Time for Tots Magazine Summer 2019

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S um m e r 2 0 19

The local guide from bump to 5

Muscles Matter:


Advice from The Women’s Health Clinic

Preparing Your Child for School

Baby & Toddler Sleep Hygiene

Summer Activities & Events

News, Events Calendar, Articles, Clubs & Classes, Weekly Activities Timetable Competitions, Vouchers and plenty more...

Kettering, Wellingborough, Corby, Rushden, Thrapston and Surrounding Areas


Join us...

Š RachelHudsonIllustrations

Little Bugs Club

Wild tots

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Summer 2019


ooray for summer and everything it brings - sunshine, ice creams, playing outside, holidays... the list goes on. Summer just seems to lift everyone’s mood bringing with it a greater sense of harmony and wellbeing - a recurring topic in this issue! June sees the opening of a brand new wellbeing centre in Northampton - Soo Yoga - offering a whole range of classes for parents and children to enjoy together to encourage active, healthy lifestyles. Read all about the new centre on pages 8 to 9 and take a look at some of the classes on offer on page 59. They are offering free taster sessions on their opening weekend, the 14th to 16th June. Hands up who did their pelvic floor exercises as often as they should during pregnancy? No, me neither. Failure to do the exercises or doing them incorrectly can lead to all sorts of problems. The Women’s Health Clinic have written an informative article for us, ‘Muscles Matter’ on page 50, getting us to think about our pelvic floor - how to identify if it is not working properly and what we can do about it. Finally, Gabby Matthews, local birth and postnatal practitioner, has written another article for us on page 39; this time on your baby and toddler’s sleep hygiene with tips and suggestions for developing a healthy sleep routine. Have a great summer everyone and Happy Father’s Day to all Dads out there on the 16th June! Until the autumn....


Contents 4 Tots News 8 Introducing Soo Yoga 11 Preparing for your child’s first day at school 12 Summer Events Calendar 17 Father’s Day Days Out 26 Clubs and Classes 28 Featured Class: Tots Play 34 Time for Crafters 36 37 38 39 42

Could you be a Foster Carer? Party Services Pregnancy, Birth & Babies Baby & Toddler Sleep Hygiene Birth Announcements

43 Postive Birth Movement 44 Business Opportunities 46 Childcare Directory 49 Time for Mum 50 Muscles Matter 53 Weekly Activities Timetable 60 Competitions Page 62 Special Offers 63 Index of Advertisers

How to contact us:

Tel: 0845 6439687 E-mail: info@timefortots.co.uk Facebook: timefortotsmagazine www.timefortots.co.uk Meet the team:

Vanessa Simpson - Editor Leanne Houghton - Sales & Admin Support Our front cover photograph was supplied by The Wildlife Trust who run special activities for under 5s at their Nene Wetlands Nature Reserve at Rushden Lakes. See their advert on page 2 and our events calendar, starting on page 12, for dates of activities. Whilst every effort is taken to ensure the content of this magazine is up to date and accurate, ‘Time for Tots’ cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions. Neither does ‘Time for Tots’ endorse any of the companies, products or services that are advertised. Copyright on all written material and artwork produced by the ‘Time for Tots’ team remains with ‘Time for Tots’.


Tots News Kristina Rihanoff Invites You

to the Launch of her Brand New Wellbeing Centre in Northampton


ristina Rihanoff, of Stricly Come Dancing fame, and her partner Ben Cohen, former Saints and England Rugby Player, are due to open a brand new wellbeing centre in Northampton on the 13th June. The centre promises to have something for everyone - all ages and abilities - with a variety of different classes in yoga, dance and fitness, and classes designed specifically for parents and children to enjoy together. It will also be home to Kristina’s Drama and Dance Academy: Bespoke Ballroom. The grand opening is on Thursday 13th June, 5.30pm to 9.30pm, and everyone is invited to attend and take advantage of their special opening offers - including free taster sessions over the weekend of the 14th to 16th June. Visit their website to RSVP. Read more about all the fabulous things the centre has to offer on pages 8 to 9.


Parenting Quote:

“Behind every young child who believes in himself, is a parent who believed first ” Matthew Jacobson

Our Mum in a Million

Spa Day Winner T

o celebrate Mothering Sunday we invited you back in spring to write in and nominate a local Mum who you felt could really benefit from a relaxing spa day, kindly donated to us by Rushton Hall. We had so many nominations - friends nominating friends, daughters nominating their mothers, even a brother nominating his sister. Thank-you so much for all your nominations. It was incredibly difficult selecting who to give the spa day to, so many Mums doing a fabulous job in often difficult circumstances, and we really do wish we could have treated everyone. After much deliberation we decided Natasha from Corby needed this treat the most. Natasha was nominated by her friend Emma. Here’s why, in Emma’s words, Natasha deserves the spa day: “I nominate my best friend Natasha. Her daughter Eadie was born with a rare congenital heart defect and at 1 year old has already had 4 rounds of open heart surgery. Eadie nearly didn’t make it and the rollercoaster of a year it’s been has really taken its toll. The numerous scars, hospital appointments, tests, sleepless nights and stress. Natasha is also a mum to 2 other beautiful girls, Millie, 7, and Maisie, 2. During the last year, being a Mum, teacher, wife, running a business, along with selling their family home, Natasha was diagnosed with PTSD. Her mental health has really taken a bashing. Watching her baby from the sidelines, helpless and powerless. She is so strong and one of the best Mums I know, all 3 girls are a credit to her. But like I say she’s a busy lady and NEVER puts herself first. I would like to nominate her for this reason as she so deserves a treat”. Thank-you Emma for writing in and nominating Natasha, thank-you Natasha for letting us share your story, and thank-you Rushton Hall for the wonderful prize. We hope you enjoy your day Natasha and we send lots of love and prayers for little Eadie.

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or e-mail info@timefortots.co.uk 17/05/2019


Tots News Continued


A Summer of Fun at West Lodge Rural Centre

Exam Success at the Barbara Hooton

School of Dancing



est Lodge Farm in Desborough promises a fun packed full day out this summer! Get up close and feed the animals, watch the piglet racing, play on the adventure playgrounds, take a nature trail to the Troll’s Bridge and enjoy an ice cream in the brand new Ice Cream Parlour! Don’t worry if it’s wet outside - most of the activities are undercover and there’s also the HUGE indoor adventure barn! Book online to receive discounted tickets:


Tots Play Summer Specials


ots Play will be running Summer Specials in the Summer Holidays! If you’d like to spend some special time with your baby or toddler, then come along to their 3 summer specials running at Barton Seagrave Village Hall on 30th July (Teddy Bear’s Picnic), 6th (Going on Holiday) and 13th August (At the seaside). You can attend 1, 2 or all 3 of the classes, but booking is essential! They will also be running their popular 6 week Baby Development Course for babies from 0 to 6 months. If you’d like more information, please get in touch with Amy: amyd@totsplay.co.uk or visit:


upils from The Barbara Hooton School of Dancing have taken, and successfully, passed exams in both ballet and tap. Just over 70 candidates were entered and took both ballet and tap exams at the end of March. An external examiner from The National Association of Teachers of Dancing spent the weekend with the dance school, and they are very happy to announce that all received excellent marks. Some 56 Distinctions were awarded for achieving 80 marks and over, 109 were given a Merit, and ‘Miss Christy’ passed - with Merit - her Associate teaching diploma in Ballet. “We are especially proud of her - our newest, fully-qualified teacher in both ballet and tap” said Barbara. At their Open Day on Saturday 25th May, the dance school will present certificates to all the candidates. The Open Day offers the opportunity for parents and grandparents to come along and watch a class and see how their little ones are getting on. Each member of Baby Ballet and the Beginners class will each receive a certificate of achievement, as they are too young to take exams. There will be refreshments, a raffle and a uniform sale, so we hope it will be a happy and enjoyable day for everyone. The Barbara Hooton School of Dance look forward to a good summer term, with lots of hard work learning the new grades in preparation for the next set of exams, and a show at the Castle Theatre next autumn. www.barbarahootonschoolofdancing.co.uk

Book Now for Bubble Babies Autumn Term


ubble Babies swim school are now taking bookings for their Autumn term, starting in September. To reserve a space for your child contact Erika on: 01604 780244. See their advert on page 26.


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7 Is my child’s behaviour normal?

Why doesn’t my child listen to me?

What can I do to help my child?


Its a 2 hour session, providing an insightful journey towards better understanding behaviour. How a toddler’s brain develops and social skills evolve; linking to increasing behavioural changes and challenges.

What will I gain from this session?

This interactive, fun, parent friendly session; provides strategies for coping with, and fresh ways of thinking about, younger children’s behaviour.



Next session is on Tuesday 2nd July at 7.30pm at Thrapston Primary School in the new community room, market Road,Thrapston. If you are interested, please email kerrymattock007@btinternet.com Facebook: Understanding & supporting our children. Call: 07960875577 to book your space. £10 per parent/carer £15 for a couple.



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01/05/2019 10:57


Yoga | Family | Wellbeing

Dear parents, and only I am to open the doors to the very first I cannot put into words how excited . Yoga Soo shire pton ham family wellbeing centre in Nort ages and of yoga and wellbeing classes for all The centre will be offering all styles ssionally equipped profe first the ding inclu os studi itation abilities. We have 7 beautiful e, Cycling and HIIT studios and a Med Hot Yoga studio in Northampton, Danc - and 2 hours ns Gree Soo cafe h healt a ties, room. The centre provides crèche facili took 2 years in the making and this is how it began… ct free parking for our clients! This proje exercises during my professional ly 20 years and I credit my regular yoga I needed. I have been a yoga devotee for near focus tal from injuries and providing the men and TV career for keeping me away er and choreographer danc al ssion e Dancing” after 8 years as a profe in shape after giving back get I finished my career on “Strictly Com to my little girl Milena. I was desperate ability to come back to dancing. and moved to Northampton to have and gth stren ild rebu to ise exerc the best birth and knew that yoga would be te of India where yoga originated) (heated to 38ºc to recreate the clima Sadly there was no Hot yoga studio preferred style of yoga class. This my take to r orde in away ling an hour of age, ability and gender, can in Northampton, so I ended up trave dless regar one, every so to my hometown centre where mums can eing made me think of how to bring yoga wellb ly fami a ng ise. l dreamed of creati benefit from this ancient form of exerc the kids can do drama and dance, or everyone can enjoy a family ing, fit from a wellbeing centre do yoga, the dads can do circuit train ation that every family around can bene class - it all came together in the realis where all of those activities exist. ce for everyone - from “stay at partner Ben Cohen, to provide a servi can be in the crèche; to the It was very important for me and my ren to enjoy our Centre while the child home parents”, so they have freedom classes with express workouts and relaxation through yoga or ol millennials for pre and post work/scho generation with classes such as chair yoga for mobility issues, and r meditation; as well as provide the senio ing life and exercising has no age limit! enjoy senior dance/fitness classes because ther - but it was exciting! The g road to put this business model toge Needless to say it has been a challengin ises, which took over two years. A painful process but we managed prem real challenge was finding the right e and just as importantly car parking. a unit which could provide the spac to get there in the end and secured refurbishing the unit with his bare and out ng rippi - Ben spent 5 months Talking about building from scratch hard work - no one said it would be very and g This was beyond challengin hands to transform it into Soo Yoga. easy but it was definitely worth it! Ballroom”. I started teaching at e and Drama Kids Academy “Bespoke rience of all. Having studied The centre is also home for my Danc expe rding rewa ren to this day is the most important it is to give how d the age of 16 and working with child rstan ia from Ballet to Ballroom I unde numerous styles of dance back in Russ gh drama school made the biggest throu ey journ nal perso My arts. g e classes but also drama, musical well-rounded education in performin is why I would like to offer not just danc approach whether they want to impact on my performing skills, this nal perso a ren child all give to is n My visio ds. Most importantly I would theatre and singing to my students. s or just have some fun with their frien compete around the country, take examcan be themselves. like to create a happy place where they combining yoga sessions with er gave me extensive knowledge that Lastly, my qualifications as a yoga teach rmance and decrease stress and fear of stage in children. Therefore perfo ng a healthy balance between performing arts classes will increase ty of classes for children of all ages creatilife these valuable lessons will I have carefully put together a varie in se choo ren tever the road our child dance, drama and yoga activities. Wha always be their tools to succeed. difference to our community. created and that we can make a little We really hope you like what we’ve Yours sincerely


load our free app Soo Yoga

Please visit www.sooyoga.com or down

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A sense of belonging from the very first moment. We believe in our girls, and they believe in themselves. We’d love to get to know your family and show you how your daughter can grow with us. Arrange your personal tour of our school today at northamptonhigh.co.uk/visit-us

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Preparing for your child’s first day at school

by Northampton High School


he sunshine is out, summer is nearly here and parents of pre-schoolers around the country are starting to turn their thoughts to what will happen in a few short months’ time. There will be a sense of excitement, perhaps a few nerves and most likely some sadness as one era ends and a new chapter begins...... To help your child feel ‘school ready’ and confident on their first day, we encourage parents to begin their child’s learning journey at home. A good first step is to help your child to recognise their name. When out and about see if you can spot letters from your child’s name together. When labelling their school uniform, can your child find where their name tape is hidden? Whenever the opportunity arises, count with your child. Count out 10 raisins with them, count how many stairs there are, count how many red cars they can see. Repetition and encouragement are fantastic tools to help children retain information. Once they are confident with 10, start to extend to 20. At school they will learn how to add and subtract, using numbers up to 20; children who are already confident at counting will be keen and ready for this next challenge. It is important for a child to be as emotionally prepared for school as possible. We encourage parents to talk about school often and with great enthusiasm. If you are able to go into the school for ‘welcome sessions’, then this is a great way of introducing your child to their new environment. It is lovely for children to meet for ‘play dates’ where possible with others who are joining their class;

having extra familiar faces is always helpful on the first day of school. It is also good idea to help your child practice getting dressed and undressed again, putting their shoes on and taking responsibility for finding their clothes and shoes in the mornings. At Northampton High School, we run a fantastic Nursery to help prepare girls for Reception Class. Our Pre School class, run by a qualified teacher, is moving to a newly refurbished classroom in September, an open-plan, multi-functional space with its own messy play area, outside play areas, dining space and learning zones. As a through school for ages 2 – 18 years, the transition to Reception Class here is seamless and bespoke. The girls in our Pre School enjoy gym, ballet, visiting the library and spending time with the Reception Class. For those already here, their routine when they join Reception will therefore remain largely the same, their new classroom will be next door to their pre-school room and their new Reception teachers will already know all about them; their strengths and how they learn best. For those joining us, they will benefit from small class sizes, learning which is delivered by experts in girls’ education and a homely and supportive atmosphere, all of which enables girls to settle extremely quickly and happily with us. Starting school is an exciting time for all. Your child will surely flourish in their new class, parents are always amazed at the amount that is learnt in this first year. Remember to always talk to the class teacher if you have any questions and to enjoy being a great champion to your child’s learning adventure.

