TCC: The Timuquanan Newsletter May-June 2022

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Timuquanan M ay/June 2022 | Vol . XLVIII N o . III

Timuquana Country Club




CLUBHOUSE 4028 Timuquana Rd Jacksonville, FL 32210 Phone 904.388.2664

POW WOW RESTAURANT Tu–Th 11:30 am–9:00 pm F 11:30 am–9:30 pm Sa 7:00 am–9:30 pm Su 7:00 am–9:00 pm Sunday Brunch Buffet 10:30 am–2:30 pm

FITNESS CENTER Phone 904.387.6700 M–F 5:00 am–8:30 pm Sa/Su 7:00 am–6:00 pm

POW WOW BAR Tu–Th 11:30 am–9:30 pm F–Sa 11:30 am–10:00 pm Su 11:30 am–9:30 pm

GOLF SHOP Phone 904.389.0477 Tu–Fr 8:00 am–5:00 pm Sa/Su 9:00 am–3:00 pm

RIVER ROOM Th–Sa 5:30–9:00 pm

VISION STATEMENT Timuquana will be recognized as one of the premier country clubs in the Southeast.


Honesty, integrity, decorum, and respect toward all. Commitment to quality and exceptional service in all that we do. Balanced consideration of the needs of all stakeholders.

19 TH HOLE Closed due to the golf course renovation.

POOL See page 16 for more information.

THE GROVE F 4:00–9:00 pm Sa/Su 11:00 am–9:00 pm Beginning Tuesday, May 10 Tu–Su 11:00 am–9:00 pm


@Timuquana Country Club

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Timuquana will offer its members, their families and guests exceptional social, golf and recreational experiences, which foster enduring friendships and preserve community.

T-STAND Closed due to the golf course renovation.

TENNIS SHOP Phone 904.389.4332 M–F 8:00 am–5:00 pm Sa/Su 8:00 am–3:00 pm

For all the latest news and photos, follow us on social media!




Advertised prices are not inclusive of applicable taxes. Children’s Events Policy Our children’s events are designed for children aged 5 to 12. Children aged 5 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times. Parents of children attending an event must remain on property for the duration of the event, and alert the room monitor as to where they can be located. Timuquana Treehouse Timuquana Treehouse is designed for children aged 1–10 years old. A full list of policies and procedures can be found online. Cancellation Policy Please note, a 24-hour cancellation policy is in effect for all event reservations unless otherwise noted.

OUR STAFF Greg Sheara, CCM, x. 115 General Manager

Billy McKenzie, 388-4798 Director of Outside Operations

Kate Nolte, x. 131 Director of Membership & Employee Engagement

Alan Brown, x. 120 Director of Golf Course & Grounds Josh Urbanec, x. 113 Golf Course Superintendent

Amanda Hill, x. 136 Marketing Manager Caroline Davis, x. 135 Communications Coordinator Jillian Hickey, x. 100 Concierge Matt Harrington, x. 105 Food & Beverage Director Lewis Walker, x. 107 Executive Chef

Blanton Tessin, PGA, x. 130 Director of Golf Greg Ottani, PGA, x. 128 Head Golf Professional Jason Smith, PGA, x. 142 Director of Instruction & Junior Golf Development

Now through Friday, August 26 The 19th Hole and T-Stand are closed due to the closure of the golf course for renovation. River Room Closed Thursday, May 5 Saturday, May 7 Friday, May 13 Saturday, May 21 Friday, May 27

Shaun Zemanek, USPTA, PTR, x. 102, Director of Tennis Instruction Zach Goldberg, USPTA, x. 102 Head Tennis Professional Walt Bartman, x. 103 Recreation Director Tracy Markley, x. 144 Fitness Center Supervisor

Derek Wilson, x. 117 Catering Director


Joe Mattingly, USPTA, USPTR, x. 106, Director of Tennis

Rusty Nicholas, x. 139 Building Superintendent Dawn Cavanaugh, x. 140 Controller Kelly Woody, x. 138 HR and Member Billing

POLICY REMINDER HATS While on Club property, all hats must be worn bill forward. All gentlemen must remove hats and visors while in the Clubhouse. MINORS AT BARS Minors under twenty-one years of age are not permitted to sit at the bar stools around the Pow Wow Bar, River Room Bar, or The Grove during operating hours.

Friday, June 10

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FROM THE PRESIDENT It is hard to believe that summer is right around the corner, the Grove and Pool will be in full swing and the golf course will be opening at the end of August. I want to thank the membership for your continued patience during the closure and your understanding of the challenges associated with finding reciprocal arrangements around town. We are in the home stretch, and I think everyone will be thrilled with the end result of the restoration when we tee it back up in a few short months.

