Willunga Gazette October 2014

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Est. 2013 Issue: Vol. 2 No. 10 1 October, 2014 Please take one Printed 1,000 Emails 288


Gazette via email

A monthly publication of the Willunga Business and Tourism Association Inc

BANKSA CLOSURE PUBLIC MEETING 7.30 pm Tues October 14th Organised by the WBTA Venue: the Hub Agenda (minutes of meeting to be recorded) 1. Welcome and explanation by WBTA chair 2. Concerns – four speakers from the Willunga community 3. Guest speakers (hopefully at least one from Bank S.A.) 4. Options for the community 5. Resolution

Mock Accident The McLaren Vale Rotary Club is hosting the mock accident and trial again outside the Recreation Hall Main Rd Willunga on Friday 17th October 10am till 1pm


Willunga on the Move Willunga Old Police Station (OPS) Leased After a fresh paint job the Old Police station, which is owned by the Willunga Recreation Park, has a new lessee. Angela Gill of Willunga Beaute & Wellness will open 2nd October, offering facials, massage, waxing, spray tanning and much more. Open Tuesday till Sat .... call 0410 410 318 ... or 8556 2734 to enquire. Angela does have space for a sub-lease for like- minded therapies. Please give Angela a call if interested. As a major asset of the Rec Park the OPS will help raise funds to the ongoing maintenance of facilities and support of both sporting and cultural activities in Willunga. Brian Dempsey, Secretary, Willunga Recreation Park inc, 08 85564160 mob 0418 807 529

In other moves… Sophia Studio opens in the old ANZ bank building. More rooms are available for lease. Contact First National.

Clippers Hair Design moves down High Street to be closer to the Bakery. Businesses for sale I am Tall Poppy contact Corina Kowald 0422425945 Willunga General Store – contact Dawn Morrison 8556 2041 Development approved New development as part of the Willunga Hotel complex

-----Coming Up Friday Oct 10th Fernies at Fern Forest Nursery Saturday Oct 11th Lions Giant Trash and Treasurer Saturday Oct 18th Cinemallunga “Sound of Music” Friday Oct 24th – 26th Fleurieu Folk Festival Saturday Nov 22nd Willunga 175 Quiz night -------

Tired of being a Lonely Goatherd? Want to climb every mountain? Like to follow a note called 'lah'? Or just like dressing up as a nun? Why not join Cinemallunga's Sound of Music Choir? Whether you are six, sixteen or going on seventy we need a group of amateur singers who would like to sing heartily as the warm-up act at the Oct 18 Sound of Music show at 6:30pm. No experience or talent necessary! All that’s needed is a sense of humour and the ability to attend an evening rehearsal in the Show Hall. For more information phone Andrew on 0439 687 281

Willunga Gazette – published by Willunga Business and Tourism, PO Box 22, Willunga SA 5172 www.willunga.com

Editor: Tom Laing, willungagazette@gmail.com to be added to mail list or phone or text 0421 912 800 Advertising: Column: $120.00; Quarter page $80.00; Eighth $40.00; Sixteenth $20.00; Classified: $10.00 (25% disc for members)


WILLUNGA GIG GUIDE Alma Hotel – Bottom Pub Bookings 8556 2027

Friday 3rd October-Karaoke 9pm Sunday 5th October-Jazz 12-3 Sat 11th-Peter Smith 8-11pm in the front bar, in the function room Fleurieu Folk Festival Quiz night, Friday 17th-Classic Rock band Hemi-pacer 8:30 Sunday 26th-Full Circle 2:30-6pm Every Thursday-7pm free knockout 8-ball competition, win an Alma voucher Willunga Hotel – Middle Pub Lunch 12-2pm Dinner 6-8.30pm Bookings 8556 2135

Tom Richardson LIVE FROM VICTORIA solo acoustic 8pm start Friday 24th Oct TIMMIS & ADAMS 2pce acoustic 8pm start till late. LOOK OUT FOR OUR MASSIVE 5th BIRTHDAY MONTH NOVEMBER!!!!!! Old Bush Inn – Top Pub Sunday - Wednesday Lunch 12-2 Dinner 6-8 pm Thursday - Saturday Dining is from 12 -9.00pm Bookings call 8556 2032

Sat Oct 4th Chris Finnen electric Band Thu Oct 9th Open Mic with Tony Sat Oct 11th Spirit of Alondray Thu Oct 23rd Open Mic with Chris Finnen Sat Oct 25th Headphone Piracy

Friday Nov 14th 7.30pm KYLIE KAIN and band and in support Paula Standing Friday Dec 12th 8pm ERIC BOGLE


NEWS and FEATURES committee met with previous committee members and colleagues of Darryl and Margaret to thank them for their outstanding contribution to the Administration of the Rec Park and also Basketball Table Tennis and Chess clubs. Darryl was there for day 1 of the newly built Stadium (Festival Hall) in 1979. Recently he wrapped up his volunteer coaching of kids on a Sunday morning. Auditors loved the books Margaret presented as treasurer of the basketball club. So neat and complete. Darryl and Margaret are now closer to other family in Warradale and Darryl is happy the expressway has been duplicated just for him so he can get to his regular golf games at Willunga in good time. PS Darryl reports his new polo shirt works well

Cinemallunga News – The Sound of Music Returns Dust off your nun's habit and warm up the vocal chords – the Von Trapps are back! After a sellout showing last year Cinemallunga is pleased to announce the return of The Sound of Music, showing on Saturday October 18th in the Willunga Show Hall. Singing along, dressing up, a little yodelling and joining in will be the flavour of the day as audiences journey back to Austria and the story of the famous singing nun. Warm-up performances from community choirs will help everyone get into the spirit. As part of the Every Generation Festival, this event is highly suitable for all ages. All tickets are only $5, and with two showings – 1pm and

when he recently scorched the Willunga golf course.

