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july - august 2019 e.2-6

info + events + MOre




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tijuana house of culture Visitor’s guide Grape Harvest Fest Taste, art, fun and lots of wine! Cafetomania Coffee stories Stephanie Madrid Coffee Alchemist at “Tres Cultivos” harvest fest calendar our picks Don’t miss Calendar Campiña Urbana let’s have breakfast Oscar Robles Toros’ manager Dr. Ariel Ortiz pioneer on bariatric surgery

TIJUANA VISITOR Dirección General Julián Plascencia Dirección Editorial Guadalupe Rivemar Arte y diseño Tomás Perrín R. Colaboradores Araceli Germán Christian Espinosa Nairda Ariday Ortega Alan Bautista Traducción Raúl Rivemar Agradecimientos Alejandro Márquez Julio Rodríguez Josue Castro


Julio Rodríguez ramos Fotógrafo y promotor cultural

Comercialización Perrín Creatif (664) 496 1808


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John Rippo Versión Digital Metamorfo




Edición Bilingue 7 mil ejemplares

distribución gratuita En San diego y Tijuana

Portada de colección Harvest Fest

@tijuanavisitor Descarga nuestra version digital ¡y compartela!

Claudia Horta La Mujer de Casta









130 years

It’s Grape Harvest Season and the region will receive thousands of visitors, so we have an article and a calendar written by Alan Bautista, guest contributor, recommending some activities that will take place in the Valle de Guadalupe region. In the music scene, Nayrda Ariday, makes her contribution, with a proposal of concerts. Tijuana celebrates 130 years of its foundation and we share a calendar of cultural activities organized by IMAC. In addition, we comment on the House of Culture Vistor’s Guide, honoring the historic building that this month of July, reaches 89 years since it was inaugurated, as the Álvaro Obregón Elementary School. Medical Tourism is another topic that Tijuana Visitor is interested on, that is why we have included an interview with Dr. Ariel Ortiz, a medical eminence, and pioneer in bariatric surgery. In this segment, we appreciate the advice of Dr. Aron Ureña, Health and Wellness Tourism Coordinator of the Secretary of Tourism of the State of Baja California. The coffee culture is getting stronger every day and, in Tijuana Visitor, we are happy to be the only magazine with a permanent space to contribute to this endless topic with our column Cafetomanía, this time written by Aracely German. Likewise, we visited Stephanie Madrid with whom we spoke about the qualities of the Tres Cultivos roaster.

Es temporada de Vendimia y en la región recibiremos a miles de visitantes, de manera que tenemos un artículo y un calendario recomendando algunas actividades que se llevarán a cabo en la región del Valle de Guadalupe, en un artículo de Alan Bautista, colaborador invitado. Nayrda Ariday, hace su aportación, como cada mes, con su propuesta de conciertos. Tijuana celebra 130 años de su fundación y para celebrar, IMAC ha organizado una serie de actividades que compartimos. Ademas, damos cuenta de una Guía para el visitante de la Casa de la Cultura, honrando el histórico edificio que este mes de julio, cumple 89 años de haberse inaugurado, como la escuela Álvaro Obregón. El Turismo Médico es un tema que nos interesa, por lo cual, incluimos una entrevista con el Dr. Ariel Ortiz, toda una eminencia, pionero en cirugía bariátrica. Agradecemos la asesoría del Dr. Aron Ureña, Coordinador de Turismo de Salud de la Secretaria de Turismo del Estado de Baja California, en este segmento. La cultura del café se enriquece cada día y, en Tijuana Visitor, nos alegra ser la única revista con un espacio permanente para aportar al tema con la columna Cafetomanía, esta ocasión a cargo de Aracely German. Así mismo, visitamos a Stephanie Madrid quien nos habló sobre las cualidades de la tostadora Tres Cultivos. Eventos, información y más… solo en Tijuana Visitor, disfrútala.

Events, info and more... only in Tijuana Visitor, enjoy it.

Guadalupe Rivemar Valle Editor

Imagen de archivo



Halcón Peregrino

Mariposa de Quino

Eucalipto de Goma Roja

Venado Bura

Tijuana House of Culture Visitor's Guide This is an indispensable guide for those visitors and residents interested in our history and emblematic sites. Perhaps because of that vortex with which the urban image in our surroundings is modified, the edition of a guide that invites us to visit one of the most beautiful buildings in our city is of greater importance. This edition includes ten sections with detailed information about the Architecture of the former Álvaro


Obregón Elementary School, it also includes a Time Line, Flora and Fauna; Legends, Hidden Spaces and Objects, Map, Time Capsule, House of Culture Spaces and Resident Groups. Each of the sections were written by specialized staff and academics, which adds value to this publication of the Municipal Institute of Arts and Culture, IMAC, headed by Haydé Zavala. The guide was coordinated by Ingrid Hernández.

Esta es una guía indispensable para cualquier tijuanense que se precie de serlo y para aquellos visitantes interesados en nuestra historia y sitios emblemáticos. Quizá por esa vorágine con la cual se va modificando la imagen urbana en nuestro entorno, es de mayor trascendencia la edición de una guía que nos invita a recorrer uno de los edificios más bellos de nuestra ciudad: La Casa de la Cultura de Tijuana. Esta edición incluye diez secciones con información detallada sobre la Arqui-

tectura de la que fuera la Escuela Álvaro Obregón, abarca también una Línea del Tiempo, Flora y Fauna; Leyendas, Espacios y Objetos poco vistos, Mapa, Cápsula del tiempo, Espacios de la CDC y Grupos residentes. Cada uno de los apartados fueron realizados por personal especializado y académicos, lo cual suma valor a esta publicación del Instituto Municipal de Are y Cultura que dirige Haydé Zavala. La guía fue coordinada por Ingrid Hernández.



