May 2010

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Where There’s Bikes There’s Going To Be Thunder


Pennsylvania MAGAZINE®

Local Office




EDITOR / OWNER Robin Montgomery Lapp 717-682-7529 REGIONAL SALES MANAGER And CENTRAL PA SALES PAUL YEATER 717-635-5830 LANCASTER AND SURROUNDING AREA ROBIN KEYS 717-286-4689 Tony Montgomery 717-431-4551 Dwayne Funk 717-572-2143 Laurel Highlands/North Central Pa Area Chuck Stennett Territory Manager 814-594-5983 WILKES/BARRE-SCRANTON AND SURROUNDING AREA Luke Walter 570-561-9473 Dave Corby - Home 570-388-2670 ( PRESIDENT ABATE, LUZERNE COUNTY) PITTSBURG AND SURROUNDING AREA Alan Harig 412-320-0668

Craziness here in Pennsylvania! We have already had several bike shows in Pa. The Oaks, where we met Michelle Smith and Danny Bonaduce and the Gettysburg Show where we met Mark Boone Junior. What a treat. We also brought quite a few more people on board to get this magazine in every part of Pa as possible. We want to be “THE” Pa magazine for PA Riders. We are not going to tell you about some place four States away that you’ll never get to. We are going to give you all the scoop you need to enjoy your weekend rides,( or whenever you ride) right here in good old Pa. Riding season is here in full force and the shovels are packed away. Make sure you give a hearty welcome to our Thunder Roads Staff. They can do good things for you and your business. Help us, help you! We also want to promote your charity rides. Please feel free to give them to your Rep or send them in directly. We want to build stronger communities here in Pa. One thing I cannot stress enough……….SUNSCREEN! I was not aware when growing up , the dangers of the sun. After many visits to the Dermatologist and scars, I am screaming SPF to everyone. You don’t think about it when you are on the bike and you are going 50 miles an hour. It is very important to lather up before you head out. If it is an all day adventure, make sure to reapply. The bonus is, you won’t be as wrinkly as you get older. So Jump on and Ride! Every now and then, when the world sits just right, a gentle breath of heaven fills my soul with delight ~Hazlemarie “Mattie” Elliott REMEMBER~Happiness is a choice! Best Wishes and hope to hear from you often.

Dane Micheal Bojanac 724-777-8023 PHILLY AREA/Reading Area Sean Garnett 484-614-5680 Layout and Design Warren Ells, Art Director Thunder Publishing Distribution and Article Contributions Michelle and J.D. Johnson NATIONAL FOUNDERS Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1421 Chapmansboro Road Chapmansboro, TN 37035 Office: (615) 792-0040 Fax: (615) 792-7580

Calendar Photo by:Sam Dixon


We wanted to introduce to you some of our new Sales Staff



Dave Dane Open Sunday, Mother’s Day 11AM to 2PM

KNOW THE LAW by Attorney Steve Stambaugh

Spring has finally sprung and it has been great to get back in the saddle. Unfortunately, motorists have had several months of not seeing (let alone looking for) motorcyclists so it comes as no surprise that Spring brings lots of motorcycle accidents. As such, I thought I would address one of the most important issues to bikers - BEING SEEN. A few years ago I was discussing some really catastrophic cycle accident cases I was working on with an old-timer who rides almost every day of the year, literally. He told me he installs a headlight modulator on every bike he owns and recommended that I do likewise. I told him it sounded like a good idea but, of course, I did not act on it (we’re invincible right?). Anyway, I was coming back to York from meeting a client several months later and about 175-200 yards in front of me I saw two oncoming cycles in a tight left hand curve coming into an intersection. I noticed them immediately at the full distance because the lead bike had a headlight modulator. I ordered mine that same day and it has proved to be one of the best “accessories” I have bought for my Deuce. Basically, the modulator pulses your headlight during daylight operation, which makes your headlight flash on and off. I can not emphasize how much of a difference I believe

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the modulator makes when I am riding. Examples include having motorists at intersecting roadways slam their brakes after creeping into the intersection when I had the right of way (I believe as they were preparing to pull out in front of me) and then seeing my flashing headlight at the last minute. Another example is when non-rider friends of mine call me to say that they saw me out on my bike, and that they called to tell me that I need to “fix” my headlight because it “flashes”. No one ever called me to say they saw me on my bike until I installed the modulator. I thank them for the call and tell them that my modulator is doing its job - making motorists see my bike! The modulator has a sensor for dusk/nighttime operation during which times the headlight is on all the time and I am back to hoping motorists see me. I also installed a taillight modulator which theoretically helps with rear-end accidents (although I have no proof that this works like I do with the headlight modulator). I just bought an 09 Ultra and installing headlight and taillight modulators is next on my list of “to-do” items. Having said this, 100 bikers will give you 100 different ideas about how best to be seen, and I am sure they’re all good ideas. In addition, there is no substitute for defensive riding, all the time. The modulators are just one more thing you can add to your arsenal of self-defense. Last, as always, I have to remind you to pull your insurance policy declarations out and look at them to make sure that you have maximized your uninsured and underinsured motorist coverages - get them as high as you can afford. Remember, those coverages are your most important coverages. See you on the road.

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Noodle’s Tips For The Road Well…it’s that time of year again. Beware of “The Skiddles” You know exactly what I am talking about. The temperature starts to rise, the tar gets hot. My paws are barkin’. There is oil on the road and loose gravel from rain washouts. Someone hits their brakes in front of you and you’ve got a bad case of the Skiddles! Also, be cautious not to take short turns. That’s a Skiddle for sure. You sure don’t want to chew up those leathers. Even worse…you’re not wearing any~OUCH! You might want to call Geico and see if they carry ‘Skiddle” insurance. Tell ‘em Noodles sent you.

Danny Bonaduce with Robin Montgomery Lapp and Robin Keys

BOONE, Robin Montgomery Lapp and Tony Montgomery

Robin Montgomery Lapp, Michelle Smith and Paul Yeater Thunder Roads Magazine 6

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Mark Boone Junior -- Cool Dude he would stop. He kept his word and stopped for many years. There were many who tried out for the role of Robert” BOBBY” Munson. A character that had already been written. “ A big man with a big voice, who knows his way around explosives. He does an upscale Elvis act and is the only Jewish member of SAMCRO. This posed several questions: He did not do an Elvis act before the role, although he did give a “thank you very much”, well done and he explained SAMCRO. He is also not really Jewish. Kurt Sutter, the creator of the show is married to Katey Segal, who is Jewish. Katey plays Gemma, the matriarch of the show. Kurt wanted to make the club diverse. He also added a Scottish and Hispanic character. Boone has appeared in over 70 movies which include; “Memento”, “Batman Begins”, “The Thin Red Line“, “Seven”, “Die Hard Two” and many others. This is pretty phenomenal, since Mark didn’t really start acting until he was 28. People always told him he should be an Actor, but moved to New York to be a Visual Artist. He was quite a Soccer player, prior. He started writing, acting, and producing theatrical plays in NY in 1982 and teamed with longtime friend Steve Buscemi. The two produced and performed in numerous plays at many legendary theaters. During that period of time, the two artists developed a unique style of storytelling, adapted plays and wrote some of their own.

