the end of the heat behind Henry Wiles and Sammy Halbert. I was so happy with my bike that I didn’t even touch it after the heat and a direct transfer to the main. I just topped her off with VPC12 and I was ready for the main event. I wasn’t sure how I would end up in the main. I was just happy to make it in after how bad I qualified, so I was more focused on having fun and putting in a solid twenty five laps. I had second pick on the second row 20 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

Photo Credit - Dave Hoenig -

in the main. Again I looked for a good patch of moisture and found some right smack dab in the middle of the second row right next to Kenny Coolbeth. I had a decent start and was running around 10th for the first half of the race until the red flag came out for my buddy Don Taylor who got banged up pretty bad. We had a small break and I decided I was going to change my line. I transferred the high line I was using in the heat to the main, but it seemed to be getting worn out. Right before the red flag I started searching for a better line because I was just playing cat and mouse with the guys in front of me and I don’t think I would have ever been able to make an advance in position without a mistake from another rider. Anyways I thought I found a pretty cool line right around the middle of the track and once we were off from the single file restart I went to work. I picked off one rider right away and then I went into a really cool battle with Kenny Coolbeth. We switched positions every corner for about five laps. I kept wondering when he was just going to stay behind me. At that point I finally secured the 7th spot from Coolbeth and I started chasing down the battle for 4th, which consisted of the Halbert brothers and Rob Pearson. I caught up to that bunch of riders, but found

myself just maintaining their pace. In the end I captured my career best GNC finish with a solid 7th. It was the confidence booster I needed to assure myself I still have what it takes to run with these guys. Hopefully I can keep the wheels rolling at Lima! Until then thanks to all my supporters for the motivation to keep racing and pushing forward. Brandon Lee Robinson - GNC #44 15 Wood Valley Ln. Oxford, PA 19363 Cell: (484) - 888 - 9485 Sponsors: Action Motorsports, Lancaster H-D, Ruckus 44, Arai, PowerBar, Motion Pro, Moose Racing, Wurth, Saddleman, Maxima Oils, Hotcams, Works Connection, CP Pistons, Supertrapp, Fushion Graphix, Scott USA, Hinson, Disappearing Dents, Six Six One, PR2 Racing Technology, NJK Leathers, Derby Ridge Salvage, Jim Varnes, Jim Chapman, Joe Reynalds, STex25A, Grand Parents, & Parents

ABATE Update The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly:

The State budget is done, with a few snags. In the current Pennsylvania Legislative session (2009-2010) there have been 5820 bills introduced in both the House and Senate. Of those bills, 146 have been sent to the Governor and 131 have been enacted. That is a ratio of 2.48% of bills introduced to bills enacted. Now maybe you have a clearer picture of how hard it is to get a bill passed and enacted. The good news - all the amendments have been removed from HB-590, the red light bill and from HB-1189, the landowner protection bill, giving landowner’s protection for allowing MSP training on their property. ABATE of PA worked very hard to have these amendments removed. Bad news - With all the above accomplishments, we were set to advance some of our bills, hopefully before the legislature broke for summer recess. No dice. It did not happen, now the PA legislature is on summer recess. Till September …….

Ugly News - With no Lame Duck session, the number of days left on the legislative calendar for this session is very limited. Last year there were only 30 days of session for the House, and only 27 for the Senate, and that is counting the months of August, September and October of last year. With this being an election year, you can expect the session days to be even lower. Since we are hard pressed for time, you need to stay in touch with your Senator and Representative on the following bills: HB-590-Red light bill HB-1189- Landowner protection bill HB-2442-redefining of a motorcycle to allow for extra rear wheels. (4 wheel motorcycle) The above bills are in the House of Representatives, the bill below is in the Senate HB-2270- Cell phone/ texting bill Check out a local ABATE Chapter Meeting for more and become involved. Ride Safe and Sober, Tom Christofes, Jr. State Legislative Coordinator - ABATE of PA

By Vince Snyder In the Shadows... Most people don’t think they need to use a flash on a bright sunny day. However if your shoot your bike or one at a show that has caught your eye you will need to use a flash to help grab some detail. A lot of the time when shooting outside the tank and other parts will cast a shadow into the engine area. You will see highlights but will not really see as much of the engine as you may want to see. By using your flash during this shoot you will see that it will make the engine stand out more in the shots. This is called fill flash since it fills in the shadows. Real tricky term there I know but I didn’t make it up. With the sun up you could find the flash washing out your shots. If this is happening you will need to back up more and zoom to get the same framing you had closer up. You really only want the flash to just bring more detail to the shot. This fill flash will also help lighten the shadows under any models eyes you might have posing near the bike. A lot of times the models are looking in a direction that will give them big shadows around the eyes (like raccoon eyes). So again using the flash can help soften those shadows. Good luck and see you next month!