Grape Harvest Fest 2019 Taste art fun and lots of wine! by Alan I. Bautista Plascencia Fotografía: Julio Rodríguez

For 28 years, the Baja California Pro Wine Committee (a non-profit organization) which represents 57 winegrowers, has been responsible to organize, and promote the culture of wine in the region.

In this 2019, the Fiestas de la Vendimia, will bring together the most important wineries of the region, international chefs and the most prestigious restaurants in Mexico to present a series of festivities that take place over a period of 31 days, with the participation of 60 wineries.

This happens mainly through the traditional Fiestas de la Vendimia (Harvest Festivities), which are held regularly during the months of July and August, although in recent years, they have been extended with activities months before and after the summer.

There are more than 30 events scheduled from July 25 to August 24: Guided tastings, wine appreciation workshops, concerts with international artists, family festivals, wine tours and dinner pairing with renowned guest chefs, in a few words, taste, art, fun and lots of wine.

Although the vintage period (from the harvest of the vine and the delicate process for winemaking) begins in September, the festivities are the ideal prelude for the celebration and homage to the God Bacchus for granting us the favor of this elixir of life.

Desde hace 28 años, la asociación civil Comité Pro Vino de Baja California que representa a 57 vinícolas organiza, promueve y contribuye a fomentar la cultura del vino. En gran

parte, esto sucede a través de la organización de las ya tradicionales Fiestas de la Vendimia, que se realizan regularmente durante los meses de julio y agosto, aunque en los últimos años, se han extendido con actividades meses antes y después del verano.

conciertos con artistas de talla internacional, verbenas familiares, visitas enológicas y cenas maridaje con reconocidos chefs invitados, en breves palabras, sabor, arte, diversión y mucho vino.



Si bien, el periodo de la vendimia (desde la cosecha de la vid y el delicado proceso para la elaboración del vino) inicia en el mes de septiembre, las fiestas son la antesala idónea para la celebración y homenaje al Dios Baco por otorgarnos el favor de este elixir de vida. Las Fiestas de la Vendimia, en este 2019, reúnen a las bodegas más importantes de la región, chefs de talla internacional y a los restaurantes de mayor prestigio en México para presentar una serie de festejos que se desarrollan durante 31 días, con la participación de 60 bodegas. Son más de 30 los eventos programados del 25 de julio al 24 de agosto: Degustaciones, catas dirigidas, talleres de apreciación del vino,


by Aracely GermĂĄn Barista Coffee is one of my favorite subjects, because behind every cup of coffee there is a world and a story to tell. The job of the Barista is telling this story, let us know through how many passionate hands those coffee beans passed before the customers begin drinking their coffee. In the world there are thousands of chains and the field of coffee is not the exception. Each link that makes up the coffee chain was made with passion and love. From the coffee grower who irrigates the coffee tree and takes care of the plagues and the abrupt climate that could damage it, going through the person in charge of transporting the bags of coffee, taking care that they are well stored; then, when the bags of coffee reach the hands of the master roaster, whose task is to clean each grain to remove any defect that may be in it. Likewise, the master roaster is responsible for giving the best roast to highlight each attribute and characteristic of the coffee bean in green, taking care of every minute, the temperature of the toasting process. Once the coffee has been roasted, the


taster is responsible for making an evaluation of the grain, qualifying aroma, acidity, body, sweetness, flavor, fragrance. When it has been roasted and evaluated, is ready to be packed and go to market. Getting close to the last link of the chain, we could not forget the Barista, the person in charge of serving our cup of coffee in the morning, taking care of every detail and extraction, feeling respect and passion for all the work done. And finally, we, the consumers, are the last link in the coffee chain. Mexico is one of the main coffee producing countries, but that does not mean we are among the main coffee consumers worldwide.

Las historias del cafĂŠ El cafĂŠ es uno de mis temas favoritos, pues detrĂĄs de cada taza de cafĂŠ hay un mundo y una historia que contar. El trabajo del Barista es contar esa historia, hacernos saber por cuantas manos apasionadas pasaron esos granos de cafĂŠ que el cliente estĂĄ bebiendo.

We know that every day, millions of cups of coffee are served around the world and each one has its own story to tell.

Reflecting on what it takes to serve us a cup of coffee is really incredible, therefore, I recommend getting to know the coffee culture more thoroughly and give it the value it deserves; Fortunately, in recent years the coffee culture keeps growing.

En el mundo existen miles de cadenas y el ĂĄmbito del cafĂŠ, no es la excepciĂłn. Cada eslabĂłn que compone la cadena del cafĂŠ fue realizado con pasiĂłn y amor.

