Time for Tots Magazine Autumn 2018

Page 1

A utum n 2 0 18

The local guide from bump to 5


Healthy Lifestyle Tips

for Children & Busy Mums


& Autumn Activities & Events

40 things to do in northamptonshire before your child starts school Part 3: Autumn


Theatre Tickets A Photoshoot Sleepy Bunny Pillow

Kettering, Wellingborough, Corby, rushden, Thrapston and Surrounding Areas


This Halloween



13th-28th October


Save money book online!


01536 760552

www.westlodgeruralcentre.co.uk Signposted off the A6 between Market Harborough & Desborough. Sat Nav: NN14 2SH

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Autumn 2018 Contents


hat a summer that was! I hope you all had a fabulous time enjoying the gorgeous weather with your children. As usual it flew past far too quickly. In our ‘40 things to do in Northamptonshire...’ feature we bring you 10 things to enjoy in autumn with your little ones. This season brings us Halloween and Bonfire Night of course and our Halloween Activities and Events Guide is on pages 20 to 23 - plenty for your little ones to enjoy. Our general autumn events calendar starts on page 12. Autumn is a time when we look to get back into a routine after the summer holidays. It’s a good time to try a new class with your child - see our Clubs & Classes section starting on page 31. There are a couple of new classes to check out including a new messy play/art class and new pre-school gymnastics classes. New routines can also include lifestyle changes and we have a focus on healthy living this issue. The 0 to 19 Health Visiting Team have written an informative article for us on how to encourage our children to lead healthy lifestyles, turn to page 40, and The Naturally You Clinic have given us some ‘Healthy Eating Tips for Busy Mums’ on page 48. I hope you enjoy everything autumn has to offer. Until the winter.....


4 Tots News 6 What is a Present Worth? 8 40 things to do in Northamptonshire before your child starts school 12 Autumn Events Calendar 20 Halloween Activities & Events 31 Clubs and Classes 32 Bubble Babies Swim School 40 A Healthy Lifestyle for Children 43 Pregnancy, Birth & Babies 44 Birth Announcements 46 Time for Mum 46 Beauty Tips for Busy Mums 48 Healthy Eating Tips for Busy Mums 49 Party Services 50 Business Opportunities & Services 51 Childcare Directory 54 Weekly Activities Timetable 60 Competitions Page 62 Special Offers 63 Index of Advertisers

How to contact us:

Tel: 0845 6439687 E-mail: info@timefortots.co.uk Facebook: timefortotsmagazine www.timefortots.co.uk Meet the team:

Vanessa Simpson - Editor Leanne Houghton - Sales & Admin Support

Our front cover photograph was taken at West Lodge Farm last October during their Halloween Spooktacular! Visit the farm this autumn, from the 13th to 28th October, and enjoy more Halloween activities including pumpkin carving, spooky tractor rides and ghost stories. Whilst every effort is taken to ensure the content of this magazine is up to date and accurate, ‘Time for Tots’ cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions. Neither does ‘Time for Tots’ endorse any of the companies, products or services that are advertised. Copyright on all written material and artwork produced by the ‘Time for Tots’ team remains with ‘Time for Tots’.


Tots News

mess Around northamptonshire

new messy Play Sessions

introducing matrix

Gymnastics Academy


atrix Gymnastics Academy is a not for profit artistic gymnastics club based in Irthlingborough, Northants. They opened in July 2017 and now have over 600 members and 12 qualified coaches! From their impressive facility, they offer structured pre-school sessions, recreational gymnastics, competitive gymnastics and adult gym for boys and girls of all ages and abilities! They also offer schools gymnastics sessions and Northants Sport use their facility for their annual school games programme. Their coaches are all fully qualified and have DBS and safeguarding qualifications. For more information about the academy and their classes, see their advert on page 35 or visit:

Mess Around sessions are all about providing children with opportunities to get messy and explore exciting new sensory activities. The organised sessions run up and down the country but finally arrived in Northamptonshire in April, thanks to local Mum Tamara who launched Mess Around Northamptonshire. “With lots of activities to explore, including our famous painting wall, the little ones can squelch, pour, mix and splat until their hearts are content. All you have to do is come along and MESS AROUND and leave the cleaning up to us!” says Tamara. Sessions are for babies from 6 months of age (or sitting unaided) to 5 years old. Visit the website for more information and class times and locations:



Autumn Open Days at

new infant Aquatics Class

northampton High School


orthampton High School have a whole school open morning on Saturday 6th October from 10am to 1pm. A wonderful opportunity to look around the Nursery and Junior School as well as the Senior School and Sixth Form too. Then on the 17th November, 10am to 12 noon, they are hosting an Early Years Fun Morning which is a lovely event for Nursery and Reception aged children to play and get involved in interesting activities; it is also very positive for parents as they have time with other parents and staff to ask questions and get to know the team. For more information visit:



nfant Aquatics are pleased to announce the launch of their new Sunday courses at Scott Baders in Wollaston. Baby and toddler swimming courses run every day over 7 venues. Bookings are now open for September. Please get in touch for details:

www.infantaquatics.co.uk facebook.com/iaquatics

Barbara Hooton School of Dancing

raising money for Breast Cancer now


ongratulations to the Barbara Hooton School of Dancing who raised £1600 for Breast Cancer Now at their concerts at The Castle Theatre in May! A fantastic sum. Well done to all involved. www.barbarahootonschoolofdancing.co.uk

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5 er in int W now & s mn oot tu B Au & s e o h


Funky Lil’ Feet

Cake Smash Photoshoots

Childrens Shoe Shop


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To advertise call 0845 6439687 or e-mail info@timefortots.co.uk


Tots News Continued

What is a Present Worth? Goodbye & Thank-you Help put a smile on a child’s face this Christmas

Jayne Broadway


ow many presents will your children get for Christmas this year? How big a pile would it make if you could get together all the presents your children had received since they were born? Yet there are millions of children around the world who have never received a present, in fact, the very thought is so alien that when you first give them a gift they will smile, enjoy it and then hand it back as they cannot believe it is theirs to keep. Operation Christmas Child, the world’s largest Christmas Children’s appeal, run by the Christian charity Samaritan’s Purse, aims to help make sure that as many of those children as possible, at least once in their lifetime, get to know what it feels like to be given a joyous gift. It’s so easy to take part. You simply cover an empty shoebox with colourful wrapping paper, fill it with gifts that will bring delight to a child including toys, school supplies, hygiene items, sweets and a £3 shipping donation. Drop it off at a location near to you and Samaritans Purse then send the shoeboxes to children overseas in Eastern Europe, Africa and Central Asia to remind them that they are loved and not forgotten. Last year they sent almost 1 million shoeboxes from the UK alone, and because they work with local churches in these countries, they know that the boxes are given out to those who really need them, regardless of their race, gender or religion. The shoebox gifts are simply destined for, and will be given to children living in difficult situations in some of the toughest parts of the world. Many children in the UK, even those who are quite young, love taking part in this campaign by choosing the gifts that go into their shoeboxes. It is a tangible and meaningful way to get them involved early in the act of giving and learning about people who are less fortunate than themselves. Please pack a shoebox gift this year and ensure that at least one more child in this world will know that God loves them, and that someone has taken the time to send them a special gift.

www.samaritans-purse.org.uk/ what-we-do/operation-christmas-child


n July the Jack & Jill Day Nursery in Rushden bid farewell to one of their most valued staff members, Jayne Broadway, as she retired after 30 years of care in the nursery. Jayne began working part time as a nursery nurse but worked her way up the nursery’s hierarchy, becoming a manager when the nursery was located at Grove Road. During her time with the nursery Jayne was always committed and motivated, putting the nursery amongst her highest priorities. She was always professional and warm, showing so much care toward the staff, the children and all the families with whom she came into contact. Tanya Sidorowska-Jenkinson (Manager) : “Jayne leaving the nursery is going to be difficult for anyone that has known her... we have some rather big shoes to fill”. The nursery wishes Jayne well in her retirement and hopes that she continues to keep in contact with them. Jayne influenced the lives of hundreds of children and so many parents have very fond memories of her and the nursery. Happy retirement Jayne!

Parenting Quote: “You know you’re a Mum when sleeping in until 8am feels as magical as riding out of your bedroom on a unicorn” Anon

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Open Evening We warmly invite prospective parents, especially those due to start school in September 2019, to learn more about what our school can offer. We are holding an open evening on Wednesday 10th October 2018 at 7.00pm. The evening will give you an opportunity to see our school, meet members of staff and gain the information you need to help you make your hugely important decision. We understand what a big decision it is choosing the right school for your child and we hope to support you in making that choice. If you are unable to make the date or would simply like to tour the school in action, then please use the contact details below to arrange a tour. To express your interest in attending, please email Brambleside by Friday 5th October 2018 at: reception@bramblesideacademytrust.co.uk (Please note that the evening is for the adults only at this stage). Brambleside Primary School Cleveland Avenue Kettering, NN16 9NZ Telephone 01536 310680 Headteacher: Mr Drew Brown

www.brambleside.northants.sch.uk “Learning and growing together� To advertise call 0845 6439687 or e-mail info@timefortots.co.uk


40 Things to do in northamptonshire... ...before your child starts school Following on from our things to do in Spring & Summer, this issue we bring you...

10 things to do in

1 2 3 4

Attend a rhymetime session at the library Most of the local libraries in Northamptonshire hold weekly Rhymetime sessions. Suitable for under 5s and their carers, the sessions offer a chance to enjoy rhymes and songs with your child and other children and carers in the area, encouraging interaction and communication. The sessions are free and usually run for 30 minutes. You can always enjoy some books in the library with your child while there too. Our Weekly Activities Timetable at the back of the magazine lists most of the Rhymetime sessions available.

Create an autumn leaf collage using fallen leaves

Take a walk with your tot and see how many different type and colour leaves you can collect from the ground. When you get home place them between sheets of newspaper and lay a heavy book on top for a day or 2 to dry and flatten them out. After a couple of days they’ll be ready to stick on to your paper using glue. You could make a picture or arrange them in colour order.

Dress up for Halloween!

Most young children love to dress up and Halloween is a great time to do just that! The supermarkets are full of costumes to buy every Halloween but why not make your own like our parents used to do! Much more fun. Once dressed up you might want to take your child trick or treating. Or there are so many activities taking place at Halloween to take your child to. See this year’s activities on pages 20 to 23.

Start a new class September sees the start of a new academic year and new routines for many so a great time

to take up a new class with your child. There are so many different local classes to try: football, gymnastics, dance, swimming, art, music to name a few. All offer different benefits for your child aiding their development, including: exercise, interaction, listening and communication skills and so much more. Our Clubs & Classes section has many classes to choose from, many of which offer free taster sessions before you commit. Please mention Time for Tots when responding to an advertisement



See a show at the theatre


Bake together

7 8 9 10

Children’s theatre seems to have really grown in recent years with a whole host of shows available to see throughout the year. It’s a great way to introduce your child to the arts and bring much loved books and characters to life. See our “Autumn Events Calendar” for this season’s shows at The Royal & Derngate, The Castle in Wellingborough and The Core in Corby. We’re very lucky to have 3 fantastic theatres in our region.

Cooking with your child is a lovely activity to do together. It teaches children many important skills in a fun way, including: following instructions, measuring, mixing, weighing, serving, safety awareness. It also helps develop their manual dexterity. Plus you have the pleasure of eating together afterwards. There are many children’s cookbooks available to buy with easy recipes or you can always find recipes online.

See a bonfire & firework display

You could purchase your own fireworks and have your own little display in your garden, or you could visit one of the many local public displays. West Lodge Farm have a family Bonfire Party every year with free sparklers for every family, make a guy, apple bobbing, Farmer Ed’s Big Bonfire with Gunpowder plot re enactment and toasted marshmallows. There are no fireworks at this event which makes it perfect for very young children who may get scared.

Take your child to Odeon Kid’s cinema

Odeon Kids are special screenings of children’s films on a Saturday and Sunday morning at family friendly prices. Films usually starts at 10am or 10.30am at Kettering Odeon and tickets currently cost just £3.25 for an adult or child ticket. Film listings can be viewed online and tickets purchased online too. Visit: www.odeon.co.uk/cinemas/kettering.

Attend a parent & tot swimming session

Most of our region’s swimming pools have special parent & tot sessions mid week in term time. These sessions are a great way to spend quality time with your little one and get them used to the water. Many sessions have floats and other toys in the pool to play with and sometimes sessions include some nursery rhymes that children can splash about to in the water. See our Weekly Activities Timetable for details of sessions at Corby’s International Pool.