Board Retreat In March, the Board of Governors attended a two-day Board Retreat led by private club consultants from Kopplin, Kuebler and Wallace and Club Benchmarking. The Board learned about best practices in governance and finance and it was refreshing to hear the number of things the Board is doing well. This also gave us some opportunities for improvement. The two areas that the Board and management team will focus on for the duration of this year will be stronger committee engagement and goal setting and improvements to our member survey plans. The latter will replace our comprehensive three-year survey with shorter and more targeted ones that will allow the Board and management team to be more proactive with our improvement goals. We look forward to launching our first round of surveys in the fall/winter following the course opening.

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As I spent more time around the Club last month, it was amazing to see such tremendous interest in our Club events. I applaud our new Director of Catering, Derek Wilson for putting together a robust calendar for all ages and demographics. The concert on the lawn was a tremendous success, as were all of the Easter festivities that were attended by over 1,400 of our members throughout that week.

We also explored best practices in Club finances. We discussed operating budgets, capital budgets and balance sheets, and received great insight into the key performance metrics that make clubs successful. Of particular importance was learning how TCC stacks up against other high performing clubs. I have included those slides from the presentation to demonstrate how

Timuquana’s capital income, net worth over time and investments in our property, plant and equipment are amongst the best in the industry. This in turn drives the member experience, creates demand and ensures the Club’s future sustainability. It is clear through prior Boards, the Finance Committee and our able Management Team that our Club is on sound financial footing for the future.

Membership As we have communicated through the last few newsletters, the interest in Timuquana has never been higher. Applications for membership continue to pour in at a pace that is exceeding attrition. Considering this level of interest, the Board has been discussing changes to our membership application process, and the individual membership category caps and overall membership cap. Highlighted in the Membership section of the newsletter are the new standards and caps as approved by the Board in April. The Board, having consulted with a number of clubs and consultants, believes these changes are necessary to preserve and enhance the membership experience. The Board believes strongly that culture is the basis of what makes TCC special and by enhancing the membership process and shifting our attention to stronger new member engagement, we have a better

opportunity to ensure our core values are being practiced more consistently. While these changes will impact a number of prospective members currently in the pipeline for membership, we hope that their interest in Timuquana and its long-term impact on their families will far outweigh the additional requirements needed to be considered.

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As always, I welcome any feedback you may have about the Club and how we can collectively make it better. Respectfully,

Jim Thompson 2022 - 2023 President

MEMBERSHIP Four years ago, with membership levels at their lowest in a decade, the Club embarked on a change to the membership process in order to drive membership growth. This change reduced the number of supporting letters required for an applicant and eased the candidate interview schedule in order to take advantage of the heightened interest in the Club. The Preview Program, as we called our membership drive, was wildly successful, growing membership by over 125 members from 2017 to 2019. This growth is one of the key reasons why the Club is in such a healthy state today. At this point, while interest in membership remains strong, the Club has reached what we believe is a healthy membership level. As a result, the Board of Governors has approved adjustments to the membership process that will reinforce the Club’s core values and culture. This revised process will place emphasis on more in-depth candidate interviews, require additional supporting letters detailing the degree of familiarity each sponsor has with the candidate, and institute a new member onboarding and orientation program. Kate Nolte, our new Director of Membership & Employee Engagement, will lead the Board and Management Team in the execution of this membership process. In November 2021, the Board of Governors closed the primary waiting list for those applicants who were already in the membership process. At that time, all new prospective members were placed on a secondary wait list, with no timeline established for invitation to the Club. Considering the length of the primary waiting list, the Board of Governors will ask those on the secondary waiting list to resubmit their applications under the new membership process standards highlighted below. Those on the primary waiting list will not need to reapply under the new standard. Additionally, the Club will not accept any applications for membership until after September 1, 2022. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION PROCESS CHANGES: Supporting Letters • The Board will require four (4) supporting letters for membership. • Two (2) of the four letters will need to be from Founder members. • A primary member must be identified and will be responsible for ensuring the completion of the application process. • The letters will be submitted in the form of a completed “Sponsor Form” (available online) that will

