TCC: The Timuquanan Newsletter May-June 2021

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Timuquanan M ay/June 2021 | Vol . XLVII N o . III

Timuquana Country Club






4028 Timuquana Rd

Tu - Th 11:30 am–9:00 pm

Jacksonville, FL 32210

F 11:30 am–9:30 pm

Phone 904.388.2664

Sa 7:00 am–9:30 pm


Su 7:00 am–9:00 pm

Phone 904.387.6700

Sunday Brunch Buffet 10:30 am–2:30 pm

M - F 5:00 am–9:00 pm


Sa/Su 7:00 am–6:00 pm GOLF SHOP Phone 904.389.0477 Tu - Su 7:00 am–6:00 pm Beginning Tuesday, May 4 Tu - Su 7:00 am–7:00 pm TENNIS SHOP

Th - Sa 5:30–9:00 pm T-STAND Tu - F 7:30 am–6:00 pm Sa/Su 7:00 am–6:00 pm 19TH HOLE Tu - Su 10:30 am–6:00 pm

Phone 904.389.4332


M - Th 8:00 am–5:00 pm

Now Through Sunday, May 9

F/Sa 8:00 am–3:00 pm

F 4:00–9:00 pm

Su 8:00 am–4:00 pm

Sa/Su 11:30 am–9:00 pm


Beginning Tuesday, May 11

Monday Closed

Tu - Th, Su 11:30 am–9:00 pm

Tu - Su 6:00 am–Dusk

F/Sa 11:30 am–9:30 pm


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In an effort to reduce our carbon footprint and provide a convenient member service, we’re excited to offer paperless, emailed billing statements! To enroll, contact our Concierge at or 904.388.2664 x.100.

MISSION STATEMENT Timuquana will offer its members, their families and guests exceptional social, golf and recreational experiences, which foster enduring friendships and preserve community.

VISION STATEMENT Timuquana will be recognized as one of the premier country clubs in the Southeast.

Advertised prices are not inclusive of applicable taxes. Children’s Events Policy Our children’s events are designed for children aged 5 to 12. Children aged 5 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times. Parents of children attending an event must remain on property for the duration of the event, and alert the room monitor as to where they can be located. Timuquana Treehouse Timuquana Treehouse is designed for children aged 1–10 years old. A full list of policies and procedures can be found online. Cancellation Policy Please note, a 24-hour cancellation policy is in effect for all event reservations unless otherwise noted.

Cover Image Wellings & Bowen Hayes are pictured here, watching the Blue Angels practice over TCC, with their parents Ben & Emily Hayes. Thank you to Emily Hayes for submitting this great photo! Have a photo you'd like to see in The Timuquanan or on our social media? We'd love to see it! Send submissions to Holly Kaspar at and you may be featured next!

OUR STAFF Greg Sheara, CCM, x. 115 General Manager

Billy McKenzie, 388-4798 Director of Outside Operations

Holly Kaspar, MBA, x. 131 Membership & Marketing Director

Alan Brown, x. 120 Director of Golf Course & Grounds

Amanda Hill, x. 136 Membership & Marketing Coordinator Jillian Hickey, x. 100 Concierge Matt Harrington, x. 105 Food & Beverage Director Lewis Walker, x. 107 Executive Chef Lexi Rodriguez, CPCE, x. 117 Catering Director


Josh Urbanec, x. 113 Golf Course Superintendent Matt Bacon, USPTA, x. 106 Director of Tennis Shaun Zemanek, USPTA, PTR, x. 102 Director of Tennis Instruction Zach Goldberg, USPTA, x. 102 Head Tennis Professional Walt Bartman, x. 103 Recreation Director

Blanton Tessin, PGA, x. 130 Director of Golf

Ruben Sagastume, x. 144 Assistant Recreation & Fitness Director

Greg Ottani, PGA, x. 128 Head Golf Professional

Rusty Nicholas, x. 139 Building Superintendent

Jason Smith, PGA, x. 142 Director of Instruction/Junior Golf Development

Dawn Cavanaugh, x. 140 Controller

Dornoch and Presidents Rooms We will continue upgrades to our interior spaces this summer with renovations to the Dornoch and Presidents Rooms. Both rooms will receive a complete interior improvement, including new carpet, paint, millwork, ceilings, lighting, fixtures, and conference audio/visual upgrades. Work begins June 14 and will last about ten weeks. During this time, since we will be short on private event space, Timuquana Treehouse will be offered only on nights when the St. Johns and Grand Ballroom are available. Treehouse dates will be listed in our weekly emails. Also, these rooms are typically used for hosting larger groups for a la carte dinner that are too large for the Pow Wow or River Rooms. During the renovation period, the largest parties we can accommodate in the Pow Wow Room are 10, and 8 in the River Room. Larger groups will need to make arrangements for the use of the River Room during non-operating hours and the St. Johns Ballroom, if available.

