TCC: The Timuquanan Newsletter Sept/Oct 2018

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Timuquanan September /October 2018 | Vol . XLIV N o . V

Timuquana Country Club






4028 Timuquana Rd

To-Go 442.2454

Jacksonville, FL 32210

Tu - Th 11:30 am - 2:30 pm, 5:30 - 9 pm

Phone 388.2664

F 11:30 am - 2:30 pm, 5:30 - 9:30 pm

FITNESS CENTER Phone 387.6700 M - F 5 am - 10 pm Sa/Su 7 am - 6 pm GOLF SHOP Phone 389.0477 Tu - F 7:15 am - 6 pm Sa/Su 6:45 am - 6 pm TENNIS SHOP Phone 389.4332

Sa 7 am - 2:30 pm, 5:30 - 9:30 pm Su 7 am - 2:30 pm, 10:30 - 2:30 pm Brunch 5:30 - 9 pm

Tu - Th 5:30 - 9 pm F/Sa 5:30 - 9:30 pm Su 11 am - 2:30 pm Brunch, 5:30 - 9 pm T-STAND Tu - F 7:30 am - 6 pm Sa/Su 7 am - 6 pm 19TH HOLE

F/Sa 8:30 am - 3 pm

Tu - Th, Su 10:30 am - 6 pm

Su 11 am - 4 pm

Fr/Sa 10:30 am - 7 pm



A - G Jan 31, Apr 30,

Closed for Construction

After Labor Day

H - O Feb 28, May 31,

Aug 31, Nov 30

P - Z Mar 31, Jun 30,

Timuquana will offer its members, their families and guests exceptional social, golf and recreational experiences, which foster enduring friendships and preserve community.

VISION STATEMENT Timuquana will be recognized as one of the premier country clubs in the Southeast.


Tu - Th 8:30 am - 5 pm

Jul 31, Oct 31


Advertised prices are not inclusive of applicable taxes and service charges. Children’s Events Policy Our children’s events are designed for children aged 5 to 12. Children aged 5 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times. Parents of children attending an event must remain on property for the duration of the event, and alert the room monitor as to where they can be located. Timuquana Treehouse Timuquana Treehouse is designed for children aged 10 and under. Children must be at least one year old to participate. A full list of policies and procedures can be found online. Cancellation Policy Please note, a 24-hour cancellation policy is in effect for all event reservations unless otherwise noted.

Sept 30, Dec 31 Upcoming Board Meetings September 18 and October 23 Board of Governors Jason Burhyte, President | Edward A. “Chip” Dempsey, III, President-Elect, Membership Chair Jim Riley, Past President, Food and Beverage and Long Range Planning Chair | Mike Muldoon, Treasurer, Finance Chair William D’Antignac, Tennis and Fitness and Aquatics Chair | John Donahoo, Secretary | Bret Catto, Green Chair Tommy Dudley, Jr., Golf Chair | Mark Higby, House and Construction Chair | Anthony S. Kurlas, Entertainment Chair


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FROM THE BOARD Dear Members: Construction of our new pool is set to begin the day after Labor Day and is expected to take eight months to complete. While the evolution of a new pool will be an exciting event, the construction process will invariably cause some inconvenience to our normal routines. For much of the next several months, you will notice heavy

be a new casual eating area that has been christened “The Grove.” At The Grove, members will be able to eat meals near the pool and along the riverfront. There will be two largescreen TVs with a bar and stool design, as well as fire pits in the winter, that will engage all of our members in a fun and casual atmosphere. We believe The Grove is going to be a huge hit among our members.

equipment, vehicles and construction workers staged near

Some of you have expressed disappointment that there is

the construction site. This of course means that our parking

not going to be a baby pool or a diving board. You should

options will be impacted. The Club is currently working on

know that the Board has heard those concerns and has

a new parking master plan, but in the meantime, we are

drilled down on several layers to see if either or both could

prepared to open up certain areas around the Club, as well

be part of the new pool. We even delayed our permitting

as implement valet parking for overflow parking during

process for several weeks to discuss a potential alternate

heavy-use periods. Rest assured, the Board and Club

design presented to us by one of our members. Ultimately,

Management are doing everything we can to mitigate any

for the reasons set forth below, the Board determined

inconvenience you might experience during this time.

that the pool that was initially rendered by Chambers, and

Barring any unanticipated delays, the new pool should be open by next spring. It will include many new features and activities. In accordance with the Master Plan designed by our consultant, Chambers, the new pool will now be oriented toward the river. The number of deck chairs will nearly double from the current 36 spaces to more than 70 spaces. Instead of a baby pool, the new pool will have a zero entry with fountain features that leads to a larger swimming area. It will also include a large and wide area of steps leading into the pool from the opposite side of the zero entry. We have also increased the number of swimming lanes from 5 to 6, which will enhance our competitive swimming program. Also, there are a number of gathering areas located within the pool area which we believe will enhance games, activities and group conversations. As pointed out by many members in recent surveys, the current pool has poor and inadequate shade. The new pool resolves that problem by significantly increasing the amount of shaded space throughout the pool area for those who want to stay out of the sun. We will also have a new diaper-changing space and a larger and more convenient covered area for moms and dads with babies. We will also have completely renovated bathrooms. One of the most highly anticipated and exciting changes will

designed by ELM, is the way to go. BABY POOL To be permitted, the City of Jacksonville requires baby pools be located at least 50 feet away from a larger swimming pool. They cannot exceed a depth of 2 feet and must also be enclosed with a 4-foot high fence. This was not an easy decision. Given our limited space, if we were to build a separate baby pool, we would have to make significant reductions in the size of the larger pool, or alternatively, we would have to eliminate most of the planned new deck space and shaded areas. In the process, we learned that baby pools are becoming increasingly rare and are considered by many to be cramped and unhealthy. Fortunately, there is a compromise: zero entry access. Zero entry pools are not only safer, they are wildly more popular, fun and engaging for young babies and smaller children. Some of you have wondered whether this will create another type of problem; that is, the occasional need to evacuate the larger pool due to babies and young children having “accidents” in the pool. First of all, our experience is that many, if not all, of the members with young children currently use the “big pool” far more than they use the baby pool. Thus, in one sense, nothing is all that new about having babies and younger children swimming in the larger (continued on next page) W W W.T I M U Q UA N A . N E T


FROM THE BOARD pool. However, we plan to have a program in place to

by reducing deck space designated to lounge chairs and

require all diaper-wearing children to wear “swim diapers”

a substantial reduction in shaded areas – nor did it feel

in the pool. And, if a parent or grandparent has forgotten

it was appropriate to significantly increase the overall

to bring a swim diaper with them, our staff will provide a

cost of the pool by hundreds of thousands of dollars – to

complimentary swim diaper. This type of program works

accommodate a diving board.