I had the distinct privilege of having a

candid, one on one interview with Mark Boone Junior, one of the stars of the FX Series, “The Sons Of Anarchy”. I had questions ready but quickly found that just a regular conversation was more comfortable with someone who seemed to be just a regular guy. Someone you would just love to hang out with. I wanted to know who actually rode before the show started and he was one of the few who actually had ridden before. He has a 100year anniversary ‘03 Road Glide with a lot of custom work as his personal bike, but was given a 2010 HD Dyna Super Glide, as were many others for the show. He started riding when he was 11 and rode various types but as he got older, he promised his Mother that Thunder Roads Magazine 8

He is also a composer, songwriter and guitarist. He and Buscemi also starred in a band together, called “The Pawns Of Love”. Boone moved to LA in 1990 to further his career. Boone having been a Visual Artist designed all of his tattoos for the show. Most of the tattoos on the show are not real. I did ask if Ron Pearlman’s were real and found out that they were not. Pearlman would prefer to be on Broadway, according to Boone, so they may not be appropriate. They are applied for the show. They work 14 hour days and shoot an episode in seven days. Most shows shoot in eight, so they cram a lot in, in a short amount of time. It has only been two seasons so far, but they all seem to get along well, which is a good thing since they spend so much time together in close quarters at times. Time will tell! Boone recently returned from Kuwait and Iraq with some of the other cast members, Kim Coates (Tig), Theo Rossi (Juice), Dayton Callie (Chief Unser) They visited with several military bases and troops. The actors came to show their support for our service members overseas. He described it as an amazing experience. Words couldn’t do it justice. He said that their reception was overwhelming. The show has an amazing following and was fortunately picked up for a third season, which will air in September. I for one will be glued to the set and appreciate the fact that Mark Boone Junior took time from his busy schedule to visit with us here in Pa. He sat on the stage at The Gettysburg Bike Show and signed autographs for hours and actually seemed to enjoy it. I asked him if there would be a love interest for “Bobby” this season and he said that it was up to Kurt. We need to campaign hard for Bobby to get a gal. What a fun story line that would be. Let’s face it…he is definitely one of the coolest characters on the show. We need to email Kurt Sutter and see what we can do. All write to: questions @ I can sum up Mark Boone Junior in two words…COOL DUDE! Sons Of Anarchy Motorcycle Club, Redwood Original Thunder Roads Magazine 9

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with the rest of the lead pack getting closer and closer to me each lap. I was super excited and really tired from riding so hard and the track being so rough. My twins ride went good all day. I got second in my heat and I got second in the main after leading for more than half of the laps. I will admit I was tired after riding my 450 and that the twin was getting the best of me after about halfway. Overall day one was a success after the way it started. Barberville, FL Day Two Day two of Florida was the exact opposite of day one. The track was smooth and a dry slick, which made everyone really equal compared to the first day. I won my heat on the 450 after coming from third off the line Savannah,GA This year Savannah was not a national, but it was part of Steve Nace’s and gave myself a transfer spot to the winner take all dash for cash. The dash for cash was really a neat deal that they did only the second day. new All Star Series. I started the night out great, I won my heat on the It was all of the heat winners from pro singles (4) and the top two expert Lancaster H-D/Rod Lake 450 and got 2nd on the twin that was shorten two laps due to an accident. The main events were up and I felt like I had singles from their two heats. The pro singles lined up on the first row and expert singles lined up on the second row. However this is when my day enough to come out on top or with at least a podium in both classes. In started to take a turn for the worse. We looked at my tire after my heat the 450 main I got off the line in about 7th. I passed a few guys coming and saw that it wasn’t going to last for the dash and for the main, so we to the green flag to put me in 5th. I went to pass a fellow rider on the decided to grab the tire off my one twin to put on. We put the tire on for outside and gave the rider plenty of room for error, but unfortunately the dash for cash and I was ready to go. On the starting line just when coming off turn 2 he did one of those moves where he ran right up on me till he hit my bars and pushed me off the grove to cause me to crash. the light was about to go green and I was revving the bike to take off, my bike shut off. So I quick grabbed the starter’s attention and restarted I was ok and they restarted the race, but my bike was not running right because I bent my brand new works connection lever so bad in the crash my bike. Well the bike re-fired, but it did it again, so man was I nervous from sliding that it wasn’t letting my clutch release all the way. I got back about starts the rest of the day. I got it to stay running the third time as the starter didn’t waste any time on the line. I got off the line in 4th and up to 11th, but I wasn’t happy about the night that’s for sure. The next main event for me was the pro twins. I got off the line in 6th and watched immediately I noticed that my tire was not working like my tire in the heat. the riders the whole race making a lot of mistakes. I waited until two laps I was spinning everywhere, so I rode the rest of the dash because I knew I wasn’t going to be able to charge for the win, but I did stay right with to go to make my charge through the pack to take the win. I was happy to finally get my first win on the Lancaster H-D &’s the leaders, so I figured ok we will change the tire and be good for the main. So we changed the tire again for the main, but on the line I literally twin. just sat there and the wheel was spinning a 100 mph while everyone Barberville, FL Day One Volusia County Speedway will always have a special place in my heart was passing me. My day was pretty much over as the leaders and the rest of the pack was in turn one by the time I got off the line. I made my after winning two back to back Hotshoe races here in 2008. Day one of way only up to 11th again and I was super disappointed with myself. I Volusia was really rough from all the rain, but it was probably my best honestly tried every line on the track and nothing was keeping me from overall day of racing in Florida. On the Lancaster H-D/Rod Lake Racing spinning. In the Pro twins class unfortunately all, but Jason Griffin and I 450 I struggled on all day, I had a bad start in the heat and ended up third, which sent me straight to the semi instead of the main. I got off the took the day off to get ready for the national, so it was just two of us in line again in the semi not great, but worked my way up to a transfer spot the class. We both decided to race for seat time as the AMA doesn’t offer and had a couple passing opportunities on the leader. In the main event the class anywhere else. I won the heat and the main event. Daytona Short Track Test Day I got off the line in about 13th. I found a sweet high line that was fast, We decided at the last minute after all the rain we got to skip the test but you had to ride twice as hard and really keep your momentum up. day and work on bikes for the national. We changed oil, tires, gearing, I passed every single rider on the outside and got all the way up to 7th and washed the bikes. Everyone said the track was super slick and that Hey Everyone, Just wanted to check in and let everyone know how my recent trip to Daytona went. This year in Daytona was a very up and down year for me and I must say I was disappointed. I started the week testing in South Carolina and Georgia where everything seemed to be on track for a great week. The first race of the year for me was in Savannah Georgia.

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everyone was crashing. Daytona National Day One We arrived at the track and they totally ripped the track up. There were rocks at least the size of golf balls and ruts a foot deep on the track. It was the roughest track I ever rode. I ended the timed qualifying in 58th. I had no idea what changes to do to the bike to help me and I was literally just lost out there. There were a lot of wrecks and rocks flying everywhere that they decided to rework the track to get it safer for the fans and for the riders for the heat races. However my day was over because I didn’t make the cut. Daytona National Day Two After seeing how much better the track looked in the heats and mains from the previous night I was ready to give it another shot. When we arrived they left the track pretty much the same as the night before. I went out in first practice and was 58th. I felt really good and was super surprised to find that out. We made some changes and went back out and I got into the 40’s. I knew I had to get to 32 and it was going to be hard. My Dunlop cd8 was spinning so bad that I was hitting the rev limiter off the turn and it would stop once I got my wheels in line on the straightaway. We made so many changes and I really got to thank my dad and Rich Hanson for trying, but there was clearly nothing we could do to help me with spinning. The last session I was 38th. My times were getting better in each session compared to everyone else, but the overall times were getting slower. Once again I missed the cut finishing 56th. Daytona was a really disappointing and depressing trip for me, but I just keep telling myself its bonus points. Last year I didn’t qualify for Daytona either nights and still made my way up to 5th in points at one time. I felt like I left myself down, but after a lot of people talking to me I finally agreed that it really wasn’t my fault, it was just the hard compound tire that we have to run there. Also only weighing 95 pounds was not helping me because I couldn’t put enough weight on the rear end of the bike to get it hooked up. Prescott Arizona is the next national on my schedule and it’s a mile. I am super excited to get back to tracks that are more my type (Big & Fast). I have not a lot planned locally other then Path Valley in a couple of weeks. I am going to be spending a lot of time riding and in the gym to make my push back into the points in Prescott, Arizona. I just want to thank everyone for helping me keep my head up after Daytona, my family especially my Dad, my mechanic Rich Hanson for helping me with my bike and for also making me believe in myself, and my sponsors and fans for supporting me. Thanks, -Shayna Texter-