Go on an autumn scavenger hunt in a country park

Our county’s 5 country parks all have trails to follow which are great for scavenger hunts. Items you could find include: different coloured leaves, a conker, a pine cone, a piece of bark, an acorn, a flower and a twig. The parks all have play areas and a cafe too for drinks and snacks. To advertise call 0845 6439687 or e-mail info@timefortots.co.uk


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We believe in our girls. And they believe in themselves. Experts in girls’ education from age 2 to 18 Full transport programme for pupils to travel to and from school Open Morning Saturday 6 October 10.00am – 1.00pm Early Years Fun Morning Saturday 17 November 10.00am – 12noon Visit us to see what we mean northamptonhigh.gdst.net 01604 765765


Open 7 Days GF cakes

find us on:

FREE Parking and Wifi Mon-Sat: 9:30am - 5:30pm Sun: 10am - 4pm Venture Park, Kettering, NN15 6WY Tel: 01536 534988

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Autumn Events September

www.bouncetime.co.uk Tel: 07763 666456

Wednesday Nature Tots





at Irchester Country Park

For parents and 2-4 year old tots exploring nature through the seasons. £3.50 per child. Take a Ranger led themed walk followed by a craft activity. 10am to 11.30am Booking essential, call Jo on 07703 160878. www.northamptonshireparks.co.uk

Little Bugs’ Club at Nene Wetlands Visitor Centre at Rushden Lakes

Let your little ones learn about nature through play, stories, crafts and outdoor exploration. September’s theme is ‘Brilliant bats’. 10am to 11.30am. £3 per child. Suitable for 3-5 years olds. Booking essential. Email: nenewetlands@wildlifebcn.org


“Peppa Pig’s Adventure” at The Royal & Derngate

& Sunday

Peppa Pig and friends are back in the brand new live show, Peppa Pig’s Adventure! Join Peppa as she gets ready to go on an exciting camping trip to the woods with George and her school friends, including Pedro Pony, Suzy Sheep and Gerald Giraffe. With lunch-boxes packed and Daddy Pig driving the bus, Peppa and friends are excited about their outdoor adventure, full of games, laughter and live music! The happy campers soon settle down to sleep and listen to the gentle pitter patter of rain. Safe and warm inside their tents the excited group can look forward to morning time, when there will be lots of muddy puddles to play in! Sat 1pm & 4pm, Sun 10am & 1pm Tickets from £17 www.royalandderngate.co.uk




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Festival 2018

15 - 23 September

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Sponsored by Bouncetime


The programme has been designed so there is something for everyone to enjoy, whether you are interested in cultural heritage, local history, archaeology, food and drink, the arts, or leisure activities. For more information visit: www.nenevalley.net/festival

Wednesday “Guess How Much I Love You”





15th & Sunday

16th Saturday



to Sunday



at The Castle Theatre

Selladoor Family presents Guess How Much I Love You. Join Little & Big Nutbrown Hare, from the bestselling ‘Guess How Much I Love You’ and ‘I Love You All Year Round’ collection, as they leap off the page and onto the stage in this magical journey through the seasons. Watch Little & Big Nutbrown Hare settle down after a bedtime story and re-awaken to discover the delights and colours of each season as they compete to measure their love for each other in this timeless loveable story. Explore this playful story of love and nature as it unfolds on stage through puppets, live music and interactive play for children 3 years and up. Performances at 1.30pm & 4.30pm. Tickets £12. www.castletheatre.co.uk

Nature Tots at Fermyn Woods Country Park

For parents and 2-4 year old tots exploring nature through the seasons. £3.50 per child. Take a Ranger led themed walk followed by a craft activity. 9am. Booking essential, call Jo on 07703 160878. www.northamptonshireparks.co.uk

Hedgerow Harvest at West Lodge Farm

Take a tractor trailer ride to all the berry picking hot spots around the farm, collect as many sloes, blackberries and hazelnuts as you can carry! www.westlodgeruralcentre.co.uk







Messy Play Kettering MEGA MESS- Big Birthday Bash Come along and play at 10:30am, and help celebrate Mess Around’s 6th Birthday, at Ise Lodge Community Centre, Kettering. See advert on page 15. www.messarounduk.com

Toddle and Explore at Lyveden New Bield

As part of the Nene Valley Festival, Lyvden are holding this special event for under 5s. Enjoy some fun in the outdoors with crafts and adventure. 11am to 12.30pm. £2 per child. www.nationaltrust.org.uk

Wednesday Nature Tots


at Brixworth Country Park


Family Treasure Hunt at Barnwell Country Park



Nene Valley Festival

Enjoy a diverse programme of events aimed at both residents and visitors to the region, inspiring more people to connect with the wildlife and culture of the Nene Valley. There will be 9 days of exciting events taking place at a variety of venues from Northampton to Peterborough.

Tel: 07763 666456

For parents and 2-4 year old tots exploring nature through the seasons. £3.50 per child. Take a Ranger led themed walk followed by a craft activity. 10am to 11.30am Booking essential, call 07703 160878. www.northamptonshireparks.co.uk

As part of the Nene Valley Festival, Barnwell are hosting a family treasure hunt. Take part from 10.30am to 12.30pm or 1.30pm to 3pm. £5 per family. Come and solve each clue and find the location of the next! Complete the challenges along the way and find the treasure. Good luck! For more info or to book, email: barnwell@northamptonshire.gov.uk

Wednesday Dinosaur World Live!


& Thursday


at The Core at Corby

Dare to experience the dangers and delights of Dinosaur World in this interactive new show for all the family.

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Sponsored by Bouncetime


Grab your compass and join an intrepid explorer across unchartered territories to discover a pre-historic world of astonishing (and remarkably life-like) dinosaurs. Meet a host of impressive creatures, including every child’s favourite flesh-eating giant, the Tyrannosaurus Rex, a Triceratops, Giraffatitan, Microraptor and Segnosaurus! A special meet and greet after the show offers all our brave explorers the chance to make a new dinosaur friend. Suitable for ages 3+. See website for performance schedule. www.thecorecorby.com

Tel: 07763 666456

www.minimeadowsfarm.com Open every day 10am - 5pm Only £5 entry (under-twos free)

Farm animals

open Morning at Pitsford School




An opportunity for prospective parents to visit the school. 10.30am to 1pm. www.pitsfordschool.com

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Based on the book by


Wed 12 Sep, 1.30pm & 4.30pm Tickets £12

Box Office 01933 270 007 castletheatre.co.uk

Guess How Much I Love YouTM © Sam McBratney and Anita Jeram 2016. Licensed by Walker Books Ltd


Sat 17 Nov, 1pm & 4pm Sun 18 Nov, 10am & 1pm

Tickets £17 (£15 Under 16s) (£10 6-12 months) Family Ticket £60 for 4 Box Office 01933 270 007 castletheatre.co.uk

To advertise call 0845 6439687 or e-mail info@timefortots.co.uk


Sponsored by Bouncetime


October Wednesday




Nature Tots at Irchester Country Park

For parents and 2-4 year old tots exploring nature through the seasons. £3.50 per child. Take a Ranger led themed walk followed by a craft activity. 10am to 11.30am Booking essential, call Jo on 07703 160878. www.northamptonshireparks.co.uk

Little Bugs’ Club at Nene Wetlands Visitor Centre at Rushden Lakes

Let your little ones learn about nature through play, stories, crafts and outdoor exploration. October’s theme is ‘Lovely Leaves’. 10am to 11.30am. £3 per child. Suitable for 3-5 years olds. Booking essential. Email: nenewetlands@wildlifebcn.org










“Dracula - The Bloody Truth” at The Royal & Derngate

What if vampires actually exist? What if the legend of Dracula actually happened? Dracula: The Bloody Truth is a fast-paced, smash-hit, hilarious, family-friendly, comedy show getting to the bottom of the true story behind the famous Count. Theatre company Le Navet Bete have created a hilarious show that promises to have the vampires back in the ground and leave audiences flying high. For ages 7+ Tickets£21 www.royalandderngate.co.uk Saturday


Whole School open Morning at Northampton High School A wonderful opportunity to look around the Nursery and Junior Schools (and Senior School/Sixth Form too). 10am to 1pm. www.northamptonhigh.co.uk







Tel: 07763 666456

open Evening at Brambleside School

Prospective parents, especially those due to start school in September 2019, are warmly invited to learn more about what the school can offer. 7pm. Email: reception@ bramblesideacademytrust.co.uk to express your interest. www.brambleside.northants.sch.uk

Nature Tots at Fermyn Woods Country Park

For parents and 2-4 year old tots exploring nature through the seasons. £3.50 per child. Take a Ranger led themed walk followed by a craft activity. 9am Booking essential, call Jo on 07703 160878. www.northamptonshireparks.co.uk

Messy Play Kettering Halloween Spooktacular

Come along and play, 10:30am to 11.45am, at Ise Lodge Community Centre, Kettering. See advert on page 15 for how to book. www.messarounduk.com

Hibernaculum Event at Brixworth Country Park

Join the rangers and build a home for wildlife over the winter. A selection of hibernacula (somewhere for creatures to hibernate over winter) will be available to build. £3 per child. 11am to 2pm www.northamptonshireparks.co.uk

Nature Tots at Brixworth Country Park

For parents and 2-4 year old tots exploring nature through the seasons. £3.50 per child. Take a Ranger led themed walk followed by a craft activity. 10am to 11.30am Booking essential, call Jo on 07703 160878. www.northamptonshireparks.co.uk

Halloween activities & events on pages 20 to 23. Please mention Time for Tots when responding to an advertisement



or play centre open ever y day*

For opening hours, prices and fantastic party packages, visit:

www.wicksteedpark.org/indoorplay *Excluding 24th - 26th Dec & 1st Jan.

Barton Road, Kettering, Northants NN15 6NJ Wicksteed Park Ltd is wholly owned by Wicksteed Charitable Trust. Registered charity no.1142103

To advertise call 0845 6439687 or e-mail info@timefortots.co.uk


Sponsored by Bouncetime




& Sunday



“Lovely Leaves” at Nene Wetlands Visitor Centre at Rushden Lakes

“The Showstoppers Kids Show” at The Royal & Derngate The Showstoppers’ Kids Show takes kids’ ideas and turns them into marvellous, musical adventures from scratch, right away and in front of your very noses. Together, we’ll explore magical kingdoms as you decide where the story is set, what happens next and who the characters are. Everything is made up on the spot entirely from your suggestions, but grown-ups take heed, we only take suggestions from kids! For ages 6+ Tickets £13 www.royalandderngate.co.uk

Come and learn all about autumn leaves and make leaf decorations to take home. 11am to 3pm. £1 per activity. Drop-in session. Email: nenewetlands@wildlifebcn.org

Thomas Half Term Specials at Nene Valley Railway See website for details: www.nvr.org.uk Monday



“Fabulous Fungi Sculpture Workshop” at Nene Wetlands Visitor Centre at Rushden Lakes Create fabulous miniature clay sculptures as part of this workshop with local sculptor, Kathryn Parsons. Suitable for all ages. 11am to 3pm. £5 per person. Drop-in session. Email: nenewetlands@wildlifebcn.org




Breakfast with Peppa Pig at Holiday Inn, Corby




& Friday


Family fun event - enjoy a full breakfast buffet (full English and continental) at the hotel with a surprise visit from Peppa Pig! 8am to 11am. £10 per person, 1 adult free with every 2 child places booked. www.hicorby.com

Hibernaculum Event at Brixworth Country Park

Join the rangers and build a home for wildlife over the winter. A selection of hibernacula (somewhere for creatures to hibernate over winter) will be available to build. £3 per child. 11am to 2pm www.northamptonshireparks.co.uk Thursday


“Paint your own hedgehog feeder” at Nene Wetlands Visitor Centre at Rushden Lakes Help the hedgehogs in your garden get ready for hibernation by decorating your own hedgehog bowl to feed them with. 11am to 3pm. £5 per feeder. Drop-in session. Email: nenewetlands@wildlifebcn.org

Tel: 07763 666456




“Guess How Much I Love You” at The Core at Corby

Join Little & Big Nutbrown Hare, from the best-selling Guess How Much I Love You and I Love You All Year Round collection, as they leap off the page and onto the stage in this magical journey through the seasons. Watch Little & Big Nutbrown Hare settle down after a bedtime story and re-awaken to discover the delights and colours of each season as they compete to measure their love for each other in this timeless loveable story. Explore this playful story of love and nature as it unfolds on stage through puppets, live music and interactive play for children 3 years and up. See website for performance schedule. www.thecorecorby.com

Messy Play Mawsley Halloween Spooktacular

Come along and play, 10:30am to 11.30am, at The Centre, Mawsley. See advert on page 15 for booking. www.messarounduk.com

Family Halloween Party at Holiday Inn, Corby See details on page 20. www.hicorby.com

Please mention Time for Tots when responding to an advertisement

Sponsored by Bouncetime


Tel: 07763 666456


Halloween Spooktacular at Nene Wetlands Visitor Centre See details on page 21. Friday



“The Snail and The Whale” at The Royal & Derngate

to Sunday


Join a tiny snail on her trip around the world in Tall Stories’ magical, musical production inspired by the fantastic best-selling picture book by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. Longing to see the world, a tiny snail hitches a lift on the tail of a humpback whale… but when the whale gets beached, how will the snail save him? Enjoy storytelling, live music and lots of laughs for everyone aged four and above from the Olivier Award-nominated company that brought you The Gruffalo and Room On The Broom. Fri 4pm, Sat & Sun 10.30am & 1.30pm. For ages 4+ Tickets £13 www.royalandderngate.co.uk Saturday



Box Office 01933 270 007 castletheatre.co.uk

Little Monsters Ball at Wicksteed Park

See details on page 20. www.wicksteedpark.org

Halloween Party at Cheeky Monkees

See details on page 20. www.cheeky-monkees.co.uk Sunday



Messy Play Rushden Halloween Spooktacular

Come along and play, 11:30am to 12.45pm, at The Pemberton Centre, Rushden. See advert on page 15 for how to book. www.messarounduk.com

TUESDAY 23RD OCTOBER Family fun event - enjoy a full breakfast buffet (Full English, continental) at the hotel with a suprise visit from a special character 1X ADULT FREE WITH EVERY 2 CHILD PLACES BOOKED TIME: 8:00AM - 11:00AM


Subject to availability. Full pre-payment and pre booking required. Holiday Inn Corby - Kettering A43 | Geddington Road, Corby, Northamptonshire, NN18 8ET Tel: 01536 401020 Web: www.hicorby.com Email: events@hicorby.com @holidayinncorby



To advertise call 0845 6439687 or e-mail info@timefortots.co.uk


Activities and Events



SATurDAy 27TH & SunDAy 28TH OCTOBEr Come on down to Mini Meadows Farm in Welford for some spooky family fun on Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th October. Join in the pumpkin carving competition, dare to go on the spooky treasure trail, let the guest face painter transform you into a frog and get involved with some Halloween crafts. Great value family fun from 10am to 5pm. Normal £5 entry price (under 2s free) to the farm park, including the outdoor play area, indoor Treetops play area, giant indoor sandpit and cafe, plus £3 each to take part in the Halloween activities. www.minimeadowsfarm.com






Join the crew at Cheeky Monkees in Corby for some Halloween fun at their annual party on Saturday 27th October, 6.30pm to 8pm. Includes best carved pumpkin and fancy dress competitions, a spooky treasure trail and lots of prizes! As well as all the fun of the play centre. Tickets £7 (includes a hot dog and fries). Booking essential.