Vince Snyder can be reached at Check out his work at

All photographs ©2010 Snapworks Studio / Vince Snyder. No Duplication without written permission

Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 21

SUBSCRIBE TODAY! THUNDER ROADS PA DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR! FOR ONLY $25.00 A YEAR Name___________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________ City______________________________________________________ State____________________________________________________

Make checks payable to: Thunder Roads PA PO Box 146 Quarryville, PA 17566




Zembo Shrine Parking Lot Third & Division Streets, Harrisburg, PA

Questions? Contact Gene Heiges, Chairman at 22 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

HAZEN Hazen what can I say, great question. “ What happens at Hazen stays at Hazen”. It was dry, no mud this year. I know the Luzerne County ABATE had a blast like always and are looking forward to next year. I met a President from a ABATE of New York who thought this was the greatest party she has been to, and said she will be bring more members back next year. She travels around the country attending music festivals and bike rallies. To say ABATE of PA ‘s Hazen is one of the best is a great complement. Other then that I’ve been sworn to secrecy. I was just wanted to say Hats off to all who organized our yearly party again. They do a great job for no pay. Bikerdave Dave Corby Luzerne County Chapter President.

Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 23


Leah Hoover Memorial Ride Morrison’s Cove Memorial Park 201 S. Walnut St, Martinsburg, Pa (814) 793-4304

Friends of The Forgotten NE Wing are not Forgotten Ride Starts: North AmericanWarhorse, Dunmore, Pa (570)383-9552

Poker Run Ride for Education Skyline Tour, First in Series Bedford County Begin at Bedford Motor Sports (814)623-2233

Patriot MC of Pa Motorcycle Rodeo Sunday August 8 12noon All Proceeds to Local Veteran and their Families

August 5

Tri State Bike Night Bensalem, Pa (215)416-2009

August 6

1st Annual Poker Run & Pig Roast Pocono Tap House Albrightsville, Pa (570) 722-9991

August 7

Trooper Miller Memorial Ride. (570)878-2966 Miners Mills, Pa Sponsored by: Wyoming Valley Marine Corps League 3rd Annual Ride for Autism Poker Run Riverboat Saloon, Shartlesville, Pa 4th Annual Appalachian Harley Davidson Ride For The red 6695 Carlisle Pike, Mechanicsburg, Pa 717-243-5211 ext.23 7th Annual Salvation Army Toy Run starts at Extreme Custom Cycles State College, Pa (814) 237-2584

August 8

NEPA Friends of the Forgotten. more info at Pittsburgh Ride For Kids Cranberry Township, Pa Ride To The River for Autism Poker Run Glenshaw, Pa Starts at:Three River Harley Davidson (412)781-4116, 2nd Annual Miracle for Matthew Motorcycle Run starts: Dragon’s Lair, Wilkes-Barre (215)837-1758

24 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

American Legion 2100 Koffel Rd Hatfield Pa Bill McMahon

August 14

Community Giving Motorcycle Ride Coatesville, Pa 2nd Annual Scrabble Run Hallstead, Pa (570)465-2880 Lehighton Bike Night Lehighton, Pa (610)379-9470 Bikers Caring for Kids Box Run Clearfield, Pa (814)339-9995

August 15

August 18

2nd Annual Officer Isabel Nazario Memorial Motorcycle Run starts at: Philadelphia Police Academy Philadelphia, Pa (215)768-0926

August 19-21

AMERICA’s 911 Ride To Honor the 9th anniversary of Sept. 11,2001 Multiple start locations. Travels to crash sites. Pa, Washington, NY (877)771-0118

August 21

ALR Post 251 Poker Run Starts: American Legion Post 251 Montgomery, Pa SAVE OUR CHILDREN Starts at: Franconia Community Park Allentown Rd Franconia, Pa (215)292-3986 Barrio Riders MC-Carlisle Summer Bash 2069 Spring Rd in Carlisle, Pa(717) 961-6342 Leather & Lace MC Poker Run Starts at: American Legion Post 184 on Rte. 29 East Greenville, Pa (610) 763-5569

Fourth Annual Ofc. Petzold Scholarship Run Starts at: Renegade Classics Fogelsville, Pa (610)366-3736

Annual Ice Cream Poker Ride Starts at: Cornerstone Bar and Grill Erie, Pa (814)218-7642

Letters From Home St. Mary’s , Pa Starts at: Fireman Training Grounds on West Creek Road, St. Mary’s (814)787-4653