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ABATE Update

Bulletin- B104-3, March 2004. This will address this problem. Not all responsible parties always get these bulletins. I hope this helps anyone who has had this difficulty. ABATE of PA will host its annual Freedom Weekend on May 22 and 23 at the Shellsville VFW grounds, followed by our annual Rights Rally on Monday May 24 at the Capitol building in Harrisburg at 12:00 noon. Please come out and support ABATE of PA in fighting for your motorcycling rights. Also another date to mark in your calendars is June 18-1920, which is our annual state party in Hazen. I look forward to seeing you there. Here are some of the bills ABATE of PA is currently working on: HB-599 - Deals with red lights that aren’t activated by motorcycles. HB- 1189 - Landowner protection for those who allow the use of their land for MSP training. HB- 2070 - Dealing with texting and cell phone usage while driving. HB 2209 - Dealing with learners permits. ABATE of PA is in support of all of the above bills. To learn more, come out to a chapter meeting near you. For a list of location and times of meetings, visit on the web -

From time to time, the issue of legal handlebar height comes up. Some motorcyclists are having issues getting their bikes inspected due to having “ape hangers”. If you read the Pennsylvania Inspection Manual, this would be correct; however, the last time a new inspection manual was printed was in 2004. When that manual was printed, handlebar height restrictions were in effect. In the 2001-2002 legislative session, ABATE of PA was instrumental in supporting House Bill 152, which repealed handlebar height restrictions. Signed by the Governor in December of 2002, but did not Ride Safe and Sober, take affect till into February of 2003. By this time the Manual Tom Christofes, Jr was already to go to print. If you have a problem with getting your motorcycle inspected due to handlebar height, ask the inspection station to look up and read Safety Inspection

The EASIEST, CORN PUDDING CASSEROLE RECIPE EVER WRITTEN! I found my Mom’s old, well-worn, all-time favorite recipe book, which seriously, still smells like her famous Spice Cake. One of last months’ recipes were from it, and here’s another. Too easy for words. 1 Box of Jiffy Brand Corn Muffin Mix 1 Can of Whole Kernel Corn 1 Can of Creamed Corn 1 8 oz. Tub of Sour Cream 1/4 Stick of Melted Butter 1 Bag of Finely Shredded Medium Shredded Cheese Mix it all up in a small bowl, transfer to a well sprayed glass casserole dish and bake at 350 for 45 minutes. Remove and cover the top generously with shredded cheese, put back in oven for 5 minutes and it’s done. Now....I do remember my Mom always shredded the cheese herself and she got the sour cream from the restaurant where she worked. But, with today’s prepackaged goodies, this is literally a snap to make. can jazz it up with chopped sweet Vidalia onion, green chilies, pimentos, black olives..... put your own stomp on it.

WHITE BARBEQUE SAUCE (Perfect for Chicken) 1-1/2 Cups Premium Mayonnaise 1/4 Cup Cider Vinegar 1/2 Cup Lemon Juice 2 Tbls. Sugar or *Splenda for Cooking 2 Tbls. Freshly Ground Pepper 2 Tbls. White Wine Couple Dashes of Worcestershire Sauce Salt to Taste Whisk it all together in a small bowl until well blended, then store in a glass bottle with tight lid. SMOOTH AS SILK, EASY AS COTTON VANILLA MOUSSE CHESECAKE 1 Pre-Made *Nilla Wafer or Graham Crack Pie Crust 4 Pkgs. *Philly Cream Cheese; Softened 1 Cup of Sugar or Splenda; Divided 1 Tbls. plus 1 tsp. of Real Vanilla; Divided 3 Large Eggs 1 8 oz. Tub *Cool Whip; Thawed to Fridge Temp., not Freezer Preheat oven to 325 Beat 3 packages of cream cheese, 3/4 cup sugar and 1 Tbls. vanilla with mixer until well blended. Add eggs.....1 at a time, mixing on low speed after each added, just until blended. Remove your pre-made pie crust from it’s aluminum pie plate (that it comes in from store) and place it down into a springform pan. Pour mixture over crust. Bake 55 minutes or until center is almost set. Run knife around rim of pan to loosen cake. Cool completely in pan. Beat up remaining cream cheese, sugar and vanilla with mixer in large bowl until well blended. Whisk in Cool Whip, spread over cheesecake. Refrigerate for 4 hours. Remove rim of pan before serving cheesecake. Spread fresh blueberries or strawberries or both all over the top of mousse cheesecake. You are truly going to love the silky-smooth texture of this dessert, but you’ll really love how easy it is to make. The only problem is having to wait 4 hours to eat it! Really.....stay out of the damn pan!

FETTUCCINE WITH FRESH MINT & BABY GREEN PEAS 1 Box of Your Favorite Brand Fettuccine Pasta 1/2 Stick Butter (or use *I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter... tastes like butter w/ no trans fats or cholesterol) 1 Cup Frozen, Baby Sweet Peas 2/3 Cup Half & Half 1/2 Cup Ricotta Cheese 1/4 Cup Chopped Fresh Mint 1/2 Cup Finely Grated Parmesan Bag Cheese 1 Garlic Clove; Minced (you can buy skinned garlic cloves in a glass bottle in your produce section, that literally stay fresh forever in the fridge) 1 full rounded tsp. Lemon Zest Salt & Cracked Pepper to Taste Garnish: You can now buy freshly shaved, any kind? of your favorite cheeses in bottles in your cheese aisle, again, that you can store in fridge and use as needed. Prepare your pasta as you always do. Remember to salt the water generously. Melt your butter in a skillet over medium heat, add all the rest of the ingredients. Reduce heat to low and cook, stirring continually until cheese is HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! totally melted. Stir in your hot, drained pasta. Serve immediately and garnish RELAX, REJUVENATE & REFRESH YOUR SPIRIT generously with shaved Parmesan or use your bagged Parmesan. Serve with super crispy & crunchy, hot French bread loaf. Heaven!

May is Motorcycle Awareness Month Once again May is Motorcycle Awareness Month. In the great Northeast part of the state of PA, we will be kicking it off in style with a Motorcycle Awareness Breakfast and a scenic ride. With May comes the “Motorcycles are Everywhere yard signs”, the old blue and white signs are history now. We have the new yellow and black ones that ABATE of PA, Penn Dot and PAMSP. Penn-Dot has agreed to pay for, because they know its working to get the word out. Now it is up to us to make sure they are put out and stay up through out the riding season. Some of the organized rides in the NEPA are as follows: ABATE Luzerne County Motorcycle Awareness Breakfast April 25 CMA’s His Glory Riders May 1 info @ ABATE Pike County Chicken BBQ & Poker Run May 2 info @ ABATE Tri-County Free Ride May 8 info @ Rights Rally & Freedom Weekend May 22, 24 for more info ABATE Lehigh Valley 12th Annual Swap Meet, Poker Run and Bike Show May 30 th info @ Rolling Thunder Washington DC this should be on everyone list if possible. info @ Please support these runs. These Organization work very hard at making sure we stay free and protecting our rights.

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Model: Jesse Layne Bike: Garwood Custom Cycles Photographer: Michael Mancini

May 2 Bike Blessing~Reading Pa May 8 Steel Steeds 2nd Annual Pig Roast and Party Milton, Pa Coopersburg, Pa Limeport AA Spring Motorcycle May 16 ROLLING THUNDER CHAPTER 1 PA 13th annual “Day With A Vet” Eagleville, Pa off of Oaks Exit, off Rt 422 AMA Round Robin Poker Run Coopersburg, Pa Limeport AA Spring Motorcycle Valley Forge HOG Poker Run Norristown, Pa RMC Oley, Pa 610-987-6422 May 21-23 Rally At The Rock 3 Lake Harmony, Pa May 22 Brothers In Need Ride Harrisburg, Pa May 22 Tre Wright Benefit Ride Nottingham, Pa May 24 Motorcyclist Rights Rally State Capitol, Harrisburg, Pa May 30 12th Annual Old Time Swapmeet,Poker Run and Bike Show Trexlertown, Pa June 6 Motorcycle Miracle Tour Geisinger Medical Center Danville, Pa June 4-13 Pa Rally On The River Splash Magic Campground Northumberland, Pa June 12 Good Intent Fire Co #1 of Pottsville 2nd annual Bike Show Pottsville, Pa 2nd and Norwegian Sts. June 18,19&20 Triumph Come Home Rally White Horse Motorcycle Club Grounds Spring Grove, Pa June 18-19 HAZEN -ABATE of Pa 33rd Hazen, Pa June 19 AMA Carnival Run Reading Motorcycle Club Oley, Pa Thunder Roads Magazine 20