successfully at Disney World and other fine clubs and resorts, and our staff will be well-trained to handle this issue at Timuquana. DIVING BOARD Perhaps the biggest challenge for our new pool design has been how and whether to provide for a diving board. We understand that a diving board has long been a part of the pool experience and tradition at Timuquana. Unfortunately, the combination of cost and other desired features of the pool included to meet the needs of the majority of our membership make the possibility of a diving board unworkable. For instance, diving boards now require a depth of 11.2 feet and a much wider deck area. In addition, a restricted swimming area is required near the diving board. Thus, if we wanted to install a diving board, the wide area of steps envisioned in our current design would not be allowed because that would encroach into the restricted swimming area. Again, our challenge for a diving board is not an architectural problem, but a geographic one. We simply do not have the space required for a diving board in today’s

activities will compensate for the loss of a diving board. In just a few months, a new Aquatics Director will be joining us. His credentials were highlighted in last month’s bulletin. With a new pool comes new and fresh ideas for activities and how we use the pool. For instance, we envision a pool that, for the first time, will have water polo and a couple of basketball hoops. Just imagine a net crossing the pool for water volleyball. Or a class for water aerobics. We hope to incorporate paddle boards and kayaks with our new and improved access to the river. The new pool design, with its increased lap lanes, should also be a huge benefit to our River Rats program. We encourage each of you to be engaged with our new Aquatics Director and to expand the experience of our new pool. When Chambers first visited Timuquana, they told us that the pool was old and outdated, and that it needed a “wow factor.” We believe the new pool will meet that standard, and that it will become another reason to engage our membership and attract new members.

permitting environment. Also, the Board has determined

We will keep you posted with periodic information

that the extra depth required for a diving board would be

about the pool as things progress. Should you have any

prohibitive given the proximity of the pool to the river, and

questions about the pool, please reach out to any one of

would likely increase the cost of construction by hundreds

us or our General Manager, Greg Sheara.

of thousands of dollars. At the end of the day, the Board determined that it did not want to compromise on benefits the new pool offers


The Board is committed to making sure that other

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Sincerely, Board of Governors



It is hard to believe that summer is now behind us, the kids are back to school, and we start turning our attention to cooler and hopefully drier weather. It was a wet summer with over 40 inches of rain since May, closing in on last year’s record-setting mark for Jacksonville. Through the hard work of the greens department, the golf course fared incredibly well and playability remained spectacular. The terrific course conditions, along with the tee box improvements made last month, should setup well for our fall tournaments. I encourage our golfing members to take advantage of all of the golf events right around the corner, from the new Ladies’ Wine 9 to the Gridiron Member-Guest.

EVENTS AROUND THE CLUB The next few months also bring a range of new social events to the Clubhouse. Get into the kitchen with Chef Lew and prepare a three-course meal as our favorite Executive Chef teaches you knife skills and some of his secret Southern recipes. For our wine enthusiasts, we are re-launching our Wine Society with brand new benefits, including tickets to our annual Gourmet on the Greens event in November, and exciting wine dinners such as our Spanish Wine Dinner on September 27. For the little ones, the Club’s Treehouse will continue to operate on most Friday and Saturday nights with Saturday, September 29 being a Spy Camp themed night!

REVAMPED MEMBERSHIP PREVIEW PROGRAM As you will see on page 6 in our Membership & Marketing article, we will be reintroducing the Membership Preview Program that was rolled out last October. We are thrilled with its success in attracting new members to Timuquana. We had 83 new members join under the Program, the average age of those members was 46 (9 years younger than the Club’s average); and those new TCC families have 119 children under the age of 16! As we know, the lifeblood of our Club is attracting new members and retaining the current ones. We encourage all members to take advantage of the program and propose a friend or colleague this year. With the new pool, renovated dining facilities, and a host of new events and programs to get involved with, there is a lot of value to being a member here at TCC. I look forward to seeing everyone around the Club this fall. Greg Sheara, CCM General Manager

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Having recently joined the Timuquana team, I am excited for the many wonderful opportunities ahead in this role. In just a short time, I’ve already learned that it’s the people that make Timuquana so special - and I’m looking forward to meeting all of our members and friends. Over the next few months, I’ll be working with our management team to identify direction and create a sound marketing and membership strategy to help support the Club, its membership, and to build and promote our programs. From the membership side, key initiatives will include improving member engagement, developing new processes for more interactive prospective member tours and new member orientations, member events, and enhancing the overall membership experience. On the marketing and communications front, I’ll be developing a solid plan to improve communications and marketing strategy, including both internal and external communications to keep members informed, and to better tell the story of our brand. This will include improvements to our printed and online materials, building our social media presence and enhancing our online footprint. In addition, I’ll be working to develop our public relations and community outreach, to better showcase Timuquana within the community and to reach new audiences.

MEMBERSHIP PREVIEW PROGRAM RETURNS A revamped version of the Membership Preview Program will return October 1, and run through the July 2019 Board Meeting. This exciting, short-term Program will offer prospective members an unparalleled opportunity to join Timuquana, and experience all that our Club has to offer, ahead of the opening of our renovated amenities. We encourage you to invite your friends and colleagues to apply! Full Program details are available on the members’ side of the Timuquana website, and will be emailed out to all members shortly. Feel free to also reach out to our Membership office for more information. Highlights include: - Special preview pricing on initiation fees for new members who confirm their membership within 60 days - Monthly statement credits for both the new member and primary sponsor for one (1) full year - The opportunity to spread the initiation fee over three annual payments There’s never been a better time to join Timuquana, with excitement building for our brand new pool and outdoor dining spaces, updates to the Pow Wow Room, and more. This will be the final run of the Program, and a fantastic opportunity to get in before the dust settles on these exciting improvement projects! I look forward to seeing you around the Club this season. Holly E. Kaspar, MBA Membership and Marketing Director


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GET OUR NEWSLETTER ONLINE WITH E-BULLETINS In an effort to continue the Club’s green initiatives, we are pleased to offer you the option to receive The Timuquanan Newsletter as an electronic-only copy, versus hard-copy. You’ll enjoy an interactive experience that’s easy to read on a computer, tablet or mobile device, and to share with friends and family. To opt-out of the hard-copy mailing and receive only electronic copies, see below for instructions on how to update your member profile and group preferences online. You can also email Holly Kaspar at with your name and member number to opt-out of the mailing and request electronic delivery only. From Your Desktop Computer: - Log into - Click on “Roster” (middle left of page - or under the “My Club” tab) - Click on the “My Profile” tab - Under “Opt-In Groups” (on the right side) scroll to “Receive E-Newsletter Only - Hard-Copy Opt-out” and check the box next to it For login support or mobile app instructions, please contact the Concierge at 904-388-2664 ext. 100

ONLINE PAYMENT OPTIONS REMINDER For your convenience, Timuquana offers online bill pay. Same day payments are processed Monday-Friday until 5:30 pm (nonholidays). To make an online payment, follow these simple steps: From Your Desktop Computer: - Log into - Click on “My Statement” (middle of the page) - Click on “Pay Bill” (upper left hand corner) - Create a payment portal profile (username/password) - Follow portal prompts

From Your Smartphone or Tablet: - Access the Timuquana page through the Clubessential App - Click on “Menu” and then “Pay Bill” (upper left hand corner) - If this is your first time logging into the payment system, click the link at the bottom of the page to create a new user payment portal profile (username/password); otherwise, returning using can simply login - Follow the portal prompts

ONLINE EVENT REGISTRATION Online registration is available for many Club events! To quickly and easily register, follow these steps: From Your Desktop Computer: - Log into - Click on “Club Calendar” (middle of the page) - Click on event of your choice and then click “Register Here” From Your Smartphone or Tablet: - Access the Timuquana page through the Clubessential App - Click on “Calendar” - Scroll to date of event and click on event of your choice and click “Register” W W W.T I M U Q UA N A . N E T






Friday, September 14

Monday, September 3 | Activities All Day

Celebrate football season and root for your team out on the

Celebrate Labor Day at Timuquana with activities all day including a poolside cookout and family fun, golf tournament, tennis clinic, and duplicate bridge! See our flyer for full details. Breakfast (standard a la carte menu) will be served in Pow Wow beginning at 7 am. Following the Labor Day Celebration, the pool will be closed for renovation. The Club will be closed on Tuesday, September 4.

