8 minute read
Why Northampton High?
Claudia joined Northampton High School in Year 4 and is now fi nishing her A Levels this year, hoping to read Psychology at University. Meeti ng with Claudia today, she explained the reasons why she enjoys being a pupil at Northampton High. Sitti ng happily, holding old school photographs of herself, Claudia refl ected on the very diff erent child she once was. Coming from a mixed school in France to a girls’ school in England, she arrived very shy, lacking in confi dence and a bit withdrawn. “Completely diff erent to how I am now. Spontaneous, confi dent, willing to fail” she smiles. Does she feel the school was a big infl uence in this change? “Absolutely”, she confi dently replies. The picture she then paints of the school shows the passion that she has about personal growth that the school supports. She explains that the school enables girls to be more confi dent, most noti ceably through the networking opportuniti es she has experienced being in the Head Girl Team and with her rapport with her teachers. Claudia att ended the Girls’ Day School Trust summit in the autumn where she heard inspiring talks on female empowerment and how girls should lead the way and make up their own rules. “The talks were eye-opening, the friends I made, I sti ll have. We even share ideas on events we can run in school”, she said excitedly. Refl ecti ng on the teaching she emphasised how the small Sixth Form classes meant the teachers were approachable, “they welcome debate, love to hear our point of view and encourage us to do research to back up our views”. Being with girls she felt made her more likely to speak up in class, as she refl ects “I don’t mind if I’m wrong, it literally doesn’t matt er”. The fact that she att ends an all girls’ school appears to have a big infl uence on Claudia. Does she mind not learning with boys? “I love not being in a school with boys”, she laughs. “I have my whole life for boys! Why can’t I just let my educati on be a priority? I’m only 18 when I go to Uni; so young”. Rather than debate this topic, Claudia was keen to discuss the clubs she is involved in, these being a great passion of hers. The Current Aff airs club is her top ti p for new girls to join. “It explains things in a gentle way. News is confusing otherwise.” And the UN club is another favourite. “We all get given a country and have to debate a topic aft er researching the country’s laws and views”. The vast amount of clubs and acti viti es on off er at Northampton High clearly allows all girls to explore their passions. Claudia joined in the Junior School and felt that these years had a big infl uence on her. “I felt like I had a place for the fi rst ti me. I was included”. A favourite memory for Claudia was her Year 4 teacher. Claudia lit up when describing the diff erence a good teacher can make to a child. “She just got us. She really understood us. I remember us all standing,
Claudia in year 4

Claudia in year 13

talking and plaiti ng her hair”. When talking about the Junior School it was clear how much Claudia loved being in the school as a young girl. She explains that the teachers knew each girl and their level of learning. On a Science Experience Day in the Senior School she explained how “everyone was included, it was really cool how they knew us all and would make sure we were all involved”. So does she feel it was a benefi t going right thorough the school? “Defi nitely; conti nuity is key for confi dence. You can grow with those around you. I have friends who have helped and supported me in ways I didn’t even realise. The school gave me the skills to grab my opportuniti es. I have loved it.”
An Interview with Claudia by Heather Berry, Northampton High School
A sense of belonging from the very first moment

“The quality of the pupils’ personal development is excellent” - ISI Inspection Report, November 2019
Experts in education for girls aged 2 to 18. We invite you to book a personal tour of our school, and we look forward to welcoming you into our family. Book your visit today: northamptonhigh.co.uk/visit-us

12 Why Learn Baby & Child First Aid? Do you stop yourself giving your baby certain foods because you’re terrified they may choke? Have you ever found yourself watching your child’s every breath when they sleep just in case something changes? Have you ever worried if you’re little one bumps their head what you should do? W hen faced with an accident or serious illness involving our own child, our world can stand still. Blood rushes to your head, pounds in your ears, your breathing quickens, your heart rate soars….and you freeze. You’re scared, you wonder if you do know what to do? Lack of information or knowledge contributes to those feelings of fright and helplessness. Attending a first aid class can help you massively in these situations, I always say knowledge is power. Learning first aid need not be scary, here at Daisy First Aid we have developed a class that is fun and informal, no scary stories, no awkward role play just simple, life saving information. Babies and young children are inquisitive, they have little to no sense of fear and do not understand potential consequences of actions. This unfortunately can lead to accidents. Choking is a common worry among parents, prevalent especially at the weaning age, but can happen at any age when something is inhaled or swallowed and becomes blocked. Babies and children can also be attracted to colourful objects such as laundry capsules, brightly coloured medications, berries on a tree…if ingested this could cause poisoning; knowing how to manage and monitor their ABC’s could save a life. Children riding bikes or scooters or even taking a tumble in the playground could sustain a head injury; do I let them sleep? No, I’m sure I must keep them awake….find out what signs and symptoms to Article by Chelsea from Daisy First Aid Kettering look out for in cases of head injuries, dispel the old wives tales. As well as accidents, our children could become unwell with fever, allergy or meningitis. You may have read something in the media but would you know what symptoms to look out for or when to call for medical assistance? If you feel it is time to get the answer to all of these questions (and probably a lot more) then a paediatric first aid course is for you. Being a parent or carer can be hard and we get tired and there never seems enough hours in the day but we also know it can also be the most rewarding job! The parenting journey is to be enjoyed, it really does pass by too quickly, one moment they are babes in arms, then a toddler and then probably a moody teenager (I’m yet to get to this stage!). Add a paediatric first aid class to your to-do list, have those skills under your belt and make the parenting journey just that bit easier! I run Daisy First Aid Kettering offering award winning classes to parents and carers. As a

mum myself I am passionate about teaching fi rst aid to empower parents and carers alike. If you would like to learn more about CPR, choking, head injuries, meningiti s and a lot more, you can att end a venue class or host a class in the comfort of your own home. Our classes take 2 hours and can be in evenings and at weekends to suit you. The cost is £25 per person and babies under 1 are welcome to come along. Keep in mind that paediatric fi rst aid training is not just ideal for those who are parents. It can be very valuable to expectant parents, friends and the extended family. This type of training is something anyone can benefi t from no matt er what type of interacti on you have with children. Our family fi rst aid classes are accredited by CPD Standards Offi ce.
For more informati on or to book a course contact me on 07539 856822 or email Chelsea@daisyfi rstaid.com

• DEDICATED UNDER 3S AREA • THE ONLY INDOOR AIR BOUNCER IN NORTHAMPTON • SOFT PLAY AND CLIMBING FRAMES • GO KARTS • COFFEEBOX CAFÉ • BIRTHDAY PARTIES Don’t forget Berzerk entry is free to Junior Active members aged under 5 Monday - Friday during term time