Short Term Disability (STD) STD is paid at 67% of gross daily earnings per workday. The STD period starts 8 calendar days after the start of the absence for illness or upon the exhaustion of sick days remaining to the employee, whichever is the later. Upon injury or surgery, STD will begin immediately or upon the exhaustion of sick days remaining to the employee, whichever is the later. STD continues up to 120 calendar days after the start of the absence or until the employee returns to work, whichever happens first. If you have not seen a physician before the beginning of the short term disability coverage, benefits will not be payable until after your first visit to the physician and appropriate medical documentation from the physician including a forecast return to work date, is provided to TMS. Separate periods of disability arising from the same disease or injury are considered to be one period of disability unless they are separated by at least 2 weeks of continuous full time work. The School supports an early return to work when medically sound. This could include temporarily reduced hours or modified duties during the duration of the disability/illness. Staff members are not considered absent due to disability for the purposes of this policy when a return to work is possible.
Leaves of Absence
An unpaid leave of absence must be pre-authorized by the Head of School. Service will continue to accrue during the first two (2) weeks of any authorized unpaid leave of absence. The employee will not be eligible for any TMS benefits coverage during the duration of the leave after 30 days.
Religious Holidays
Employees who request time off for religious observance shall be given: ● Up to two (2) regularly scheduled work days of leave without loss of pay for major religious days normally observed by the employee and designated as a day of obligation by the employee’s religion. ● Use of the Personal Day ● Any other days needed with pay will be at the Head of School’s discretion. Employees are required to provide a minimum of two (2) weeks’ notice of their intent to take this leave, identifying the specific religious holiday for which leave is required.
Personal Day Each academic year, regular full-time employees may, at the discretion of their Supervisor, be granted up to one (1) regularly scheduled paid work day’s leave for special circumstances. Employees are required to provide a minimum of two (2) days’ notice of their intent to take this leave, and follow the procedures for notifying the Head’s Assistant and their immediate Department Head.