Aug 2009

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Kevin’s Korner - Shayna Texter - Life Lessons - Mayor Gray The Sherrif’s Back - Freeman Medal - Woman’s Ride



I am a firm believer in natural remedies and taking the best care of myself as possible. Some one once asked me, if I was only given one vehicle that had to last me for the rest of my life, I would most likely give it the very best care possible. Best gas, best mechanic, best oil, best shine, etc. Since we are only given one body, why don’t we care for it that way? I read a lot of articles pertaining to natural health and solutions, stress being the cause for so many ailments. I read everywhere that Yoga and Relaxation and learning to breathe properly make a huge difference. Learn to Breathe? Isn’t that a given? Making a conscience effort to breathe properly can lower your blood pressure significantly! So here is my point…My husband and I were on a ride the other evening and I made a conscious effort to breathe properly. It is amazing how many different smells you can take in on a short amount of time. Everything from Honeysuckle, fresh cut hay, grass, to manure and roses. It was amazing. People are wasting their money taking stress related medications and spending a fortune for medical care. GO BUY A BIKE AND BREATHE! Clear your head, get away and escape. Relax and Ride. It is the best therapy ever created. I am not suggesting you go off your medication, but I am saying Get Out There and Ride! I would like to encourage our Readers to send in stories with pictures while out there on your rides. I want this magazine to be about Pennsylvania Riders for Pennsylvania Riders. You can share useful information to other Riders just like yourselves. Ride Safe, Ride Friendly, and Feel The Thunder! Please support our Advertisers. Without them there would be no magazine. Make sure you tell them that Thunder Roads sent you, so they know it is working.

KIDS What…no video games? Spending time with a parent?

Thanks and keep reading! Robin Montgomery Lapp SEO

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Mom came to visit. We took a little trip to Girwood, Alaska. A little windy, but what a view!!!

The Tuesday before last Randy and I went to a historic site in Sutton. We stopped in Palmer to eat at the Vagabond Blues Cafe. It was really good to my surprise. Palmer is not exactly known for its fine dining. Kevin

The historic site in Sutton was pretty interesting, but the really cool part was most of the equipment was from PA and Ohio. What an ordeal that must have been to get all of those pumps, furnaces, excavators, ect. up here in the early 1920’s. Kevin

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Definition of a Veteran: A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America “, for an amount of “up to and including my life.” That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it. THANK YOU TO ALL THE MILITARY

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Life Lessons Some things to consider…please read.

Written By Regina Brett, 90 years old, of The Plain Dealer, Cleveland , Ohio “To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most-requested column I’ve ever written.” My odometer rolled over to 90 in August, so here is the column once more: 1. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.

22. Over prepare, then go with the flow. 23. Be eccentric now. Don’t wait for old age to wear purple. 24. The most important sex organ is the brain. 25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.

2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.

26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words ‘In five years, will this matter?’

3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.

27. Always choose life.

4. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.

28. Forgive everyone everything.

5. Pay off your credit cards every month. 6. You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree. 7. Cry with someone. It’s more healing than crying alone. 8. It’s OK to get angry with God. He can take it. 9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.

29. What other people think of you is none of your business. 30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time. 31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change. 32. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does. 33. Believe in miracles.

10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn’t do.

11. Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the present.

35. Don’t audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.

12. It’s OK to let your children see you cry.

36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.

13. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

37. Your children get only one childhood.

14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn’t be in it. 15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don’t worry; God never blinks. 16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind. 17. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful. 18. Whatever doesn’t kill you really does make you stronger. 19. It’s never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else. 20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don’t take no for an answer.

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21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don’t save it for a special occasion. Today is special.

38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved. 39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere. 40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else’s,we’d grab ours back. 41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need. 42. The best is yet to come. 43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up. 44.. Yield. 45. Life isn’t tied with a bow, but it’s still a gift.”

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What Do A Bow Tie and Motorcycles Have In Common? MAYOR GRAY I had the pleasure of sitting down with Mayor Gray and instantly realized his passion and knowledge for motorcycles. Maybe that explains the fact that he has had 37 bikes over the past years. I wanted to talk to him about some issues that affect all of us. After a few minutes into our discussion I realized that this was a hard core biker who has been riding for over 50 years. He has ridden to every State except Idaho, Oregon, Alaska, Washington and Hawaii, along with his wife, Gail who also rides. He is also a collector of bikes with a stable of 12 at the moment and I sensed that his favorite is a Honda 4cyl. CB750 limited production. His is number 3008. He has had the privledge to have been on the board of the AMA for 12 years including having been Chairman of the Board from 1999 to 2004 and has been an integral part in passing laws to repeal the Helmet Law as well as a noise ordinance law in the city. Mayor Gray has spoken on this issue at Rallies. The AMA, MRF and Abate of Pa helped write the law that is now in place. He believes we need to concentrate on behavior not equipment. It certainly isn’t the bikes fault! He likens it to the kid in the neighborhood who stuck the playing card or balloon in the spokes of his bike to make noise. It’s the ones that say,”Hey look at me, aren’t I cool” It’s not cool! It will ruin it for the rest of us who ride for the enjoyment. Not to show off. My brother in law mentioned this the other day. He was at an event and a guy was reving his engine over and over again. He thought to himself I wonder if this guy is having problems with his bike and was about to help him, when he took off. Another on trying to be cool. What is that? We all ride bikes. We can all rev our engines. It’s not cool. Mayor Gray believes that stricter rules will be a consequence. We are going to have to be regulated. Have emissions test and will only be allowed to have stock pipes and EPA certification. It will create a lot of political hostility. The regular guy out there understands this. Maybe we can help others understand this concept so it doesn’t ruin it for the rest of us. Concentrate on behavior, not equipment! Behavior is the issue. People don’t care if you ride a bike. They care about the noise you make on the bike. Only you the rider can control that. One thing I took away with me after my chat with Mayor Gray is to be respectful when you ride and remember, there is a law in the city of Lancaster. Full face Helmet saved his life more then once, but who is he to say how you live your life. The noise issue affects everyone! I have added this proclamation so that everyone is aware of one of the ways Mayor Gray is making Lancaster a little greener. I for one hope this will encourage people to do their part everyday. Mayor Gray also has a scooter that he rides in town to get around. A lot of you may not know that Prince St Garage has “FREE” parking for scooters. It’s a great start! Thanks, Mayor Gray

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Proclamation ~ Ride To Work Day Whereas the price of fossil fuels is growing and supply is diminishing; and Whereas the use of fossil fuels continues fo damage our health by pollution and our future through global warming; and our infrastructure repair fails to keep pace with its degradation; and Whereas scoofers and motorcycles use less fuel, cause less pottution and have littte impact on our infrastructure; and scoofers and motorcycles require only a fraction of space taken by other vehicles to park, thereby addressing an ongoing problem in our City; and Whereas for these reasons, scoofers and motorcycles offer a form of daily transportation to be encouraged; and June 15, 2009 has been designated as ‘Ride To Work Day” to highlight the positive daily use of scooters and motorcycles;

Now, Therefore, l, J. Richard Gray, Mayor of the City of Lancaster do hereby proclaim June 15, 2009, to be Ride To Work Day and to encourage scooter and motorcycte riders to ride to work on that day, aid pursuant thereto, do fufther direct that on June 15, 2009 parking at meters and in publicly owned garages in the City of Lancaster witl be free of charge to properly mufflered motorcycles and scooters in recognition of their utilitarian value and to encourage the daily use of fhose vehicles. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of this city to be fixed. J. Richard Gray, Mayor, June 2009


Be one of the first three people to guess this location and receive a Thunder Roads PA t-shirt and koozie All you have to do is email your answer and we will let you know if you are a winner! GOOD LUCK!

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AMA International Women & Motorcycling Conference

had learned from the myriad of well put together workshops offered. They were discussing the great advice offered up on a variety of subjects by seasoned riders and other female motorcycle professionals. They were discussing a woman’s self-defense lecture (which I missed) and what they had learned there. It mattered not whether they were hard-core long distance riders like me, or newbie’s with only a few miles under their skirts. I am convinced that every woman at the conference took something wonderful home with them. This included new friendships; the camaraderie over the 4-day event was quite remarkable. That being said, what about those women? Who were they, where do they come from? What do they ride? Why do they ride? I met women from all over the world. They rode all different brands and styles of motorcycles: Sport Bikes, Cruisers, Dual Sports and even a few Scooters. Fortunately many, but not all, of them spoke English as a second language; this helped greatly with communications. I met a pair of young Chinese female riders; I met two (older-than-me) amazing British women who were riding BMW dual-purpose motorcycles. They had taken the whole summer off and had already toured S. America on those bikes and we’re launching their tour of N. America from the Athens, GA event. I made friends with some wonderful Australian women and also renewed friendships with American lady riders that I knew from before. There were lady riders from virtually every corner of the world enjoying each other’s company and the events at hand. It felt like EVERYONE was there! There were booths galore with lots of fun things to shop for. Women’s merchandise was adequately represented among the vendors, along with general mc gear, and accessories. The manufacturers demo rides, with every brand imaginable represented, were also a big hit. So…. should you ride up to Keystone Aug. 19-22nd? I strongly recommend it! I expect the 2009 conference will be even more fantastic. Each of these AMA Women’s’ Conferences is a once in a lifetime event. It’s right in our own backyard and Keystone is an easy 1-2 hour ride, depending on your riding style and where you live. You could easily share an amazing, fun, cultural and educational experience with these incredible ladies. That includes you guys too! For more info: To sign up for conference email alerts go to: And stayed tuned to this column for future updates on the conference.