------COMMUNITY 175 EVENTS IN OCTOBER WILLUNGA GOLF OPEN WEEKEND 11 – 12 October In honour of Willunga’s 175th anniversary, the Willunga Golf Course will hold a series of open events on Sunday 12 October for all registered golfers regardless of the club they belong to. A (12 stroke-handicap) and B graders (13 – 18 handicap) will play 27 holes, while Cgrade golfers (19 – 27 handicap) will play 18 holes. Winners will each receive a unique Willunga175 slate trophy in addition to the trophies to be presented by the Willunga Golf Club. Entry forms must be lodged by Saturday 4 October, either at the

6:30pm - there should be a time to suit. Tickets are now on sale from Aldinga Beach Newsagency, Yummy Nuts McLaren Vale and Tall Poppy Willunga. More info may be found on Cinemallunga's Facebook page, emailing Cinemallunga@gmail.com or phoning 0418 807 529 -------

Farewell Darryl and Margaret Peters

Margaret and Darryl Presented with embroidered Polo Shirts by President Paul Williamson

The Willunga Rec Park


NEWS and FEATURES club, by post to Willunga Golf Club, PO Box 186 Willunga 5172, or by email to wgc@willungagolf.com.au. Entry fees are $30 per player for A and B grade, and $20 per player for C grade. Direct credit BSB 015-456 Account number 198787434 Reference: Open with your Golflink number. On the Saturday, golfers, especially those not involved in the Open, can participate in a Pinehurst event, which promises to be a lot of fun. Enter via the Willunga Golf club’s website. HISTORICAL HYMNFEST 19 October Following on from the successful Evensong at St Stephen's Anglican Church in St Andrews Terrace earlier this year, a Hymnfest featuring hymns and anthems from the 19th century will take place at

the same venue on Sunday 19 October at 3 pm. All are invited to attend this pleasant Sunday afternoon event. Refreshments will be served afterwards and a gold coin donation to the Christmas Bowl would be appreciated. Since Willunga has always been a centre for agriculture, many of the chosen hymns will have a farming theme. ------CHRISTMAS IS CLOSER THAN YOU THINK! The theme for this year’s Christmas Tree Festival is “Past, present and future”. Entry is free and open to all, so now is the time for Willunga residents to start thinking about their

design. This event is a highlight of the year’s calendar and also aids the Act for Peace: Christmas Bowl Appeal. Staged at the Bethany Hall, adjacent to the Uniting Church in St Judes Street Willunga, the festival is open to the public on November 29th and 30th, with bus tours and school groups through the following week. Entries are now open if you wish to submit a Christmas tree for the festival. Contact Jenny Esots for an entry form and further information on 08 8556 2758 or j.esots@bigpond.com Entries close November 14th. Please feel free to pass on the information to your networks, colleagues, friends and family.


special 175th anniversary


As well as the usual range of eclectic music, the annual Fleurieu Folk Festival will this year host the launch of a CD of tunes about Willunga, written and sung by Willunga175 committee member, David Greenslade. David is well known in the Adelaide music scene and is the organiser of regular music nights at the Fern Forest Nursery. You can find all the details about the Fleurieu Folk Festival on their website www.fleurieufolkfestival.com.au

Letters to the Editor

Hi, My apologies for taking time to thank you for your support and assistance with the Hit the Hill event on Sunday 7th September. As I have said many times “the event worked” and was enjoyed by all who attended. It is always a risk when you organise an event with little or no precedent but thanks to the efforts of everyone who assisted it worked and we were very pleased with the outcome. I have received many emails from bike riders who were involved thanking us for organising the event and stating how much they enjoyed the experience. I have also received a lot of comment about the billycarts and what a lot of fun they were and how it was great to see them back on High Street. The hardest part of the day was setting up in time for a 9.00am registration of the riders with a 10am start and we achieved this without too much hassle. So I thank all of you who made the supreme sacrifice on a Sunday morning and got up early to help. To all those who helped with the packing up - a big thank you. We were able to be packed up and have the road open earlier than planned which was a good result. The one thing I have learnt throughout this year is how willing the residents of Willunga are to help with events organised in the town and Hit the Hill was no


NEWS and FEATURES exception so once again thanks for your support. There is a move afoot for this event to be repeated next year and possibly become an annual event. If this occurs I am sure we can build on this year’s event and make it a great day where High Street becomes alive with, not only bikes and billycarts, but other activities which will benefit all of Willunga. If you have received any comments or have any comments about this year’s event or possible future events please let me know. Regards Graham Ormsby Chair, Willunga175 Organising Committee


Dear Parents and Caregivers, On behalf of Willunga Primary School I would like to thank and congratulate everyone (parents, staff, students, families, relatives and friends) for their participation and commitment to our school's contribution to the celebration of 175 Years of European settlement In Willunga.