Wicky Bear is holding his annual Little Monsters Ball, and he can’t wait! He and his crew will be performing some spooktacular dances as well as hosting party games and a disco. Tickets are £6* for kids and £2* for adults. Come in fancy dress! Doors open 11.30am, party starts at 12noon to 2pm (*50p extra per person on the day of the party). Babies under 12 months go free. www.wicksteedpark.org

HOLIDAY INN CORBY FAMILY HALLOWEEN PARTY A one course buffet, frighteningly good DJ, entertainment and children’s games. 6pm to 11pm. £15 per adult, children under 12 half price. Fancy dress optional but encouraged. Booking required. www.hicorby.com







Pick up a trail sheet from the visitor centre and see if you can find all the creatures of the night hiding around Skewbridge Lake. Find them all, bring your sheet back to the visitor centre and collect a prize! 10am-4pm daily. £1 per trail. Drop in - no need to book.


Join us for an evening of Halloween fun, including crafts, a night walk around the lake and real animals. 5pm to 6:30pm OR 7pm to 8:30pm. £7.50 per child. Booking essential.


Nene Valley Railway invites you to join Harry the Wizarding Train spotter and his friends on The Wizard’s Express. All aboard as the train awaits at Wansford, departing from platform 2 and a bit!! • Visit the Wizards Waiting Room • Travel on the heated steam hauled, “Wizard’s Express” from Wansford to Peterborough via Wellwarts and return • Halloween Goody Bags, including glow stick for all Children over 1 year of age. • Spooky goings-on aboard the train with Halloween/Wizards characters and a chance to meet Wilma the Witch • Send some very special Wizards Post from the Wellwarts Postal Service • Play The Wizard’s Express Quiz • Can you spot the Friendly Ghost in the tunnel? The Tunnel has been haunted since 1845 • Fancy dress highly recommended, wear your best Halloween or Wizards outfit • Buffet Car on board to purchase hot and cold drinks, light refreshments and Halloween fare. • Arrive for 6.15pm (not before or you will be changed in to a frog) for a 7pm departure. Returning to Wansford just after 9pm Book online at:


SATurDAy 27TH & SunDAy 28TH OCTOBEr Gear up for Halloween with a variety of craft activities. 11am to 3pm. £1 to £5 per activity. Drop in session (no need to book) Facebook: //nene Wetlands visitor Centre





6.00PM - 11.00PM £15.00 PER ADULT CHILDREN UNDER 12 HALF PRICE FAMILY TICKET ONLY £40.00 (2 ADULTS AND 2 CHILDREN) FANCY DRESS OPTIONAL BUT ENCOURAGED Subject to availability. Full pre-payment and pre booking required.

Holiday Inn Corby - Kettering A43 | Geddington Road, Corby, Northamptonshire, NN18 8ET Tel: 01536 401020 Web: www.hicorby.com Email: events@hicorby.com @holidayinncorby





Stanwick Lakes has an exciting week of Halloween themed family activities over the October half term. Make your spine tingle when you meet creepy crawlies and solve the mystery on the lakeside trail. Modest charges or donations for each activity. 11am-4pm daily.



Loads of spooky activities to keep you entertained. Pumpkin carving, Spooky walkway, Witch’s house tours, Spooky Tractor rides, Panto style ghost stories plus all of the usual farm activities.


Join the team at Stanwick Lakes to make Halloween inspired family crafts before heading out to spot Spooky Scarecrows and creepy goings on around Stanwick Lakes. 5pm to 7pm OR 6.30pm to 8.30pm. Suitable for all ages. Children must be supervised by an adult. Book online - £4.50 per person or £15 per family. No parking charge for this event.




Call into the park on Monday 22nd October to take part in this Halloween activity. Drop-in anytime between 10.30am and 3pm.

PumPKin CArvinG 24TH & 25TH OCTOBEr

Call into the park on Wednesday 24th or Thursday 25th October and carve your own pumpkin. Modest charge apply. Drop-in anytime between 10.30am and 3pm. www.northamptonshireparks.co.uk


The ghosts of West Lodge Past have escaped and it’s your job to find them! Search the grounds of the farm to find all of the ghosts, prizes for the winners then join us back in the new adventure play area to meet the ghosts and dance at our spooky disco.



16TH TO 18TH & 23rD TO 25TH OCTOBEr

The witches of Rockingham are gathering to celebrate a spooktacular Halloween at the castle! Come and take part in the spooky activities they have been planning. A fun day out for all the family, including: Quiz & Crossword in the Castle, Pumpkin Trail, Biscuit Decorating, Pumpkin Rolling down the Castle Battlements. Fancy Dress Encouraged! Open: 11am – 4pm daily (last entry 3:30pm) Adults £14, Child £10 (4 -16 yrs), 3 & under free.



The Wizard Express


Rid u o Y are


26th - 27th October Visit the Amazing Wizards Waiting Room   

Take the steam hauled, “Wizard’s Express” from Wansford to Peterborough via Wellwarts and return   

Halloween Goody Bags, including glow stick for all children over one year of age   

Spooky goings-on aboard the train with Halloween Wizards characters   

Fancy dress highly recommended, wear your best Halloween or Wizards outfit   

Buffet Car on board to purchase hot and cold drinks, light refreshments and Halloween fare

18 pounds per person Arrive for 6.15pm Registered Charity Number: 263617

Returning to Wansford just after 9:00pm

Visit www.nvr.org.uk for details and bookings

Corby’s Indoor Play & Party Zone • 4 themed party rooms all with air conditioning • Separate baby & toddler area • Three storey play palace • Maximum height 1.45m • Open 7 days a week, 10am to 6pm • Also available for private hire

HALLOWEEN PART Y Saturday 27th October 6.30pm to 8pm

Best Carved Pumpkin Competition Fancy Dress Competition Spooky Treasure Trail Lots of Prizes

Tickets £7 - Booking Essential Meal of hot dog and fries included

Call 01536 443310


Unit 2, Curie Courtyard off Cockerell Road, Corby, Northants, NN17 5DU

To advertise call 0845 6439687 or e-mail info@timefortots.co.uk


Sponsored by Bouncetime


November Friday








& Sunday








Little Bugs’ Club at Nene Wetlands Visitor Centre at Rushden Lakes

Let your little ones learn about nature through play, stories, crafts and outdoor exploration. November’s theme is ‘Happy hedgehogs’. 10am to 11.30am. £3 per child. Suitable for 3-5 years olds. Booking essential. Email: nenewetlands@wildlifebcn.org

Fireworks Frenzy at Santa Pod

A spectacular afternoon/evening of Fireworks, Live action including Podzilla the Monster Truck, stunt display, drifting, bonfire, fun fair, catering and bar facilities, plus family entertainment. Tickets: From £25 per car. www.santapod.co.uk







Tel: 07763 666456

Early Years Fun Morning at Northampton High School

A lovely event for Nursery and Reception aged children to play and get involved in interesting activities; it is also very positive for parents as they have time with other parents and staff to ask questions and get to know the team. 10am to 12pm. www.northamptonhigh.co.uk

“Peppa Pig’s Adventure” at The Castle Theatre

& Sunday


Big Bonfire Party at West Lodge Farm

Free sparklers for every family, make a guy, apple bobbing, Farmer Ed’s Big Bonfire with Gunpowder plot re enactment, Toasted Marshmallows, This is a NO FIREWORK event. www.westlodgeruralcentre.co.uk

Nature Tots at Fermyn Woods Country Park

For parents and 2-4 year old tots exploring nature through the seasons. £3.50 per child. Take a Ranger led themed walk followed by a craft activity. 9am Booking essential, call Jo on 07703 160878. www.northamptonshireparks.co.uk

Underwater Photoshoot with Bubble Babies

Open to anyone who would like to come along and is confident going under the water. Shoot held in the warm pool at Kingsley School. Contact Erika for more information: www.bubblebabies.co.uk

Peppa Pig and friends are back in the brand new live show Peppa Pig’s Adventure! Join Peppa as she gets ready to go on an exciting camping trip to the woods with George and her school friends, including Pedro Pony, Suzy Sheep and Gerald Giraffe. With lunch-boxes packed and Daddy Pig driving the bus, Peppa and friends are excited about their outdoor adventure, full of games, laughter and live music! The happy campers soon settle down to sleep and listen to the gentle pitter patter of rain. Safe and warm inside their tents the excited group can look forward to morning time, when there will be lots of muddy puddles to play in! See website for performance schedule and prices. www.castletheatre.co.uk

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TUE 27 NOV – SUN 30 DEC Box Office 01604 624811 www.royalandderngate.co.uk



By Julia Donaldson and Rebecca Cobb Adapted and directed by Peter Glanville Music and Lyrics by Julian Butler





Box Office 01604 624811 www.royalandderngate.co.uk To advertise call 0845 6439687 or e-mail info@timefortots.co.uk


Sponsored by Bouncetime




& Sunday





to Friday



Christmas Craft & Gift Market at Wicksteed Park

Over 70 stalls of local crafts and gifts with artisan food stalls. Father Christmas will be on the park and the Wicksteed train will be running. Wreath making workshop and Build a Bear (both bookable in advance), face painting, glitter tattoos and plenty more for children. Bring the family in seasonal jumpers and have a professional Christmas photograph taken, great to make your own cards etc! FREE PARKING £2 entry per adult (children free) will be donated to the British Heart Foundation. 10:30am to 5pm Saturday, 10:30am to 4pm Sunday. For a stall contact Miranda at Ivy Cottage Events www.wicksteedpark.org

Victorian Christmas at Rockingham Castle

It’s Christmas Eve 1849 and excitement ripples through the Castle. The trees are decorated, the silver is shining in the Great Hall, the kitchen is smelling delicious and the gifts are nestled beneath candlelit boughs. The Watson family are celebrating and their servants are stealing a moment to take you around the Castle in all its festive glory. Will you meet the butler at the door or a footman lighting candles for dinner? The pianist could be warming up to entertain the family for the evening and just maybe you’ll find a group of carol singers in the fairy light bedecked courtyard. Come and experience the magic of Christmas in this unique setting sure to get all the family in the mood for festive fun. Delicious meals will be available in the Walker’s House Restaurant, and within the heated refreshment

Tel: 07763 666456

marquee, tea and coffee, cake, mince pies or mulled wine can be purchased. The Castle Gift Shop is filled with a selection of Christmas gifts for friends and family as well as beautiful, unique decorations to recreate the feel of a Victorian Christmas in your own home. Tours start at 11am and run every 15 minutes throughout the day with the last tour at 7.30pm. Adults £12, Children (4-16) £7.50, 3 & under free www.rockinghamcastle.com Wednesday Nature Tots


at Brixworth Country Park


“Big Fish Little Fish Family Rave” at The Core at Corby



For parents and 2-4 year old tots exploring nature through the seasons. £3.50 per child. Take a Ranger led themed walk followed by a craft activity. 10am to 11.30am Booking essential, call Jo on 07703 160878. www.northamptonshireparks.co.uk

Made in Corby presents Big Fish Little Fish Family Rave, the award-winning, critically acclaimed, ultimate family party! Helping parents be responsibly irresponsible since 2013 these events are taking the country by storm – with raves designed to be as much fun for the adults as they are the children, they are social, daft, anarchic and creative spaces for all the family to enjoy. What to expect: ‘Under the Sea’ theme, top DJ playing (grown up) dance music, crafts, multi-sensory dance floor with glitter cannons and giant balloons, baby chill out space, tents and tunnels play area, colouring mural, glow sticks and more! Fancy dress encouraged. For families with children aged 8 and under. Tickets: £10 adult, £8 under 16, Pre-walking infants free.