Brandon Lee Robinson It seems like forever that I have actually written an update for racing. It has only been six months since my Indy accident and to say that I’m walking is a miracle, nonetheless racing again. Daytona has always been a special place for me personally and it was great to have my come back races during bike week. Our first stop was in Savannah, GA to race the all new All-Star Series that is being run by Steve Nace. Over the past few years I have always struggled at Savannah and I’m not quite sure why. Anyways this was my first actual race since Indy and I sure was a bit rusty. I was just average all night. I missed out on the singles main event by one spot in both the heat and semi. I also rode the twins class, but I was riding an all new Harley XR 750 owned by Bob Roush and it had a bunch of bugs that needed worked out. I missed the main by two spots in the twins, despite all the issues we had to work through. The next morning we raced in Barberville, FL at Volusia County Speedway. For some goofy reason I love this track, unlike most of my competitors. It was a typical Volusia track as it was slippery and rough. I had a decent day in the singles class. I rode my Action Motorsports Honda 450 to a direct transfer to the main and finished the day in 9th place. The day started out crumby once again on the twin. Before practice my dad tore apart practically the whole motor because it was just running like a dog. Figured out one problem was that the oil pump timing was off. After the first round of practice it was still running sluggish and back to work my dad went. Together we finally put our fingers on the problem and figured out that it was missing a clutch plate and it was just frying the clutch. Once we got through the problems I finally got a chance to work on the setup. I missed winning the heat race by half a wheel behind Jake Johnson. I finally felt like I had a Harley under me and not a scooter. At the end of the day we finished up in 7th place in the twins class. The following day we were once again at Volusia and I was starting to get a little of that confidence back. I had a pretty solid day in the singles class. I made the main straight through the heat and had a front row start. In the race I had a really good battle with Nichole Cheza and Cory Texter for the third spot. In the end I finished the singles main event in 4th place. On to the twins

where I felt like I had a legitimate shot at the podium. I got a decent start and was running in 4th place. Going into turn one on the second lap I got a bit out of shape on my own and as I was trying to save it I got clipped by another rider and I went down. I restarted the main event, but a couple laps later my brakes locked up and I was credited with a 13th place finish. It was a huge bummer to end the day like that after running so strong. I took the next day off because I was my leg was pretty sore from all the riding and the get off. The following day was the Grand National at the all new Daytona short track. In practice the track was crazy with all the ruts and rocks. All week I was riding pretty tentatively and when it came to riding the short track my aggressive level was just not there. I didn’t feel comfortable at all with the track or riding so close with others. I decided not to even ride the final practice or the next day. I figured if I was not comfortable that it was not good for me to be on the track with

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others. I was bumming my decision the second day quite a bit, but I think in the long road I will be happy I made the decision not to ride. It was not really the way I wanted to finish my week, but I think heading home on two feet and having a couple more months to prepare myself for the next Grand National is much more important. I need to get stronger both mentally and physically to get back to where I was before my accident. It will come in time and if it’s anything like my recovery rate it should be fast! Just want to thank everyone who supports me in my racing efforts and life in general. FYI my new website is under construction and should be fully operational by next week. Check it out at . Brandon Lee Robinson - GNC #44 15 Wood Valley Ln. Oxford, PA 19363 Cell: (484) - 888 - 9485

News Bytes MOTORCYCLE THEFTS FALL Motorcycle thefts in the US fell by 13% to 56,093 last year from 64,492 in 2008, the biggest drop since 2007 according to the National Insurance Crime Bureau in an April 13th statement. Honda was the most stolen brand accounting for 24% of the thefts, followed by Yamaha, Suzuki, Kawasaki and Harley-Davidson, said the NICB citing National Crime Information Center data.The recession prompted lower bike sales and a decrease in production, pushing motorcycle thefts down for a third consecutive year. Sales of new bikes fell 43% in 2009 from the year-earlier period, according to the Motorcycle Industry Council. Likewise, the Japanese Automobile Manufacturers Association reported a 47.4% decrease in motorcycle production last year.Recovery rates have declined along with thefts, with only 30% of the stolen bikes recovered in 2009, compared with 41% in 2006, NICB data show.The top five states for motorcycle theft were warm-weather ones: California, Texas, Florida, North Carolina and Georgia, together accounting for 39% of the total. It should be no surprise that the summer months of July (6,319); August (6,079); and June (5,672) saw the most theft activity while the fewest thefts were recorded during the winter months of December (2,927); February (3,100); and January (3,570).The best way to prevent theft is to keep your motorcycle out of sight or covered up and secured to an immovable object with a good through-theframe lock in addition to the steering lock.

money is to be deposited. Rep. Christian said the legislative action was necessary because motorcycle registrations continue to increase in Oklahoma; therefore, without training and prevention efforts, vehicle crashes involving motorcycles are likely to increase. According to the Oklahoma Tax Commission, there were 115,381 registered motorcyclists in the state in 2008, a 14.3% increase over 2007. Motorcycle fatalities increased 17.6% during the same period, and injuries increased 21.4%. HB 2264 is known as “Gunner’s Bill” in honor of Robert “Gunner” Catcher, a motorcyclist who died after being struck by a pickup in 2009. The driver of the truck said he did not see Gunner. “I heartily salute each and every one of ABATE of Oklahoma’s and the OK Confederation of Clubs volunteer officers and members, and look forward to our continued success working together in the spirit of unity to make Oklahoma the best state in which to ride,” said Tiger Mike Revere of ABATE of OK and a member of the Board of Directors of the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM). Also signed into law was SB 1670 a bill that changes the makeup of the Oklahoma Motorcycle Safety Advisory Committee. “So, not only will we generate about $400,000 each year but we will also have a substantial say in how it is spent,” commented John Pierce, ABATE Legislative Coordinator.

WYOMING BIKERS WORK WITH CITY TO PROMOTE MOTORCYCLE AWARENESS The Casper City Council voted unanimously to pay for motorcycle-safety billboards in the coming months, with Wyoming Central ABATE picking MAINE REQUIRES MOTORCYCLES TO DISPLAY INup the campaign halfway through the riding season. The SPECTION STICKERS Maine Governor John Baldacci on council approved $5,400 in grant money to pay for four April 9, 2010 signed LD 1675 into law, requiring the state’s billboards from April through July, when Wyoming Central 50,000 registered motorcycles to carry inspection stickABATE would begin paying for the billboards with its own ers that are “completely and clearly visible from the rear” message to run through October. The push for motorstarting in 2012. A bill that started in the state legislature as a broadly worded bill to quiet noisy motorcycles evolved cycle awareness stems from two high-profile accidents involving motorcyclists last summer, including an ABATE into a measure requiring riders to display inspection stickers when Maine’s Transportation Committee concluded that member who was killed by a left-turning Hummer. The accidents prompted Wyoming Central ABATE to meet with 38% of Maine motorcycles aren’t inspected, noting faulty and noisy motorcycle mufflers would fail annual inspections. city officials and hash out a plan to increase awareness of motorcycles among drivers. The Casper Police Department The bill also sets up a task force to explore other methods applied for grant money from the Wyoming Department of reducing motorcycle noise, including sound testing, and of Transportation to be used on a “campaign targeting the report to the Transportation Committee by January 15, 2011. LD1675 passed the Maine House by a vote of 104-33 reduction of the number and severity of motorcycle crashes in the Casper area,” according to a city memo. on March 22. The Senate passed it April 5, with no tally released. MICHIGAN HELMET LAW REPEAL REPEAT? Once again, Michigan legislators are moving to repeal the MOTORCYCLE SAFETY BILL PASSES IN OKLAHOMA “Gunner’s Bill” has been signed into law by Oklahoma Gov. state’s 40 year old mandatory helmet law, but their governor threatens veto action. In late March, the House voted Brad Henry, providing for the state’s first comprehensive 63 to 46 to approve an amendment to the current Michimotorcycle safety program. HB 2264, authored by state gan Helmet Law which would allow motorcycle riders 21 Rep. Mike Christian and state Sen. Steve Russell, allows years old and older to operate their motorcycle without a the state to add a $3 fee, designated for motorcycle safety helmet as long as they carry $20,000 or more in insurance. and education, to the existing cost of registering a motorThe bill now goes to the Senate for consideration. If the cycle. It also establishes a revolving fund into which the Thunder Roads Magazine 22

