Toilettage magazine English Version June 2015

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N°3 - June 2015

Toilettage Magazine English Version

Everything about the Persian

Animal Wellbeing : Osteopathy for animals

Safe Creative Grooming – Part 3

The Affenpinscher , that little monkey dog !!

Riza Wisnom Asian Style

UK Tour FROM 7th TO 28th FEBRUARY 2016

5 SEMINARS KENT on February 14th EXETER on February 17th CORBY on February 21st LYMM on February 24th IRVINE (near Glasgow) on February 28th

£95 only Observation or hands on. 10 places for hands on each day. You must bring your model if you wish to practice


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Toilettage Magazine – Mai 2015 – n°8

Au sommaire de ce numéro



Safe creative grooming – Part 3


Groomers of the World - France


Everything about the Affenpinscher





special day for our Grooming Magazine as we celebrate its first year of existence and with it, more than 11.000 readers all around the world. One year already and 8 issues which confirmed my passion for this beautiful art that is grooming


Groomers of the World - Italy


About the Persian Cats


Animal Osteopathy

25 26 34 31

Grooming Makeover by Julie Duguay (Canada) Dossier bien être : L’ostéopathie Before/After animale

Transformation par What is the APGA Julie Duguay

and my determination to keep going with this magazine. One year in which thousands of readers went through our articles all over the world, France, United States, Canada, Belgium, UK, Sweden, Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Spain, Italy, Russia, Australia, Equator, Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Chili, Japan, China and much more. To celebrate, we’ve decided to make the magazine bigger and incorporate a cat grooming full dossier in each issue. You’ll have more of everything and still with a minimum of advertising.

Thank you so much for your support Nathalie Ariey-Jouglard Creator of Toilettage Magazine Toilettage Magazine is a publication of the Association for the Promotion of Grooming Art. Non-profit organization Act 1901. Oour English online version is entirely free. To contact Toilettage Magazine, please email Nathalie at

On our cover, the Affenpinscher, Mr. Smith – Photo credit, courtesy of Mrs Julie McEvoy. Thank you so much Julie for these wonderful pictures!

Toilettage Magazine – Mai 2015 – n°8


The Persian on the cover – photo credit, courtesy of RMB Fotografie. Thank you so much Roman for these gorgeous pictures!


Toilettage Magazine – Mai 2015 – n°8

Safe creative grooming 3rd part – the hair Inspired by Linda Jomphe Before doing any creative, it is important that you understand that the structure of the dog or cat hair is very different from human hair. Some products may be harmless or almost harmless for the human hair and still very damaging for pet hair. Therefore, you will avoid the use of any human product on animals. The anatomy of the hair Hair grows on the skin from a pouch called a "follicle" located in the dermis. The hair then goes through the epidermis. On this follicle the sebaceous glands are attached and produce sebum, a body oil that helps lubricate the hair. The larger diameter bristles often have more sebaceous glands and therefore are generally fatter than fine hair. A hair consists of two elements, which is the root within the follicle and the stem portion going out of the epidermis. The latter is composed of a group of interconnected proteins forming a stable structure called fibril. The fibril structure is the resistant part of the hair on which other components are built (cuticle, cortex, medulla, pigments and cortical fusi). Cuticles Outer part of the hair that protects the cortex. Formed of overlapping scales without pigments, the outer portion tips toward the tip of the hair. Each cuticle has hardened and flattened during its growth in the follicle We can see different patterns depending on the hair cuticle Coronary: Shape of overlapping crowns. Delicate in diameter. (Rodent and mouse) Nested: superimposed flattened hulls with narrow border. Are often found in dogs. Spiny: Looks like flower petals, triangular, emerging from the hair shaft. (Cats) It is important to note that the shape of a cuticle can vary greatly, but the same pattern is found in the same species. For example, the cuticle of a hair will be nested, but with a different pattern than the dog. Cortex Under the cuticle, the cortex is inside the hair shaft. Composed of long keratinous filaments called fibrils, which are aligned in parallel to the length of the hair. The cortex contains the pigment granules and cortical fusi.