LADIES’ WINE 9 Thursday, September 6 Join us for our first ever Ladies Wine 9! The game will be a 3-person scramble, and the course will be setup short and fun. We’ll have some of Chef Lewis’ favorite appetizers after

greens. Wear your favorite football team’s apparel during the event! Members may bring one or three guests. Lunch, golf, and dinner afterwards are all included. Cost $110 per player.

COOKING CLASS WITH CHEF LEWIS Wednesday, September 19 | 6:30 pm Sharpen your skills and your knives with Chef Lewis himself! Participants will head into the kitchen to work alongside Chef, preparing their dinner as they go. This event is limited to 12 adults, so call the front desk to sign-up today! Cost: $35 per person.

the round. Please signup your threesome at the Golf Shop.


Cost: $45 per person.

Thursday, September 20

FIRST FRIDAY HAPPY HOUR Friday, September 7 | 6:00 pm Toast the short work week with complimentary hors d’œuvres, live entertainment, and of course, the $1923 drawing! Following the drawing, join us for Chef Lewis’ signature First Friday buffet, featuring prime rib, fresh

Ladies - join us each Thursday on the course for different fun formats every week! Contact the Golf Shop to learn more and sign-up. Ladies can also play 9 holes or less on the back 9 at 9:00 am. The first tee will be reserved until 10:00 am.

FRIDAY NIGHT ENTERTAINMENT Fridays | 7:00 to 10:00 pm | River Terrace

seafood, soup & salad bar, and hot fudge cake. Cost: $21 per adult, $7 per child.

September 21 and October 12 OCT

12 Enjoy your favorite beverage and dinner out on the Terrace

while local musicians play. Great for a date night or an evening out with friends.



The team will meet weekly and have Interclub matches

Saturday, September 22 | 10:00 am to 1:00 pm

against other area clubs. Play is a two-person scramble

This is it! Time for parents and friends to see everything your

format. Cost: $395 per player. Call the Golf Shop to sign-up and learn more.

juniors have been working for! This one-day tournament will consist of singles match play in the following divisions: green ball, orange ball, and red ball. Coaches will help determine


divisions. Lunch, prizes, and trophies are provided. Cost: $25. S E P T E M B E R /O C TO B E R 2 0 1 8

LABOR DAY CELEBRATION SEPT. 3 | 11:30 AM TO 3:30 PM Water Slide

Pool Fun  DJ

Face Painting

Poolside Cookout $13 per adult // $7 per child  

Breakfast (standard a la carte menu) served in Pow Wow beginning at 7 am  

Full Menu & Regular Hours in the Pool Cafe 

Full Menu + BBQ Specials and Regular Hours in Pow Wow & River Room 

Reservations are not taken for the Poolside Cookout / Cancellation Policy Waived 

Golf Tournament - Net Best 2 Balls of 4 / 8:30 am “Labor with Your Littles” Tennis Clinic / 9 am Duplicate Bridge / 3 pm

DEMO DAY Saturday, September 22 | 10:00 am to 3:00 pm Come by to see the latest equipment from various companies at our semi-annual Demo Day! All purchases are run through the Club, so you’ll be supporting your Club and Golf Shop. Complimentary sandwiches and beverages

PRIME RIB NIGHT Thursdays, September 27 and October 25 Pow Wow and River Room OCT


Chef’s signature prime rib is hand-seasoned, slow roasted to perfection and served with asparagus and a twice baked potato. Enjoy your choice of a king cut for $25 or a petite cut for $20. River Room reservations accepted; call 388.2664 x. 100.

MEN’S CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP Saturday and Sunday, September 29 and 30 The Men’s Club Championship weekend runs September 29 and 30. Qualifying for the championship flight runs August 28 to September 13. Everyone is invited and encouraged to play. And be sure to enjoy the Low Country Boil in conjunction with the tournament on Saturday!


served - so bring the whole family and enjoy!


AVAILABLE 1/2 HOUR PRIOR TO ALL JAGS KICKOFFS UNTIL THE END OF THE GAME • Chef’s Signature Wings $8 • Pulled Pork Nachos $7

• Loaded Short Rib Chili Bowl or Over Crispy Tater Tots $7 • Buffalo Chicken Sliders $8 • Hummus w/Grilled Pita & Vegetable Crudite $5 • Warm Chocolate Chip Cookies $4 • Bucket of Domestic Canned Beer (6 Beers) $12

KIDS’ NIGHT: SPY CAMP! Saturday, September 29 | 6:00 to 9:30 pm While you’re enjoying the Low Country Boil, bring the kids to train with our team of super spies! Children will come up with their own spy names to put on customized badges, hone their spy skills, and watch Spy Kids. Dinner will be provided for all secret agents. Dornoch Room. Cost: $12 per child.

Hours: 5:30 to 9:30 pm


8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28


OCTOBER 12, 27

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Low Country Boil SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 6:00 pm | River Terrace | $35 per person

We’re heating up the cooler nights with our signature Low Country Boil!

Bluegrass, Beer, Bountiful Crustaceans & Chef’s Famous Banana Pudding!

GOLF MEN’S WEDNESDAY NIGHT GOLF Wednesdays at 5 pm | $15 cash per person Sign up by 4 pm day of play (individuals or pairs) MEN’S AND LADIES’ CLINICS Resume September 25

TENNIS $18 per clinic | Advance registration requested LADIES’ NIGHT CARDIO Tuesdays at 6 pm


BEGINNERS’ CLINIC Wednesdays at 6:30 pm Space is limited to six players per clinic

The most efficient and cost effective way for the Club

MEN’S NIGHT CLINIC Thursdays at 6:30 pm

(shown below). Since this will further restrict our already

FIRST FRIDAY KIDS’ NIGHT OUT First Friday of each month at 5:30 pm $30 per child, $15 per additional child

to help manage traffic during the period of construction.

CARDIO CLINIC Saturdays at 8 am (NTRP levels 4.0 and above)

to demo and install the new pool will be to create a construction area on the east side of the parking lot tight parking capacity, the Club will be adding valet service Beginning September 7, valet service will be offered on the following dates and times. Additional dates and times will be added based on special functions and private events.