Everyone is welcome to come and visit Northampton High School. To book a tour please contact admissions on: nhs.admissions@nhs.gdst.net.


Sponsored by:

Summer Events www.bouncetime.co.uk Tel: 07763 666456

June Wednesday



Nature Tots at Irchester Country Park

Teddy Bears Picnic at the Newlands Centre

See details under “Regular Events” on page 14. To book: irchester@ northamptonshire.gov.uk. www.northamptonshireparks.co.uk

Teddy bear themed activities including: a mask workshop, balloon modelling, glitter tattoos, free picnic bags and much more. All in aid of ‘ One Great Day’ fundraising for Great Ormond Street Hospital. www.newlandsshopping.com

Northern Ballet’s “Puss in Boots”at The Core at Corby

Puss in Boots is no ordinary cat. Clever and charming, he takes life in his stride and befriends everyone he meets. The only thing is, he always seems to bring his master, Jack, bad luck.Join Puss and Jack on their adventure as they meet a flurry of lovable characters, and even come face to face with royalty! Bringing this much-loved children’s story to life, Puss In Boots is the perfect opportunity for your little ones to enjoy live ballet, music and theatre. This child friendly performance lasts approximately 40 minutes. Performances at 2pm, 4pm & 6pm. Tickets from £6.50. www.northamptonshireparks.co.uk Friday












Wildlife Explorers at Stanwick Lakes See details under ‘Regular Events’ on page 14. June’s theme is ‘All a flutter’ - searching for butterflies and dragonflies. www.stanwicklakes.org.uk

See details under “Regular Events” on page 14. To book: barnwell@ northamptonshire.gov.uk. www.northamptonshireparks.co.uk

Nature Tots at Fermyn Woods Country Park

See details under “Regular Events” on page 14. To book: fermyn@ northamptonshire.gov.uk. www.northamptonshireparks.co.uk

Grand Opening of Soo Yoga

The grand opening of Kristina Rihanoff’s new wellbeing centre in Northampton: ‘Soo Yoga’. Offering yoga, dance and drama classes for people of all ages. Visit 5.30pm to 9.30pm for an evening of fun! RSVP now at: www.sooyoga.com

Little Bugs Club at Nene Wetlands Centre

See details under ‘Regular Events’ on page 14. 10am to 11.30am. Booking essential. £5 per child. FB: NeneWetlandsVisitorCentre

Nature Tots at Barnwell Country Park




to Sunday


Open Weekend at Soo Yoga

Free taster sessions at Kristina Rihanoff’s new Yoga, Family & Wellbeing Centre in Northampton. Book your place online now and take advantage of their one time opening offer: www.sooyoga.com Continued on page 16....

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Fri 21 June, 4pm Sat 22 June, 10am, 1pm, 4pm



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© The Elf Factory Ltd/Entertainment One UK Ltd 2008.



Regular Events Little Bugs Club

The ever popular Little Bugs Club, by the Wildlife Trust, allows little ones to learn about nature and wildlife through play, stories, crafts and outdoor activities. Suitable for 3 to 5 year olds the session takes place in the specially designed Education Area at the Nene Wetlands Centre at Rushden Lakes (meet at the visitor centre). Booking is essential, call the Visitor Centre on 01933 779587 or call in to book.


Wild Tots

Run by qualified Forest School practitioners, Wild Tots, run by the Wildlife Trust, encourages children to explore the natural world and is great for developing self-confidence and a wide range of skills including communication, fine motor and risk assessing. 10 to 11.30am. Meet at the Visitor Centre. £5 per child. Booking essential, please call 01933 779587


Wildlife Explorers at Stanwick Lakes An RSPB group lead by volunteers which provides the perfect location to observe wildlife, make friends and take part in all sorts of practical activities. From bark rubbing to hunting for mini-beasts, its perfect for children aged 5+. All meetings are at The Rangers Cabin, 10am-12 noon unless otherwise stated. Cost per session is £1 per child. For further information and latest news, please visit:


Positive Birth Movement

Informal, free drop-in sessions led by local birth and postnatal practioner, Gabby Matthews. Everyone welcome: bring your bump, bring your new baby (under 6 weeks), come with your partner, come by yourself or with a friend, family member or work colleague. Sessions held monthly on a Monday evening and a Tuesday morning. See Events Calendar for dates. Join the fb page: Positive Birth Movement Rushden. Or contact: positivebirthmovementrushden@gmail.com

Stanwick Lakes Outdoor Movies

Stanwick Lakes are showing a whole host of films by their lakes this summer with popcorn, a bean bag and blanket available to hire. Children’s films are shown from 5.30pm to 7.30pm and adults films from 8pm. Adults £12.50, children (under 15) £9.50.


Pond Dipping with the Rangers at Stanwick Lakes

Explore the underwater world of Stanwick Lakes at 3pm on Wednesday afternoons in the school summer holidays. £3.50 per child (£2 for members). Booking essential. Call 01933 625522 or book online:


Nature Tots at the Country Parks

For parents and tots aged 2-4 years exploring nature through the seasons. £3.50 per child. Take an Education Ranger led themed walk followed by a craft activity. 10am to 11.30am Sessions are held once a month at each park during term time. Booking essential. Email the park or call 07703 160878 to book.


Family Camping Weekend at West Lodge Rural Centre

Pitch your tent, spend 2 days at the farm, enjoy the home reared hog roast, twilight walks, camp fire, marshmallows and stargazing. Ticket only event. For more details, prices or to book, visit: www.westlodgeruralcentre.co.uk

Beccy Hurrell Voice Academy Summer Workshops

A series of day workshops for children, based around different themes. These will take place during the school holidays and will offer a fun day for your child where they will get to learn new songs, explore their voices, and make new friends. A fantastic alternative to childcare if you can’t get all of the holidays off with your children. For more details visit: www.beccyhurrell.co.uk

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Open every day 10am - 5pm Only £5 entry (under-twos free)

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Great va out, w lue day h the w atever eathe r!

New baby goat kids!

Don’t miss! Farm animals, indoor and outdoor play areas, cafe...and more!

Father’s Day ‘Pig Herding’ 16 June

Naseby Road, Welford, Northants, NN6 6HZ // Tel: 07824 393517

Summer 2019

Family Fun At Your Local Steam Railway Thomas’ Branch Line Trains

will operate on the following dates: 15th & 16th June 27th & 28th July 31st August & 1st September Saturday 10th & Sunday 11th August Thomas on the Nene Valley Railway’s Riviera for Thomas’ Summer holiday Pack your sunglasses, bucket and spade and join us!

21st & 22nd August Join the Teddy Express

Fun for all the family and teddies, oh so many teddies!!!

Visit www.nvr.org.uk for details and bookings Wansford station, A1, Peterborough, PE8 6LR

Charity number: 263617

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16 Friday

“Splash!” A Made in Northampton Production


to Sunday

Performed on the banks of the River Nene at the University of Northampton’s Waterside Campus, Splash! is a beautiful story following Flo, a young girl diving into a fearless journey of discovery. Immerse yourself in her mysterious underwater world as she meets new characters and faces new challenges, learning about growing up, family and independence along the way. This spectacular show is brought to life with circus, puppetry, BSL and visual vernacular, creating a multisensory, accessible show for all the family to enjoy. Performances: Fri 10.30am, Sat 10.30am & 1.30pm, Sun 10.30am Tickets From £8 www.royalandderngate.co.uk

& Saturday


Father’s Day Fun at the Newlands Shopping Centre






Join Mole, Ratty and Badger on their mad-cap adventures in Quantum Theatre’s charming new adaptation of the family favourite. 2.30pm at The Outdoor Theatre at Stanwick Lakes. Adults: £12.50, children (for 3yrs and over): £8 | Concessions: £10 | Family: £35 www.stanwicklakes.org.uk Sunday

Father’s Day


Nature Tots at Brixworth Country Park

16 19



Challenge your Dad this Father’s day at the free scalextric event at the Newlands Shopping Centre in Kettering! 11am to 3pm. www.newlandsshopping.com

Wind in the Willows at Stanwick Lakes




See page 17. Plenty of events to keep your Dad/Husband/Partner entertained on Father’s Day.

See details under “Regular Events” on page 14. To book: brixworth@ northamptonshire.gov.uk. www.northamptonshireparks.co.uk




to Sunday


“Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom” at The Castle Theatre

Holly is a young Fairy Princess, who is still learning how to fly and her magic doesn’t always go quite according to plan. Her best friend, Ben the Elf, doesn’t have wings and he doesn’t do magic, but he runs very fast and flies on the back of Gaston the Ladybird. They live in the Little Kingdom, a tiny land where flowers and grass rise high above them and every day is an adventure. Ben and Holly have fun and games helping Gaston the Ladybird clean up his messy cave, they go on a trip into The Big World with tooth-fairy Nanny Plum, even plan a surprise birthday party for King Thistle, and oops, let’s hope there’s not another jelly flood! Join Ben and Holly, and their friends on this exciting, enchanting and magical musical adventure packed full of games, songs and laughter. This beautiful story of elves, princesses and childhood innocence will delight all the family! Performances: Fri - 4pm, Sat - 10am, 1pm & 4pm. Tickets £15 (Under 16s £13) (6-12 months £10), Family of 4 £52. www.parkwoodtheatres.co.uk “Zog” at The Royal & Derngate Theatre Zog is eager to win a golden star at Madam Dragon’s school. He tries so very hard, perhaps too hard, and he bumps, burns and roars his way through years one, two and three. Luckily, the plucky Princess Pearl patches him up ready to face his biggest challenge yet… a duel with knight, Sir Gadabout the Great! Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler’s much-loved Zog comes to life in this magical adaptation by Mike Shepherd (Kneehigh). Roaring fun for all ages. Performances: Fri 4.30pm, Sat 11am, 2pm & 4.30pm, Sun 11am & 2pm Tickets from £14.50 www.royalandderngate.co.uk

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What’s on this


Father’s Day

Sunday 16th June

Pig Herding at Mini Meadows

Make some special memories this Father’s Day with a family day out to the Mini Meadows Farm. And for one day only, have a go at herding pigs – it’s harder than it looks! Get a good dose of fresh air, fun and laughter. Meet the Highland calves, Molly and Morag, the new and very cute baby goat kids, stroke the rabbits and the fluffy guinea pigs, giggle at the playful chipmunks and keep an eye on your animal feed when you visit the crafty llamas! Simple good fun no matter what your age (or even the weather). Huge indoor play area and sandpit, as well as picnic areas, cafe, outdoor play area and lots of animals to meet and feed. Plus, a tasty hog roast will also be available on Father’s Day only. Open 10am-5pm. Adults & children £5, under 2s free.

Jousting and Medieval Living History at Rockingham Castle

Can good triumph over evil? Witness the Knights of Nottingham battle for supremacy amidst the thunder of hooves and clashes of steel at Rockingham Castle this Father’s Day, 12pm to 5pm. Gripping performances of bravery involve the audience, enticing them to become involved. After all the excitement, a wander through the living history village is a must where craftsmen display their skills, the jester entertains with jokes and tomfoolery, fire eaters mesmerise and storytellers weave tales of mystery, magic and legend. A great family day out for all. Aduls £12.50, Children £7.50, under 3s free.


Farm Machinery at West Lodge Rural Centre


Steam & Vintage Rally & Real Ale at Nene Valley Railway Traction engines, miniature steam engines, vintage tractors, vintage cars, fairground organ, Thomas train trips from Wansford to Yarwell, shed tours, steam crane demos (subject to availability), craft fair, plus....a real ale bar! A great day out for Dad. And in the evening Beer and Band at Wansford! Real ales, a band and a fish and chips supper. More information and tickets coming soon.


One for all the family, the grown up boys love this as much as the little ones. Come and look at a selection of farm machinery some very old and some very modern day. Restaurant serving our own beef and local ale.


