TCC: The Timuquanan Newsletter November/December 2018

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Timuquanan November /December 2018 | Vol . XLIV N o . VI

Timuquana Country Club






4028 Timuquana Rd

To-Go 442.2454

Jacksonville, FL 32210

Tu - Th 11:30 am - 2:30 pm, 5:30 - 9 pm

Phone 388.2664

F 11:30 am - 2:30 pm, 5:30 - 9:30 pm

FITNESS CENTER Phone 387.6700 M - F 5 am - 10 pm Sa/Su 7 am - 6 pm GOLF SHOP Phone 389.0477 Tu - F 7:15 am - 5 pm Sa/Su 6:45 am - 5 pm TENNIS SHOP Phone 389.4332

Sa 7 am - 2:30 pm, 5:30 - 9:30 pm Su 7 am - 2:30 pm, 10:30 - 2:30 pm Brunch 5:30 - 9 pm

Tu - Th 5:30 - 9 pm F/Sa 5:30 - 9:30 pm Su 11 am - 2:30 pm Brunch, 5:30 - 9 pm T-STAND Tu - F 7:30 am - 6 pm Sa/Su 7 am - 6 pm 19TH HOLE

F/Sa 8:30 am - 3 pm

Tu - Th, Su 10:30 am - 6 pm

Su 11 am - 4 pm

Fr/Sa 10:30 am - 7 pm

MINIMUM DUE A - G Jan 31, Apr 30, Jul 31, Oct 31 Aug 31, Nov 30

P - Z Mar 31, Jun 30,

families and guests exceptional social, golf and recreational experiences, which foster enduring friendships and preserve community.

VISION STATEMENT Timuquana will be recognized as one of the premier country clubs in the Southeast.

Advertised prices are not inclusive of applicable taxes and service charges. Children’s Events Policy Our children’s events are designed for children aged 5 to 12. Children aged 5 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times. Parents of children attending an event must remain on property for the duration of the event, and alert the room monitor as to where they can be located. Timuquana Treehouse Timuquana Treehouse is designed for children aged 10 and under. Children must be at least one year old to participate. A full list of policies and procedures can be found online. Cancellation Policy Please note, a 24-hour cancellation policy is in effect for all event reservations unless otherwise noted.

H - O Feb 28, May 31,

Timuquana will offer its members, their


Tu - Th 8:30 am - 5 pm


Sept 30, Dec 31 Upcoming Board Meetings November 20 and December 18 Board of Governors Jason Burhyte, President | Edward A. “Chip” Dempsey, III, President-Elect, Membership Chair Jim Riley, Past President, Food and Beverage and Long Range Planning Chair | Mike Muldoon, Treasurer, Finance Chair William D’Antignac, Tennis and Fitness and Aquatics Chair | John Donahoo, Secretary | Bret Catto, Green Chair Tommy Dudley, Jr., Golf Chair | Mark Higby, House and Construction Chair | Anthony S. Kurlas, Entertainment Chair


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FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear Members: As we enter the traditional holiday season at the Club,


I’m reminded that we have much to be thankful for at

Holly Kaspar (Membership and Marketing), Walt Bartman

Timuquana. The Board and membership have spent

(Recreation) and Matt Bacon (Tennis) have recently joined

a significant amount of time this year discussing and

the team. We look forward to their contributions in their

debating capital projects that are important to the Club now

new roles and I know they will enhance the membership

and in the future. Those discussions are important to the

experience with their talent and dedication.

process, but did detract from many exciting successes I’m thankful for. Here are a few examples:

FOOD & BEVERAGE Chef Lewis and Matt Harrington have upped their game.


The food quality coming from the kitchen continues

The ongoing transformation of our golf course continues

to impress, and the creativity with the new menu and

to amaze. The evolution of the restoration has proceeded

weekly specials have been outstanding. The wine dinners,

with new tee areas on numbers 2, 4, 7, 13, and 17, with a

and other special events, rival any in the country, with

new chipping area behind number 8. A big “thank you” to

extraordinary food quality, pairings, and creativity. Because

Bret Catto, Mike Oates, Finley Knight, George Egan, Robert

Chef and his culinary team perform at a high level for

George, Wayne Williford, and David Loop for privately

those smaller events, I would encourage those who haven’t

funding this project. It would not have happened without

already, to attend one soon.

their support.

Service quality has been a major focus this year. Staff

Additionally, improvements to the native areas, dead tree

training and development are improving service levels and

removal, and drainage work is all improving the look,

staff retention. While perfection in this area is very difficult,

sightlines, and agronomy around the course. As I’ve said

I’m encouraged by the improvement and believe it will

to many, we are very fortunate and thankful to have Alan

continue moving forward.

and his dedicated staff. He continues to provide a superior product and experience, while challenging himself and the Greens Committee to find new ways to improve. FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Club operations have performed well financially this year. As of September 30, we are comfortably ahead of budget. Most departments are well-ahead of their forecasts, and we expect to finish the year strong. Greg and Dawn have done an excellent job budgeting and executing this year. The

As we all know, Timuquana is a very special place. Sometimes I take certain things for granted and don’t appreciate what we do have. Accordingly, I’d like to thank the staff for the terrific improvements mentioned above and all that you do for Timuquana. I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas. Sincerely,

department heads have also executed at a high level, and all have been excellent stewards of our dues. MEMBERSHIP New membership has grown more this year than the last ten years combined. The initial run of the Preview Program was a great success, and I’m excited to see all of the new

Jason Burhyte 2018 - 2019 President

faces around the Club. Thank you, and welcome to all of our new members! W W W.T I M U Q UA N A . N E T