It was very heart-warming to see the manner in which everyone entered into the spirit of the celebrations and reenactments of yesteryear practices. The costumes that were being worn were authentic and eye catching. At one point a visiting caravan couple passing through Willunga stopped and pulled over to ask what was happening. They had never seen so many

children in period dress. When told what was happening they were amazed and extremely congratulatory.

Representatives from the 175 committee and the Regional Director attended as did members of the National Trust. Both parties were impressed with the school's commitment to the 175 years celebration and to the authenticity of learning about history of Willunga. As principal it afforded me one of my proudest moments of public education. The school will be producing a brochure to commemorate the occasion of last Friday. Once completed it will be sent to all families as a memento of the occasion.

Kilkenny Cycling Club once again presented a community event that provided fun and involvement for young and old. It was sponsored by Willunga 100 Wines and supported by Events South Australia and the City of Onkaparinga. Recreational and serious riders, aged from 13 to 76, challenged themselves against Old Willunga Hill in perfect conditions – cool and sunny, with a slight tail wind. The starting ramp was a real “bush mechanic” work of art, built at local business Ausvat by committee members and other willing volunteers. It was attached onto a flatbed truck lent by Joch Bosworth of Battle of Bosworth Wines and gave riders a flying start up the hill.

Winners in the recreational riders’ categories were Brandon Penny-Phillips (Junior Male), Tim Pritchard (Senior Male), Kathy Nixon (Senior Female), Denis Brown (Veteran Male), and Margaret Warner (Veteran Female). Tim Pritchard was the fastest of these riders, in a time of 9:25:68 minutes. To their delight, Willunga175 guest and champion cyclist, Stuart O’Grady, presented the trophies, together with giant bottles of Willunga 100 Grenache for the adults and specially designed jerseys for all winners. While riders pushed up the hill, other people were having a much easier time charging down High Street in the traditional Willunga billycart races. After a

Well done everyone!! Mick Underwood Principal -------

Photo: Angela Lisman Photography

FUN FOR YOUNG AND OLD It might have been Fathers Day, with Port Power competing in an AFL final and the Royal Adelaide Show in full swing, but that didn’t deter the keen cyclists and spectators who gathered in Willunga on Sunday 7 September to “Hit the Hill”. The Willunga175 committee, with help from Cycling SA and the


NEWS and FEATURES slow start, keen participants were soon queuing up to take their turn, amid much laughter, cheering and jeering. Billycart drivers enjoyed being towed back up the street in-train almost as much as racing down it. Stuart O’Grady took part in the celebrity billycart race, as did local state member for Mawson, Leon Bignell. ‘I was delighted to have so many local people volunteer to help with the staging of these activities and I want to give special thanks to those businesses that sponsored the events to help defray expenses,” said Willunga175 Chairman, Graham Ormsby. “Community involvement has been a focus of every activity the committee has organised this year.” -------

New housing in the Aldinga Arts Ecovillage When I drive over the rise at Maslins and see the beautiful Willunga ranges I

know I’m nearly home. What I like about living in the Aldinga Arts Ecovillage is that everyone waves to me and says Hi! There’s a new development happening within the Ecovillage – a cluster of eleven sustainable terrace homes built around shared space and strong community. We’re planning a playspace and a community garden and there’s been interest from singles and families to buy the two to four bedroom homes available. The development will be released soon. Prices will start from $287,000 for a two bedroom home. Anyone can buy one of the houses and they appeal to people who value belonging to a community. The Ecovillage offers so much more than homes designed for climate. It’s a healthy environment – lots of fruit and nut trees jointly owned by residents; lots of vegie gardens which means produce and

seed swapping and community preservemaking. A couple of young families are establishing a permaculture farm too.

Ecovillage and make it your home. 1 Dianella Way – eleven clever designed sustainable homes and gardens in this dynamic community.

The Ecovillage has pizza nights, neighbourhood get-togethers – sometimes around a wood fire, common interest groups such as knitting, crafts, playgroup and a men’s group. There is an outdoor movie theatre and a community shed. The Ecovillage is not a place where you feel isolated or lonely.

For more information have a look at our website: www.livingnotbeige.com.a u or contact Tricia O'Donovan 0402197116 -------

There’s a help-tree to support people who are unwell or experiencing difficulties – neighbours come forward with food, or a lift to the shops, child-minding or simply friendship. I’m involved in the arts group and we’re currently making 3m silk flags for an exhibition in next year’s Fringe Festival. The eleven new homes at 1 Dianella Way are being planned by Living Not Beige – a new South Australian company established by my partner Rick and me with a friend Hugues Vilette. Living Not Beige gets people involved much earlier in the process so that community develops along with the houses. Intending purchasers are able to shape the development so that its form and facilities are better suited to their needs. Construction is planned to start in the new year and Living Not Beige is now looking for people who may want to live at the Ecovillage in one of these new homes. Sometimes I think the Ecovillage is Adelaide’s best kept secret. It’s more than just a place to live. Right now, there is an opportunity to purchase new houses in the

Palitja Moore

Palitja Moore announces she is standing for local council in the Wine Coast Ward, City of Onkaparinga “I’m standing for council in the November 2014 local government elections. I am a strong independent voice for the local community and want to see us develop a rich, dynamic, inclusive community with sustainable jobs into the long term.” “One issue that many people have raised with me, and which has affected my family, is the lack of a bike/walk trail to connect Willunga with Sellicks and Aldinga, and then connect Aldinga with Seaford.” “With rising fuel prices and many locals having to travel some distance for work and young people needing independent ways to get around, it makes sense to complete this transit route for active transport – and at the same time value-add for our tourism appeal to cyclists - local, interstate and international.”


