July 2010

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Where There’s Bikes There’s Going To Be Thunder



Pennsylvania Local Office

August 1, 2010 11 AM - 9:30 PM

Frederick Fairgrounds Frederick, MD www.outlawjam.com NO COLORS PERMITTED




EDITOR / OWNER Robin Montgomery Lapp 717-682-7529 thunderrdspa@yahoo.com REGIONAL SALES MANAGER And CENTRAL PA SALES PAUL YEATER 717-635-5830 cowboy6370@gmail.com LANCASTER AND SURROUNDING AREA ROBIN KEYS 717-286-4689 reller65@aol.com Tony Montgomery 717-431-4551 tmonty22@comcast.net Dwaine Funk 717-572-2143 WILKES/BARRE-SCRANTON AND SURROUNDING AREA Dave Corby bikerdave2367@yahoo.com - Home 570-388-2670 ( PRESIDENT ABATE, LUZERNE COUNTY) PHILLY AREA/Reading Area Sales Manager Sean Garnett trmpa.se@gmail.com 484-614-5680 SOUTH CENTRAL SALES Chris Culbert 717-877-7792 rhinoglide@gmail.com Layout and Design Warren Ells, Art Director Thunder Publishing Warrenlayout@yahoo.com Distribution and Article Contributions Michelle and J.D. Johnson NATIONAL FOUNDERS Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive Chapmansboro, TN 37035 Office: (615) 792-0040 Fax: (615) 792-7580 Email: thunderroadscharter@charter.net


Another Wonderful month has flown by and it is July already. Where does it go? I try not to use this too much for my soapbox, but since it is July 4th, I just have to voice my opinion. Everyone has one and some stink worse then others, so bear with me. So, here it goes… My Grandparents came to the US from Germany in the early 1900’s. They left a lot behind to have their freedom in a New World. They didn’t speak the language at all, but were willing to take the chance that life would be better. All they had was a trunk full of old photos and clothing. Somehow they learned to speak the language, by going to classes and took their citizen test and passed. It wasn’t press 2 for German. They worked hard, got jobs and bought some land. They formed a club with friends to celebrate some of their heritage, but it was private. They didn’t fly the German flag and tear down the US. They raised two kids and paid their taxes. Although their children and their grandchildren were given much, I being one of them, will never take those liberties and freedoms for granted. I currently have two kids in the military to protect those freedoms. I just don’t understand what happened in the last 50 years, that when calling most Govt. agencies I have to either push 1) for English or 2) for Spanish. If you are a functioning part of US society and you came here for a better life, shouldn’t you at least learn the language? This statement DOES NOT Mean I’m against immigration!!! YOU ARE WELCOME HERE, IN MY COUNTRY! Welcome! To come through legally: 1. Get a sponsor! 2. Get a place to lay your head! 3. Get a job! 4. Live By OUR Rules! 5. Pay YOUR Taxes! 6. Learn the LANGUAGE like immigrants have in the past!!! AND 7. Please don’t demand that we hand over our lifetime savings of Social Security Funds to you. When will AMERICANS STOP giving away THEIR RIGHTS??? We’ve gone so far the other way... bent over backwards not to offend anyone. But it seems no one cares about the AMERICAN CITIZEN that’s being offended! Please have a safe and Happy Fourth! Remember what it is for. I am excited to spend it with my Family. Part of that is due to the fact that the Military honors their own, by giving them a 96. I hope you will honor them as well! In the United States, the Fourth of July is a Federal Holiday commemorating the adoption of The Declaration Of Independence on July 4, 1776. It is where we declared our Independence from The Kingdom Of Great Britain. It is commonly associated with fireworks, parades, BBQ’s, fairs, picnics and the like, but whatever the festivity or tradition you enjoy on that day, please don’t forget ALL who have fought and died for that freedom and what our Flag stands for! Be safe and Remember...Happiness is a choice! If you can read this… Thank a Teacher. If you Can read It In English…Thank A Veteran!!!

Tuesday And Thursday All You Can Eat Wings 11Am To Close

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KNOW THE LAW by Attorney Steve Stambaugh

Hello again. Hopefully everyone is out there enjoying the open road and good times with friends. As you plan your riding schedule be sure to check out the many local clubs who organize and sponsor local poker/charity runs. You get to ride to new places, hang out with new riders, and raise money for various charities all at the same time. Several local clubs are YCHDOA, NDHP, CCSC and the York HOG Chapter. YCHDOA www.ychdoa.com and ) which means that non-members can access the web page, check out the posted ride schedules and join the Runs - the more the merrier. Rides run throughout the riding season. The charities for many of the runs are stated in advance while others are selected prior to the Run and announced at the Run when you sign up. While the vast majority of Runs are day events, some are weekend events. Come out and join the fun. Now, for the legal stuff that we all hate but which we need to know. Last month I spoke to you about uninsured motorist coverage (“UM”) and underinsured motorist coverage (“UIM”) - which are the two most important coverages to any rider. I told you that you should never put your financial future in the other driver’s hands by trusting that he or she will have enough liability coverage to make you whole for your injuries. In fact, in these tough economic times, I am seeing more drivers who cause accidents having the bare minimum liability insurance required by law - $15,000.00 per occurrence and $30,000.00 per occurrence, or no insurance at all. Thus, I told you how important it is to get the most uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage that you can afford. In this

article I will give you a little bit more information about the specifics of these two essential coverages. First, the insurance industry will not sell you UM/ UIM coverage that exceeds your liability coverage. Stated differently, to increase your UM/UIM coverage you will have to increase your liability coverage to the same level. Unlike your auto coverage, the liability coverage on your bike is less than the cost of coverage for UM/UIM. Second, and also unlike your auto, you may want to consider purchasing single combined limit coverage for your motorcycle. The typical insurance policy provides “per person” and “per occurrence” coverage. Per person / per occurrence coverage does what it says it does, it provides coverage up to the stated amount for each person entitled to coverage but capped at the stated amount for each occurrence. To demonstrate this in real life terms, take your standard $100,000.00/$300,000.00 UM/UIM policy. If you have a passenger, both you and your passenger are entitled to recover up to the policy’s $100,000.00 per person limit. However, two problems arise. First, you would have paid for $300,000.00 in per occurrence coverage yet there is no way that you can have a third person on a bike unless you have a sidecar. Agents know this but never explain this to riders. Second, my experience is that seldom are both rider and passenger severely injured. In other words, it would be better to have the full “per occurrence” limit available rather than running into the artificial “per person”cap. It all comes down to how often you ride with a passenger compared against the levels of insurance offered by the insurance industry. I suggest that you get UM/UIM coverage of $250,000.00 / $500,000.00, with stacking if you have more than one motorcycle (or are lucky enough to have an insurer that will let you put your bike on the same policy with your cars). The only better coverage is to have a single combined limit UM/UIM coverage of $500,000.00 (the only insurance company I know of that offers UM/UIM coverage this high is Progressive), and again with stacking if applicable. Don’t wait until your policy renews. Check your policy now and fix it. See you on the road.