I am blessed in that I do get to ride my custom FXR, Scarlett Dancer, to many motorcycling events each year. Being I’m a woman, often I attend events especially designed for us chicks. They have all been fun and often offered up some learning experiences for myself and others. (Sometimes – learning when to stop partying at these events can be the most valuable lesson of all!) But that’s another story. I want to tell you about the most exciting women’s event that I have attended to date: The AMA International Women & Motorcycling which was held in Athens, GA in 2006. Yeah, I know – that’s going back awhile, but in case you’ve been snowed in under a rock or something lately and haven’t heard – the AMA has picked our own Keystone, CO for the 2009 women’s event. Believe me; riding up to Keystone in August is going to beat riding to GA in July just all to shit! I figure I won’t be the only woman rider to think so either. It’s just plain ugly, hot and sticky down Georgia way in July and well… summer mountain riding is just heavenly most of the time. As long as we don’t get sudden snow, hail or sleet - things will be fine, and even if we do – it won’t last long, right? Steamy hot weather aside, the 2006 event far exceeded all my expectations. I was impressed by how many of the participants had nothing but praise for the entire event. Usually someone has a gripe or two during these womenJasmine Bluecreek Clark things, but not at this one. During free time while enjoying an ice-cream social, I was impressed with how the women we’re discussing what they Thunder Roads Magazine 12

Cruisin’ For A Cure

Jeanie LeFevre-Glick, Justin’s mother and Jill Weidman, Justin’s aunt greet riders as they arrive. (above left) Bike line the driveway at Conestoga Valley Middle School. (above right)

Jamie Glick, Justin’s sister, is too young to have known her brother, but she is not too young to join the battle against cancer in kids. (above left) CVMS cheerleaders, lend a helping hand, decorate the pavilion and raise spirits. (above right)

Bikers enter Roland Park in a down pour. (above left) Don Weidman and a fellow rider arrive safe and in good spirits in spite of the wet afternoon. (above middle) Parking area at Roland park lined with wet bikes. (above right) Thunder Roads Magazine 13

Cory TexTer Hey Everyone, Another month in the books and here we are. In my first article, I introduced myself a little bit and told you all about what im about and a little history of my racing. Thunder Roads has asked Shayna to do the same thing for this month and sure enough, I got her to do a little article on her history and career in motorcycle racing thus far. Shayna doesn’t usually write too much, so your in for a real treat with her side of the story on her motorcycle career to date. She really is something special. I am not just saying this because she is my sister, but when you put a 95lb girl on a 320lb motorcycle and throw her up against the fastest male competitors in the world, she really gets the job done. She is a fierce competitor and extremely tough. I have seen her crash very hard sometimes, and get up, dust herself off and go back out and win the race. The boys in the pro-sport ranks know they have more then their hands full when she lines up next to them. This last month has been extremely busy for Shayna & I. First and=2 0most importantly, my dad has suffered another heart attack while we were racing an event in Dayton, Ohio. He stayed a week in the hospital in Ohio and then was airlifted back to Lancaster General and stayed another week and a half at that hospital before his double by-pass open heart surgery was performed. Surgery was good and he is back home on the road to a full recovery. Since Memorial Day weekend, we have raced in Illinois twice, Missouri, Ohio twice, Tennessee, and Maryland. I am currently sitting 5th place in both the AMA Hot Shoe 450 and 750 expert point standings only a few points back of the riders in front of me. The first Hot Shoe 750 race I lost my brakes in the main event and didn’t finish the main and lost a lot of points and I also missed one of the Hot Shoe 450 races because of dad’s heart attack the day before the event. A couple of strong top 5 finishes in the 450 expert class and a strong top 5 on the 750 has kept me pretty high in the points. We have to continue the climb up the ladder. My year started off slow, as did my sister’s but I feel we are making a ton of progress each race and are improving. I have been feeling kind of crappy the past month or so, being sick and not riding my best. I feel 100% healthy now and ready to rock. We have also teamed up with veteran tuner from New York, Rich Hanson. He has been awesome and my bikes have been handling and working better then ever. He gives me the confidence in=2 0my bikes I need to perform and not worry about set-up or anything like that. I have been a little bummed about our GNC season so far. We have been struggling all year at these big races. First it was bike set-up at the 450 nationals, then it was just some bad luck on the 750. I purchased my own 2009 CRF 450 and built it from the ground up mostly by myself and some help from a few great friends and supporters as well as my Dad. I feel really confident in my 450 program now for the rest of the year. My 750’s have ran great all year. My times put me in the top 10 almost every GNC final this year, but I have had some really crappy luck at the first two nationals in Illinois and Tennessee and then I caught a virus days before the Lima, Ohio National. I had a fever and a really bad sore throat as well as dizzy spells. Most riders wouldn’t of raced, but I not only made the trip out there, I put myself on the starting line to promote my sponsors and support my fans who came out to watch me race. July is more a mild month for us. However, it is an important month. My hometown national in Hagerstown, MD is on July 25th. Everyone from around home gets a chance to watch me at the GNC level usually only once a year at this track. Back when I was a basic expert in 2007, I podiumed my first ever pro twins race at this track coming off ankle surgery. Last year, however I struggled to adapt to the track. I am look-

ing for a s trong finish here and I hope to see everyone there. August gets busy as we head out to Sturgis bike week for a few big races, then we have the Ohio Mile, Peoria TT and the Indy Mile, where I made my first main event last year. I am looking forward to all the events left on the schedule. Get some good finishes, gain some experience, meet some new fans, climb the point standings, and most importantly have fun. I forgot what racing is all about the first half of the year, and if your not having fun, then why put yourself through it. I am blessed to be able to do what I do and I can’t thank my dad enough for putting me in the best sport on the planet. Until next time, ride hard and take chances. -Cory Cory Texter AMA Grand National #65

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SHAYNA TexTer Hi my name is Shayna Texter and I am a female professional motorcycle racer. In the motorcycle industry there are more and more females becoming involved every year, but in motorcycle racing there are only a few of us that have our pro license. I have been riding motorcycles since the young age of 3, but my interest in motorcycle racing did not start until 2003. I grew interest in racing after watching my Dad race my whole life. When my Dad hung up the steel shoe, my brother got involved. After watching him for half a season I couldn’t resist sitting in the stands anymore, it was my turn to give it a try. My first race bike was a Yamaha TTR-125, which was a great learning bike to teach me the ropes. After a couple races I was ready to jump up to a bigger bike, so I jumped on a Yamaha YZ 85. From then until the end of the season, I won almost every 85 and 100 race I entered. In 2004 my Dad bought me a brand new KTM 125. I also made the trip to the winter and summer nationals. I won the winter nationals on my YZ 85 and got 3rd on my KTM 125. The summer nationals I struggled, but I still put in a great ride for being there for the first time. 2005 I really started to step it up and get my name out there. I sold my 100 and bought a Kawasaki 250 for the year. I started out the season dominating the 85, 125, and the 250 class. At the summer Grand Nationals I finished the year out as the second fastest 85 racer in the country and the fourth fastest on the 125. After coming home from the Grand Nationals in July, I noticed that I already had almost won the 85 championship in districts, so I jumped on a 450 for select races. Coming to the last race of the season I actually took over the points lead in the 450 championship and went on to win not only the 450 championship, but the 85 and 125 championship as well. 2006 was a huge year for me. I stepped it up from being a local amateur to an expert rider, which made me the only female in the expert ranks in district 6 & 7. I also went onto win 3 regional championships and finished 2 and 3rd overall 3 times in 3 different regional nationals. At the Amateur Nationals that year, I won one of the most memorable races ever. I came from sixth place on the mile on the last lap to win my first ever national event. This was an event that changed my career forever as I was named the 2006 AMA Female Rider of the Year, which is given to the best female rider in any discipline of motorcycle racing. 2007 came around and I had the goal of being the first female ever to win the Horizon Award. The Horizon award is given to the highest ranked amateur dirt tracker in world every year at the Grand Nationals. I won almost every regional and winner national event I entered on ways to the Grand in July. I started the week off at the Grand Nationals winning the 450 Mod Premier Race. I finished the rest of the series off strong with a couple podium finishes, but I fell short of winning the prestigious award and the 450 championship by a mere 3 points. After returning home I obtained my pro license and turned Pro-Sport. A day after turning

pro-sport, I went onto podium my first pro race at the Castle Rock Washington Invitational Race with a second place finish. 2008 I was going to tackle the world’s fastest Pro-Sport racers. I left Daytona with 2-2-1-1 finishes and the points lead in the AMA Hot Shoe Series. While gaining many fans and support I went on to win the Vernon Downs Invitational, the two half miles in DuQuion, Illinois, and Barbara Fritchie Classic in Frederick, Maryland. I had some bad luck on the short track at DuQuion, which costed me to lose the championship by a slim margin. For this season I am a once again a Pro-Sport rider. I am chasing the 450 Hot Shoe Series, the 750 Hot Shoe Series, and the Pro Grand National Series. I am currently 2nd in the 450 Hot Shoe Series with only a 3 point difference, I am leading the 750 series by 10 points, and I am currently 5th in the Pro Grand National Series. I am having a great season already and I can’t wait until I strap my steel shoe on again at the Hot Shoe in Elkins, West Virginia on July 24th and then the Grand National the next night in Hagerstown, Maryland. I just want to thank my family, sponsors, and most importantly my fans for helping me create a career out of what I love to do. If you want to follow my career and read my weekly race reports you can visit my website at Thanks, Shayna