THE USGA IS COMING TO TCC Our Club has been awarded the 5th annual Women’s Amateur Four-Ball Championship, and the event is right around the corner. The dates of the tournament are from April 26 to May 1, 2019. Below you will find answers to some frequently asked questions that we have received about the tournament, and its impact to the Club. More details will be made available in the January/February edition of the bulletin and on our website as the tournament draws nearer. HOW WAS THE CLUB CHOSEN? Timuquana hosted a United States Golf Association (USGA) championship in 2002 — the Men’s Senior Amateur — and, in 2011, the Board decided to apply for another. Through our Club’s USGA representative, past president Tom Dudley, along with member and amateur champion, Steve Melnyk, we received encouragement from the USGA, and they accepted our application for another championship. In 2015, we were awarded the Women’s Amateur Four-Ball. WHO’S PLAYING? We won’t know until about a month prior because qualifying is ongoing at various sites around the nation. There will be 64 teams (128 players), plus caddies and families. There are 30 qualifying sites, and all are open to any female amateur with a handicap of no more than 14.4. There will be a number of college players, likely including defending champions Katrina Prendergast and Ellen Secor of Colorado State. There will also be older players - and one, well-regarded team in which the past two Women’s MidAmateur champions have teamed-up; Kelsey Chugg of Salt Lake City and Julia Potter of Indianapolis. WHAT’S A FOUR-BALL? It’s also called “better ball of pairs.” Each player plays her own ball, and teams record the best score made by either. WHEN IS IT? The match play dates are April 29 through May 1. Qualifying on April 27 and 28. Competitors can play practice rounds on April 25 and 26. HOW DO THEY PLAY? The field will be cut to 32 teams after 36 holes of stroke play qualifying on Saturday and Sunday. If a playoff for the final spots is needed, it will be held


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either after play on Sunday, or early on Monday. There will be 16 matches on Monday with the first tee time around 8:00 am. On Tuesday, there will be 8 matches in the morning, and 4 in the afternoon. On Wednesday, the semifinals will be in the morning and the final in the afternoon. HOW WILL THIS IMPACT THE COURSE & CLUB? The tournament will have an impact on the course and Club facilities. The USGA has asked that the Club be restricted to cart paths only, effective April 9. The course will then be closed to all member play starting Wednesday, April 24 through Wednesday, May 1. The Club and golf course will reopen May 2 at 10:30 am. We are working on a number of local reciprocal arrangements during this time. Those will be posted online and in future Club bulletins. The Club’s lobby, locker rooms, River Room, 19th Hole, and all banquet space will be utilized by the USGA. The 19th Hole will be unavailable starting Friday, April 19, as this will be the USGA’s main office. We will, however, continue with member dining with normal hours of operation in the Pow Wow Room, and anticipate having the new pool facility and dining area also available during this time (construction dependent). Lastly, our Fitness Center will be open during the tournament with normal hours of operation with the exception all group ex classes, as that facility will be home to the USGA medical office. HOW CAN I PARTICIPATE? There will be many opportunities, including such things as volunteering to help with the competition, housing our visitors, and serving as a caddie. There will be more than 15 committees, and all will need volunteers. WHEN CAN I SIGN-UP? You will get full information around the first of the year through the bulletin, emails, and signage at the Clubhouse. WHO’S IN CHARGE? The USGA conducts the competition and will have staff here. The Club’s co-chairs are Leslie Sirbaugh and Nick Napoleon, who will coordinate volunteers and the Club activities. Each committee will also have chairs. CONTRIBUTIONS In order to execute the tournament, the Club is financially responsible for hosting the Sunday Night party, rental equipment, transportation and other activities. The Club has setup a tax deductible program with the Jacksonville Sports Council for donations. Should you wish to donate to the tournament, please contact Greg Sheara, General Manager. We thank you in advance for your generosity and support of this exciting event. QUESTIONS? If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Greg Sheara, General Manager.

W W W.T I M U Q UA N A . N E T



FROM THE GENERAL MANAGER The holiday season is again upon us, and soon the Club will be adorned with Christmas decorations. From Thanksgiving to New Year’s, you will find a wealth of programs and special event offerings for one and all. Please take the time to enjoy this edition of the bulletin and all it has to offer. This is also the time of year that the staff enjoys the warmth of the membership’s generosity through the annual

Christmas Fund. This wonderful Club tradition means a great deal to all of our employees, whether they have been with us for a short time, or as you will see below, for several decades. As is tradition, we will take the opportunity on January 14 at an annual employee appreciation party to recognize employees who have reached significant milestones of employment at Timuquana. Club President, Jason Burhyte, and members of the Board will be present to congratulate those employees achieving these important years of service. Below are the names, along with their years of service, of the 2018 recipients. Please make special note of the three employees who achieved service milestones of 20 years or more this year! Billy McKenzie - 30 Ellis Jones - 25 Maurice Edwards - 25 Lewis Walker - 15 Renato “Rambo “ Vergara - 15 Kathryn “Kitty” Crawford - 10 Justin Fontaine - 10 John Baldwin - 5 Samuel Whitt - 5 Maria Mangalindan - 5 Dawn Cavanaugh - 5 Again, on behalf of the staff of the Club, thank you for your generosity this Christmas season and for your support all year long. We hope you enjoy the many Club offerings available to you this winter. Greg Sheara, CCM General Manager


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Just a reminder that a new version of our “Discover Timuquana” membership preview program is going on now through July 19, 2019. There’s never been a better time to join - or to invite your friends and colleagues to apply! This exciting, short-term Program offers prospective members an unparalleled opportunity to join Timuquana, and experience all that our Club has to offer. Full Program details are on our website at Feel free to also reach out to Holly Kaspar in our Membership office for more information. Highlights include: - Special preview pricing on initiation fees for new members who confirm their membership within 60 days - Monthly statement credits for both the new member and primary sponsor for one (1) full year - The opportunity to spread the initiation fee over three annual payments This will be the final run of the Program, and a fantastic opportunity to get in before the dust settles on our exciting pool and casual dining improvement projects!