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What To Do With A Friend? Have you ever had the experience where you are so busy with life that you do not have time for a friend? I recently had a friend say that about me and it caused me to take a second look. It is amazing how things and obligations can flood into our lives that are constantly demanding our time. It is a hard thing to do but sometimes we must re-evaluate our priorities in order to make room for a friend. Jesus said “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, … for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”. We usually relate this teaching to money, but make no mistake about it, a great treasure in heaven will be our friends! It is a good thing to stop every now and then to evaluate where our heart is; for where our heart is there will be our treasure. For myself, I had to stop and re-polish an old treasured friendship. There is another friendship that sometimes gets neglected. The bible describes Him as the Friend that “sticks closer than a brother”. This treasured friendship needs a little re-polishing from time to time as well. Fortunately for us, He is always there at our invitation to lend a hand, for He is the “Friend that is closer than a brother”. Kevin (RevKev) Kohler Harrisburg Area Hog Chaplain Central Pa Black Sheep Director 717 439-6776 Everyone is welcome! Black Sheep Breakfast Saturday, July 10th, 8:00am at Crossroads Café, Come visit our Black Sheep tent at SVHD Anniversary party Thunder Roads Magazine 6

ABATE Rights Rally, 2010

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Noodle’s Tips For The Road Things not to do while driving, that I have observed! Putting on Make up Shaving, reading a book or newspaper. Checking Texts or emails. Responding to those texts or emails. Breast Feeding or mooning. Picking your nose or ear wax. That’s just plain gross and may make a car near you crash. And for goodness sake, NEVER let your dog on your lap. We know you love us, but really…how much control do you have of your car when you have a fluff ball squirming on your lap? My Mom always has me hooked in my seat. I can still stick my head out my window. NOT the Drivers. You should be ashamed! If you are a dog lover, then you will keep us safe. The life you save may be mine or some other innocent person or child. Focus on your driving !!!There are enough other crazies out there. Don’t be one of them!

A.B.A.T.E Of PA “What We Are Not” by Kevin Snyder, State Coordinator, A.B.A.T.E. of PA Over the past several weeks, I have received some correspondence and conversation that makes me want to talk about what A.B.A.T.E. of PA is, and what it is not. The realities of A.B.A.T.E. of PA are that it is a successful yet misunderstood part of the motorcycling community in Pennsylvania. We are the only organized voice representing motorcyclists in Harrisburg. No piece of motorcycle related legislation in Harrisburg goes unnoticed by us, and if we don’t support it, it isn’t going to pass. No one else does that. Not dealers or manufacturers. Not trail riders, sport bike riders, or touring riders. Not one group has committed the resources and effort that A.B.A.T.E. of PA has on behalf of the motorcycling community in Pennsylvania. At the same time, we are criticized for being “the helmet people”, or for not being diverse enough, or for partying too much. Which view is correct? It’s a little of all of that. A.B.A.T.E. of PA was indeed founded with one purpose in mind…modification of Pennsylvania’s helmet law. And it was founded by a bunch of rebels who rode Harleys, had a taste for beer, and wanted to be able to ride their motorcycles without the requirement of wearing a helmet. For twenty-five years, that purpose was the foremost thing on A.B.A.T.E. of PA’s collective mind. A lot of other good things were accomplished along the way, but we’d be lying if we said our Holy Grail wasn’t helmet law modification… On July 6, 2003, A.B.A.T.E. of PA’s world turned upside down at the stroke of a Governor’s pen. For the first time since 1968, experienced adult motorcyclists had the right to choose whether or not to use a helmet when riding. At that moment of triumph, A.B.A.T.E. of PA’s greatest crisis began. How to you improve on accomplishing the impossible? We think we’ve answered that. Since 2003, A.B.A.T.E. of PA has repurposed itself. We have become “the motorcycle people” in Harrisburg. We work closely with state agencies who wouldn’t give us the time of day when the helmet issue was in play. Legislators don’t introduce bills that would affect motorcycling before finding out where A.B.A.T.E. of PA stands on the issue. Are we still “the helmet people?” Well, Pennsylvania has a helmet law that we support and will resist any effort to change. If that makes us “the helmet people” then so be it. Are we diverse enough? We’ve never excluded anyone on purpose. Have we inadvertently caused some riders to feel excluded? Probably. Do we party too much? Probably. One part of me is bothered that the majority of our chapter meetings occur in bars. Then I think about the American Revolution that occurred more in taverns than churches and I don’t lose as much sleep. A.B.A.T.E. of PA does not and will never have a position on abortion or gun control, health care or campaign funding. We care about and work on motorcyclists issues. That is the only thing on our plate. A.B.A.T.E. of PA is not perfect. We have been at this long enough, however, to have earned the right not to apologize for ourselves to anyone. If you’re one of the 700,000 motorcyclists in Pennsylvania who are not politically active, we’d like you to reconsider. We’d like your help. For information on joining go to www.abatepa. org or call 717-731-8955.

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BIKE NIGHT at Quaker Steak And Lube

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Living A Dream Steel Horse Sales was started April1, 2006 in Ridgway, Pa. It was always a dream for Paul Lorfido to have his own Bike Shop. Having ridden since he was three and College wasn’t really his thing, he graduated High School on a Friday and started working at Dubois Harley Davidson on Monday. He went through much traing and perfected his craft. Unfortunately, Paul and seven of his friends were in a tragic car accident, July of ’03 ,which took the life of his Brother Bruno, and two friends Justin and Dave. The accident left Paul injured with a broken back and a year long recovery. The thoughts of going back to the Harley dealership which drove by the accident site everyday was more then he could bare. His Father, Bruno had an old horse barn and property that they turned into what is now Steel Horse Sales. Dad quit his job for awhile and they went to work transforming this area in to the shop, but also an Old western Town with a Saloon, Stage, and the like where they set up their big weekend bike event in July, as well as other events. Paul even builds custom bikes. He customized a bike in memory of his brother, that his Dad and other brother love to ride. This place has got it all. It is definitely a unique and fun place to visit. With hard work and a passion for what you do~it shows that you can live your dream! Steel Horse Sales is an authorized dealer for the following: Drag Specialties Parts Unlimited Hudson Leather Kuryakyn Bikers Choice Tucker Rocky V-Twin Western Power Sports Inc. RC Components Hot Toppers Absolute Powder Coating Car Mate Trailers Midwest Motorcycle Supply Neon Exposures Uni Steer Razor Graphics Contact Information Steel Horse Sales 452 Oknefski Rd, Ridgway PA 15853 Phone: 814.772.5002 Fax: 814.772.5001 Email: shs1@windstream.net

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Business Hours Monday – Saturday: 10:00am to 6:00pm Closed on Sunday but if the lights are on... Come on in! Certifications Certified Motorcycle Technicians PA Inspections Welcome to Steel Horse Sales! Come on in and check out all we have to offer. We are a motorcycle, accessory, and repair shop located in Ridgway PA. Steel Horse Sales also caries a full line of leather, boots, and apparel. We deal in motorcycles, custom choppers, street bikes, dirt bikes, off-road cycles, ATV’s and snow mobiles. Steel Horse Sales is an authorized dealer for Car Mate Trailers. Steel Horse Sales is truly a unique, one stop shop for all your cycle, accessory, parts, apparel, and trailer transporting needs. We have an outstanding service department and we can get any parts you need for whatever cycle you have whether it’s your Harley Davidson, Kawasaki, Yamaha, Suzuki, Honda, Ducati, etc. You name it… We can get it! Steel Horse Sales will service and repair any make or model motorcycle, offroad, ATV, UTV, etc. We also do digital wheel balancing, tire replacement, engines, tune-ups and much more. Stop in today for your PA State Inspection! Need to sell your bike? Call or stop by. Steel Horse Sales can help you sell your bike on our showroom floor under consignment. This provides you with great visibility and advertisement to sell your bike quickly. If you don’t want to take the time to sell, trade it in. We accept trade-ins! Store your motorcycle, ATV, etc with us! Storage costs is $35.00 per month and includes wash, wax, detail, tire pressure check and we maintain your battery to ensure it remains fully charged. Storage time is the perfect time to have accessories added, maintenance completed, etc., so when it’s time to ride your bike, it’s ready to hit the open road.