NEWS and FEATURES Ms Moore has been involved in community engagement for many years and is committed to contributing to improved health and transport services. “If elected I will work to develop local employment in technology, transport, education, health, tourism and hospitality, and will work to protect productive land and ecology to improve the quality of life of residents, provide employment, and value-add for visitors.” For further comment: Ms Palitja Moore – 0432 807 456 or palitja.moore@gmail.com -------

GET WALKING!! Its spring and the sun is coming out, so it s time to get outside and get moving. "Walking is the perfect exercise for the whole family!" local Physiotherapist, Marc Elliott, from Willunga Physio said. “It is one of the safest, easiest and most effective ways to keep our bodies functioning and moving well, while also being great for weight loss and to keep our heart/lungs and body’s healthy. “ “By walking we are gently stretching and using all of the muscles around our hips, back, knees and ankles, meaning things are less likely to stiffen up or get weak from not being used. It also puts the back in its favourite position – up right!! So is great to gently ease off those back aches and to keep the body’s joints ‘oiled up’ and running smoothly – much like taking a car for a drive to keep the engine running well.” Mr Elliot suggests walking is often prescribed as easy

exercise for his clients with lower back pain. “Evidence has shown that people who walk daily have much less time off work with lower back pain. They are fitter and spend less time on the Physio table”. Walking increases the heart rate which helps to keep our heart working well to supply our body with oxygen and nutrients in the blood; it also increases our breathing rate which is great for lung function! “Walk yourself happy” is a great local walking group for all ages and levels of fitness, supported by the heart foundation. . Through a walking group like this you can have fun, meet new people and look after your health while releasing endorphins (happy chemicals) in the body and enjoying the sunshine! For more information on these groups, visit www.heartfoundation.org. au/walking or phone 1300362787. -------

Hazel Wainwright nominates for Wine Coast Ward

Knowing your neighbours and working together to create a supportive environment is important for everyone from our older generation as well as to our youth and future generations to come, which ultimately should be underpinned by our local Government.

of our beautiful local environment.

I am not a member of any political party, rather, I Chair ABBTA, I am involved with WBTA, MVBA, Fleurieu Food, plus I am one of the directors for the local Bendigo Community Bank and I sit on the Council’s Economic Development Forum. In recent times I’ve worked as marketing manager for Fleurieu Living Magazine and now run my own events management business. I have a fair idea of the needs of small business and will work to help businesses prosper. I will do this by encouraging Council to ensure vital infrastructure is maintained and opportunities explored. I will always listen and work closely with my Community and I will remind Council that we must strive to promote economic development, but never at the expense

There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.

Vote 1 Hazel Wainwright for Wine Coast Ward -------

That's not my job This is a story about four people named: Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody.

Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought Anybody could to it, but Nobody realised that Everybody wouldn't do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done. -------

Forthcoming Deadlines November issue Friday 24th October December issue Friday 21st November January 2015 issue Friday 26th December

My name is Hazel Wainwright, if you know me, you will know and appreciate that I am committed to working tirelessly to improve the social, economic and environmental conditions of our lives here in the Wine Coast Ward. I believe Community is where we all pitch in to help, where we all look out for one another and where we can reach out and someone will be there.


NEWS and FEATURES Lykkebo Open Garden Saturday 20 & Sunday 21 September 2014. The Jensen family’s participation in Open Garden Australia was to raise funds for a Ret Cam machine for the Flinders Medical Centre, Neonatal Unit. Robert van Driel is the daddy on a mission behind Daddy’s little legend Neonatal Appeal. Robert and Georgia’s daughter, Charlie was born premature just over a year ago at Flinders Medical Centre and spent quite some time in the Neonatal Unit. This appeal comes under the Flinders Medical Centre Foundation umbrella. A total of $1,440 was raised for this appeal at Lykkebo’s Open Garden. Mother Nature provided perfect weather for the

Jensen Family’s participation in Open Garden Australia on Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 September. Both days the first visitors came through “Lykkebo’s” gate at precisely 10am, with a total number of 116 adults visiting on Saturday and 159 and numerous well behaved children on Sunday. A total of 275 happy visitors enjoyed a leisurely stroll through this productive garden and chatted with Karl Jensen, winner of the Advertiser / Messenger Adelaide’s best vegie patch in February this year. Karl commented that visitors shared a lot of their gardening tips with him. A big thank you to our sponsors: Ralph & Jan Wilsmore, who have a nursery at Myponga and donated geraniums and cyclamens to sell, we