GET SOCIAL WITH US Timuquana Country Club is on social Media! Get the latest news, photos, promotions, and updates from your Club by following all of our pages. Search TimuquanaCC on these popular apps, and join in the conversation:







LINKEDIN @Timuquana Country Club

*IMPORTANT FACEBOOK INFORMATION: We’re working to remove an unofficial Facebook page that’s currently posted for Timuquana Country Club. Be sure to “Like and Follow” our Official Facebook page at TIMUQUANACC ( and NOT the unofficial “places” page - Timuquana-Country-Club. The correct page will have the TCC 1923 logo and a photo of the Clubhouse at the top; while the incorrect page shows the Chief logo at the top. As always, I am happy to assist with any of your membership needs - whether it’s answering questions, assisting with prospective member sponsorship, or helping you get the most out of your membership with us. I look forward to meeting everyone, and seeing you around the Club this season. Holly E. Kaspar, MBA Membership and Marketing Director

W W W.T I M U Q UA N A . N E T





Format: Individual low net; 100% Handicap - maximum 40. Contact the Golf Shop for additional details or to sign-up.

LGA GOLF: SHELLY MADISON INVITATIONAL Thursday, November 8 | 9:00 am shotgun Format: Gross and net tournament, flighted by Handicap Index. Maximum USGA Handicap Index 33.5. Field Limited to 96. Cost: $90; includes lunch, prizes, golf and tee gift. The first tee will be open for regular golf play at approximately 1:30 pm.

STONE CRAB NIGHT Fridays, November 9 and December 14 Stone crab season is here! On two special nights, we’re featuring this true Florida favorite - stone crab claws served with mustard sauce. Available in both Pow Wow and the River Room. Quantities will be limited so please be sure to call ahead and reserve yours! Cost: Market Price.

GOURMET ON THE GREENS Friday, November 2 | 7:00 pm Timuquana’s signature food and wine festival is back,


featuring even more wine tastings, gourmet food, live

Friday, November 9 | 6:00 pm

entertainment, and an open bar! Cost: $65 per person.

Back by popular demand! Put away your cell phones and

Timuquana Treehouse - 5:30 to 10:00 pm There will be no la carte service provided on this evening.

TENNIS MEMBER-GUEST Friday through Sunday, November 2 through 4

headlamps for this glowing game of golf! We’ll light the way between holes while you play with your friends and enjoy the course after dark. Beer, wine, and snacks will be provided along the way. This is a walking-only event, and space is limited so sign up today! Cost: $45 per person.

Register with the Tennis Pro Shop while space is still


available. The event begins on Friday, November 2, with a

Sunday, November 11 | 12:00 to 3:00 pm | Front Lawn

6:00 pm exhibition match and includes beer, wine and hors

Come one, come all, to celebrate fall! Hay rides, games and

d’oeuvres. There will be play all day Saturday, along with

prizes, carnival snacks, and a lunch buffet will amuse the

light breakfast, lunch, and bar selections. Complimentary

kids - and kids at heart! Cost: $18 per adult, $14 per child.

childcare available both days. Cost: $275 per team of 2.

Cancellation policy waived.

Registration includes entrance to Gourmet on the Greens.

GOLF: 2018 LXV OPEN Wednesday, November 7 | 8:30 am shotgun Format: Better ball of partners, 18 holes. Players must be age 65 or older. All play is from the gold tee markers. 90% of USGA Handicap. The event begins with breakfast at 7:30 am, followed by an 8:30 am shotgun. The day also includes lunch, cross country golf, dinner and awards. Cost: $120 per player.


Timuquana Treehouse - Open at 5:30 pm

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L ove what you see? See more on social media!

Like & follow us - and join the conversation @TimuquanaCC


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Thursday, November 15 | 6:30 pm

One-hour sessions, $25 Member / $30 Guest Contact the Golf Shop to learn more

“Home for the Holidays”

MEN’S AND LADIES’ CLINICS Men - Tuesdays / Ladies - Wednesdays at 11 am

and roast a whole beef tenderloin. You’ll also learn Chef’s


the perfect party. The October event sold-out fast and spaces

$18 per clinic | Advance registration requested LADIES’ NIGHT CARDIO Tuesdays at 6 pm BEGINNERS’ CLINIC Wednesdays at 6:30 pm Space is limited to six players per clinic MEN’S NIGHT CLINIC Thursdays at 6:30 pm FIRST FRIDAY KIDS’ NIGHT OUT First Friday of each month at 5:30 pm $30 per child, $15 per additional child

Join Chef Lew and the culinary team to learn how to butcher favorite way to roast a turkey, as well as other skills to host are limited, so be sure to sign-up early! Cost: $45 per person; includes dinner and wine.

LGA GOLF: TURKEY DERBY & LUNCHEON Thursday, November 15 Format: Stableford; 100% Handicap - maximum 40. Contact the Golf Shop for additional details or to sign-up.