Saturdays at 10 am (NTRP levels 3.5 and below)

Wednesdays/Thursdays: 5 pm to 9:30 pm

MEN’S CLINIC Saturdays at 9 am

Fridays: 5 pm to 10 pm


Sundays: 9 am to 2 pm & 5 pm to 9:30 pm

SEPT/OCT WINE SPECIAL Back by popular demand! Enjoy 25% off all bottles of wine Thursday nights

Saturdays: 9 am to 2 pm & 5 pm to 10 pm

All staff will be instructed to park off #10 and we encourage car-pooling/ride sharing whenever possible during the renovation. We appreciate your flexibility during

Cannot be combined with Wine Society discount

this period of disruption, and look forward to new facilities

KIDS EAT FREE NIGHT Wednesdays from 5:30 to 9 pm Mini Buffet in the Pow Wow Room Chicken fingers, tater tots, meatballs, marinara, buttered noodles and fresh fruit Must be accompanied by a dining parent or guardian

in 2019.

SUNDAY BRUNCH Sundays from 10:30 am to 2:30 pm $17 per adult | $7 per child | Children under 4 free Soup and salad bar, shrimp cocktail, Lamar’s omelette station, Belgian waffles, breakfast selections, fried chicken, seasonal vegetables and dessert station FRIED CHICKEN NIGHT Sundays from 5:30 to 9 pm River Room and Pow Wow Room $15 per person | $7 per child Three pieces of fried chicken, collard greens, mashed potatoes, buttermilk biscuit and sawmill gravy W W W.T I M U Q UA N A . N E T


ONGOING EVENTS F Fitness • G Golf • T Tennis SD Social and Dining M




Roll & Stretch 7 am // F FLEXX IT™ Intensity 8:30 am // F HIIT Synrgy 9:45 am // F Cycle 6:15 pm // F

2 Brunch 10:30 am Fried Chicken Supper 5:30 pm


Pilates Flow 8:30 am // F

9 Brunch 10:30 am

Yoga 6 am // F

Synrgy 9:45 am // F

Kids Eat Free Night // SD Pow Wow Room Mini Buffet Cardio Blast 5:30 pm // F

11 PGA JR League Fall Season Begins Duplicate Bridge 3 pm

16 Brunch 10:30 am


Fried Chicken Supper 5:30 pm

Men’s Wednesday Night Golf Game 5 pm // G



Fried Chicken Supper 5:30 pm

HIIT 7 am // F FLEXX IT™ Intensity 8:30 am // F


Events All Day

Ladies’ Night Cardio 6 pm // T




23 | Brunch | Fried Chicken Supper 30 | Brunch | Fried Chicken Supper

18 Duplicate Bridge 3 pm


25 Duplicate Bridge 3 pm


Men’s Club Championship Minimum Due: Last Names P - Z

Beginners’ Clinic 6:30 pm // T Yoga 6:30 pm // F


Roll & Stretch 7:30 am // F Fitness Mix 8:30 am // F


M O N DAY 30

Myofascial Release/Stretch 9:30 am // F

Yoga 6 am // F HIIT 7 am // F Yoga 8:30 am // F


Fitness: Haunted Trail Challenge Begins

Men’s Night Clinic 6:30 pm // T




7 Brunch 10:30 am

Duplicate Bridge 3 pm


Fried Chicken Supper 5:30 pm


9 Duplicate Bridge 3 pm

Gentle Yoga 9:30 am // F


Cardio Clinic (NTRP 4+) 8 am // T Cardio Clinic (NTRP <3.5) 10 am // T Men’s Clinic 9 am // T

Tennis: JR Member-Guest 12:00 pm



Brunch 10:30 am

16 Duplicate Bridge 3 pm

Fried Chicken Supper 5:30 pm


Power Pump 10 am // F Core Express 11 am // F


Brunch 10:30 am


Fried Chicken Supper 5:30 pm

23 Duplicate Bridge 3 pm

Brunch 10 am // SD Yoga Fusion 3 pm // F Fried Chicken Supper // SD

NAS JAX AIR SHOW Starts at 10:00 am Brunch 10:30 am Fried Chicken Supper 5:30 pm



30 Duplicate Bridge 3 pm




SAT U R DAY 1 Golf: Optional Skins Game

POOL CLOSED FOR RENOVATION - Limited Valet Service Begins -


6 Ladies’ Wine 9 Sign-up at the Golf Shop

Kids Eat Free Pow Wow Mini Buffet




6:00 pm


Kids Eat Free Pow Wow Mini Buffet

Course Closure: All players off course by 12:00 pm

Course Closure: First Tee Closed 9:15-10:45 am


Treehouse 5:30 pm


15 Treehouse 5:30 pm

Gridiron Member-Guest Lunch - Golf - Dinner Treehouse 5:30 pm

Cooking Class with Chef Lewis 6:30 pm


20 Ladies’ Opening Day Sign-up at the Golf Shop

Kids Eat Free Pow Wow Mini Buffet

26 Kids Eat Free Pow Wow Mini Buffet


21 Friday Night Entertainment On the Terrace 7-10:pm

Treehouse 5:30 pm

28 Treehouse 5:30 pm


Low Country Boil 6:00 pm Kids’ Night: Spy Camp! 6:00 - 9:30 pm


First Tee opens at approximately 29 11:00 am on 9/29 and 9/30 Men’s Club Championship

6:30 pm



Demo Day 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Treehouse 5:30 pm


Tennis: JR Club Championship 10:00 am


Kids Eat Free Pow Wow Mini Buffet

Wine 9 Sign-up at the Golf Shop






Kids Eat Free Pow Wow Mini Buffet



Friday Night Entertainment On the Terrace 7-10 pm

13 River Room Closed

Treehouse 5:30 pm

17 Kids Eat Free Pow Wow Mini Buffet


Men’s Member-Member 10/18 - 10/20

Course Closed

Course Closed

Kids’ Night: Safari! Dornoch Room, 6:00 - 9:30 pm


FL/GA Friday (Saturday Rules)




Minimum Due: Last Names A - G


Treehouse 5:30 pm

River Room Closed


NAS JAX AIR SHOW Starts at 10:00 am


Lobster Night

5:30 - 8:30 pm


Course Closed

Men’s Member-Member 10/18 - 10/20

24 Kids Eat Free Pow Wow Mini Buffet


Men’s Member-Member 10/18 - 10/20





Friday, October 5 The ever-popular Wine 9 is back! The event is a scramble

Haunted Trail challenge


OCTOBER 1 THROUGH HALLOWEEN DAY Come join us for our annual month of spooktacular fun and fitness. This challenge runs the entire month of October, ending with prizes and goodies for those who participated. The grand prize will be a 3-month, unlimited service of the Beauty Bank. See Maria for details.

format with a twist, where the front nine is set up as all par threes with wine tastings on each hole. Remember, each team must have at least one member of the opposite gender! Sign-up in the Golf Shop. Cost: $45 per player.