received heavily discounted cake from Willunga Bakery, discounted sausages from Willunga Quality Meats, Noarlunga East Rotary club for the use of their BBQ and Murray Stinson for arranging pick up and return of the BBQ. The City of Onkaparinga sponsored the $32 permit fee for signage, trimmed trees and erected “Community Event” signage at the entrance of the “No Through Road” where we live. The Willunga Quarry Market loaned trestles, gazebos, witches hats, bollards and bunting. We are indebted to the following volunteers: Robert Sinclair for mowing our property, Brian Commons for assisting with setting up, and over the weekend the assistance of Jean, Kees, Rob, Georgia, Charlie & Andre van Driel, Marlene & Barry Powell, Judy & Brian Visser, Judy Dunn, Sean Forbes, Cate Goodfellow, Julia Hand, Joy Stinson and Karl, Lise and Erik Jensen. The Willunga and McLaren Vale communities and people from further afield have supported Daddy’s little legend Neonatal Appeal on several occasions during 2014. In February Charlie’s Grandmother, Jean Van Driel hosted a Morning Tea at Waverly Homestead, Lykkebo was promoted on 4 May at Discover Willunga Fair and recent attendance at Lykkebo’s Open Garden has contributed to over $3000 being raised towards the Ret Cam Machine. Also, a local community group and artist have further contributed to this appeal. Thank you everyone who

has supported Daddy’s little legend Neonatal Appeal for the purchase of a Ret Cam Machine for testing the eyes of premature babies cared for in the Flinders Medical Centre Neonatal Unit. Pamela Jensen 26. 09.14. -------

PREPARE YOUR HOME FOR BUSHFIRE SEASON Australia’s bushfire danger season has arrived so now is the time to clear leaves from your home’s gutters and run through your safety checklist, according to First National Real Estate, Willunga principal, Nick van Vliet. ‘Hundreds of homes were lost when serious fires broke out in NSW last October’ said Nick. ‘So we want to remind locals that although it might seem early, and some parts of the country have had plenty of recent rain, this weekend could be the ideal time to check your home’s gutters and run through some precautionary steps. By doing so, you, your home and your family will be better prepared.’ Nick van Vliet suggests homeowners and tenants take the following steps to reduce their bushfire risk: • Clear leaves from gutters, downpipes and roofs • Check roof vents and screen them with fine wire mesh • Check that pressure relief valves on LPG cylinders face away from your home • Cut back overhanging trees, mow grass, rake up flammable leaves • Don’t dump green waste behind your property, on council


NEWS and FEATURES reserves or in bushland • Check garden hoses are long enough to reach perimeter fences • Consider buying a portable, petrol driven pump to use from your pool or fire tank • Download the ‘Disaster Watch’ App and any available local fire service Apps For families considering holidaying away from home this summer, First National Real Estate recommends letting a neighbour know where you’ll be and how to contact you. ‘Take extra steps like turning off and disconnecting nonessential appliances, close all internal doors, test smoke alarms, and, if you live in a bushfire prone area, check with your local fire brigade for any fact sheets or checklists they may have available’ said Nick van Vliet. ‘Taking these simple steps now can make a lifesaving difference in protecting your home, and family from a fire’. -------

Willunga Show Hall The Hall is described as an imposing structure built of stone with brick facings & having a fine slate roof. Much of the material had been donated - stone by Capt T.Atkinson, slate by Mr T.Martin and much voluntary labour. The contractors were able to execute the work for the very low price of 360 pounds.

Willunga Show Hall circa 1905

Station. The Willunga, Aldinga and McLaren Vale Agricultural and Horticultural Society held Shows from as early as 1856. They were popular district events with numerous prizes for horses, cattle, pigs, wheat, barley, dairy produce, fruit, vegetables, flowers, implements, slate, poultry and wine. Until 1888, the early Shows were held in the Oddfellows Hall at Willunga and on vacant land between the Hall and the nearby Bush Inn.

Show gained a permanent home. The Hall (now called the Show Hall) was used for Shows, dances, picture shows, concerts and meetings. An Institute Library was conducted in the back room from 1922. The front rendered section was added in the early 1900s, and the Sports and Social Club was added to the back in 1982.

purchased in 1885 from Mrs. Pethick. In 1905 the Show Society erected a Luncheon Booth next to the Show Hall; but this was demolished to make way for the present Community Centre, opened in 1979, which includes RSL and CWA Clubrooms. An early cottage used by the CWA was demolished to form an entrance and gateway. Note a lintel and seat placed under the pepper tree. The Almond Blossom Festival Committee was formed in 1969 and since 1970 has held the annual Blossom Festival at the Recreation Park in July to highlight the almond industry and the picturesque blossom and to raise funds for the Oval and Community Centre. -------

At the rear of the Hall is the Recreation Park, the land for which was

On Willunga Show Day, 5 March 1890, the Agricultural Hall on the north side of the present complex was officially opened and the Willunga

Some of the old materials from the roof, very brittle old tiles, handmade nails & Oregon batons along with photographs of the new techniques used in the re-roofing process will be put together in an interpretative display at the Slate Museum at the Old Court House & Police


Community Notices Willunga Netball Club GRAND FINAL DAY Thanks to all of you that helped on the canteen or BBQ on the day. BIG THANKYOU TO THE FOLLOWING: STEPHEN AND LISA MILLER - MILLER ELECTRICAL, KENNARDS HIRE MORPHETT VALE, THE MCDONALD FAMILY, LJ HOOKER, JIMS MOWING MOANA, WILLUNGA LIONS AND CFS AND THE COMMITTEE! Thanks to those who worked on the Car Park it was much needed. - Paul Leavey, Sally and Dave Dunn, Stirling Lawrence, Taylah and Hannah Gregory, Mel McCauley, Steve Lenton. JUNIOR & SENIOR PRESENTATIONS CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FOLLOWING AWARD WINNERS: JUNIOR PLAYER OF THE YEAR - Tasha Jacobs,