CARDIO CLINIC Saturdays at 8 am (NTRP levels 4.0 and above) Saturdays at 10 am (NTRP levels 3.5 and below)

Friday, November 16 | 6:00 pm

MEN’S CLINIC Saturdays at 9 am

Complimentary champagne and hors d’oeuvres will be

RUSTY RACQUETS Two, four-week sessions Tues., Oct. 22 - Nov. 16 and Mon., Nov. 26 - Dec. 21 Cost: $99 per four-week session Mondays, 8 to 9 am / 6:30 to 7:30 pm Wednesdays, 6:30 to 7:30 pm / Saturdays, 11 to 12:00 pm

DINING TCC TAILGATE MENU Available 1/2 hour prior to all Jags kickoffs, until the end of the game. Wings, pulled pork nachos, short rib chili & more KIDS EAT FREE NIGHT Wednesdays from 5:30 to 9 pm Mini Buffet in the Pow Wow Room Chicken fingers, tater tots, meatballs, marinara, buttered noodles and fresh fruit. Must be accompanied by a dining parent or guardian SUNDAY BRUNCH Sundays from 10:30 am to 2:30 pm $17 per adult | $7 per child | Children under 5 free Soup and salad bar, shrimp cocktail, Lamar’s omelette station, Belgian waffles, breakfast selections, fried chicken, seasonal vegetables and dessert station FRIED CHICKEN NIGHT Sundays from 5:30 to 9 pm River Room and Pow Wow Room $15 per person | $7 per child Three pieces of fried chicken, collard greens, mashed potatoes, buttermilk biscuit and sawmill gravy

Get the girls together for Ladies’ Night in the Casual Lounge! provided. Additional food and drinks by signature. Timuquana Treehouse - Open at 5:30 pm

SENIOR CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP Friday and Saturday, November 16 and 17 Format: 36-hole stroke play. There will be three divisions Championship (55+), Super Senior (55-75), and Golden (76+). The Championship flight will be a stroke play competition; all other flights will be Stableford (gross and net). Sign-up at the Golf Shop by November 14. Cost: $50 per player. The first tee will be closed 8:45 through 11:00 am.

Hours: 5:30 to 9:30 pm





W W W.T I M U Q UA N A . N E T


ONGOING EVENTS F Fitness • G Golf • T Tennis SD Social and Dining M




Roll & Stretch 7 am // F FLEXX IT™ Intensity 8:30 am // F HIIT Synrgy 9:45 am // F Cycle 6:15 pm // F


Pilates Flow 8:30 am // F Ladies’ Night Cardio 6 pm // T


Brunch 10:30 am


Fried Chicken Supper 5:30 pm

Yoga 6 am // F HIIT 7 am // F FLEXX IT™ Intensity 8:30 am // F Synrgy 9:45 am // F




Cardio Blast 5:30 pm // F


Brunch 10:30 am

13 Duplicate Bridge 3 pm

Fried Chicken Supper 5:30 pm



Brunch 10:30 am


Fried Chicken Supper 5:30 pm

Men’s Wednesday Night Golf Game 5 pm // G Kids Eat Free Night // SD Pow Wow Room Mini Buffet

Duplicate Bridge 3 pm

TENNIS: Member-Guest - 11/2 to 11/4

12:00 to 3:00 pm; Front Lawn




20 Duplicate Bridge 3 pm


Brunch 10:30 am

Duplicate Bridge 3 pm


Fried Chicken Supper 5:30 pm


Beginners’ Clinic 6:30 pm // T Yoga 6:30 pm // F


Roll & Stretch 7:30 am // F Fitness Mix 8:30 am // F



Myofascial Release/Stretch 9:30 am // F







Men’s Night Clinic 6:30 pm // T


Yoga 6 am // F HIIT 7 am // F Yoga 8:30 am // F

Brunch 10:30 am


Fried Chicken Supper 5:30 pm

Gentle Yoga 9:30 am // F


9 Cardio Clinic (NTRP 4+) 8 am // T Cardio Clinic (NTRP <3.5) 10 am // T



7:00 to 11:00 pm; Complimentary 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS STARTS See inside the back cover for details!