include an attestation by the sponsoring member of their thorough knowledge of the prospective member and their family. The form must be completed in its entirety by all four sponsoring members. In order to complete the Sponsor Form, the sponsoring member will need to spend a significant amount of time with the applicant. As a result, sponsors will be encouraged to invite the applicant to play golf at the Club, come to dinner or otherwise spend enough time with them to vouch for the applicant’s suitability for membership. Deposit • All categories (including legacies and reinstatements), with the exception of Founders, will be required to provide a nonrefundable deposit of $2,500 as part of the application process. Founder applicants will be required to pay a nonrefundable deposit equal to 10% of the current initiation fee. This amount gets credited to the member’s initiation fee upon joining. Deposits are refundable only when the Club rejects applications. Background/Credit Check • All applicants will be required to complete a background and credit check. The prospective member will cover the cost of the credit and background check. A credit card authorization form will be part of the application process and must be completed and included in the final submission to the Membership Office. Completed File • All letters and forms, including the application, background check, and deposit, are required when submitting to the Membership Office. Only complete application packages will be accepted by the Membership Office. The Membership Office will not accept certain pieces of the full file at different times. Once a full file is completed, and the deposit applied, the prospective member will wait for the availability of interviews with the Membership Committee. Interviews • As required, the Club will schedule prospective member dinner interviews each month. Dinners are for the member and spouse (if applicable). These dinners will be scheduled on the first Thursday of each month from 6:00–7:30 pm and conducted by two members of the Membership Committee. • The Membership Committee will submit a recommendation to the Membership Office in advance of the following Board meeting. W W W.T I M U Q UA N A . N E T | 6

Board Cocktail Reception • The Monthly Board Cocktail Reception will continue when required as normally scheduled from 6:00–6:45 pm when candidates have completed the interview process. A maximum of four (4) prospective members will be invited when a cocktail reception is scheduled. The Board has discussed these changes with various club consultants and believes these changes reflect best practices in the club industry for those of our stature and wait list. MEMBERSHIP CAP Based on the increased rounds of golf and waiting lists for popular Club events, the Board believes that the current membership cap of 1,100 is too high and that reducing the overall membership size will improve the membership experience for all current members. As a result, at Founders Day in 2023, the Board expects to propose to the membership that the overall cap of 1,100 be reduced to 1,075, with that reduction to occur by normal attrition. The Board will continue to review the overall membership cap based on usage over the next few years. JUNIOR & INTERMEDIATE MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES The By-Laws of the Club set the Founder membership cap at 500. With the influx of Junior and Intermediate members over the past four years, the Club’s pipeline to the Founder category is nearly 150 Juniors and Intermediates. With 449 Founder members as of May 1, it will take only a few years for the Club to hit the Founder cap of 500 as Juniors and Intermediates age up. As a result, the Board of Governors believes that immediate action is required. Effective immediately, the Board will freeze all Junior and Intermediate applications for the foreseeable future. Those Junior and Intermediate candidates now on the primary waitlist will be offered the opportunity to amend their applications to join, if they so desire, to either Founder or House Social. Further, the Board anticipates combining the Junior and Intermediate categories into a single Junior category and capping that category at a number appropriate to feed a Founder population of 500 (probably 75-100 Juniors). THE FUTURE With the foundation we have created over the past few years, we believe that the Club has an opportunity to create a stronger culture and a more pleasurable membership experience by making these changes. We believe the capital investments in the golf course, pool, and Pow Wow Room and future facility enhancement plans have created a considerable and sustainable member value, and we look forward to this change to continue to enhance each of your experiences at TCC. The new membership process and supporting documentation will be made available under the membership portion of the Club’s website and through our Membership Office no later than August 1, 2022.

WELCOME KATE NOLTE Please help us welcome Kate Nolte as our new Director of Membership & Employee Engagement. Kate started her career in food and beverage as F&B Director at Milwaukee Country Club. From there, she made the transition to Human Resources and was the Director of Employee Engagement at the Country Club of DC Ranch in Scottsdale, Arizona, and then the HR Manager at Serenata Beach Club here in Jacksonville. Kate is active in the Club Managers Association of America and will be testing for her Certified Club Manager designation later this year. With the Club reaching its membership cap and a strong waiting list, the Club is taking the opportunity to restructure the function of the Membership Director role. This role will concentrate more heavily on member relationships and membership onboarding versus administration of the membership process. As referenced in the membership section, the Board will be making a change to the membership process. This change allows us to redirect our staff’s attention to the membership experience. In addition, we all know that our greatest asset is our staff. This position will take the same model of enhancing the membership experience and apply it to the Club’s staff. This will include employee engagement surveys, creating fun incentive programs, ensuring proper training, and new team member orientation. We are excited about this new role at Timuquana and believe Kate is a terrific fit. Please help us welcome her as you see her around the Club this summer.