SENIOR PLAYER OF THE YEAR - Taylah Gregory CLUB PERSON OF THE YEAR - Lynda Gregory JILL MAY TROPHY Brooke Semmens ASSOCIATION TOP TEN BEST AND FAIREST NIGHT CONGRATULATIONS TO: BROOKE SEMMENS - 13 Div 2 Association B&F And the May Amos Winner for most votes polled by a Junior MAKAYLA FARRANT 13 Div 1 Association B&F CAROL OVERY - 200 GAMES UMPIRING ROBYN MELLORS - 150 GAMES UMPIRING STARSY MAYES - 50 GAMES UMPIRING Carol Overy WNC Secretary and Publicity Officer -------

lock her in for this workshop Bring your easel, paints, brushes and plastic container for water (no glass) Our Evangeline - Admin assistant to Willunga Uniting and Spring Fair flower child. Thanks also to Nick Randall - minstrel and coordinator and Margaret & (Brian) Wall bakers extraordinaire & fair coordinator and all the many other helpers, visitors and inspired peoples who made the atmosphere on this day so special. -------

WHAG Willunga Hill Art Group is proud to have Roe Gartlemann run a painting workshop at Waverley Homestead on Saturday 15th November between 10am - 4pm. Roe is a well established artist and is always travelling throughout Australia conducting workshops, so we are very lucky to have been able to

BYO Lunch and cold drinks. Tea and coffee provided. Bookings essential. Members $40 and Non Members $60 Please contact Chris Olsen on 0403307173 for payment. Roe Gartlemann is totally at home in her studio in the hills behind Willunga on the beautiful Fleurieu Peninsula in South Australia. Her works are expressive developed mostly from the landscape and the figure using a variety of mediums. Exhibiting in SA and interstate Roe has received many awards and has a diploma in teaching (Art)(Hons), S.A School of Art. Roe does a lot of Mixed Media with Watercolour & Pastels but dabbles in many other forms.


Community Notices LOTS OF DAVES AT FERNIES Two outstanding young musicians, one a guitar virtuoso/ singer songwriter; the other a wonderful keyboard player and singer songwriter, appear at Fernies on Friday October 10 at 7.30pm. The first is from Victoria and his name is David Knight – highly regarded throughout Australia – a regular on Foxtel’s ‘Guitar Gods and Masterpieces’ program. Think Daniel Champagne and you’ll get the picture. The second is from Adelaide and his name is Dave Bowering – a recent finalist in the SCALA state wide songwriter’s competition. Dave usually plays keyboard and is lead vocalist in the band ‘The Cities Alight’. Both performers can be seen and heard at the Fern Forest Nursery on Friday, Oct 10, 7.30pm. Tickets $20 /$15 Wines by MINKO Ph: 0405130910 for more details and table bookings. There are other Daves who help out at Fernies – not nearly as talented. More info at www.wirracreekmusic.com.au or www.davidknightmusic.com or www.thecitiesalight.bandcamp.co m onkaparingacity.com/libraries .


Trees for Life Trees for Life meets monthly at the Eco Classroom, Tatachilla Lutheran College. Visitors welcome. Inquiries to Julie Turner, ph 8556 2401. 1st October. Revegetating the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth. Will Miles, Project Manager of the CLLMM (Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth) Community Revegetation Project, will discuss the achievements

of the local community in delivering one of South Australia's most diverse and widespread revegetation projects. 5th November. Willunga Basin Walking Trail. Chris Davies and Zara Lupton will talk about the trail they are working to establish. They have the support of the Friends of the Willunga Basin and hope that it will soon be part of the Council's trail network. Meanwhile there is a route and most of it is being walked by a group of enthusiastic walkers. -------

LETS South AGM Do you know what LETS is? According to Wikipedia’s description it is: A local exchange trading system (also local employment and trading system or local energy transfer system; abbreviated to LETS or LETSystem) is a locally initiated, democratically organised, not-for-profit community enterprise that provides a community information service and record transactions of members exchanging goods and services by using the currency of locally created LETS Credits. Did you know that Willunga has LETS South and you could be trading your goods and services right at your own door? If you would like to be involved in this very logical and sustainable system, read the newsletters and get in touch.

Centre on Saturday 25th October at 1pm. Come along and get a feel for LETS and all it has to offer. www.letssouth.com.au -------

Community Share Willunga Gifting Circle Sunday October 12, 5.30 – 8.30pm 62 Aldinga Rd Willunga RSVP 85289113 Jeff Simmons 85289113 jeffsimmons@iprimus.com.au

Book, CD, DVD Community Share Saturday October 11, 9 – 12 noon 1 High St Willunga 85289113 jeffsimmons@iprimus.com.au


Green Light Festival / Doco Film Festival Volunteer Opportunities This year’s November 15 Green Light Festival is bigger and more sustainable than ever including a Doco Film Festival on Friday Night & all Saturday. Opportunities for volunteers in both festivals are still available. Contact Christina: ecfestivalsinc@gmail.com for general volunteering and Jeff:jeffsimmons@iprimus. com.au to MC entertainment and guest

speakers. -------

WEC UPCOMING EVENTS CALENDAR WILLUNGA ENVIRONMENT CENTRE AGM PRESENTER........ Rod Wells- Digging up the past, Australia's giant extinct marsupials, or, where did all the browsers go?? Monday 20th October @7pm Wendy Builth- Arachnids from South Australia Tuesday 28th October @7pm Bookings essential. Please book by calling 85564188, online at http://willungaenviro.org. au/index.php/events-andworkshops Supper provided Gold Coin Donation appreciated -------