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NINE WORDS WOMEN USE August 1 Ride for the Red–Mechanicsburg, Ride for Veterans–Womelsdorf, Allegheny Motorcycle Show–Kane, Anniversary Trophy Party–Philadelphia, Raceway Park Motorcross D SP/Y, Durty Dabbers Vintage Trials D SP August 2 Ride 4 Kids 4th Annual–Shippensburg, Benefit Ride PocWildlife Rehabilitation–Stroudsburg, Schuylkill County Roadhawgz 2nd Annual–Pottsville, Benefit Ride for Pocono Wilderness– Stroudsburg, Trooper Joshua D Miller Ride–Tunkhannock, Happy Ramblers Motorcross D SP/Y, Raceway Park Motorcross D SP/Y/4W, Evansville MX Motorcross D SP/Y/4W, 2 Wheel Promotion Short Track Path Valley, Lebanon Valley Carnival D, High Mountain Dirt Riders Hare Scrambles-Catawiss, Happy Ramblers-Hanover, Durty Dabbers Inc-Farrandsville, Dream Promotions Field of Dreams-Boswell, DBL Sports Promotions-Dunbar August 6 Wyoming Valley Wheels-Larksville August 7 Demo Rides at Brians HD-Langhorne, BCTRA Short Track August 8 State College Area Charity Ride–State College, Ride For Kicks-Allport, District 6 Mtg Lebanon Valley, Miles Mountain Mix-Elkland August 9 Pittsburgh Ride for Kids-Pittsburg, You Are Not A Forgotten Ride-Scranton, Hurricane Hills Ultimate MX D SP, Sleepy Hollow Motocross-Fredericksburg, Rocket Raceway-Three Springs August 13 Herr’s Bike Night-Nottingham, Wyoming Valley Wheels-Larksville August 14 VietNam Vet MC Campout & Party–Reeds Gap, Thunder on the Mountain-Colesburg, Pagoda MC Gypsy Tour D&N, White Rose MC(14-16) Vintage Japanese D, 21st Annual Bike Show Parts & Meet, MX Productions-Latrobe August 15 Jail Break 2009–Sigal, Bloomsburg Bike Fest–Bloomsburg, Midsummer Nights Dream– Lancaster, Ride for a Cure-Philipsburg, Jeffy Showalter Memorial Ride-Duncansville, Angel Run(Military Support)-Hazleton, Motorcycles for Jesus (NP) D Ride & Bike Show, DBL Sports Promotions-Greensburg August 16 Fallen Firefighter poker Run-Langhorne, OFC Petzold Dice Run-Fogelsville, Lee VanLuvender Memorial Bike Run-Marshalls Creek, Bike Rally & Hog Roast-Haven, Dublin Gap MX Motocross D, Raceway Park Motocross D, Two Wheel Promotions Half Mile D Susquehanna Valley, Gentlemen MC Round Robin PR D, Tricky Tryalers-Tremont, Maple Shade Motocross Sugar Grove

August 19 AMA International Women & Motorcycling Conference (19-22)

(1) Fine : This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.

August 20 Wyoming Valley Wheels-Larksville, PA State Hog Rally (2023), Two Wheel Promotions Short Track D SP/Y/4W at Path Valley Speedway

(2) Five Minutes : If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.

August 21 STAR T & R Mid-Atlantic BQ-Gettysburg, America’s 9/11 Ride-Shanksville, DBL Sports Promotions Greensburg, MX Productions Motocross Latrobe August 22 Warren County Abate Toy Run-Youngsville, Hometown Heroes Poker Run-Warren, Spanky Run-Wyalusing, Pirate Invasion Weekend-Manheim, Tim & Taylor Lambert Memorial-Easton, Gathering 09-Blakeslee, Thank A Vet Poker RunWarren, Summer Sizzler Rib Cook off-Washington, Pagoda MC Supercross D/N Sp/Y, Reading MC Yahtzee Dice Run (NP) D August 23 Ride for MS Poker Run-Pittsburg, Hurricane Hills Motocross SP/Y/4W23, Pagoda MC Supercross D/N SP/Y, BMER District Tour, Thunderbird MC Carnival Run D, Pleasure Valley Raceway Motocross Johnstown August 24 Endless Mountain District Tour-Dallas August 27 Wyoming Valley Wheels-Larksville August 28 Rumble on the River-Tionesta, Party on the Hill (28-30)-Export August 29 Campbeltown 2nd Patriot Ride-Campbelltown, SGH Comm. Giving Ride-Coatesville, Dawn to Dusk 500-North Huntington, John Ayello Memorial Rally-Port Clinton, Emilioi Ranieri Memorial-Freeland, Classic HD Benefit Run, Mason Dixon Motorsports Park Short Track Lancaster, Pleasure Valley Raceway Motocross Johnstown

(3) Nothing : This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine. (4) Go Ahead : This is a dare, not permission. Don’t Do It! (5) Loud Sigh : This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to # 3 for the meaning of nothing.) (6) That’s Okay : This is one of the most dangerous statements a woman can make to a man. That’s okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake. (7) Thanks : A woman is thanking you, do not question, or faint. Just say you’re welcome. (I want to add in a clause here - This is true, unless she says ‘Thanks a lot’ - that is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say ‘you’re welcome’. That will bring on a ‘whatever’). (8) Whatever : Is a woman’s way of saying F--- YOU! (9) Don’t worry about it, I got it : Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking ‘What’s wrong?’ For the woman’s response refer to # 3.

August 30 Ride for a Cure-New Castle, Dutchmen MX Park Motocross D SP/Y/4W, Gentlemen MC Carnival Run D, Niagra Trials Riders Observed Trials Millerton, FT of Mountain Hare Scrambles Neelyton, Dutchmen MX Park Motocross Pine Grove

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Shop Talk

mornings and night riding break ins are perfect for me. Don’t exceed 2500 r.p.m.s on the first ride and don’t, I repeat DON’T By Steve Taylor ride double. Avoid ANY lugging of the motor. Stay in a lower Summer is here so that means that it is time to start and gear as opposed to higher. You want the motor to run as effortride that newly rebuilt (or built) machine. Not so fast. If you lessly as possible and don’t make it labor. After approximately have had your motor rebuilt or built there are some basic rules fifty or so miles, shut it down and let it cool. The first fifty miles of motor break in that you should adhere to. The first fire-up on a motor are the most criticle for new pistons and ring break of a new motor is when most damage will occur, it also will in so this is important. You want this thing to last don’t you? determine the longevity of the motor so do yourself and your #7) Change the oil. Even though the oil may LOOK clean, machine a favor by following these break-in tips. it isn’t. It carries all the metal to metal particles that even the #1) The first start up: Always start with fresh oil. Start and best oil filters cannot catch. I prefer to break a new motor in on run motor approximately one minute at 1250 to 1750 r.p.m.s non synthetic oil. I have better results with it on the break ins of DO NOT crack the throttle or see how it revs. Do not ride. Just freshly built motors. hold throttle open to achieve the 1250 r.p.m.s It is at this time #8) Start again and do some fine tuning such as ignition that head gaskets fail and when most break-in damage will timing and carb. settings. Check hardware like motor mounts, result. Don’t concern yourself with adjustments, there’s time cylinder base and head bolts (if applicable). Go out for anfor that later. Make sure oil is returning back to the oil tank and other ride (alone), only this time increase the r.p.m.s to around that there are no major leaks. 3500 or say, sixty or so miles per hour. Avoid continus steady #2) After about a one minute run, shut the motor off. Heat speeds and don’t lug the motor. You should also vary the enbuild up will be excessive so it is imperitive not to go over a gine speed somewhat continuously throughout the ride. This minute. Check again for any leaks or any loose mounts/brack- time set the clock for five hundred miles. No hills, no traffic, no etry. Allow motor to cool COMPLETLY. I use a box fan to cool stop ‘n go’s. Shut it down and let it cool. the motor when I perform break ins. I allow the motor to get ice #9) Change the oil AGAIN. Only THIS time I would install a cold, and then some. good synthetic. After that, go for a ride. You can pretty much #3) After motor has THOUROUGHLY cooled, start up again ride in a normal, consertative fashion but remember the heat and allow it to build a little heat. Run motor approximately build up because of the air cooled design of the H-D. Be a bit three to four minutes and no longer. Hold throttle open to more liberal with the r.p.m.s which is fine for every day riding. achieve approximately 1500 r.p.m.s AGAIN, DON’T REV IT No Dyno tunes and no drag racing, at least not yet. I would set UP OR CRACK THE THROTTLE. When the cylinders (not the clock for another five hundred. After that, check hardware heads) become warm/hot to the touch shut it off. I use an again such as mounts and adjustments and any oil leaks. infrared temp. gage aimed at the cylinders, when it reads 150 Verify ignition timing, check the spark plug burn, and any other degrees, I shut it off. Let motor get ice cold again. Check for areas of concern. leaks and obvious problems like loose intake clamps, loose #10) RIDE. Drag race, Dyno tune, ride double going uphill spark plugs, etc. with a trailor. If that is what you are into. #4) After motor is cold to the touch, start again. This time let Keep the shiney side up and thank you for your readership. it get a bit warmer (won’t take long), to maybe 160 degrees. Steve Taylor of Taylor Made V-Twins can be reached at 810Shut it off and let it cool again. Do this operation three or four 324-9000 or e-mail: times. You also want to increase r.p.m.s to somewhat around Web adddress: 1700 to 1800 during this phase. You should also start to vary the r.p.m.s after start up/cool down is performed at LEAST four or five times. Just roll throttle slowly on and no quick turns of the wrist. I keep the box fan on and directed at the motor at all times. After all, it’s an air cooled motor isn’t it? Heat is the enemy here so do everything you can to keep it at a minimum. Remember the kid in gym class #5) After completing the start up/cool down procedure that always got picked last? numerous times (I do them a lot), start up again and do some That uncoordinated person has a initial tuning such as ignition timing and carburator adjustdrivers license! ments. Let cool. #6) Now you’re ready to ride. I prefer to break in motors on Drive Defensively! There are a cooler days and I stay away from the stop and go of traffic. lot of idiots out there! What you want here is an open road (not free way), that you are able to ride on without someone tail gating you. Early Break In Tips and Procedures For Your New Motor