Ride For Better Days M&S Harley Davidson Chambersburg, Pa (717) 860-3728

Blizzard in August Poker Run Starts at: Delmont Dairy Queen on Rte. 66, Delmont, Pa (724)261-9345 1st Annual Ride~In Bike Fest Benefit starts at: C. R. Lapp’s Family Restaurant Quarryville, Pa 717-786-1768 more info call: Larry Greathouse at (717) 626-7435

Ride To Remember Local Motorcycle Charuty Event Starts at: Polish American Citizen’s Club Dupont, Pa (570) 362-0823

August 22

2 Infamous 4 Da Streets Club 3rd Annual Car & Bike Show starts at: Touchdown Sports Bar Berks St. Philadelphia, Pa (267) 444-1684


August 22

2010 Motorcycle Run Teen Suicide Awareness & Prevention starts at: 1500 MacArthur Rd in Whitehall, Pa (610)504-9057 Post 56-American Legion Riders 6th Annual Hospice Run Ride starts at: Lititz Legion 109 N Broad St, Lititz, Pa At 10AM

August 26-29

5th Annual Emilio Ranieri Memorial Bike Run American Legion Post 473 on Centre St in Freeland, Pa (570)636-1293 Fallen Marine Memorial Run Three Rivers Harley Davidson Glenshaw, Pa

Daryl Titman Benefit Bike Run Starts at: Jerseytown Community Center, Bloomsburg, Pa (570) 458-6583 or (570) 441-7726

August 28-29

Rumble on The River Motorcycle Rally 2010 Wolf Corners Fairgrounds, Tionesta, Pa (814) 673-8377

August 29

2nd Annual Ambrose Schultz Motorcycle Run & BBQ TriState Troopers Fund, Inc Starts at: Pocono Township Fire Co. on Rte 611, Tannersville, Pa (570) 213-2882

Mars To Venus Starts at: Pittsburgh and Grand Ave, Mars, Pa (724) 662-1959

PA Rally On The River Splash Magic Campground and RV Resort in Northumberland, Pa Gates open at 8 AM Northumberland, Pa (800) 243-1056

August 27-29

August 28

September 4

11th Annual Infant Development Dice Run starts at: Big Twins Motorcycle Supply Rte 64 in Mill Hall, Pa (570)506-1884

Bloomsburg Bike Fest Bloomsburg Fairgrounds Bloomsburg Pa (570)204-6319

September 9-12

PA RALLY On THE RIVER Splash Magic Campground in Northumberland (800)243-1056 www.parallyontheriver

All Proceeds to Benefit New Holland’s Liberty Fire Company & the Community Memorial Park All DAy OngOing COOking TeAm COmpeTiTiOn All DAy FOOD VenDOrS

Summer Fest Sat., Aug. 28th, 2010

New Holland Community Memorial Park • East Jackson St. • New Holland, PA

motorcycle ride & Show plus

pA State Championship BBQ Competition “Where the Bikes meet the Brisket” All makes and sizes of Motorcycles are welcome to participate in our Annual Lancaster County Ride, with Bike Show to follow in the Park between 12 and 3 PM. Designated, secure parking provided. Registration sign-in for show is 10:00 AM to 12 noon. Self-guided ride begins between 8 & 10 AM. Check in is from 8-9AM. Riders will leave from and return to the Community Park. The 2010 ride is a ‘Mystery Ride’. Ride is on all hard surfaced roads • map & directions provided Public will vote for ‘People’s Choice’ Award - A panel of judges will judge each classification Trophies & Plaques awarded in each classification at 3:30 PM Pre-registration by August 18 is $10.00 per bike and includes: 1 Summer Fest tee shirt, coffee and donuts. Registration after August 18 including day of ride/show is $15 and includes coffee and donuts only.

For more information, call Don Getz 717-354-4993

Visit our website at Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 25

On A Wing and A Prayer Struggling with anger….part 1 There are many reasons why people get angry. Some reasons are good and some are bad. I get angry every time I hear of a baby being aborted and people saying it is all right. I get angry when I hear people blaming God for things that go bad in their life when many times it is because of the dumb choices they have made. I get angry when I hear of a fallen soldier being buried and people protesting at the funeral. Yes, I get angry, but that anger doesn’t control me and cause me to do something wrong. Webster’s dictionary says that anger is a feeling of displeasure and hostility resulting from injury, mistreatment and opposition. In the Old Testament of the Bible we read the true story of Moses. Moses was used mightily by God. He was a strong leader. He received the ten commandments from God; he went boldly before the pharoh and he led the Hebrew people out of bondage in Egypt, into the promised land. Moses was a great guy but he had a problem. He struggled with self doubt and with anger. There are two kinds of anger. The first anger is a healthy anger that mirrors God. The second is a smoldering or explosive anger that has consequences. There is a story of Will Rogers who spoke to congress during the early days of World War II. At that time, there was great concern about German submarines and their capabilities. As Will Rogers spoke to the nation’s leaders, he humored them with the declaration that he had solved the U-Boat problems. “All you have to do” he told them, “is boil the oceans. When the water becomes unbearably hot, the submarines will come to the surface and then you’ll have them!” When asked, “how are we supposed to boil the ocean?” without hesitation Rogers said, “listen, I’ve come up with the solution — I’ll leave it up to you to work out the details.” Many times we can give someone the answer, but if they don’t do anything about the problem, then nothing gets accomplished. Everyone has weaknesses in their lives and not just with anger. Let me give you some examples in the Bible. First there was Noah. Noah obeyed God and built an ark that saved him and his family. In Genesis chapter 9 it says that 26 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