STARS GALA CONCERT Featuring Cabaret performers – SIDONIE HENBEST and PETER BUTCHER Announcement of the Winner of the STARS of Waverley Award Saturday 8 November 2014 7.30 pm Waverley Homestead St Peters Terrace Willunga

The LETS AGM will be held in the Willunga Environment


Community Notices Tickets $35.00 per head. Bar available and finger food included -------

STARS Presents Ochre Coast Poets 19 October 2014 1.00 pm Waverley Homestead Tickets $10.00 (Students $5.00) Light refreshments provided The Ochre Coast Poets will launch their latest poetry anthology. The group consists of local poets who meet regularly to tweak each other’s poems. They have performed their work to appreciative audiences at the City of Onkaparinga’s Poetry Unleashed Festival, Readers and Writers Festivals and at Friendly Street Poets regional events. The afternoon will include readings from the anthology and feature wellknown guest poets, David Cookson and Louise Nicholas whose work has been published widely.

Louise and David will share their poetry and their writing ideas accumulated over the years. It will be well worth coming along to hear the wit and poetic insights of these two accomplished poets. Enquiries: lindy.warrell@adsl.on.net Phone 0419 817 275 tessdriver@hotmail.com Phone 0418636188 or 85563816 -------

Onkaparinga Libraries present: One night, two plays a comedy and a romance Written by John Ovenden To be held at Waverley Homestead on Thursday 16 October at 6.30 pm $5.00 admission with light supper provided. This is an Every Generation Festival event. Bookings at Willunga Library 8384 0006.

Bridge lessons for Beginners Will commence again on

Friday 10th October from 1.00pm - 3.30 pm for 6 weeks. The last lesson being on Friday 21st November. The cost for the 6 weeks is $50.00. These are held at the Fleurieu Golf Club at Mt Compass.

Contact Richard 8556 7030 reindeerfarm@icloud.com or Bev 8536 2137 rowanco@hotkey.net.au -------

For enquiries please contact Marg White 0415673456 -------

Giant Pumpkin It's almost time to plant! Plans are already underway for the Willunga Giant Pumpkin Competition 2015! If you are growing a giant pumpkin, planting in October is the ideal time. So, get your green thumbs ready and head over to Willunga Physio or Office & Image to register and collect your seeds. Feel free to source your own seeds. The final weigh in will take place in May 2015.

Telltale and Vine Saturday, November 8 2014 Melt Frank Productions and Fox Creek invite you to the inaugural installment of Telltale & Vine on Saturday November 8. This boutique event will showcase an extraordinary mix of South Australia’s finest music, art, wine and food at the Fox Creek Cellar Door.

For more information please check out our Facebook page or email Sue at giantpumpkincomp@gmail.com

Good Luck! -------

Reunions HOPE FOREST, Montara, Enterprise, Dingabledinga residents and former residents are invited to share memories and memorabilia at a reunion organised for 11 am 26th October 2014 at the Hope Forest School then 12 noon at the Range Hall on Range Road. BYO food and drink for pooled lunch. Tea and coffee provided. Gold coin donation appreciated - byo seating as chairs limited. After a very successful reunion in 2012 a committee was formed with the aim of recording a history of the area and its people and pre-orders will be taken on the day.

The Bearded Gypsy Band

This family friendly event held in the spectacular surroundings of Fox Creek Wines, McLaren Vale will feature a collection of some of SA's best musical talent, including: Adelaide’s musical darlings, The Audreys; fresh from their tour of Canada, The Bearded Gypsy Band; the neo-soul, roots and jazz musings of Abbey Howlett & The Golden Realm; local musical connoisseurs, Cal Williams Jnr and The Fiddle Chicks and to top the day off, the party reggae rhythms of Irie Knights! Telltale and Vine will also highlight a variety of local visual artists including; DIY screen-printing by Fools and Trolls, artistic installations from Adelaide based artists Kelly Jade, David Waldie and Spiralling Sight.


Community Notices is happening on November 22nd, 1pm at Bethany Hall, Willunga, still only $25.

The Fiddle Chicks

A selection of delicious food, award winning Fox Creek wine, beer and coffee will also be available for purchase. Come along, pull up a rug, grab a glass and soak up the tunes! Telltale and Vine : Saturday November 8 from 2pm at Fox Creek Cellar Door; 90 Malpas Rd, McLaren Vale BYO deck chairs & picnic rugs Tickets $42 GA, $38 Concession, Children 12 and under, free Available online via: Moshtix OR Oztix -------

CHURCH NOTICES Willunga Uniting Church - October

Community News - Jenny Escots

Christmas Tree festival Entries are now sought to submit a Christmas tree for the festival. Contact Jenny for an entry form and further information: 08 85562758 or j.esots@bigpond.com Entries close November 14th. The 2014 Willunga Christmas Tree Festival is on the first weekend in advent. November 29th & 30th, 10am to 4pm @ Bethany Hall, Willunga. Opening by appointment for bus tours and school groups December 1st to 4th. Contact Lois – 85574182 for bookings. Advent Wreath workshop

Limited places for this one, so book early to avoid disappointment. -------

Anglican Pastoral District of Southern Vales

St Stephen’s Church, St Andrews Tce. Willunga. Service: Saturday 5.30 pm: Vigil Mass. All Welcome. Contact: Pastoral District Secretary, Telephone 8323 9155 Website: www.southernvalesparish.org

The discipleship program Following Jesus continues each week: Monday 7.00 pm: Home of Bob & Sue Smith, Seaford Rise. Wednesdays– 10.00 am, St Margaret's, Mclaren Vale; 7.00 pm St Ann’s, Aldinga.