Desde el productor que riega el cafeto, cuida de las plagas y el clima brusco que pudiera daĂąarlo, pasando por la persona encargada de transportar los sacos de cafĂŠ y cuidar que estĂŠn bien almacenados; luego, cuando los sacos de cafĂŠ llegan a las manos del maestro tostador, su tarea es limpiar cada grano para quitar cualquier defecto que pudiera estar en ĂŠl. AsĂ­ mismo, el maestro tostador se encarga de dar el tueste correcto para resaltar cada atributo y caracterĂ­stica del grano de cafĂŠ en verde, cuidando cada minuto, la temperatura del proceso de tostado.

Una vez que se ha tostado el cafĂŠ, el catador es el responsable de realizar una evaluaciĂłn del grano, calificando aroma, acidez, cuerpo, dulzor, sabor, fragancia. El cafĂŠ ya tostado y evaluado estĂĄ listo para ser empacado y salir al mercado. Llegando casi al Ăşltimo de los eslabones de la cadena, no podĂ­amos olvidar al Barista, la persona encargada de servirnos nuestra taza de cafĂŠ por las maĂąanas, cuidando cada detalle y extracciĂłn, sintiendo respeto y pasiĂłn por todo el trabajo realizado. Y finalmente, nosotros, los consumidores, somos el Ăşltimo eslabĂłn de la cadena cafetera. MĂŠxico es uno de los principales paĂ­ses productores de cafĂŠ, pero no por eso estamos entre los principales consumidores de cafĂŠ a nivel mundial. Reflexionar sobre todo lo que conlleva el servirnos una taza de cafĂŠ es realmente increĂ­ble, por ello, recomiendo conocer mĂĄs a fondo la cultura del cafĂŠ y darle el valor que se merece; afortunadamente en los Ăşltimos aĂąos la cultura del cafĂŠ va en aumento. Sabemos que dĂ­a con dĂ­a, alrededor del mundo se sirven millones de tazas de cafĂŠ y cada una, tiene su propia historia que contar.


Stephanie Madrid, Coffee Alchemist at Tres Cultivos important to cultivate faith, love, and pasion. Faith, because we will always have the confidence on what is happening or will happen; and it’s important that throughout the process, love and passion are always present". For some this is only a job, but for Stephanie, it is a process surrounded by magic. She creates the alchemy and makes something much more than a drink with a certain dose of caffeine; It is a delicate process that culminates when it reaches the lips and palate of those who taste it. “Tres Cultivos aims to create a culture around what the consumer is drinking. For me, a good coffee is a dark, black coffee. When I do a good job, the coffee speaks for itself, expresses all its sweetness, its acidity and its body”.

Have you heard about the single origin coffee, the coffee toasters, the coffee culture, the new coffee shops or “coffee boom” in Tijuana? Tres Cultivos, Praga Café’s toaster, selects its own mix of Mexican grains to satisfy the taste of coffee consumers with a high quality product. Leading the roaster, is Stephanie Madrid, a young woman, passionate about life and coffee. She began her career as a barista at Praga Café, where she created the coffee bar and when the time came to think

about acquiring the blend from a local roaster, she launched the question: What if we toast it ourselves? With a positive answer, she began to experiment, studied courses, researched and specialized herself. "Coffee has acidity, sweetness and a body," she explains, "When deciding to make coffee, the process is very similar to a chef in its kitchen, behind the scenes, tasting and creating". She started with a small toaster, and now, she works with a machine capable of producing up to 25 kilos per day.

“You have to understand the chemical part because the grain transforms during the process". She explains: "For roasting, I need to know details of the raw grain: the type of plant, at what sea level has been cultivated, the number of cuts of coffee cherry, the humidity and the density of the grain. Then, give it a good roasting to prevent it from burning or being left raw so that when it is served, you have a perfect balance among the attributes of the coffee". But there are other ingredients that shouldn’t be missing: "In Tres Cultivos we believe that it is




A propósito del café de origen, las tostadoras de café, la cultura del café, las nuevas tiendas de café o boom del café en Tijuana.

perfecto en los atributos del café”. Pero hay otros ingredientes que no deben faltar: “En Tres cultivos creemos que es importante cultivar la fe, el amor, y la pasión. La fe porque siempre debemos tener la confianza de que va a pasar o está pasando algo bueno; y es muy importante que en todo momento, estén presentes el amor y la pasión”.

Tres Cultivos es la tostadora de Praga Café que selecciona su propia mezcla de granos mexicanos para satisfacer el gusto de los consumidores de café, con un producto de alta calidad. Al frente de la tostadora, se encuentra Stephanie Madrid, una joven mujer, apasionada en su tema. Inició su carrera como barista en Praga Café, donde creó la barra de café y cuando llegó el momento de pensar en adquirir el producto de una tostadora local, lanzó la pregunta: ¿Y por qué no lo tostamos nosotros? Con un si por respuesta, empieza a experimentar, a tomar cursos, a perfeccionarse. “El café tiene acidez, dulzor y tiene cuerpo,” nos explica, “Al momento de decidir hacer café, el proceso es muy similar a un chef que está en la cocina, está detrás, probando y creando”. Empezó con un tostador de tres kilos, y ahora, trabaja con una maquina en la cual se producen hasta 25 kilos diarios.