Brunch 10:30 am Fried Chicken Supper 5:30 pm

Men’s Clinic 9 am // T


Power Pump 10 am // F Core Express 11 am // F


Brunch 10:30 am Fried Chicken Supper 5:30 pm




Brunch 10:30 am // SD Yoga Fusion 3 pm // F Fried Chicken Supper // SD



Golf Course Closed 12/23 Brunch 10:30 am

Club closes at 3:00 pm on 12/24

Fried Chicken Supper 5:30 pm

GOLF: Course Open 12/24 & 12/31

25 CLUB CLOSED Golf Course Closed




GOLF: Winnie Holmes Tournament Ladies’ Event


River Room Closed



3 River Room Closed

7:00 pm - Reservations Required

TENNIS: Member-Guest - 11/2 to 11/4

TENNIS: Member-Guest - 11/2 to 11/4

Treehouse 5:30 pm GOLF: 2018 LXV Open 8:30 am Shotgun


8 GOLF: Shelly Madison Invitational Ladies’ Event

Kids Eat Free Pow Wow Mini Buffet

Kids Eat Free Pow Wow Mini Buffet

COOKING CLASS WITH CHEF “Home for the Holidays” 6:30 pm

21 GOLF: No Ladies’ Day

Club Closes at 3:00 pm

GOLF: Thanksgiving No Restrictions on 1st Tee

T H U R S DAY 28

17 GOLF: Senior Club Championship 11/16 - 11/17 First tee closed 8:45-11 River Room Closed

23 GOLF: Saturday Rules River Room Closed Treehouse 5:30 pm

24 Treehouse 5:30 pm



Treehouse 5:30 pm

GOLF: Play Day Ladies’ Event



GOLF: Senior Club Championship 11/16 - 11/17 First tee closed 8:45-11


Kids Eat Free Pow Wow Mini Buffet


6:00 pm; Casual Lounge


11:00 am to 2:00 pm; Reservations


River Room Closed

Treehouse 5:30 pm


Kids Eat Free Pow Wow Mini Buffet


Treehouse 5:30 pm


GOLF: Turkey Derby Ladies’ Event


GOLF: Lights Out Golf 6:00 pm

First tee opens at approx. 1:30 pm



F R I DAY 29


1 River Room Closed





3:30 to 6:00 pm

6:00 to 8:00 pm

Kids Eat Free Pow Wow Mini Buffet

12 Kids Eat Free Pow Wow Mini Buffet

GOLF: Streamsong Trip 12/13 - 12/15

Kids Eat Free Pow Wow Mini Buffet


Treehouse 5:30 pm



CAROLING & COCKTAILS 6:00 to 7:30 pm; Casual Lounge

GOLF: Streamsong Trip 12/13 - 12/15

Treehouse 5:30 pm

All players off course by 12:00 pm

Treehouse 5:30 pm

20 GOLF: No Ladies’ Day

21 Treehouse 5:30 pm

27 PRIME RIB NIGHT & 25% OFF WINE GOLF: No Ladies’ Day

22 Treehouse 5:30 pm

28 Treehouse 5:30 pm


9:00 to 11:00 am

GOLF: Gator Bowl Pro-Am 12/13 (at TCC) - 12/14;

26 Kids Eat Free Pow Wow Mini Buffet



GOLF: Streamsong Trip 12/13 - 12/15


GOLF: Saturday Rules


29 Treehouse 5:30 pm



Tuesday, December 4 | 7:00 to 11:00 pm Join us for this time-honored, annual event. Enjoy an evening of delectable cuisine, an open bar, dancing, and music by “Who Rescued Who.” Cocktail attire. This is a complimentary event. No a la carte dining.

Thanksgiving at Timuquana Thursday, November 22

12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS PROMOTION STARTS Our 12 Days of Christmas promotion also starts with the TCC Open House. See full details inside the back cover of this newsletter, and enjoy special sales in Golf, Tennis, and the Fitness Center & Spa!

GINGERBREAD HOUSE DECORATING PLAY SHOP Wednesday, December 5 | 3:30 to 6:00 pm

THANKSGIVING DAY BUFFET 11:00 am to 2:00 pm Bring your family to the Club for a traditional Thanksgiving feast! Chef’s team will provide all of your favorites, including turkey, dressing, potatoes, and cranberries -

Bring some holiday cheer into your home without the mess. We will provide the gingerbread houses, icing and candy - you provide the creativity! A signature bar will be on-hand for the parents to enjoy while the kids decorate their houses. Can’t make it to the event? We can package up the house, candy and icing to go! Cost: $30 per house. Cancellation policy waived.

and of course, pumpkin pie! Reservations taken every 30 minutes. Cost: $35 per adult; $18 per child.

THANKSGIVING TAKE-OUT Prefer to stay at home and watch the game? Let our team take care of the dinner prep so you can focus on friends, family and football! Fill-out the enclosed takeout form and return it to our Catering Office; or call the Concierge at 388-2664 x. 100 for further assistance.

FIRST FRIDAY HAPPY HOUR Friday, December 7 | 6:00 to 8:00 pm Kick off December with hors d’oeuvres, live music, and our $1923 drawing! Chef will provide a delicious dinner buffet to round out the evening. Cost: $21 per adult, $7 per child.


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Top: Participants in “The Free” - our first, sold-out Friday night social ever.

What a busy couple of weeks for us at

There’s a lot of new programming and

the tennis center! In the first leg of their

exciting events coming up for all levels

seasons, our ladies’ teams are coming to

of players and every age. Thanks to all of

form in each match. Currently, our A team

you who are participating and making this

is in 2nd place, B is in finding their legs,

such an exciting time. The members of

Zachary Goldberg

and C team is 5th on the table. Our junior

Timuquana are the reason why we work

USTA tennis team is winning matches

so hard.

Zachary Goldberg

each Friday afternoon. Our First Friday

Upcoming events:

kids’ event has been very busy, as well as lots of fun. Our first social, “The Free,” was an absolute blast. And, our Member-

• Member/Guest, November 2-4 • Triples Round Robin, December 15

Guest over the November 2-4 weekend, is

Ugly sweater event. 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

expected to be a sell-out!

Cost: $25 per person, lunch included,

Let’s all give a big welcome to Zach Goldberg, our new Head Tennis Professional. Zach comes across the river

cocktails by signature. See you on the courts!

to us from Epping-Forest Yacht Club. He’s

Matthew Bacon

a UNF man and played for them. Please

Director of Tennis

stop by and welcome him to the family.

WELCOME joins Timuquana as the new Head Tennis Professional. He’s originally from Newberry, Florida, and moved to Jacksonville in 2013 to pursue his dream of playing Division 1 college tennis. He attended the University of North Florida from 20132017, and graduated with a degree in Sports Management. While at the University of North Florida, Zachary played a pivotal role in helping the Ospreys reach their first Division 1 NCAA tournament appearance, by winning the program’s first Atlantic Sun Conference title, and reaching a program-high ranking of 49 in the nation. After graduation, he worked at Epping Forest Yacht and Country Club as the Assistant Tennis Professional and is excited for the opportunity that Timuquana offers.