WELCOME CAROLINE DAVIS We are pleased to introduce Caroline Davis as the Club's Communications Coordinator. This is a new position for TCC that was previously part of the responsibilities of our Membership & Marketing Director. Caroline will be responsible for improving content, frequency, branding, and consistency of Club communications. With a strong design background, Caroline will also be responsible for improving the Club's website, building a new annual Club calendar, helping launch a Club app in the fall, and aiding our Marketing Manager, Amanda, in some of the day-to-day functions of posting on social media, creating flyers, video production, and taking photos of our various events and programs. Caroline has a BS in Communications from Lee University in Tennessee and was on the women's golf team holding the position of captain during her junior and senior years. She was also named the University's first All-American in 2017. Welcome aboard Caroline! W W W.T I M U Q UA N A . N E T | 7

SOCIAL & DINING — MAY 04 / WED VIVA LA FIESTA 6:00–8:30 pm | $40 Per Person Let’s fiesta like there’s no mañana! Join us for Mexican street food, tequila tastings, and live entertainment. It’s sure to be a fun time that you will not want to miss! Drinks by signature. Reservations required. To register, contact the Concierge at 904.388.2664 x. 100.

08 / SUN

STEAMED WHOLE MAINE LOBSTER THURSDAY, MAY 19 Enjoy a whole steamed lobster delivered to us directly from Maine! Each lobster will be served with Florida sweet corn, baby red potatoes, coleslaw, and drawn butter. Available in the River Room and Pow Wow. Cost: $50 per entrée.

MOTHER'S DAY BRUNCH 11:00 am–2:00 pm | $35 Per Adult, $18 Per Child Show mom how much you love her with this special brunch at the Club. Chef will take care of the meal and our bartenders will have the Mom-osas ready. Menu highlights include raw bar, carving station, made-to-order omelets, and decadent desserts. Children 4 & under are complimentary. Seating every 30 minutes from 11:00 am–2:00 pm. Reservations required. To register, contact the Concierge at 904.388.2664 x. 100. No Sunday Brunch. Breakfast available in Pow Wow until 10:30 am. Pow Wow closed for lunch and reopens for dinner at 5:30 pm. The Grove open for normal operations.

FARMERS MARKET & BREW FEST Sunday, May 22 • 11:00 am–3:00 pm Come out and support local businesses at the upcoming Farmer’s Market & Brew Festival. There will be vendors selling fresh, local produce and homemade crafts, live music, local breweries, and a food truck will also keep the day going. It’s sure to be fun for the entire family. A signature bar will be provided for your favorite beverages. This event is complimentary.

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M EMOR I A L DAY CELEBR ATION Kick summer off with your crew at TCC! Grab a drink at The Grove and a bite from our BBQ buffet while the kids enjoy special activities just for them. Buffet: $16 per adult, $8 per child. Kids' activities are complimentary.

MONDAY, M AY 30 11:00 A M–3:00 PM THE GROVE Regular Hours and Full Menu POW WOW Regular Hours, Full Menu, and BBQ Dinner Specials Club Closed Tuesday, May 31

SOCIAL & DINING — JUNE 03 / FRI ADULT TRIVIA 6:30 pm | $30 Per Person Get together a team of 4–8 players and test your knowledge for a chance to win great prizes from around the Club. Bar and buffet will open at 6:30 pm with trivia beginning at 7:30 pm. Sign-up early to reserve your spot! Dinner is included. Drinks by signature. To register, contact the Concierge at 904.388.2664 x. 100.

16 / THU COOKING CLASS WITH CHEF LEWIS 6:30–9:30 pm | $75 Per Person Sharpen your skills and your knives with Chef Lew himself! Work alongside Chef as you prepare a three-course meal and learn the ins and outs of the kitchen. Drinks are included. Space is limited and reservations are required. To register, contact the Concierge at 904.388.2664 x. 100.

MIXOLOGY CLASS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22 6:30–8:30 pm Spend the evening learning the steps to build a cocktail properly! Beverage Manager Coy Long will guide you in crafting your own delicious cocktail. Balancing the elements, proper technique, and glassware choices will all be covered. Chef’s favorite bar bites will also be provided. Cost: $35 per person. To register, contact the Concierge at 904.388.2664 x. 100.

MAY 20 | JUNE 24 5:30– 5:30 –7:30 PM Bring your favorite four-legged friend to our member-favorite Yappy Hour! We’ll fence the lawn for the pups to run free while you enjoy your favorite The Grove signature cocktails and draft beers. Dogs will be allowed on The Grove patio during this event. Reservations will not be taken. Dogs must be supervised at all times by their owners. Dogs must be leashed at all times outside of the fenced area.