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ABATE Update

In Pennsylvania, all the bills that we are supporting are hung up with amendments, or tabled, or some other reason. We will have no lame duck session this year, and we are in the midst of yet another budget battle. I see that we may be looking at an omnibus transportation bill before the general elections. Time will tell as to how this works out for us. I will let you know more when information is available. The following bills are the ones that we hope to have passed before the general elections: HB-590 Red Light bill – for lights that don’t detect motorcycles or pedal cycles HB-1189 Landowner protection bill - for motorcycle safety program sites HB-2070 Texting/ Cell phone bill HB-2442 Four wheeled motorcycle bill – extra two rear stabilizer wheels All bills except HB-2070 are in the House of Representatives; HB-2070 passed the House and is now in the Senate. Call, write, or e-mail your Representative for HB-590, HB1189, and HB-2442 to ask for their support. For HB-2070, call, write, or e-mail your Senator to ask for their support. If you would like to be a part of making motorcycling safer and more enjoyable in Pennsylvania, come to an ABATE meeting. Become an active member, join us and you may have a little fun along the way. For information on an ABATE of PA chapter, meeting, or event in your area, go to our web site at abatepa.org. This is also an excellent site for up to date legislative information, and some great motorcycling products. Ride Safe and Sober, Tom Christofes, Jr. State Legislative Coordinator for ABATE of PA

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THUNDER ROADS FINGER LICKIN’ “Q” SAUCE 1/2 cup orange flavored olive oil or just add the juice of one orange to olive oil 1/4 cup lemon juice 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar 3/4 cup water 3/4 chopped onion 3 tablespoons light brown sugar 1 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons yellow prepared mustard 3/4 cup ketchup 2 tablespoons paprika Pinch garlic powder 3 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce Freshly ground black pepper Stir all ingredients together in a small saucepan. Bring to a simmer and cook until slightly thickened, about 10 minutes. The sauce will keep in the refrigerator, covered, for up to 2 weeks. Makes: 3 cups *Now, if some people don’t like a sweet sauce, they prefer a more vinegar-base one, so just cut back on or eliminate all-together the brown sugar. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Cut the racks of ribs in half crosswise. Rub ribs all over. especailly meathy side with sauce. Lay meat side down in an 11 by 13-inch baking dish. Cover tightly with aluminum foil and bake until the meat pulls away from bone; about 1 hour. * You can cook ribs the night before, bring to room temperature the next day as grill is heating up. Preheat an outdoor grill to medium-high heat. Grill the ribs, brushing them with about half the remaining sauce, until they’re crispy and heated through, about 10 minutes., Let the ribs rest for 5 to 10 minutes before cutting them into pieces. While you got the grill good and hot, after ribs done, push to one side and have some pre-boiled corn and lay it on the grill and brush with melted parsley butter or throw an aluminum foil pouch on the grill w/ sliced potatoes, butter and onions until tender. Lip Smackin’

THUNDER ROADS TRADITIONAL CREAMY COLESLAW 1 Bag of Pre-Chopped Coleslaw 1 Small Purple Onion; chopped medium 1+1/2 Cup of Real Mayo 3 Heaping Tbls. out of a bottle of pre-chopped Sweet or Dill Pickle Chunks (your preference) 1 tsp. Apple Cider Vinegar 1 Squeze of Fresh Lime Juice 3 Tbls. of Sugar Sprinkled Round the Bowl 1/2 Cup of Half & Half or Ceam Salt & Fresh Cracked Black Pepper to Taste Mix it all up, cover w/ Saran Wrap and just let it “sit” until ready to serve so it gets all creamy, but still has crunch. So Good! RED, WHITE & BLUE, PROUD AS CAN BE ALL-AMERICAN CUPCAKES 1 Box of Pillsbury Extra Moist Red Velvet Cake Mix Follow Directions to the “T” Be sure and spray your cupcake pans with butter cooking spray or use those little paper cupcake liners Take from oven, take out of pans, let cool and then frost them with one can of Pillsbury Cream Cheese Frosting. Simple enough? Add a drop of blue food coloring to frosting and then stick little plastic flags(buy at the dime store 20 for $2 bucks) on top of cupcakes and you’ve truly got a beautiful and All American delicious treat! Get you one of those huge-ass glass containers with the little spigots for serving up lemonade......makes like 2 gallons, mix up your favorite lemonade, Country Time or Crystal Lite, then add a full bottle of Blue Curacao, which is a liqueor that makes any drink a tropical delight and has a very mild liquor taste! Again, stick a white straw in it, a ripe strawberry floating on top and you’re ready for the party! Have a safe, but FUNtastic 4th of July and remember...... We Live In The Land Of The Free Because Of The Brave.

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Home Depot 25 Dutilh Rd. Cranberry Township, PA 16066 How to get there When you join hundreds of other motorcyclists for this scenic ride through the Pennsylvania countryside, you’ll have a great time while raising funds for the PBTF’s medical research and family support programs! Riders on all makes The Pittsburgh Ride for Kids® is a and models are welcome. great source of family support for Zach, 4, and his mom, Heidi.

Registration opens at 8 a.m. and closes at 9:45 a.m. The escorted ride starts at 10 a.m. sharp, rain or shine! The ride ends at Slippery Rock University. After a light lunch, participants will enjoy a Celebration of Life program that features interviews with young brain tumor survivors—the Ride for Kids® “stars” of the day. Award presentations to top fundraisers will follow. The minimum donation to ride is $35, but the more money you raise, the more premiums you earn. For each $300 you raise, your name will be entered into a drawing for a new Honda motorcycle, an AGV helmet, a Dunlop tire, and Tourmaster luggage. (Void where prohibited or restricted by law.) For more information, call 800-253-6530. If you’re unable to attend, send your registration form and donations to PBTF, 302 Ridgefield Ct., Asheville, NC 28806. Mark your form “Not Attending” to credit your ride and receive your premiums by mail. Read about the 2009 ride

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Gentlemen Motorcycle Club Dice Run

June 23-27

BIKE FEST 2010 Ebensburg, Pa

Ron Busswood Memorial Ride

June 24-27

July 17 Kids and Cancer Benefit Run Bradford, Pa


June 26

Cruising For A Cause and Car Show Reading, Pa Bandits Roadhouse Chicken BBQ Deck Party Live Band-3PM

Harley HOG Roast Washington, Pa

July 18 Rolling Thunder Chapter 3 Gino Merli center Scranton. Dedicated to Fallen Marine Lance Cpl. Larry Johnson who lost his life on Feb. 18 during combat operations in Helmand Province in Afghanistan July 23

Carlisle Bike Fest Carlisle , Pa

June 27

3rd Annual 109th Memorial Motorcycle Ride Hallstead, Pa

June 28

July 24

Bandits Roadhouse Poker Run Berwick, Pa

Ride for Multiple Sclerosis Poker Run Pittsburgh, Pa

August 7 Trooper Miller Memorial Ride.

Million Mile Monday Harrisburg, Pa

August 8

NEPA Friends of the Forgotten. more info at http://nepa.friendsoftheforgotten.org/

July 8-11

August 8

Gettysburg Bike Week Gettysburg, Pa

Pittsburgh Ride For Kids Cranberry Township, Pa

July 10

Ride To The River for Autism Poker Run Glenshaw, Pa

Wounded Warrior Run Jamestown, Pa

August 14

Tanelas Angel Ride Washington, Pa

Community Giving Motorcycle Ride Coatesville, Pa

July 11 Stephanie Jallen Paralympic Fund 4th Annual Motorcycle Run/Picnic www.stephaniejallen.org

August 26-29

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PA Rally On The River Northumberland, Pa