FIRST FRIDAY HAPPY HOUR Friday, October 5 | 6:00 pm

• Pick a haunted destination you will be “traveling” to and a figurine of your choice to represent your progress on the haunted wall board • Log in your daily miles based on the activity you do. Any outside activities (running, biking, etc.) must be started from the Club and end at the Club • Ways to earn miles: strength training, participating in group X classes, cardio exercise, receiving spa services • Earn bonus miles by participating in weekly quizzes and participating in the weekly bonus activity

First Friday is back with complimentary hors d’œuvres, live entertainment, and the $1923 drawing! Following the drawing, join us for Chef Lewis’ signature First Friday buffet, featuring Prime Rib, fresh seafood, soup & salad bar, and Hot


Fudge Cake. Cost: $21 per adult, $7 per child.


BEER DINNER Friday, October 12 | 6:30 pm


You may be familiar with Aardwolf’s beers, but you haven’t tasted them like this! Aardwolf’s team will bring us some of their favorite brews, which we’ll serve with Chef Lew’s


custom pairings. Throughout the night, we’ll hear about their beers and their brewery, and why each pairing works so well. This is sure to be a dinner you’ll remember! Cost: $45 per person.

JUNIOR MEMBER-GUEST Sunday, October 14 | 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm Show your friends why you love TCC Tennis! The Junior Member-Guest is open to junior members of all ages and divisions, and their friends. Don’t worry - if you don’t have a partner, we’ll help match you up! Cost: $25 each or $50 per team.


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OCTOBER 27 & 28 Bring your lawn chair or picnic blanket and enjoy a front row seat for the NAS Jax Air Show! The show begins daily at 10:00 am. Join us for breakfast or lunch in Pow Wow, or drinks in the Casual Lounge, and take advantage of the best view in Jacksonville!


TENNIS NEWS Even though the days were longer, this

The following are the teams and the

summer seemed very short! As I am sure


your children might have said, it went by

A2: Katie Kidd and Ros Volpe

too fast! We are wrapping up the last week of our tennis summer camp. The kids had a blast playing games, brushing up water-gun surprise from Coach Greg and

and Diane Madison

Joe. The smiling faces make those hours

C2: Patti Frykberg and Christian Mills

After a brief pro exhibition with wooden racquets, our members hit the courts and battled the morning away in their Wimbledon whites. A big thank you to all of the members who supported this annual event. Diane Madison has led a group of enthusiastic ladies participating in a USTA Tri-level team. Thank you, Diane, and the rest of the team for your dedication in the sweltering summer heat! All of our ladies have continued their hard work in our weekly summer clinics. We know their perseverance will pay off. We are already looking forward to a fantastic fall lineup for all of our members. Our ladies tennis pre-season camp ran from August 15 - 17, getting them primed for another successful season on the courts. I would like to thank all of the

Matthew Bacon returns to Timuquana Country Club as the Director of Tennis, after most recently directing the Junior

Our junior program kicked-off on August

Tennis Program

21 with offerings for ages 4-16 and all

at Sawgrass Country Club in Ponte

skill levels. September and October will

Vedra. Matt is an Elite Certified Pro who

highlight our families and our junior

currently is the USPTA District President

program. There is our Labor with Your

for North Florida. He brings enthusiasm

Littles on Labor Day – a fun event for

for the game as well as a wealth of

parents and children alike! Then, juniors

experience back to TCC, where he once

will get to showcase their skills in our

served as Head Professional. Matt has

Junior Club Championships. Finally,

been Director of Tennis at Deer Valley

juniors will show their friends why

Racquet Club in Boone, NC; Assistant

TCC tennis is the best with the Junior

at the Topnotch Resort and Spa in

Member-Guest in October. Don’t forget

Stowe, Vt; and was Head Tennis Pro at

First Friday at the courts with Coach Greg

Ocean Reef Club in Key Largo, FL. While

and our Kids’ Night Out! Remember to

studying marketing at Appalachian

sign-up early for this as it fills up fast!

State University, he served as Assistant

If you have any questions about which

Men’s Tennis Coach, where the team

clinics or leagues to join, please ask our knowledgeable staff. We will make sure you are in the right spot. See you on the courts!

incoming Captains for our fall ladies’ teams.


Smithwick B2 (First Coast): Katherine Smithwick

Wimbledon social was a huge success.

Top Right: Coach Joe and Greg with the KE Campers

B1: Shannon Graham and Katherine

on their skills and dodging the occasional

in the hot sun worth it! Our Breakfast at

Top Left: Harper Shad & Will Fackler

Matt Bacon

achieved national rankings in the top 65 schools, and players in the top 15 nationally. He has also been recognized as an Accredited Professional Coach by the USPTA, and has a certification in Cardio Tennis.

Director of Tennis

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LADIES’ TENNIS AT TCC We’ve had quite a few inquiries this summer about our fall and spring ladies’ tennis teams. Since the season is right around the corner, we hope answering a few frequently asked questions may be helpful. What does it take to be an A team, B

from 9 to 11:00 am. The A Team practices

touch with your captain and co-captain,

team, or C team player?

every Friday from 9 to 11:00 am. During

coming to practices regularly, committing

The answer here deals mostly with

the summer, these days and time do

to home and away matches. It does

Nation Tennis Rating Program, or NTRP


involve some traveling. Finally, we would

levels. For an A player, the NTRP level

What are the benefits of joining an

love to see our ladies playing outside of

generally should be 4.0 or above. For a B player, the NTRP level generally should be somewhere between a 3.0 – 3.5 player.

Interclub team at Timuquana? The benefits are endless! First and foremost, it is great exercise! The physical

For a C player, the NTRP level generally

benefits include weight loss and stress

should be somewhere between a 2.5

reduction. You get a chance to release

– 3.0. Here is a good link that can give

your stress on a fuzzy little ball! Socially,

you specific information about skills: National%20tennis%20Rating%20 Program.pdf. You can also find an older rating description with more details here: usta/pdfs/10013_experience_player_ ntrp_characteristics1%20(2).pdf – newer description from the USTA

Interclub league tennis. It could be social or competitive tennis. When you do not have a practice or a match, organize a pick-up match with some team members. Join a USTA league or a First Coast Tennis league. These leagues are easy to find and

it is a chance to meet new people and

join and are a minimal cost.

establish friendships that last for years

What is the cost of joining a team at

to come. There is a great camaraderie on


our teams at Timuquana. Often, you will

Currently, there is a $130.00 monthly

find many ladies enjoying lunch together

charge to play Interclub league tennis

after a match or a practice. Technically

at Timuquana. This covers all of your

and strategically, it is a built-in way to

practices for the month and coaching at

improve your game. You do not have to

home matches.

worry about finding 3 other people to get

We have a great tennis staff and would

What is the schedule of practices?

a pick-up game. The game comes to you!