PRIME RIB NIGHT MAY 26 | JUNE 30 Chef’s prime rib is hand-seasoned, slow roasted to perfection, and served with asparagus, potatoes, and au jus. Enjoy your choice of a king cut for $29 or a petite cut for $24. Contact the Concierge at 904.388.2664 x. 100 to reserve your cut. Regular menu also available. W W W.T I M U Q UA N A . N E T | 9

ONGOING EVENTS F Fitness • G Golf • T Tennis R Recreation • SD Social and Dining M



Masters Swimming 6:00 am // R




CoreFit 7:00 am // F BodyFit 8:30 am // F




HIIT 9:00 am // F H2O Fitness 10:30 am // F Tiny Tomahawks Clinic 3:30 pm // T




11:00 am–2:00 pm

Restorative Yoga 7:15 am // F


SoulBody Barre Unhitched 8:30 am // F LIIT 9:30 am // F

Tennis: Doubles Club Championship


17 Board of Governors Meeting 6 pm

Orange Ball Clinic 4:00 pm // T Green Ball Clinic 4:00 pm // T Men's Beginner Clinic 6:30 pm // T Ladies' Beginner Clinic 6:30 pm // T







11:00 am–3:00 pm


Masters Swimming 6:00 am // R HIIT 7:00 am // F





11:00 am–3:00 pm

Pilates 9:00 am // F Tiny Tomahawks Clinic 3:30 pm // T Men’s Wednesday Night Golf Game 5:00 pm // G


Restorative Yoga 7:15 am // F







Power Yoga 8:30 am // F HIIT 9:00 am // F Orange Ball Clinic 4:00 pm // T Green Ball Clinic 4:00 pm // T


Ladies' Beginner Clinic 5:30 pm // T


Masters Swimming 6:00 am // R


HIIT 7:00 am // F




Pilates 8:30 am // F Gentle Yoga 9:30 am // F



Brunch 7:00 am // SD


Golf Training & Agility 8:00 am // F

21 Board of Governors Meeting 6 pm

Men’s Clinic 9:00 am // T Ladies' Clinic 10:00 am // T H2O Fitness 10:30 am // F


Brunch 7:00 am // SD






6:00–8:30 pm



5 River Room Closed

6 Golf: Beginner Ladies' Clinic

Treehouse 5:30 pm

River Room Closed

Golf: Beginner Ladies' Clinic







8:30 am

Tennis: Doubles Club Championship

River Room Closed

Golf: Men's Short-Game Clinic: Bunker Play Treehouse 5:30 pm



Golf: Beginner Ladies' Clinic





River Room Closed

27 River Room Closed






15 Golf: Beginner Ladies' Clinic





Golf: Junior Drive, Chip & Putt

River Room Closed

Treehouse 5:30 pm




18 Treehouse 5:30 pm



Tennis: All Out 80's Tennis Social

6:30–8:30 pm


Golf: Beginner Ladies' Clinic Treehouse 5:30 pm

Treehouse 5:30 pm



Golf: Men's Short-Game Clinic: Chipping & Pitching


Golf: Beginner Ladies' Clinic

Golf: Men's Short-Game Clinic: Putting

5:30–7:30 pm

Golf: Beginner Ladies' Clinic


Treehouse 5:30 pm





6:30–9:30 pm


Treehouse 5:30 pm





Treehouse 5:30 pm


Golf: Men's Short-Game Clinic: Chipping & Pitching Treehouse 5:30 pm



21 Golf: Beginner Ladies' Clinic

5:30–7:30 pm






GOLF NEWS We are halfway through our course closure, and things will be shaping up nicely for a late August opening. We have finished sprigging the Bermuda grass on the fairways and greens, and now we wait patiently for the grass to continue to grow and mature. Alan Brown and his team will spend the next few months working in our expanded native areas planting grasses that include centipede, broomsedge, and wiregrass We will continue to update you in our weekly Golf News emails. In case it has been a couple of weeks since your last visit to the Club, I want to remind you that our Golf Shop is currently under renovation. We have temporarily moved the Golf Shop to the President’s Room, where we will be until mid-August. Our inventory is limited at this time. However, we still have golf essentials available such as balls and gloves. We look forward to welcoming you to our new Golf Shop in mid-August before the golf course opens.

We will update you in early July with our plan for reopening the golf course. As many of you are trying to make plans for the fall, I will go ahead and inform you that the course will be open for member-only play in September and October. We will open the course for family guests beginning in November, and regular guests will be allowed to play beginning in December. We greatly appreciate your patience during the course closure and we are confident that you will enjoy the changes that are being made. Please do not hesitate to contact the Professional Staff to schedule a tour to see the work that has been done.