he got drunk. If that was all we knew about him, we would say he was a drunkard. But in Genesis 6:9 god calls him “a just man perfect in his generation.” Second, there was king David who committed adultery with a woman named Bathsheba. If that was all we knew about him, we would say he was not a faithful husband and just out for sex. But in I Samuel 13:14 it says, “he was a man after God’s own heart.” Third, we hear of Saul (his name was later changed to Paul.) He killed many Christians but if that was all we knew about him, we would say he was a murderer. But God saved Paul and used him to write half of the New Testament in the Bible. There was Peter who struggled with being impulsive and Solomon who struggled with wanting over 300 wives. This brings me back to Moses. If all we would do is look at him when he got angry, we would miss the example that he was for all of us. It is important for all of us to realize that we have weaknesses in our lives. Outside of our homes, people might think that we have it all together, but our spouses, our children and our closest friends know better. Moses wasn’t so fortunate. He was highly educated and a capable leader, but some of his lowest and most regrettable moments are recorded in the Bible for all to see. Moses lost his temper many times. He murdered a man; hit the rock when God told him to talk to it; and wanted to wipe out the entire nation of people — just to name a few. He fought the battle with anger his entire life. Sometimes he lost and sometimes he won, but God still used him to deliver the Israelites from the bondage of slavery in Egypt. God used him to lead the people of Israel into national identity. God used Moses to establish the laws and structures of a brand new culture. God used him to lead the Israelites to become a worshipping people committed to a God that had been long forgotten. God used him to advise and counsel the entire nation of Israel and lastly, God used him to free the very same people that criticized him. Even with Moses achilles heel (anger), God used him. Hebrews 12:1 says, “Since we have such a huge crowd of men of faith watching us from the grandstands, let us strip off anything that slows us down or holds us back, and especially those sins that wrap themselves so tightly around our feet and trip us up; and let us run with patience the particular race that God has set before us.” Next month I would like to talk more about Moses and the power anger can have. Ride safe, Pastor Frank PS. We had a great time at the bike blessing last month. I especially want to thank Pastor Tim and the group from Ohio and also the CMA group from York who came.

Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 27

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28 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

7/16/2010 2:38:25 PM

Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 29

“Squiggy” and his wife, Joletta, are having hard financial times, so they decide she’ll become a hooker. She’s not quite sure what to do, so “Squig” says, “Stand in front of that bar and pick up a guy. Tell him a hundred bucks. If you’ve got a question, I’ll be parked around the corner.” She’s not there five minutes when a guy pulls up and says, “How much? Joletta says, “A hundred dollars.” Guy says “Dang, All I’ve got is thirty.” She says,”Hold on.” She runs back to Squiggy and says, “What can he get for thirty dollars?” Squig ponders and says, “A hand job”. She runs back and tells the guy all he gets for thirty dollars is a hand job. He says okay, so she gets in the car, he unzips his pants, and out pops an astonishing HUGE pecker. Joletta stares at it for a minute, and then says, “I’ll be right back.” She runs back around the corner and says breathlessly, “Squig,, you reckon you can you lend this guy seventy bucks?”. A little boy and a little girl attended the same school and became friends. Every day they would sit together to eat their lunch. They discovered that they both brought chicken sandwiches every day! This went on all through the fourth and fifth grades, until one day he noticed that her sandwich wasn’t a chicken sandwich. He said, “Hey, how come you’re not eating chicken, don’t you like it anymore?” She said “I love it but I have to stop eating it.” “Why?” he asked. She pointed to her lap and said “Cause I’m starting to grow little feathers down there!”. “Let me see” he said. “Okay”, and she pulled up her skirt. He looked and said, “That’s right. You are! Better not eat any more chicken.”He kept eating his chicken sandwiches until one day he brought peanut butter. He said to the little girl, “I have to stop eating chicken sandwiches, I’m starting to get feathers down there too!” She asked if she could look, so he pulled down his pants for her. She raised her eyebrow at him and said “Oh my, it’s way too late for you! You’ve already got the neck and the gizzards.” The football coach noticed that his star tackle, “Boner”, had so many women hanging around that he couldn’t possibly handle all of them. So one day he asked Boner “Just what the hell is your secret, kid?” Boner replies, “Well, Coach, whenever I’m about to have sex, I always whip it out and bang it on the dresser like a hammer. That numbs it up, and I can screw ‘em till they beg me to stop!” The coach went home early one day and went to the bedroom. He heard his wife in the shower. Seeing a window of opportunity, he tore off his clothes and started bangin’ the hell out of his “wanker” on the dresser. His wife stuck her head out of the shower and yells out, “That you Boner, baby?” 30 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