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A small, friendly, independent school for children aged 4-18 years

Open Morning Saturday 29th September 10:30am–1pm • Small class sizes to ensure individual attention

Come and see the school in action

• School Bus Network • Free wrap around care from 8am – 5.20pm • Wide range of extra-curricular activities offered

Call 01604 880306 to book a place


To advertise call 0845 6439687 or e-mail info@timefortots.co.uk

Sponsored by Bouncetime


Tickets: £10 adult, £8 under 16, Pre-walking infants free. Special Offer: Half price tickets for residents of Corby Borough (maximum 4 per household) Parents remain responsible for their children at all times. www.thecorecorby.com Tuesday






to Sunday



“The Worst Witch” at The Royal & Derngate

Mildred Hubble was an ordinary to Wednesday girl who found herself in an extraordinary place: a school for th witches. Now in her final year, December accident prone Mildred and her fellow pupils are about to embark on their biggest adventure yet. Jealous Ethel Hallow is always out to spoil Mildred’s fun. Miss Hardbroom is opposed to all fun in general. And just as Mildred sparks some inevitable mayhem certain to upset them both, an old enemy returns with a plan for revenge that could threaten not just the Academy, but the whole world. Jill Murphy’s The Worst Witch stories have sold more than five million copies worldwide and been made into numerous films and TV series. The celebrated recent series was written by playwright Emma Reeves (Royal Television Society Award for Best Children’s TV Programme and 2017 British Screenwriters Award for Best Children’s Programme) who has now collaborated with Jill Murphy to bring her timeless story to the stage. Featuring Jill Murphy’s beloved characters, this original story is directed by Theresa Heskins (2017 UK Theatre Award for Best Show for Children and Young People) and features original music, magic, puppetry and plenty of Mildred’s unique brand of utter pandemonium! See website for performance schedule. For ages 7+ Tickets £11 to £27 www.royalandderngate.co.uk


Tel: 07763 666456

“The Everywhere Bear” Underground at The Royal & Derngate The Everywhere Bear has a wonderful time with the children in Class One, but one day he gets more than he bargained for when he falls unnoticed from a backpack and embarks on his own big adventure! He’s washed down a drain and whooshed out to sea, rescued by a seagull… how will he ever make it back to Class One? This captivating and beautiful story from best-selling author Julia Donaldson and illustrator Rebecca Cobb springs to life with rhyme, original music and delightfully expressive puppets. A playful and immersive new stage adaptation for Christmas in the Underground Studio. Tickets £10.50. See website for performance schedule. www.royalandderngate.co.uk

Let your little ones learn about nature through play, stories, crafts and outdoor exploration. Suitable for 3-5 years olds. Please wear suitable outdoor clothing. Meet at the Nene Wetlands Visitor Centre.

Booking Essential | 10Ͳ11.30am | £3 per child

Booking Essential | 10Ͳ11.30am | £3 per child

Booking Essential | 10Ͳ11.30am | £3 per child

© Tom Marshal


Booking Essential | 10Ͳ11.30am | £3 per child Please email: nenewetlands@wildlifebcn.org

Visit: wildlifebcn.org

Like us on Facebook:/nenewetlandsvisitorcentre

Call: 01933 779587

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Come and enjoy FREE PARKING every Sunday here at the Newlands Shopping Centre. Visit our Facebook Page for more details https://www.facebook.com/NewlandsShoppingCentre/ To advertise call 0845 6439687 or e-mail info@timefortots.co.uk


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Clubs & Classes See our ‘Weekly Activities Timetable’ in the back of the magazine for class times and venues


Unlock your child’s potential with Stagecoach Performing Arts

Singing, dancing and acting classes for 4 - 6 year olds, where students learn to embrace life with creativity and courage Find out more today:

stagecoach.co.uk/kettering kettering@stagecoach.co.uk 01234 828878

Creative Courage For Life


To advertise call 0845 6439687 or e-mail info@timefortots.co.uk

Stagecoach Theatre Arts Schools are operated under franchise and are independently owned by their Principals. Stagecoach is a registered trademark of Stagecoach Theatre Arts Ltd.


Two week trial available. Call or e-mail for details


Bubble Babies Swim School For children from 2 months to 5 years Welcome to Bubble Babies!

Photograph by Underwater Art

Explode into action at the weekend in the tropical conditions of Kingsley School Hydrotherapy Pool, Kettering where the water is a wonderful 34 degrees! Saturday mornings will become the highlight of your week as you and your Little One enjoy together the dynamic, fun filled experiences that Bubble Babies swimming classes inspire. All members of the family are welcomed along to enjoy these precious moments when baby acquires more and more vital aquatic skills leading to a life long love of the water!

Learn in Luxury

With you and baby luxuriating in the warm water and air temperatures, optimum conditions are achieved: comfortable and relaxed you can maximise on your swimming session, focusing purely on baby’s enjoyment, skills and progress. Needless to say, landmark achievements are often swift in coming and are always intensely satisfying for all those involved. The carefully structured lessons ensure that a whole range of activities and equipment is introduced, leading to an appreciation of all four strokes and of baby being confident, happy and safe in the water, ABOVE and BELOW!

Dads are welcome!

Bonding opportunities between adult and child overflow in the positive and self-affirming atmosphere of each Bubble Babies class and it is highly entertaining to welcome so many Dads along. Way before even lunchtime, we may all have swum across white water rivers to islands where the children can climb up then dive off the other side, we may have built a lodge for a Beaver and even built gravity defying towers around the pool as we practise our different skills. There’s always the chance that Mr Croc (inflatable of course) will chase after us!

Dynamic, committed instructor

With 15 years of experience under her belt, Erika looks forward every week to welcoming, enthusing and inspiring her mini swimmers. ‘It’s a win-win situation! I get to jump and dive, float like a jelly fish and spin around under the water until I’m dizzy - all the things that I love to do - and the kids just zoom into action! The energy is infectious!’

Badges & Certificates

To celebrate their achievements, the mini swimmers receive the Swimming Teacher’s Association Starfish Badges and Certificates with the older children working through the Stanley First Steps Series awards. For children with special needs, there is the

Rockhopper series, ensuring that everyone is challenged in appropriate ways and has the opportunity to enjoy the self-affirming satisfaction of success.

underwater Photo Shoot

On 10th November we have another Underwater Photograph session lined up and this exciting event is open to anyone who would like to come along and is confident going under the water.

Ask the parents!

Kerry, mum of Ella and Kaylyn, recently emailed me: ‘It has been a pleasure being a part of Bubble Babies, both my girls have benefited so much from classes, even myself learning so many different techniques to build on each of my daughters’ strengths. If I look back to 2016, Kaylyn wouldn’t enter the water at all, only at Bubble Babies did she enjoy water, and her confidence and ability has since flourished. Water for Kaylyn and the ability to swim so young has been a great leveller, as what Kaylyn cannot do well on dry land with her mobility difficulties, swimming has enabled her to accomplish so much more. Kaylyn knows she can swim and that this, surprises many adults, children and lifeguards. It is clear how much she enjoys the admiration and definitely uses this to her advantage!’ After her final lesson when her pre-school twins both succeeded in swimming a length of the pool front crawl and on their backs completely unaided to pass the highest Stanley 7 badge, Charlotte (mum to Arthur, Poppy and Tilly who have all learned to swim at Bubble Babies) texted me, ‘Thank you for making swimming so much fun. We felt very tearful when we left yesterday-we’ve enjoyed it so much. Just wish they could stay for a little bit longer.’

Book now!

To book a class or for more information contact Erika on: Telephone: 01604 780244 Website: www.bubblebabies.co.uk Email: erika.bubblebabies@hotmail.com

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Clubs & Classes

33 V

Website: Email: Tel:

www.andersondance.co.uk info@andersondance.co.uk 07711 866346

Spaces now available in Baby Ballet (ages 3-4) PLUS New Beginners Adult Tap Class Other classes and age groups available. For more information please visit our website. Find us on Facebook - @andersondancekettering


Pre-school Soccer Courses in Wellingborough ÂŁ6

ion. per sess ked boo Courses for and paid . quarterly

Saturdays at Redwell Leisure Centre 9.30 to 10.15am for ages 18 months to 3 years 10.15 to 11am for ages 3 to 5 years

Please call Patrick Franks on 07818 401707 for details One parent must participate in each session (beginners course only) First session FREE! Discount given for siblings Courses run all year round To advertise call 0845 6439687 or e-mail info@timefortots.co.uk


Clubs & Classes


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Clubs & Classes


Come and enjoy our preschool gymnastics classes! Your little leaper will be able to run, jump and learn whilst making new friends in a fun and safe environment! Our MiniTrix classes at MATRIX GYMNASTICS ACADEMY are lead by a British Gymnastics qualified preschool coach and follow a different theme each week. Each class costs ÂŁ5 and fees are paid every half term. FULL TIMETABLE AVAILABLE ON OUR WEBSITE


Adult gymnastics is a great way to keep fit whilst trying something different, meeting new people and learning new tricks!

Adult GymFit!

Our adult GymFit class is on a Tuesday evening 8-9pm (from September) for 18+yrs and is ÂŁ5 a session All abilities welcome and classes are led by British Gymnastics qualified coaches.

Please like and follow our Facebook page for updates and visit our website for more information

Diamond Way Nene Park Irthlingborough Northamptonshire NN9 5QF

Tel: 01933 655661

To advertise call 0845 6439687 or e-mail info@timefortots.co.uk


Clubs & Classes

Jenny’s Dolphins Baby & Pre-school Swimming Lessons

Spanish for Kids!

Come along to Singing, games, one of our fun and interactive stories, movement and classes! craft For children from 6 months Thursdays 10 - 11am to 8 years Market Harborough Leisure Centre Fridays 9.45 - 10.45 am Civic Centre, Burton Latimer Saturdays 9.30 - 10.30am Civic Centre, Burton Latimer


Friendly classes in Rothwell Instructor in the water Average of 6 children per class Prices start from £7.00 for 30 minutes

Come along for a FREE session to see what you think!

Call: 07821 646451 Email: jennysdolphins@live.co.uk www.jennysdolphins.co.uk

Now in Desborough

Rugby fun for 2 to 7 year olds ScrumKids offers fun non-contact rugby-based sessions for girls and boys aged 2 to 7 years Visit www.scrumkids.co.uk to book your FREE TRIAL SESSION

Follow us on Twitter @scrumkids Find us on Facebook Facebook.com/scrumkids

Discounts available for siblings! [




Sing and Sign is Britain’s original, longest running and best loved baby signing programme, taught through music and song. Developed with Speech and Language Therapists to provide a progressive curriculum in 3 stages. We help you and your baby enjoy the process of learning to talk with • Less frustration • Better communication • And more fun!

Classes in Kettering, Rushden and Wellingborough Classes available Monday to Friday Sing & Sign Babes - 6 weeks to 6 months Stage 1 - 6 to 15 months New ven Stage 2 - 15 to 24 months

coming soue on!

Classes and availability listed on our website: www.singandsign.com Email: sarahsilsby@singandsign.co.uk or call Sarah for more information 07585 557664 Facebook search ‘Sing and Sign - East Northants’

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Clubs & Classes

Football fun

for children aged 18 months -7 years.

Learning the FUNdamentals of Football.

Book your class now! Website: www.LittleKickers.co.uk Email: eogden@littlekickers.co.uk Tel: 01604 211249

facebook.com/LittleKickersLeicester/ To advertise call 0845 6439687 or e-mail info@timefortots.co.uk



Clubs & Classes

Corby International Pool & Lodge Park Sports Centre Crèche £3.10 for 1 hr, £5.20 for 2 hrs: LPSC 9.30—11.25am Mon/Wed/Fri Pool 9.25—11.25am Mon/Tues/Weds/Thurs/Fri & 12.25—2.25 Mon/Wed/Fri Shop and Swim at Corby Pool Crèche



“Stay & Play”

at the Pool Parent / Guardian

Swim + ng & Bri wim & Play S y a Tuesd n o s Twin

Lodgy the Lion £2.50/session @ LPSC

Children aged 3 months to 5 years old. Why not let us look after your children while you go shopping then come back for a free swim. Available during crèche opening times. Price includes a free swimming session for one parent/ guardian. Booking essential, places can be booked up to 1 week in advance. Payment required at time of booking.

Snacks & water/juice also provided

Parent & Toddler Lessons +

Adult & Child Sessions Fun for all.. Phone for info.

Party packages are available at both facilities. Includes Crèche “Fun Play” (our Crèche facility is available to hire), Soft Play, Football, Cheerleading, Archery, Trampolining, Swim & Supervised Diving. For further info contact either facility. Visit www.corby.gov.uk/partyhire Pre‐school Gymnastic sessions run every Thursday during Term Time at Lodge Park. Delivered by qualified British Gymnastic Coaches to help develop your children’s social, physical, language, education, imagination and co‐ordination skills. Please call LPSC for more information or to make a booking.