News Bytes Democratic-led House and Republican-led Senate both approve as they have in the past, the bill would again go to the governor for her signature or veto. Proposals to eliminate or ease the law were passed by the House and Senate in 2005/2006 and 2007/2008, but Gov. Jennifer Granholm vetoed both measures. ABATE of Michigan and the Michigan Confederation of Clubs continues to hold sway in the Legislature using arguments that include personal freedom and economic impact. The Democratic governor leaves office next year and is not seeking reelection. MOTORCYCLE ADVISORY COUNCIL SURVEYS ROAD CONDITIONS The Motorcyclist Advisory Council (MAC) to the Federal Highway Administration has made recommendations to U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood and his predecessors on various topics, including 1) Barrier design; (2) Road design, construction, and maintenance practices; and (3) The architecture and implementation of Intelligent Transportation System technologies. Of special significance was the creation and approval of the yearly Motorcyclist Road Conditions Survey, which can be accessed at The purpose of the survey is to better communicate to the MAC, road construction engineers, and transportation safety officials the specific needs of motorcyclists that should be considered when developing new roadways or altering existing routes. The MAC-FHWA coordinates and advises the Secretary of the Department of Transportation on infrastructure issues of concern to motorcycle riders, and is comprised of ten members of the motorcycling community with professional expertise in national motorcyclist safety advocacy. James “Doc” Reichenbach II, State President of ABATE of Florida and Chairman of the Board of the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) serves on the MAC as one of two members representing state motorcyclists’ organizations. ANTILOCK BRAKES MAKE MOTORCYCLES SAFER With motorcycle ownership skyrocketing from 4.3 million to 10.4 million over the past decade, and a corresponding increase in rider deaths and injuries, two new studies have found that equipping motorcycles with antilock brakes makes them much safer. The studies, one by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety and the other by the Highway Loss Data Institute, found that bikes with antilock brakes are involved in 37% fewer fatal accidents per 10,000 registered vehicles and reported 22% fewer accident damage claims per insured vehicle year. Stopping a motorcycle is trickier than stopping a car. For one thing, the front and rear wheels typically have separate brake controls. In an emergency, a rider faces a split-second choice to either brake hard, which can lock the wheels and cause an overturn, or hold back on braking and risk running into the emergency. This is when antilock brakes can help by reducing brake pressure when they detect impending lockup and then

increasing the pressure again when traction is restored. Brake pressure is evaluated multiple times per second, so riders may brake fully without fear of locking up. Until lately, such crash avoidance technology as antilock brakes has primarily been available only on larger, more expensive motorcycles, but they are now available on 60 new models. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is considering whether or not antilock brakes should be mandatory on motorcycles. OUTLAW BIKER 101 Law enforcement officers from across the country gather each year at a heavily guarded secret location for annual training on “combating biker gangs”: As quoted directly from promotional material for the course: “Outlaw Motorcycle Gang Investigations: From the Inside - Combating Biker Gangs, from the International Association of Undercover Officers: A five day (36 hour) training program for law enforcement officers, prosecutors, corrections personnel and criminal analysts addressing the problems and pitfalls of investigations of Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs. The instructors, have managed, supervised or directly participated in investigations of Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs throughout the United States. The investigative techniques they used will be presented. Also, the many pitfalls and mistakes they made will be graphically demonstrated. Due to the sensitive nature of the training program and threats of physical harm to some of the speakers, the exact location of the training program will only be revealed to those who register. Special security will be maintained and only certified law enforcement officers with proper identification will be admitted.” As one of America’s foremost authorities on biker discrimination, Minnesota Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) attorney Steven O’Brien, who also serves as legal counsel to the Confederation of Clubs of Minnesota and ABATE of Minnesota, applied for the course last year but was denied admittance with the written admonishment that he would be better suited to attend the NCOM Convention. O’Brien was instrumental in getting the nation’s first and only biker antidiscrimination law on the books in Minnesota, and then was successful in getting the new law upheld by the courts when an ABATE member was denied service at a bar. For likeminded bikers concerned with preserving Freedom of the Road, the Silver 25th Annual NCOM Convention will be held Mother’s Day weekend, May 6-9, 2010 at the Orlando Airport Marriott, 7499 Augusta National Dr., Orlando, Florida. Reserve your place in history now by calling the National Coalition of Motorcyclists at (800) 525-5355 or visit www. A special NCOM room rate is available by calling the Marriott hotel at (800) 380-6751. QUOTABLE QUOTE: “The story of America’s quest for freedom is inscribed on her history in the blood of her patriots.” Randy Vader, American author/composer

Thunder Roads Magazine 23

B.A.D. Biker Approved Directory DEALERS Sales And Service Lancaster Harley Davidson 308 Beaver Valley Pike Willow St, Pa 17584 717-464-2703 Old Glory Motorcycle 820 Hershey Ave Lancaster, Pa 17603 717-509-8463 Freebyrd Custom Motorcycles 2515 Delta Rd Brogue, Pa 17309 Motor-Vation Victory Kawasaki 7042 Wertzville Rd Mechanicsburg, Pa 17050 717-795-8604 www. Hellion Custom Cycles 6384 Brady Lane Mecanicsburg, Pa 717-766-1414 Schaeffer Harley Davidson 1123 Brick Hill Road Orwigsburg, Pa 17961 570-366-0143 ATTORNEYS Steven Stambaugh 717-846-1400 2121 S. Queen St York, Pa 17403 INSURANCE GEICO Local Office 3350 B Paxton St Harrisburg, Pa 717-232-3040 York 717-699-0001 Lancaster 717-GO GEICO CONSTRUCTION Arc Electric 717-397-4306 Eller Construction 83 Hill Road Kirkwood, Pa 717-529-1985



Maxtel Design Pittsburgh, Pa

Battlefield Leathers 1954 B York Rd Gettysburg, Pa 717-334-0657

PHOTOGRAPHY Candy Bakey Tom Roe Photography RESTAURANT/BARS/PUBS C.R. Lapp’s Family Restaurant 101 Fite Way Quarryville, Pa 17566 717-786-1768 The GLAD CRAB 3086 S. Queen St. (RT. 74) Dallastown, Pa 17313 717-244-7636 T. Burk & Co Rte 340 Smoketown, Pa The Rawlinsville Hotel Drytown Road Rawlinsville, Pa 717-284-3244 Bandits Roadhouse Bar and Grill 1922 W. Front St. Berwick, Pa 18603 570-752-2313 AUTOMOTIVE Glenn’s Auto Repair 2218 Beaver Valley Pike New Providence, Pa 17560 TATTOOING Tattooing by Mee York, Pa Lancaster, Pa 717-394-3192 717-718-1900

Thunder Roads Magazine 24

Renegade Classics 1721 Whiteford Rd York, Pa 17402 717-755-7105 Ozark Biker Shop 877-735-1377 Dr. Tom’s Leather & Fireworks 2870 Susquehanna Trail Routes 11 & 15 717-503-2254 UNIQUE CYCLE Supply LLC 426 Lincoln Hwy West New Oxford, Pa 17350 SERVICES Amerigreen 100% American Fuel 888-423-8357 AMSOIL 10141 Bell Inn Lane Ellicott City, MD 21042 Old School Motorcycle Transport 570-864-0901 NOTARIES Marietta Notary 40 Old Colebrook Rd Marietta, Pa 17547 717-426-1793

Central Pennsylvania Black Sheep Breakfast, Saturday, April 24th 8:30am Crossroads Café, Grantville, Pa Dear Black Sheep & Friends of Black Sheep, I would like invite you to be part of the Central PA Black Sheep Breakfast held on Saturday, April 24th. The breakfast is going to be held at the Crossroads Café at 9147 Allentown Blvd. (Rt 22) in Grantville. I am very excited to have the door open to begin a Black Sheep Breakfast in the Central Pa Area. Please consider being a part of this event by attending the breakfast. This is a biker breakfast that is open to all bikers. Following the breakfast Susquehanna Valley Harley Davidson has invited us to participate in a Blessing of the Bikes at the dealership from 11am – 3pm. Come join us at the Black Sheep tent to be a part. SVHD is hosting a grilled chicken lunch for approx $3. Check out the enclosed Flyer for more details. Please forward this email to invite any other bikers to the event or post copies of the flyer. Please call me if you have any questions. I look forward to having you be a part. Kevin (RevKev) Kohler Harrisburg Area HOG Chaplain Black Sheep Area Representative 717 657-9955 hm 717 439-6776 cell


CAMPGROUNDS Steel Steeds Motorcycle Campground 1095 State Highway 405 Milton, PA 17847 (570) 524-9433 Cell (570) 939-0484 PA Rally on River Northumberland, Pa

Thunder Roads Magazine 25

Who Is Michele Smith?