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News Bytes MYRTLE BEACH HELMET LAW OVERRULED The South Carolina Supreme Court unanimously ruled Myrtle Beach’s motorcycle helmet law is invalid because it conflicts with state law and said there is an overriding need for uniform laws across the state. In its ruling, issued June 8, 2010, the court invalidates not only the city’s helmet and eyewear requirement, but also overturned several other municipal ordinances that the city council enacted last year to discourage motorcyclists from attending bike rallies there. The high court decision was in response to a lawsuit filed on behalf of 49 riders who were ticketed during a helmet law protest ride on the first day of the new law, being represented by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) attorney Tom McGrath of Virginia. Testifying before the bench, McGrath argued that the ordinance was invalid because it pre-empted state law, which provides that anyone over the age of 21 is not required to wear a helmet. The S.C. Supreme Court agreed, adding that conflicting equipment requirements would “unduly limit a citizen’s freedom of movement” throughout the state; “Were local authorities allowed to enforce individual helmet ordinances, riders would need to familiarize themselves with the various ordinances in advance of a trip, so as to ensure compliance.” According to McGrath, the favorable ruling is important because it “sets a precedent by saying that cities, counties and towns cannot supersede state law. Where the state legislature has spoken on an issue, it’s the final word.” Although the ruling dealt specifically with the helmet-eyewear law, the court also found that the city impliedly repealed many of the new laws itself when it repealed its own administrative court ordinance after the court’s chief justices opined that the creation of a special courts system was unconstitutional. As a result, “All the civil ordinances got tossed because there is no administrative hearing process to resolve the citations,” explains McGrath. Only the ordinances involving misdemeanor violations remain in effect in Myrtle Beach, but those include an onerous exhaust ordinance that is far stricter than that enacted by the state legislature. Therefore, on Tuesday, June 15, The Law Offices of Tom McGrath filed suit on behalf of several plaintiffs including ABATE of South Carolina, asking the 15th Judicial Circuit Court to find the muffler ordinance to be unconstitutional and therefore invalid. A successful challenge could affect other cities enacting noise laws and exhaust requirements that are not in accordance with existing state laws. HELMETS STINK Helmet LAWS Suck, but new technology can make helmets smelly too! Helmet manufacturers inform buyers that they should replace their helmet every couple of years because miniscule cracks can develop over time rendering them structurally unsound, or to discard a helmet immediately if it is involved in an accident or even dropped. It’s sometimes difficult to determine with the naked eye when a helmet loses its effectiveness, but researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials in Germany have devel-

oped a way for your nose to tell when your lid has outlived its usefulness. When your helmet is getting past its prime, it will start to smell. If it develops any large cracks... well, your nose knows. The secret lies in odoriferous oils, enclosed in formaldehyde resin microcapsules. These microcapsules are in turn added to liquid polypropylene, which is injection-molded to form the shell of the helmet. When the shell breaks, the capsules rupture, and stinking ensues. The Fraunhofer researchers used a computer simulation to calculate the number of capsules needed, then used mechanical testing to check that they would rupture shortly before complete structural failure. “Smell detection is already in use for coated metal components. We are applying the process for the first time to polymer materials,” stated Fraunhofer’s Dr.-Ing. Christof Koplin. “The cycle helmet is being used as a demonstrator. Work on the capsules has finished and we are now completing characterizing tests on individual configurations.” Possible other applications could include pressure hoses, and water and gas pipes. U.S. DEFENDERS ASK JUDGE TO SEND MANSLAUGHTER CASE TO TRIAL A state district judge in Texas has rejected a plea bargain that would have placed a blind woman on deferred probation in the traffic death of motorcyclist. Judge Ralph Strother of Waco’s 19th State District Court refused to accept the plea deal in a felony manslaughter case that involves a vision-impaired 39-year-old who was driving without a license and was cited at least twice before for the same offense. The U.S. Defenders, a politically-active arm of the Confederation of Clubs, conducted a “Call to Action” and Judge Strother’s office was inundated with 1,200 letters from motorcycle enthusiasts who urged him not to accept the prosecutor’s recommended plea deal. Trena Evette Mitchell, who is legally blind and had four children in her car when she turned in front of Richard Craig Schroeder’s motorcycle last December as he was returning from a toy run, withdrew her guilty plea and her case is now set to go to trial in mid-August. Mitchell had been scheduled for sentencing in late July, but the judge moved up her case after more than a thousand motorcyclists said they would ride to the courthouse to show support for Schroeder, known as “Hat Trick” to his biker friends. “Last year we worked with the legislature to net a minimum fine for those who injure or kill an innocent party by encroaching on their right of way,” said Sputnik, State Chair for the Texas Motorcycle Rights Association (TMRA-2) and Chairman of the National Coalition of Motorcyclists’ Legislative Task Force (NCOM-LTF). “We did not receive a single no vote in the House or Senate on SB 1967. Unfortunately we did not take into consideration a Plea Bargain where they could be given adjudication and end up not being found guilty. It is apparent that we shall have to return to the bill’s sponsor Senator Carona and reconstruct SB 1967 during the upcoming session to make allowances for such an occurrence.” ABATE OF FLORIDA RECEIVES STATE FUNDING FOR

News Bytes MOTORCYCLE SAFETY As Florida Governor Charlie Crist signed the 2010-2011 Florida Budget (HB 5001) into law on May 28, ABATE of Florida will receive a quarter of a million dollars specifically to promote motorcycle safety and awareness. “The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles recognized ABATE of Florida for our continuing work attempting to make the roadways of Florida safer for all motorcyclists,” said James “Doc” Reichenbach II, President of ABATE of Florida, Inc., and Chairman of the NCOM Board of Directors in a prepared statement. The exact wording from the state budget’s “CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND” reads; “From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2735, nonrecurring funds in the amount of $250,000 are for the purpose of promoting motorcycle safety awareness through public information and educational campaigns. These funds are provided to the American Bikers Aiming Toward Education of Florida, Inc.” This is not the first time that ABATE of Florida has received state funding from the DHSMV. Over the last few years, the state government has recognized ABATE’s valuable Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Program (MSAP) for saving lives of motorcyclists statewide. ABATE’s MSAP program has been presented to local civic groups, schools and public events by 32 ABATE chapters statewide, and an independent audit is provided to ensure that the funds are utilized to enhance motorcycle safety education. SURVEY REVEALS MOTORCYCLE SAFETY PRACTICES Consumer Report’s latest survey reveals the safety habits of motorcycle and scooter owners across the U.S. A little over half of more than 1,300 respondents said they had taken a formal riding instruction course. Nearly 1 in 4 said they don’t always wear a helmet when they ride. Half of the respondents reported regularly wearing protective boots, and less than half said they regularly wear gloves. About 25% said they always wear a leather, or other protective jacket when riding. Fewer than 10% always wear protective pants or clothing in high-visibility colors. Three out of five riders admitted to riding in a short-sleeved shirt, and about a quarter said they rode in shorts. MOTORCYCLE-ONLY CHECKPOINTS CHALLENGED Since 2007, the New York State Police, along with other county and local police departments, have been conducting motorcycle-only police checkpoints on the roadways of New York State, often targeting major motorcycle events. Authorities claim that the purpose of these stops, at which they issue numerous tickets for helmet and exhaust pipe violations, is to advance motorcycle safety. “Being a motorcycle rider myself, as well as the Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) Attorney for New York State, I was asked by ABATE of New York to contest this infringement on the rights of motorcyclists,” said Mitch Proner, who then advised the State Police and municipal authorities of his intent to file suit on behalf of ABATE and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists if the discriminatory roadblocks continued. “My letter was

ignored and consequently, with the help of then-President of ABATE, Robert “Prospector” Boellner, I found class representatives to bring my action against the New York State Police as well as the other municipal agencies and elected officials participating in these stops,” explains Proner. In the first lawsuit of its kind in the United States, the NYC law firm of Proner and Proner is challenging the constitutionality of this unwarranted police action on First, Fourth, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment grounds in the Federal Court for Northern District of New York. “The United States Supreme Court has long recognized that when a motorist is stopped on the roadway, there is a ‘seizure’ under the Constitution,” Proner notes, adding that “Whether or not this ‘seizure’ is unconstitutional depends on whether or not objective facts indicate that society’s legitimate interests warrant the seizure and the degree to which it intrudes on the individual’s personal liberties.” Although the lawsuit is still in the discovery stages, internal memorandum which police have been forced to disclose as result of the lawsuit indicate that members of the NYS gang unit are assigned to work the checkpoints and Proner thinks the Court will agree that the stops are designed primarily for law enforcement purposes as opposed to public safety purposes. “Rather than promoting any legitimate public safety concern, the checkpoints are intended to harass and intimidate motorcyclists attempting to attend motorcycle events thereby depriving them of their First Amendment right to freedom of assembly as well as their Fourth, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment rights to due process, equal protection and freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures” he concludes. WEIRD NEWS: WOMAN FINED FOR “NOT HAVING A CLEAR FIELD OF VISION” A woman driver wearing an Islamic face veil was ticketed by French traffic police for not having a clear field of vision. The 31-year-old French citizen was fined euro22 ($29) in early April based on a rule that says drivers should have freedom of movement and a sufficient field of vision, her lawyer Jean-Michel Pollono said. Pollono told reporters that he is protesting the decision, saying a veil is no different from a motorcycle helmet in terms of hindrance to vision; “If the veil is forbidden behind the wheel…then full helmets for motorcyclists should be banned, because you can’t see on the sides.” Following months of parliamentary discussion and government talk about banning veils in public, the case has escalated in the media spotlight. The woman’s husband has since been accused of polygamy and fraudulently benefiting from state financial aid for single parents paid to each of his four wives -- all of whom wear veils. QUOTABLE QUOTE: “Patriotism is easy to understand in America; it means looking out for yourself by looking out for your country.” Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933), Thirteenth President of the United States