Contact us:

Lodge Park Sports Centre Tel: 01536 400033 www.corby.gov.uk/lodgepark

Find us on Facebook Lodge Park Sports Centre

Corby International Pool Tel: 01536 464643 www.corby.gov.uk/corbypool


Find us on Facebook Corby East Midlands International Pool

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Clubs & Classes

39 V







Help your little ones get active with Trilogy... · Swimming lessons · Gymnastics · Berzerk entry Mon-Fri during term time · Dance, storytime and rhymetime at Berzerk · Rugby/Soccer/Camo/Jumpin’ and Boogie Cubz · Softzone · Parent & Tots swimming · Pre-School Films (Forum Cinema)

All for just £21.99per month Under 5s A5 2018 L.indd 1

To advertise call 0845 6439687 or e-mail info@timefortots.co.uk

14/02/2018 11:01


A Healthy Lifestyle for Children by Kerrie Pearson Kerrie is a children’s weight management specialist in the 0-19 Childrens Universal Service. She and her team work with families to help children and young people make good choices for their diet and exercise. Here Kerrie highlights some ways parents and carers can help their children to be healthy and achieve well in their lives.


o hands up if you find it hard to keep your children active and eating healthy food? Yes it’s a total minefield of advice and information isn’t it! As a 0-19 Service we appreciate that you, as parents and carers are bombarded with so much advice from different sources, and sometimes it can even be conflicting with some companies creating an idea that their product is the best, and some saying it isn’t! We can end up feeling exhausted wading through information before we even begin to make changes at home.

My goal therefore, is to arrange the information out there for you, and give a few simple tips that can help you keep your children active while encouraging positive lifestyle choices to set them up for a long and healthy life.

The Eatwell Plate

The picture below shows the Eatwell Plate. It’s a very simple guide for all ages to check you’re on the right track. The Eatwell Plate suggests that we offer

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41 meals and snacks that reflect those portion sizes on the plate, so they get plenty of fruit and veg as well as carbs, and a smaller portion of protein and dairy. To best enjoy the Eatwell plate it is great to offer your child a selection of different types of foods that ensure a varied healthy diet. Getting your child to enjoy their vegetables might take a little imagination - try chopping it up, making smiley faces and using lots of colour. Children love to get involved with cooking so make the most of their help as you build their interest in vegetables with a ‘best looking vegetable kebab game’? As well as fresh veggies, tinned fruit or veg in juice and frozen choices are really good sources of those all important vitamins. When we think about a healthy diet its really important to think of what the kids are drinking. Encouraging lots of water and less sugary drinks and juice helps build healthy habits, and is really helpful for toilet training. Your child needs only water to drink, or very diluted juices. Until you introduce sugar to your toddler, they will not know what it tastes like, so don’t think you’re being a ‘boring or bad’ parent by not giving it to them, it’s the total opposite! Dental health is so important too, and sugar has a huge impact on this from such an early age. We know that sugar in our diets can have a really bad effect on our teeth, and with the risk of too much sugar leading to harmful fat building up and causing serious health problems, sugary drinks and snacks are definitely a bad idea. Half the sugar children are having comes from snacks and sugary drinks. Too much sugar can lead to harmful fat building up inside and serious health problems, including painful tooth decay.

Healthy snacks are great to help your child to get into a routine of 3 meals and 2 snacks per day, but it can be difficult to think how to reflect the Eatwell plate in snacks so you could try some of these ideas: • Malt loaf slice • Lower-fat, lower-sugar fromage frais • Fresh or tinned fruit salad (fruit kebabs, watermelon lollies) • Chopped vegetables and lower-fat hummus (carrots, pepper or celery sticks) • Plain rice cakes or crackers with lower-fat cheese • Sugar-free jelly • One crumpet • One scotch pancake So, now you have a shopping list, how are you going to get your kids to eat the healthy food? It is true that all kids can be fussy about trying new foods and this can be difficult and frustrating. A parent’s need to feed their child will sometimes override our needs to feed them WELL. However, try to reassure yourself that your child will eat your food if they are hungry. Children often need our support to try new things, food included, and it can take at least 15 attempts before we realise if we like something or not. So, after the 3rd refusal,

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42 please don’t get frustrated just continue to put on the plate and think about how you react to this particular food. Be a good role model, if your toddler sees you refusing or making ‘a face’ at a food, they will copy and also refuse. This might mean that you need to feed your family foods that you don’t usually enjoy so that the kids get to try everything – show your children how fun cooking and enjoying your food can be (even if you are hiding your brussel sprout grimace from them).

Physical Activity

Keeping your little one physically active is really important for them to grow up healthy and with all the benefits of feeling confident, so we encourage all parents and carers to be role models. For some families this is easy, as they load their bikes on the car every weekend and head off for a long weekend of cycling and hiking. For others, particularly less active families, being active together can be daunting. If your family is in the latter category why not plan how you can make a few healthy changes together? Your child will follow your lead and if it’s something you do right from the point they can walk then it will just be a part of an everyday healthy lifestyle. You might, for instance walk to the park after tea and play together. That 30-60 minutes of activity everyday will boost the health of your family. Instead of screen time, could you put on some music and encourage your child to move around and dance while you finish your jobs? In fact, any activity that gets your children moving

is going to be great for them as they grow stronger and bigger. You can see some more ideas for moving with little children in the diagram above. Getting back to my point at the start that there is loads of information out there, the websites that I like best for guiding families to choose healthy lifestyles are listed below: •




www.firststepsnutrition.org There are lots of ideas on these pages, however if you would like any further advice or support then please contact our Admin HUB on:

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43 Nurturing Hands

Pregnancy, Birth & Babies

Baby Massage Classes

Congratulations if you are expecting! Our pregnancy and birth section is just for you. For babies aged from birth to 1 year old

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0845 6439687

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5 week course run by a qualified IAIM instructor Tuesdays & Thursdays at 10am at Rush 2The Den 16 Fitzwilliam Street, Rushden

Baby Reflexology & Baby Yoga Classes also available Please contact for more information

For further information:

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Pregnancy & Birth

Birth Announcements Sponsored by:

Simply Nurture Massage, Yoga & Sleep Support Contact Clare on: 07875 954427 or email: Clare@simplynurture.co.uk

Welcome to the World... Jack Walsham Born on the 3rd March 2018, weighing 4lb 9oz. Welcome to the world our beautiful boy, love Mummy & Daddy xxx

oscar George Blunden Born on the 6th May 2018 at 8:24 weighing 7lb 13oz Mummy and Daddy’s gorgeous baby boy. We love you millions.

orley Stephen Peter Mcilroy Born on the 23rd May 2018 weighing 6lb 13oz. He makes the perfect little brother to our 19 month old Huxley, we couldn’t be prouder!

Poppy Lyndsey Dack Born on the 3rd June 2018 weighing 8lb 8oz. A beautiful little sister for Finley

William Paul Walker Born on the 20th June 2018 weighing 9lbs 6oz A beautiful little brother for Sophia!

Amelie Beau Morgan Born on the 27th June 2018 at 4.32 am, weighing 7lb 1oz. A beautiful bundle of joy and sister to Corey, Ellie, Phoebe, Heidi and Shelby.

Announce the arrival of your little one here.

Simply email us your baby’s name, date of birth, weight, a special message (optional) and a photo to: info@timefortots.co.uk

Sophie Jane Cameron Born on the 15th July 2018 weighing 8lbs 13oz. A perfect addition to our happy family.

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Pregnancy & Birth


Connect with us on social media. Search for ‘mamababybliss’

Gabby Matthews

Birth Practitioner and member of Northants Doulas

Prepare for the birth of your beautiful baby

Antenatal Course Facilitator Postnatal Practitioner and Mother and Baby Yoga Teacher

Women choose a doula to support them for many reasons: • It may be their first pregnancy and they would like a trained doula to help them with decision making and birth preferences. • They may have developed a fear of labour and birth (tokophobia). • Perhaps they had a difficult labour or an experience during a previous birth that is causing concern and anxiety in their current pregnancy. A doula will provide support to a woman’s birth partner by helping them feel informed and useful during the labour and birth.

PregnancyBliss Stretch & Relax Classes Award-winning classes that will teach you techniques such as yoga, relaxation, breathing and more to support you through pregnancy and birth. Suitable from the second trimester.

Discounted fees available for NCT members, clients from NCT antenatal classes and members of the Rushden Positive Birth Movement group Contact me today to arrange an initial discussion

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Tel or text: 07976 245971 Tel: 01933 356003 between 9.30am and 4.30pm Email: gabbym.doula@gmail.com

Courses held at the Civic Center, Burton Latimer, Kettering, Northants, NN15 5RF Facebook page: mamababybliss kettering Instagram: mamababybliss_kettering For more information and to book online visit Jessica Drain's webpage on mamababybliss.com or contact her on 07983478366 MamaBabyBliss is a social enterprise and the only organisation in the UK to provide a complete range of award-winning classes, treatments, training and products to support you and your baby from pregnancy to 3 years old.





Baby Massage ● Baby Yoga ● Parent and Toddler Yoga Baby Relaxation ● Sleep Support for Tots to Teens

Classes, private group bookings and 1:1 appointments with Clare Qualified Instructor, Qualified Sleep Practitioner and Qualified Healthcare Professional

For more information contact Simply Nurture via Facebook or visit: www.simplynurture.co.uk

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Time for Mum Because a happy Mum is a better Mum!

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www.pilatesincorby.worldpress.com f Pilates in Corby

Beauty Tips for Busy mums

By Lu Buckley

Director QL. Award Winning Salon Wellingborough So lets set the scene: It is a Monday morning, the 3 kids (including the 10 month old baby) need sorting out ready for school, breakfast needs to be eaten, the hubby needs his pack up for work and it is absolute mayhem in the house! As a busy mum, regardless of whether you go out to work or not, don’t you feel like you simply do not have the time to sort out your appearance? All you want is a bit of warpaint (makeup) on to literally ‘face’ the world...time to get those brows painted on ready to get through the door. So the right hand brow is perfect...time for the left brow... but hold up wait! The baby is screaming, the other two kids are arguing and one of them has spilt cereal down their uniform. Distraction after distraction. Argh! Now after screaming and shouting the left brow is wonky! There are only 5 minutes left before school run. Count to 10 and breath....

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Time for Mum Ever rocked up on the school run looking like you have been dragged through a hedge backwards? Not necessarily feeling rough but looking it. This can become a daily routine because there is not enough time on a morning for you to get ready. Well there is a solution on the market that all busy mums may wish to consider. If you are a brow perfectionista, or suffering from alopecia or simply want an aesthetic enhancement you should consider Microblading or Semi Permanent brows. Derived from tattooing, semi permanent and lasting for up to 5 years with maintenance. If you are already a dedicated brow tint and wax kinda girl you could be throwing money down the drain. When you add up your usual monthly treatments against the cost of having spmu (microblading), you will actually make a saving in the region of £170- £300 per year! So what happens when you consider this kind of treatment? The qualified, insured and registered practitioner will have a consultation with you and offer you a patch test, whilst checking out your medical background to ensure that you have no contraindications that would prevent this treatment. You will be shown all official


documents and a portfolio of work, and also given options of what treatment will suit your skin type and overall look. You are then invited for your first treatment which takes up to two hours. A topical anaesthetic is applied throughout the treatment. It doesn’t hurt but you may feel a little tingly towards the end of the treatment. Then you are invited back after 4 to 6 weeks for a top up. This session takes about 1.5 hours and then voila! You wake up flawless with no need to pencil the brows in anymore - saving you precious time on a morning, not to mention your sanity. I personally had my brows done 10 years ago and have had one top up, so on most days I do not wear and makeup and I stay in bed a bit longer. This treatment costs in the region of £250 to £500 within our county, dependant on the experience of the technician. Do your research as you get what you pay for ladies. Contact Q.L Wellingborough for more information. We’d be happy to advise you on what would work best for you. In the next issue, we will be looking at tips on weight loss! Oh yes ladies... you will thank me later. Lu V

Welcome to Q.L an AWARD WINNING SALON within Diana’s Fitness Club, Wellingborough. (Hair Salon of the Year 2018, Hair Colourist of the Year 2018, Brow Specialist of the Year 2018 - British Hair & Beauty Awards) Offering you the ultimate experience provided by our hair, beauty, wellbeing and aesthetics experts. We are an informal yet professional salon, who love to interact and take a lot of care with our guests. You can be yourself with us and feel free. Have a laugh, feel inspired and also nurtured. We have 1 Clinic room, 1 luxurious treatment large holistic room, a pedicure pamper lounge, nail bars and two state of the art Hair Stations. For a 360 degrees pamper session, check in for the ultimate experience. Our salon is renowned for the most jaw dropping transformation services locally! Including services such as Microblading, Afro Hair, Hair Replacement, Barbering, Hair Extensions, Facials, Massage, Acrylic Nails, Weddings, Princess Pamper Parties and more. We believe in making a positive change to the people we meet. Have a peruse through our photos and videos. The Urban Salon of Choice www.qlheadquarters.com 01933 275 353

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Time for Mum

Healthy Eating Tips For Busy mums

By Leah Salmon from The naturally you Clinic


fter my first child, I used to think that mums that were healthy, energized and happy were stuff of myth and legend. I was struggling to have a drink before midday, I ate lunch at 4pm & dinner at 10pm (if I remembered and could be bothered). Yet I heard of mothers with 2, 3 & 4 children knocking back green smoothies, throwing gorgeous salads together and drinking water like it was going out of fashion, all while sitting in lotus position on a yoga mat, so I knew it was possible. I also knew how my eating habits were affecting my weight, energy, mood and mind, but I just couldn’t work it out, it all seemed so overwhelming. Fast forward a few years, I’m now a homeschooling mum of 6 (ranging from 3 to 13 years), and run a clinic 3 days a week helping mums find harmony between being a busy mum and showing themselves self love through healthy eating.