A guy is walking down the street and sees Little Johnny smoking a cigarette. He says, “Kid, you’re too young to smoke.” Johnny looks up but doesn’t say anything. The man asks, “Son, how old are you?” Little Johnny says, “Seven.” Stunned, the man says, “Seven!? When did you start smoking?” Johnny replies, “Right after the first time I had sex.” “Right after the first time you had sex!? the man exclaims. When was that?” Little Johnny ponders, “Gotta’ say I honestly don’t remember….I was drunk”. Malcolm O’Reilly hoisted his beer and said, ‘Here’s to spending the rest of me life!, between the legs of me wife!’ That won him the top prize at the pub for the best toast of the night! He went home and told his wife, Mary, ‘I won the prize for the Best toast of the night.’ She said, ‘Aye, did ye now. And what was your toast?’ Malcolm said, ‘Here’s to spending the rest of me life, sitting in church beside me wife. ‘Oh, that is very nice indeed, Malcolm!’ Mary said. The next day, Mary ran into one of Malcolm’s drinking buddies on the street corner. The man chuckled leeringly and said, ‘ Mal won the prize the other night at the pub with a toast about you, Mary.’ She said, ‘Aye, he told me, and I was a bit surprised myself. You know, he’s only been there twice in the last four years. Once he fell asleep, and the other time I had to pull him by the ears to make him come.’ A truck driver had to deliver 100 penguins to the state zoo. As he was driving his truck through the desert, the truck broke down. After waiting by the side of the road for about three hours, he waved another truck down and offered a good ole’ boy named Bubba $500 to take the penguins to the State Zoo for him.The next day, the first truck driver arrived in town and saw Bubba crossing the road with the 100 penguins walking in pairs of two, directly behind him. The first truck driver jumped out of his truck and said, “What’s going on? I gave you $500 to take these penguins to the damn Zoo!” Bubba boastfully replied, “I did take them to the Zoo, but I had alot of money left over, so now we’re going to see a Disney movie.” Ever wonder what a man’s ultimate embarrassment might be? I’d have to say it would be running into a brick wall with a good stiff erection......and breaking his nose. And turn about is fair play...A woman’s would have to be standing on the scales and literally having to reach down and separate her sagging boobs, just so she can read the numbers.

about getting nervous on the pulpit, I put a glass of vodka next to the water glass. If I start to get too nervous, I take a sip.’ So next Sunday he took the monsignor’s advice. At the beginning of the sermon, he got very nervous and so, took a drink. He proceeded to talk up a storm, jitters free. Upon his return to his office after the mass, he found the following note on the door: 1) Sip the vodka, don’t gulp it down, while sweating profusely. 2) There are 10 commandments, not 12. 3) There are 12 disciples, not 10. 4) Jesus was consecrated, not “constipated”. 5) Jacob wagered his donkey, he did not “bet his ass”. 6) We do not refer to Jesus Christ as the “Late, Great J.C”. 7) The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are not referred to as “Daddy, Junior and the Spook”. 8) David slew Goliath; he did not “kick the shit out of him”. 9) When David was hit by a rock and was knocked off his donkey, don’t say he was “stoned off his ass”. 10) We do not refer to the cross as the ‘Big T.’ 11) When Jesus broke the bread at the last supper he said, ‘Take this and eat it for it is my body.’ He did not say ‘Eat me’. 12) The Virgin Mary is not called ‘Mary with the Cherry’. 13) The recommended grace before a meal is not: “Rub-A-Dub-Dub thanks for the grub, Yay God! Dig In”. 14) Next Sunday there will be a taffy pulling contest at St. Peter’s, not a “Peter Pulling Contest at St. Taffy’s”. A flat-chested young lady read an article in a magazine that stated Dr. Bumbutu in Africa could enlarge your breast without surgery. So she decided to go to Dr. Bumbutu to see if he could help her. Dr. Bumbutu advised her, ‘Every day after your shower, rub your chest and say, ‘Scooby doobie doobies, I want bigger boobies!’ She did this faithfully for several months, and to her utter amazement she grew a terrific D-cup rack! One morning she was running late, got on the bus, and in a panic realized she had forgotten her morning ritual. Frightened she might lose her lovely boobs if she didn’t recite the ritualistic rhyme, she stood right there in the middle aisle of the bus, closed her eyes and said, ‘Scooby doobie doobies, I want bigger boobies.’ A guy sitting nearby looked at her and asked ‘Oh! Are you a patient of Dr. Bumbutu’s?’ ‘Yes I am.. How did you know?’ He winked and whispered, ‘Hickory dickory dock...’

A new Priest at his first mass was so nervous he could hardly speak. After mass he asked the Monsignor how he had done. The Monsignor replied, ‘When I am worried Thunder Roads Magazine 26

Would you believe its been TEN YEARS! since Michele Smith started hosting American Thunder? Some people in the motorcycle industry have called her an American Motorcycle Icon, The First Lady of Motorcycling, and as one 14 year old put it “She’s the ‘Pam An’ of the motorcycle industry”. Michele has changed the stereotypical image of a “Biker Chick” into “Biker Chic” by adding a bit of glamour to the industry. She started out in the modeling world as a pin-up girl. Most of the jobs she did were sexy-type photos seen in motorcycle calendars, posters, catalogs and magazine covers like Playboy, Muscle and Fitness, Swimwear USA, Swimwear International and Neue Revue.You may have seen her over the years in commercials, sitcoms , music videos, The Price is Right or Tim Conway’s comedy videos. Also known in Germany as “Heidi” the West Cigarette Girl, she has appeared in commercials as well as billboards and European magazines. She was spotted on the cover of Easy Riders Roadware clothing catalog and was hired as the host of American Thunder. The rest is history. She has been riding motorcycles since 1994 when she decided to take the Caifornia Motorcycle Safety Course after they hired a stunt women for her riding shots in a foreign film she was working on. “This 90lb. girl on a Harley showed up and I took one look at her and thought if she can ride that thing why can’t I? It was so embarrassing being strapped in a pick-up truck sitting on a Harley riding down Hollywood Blvd for the close-up shots. The very next day I signed up for the motorcycle safety course and ordered a Sportster from Glendale Harley. It arrived just in time to attend the ‘Love Ride’ and off I went. I loved it so much I thought, why didn’t I do this sooner? There is nothing better than the thrill and the sound of a motorcycle! I love working in the motorcycle industry. I always look forward to going out to as many events as possible and meeting with the fans who watch American Thunder. After all, if it weren’t for the fans, I probably wouldn’t have lasted this long in the industry. They are my supporters and I love to hang out and talk with as many of them as I can. The look on their face is priceless when they reach out to shake my hand and I hug them instead! Working in this industry enables me to test ride many different motorcycles and its nice to be able to have that opportunity. When I attend an event I never know what bike they will have waiting for me. Usually I say that I will ride whatever they throw at me, but safety is my first concern. If it’s a bike that I’m not comfortable riding I just might hesitate a little more, after all, there is that waiver I’m usually ask to sign. Hanging out with the builders that I meet at the shows is definately a real treat. These guys are a lot of fun and I think that most have accepted me now.”