Team practices in the fall and spring

What are some things to be considered

want you to experience the sport of a

when thinking about joining a team?

lifetime. If you have any other questions,

Joining a team involves a commitment.

please feel free to call the pro shop at

Things to consider include keeping in

389-4332, or simply drop in and say hello.

currently are two hours long. The B Team practices every Tuesday from 1 to 3:00 pm. The C Team practices every Thursday

love to help you improve your game. We

TCC MEMBER WINS USTA SECTIONAL USTA sectionals were held August 11 to 13 at the USTA national campus in Lake Nona, FL. Teams and players from all over the state were on hand representing their regions and divisions for a chance to win a state championship. One of our members, Marie-Laure “ML” Potter, was there representing TCC alongside her teammates from the Duval/FYC 5.0+ 18 & older women’s team. In their first match, they played Hillsbourgh - Harbor Island, winning 2 out of 3 matches to claim their first team victory. In their second matchup against Sarasota - Longwood, they won all 3 matches advancing as the leader in their flight. Beating the team from Broward - Veltri 3-0 secured their spot in the finals. On Monday the 13th, the ladies from Jacksonville brought home the state title, beating the local Orlando Orange/Seminole national campus team! Now this talented group of ladies takes their game to the USTA National Championships October 5-7. Congratulations, ML!


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OUR PROGRAM The TCC Junior Tennis Program fosters and develops junior players of all ages and skill levels. Our integrated program facilitates fun and learning, allowing

TUES & THURS | 3:30 to 4:00 pm / AGES 4 to 6 | Red Ball Group This program is our first level of youth development using the USTA Pathway Program Red Ball. It introduces basic athletic movement, balance, and hand-eye coordination. Kids have fun while making contact with the ball, even if it’s not over the net. Rates: $15 per clinic / $55 monthly (one day) / $110 monthly (two days)

players to easily transition to appropriate groups as they become more skilled in the games of tennis. Our tennis staff is committed to providing the knowledge and skills to enjoy this sport for a lifetime. SESSIONS There are ten four-week sessions offered throughout the fall and spring. There are one, two, and three-day options depending on your level of play: 1 - AUG 21-29

6 - JAN 8-31

2 - SEPT 4-27

7 - FEB 5-28

3 - OCT 2-26

8 - MAR 5-28

4 - NOV 6-29

9 - APR 2-30

5 - DEC 4-21

10 - MAY 2-25

SIGN-UP YOUR KIDS TODAY! Contact the Tennis Shop to register at 904-389-4332.

JUNIOR CHALLENGERS TUES, WED, THURS | 4 to 5:00 pm / AGES 6-12 | Orange & Full Court Green Dot Balls This is our second level of youth development using the USTA Pathway Program Orange and Green balls. This program is primarily played on a 60 foot court and includes beginner and intermediate levels. Kids continue working on balance, throwing, reactions, speed, agility and coordination. Emphasis is placed on stroke development, learning to keep score and playing singles and doubles. Players can participate in matches against other teams in the city via the USTA Junior Team Tennis Program. They can also begin playing junior tournaments to gain more competitive experience. Rates: $25 per clinic / $90 monthly (one day) / $180 monthly (two days) / $240 monthly (three days)

HIGH PERFORMANCE TUES, WED, THURS | 5 to 6:30 pm / AGES 10-18 | Regular Yellow Ball This is our highest level of youth development. It includes juniors interested in participating on their high school tennis team, as well as playing in competitive, sanctioned tennis tournaments. A working knowledge of tennis scoring and rules is necessary to participate. Juniors should be able to rally consistently with other players and show consistency in every stroke. Emphasis will be placed on point/game strategy, consistency and conditioning. This group competes in local and statewide tournaments and in high school tournaments against other teams. Rates: $30 per clinic / $105 monthly (one day) $195 monthly (two days) / $250 monthly (three days)

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Everyone’s happy to be back in the swing, and school has started. After School Junior Golf has become very popular at Timuquana and we’re continuing to build a strong program. If your junior wants to join in the fun, please email Clint at to sign-up. - One hour sessions – please dropoff and pickup on-time - Maximum of 5 students per group (8 & under) and 6 students per group (9 & older). Golf professionals will add students to the groups if they are not full to help us keep up with demand


- Cancellations required at least 24 hours in advance


$25 Member / $30 Guest

Football and Golf – a great combination

Guest. Members may bring one or three

stableford event. Everyone is invited and

this time of year! Right off the bat we

guests and we encourage everyone to

encouraged to play. In addition we will

have our Labor Day weekend events. On

wear their favorite football team’s apparel

have a Low Country Boil in conjunction

Saturday, September 1, we’ll have a skins

during the event!

with the tournament on Saturday at 6:00

game – net and gross. Make your own

Ladies golf is also kicking off with Ladies’

pm. We are going to make a big push for

group and sign up on the first tee. On Labor Day, Monday, September 3, there will be an 8:30 am shotgun and the game will be two best balls of your foursome. If this is not already sold out, please sign your group up in the Golf Shop!

Opening Day on September 20, featuring

this event!

different fun formats each Thursday. Also

As we roll into October, hopefully more

ladies, we will be offering the opportunity

moderate temperatures will roll in as well.

to play 9 holes or less off of the back 9 at

October is a great time to play golf. The

9:00 am. Please remember that the first

first event in October is the ever popular

tee will be reserved until 10:00 am on

Wine 9. Each hole is set up as a Par 3 and

September 6 will be our first ever Ladies’

Thursday’s going forward - regular play

your group must have a member of the

Wine 9! The game will be a 3-person

may start after 10:00 am from the first

opposite gender in the group. The format

scramble and the course will be set up

tee only.

is a captain’s choice and the cost is $45

short and fun.

We’re holding our semi-annual Demo Day

per player. These events fill fast, so please

On September 8, please be aware we

on September 22 from 10:00 am - 3:00

sign up today.

have a Golf Committee-approved, biennial

pm. All purchases will be run through

October 18 through 20 is our Men’s

event with some of our members and

Timuquana so you will be supporting your

Member-Member. Entries have been

guests. The first tee will be occupied from

Club and Golf Shop!

mailed, but if you need one please contact

9:15 to 10:45 am, with the groups turning

The Men’s Club Championship weekend

the Golf Shop.

from #18 - #1.

will be September 29 & 30. Qualifying for

As a reminder, the Friday prior to the

On September 11, PGA Jr League Fall

the championship flight will begin August

Georgia-Florida Football game will follow

Season will start. The team will meet

28 and will continue through Thursday,

Saturday rules.

every week and have Interclub matches

September 13. The low 15 scores from

against the other clubs in the area

the green tees will qualify. Tommy Dudley,

See you on the course!

As I mentioned earlier, football and golf

Jr. will be the #1 seed as the defending

go together, and on Friday, September 14 we will have our annual Gridiron Member-


S E P T E M B E R /O C TO B E R 2 0 1 8

champion. There are a couple of new

Clint Avret

wrinkles to the event. First, the Flighted

Director of Golf

Division, will now be a two-day net

MEN’S MEMBER-MEMBER Thursday through Sunday, October 18 to 20 Entries have been mailed, but if you need one please contact the Golf Shop. Play includes Match Play, Better Ball of Partners, Five Nine-Hole Matches, Overall Champion Determined by Shoot-Out. The field is limited to the first 60 teams. The entry fee is $425 per player. Completed entries must be turned in to the Golf Shop in-person or via mail, email or fax. Verbal entries will not be accepted. Entries must be received no later than October 5.