Blanton Tessin, PGA Director of Golf



May 4 Beginner Ladies' Clinic

June 10 Men's Short-Game Clinic: Putting

May 7 Beginner Ladies' Clinic

June 11 Beginner Ladies' Clinic

May 14 Men's Short-Game Clinic: Bunker Play

June 15 Beginner Ladies' Clinic

May 18 Beginner Ladies' Clinic

June 24 Men's Short-Game Clinic: Chipping & Pitching

May 21 Beginner Ladies' Clinic

June 25 Beginner Ladies' Clinic

May 28 Men's Short-Game Clinic: Chipping & Pitching

June 29 Beginner Ladies' Clinic

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Saturday, June 11 | 9:00 am | Cost: $30 Per Child

3:00–4:00 pm | $30 Per Session Utilizing our new short-game area, these clinics will focus on putting, short shots from around the green, short-game strategy, trouble shots, and sand play. Space is limited. To register, contact Jason Smith at

Timuquana will host our first Drive, Chip & Putt Championship! Juniors will be divided into groups by age and compete in three different skills to become the firstever Timuquana Drive, Chip & Putt Champion! To register, contact Jason Smith at Divisions: 7–9, 10–11, and 12–13

Beginner Golf Camp Beginner Golf Camp is designed specifically for budding junior golfers. Campers will play fun games and drills to teach them the skills necessary to build a solid foundation in the game of golf. No experience is required, and all equipment will be provided.

May 14: Bunker Play | May 28: Chipping & Pitching June 10: Putting | June 24: Chipping & Pitching

BEGINNER LADIES' CLINICS Wednesdays, 12–1 pm: May 4 & 18 | June 15 & 29 Saturdays, 3–4 pm: May 7 & 21 | June 11 Saturday, 1–2 pm: June 25 Now offering both weekday and weekend options, this program requires zero experience, zero equipment, and zero golf ability. Space is limited and is sure to fill quickly so sign-up soon! Cost: $25 per session. For more information, contact Jason Smith at

• Ages 4+ • Tuesday–Friday, 9:00–10:30 am Sessions: • June 28–July 1 • July 12–15

2022 PGA Junior League Now Registering

Cost: Weekly: • Member, $150 • Accompanied Guest, $180 Daily: • Member, $40 • Accompanied Guest, $50

To register for Beginner Golf Camp, contact: Jason Smith, Director of Instruction/Jr. Development Email: Office: 904.388.2664 x. 127 | Cell: 404.433.1296

PGA Junior League provides boys and girls a fun, engaging opportunity to enjoy golf. Players wear team jerseys and compete in two-person teams against other clubs’ teams. The popular scramble format creates an excellent environment for learning the game, while a shortened course promotes birdies and pars. Registration includes 6-8 matches against other Jacksonville clubs, including San Jose, TPC Sawgrass, and South Hampton. Each player will also receive two jerseys and one dozen personalized golf balls. Juniors must be able to walk and carry their clubs for at least three 150-yard holes in succession. Ages 7 to 13. The cost is $425 per player, and space is limited to 30 players. For more information, contact Jason Smith at or call the Golf Shop at 904-389-0477.

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FITNESS NEWS TCC FITNESS WELCOMES KELVIN JONES Kelvin Jones brings a new dynamic to our fitness team through personal training, speed and agility, and power lifting style classes. He has been a trainer for 3 years and his passion lies in coaching younger athletes stay healthy and find their true physical potential through fun and challenging workouts. Kelvin has played football at the high school, college, and semi-pro levels. He recently worked at the Classical School of Jacksonville as a physical education teacher. Be on the look out for Kelvin’s afternoon and evening classes.

FITNESS TIP Don’t forget to include a warm-up and cool down in every workout session! Warming up properly before a workout has many benefits, including preventing injury, maintaining mobility, and improving performance during your session. Like warm-ups, cool downs are often overlooked but should be used at the end of a session to lower your heart rate and slow your breathing. Want to improve your exercise routine? The personal trainers in the Fitness Center are here to help you! To schedule a session, contact the Fitness Center at 904.387.6700.



Wednesdays, May 4–June 29 | 4:30–5:30 pm

Tuesdays, May 3 – June 28 | 4:30 – 5:30 pm

These clinics are specifically designed for high school athletes looking to gain strength, power, and speed. A former high school, college, and semi-pro football player, Coach Kelvin has the experience and know-how to help athletes improve their performance using a variety of individually designed workouts and drills.