Here are just 3 tips to get you started: 1.

Water, Water, Water, Water, Water Not only does your body use 2 litres of water a day to digest foods, water is also a fuel source for your brain. So drinking enough daily can help your digestion (fully digested food gives you more energy), energy levels, mental wellness and more. Fill a 2 litre bottle of water in the morning and aim to get through it before bed.

2. Fatty breakfast = Full For Longer There’s no ‘one size fits all’ diet that suits everyone, but no matter what body type you are, having a breakfast with some healthy fat in it keeps us fuller for longer and adds a great dose of nutrients to your body to start the day. Choosing a boiled or scrambled egg with avocado over cereal and toast can do wonders.

3. All together now… Most mums I work with say they will focus on getting their children a healthy meal, but then neglect themselves by either skipping meals or eating when everyone’s asleep. It took me years to get over the guilt of sitting down to eat with the children when there was SO much to do, but this changed my life. I still miss a meal occasionally, but making yourself as much of a priority at meal times as your children will ensure you get the refuel you need to serve your family without depleting yourself. Be patient with yourself, implement one tip a week and you’ll soon find your groove and start feeling the benefits. Enjoy, take care & stay healthy. Leah Salmon BSY. Dip Nutri. Herb. Irid, CMTA For more help, advice or to book a free 15 minute chat with Leah, visit:


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Party Services Planning a party? Check out our party pages for local providers of party entertainment, equipment and supplies...

Whytewell Sweet Carts Hand-made, solid wood sweet carts available for hire for any occasion

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A variety of party packages & venues for hire.


Lodge Park Sports Centre Tel: 01536 400033

Corby International Pool Tel: 01536 464643

Sports Parties: Football, Soft Play, Creche Fun Play, Cheerleading, Archery Party. Gallery Room available to hire. Hot food available.

Aquatic Parties—Swim or Supervised Diving. Under 5 swim party. Creche parties also available. Hot food available.

West Glebe Pavilion Tel: 01536 204217

Hazelwood Neighbourhood Centre Tel: 01536 443171

Offers a warm, spacious community room for up to 75 people, large enough to house soft play equipment & inflatables. Also football parties on the Astroturf.

Offers a spacious hall for up to 150 people, kitchen available. Inflatable play and soft play equipment is permitted to be used within the centre. Can be brought in by hirer.

For further information on all parties/venue hire, please view the website: www.corby.gov.uk/partyhire

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Business Opportunities & Services

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Looking for work? Want something that will fit in with family life? Then check out the opportunities and services featured here...


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Childcare Nursery Schools, Pre-schools & Childminders


Childcare Directory Desborough, rothwell & District Daodils outdoor Nursery

The Estate Office, Arthingworth, Market Harborough, Leicestershire, LE16 8JT Tel: 01858 525777 or 07858 460419 Email: info@daffodilsoutdoornursery.co.uk www.daffodilsoutdoornursery.co.uk

oak Tree Day Nursery

30 Cecil Street, Rothwell, NN14 6EZ Tel: 01536 601670 E-mail: oaktreedaynursery@hotmail.co.uk

East northants Aldwincle Pre-school

Main Street, Aldwincle, Kettering, NN14 3EL Tel: 01832 720566 E-mail: manageraldwinclepreschool@hotmail.co.uk www.aldwinclepreschool.btck.co.uk

Kiddi Caru Day Nursery

77 Park Road, Rushden, NN10 0LH Tel: 01933 410544 Email: marketing@kiddicaru.com www.kiddicaru.com

Kettering & District Broughton Under 5s Pre-school

Broughton Village Hall Tel: 07939 985071 www.broughtonunderfives.wordpress.com


Pre-School education from 2 years 9 months to school entry. Now booking spaces for


For more information please visit www.broughtonunderfives.wordpress.com or call 07939 985071 Supported by Northamptonshire Community Foundation and Northamptonshire County Council Fund.

Windermere Day Nursery & Pre-school

Haweswater Road, Kettering, Northants, NN16 8LX Tel: 01536 520075 E-mail: windermere.nursery@childbase.com www.childbasepartnership.com

northampton & District Fledglings Day Nursery & Pre-school

Overstone Park, Northampton, NN6 0DT Tel: 01604 643787 E-mail: fledglings@fledglings.com www.fledglingsdaynurseryandpreschool.com

Wellingborough & District Kiddi Caru Day Nursery

22-24 Farm Road, Wellingborough, NN8 4UF Tel: 01933 678325 Email: wellingborough@kiddicaru.com www.kiddicaru.com

Sunnylands Nursery

52 Headlands, Kettering, NN15 6DJ Tel: 01536 512066 Email: sunnylandsnursery@btconnect.com www.st-peters.org.uk

To list your nursery school, pre-school or childminding business in our directory, contact us on: info@timefortots.co.uk

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Top Tips for Choosing Childcare: 1. Consider your child’s age and needs. Younger children need closer attention. Some children flourish in small groups, others in larger groups. 2. Consider what hours you need childcare. Some providers offer cover early morning and later in the evening. Some providers are school term time only. 3. Look around the facilities. Are they clean and safe? 4. Ask about the activities the provider offers. Do they offer a range? Will your child be stimulated? 5. Look at the menu available. Will they cater for special requirements? 6. Ask for references and speak to other parents. Consider combining childcare if it would benefit you and/or your child 7. Don’t leave it to the last minute to book your childcare. Some providers have waiting lists. 8. Take your child with you when you look around and watch their reaction. With older children you can usually tell if they’re comfortable somewhere or not. 9. Research all your options well. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.

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Aldwincle Pre - School The perfect foundation

Places available To discover more, visit us online at www.aldwinclepreschool.btck.co.uk Or contact Alison on 01832 720566 E: manageraldwinclepreschool@hotmail.co.uk

OFSTED NO: 219989

Fledglings Nestled in the beautiful countryside, within the premises of Overstone Park School, Fledglings Day Nursery and Pre-school provides a wide range of facilities and resources. Children are given the opportunity to develop a spirit of adventure and to discover their unique talents and abilities. On our beautiful site we have our own registered farm with ponies, chickens and goats. Children are encouraged to help with feeding and caring for the animals. They are also encouraged to grow vegetables in the allotment adjoining the farm. Children are safe, healthy and happy in their achievements. They participate in all aspects of nursery life. Their opinions and contributions are valued and appreciated and they are encouraged to become good and effective members of the wider community.

Please contact us to book a visit: Overstone Park, Northampton, NN6 0DT t | 01604 643787 e | fledglings@fledglings.com www.fledglingsdaynurseryandpreschool.com

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Weekly Activities Timetable


Weekly Activities Timetable Corby and District MoNDAYS Toddle Tots 9am to 11am at Beanfield Community Centre. £1 per family. 01536 265173. Songs & Rhymes 9.15 to 11.15am at Woodnewton Children’s Centre. 01536 265173.

We try and ensure that the information on these pages is kept up to date but we do rely on the organisers of the sessions to let us know if there are any changes. We recommend you check with the organiser before turning up.

Little Stanion Stay & Play 1pm to 2.30pm at Little Stanion Primary School.

Parent & Toddler Swimming 1.30pm to 3pm at Corby Pool. Drop in. Pay as you go. Baby Talk (Under 1s) 2pm to 3pm at Corby Library from 23rd July to 2nd Sept. Drop-in.


Stories & Songs Lodgy’s Little Lions 2pm to 3pm at Exeter Children’s 9.30am to 11.15am at Lodge Centre. 01536 204765 Park Sports Centre. A ‘stay and play’ parent and toddler session including arts and crafts, messy play, sensory room, fun and games.

Lodgy’s Little Lions 9.30am to 11.15am at Lodge Park Sports Centre. A ‘stay and play’ parent and toddler session Toddler Time including arts and crafts, messy play, sensory room, fun and games. 9.30am to 11am at Exeter Children’s Centre. 01536 204765 Adult & Child Swimming Lessons Little Sparkles 9.30 to 10am or 10 to 10.30am 10am to 11.15am at Kingswood at Corby International Pool. For Children’s Centre. 01536 747508 children aged 1 to 5 years old. Baby Massage Sparkle Tots 9.30am-11am at St John’s Church Hall. 10am to 11.30am at Exeter £2 / child. Call Sam: 07739 362924. TT Children’s Centre. 01536 204765 Noah’s Ark Baby & Toddler Group 9.30-10.45am at Congregational church hall, Chapel Road, Weldon, £2 per family. emma@stmarysweldon.uk Parent & Toddler Swimming 10am to 12pm at Corby International Pool. Drop in. Pay as you go. Wilbarston Tots & Tiddlers 10am-12pm at Wilbarston Village Hall. Diane: 07761 957825. TT

TUESDAYS Parent & Toddler Swimming 9am to 11am at Corby International Pool. Drop in. Pay as you go. Little Angels Stay & Play 9.15am to 11.15am at Woodnewton Children’s Centre. Tel: 01536 265173 Rhymetime 10 to 10.30am or 11 to 11.30am at Corby Library. Free. Baby Massage 1pm to 2.30pm at Kingswood Children’s Centre. 01536 747508



Growing Together 1pm to 2.30pm at Kingswood Children’s Centre. 01536 747508



Creative Play 9.15-11am at Exeter Children’s Centre. 01536 204765 Little Angels Stay & Play 9.15-11.15am at Woodnewton Children’s Centre. 01536 265173 Parent & Toddler Swimming 9am to 11am at Corby Pool. Drop in. Pay as you go. Lodgy’s Little Lions 9.30am to 11.15am at Lodge Park Sports Centre. A ‘stay and play’ parent and toddler session including arts and crafts, messy play, sensory room, fun and games.

Toddle Tots 9am to 11.30am at Beanfield Community Centre. £1 per family. 01536 265173.

Play and Learn for under 5s 10 to 11am at Corby Library. Toys, fun and games. Free. Drop-in. Wear clothes suitable for messy play!

Busy Bees Baby & Toddler Group 9.30 to 11.30am, term time, at Priors Hall Communtiy Centre, NN17 5EB. £2 per family. Contact: louise@stmarysweldon.uk

Adult & Child Swimming Lessons 11am to 11.30am or 11.30am to 12pm at Corby Pool. For children aged 1 to 5 years old.

Tots & Toddlers (Pre-school Gymnastics) At Lodge Park Sports Centre. 10am to 10.45am for under 2s 11am to 11.45am for 2 to 3 years 12pm to 12.45pm for 3 to 4 years 1pm to 1.45pm for 3 to 4 years 1.45pm to 2.30pm for 3 to 4 years

Punchin Pandas 5 to 5.45pm at The Scout Hut, Occupation Rd. For ages 3 to 7. Punchin Pandas 6.15 to 7pm at Kingswood School. For ages 3 to 7 years. 7pm to 8pm Family beginners class.

Little ones 1pm to 2.30pm at the Welcome Centre, Little Stanion.


Little Kickers At Lodge Park Sports Centre. Bounce & Rhyme for under 1s 1.30pm to 2.30pm at Corby Library. “Mighty Kickers” for 3.5 to 5 year olds, 9.15am to 10am Free. Drop-in. “Junior Kickers” for 2 to 3.5 year olds, 10.10am to 10.55am.

Music, Dance & Drama

Physical classes

Arts & Crafts

Parent & Tot Group / Other


Wellingborough and District

Irchester Babies & Toddlers (BATS) 9.15-11.15am at Irchester Village Hall. £1 1st child, 50p thereafter.

Infant Aquatics Swimming 30 minute classes between 9.30am W’boro URC Bumps, Babes & Tots and 12pm at Diana’s Health & 9.15-11.30am at Salem Hall, Salem Fitness Club. Lane. Cost £1.50. Contact Kay: Little Fishes (Little Harrowden) haddonINC@live.co.uk 9.30am-10.45am in the church. A Baby Ballet Bible story, songs, prayers, crafts, toys and refreshments. Contact Mar- (Barbara Hooton School of Dance) 9.30 to 10am and 10 to 10.30am garet: mgbobby@hotmail.co.uk. at The Studio, Earls Barton. Play & Learn Under 5s (Irchester) 2pm to 3pm at Irchester Library. Rhymetime (Wellingborough Library) 9.45-10.15am. Free. Drop-in. Sing and Sign Bounce & Rhyme At the library, Pebble Lane. 11-11.30am. Free. Drop-in. 1.30pm - Stage 1, 2.30pm - Babes. Play and Learn Under 5s (Wollaston) Play and Learn Under 5s (Earls Barton) 10.30am to 12pm at Earls Barton 2pm to 3pm at Wollaston Library. Library. Drop-in. Infant Aquatics Swimming Play and Learn Under 5s (Finedon) 30 minute classes between 4pm 10.30am to 11.30am at Finedon and 6pm at Rowangate School. Library. Drop-in.