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Lancaster Harley Davidson www.lancasterhd.com 308 Beaver Valley Pike Willow St, Pa 17584 717-464-2703

Maxtel Design Pittsburgh, Pa info@maxtelecomm.com www.maxtelecomm.com

Old Glory Motorcycle 820 Hershey Ave Lancaster, Pa 17603 717-509-8463 Oldglorymotorc@yahoo.com Freebyrd Custom Motorcycles 2515 Delta Rd Brogue, Pa 17309 FreebyrdCustomMotorcycles.com Motor-Vation Victory Kawasaki 7042 Wertzville Rd Mechanicsburg, Pa 17050 717-795-8604 www. motor-vation.com sales@motor-vation.com Hellion Custom Cycles 6384 Brady Lane Mecanicsburg, Pa 717-766-1414 Schaeffer Harley Davidson 1123 Brick Hill Road Orwigsburg, Pa 17961 570-366-0143 www.schaefferhd.com


Tom Roe Photography tomroe.photography@yahoo.com Heavy Metal Photography Personalized and Custom Photography Steve Keefer www.heavymetalphoto.com Steve@heavymetalphoto.com


C.R. Lapp’s Family Restaurant 101 Fite Way Quarryville, Pa 17566 717-786-1768 www.crlappsfamilyrestaurant.com


The Rawlinsville Hotel Drytown Road Rawlinsville, Pa 717-284-3244

Steven Stambaugh 717-846-1400 2121 S. Queen St York, Pa 17403 Stambaugh-Law.com

Bandits Roadhouse Bar and Grill 1922 W. Front St. Berwick, Pa 18603 bandits-roadhouse.com 570-752-2313

INSURANCE TATTOO GEICO Local Office 3350 B Paxton St Harrisburg, Pa 717-232-3040 York 717-699-0001 Lancaster 717-GO GEICO

Atom Age Tattoo Shop 5007 Carlisle Pike Mechanicsburg, Pa 975-0690 www.atomagetattoo.com



Arc Electric 717-397-4306 www.arcelectricpa.com Eller Construction 83 Hill Road Kirkwood, Pa 717-529-1985

Glenn’s Auto Repair 2218 Beaver Valley Pike New Providence, Pa 17560

Thunder Roads Magazine 24

APPAREL MM Leathers Online.com Rte 30 Greensburg, Pa 724-637-4136 Ozark Biker Shop 877-735-1377 www.RealBikers.com dave@realbikers.com Dr. Tom’s Leather & Fireworks 2870 Susquehanna Trail Routes 11 & 15 717-503-2254 www.drtomsleather.com UNIQUE CYCLE Supply LLC 426 Lincoln Hwy West New Oxford, Pa 17350 SERVICES Amerigreen 100% American Fuel Oursoilouroil.com 888-423-8357 Amsoil Chris Parrow A-1 SYNTHETICS 10141 Bell Inn Lane Ellicott City ,MD 21042 Phone-410-461-4490 Murphy’s Iron horse Detailing 107A Martha Ave Rheems, Pa 17570 ironhorsedetailing@yahoo.com Old School Motorcycle Transport 570-864-0901 oldschoolmotorcycletransport.com NOTARIES Marietta Notary 40 Old Colebrook Rd Marietta, Pa 17547 717-426-1793 mariettanotary.com mariettanotary@aol.com CAMPGROUNDS Steel Steeds Motorcycle Campground 1095 State Highway 405 Milton, PA 17847 (570) 524-9433 Cell (570) 939-0484 SteelSteeds@gmail.com http://www.steelsteedscamp.com/ PA Rally on River www.PARallyOnTheRiver.com Northumberland, Pa


Thunder Roads Magazine 25

Yes, we’ve run this joke a few times before, but please indulge us as it’s just too good not to run every now and again. Enjoy! Two little Southern girls were sitting on the front of a grand, plantation-style Georgia home. One was excessively rich, the other humble and poor. The one little rich girl opens her arms wide as she sits in her perfect hand-sewn, imported silk dress and exclaims, “my Daddy owns all this land.....as far as the eye can see, and then thousands of miles even after that”. The other little girl, sitting and rocking away in her chair in her rolled up bib overalls and tattered tee-shirt calmly replies, “that’s nice”. To which the little rich girl points her finger at the nearby 3-story garage and says, “my Daddy owns some of the finest automobiles, both new and antique, worth millions of dollars”. The other little girl replies, “my Daddy owns an old motorcycle, but your Daddy ownin’ all them cars.....that’s nice”. Then the little rich girl says, “do you see those stables, my Daddy owns most of the finest racing horses and breeding horses known to man. The other little girl says, “we tried to buy a pony once but they wanted too much, but the fact your Daddy owns all them horses, that’s nice”. The one little rich girl is getting really upset that the poor girl is taking everything in stride so she declares, “My Daddy sent me to Charm School and I was taught manners and etiquette by the world’s most charming, aristocratic women”. The other little girl says, “that’s nice, My Daddy scaped together almost 6 months worth of savings and I went to Charm School myself. The little rich girl bout’ chokes as she sputters out, “Oh, really, and what prey tell did they teach the likes of you in Charm School?” and the little poor girl stares directly in the rich girl’s eyes and casually replied, “they taught me how to say “that’s nice” instead of F*#* You!”. Musings of an old biker. Read and Learn: When you’re riding lead, don’t spit. Four wheels move the body. Two wheels move the soul. If you don’t ride in the rain, you don’t ride. Never sell a motorcycle - it is a part of you. Just buy more. Life may begin at 30, but it doesn’t get real interesting until about 120 mph. You start the game of life with a full pot of luck and an empty pot of experience. The object is to fill the pot of experience before you empty the pot of luck. If you wait, all that happens is that you get older. Saddlebags can never hold everything you want, but they CAN hold everything you need. The only good view of a thunderstorm is in your rear view mirror Don’t ride so late into the night that you sleep through the sunrise. Never do less than forty miles before breakfast. Sometimes it takes a whole tank of fuel before you can think straight In the time it takes to play 18 holes, I can be 500 miles away. Never hesitate to ride past the last street light at the edge of town. You will always get to keep your motorcycle in a divorce. One bike on the road is worth two in the garage.