Kelly Woody, x. 138 HR and Member Billing

Driving Range Beginning May 3, the Driving Range will be closed for renovation. Work on this area is expected to continue through August 31. While the range is under renovation, we will have two practice nets available for warming up prior to your round. The plan includes shifting the teeing ground back closer to the fence line, reshaping the direction of the range, and clearing out and extending the area to the left of hole eight in the background, creating a new back tee. The short game area will be expanded and recontoured to provide more ability to hit shots that would mimic those on the golf course. Locker Room & 19th Hole When the Golf Course is closed for summer aerification, the Men’s Locker Room and 19th Hole will be closed from June 1–June 14 for structural steel reinforcement work. This was previously scheduled as part of the Pow Wow Renovation project, but was rescheduled to this time to align with the course closure and reduce the impact on the membership. We apologize for the inconvenience and expect to reopen both areas on Tuesday, June 15. W W W.T I M U Q UA N A . N E T | 3

FROM THE PRESIDENT When I began my role as President, I was humbled by the challenges faced by my predecessors. They were tasked with navigating a growing membership, ensuring the Club’s amenities met the current and future needs of members, and making sound decisions in the financial management of the Club. As I take the reins to build upon all they have accomplished, I see new opportunities to manage growth while preserving Timuquana as the hidden gem we all love. After taking time to review the nearly 50 pages of verbatim comments received in our recent Member Opinion Survey, I want to address some of the areas identified as most in need of improvement. I’m proud to report that the Club’s overall member satisfaction performance far exceeded survey results from 2016, with 125 of the 149 questions receiving satisfied scores—up 44 from our 2016 results. We are pleased that the Club’s staff is delivering a better member experience and that the investments in our facilities have garnered significant support. We always have work to do and will continue to address areas of improvement along the way. The following Q & A section addresses some of your top feedback concerns: Q: It feels like the Club has a lot of members. It is tough to access events and wait times for dining and golf are very long. It seems too easy and too inexpensive to be a member at TCC. What is the Board doing to address these concerns? A: The Board certainly recognizes the volume of activity at the Club. In 2019, the Club had 1,026 members at what we consider to be an appropriate volume of usage. With

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membership increasing by a net of 75 since that time and the pandemic contributing to many families staying at home, usage has increased considerably. In response, we have capped the membership at 1,100. While we believe that activity will decrease as members start to travel, the Board will continue to review this overall cap for any necessary adjustment, and would consider incrementally reducing the membership cap size as needed. With improvements to the pool and Pow Wow Room, as well as ongoing progress in service and programming, the Board feels that TCC is in a position to command a higher initiation fee. The initiation fees were increased 15% in January and will be reviewed annually. With a pending closure to the golf course in 2022 to replace irrigation and green complexes, the natural time to review another increase in these fees is early next year, ahead of the Founder’s Day Annual Meeting. Q: With the growing number of young families, will you offer more opportunities for childcare or consider adding a childcare center? A: We are exploring a childcare facility as part of our overall long-term Master Plan. Unfortunately, this will not be an immediate fix. Currently planned renovations include the golf course and remaining interior areas of the clubhouse that need a refresh. Future plans to expand the fitness or tennis centers, where a likely addition of childcare facilities would most likely be housed, is still a number of years away. The Club will continue to offer Treehouse on Friday and Saturday evenings and expanded childcare for certain Club events.

Q: We love the new Pow Wow Room design, but service promptness is still less than desirable. How is this being addressed? A: Yes, it is true that service at times at opening were longer than anticipated. That was in part due to volume with most nights averaging between 75-125 more diners than normal. Chef Lew and management are working to streamline the menu, add occasional buffets and are keenly focused on staff development. With The Grove now open, we believe this should alleviate the high and condensed volume of diners in Pow Wow. Additionally, the Club is experiencing significant labor shortages that are impacting restaurants and clubs locally, regionally and nationally. Recent stimulus payments, tax refunds and extended unemployment benefits are impacting the hospitality industry and TCC is not immune to these challenges. The Club will continue its ongoing efforts to recruit and train top talent but does ask for the members' patience as we may be short staffed at times. Q: We wish there were more transparency from the Board on its activities and the Club’s financial performance. Where can I learn more about the governance of the Club? A: In 2019, the Board added a Board of Governance page to the website. In this section, members can find the Annual Report, Member Opinion Survey results, Master Plan information, Navy easement updates and use of funds, and a monthly Board Meeting update. In the Board update, we provide a narrative of the key points of the Club’s financial performance and impactful line item explanations. Q: It seems like members are not following important policies such as dress codes or watching their children. It does not seem like the Club’s staff is empowered to enforce the rules. How is this being addressed? A: We agree that we need to do a better job in this area. Last year we sent a letter to all members addressing these concerns, and reiterated the importance of being held accountable for our behavior and those of our family members and guests. The Club’s staff is working on

discussing these important policies during new member orientations, and they are included in our New Member Orientation Guide. We will continue to communicate these policies and take any disciplinary action necessary for ongoing issues. While Greg and his team will work more diligently to enforce the rules, we need to take it upon ourselves as members to follow the policies. Q: Why isn’t The Grove open all year round? We often see great weather in January and February and we would love to use the firepit in the cooler months. A: The Board and management staff will review this summer season to see if it is economically viable to do so. Currently The Grove is open from March 1–October 31. The four-month off season is often very unpredictable for weather and, more likely than not, The Grove would go unutilized (which is often the case in late October and early March). We understand that there are often streaks of a few good weather days. These are equally tough to staff as the Club doesn’t carry extra staffing for such varied use, and prepping product often results in a lot of waste. The firepit does operate year round by simply asking a manager to turn it on for you. We are thrilled the membership enjoys The Grove as the terrific amenity it is, and yet we need to ensure its opening makes sense operationally and that our staff are used most efficiently. With the coronavirus vaccine distribution accelerating and life for many returning more to pre-covid norms, we believe much of our overcrowding concerns will be alleviated. However, we do understand the sensitivity of being able to enjoy TCC at the times you want to enjoy it and at the service level you expect. I can assure you the Board and management team have the same goal. As always, I welcome your feedback at any time. With sincere appreciation,