Tuesdays Infant Aquatics Swimming 30 minute classes between 9.30am and 12pm at Diana’s Health & Fitness Club. Mucky Pups Messy Play 9.30-11am at St Andrews Church Hall, Berrymore Road. £3 for 1st child, £1 siblings. Contact 01933 272119 Baby Ballet (Barbara Hooton School of Dance) 10 to 10.30am at The Mission Room, Finedon. Play and Learn for Under 1s 2pm to 3pm at Wellingborough Library. Free. Play and Learn Under 5s (Irchester) 2pm to 3pm at Irchester Library. Beginners Ballet & Tap (Barbara Hooton School Dance) 4 to 5pm at Vicarage Farm Community Centre

Wednesdays Infant Aquatics Swimming 30 minute classes between 9.30am and 12pm at Diana’s Health & Fitness Club.

St Mark’s Buggy Club 1.30-3pm, St Mark’s Church Hall, Queensway. Voluntary 50p donation. Contact Joy: 01933 676368. Doddington Ducklings 1.30-3pm at Great Doddington Memorial Hall. Alternate Wednesdays. Kate: krodwell@hotmail.com Beginners Ballet & Tap (Barbara Hooton School of Dance) 4 to 5pm at The Studio, Earls Barton.

THURSDAYS Infant Aquatics Swimming 30 minute classes between 9.30am and 12pm at Diana’s Health & Fitness Club. Rhymetime (Irchester) 9.30am to 10am at Irchester Library. Drop-in. Jigsaw Toddler Group 10am to 11.30am at Diana’s Health & Fitness, Finedon Road. info@compasschurch.co.uk Rhymetime (Wollaston) 10am to 10.30am at Wollaston Library. Drop-in. Play and Learn for Under 5s 10 to 11.30am at Wellingborough Library. Drop-in.

Rhymetime (Finedon) 10.30am to 11am at Finedon Library. Drop-in. Little Footprints Toddler Group 1pm to 2.30pm at St Mark’s Church, Queensway. 50p per child. Call Samantha on 07739 362924 St Mary’s Thursday Club Finedon 1.30pm to 3pm at The Mission room, Well street, Finedon. £2 for the 1st child, 50p thereafter. TT

FRIDAYS Infant Aquatics Swimming 30 minute classes between 9.30am and 12pm at Diana’s Health & Fitness Club. The Rascals Music Session 9.45-10.45am at St Andrews Church Hall, Berrymore Road. £2 1st child, £1.25 2nd child. 01933 272119.

SATURDAYS Barbara Hooton School of Dance at The Mission Room, Finedon. Beginners Ballet & Tap 9 to 10am Grade 1 Ballet & Tap 10 to 11am Infant Aquatics Swimming 30 minute classes between 9am and 12pm at Rowangate School. Mini Dribblers Football 9.30 to 10.15am for 18 months to 3 years and 10.15 to 11am for 3 to 5 years at Redwell Leisure Centre. Punchin Pandas 9am to 10am at Redwell Leisure Centre. For ages 4+ Infant Aquatics Swimming 30 minute classes between 3pm and 5.30pm at Scott Bader Pool, Wollaston.

Sundays Infant Aquatics Swimming 30 minute classes between 2pm and 5pm at Diana’s Health & Fitness Club. Infant Aquatics Swimming 30 minute classes between 12.15 and 1.15pm and 3.15 and 4.45pm at Scott Bader Pool, Wollaston.

Weekly Activities Timetable


If no contact details are provided, an advert for the class may be found in our Clubs & Classes section starting on page 31.

Weekly Activities Timetable


Kettering and District Mondays Kettering Gym Tots 45 Minute sessions between 9.15am and 2.30pm. Call for details.

Jenny’s Dolphins Baby & Pre-school Swimming At Montsaye Sports Centre. 12pm - 3 year olds (no adults) 12.30pm 2 & 3 year olds

Giggles & Wiggles At Weekly Village Hall 9.30am toddlers, 10.30am babies

Punchin Pandas At Desborough Leisure Centre. 5.15pm to 6pm for 3 to 7 year olds.

SimplyZen Baby Relaxation Drop-in 10 to 11am at URC Meeting Rooms in the town centre. www.simplynurture.co.uk Music Makers 9.45am at Barton Seagrave Village Hall. Fun music and movement for 0-5 years. £4 Per child and £2 for siblings. Contact Naomi on 07815 293893 or e-mail musicmakersnorthants@gmail.com Infant Aquatics Swimming 30 min classes between 10am and 12.30pm at Balance Health Club. For children aged 3 mths to 4.5 yrs. Under 1s Play & Learn 2 to 3pm at Kettering Library. Free. Drop-in. Burton Latimer Discovery Tots from Tots Play At The Civic Centre, 12pm to 12.40pm. For 2 mths to 9 mths. Baby Ballet (Barbara Hooton School of Dance) 2 to 2.30pm at The Britannia Club Beginners Ballet & Tap (Barbara Hooton School of Dance) 3.45 to 4.45pm at The Britannia Club

Tuesdays Pytchley Mums & Tots 9am to 11am at Pytchley School. Term time only. 01536 790506. Kettering Gym Tots 45 Minute sessions between 9.15am and 2.30pm. Call for details. Rhymetime 9.30 to 10am or 10.30 to 11am at Kettering Library. Free. Drop-in. Sing and Sign At The Woodcroft Scout Centre, London Road. 9.30am - Stage 1, 10.30am - Babes St Botolphs Make & Play (for Mums & Tots) 9.30am to 11am at Church House, St Botolphs Road, Barton Seagrave. Term time only. 01536 414052. Tots Play Classes At Barton Seagrave Village Hall, 9.30 to 10.10am Social Tots 10.25 to 11.05am Discovery Tots 11.20 to 12.10pm Baby Development Course. Isham Mums & Tots 10-11.30am, Isham Village Hall. £2 first child, £1 siblings. All welcome.

Desborough & Rothwell Stepping Stones 9 to 11am at Rothwell Community Centre in term time. £2.50 per family (inc refreshments). Contact louise: louisejanejoyce@yahoo.com Jenny’s Dolphins Baby & Pre-school Swimming At Montsaye Sports Centre. 30 minute lessons between 9.30am and 12.30pm. Baby Bounce & Rhyme 10am to 10.45am at Desborough Library. For pre-walkers. Free. Drop-in. Music Makers 1.45pm at Rothwell United Reformed Church. Fun music and movement for 0-5 years. £4 Per child and £2 for siblings. Contact Naomi on 07815 293893 or e-mail musicmakersnorthants@gmail.com

Wednesdays Little Gems Playgroup 9am to 11am at Kettering Salvation Army, 66 Rockingham Rd. £1.50 per carer/child. Contact: Major Rena 07941 048937 Kettering Gym Tots 45 Minute sessions between 9.15am and 1.30pm. Call for details. Infant Aquatics Swimming 30 min classes between 10am and 12.30pm at Balance Health Club. For 3mths to 4.5 yrs.

Spanish Singing Session for Under 5s Toybox Playgroup, Broughton 10.30 to 11am at Kettering Library. Desborough & Rothwell 1.30-3pm in the Village Hall. £2 / family. Drop-in. Julie 01536 790152. Term time only. Rhymetime (Rothwell) The Little Ones 2-2.30pm at Rothwell Library. Free 1 to 2.50pm at Church of Christ The but booking required via email or FB. King. Term time only. 01536 517553 Burton Latimer Little Kickers Play & Learn for Under 5s Play and Learn for under 1s At Desborough Leisure Centre. 2 to 3pm at Kettering Library. Free. 10.15am to 11.15am at Burton Drop-in. Little Kicks for children aged 18 mths Library. Free. Drop-in. to 2 yrs, 3 mths. 1.15pm to 2pm Music Makers Punchin Pandas Junior Kickers for 2 to 3.5 year olds, 1.45pm at Barton Seagrave Village At the Britannia Club. 5.30pm to 2.15pm to 3pm Hall. Fun music and movement for 6.15pm for 3 to 7 year olds. 0-5 years. £4 Per child and £2 for Mighty Kickers for 3.5 to 5 year olds, siblings. Contact Naomi on 07815 PregnancyBliss Stretch & Relax 3.45pm to 4.30pm 293893 or musicmakersnorthants@ With MamaBabyBliss Mega Kickers for 5 to 7 year olds, gmail.com 7pm to 8.30pm at the Civic Centre. 4.40pm to 5.30pm Call to book.

We try and ensure that the information on these pages is kept up to date but we do rely on the organisers of the sessions to let us know if there are any changes. We recommend you check with the organiser before turning up.

57 Key:


Music, Dance & Drama

Physical classes

Arts, Crafts & Cookery

Mawsley Music Makers 10am or 11am at The Centre. Fun music and movement for 0-5 years. £4 Per child and £2 for siblings. Contact Naomi on 07815 293893 or musicmakersnorthants@gmail.com

THURSDAYS The Little Ones 9-11.15am & 1-2.50pm, Church of Christ The King. Term time only. 01536 517553 Kettering Gym Tots 45 Minute sessions between 9.15am and 12pm. Call for details. St Thomas More Toddler Group 9.15-10.45am at St Thomas More School, Northampton Rd in term time. Contact Linda: 07787 521903. Edentots 9.15-11am, Eden Centre, Montagu St. £1 per family. Term Time only. 01536 484800 Rhymetime 10.30 to 11am at Kettering Library. Baby Ballet (Barbara Hooton School of Dance) 11 to 11.30am at Ise Lodge Community Centre. Punchin Pandas At Ise Lodge Pavilion. Pre-school class 1.45pm to 2.30pm, beginner class for 3 to 7 year olds 5pm to 5.45pm, 5 years+ 5.45pm to 6.45pm, Family Class 6.45pm to 7.45pm.

Jenny’s Dolphins Baby & Pre-school Swimming At Montsaye Sports Centre. 12.10pm - 1 & 2 year olds Play and Learn for Under 5s 10 to 11.30am at Desborough Library. Stories, rhymes and craft linked with a theme each week. Free. A busy group so booking is required. Mawsley Mawsley Toddlers 9.15 to 11am at The Centre. £1.50 first child, 50p per child thereafter. Contact Nikki on : 07432 546409, nikkitahatfield@yahoo.co.uk FB: Mawsley Toddlers.

FRIDAYS Music Makers 9.45am at Barton Seagrave Village Hall. Fun music and movement for 0-5 years. £4 Per child and £2 for siblings. Contact Naomi on 07815 293893 or e-mail musicmakersnorthants@gmail.com Giggles and Wiggles At Weekly Village Hall 10am toddlers, 11am pre-schoolers Tots Play Classes At Ise Lodge Community Centre 9.30 to 10.10am Social Tots 10.25 to 11.05am Discovery Tots 11.20 to 12.10pm Baby Development Course.

Burton Latimer Play and Learn for under 5s 10.30am to 11.30am at Burton Library. Free. Drop-in. Desborough & Rothwell Jenny’s Dolphins Baby & Pre-school Swimming At Montsaye Sports Centre. 9.05am - 3 year olds (no adults) and then 30 minute lessons between 11.10am and 2.10pm. Play & Learn for Under 1s (Rothwell) 1.30pm to 2.30pm at Rothwell Library until 20th July. Free. Drop-in. Rhymetime (Desborough) 2.15 to 3pm at Desborough Library. Free. Drop-in.

SATURDAYS Little Kickers At Southfield School for Girls Mighty Kickers for 3.5 to 5 year olds, 8.15am - 9am Junior Kickers for 2 to 3.5 year olds, 9.15am to 10am Mighty Kickers for 3.5 to 5 year olds, 10.10am - 10.55am Mega Kickers for 5 to 7 year olds, 11.05am to 11.50am Bubble Babies Swimming 8.45am to 1.15pm at Kingsley School Hydrotherapy Pool. 30 min classes for 0 to 5 year olds Stagecoach Theatre Arts School At Brambleside Primary School. Early Stage Class, for 4 to 6 year olds, 9.30 to 11am. Main school (6 to 18 years) 10am to 1pm or 2.30pm to 5.30pm.


Little Kickers At Southfield School for Girls Mighty Kickers for 3.5 to 5 year olds, 9.15am to 10am, 10.10am to 10.55am or 11.15am to 12pm. Infant Aquatics Swimming Junior Kickers for 2 to 3.5 year olds, 30 min classes between 10am and 12.30pm at Balance Health Club. For 9.15am to 10am or 10.10am to 10.55am 3mths to 4.5 yrs. Mega Kickers for 5 to 7 year olds, 11.05am to 11.55am and 12.05pm to 12.55pm.

If no contact details are provided, an advert for the class may be found in our Clubs & Classes section starting on page 31.

Continued overleaf....