Coach Kelvin will help young athletes improve their athleticism by learning to run faster, jump higher, and perform better! Various training techniques will be used to enhance their agility, muscle memory, and sports performance.

for High School Athletes

Cost: $20 per person, per clinic. For more information, contact Walt Bartman at

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Cost: $15 per child, per clinic. For more information, contact Walt Bartman at

SPA NEWS TCC WELCOMES ELIZABETH BONSER Elizabeth Bonser is a licensed massage therapist with 12 years of experience helping clients better their wellness using various forms of massage therapy. Each service is designed for your specific needs and includes modalities such as deep tissue, sports massage, stretching, trigger point therapy, and more. Elizabeth believes in understanding each individual to provide services that go beyond the boundaries of traditional service. She looks forward to assisting you on your one-of-a-kind wellness journey!

MAY'S FEATURED SPA SERVICE Peppermint-Infused Foot Scrub & Reflexology Massage Add-On At only $25 for 30 minutes, this is a perfect add-on to any massage! Tired, achy feet and lower extremities will benefit greatly, and you’ll leave feeling relaxed and renewed. To make an appointment, visit or call the Fitness Center at 904.387.6700.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS! THURSDAY, JUNE 9 6:00–8:00 PM | AMARA MED SPA Join AMARA’s team of expert providers for a TCC members-only event! Enjoy hors d’oeuvres and sparkling wine as you learn how AMARA offers the finest medical aesthetic treatments while honoring natural beauty. This event will feature private consultations and a Q&A on laser hair removal, Botox and fillers.

TCC-EXCLUSIVE SPECIAL OFFER As a special gift to TCC members, AMARA is offering $100 off a service in May and $100 off a service in June. To claim your gifts, scan the QR Code or visit

To register, scan the QR Code or visit

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Closed. Programming and lap swimming only.

Tu–Th: Swim at Your Own Risk 6:00 am to close. F–Su:

Swim at Your Own Risk 6:00 am to 10:00 am. Lifeguards and hospitality 10:00 am to close.


Closed. Programming and lap swimming only.

Tu–Su: Lifeguards and hospitality 10:00 am to close. POOL POLICIES REMINDER:

Saturday, May 14 | 8:30 am Saturday, June 25 | 9:00 am Join Captain Jamie out of Brunswick, Georgia for a half-day charter to search for the biggest shark tooth in history! Bull, tiger, sand, and Megalodon are guaranteed to be found. Lunch, drinks, life jacket, bug spray, sunscreen, and shark tooth history provided as part of the expedition. Cost: $145 per person. 72-hour cancellation policy applies. To register, contact the Concierge at 904.388.2664 x. 100.

Children who are not potty-trained must wear the i Play® swim diaper at all times (available for purchase at the kiosk).

No outside food or beverage is permitted.

Guests are limited to 4 per member, per day.

Proper bathing attire is required at all times. Nonswim trunks such as gym shorts are not permitted. Bathing attire should be conservative in nature and reflective of the Club’s standards. Proper cover-ups are required in the parking lot.


6:00 am–4:15 pm 6:00 am–Close


6:00–9:00 am


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6:00 am–4:30 pm 6:00 am–Close

JUNIOR COACHES TCC is bringing back the River Rats Junior Coaches program this summer! We are looking for interested applicants entering their junior year of high school who want to learn how to coach and assist with the Junior River Rats program. A cover letter and resume with references should be sent to Applicants must be available for swim meets, afternoon practices, and team functions.

SAVE THE DATE! Bring a float to the pool and watch blockbuster movies!

JUNE 17 & JULY 15 Movies will begin at sundown.


Practices Begin Monday, May 2 Online registration is open through July 1! For more information or to register, visit or contact Liz McKenna at Cost: Junior River Rats: Member, $200; Member-Guest, $250 River Rats: Member, $250; Member-Guest, $300


Swim lessons are offered Monday through Sunday for all ages and skill levels! For pricing and registration, contact Liz McKenna at


Join Suzi Taylor, Infant Swimming Resource Instructor at TCC’s pool where she will teach your child the skills of aquatic safety with Infant Swimming Resource’s Self-Rescue® program. Classes will be offered through November. Cost: $90 per 6-week session. For more information and to register, contact Suzi Taylor at or 904.591.0247.

Deborah Shor's

Perfect Princess Class

Saturday, June 4 | 5:00–7:00 pm Join Ms. Shor for a young ladies' tea party! Table manners, posture, poise, social skills, thank you notes, and more will be covered. It's never too early to start teaching your children proper etiquette and helping them learn essential social skills for use throughout their lives. Ms. Shor requests all participants attend in their favorite princess outfits. Ages 4–12. Cost: $45 per child. 72-hour cancellation policy applies. To register, contact the Concierge at 904.388.2664 x. 100.