KIDS’ NIGHT: SAFARI! Saturday, October 20 | 6:00 to 9:30 pm Drop off your future zookeepers for a night of safari fun!

X Sp ok Bing y



Come in your costumes for a night of Halloween Bingo fun! We’ll feed your family of ghouls and goblins, while you try to fill your bingo board.

Games - Door Prizes Costume Contests

Children will make animal masks, do their best animal impressions, and watch Zootopia! Dinner will be provided for hungry adventurers. Dornoch Room. Cost: $12 per child.

$20 Adult / $12 Child


cancellation policy waived



GOURMET ON THE GREENS Friday, November 2 | 7:00 pm Early bird tickets are $50/person. On October 1, regular pricing is in effect ($65/person). Some of the delectable gourmet selections include Maine diver scallops, Colorado lamb, Chairman’s Reserve beef tenderloin, and more!

Improve your golf etiquette with helpful tips from the pros • Be respectful of your golf course, the game and your fellow member. • Hats & Shirts – At Timuquana we ask everyone to wear their hat in conventional fashion and make sure you and your guests have your shirttails tucked in. • Music is an important part of our daily lives. During


approximately 30% of the rounds played at Timuquana, players

Friday through Sunday, November 2 to 4

member and make sure your volume is where you and your

Our most exclusive and anticipated event of the year is back again, in partnership with Gourmet on the Greens! Invite your friends and join us for a weekend of good food, great friends, and even better tennis. Men’s and Ladies’ teams can sign up with combined NTRP ratings 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, 8.5, 9.0, and 9.5 divisions. Ticket includes entrance to Gourmet on the Greens, lunch, drinks, and gift bags. Cost: $275 per team.

listen to music while playing. Be respectful of your fellow group can hear the music, but not those who are one hole away. • Skipping – it is not cool to skip around on the course while playing holes. It is disruptive to others. If you do encounter a group and you are in a hurry, ask if it is OK to go on to the next hole and do not jump right in front of a group, no matter how fast you think you play.

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The Beauty Bank

Imagine being able to get an edge on aging! For a limited time, we are offering a blanket of beauty services for one price that you can use all year long. This includes an initial consultation, microdermabrasion along with microcurrent for the face, neck, and décolleté. Also included in your Beauty Bank will be your choice of one premium service of microneedling or mesotherapy treatment. The price point starts at only $1600 for $2955 in retail value worth of services included for the entire year! Please email Maria Draggoo at for your consult about this new and exclusive offering here at TCC. We use Image products: Image now, Age later. Microdermabrasion: Improves texture, fine lines and age spots from the sun. Our most requested service. Includes 24 visits/twice a monthly ($1440 value). Microneedling: Improves the texture of the skin from the inside out stimulating your body’s natural healing. The cells regenerate for up to 6 months after this procedure for increased collagen, fibrin and elastin regeneration ($195 value). Available as an optional, quarterly add-on at 50% off retail rate.

Needless Mesotherapy: This is our newest service which uses radio frequency for smoothing cellulite and toning neck and facial muscles as well as the abdomen and buttocks. Available as an optional, quarterly add-on at 50% off retail rate. Contact the Fitness Center for full program details and savings.

Microcurrent: Lifts the face muscles back up for a refreshed look that can take years off. It’s like exercise for your face. Series of 6 (twice a week for 3

Maria Draggoo | Esthetician License Number: EAF #FB9750066

weeks) and then twice a month ($1320 value). Ageless Facial included.



This complimentary, three-step process gives our members an opportunity to work with a fitness professional to be educated about their current fitness level. This begins with a consultation, comprehensive health evaluation involving biometric measurements and fitness testing (submaximal VO2 test, strength test, and flexibility test), all of which takes approximately 45 minutes. The second appointment is the individualized fitness orientation created by the trainer, based on specific goals and needs. Proper exercise technique and machine set-up will be learned during this workout. The third and final appointment is a follow-up fitness evaluation to determine new baseline data and fitness level after 5-6 months of following specific exercise protocols.




Single half-hour session......................…...........……………. $40 10 half-hour sessions………..................$350 ($35/session) 20 half-hour sessions………..................$600 ($30/session) 36 half-hour sessions……..................…$900 ($25/session) Single hour session…………………………………….…….........…… $65

Semi-Private Personal Training (2 to 4 people)

10 hour sessions………………..................$600 ($60/session)

Half-hour sessions…………….………………..... $20 per person

20 hour sessions………………................$1000 ($50/session)

Hour sessions……………………………………….…. $40 per person


S E P T E M B E R /O C TO B E R 2 0 1 8


shape of her life (which is a big deal for

fabulous Lynn Peterson, DPT, PMA-

Instructor extraordinaire and founder

a 25 year old gal in NYC).

CPT at Synergy Studio. Last year she

of Let’s Do Pilates, a mobile Pilates

Joanna fell so in love with Pilates that

embarked on a new path, and founded

studio based in education, balanced wellness, and mindful movement. Joanna is thrilled to be starting a Tower Pilates Program at Timuquana in the fall 2018! Joanna discovered Pilates when she was 25 years old, working as a sales rep for Equinox Fitness Clubs (West Village, NYC). She agreed to try private sessions with an Equinox instructor, and what she found changed her life. In just a few lessons, Pilates helped heal her scoliosis, alleviated her chronic back pain, and got her in the best


Meet Joanna Massey, Pilates

she left her sales position at Equinox

Let’s Do Pilates.

to become a Pilates instructor. She

Joanna specializes in mat Pilates,

claims this was the best (and scariest)

therapeutic Pilates, sport specific

decision she ever made.

Pilates, as well as Reformer Pilates!

Upon completing a 600-Hour

Whether you’re looking to improve your

Comprehensive Pilates Certification

golf swing, recover after a long tennis

at Erika Bloom Pilates Plus (NYC) in

match, get toned up for pool season,

2013, she taught in Pilates studios in

alleviate back or joint pain, or just feel

the Upper East Side, Brooklyn, East

and look your best, Pilates is for you.

Hampton, Montauk, and Turks and

Please email Joanna at letsdopilates@

Caicos (at Amanyara Resort). Joanna to schedule your first

moved to Florida in 2015 to be closer


to family. She started teaching for the

Private Tower Packages

Duet Tower Packages

30-minute Intro tower session…………….......................…………...... $40 (free with purchase of a package after session)

Single-hour duet……….……….…………………….........................$45/person

1-hour tower session……..............................………………………………… $75

5 duets………….………….........$200/person ($40/session per person)

5-hour tower sessions…………..........................…$325 ($65/session)

Semi-Private Tower Packages (3 - 4 people)

10-hour tower sessions……........................…..…$600 ($60/session)

Single-hour class…........................……………………………….…$40/person

5 tower classes………………………............$175 ($35/class per person)

NEW GROUP EX CLASSES CLASSES CARDIO BLAST Wed from 5:30 to 6:15 pm – A full body

ROLL & STRETCH This 45-minute class will release

workout that includes a dynamic warm-up followed by

the tension in your connective tissues, promote

intervals to improve cardiovascular fitness, increase speed,

blood flow through the muscles, restore mobility, and

endurance, and maximize calorie burn. This workout uses

decrease recovery time for prime activity. This class is

a variety of body weight exercises and provides a challenge

held on Mondays at 7 am and Thursdays at 7:30 am.

and intensity you need to get results fast!