Where Is Michele Smith?

I’m all over the country these days. After not returning to American Thunder in 2009 I continued to be a fixture in the Motorcycle world making appearances at events and Rallies around the country. Keeping my face out there is important otherwise people forget about you. I’m very lucky to have such a loyal fan base. That’s one thing you can always rely on from a Biker is “loyalty”. The out pouring of email i received when they changed American Thunder to the “New” American Thunder was incredible. I got a lot of support from both men and woman. I have been making appearances this year around the country and recently shot a print ad for Kuryakyn’s new line of motorcycle luggage. I also have a new TV show that will start airing sometime in June. The show will be called “Two Wheel Thunder” and it will air on Discovery HD Theater. Jay Barbieri is the producer and will also appear on the show with me. Its about time as there are really no motorcycle shows left on TV for the V-Twin rider. Our show will be an informational motorcycle magazine show bringing you the latest and greatest in the world of motorcycles with a similar format to what the old show was. We started filming in January and they have been keeping me busy. Next week I’m off to Mexico! I even had a chance to get some cold weather riding in while shooting. Yep 30-degrees! Oh it was a bit nippy but i layered up and off i went. I wish i could say that riding in Daytona was warmer but this year it was freezing so i am looking forward to riding in Mexico thats for sure. I hope you will all tune in to the new show “Two Wheel Thunder” and if you have a chance shoot me an email I hope to see you on the road! Ride Safe. Thunder Roads Magazine 27

If all women only knew these rules, I believe we could achieve world peace in our time!

The Man Rules At last a guy has taken the time to write this all down Finally,the guys’ side of the story (must admit, it’s pretty good.) We always hear”the rules” From the female side. Now here are the rules from the male side. These are our rules! Please note.. these are all numbered “1 “ ON PURPOSE! 1.Men are NOT mind readers.


1. Learn to work the toilet seat. You’re a big girl. If it’s up, put it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don’t hear us complaining about you leaving it down. 1. Sunday sports It’s like the full moon or the changing of the tides. Let it be. 1. Crying is blackmail. 1... Ask for what you want. Let us be clear on this one: Subtle hints do not work! Strong hints do not work! Obvious hints do not work! Just say it! 1. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question. 1. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That’s what we do.

Thunder Roads Magazine 28

Thunder Roads Magazine 29

Welcome Home

Future PA Biker Isaac Esh with Grandpa Rick

Welcome Home, SPC Robert Jones! Spc Robert Jones has served his Country in Afghanistan, and today, came back to his home area of Northeast Pennsylvania. Robert has actually been on US soil for several days, but is stationed in Alaska. Word came only a few days ago that he would be arriving at Wilkes Barre/Scranton Intl Airport this morning, from Lisa “Pinkie” Fumanti, president of Rolling Angels for Armed Forces PA ch 2, and WWR member. Miss “Pinkie” put together a very “short-notice” mission, to give this young Hero a wonderful welcome. It was truly a coalition welcome, with many Northeast PA groups participating, including Rolling Angels for Armed Forces Ch 1 and Ch 2 PA, Friends of the Forgotten Northeast Wing, Friends of the Forgotten Inc., Warriors’ Watch Riders, Rough Riders, Abate, Legion Riders, and even two representatives of A Hero’s Welcome, that traveled all the way from Southern New Jersey! Bobby was originally scheduled to arrive at 11:30 AM, but several delays pushed that arrival time back to 1:46 PM. I did not see many of the crowd leave! They all stayed, to be sure that he got a real proper mugging and hugging, along with a Magic Coin in the hand, and a Certificate from A Hero’s Welcome. As approximately thirty motorcycles and twenty fourwheelers were parked outside, nearly fifty people were at the gate, as he passed through our flag line. It was total surprise to Bobby, as the first thing he saw coming in from the arrival gate was a banner held by A Hero’s Welcome, a Welcome Home Bobby sign held by Miss Pinkie, and as he turned the corner, dozens of Patriots, with Old Glory held high, in honor of this young Hero. News coverage was provided by ABC WNEP TV channel 16, and Scranton Times Newspaper. Bobby exited the airport, to be escorted by those thirty motorcycles and twenty cars and trucks, to a great party at the

VFW in Jessup, PA. As the procession went through several small towns, police and fire departments provided a relay of escorts....Dunmore, Olyphant Throop, Jessup....all deserve thanks and praise for their support! As we approached the Jessup VFW, the whole block was lined with residents, to say “Welcome Home Hero!”. Thanks to the Jessup VFW for spreading the word to friends and neighbors! Inside, the VFW was packed with friends of our Hero, and a wonderful buffet was set out. After a short leave here at home, SPC. Robert Jones will be returning to his station in Alaska, and will hopefully be taking a few good memories home with him! The weather cooperated with us, in spite of the delayed arrival...I didn’t get soaked with cold rain and heavy-duty winds until I was about five miles from home. I hope everyone else at the VFW, which is about thirty miles north of me, didn’t suffer any worse, but for a young American Hero, what is a little rain!! Thanks to; Wilkes Barre/Scranton Intl Airport, Lisa “Pinkie” Fumanti, Dunmore, Olyphant, Throop, Jessup LEO and FD, Jessup VFW, Friends of the Forgotten Northeast Wing, Rolling Angels for Armed Forces PA ch 1 and 2, Friends of the Forgotten Inc., Rough Riders, Abate, Legion Riders, and if I omitted anyone, I apologize. Too many Patriots to count! Respectfully Submitted, Al “Bluesman” Philo Warriors’ Watch Riders State Coordinator, PA Northeast Region, Scranton Area

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Thunder Roads Magazine 31

Danielle Hello. My name is Tim Hodgden I am 33 years old and am a local rider from Peach Bottom, Pa. I have lived in the area all my life. When I was younger I rode alot of dirt bikes and four wheelers so I knew when I was older I would get myself a motorcycle. I have had several sport bike motorcycles in my younger years. I always made fun of Harley’s for being slow, loud and the fact that it seems they broke down alot. I always wanted to go fast. As I got older I realized Harley’s were the kinda motorcycle I wanted, but I still wanted the speed. My friend was in a serious motorcycle accident, I am not sure how he survived but he did, when that happened I decided the sport bike needed to be sold. Several years went by and I decided it was time to get that harley that I have wanted for several years. Knowing that harleys rode alot different then a sport bike I purchased a 2002 Harley Davidson Sportster that I will ride for a year and then hopefully purchase what I really want and that is a Night train. I came to realize I love the loud noise and just cruising instead of flying down the road and that all motorcycles brake down if you don’t maintain them. Have fun and be safe.


My daughters first 100 mile day. The first day of spring, March 20, 2010, is a day my 10yr. daughter Danielle will never forget. A group of friends and I decided it was time to hit the road for the first group ride of the season. We finally all meet up and somebody says lets ride to Shaffer’s H.D in Orwigsburg, PA. About 50-60 miles away from Wilkes-Barre. . My daughter is about 4ft tall blonde hair, blues eyes weights 59 lbs if she is lucky. I have taken her on short rides many of times, but she always fell asleep. I was reluctant to take her on rides more than 25 - 30 miles from home. A few years ago, I had purchased a CRV belt, it was the best investment I made for my children. Being that she never was able to stay awake before I was a little reluctant. She looked at me with her blues wearing her pink helmet and pink leather jacket and said, “I’ll try to stay awake Dad”. Off we went. I figured if she starts to fall sleep, I’ll break off and take a easy ride back home with several stops. When about 10 miles into the trip, I find out I’m the only one who really knows where Shaffer’s is..Lol I know anybody who has ever road with a group of friends knows what I mean. So we take SR 309 all the way to SR 443 in South Tamaqua turn right and follow to Orwigsburg. We pull in to a packed parking lot and find out that they are having a Ladies only garage sale. Combined with a open house. We hang around about a hour looking at the bikes and eating hot dogs. When we start to gather for the trip back I notice Danielle and Debbie, friend in the group, were missing. I found out they went to checkout the chocolate fountain. My first thought is oh great now I’ll have this 59 lbs little lady bouncing around on the back of my bike. When I see her running towards me with a huge smile, saying “Daddy I brought you some chocolate”. She knows the way to my heart what can I say. Well to shorten this story a little, she made it all the way without falling asleep and I think for the first time my little girl felt the feelings that I do when I’m riding with my friends. When it comes to bikers we are all one big happy family. My little girl is growing up. Dave Corby Thunder Roads Magazine 32