Ed Freeman: Medal Of Honor Recipient Ed Freeman was a Medal of Honor recipient for his heroic actions during the Korean War. During an attack, the enemy fire was so intense that the infantry commander ordered the MediVacs to stop taking out the wounded as it would be a suicide mission to land. Ed Freeman took matters into his own hands and saved numerous lives while putting his life in the gravest of dangers. He passed away June 25th. Naturally, the news did not report this, so I have found his Medal of Honor citation. Please take a few minutes to honor him by reading his citation and realizing that freedom never comes free. Freeman’s official Medal of Honor citation reads: Captain Ed W. Freeman, United States Army, distinguished himself by numerous acts of conspicuous gallantry and extraordinary intrepidity on 14 November 1965 while serving with Company A, 229th Assault Helicopter Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile). As a flight leader and second in command of a 16-helicopter lift unit, he supported a heavily engaged American infantry battalion at Landing Zone X-Ray in the Ia Drang Valley, Republic of Vietnam. The unit was almost out of ammunition after taking some of the heaviest casualties of the war, fighting off a relentless attack from a highly motivated, heavily armed enemy force. When the infantry commander closed the helicopter landing zone due to intense direct enemy fire, Captain Freeman risked his own life by flying his unarmed helicopter through a gauntlet of enemy fire time after time, delivering critically needed ammunition, water and medical supplies to the besieged battalion. His flights had a direct impact on the battle’s outcome by providing the engaged units with timely supplies of ammunition critical to their survival, without which they would almost surely have gone down, with much greater loss of life. After medical evacuation helicopters refused to fly into the area due to intense enemy fire, Captain Freeman flew 14 separate rescue missions, providing life-saving evacuation of an estimated 30 seriously wounded soldiers -- some of whom would not have survived had he not acted. All flights were made into a small emergency landing zone within 100 to 200 meters of the defensive perimeter where heavily committed units were perilously holding off the attacking elements. Captain Freeman’s selfless acts of great valor, extraordinary perseverance and intrepidity were far above and beyond the call of duty or mission and set a superb example of leadership and courage for all of his peers. Captain Freeman’s extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit and the United States Army.

Noodle’s Tips For The Road

Thunder Roads Magazine 20

Thunder Roads Magazine 21

Some Of The 2009 Harleys XL 1200N Sportster® 1200 Nightster™ Ready to wheel its way through the alleyways and backstreets, the Nightster takes the Sportster legend in a dark direction with dead-on, rat-rod styling. Black finishes cover wheel rims and hubs, forks and handlebar, hand and foot controls. Old school style fork gaiters and a bullet-hole belt guard emphasize the original look. A low suspension puts the rider at seat height of just 25.3 inches. The new smaller front and rear fenders show more of the black laced steel wheels. The soulful 1200 Evolution engine growls through a Chrome Slash-Cut Staggered exhaust.

FXDF Dyna® Fat Bob™ The massive stature of the Dyna Fat Bob, led by twin headlights braced between polished triple clamps, has an unmistakable street presence. Riding on big tires with an aggressive tread pattern mounted on 16-inch Slotted Cast Aluminum wheels, the Fat Bob is a cool and confident ride. New features include high performance chrome-covered coil-over rear shocks, and silver-faced speedometer with range countdown. The chrome Tommy Gun 2-1-2 exhaust accents the black-and-polished Twin Cam 96 engine. Forward foot controls and flat drag bars create a cool and comfortable ride. FXCW Rocker™ The Rocker offers authentic hard-tail chopper style with innovative ideas that could only be produced by HarleyDavidson. The Rockertail rear section mounts a wide fender directly to the swing arm, just an inch over a big 240 mm x 18-inch rear tire. The Rocker rear fender and wheel move in unison as the Rockertail glides through 3.4 inches of rear suspension travel. A new monochromatic silver stainless steel powder-coated paint scheme highlights the custom look. The solo seat is just 24.5 inches off the ground –among the lowest seat height of any motorcycle on the market today. The stop and tail lamp functions are integrated with the rear turn indicators, eliminating the need for the traditional tail lamp on the rear fender.

FLHR Road King® Harley-Davidson styling heritage meets long-range riding comfort in the Road King. The large, detachable windshield and hard-shell saddlebags make this a versatile motorcycle suitable for touring or commuting. Classic styling touches include the chrome Hiawatha headlamp and clear-lens auxiliary passing lights, chrome engine covers, a deepskirted FL front fender and white-stripe tires. The seat has been restyled for 2009 with chrome accents and a new lowmount license bracket locates the plate below the tail lamp, with new LED license plate illumination. Thunder Roads Magazine 22

FLHT Electra Glide® Standard Equipped with key touring features, the Electra Glide Standard is a long-haul motorcycle you can grow with or build on. Standard equipment includes locking hard saddlebags, a fork-mounted touring fairing with instrumentation, auxiliary lamps, plus all the benefits of the new Touring chassis, wheels and tires. A new low-mount license bracket locates the plate below the tail lamp, with new LED illumination. The passenger pillion has been reshaped for additional passenger comfort. VRSCF V-Rod® Muscle™ The wide, angular air-box cover and chopped tail section look as solid and smooth as billet and give the new V-Rod Muscle lines that are clean and powerful. The size of the massive 240 mm rear tire is accentuated by the new broad, clipped and clean rear fender. The combination stop/tail/turn LED light is tucked under the edge of the rear fender, and the side-mount license plate leaves the fender surface smooth and uncluttered. The radiator shrouds are restyled and colormatched to the rest of the bodywork, while the new airbox side covers incorporate air scoop inlets covered with woven wire mesh. The silver five-spoke cast aluminum front and rear wheels are a new design for the V-Rod line. FLHRSE4 Screamin’ Eagle® Road Glide® A sleek, lean muscle machine, the 2009 Custom Vehicle Operations (CVO) Road Glide is a bagger loaded with style and attitude. The CVO Road Glide is a limited-production motorcycle created by the Harley-Davidson Custom Vehicle Operations (CVO) group, and based on the all-new 2009 Harley-Davidson FLTR Road Glide. Approximately 3,000 examples of the 2009 CVO Road Glide will be produced by a team of highly skilled technicians in a special assembly area at the Harley-Davidson York Vehicle Operations facility in York, Pa.. The suggested U.S. retail price for the 2009 CVO Road Glide is $30,999 ($31,195 in California). FXDSE Screamin’ Eagle® Dyna™ Projecting pro-street presence, the new Harley-Davidson Custom Vehicle Operations (CVO) Fat Bob rolls with a highperformance rumble and the flash of custom chrome. The CVO Fat Bob is a limited-production motorcycle created by the Harley-Davidson CVO group, and based on the HarleyDavidson Dyna Fat Bob. Approximately 2,450 examples of the 2009 CVO Fat Bob will be produced by a team of highly skilled technicians in a special assembly area at the Harley-Davidson Kansas City Vehicle Operations facility. The suggested U.S. retail price for the 2009 CVO Fat Bob is $25,299 ($25,499 in CA). Tri Glide Ultra Classic® Harley-Davidson brings original-equipment design, quality and service to the three-wheel motorcycle segment with the introduction of the 2009 Tri Glide Ultra Classic motorcycle. Based on a new chassis designed specifically for this threewheel application, the Tri Glide offers the classic styling and popular touring features of the Harley-Davidson Ultra Classic Electra Glide in a vehicle that will be sold and serviced by the network of Harley-Davidson dealers and covered by a two-year Harley-Davidson limited warranty. The Tri Glide will have an MSRP of $29,999. Thunder Roads Magazine 23

Aside from the flat tire, the top of the trailer almost flying off and Christy never having seen a “LOW FUEL” light before a great time was had by all !! Hot days ... cool nights ... awesome rides to places like Needles Highway and something something highway, (have to figure out the name later), badlands, Mt Rushmore, Billings, Bozeman, West Yellowstone, Jackson, Cody, Buffalo, just to name a few ... are just some of the things that cannot be fully explained to you ... you just HAVE to experience yourself !! If you want added excitement .... go with Christy and Elam !!