Hay que entender bien la parte química porque hay una transformación del grano”. Nos explica: “Para el tostado, necesito saber detalles del grano en verde: el tipo de planta, a qué nivel del mar esta

cultivada, el número de corte tuvo esa cereza del café, la humedad, la densidad del grano. Después, darle un buen tueste para que no se queme, ni quede crudo para que cuando se sirva, haya un balance

Lo que para algunos es un trabajo, para Stephanie, es un proceso rodeado de magia. Ella crea la alquimia y hace que el café sea simplemente una bebida con cierta dosis de cafeína; es un delicado proceso y un ritual que culmina cuando llega a los labios y el paladar de quien lo prueba. “La intensión de Tres cultivos es crear una cultura sobre el consumo de lo que se está tomando”. Un buen café para mí es un café oscuro, negro. Cuando hago un buen trabajo, el café habla por sí solo, expresa todo su dulzor, su acidez y su cuerpo”.

Grape hARVEST FEST our picks

Photo: Julio Rodríguez

July 25

SALÓN DEL VINO Coral & Marina Hotel $1,600.00 MXN By Provino Baja California Info: (646)178-3038 / 178-2949 comiteprovino@gmail.com


VISITAS ENOLÓGICAS I Salida: Plaza Cívica de la Patria (3 heads). 9:00 am $690.00 MXN By Provino Baja California Info: (646)178-3038 / 178-2949 comiteprovino@gmail.com

August 2

MUESTRA DEL VINO Riviera Cultural Center 19:00 hrs. $800.00 MXN By Provino Baja California Info: (646)178-3038 / 178-2949 comiteprovino@gmail.com


VISITAS ENOLÓGICAS II Salida: Plaza Cívica de la Patria (3 cabezas). 9:00 Hrs. $690.00 MXN By Provino Baja California Info: (646)178-3038 y 178-2949 comiteprovino@gmail.com CENA DE GALA “ANDIARNO IN CORSO” Adobe Guadalupe $160.00 USD Adobe Guadalupe Info: (646)155-2094 info@adobeguadalupe.com VERTICAL DE AFRODITA CON DECKMAN’S EN LA TRINIDAD Colectivo Enológico de El Sauzal 18:00 hrs. By La Trinidad Winery Info: (646)174.7001 / (646)947-6161 contacto@latrinidadvinos.com

Wine Route Baja 150 wineries 55 boutique hotels 90 restataurants

CONCIERTO DEL CREPÚSCULO Monte Xanic Winery 19:00 hrs. Gran Ricardo: $4,600 MXN Limited edition: $3,600 MNX. Calixa: $2,600 MXN Info: (646)155-2080


More than 750 000 visitors every year

CONFRADÍA DEL VINO NOBLE CEART, Tijuana. 18:30 hrs. $800.00 MN Info: (664) 634-6520


BAJALAJARA Restaurante D’Varios 18:00 hrs. $120.00 USD By Cava Córdova Info: (646)174-7171 fernando@cavacordova.com

9 8

FIESTA EN EL VALLE El Porvenir Park, Valle de Guadalupe 17:00 hrs. Free admission By Provino Baja California Info: (646)178-3038 / 178-2949 comiteprovino@gmail.com VEINTE COSECHAS, CARNE Y VINO Cava Maciel Winery 16:00 hrs. $1,450.00 MXN Info: (646)161-8471

REGRESANDO A LA VENDIMIA Vinisterra Winery $1,800 MXN Info: (646)178-3350 miguelolano@vinisterra.com CENA MARIDAJE 6 TIEMPOS: CHEF OMAR VALENZUELA. Encuentro Guadalupe 17:00 hrs $2,200 MXN By Vinícola Norte 32 Info: (646)155-2935 info@grupoencuentro.com.mx



CENA MARIDAJE: ASÍ SE VA A LAS ESTRELLAS Finca La Carrodilla 19:00 hrs. Info: (646)174-7471



VISITAS ENOLÓGICAS III: ANTIGUA RUTA DEL VINO Salida: Plaza Cívica de la Patria (3 cabezas). 9:00 hrs. $690 MXN By Pro-Vino Info: (646)178-3038 y 178-2949 comiteprovino@gmail.com CELBRANDO LA VENDIMIA EN HACIENDA GUADALUPE Hacienda Guadalupe 18:30 hrs. $2,800 MXN Info: (646)155-2859 / (646)155-2860 info@adobeguadalupe.com COMIDA MARIDAJE Hilo Negro Winery 14:00 Hrs. Info: (646)179-5377


APRECIACIÓN DEL VINO (Workshops) Laboratorio de vinificación, EEG-UABC. 17:00 hrs. $150 MXN By Comité Provino - Escuela de Enología y Gastronomía, UABC. Info: (646)178-3038 / 178-2949 comiteprovino@gmail.com


LOMITA / 10 AÑOS Lomita Winery 19:00 hrs. Info: (646)174-7471


RAÍCES Bodegas F. Rubio 17:00 hrs. $140 USD Info: (664) 689-2982 info@bodegasfrubio.com OAXACALIFORNIA Finca Altozano 18:00 hrs


$2,750 MXN By Madera 5 and Las Nubes Info: (646)156-8045 mkt@chefjavierplascencia.mx CASTA SE VIVE DE NOCHE Vinícola Casta de Vinos 19:00 hrs. $2,500 MXN Info: (664) 648-3161 castadevino.mx@gmail.com RENACIMIENTO Clos de 3 Cantos Winery 19:00 hrs. $2,500 MXN Info: (55)5418-2980

Choose your favorite: Carmenere Grenache, Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Malbec.