Young riders pick a destination and go. Old riders pick a direction and go. Whatever it is, it’s better to do it in the wind. Two-lane blacktop isn’t a highway, it’s an attitude. People are like motorcycles; each is customized a bit differently. The best alarm clock is sunshine on chrome. A friend is someone who’ll get out of bed at 2 am to drive his pickup to the middle of nowhere to get you when you’re broken down. Catching a yellow jacket in your shirt at 70 mph can double your vocabulary. There’s something ugly about a new bike on a new trailer. A long ride can clear your mind, restore your faith and use up a lot of fuel. If you can’t get it going with bungee cords, wire and electrician’s tape, it’s serious. Never try to race an old geezer, he may have one more gear than you. God does not subtract from my life the time you spend riding. Gray-haired riders don’t get that way from pure luck. Bikes parked out front mean good chicken-fried steak inside. You can forget what you do for a living when your knees are in the breeze. Only a biker knows why a dog sticks his head out the car window. Don’t argue with an 18-wheeler (just go faster). Don’t lead the pack if you don’t know where you’re going. I never ride faster than my guardian Angel can fly. Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. The kids filed back into class Monday morning. They were all very excited to relay the results from their assignment. Their weekend assignment was to sell something, then give a talk on productive salesmanship. Little Sally led off: “I sold girl scout cookies and I made $30,” she said proudly, “My sales approach was to appeal to the customer’s civil spirit and I credit that approach for my obvious success.”“Very good,” said the teacher. Little Jenny was next: “I sold magazines,” she said, “I made $45 and I explained to everyone that magazines would keep them up on current events.” “Very good, Jenny,” said the teacher. Inevitably, it was Little Johnny’s turn. The teacher could only sigh and held her breath ...Little Johnny walked to the front of the classroom and dumped a box full of cash on the teacher’s desk. “$2,467,” he said.”$2,467!” cried the teacher, “What in the world were you selling?” “Toothbrushes,” said Little Johnny. “Toothbrushes!” echoed the teacher, “How could you possibly sell enough toothbrushes to make that much money?” “I found the busiest corner in town,” said Little Johnny, “I set up a Dip & Chip stand and gave everybody who walked by a free sample.” They all said the same thing, “Hey, this dip tastes like dog shit!” Then I would say, “It is dog shit…wanna’ buy a toothbrush?” “I used the governmental approach of giving you something shitty for free, and then making you pay to get the shitty taste out of your mouth.”

Thunder Roads Magazine 26

DENNIS HOPPER 5/17/1936 to 5/29/2010 WE WILL MISS YOU Laid to Rest in a Simple Native American Burial For those of you not familiar…go get the movie “EASY RIDER”! He directed and starred in Easy Rider in 1969. Easy Rider became a symbol of the 1960’s, With the counterculture heros raising their middle fingers to the uptight middle class hypocrisies. A movie about freedom, and anti establishment rebellion. It tells a story of two Bikers who travel through the American SouthWest in the hopes of achieving freedom. R.I.P

’s Going To Be

’s Bikes There

Where There




2 JULY 2010 2 ISSUE


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Stephanie It’s that time of year again when we at Stephanie Jallen Paralympics Fund are gearing up for another great ride and party. So many things to do and take care of, passing out fliers, checking with police and fire departments and making sure all of our volunteers are ready. It takes a small army to pull of a successful event every year and make sure everyone wants to keep coming back. There is no other event that I am as proud to be involved in than Stephanie’s because of all the people who come together to make it a success. There are people from all walks of life, lawyers, doctors, bartenders, car dealers, TV and radio personalities, sports mascots, and truck drivers who volunteer every second they can to make this happen. A lot of these people never knew each other before or see each other anywhere else except to come together for this amazing young lady. For those who doesn’t know about Stephanie Jallen she is amazing young lady who was born with a rare physical disability known as CHILD syndrome. She was born with an underdeveloped left arm and left leg which was amputated as an infant. She is training as a downhill skier in hopes of making it to Russia in 2014 for the Paralympics as a member of the U.S. Disabled Ski Team. Go to www.stephaniejallen.org to learn more about her dreams and accomplishments. Any way, back to the story about the small army of volunteers. There are people who stand and cook over the grills all day. Some volunteer to work a ticket booth and even more walking around selling 50/50 tickets and instant bingo. A lot of these same volunteers are there the day before setting up and preparing as much as they can. When I yield the lead of a pack of 250+ bike to Stephanie to take them into the Holy Child Fair ground you can hear the roar of the crowd as they know the guest of honor has arrived. Then that Army of Volunteers take over in making sure it the runs as smooth as possible. The Hidden Drive band is starting play. While the food and refreshment lines are forming people are seen browsing the gift baskets looking for that special basket.

Stephanie is seen the whole day shaking hands, giving hugs to everyone, some people she sees once a year, others she has never met before. It doesn’t matter she thanks everyone for supporting her dream. Another group of volunteers is seen setting up for the bike games that take place between the bands playing. Water balloon fights break out, usually started by Stephanie, soaking one of her friends. Well I see it’s happened again... I get on a roll talking about this amazing young lady and I can’t stop, A short story turns into an editorial. Well one thing for is certain, Stephanie doesn’t want anyone to sit and feel sorry for her, She would rather have them help celebrate the amazing things she has been able to accomplish. Her motto is “It’s not can or can’t It’s do or don’t”. So “ do” come out on July 11 and meet this amazing young lady. I would bet she will steal your heart like she stole mine. Bikerdave

Thunder Roads Magazine 29

is built for that use. A good long lasting motor will usually not have a stroke longer than 4.625, any longer is pretty hard on the lower end and often results in more frequent teardowns. A good size for an Evo built for touring is 106”. We have built a lot of these and they have racked up thousands of trouble Harley Hop-Up by Kirby Apathy free miles. Twin Cams can be built all the way up to 124” as their This month lets focus on different lower ends are pretty much bullet proof. This is mostly because of their larger (1.5”) 20 ton press fit crankpin and larger motor combinawrist pins. tions. Yes, size One of my most important recommendations for Twin Cam does matter! owners, whether your motor is stock or built, is an S&S Gear There is no subDrive for the Cams (other cam companies make cams for stitute for cubic inches, for exam- a gear drive setup, but the actual gear drive must be purple, you can make chased from S&S as they have the patent). The stock cam a small motor fast chains and tensioner are the big weak link in the design of the Twin Cam. This change can be pricey but is well worth it enough to beat a in the long run. poorly planned big cubic inch motor, but a well-planned big When increasing cubic inches on fuel-injected motors, a motor will always beat a well-planned small motor. Upping cubic inches is achieved by increasing bore size or power commander and capable tuner are required to get the bike set up properly. lengthening the stroke. On Twin Cam motors increasing disChart of the different motor combinations. placement is very easy, by simply boring the cylinders from You can contact Kirby Apathy at veetwin@bluemarble.net 3.750” to 3.875”, going from 88” to 95”. On the 2007 96”ers with the longer stroke the process is the same going from the . Kirby is the owner of Vee Twin Performance 5810 W. SR 46 in Bloomington, IN 812-876-0155 See his ad in this issue 96” to 103”. Just a note, save some money by having your cylinders bored rather than buying S.E.Cylinders as they are and find him on the web at: www.veetwinperformance.com the same part except the S.E.Cylinders were bored at the factory. This is also true for pumping up your 883 to a 1200. Now, for you Evo, Shovel and Panhead owners, increased displacement takes a little more work. To bore one of these older models the engine has to be completely disassembled because the spigot holes in the cases need to be bored to accommodate the larger cylinders. Another option for the increasing cubic inches is to stroke them. To stroke an earlier motor complete engine disassembly is also required, installing stroker flywheels (flywheels with a crank pin position lowered) this increases the stroke of the pistons therefore increasing the cubic inches. According to what you are looking to achieve, you may choose to just bore or just stroke. A stroked engine will have a lot more torque, where a bore only motor will have the ability to rev quicker with higher horsepower. Most people will do both bore and stroke to achieve a bigger overall motor with more horsepower and torque. Anther option some riders are opting for is to buy an after market larger “Crate motor” and just shelving their stock motor. This option is a lot easier in many cases but it can also be more expensive and I believe you can achieve an engine to better suit your needs by building your current motor. This is unless you want to go bigger than your cases will allow. A twin cam can be built to 124” and an Evo or Shovels as big as 119” (although I wouldn’t recommend it for street use!). The bigger Twin Cams are a lot more suitable for longevity of general street and touring where as the bigger Evo’s and Shovels are more for blasting around town. That is not to say that a well built big inch Evo would not be good for touring if it

Tech Tips

Thunder Roads Magazine 30



Thunder Roads Magazine 31

Did You Miss The Big Grand Reopening! A big Grand Re-opening event was held at Iron Valley Harley Davidson to announce their major expansion. Joe and Donna White, owners of Iron Valley and White’s Harley Davidson, just completed an extensive expansion of their dealership. Over 10,000square feet were added. Along with their daughters Amber and Darcy, they opened their doors to share with all. Larry Hund, President and Chief Operating Officer was on hand to meet and greet and answer any questions. This was quite a treat, because this doesn’t happen often that an executive attends this sort of function. You were getting the right answers! It was a great day, with test rides. One taken by our very own Paul Yeater on his dream bike, The Ultra Classic. A lot of Freebies handed out to commemorate the festivities, live entertainment, door prizes and lots of food vendors. There were other vendors in attendance. Anything from tattooing and jewelry to Heavy Metal photography and Insurance Companies on site. A great time was had by all. If you missed it, you missed something special. Best part was the Birthday Cake! Stop by and check it out. 3091 Lebanon Rd. Manheim, Pa. It’s a fun ride and worth the trip!