Dog cuticles

Human cuticles

Toilettage Magazine – Mai 2015 – n°8


Cortical fusi The cortical fusi are interstices in the hair shaft which appear as dark microscopic structures, typically at the proximal end of the bristles; they can be filled with air or liquid depending on the proximity of the skin. (Near the skin, the “pooches” are filled with liquid, which dries to the point. This explains brittle and dry ends). The pigment granules Molecules within the cortex that contains melanin, which gives hair its color. In human hair, the molecules are found outside the cortex, while in the dog and cat hair, molecules are found closer to the marrow.

Dog and cat

The marrow The bone marrow is a column of cells in the center of the cortex. In most animals, it represents more than half the diameter of the hair! As for the human hair it is only a small percentage of the entire hair! Human Dog and cat




Deer 4 shapes of marrow:


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Animal hair is classified in 3 types of base: Top coat: Hair on a short coat is the top coat. On dogs with undercoat such as the Husky, the top coat is the visible part of the hair. It is a protection against water (often water repellent) and debris, for example. The cuticles of the top coat are often very tight. Undercoat: For the dog with undercoat, it is the part of the hair that is not visible, under the top coat. It helps to regulate the temperature of the body. This hair is softer and more porous than the top coat, the cuticles are more open. Tactile hair: More often called vibrisse or mustache. It has sensory properties. Hair growth The hair is born in the deepest part of the follicle. It does not penetrate the skin, but grows through the follicle. The follicle is separated from the dermis by a membrane. That of the dogs and cats is composed of several hairs, normally a top coat hair and several small undercoat hairs. Still, it is possible than just one hair comes out of one follicle. The single follicle is found in humans, ruminants and rodents. The compound follicle is found in dogs and cats. Growth cycle of the hair The hair of dog and cat grows in 3 phases, to which adds a pseudo-phase:

The anagen phase First phase of the cycle that occurs when the hair is being produced and growing. The new hair in the same follicle along the hair death awaiting fall. The catagen phase Transition phase during which the growth rate slows dramatically. The base of the root moves away from the base of the follicle and migrates to the epidermal layer.

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The telogen phase Last phase where the follicle becomes dormant. At this point, the growth is stopped completely, and the hair is matured. Exogenous Phase Moulting phase that occurs in conjunction with the end of the telogen stage, and the beginning of the anagen phase. The new hair grows on the dead hair. As this phase is not separate and distinct, one cannot say that this is a phase, so it’s called the “pseudo-phase”. All follicles of an animal are not in the same phase at the same time. That is why even in times of molting, the animal always has a good fur coat.

The duration of each phase varies depending on the breed for both cats and dogs. The follicles of breeds, like the poodle, for which the hair grows continually, all have the same phase, the anagen, simultaneously. The follicles spend more time in this phase than the other 2. For this reason, the coat of these breeds should be cut or shaved. The follicles of some other breeds like Chinese dog are rather in the telogen phase, so the dog is almost continuously naked. The duration of the anagen phase can vary in the same rabreed, and even from the same litter! The longer this phase, the longer the hair.