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18 Saturday






& Sunday

23rd Sunday




25th Thursday

27th Saturday



& Sunday






“Storks” at Stanwick Lakes See details under ‘Stanwick Lakes Outdoor Movies’ under ‘Regular Events’ on page 14. Film rated ‘U’. 5.30pm to 7.30pm. Book online: www.stanwicklakes.org.uk Fairy & Elves Weekend at West Lodge Rural Centre There’s magic in the air! Follow the Fairy trail around the farm, make a magic wand, fancy dress competition and face painting, plus all the usual fun of the farm. www.westlodgeruralcentre.co.uk “Monsters Inc” at Stanwick Lakes See details under ‘Stanwick Lakes Outdoor Movies’ under ‘Regular Events’ on page 14. Film rated ‘U’. 5.30pm to 7.30pm. Book online: www.stanwicklakes.org.uk

Positive Birth Movement

10.30am to 12.30pm. See details on page 14 under ‘Regular Events’. positivebirthmovementrushden@ gmail.com

Wild Tots Forest School at Nene Wetlands Centre

July Tuesday









& Sunday





Family Funday at East Carlton Park 11am to 4pm. Classic cars, Archery, Highland Dancers, Crafts & Charity Stalls, Carnival Princesses, Ukulele Band, Dog Show, Bouncy Castle, Children’s Rides & Games. Ample car parking (donations on the gate). This event is supported by Corby Borough Council. For stalls and further details please contact Dan on highlandman4891@aol.com Facebook: EastCarltonCountryPark

A 2 hour session for parents to help them understand their toddler’s behaviour. 7.30pm at Thrapston Primary School. Call 07960 875577 to book your place. kerrymattock007@btinternet.com

Nature Tots at Irchester Country Park

See details under ‘Regular Events’ on page 14. To book: irchester@ northamptonshire.gov.uk. www.northamptonshireparks.co.uk Family Camping Weekend at West Lodge Rural Centre See details under ‘Regular Events’ on page 14. www.westlodgeruralcentre.co.uk

Mega Mess Messy Play with Mess Around Northamptonshire

Come along and play, 11:30am to 12.45pm, at The Pemberton Centre, Rushden. Session theme: “Dinosaur Detectives”. Book online: www.messarounduk.com/ Northamptonshire

See details under ‘Regular Events’ on page 14. 10am to 11.30am. Booking essential. £5 per child. FB: NeneWetlandsVisitorCentre Family Camping Weekend at West Lodge Rural Centre See details under ‘Regular Events’ on page 14. www.westlodgeruralcentre.co.uk

Understanding Your 2 to 4 Year Old’s Behaviour







Nature Tots at Barnwell Country Park

See details under ‘Regular Events’ on page 14. To book: Barnwell@ northamptonshire.gov.uk. www.northamptonshireparks.co.uk

Nature Tots at Fermyn Woods Country Park

See details under ‘Regular Events’ on page 14. To book: Fermyn@ northamptonshire.gov.uk. www.northamptonshireparks.co.uk

“Gangsta Granny” Outdoor Family Theatre at Barnwell Country Park

5pm to 7pm. Bring your own picnic and chairs. For tickets visit: www.oundlefestival.org.uk

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Great family shows at The Core at Corby Cube


James Campbell



Sat 21 September

For ages 6+

For ages 3+

Fri 4 – Sun 6 October

Tickets 01536 470 470 www.thecorecorby.com The Core at Corby Cube, George Street, Corby NN17 1QG

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21/05/2019 15:58 V

Memory Trunk create a range of adorable keepsakes from preloved clothing. Each one can now be personalised with beautiful embroidery Enter Timefortots for 20% off

Contact: Nikki at info@memorytrunk.co.uk Facebook: memorytrunkuk Web: www.memorytrunk.co.uk

To advertise call 0845 6439687 or e-mail info@timefortots.co.uk

20 Friday



Little Bugs Club at Nene Wetlands Centre

See details under ‘Regular Events’ on page 14. 10am to 11.30am. Booking essential. £5 per child. FB: NeneWetlandsVisitorCentre




Messy Play with Mess Around Northamptonshire

Come along and play, 10.30am to 11.30am, at Priors Hall Community Centre, Corby. Session theme: “Dinosaur Detectives”. Book online: www.messarounduk.com/ Northamptonshire Saturday















Wildlife Explorers at Stanwick Lakes See details under ‘Regular Events’ on page 14. July’s theme is ‘Gone Dipping’. www.stanwicklakes.org.uk

“Christopher Robin” at Stanwick Lakes See details under ‘Stanwick Lakes Outdoor Movies’ under ‘Regular Events’ on page ?. Film rated ‘PG’. 5.30pm to 7.30pm. Book online: www.stanwicklakes.org.uk “Peter Rabbit” outdoor cinema at East Carlton Country Park Gates open at 1pm. Meet and greet with peter rabbit at 1.30pm. Film starts at 2pm. Facebook: EastCarltonCountryPark




& Sunday


Nature Tots at Brixworth Country Park

See details under ‘Regular Events’ on page 14. To book: Brixworth@ northamptonshire.gov.uk. www.northamptonshireparks.co.uk

The Rockingham Fair at Rockingham Castle A family Country Fair with something for everyone arts, crafts, food, drink and gifts marquees, children’s entertainment, dog shows, birds of prey, stunt shows and much more. 10am to 5pm. Free parking. Book online at: www.oakleighfairs.co.uk Family Camping Weekend at West Lodge Rural Centre See ‘Regular Events’ on page 14 www.westlodgeruralcentre.co.uk

“Despicable Me” at Stanwick Lakes See details under ‘Stanwick Lakes Outdoor Movies’ under ‘Regular Events’ on page 14. Film rated ‘U’. 5.30pm to 7.30pm. Book online: www.stanwicklakes.org.uk

Thomas’ Branch LIne Weekend at Nene Valley Railway Travel behind Thomas on his Branch Line to Yarwell and back. See Thomas running around the yard with some naughty trucks at Wansford. Children’s Play area, Riverside Picnic area, shop and garden railway also at Wansford. Miniature Railway, Bouncy Castle and Tea Room at Overton (subject to weather). Purchase tickets online: www.nvr.org.uk

Messy Play with Mess Around Northamptonshire

Come along and play, 10:30am to 11.45am, at Ise Lodge Community Centre, Kettering. Session theme: “Dinosaur Detectives”. Book online: www.messarounduk.com/ Northamptonshire “Moana” at Stanwick Lakes See details under ‘Stanwick Lakes Outdoor Movies’ under ‘Regular Events’ on page 14. Film rated ‘PG’. 5.30pm to 7.30pm. Book online: www.stanwicklakes.org.uk


Junior Active Funday at Lings Forum Sports, entertainment, under 5 activities, family swim & inflatables at Lings Forum. 1 to 4pm. £3 entry. www.trilogyleisure.co.uk

“Frozen” at Stanwick Lakes See details under ‘Stanwick Lakes Outdoor Movies’ under ‘Regular Events’ on page 14. Film rated ‘PG’. 5.30pm to 7.30pm. Book online: www.stanwicklakes.org.uk


Positive Birth Movement





10.30am to 12.30pm. See details on page 14 under ‘Regular Events’. positivebirthmovementrushden@ gmail.com

Please mention Time for Tots when responding to an advertisement


To advertise call 0845 6439687 or e-mail info@timefortots.co.uk

22 Tuesday





Tots Play Summer Special At Barton Seagrave Village Hall. Theme: Teddy Bears Picnic. Booking essential. www.totsplay.co.uk/kettering


Tots Play Summer Special At Barton Seagrave Village Hall. Theme: Going on Holiday. Booking essential. www.totsplay.co.uk/kettering

Family Voice Fun with Beccy Hurrell Voice Academy See details under ‘Regular Events’ on page 14. 2pm to 3.30pm. £5 per child, adults free. www.beccyhurrell.co.uk


National Play Day at Abington Park A free event with land train, reptiles, live performances, under 5 and sports activities. 12pm to 4pm. www.trilogyleisure.co.uk

Breakfast with Pikachu at the Holiday Inn, Corby Enjoy a full buffet breakfast (Full English and Continental) with a surprise visit from Pikachu! A morning of delicious food, fun & games. 9am to 11am. Booking essential. www.hicorby.com “Pond Dipping” at Stanwick Lakes See details under ‘Regular Events’ on page 14. 3pm. Book online: www.stanwicklakes.org.uk



to Friday



Mary Poppins Workshop with Beccy Hurrell Voice Academy See details under “Regular Events” on page 14. 10am to 4pm daily. To include a performance on the Friday to parents. £30 per day. www.beccyhurrell.co.uk

August Friday






& Sunday


Little Bugs Go Big! at Nene Wetlands Centre

A special ‘Little Bugs Club’ (see details under ‘Regular Events’ on page 14) for under 5s and their older siblings. 10am to 11.30am. Booking essential. £5 per child. FB: NeneWetlandsVisitorCentre Family Camping Weekend at West Lodge Rural Centre See details under ‘Regular Events’ on page 14. www.westlodgeruralcentre.co.uk





“Pond Dipping” at Stanwick Lakes See details under ‘Regular Events’ on page 14. 3pm. Book online: www.stanwicklakes.org.uk Saturday

“Cars” at Stanwick Lakes See details under ‘Stanwick Lakes Outdoor Movies’ under ‘Regular Events’ on page 14. Film rated ‘PG’. 5.30pm to 7.30pm. Book online: www.stanwicklakes.org.uk


Thomas’ Summer Holiday at Nene Valley Railway Pack your sunglasses, bucket and spade and join Thomas on the Nene Valley Railway’s Riviera for Thomas’ Summer Holiday! You can ride behind the star of the show Thomas, who will be pulling his very own special Holiday train through his own channel tunnel. Plenty of other activities available and many of Thomas’s freinds out and about too. Purchase tickets online: www.nvr.org.uk





& Sunday



“Wall.E” at Stanwick Lakes See details under ‘Stanwick Lakes Outdoor Movies’ under ‘Regular Events’ on page 14. Film rated ‘U’. 5.30pm to 7.30pm. Book online: www.stanwicklakes.org.uk


Tots Play Summer Special At Barton Seagrave Village Hall. Theme: At The Seaside. Booking essential. www.totsplay.co.uk/kettering





Family Voice Fun with Beccy Hurrell Voice Academy See details under ‘Regular Events’ on page 14. 2pm to 3.30pm. £5 per child, adults free. www.beccyhurrell.co.uk

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Treat your little Princess this summer


Petite Beauty Salon in Rothwell Polish on hands and toes, make-up and a gift bag including flip flops and other treats. * Recommended for 3-10 year old’s

Recieve a 20% Off voucher with every ONLY £1 8

Petite Pampering - Cinderella Package

CINDERELLA PACKAGE Kristal’s Beaute Box Tel: 07794673123 44 Kipton Field, Rothwell, NN14 6ED facebook.com/kristalsbeautebox kristalsbeautebox@hotmail.com

To advertise here call

0845 6439687

or email info@timefortots.co.uk

To advertise call 0845 6439687 or e-mail info@timefortots.co.uk

24 Saturday








& Thursday










& Monday


Titan the Robot at the Newlands Centre Visit the Newlands Centre in Kettering and see Titan the Robot. Show times: 12 to 12.30pm, 1.45 to 2.15pm and 3.30 to 4pm. www.newlandsshopping.com “Pond Dipping” at Stanwick Lakes See details under ‘Regular Events’ on page 14. 3pm. Book online: www.stanwicklakes.org.uk Teddy Express at Nene Valley Railway Fun for all the Family! • Travel on the Steam hauled “Teddy Express” with Teddy decorated carriages • All children accompanied by a Teddy Bear travel for half price (aged 10 and under), accompanied by a full fare paying adult • Bouncy castle and children’s merry-go-round (subject to availability) • Teddy raffle, Tombola, Games, Teddy Quiz and Family fun • Wansford Café open for meals, snacks and ice creams, and special Teddy Express children’s picnic boxes • Riverside Picnic area for those Teddy Bear Picnics Trains start at 10am from Wansford and can be joined from any station. Purchase tickets online: www.nvr.org.uk Song Writing Workshop with Beccy Hurrell Voice Academy 10am to 4pm. Suitable for 8 to 11 year olds. £30 per child. www.beccyhurrell.co.uk Great Big Fossill Weekend at West Lodge Rural Centre Search for fossils on the fossil field with farmers on hand to help you identify your find. Be an archaeologist for the day and dust down the ‘dinosaur remains’. www.westlodgeruralcentre.co.uk




& Monday

26th Tuesday



Vikings of Middle England at Rockingham Castle The Vikings return! Be prepared for battles, pageantry, Living History camp and much more. Have-a-go archery and storytellers wow the crowds. 12pm to 5pm. Book tickets online: www.rockinghamcastle.com

Positive Birth Movement

10.30am to 12.30pm. See details on page 14 under ‘Regular Events’. positivebirthmovementrushden@ gmail.com Family Voice Fun with Beccy Hurrell Voice Academy See details under ‘Regular Events’ on page 14. 2pm to 3.30pm. £5 per child, adults free. www.beccyhurrell.co.uk




to Sunday



“Fox-Tot”at The Royal & Derngate Theatre A brand new opera for 12 to 24 month olds, from the composer of Scottish Opera’s internationally acclaimed opera for babies, BambinO. A little fox is sent on an adventure to explore the world and learn to see through the eyes of other creatures. Stretched out in the sun as a cat, soaring in the sky as a butterfly... it’s fun to be someone else. But, as Mother Vixen guides her cub’s journey from the shadows, will the little one discover what it takes to become an excellent fox? Set in a woodland world where anything can happen, and performed by two singers, a cellist and a percussionist, this engaging mix of music and puppetry provides an interactive experience for young children and their adults to enjoy together. A show that is full of imagination – a magical journey of discovery for those taking their first small steps into the big wide world. Performances: Tue 2pm, Wed – Sun 11am & 2pm Tickets: Adult £10, Adult and Child £15, Child £6 www.royalandderngate.co.uk

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25 Wednesday

“Pond Dipping” at Stanwick Lakes See details under ‘Regular Events’ on page 14. 3pm. Book online: www.stanwicklakes.org.uk


The Greatest Showman Workshop with Beccy Hurrell Voice Academy See details under ‘Regular Events’ on page 14. 10am to 4pm daily. To include a performance on the Friday to parents. £30 per day. www.beccyhurrell.co.uk





to Friday

30th Saturday



& Sunday



Thomas’ Branch Line Weekend at Nene Valley Railway Travel behind Thomas on his Branch Line to Yarwell and back. See Thomas running around the yard with some naughty trucks at Wansford. Children’s Play area, Riverside Picnic area, shop and garden railway also at Wansford. Miniature Railway, Bouncy Castle and Tea Room at Overton (subject to weather). Purchase tickets online: www.nvr.org.uk










S R ‘




Teddy Bear Mask Workshop Teddy Bear Balloon Modelling Teddy Bear Glitter Tattoos & More


The Wistow Moon Walk


o mark the 50th anniversary of the first man to walk on the moon, the award-winning Wistow Maze has been designed in the shape of an Astronaut. “It’s a great way to celebrate the most memorable leap for mankind, when Neil Armstrong successfully stepped out of Apollo 11 and landed on the moon” said Diana Brooks, owner of Wistow Maze. The giant 8 acre maize maze has a fun Quiz Trail hidden amongst its 3 miles of pathways, with high level bridges and towers giving stunning panoramic views. Visitors have to find 12 quiz boards which will test their knowledge on other historic achievements. Visitors can also take part in a variety of mini mazes and games in the Activity Funyard, which includes a space-hopper track, hoopla, beanbag throwing and a football shooting game.