Coach Greg and Coach Madeline with the TCC juniors at “The Free”

W W W.T I M U Q UA N A . N E T


Left: Michael and Jennifer Gutherie (left) with Lucy and Phil Bravo (right) Top: “Rockin’ our new Goodr shades in style,” with Matthew Bacon (right)

TCC MEMBER IN USTA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS The USTA 18 and older 5.0+ Women’s League National

With a 3-0 team victory and a tournament score of 2-1 Florida

Championships were held October 5 - 7 at USTA’s National

was headed for an afternoon show down with the 3-0 Southern

Campus near Lake Nona in Orlando, FL. Fourteen USTA regions

California Region. The singles line came out on fire, winning

from across the country were in attendance, playing for a national

the first set 6-3 and seemingly cruising to victory up 5-2 in the


2nd. Unfortunately, the heat and the experience of a formidable opponent can change things in a hurry. What seemed like a sure

A local team of ladies from Jacksonville were there representing

win, quickly turned into a 6-7 2nd set loss. The tiebreaker was

the state of Florida, including one of our members, Marie-Laure

even more dramatic, eventually, causing Natalia to retire at 9-10

“M.L.” Potter, who was on the team! The format for each team

from cramps and heat exhaustion. Final team tournament score

match was one singles line, and two doubles lines. On Friday

was 2-2. Southern California went on to the finals loosing to the

morning, Team Duval’s 1st match was against the Pacific

National Champions from Texas.

Northwest Region. ML and her partner, Natalia Lebedeva, dropped the 1st set before storming back to an impressive tiebreak victory.

Congratulations to M.L. and the ladies from Florida for a great

4-6, 6-0, 10-3. Unfortunately, the other two lines weren’t able to

showing at nationals.

pull out victories with singles falling 7-5, 6-2 and doubles 7-5, 6-3. With an 0-1 team score, they moved on to their mid-morning match up against the Southern Region. Singles dominated with an impressive 6-0, 6-1 victory, and line 1 doubles cruised in at 6-2, 6-1. Line 2 doubles of Casey Cohen and Susan Kirby fought hard, but eventually fell in the tiebreaker 6-2, 4-6, 6-10. Two wins were enough to claim victory over the Southern region and improving Florida’s team score to 1-1. Saturday morning was moving day and big wins were needed from the team for a possible semi-final birth. Team Florida started the day off right by winning all three matches against the Intermountain Region with singles 6-3, 6-3, doubles #1 6-2, 6-2 and doubles #2 with M.L. and her partner Casey Cohen 6-2, 6-2.


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Above: “M.L.” Potter (fourth from left) and her USTA team competing at the 5.0 nationals in Orlando


GOLF NEWS As we prepare this newsletter, it is still

On Wednesday, November 7, the LXV

through 15. Streamsong’s three courses

very hot. However, as the snow and cold

open will be played. This is our annual

are all rated in the top 10 for the state of

moves into the northern regions of the

Member-Member for golfers age 65 and

Florida and the resort amenities are first-

U.S., we’re reminded why it’s so wonderful

older. It is a morning shotgun and will not

class. If you are interested in joining Jason

living in Florida. Months like November are

occupy the entire course.

on this trip, please contact him directly in

great for all outdoor activities - and there

Friday, November 9 will be our Lights Out

the Golf Shop at 904.389.0477.

Golf. This was a fun event in 2017, and

While there are fewer events in December,

promises to be great in 2018! Sign-up with

it’s a great time to get together with

Our ladies’ scheduled events for

your foursome in the Golf Shop. Food,

friends and loved ones as they come

Thursdays in November are as follows:

beer and wine included, and you get to

home for the holidays. The Gator Bowl

Nov. 1 – Winnie Holmes Tournament

play the course at NIGHT! Walking only.

Pro-Am will be played on Thursday,

We will start around 6:00 pm. Cost: $45

December 13. This is a two-day event.

per person.

The first day is played at Timuquana

November 16 and 17 will be our Senior

with some of the best professionals and

are plenty of activities to try here at TCC in November and December!

Nov. 8 – Shelly/Madison Invitational Ladies from across Jacksonville will be here to play Timuquana. The course will open for regular play around 1:30 pm. Nov. 15 – Turkey Derby

Club Championship. The format for this event is 36-hole stroke play. There will be

amateurs from our area and beyond. All regular play must be off of the course at

three divisions – Championship (55+),

12:00 pm for the 12:30 pm shotgun start.

Nov. 22 – Thanksgiving

Super Senior (66-75), and Golden (76+).

The course will be open throughout the

No restrictions on the first tee.

The Championship flight will be a stroke

holidays. There will be no Ladies’ Days

Nov. 29 – Play Day

play competition; all other flights will be

on Thursday, December 20 or 27, and

stableford (Gross & Net). Please sign-up in

the course will be open on Monday,

the Golf Shop by Wednesday, November

December 24, and Monday, December

14. Cost: $50 per person.

31. It will be closed Christmas Day and

Thanksgiving is a popular time for golf

operate under Saturday rules on the day

Please sign-up in the Golf Shop if you are interested in playing in the Ladies’ Golf Association. Also, if you would like to play nine holes or less on Thursdays, please do. The back nine will be open from 9:00-9:30 am for ladies who want to get

at Timuquana. Please keep in mind that

after Christmas.

Friday, November 23 will operate with

See you on the course!

out and just play a few with no format.

Saturday Rules.