A little bit of fantasy by Nadège Baillargeaux - France


Toilettage Magazine – Mai 2015 – n°8

Groomers of the world By Nathalie Ariey-Jouglard

Meeting in Paris with Anne-Marie Turmel

If she used to be a management assistant, AnneMarie has moved away from this business two years ago to become a groomer. During her career, she had already undergone training in aesthetic validated by three state qualifications including an international diploma. After heading an overseas institute for several years, she becomes assistant manager for personal reasons. But following a social plan in her company, she turned to a world she particularly affectionate, the dog. It is therefore natural that she decided to follow a grooming salon manager training after which she quickly opened her salon. In the meantime she realizes a market study, researches the industry figures, compares and analyzes the various socio-professional settings of the Parisian arrondissements, etc. She decides to acquire a little grooming salon situated in a block with potential but at a very reasonable price. After a few weeks of refurbishment to match with the concept she developed, Glam & Chien Paris officially opens on 11th July 2013. For her salon, Anne-Marie wished a bright environment, simple, serene and refined. Every detail has been carefully thought, the decoration, the functionality of the facilities and equipment, the color code, the lighting leading to create a “Glam and Dog Paris” atmosphere. She works with a passion renewed daily and ensures that each of its small "customers" receive care made without haste, in a sweet and caring manner. Her objective is to offer a moment of well-being, comfort and relaxation. She works in collaboration with educators and behaviorists that she will contact when a dog has a behavioral problem. This friendly approach, taking the feelings of the animal into account, allows her to groom without stress even though it appeared to be a tough one at first. Besides, she does not use any ventral leash or muzzle as she considers it as barbarian. No physical coercion in any form whatsoever is exerted on the animal. Anne-Marie is

Toilettage Magazine – Mai 2015 – n°8


working WITH the animal and not AGAINST and prefers giving up a grooming, whether physical or mental state of an animal does not allow him to support a complete groom. Thus she gains the trust of the wary or more fearful. For her, it is important for the owner to find a well groomed but also a relaxed dog when he comes to get him back.

The dog's well-being does not make her forget the necessary rigor to bring to the customer and at all levels, service quality and listening he is entitled to expect.

Achieving perfection and excellence.

As in urban areas, precisely in Paris, with all the problems that implies: o o

Pollution related to the exhaust pipes of cars, which left their traces visible in the bath water, Pesticides sprayed on the green areas frequented by dogs.

Anne-Marie has decided to groom only with organic products. She also offers a complete cosmetic line that customers find for sale in the salon. For the salon, to avoid any residual traces, she does not use chemicals. The floors are disinfected with steam. She uses white vinegar on the other surfaces. To guard against parasites, fleas, ticks etc, Anne-Marie uses essential oils with repellent properties. Incidentally, she also offers some organic terrines.

Despite the personal investment of time, energy, despite the schedule amplitude, the harassing days, sometimes difficult clients, I do not regret my choice. I thrive in this business completely. I always feel the same pleasure when I open the gate of my salon and every morning I take a moment to appreciate how lucky I am.


Toilettage Magazine – Mai 2015 – n°8

The Affenpinscher Guide

What does that name stand for? Affenpinscher is of German origin which means "monkey dog". "Affen" meaning "monkey" and "pinscher" meaning "dog". At the end of the 17th century, Germans first named the breed "Zwergaffenpinscher", literally "funny little dog." Originally, the Affenpinscher was bred in several sizes up to 45cm in height. Over time it is the "toy" size that was preferred and so it was no longer necessary to call it "monkey little dog". The prefix "Swerg" disappeared and it became only Affenpinscher.