Across the road is the Wistow Rural Centre with its cafe, garden centre, art gallery, model village and numerous shops, making it a great day out for all ages. Wistow Maze is a winner of Leicestershire’s “Best Visitor Attraction” and attracts over 20,000 visitors each year. Opens: Sat 20th July - Sun 1st Sept (daily), then weekends only until Sun 22nd Sept. 10am – 6pm. Free Parking. Admission charges: Child £5.95 Adult £6.95 Family Ticket (2+2) £24 More information ring: 07884 403889, or visit:



To advertise call 0845 6439687 or e-mail info@timefortots.co.uk


Clubs & Classes

Want to improve your confidence? ● Want to lower your stress levels? Want to improve your communication skills? ● Want to improve your overall health?

Group singing can help with all of this, plus has many other benefits

See our ‘Weekly Activities Timetable’ in the back of the magazine for class times and venues

Website: www.andersondance.co.uk Email: info@andersondance.co.uk Facebook: andersondancekettering

Classes in ballet, tap, modern, jazz, street dance, contemporary, musical theatre, flexibility, for children from 3 years and adults. All classes taught by ex professional dancers and fully qualified teachers. Purpose built air conditioned dance studios.

SPACES NOW AVAILABLE AGAIN FOR BABY BALLET AND PRIMARY MODERN FOR 3-4 YEARS! Summer workshops, dance parties, wedding dance lessons and hen parties also available. For more information please check our website: www.andersondance.co.uk

A fun, social adult class Sundays, 8pm to 9.30pm £10 pw

Interactive child sessions Mondays & Tuesdays £6 pw

All brought to you by a professional vocal coach www.beccyhurrell.co.uk 07786 544087 / 01536 519201 Book your place today!

Sing and Sign is Britain’s original, longest running and best loved baby signing programme, taught through music and song. Developed with Speech and Language Therapists to provide a progressive curriculum in 3 stages. We help you and your baby enjoy the process of learning to talk with • Less frustration • Better communication • And more fun!

Classes in Kettering, Wellingborough, Rushden & Oundle Classes available Monday to Friday Sing & Sign Babes - 6 weeks to 6 months Stage 1 - 6 to 15 months Stage 2 - 15 to 24 months Classes and availability listed on our website:


Email: sarahsilsby@singandsign.co.uk or call Sarah for more information 07585 557664 Facebook search ‘Sing and Sign - East Northants’

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Clubs & Classes e for parties

bl We’re availa



Are you looking for a fun new children’s group to take your little ones too? Cha Char Chimps is a fun and interactive entertainment show for 0 to 5 year olds and their parent/ carer. An hour of dancing, action songs, nursery rhymes and yummy snacks for you and your child. Pay as you go so no commitment but hopefully you and your little chimps will love the shows and be back week after week.

Book online at: www.ccchimps.com/Kettering

‘Tiny Primas’ A Mamma and toddler ballet class Ages 15 Months to 3 years The Castle Theatre, Wellingborough Monday’s in term time 10.15am-11am £6 per class Come along to The Castle Theatre with your toddler for 45 minutes of ballet fun, dancing and dress up for your little one! The class is in the dance studio inside The Castle Theatre and parking is also free.

Enquire: 07738 706341



BOOK YOUR LESSON NOW! Contact Coach Emma Ogden E-mail:


Or Visit:

www.littlekickers.co.uk and click on “find a class”

To advertise call 0845 6439687 or e-mail info@timefortots.co.uk


Clubs & Classes

Featured Class: Tots Play What is Tots Play?

A play programme which combines yoga, singing, signing, sensory play and massage all into one class! We have 3 different classes suitable for children from birth to around 2½ years.

What is the aim of the classes?

Our classes aim to give you the confidence and inspiration needed to play, connect and enjoy special time with your baby or toddler in ways which will enhance their development through sensory play, yoga, sign language, singing and massage. We also aim to create a welcoming atmosphere where parents can make important and valuable friendships, with other local parents.

Talk us through a typical class:

We have 3 different classes depending on the age of your little one: The Baby Development Course, Discovery Tots and Social Tots. Our classes always start with singing our Tots Play ‘Hello’ song to every little one, then in our Discovery Tots and Social Tots classes we sing a welcome song and do actions to our warm up. Following a warm up, we are ready to do some yoga and movement to recognisable tunes and nursery rhymes, before learning some signs and singing our signing song of the week. In Discovery Tots we do a sensory play activity together and in Social Tots we do a bit of learning about our bodies, opposites or colours and numbers, where we love to get the parachute out! We understand the importance of allowing children the opportunity for independent play and learning, so following the group activities, we give children the chance for sensory play with parents and movement activities for the toddlers. Our classes all end with bubbles and singing our goodbye song with our puppet mascot, Totsy Monkey! Our Baby Development Course for our youngest tots follows a slightly different pattern and also includes baby massage, tummy time ideas and calming holds and techniques.

How do classes benefit children?

We know that young children learn best when using their whole body and all their senses and at Tots Play there is so much to get involved with, they can do just that. Each session includes a carefully chosen mix of structured and free play activities including songs, movement, games and equipment play. So whether your child is thoughtful and reserved or a non-stop action seeker, they will have the opportunity to play

and explore in ways they’ll love – allowing their personality to shine, new skills to develop and flourish and confidence to soar.

What ages are the classes for?

Our Baby Development Course is for babies from birth to 6 months, Discovery Tots is suitable from 8 weeks until actively crawling and Social Tots is for the crawlers until approximately 2½ years.

When and where do you run classes?

On Tuesdays and Wednesdays at Barton Seagrave Village Hall and Fridays at the Ise Lodge Community Centre, Kettering (see our website for up to date times and locations).

How long does each class last?

Approximately 40 minutes for Discovery Tots and Social Tots and our Baby Development Course sessions last between 50 minutes and an hour.

How much does a class cost?

Our Baby Development Course is £55 for 6 weeks (includes massage oil, music and a colour workbook). Discovery Tots and Social Tots is £13.95 for 3 sessions as a trial and then £6 per class thereafter, payable as a half term block. To book a class or for more information: Contact: Amy Donovan Telephone: 07930 340139 Website: www.totsplay.co.uk Email: amyd@totsplay.co.uk

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Clubs & Classes

29 V

Jenny’s Dolphins Baby & Pre-school Swimming Lessons Friendly classes in Rothwell Instructor in the water Average of 6 children per class Prices start from £7 for 30 minutes Call: 07821 646451 Email: jennysdolphins@live.co.uk www.jennysdolphins.co.uk


Unlock your child’s potential with Stagecoach Performing Arts

Singing, dancing and acting classes for 4 - 6 year olds, where students learn to embrace life with creativity and courage Find out more today:

stagecoach.co.uk/kettering kettering@stagecoach.co.uk 01234 828878

Creative Courage For Life


To advertise call 0845 6439687 or e-mail info@timefortots.co.uk

Stagecoach Theatre Arts Schools are operated under franchise and are independently owned by their Principals. Stagecoach is a registered trademark of Stagecoach Theatre Arts Ltd.



Clubs & Classes

Infant Aquatics Baby & toddler swimming courses

Learning to love the water using our gentle and nurturing techniques. We pride ourselves on creating positive experiences and building strong relationships in the water. Babies and toddlers love it! For further details contact us via our website: www.infantaquatics.co.uk or find us on facebook: /Infant Aquatics

Photography courtesy of Firetree Photography www.firetreephoto.co.uk


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Clubs & Classes


For children aged 18 months to 5½ years

Pre-school Soccer Courses in Wellingborough £6

ion. per sess ked boo Courses for and paid . quarterly

Saturdays at Redwell Leisure Centre 9.30 to 10.15am for ages 18 months to 3½ years 10.15 to 11am for ages 3½ to 5½ years

Please call Patrick Franks on 07818 401707 for details One parent must participate in each session (beginners course only) First session FREE! Discount given for siblings Courses run all year round

FREE TRIAL SESSIONS Many of the Clubs & Classes featured here offer free trial sessions allowing you and your child to try a session before committing to a course. See our ‘Special Offers’ section for vouchers or speak to the class directly to find out more.

CLASS TIMETABLES Our Weekly Activities Timetable, at the back of the magazine, lists the class timetables for most of the classes featured in this section.

To advertise call 0845 6439687 or e-mail info@timefortots.co.uk


Clubs & Classes

Under 5 Ac�vi�es � Corby Interna�onal Pool & Lodge Park Sports Centre Book a party

www.corby.gov.uk/partyhire Cheerleading, Swim & Supervised Diving

Go for a Swim

FUN Crèche “Fun Play”, ACTIVITIES So� Play,

“Stay & Football. Play” at the Pool

Parent & Toddler Adult & Child swim sessions

Gym & Movement

Shop and Swim at Corby Pool Crèche Children aged 3 months to 5 years old. Why not let us look a�er your children while you go shopping then come back for a free swim. Available during crèche opening �mes. Price includes a free swimming session for one parent/guardian. Booking essen�al. Payment re�uired at �me of booking. Lodge Park Sports Centre Tel: 01536 400033 www.corby.gov.uk/lodgepark Find us on Facebook Lodge Park Sports Centre

Swim & Bring + Swim & Play. Twins on Tuesday. Parent & Toddler Lessons + Adult & Child Sessions. Shop + Swim. Fun for all. Every Thursday, to help develop your children’s social, physical, language, educa�on, imagina�on & co�ordina�on skills.


£3.20 for 1 hr, £5.30 for 2 hrs Lodge Park Sports Centre 9.30—11.25am Mon/Wed/Fri Cor�y �nterna�onal Pool 9.25—11.25am Mon/Tues/Weds/Thurs/Fri & 12.25—2.25 Mon/Wed/Fri

Corby Interna�onal Pool Tel: 01536 464643 www.corby.gov.uk/corbypool


Find us on Facebook Corby East Midlands Interna�onal Pool

For more informa�on visit: www.corby.gov.uk/ac�vi�esunder5 Please mention Time for Tots when responding to an advertisement

Clubs & Classes

Come and enjoy our pre-school gymnastics classes for 2-4yr olds at Matrix Gymnastics Academy!

Our MiniTrix classes are led by British Gymnastics qualified preschool coaches and follow a different theme each week. Each class costs £5 for 45 minutes and fees are paid every half term. FULL TIMETABLE AVAILABLE ON OUR WEBSITE



Diamond Way Nene Park Irthlingborough Northamptonshire NN9 5QF TEL: 01933 655661 EMAIL: matrixga.info@gmail.com



To advertise call 0845 6439687 or e-mail info@timefortots.co.uk


Time for Crafters Beautiful handmade gifts that make the perfect unique present - you won’t find them on the high street!

Murals and More

Beautiful and colourful nursery décor and painted gifts that stand out from the crowd. • Bespoke hand painted name and letter art • Personalised, hand painted wooden animal keepsakes • Range of limited edition nursery prints and oneof-a-kind paintings To see our range of unique designs or chat to us about creating a custom design or keepsake, head to:


Tag Togs

We specialise in designing and producing handmade, funky and unique baby carriers and funky and functional baby wear. Our clothes are made to order and all items are made to the highest standards using top quality fabrics sourced from local and small independent UK businesses. We make 3 types of baby carrier which are suitable for babies from newborn to around 3 years and our babywear is available in sizes from 0 months to 7 years.


Tribes Treasures Personalised clothing gifts and accessories for all the family for every occasion. 10% off your first order using code ‘timefortots’

www.tribestreasures.co.uk Please mention Time for Tots when responding to an advertisement

Time For Crafters


Memory Trunk

Works of Heart by Simone

Stunning Creations for Babies & Toddlers

“Where every frame tells a story” Call Simone on: 07803 312929

www.facebook.com/ Worksofheart


o many attics and spare rooms are full of those tiny clothes that hold so many special memories that you are just unable to part with. Memory Trunk lovingly transform those precious first clothes into adorable keepsakes that you can treasure forever. It takes just 4 to 5 baby grows to make one of our beautiful animal keepsakes. We also offer a range of various sized blankets and pillows. If you have an extra special keepsake in mind we would love to discuss your ideas. For more information visit our facebook page: memorytrunkUK, or website:


Little Lyons

Little Lyons specialises in organic children’s clothing and accessories We have a large selection of bright and unisex designs, most of which are exclusive so you won’t find them anywhere else. Custom orders are welcome too. Facebook: /littlelyonsclothing Instagram: /littlelyonsclothing www.littlelyons.co.uk

To advertise call 0845 6439687 or e-mail info@timefortots.co.uk


Could you be a Foster Carer?

Frequently Asked Questions about Fostering

What is it like to be a Foster Carer?

One of our valued Carers shares her views; “The reward of fostering is seeing the children you care for blossom. I have had the privilege of seeing children in my care obtain trophies, awards for competitions and for them to have the opportunity to use their talent and skills to contribute to community events. They have passed school and college exams as well as a driving test. The change in their self-image and confidence has been wonderful to behold. I feel honoured to be a Foster Carer and I feel better that a child refugee’s birth mother knows that her son is alive and well and that he is being cared for. I have seen that words of encouragement, consistency and working with the child makes a difference with time.” When you Foster, you invest in that child’s life. You have the opportunity to make a difference that will be lifelong.

a policy in place for Foster Carers, many places offer leave similar to maternity/paternity or parental leave.

I’ve never worked with children before, does that matter?

That’s not a problem, you don’t need any qualifications or experience. We offer a great training package which will help you gain confidence in your own abilities and develop new skills.

I’ve got criminal convictions, does that automatically rule me out?

Not necessarily. Criminal convictions in the past may not affect your application – though you should be honest about them from the start. Convictions against children do automatically disqualify anyone from fostering.

Do I need to own my own property to Foster? No, you can own your home or rent a home anywhere in Northamptonshire.

I’m a single parent, can I Foster?

Of course you can. Part of the assessment will explore your support network, in the same way you already have one for your own child. It’s important to remember your relationship status is not a barrier, you may be single, married or divorced, living together or in a same sex couple.

I already have children, do I need to wait until they are older? It doesn’t matter whether or not you have your own children or if they are still living at home.

I’m working, can I continue if I want to Foster?