Michael Muldoon 2021 - 2022 President

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MEMBERSHIP & MARKETING Following the Founder's Day Annual Meeting in March, the Club enacted a number of changes to the Bylaws. These changes were proposed by our Board of Governors and Bylaws Committee, and were voted on and approved by our Founder and Honorary Life members. One of the most significant of these changes, was capping the membership of the Club. Membership Cap & Wait List With all of the growth Timuquana has experienced over the past few years, the Board of Governors recognized the need to preserve the membership experience for everyone here at TCC. With that in mind, our voting members approved a cap to the overall membership of the Club at 1100. For the first time in our Club's history, we have officially moved to a wait list.

Can prospective members still apply? We still encourage current members to refer their friends, neighbors and colleagues to TCC. Prospective members will go through all of the same steps to apply for membership and seek full approval. Once fully-approved, their names are then placed on the wait list. As space opens up those on the wait list will be invited to join, based on the parameters outlined in the Bylaws. How long is the wait list? Because of the variable nature of monthly attrition, it is difficult to predict the average wait time for prospective members. At this time, we expect the wait time for new members to be a minimum of three to four months; however, the actual wait time may be longer given the high volume of applications we are receiving.

Important Process Changes Approved Bylaw changes also include updates to our processes for reinstatement and category transfers. We encourage everyone to visit the Bylaws section of the "My Club" tab on the TCC website to see our latest copy of the Bylaws. A limited number of printed copies are also available upon request from our Concierge. If you have questions about these changes, need assistance with your membership, or would like to sponsor a new member, please feel free to contact me at any time.

Holly E. Kaspar, MBA Membership and Marketing Director

WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Help us welcome some of our newest member families to TCC!

Eun Cho & Claudia Pak (National)

Sponsors: Jess Simmons & Dick Cassidy, Jr.

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Lacey & Todd Mauritz (Intermediate) Sponsors: Lawrence Kurzius & Joe Andrews

Kyle & Amy Gaster (Junior)

Sponsors: Bryan LaRoche & Michael Power


Jacob & Kathryn Glass (Intermediate)

Lance & Alex Partridge (Junior)

Sponsors: James Hoggatt & Eric Livingston

Sponsors: Merritt Partridge & Pat Partridge

Stacey Galbraith (National)

Evans Hillen & Lauren Hagopian (National)

Sponsors: Patrick Emmet & Scott Hobby

Chelsea Hamilton & Michael Kovacs (Founder)

Sponsors: Andy Kidd & Justin Markley

Sponsors: Steve Davey & Ryan McDonald

Joe & Sherri Liebsack (National)

Sponsors: Jason Burhyte & John Donahoo

Carrison Hager & Harley Horsley (Junior)

Sponsors: Peter Hager, Jr. & Cameron Story, III

Eric & JoAnna Schneider (House Social) Sponsors: Nick Napoleon & Casey Bulgin

Gary B. Smith & Nancy Faigen (Founder) Sponsors: Jess Simmons & Allison Steilberg

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M EMOR I A L DAY Sunday, May 9 | 11:00 am–2:00 pm


Show mom how much you love her with this special brunch at the Club. Chef will take care of the meal and our bartenders will have the Mom-osas ready. Menu highlights include raw bar, carving station, made-toorder omelets, and decadent desserts.

Kick summer off with your crew and a $1923 drawing! Grab a drink at The Grove and a bite from our BBQ buffet while the kids enjoy special activities just for them.

Cost: $35 per adult, $18 per child. Children 4 & under are complimentary. Seating every 30 minutes from 11:00 am–2:00 pm. Reservations required. Contact the Concierge at 904.388.2664 ext. 100.

13 / THU STEAMED WHOLE MAINE LOBSTER Enjoy a steamed lobster delivered to us directly from Maine! Each lobster will be served with Florida sweet corn, baby red potatoes, coleslaw, and drawn butter. Quantities will be limited, so be sure to call ahead and reserve yours today! Available in both the River Room and Pow Wow. Cost: $45 per entrée.

28 / FRI YAPPY HOUR 5:30 pm Yappy Hour is back! We’ll fence the River Lawn for the pups to run free while you enjoy your favorite signature cocktails and draft beers at The Grove! For one night only, dogs will be allowed on The Grove patio during this event! Reservations will not be taken. Dogs must be supervised at all times by their owners. Dogs must be leashed at all times outside of the fenced area. 8 | M AY/J U N E 2 0 2 1

Buffet: $13 per adult, $7 per child. Kids' activities are complimentary.