Toilettage Magazine – Mai 2015 – n°8 BILL Photo Credit Julie McEvoy


History The Affenpinscher is one of the oldest terrier breeds and we find him already in the 16th century. It is even thought that the dog represented in one of the woodcuts of Albrecht Dürer could be a Affenpinscher and these works date back to the 15th century. In the 16th century Hans Hoffman represents in one of his works. It is found later in the works of Van Eyck or Renoir. From the 19th century, this German breed is very popular among actresses and women of the German aristocracy. In the early 20th, Evalyn Walsh McLean, who owned the "Hope Diamond" from 1911 to 1947, posed for a photograph with the diamond and an affenpinscher in each hand. According to legend, she often clung the diamond to her dog’s collar which involved regularly large hunts in the garden to find it. In 1902, 17 Affenpinschers are registered under the Pinscher Schnauzer Klub and this number increases in the following years with nearly sixty recorded each year. Unfortunately today, the Affenpinscher has almost disappeared from Germany. He then plays a role in the creation of the mini schnauzer and of the Brussels Griffon. Decimated during World War the few remaining specimens bring to the breed the shorter muzzle and prominent chin it has today. C’est en 1950 qu’Evelyn Brody importe trois affenpinschers aux Etats Unis où il gagne rapidement en popularité, si bien qu’aujourd’hui il y a plus d’affenpinschers dans ce pays que dans tous les autres réunis. Il faut attendre les années 70 pour que la race soit reconnue en Angleterre. Il s’y développe péniblement mais grâce à la persévérance de quelques passionnés, il y a aujourd’hui environ 25 éleveurs dans le pays et environ 100 naissances sont enregistrées chaque année. La France est bien moins gâtée, on recense seulement 3 élevages sur tout le pays et il n’y a que très peu voire pas du tout de naissances selon les années. In 1950 Evelyn Brody imports three Affenpinscher to the United States where it is rapidly gaining popularity, so that today there are more Affenpinscher in this country than in all the others combined. It is only in the 70s that the breed is recognized in England. It develops with difficulty but thanks to the perseverance of a few enthusiasts, there are now about 25 breeders in the country and about 100 births are recorded each year. France is much less spoiled, only 3 registered breeders throughout the country and there is little or no births at all depending on the year.


Toilettage Magazine – Mai 2015 – n°8

FCI Standard Summary Standard F.C.I. N°186 / 02.09.2009 / F AFFENPINSCHER TRADUCTION : Dr. J.-M. Paschoud. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: Germany. UTILISATION : House and Companion Dog FCI-CLASSIFICATION : Group 2 Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossian breeds Swiss Mountain and Cattle. Section 1 Pinscher and Schnauzer type. Without working trial. GENERAL APPEARANCE : The Affenpinscher is rough haired, small and compact with a monkey-like expression. IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS : The ratio of length to height shall make his build appear as square as possible. BEHAVIOUR/TEMPERAMENT: Fearless, alert, persistent and devoted, sometimes full of quick-tempered passion. He is an agreeable family dog in all aspects. CRANIAL REGION Skull : Round rather than elongated, altogether not too heavy, high domed with pronounced forehead. Stop: Clearly defined. FACIAL REGION Nose: Noseleather round, full and black. Well opened nostrils. Muzzle: Short and straight, not curved upwards. Bridge of nose straight Lips :Tight-fitting to the jaws. Lips are black. Jaws/Teeth : Complete (42 teeth) set of pure white teeth. The lower jaw protrudes beyond the upper jaw and is slightly turned upwards. The incisors in a healthy mouth are set as regularly as possible in a slightly rounded row. The canines and the incisors must not be visible when the mouth is closed, neither must the Affenpinscher show his tongue when the mouth is closed. The lack of two of the PM1, PM2 or PM3, or a combination of two of these teeth is tolerated. Eyes: Dark, rather round and full. Black pigmented, close fitting eyelids, framed by a circle of harsh hair. Ears: Set on high, carried evenly, turned forward. Vshaped, the inner edges lying close to the head. Prick ears should be small, evenly erect and carried as upright as possible. NECK : Straight, strong, rather short with strong set on. Throat skin tight fitting without folds. BODY : Strong, square and compact. TAIL : Natural; a sabre or sickle carriage is sought after FOREQUARTERS: Front legs sturdy, straight, parallel and not close together. HINDQUARTERS: Seen from side, standing obliquely with moderate angulation. Seen from rear, parallel. GAIT/MOVEMENT: Relaxed, fluent, mincing with moderate drive from the hindquarters. Seen from the front and the rear, straight forward and parallel. SKIN : Close fitting over the whole body COAT HAIR : The body coat should be harsh and dense. The head is typically adorned by bushy, bristly eyebrows and wreath-like hair surrounding the eyes, by an impressive beard, by the top knot and by the hair on the cheeks. The coat on the head should be as hard, straggly and sticking out as possible. It contributes essentially to the monkey-like general expression. COLOUR : Pure black with black undercoat. SIZE AND WEIGHT : Height at withers : Dogs and bitches 25 to 30 cm Weight: Dogs and bitches : appr. 4 to 6 kg.