You can be working, unemployed or retired. Your Social Worker can talk to you about training and other times you may need to be available. Also, it is worth checking with your employer if they have

Could that be you? www.fosterme.co.uk Tel: 0300 126 1009

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Pregnancy, Birth & Babies

Nurturing Hands

Baby Massage Classes

Congratulations if you are expecting or just had a baby! Our pregnancy and birth section is just for you. For babies aged from birth to 1 year old

Jomanda Soft Toys and Accessories All suitable from birth All machine washable at 30º plus cool tumle dry Brand New All proudly wearing the CE mark toys

Gorgeous baby products that make the perfect gift...

March, includin for g our fantastic Hig hlan Range and ma d Coo ny more!

5 week course run by a qualified IAIM instructor Tuesdays & Thursdays at 10am at Rush 2The Den 16 Fitzwilliam Street, Rushden

Baby Reflexology & Baby Yoga Classes also available Please contact for more information

View our full range by visiting: www.jomanda.co.uk Find us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram @JomandaSheep #SofterThanASoftThing

Email: josales@jomanda.co.uk Telephone: 0116 259 9800 Based in rural Leicestershire, find us at LE7 9FN

For further information:

Text/phone Lynne on: 07784 329245 Email: lynneatnurturinghands@gmail.com Facebook: Nurturing Hands Baby Massage Classes www.babymassageatnurturinghands.co.uk

Baby Massage ● Baby Yoga ● Parent and Toddler Yoga Baby Relaxation ● Sleep Support for Tots to Teens

Classes, private group bookings and 1:1 appointments with Clare Qualified Instructor, Qualified Sleep Practitioner and Qualified Healthcare Professional

For more information contact Simply Nurture via Facebook or visit: www.simplynurture.co.uk

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Pregnancy, Birth & Babies


Why do people want to know if your baby sleeps? Help and advice with Baby and Toddler Sleep

“Does your baby sleep through the night?“


ow many times have you been asked that question? Of all the positive and supportive statements people could say this has to be the one that can completely deflate a new parent in seconds. Of course your young baby does not sleep through the night, if they did there could be problems. In the early days and weeks following birth, babies need to feed regularly to ensure they gain weight and thrive. They will be waking for many reasons, not just to satisfy hunger. Night time attention from their parent ensures they feel safe and protected. We all know someone who had one of those rare, mystical, babies that do sleep. The myth goes that they put them down to sleep and they sleep until the morning. What is often the case is they put their baby down to sleep late evening, their baby wakes before they go to bed so they feed and perhaps don’t change their nappy therefore putting them back down to sleep with little disturbance. The baby then sleeps for up to 6 hours. That all sounds lovely, but that is not sleeping through the night in the way we imagine. To most people a full nights sleep is from dusk to dawn. It is perfectly normal for young babies and toddlers to not have a sleep routine. Continued overleaf...

Sleep States There are two alternating types or states of sleep: Non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM) or “quiet” sleep. During the deep states of NREM sleep, blood supply to the muscles is increased, energy is restored, tissue growth and repair occur, and important hormones are released for growth and development. Rapid Eye Movement (REM) or “active” sleep. During REM sleep, our brains are active and dreaming occurs. Our bodies become immobile, breathing and heart rates are irregular. Eye movement can be observed behind the closed eyelids. Babies spend 50 percent of their time in each of these states and the sleep cycle is about 50 minutes. At about six months of age, REM sleep comprises about 30 percent of sleep. By the time children reach preschool age, the sleep cycle is about every 90 minutes. By reducing stimuli in the home environment the baby’s natural circadian rhythm can be supported (this develops aged around 5 to 6 months) and will aid sleep and relaxation. The reduction also increases the baby’s ability to produce melatonin the ‘sleep hormone’. The ability to self-sooth is an important factor enabling babies to return to their natural 40 – 50 minute sleep cycles throughout their night sleep.

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Pregnancy, Birth & Babies

Settling children and babies to sleep is often called ‘sleep hygiene’

Are you able to put the following into practice? During the daytime:

Before bedtime:

RR Make sure your child has regular exercise and activities and spends time outside (at least 20 minutes per day)

«« The basis of a relaxed bedtime routine should start at least an hour before the baby is put to sleep. «« Avoid the use of electronic devices 1 to 2 hours before bedtime. Electronic devices including TV’s need to be switched off «« Gentle lighting should be used in place of direct overhead lights «« Avoid food or drinks containing caffeine such as chocolate in the late afternoon or early evening period «« Ensure your baby is not hungry before going to bed. If their evening meal has not been eaten offer cereal or toast to help them through the night, young babies may need a top up feed. «« Your baby should be encouraged to understand the difference between day and night and respond accordingly «« Set a bedtime to be maintained every night that is age appropriate for your baby (or lifestyle). To enable you child to accept bedtime and night sleep this time should not be adjusted by more than one hour «« If bathing babies in the evening it is important to keep the bath experience calming and soothing, if possible gentle lighting should also be used and following the bath the baby wrapped in a warm towel «« By speaking gently and quietly the stimuli of the day can be allowed to reside and the welcome calm of home appreciated. Parents often use this time to read to their babies, the soft tone of voice and calm surroundings are sleep inducing. «« A black out blind may be necessary in the summer months, this is particularly useful for babies aged between 6 and 8 months when we switch to British Summer Time as they are adjusting to their natural circadian rhythm and the light evenings can be very confusing. «« When your baby finally falls asleep try to continue your evening without keeping quiet. As your baby has sleep cycles of 40-50minutes it is natural for them to awaken and return to sleep many times.

RR Young children need to nap during the day as appropriate to their age. Try and discourage you child from having long naps or several short naps during the day as this can affect the amount of night time sleep they need.

Environment << Your baby’s bedroom should be safe, quiet, dark and comfortable. This is relevant if they are in their own room or still sharing a room with parents.

Many of these suggestions may already be in use, if not and you cannot see how they help during the night try being consistent, you may be pleasantly surprised.

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Night wakings important... In are the

early days and wee ks following birth, babies need to feed regularly to e nsure they gain weight an d thrive.

Overall, we need to adjust to our baby’s sleep pattern and accept their needs will change over time and definitely get better. If you are suffering extreme sleep deprivation try asking a friend or relative to sleep in your house with your child and take a night off – it is amazing what a break of routine does for adults and how healing proper, uninterrupted sleep can be.

Gabby Matthews Birth Practitioner, Doula and Postnatal Supporter May 2019 To advertise call 0845 6439687 or e-mail info@timefortots.co.uk


Pregnancy, Birth & Babies

Birth Announcements Simply Nurture Massage, Yoga & Sleep Support Contact Clare on: 07875 954427 or email: Clare@simplynurture.co.uk

Sponsored by:

Welcome to the World...

Bailey Arthur Another precious baby boy and a special baby brother to Henry Albert. Arrived 6 weeks early on 1st June 2018, at 22.21, weighing 5lb 15oz. Mummy, Daddy and brother love you so much

Kai Clinton Field Born on the 1st September 2018, at 22:18, weighing 7lb7oz. Mummy and Daddy’s precious little gem.

Harrison Bull Born on the 24th January 2019, at 7.24am, weighing 7lb 7oz. A gorgeous little brother for Riley.

Announce the birth of your baby here. It’s completely free and a special keepsake for your child.

Jamylee Charlotte Gray Born on the 5th March 2019, at 16:11pm, weighing 8lb 5oz. Proud parents Shane & Kerry Gray Our Rainbow Mini to Jayden, Jasmine, Joseph, Jeorgia & our angel in heaven Junior x

Eliza Rose Born on the 11th March 2019, weighing 6lb 7oz. A little sister to Stephen and Archie

Email us a photo of your baby with their name, date of birth, weight and a special message (optional) to: info@ timefortots.co.uk

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Pregnancy, Birth & Babies

Positive Birth Movement


he Positive Birth Movement Rushden will be meeting at various outside locations from April through to September from 10.30am to 12.30pm. Free to attend and everyone welcome. Please check the Rushden Group page on the Positive Birth Movement Website for full details, join the group Facebook page for regular updates or email: positivebirthmovementrushden@gmail. com for information. This group is run by local Birth Practitioner and Doula Gabby Matthews. Meeting dates: Tuesday 28th May Tuesday 25th June Tuesday 30th July Tuesday 27th August Tuesday 24th September

From September onwards we will continue to meet on the last Tuesday of each month at a local café or child friendly venue.


Gabby Matthews

Doula, Birth Practitioner and Postnatal Supporter Your local NCT Doula – for all birthing mothers, wherever you choose to birth your baby. A doula can provide help during pregnancy, continuous care during labour, a reduced chance of medical intervention at birth, support for your birth partner and postnatal care to help with recovery. Contact Gabby for a free initial consultation and find out how doula support can ensure you feel informed and positive about your birth experience. Birth Practitioner led small group sessions & workshops including: Next Steps

Regular monthly workshops held in Rushden and the surrounding villages. Book a 2 hour private session for yourself and a group of friends at home or come and meet other mothers at a workshop Topics include: Let’s talk about introducing solid food, Let’s talk about your baby’s sleep Full details regularly updated on website: www.gabbym-birthpractitioner .com

Mindfulness Matters

Daytime and evening sessions Stretch, breathe, relax and restore your energy

Call or text: 07976 245971 Email: gabbym.doula@gmail.com

Gift Vouchers available

Ideal for Christ mas & Baby Showers

Positive Baby Feeding

(NB not part of the Positive Birth Movement) This group has been set up to support parents whatever their feeding choices. We meet monthly on the second Tuesday of the month at Magazine Heaven, Rushden Lakes. Free to attend, everyone welcome. The group supports parents of small babies not only with feeding but also general baby care. Each month we choose a topic for open discussion based on suggestions made by the parents. Come and join the FB group or email for details of meetings and topics: positivebabyfeeding@gmail.com. This group is run by local Birth Practitioner and Doula Gabby Matthews and two local mummies, Siân Andrews and Sarah Packwood, who are currently feeding their babies in various ways and have overcome obstacles on their feeding journeys.

Ready to start solids? Contact me to arrange a ‘Starting Solids’ training workshop in the comfort of your own home. I cover the signs of readiness, why introduce foods before 12 months?, types of weaning, meal ideas and much more. Why not get a few friens together and I can run a group workshop in your home from £24 per ‘couple’ (minimum of 3 couples - feel free to include partners, grandparents etc.) Call: 07399 273112 or email: info@startingsolids.co.uk

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Business Opportunities & Services

looking for Reps Do you love Soy Wax, Wax Melts and Candles? Why not work from home and earn 25% commission No Targets and No minimum order FREE to join

Looking for work? Want something that will fit in with family life? Then check out the opportunities and services featured here...

Contact Linda: lindalintern1962@hotmail.co.uk Facebook: Linda’s Lovely Candles Call: 07913381722

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Business Opportunities


Join us to share the gift of great books! Sell online via your own book party shop or run book events at home parties, nurseries or schools – wherever people might love to buy books! Earn 20% commission on total orders for yourself, plus an additional 10% in free books for a nursery, school or host you partner with. • Work as much or as little as you like • Work from the comfort of your own home • Low start-up cost of just £15 • Support every step of the way • The more you sell, the more you earn

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Childcare Nursery Schools, Pre-schools & Childminders

Childcare Directory Desborough, Rothwell & District Daffodils Outdoor Nursery

The Estate Office, Arthingworth, Market Harborough, Leicestershire, LE16 8JT Tel: 01858 525777 or 07858 460419 Email: info@daffodilsoutdoornursery.co.uk www.daffodilsoutdoornursery.co.uk

Oak Tree Day Nursery

30 Cecil Street, Rothwell, NN14 6EZ Tel: 01536 601670 E-mail: oaktreedaynursery@hotmail.co.uk

Kettering & District Broughton Under 5s Pre-school

Broughton Village Hall Tel: 07939 985071 www.broughtonunderfives.wordpress.com

Stepping Stones Pre-school

Melton Street Community Centre, Kettering Tel: 07523 974286 Email: steppingstoneskettering@yahoo.co.uk

Sunnylands Nursery

52 Headlands, Kettering, NN15 6DJ Tel: 01536 512066 Email: sunnylandsnursery@btconnect.com www.st-peters.org.uk

Windermere Day Nursery & Pre-school

Haweswater Road, Kettering, NN16 8LX Tel: 01536 520075 E-mail: windermere.nursery@childbase.com www.childbasepartnership.com

Top Tips for Choosing Childcare: 1. Consider your child’s age and needs. Younger children need closer attention. Some children flourish in small groups, others in larger groups. 2. Consider what hours you need childcare. Some providers offer cover early morning and later in the evening. Some providers are school term time only. 3. Look around the facilities. Are they clean and safe? 4. Ask about the activities the provider offers. Do they offer a range? Will your child be stimulated? 5. Look at the menu available. Will they cater for special requirements? 6. Ask for references and speak to other parents. 7. Consider combining childcare if it would benefit you and your child 8. Don’t leave it to the last minute to book your childcare. Some providers have waiting lists. 9. Take your child with you when you look around and watch their reaction. With older children you can usually tell if they’re comfortable somewhere or not. 10. Research all your options well. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Northampton & District Fledglings Day Nursery & Pre-school

Overstone Park, Northampton, NN6 0DT Tel: 01604 643787 E-mail: fledglings@fledglings.com www.fledglingsdaynurseryandpreschool.com

Northampton High School Nursery Newport Pagnell Road, Hardingstone, Northampton, NN4 6UU Tel: 01604 765765 E-mail: nhsadmin@nhs.gdst.net www.northamptonhigh.co.uk

To list your nursery school, pre-school or childminding business in our directory, contact us on: info@timefortots.co.uk

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Sunnylands Nursery

St Peter’s School

Telephone: 01536 512066 sunnylandsnursery@btconnect.com

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Fledglings Nestled in the beautiful countryside, within the premises of Overstone Park School, Fledglings Day Nursery and Pre-school provides a wide range of facilities and resources. Children are given the opportunity to develop a spirit of adventure and to discover their unique talents and abilities. On our beautiful site we have our own registered farm with ponies, chickens and goats. Children are encouraged to help with feeding and caring for the animals. They are also encouraged to grow vegetables in the allotment adjoining the farm. Children are safe, healthy and happy in their achievements. They participate in all aspects of nursery life. Their opinions and contributions are valued and appreciated and they are encouraged to become good and effective members of the wider community.