MONDAY, M AY 31 11:00 A M–4:00 PM THE GROVE Regular Hours and Full Menu POW WOW Regular Hours, Full Menu, and BBQ Dinner Specials Club Closed Tuesday, June 1

Back Porch Bourbon Punch Saturday, May 1–Monday, May 31 During the month of May, head to The Grove to enjoy Beverage Director Coy Long’s latest creation. TCC’s Back Porch Bourbon Punch features fresh-squeezed fruit juice and Kentucky’s finest hooch for only $6!

SOCIAL & DINING — JUNE 10 / THU STEAMED WHOLE MAINE LOBSTER Enjoy a steamed lobster delivered to us directly from Maine! Each lobster will be served with Florida sweet corn, baby red potatoes, coleslaw, and drawn butter. Quantities will be limited, so be sure to call ahead and reserve yours today! Available in both the River Room and Pow Wow. Cost: $45 per entrée.

15 / TUE DARIOUSH WINE DINNER 6:30 pm Reception, 7:00 pm Dinner Allen Papp, who has been with Darioush since 1999, will join us for an evening featuring wines from Darioush’s vineyards in Napa Valley. Viognier, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Cabernet, as well a couple of surprises for us directly from their cellar in Napa will be on hand. Chef Lewis is excited to prepare a 4-course meal to be paired with these iconic wines. Cost: $125 per person. Space is limited. To register, contact the Concierge at 904.388.2664 x. 100.

JUNE 25 | 5:30 PM

Yappy Hour is back! We’ll fence the River Lawn for the pups to run free while you enjoy your favorite signature cocktails and draft beers at The Grove! For one night only, dogs will be allowed on The Grove patio during this event! Reservations will not be taken. Dogs must be supervised at all times by their owners. Dogs must be leashed at all times outside of the fenced area.

July 4t h Celebrat ions POOL PARTY 11:00 am–4:00 pm

Start your 4th of July celebration pool side! We’ll have the grills fired up with your favorites, and plenty of entertainment and activities for the whole family, capped off with a $1923 drawing at 1:30 pm at The Grove! Buffet: $13 per adult, $7 per child.

FRIDAY, JUNE 18 | 6:30 PM


Trivia is back! Gather your team of 4-8 players and test your knowledge for a chance to win a bar tab on the Club. Bar and buffet will open at 6:30 pm with trivia beginning at 7:15 pm. Dinner, draft beer, and house wine are included; additional beverages by signature.

Join us for our 4th of July feast prior to the fireworks show. Brisket, ribs, fried chicken, and apple pie will all be available, plus your favorite sides and beverages. This event is open seating. Fireworks begin at 9:15 pm. Cost: $21 per adult, $12 per child, and children 4 & under are complimentary.

Cost: $30 per person. To register, contact the Concierge at 904.388.3664 x. 100.

Pow Wow closes at 2:30 pm. The Grove will be bar service only from 6:00–9:30 pm.

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ONGOING EVENTS F Fitness • G Golf • T Tennis R Recreation • SD Social and Dining


Masters Swimming 6:00 am // R


R.A.W. 6:00 am // F







Driving Range 3 Closes for Renovation through August 31 CLUB CLOSED





HIIT 7:00 am // F HIIT 8:30 am // F H.E.A.T. 9:30 am // F Mat Pilates 9:30 am // F H2O Fitness 9:45 am // F Springboard Pilates 10:45 am // F Surf & Turf 12:00 pm // F Tiny Tomahawks Clinic 3:30 pm // T HARD(CORE) 5:00 pm // F


Stretch 7:15 am // F SoulBody Barre 8:30 am // F



11:00 am–2:00 pm

Thrive 9:45 am // F Orange Ball Clinic 4:00 pm // T Men's Beginners’ Clinic 6:30 pm // T


Ladies' Beginners’ Clinic 6:30 pm // T



Masters Swimming 6:00 am // R

18 Board of Governors Meeting 6 pm

HIIT 7:00 am // F H2O Fitness 8:00 am // F Cycle 8:30 am // F H.E.A.T. 9:30 am // F Mat Pilates 9:30 am // F

Tennis: Men's Pro-Am



DODGE BOW 1:00–4:00 pm


Springboard Pilates 10:45 am // F HARD(CORE) 5:00 pm // F Men’s Wednesday Night Golf Game 5:00 pm // G


Thrive 9:45 am // F Tiny Tomahawks Clinic 3:30 pm // T Orange Ball Clinic 4:00 pm // T Ladies' Beginners’ Clinic 5:30 pm // T







Course Closes for Aeration June 1–14 1 Locker Room & 19th Hole Closed June 1–14 CLUB CLOSED




R.A.W. 6:00 am // F Cycle & Core 8:30 am // F H.E.A.T. 9:30 am // F


Gentle Yoga 9:30 am // F Aqua Zumba 9:45 am // F


Surf & Turf 12:00 pm // F

Brunch 7:00 am // SD


7:00–10:00 pm

H2O Fitness 8:00 am // F TnX 8:00 am // T & F


Men’s Clinic 9:00 am // T

Brunch 7:00 am // SD Lacrosse Lessons 1:30 pm // R Sports Performance & Conditioning for Women 1:00 pm // F The BarBelles 3:00 pm // F

Dornoch and 14 Presidents Rooms Close for Renovation CLUB CLOSED



6:30 pm Golf Course Opens Locker Room & 19th Hole Opens Board of Governors Meeting 6 pm



