Why Northampton High? C laudia joined Northampton High School in Year 4 and is now finishing her A Levels this year, hoping to read Psychology at University. Meeting with Claudia today, she explained the reasons why she enjoys being a pupil at Northampton High. Sitting happily, holding old school photographs of herself, Claudia reflected on the very different child she once was. Coming from a mixed school in France to a girls’ school in England, she arrived very shy, lacking in confidence and a bit withdrawn. “Completely different to how I am now. Spontaneous, confident, willing to fail” she smiles. Does she feel the school was a big influence in this change? “Absolutely”, she confidently replies. The picture she then paints of the school shows the passion that she has about personal growth that the school supports. She explains that the school enables girls to be more confident, most noticeably through the networking opportunities she has experienced being in the Head Girl Team and with her rapport with her teachers. Claudia attended the Girls’ Day School Trust summit in the autumn where she heard inspiring talks on female empowerment and how girls should lead the way and make up their own rules. “The talks were eye-opening, the friends I made, I still have. We even share ideas on events we can run in school”, she said excitedly. Reflecting on the teaching she emphasised how the small Sixth Form classes meant the teachers were approachable, “they welcome debate, love to hear our point of view and encourage us to do research to back up our views”. Being with girls she felt made her more likely to speak up in class, as she reflects “I don’t mind if I’m wrong, it literally doesn’t matter”. The fact that she attends an all girls’ school appears to have a big influence on Claudia. Does she mind not learning with boys? “I love not being in a school with boys”, she laughs. “I have my whole life for boys! Why can’t I just let my education be a priority? I’m only 18 when I go to Uni; so young”. Rather than debate this topic, Claudia was keen to discuss the clubs she is involved in, these being a great passion of hers. The Current Affairs club is her top tip for new girls to join. “It explains things in a gentle way. News is confusing otherwise.” And the UN club is another favourite. “We all get given a country and have to debate a topic after researching the country’s laws and views”. The vast amount of clubs and activities on offer at Northampton High clearly allows all girls to explore their passions. Claudia joined in the Junior School and felt that these years had a big influence on her. “I felt like I had a place for the first time. I was included”. A favourite memory for Claudia was her Year 4 teacher. Claudia lit up when describing the difference a good teacher can make to a child. “She just got us. She really understood us. I remember us all standing,
ar 4
Claudia in ye
Claudia in year 13
talking and plaiting her hair”. When talking about the Junior School it was clear how much Claudia loved being in the school as a young girl. She explains that the teachers knew each girl and their level of learning. On a Science Experience Day in the Senior School she explained how “everyone was included, it was really cool how they knew us all and would make sure we were all involved”. So does she feel it was a benefit going right thorough the school? “Definitely; continuity is key for confidence. You can grow with those around you. I have friends who have helped and supported me in ways I didn’t even realise. The school gave me the skills to grab my opportunities. I have loved it.” An Interview with Claudia by Heather Berry, Northampton High School
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