This morning on Hwy. 12, I looked over to my left and there was a woman in a brand new Cadillac doing 65 mph with her face up next to her rear view mirror, putting on her eyeliner. I looked away for a couple continue shaving; and when I looked back she was halfway over in my lane, still working on that makeup. As a man, I don’t scare easily, but she scared me so much; I dropped my electric shaver, which knocked the donut out of my other hand. In all the confusion of trying to straighten out the car using my knees against the steering wheel, it knocked my cell phone away from my ear, which fell into the coffee between my legs! splashed and burned “Big Jim and the Twins”, ruined the damn phone, soaked my trousers, and disconnected an important call. Damn women drivers! Ma was in the kitchen fiddlin’ around when she hollers out....”Pa! You need to go out and fix the outhouse!” Pa replies, “There ain’t nuthin wrong with the outhouse.” Ma yells back, “Yes there is, now git out there and fix it.” So......Pa mosies out to the outhouse, looks around and yells back, “Ma! There ain’t nuthin wrong with the outhouse! “ Ma replies, “Stick yur head in the hole!” Pa yells back, “I ain’t stickin’ my head in that hole!” Ma says, “Ya have to stick yur head in the hole to see what to fix.” So with that, Pa sticks his head in the hole, looks around and yells back, “Ma! There ain’t nuthin wrong with this outhouse!” Ma hollers back, “Now take your head out of the hole!” Pa proceeds to pull his head out of the hole, then starts yelling, “Ma! Help! My beard is stuck in the cracks in the toilet seat!” To which Ma replies, “Hurt’s, don’t it ?!” When little Tony Soprano returned home from elementary school, in his youth, he told his Dad he got an F in math. “Why?” asks the father? “The teacher asked ‘How much is 2x3’, I said “6’”, replies Tony. “But that’s right!” says his dad. “Yeah, but then she asked me “How much is 3x2?’” “What’s the f***ing difference?” asks the father. “That’s what I said!”, little Tony yells. A flight attendant was stationed at the departure gate to check tickets. As a man approached, she extended her hand for the ticket and he opened his trench coat and flashed her. Without missing a beat....she said, “Sir, I need to see your ticket, not your stub.” One day a man came home and was greeted by his wife dressed in a very sexy nightie. “Tie me up,” she purred, “and you can do anything you want.” So, he tied her up and went for a ride on his Harley.

Mission Kids - Offering Hope For Victims of Abuse

abuser got set free

Imagine your child is being abused by someone….. it may be someone you know or maybe a stranger. Your child comes to you and tells you what has happened. It takes everything for your child to come forward with this secret they were keeping inside, because their abuser said that something may happen to one of their loved ones if they told anyone. So now you bring your child to the authorities with this alleged abuse. The criminal justice system is an intimidating and unfriendly place, especially for a child who has been the victim of abuse. The prior criminal justice process for these victims used to include multiple, lengthy interviews with varied individuals - law enforcement, counselors, attorneys - that forced a child to recount and sometimes relive traumatic incidents over and over again. After countless interviews some children were so traumatized, that when they finally got to court, they are unable to get on the stand, and relive the trauma yet one more time… preventing the prosecution from going forward, and the