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Grooming In brief The Affenpinscher is a breed quite easy to groom. Brush him every week and give a full groom every 6 to 9 weeks. Avoid clippers as much as possible in order not to denature the general appearance. This breed has to remain natural. You can use blending shears or trimmers to neat his appearance. Hair on the ear is very short. Not using your clippers or just a little bit is essential to keep the natural look of the coat. Your blending shears will help you to slightly neat the coat while keeping his shaggy look. A light brushing will help remove mates and dead hair. Some breeders have noted that the Affenpinscher has a tendency to dry hair and skin. Use the appropriate shampoos et avoid often bathing. A regular maintenance has to be made every week with a light brushing.

STANLEY Photo Credit Julie McEvoy

In details Let’s presume here that you already know how to brush the dog.

Hand stripping If you want to keep a shaggy but clean look, you must strip. On shoulders and body, the length of the hair should be around 2.5cm. It has to be long just behind the withers and shorter at the back. The hair in this breed will grow to a certain length before it separates. Most of these separated hairs will come along with the brush even before your start hand stripping. The remaining long hair will come off easily. This does not hurt the dog as it is dead hair. Lift the long hair up with your hand, a comb or a brush. Catch the tip of the long hair you wish to take off between your thumb and forefinger and pull it rapidly. With your other hand push the stretched area of skin where you are working. When you look at the other end of the hair, you would find a bulb, that's fine, it means that you have removed the hair in its entirety. It is advisable to wear a latex glove to the hand that plucks, so you’ll catch the hair more easily. Now rake the base from the base of the neck to the tail, then get down on the sides with a middle size stripping knife to detach and catch all loose and dead hair ready to be removed. Sculpt the hair length progressively. The coat should be longer behind the shoulders and along the rib cover and become shorter as you approach the back. On an adult Affen, this hair blends into the black coat at the withers. Sculpt these hair to create a neat line. If the tail is not well carried, use your thinning scissors to cut the hair off the tail in a curved shape, somewhat like a crescent moon.


Toilettage Magazine – Mai 2015 – n°8

STANLEY Photo Credit Julie McEvoy

Draw a well carried tail like an inverted ice cream cone. Brush the inside of the legs inwards and sculpt four straight legs as small columns. Neat the anus area with surgical scissors (rounded ends) for hygiene. Brush the hair on the top of the head going from the back of the ears to the top of the eyes area. Cut in a reverse U shape starting from the corner of each eye. To keep the eyes cleared, do a "fan" at the stop using surgical scissors. The hair growing on the top of the skull should blend to those on the cheeks, forming the eyebrows, the chicks blend with the moustache and the moustache with the beard. At the tip of the ears, cut the hair short. Neat the excess of hair inside the ears with your shears. Hair often grows widely in the ear canal. It has to be taken off regularly using an ear hair removal powder for example. At that stage you can check for any ear issues. Cut the nails, cut long hair on foot base to even with the pads and round the foot. Bath the dog following your usual protocol. Check the teeth. Dry. Et voilà!

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CH AVANTGARDE MR MOONSHINE (photo credit Julie McEvoy)

STANLEY Photo Credit Julie McEvoy


Toilettage Magazine – Mai 2015 – n°8

Groomers of the World Meeting with Erica Cei Boccalatte, creative groomer in Italy.

Erica is 47 years old and became a groomer 20 years ago by love for his Newfoundland Maremmano. Now her canine family consists of three large poodles, three Toy Poodles, a Miniature Schnauzer and a Shih Tzu; a pack she loves above all. She currently works between Milan and Monza.

She’s always been a bit of an artist and also describes herself as a little crazy. It is in 2007 that she participated in her first creative grooming gala organized by Paola Acco during the Master Show in Rimini. His first groom theme was on the movie "Dragon Heart".