This is in Deadwood SD. This is outside the saloon Elam’s favorite bar on main street in Sturgis !! where Wild Bill was shot. I don’t think that is actually Every time he left he said “ I can’t believe they get away with that “ . Wild Bill since he IS dead !!

Sturgis 2008

Ahh ... The 3 bedroom tents in our camping commune !! Highly recommended !! Now you really can’t get away from the dust in the west but you should still ask for a tent away from the dirt road that goes through the campground. Thats all I’ll say !!

forget the name of the pass but its along the way from Boseman MT to West Yellowstone. Not pictured ... the ford F150 that the biker on the right is riding !!

Some dumb Picture Christy took of the streets of Sturgis !

Don’t ask ! It must have been a heck of a bet

This was taken at the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar. We HAD to ride 500 miles out of the way so that Christy could have a beer at The Million Dollar Cowboy Bar !! BIG DEAL !! Of course the ride into Jackson WY through the Teton Pass is incredible ... If you ever find yourself out west you HAVE to go through the Teton Pass !!

Buford .I think its WY ..Only thing in the town is the house that is seen here and a convenience store. Asked the clerk if she was the person that lived there .she said, “no I’m from out of town “ !

This is true Brotherly love !! I think this is how they did it when they came home from the fields in their younger days !!

MUST SHARE WITH YOU KNOWLEDGE LEARNED AFER ALL THESE YEARS OF COOKING........DO NOT EVER FRY YOUR BACON AGAIN! SPREAD IT OUT ON YOUR BROILER PAN FLAT, PLACE IN 350 DEGREE OVEN, BAKE FOR APPRX. 10-12 MINS., COMES OUT PERFECTLY GOLEN BROWN EVERY SINGLE TIME! FLAT, NO ROLLED EDGES, NO FATTY ENDS..... PERFECT! FOR CRISPIER, LEAVE IN FOR 15 MINS. STILL DRAIN ON PAPER TOWELS. THUNDER COMFORT GRILLED CHEESE W/ EXTRAS (4) SLICES OF THICK, FRESH BAKERY BREAD 1 STICK OF REAL BUTTER, TOTALLY SOFTENED 4 THICK SLICES OF RIPE, BRADLEY TOMATOES 4 SLICES OF HAVARTI CHEESE 8 SLICES OF CRISP BACON (DO OVEN METHOD) 1 HONEY BEAR OF HONEY 1 SMALL BUNCH OF FRESH BASIL; CHOPPED Place (2) unbuttered sides of breads down on counter and begin layering your sandwiches. First lay down the bacon, then cheese, then tomatoes, next drizzle honey over tomatoes and sprinkle fresh basil on top of tomatoes. Cover with other slice of bread and butter it generously. Melt enough butter in medium hot skillet to cover bottom completely and place unbuttered side of sandwiches down into butter. Let get golden brown and flip and buttered side will brown up golden brown also. Serve with small side of honey mixed into mayo for dipping. REALLY QUICK & CREAMY FROZEN LIME PIE 12 OZ. TUB COOL WHIP 1 CAN CONDENSED MILK 1/2 CAN FROZEN LIME JUICE ZEST OF (1) LIME 1 PRE-MADE GRAHAM CRACKER CRUST Pour all into large glass mixing bowl, or ceramic. Zest your lime in last, but save some back for the top of pie. Mix all together thoroughly and pour mixture into graham crust. Freeze solid for one hour take out and add more lime zest to top and a few thinly slices of lime twisted up for garnish and dot all around the outer edge with canned whip cream dollops for decoration. So smoooooooth & creamy!

SUPER SIMPLE ORANGE SHRIMP SALAD Sauce: Zest (2) whole oranges; use all juice from one of them. chop coarse handful of fresh dill Combine all w/ 1-1/2cups of real mayo Shrimp: (1) bag of pre-veined, frozen x-large shrimp Run under cold water until totally thawed.....use entire bag. pull off tails. Pat dry w/ clean paper towels. Spread shrimp out on baking sheet; sprinkle w/ cracked black pepper & salt & a touch of garlic powder Roast in 350 oven for 5 mins. Remove from oven & while still warm, mix up in your sauce from above. Simple & Delicious! SUPER EASY RASBERRY BROWNIES WITH WHITE CHOCOLATE ICING (1) package of your favorite brownie mix. Do not overblend. Pour brownie mix into pre-sprayed pan that has been lightly dusted w/ flour. swirl in one bottle of heated (top off; in microwave, moistened paper towel over top) Rasberry Jam. Swirl it with a butter knife or wooden spoon all thru-out the brownie mix. Bake as per box directions. Remove when done and immediately drizzle melted white chocolate chips all over the entire top. decadent! FRIED TOMATOES & CREAM CHEESE (4) Large Bradley or Beef Steak Tomatoes 1 Pkg. Softened Philly Cream Cheese; Mix with Minced Fresh Basil, 1 Garlic Clove Minced, Minced Fresh Parsley or Dried. S&P to taste. Cut each tomato into 4 thick slices each. Place on paper towels to drain. Make up an egg wash in one small bowl, have another w/ flour & another w/ Italian bread crumbs. Take one slice of tomato & spread cream cheese mixture generously and thickly. Top w/ another tomato like a sandwich. Dip into flour first, then egg wash, then into bread crumbs. Fry in 3 Tbls. of Olive Oil & 3 Tbls. real butter till golden brown. Drain on paper towels. Serve hot. Phenom!

Main street ! Thunder Roads Magazine 24

Thunder Roads Magazine 25

This is an actual ad from Auto Trader Magazine


Never Underestimate The Woman Rider Gail Gray along with her husband Rick, was on a ride to Syracuse on her Honda 500 Silver Wing at the time and this hardcore Harley dude on the ride told Rick that if she can’t keep up they weren’t slowing down for her. She and her husband led most of the way when it began to rain and rain hard. The dude, not wearing any head gear, motioned for them to pull over because there was too much rain. Rick said, “what’s the matter…Gail slowing us down”? Dude never said another word! Thunder Roads Magazine 26

Thunder Roads Magazine 27

New V-Rod Campaign HARLEY-DAVIDSON LAUNCHES NEW V-ROD MUSCLE AD CAMPAIGN WITH MARISA MILLER Stunning American Supermodel a Perfect Match for Stylish and Powerful American Motorcycle MILWAUKEE (Oct. 8, 2008) – To emphasize the non-traditional pairing of sophisticated style and brute strength, Harley-Davidson chose to launch the new 2009 V-Rod Muscle in a distinctly non-traditional way—by teaming up with American Supermodel Marisa Miller in an innovative marketing campaign to introduce the latest addition to Harley-Davidson’s high-performance line of V-Rod motorcycles. The new V-Rod Muscle features a powerfully sculpted new physique that exudes a contemporary and urban sense of style. The Muscle’s long, low profile and super wide rear tire are inspired by the drag strip, while the free-revving performance of the liquid-cooled Revolution V-Twin engine co-developed with Porsche give it an unmatched combination of power and sophistication. “The V-Rod Muscle stands out in a crowd of copies and generic motorcycle profiles,” said Mark-Hans Richer, senior vice president and chief marketing officer for Harley-Davidson. “It stretches the very definition of what it means to be a HarleyDavidson motorcycle.” Partnering with American supermodel Marisa Miller is a perfect match. The V-Rod Muscle’s sculpted body and commanding physique complement Miller, who not only represents classic American beauty, but also strength and athleticism. Miller is best known for gracing the cover of many prominent publications, but she also represents the return of the great American Supermodel. Miller grew up around motorcycles in California and has a strong appreciation for Harley-Davidson. “To represent such an iconic American brand is incredible,” said Miller. “I have grown up watching my dad and uncle ride Harleys. It’s amazing to circle back at this point in my career,

and work with a brand I have so much respect for.” Like the bike itself, Harley-Davidson chose a distinctly nontraditional marketing campaign for the V-Rod Muscle. Starting Oct. 13, an ad campaign launches that shows Miller stretched atop a sleek, black V-Rod Muscle. The black background and distinct lighting capture the aggressive styling of the bike, contrasted by Miller, which brings the idea of American Supermodel to life. In lifestyle magazines such as GQ, Esquire, Complex, Road & Track and Trader, ads will make use of a new technology called SnapTell, which provides access to exclusive content upon photographing the ad with a mobile phone camera. The campaign was pre-launched on Oct. 6 on Harley-Davidson’s official YouTube channel, with a “making of” video that takes viewers behind the scenes at the Marisa Miller V-Rod Muscle photo shoot ( Motorcycle bloggers and Harley-Davidson fans and friends on Facebook and MySpace were exclusively tipped off to the campaign. The video will also be available on which launches Oct.13. The Harley-Davidson V-Rod Muscle features a 1250cc liquidcooled V-Twin engine with a five-speed transmission and highperformance Brembo triple-disc brakes with available ABS. Its race-bred clutch with “slipper” action helps ease drive train effort during downshifting while its broad-shouldered presence is highlighted by a huge 240mm rear tire. New bodywork with integrated turn signals and a clipped fender combine to give it a clean, contemporary look. The V-Rod Muscle is available in Vivid Black, Brilliant Silver, Dark Blue Denim and Red Hot Sunglo. For more information on V-Rod Muscle visit www. Harley-Davidson Motor Company, the only major U.S.-based motorcycle manufacturer, produces heavyweight motorcycles and a complete line of motorcycle parts, accessories and general merchandise. For more information, visit Harley-Davidson’s Web site at