Reminder: Unless otherwise specified,

Head Golf Professional Jason Smith has

Clint Avret

the first tee will open for regular play at

arranged a trip for the membership to

Director of Golf

10:00 am on Thursdays.

visit Streamsong Resort December 13

W W W.T I M U Q UA N A . N E T


GOLFER’S IQ Improve your golf etiquette with helpful tips from the pros Be respectful of your golf course, the game and your fellow members 1) Early morning play can be fun but please take into consideration the golf course maintenance staff as they set-up the course each morning. Singles and twosomes may run into the set-up team so please allow them to complete their routine without interruption. 2) Our outside services team will continue to keep our range and chipping areas neat and clean, but you can help by raking golf balls off the chipping green after you finish practicing and standing the den caddies upright whenever you see them laying on the ground. 3) Our first tee area can get crowded during busy periods. Please remember that there are people putting (#9 & #18) as well as people teeing off near the first tee staging area. Please be respectful and keep conversations at a considerate volume.


GOLF COURSE New native plants went in

on the golf course off #16. This was part of the course



restoration, in areas where dead trees were removed, following hurricane damage from last year.

Everyone’s happy to be back in the swing, and school has started. After School Junior Golf has become very popular at Timuquana and we’re continuing to build a strong program. If your junior wants to join in the fun, please email Clint at to sign-up. - One hour sessions – please dropoff and pickup on-time - Maximum of 5 students per group (8 & under) and 6 students per group (9 & older); golf professionals will add students to the groups if they are not full to help us keep up with demand - Cancellations required at least 24 hours in advance $25 Member / $30 Guest


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Saturday, December 8 | 9:00 to 11:00 am

Saturday, January 5 | 6:00 to 8:30 pm

Santa is back! Join us for this fun-filled morning, featuring

Chase away the post-holiday blues with our family-favorite

photos with Santa, Christmas crafts, cookie decorating, and

Bingo Night! Enjoy dinner with the family while our team calls

more! And don’t forget to fill-up on your favorites from the

bingo for great prizes. Cost: $20 per adult; $12 per child; $2

breakfast buffet! This event is a sell-out every year, so make

per additional card.

your reservation today! Cost: $17 per adult; $12 per child. Timuquana Treehouse - Open at 5:30 pm

GOLF: STREAMSONG TRIP Thursday through Saturday, December 13 to 15 Timuquana has arranged for an exciting trip to visit Streamsong Resort in Bowling Green, FL. Departs early morning on 12/13; returns early evening on 12/15. There are 15 spots available. Single Occupancy Rate: $1096.50; Double Occupancy Rate: $844.50. Rate includes accommodations, two rounds of golf, and breakfast each morning. Contact Jason Smith in the Golf Shop for full details and to sign up; 389.0477.

GOLF: GATOR BOWL PRO-AM Thursday, December 13 and 14 The first day is played at Timuquana with some of the best professionals and amateurs from our area and beyond. All regular play must be off the course at 12:00 pm for the 12:30 pm shotgun start. The second day will be played at San Jose Country Club.

CAROLING & COCKTAILS Friday, December 14 | 6:00 to 7:30 pm | Casual Lounge Gather your friends and family to spread some holiday cheer! Enjoy complimentary specialty cocktails, hot cocoa, and hors d’oeuvres, while singing along to all of your favorite

New Year’s Eve

Monday, December 31 5:30 to 8:30 pm

River Room | Prix Fixe Menu (a la carte menu not available in River Room) Reservations Required Cancellation Policy Applies

holiday carols. Join us for dinner in Pow Wow or River Room following - call the Concierge at 388.2664 x. 100 to make dining reservations. This event is complimentary. Timuquana Treehouse - Open at 5:30 pm W W W.T I M U Q UA N A . N E T



Holiday Packages

It’s never too early to start thinking about the holiday season. This year is no exception. We are offering gift certificates for our famous combination of an Ageless Facial and a 30-minute massage for $99. We start with a back massage with warm stones, and finish with the best facial you’ve ever had! The Ageless Facial starts with a microdermabrasion, and finishes with needle-less mesotherapy for deeper product penetration and firming. If you want to step up to the next level, consider the Timuquana Beauty Bank. This is a year-long gift that keeps giving long past the holidays. Contact Maria Draggoo at for more information.

License # MA31258 EAF#FB9750066



The last two months of the year are always filled with family, friends, food, and other fun holiday activities and events. During November and December, we are encouraging our members to continue to exercise with consistency during all the holiday outings in an effort keep the winter pounds at bay. Each week, the Tanita scale will be available to track your biometrics through the holidays. The Tanita is a bioelectrical impedance machine that analyzes your body composition through fat percentage, fat-free mass, fat mass, muscle mass, total body water, basal metabolic rate, and your overall metabolic age. For the most accurate results, it is recommended that you stay hydrated and measure yourself on the same day and time each week. We look forward to working with you during the holidays!



To assist you during the holiday season, our trainers will be creating a daily workout of the day (WOD). The WOD will be posted on one of the columns outside of the Fitness Center office. These workouts will include upper body, lower body, core, and cardio components to them. To stay in the best shape, your body requires a variety of fitness workout routines to adapt confidently in a constant changing environment. These workouts are for the beginner, as well as the fitness enthusiast, as they will challenge you and place demands on your muscles and joints to build strength, stamina, and endurance. Break out


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of your norm and become a better you.





Social Opportunities

Attending a group fitness class gets you up off the couch and out of the same four walls of your home to meet people in your community. You are likely to have more fun exercising in a group than working out on your own. Fitness classes are a wonderful place to meet people who have similar lifestyle goals and needs. Make friends, have adult conversations, and discover solutions to problems as you talk with other participants before and after class.