Please contact us to book a visit: Overstone Park, Northampton, NN6 0DT t | 01604 643787 e | fledglings@fledglings.com www.fledglingsdaynurseryandpreschool.com

Stepping Stones Pre-School Fun and education for the under 5’s

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Trips out

Based at Melton Street Community Centre, Kettering For an information pack or to arrange a visit: call: 07523 974286 or *Subject to eligibility and bringing a packed lunch

email: steppingstoneskettering@yahoo.co.uk

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Time for Mum

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Because a happy Mum is a better Mum!

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elcome to Q.L an AWARD WINNING SALON within Diana’s Fitness Club, Wellingborough. (Hair Salon of the Year 2018, Hair Colourist of the Year 2018, Brow Specialist of the Year 2018 - British Hair & Beauty Awards) Offering you the ultimate experience provided by our hair, beauty, wellbeing and aesthetics experts. We are an informal yet professional salon, who love to interact and take a lot of care with our guests. You can be yourself with us and feel free. Have a laugh, feel inspired and also nurtured. We have 1 Clinic room, 1 luxurious treatment large holistic room, a pedicure pamper lounge, nail bars and two state of the art Hair Stations. For a 360 degrees pamper session, check in for the ultimate experience. Our salon is renowned for the most jaw dropping transformation services locally! Including services such as Microblading, Afro Hair, Hair Replacement, Barbering, Hair Extensions, Facials, Massage, Acrylic Nails, Weddings, Princess Pamper Parties and more. We believe in making a positive change to the people we meet. Have a peruse through our photos and videos. The Urban Salon of Choice www.qlheadquarters.com 01933 275 353

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Time for Mum

Muscles Matter

Article by Kirsten, physiotherapist at The Women’s Health Clinic


t is never too early to start thinking about your pelvic floor, but for many of us, the first time it is ever mentioned is during pregnancy. For me, I had my first baby before becoming a physiotherapist and I can remember a vague little speech from a midwife at an antenatal class about remembering to do your pelvic floor exercises, not knowing quite where the pelvic floor was, or what it did and being too afraid to ask. To achieve successful pelvic floor exercises it is essential to know what it is, where it is, what it does, why we need it to work, what happens when it doesn’t work properly and what we can do about it if this happens. What is the pelvic floor? It is a sheet or sling of muscle which stretches from the front of the pelvis, the pubic bone, to the back of the pelvis, the coccyx. There are three outlets in the pelvic floor - the back passage, the vagina and the urethra. Where is the pelvic floor? It literally forms the floor of the pelvis, holding pelvic organs, like the bladder and the uterus, in place. When you wipe after toileting, you will be touching the pelvic floor. What does the pelvic floor do? The pelvic floor supports all that is above it – bladder, uterus, and to some extent the bowel and abdomen too. How do I know if it is not working as it should? Symptoms of poor pelvic floor function include 1. Stress incontinence – this is leakage of urine when you cough/sneeze/jump/laugh or even, in more severe cases, when you walk or bend. 2. Prolapse – prolapse is when the pelvic organs are not supported properly. It will usually be felt as a heaviness or lump around the vagina. Many people assume that the only prolapse is a uterine one, this is not true. There are three common types of prolapse (A) anterior (bladder) (B) posterior (back passage) (C) uterine (uterus). Other symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse include:

difficulty emptying bladder fully or a slow flow when passing urine; difficulty emptying the bowel; difficulty using a tampon; discomfort during intercourse. 3. Flatal incontinence – this is difficulty controlling the passage of wind from the back passage. This can happen after child birth especially if there has been a cut or tear. 4. Faecal urgency or incontinence – difficult controlling the passage of stool from the back passage. This is something that may happen after child-birth especially if there has been a cut or tear. What can I do if I think my pelvic floor is not working properly? 1. Consult a specialised physiotherapist who can teach the pelvic floor exercises correctly and who can examine you to ensure you are doing them right. Because we can’t see the pelvic floor, it is possible that the exercises are being performed incorrectly. The best way to know that you are doing them in the right way is to consult a physiotherapist who can carry out a vaginal assessment. 2. Take advice about managing bowel function. Constipation can present a risk to the pelvic floor and can increase the risk of pelvic organ prolapse. Managing diet, taking sufficient fluids and adopting an effective position for passing a bowel motion can help. A specialist nurse or physiotherapist can advise about this. 3. Weight management. Because of where the pelvic floor is, it will be affected by a person’s body mass index (BMI). A high BMI may be associated with increased risk of incontinence or prolapse. Seeking advice on weight loss from a nurse specialist, dietician or physiotherapist can help. 4. Consider lifestyle and exercise – there are very many benefits from a healthy lifestyle with plenty of exercise. However, not all exercise benefits the pelvic floor. Certain high impact exercises or heavy weights can put the pelvic floor at risk. A specialist physiotherapist can give advice on the best Continued on page 52...

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Time for Mum

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Time for Mum

types of exercise for the pelvic floor or help you to set up a programme of targeted exercise to get you started. Frequently asked questions 1. If I have a caesarean, do I still have to do pelvic floor exercise? Yes, the pregnancy itself leads to an increase in weight. By the end of the pregnancy, you will have been carrying, in addition to your own weight, the weight of the baby and the fluid that surrounds the baby. All of this takes its toll on the pelvic floor. 2. If I have never had a baby, can I still get problems with my pelvic floor? Yes, the pelvic floor can be affected by a number of non-pregnancy-related issues including: (A) Chronic cough. (B) Chronic constipation. (C) High BmI. (D) A lifetime of heavy work i.e. stacking shelves or working in a warehouse. Injuries to the Pelvic Floor During child birth, even with an easy delivery and no stitches, the pelvic floor will become stretched. It takes time to recover and pelvic floor exercise and good bladder and bowel management can help to protect the pelvic floor while it recovers and to get back the strength that may have been compromised during pregnancy and at the time of the birth. Some ladies will experience a pelvic floor trauma during child birth. There may need to be a cut or episiotomy to the pelvic floor or it may tear

during the birth. IF this happens, it is even more important to look after it in the postnatal period to allow it to heal. Healing usually takes 3-4 months. Good bladder and bowel management and pelvic floor exercises, performed correctly, can help to restore pelvic floor function. Take advice from a specialist nurse or Physiotherapist on tips to help you to manage the pelvic floor during this period. It is particularly important to try not to become constipated at this time and to take advice on managing your bowel including tips on effective emptying to place minimal strain on the pelvic floor. Pelvic Floor Pain Sometimes the pelvic floor can become tight and painful after child birth, especially if there has been a cut or tear. If this has happened, it is first important to consult a doctor to ensure there is no infection or delayed healing. If the pelvic floor is healing well but still painful, a specialist physiotherapist can help with desensitization techniques for pain and massage techniques to help with scar tissue. If you are in any doubt, ask for help. We want to help you to look after your pelvic floor so that you can return to a full and active life after pregnancy.

For more information contact: The Women’s Health Clinic on 0800 488 0909

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Corby and District

We try and ensure that the information on these pages is kept up to date but we do rely on the organisers of the sessions to let us know if there are any changes. We recommend you check with the organiser before turning up.

Mondays Noah’s Ark Baby & Toddler Group 9am to 10.30am in term time at Congregational Hall, Chapel Road, Weldon. £2 per parent/carer & 1st child, 50p per other child. Contact emma@stmarysweldon.uk Songs & Rhymes 9.15 to 11.15am at Woodnewton Children’s Centre. 01536 265173. Adult & Child Swimming Lessons 9.30 to 10.30am at Corby International Pool. For children aged 1 to 5 years old.

Stories & Songs 2pm to 3pm at Exeter School.


Creche @ Lodge Park FRIDAYS 9.30 to 11.25am at Lodge Park Sports Centre in term time and Parent & Toddler Swimming holiday periods. £3.10 for 1 hour, £5.20 for 2 hours. No need to book. 9.30am to 11.30 am at Corby International Pool. Pay as you go. Music & Singing Little Angels Stay & Play 9.45 to 10.15am at Pen Green 9am-11am at Woodnewton Children’s Centre. Children’s Centre. Term time only. Growing Together (up to age 3) 01536 265173 1pm to 2.30pm at Kingswood ChilCreative Play dren’s Centre. 01536 747508 9.15-11am at Exeter Children’s Centre. 01536 204765

Creche @ Lodge Park 9.30 to 11.25am at Lodge Park THURSDAYS Sports Centre in term time and holiday periods. £3.10 for 1 hour, Toddle Tots £5.20 for 2 hours. No need to book. 9am to 11.30am at Beanfield Community Centre. £1 per family. Sparkle Tots 9.30am-11am at St John’s Church Hall. 01536 265173. £2 session. Call Sam: 07739 362924. Stay & Play with lunch @ St Columba 9.30am to 11.30am Stay & Play, Cha Char Chimps 12pm to 1pm lunch. £ 1 for snacks, Pre-school Entertainment Show £2 per family for lunch (lunch must 10am to 11am at Priors Hall Combe booked by 12pm on Tuesday munity Centre. 07453 080998. by ringing Pen Green Children’s Social Babies (pre-walkers) Centre) 10 to 11.30am at Kingswood ChilBusy Bees Baby & Toddler Group dren’s Centre. 01536 747508 9.30am to 11.30am at Priors Parent & Toddler Swimming Hall Community Centre. £2 per 9.30am to 11.30am at Corby parent/carer & 1st child, 50p per International Pool. Pay as you go. other child. Contact: louise@ stmarysweldon.uk.

Tuesdays Parent & Toddler Swimming 9.30am to 11.30am at Corby International Pool. Pay as you go. Little Angels Stay & Play 9am to 11am at Woodnewton Children’s Centre. Term Time only. Tel: 01536 265173 Messy Play 9.30 to 11am at Pen Green Children’s Centre. Rhymetime 10 to 10.30am or 11 to 11.30am at Corby Library. Free. Baby Massage 1pm to 2.30pm at Kingswood Children’s Centre. 01536 747508 Key:


Infant Massage 10am to 11.30am at Pen Green Children’s Centre. Tots & Toddlers (Pre-school Gym & Movement) At Lodge Park Sports Centre. 10am to 10.45am for under 2s 11am to 11.45am for 2 to 3 years 12pm to 12.45pm for 3 to 4 years 1pm to 1.45pm for 3 to 4 years 1.45pm to 2.30pm for 3 to 4 years Bounce & Rhyme for under 1s 11am to 12pm at Corby Library. Free. Drop-in. Parent & Toddler Swimming 1pm to 2.30pm at Corby International Pool. Pay as you go.

Music, Dance & Drama

Physical classes

Creche @ Lodge Park 9.30 to 11.25am at Lodge Park Sports Centre in term time and holiday periods. £3.10 for 1 hour, £5.20 for 2 hours. No need to book. Play and Learn for under 5s 10 to 11am at Corby Library. Free. Booking essential. Growing Together (up to age 3) 10am to 11.30am at Pen Green Children’s Centre. Punchin Pandas 5 to 5.45pm at The Scout Hut, Occupation Rd. For ages 3 to 7. Punchin Pandas 6.15 to 7pm at Kingswood Community Centre. For ages 3 to 7 years. 7pm to 8pm Family beginners class.

SATURDAYS Pirate Play at Corby International Pool Sessions take place in the fun pool for children aged 5 and under with a parent/guardian. Every Saturday & Sunday 9am to 10am. Booking advised. Little Kickers At Lodge Park Sports Centre. “Mighty Kickers” for 3½ to 5 year olds, 9.15am to 10am “Junior Kickers” for 2 to 3½ year olds, 10.15am to 11am. “Mighty Kickers” for 3½ to 5 year olds, 11.15am to 12pm

Arts & Crafts

Parent & Tot Group / Other

Weekly Activities Timetable

Weekly Activities Timetable

Weekly Activities Timetable


Kettering and District Mondays Kettering Gym Tots 45 Minute sessions between 9.15am and 2.30pm. Call for details.

If no contact details are provided, an advert for the class may be found in our Clubs & Classes section starting on page 26.

Punchin Pandas At Desborough Leisure Centre. 5.15pm to 6pm for 3 to 7 year olds.

Stay & Play Mums & Tots Tuesdays 9.15am to 10.45am, in term time, Pytchley Mums & Tots at Hawthorn Community Primary 9am to 11am at Pytchley School. School. Donations welcome. Contact: office.hawthorn@gmail.com Term time only. 01536 790506. Kettering Gym Tots Music Makers 45 Minute sessions between 9.15am 9.45am at Barton Seagrave Village and 2.30pm. Call for details. Hall. Fun music and movement for 0-5 years. £4 Per child and Rhymetime £2 for siblings. Contact Naomi 9.30 to 10am or 10.30 to 11am at on 07815 293893 or e-mail Kettering Library. Free. Drop-in. musicmakersnorthants@gmail.com Sing and Sign Infant Aquatics Swimming Mornings at The Woodcroft Scout 30 min classes between 10am and Centre, London Road. Stage 2, Stage 12.30pm at Balance Health Club. For 1 and Babes. children aged 3 mths to 4.5 yrs. St Botolphs Make & Play Play & Learn for under 1s 9.30am to 11am at Church House, 2 to 3pm at Kettering Library. Free. St Botolphs Road, Barton Seagrave. Drop-in. Term time only. 01536 414052.

Discovery Tots from Tots Play At The Civic Centre, 12pm to 12.40pm. For 2 mths to 9 mths.

Tots Play Classes At Barton Seagrave Village Hall, 9.30 to 10.10am Social Tots 10.25 to 11.05am Discovery Tots 11.20 to 12.10pm Baby Development Course.

Baby Ballet (Barbara Hooton School of Dance) 2 to 2.30pm at The Britannia Club

Isham Mums & Tots 10am to 11.30am, Isham Village Hall. £2 first child, £1 siblings. All welcome.