After that, Erica decides to specialize in creative grooming to the point that Paola calls her back three years ago to conduct a demonstration during Master Show. Then, she conducted several demonstrations and workshops for groomers who wish to discover or improve in this discipline.

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She was also invited on a tv show where she performs live two beautiful roses for a wedding anniversary. Coloring, sculpture, extensions, and many other things, Erica gives many workshops in her country in an art she learned by herself. But she also teaches commercial creative grooming in her own salon. However, she had to deal with associations of protection of animals that make life difficult for the creative groomers in Italy. To contact her:


Toilettage Magazine – Mai 2015 – n°8

Toilettage Magazine – Mai 2015 – n°8


The Persian Cat

The origin of the Persian The name of the Persian cat would come from one of its presumed ancestors, the Turkish Angora, which comes from the area formerly known as Persia. He is credited another ancestor, another longhaired and gray cat, native of Khorasan. At the time, it was the blue variety of Angora cat which was white. It is first in the 16th century that it would have come from Persia to Italy to then win the heart of the French ladies of the bourgeoisie. He then reached England, where he has a great success first under the name of "French Cat" and "Chinese Cat" and "Indian Cat" and ending with the simple name of "long hair". In the 19th century, in England, the Persian is created by cross between the Angora and European type cats. It is estimated that the desired morphology for the breed would have been reached in 1850. At the beginning of the second half of the 19th century, English seek to round off the breed, including through crosses with British shorthair. They then select several colors of coat. First, with one color, at the end of the 19th century Persian particolored (bicolor or tricolor), tabbies, smokes, chinchilla, silver


Toilettage Magazine – Mai 2015 – n°8

and golden shades appear in shows. The first standard was established in 1889 and the breed is now called Persian. Soon, the Persian has its followers in the US where the selection continues. More in the extreme, it is even more rounded and the colors are diversifying. The cameo coat appears in the 1950s. In 1930, the US created a new variety called "Peke-face", referring to the Pekingese. This new variety was originally highly controversial in Europe in the 1970s and this controversy still persists today. On one hand, some defend the English type and the other American type. A persian cat in 1902

The single-colored Persian appeared in France in the early 20th century and the early breeders appeared between the wars.

Grooming by Helena Schmid - Switzerland

Toilettage Magazine – Mai 2015 – n°8


History of a Persian Cat In 1947, the Persian cat names "Baby" was the star of an article in LIFE magazine in the United States for the first and only cat blind guide in the world. Indeed, this white Persian allowed Carolyn Swanson, her owner to whom he had total dedication, to move every day and leave her under the eye both surprised and astounded of the bystanders. He helped her to cross the street. He would stop so that she would not cross when there were vehicles. He adopted the same behavior as any guide dog. Baby was awarded a medal for his devotion to his owner.

Some Persian Grooms By Helena Schmidt - Switzerland

Toilettage Magazine - English Version – June 2015 – n°3


Pet wellbeing

Animal osteopathy By Françoise Janssens

Osteopathy is a philosophy, an art and medicine both preventive and curative, founded in 1874 by Dr. Andrew Taylor Still. Like any medicine called "parallel", she treats the whole patient by seeking the causes of dysfunction rather than stop the symptoms alone. It was adapted to the animals by the veterinary surgeon Dominique Giniaux in the 1980s. It is based on manual techniques to search fingertips tensions and imbalances and restore mobility to different body structures (muscles, joints, fascia, organs, etc.). The osteopath, through its manipulations, will restore the general balance of the body and allow it to regain mobility and muscle tone. This is not a technical manipulation which treats only the locomotive problems of the musculoskeletal system, it also affects the respiratory, digestive, nervous, vascular, lymphatic ... During a session, the osteopath will first perform the history of our companion. That is to say, identify the complaint, describing its history, lifestyle habits, diagnostic and veterinary treatments already in place. Then comes the time of observation of his general condition, quality of locomotion, the osteopathic assessment and listening of the tissues. Finally, the