Weekly Activities Timetable

Punchin Pandas Burton Latimer 5.30pm to 6.15pm at Ise Lodge Pavilion. Rhymetime For 3 to 7 year olds. 10.30 to 11am at Burton Latimer Library. Free. Drop-in. Baby Bounce & Rhyme Desborough & Rothwell 11.30am to 12pm for babies and non Play & Learn for Under 5s (Rothwell) walkers at Burton Latimer Library. Free. 10.30am-11.30am at Rothwell PregnancyBliss Stretch & Relax Library. Free. Drop-in. With MamaBabyBliss Jenny’s Dolphins 7pm to 8.30pm at the Civic Centre. Baby & Pre-school Swimming Call to book. At Montsaye Sports Centre. 12.10pm - 1 & 2 year olds 12.40pm - 3 year olds, no adults Desborough & Rothwell

Parent & Tot Group / Other


Weekly Activities Timetable

Kettering cont. Rhymetime 11.30am to 12pm at Kettering Library. Free. Drop-in. Desborough & Rothwell Scrum Kids (Rugby) At Ironwood Avenue. Various classes between 10.15am and 11.45am. Visit scrumkids.co.uk for details. Jenny’s Dolphins Baby & Pre-school Swimming At Montsaye Sports Centre. 12.30pm - 1 & 2 year olds 1pm - 2 & 3 year olds 1.30pm - 2 & 3 year olds 2pm - 3 & 4 year olds

If you run a toddler group and would like it to appear in our listings, please email the details to us on: info@timefortots.co.uk

East Northamptonshire Mondays Rushden Rhymetime 9.30am to 10am or 10.30am to 11am at Rushden Library. Free. Parent & Toddler Swimming 8.30am to 9.30am at Splash Leisure Pool. For under 5s. Call 01933 410505 villages Titchmarsh Monday Morning Cafe 9am to 11am in St Mary’s Church, Titchmarsh. Community coffee morning for all ages. Toys, crafts and singing for pre-schoolers and activities for older children in school holidays. 50p donation. Contact Judith on 07801 446957. Chapel Cheeky Monkeys In Elton Methodist Chapel, Elton, PE8 6RA. Stay & play session for under 5s. £2 per family. Includes refreshments. Tel: 07970 233343 Little Angels (Ringstead) 1.45pm to 3pm in term time. Ringstead Primary School Hall. £1.30 per family. Contact Sue on 01933 625126.

Listings are free for not-for-profit groups.

Tuesdays Higham Ferrers Rhymetime 10.15-10.45am at Higham Ferrers Library. Free. Drop in. Bounce & Rhyme for non-walkers 11.15-11.45am at Higham Ferrers Library. Free. Irthlingborough Play & Learn for Under 1s 2pm to 3pm at the Library. Free. Oundle

Raunds Stay and Play For 0 to 5s and their carers. 9.1 to 11.15am, in term time, at Th Methodist Chapel, Brook Street Includes arts & crafts. Contact: Vicky 07597 843284. Facebook Raunds Stay and Play. Play & Learn for Under 1s 10.15 to 11.15am at Raunds Library. Free. RushdeN

Parent & Toddler Swimming 8 to 9am at Splash Leisure Pool For under 5s. Call 01933 41050 Play & Learn for Under 1s 9.30 to 10.30am at Rushden Library. Free. Drop-in

Play & Learn for Under 5s 2pm to 3pm at Rushden Library Free. Drop-in

Wednesdays Irthlingborough Play & Learn for Under 5s 10.30am to 11.30am at Irthlingborough Library. Free.

Little Crows Stay and Play session for pre-school children and their grown-ups at Crow Hill Commu Centre, Fettledine Road. £1 per family. Refreshments included. Tel: 07970 233343. Oundle Play & Learn for Under 1s 10-11am at Oundle Library. Drop-in RAUNDS Play & Learn for Under 5s 2pm to 3pm at the Library. Free.

Rhymetime 10 to 10.30am at Oundle Library. Free. Drop-in.



Jelly Babes 9.15-11.15am at Queen Street Church Hall. £1 per family. Term time only.

Parent & Toddler Swimming 8 to 9am at Splash Leisure Pool For under 5s. Call 01933 41050


l. 05




Music, Dance & Drama

Physical classes

Arts, Crafts & Cookery

Parent & Toddler Swimming Rhymetime 10.30 to 11.30am at Splash Leisure 2.15pm to 2.45pm at Rushden Pool. For under 5s. 01933 410505 Library. Free. Stanwick

Thrapston & villages

Parent & Tot Rainbow Cafe A fun packed hour of arts and crafts, music and movement for pre-schoolers. £2.50 per child. Booking essential on 01933 625522. People who come to the Rainbow Café can benefit from FREE entry into the Hideaway soft play area before and after the Rainbow Cafe. Normal carpark charges apply. 10.30 to 11.30am and 1.30 to 2.30pm. Call to book: 01933 625522.

Tiddlers 9.30 to 11am, term time only. Thrapston Baptist Church, Entrance in St Paul’s Gardens. £1 per family. Contact Mary on: Thrapston.baptist@gmail.com

THURSDAYS Higham Ferrers Play & Learn for Under 5s 1.30pm to 2.30pm at Higham Ferrers Library. Free. Drop-in. Irthlingborough

Matrix Pre-school Gymnastics Diamond Way, Nene Park 45 minute sessions: 10.30am age 3-4 years 11.15am age 2-3 years unity 1pm age 3-4 Years r 1.45pm age 2-3 years . oundle Music Makers 11am at the Joan Strong Centre. Fun music and movement for 0-5 years. £4 Per child and £2 for siblings. Contact Naomi on 07815 293893 or musicmakersnorthants@gmail.com

Music Makers 9.15am at Titchmarsh Pavilion. Fun music and movement for 0-5 years. £4 Per child and £2 for siblings. Contact Naomi on 07815 293893 or musicmakersnorthants@gmail.com Play & Learn for Under 5s 10 to 11.30am at Thrapston Library. Free drop-in session.

Little Sparklers 9am to 11am in The Bridge, Grounds of Whitefriars Primary School. £1 per family. Contact Emma on 07957 080074. Sing and Sign At Rush2TheDen, Fitzwilliam Street. 9.30am - Stage 2, 10.30am - Stage 1, 11.30am - Babes. Breastfeeding Support Group 10am to 12pm at Rushden Library. Free. Thrapston & villages Bounce & Rhyme 10.30-11am at Thrapston Library. Drop-in.

Saturdays OUNDLE


Play & Learn for Under 5s 10.30-11.30am at Oundle Library.

Higham Ferrers


Play & Learn for Under 1s 10.30 to 11.30am at Higham Ferrers Library. Free. Drop-in



Parent & Tot Swimming 8 to 9am at Splash Leisure Pool. For under 5s. Call 01933 410505

Matrix Pre-school Gymnastics Diamond Way, Nene Park 45 minute sessions: 10.15am for 2-3 years 11am for 2-3 years 11.45 for 3-4 years Rhymetime 2pm to 2.30pm at Irthlingborough Library. Free. Drop-in. Raunds

Little Treasures 9.30-11am. St Laurence Church. Donation optional. TT

Raunds Stay and Play For 0 to 5s and their carers. 9.15 to 11.15am, in term time, at The Methodist Chapel, Brook Street. Includes arts & crafts. Contact: Vicky 07597 843284. Facebook: Raunds Stay and Play.

l. 05




Parent & Toddler Swimming 8 to 9am at Splash Leisure Pool. For under 5s. Call 01933 410505

Parent & Tot Swimming 8 to 9am at Splash Leisure Pool. For under 5s. Call 01933 410505


Parent & Tot Group / Other

We try and ensure that the information on these pages is kept up to date but we do rely on the organisers of the sessions to let us know if there are any changes. We recommend you check with the organiser before turning up. If no contact details are provided, an advert for the class may be found in our Clubs & Classes section starting on page 31.

Weekly Activities Timetable

15 he t.



Competition Page

All correct entries will be put into a draw and the winner(s) selected at random in each competition. Please remember to include your name, address and telephone number with your entry.

Win a Family Ticket to see “The Worst Witch” at the royal & Derngate Theatre on Tuesday 27th november at 7.15pm Mildred Hubble was an ordinary girl who found herself in an extraordinary place: a school for witches. Now in her final year, accident prone Mildred and her fellow pupils are about to embark on their biggest adventure yet. Featuring Jill Murphy’s beloved characters, this original story features original music, magic, puppetry and plenty of Mildred’s unique brand of utter pandemonium!

For your chance to win a family ticket to see the show, find the words listed below in the grid. When you have found them some of the unused letters will spell out a hidden message. Pick them out from left to right, top to bottom then for your chance to win, email the hidden message (together with your name and address) to: info@timefortots.co.uk.

bat black broomstick cackle cat cauldron cloak hat magic potions spells spooky toad wart witch

Closing date: 10th November


Please mention Time for Tots when responding to an advertisement


Win a Christmas Photoshoot for your Child with a free digital image (worth ÂŁ55) Courtesy of Francesca Angel Photography

Francesca Angel is a local photographer based in Woodford, near Kettering. She specialises in unique and personalised cake smash shoots, from age 1 upwards, with themed sets and scrummy cakes, all centred around your little Prince or Princess. For your chance to win a FREE Christmas photoshoot of your child with their sibling or best friend, plus a free digital image from the shoot, unscramble the following to reveal a popular cake:

ORTVAIIC NOGSEP Email your answer, together with your name and phone number, to: info@timefortots.co.uk

Closing date: 10th November


Win a Sleepy Bunny Pillow Courtesy of Jomanda This beautiful sleepy bunny pillow is made from the softest plush with a cushioned body. A bedtime must which also makes a great travel companion. Your little ones will have a cozy friend on car journeys or even long haul flights. To be in with a chance of winning this gorgeous pillow, simply find the cushion hidden somewhere in this issue. When you find it, email the page number it’s on your, together with your name and address, to: info@timefortots.co.uk

Closing date: 10th November


Only persons aged 16 years or over can enter our competitions. One entry per competition, per household. The winners will be the first correct entries drawn at random in each competition. No cash alternatives. Any personal data provided will not be shared with any organisations external to Time for Tots, except the company supplying the prize.

To advertise call 0845 6439687 or e-mail info@timefortots.co.uk


Special Offers

PUNCHIN PANDAS FREE Trial Session in June or July

Call Nick to book on: 07720 430798 E-mail: nickbinder@ntlworld.com www.punchinpandas.co.uk

15 % off

any treatment over £20 with this voucher

Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer www.qlheadquarters.com

Cake Smash Photoshoots


Only for 3 images


TRIAL SESSION Call to book


Tel: 01933 381362

For more information or to book: Francesca-angel@hotmail.co.uk www.facebook.com/cakesmashexperience

OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Kettering Parkway East Venture Park Kettering, NN15 6WY Tel: 01536 534988

10% Off

Terms and Conditions: • ONE voucher can be used on the purchase of ONE pair of shoes or boots • Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer • Voucher must be presented at the time of purchase • No cash alternatives • Voucher valid until 26th November 2018

Please mention Time for Tots when responding to an advertisement



Health & Beauty Pilates with Sylvia Quattro Lounge The Naturally You Clinic

Activities & Days Out

Cheeky Monkees Holiday Inn Corby Mini Meadows Nene Valley Festival Nene Valley Railway Royal & Derngate Theatre The Castle Theatre The Wildlife Trust West Lodge Rural Centre Wicksteed Park

23 19 & 21 15 13 23 25 & 64 15 & 19 17 & 28 2 17

Business Opportunities



Clubs & Classes Corby Borough Council Trilogy Leisure

38 39

Arts & Crafts

Mess Around Northamptonshire

Dance Schools

Anderson School of Dance Barbara Hooton School of Dancing

music & movement

Giggles & Wiggles Sing & Sign

Language Classes Lingotots

Physical Activity

Little Kickers Matrix Gymnastics Mini Dribblers Punchin Pandas Scrum Kids Tots Play

Swim Schools

Bubble Babies Infant Aquatics Jenny’s Dolphins

Theatre Schools Stagecoach

31 33 31 39 36 36

46 47 46

nurseries, Pre-Schools & Childminders Aldwincle Pre-school Broughton Under 5s Fledglings Day Nursery Oak Tree Day Nursery Sunnylands Day Nursery

53 51 53 52 5

Party Services Children’s Parties - Corby Borough Council Cheers Mobile Bars Whytewell Sweet Cart

49 49 49

Photographers Firetree Photography Francesca Angel Photography

10 5

Pregnancy & Birth

Gabby Matthews Doula MamaBabyBliss Nurturing Hands Simply Nurture

45 45 43 45

Schools Brambleside School Northampton High School Pitsford School St Peter’s School

7 11 27 5

Services Daisy First Aid

37 35 33 34 36 33 33 34 36


Shopping & Gifts Shopping Centre

Newlands Shopping Centre


The Northampton Grocer

29 30

Footwear & Clothing

Funky Lil Feet Groococks For Kids

5 11

Gifts 31


Thank-you for reading. The next issue will be out week commencing 26th november 2018 To advertise call 0845 6439687 or e-mail info@timefortots.co.uk


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