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TENNIS NEWS TCC TENNIS WELCOMES JOE MATTINGLY We welcome Joe Mattingly from Innisbrook Resort & Golf Club in Palm Harbor, where he has served as the Director of Tennis, Fitness, and Recreation for the last four years. He is a well-known professional and club leader with a proven track record for performance and success. He has been recognized as a top 20 instructor by the USPTR, won the USPTR National Professional of the Year for South Carolina, and was an STA Junior Davis/Federation Cup Coach. Additionally, we are excited about Joe’s background in junior tennis and clinic programming, where he tripled adult and junior programming and increased court utilization from 17% to 80% while at Innisbrook. He’s also had the privilege of organizing and running monthly camps/clinics with Gigi Fernandez, Martina Navratilova, Chris Evert, Lindsay Davenport, and the Bryan brothers. With the addition of Joe to our team, you can expect an elevated experience across all of our programs.


SATURDAY, MAY 14 & SUNDAY, MAY 15 Join us for the second major tennis event of the year! Members team up with other members of comparable level to compete for a Club championship. Cost is $160 per person and includes morning refreshments and lunch on both days, beer, wine, and a player gift. Cocktails by signature. For more information or to register, please see the registration form email or call the Tennis Center at 904.389.4332.

Automated Shot Tracking, Line Calling, and Video Analysis Using Just Your iPhone or iPad SwingVision is the A.I. tennis app that brings you pro-quality match stats, video highlights, and line challenges on any court, using just your iPhone or iPad. Featured in Apple’s Spring & Fall 2021 Keynote events, SwingVision was founded by A.I. experts from Apple and Tesla, and its early investors include Andy Roddick, James Blake, and Tennis Australia. SwingVision: • Automatically trims all the dead time between points out of your video • Curates video highlights of your best rallies • Allows you to granularly filter your video (e.g., points starting with a slice serve wide, missed topspin backhands in the net) To download the free app, scan the QR code or visit

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• Tracks your shot placement, ball speed, court positioning, consistency by stroke type, and more • Allows you to challenge line calls using an Apple watch

Tennis Camp This camp calls for all kiddos who want to learn tennis or take their game to the next level! In a fun and supportive atmosphere, Tennis Camp is designed to provide the greatest development of each child’s physical, mental, technical, and tactical performance levels. With each day focusing on a different aspect of the game, campers are provided with the ultimate tennis experience. For more information, contact Shaun Zemanek at • Ages 4+ • Monday–Thursday, 9:00 am–2:00 pm

Sessions • June 20–23

• July 18–21

Cost Weekly: • Member, $280 • Accompanied Guest, $320 Daily: • Member, $80 • Accompanied Guest, $90 Before-Care: • 7:30–9:00 am, $15 After-Care: • 2:00–4:30 pm, $25

JUNIOR TENNIS — Session 5: May 2–26 RED BALL: AGES 4–6 Monday & Wednesday • 3:30–4:30 pm

ORANGE BALL: AGES 6–9 Tuesday & Thursday • 4:00–5:30 pm

GREEN BALL: AGES 9–12 Tuesday & Thursday • 4:00–5:30 pm




1 Day a Week: $80/Session

1 Day a Week: $120/Session

1 Day a Week: $120/Session

2 Days a Week: $155/Session

2 Days a Week: $215/Session

2 Days a Week: $215/Session

Drop In: $28.50/Class

Drop In: $40/Class

Drop In: $40/Class W W W.T I M U Q UA N A . N E T | 1 9

Pool Party Monday, July 4 | 11:00 am–3:00 pm Start your 4th of July celebration poolside! We’ll have the grills fired up with your favorites, and plenty of entertainment and activities for the whole family! Buffet: $16 per adult, $8 per child, and children 4 & under are complimentary. Note: Pow Wow closes at 2:30 pm. The Grove will be bar service only from 6:00–9:00 pm.

July 4t h Celebrat ion Monday, July 4 | 6:00–9:00 pm Join us for our 4th of July feast prior to the fireworks show. Brisket, ribs, fried chicken, and apple pie will all be available, plus your favorite sides and beverages. This event is open seating. Reservations not required. Cost: $24 per adult, $12 per child, and children 4 & under are complimentary. Fireworks begin at 9:15 pm.


We're always working to improve our overall member experience, and would love to hear from you. We welcome your comments, suggestions, feedback and ideas about anything related to your Club experience. You can visit the members' side of the website for our online feedback form, located on the "My Club" tab. We also have an email address dedicated to member feedback so feel free to email us at:

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