Toilettage Magazine – English Version – June 2015 – n°3

Pet wellbeing osteopath will free some "frozen" areas to restore mobility to the tissues and restore the overall balance. To achieve this, he will choose the most appropriate techniques in the most focused and comprehensive manner on the different systems. For this, he will know what structural manipulations to perform (brief, intense, localized), and the so-called functional manipulations that will accompany tissue relaxation. The information in osteopathy are multiple: a postoperative follow-up, to accompany a neurological disease or musculoskeletal (dysplasia, slipped disc, dislocation, sprain), following an accident, a fall, a sporting dog, aging etc ... For each animal, an individualized treatment plan will be set up, ranging from prevention to regular monitoring. This method is again a great complement to traditional veterinary medicine but cannot replace it. It is essential to follow a complete training to become an osteopath. There are several training centers in certain countries with a complete curriculum of 4 to 5 years. In other countries such as Belgium, only veterinarians are allowed to follow this specialization. It is therefore important to know the regulations in your country regarding this method of wellness for our companions.

Here is a before / after achieved by Monique Maestre (France) on an elderly York that had not been groomed for a year. An intermediate cut with mowing on the back.

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Grooming makeover of Suzy-Q by Julie Duguay (Canada)


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Hand stripping of Gwendy – Schnauzer. Groomed by Hélène, Au Bonheur des Chiens, Verneuil sur Havre

Athos – York groomed by Marie Agnès Levray – Grooming salon « Clepsy »

Your before / after in the next Toilettage Magazine? Send your photos to

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Baby cut on a York, groomed by Marion, at Snoopy’s Palace

Douchka, 6 years old poodle groomed by Océane Vallière on the occasion of her passing exam.


Toilettage Magazine – English Version – June 2015 – n°3


Groomed by Judyta Rzemieniec Poland

Elsa groomed by Jennifer Gayme, France

Toilettage Magazine - English Version – June 2015 – n°3


Happy Birthday Toilettage Magazine

Win a pass for the French International Grooming convention*

Toilettage Magazine and the Association for the Promotion of Grooming Art are pleased to offer one of their faithful readers a 2 days pass to access all the workshops, competition and trade fair of the French International Grooming Convention to be held on 12 and 13 September 2015 in the town of Saint Lô (50) in France. The winner will be chosen by random draw on August 5th, 2015. All subscribers before 31 July 2015 will automatically participate in the draw without any other necessary formalities. 30

Toilettage Magazine – English Mai 2015 – n°8 – June 2015 – n°3 Version

* Pass valued at € 90 without any other charges supported. Free game with no obligation to purchase, reserved only to our subscribers whose subscription has been registered before July 31st, 2015

Discovery The Association for the Promotion of Grooming Art – What is it? Founded in France in 2014 by Mrs Nathalie Ariey-Jouglard, the APGA is a worldwide acting Charity whose goal is to al low groomers to share their knowledge and experience. To achieve this goal, we organize workshops all around the world and allow groomers from all over the world to meet so me of the best speakers of the profession. We publish instructional books both in French and English such as the Complete Guide to Asian Style Grooming, by Riza Wisnom. We also organize bigger events such as the French International Grooming Convention tha t will take place in France on 12 t h and 13 t h September this year. In 2016, the APGA will travel to Spain, France and UK to offer Asian style seminars.

Young association but dedicated to its cause, we now plan to refurbish an old but lovely building offered to the Charity by Mrs Ariey-Jouglard in order to create a training and relaxation center for pet groomers that will welcome many workshops and seminars as well as a relaxation place for groomers. Several bedrooms will be furnished so groomers can stay at very small price in this green and quite environment and take the most of the trainings offered or just take their time to gather and spend some relaxing time together. The center should be ready to welcome groomers from all over the world by 2016. If you wish to support the APGA you can donate for the center refurbishment by following this link To know more about the APGA, visit our website

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Toilettage Magazine – English Version – June 2015 – n°3

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