Burton Latimer

Beginners Ballet & Tap (Barbara Hooton School of Dance) 3.45 to 4.45pm at The Britannia Club

Bounce & Rhyme 10am to 10.45am at Desborough Library. For pre-walkers. Free. Drop-in. Music Makers 2pm at Rothwell Library. Fun music and movement for 0-5 years. £4 Per child and £2 for siblings. Contact Naomi on 07815 293893 or e-mail musicmakersnorthants@gmail.com

Wednesdays Little Gems Playgroup 9am to 11am at Kettering Salvation Army, 66 Rockingham Rd. £1.50 per carer/child. Contact: Major Rena 07941 048937 Kettering Gym Tots 45 Minute sessions between 9.15am and 1.30pm. Call for details. Infant Aquatics Swimming 30 min classes between 10am and 12.30pm at Balance Health Club. For 3mths to 4.5 yrs. Spanish for Under 5s 10.30 to 11am at Kettering Library. Drop-in. The Little Ones 1 to 2.50pm at Church of Christ The King. Term time only. 01536 517553 Play & Learn for Under 5s 2 to 3pm at Kettering Library. Free. Drop-in.

Toybox Playgroup, Broughton 1.30-3pm in the Village Hall. £2 / family. Music Makers Julie 01536 790152. Term time only. 1.45pm at Barton Seagrave Village Hall. Fun music and movement for 0-5 years. £4 Per child and £2 for Desborough & Rothwell siblings. Contact Naomi on 07815 Burton Latimer 293893 or musicmakersnorthants@ Rhymetime (Rothwell) Play and Learn for under 1s gmail.com 2-2.30pm at Rothwell Library. Free 10.15am to 11.15am at Burton but booking required via email or FB. Library. Free. Drop-in. Punchin Pandas 5.30pm to 6.15pm at Ise Lodge Pavilion. Little Kickers Punchin Pandas For 3 to 7 year olds. At Desborough Leisure Centre. At the Britannia Club. 5.30pm to Little Kicks for children aged 18 mths 6.15pm for 3 to 7 year olds. to 2½ yrs, 3 mths. 1.15pm to 2pm Burton Latimer Junior Kickers for 2½ to 3½ year olds, Cha Char Chimps 2.15pm to 3pm Desborough & Rothwell Pre-school Entertainment Show Mighty Kickers for 3½ to 5 year olds, Stepping Stones 10am to 11am at The Community 3.45pm to 4.30pm 9 to 11am at Rothwell Community Centre. 07453 080998. Centre in term time. £2.50 per family Mega Kickers for 5 to 7 year olds, (inc refreshments). Contact: sandie4.40pm to 5.30pm bar41@gmail.com Desborough & Rothwell Jenny’s Dolphins Jenny’s Dolphins Baby & Pre-school Swimming Play & Learn for Under 5s (Rothwell) Baby & Pre-school Swimming At Montsaye Sports Centre. 10.30am-11.30am at Rothwell At Montsaye Sports Centre. 30 minute Library. Free. Drop-in. 9.10am - 3 year olds (no adults) lessons between 9.30am and 1pm. We try and ensure that the information on these pages is kept up to date but we do rely on the organisers of the sessions to let us know if there are any changes. We recommend you check with the organiser before turning up.

55 Key:


Music, Dance & Drama

Physical classes

Arts, Crafts & Cookery

Parent & Tot Group / Other

Desborough & Rothwell


Cha Char Chimps Pre-school Entertainment Show Play and Learn for Under 5s 10 to 11.30am at Desborough Library. 10am to 11am at The Centre. ConStories, rhymes and craft linked with tact Shelley on: 07453 080998. a theme each week. Free. A busy group so booking is required.

Music Makers 10am at The Centre. Fun music and movement for 0-5 years. £4 Per child and £2 for siblings. Contact Naomi on 07815 293893 or musicmakersnorthants@gmail.com

Jenny’s Dolphins Baby & Pre-school Swimming At Montsaye Sports Centre. 9.10am - 3 year olds (no adults) 30 minute lessons between 11.10am and 1.10pm.

Rhymetime (Desborough) 2.15 to 2.45pm at Desborough Library. Free. Drop-in. Mawsley


Little Kickers At Kettering Science Academy Mawsley Toddlers Mighty Kickers for 3½ to 5 year olds, 9.15 to 11am at The Centre. £2 first child, £1 per child thereafter. Contact 8.15am - 9am or 10.15am to 11am. Nikki on : 07432 546409, Email: Junior Kickers for 2 to 3½ year olds, nikkitahatfield@yahoo.co.uk 9.15am to 10am FB: Mawsley Toddlers. Mega Kickers for 5 to 7 year olds, 11.10am to 12pm Mawsley

THURSDAYS The Little Ones 9-11.15am & 1-2.50pm, Church of Christ The King. Term time only. 01536 517553 Kettering Gym Tots 45 Minute sessions between 9.15am and 12pm. Call for details. St Thomas More Toddler Group 9.15-10.45am at St Thomas More School, Northampton Rd in term time. Contact Linda: 07787 521903. Edentots 9.15-11am, Eden Centre, Montagu St. £1 per family. Term Time only. 01536 484800 Rhymetime 10.30 to 11am at Kettering Library. Free. Drop-in. Baby Ballet (Barbara Hooton School of Dance) 11 to 11.30am at Ise Lodge Community Centre. Punchin Pandas At Ise Lodge Pavilion. Pre-school class 1.45pm to 2.30pm, beginner class for 3 to 7 year olds 5pm to 5.45pm, 5 years+ 5.45pm to 6.45pm, Family Class 6.45pm to 7.45pm. Burton Latimer

FRIDAYS Music Makers 9.45am at Barton Seagrave Village Hall. Fun music and movement for 0-5 years. £4 Per child and £2 for siblings. Contact Naomi on 07815 293893 or e-mail musicmakersnorthants@gmail.com Tots Play Classes At Ise Lodge Community Centre 9.30 to 10.10am Social Tots 10.25 to 11.05am Discovery Tots 11.20 to 12.10pm Baby Development Course.

Bubble Babies Swimming 8.45am to 1.15pm at Kingsley School Hydrotherapy Pool. 30 min classes for 0 to 5 year olds Stagecoach Theatre Arts School At Brambleside Primary School. Early Stage Class, (4 to 6 year olds) 9.30 to 11am or 11.15am to 12.45pm Main school (6 to 18 years) 10am to 1pm or 2pm to 5pm.


Little Kickers Infant Aquatics Swimming At Kettering Science Academy 30 min classes between 10am and 12.30pm at Balance Health Club. For Mighty Kickers for 3½ to 5 year olds, 3mths to 4.5 yrs. 9.15am to 10am, 10.15am to 11am or 11.15am to 12pm. Storystomp for under 5s 2pm to 3pm at Kettering Library. Junior Kickers for 2 to 3½ year olds, Free. Drop-in. Term time only. 9.15am to 10am or 10.15am to 11am. Mega Kickers for 5 to 7 year olds, 11.10am to 12pm and 12.10pm to 1pm. Burton Latimer Rhymetime Play and Learn for under 5s 11.30am to 12pm at Kettering 10.30am to 11.30am at Burton Library. Library. Free. Drop-in. Free. Drop-in.

Rhymetime 10.30 to 11am at Burton Latimer Library. Free. Drop-in. Baby Bounce & Rhyme Desborough & Rothwell 11.30am to 12pm for babies and non walkers at Burton Latimer Library. Free. Jenny’s Dolphins Baby & Pre-school Swimming At Montsaye Sports Centre. 9.05am - 3 year olds (no adults) 12.15pm - 1 & 2 year olds 12.45pm - 3 & 4 year olds

Desborough & Rothwell Jenny’s Dolphins Baby & Pre-school Swimming At Montsaye Sports Centre. 12.30pm - 1 & 2 year olds 1pm - 2 & 3 year olds 1.30pm - 2 & 3 year olds 2pm - 3 & 4 year olds

Weekly Activities Timetable

Jenny’s Dolphins Baby & Pre-school Swimming At Montsaye Sports Centre. 12.15pm - 2 & 3 year olds 12.45pm - 3 & 4 year olds (no adults)

Weekly Activities Timetable


East Northamptonshire Mondays Higham Ferrers Toddle at the Bede House 10am to 12pm at The Bede House, St Mary’s Church. Suggested £1 donation. Contact: 07708 275510.


Parent & Toddler Swimming 8 to 9.30am and 11am to 12pm at Splash Leisure Pool. For under 5s. Rhymetime 9.30am to 10am or 10.30am to 11am at Rushden Library. Free. Bumps & Babes @ Church 10am to 11.30am at St Mary’s Church (end of high st). £1.50. Contact: Sue on 01933 358218 villages Titchmarsh Monday Morning Cafe 9am to 11am in St Mary’s Church, Titchmarsh. Community coffee morning for all ages. Toys, crafts and singing for pre-schoolers and activities for older children in school holidays. 50p donation. Contact Judith on 07801 446957. Chapel Cheeky Monkeys In Elton Methodist Chapel, Elton, PE8 6RA. Stay & play session for under 5s. £2 per family. Includes refreshments. Tel: 07970 233343 Little Angels (Ringstead) 1.45pm to 3pm in term time. Ringstead Primary School Hall. £1.30 per family. Contact Sue on 01933 625126.

Tuesdays Higham Ferrers Rhymetime 10.15-10.45am at Higham Ferrers Library. Free. Drop in. Bounce & Rhyme for non-walkers 11.15-11.45am at Higham Ferrers Library. Free.

Rhymetime 10 to 10.30am at Oundle Library. Free. Drop-in.

Play & Learn for Under 1s 10.15am to 11.30am at Raunds Library. Free.

Play & Learn for Under 1s 2pm to 3pm at the Library. Free.

Parent & Toddler Swimming 8 to 9.30am and 10.30 to 11.30am at Splash Leisure Pool. For under 5s. Call 01933 410505 Jelly Babies 9.15-11.15am at Queen Street Church Hall. £1 per family (up to 2 children). Term time only. Contact: 07398 844378. Sunbeams 1pm to 2.30pm at Park Road Baptist Church. £1. Contact: 07494 444101

RushdeN Parent & Toddler Swimming 8 to 9.15am at Splash Leisure Pool. For under 5s. Call 01933 410505 Play & Learn for Under 1s 9.30 to 10.30am at Rushden Library. Free. Drop-in Play & Learn for Under 5s 2pm to 3pm at Rushden Library. Free. Drop-in


Stanwick Parent & Tot Rainbow Cafe A fun packed hour of arts and crafts, music and movement for pre-schoolers. £3 per child. Booking essential on 01933 625522. People who come to the Rainbow Café can benefit from FREE entry into the Hideaway soft play area before and after the Rainbow Cafe. Normal carpark charges apply. 10.30 to 11.30am and 11.30 to 12.30pm. Call to book: 01933 625522.

Higham Ferrers Tiny Tots 2pm to 3pm at St Mary’s Church. Contact: 07708 275510. Irthlingborough Play & Learn for Under 5s 10.30am to 11.30am at Irthlingborough Library. Free. Little Crows Stay and Play session for pre-school children and their grown-ups at Crow Hill Community Centre, Fettledine Road. £1.50 per family. Refreshments included. Tel: 07970 233343. Oundle Play & Learn for Under 1s 10-11am at Oundle Library. Drop-in RAUNDS


Music, Dance & Drama

Rushden Oundle

RAUNDS Rushden


Play & Learn for Under 5s 2pm to 3pm at the Library. Free.

THURSDAYS Higham Ferrers Hope Toddlers 9.30 to 11am at Hope Methodist Church. £1.50. cmarshman@ btinternet.com Play & Learn for Under 5s 1.30pm to 2.30pm at Higham Ferrers Library. Free. Drop-in. Irthlingborough Matrix Pre-school Gymnastics Diamond Way, Nene Park 45 minute sessions: 10.30am age 3 to 4 years 11.15am age 2 to 3 years 1pm age 3 to 4 Years 1.45pm Playgym for crawling to 4 years old.

57 Physical classes

Arts, Crafts & Cookery

Parent & Tot Group / Other

Story Stomp Higham Ferrers 10.30am to 11am at the library. Free. Play & Learn for Under 1s Music Makers 10.30am to 11.30am at the Library. 11.15am at the Joan Strong Centre. Free. Drop-in. Fun music and movement for 0-5 years. £4 Per child and £2 for siblings. Contact Naomi on 07815 Irthlingborough 293893 or musicmakersnorthants@ gmail.com Matrix Pre-school Gymnastics Diamond Way, Nene Park 45 minute sessions: RAUNDS 10.30am for 2 to 3 years 11.15am for 3 to 4 years Rhymetime for under 5s 12pm for 3 to 4 years 11 to 11.30am at the Library. Free. Rhymetime 2pm to 2.30pm at Irthlingborough Library. Free. Drop-in. rushden Parent & Toddler Swimming 8 to 8.45am at Splash Leisure Pool. For under 5s. Call 01933 410505 Tots and Tiddlers 9am-11am at St Peter’s Church. £1.50. Contact 01933 314251.

Rushden Parent & Tot Swimming 8 to 9am at Splash Leisure Pool. For under 5s. Call 01933 410505

Rhymetime 2.15pm to 2.45pm at Rushden Library. Free.

Little Sparklers 9am to 11am in the Grounds of Whitefriars Primary School. £1.50. Contact Emma on 07957 080074.


Sing and Sign Mornings at Rush2TheDen, Fitzwilliam Street. Stage 1 & Babes. Call for times.

Little Treasures 9.30-11am in St Laurence Church. Term time. Donations welcome.

Breastfeeding Support Group 10am to 12pm at Rushden Library. Free.

Thrapston & villages Tiddlers 9.30 to 11am, term time only. Thrapston Baptist Church, Entrance in St Paul’s Gardens. £1 per family. Contact Mary on: Thrapston.baptist@gmail.com Music Makers 9.15am at Titchmarsh Pavilion. Fun music and movement for 0-5 years. £4 Per child and £2 for siblings. Contact Naomi on 07815 293893 or musicmakersnorthants@gmail.com Play & Learn for Under 5s 10.15 to 11.15am at Thrapston Library. Free drop-in session.

Thrapston Bounce & Rhyme 10.15 to 10.45am at the Library.

Saturdays OUNDLE Family Stay & Play 10.30-11.30am at Oundle Library.