CYCLE Tues. and Thurs. at 6 am and Sat. at 9 am to 9:50 am, beginning in October.

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ANNUAL WINE SOCIETY LAUNCH It gives us great pleasure to announce the second year of the TCC Wine Society. Over the past year, the Club staff has worked diligently on expanding and improving our wine offerings, wine events, and dinners. Our list offers diverse and varied regions, varietals, well-known producers and hidden gems that we hope the membership will appreciate. As part of our commitment to enhancing the wine culture at the Club, we have developed creative programming that provides Wine Society members with fun and educational tastings, winemaker dinners, complimentary admission to the highly anticipated Gourmet on the Greens, and discounts on current wine offerings while dining at TCC.

“I shall drink no wine before it’s time! OK, it’s time,” - Groucho Marx

Please contact Matt Harrington to join: or 904.388.2664 x105


COST $275 Per Person Annual Fee

// Educational seminars

Billed at time of registration. $275 fee is billed annually in

// First priority for all wine events

September and automatically renews. Cancellations of Society

// Two (2) complimentary tickets to

membership must be done in writing by August 1. Annual

Gourmet on the Greens

memberships are not pro-rated and not reimbursable. $275

// 15% off all wines by the bottle, purchased

covers all member benefits.

from the Club’s wine list (a la carte only)

REFERRAL PROGRAM Wine Society members who refer three (3) members to the

// 20% discounts to all wine dinners


Society will receive a bottle of wine of their choosing ($150 limit) from the Club’s cellar.

SPANISH WINE DINNER THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 6:30 pm Reception | 7:00 pm Dinner | $100 non-society / $80 society Javier Lopez, owner of Cellars Melis in Tarragona, Spain, will be joining us for the evening. The vineyards, located in the steep mountains of Priorat, produce wines of extreme quality and character, making them unique in the world. Javier’s wines have earned ratings over 90 points from critics such as Robert Parker, Wine Enthusiast, Wine Spectator and Wine & Spirits Magazine. Please visit the Melis website at to see why we are so excited to host Javier.


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SEPTEMBER 2018 1 Labor Day Skins Game Optional | Gross and net Make your foursome | Sign up on the first tee

3 Labor Day Tournament 8:30 am Shotgun | Optional Two best balls of four | Make your foursome First tee open for regular play around 1:15 pm

25 Course closed Christmas 26 Saturday Rules Day after Christmas 31 Course open Monday

4 Club and course closed

1 Course open New Year’s Day

14 Gridiron Member-Guest

17 & 24 Ladies’ Member-Member

Football themed | Bring one or three guests

20 Ladies’ Opening Day 22 Demo Day


Men’s Club Championship

Championship flight qualifying August 28 to September 13 | Sign up for flighted championship on or before September 13

12:30 pm Shotgun | Bring one or three guests One best ball on par threes, two best balls on par fours, three best balls on par fives

FEBRUARY 12 Pow Wow Sign-ups

18 - 19 Underwood Cup Matches

25 Memorial Day Weekend Tournament Optional Sign up on the first tee | Two best balls of four

MARCH 2 - 3 Four-Ball Championship and Annual Oyster Roast


7 Ladies’ Member-Guest

26 Saturday Rules FL-GA Friday

NOVEMBER 7 LXV Open One-day member-member for gentlemen 65 years and older

Better ball of partners | Stroke play


- 17

Senior Club Championship

23 Saturday Rules Friday after Thanksgiving

DECEMBER 13 Gator Bowl Pro-Am 23 Riley Family Tournament 24 Course open Monday

27 Memorial Day Tournament Optional | 8:30 am and 1:30 pm Shotguns Two best balls of four | Red, white, blue tees

28 - Jun 10 Aeration Course closed Topdressing of fairways and greens

12 Founders’ Day


14 - 17 THE PLAYERS Championship TPC Sawgrass

11 Course open 7:30 am

28 - 30 Pow Wow

28 Wine and Beer 9

Men’s member-guest Entries mailed mid-January

Captain’s choice | Fun event All par three front nine with wine/beer tastings on seven holes (each group must have a member of the opposite gender)


8 Shelly/Madison Tournament 9 Lights Out Golf

16 Ladies’ Closing Day Senior men’s member-guest Entries mailed mid-January

Captain’s choice | Fun event All par three front nine with wine/beer tastings on seven holes (each group must have a member of the opposite gender)

Five nine-hole matches

2 Course open 10:30 am

17 Underwood Cup Matches Contestant-Am

5 Wine and Beer 9

Men’s Member-Member


16 - 18 Spring Classic


- 20


18 One Day Member-Guest

10 am to 3 pm | Driving Range | Test the newest equipment from Titleist, Cobra, Ping, Callaway, TaylorMade, Nike and more - 30

FALL 2018 - SUMMER 2019


TBD Ladies’ Club Championship 6 Demo Day 10 am to 3 pm | Driving Range | Test the newest equipment from Titleist, Cobra, Ping, Callaway, TaylorMade, Nike and more

JULY 4 July 4th Tournament 8:30 am Shotgun | Optional | Moneyball


9 Cartpath Only Carts restricted to paths through April 23 for USGA U.S. Women’s Amateur Four-Ball


13 Timuquana Masters

9 Course open 11 am

Aeration Course closed Topdressing of fairways and greens -8

Apr 24 - May 1 2019 USGA U.S. Women’s Amateur Four-Ball Course closed

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Presorted Standard US Postage Paid Jacksonville, FL Permit No. 533

4028 Timuquana Rd Jacksonville, FL 32210 904.388.2664

Staff Greg Sheara, ext. 115 General Manager Holly Kaspar, ext. 131

R E G I S T E R F O R Y O U R A L L- I N C L U S I V E T I C K E T S T O D AY T O S A V E !

Membership and Marketing Director Matt Harrington, ext. 105 Food and Beverage Director Lewis Walker, ext. 153


Executive Chef Lexi Herman, ext. 117 Catering Director Clint Avret, ext. 128 Director of Golf

Director of Tennis


Ruben Sagastume, ext. 144

Timuquana’s signature food and wine festival is back, featuring even more wine tastings,

Billy McKenzie, 388-4798 Director of Outside Operations Alan Brown, ext. 120 Golf Course Superintendent Matthew Bacon, ext. 106

Fitness and Wellness Manager

gourmet food, live entertainment, and an open bar!

Rusty Nicholas, ext. 139

Register by September 30 for Early Bird Pricing of $50 per ticket!

Building Superintendent Dawn Cavanaugh, ext. 140 Controller Kelly Woody, ext. 138 HR and Member Billing Jillian Hickey, ext. 100 Concierge

Beginning October 1, ticket price increases to $65.

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