Thunder Roads Magazine 33

Subject: Oil Change Instructions For Women & Men Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 08:57:15 -0500 Oil Change instructions for Women: 1) Pull up to Jiffy Lube when the mileage reaches 3000 miles since the last oil change. 2) Drink a cup of coffee 3) 15 minutes later, write a check and leave with a properly maintained vehicle. Money spent: Oil Change: $20.00 Coffee: $1.00 Total: $21.00

frame. 25) Begin cussing fit. 26) Throw stupid crescent wrench. 27) Cuss for additional 5 minutes because wrench hit bowling trophy. 28) Beer. 29) Clean up hands and bandage as required to stop blood flow. 30) Beer. 31) Dump in five fresh quarts of oil. 32) Beer. 33) Lower car from jack stands. 34) Move car back to apply more kitty litter to fresh oil spilled during any missed steps. 35) Beer. 36) Test drive car. 37) Get pulled over: arrested for driving under the influence. 38) Car gets impounded. 39) Call loving wife, make bail. 40) 12 hours later, get car from impound yard.

Oil Change instructions for Men :

Money spent: Parts: $50.00 1) Wait until Saturday, drive to auto parts store and buy a DUI: $2500.00 case of oil, filter, kitty litter, hand cleaner and a scented tree, Impound fee: $75.00 write a check for $50.00. Bail: $1500.00 2) Stop by 7/11 and buy a case of beer, write a check for Beer: $20.00 $20, drive home. Total: $4,145.00 3) Open a beer and drink it. But you know the job was done right! 4) Jack car up. Spend 30 minutes looking for jack stands. 5) Find jack stands under kid’s pedal car. 6) In frustration, open another beer and drink it. 7) Place drain pan under engine. 8) Look for 9/16 box end wrench. 9) Give up and use crescent wrench. 10) Unscrew drain plug. 11) Drop drain plug in pan of hot oil: splash hot oil on you in process. Cuss. “Worlds Largest Poker Run” 12) Crawl out from under car to wipe hot oil off of face and Fallen Firefighters Survivors Foundation arms. Throw kitty litter on spilled oil. May 1 , 2010 13) Have another beer while watching oil drain. 14) Spend 30 minutes looking for oil filter wrench. Host site by; Red Knights MD Chapter 8 15) Give up; crawl under car and hammer a screwdriver Starting Point; Taneytown F.C. Carnival Grounds through oil filter and twist off 49 Memorial Dr. Taneytown MD 16) Crawl out from under car with dripping oil filter splashing oil Bikes, Trikes, Cars or Trucks * All Welcome Registration 8AM- 11AM * Blessing of Bikes 9:00 everywhere from holes. Cleverly hide old oil filter among trash Start Time 10:00 *** This is per Guinness Book of World Records in trash can to avoid environmental penalties. Drink a beer. Ending Point; Battlefield Harley Gettysburg PA. 17) Install new oil filter making sure to apply a thin coat of oil to gasket surface. Day of Event; 20. For Rider / 10. For Passenger and probably have to order shirts @ $12.00 ** Save by Pre- registering and shirts will be guaranteed ** 18) Dump first quart of fresh oil into engine. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19) Remember drain plug from step 11. Pre-Registration (Please have in by 4/17/10) for shirt orders, etc. (List Size) M -- 3XL 20) Hurry to find drain plug in drain pan. Riders Name___________________________ (1) Size; _____ @ 25. ______ 21) Drink beer. Passenger _____________________________ (1) Size; ____ @ 15. ______ 22) Discover that first quart of fresh oil is now on the floor. Address; _____________________________ Extra hand(s) ___ @ 5.00 _____ City; ____________________ ST___ZIP ________Pre-Registration Total _____ Throw kitty litter on oil spill. E-Mail; _________________________ Checks payable to; R.K.MD. 8 23) Get drain plug back in with only a minor spill. Drink beer. Club/Chapter: ____________________ Pre-Registration send to; RKMD 8 24) Crawl under car getting kitty litter into eyes. Wipe eyes 163 Bentley St Taneytown MD. 21787 with oily rag used to clean drain plug. Slip with stupid Info or crescent wrench tightening drain plug and bang knuckles on frame removing any excess skin between knuckles and Thunder Roads Magazine 35

On A Wing And A Prayer These are God characteristics. Matthew 23:37…”many times I wanted to gather your people as a hen gathers This coming August will her chicks under her wings, but you did not let me.” be six years since my mother Hebrews 13:5…”I will never leave you; I will never went home to heaven. She had forget you.” been sick for about eight months 3. Motherhood creates a loving atmosphere in the before that time. During those home. eight months I found myself Proverbs 31: 26 – 27…”she speaks wise words and thinking about the different teaches others to be kind. She watches over her family things that I remembered growing and never wastes her time.” up with mom. I remembered 4. Motherhood completes the family the times she rocked me on the Children need both fathers and mothers in their lives. A rocking chair when I was a very woman said, “my husband is the most attractive to me little boy and the cookies and when he is loving my children.” milk waiting for us when we got home from school. My 5. Motherhood is a threat to satan mom would ask how our day had been and she was there to Moms who love God and pass that on to their children listen and encourage us when we had gone through tough are a threat to the devil. Most problems can be solved times. I thought back to the times of discipline also. At the by a loving mom and dad. Satan knows this influence time I hated it, but looking back I can see how important and that is why he wants to destroy the family today. those times were. I remember sneaking down the stairs and Our society sometimes feeds mothers these lies: seeing mom in the corner of the room reading her Bible. I a. motherhood is a low ambition remember our walks to church when mom only had a spring b. motherhood is a trap coat because she made sure we kids had winter ones. I c. motherhood is not as valuable as a career remember how she cried and hugged me when I shipped d. motherhood will ruin your body out for Vietnam and also how happy she was when she and e. motherhood is not worth sacrificing for my sister picked me up at the airport, thirteen months later, Mothers you need to know how special you are. God when I came home. I remember teaching my mom how to drive a car. (I think I prayed more at that time then I did in loves you. You may never receive an award on earth but in heaven you will receive the honor due to you. No matter Vietnam – but she learned.) I miss my mom. I miss being able to tell her that I what the world is saying about you, remember God is love her and to give her a hug. When she passed away that saying this to you. The same words He spoke to Mary the mother of Jesus, “rejoice highly favored one, the Lord is August, all of us kids were around her bed when she went with you.” to be with Jesus. I remember the sweet presence of God I was blessed to have a great mom and I am blessed being in the room. It was tough to let her go, but I know to have a wife who has blessed me and my kids by being a that I will see her again someday. Godly mother. Today I would like to share five important aspects of motherhood. Ride safe, 1. Motherhood is a high calling from God to Pastor Frank women. Being a mom is not just a position or a responsibility. On June 26, 2010, our church will be hosting our annual It is a diving call from God. When a woman gets pregnant, she is carrying a child who is created by God bike blessing. There will be free food, fellowship and a bike ride that day. Everyone is welcome. We just need Himself. Psalms 139:13 says, “For You (God) created to know if you are planning to come so we have plenty of my inmost (whole) being; You knit me together in my food. Please RSVP to 717-567-3337. mother’s womb.” Eleanor Roosevelt said, “if mothers would just realize it, they are the supreme asset of society. They have a role that is more important than any statesman, any business man or any scientist.” 2. Motherhood is a reflection of God’s character Most women have certain qualities that come from God. Most women are sensitive. Most women nurture. FAITH CHRISTIAN CENTER , 1551 LOWER BAILEY RD Most women have unconditional love for their children. NEWPORT PA 17074 Always Biker Friendly


An important mom…

Contact anytime for prayer or info.......

Thunder Roads Magazine 36


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