VISITAS ENOLÓGICAS IV Salida: Plaza Cívica de la Patria (3 cabezas). 9:00 Hrs. $690 MXN Comité Pro-Vino Info: (646)178-3038 664 178-2949 comiteprovino@gmail.com VERBENA CULTURAL 2019 Bodegas de Santo Tomás, Zona Centro. 12:00 hrs. Free admission Info: (646)178-3333 ext.103 mayramartinez@grupopando.com


PAELLA CONTEST “RAMÓN GARCÍA OCEJO” Viña de Liceaga 12:00 hrs. $950 MXN By Provino Baja California Info: (646)178-3038 y 178-2949 comiteprovino@gmail.com


4ta. SALSA & VINO Alximia Winery 17:00 hrs. $15.00 USD Info: (646)151-9363 y (646)127-1453

Don’t miss

Concerts July






JUAN SOLO “El lugar del Nopal”, 5 de mayo Ave. 1328, Downtown Information + Juan Solo facebook.com/JuanSoloMusic/ ROCK TOUR 2019: LOS AMANTES DE LOLA, KERIGMA Y ROSTROS OCULTOS El Trompo Children Museum Paseo del Parque, Zona Rio $20 - $45 USD Information + Rock Tour 2019 facebook.com/RockTour2019/


LA SONORA CON DINAMITA “Autocinema Bigmoon”, Insurgentes Blvd, 3ra Etapa Río $5.20 USD

Information + Bigmoon Autocinema facebook.com/bigmoonautocinema/

DAVILA 666 “Club Paradise Tijuana”, Revolution Ave, Downtown $10.40 USD

Information + All My Friends Music Festival



LOS MASTER PLUS “Black Box”, Revolution Ave, Downtown $13 USD Information + Black Box facebook.com/blackboxtijuana/

August 2

SHE PAST AWAY “Black Box”, Revolution Ave, Downtown $36.30 - $44 USD Information + Black Box facebook.com/blackboxtijuana

EMMANUEL AND MIJARES Twor Amigos 8:00 pm Las Chichihas Hacienda Winery XPTICKET.COM 90’S POP TOUR “Plaza Monumental”, Del Pacifico Ave, Playas de Tijuana $20 - $ 114 USD Information + 4Live Productions facebook.com/4LiveProductionsTJ

PROFANATICA “Club Paradise Tijuana”, Revolution Ave, Downtown $23.28 USD Information + Profanatica facebook.com/profanaticausa/


FESTIVAL + RUIDO TIJUANA 2019 “Moustache Bar”, Madero St between 6th & 7th St., Downtown Information + Más Ruido facebook.com/Más-Ruido-592312527800927/


ACERO DE GUERRA “Dragón Rojo Bar”, Street First & Revolution Ave., Downtown $5.20 USD Information + Dragón Rojo Rock Bar facebook.com/TijuanaDragonRojoBar/


LA GUSANA CIEGA “Black Box”, Revolución Ave, Downtown $15.56 - $31.11 USD Information + Black Box facebook.com/blackboxtijuana/



STORIES AND LEYENDS 9:30, 10:15, 11:00 y 11:45 pm Casa de la Cultura Night Tour Altamira, Dowtown


MAPPING 7:00 pm Tijuana by night Music Bostich + Fusible. Casa de la Cultura, San Antonio de los Buenos


130… ATISBOS 11:00 am Photo Exhibition Tijuana City Hall Esplanade Zona Rio


LA BAJA ESTÁ DE MODA Fashion show with a cause Tijuana, Ensenada, Rosarito International designers $50-$100 USD


POETRY READING Casa de la Cultura Altamira, Downtown


RECITAL 1:00 pm Community Chorus Casa de la Cultura Altamira, Downtown


XII TIJUANA HISTORY SIMPOSIUM 10:00 am - 8:00 pm IMAC, Former City Hall, Downtown



CAESAR´S SALAD FEST Food, Wine, Craft beer 11:30 am-9:00 pm Agua Caliente Tijuana Tower Agua Caliente and Fundadores Blvd.


TERRITORIUM. 7:00 pm Public Art Instalation International artists Art Gallery, IMAC, Downtown Free Admission INFO imac.tijuana.gob.mx /Cartelera Cultural IMAC. (664) 647 31 22


FESTIVAL DE LA BRASA, LA CERVEZA Y EL VINO Food, Beer, Wine Familiy activities Caliente Casino Parking Free Admission




Let’s have breakfast Ready to order? How about some homemade organic chilaquiles but… made with organic blue corn toast and a delicious fresh chile guajillo sauce made with love? Or if you prefer something sweet, go for the organic superfood waffles, but… with gluten free oatmeal flour and fresh organic seasonal fruit and fresh authentic maple syrup, all free from processed foods, preservatives or processed unhealthy sugars! This summer, make Campiña Urbana your favorite restaurant and start your day with a homemade delicious breakfast that is actually good for you! In our menu, we guarantee that everything is natural, free of refined flours, sugars or GMO products and without preservatives of any kind! For now, we are going to make some fresh made organic drink recommendations to accompany that special breakfast, whatever you choose: salty or sweet. Start with one of the fresh cold press juices (organic vegetables or fruits, mostly purchased directly from organic farmers in Ensenada). Some of our favorite juices are the green and beet juice packed with nutrients and live