Ladies' Clinic 10:00 am // T




HIIT 7:00 am // F


9:00 am


Masters Swimming 6:00 am // R

Springboard Pilates 10:45 am // F


11:00 am–4:00 pm Golf: Memorial Day Tournament

Stretch 7:15 am // F BodyFit 8:30 am // F











1 River Room Closed



7 Golf: Putting with a Pro Treehouse 5:30 pm





Sunset Golf: Men's Four-ball Championship Course Opens at 2:30 pm Treehouse 5:30 pm



22 Tennis: Men's Pro-Am River Room Closed


5:30 pm Treehouse 5:30 pm

Golf: Ladies' 9-Hole Event





Tennis: Men's Pro-Am Golf: Couples' Wine & Beer 9



6:00 pm Golf: Men's Four-ball Championship Course Closed Treehouse 5:30 pm

Golf: Ladies' 9-Hole Event




8 River Room Closed Treehouse 5:30 pm

29 Treehouse 5:30 pm



June Treehouse: For a complete list of June Timuquana Treehouse dates, keep an eye on the Junior Programming weekly emails throughout June.






Treehouse 5:30 pm

6:00 pm

9 SUMMER WAVES 8:30 am–4:45 pm





8:00 am–2:00 pm



Golf: Ladies' 9-Hole Event




Golf: Juniors' 9-Hole Event


5:30 pm Golf: Putting with a Pro Tennis: All Out 80's Social


19 River Room Closed

6:30 pm



Sunset Treehouse 5:30 pm

River Room Closed







GOLF NEWS The 2021 tournament season is off to a great start! Congratulations to our Men’s Club Champion Sam Geise, Senior Club Champion Mike Vallencourt, Sr., and Super Senior Champion John Hannon. In March we saw another successful Pow Wow Tournament where Jason Kuder and John Donaldson defended the title, while Jim Furyk and John Roberts won the Pow Wow Gross Championship. We would also like to congratulate Kelly Varn, Beth Pulignano, and their guests, Sarah Edwards and Mindy McCann, for winning the Ladies’ Member-Guest. Allison Vogt, Margaret Gibbs, and their guests, Marion Detlefson and Becky Rood, were the Ladies’ Member-Guest Gross Champions. Driving Range Renovation Beginning May 3, the Driving Range will be closed for renovation. Work on this area is expected to continue through August 31. While the range is under renovation, we will have two practice nets available for warming up prior to your round. The plan includes shifting the teeing ground back closer to the fence line, reshaping the direction of the range, and clearing out and extending the area to the left of hole eight in the background, creating a new back tee. The short game area will be expanded and recontoured to provide more ability to hit shots that would mimic those on the golf course. Men’s Four-Ball Championship The Men’s Four-Ball Championship will be played Friday, May 14 – Saturday, May 15. The course will close to noncompetitors on Friday, May 14, and will reopen on Saturday, May 15 at 2:30 pm. Couples’ Wine & Beer 9-Hole Tournament On Friday, May 21 couples will have the chance to play 9 holes while tasting wine and beer along the way. This event will be a shotgun start on the front 9 at 5:30 pm. Cost: $45 per player. Spots are limited so be sure to sign-up soon! To register, contact the Golf Shop at 904.389.0477. Memorial Day Tournament On Monday, May 31 the Club will be hosting its annual Memorial Day Tournament. There will be a shotgun start at 8:30 am for members only. There will also be a 1:30 pm shotgun for spouses, dependents, and members with guests. Golf Course Aerification As we have done in years past, the golf course will be closed from Tuesday, June 1 through Monday, June 14 for annual 1 2 | M AY/J U N E 2 0 2 1

course maintenance. During these two weeks, Alan Brown and his team will aerify the greens and fairways. The course will open for play and normal operation on Tuesday, June 15. Guest & Caddie Policy Our new Guest & Caddie Policy is now in effect. All groups with two or more guests, including family guests, will be required to take a forecaddie or walking caddie. Requiring caddies to assist our guests will enhance the guest experience by upholding the traditions of the game with a proper pace of play, care of the course, and overall course and Club etiquette. We ask that all members bringing guests please notify the Golf Shop 24-hours in advance so that we may reserve a caddie for you. In April, our weekend guest policy was put into effect. Only family guests and non-resident guests may play on Saturdays and Sundays. A non-resident guest is one living outside the following counties: Duval, St. Johns, Baker, Clay, and Nassau County. Please also remember that a guest may only play six rounds annually at TCC.

Blanton Tessin, PGA Director of Golf

MAY EVENT DATES May 14–15: Men's Four-Ball Championship May 21: Couples' Wine & Beer 9-Hole Tournament May 31: Memorial Day Tournament

COURSE CLOSURES May 3–August 31: Driving Range Closed for Renovation May 14: Course Closed May 15: Course Opens at 2:30 pm June 1–14: Course Closed for Aerification June 1–14: Locker Room & 19th Hole Closed June 15: Course Opens for Normal Play


SUPERSPEED TRAINING Adding speed to a golf swing can be an effective way to add more yards off the tee. When golfers try to add swing speed, they typically swing harder, not faster. The solution is “Overspeed Training” and SuperSpeed Golf. Beginning on May 25, golfers will have the opportunity to participate in a 6-week program designed to increase their swing speed. Clinics will take place every Tuesday at 5:00 pm.