Thunder Roads Magazine 32

Thunder Roads Magazine 33

Thunder Roads Magazine 34

WHERE IS THIS? Winners for June: Where is T Burk? 1) Alan Feldman-York, Pa 2) Michele Bezdecki 3) Edward Longazel-Green Lane, Pa

Guess where T Burk is for the Month of July and you could win a Thunder Roads T shirt and koozie. First three correct guesses win! You could be just like John Dull and guess correctly and still not get a Tshirt.

Thunder Roads Magazine 35

rolling thunder XXIII

by Flashpoint

On a very hot Washington, DC weekend Rolling Thunder XXlll took place. Thousands of motorcycles from all over the United States rolled into Washington, Dc to pay honor and respect to all veterans from past and present and yes those who had served and are serving this grand country of ours. With a new administration in our nation’s capitol the 3-day event started with a vigil Friday night. The memorial actually consisted of thee different elements - the three soldier’s statue, the Vietnam Women’s Memorial and the Vietnam Veterans memorial Wall. Rolling Thunder Co-Founder Sgt Artie Muller who is the National Executive Director of Rolling Thunder Inc, along with National President Gary Scheffmeyer along with chapter presidents from across the U.S. visited patients in the Washington, DC Walter Reed Medical Center to see the wounded veterans there, many recently from service in lraq and Afghanistan. On the mall long lines of solemn visitors made the pilgrimage to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall to find and touch the carved names of those they knew and loved. lt took a lot to get the courage up to come down here one veteran said. Over 200,000 riders strong participated in the event on Sunday morning leaving the Pentagon parking lot across the Memorial Bridge with flags waving, fists in the air and cheers from the awaiting crowds lined on each side of the Memorial Bridge into downtown Washington, DC. Rolling Thunder has 80 chapters in the U.S. and abroad. lt’s very emotional, said Rick Davis who was a combat veteran from Virginia, who recently came back from a tour in Afghanistan. “When you see all these people paying respect to all of us who are serving and those who served and paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom, it brings tears to your eyes and you can feel a pride deep inside,” he said. Motorcycle groups such as the Vietnam Vets MlC, Nam Knights, the Guardian Knights MlC, Leathernecks M/C, U.S. Military Vets, American legion Riders Club and other organizations roared past the lone U.S. Marine Staff Sergeant Tim Chambers who stood at attention and saluted everyone of the patriots who rode past him to Constitution Avenue. Since L987, the annual Rolling Thunder has taken place here. lt began as an extensive bombing campaign over Vietnam. When you hear the roaring of so many motorcycles it sounds like 852’s flying overhead, like the roar of a lot of Harleys and other types of motorcycles. The central issues in Rolling Thunder’s agenda are calling on the U.S. Government to account for American POWs and MlAs from all wars and support for veterans who have returned, currently maintaining quality health care for American veterans in the shadow of the administration’s budget cuts is a priority. lt took over 4 hours for all the motorcycles to roar into DC, sometimes longer. At about 1:30 even though all the bikes hadn’t reached the National Mall, activities on stage set up between the Reflecting Pool and the Lincoln Memorial got underway with a musical tribute by Gordon Painter, Rolling Thunder National, the Presentation of Colors by Rolling Thunder Virginia 3 and Rolling Thunder National, and the National Anthem sung by Jane Sutton and Jessie Hansley, Rolling Thunder North Carolina 5, as the Gold Star Mothers and the wounded soldiers from Walter Reed and other dignitaries looked on. The Invocation was made by Chaplain Tom Ransdell, Rolling Thunder Indiana 1. Master of Ceremonies was Michael DePaulo, Rolling Thunder National. Then Rolling Thunder North Carolina 5 presented Gerald McCullar in a POW bamboo cage. Rolling Thunden is a non-profit organization who volunteer at local VA hospitals nationwide as well as providing moral support to military families and help provide services to them and moral support to nursing homes for veterans and patients suffering from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Rolling Thunder educates the public about American service personnel left behind after all previous wars. POW/MlAs in the past have received assistance from these programs. They help to correct the past as best as possible and to protect future veterans so they are not forgotten . ln 2OO7 Rolling Thunder started providing financial aid, food and clothing and other needs for all veterans, the homeless veterans and families in need. For further info call #908-359-5439 or visit www.rollingthunderl.com. Thunder Roads Magazine 36


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The biggest biker event to hit the area in years, if not ever, is coming to Frederick, MD Sunday, August 1st. Outlaw Jam is an all day (11am – 9:30pm) biker music and event festival at the Frederick County Fairgrounds. An impressive line-up of musical artists are scheduled to perform including the all original line-up of Bad Company, Blue Oyster Cult, Candlebox, Black Stone Cherry and the Nighthawks with special guest blues guitarist Bob Margolin. Their appearance at Outlaw Jam represents Bad Company’s first performance in the Mid-Atlantic area in about ten years. Celebrity appearances include the two main stars of the hit FX network series Sons of Anarchy. Katey Sagal (Gemma) and Charlie Hunnam (Jax) will be at Outlaw Jam signing autographs and taking photos during the afternoon. Maybe they’ll give a little insight into episodes that they are now filming for the upcoming season. Outlaw Jam will also have custom car and bike exhibits, great food, a by invitation only Ms. Outlaw Jam bikini contest that is sure to excite, and other stuff to keep you entertained during what is sure to be a memorable day. This is the first what is hoped to become an annual event, so come out and support the show so we have another one to look forward to next year. Another exciting component of the show is the organized rides day of the event from a number of Harley Davidson dealers

plus Cancun Cantina in Hanover, Cancun Cantina West in Hagerstown and Bamboo Bernie’s in Pasadena. Each participating HD dealer and nightclub has a limited number specially priced tickets and ride registrations. These are the lowest priced tickets available anywhere. The rides will launch morning of the event and grant you access to special inside the venue grounds parking for your bike. Check with the list of participating dealers below for ticket and ride info: Participating HD dealers confirmed at this time include: Maryland: Harley Davidson of Frederick, Frederick Chesapeake Harley Davidson, Darlington Old Glory Harley Davidson, Laurel Harley Davidson of Maryland, Elkridge Harley Davidson of Washington DC, Ft. Washington Harley Davidson of Baltimore, Baltimore Harley Davidson of Annapolis, Annapolis Pennsylvania: Laugerman’s, York Virginia Patriot Harley Davidson, Fairfax Grove’s Harley Davidson, Winchester Additional dealers are expected to participate but were not confirmed at press time. For all the current info on Outlaw Jam, go to www.outlawjam.com.