Unfortunately, countless numbers of children used to endure this process: in 2009 there were over 750 reports of suspected child abuse in Montgomery County; including allegations of serious physical and mental injury, sexual abuse or exploitation and serious neglect. Mission Kids is a 501(c)(3) corporation located in East Norriton, Pennsylvania. Founded in March 2007, Mission Kids was created by the collaborative effort of the Montgomery County District Attorney, the Police Chiefs of Montgomery County, and the Montgomery County Office of Children and Youth to stop the life cycle of abuse and improve the outcomes for abused children and their families. Mission Kids serves as a child-friendly facility where medical professionals, social workers, police officers and lawyers come together to streamline the investigative process and provide victims with the necessary support services to help them heal. In September of 2009, Mission Kids opened its centrally located Child Advocacy Center for the investigation of child abuse cases. With this center, Mission Kids provides a broad range of support services to child victims and their families in an environment that encourages healing and facilitates successful prosecution of alleged offenders. We have now surpassed over 200 interviews! Mission Kids is a non-profit Child Advocacy Center where Professionals who respond to allegations of child abuse in Montgomery County work as a team to interview alleged child victims and develop investigation and intervention strategies. The interview of the child is conducted in a child friendly place at the center, by a specially trained forensic interviewer, who specializes in knowing how to ask neutral, age appropriate questions, to lessen the stress of the interview process. The Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office, every Police department in Montgomery County and the Montgomery County Office of Children and Youth, have all pledged to coordinate interviewing, investigation, and prosecution of alleged child abuse cases at Mission Kids. This means “One Interview” and now the child begins to HEAL. “Our focus has always been the children,” said Abbie Newman, executive director of Mission Kids. “We’re pleased to officially open our doors to provide the safe environment that allows these children to focus on healing. We’ve received such an outstanding level of support throughout this process, it’s great to see everything come to fruition.” Sam & Sue Gardy of Kickstart Motorcycles first learned about Mission Kids when they attended a East Norriton Christmas Parade with the motorcycles and saw a stand that was fundraising for Mission Kids in 2007. They became very interested in the center and how it helped abused children and it was local in their community. They hold an annual event every year around Valentine’s Day called Hogs & Honeys Valentine’s Benefit Party which has raised over $30,300. since they have been sponsoring the event for Mission kids in 2008. “We love Mission Kids and all that it does for Children and their families.”, Said Sam & Sue Gardy of Kickstart Motorcycles. Kickstart Motorcycles also Hosts Hogs and Honeys Motorcycle Cruise Night every first Thursday of the month thru October at the Keystone Grill and Bistro at 2838 Ridge Pike in Trooper, Pa Come in on your motorcycle and get 20% off your meal and a chance to win cash prizes, (No purchase Necessary), enjoy some music and chat with other bikers. We also hold a 50/50 with proceeds going to Mission Kids. Those who would like to make a donation to Mission Kids or are interested in volunteering may contact executive director, Abbie Newman at 484-687-2990, or visit . What better way to help a child in need !

Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 31

B.A.D. Biker Approved Directory DEALERS



Maxtel Design Pittsburgh, Pa

Ozark Biker Shop 877-735-1377



Sales And Service Old Glory Motorcycle 820 Hershey Ave Lancaster, Pa 17603 717-509-8463 Freebyrd Custom Motorcycles 2515 Delta Rd Brogue, Pa 17309 Motor-Vation Victory Kawasaki 7042 Wertzville Rd Mechanicsburg, Pa 17050 717-795-8604 www. Hellion Custom Cycles 6384 Brady Lane Mecanicsburg, Pa 717-766-1414 Hanover Power Sports 1754 Carlisle Pike Rte 94 N Hanover, Pa 17331 717-632-8801 Laugerman’s Harley Davidson 100 Arsenal Road, York, Pa 17404 717-854-3214

Candy Bakey Heavy Metal Photography Personalized and Custom Photography Steve Keefer Tom Roe Photography

RESTAURANT/BARS/PUBS C.R. Lapp’s Family Restaurant 101 Fite Way Quarryville, Pa 17566 717-786-1768


The Rawlinsville Hotel Drytown Road Rawlinsville, Pa 717-284-3244

Steven Stambaugh 717-846-1400 2121 S. Queen St York, Pa 17403

Bandits Roadhouse Bar and Grill 1922 W. Front St. Berwick, Pa 18603 570-752-2313


Quaker Steak and Lube Bloomsburg, Pa 570-389-9464 211 Columbia Mall Drive

GEICO Local office 3350 B Paxton St Harrisburg, Pa 717-232-3040 York 717-699-0001 Lancaster 717-GO GEICO

CONSTRUCTION Arc Electric 717-397-4306 Eller Construction 83 Hill Road Kirkwood, Pa 717-529-1985

32 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

and Dickson City Location 570-489-5823 4005 Commerce Blvd

AUTOMOTIVE Glenn’s Auto Repair 2218 Beaver Valley Pike New Providence, Pa 17560

TATTOOING ATOM AGE Tattoo Shop 5007 Carlisle Oike Mechanicsburg, Pa 717-975-0690

UNIQUE CYCLE Supply LLC 426 Lincoln Hwy West New Oxford, Pa 17350 Bikermama Leather Cleaning 814-389-6119

SERVICES Amerigreen 100% American Fuel 888-423-8357 AMSOIL AMSOIL Chris Parrow A-1 SYNTHETICS 10141 Bell Inn Lane Ellicott City ,MD 21042 Phone-410-461-4490 Old School Motorcycle Transport 570-864-0901