Cost is $350 and includes a set of SuperSpeed Sticks (a $199 value). For questions or to register, contact Jason Smith at

JUNIOR OPERATION 36® 9-HOLE EVENTS Wednesdays June 23 | July 21 | August 25 We have had tremendous success with the Operation 36 program so we’re going to keep it going this summer! We will have monthly Operation 36 9-hole play day events where junior golfers can test their skills and move throughout the Operation 36 levels. Cost includes prizes. Cost: $20 per player, per play day event. For more information or to sign-up, contact Jason Smith at

FRIDAYS, 4:00–6:00 PM May 7 | June 25 | July 16

Come hang out on the putting green and get tips from the pro! You'll also have the opportunity to learn new drills and fun games. All you need to do is show up with your putter and golf balls. These clinics are complimentary.

LADIES' OPERATION 36® 9-HOLE EVENTS Thursdays May 13 | May 27 | June 17 July 1 | July 15 | August 12 To keep the momentum of our Ladies’ Academy going throughout the summer, we will be hosting 6 9-hole play day events! Using the Operation 36 model, players will begin playing from 25 yards with the goal of shooting 36 or better for 9 holes. Cost includes prizes. Cost: $30 per player, per play day event. For more information or to sign-up, contact Jason Smith at

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NEW PERFORMANCE CLASSES SPORTS PERFORMANCE & CONDITIONING FOR WOMEN Sundays from 1:00–2:00 pm Designed for the intermediate to collegiate female athlete, trainer Jen Weber will use this class to help improve and refine the athlete’s skill set in their respective sport. Classes begin on Sunday, May 9. Cost: $25 per class.

SURF & TURF Mondays and Fridays from 12:00–1:00 pm Designed for multiple fitness levels, from the exercise enthusiast to the competitive athlete, this class combines high-intensity interval training on the River Lawn and aquatic cardiovascular endurance work in the pool. Before classes begin, participants will meet trainer Matt Maffei in the Fitness Center. Classes begin on Monday, May 3. Cost: $25 per class.

The sun is out and the beach is the place to be to learn how to surf. This summer, TCC is partnering with a local surfing organization to host a surf clinic for our youth. Whether you have surfed before or this is your first time, let's get you popping up on a board with Ruben and a group of surf instructors to catch some waves. To participate you must have swimming experience and be at least 7 years of age. Transportation, surfboards, snacks, drinks, and lunch will be provided. The van will leave the club at 8:00 am and return by 2:00 pm. Cost: $75 per person. Get stoked and sign up today! To register, contact the Concierge at 904.388.2664 x. 100.

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Jennifer Weber is a fitness enthusiast, a 4-time IRONMAN athlete, and has been a life coach for WebMD Health Services for over 13 years. She spends part of her time volunteering as the regional leader for FiA (Females in Action) here in Jacksonville. Along with all these activities, she has been teaching group fitness and personal training for the last 14 years with a variety of different modalities ranging from bootcamp and spin to water aerobics and more. Her passion to help others develop healthy lifestyles is exemplified in her professional and personal life. Utilizing her experience and education, Jennifer will create motivational programs in health and fitness here at TCC to increase awareness and promote healthier lifestyles. We are excited for Jen to join TCC’s Fitness team!

Joe Clark brings a new dynamic to our Fitness team through group personal training, HIIT, and bootcamp style classes. He has been a trainer for 10 years, and his passion lies in helping individuals get healthy and find their true physical potential through fun and challenging workouts. Joe has taught over 7500 group exercise classes and has multiple certificates through the National Academy of Sports Medicine and TRX. Before coming to TCC, Joe spent the last 6 years as head trainer at Orange Theory Fitness in Ortega where he’s coached several of our members. When not coaching, Joe’s biggest motivator is training for Spartan races and setting a strong example for his daughter. Joe is excited about joining our Fitness team and helping our members reach their fitness goals.

Friday, May 14 • 6:00–7:30 pm

Enjoy a wine mixer and then relax your mind and body with this meditative class. Participants will be in a reclined position on comfortable mats while singing bowls and several other instruments are used to create calming sounds that will help release tension in the body and quiet the mind. Participants will need to bring their own pillow and blanket. Spots are limited so be sure to register soon! Reservations must be made by Friday, May 7. Cost: $45 per person. To register, contact the Concierge at 904.388.2664 x.100.

Pilates & Pinot WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2 | 6:00 PM Love pilates and wine? Enjoy both with this Pilates & Pinot class! Lengthen, strengthen, balance, and tone while focusing on your physical and mental well-being. All fitness levels welcome.

Cost: $25 per person. To register, contact the Concierge at 904.388.2664 x. 100.

W W W.T I M U Q UA N A . N E T | 1 5



TCC is bringing back the River Rats Junior Coaches program! We are looking for interested applicants entering their junior year of high school who want to learn how to coach and assist with the Junior River Rats program. A cover letter and resume with references should be sent to Applicants must be available for swim meets, afternoon practices, and team functions.