SUndays RushdeN Parent & Tot Swimming 8 to 9am at Splash Leisure Pool. For under 5s. Call 01933 410505

We try and ensure that the information on these pages is kept up to date but we do rely on the organisers of the sessions to let us know if there are any changes. We recommend you check with the organiser before turning up. If no contact details are provided, an advert for the class may be found in our Clubs & Classes section starting on page 26.

If you run a toddler group and would like it to appear in our listings, please email the details to us on: info@timefortots.co.uk Listings are free for not-for-profit groups.

Weekly Activities Timetable




Weekly Activities Timetable

Wellingborough and District

If no contact details are provided, an advert for the class may be found in our Clubs & Classes section starting on page 28.


Baby Ballet (Barbara Hooton School of Dance) Infant Aquatics Swimming 9.30 to 10am and 10 to 10.30am 30 minute classes between 9.30am at The Studio, Earls Barton. and 12pm at Diana’s Health & Rhymetime (Wellingborough Library) Fitness Club. 9.45-10.15am. Free. Drop-in. Little Fishes (Little Harrowden) Bounce & Rhyme 9.30am-10.45am in the church. 11-11.30am. Free. Drop-in. Contact Margaret: mgbobby@ Play and Learn Under 5s (Earls Barton) hotmail.co.uk. 10.30am to 12pm at Earls Barton Sing and Sign Library. Drop-in. In the afternoon at Lazer Maze. Stage 1 and Babes. Call for times. Play and Learn Under 5s (Finedon) 10.30am to 11.30am at Finedon St Andrew’s Toddler Group Library. Drop-in. 1.30pm to 2.45pm at St Andrews Church, Berrymore Road. Term St Mark’s Buggy Club time only. 1.30-3pm, St Mark’s Church Hall, Play and Learn Under 5s (Wollaston) Queensway. Voluntary 50p donation. Contact Joy: 01933 676368. 2.15 to 3.15pm at Wollaston Library. Beginners Ballet & Tap (Barbara Hooton School of Dance) Infant Aquatics Swimming 3.40pm to 4.40pm at The Studio, 30 minute classes between 4pm Earls Barton. and 6pm at Rowangate School.



Infant Aquatics Swimming 30 minute classes between 9.30am and 12pm at Diana’s Health & Fitness Club.

Infant Aquatics Swimming 30 minute classes between 9.30am and 12pm at Diana’s Health & Fitness Club.

Baby Ballet (Barbara Hooton School of Dance) 10 to 10.30am at The Mission Room, Finedon.

Rhymetime (Irchester) 9.30am to 10am at Irchester Library. Drop-in.

Play and Learn for Under 1s 2pm to 3pm at Wellingborough Library. Free. Play and Learn Under 5s (Irchester) 2pm to 3pm at Irchester Library. Beginners Ballet & Tap (Barbara Hooton School Dance) 4 to 5pm at Vicarage Farm Community Centre


Play and Learn Under 1s (Earls Barton) 2pm to 3pm at Earls Barton Library. Drop-in. Beginners Ballet & Tap (Barbara Hooton School Dance) 4 to 5pm at The Studio, Earls Barton. For ages 4+

FRIDAYS Infant Aquatics Swimming 30 minute classes between 9.30am and 12pm at Diana’s Health & Fitness Club. Matrix Pre-school Gymnastics Diamond Way, Nene Park, Irthlingborough. 45 minute sessions between 10.30am and 12.45pm. Rhymetime (Earls Barton) 2.30pm to 3pm at Earls Barton Library. Drop-in.

SATURDAYS Barbara Hooton School of Dance at The Mission Room, Finedon. Beginners Ballet & Tap 9 to 10am Grade 1 Ballet & Tap 10 to 11am Infant Aquatics Swimming 30 minute classes between 9am and 12pm at Rowangate School.

Jigsaw Toddler Group 10am to 11.30am at Diana’s Health & Fitness, Finedon Road. £1. info@compasschurch.co.uk

Mini Dribblers Football 9.30 to 10.15am for 18 months to 3½ years and 10.15 to 11am for 3 to 5½ years at Redwell Leisure Centre.

Rhymetime (Wollaston) 10am to 10.30am at Wollaston Library. Drop-in.

Punchin Pandas 9am to 10am at Redwell Leisure Centre. For ages 4+

Play and Learn for Under 5s 10 to 11.30am at Wellingborough Library. Drop-in.

Infant Aquatics Swimming 30 minute classes between 3pm and 5pm at Scott Bader Pool, Wollaston.

Rhymetime (Finedon) 10.30am to 11am at Finedon Library. Drop-in.

Infant Aquatics Swimming 30 minute classes between 9.30am and 12pm at Diana’s Health & Fitness Club.

Matrix Pre-school Gymnastics Diamond Way, Nene Park, Irthlingborough. 45 minute sessions between 10.30am and 2.30pm.

W’boro URC Bumps, Babes & Tots 9.15-11.30am at Salem Hall, Salem Lane. Cost £1.50. Contact Kay: haddonINC@live.co.uk

St Mary’s Thursday Club Finedon 1.30pm to 3pm at The Mission room, Well street, Finedon. £2 for the 1st child, 50p thereafter. TT

Sundays Infant Aquatics Swimming 30 minute classes between 2pm and 5pm at Diana’s Health & Fitness Club. Infant Aquatics Swimming 30 minute classes from 12.15pm at Scott Bader Pool, Wollaston.

59 Key:

Family Class

Drama & Dance Academy

All classes are run by Soo Yoga or Bespoke Ballroom: Kristina Rihanoff Drama and Dance Academy, and held at: Sol Central, Soo Yoga Centre, Northampton, NN1 1SR. See their advert on page 9. They also run classes for older children and adults. See their website for more details.

Mondays Mummy & Me (10wks-6mths) 10.30 to 11.30am. Restorative Postnatal Yoga. Mummy & Bubs (6mths-walkers) 11.30 to 12.30pm. Restorative Postnatal Yoga. Ballroom Babies (2-3yrs) 2.30 to 3pm. Learning to move to different tempos, spin, co-ordinate steps and work in partnerships.

Little Zen - Pre-schoolers Yoga (2-5yrs) 2.30 to 3.15pm. Games, relaxing activities and movements in a state of the art meditation/ sensory room. Ballroom Kids (5-7yrs mixed levels) 4.15 to 5pm. A system of learning Ballroom and Latin dances as well as Salsa and Charleston.

Ballroom Tots (4-5yrs) THURSDAYS 3 to 3.45pm. Similar to Ballroom Babies but also learning basic steps Baby Reflexology (4wks-3mths) of ballroom and latin dances. 10 to 11am. A combination of baby reflexology and baby massage. Ballroom Kids (5-7yrs) 4.15 to 5pm. A system of learning Family Pilates Ballroom and Latin dances as well (9mths-Preschoolers) as Salsa and Charleston. 10 to 11am. Teaching children discipline of their bodies while promoting exercise.


Baby Massage (6-12wks) 10 to 11am. A 5 week course starting 18/6/19. Boogie Babies (18mths-3yrs) 10.30 to 11am. Ballet, Jazz and Tap foundations for babies. Boogie Tots (3-5yrs) 11 to 11.45am. Ballet, Jazz and Tap foundation for tots, working towards routines & performances. Baby Yoga (10wks-9mths) 11.15 to 12.15pm. A 5 week course starting 18/6/19.

Wednesdays Dancing Yogicorns (18mths-3yrs) 10 to 10.30am. Combining dance and yoga basics for little ones. Dancing Yogicorns (3-5yrs) 10.30 to 11am. Combining dance and yoga basics for little ones.

Baby Reflexology (3mths-Crawlers) 11.15 to 12.15pm. A combination of baby reflexology and baby massage. “Senses-Spirits-Souls� (Family Yoga - Preschoolers) 2.30 to 3.30pm. A combination of kids & parent focused activities allowing the whole family to benefit from restorative yoga poses. Soo Family Yoga (5-7yrs) 4.15 to 5pm. For parents and children. Pregnancy Yoga (Prenatal from 12wks) 7.30 to 8.30pm. Helping women at all stages of pregnancy, improving mobility, flexibility and preparing the body for birth.

FRIDAYS Mums & Babies (walkers to 24mths) 10.30 to 11.30am. A happy and supportive environment for parents to recharge their batteries and bond with their little one.

Mums & Tots (2-5yrs) 11.30 to 12.30pm. A happy and supportive environment for parents to recharge their batteries and bond with their little one. Ballet Tots (4-5yrs) 3.45 to 4.15pm. Introducing little ones to the joys of ballet and providing a great foundation for all other dance styles. Ballet Babies (2-3yrs) 4.15 to 4.45pm. Introducing little ones to the joys of ballet and providing a great foundation for all other dance styles. Little Zen - Pre-schoolers Yoga (2-5yrs) 4.45 to 5.30pm. Games, relaxing activities and movements in a state of the art meditation/ sensory room.

SATURDAYS Dancing Yogicorns (3-5yrs) 9 to 9.30am. Combining dance and yoga basics for little ones. Dancing Yogicorns (18mths-3yrs) 9.30 to 10am. Combining dance and yoga basics for little ones. Theatre Tots & Kids (3-6yrs) Singing, acting & performing. 9.30 to 10.15am. Learning important techniques across a range of performing arts. Family Pilates (18mths-5yrs) 10.45 to 11.45am. Teaching children discipline of their bodies while promoting exercise. Family Bootcamp (6+ yrs) 11.45 to 12.30pm. Get fit with your kid. Suitable for all levels of fitness.

sundays Soo Family (2-5yrs) Family yoga. 10.30 to 11.15am. Soo Family (6-11yrs) Family yoga 11.15 to 12pm.

Weekly Activities Timetable



Competition Page

All correct entries will be put into a draw and the winner(s) selected at random in each competition. Please remember to include your name, address and telephone number with your entry.

Win a Family Summer Pass to West Lodge Rural Centre! For your chance to win a summer pass for West Lodge Rural Centre, valid for a family of 4, find the 20 words listed below in the grid. When you have found them some of the unused letters will spell out a hidden message. Pick them out from left to right, top to bottom then for your chance to win, email the hidden message (together with your name and address) to: info@timefortots.co.uk. ANIMALS MACHINERY PLAYGROUND ADVENTURE BARN PIGLET RACING NATURE TRAILS TROLL BRIDGE CUDDLE CORNER PONY RIDES CAMPING WOODS DEN MAKING RESTAURANT

Closing date: 15th July 2019


Please mention Time for Tots when responding to an advertisement


Win a Family Ticket to Wistow Maze this Summer We have 2 to give away!

To mark the 50th anniversary of the first man to walk on the moon, the awardwinning Wistow Maze has been designed in the shape of an Astronaut. For your chance to win a family ticket (for 4 people) to the maze, find the astronaut, pictured left, hidden somewhere in this issue (excluding this page). When you have found him e-mail the page number he’s on, together with your name and address, to: info@timefortots.co.uk. Wistow Maze opens on the 20th July and will be open daily until the 1st September and then weekends until the 22nd September.

Closing date: 14th July 2019


Win a Babymoov FoodiiTM Starter Kit The Babymoov Foodii™ Starter Kit contains re-usable weaning pouches to feed your baby purées, soups and yoghurt etc both on the move and at home. The starter kit contains: • 10 Foodii pouches - pre-sterilised, &reusable • 1 wide spout snack filler bottle - to transfer baby food/purées/meals into the pouches mess-free • 1 Squeeze™ soft silicone spoon with case for babies • 2 screw-on Snack Spouts™ with locking cap, for toddlers To be in with a chance of winning, unscramble the following to reveal another useful baby product:


Email your answer (with your name and address) to: info@timefortots.co.uk.

Closing date: 14th July 2019 Only persons aged 16 years or over can enter our competitions. One entry per competition, per household. The winners will be the first correct entries drawn at random in each competition. No cash alternatives. Any personal data provided will not be shared with any organisations external to Time for Tots, except the company supplying the prize.

To advertise call 0845 6439687 or e-mail info@timefortots.co.uk


Special Offers


FREE Trial Session Call Nick to book on: 07720 430798 E-mail: nickbinder@ntlworld.com www.punchinpandas.co.uk Petite Beauty Salon in Rothwell



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Please mention Time for Tots when responding to an advertisement




Activities & Days Out

Cheeky Monkees Holiday Inn Corby Mini Meadows Nene Valley Railway Newlands Centre Royal & Derngate The Castle Theatre The Core The Wildlife Trust West Lodge Rural Centre

13 13 15 15 21 & 25 5 13 19 2 64

Business Opportunities

Darcey’s Candles Scentsy Scholastic

44 44 45

Cha Char Chimps Corby Borough Council Soo Yoga Trilogy Leisure

27 32 9 7

Arts & Crafts

Mess Around Northamptonshire

Music & Movement Physical Activity

Little Kickers Matrix Gymnastics Mini Dribblers Punchin Pandas Tots Play

Swim Schools

Bubble Babies Infant Aquatics Jenny’s Dolphins

Singing & Theatre Schools

Beccy Hurrell Voice Academy Lucy Downer Performing Arts Stagecoach

Nurseries, Pre-Schools & Childminders

Fledglings Day Nursery Oak Tree Day Nursery Sunnylands Day Nursery Stepping Stones Pre-school


Aardvark Soft Play Bouncetime Cheers Mobile Bars Kim’s Treasure Trove Whytewell Sweet Cart Wish Upon a Party


Amy Woodham Photography

Anderson School of Dance Barbara Hooton School of Dancing Bespoke Ballroom Sing & Sign

Health & Beauty

Forever Change Hypnotherapy Kristal’s Beauté Box Quattro Lounge The Women’s Health Clinic

Party Services

Clubs & Classes

Dance Schools

Little Lyons Memory Trunk Murals and More Tags Togs Tribes Treasures Works of Heart

26 29 9 26 27 33 30 33 29

Pregnancy & Birth

Gabby Matthews Doula Nurturing Hands Sarah Packwood Baby Workshops Simply Nurture


Northampton High School Pitsford School St Peter’s School


Understanding Behaviour Workshop 26 30 29 26 27 29

35 19 34 34 34 35 49 23 49 51 48 47 47 48 37 12 37 37 37 37 23 43 38 43 38 10 5 47 7

Shopping & Gifts Footwear & Clothing

Funky Lil Feet



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23 38

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