NOTARIES Marietta Notary 40 Old Colebrook Rd Marietta, Pa 17547 717-426-1793

CAMPGROUNDS Steel Steeds Shoreline Campground 1095 State Highway 405 Milton, PA 17847 (570) 524-9433 Cell (570) 939-0484 PA Ralley on River Northumberland, Pa

BIKER DAVE The Trouble Brothers Adventure One of the best things about being a biker in PA, other then riding free of course, is there are always roads you have not taken or it’s been along time since you have. The first weekend in June was a reminder of this when the “trouble brothers” Fkow and DC got to together for a day of adventure. Well, we’ll just call them that to protect the innocent. They met in Honesdale and rode north towards Equinunk up route 191, beautiful stretch of pavement with lots of mountain views and rolling farmland When they rolled up to a stop sign Fkow ,the older one but not always wiser of the two says “there is a place right here on the left that has a nice deck, but I don’t think they are open yet”. Well wouldn’t you know it the neon lights were on and they just had to pull in. The owners sitting on the porch welcomed them to the Longbranch Saloon and asked if we were part of a poker run that was stopping by. Sadly our adventurers knew nothing about it, but walked in to be greeted by two lovely young ladies who were more then happy to wait on them. As DC walked around and took some pictures. He was very impressed with the barn boards and field stone to give it that country feel. When he finished taken pictures he noticed that his brother was just finishing off a bratwurst with sauerkraut with his draft Guinness. Which this got him thinking I’m staying a little farther

behind him for the rest of the day. This brought up a conversation between the two, what are the requirements for a place to be considered a good stop. First and most important of course is they have to like “bikers”, of course I mean the bikers of today who just looking for a place to unwind. Second there needs to be cold liquid refreshment, no I don’t mean it has to be of the alcohol nature either. Third it helps to have a barmaid who is pleased to have your business. Fourth and everyone should know the easy way to a biker’s heart is threw his stomach. If the food is good, or if the food is cheap, best is when the food is both good and cheap. So yes we decided this was good place, and agreed that we need to remember to stop back again. So they were off again cruising down the road when they rolled into Equinunk, a great little “ that is know as a drinking town with a fishing problem” right on the scenic Delaware river. The Equinunk Inn is one of those places where every time you look you see something new. From all the bumper stickers and signs with all the quirky sayings, which some I won’t repeat here,You know little eyes read this too. Very friendly place with lots of laughs. I bet this is one of those places where a best selling novel has been written about the things these walls have seen. I’m afraid the story of our riders trip will have to continue next month, but remember if there a place that you think is worthy of a stop let me know, I’ll send “the Trouble Brothers”. Send your ideas to

Bubba’s Bike Nights Hogs & Honeys Motorcycle Cruise Night

Keystone Grill - 2838 W. Ridge Pike, Trooper, PA Presented By Kick Start Motorcycles 1st Thursday of the month / 6 pm -??? All proceeds benefit Mission Kids

Gilbertsville Bike Night Saturday, July 31st, 2010 6 -11 pm 1454 East Phila Ave, Gilbertsville , PA us 19525 Presented By Gilbertsville Fire Company Proceeds to benefit local emergency services...

Tri State Bike Night Uno's Chicago Grill at the Neshaminy Mall

Presented By Disturbed Cycles and Heavy Metal Wheels

1st Thursday of the month / 6 - 9pm

Sonic Bike Night Limerick Sonic Drive-In - 37 W Ridge Pike, Limerick, PA Presented By Rolling Thunder PA 1 1st Tuesday of the month / 6 - 9pm Proceeds benefit Local Veterans and there families

Bike Knight at Dairy Queen Dairy Queen - Marshalls Creek, PA 18302 Presented by Red Knights PaXX 2nd&4th Thursday of the month 6 - 9pm


Do you know of a HOT Bike Night in PA area? Let me know and we will check it out! Send your tips to (Not all submissions will be published)

Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 33

Shayna Texter The third AMA Grand National Pro Singles race was at a brand new mile track over 2000 miles from home in Prescott, Arizona. Since we were at a new track and the AMA was trying out new chemicals on the surface for the first time, Steve Morehead and Mike Kidd decided to give us two free practices followed by two qualifying practices. The first session we just tried out the track and got the feel for the surface. In the second session my team and I started looking at the times and tried to determine what the track was going to do for the third and fourth session. Overall in qualifying and practice I landed a front row heat race start by qualifying 12th.