Motivation Boost Participating in a group exercise class challenges you to work out beyond your perceived limitations. The instructor observes your body for signs of fatigue and pushes you to your limits. You are likely to work out harder than you would on your own, as everyone is exercising toward the same goal. A group fitness instructor explains the benefits of each exercise, which increases your reasons to complete the workout and keeps you returning to class.


Health and Form Benefits Group exercise classes are available in a variety of workout styles. If your goals are cardiovascular improvement and weight loss, select aerobic-based classes such as Cardio Blast, indoor cycling, or circuit/hiit training. Select FLEXX IT, Power Pump or Boot Camp classes if you also want to improve your muscular endurance and strength. If flexibility and postural alignment is your goal, a stretching, yoga, or pilates flow class is a nice option.


Accountability Support A group exercise setting helps keep you accountable to attend the class. When the instructor and other participants ask why you were absent, they generally are concerned for your well-being, and you will not want to have an “I sat on the couch� answer.

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DINING ROOM SUPERVISOR PASSES FIRST LEVEL MASTER SOMMELIER’S EXAM Please help us congratulate Leanne Groll, our Dining Room Supervisor, for successfully passing The Court of Master Sommelier’s Level 1 Exam! The first level course provides wine and hospitality professionals with a thorough review of the world of wines and spirits at the highest professional standards. The class and subsequent exam provide an intensive review by a team of Master Sommeliers on wine and spirits knowledge, proper wine service, and deductive tasting. Leanne’s knowledge will be of great benefit as we continue to enhance our wine program and our Wine Society. Please congratulate Leanne when you see her in the dining rooms!

ANNUAL WINE SOCIETY LAUNCH It gives us great pleasure to announce the second year of the TCC Wine Society. Over the past year, the Club staff has worked diligently on expanding and improving our wine offerings, wine events and dinners. Our list offers diverse and varied regions,

“I shall drink no wine before it’s time! OK, it’s time,” - Groucho Marx

varietals, well-known producers and hidden gems that we hope the membership will appreciate. As part of our commitment to enhancing the wine culture at the Club, we have developed creative programming that provides Wine Society members with fun and educational tastings, winemaker dinners, complimentary admission to the highly anticipated Gourmet on the Greens, and discounts on current wine offerings while dining at TCC. Please contact Matt Harrington to join: or 904.388.2664 x. 105

MEMBER BENEFITS // Educational seminars // First priority for all wine events // Two (2) complimentary tickets to Gourmet on the Greens

$275 Per Person Annual Fee Billed at time of registration. $275 fee is billed annually in September and automatically renews. Cancellations of Society membership must be done in writing by August 1. Annual memberships are not pro-rated and not reimbursable. $275

// 15% off all wines by the bottle, purchased

covers all member benefits.

from the Club’s wine list (a la carte only)


// 20% discounts to all wine dinners



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Wine Society members who refer three (3) members to the Society will receive a bottle of wine of their choosing ($150 limit) from the Club’s cellar.




Pull a candy cane during Open House for Wellness Bucks, Tennis Bucks or Golf Shop discounts Plus receive 10% off new golf club(s) and tennis racquets from 8 am to 5 pm and during Open House





20% off all golf bags


Free 30-minute personal training session with Mike with the purchase of any tower pilates package




30% off all Golf Shop and Tennis Shop ladies’ apparel





20% off outerwear and button downs

Free paraffin hand treatment or express facial with purchase of 60-minute massage with Maria





Special series of five sessions with deparment directors

40% off golf shirt with outerwear purchase

Clint - Golf • $350 Ruben - Fitness • $300 Matt - Tennis • $350

TENNIS Buy one


GOLF Buy two hats, get one free

TENNIS Buy two grips, get one free


15% off golf shoes

40% off pants/ shorts with golf shirt purchase








men’s/ladies’ top, get the second 40% off





30% off accessories


Free 15-minute warm oil scalp massage with purchase of 1-hour deep tissue massage with Kitty

15% off tennis shoes




20% off any two apparel items


20% off hats and visors



10% wildcard item of your choice


CANDY CANE SALE Pull a candy cane to receive Golf Shop or Tennis Shop discounts

*Discounts apply to in-stock items only

GOLF SHOP 389.0477 | FITNESS 387.6700 | TENNIS SHOP 389. 4332 W W W.T I M U Q UA N A . N E T



4028 Timuquana Rd Jacksonville, FL 32210 904.388.2664

Staff Greg Sheara, ext. 115 General Manager Holly Kaspar, ext. 131 Membership and Marketing Director Matt Harrington, ext. 105 Food and Beverage Director Lewis Walker, ext. 153 Executive Chef Lexi Herman, ext. 117 Catering Director Clint Avret, ext. 128 Director of Golf Billy McKenzie, 388-4798 Director of Outside Operations Alan Brown, ext. 120 Golf Course Superintendent Matthew Bacon, ext. 106 Director of Tennis Ruben Sagastume, ext. 144 Fitness and Wellness Manager Walt Bartman , ext. 103 Recreation Director Rusty Nicholas, ext. 139 Building Superintendent Dawn Cavanaugh, ext. 140 Controller Kelly Woody, ext. 138 HR and Member Billing Jillian Hickey, ext. 100 Concierge


TCC Annual

Christmas Open House

T U E S D AY, D E C E M B E R 4 7:0 0 TO 11:0 0 PM DINNE R | DANCING | MUSIC a complimentary, time-honored tradition

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