NOW THROUGH SUNDAY, MAY 9 Tu–Th: Swim at Your Own Risk, dawn to dusk. F–Su: Swim at Your Own Risk, dawn to 10:00 am. Lifeguards will be on duty 10:00 am to sunset.

SWIM LESSONS Swim lessons are offered Monday through Sunday for all ages and skill levels! For more information or to signup, visit the pool sign-in desk or contact Coach Walt at

H20 FITNESS Head to the TCC pool for a cool and refreshing summer workout! H2O Fitness has moderate to high-intensity cardio segments followed by strength moves using aqua bells. Various formats of interval training will be used in this shallow water class. Modifications will be given making this fun class suitable for all fitness levels. Refer to the Ongoing Events section of the calendar in this publication for class days and times.


Begins Monday, May 3 Online registration is open! For more information or to register, visit or contact Walt Bartman at


Registration is Open | May 3 through July 26 For information on Water Polo or Swimming visit


May 3 through August 27 | 6:00–7:00 am Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays Cost: $175 per session, $10 drop-in. For more information or to register, contact Walt at 1 6 | M AY/J U N E 2 0 2 1

FRIDAY, MAY 11 THROUGH EARLY SEPTEMBER Tu–Su: Swim at Your Own Risk, dawn to 10:00 am. Lifeguards and hospitality will be available 10:00 am to sunset. POOL POLICIES REMINDER: • Children who are not potty-trained must wear the IPlay swim diaper at all times. IPlay diapers are available for purchase at the kiosk. • No outside food or beverage is permitted. • Guests are limited to 4 per member, per day. • Proper bathing attire is required at all times. Nonswim trunks such as gym shorts are not permitted. Bathing attire should be conservative in nature and reflective of the Club’s standards. Proper cover-ups are required in the parking lot.

GIRLS' VOLLEYBALL CLINICS AT TCC SUNDAYS, MAY 2, 16, 23, AND 30 2:00 – 3:30 PM Coach Holly Joyner will be using her 15+ years of volleyball coaching experience to run 4 clinics in May. Participants will refine their skills and learn the basics of bumping, setting, serving, and spiking. Games and prizes will be awarded at each clinic to promote competition and growth. Cost: $85 per person for all 4 clinics. For more information or to register, contact Walt Bartman at



15 / SAT

9 / WED



7:00 am–3:00 pm | Cost: $250 per person If you ever wanted to ride a horse on the beach, now is your opportunity! Join us for a fun-filled day in Amelia and Cumberland Islands. Start off riding on the beach in Amelia Island and then enjoy lunch provided by TCC. After lunch, we’ll take a boat tour over to Cumberland Island to see the wild horses and Fort Clinch. Transportation, lunch, and beverages included. Ages 8 & up. 72-hour cancellation policy applies. To register, contact the Concierge at 904.388.2664 x. 100.

8:30 am–4:45 pm | Cost: $65 per person Join the recreation staff for an exciting day of swimming and water rides at Summer Waves in Jekyll Island, Georgia. From lazy laps around Turtle Creek, to high-speed thrills down Pirate’s Passage, there’s something for everyone! Cost includes transportation, chaperones, food, beverages, and entry into Summer Waves. Ages 7 & up. To register, contact the Concierge at 904.388.2664 x. 100.


23 / SUN DODGE BOW 1:00–4:00 pm | Cost: $10 per person Send your kids down to the Dodge Bow arena to use topof-the-line equipment as they team up to eliminate the opposing teams. For ages 10 & up. To register, contact the Concierge at 904.388.2664 x. 100.

7:00–10:00 pm | Cost: $10 per person Join us on the River Lawn for a night of laser tag competitions! Our Recreation team will create a oneof-a-kind course so players can battle it out to be crowned TCC’s laser tag champion. Parents are strongly encouraged to join in. Prizes will be awarded for best team, individual champion, best family challenge, and more! Ages 6 & up. To register, contact the Concierge at 904.388.2664 x. 100.

Tuesday, May 25 at 9:00 am Join Captain Jamie out of Brunswick, Georgia for a half-day charter to search for the biggest shark tooth in history! Bull, tiger, sand, and Megalodon are guaranteed to be found. Lunch, drinks, life jacket, bug spray, sunscreen, and shark tooth history provided as part of the expedition. Cost: $125 per person. To register, contact the Concierge at 904.388.2664 x. 100.

Bring a float to the pool and watch blockbuster movies! Movies will begin at sundown.

MAY 15:

Big Hero 6

JUNE 12:

Raya and the Last Dragon

JULY 17: Soul

This event is complimentary and reservations are not required. W W W.T I M U Q UA N A . N E T | 17