In the heat I had last pick on the front row and the fastest qualifier picked up high so I had bottom pick closest to the infield. I got on awesome jump into one. I actually had the hole shot, but Jeffrey Carver quickly got by me by carrying more momentum on the outside. I started to settle in and really try and make clean laps. Turn one and two I struggled through all day because it was a dry and dusty with really no groove or racing line forming. Turn three and four were awesome, you could go as fast as you felt comfortable to and it was a lot similar to our traditional mile like Springfield. Coming to the checkered I was in 5th place. I was losing so much time in turn two I just was not comfortable. After the checkered however is when bad luck came into play. Crawford got in a little too hot under Labelle and high sided off the back of Labelle. When Crawford and Labelle started sliding, it formed a huge dust wall where I couldn’t see anything, but glimpse of them sliding. All that was going through my mind was I don’t want to run either of them over because that would not be too cool going this fast especially. Well before I knew I ran head on into the air fence. I did a couple of flips and landed on top of the air 34 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania

fence knocking my head off the track outer rail. My head felt fine, but I immediately got pain in knee and in my hand. I started thinking there is no way I am going in the ambulance after traveling for 33 hours straight to get here, so I got up and hobbled my way back onto the back of a bike to get transported back to my pits. My team got quickly to work after I gave them the ok to and they started getting ready for the main. I was just very happy in a way that it was after the checkered and that I didn’t have to ride a semi to make the main. After getting the bike back together after robbing parts off of my brother’s bike, we started analyzing some things with the bike and made some radical changes for the main.

In the main I lined up on the second row. I had an ok start, but going into turn one and two a huge dust ball formed again, so I dropped back some to give myself some clean air. After the halfway flags came out and the track was clear, I started putting my head down because I could actually see and started making up places I lost. I got all the way up the 13th from last in six laps. I was super happy with myself because not only was the bike starting to come around, but I was also riding in pain. My mechanic Rich Hanson actually had to help me get on the bike for the main and help me get off of it after the main. I got some valuable points to finally put me in points and overall after a little bad luck I was happy with my performance. After being home for a couple weeks now, I am going to get my knee checked out next week because it’s still bothering me. Other then my knee I feel fine now and it’s just a precaution reason that I am doing it because there isn’t any way that I will miss Springfield in a couple weeks. Thanks for everyone’s support and I’ll see everyone in Springfield!

Out And About in PA

Gettysburg Bike Week Gettysburg, PA • July 8-11, 2010

Where Do You Like to Ride In Pa And Why? Let Us Know and

You May Be The Next

“Out And About” We Want To Let Other Reader’s Know What Is Out There. Someplace They May Not Have Thought About. Someplace New And Different To Explore!

Thunder Roads Pennsylvania 35

Corrections We would like to apologize for having omitted the Calendar Photo info from July edition.That was our original cover for our first edition in July 2009. Photo taken by and edited by: Tom Roe Model: Michelle Johnson

disclaimer Who suffers from Wagener’s Granulomatosis an Incurable Life Threatening Illness

August 28, 2010 Freeland, Pa

Riders: $15.00 Passengers: $10.00 Meal Only: $10.00 Call 570-636-1293 for more information Lee’s Logos, Custom Embroidery & Leather Motorcycle Supplies will be setup with a sewing machine available for your needs.

36 Thunder Roads Pennsylvania


NOODLES TIPS FOR THE ROAD Well…it has been an entire year for me to be giving my tips! I have received mostly good feedback with the exception of one piece of hate mail, but all in all it has been fun and informative. This month I would like to recap on a serious note! These tips can save your life and many others! So here goes: Stay out of the way. Give aggressive drivers plenty of room to get around you. Drive defensively. Do not assume other drivers will follow traffic rules. Do not insist on your right-of-way if another driver is challenging you. Give a tailgater an opportunity to pass you by changing lanes. Be alert to those who are putting on makeup, talking on car phones, reading, eating or otherwise not paying attention to driving. Give cars room to merge ahead of you. Follow these tips to avoid rude or aggressive driving tendencies yourself. Don’t make eye contact with an aggressive driver. Don’t use obscene gestures. Use your horn sparingly. Don’t block the passing lane. Don’t switch lanes without signaling. Avoid blocking the right-hand turn lane. Do not tailgate. Don’t get distracted by the car phone. Don’t play the radio excessively loudly. Allow plenty of time for your trip. Driving is transportation, not competition. Want to compete? Find a racetrack. Be courteous, even when other drivers are not. Retaliating won’t get you where you’re going any sooner. Don’t assume the other driver is out to antagonize you; he or she may just be in a hurry, too. It’s not your job to teach others to drive. If, for example, you block a speeding car to slow it down, you might be inviting trouble. Leave law enforcement to the police. Make time good instead of making good time. If it takes 25 minutes to get to work, why leave yourself only 15? Leave earlier and don’t play beat the clock. If driving makes you impatient, play music or listen to a book on tape to pass the time.

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