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Why I Ride………… I got into riding motorcycles at a fairly young age. I had much older sisters who seemed to all have husbands or boyfriends who had bikes, so naturally…so did I. Unfortunately the turn of events for me, with the death of my fiancé (Joe) passing away left me heart broken, lost, and without my ride. I was devastated…by so much loss. But I thought back to the days of sitting on the back and remembering that it was Joe that really got me into bikes, after all, I had dreams of riding his for months after he passed. Like he was trying to teach me, not only to ride, but to go on with life and be brave…so I did just that. I signed up at the local college for the rider safety course and away I went. I got my first bike the day I passed the test. It was a Suzuki Intruder, it was red metallic flake and I thought I was so cool. I loved that bike and rode it for a few years until it was time to step up to something a little larger, I got a Suzuki Volusia this time, with saddle bags and a much larger tank. I have had that about 5 years now and once again I am feeling the itch to upgrade. So I guess the reason I ride… is that it brings so much to my life. It brings back Joe, if just for a moment. It brings me peace to know that I will always have that, no matter where life takes me. I can always enjoy my getaways from the craziness of life and go for a scoot and be one with the wind and the sky and always,… always have my angel riding with me. Julia Haas NEPA

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Independence Day 4th Of July

In the United States, commonly known as the fourth of July it is a Federal Holiday commemorating the adoption of the Declaration Of Independence on July 4, 1776. It is where they declared their Independence from the Kingdom Of Great Britain. It is commonly associated with fireworks, parades, BBQ’s, Fairs and picnics and the like, but whatever festivity you enjoy on that day, let us not for one second forget all who have fought and died for that freedom and what our flag stands for! Thunder Roads Magazine 42


News for Immediate Release May 18, 2010 PennDOT Reminds Drivers to Share Road with Motorcycles Harrisburg – With Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month in full gear across Pennsylvania, PennDOT today reminded all drivers to share the road and watch for motorcycles. “Warmer weather brings an increase in motorcycle traffic, and it is essential for operators of all types of vehicles to look out for one another,” said PennDOT Secretary Allen D. Biehler, P.E. “Driving in a courteous manner, curbing aggressive behavior, and obeying the law are positive ways motorists and motorcyclists can safely share the road.” There were more than 3,700 crashes involving motorcycles on Pennsylvania roadways in 2009, resulting in 204 motorcyclist fatalities. The number of registered motorcycles in Pennsylvania increased in 2009 by nearly 3,000, while the number of licensed motorcyclists rose by 12,000. By virtue of their smaller size and differences in maneuverability, motorcycles present unique challenges to cyclists and other drivers. Motorcycles are often hidden in a motorist’s blind spot or masked by objects or backgrounds outside a vehicle. For that reason, motorists should double-check blind spots, and rearview and side mirrors before changing lanes or making turns. • • • • • •

While sharing the road with motorcycles, motorists should also remember to: Respect a motorcycle as a full-size vehicle, and remember the motorcyclist has the same privileges as any motorist on the roadway. Always allow a motorcyclist the full-lane width – never try to share a lane. Keep your distance and allow extra space between your vehicle and the motorcycle. Always signal your intentions before changing lanes or merging with traffic. Remember, road and weather conditions that typically are minor annoyances to motorists may pose major hazards to motorcyclists.

“No matter what type of vehicle you drive, we all must take personal responsibility to ensure everyone’s safety on the roadways,” Biehler added. Additional safety tips for motorists sharing the road with motorcycles are available on PennDOT’s website, www.DriveSafePA.org, under the Traffic Safety Information Center. Motorcyclists can find additional safety tips and much more by visiting the interactive website, www.LiveFreeRideAlive.com. Media contacts: Craig Yetter, 717-705-1092; or Danielle E. Klinger, 717-787-0485 Thunder Roads Magazine 43

On A Wing And A Prayer Forgive? What for… Most people have gone through some bad experiences in life. It might have been a war, a divorce, a bad job, or being treated badly by a loved one—just to name a few. When bad things happen to us, we have a choice to forgive or harbor a grudge. If you choose to forgive, you have done yourself a great favor. If you have not forgiven those who have hurt you, a door can be opened causing sickness, bitterness, arthritis, etc. If you are a Christian, Jesus said in Matthew 6:14-15, “for if you forgive men their trespasses your heavenly father will forgive you; but if you forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your father forgive your trespasses.” Two things happen when we don’t forgive: First: You will have a guilty conscience and the result will be anger, bitterness, resentment, fear, emotional and even physical illness. Second: You lose your peace. Many times you won’t sleep good or when you are awake you constantly think about what happened to you. I want to share with you some steps to forgiveness. First: You must choose to forgive that person or persons for what they have done. Forgiveness starts with a simple decision to obey God and forgive those who have hurt us. Ephesians 4:32 says, “and be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving each other just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” In Matthew 18:35 Jesus made it clear that when we forgive, it must be from the heart. What does that mean? It means we can’t hold back or keep any resentment towards that person. We must forgive whole-heartedly. You might be thinking—but what about the way I feel? It is not about how you feel; it starts with a decision. The decision is to do what God’s word says. Choose to forgive from your heart and God will do the rest. The devil will always try bringing up the feelings of resentment after you have forgiven, but you must stand firm. When the thought comes into your mind, refuse to think about it anymore. Thank God and be happy that you did what God wanted you to do. Your emotions can’t stand up very long against a thankful heart and a joyful spirit. I Thessalonians 5:15 says, “make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else.” Second: You must confess your sin to God. You might be thinking that they were the ones who did wrong, not me. If you have not forgiven, then you have sin in your heart. When you don’t forgive you have gone against God and His word. When Jesus was hanging on the cross at Calvary, for our sins, He said to God, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” That is forgiveness. The ones who beat Him and lied about Him were now forgiven. Psalm 86:5 says, “for thou, Lord, art good and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee.” When we accept Jesus for what He did at Calvary and ask God to forgive us for our sins, He does just that. Every sin we have committed up to that time, He forgets. Psalm 103:12 says,

“God will remove our sins as far as the east is from the west.” God forgets our sins and never brings them up again. What a saviour! Third: Go and ask forgiveness from the people that you have done wrong to. Accept responsibility for the things that you did wrong. Are you thinking, “preacher, there is no way I will do that.” Ok, then accept the consequences of no rest and no peace. Fourth: Ask God to bless the person who has hurt you. Now I know you are thinking, “right…like I am going to ask God to bless someone who has hurt me.” Luke 6:28 says, “bless them that curse you and pray for them which despitefully use you.” Fifth: Do something nice for the person who has hurt you. You bless them! No, I have not gone off the deep end. It’s in the Bible. Luke 6:27 says, “do good to those who hate you.” Romans 12:21 says, “don’t let evil get the upper hand but conquer evil by doing good.” You might say, how can I do this? You can say something nice about them, you can fix their car, babysit their children, bake some cookies for them—anything you can think of. Does it sound crazy? It will work. Sixth: Accept the person the way they are, even if they are wrong. Treat them with respect, love, kindness and dignity even if they don’t treat you that way. Romans 15:7 says, “accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you in order to bring praise to God.” Seventh: Look at that person through the eyes of faith and believe God to change them. If you asked Christ to come into your life and He changed you, He can change anybody. He changed your areas of weakness, sin, anger, etc. didn’t He? I end with this. When I was a senior in high school my father left our family. We went through some tough times; like going through January with no heat. I hated my dad for doing that. Months later someone told me about Jesus Christ loving me and dying for all my sins. I asked Jesus to forgive me and come into my life. God took that hate that I had for my dad and turned it into love for him again. I found my dad in a beer joint and I went up to him. I said, “dad when you left us I really hated you, but I asked Jesus to come into my life. He turned that hate into love for you.” My dad was a tough construction man but he bowed his head and got tears in his eyes. Years later when he accepted Jesus into his life too, he said to me. “Frank, I have never felt peace like I do now.” Two months later he died and went to heaven. Forgiveness is powerful. When you ask God to forgive you and you forgive others who have hurt you, a weight will lift off of you. Forgive? What for? You forgive for you. It benefits you. Ride safe, Pastor Frank 717-567-3337 Faith Christian Center Lower Bailey Rd. Newport, Pa 17074

FAITH CHRISTIAN CENTER , 1551 LOWER BAILEY RD NEWPORT PA 17074 Always Biker Friendly Contact anytime for prayer or info....... snemeth@pa.net

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