Mon. - Fri. 8 am - 9 pm / Sat. 8 am - 6 pm 12175 Oaxtepec St. Colinas de Agua Caliente (664) 634 0056 / (664) 375 9790

enzymes that are very good for your gut bacteria. Studies show that only a healthy plant based diet will foster a healthy colon bacteria that actually increases your blood serotonin levels that corrects any depression. What you eat not only strengthens your body and immune system, it also benefits your mental health! Our organic Coffee beans from Veracruz is decadent with an amazing depth of flavor that you can actually appreciate! You can also try some of the lattes with fresh homemade organic nut milks. One of them is the Latte Cacao, based on almond milk with the superfood cocoa and the Golden Latte also made with almond milk and fresh pressed turmeric and organic honey that we extract ourselves direct from organic local honeycomb! This honey actually is raw, unfiltered organic honey produced in TJ so that it is filled with local pollens to help people with allergies! You can also enjoy these superfood milky beverages by themselves. Try them hot or cold. As you can surmise, these products are on another level than anywhere else: they are thoughtful, packed with nutrients and superfoods, made with love and also taste amazing for guilt free eating! You can have your amazing meal without guilt or worry while also being kind to your body and health at the same time! The newest thing we present is the Latte with activated charcoal, prepared with an Indian walnut

and coconut milk, orange peal, a shot of coffee and activated charcoal, a substance that helps to detoxify your body. The charcoal has no flavor, (it will make the drink look black) but will bring a lot of benefits to your digestive system. We also have our house drink available at any time: the kombuchas with countless flavors like mango and pineapple with turmeric.

So, just come over, we'll help you decide.

3 days that will change your life This summer, everything is ready for the fifth edition of the Tijuana Veggie Fest, the most successful vegan event in Mexico, expecting around 120,000 visitors on August 2, 3 and 4 at the CECUT esplanade. More than 120 stands will be offering vegan food and products, including skin care articles free of animal cruelty. Plus twenty national and international speakers, including chefs and experts on the benefits of Veganism as a life style will give extremely informative lectures and workshops. Among them, the famous TV host Marco Antonio Regil and also Anabell Sastellanes, the creator of the Campiña Urbana concept in Tijuana, will also give lectures. Campiña Urbana Restaurant is an official sponsor of this important event and is participating for the

third consecutive year. In 2019, we will participate with a talk on "Indulgences with conscience” along with a "Desserts without guilt" workshop. Santellanes is an expert in detox, juice therapy and plant based food and a regular lecturer and contributor to the city newspaper El Mexicano. Although most activities are for free, there is the option to purchase an all access pass to the conferences and workshops for only $650 pesos. This is a Do Not Miss event as it is filled with extremely valuable and practical information on healthy living. Please remember: You are what you eat! I urge you to take a step towards improving your health always! There is no substitute for good nutrition! And it is the best prevention against disease! tjveggiefest.com


Sports Toros manager

óscar Robles his baseball career By Christian Espinosa

Everything starts when in the 2017 Season, he decided to say goodbye to the “King of Sports” as a professional player and announced his retirement after winning the Mexican League Championship with the Tijuana Toros. Soon after, the "Bureles" would call him back -in February 2018- to be the Coach in the technical staff that Pedro Meré headed at that time, and in August, he was promoted as Team Manager to replace Lino Rivera. "I feel good, with the passage of time I have gained more


experience. There are teachings that baseball is giving me, very different from when I was a baseball player. In baseball you never stop learning, but I am focused on my work, I want to continue giving good results to continue being the best manager I can be "commented Robles in an interview for Tijuana Visitor. Oscar sealed the first round of the 2019 Season located in the first place in the North Zone of the Mexican Baseball League (LMB) with a record of 40-20. "Tijuana is a team that demands you, that must be in the foreground during

all seasons, it's a bit more special in that aspect... it served me well enough that I had the joy of having great managers when I was a player, like Lorenzo. Bundy, Alfonso 'Houston' Jiménez, Mario Mendoza, Aurelio Rodríguez, Fernando Villaescusa and Eddie Díaz, among others”. Now, as a manager, he revealed that he has been surprised that he must have a specific plan in advance for every day: "I did not think it would be so difficult, you have to prepare, know who is injured, with what players you will count: I didn’t see it coming

when I was a baseball player." In his first season as manager of Toros Oscar Robles managed to get to the first round of the playoffs, so now he is focused on achieving the scepter for the "Bureles".


Born: Tijuana, Baja California, 1976 Position: Infield Bats: Left

Mexican Baseball League Teams (LMB) Diablos Rojos del México (2000, 2003-2005, 2009-2013) Guerreros de Oaxaca (2000-2002, 2014) Toros de Tijuana (2014-2017) MLB Teams Los Angeles Dodgers (2005- 2006) San Diego Padres(2007)

Mexican Pacific League Teams (LMP) Mayos de Navojoa (2005-2008) Águilas de Mexicali (2008-2014) Tomateros de Culiacán (2014-2017) As a Manager LMB Toros de Tijuana (2018-2019) LMP Yaquis de Ciudad Obregón (2018)

El tijuanense Oscar Robles se afianza en

Temporada 2019 ubicado en el primer

su carrera dentro del béisbol, como

lugar de la Zona Norte de la Liga Mexi-

manejador de Toros de Tijuana.

cana de Béisbol (LMB) con un récord de 40-20.

