TMS Employee Handbook and Policy Manual

Page 52

Company Name: Toronto Montessori School (TMS) Policy Title: Acceptable Use of Social Media Policy Owner: Vince Haines, CAO

Approver: Andrew Cross, Head of School Version: 1 Last Review: September 30th 2021

Acceptable Use of Social Media Policy Policy Statement Social media is becoming increasingly popular with people of all ages and, in some cases, has become a virtual meeting place for school personnel and students. Maintaining professional boundaries in all forms of communication, technology-related or not, is vital to maintaining appropriate professional relationships with students, parents/guardians and other stakeholders. At TMS, we use social media to create professional interactive virtual communities for students and the school’s wider community. Social media enables connectivity in the school’s community as parents/guardians, students and other stakeholders benefit from access to assignments and school updates or can engage with educational connections outside the classroom.

Definition of Social Media Social Media is defined as an Internet-based community where members post information and media pertaining to themselves and have the opportunity to find and interact with other members, particularly those with shared real-life interests or experiences. Social media and electronic communication encompass software, applications, including those running on mobile devices, email and websites, which enable users to interact, create and exchange information online. Examples include, but are not limited to, sites such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr, YouTube, Wikipedia, Picasa.

Professional Boundaries All employees must be aware that the educational use of social media and electronic communication requires cautious and professional use by everyone. TMS employees are governed by the school’s Acceptable Use of Technology Policy requiring respectful and responsible conduct. Every employee must know and maintain proper professional boundaries with students, even when students initiate electronic interaction. Employees are prohibited from connecting to students’ personal sites and can only engage in communication in the school’s established curriculum and social media venues. It is up to staff members to know and respect proper professional boundaries with students, even when students initiate electronic interaction. At all times school faculty and staff must use such social media tools in ways that are consistent with the mission and vision of the school and that comply with the Ontario College of Teachers’ professional advisory entitled “Use of Electronic Communication and Social Media” approved on February 23, 2011, updated Sept. 27, 2017. The off-duty conduct of our employees matters. Sound judgment and due care should be exercised at all times, even when off-duty. The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that teachers’ off-duty conduct, even when not strictly an exercise of one’s job duties, is relevant to their suitability to teach. School staff should maintain a sense of professionalism at all times – in their personal and professional lives. Avoiding improper, unethical or illegal activities is paramount in maintaining a safe and inclusive TMS environment. 52

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Articles inside

Workplace Violence Policy & Procedures

pages 102-108

Progressive Discipline Policy

pages 88-92

Workplace Harassment Policy & Procedures

pages 96-101

Remote Work Policy

pages 93-95

Human Rights Policy

pages 79-81

Occupational Health and Safety Policy

pages 82-87

Equity and Education Inclusion Policy

pages 74-78

COVID-19 Vaccination Policy for Teachers, School Staff and Eligible Students 66 Criminal Record Checks Policy

pages 70-73

Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Policy

pages 62-69

Alcohol and Drug-Free Workplace Policy

pages 55-61

Acceptable Use of Social Media Policy

pages 52-54

Acceptable Use of Technology Policy

pages 46-51

7.5. Leaves of Absence

pages 30-33

7.6. ESA Leaves

pages 34-37

7.7. Compensation for Partial Work Year

page 38

Accessibility - Integrated Accessibility Standards Policy

pages 42-45

7.2. Vacation Pay and Entitlement

page 27

6.3. General Benefits

page 23

7.1. Paid Holidays for Non-Faculty and Faculty

page 26

3.7. Professional Development

page 10


page 14

3.10. Confidentiality

page 12

3.6. Performance Appraisals/Growth Plans

page 9


page 25

5.6. Attire

page 17
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