Sunshine by Kevin G. Charleville (Doc)

time a person without sunscreen/sun block can be

I recently took a wonderful road trip through the states of Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee. I was able to view some beautiful National Forests and Mountain Regions. Of course, I took all the essentials for such a trip, clothing for all weather, cell phone and charger, medication, toiletries, etc. One of the most important items that I took was sun block, however, the majority of time; I was covered for the cool mountain weather. The times that parts of my body, (arms, back of neck, etc.) were exposed to the sun, I did make sure I was protected. Well, for the most part anyway. I forgot to protect my lips, and ouch, they got burned. I will not preach to you about the harmful rays of the sun and the nasty things it can do to our skin, however, let’s talk about the differences in Sun Blocks, Sun Screens, and Sun Protection Factor (SPF). Ultraviolet Light is absorbed by Sunscreens before it reaches your skin; Sun

exposed. ( Example, someone who would burn from constant exposure to the sun in 10 minutes, it would take 100 minutes with SPF 10. The higher the SPF, the more and longer protection you have, I use no less than 45 SPF and it is recommended no less than 15 SPF. If you do get a sun burn, which is considered a First Degree Burn, keep the area cool and dry, and avoid using ointments. Ointments contain oils and lubricants which can intensify the pain and cause further burn. If the burn is severe in nature, seek medical attention immediately. Here are some helpful tips for additional protection. Use a water resistant screen or block, wear clothing that covers exposed areas, wear hats, sun glasses and such. Use extra caution around water, snow and sand, seek as much shade as possible, and please, please protect the children. Ride safe, ride free, and have fun in the sun this season.

Blocks actually block the harmful Ultraviolet Rays. TM

Both screens and blocks work well, however, scientists say that blocks do a better job. However, scientists also say that neither one does a perfect job. That is why it is important to follow the product application and reapplication directions thoroughly that you choose. Many products today have a mixture of blocks and screens in them which are very good. Oh, but what SPF should I use? Good question. SPF is a measure of the effectiveness of a block or screen. The SPF indicates the time a person with the sunscreen or sun block applied can be exposed to sunlight before getting sunburned relative to the

©2008 H-D. Harley-DaviDson, Harley, H-D, tHe Bar & sHielD logo anD otHers are among tHe traDemarks of H-D micHigan, inc.

more of marisa miller on tHe neW v-roD muscle ™ motorcycle at

Thunder Roads Magazine 28

Thunder Roads Magazine 29

News Bytes MISSOURI HELMET FREEDOM STILL ON HOLD Legislation to partially repeal the “Show Me” state’s 42-year old mandatory helmet law has been sitting on Governor Jay Nixon’s desk since May 29, awaiting his approval or veto. Senate Bill 202, a bill to allow motorcyclists 21 and older to ride without helmets except on the interstate highway system, passed both the House and Senate and will become law in Nixon doesn’t veto the measure. In addition to the helmet provisions, SB 202 introduced by Senator Kurt Schaefer (R-Columbia) would also prohibit insurance companies from reducing claims from injured motorcycle riders on the grounds that a motorcycle is a hazardous vehicle, even if the rider is fault-free. Nixon has received about 1,000 e-mails and letters on the motorcycle legislation -- more than on any other legislative issue, said a spokesman for the governor’s office. Those urging the governor to sign the legislation outnumbered those urging a veto by about 7-to-1, according to analysis of the messages by The Associated Press. Mark Chapman, chairman of the Freedom of Road Riders of Missouri, said that motorcyclists should be allowed to decide for themselves when conditions warrant wearing a helmet. “It should be my choice as an adult,” Chapman said. “It’s not like I’m a 10 year old trying to kill myself.” Those who urged him to sign the bill -some of whom said they regularly wear helmets -- mentioned personal freedom and suggested that not requiring helmets could spur tourism. FORR-MO is appealing to riders nationwide to contact his office and urge Gov. Nixon to sign the bill into law or allow it to automatically become law without his signature. You can call Missouri Governor Jay Nixon at (573) 751-3222, e-mail him through or write to P.O. Box 720, Jefferson City, MO 65102. OMAHA POLICE TO ENFORCE HELMET COMPLIANCE If you’ve ever wondered where some of your state and federal motorcycle safety funds are being spent, the Nebraska Office of Highway Safety has awarded a grant to fund extra police officers on the streets to ensure motorcyclists are compliant with Nebraska state laws regarding motorcycle helmets. The Omaha Police Department received $25,000 in grant funding to begin operations to enforce motorcycle helmet compliance throughout the entire city from May 27 through September 30, 2009. Nebraska state law specifies that protective helmets that meet the United States Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard #218 are required for all operators and passengers of a motorcycle or moped. Citing safety concerns, officers will be citing operators who are in violation of this law and confiscating their non-compliant helmets. In the meantime, Vermont State Police are advising motorcyclists that a new state law goes into effect on July 1st requiring that all helmets be DOT approved, similar to a measure enacted recently in North Carolina. SMOG, OR SMOKE & MIRRORS? In spite of already having the lowest motorcycle emissions standards in the country, and despite verbal promises from the legislative sponsor in response to key Senate opposition, a bill to enact Smog Checks for motorcycles has passed the California State Senate and may be heard in the Assembly

as early as June 29th. ABATE of California is seeking nationwide assistance to quash this bill once and for all. “Our out of state brothers and sisters may be our most effective resource in fighting the motorcycle smog bill,” wrote ABATE Executive Director Tim Tennimon in a request to NCOM to help rally opposition to Senate Bill 435. “SB 435 has been passed to the Assembly as a SMOG CHECK BILL on the verbal promise to amend but has not yet been fulfilled. It would appear that it may go so far as to include all 3 (smog check, noise, and catalytic converter with random pull over inspection thrown in for good measure),” explains Tennimon. Sponsor of the measure, Santa Monica Senator Fran Pavley, agreed to remove the controversial biennial emissions testing when the bill passed the Senate, but no such action has yet been taken. ABATE Lobbyist Jim Lombardo reports that “I personally spoke with the committee staff and they have not been officially notified that SB 435 is to be amended or turned into a 2-year bill, and even if it had, Pavley could ask for it to be reset for a hearing…the stakes are too high to be caught with our pants down: LET’S KILL SB 435 -- IT IS STILL A SMOG CHECK BILL!!!” Therefore, ABATE of CA is asking all out of state motorcyclists to contact the Chairman of the Assembly Transportation Committee, Mike Eng at phone (916) 319-2049, fax 916-319-2149, or e-mail, and also Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger at phone (916) 445-2841, fax 916-558-3160, or e-mail at, and let them know that if you are going to be at risk of being singled out and pulled over for exhaust system inspections when you visit California then you will choose another location to spend your vacation dollars, and urge their NO vote on SB 435. “Unfortunately many laws of this type start in California and spread to other states,” warns Tennimon, so “the place to stop it is here and now, then hopefully you won’t have to deal with anything like this in your state.” AIM ATTORNEY SUES NY POLICE FOR ILLEGAL CHECKPOINTS Proner & Proner, Attorneys at law, has filed a Federal class action lawsuit in the Federal Court for the Northern District of New York against the New York State Police as well as New York State and county authorities to stop them from conducting motorcycle-only roadblocks near popular motorcycle events. Last year the New York State Police and county sheriffs stopped every motorcycle en route to twelve different events for “safety checks.” With the riding season starting, the New York State Police expect to conduct up to fifteen motorcycle-only roadblocks throughout the state this year. One of the events targeted was Americade, the largest motorcycle event in the Northeast. Police set up two checkpoints during the Lake George-based rally in June that netted 84 tickets for unapproved helmets, 19 for modified exhausts and 32 other vehicle and traffic violations. New York A.I.M. (Aid to Injured Motorcyclists) Attorney Mitchell Proner, an active motorcyclist and personal injury attorney, is initiating the lawsuit on behalf of all motorcyclists. ABATE of New York supports the legal action. Proner said that the New York State Police “uses the pretense of safety inspections to delay and harass motorcyclists without any reasonable belief that any laws are being broken.” Although courts have upheld DWI checkpoints as