“Tijuana es un equipo que te

Todo inicia cuando en la Temporada

exige, que debe de estar en los primer-

2017 decidió decir adiós al Rey de los

os planos durante todas las tempora-

Deportes como atleta profesional y se

das, es un poco más especial en ese

retiró como campeón de Toros de

aspecto… me sirvió bastante que tuve

Tijuana. Poco después, los “Bureles” lo

la dicha de tener a grandes mane-

llamarían en febrero del 2018 para que

jadores cuando yo era jugador, como

fuera Coach dentro del cuerpo técnico


que en ese momento encabezaba

Jiménez, Mario Mendoza, Aurelio Rodrí-

Pedro Meré y para agosto, fue nombra-

guez, Fernando Villaescusa y Eddie

do oficialmente como Manejador del

Díaz, entre otros, consideró Robles.




equipo en sustitución de Lino Rivera. Ahora, como manejador, reveló que le “Me siento bien, con el transcurso del

ha sorprendido que debe tener un plan

tiempo hemos ganado mayor experien-

todos los días, “yo no creía que sería tan

cia. Hay enseñanzas que te va dando el


béisbol, muy diferentes a cuando era

antemano, saber quién está lesionado,

pelotero. En el béisbol nunca se deja de

con qué jugadores cuentas, eso no lo

aprender, pero yo estoy enfocado en

veía venir cuando era pelotero”.






mi trabajo, quiero seguir dando buenos resultados para seguir siendo el mejor

En su primera temporada como mane-

manejador que pueda ser” comentó

jador de Toros logró llegar hasta la

Robles para Tijuana Visitor.

primera ronda de playoffs, así que ahora está enfocado lograr un cetro

Oscar selló la primera vuelta de la

para los “Bureles”.


Health & Wellness


Ariel Ortiz pioneer on bariatric surgery

In this interview by Guadalupe Rivemar, Dr. Ariel Ortiz speaks about health issues affecting the life of the population, specially in Mexico and the United States. He reveals the alarming rise of diabetes and explains how obesity control treatments can help cure other diseases such as hypertension. What can you tell us about the profile of your patients? I have to say 90% come from US and Canada and, in general, they are either professionals or well studied. My patients, all of them, are overweight or obese or have been overweight and had a previous weight loss surgery; usually they have some type of metabolic disease like diabetes or hypertension and they are all looking for an option, and the option is not in their own country, either because it’s too expensive to pay out of their pocket and/or it's not covered by their insurance. A smart patient is going to research options and won’t be


sidetracked by the price. If someone outside of México, wants to look for a medical service in Tijuana, how can we make them feel confident about any medical service? If you're a patient looking for medical services outside your country, price is important but stop looking for price. Look for a reputable center. First, check at their website and when you find someone, verify his or her medical license online, find a medical license of the doctor, verify if he is actually a doctor. That's a good start! Because you are going to find that not only in Mexico, but in

other places of the world and even in the United States, sometimes they don't have a valid license. The most important thing is that there has to be third party to verify our vouchers for that organization. I've been doing this for 25 years. At this point I've done 21,000 surgeries on USA, Canada and the rest of the world, and what we've always strive for is excellence. I could boast about my own excellence but that's why there are third-party accreditations that actually verify that what you're saying you do, is true.

Does obesity has to do with the economy, genetics or culture? How did this became a global problem, especially in México and United States? I don't like to go with the trends because the world has been on a diet for 40 years now, and it's only getting fatter. I like being disruptive. The diabetes epidemic started in the 80’s and now it's global epidemic, which means pandemic proportions. If we look at the States, 62% of the population is overweight, in México it goes to 72%, that means 73 million Mexicans are either overweight or obese. A few weeks ago, I was lecturing at Oxford University. A new test has found out that 76% of people that say that they're not diabetic,

are actually diabetic. This means that we are underestimating the diabetics. We used to believe that in Mexico there were only 6 million, but with this new calculations probably half of the population is diabetic. Diabetes is a chronic progressive disease that's going to kill you. We presented that medication and insulin is only making the disease worse and that the main cause of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease is carbohydrates. On the other side, the World has been tricked into thinking that there's a linear correlation between eating saturated fat and having heart attacks. In fact, there are hundreds of recent studies and what they found is that the more carbs you eat, the sooner you're gonna die, and the more you're going to have a heart attack. The more fat you eat, the less heart attacks you have and the more you're gonna live.

three days later; they are accompanied by post surgery videos with precise instructions on what to do. We track our patients for five years. Anything else comment to readers? marvelously, that was 20 years ago. From then, science of weight loss surgery basically evolved into what it is today, so we were pioneering weight loss surgery 20 years ago in America. In fact, I was hired by the company that manufactured that device, training other surgeons in the US and Canada.

Considering statistics, if you are at a normal weight, you are now considered abnormal. That's what's happening all over the world. So this should be worrying the whole planet.

How did you start in this field of obesity control?

What does the Obesity Control Center has to offer to your patients?