TENNIS NEWS The cooler spring weather, along with a packed social and competitive calendar, made this spring at the Tennis Center very active. We wrapped up our second major of the 2021 calendar, the Member-Member, in April, had a jammin’ turn out for the Reggae Social, and watched some of the best juniors at the Club as they competed in our annual USTA junior tournament. The spring was also a busy time for the ladies’ leagues as they wrapped up their ’20–21 seasons. Our ladies' B and C First Coast teams took home the city-wide championships this year in both their divisions. Our B team has won this championship two out of the last three years. A big congratulations to them both! We will be adding an additional team this fall as we introduce a full-time D team into the mix. As we move towards summer, our schedule stays very busy. May 21–23 we'll launch our inaugural Men’s Pro-Am. Twenty pros from around the southeast are coming to Timuquana to play with twenty of our members. Come out and cheer on your favorite tennis players in this action-packed event! Starting in June, our junior programming shifts from afternoon to early mornings as we beat the heat. During the week, both Red and Orange Ball programming will start at 9:00 am. Check with the Pro Shop to schedule your clinics. Summer tennis camp will run the week of June 21–24 from 9:00 am–1:00 pm. Lunch, prizes, and awards are given out to each of the campers. Spots are filling fast, so please be sure to sign-up early. We are excited to bring back a summer tradition for the ladies. Wine Not Wednesdays return beginning June 2, and continue each Wednesday night until August 4. All levels are welcome. Looking to improve your game? Take a lesson or clinic from any of our great staff. Come out and watch some fast-paced doubles action at the Pro-Am, drop off your kids for tennis camp while you relax at the pool for the day, or enjoy a fun game of pickleball! We can’t wait to see you here this summer.

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TCC TENNIS WELCOMES SHAUN ZEMANEK In late April, our Director of Tennis Instruction came on board to Timuquana. Shaun joins us from Topnotch Resort in Stowe, Vermont where he was the Head Professional for 16 years. Shaun is originally from Brisbane, Australia. He is a USPTA, PTR, and a USTA High Performance certified tennis professional. Join us in welcoming Shaun Zemanek to the Club!

MEN'S PRO-AM Friday, May 21–Sunday, May 23 | Cost: $300 per person Twenty pros from around the Southeast are coming to TCC to play with our members! Pairings will be made randomly and each team will be handicapped based on their combined skill level. Matches are a ping pong scoring format to 31. The weekend will include a Friday night players' party, players' gifts, lunch on Saturday, and breakfast both mornings. Spots are limited and players are suggested to have a 3.5 or higher handicap. Registration deadline is Monday, May 17. To register, contact Matt Bacon at or 904.388.2664 x. 106

ALL OUT 80'S TENNIS SOCIAL Friday, June 25 | 6:00–7:30 pm | Cost: $40 per person Head to TCC in your best 80's attire for this All Out 80's Social! Heavy hors d'oeuvres will be served, and beer and wine are included. Cocktails by signature. To register, contact the Tennis Center at 904.389.4332.

Matthew Bacon, USPTA Director of Tennis

WINE NOT WEDNESDAYS Wednesdays, June 2–August 4 | 6:00–7:30 pm This is an evening of ladies' round robin tennis where you and your friends come play while you sip on a glass of your favorite wine. All levels of ladies are welcome to sign-up and you do not need a partner. Cost: $18 per person. To register, contact the Tennis Center at 904.389.4332.

First Coast B2 Champions: Kathryn Smithwick, Dawn Crawford, Judy D’Antignac, Stephanie Verlander, Diane Madison, Tracy Knight, Bunny Manning, and Kelly Anderson

First Coast C2 Champions: Julie Howard, Danielle Riber, Kerri Napoleon Robin Virtue, Patti Frykberg, Abby Kuder, Lucy Bravo, Allison Vogt, Frances Graham, Jane Wilhelm, Melanie McGrath, and Ashley Jimerson


MAY JUNIOR CLINICS MONDAY Tiny Tomahawks Clinic: 3:30-4:30 pm TUESDAY Orange Ball Clinic: 4:00-5:30 pm THURSDAY Tiny Tomahawks Clinic: 3:30-4:30 pm Orange Ball Clinic: 4:00-5:30 pm Beginning on Tuesday, June 1, Tiny Tomahawks will take place on Mondays and Wednesdays at 9:00 am and Orange Ball will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:00 am.


$18 per clinic | Advance registration requested

D-TEAM/BEGINNERS’ CLINICS Tuesdays at 6:30 pm Space is limited to 15 players per clinic


Saturdays at 8:00 am


Saturdays at 9:00 am


Saturdays at 10:00 am W W W.T I M U Q UA N A . N E T | 1 9

Camp Timuquana Sports Camp Arts & Crafts Camp Junior Golf • PGA Junior League • Operation 36® Play Days • Junior Member-Member • Junior Pow-Wow • Junior Club Championship We have an exciting summer lined up at TCC! Whether it be Camp Timuquana, Sports Camp, Arts & Crafts Camp, golf and tennis instruction, or our water polo and swim teams, there’s something for your child to enjoy! We are committed to ensuring our camps and programs provide opportunities that enhance skills, promote creativity, foster community, and build confidence.

Junior Tennis • Tennis Camp • Junior Tennis Programs

Aquatics • River Rats • Junior River Rats • War Eagles Swimming • War Eagles Water Polo

For more information on Camp Timuquana, Sports Camp, Arts & Crafts Camp, or Aquatics, contact Walt Bartman at For more information on Junior Golf, contact Jason Smith at For more information on Junior Tennis, contact Michael Arrigo at


We're always working to improve our overall member experience, and would love to hear from you. We welcome your comments, suggestions, feedback and ideas about anything related to your Club experience. You can visit the members' side of the website for our online feedback form, located on the "My Club" tab. We also have an email address dedicated to member feedback so feel free to email us at:

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