Thunder Roads Magazine 30

News Bytes BILL MAY BAN BIKER BARS Revving up for a fight, motorcycle clubs in Virginia say they are being unfairly targeted by the state’s ABC Board for what they wear. Motorcyclists who recently rallied at a Richmond Public MYRTLE BEACH HELMET LAW LAWSUIT UPDATE Safety meeting say they are trying to appeal to Richmond Following is an update from Matt Danielson of Tom McGrath’s City Council members to repeal a new State law. In 2008, the Motorcycle Law Group regarding the lawsuit filed against the General Assembly passed HB 1117 Alcohol Beverage Control; helmet law enacted by the city council of Myrtle Beach, SC. a bill saying that bars and restaurants could be stripped of “Forty-nine of the motorcyclists who took part in the Myrtle their liquor license by allowing groups into their establishments Beach Freedom Ride and who were ticketed for violations who wear certain gang affiliations or colors. Although aimed have had their cases stayed yesterday. A.I.M. Attorney Tom at criminal street gangs, motorcyclists say they are victims of McGrath filed motions to have the cases dismissed due to lack this new law and that their First Amendment rights are being of jurisdiction. The original city ordinance mandated that the violated. violations, which are civil in nature, be heard by a special tribunal created by the city. However, since that time the tribunals BIKERNET.COM CREATES WORKING GROUP FOR MOhave been found to be unconstitutional (or at least suggested TORCYCLE RIGHTS Longtime bikers rights activist Keith R. to be by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of South Ball and the staff of are working with the motorCarolina). The city moved the cases to municipal court. How- cycle aftermarket to provide a direct link between legislative ever, the State Code of South Carolina specifically states that efforts, motorcycle rights groups, and the custom motorcycle the municipal courts do not have jurisdiction over civil matters. aftermarket industry. “It’s been a goal of mine for 15 years to Since the city served the 49 defendants via mail after the Chief get the business side to help our freedom fighters,” said Ball. Justice’s ruling, they were forced to admit that the infractions If successful, Keith hopes to encourage SEMA (the Specialty were civil in nature since you can’t serve a criminal complaint Equipment Market Association), the largest hot rod aftermarket by mail. That put the City of Myrtle Beach in a box since State organization in the United States, to work with us to deliver Code says the municipal courts do not have jurisdiction over additional resources to the motorcycle rights community, since civil matters. The court decided to stay the trials of these matwe all face similar battles. “The Motorcycle Aftermarket Workters while deciding how to rule. The court has stated that none ing Group is made up of many leaders and business owners, of the defendants need to appear on the scheduled dates. but we want to reach out directly to state motorcycle rights We expect a ruling soon. In the meantime, motions have groups for their input,” said Ball, adding that they are already been filed in the South Carolina Supreme Court to declare the working closely with the National Coalition of Motorcyclists ordinances void. More information will be forthcoming as it is (NCOM) and the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF). “What made available.” can we do to help keep motorcycling free?” The group is currently working on an agenda, so contact Keith Ball directly PENNSYLVANIA SENATOR WANTS TO GIVE YOU $4,500 with any comments or suggestions at or TO BUY A NEW MOTORCYCLE U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D- (310) 830-0630. PA), a longtime advocate for the Harley-Davidson Motor Co., has introduced legislation that would provide up to $4,500 for FEDS QUESTION BIKERS motorcycle buyers who trade in an older, gas guzzling car or The Federal Highway Administration’s Motorcyclist Advisory truck. Harley has its largest assembly plant in York, Pa., where Council is asking riders across the country to help state and it employs more than 2,000 people. Recently, the company federal highway administrators and State Motorcycle Safety said it might close its York operations due to the downturn in Administrators (SMSA) to “better understand and plan for the the economy and falling motorcycle sales. Senator Casey needs of motorcycle riders.” Motorcycle riders are requested wants his proposal attached to the “cash for clunkers” bill to complete a Motorcycle Road Issues Survey by logging onto passed recently in the U.S. House of Representatives. It before August 1st and answering onauthorizes the program for one year, for a total cost of $4  billine survey questions that are separated into 3 distinct settings lion. To be eligible, a trade-in car must get less than 18  miles typically experienced by the majority of riders: Urban Areas per gallon, and the new vehicle must get at least 22  mpg. The (city/suburban/frequent intersections/pedestrians); Rural Areas voucher would be worth $4,500 if the gas mileage of the new (fewer intersections/higher speed); and Limited Access Areas car is at least 10  mpg higher than the old vehicle. Casey said (freeway/highway/toll road/minimal intersections). his legislation would help spur economic recovery and protect manufacturing jobs in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and other QUOTABLE QUOTE: “It is not the function of the government states where motorcycles and bike parts are manufactured to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the and assembled. New motorcycle sales in the United States fell citizen to keep the government from falling into error.” 8% in 2007 and 10% in 2008. The proposal “is positive from U.S. Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Parker, Chief Prosecuour perspective,” said Harley spokeswoman Rebecca Bortner, tor for the United States of America at the Nuremberg Trials adding that swapping an old car for a bike would be an easy upgrade in fuel efficiency. generally permissible, “These motorcycle roadblock stops are lengthy and do not address any legitimate safety concerns,” according to Proner.

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Why so formal? Part I by Maria Schoeberl, Archivist When viewing early images of Harley-Davidson riders, their clothing always stands out. Instead of the black leather, jeans, bandanas and safety helmets of today, riders in the first decades of the 20th century wore very different clothing: Three-piece suits, shirts with starched collars, flowing scarves, long skirts and no helmets. To our eyes, they look conventional and completely nonrebellious. This image seems to clash with the spirit of HarleyDavidson motorcycle riders, who pride themselves on their individuality and spirit of rebellion--something that is reflected in their clothing. Why then, do early motorcycle riders seem to dress so conservatively and traditionally? The reason has to do with the solid business sense of the early Harley-Davidson Motor Company. In any business, for a company to succeed, it must consistently appeal to the broadest segment of the population that it can. This is naturally even more important for a new and growing company, such as Harley-Davidson was in the 1910s and 1920s. And, because the early motorcycle companies were all marketing a relatively new and untried product (one that was not yet identified with the individualist, the rebel and the adventure seeker) HarleyDavidson and other motorcycle companies appealed to the needs and conventions of the majority of Americans. To do so, they reached out to the business owner who needed a way to serve customers more quickly and efficiently, the city dweller who needed a quick and easy way to get away for the weekend, as well as the average worker who needed an affordable means of transportation that was faster and offered more freedom than the streetcar or side-

walk. And appealing to the interests of the “mainstream” meant presenting an image of the early rider that reflected the conventions of dress at the time. This meant the suit of the businessman and office worker, the neat and practical uniforms of the delivery workers, as well as the elegant, “Sunday-best” traveling outfits worn by vacationers and day-trippers. This was, after all, an era where the conservative and impeccable was considered the only proper way to present oneself to the public. Indeed, at the turn of the century it was considered indecent for a women not to be wearing stockings or showing bare arms in anything but formal evening wear. So riders in the 1910s, 1920s, and early 1930s wore what was considered “proper” clothing: Suits (for both women and men), shirts with highbuttoned collars, neckties, fashionable hats and skirts for the women who were all too often relegated to the sidecar. But was the clothing really all that conventional?

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The Justin LeFevre Foundation What is the Justin LeFevre Foundation?

The Foundation was organized in 2002 in memory of Justin, to join the Battle Against Cancer in Kids, and Support Local Youth. The foundation is a non-profit, tax-exempt, charitable organization under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code. Justin was a typical high school sophomore until his world was rocked in September of 2000 with the news that he had a cancerous tumor from the Ewings Sarcoma family of tumors growing in his pelvis. A football player at Conestoga Valley High School, Justin remained active in sports and social activities. Justin lost his battle with the disease two months after his seventeenth birthday, but not before he earned the respect and admiration from many for the courage and determination he displayed in fighting his illness. Cancer kills more children in the United States than any other disease. The Foundation seeks to promote awareness of the need for funding, and to raise funds in Justin’s memory to provide resources for pediatric cancer research and offer support to local youth organizations. How much money we raised and where the Foundation donates? To date the Foundation has donated $155,000 to the Four Diamonds Cancer Research Institute at the Penn State Hershey Medical Center in Hershey, PA. In addition the Foundation has supported graduating high school football players at the Conestoga Valley High School with $10,000 in scholarships, and offered support to other local youth organizations, Hospice of Lancaster County and families in need, having donated just under $200,000 in total.

How the motorcycle ride got started? Shortly after Justin’s passing, his parents Jeanie LeFevre-Glick and Dean Glick founded the Justin LeFevre Foundation, a nonprofit organization that raises funds in Justin’s memory to fight children’s cancer. Jeanie LeFevre-Glick serves as president. Don Weidman, Justin’s uncle, came up with the idea for the motorcycle ride. Don said that the idea seemed natural to him, because he rides motorcycles and he remembers how much Justin enjoyed riding with him. It was one of Justin’s passions and he loved to ride. Don would take Justin on motorcycle rides to the Ephrata Cloister and loved spending the day with his uncle. Facts about the motorcycle ride: -held six motorcycle ride events -motorcycle ride raised $31,000 to date -total drivers and passengers over the past six years 1,070 -the annual ride is always held the last Sunday in September rain or shine -approximately 60 miles through the country side of Lancaster County This year’s motorcycle ride: The seventh annual motorcycle cycle ride will be held Sunday, September 27, 2009, rain or shine. The ride starts at the Conestoga Valley Middle School, 500 Mount Sidney Road, Lancaster, PA 17602. We will stop along the way for a drink and a stretch and then finish our ride with refreshments and door prizes. Registration is at 1:00PM with the ride starting at 1:30PM. All drivers receive a foundation t-shirt (Don’s wife Jill Weidman designs the t-shirts) and drivers and passengers are eligible for door prizes. Cost is $25 per driver and a $10 per passenger. Visit our website www.justinlefevrefoundation. org for more information about the foundation and motorcycle ride.