I have been a weight-loss surgeon for more then 20 years. When I was 29 years old, I was coming out of a specialty as general surgeon, and I got invited to a course, in Mexico City, with this gentleman from Belgium who designed a little belt that was implanted around the stomach and produced weightloss. I learned how to do it laparoscopically. I knew the technique, I needed patients, so fast-forward a couple of years, and we started getting patients looking for us. They were overweight, we would perform a quick surgery on them and the patient lose weight. It worked

Nowadays, I do six surgeries in one morning. At this point, we already developed a program that is not just a surgery, our patients look for us online and we're basically everywhere, you can find us in all our social media: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter. The patients understand that there is a pre-surgical program which is delivered via email and prepares them for surgery with a video platform, 12 days before the procedure. It takes only 20 minutes and patients recover in 30 minutes. So we also promote destinations, they visit the city, go shopping and then fly back home

you wish to Tijuana Visitor

There has to be a big dramatic change in the way we think, not only in Mexico, and we have to understand that the when 7 out of 10 people are overweight or obese, that means that they're also going to be diabetic and that means that they're going to have a high potential dying of a heart attack. Diabetes on children now it's rampant, especially in Mexico, so we're looking at a huge health problem that is about to explode, or already exploded, and the important fact is that our government isn't doing anything to educate the population. As you already know, I've got all my inhouse media platform but I can't educate the whole population. You want to act before it's too late if you're overweight but you don't even have to be obese. I cured diabetes with surgery, so if you have some type of metabolic disease like high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, sleep apnea, severe snoring, all this is treatable by weight loss surgery and reverse, sometimes, in three weeks. if you're overweight and you can´t get it under control, consider weight loss surgery as an option.


arts & Culture

Julio Rodríguez Ramos Artista Visual / Director del Festival FotoFilm Tijuana Julio Rodríguez es un personaje reconocido dentro del ámbito cultural de la región. Es fotógrafo y gestor cultural. Ambas actividades las realiza con éxito. Sus imágenes se han publicado en medios nacionales e internacionales es por eso que Tijuana Visitor se honra en presentar, en esta edición, algunas de sus fotografías para ilustrar el tema de las Fiestas de la Vendimia. Su pasión por capturar la naturaleza y, en particular, el paisaje de la península de Baja California, le han llevado a recibir varias distinciones, entre ellas, el ‘’Mérito Turístico de la Ciudad, 2010’’ otorgado por COTUCO. Antes de dedicarse de lleno su trabajo creativo, desarrolló una


sólida trayectoria en la dirección general de cadenas radiofónicas tanto en Sonora como en Baja California. Fue co-fundador del Festival Cultural Entijuanarte en el 2005, con el cual colaboró hasta su 12ª edición. También fue impulsor de Vivamos la Calle, proyecto cultural realizado en conjunto con el Programa para la Convivencia Ciudadana (PCC) y apoyado por la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID por sus siglas en inglés). En el 2016 fundó la organización Emulsión Antropológica A.C., la cual preside. Actualmente, es director del Festival de Cine y Fotografía FotoFilm Tijuana.



Todos los sรกbados de julio y agosto

16 a 18h



Fotografía: Josue Castro

Claudia Horta La Mujer de Casta

El año 2019 ha sido de éxitos para la vinícola que Claudia Horta fundó hace casi diez años: Casta de Vinos. Revistas especializadas, la prensa local e internacional y redes sociales, dan cuenta de su más reciente logro y Tijuana Visitor, se suma con orgullo, dando a conocer el resultado de su tenacidad y determinación. Claudia Horta regresa de su reciente viaje a España con el mayor número de medallas para México en el concurso


internacional Vino y Mujer: El Premio Gran Diamante para Casta Tinta Petit Verdot, 2014; Diamante para Casta Tinta Cabernet Sauvignon, 2015; Diamante para Flor de Roca, 2016; y Ruby para Casta Tinta Sirah, 2016. Casta de Vinos compitió con vinos procedentes de 11 países distintos, entre ellos Chile, Grecia, Eslovaquia, Argentina, Hungría y por supuesto México.

Estas medallas se suman a una serie de reconocimientos entre los que también destacan los premios obtenidos en la edición 24 del Concurso Mundial de Bruselas, donde participaron 9 mil 80 etiquetas de 50 países. De hecho, Casta de Vinos (Vinos de autor), en equipo con el Winemaker Sergio Castañeda Piña ha obtenido hasta el momento, 46 medallas en concursos internacionales tales como Bacchus en España, IWSC en Inglaterra, CINVE España, Challenge International Du Vin en Francia, Concours Mondial de Bruxelles en Bruxellas, Vino y Mujer en España.

de Rioja, Sommelier Nivel Avanzado y es Winemaker por Curso de oficios de Hugo de Acosta, en Ejido el Porvenir, Ensenada.

Claudia Horta es orgullosa egresada del Cetys Universidad donde estudió la carrera de Contador Público con especialidad en Finanzas. Es Sommelier titulada por Culinary Art School con certificación del Consejo Regulador de la DOCa

¿Qué sigue? Claudia Horta, su equipo de trabajo y su familia se preparan para llegar al concurso Campeón de Campeones a celebrarse el próximo noviembre en España y mostrar la Casta. Mucho éxito.

Su éxito no se limita a su actividad en Casta de Vinos, es además, socia fundadora de la tienda Sports Fan, (1997), misma que hoy en día cuenta con 26 sucursales en diferentes estados de la Republica. También es fundadora de los Restaurantes Baja Terra y Baja Artesanal. Claudia formará parte del Paseo de la Fama 2019 de Tijuana Innovadora.


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