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2009 Indian Chief Motorcycle America’s First Motorcycle Is Back

methodical, with obvious care taken to produce the finest Indian motorcycles the world has ever seen. The new Indian Chief motorcycles are rightfully positioned as premium products and will be produced in limited numbers, with the focus on outstanding quality, performance and exclusivity. Limited production will ensure the highest level of quality is maintained and owners will be certain to enjoy the enduring value of an extraordinary new Indian Chief as well as true appreciation of ownership exclusivity. The new Indian motorcycles are designed and engineered to be powerful works of art. The 2009 Indian Chief features a redesigned 105 cubic inch PowerPlus V-Twin powertrain with electronic closed loop sequential port fuel injection. A new charging system provides increased capacity for the EFI. Press Release by Indian Motorcycle Company Engine cylinders are Nikasil plated, eliminating the need Kings Mountain, NC—Founded in 1901, the legendary In- for cast-iron liners. A new crankshaft eliminates “scissoring”. dian brand remains America’s first motorcycle and is highly The exhaust system is a new design with integrated 3-way revered. Chairman Stephen Julius and President Steve catalytic converter and heated oxygen sensors. All body Heese have orchestrated the re-launch of Indian. Under parts are e-coated and the frame and swingarm are e-coatGeneral Manager Chris Bernauer, an eleven-year veteran ed and powder coated for enhanced corrosion protection. of Harley-Davidson, the Indian Motorcycle team has mainA six-speed transmission delivers power through the belt tained a sharp focus on product development, design and drive to 16-inch wheels out back. Stopping is achieved via engineering excellence. Brembo 4-piston calipers, with 11.5” dual rotors up front. “We’re very excited about the new Indian Chief which are, Standard 5.5-gallon tank helps extend cruising range. Seats in every way, both true to the legacy of the Indian brand and are all-leather and built to exacting specifications. But representative of the highest level of engineering expertise” specs don’t even begin to tell the story of what it’s like to according to Mr. Bernauer. “Indian aficionados everywhere ride an Indian. It’s simply awe-inspiring. will be pleased with these superior motorcycles which efFor 2009, Indian will offer four Chief models: Chief Stanfectively blend timeless Indian design with contemporary dard, Chief Deluxe, Chief Roadmaster and Chief Vintage. motorcycle performance.” As befits these limited-edition masterworks, base prices For the past few years, Indian Motorcycle’s engineerwill range from $30,999 for the Standard to $31,999 for the ing staff, led by VP of Engineering Nick Glaja, have logged Deluxe and $33,999 for the Roadmaster to $35,499 for the thousands of hours developing, evaluating and refining Chief Vintage. Primary differences between models are in each and every engineering detail. Rigorous testing conlevels of trim, seating configurations, fender design, paint tinues until each component has proven its durability and combinations, and included accessories. performance. There will be no rush to market. Mr. Glaja, The exciting reality for all motorcycle enthusiasts is that also a motorcycling industry veteran, was Principal Engithe 2009 Indian Chiefs are so much more than the sum of neer of Powertrain Technology at Harley-Davidson before their parts. Each model is an integrated whole, the result of joining Indian. superior engineering and a reflection of achievement well Mr. Glaja says “Our goal was quite simple: to focus on beyond incremental improvement. The 2009 Indian Chiefs the premium nature of this brand and build the finest Indian are all-new and a dramatic extension of the Indian Motorcymotorcycle ever. We took a ‘clean sheet’ approach to the cle legacy, certain to take their place in motorcycle history. engineering of this world class American legend to ensure a solid engineering platform. Benchmarks were set high and we believe our customers will be very happy.” At the heart of the process has been an unrelenting emphasis on quality and craftsmanship. No details have been overlooked or considered too minor to be discussed and evaluated. The final assembly of each Indian Chief takes place at Kings Mountain by a team of technicians known for the passionate pursuit of their craft. An overriding sense of reverence pervades Indian headquarters. There is an enormous sense of pride in being a part of the rebirth of Indian Motorcycle and that feeling translates into an attention to detail and genuine care for each and every component. Assembly is both loving and Thunder Roads Magazine 35

He has jail meals down to 40 cents a serving and charges the inmates for them. He stopped smoking and porno magazines in the jails. Took away their weights Cut off all but ‘G’ movies.. He started chain gangs so the inmates could do free work on county and city projects.. Oh, there’s MUCH more to know about Sheriff Joe! Then He Started Chain Gangs For Women So He Wouldn’t Maricopa County was spending approx. $18 million dollars Get Sued For Discrimination. a year on stray animals, like cats and dogs. Sheriff Joe ofHe took away cable TV Until he found out there was A fered to take the department over, and the County Supervi- Federal Court Order that Required Cable TV For Jails So sors said okay. He Hooked Up The Cable TV Again Only Let In The Disney The animal shelters are now all staffed and operated by Channel And The Weather Channel. prisoners. They feed and care for the strays. Every animal When asked why the weather channel He Replied, So They in his care is taken out and walked twice daily. He now has Will Know How Hot It’s Gonna Be While They Are Working prisoners who are experts in animal nutrition and behavior. ON My Chain Gangs.... They give great classes for anyone who’d like to adopt an He Cut Off Coffee Since It Has Zero Nutritional Value. animal. He has literally taken stray dogs off the street, given When the inmates complained, he told them, ‘This Isn’t The them to the care of prisoners, and had them place in dog Ritz/Carlton........If You Don’t Like It, Don’t Come Back.’ shows. More On The Arizona Sheriff: The best part? His budget for the entire department is now With Temperatures Being Even Hotter Than Usual In Phoeunder $3 million. Teresa and I adopted a Weimaraner from nix (116 Degrees Just Set A New Record), the Associated a Maricopa County shelter two years ago. He was neutered, Press Reports: About 2,000 Inmates Living In A Barbedand current on all shots, in great health, and even had a Wire-Surrounded Tent Encampment At The Maricopa microchip inserted the day we got him. Cost us $78. County Jail Have Been Given Permission To Strip Down To The prisoners get the benefit of about $0.28 an hour for Their Government-Issued working, but most would work for free, just to be out of their Pink Boxer Shorts. cells for the day. Most of his budget is for utilities, building On Wednesday, hundreds of men wearing boxers were maintenance, etc. He pays the prisoners out of the fees col- either curled up on their bunk beds or chatted in the tents, lected for adopted animals.. which reached 138 Degrees Inside The Week Before. I have long wondered when the rest of the country would Many Were Also Swathed In Wet, Pink Towels As Sweat take a look at the way he runs the jail system, and copy Collected On Their Chests And Dripped Down To Their some of his ideas.. He has a huge farm, donated to the PINK SOCKS. county years ago, where inmates can work, and they grow ‘It Feels Like We Are In A Furnace,’ Said James Zanzot, most of their own fresh vegetables and food, doing all the An Inmate Who Has Lived In The TENTS for 1 year.. ‘It’s work and harvesting by hand. Inhumane.’ He has a pretty good sized hog farm, which provides meat, Joe Arpaio, the tough-guy sheriff who created the tent city and fertilizer. It fertilizes the Christmas tree nursery, where and long ago started making his prisoners wear pink, and prisoners work, and you can buy a living Christmas tree for eat bologna sandwiches, is not one bit sympathetic. He said $6 - $8 for the Holidays, and plant it later. We have six trees Wednesday that he told all of the inmates: ‘It’s 120 Degrees in our yard from the Prison. In Iraq And Our Soldiers Are Living In Tents Too, And They Yup, he was reelected last year with 83% of the vote. Have To Wear Full Battle Gear, Now he’s in trouble with the ACLU again. He painted all his But They Didn’t Commit Any Crimes,So Shut Your Mouths!’ buses and vehicles with a mural, that has a special hotline phone number painted on it, where you can call and report Way To Go, Sheriff! suspected illegal aliens. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement wasn’t doing enough in his eyes, so he had 40 Maybe if all prisons were like this one there would be a lot deputies trained specifically for enforcing immigration laws, less crime and/or repeat offenders. Criminals should be started up his hotline, and bought 4 new buses just for haul- punished for their crimes - not live in luxury until it’s time ing folks back to the border. He’s kind of a ‘Git-R Dun’ kind for their parole, only to go out and commit another crime so of Sheriff. they can get back in to live on taxpayers money and enjoy TO THOSE OF YOU NOT FAMILIAR WITH JOE ARPAIO things taxpayers can’t afford to have for themselves. HE IS THE MARICOPA ARIZONA COUNTY SHERIFF AND HE KEEPS GETTING ELECTED OVER AND OVER THIS IS ONE OF THE REASONS WHY: Sheriff Joe Arpaio (In Arizona ) who created the ‘ Tent City Jail’:


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