4th Sundays of the month. Weekday mass is held at 9 am on Wednesdays, Thursday and Fridays. See www.willungaparish.org.au/

------ALL WELCOME to Christian Science Group

Sue & Doug March invite you to join them in sharing and discovering how we can all have fulfilling, peace filled lives. Come along at 10:30am on the 1st & 4th Sundays of each month. For more details call 8556 7314. Blessings.

------Coast and Vines

Coast and Vines Church in Willunga was established over 7 years ago by the current pastors Rod and Alice Dowie. It is a young and growing church living in the joy and freedom of Gods restorative purposes. As a local church we are

here to bless our community and to make a positive difference in our world. You are most welcome to join us on this truly enriching and exciting journey! Things coming up: ‘Mummy Link’ (a ministry of Genesis Pregnancy Support Services) is being hosted in the church facility every fortnight on a Wednesday at 10am (next meeting is August 20). ‘Mummy Link’ is for young mums and expectant mums, especially those who may not have close support networks – the program provides for a wonderful time to catch up, meet others and be encouraged in the most important job in the world! Please contact Jo Norton for more details: 0408 060407

St Stephen’s organises a monthly dinner at the Old Bush Inn on the 3rd Saturday night of the month, after the 5.30 pm service, for anyone wishing to join in for fellowship. The next dinner will be held on October 18th at 7.00pm. Bookings to Ted Sandercock 8556 4535 Fr Nick Shutt, from the West Dartmoor Mission Community, Devon, UK will be our priest during October & November. Willunga 175 Hymnfest will be held on Sunday October 19th at 3.00 pm at St Stephen's church, St Andrews Tce. Gold coin donation. All welcome. Stay for drinks and nibbles. See also the separate feature. -------

Catholic Parish of Willunga Church times

are the following in Willunga at St Joseph's Church, St Jude's street: 8:30 am on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays of the month; 10:30 am on the 2nd and


Community Notices ‘A Springtime Ball’ Celebrate the romance of Spring with a night of fun, glamour and foxtrot flair! 7:30pm at the McLaren Vale Institute (151-153 Main Rd McLaren Vale), Saturday September 13. This is the fifth old time dance event that has been run by ‘Jolly Good Events’ a not for profit initiative which raises money for schooling in Uganda. Each event has been a big hit. Come and dance the night away and be instructed by professionals on how to do the ‘fox trot’ and a bunch of other classics! $25 online www.trybooking.com or $30 at the door. 100% of proceeds go towards land purchase for a school in Uganda. ‘Jolly Good Events’ are strongly and happily supported by Coast and Vines Church. Don’t miss out! For more information phone Bonnie Dowie on 0448 448044 Coast and Vines Church 12-14 Aldinga Rd Willunga – PO Box 196 Willunga

SA 5172 Office 8556 2585 Mobile 0427 221126 Email coastandvines@bigpond.com





Service times: 10am on Sundays Coast and Vines Church is a member Church of the ‘Acts 2 Alliance’ (A2A) Network. For more information go to; www.a2a.org.au

Church Ministries: Men’s and Women’s groups – Children’s Church – Crèche – Prayer – ‘TNT’s” (Twenties and Thirties) – Youth – Counselling – Missions – ‘The Attic’ Op Shop (open Wed – Sat) Any enquires phone Rod Dowie on 0427 221126

------Willunga Events (To update this info email willungagazette@gmail.com )

Aldinga Bay Croquet Club Come and join us and learn how to play Association Croquet, Golf

Croquet and/or Ricochet. Association Croquet is on Wednesday a.m. and Saturday a.m. Golf Croquet is on Wednesday at 1 p.m. and Friday 9 a.m. Ricochet is on 11 a.m. Mondays. Courts at rear of the Aldinga Bay Bowling Club. Further information ring Bob 8556 2659 A.H. or Ken 8556 3787 A.H. Aldinga University of the Third Age If you are retired or near retirement and would like to keep your brain and body active meet new people, share your skills or learn new ones. Join Aldinga U3A. For more information ring Margaret 83830562. Classes run in school terms. Classes include poetry, history, creative writing, exercise, dance, gardening, films, lectures, excursions, philosophy and many more. Breast Cancer Support Group, Aldinga Med Centre, 89 Rowley Rd, Aldinga Bch Conference Room, Wednesdays fortnightly 10-11.30am, donation, contact Susie 0423 972 813 for details www.facebook.com/Aldinga BreastCancerSupportGroup

CINEMALLUNGA is restoring the old Willunga Show Hall into a cinema and arts venue. Bi-monthly events, usually on the third Saturday of Feb, April, June, Aug and Oct. If you have an interest in film, audio-visual projection, catering, promotion, cinema history, movie making or just enjoy the warm glow of a fun night out. More details Brian 0418 807 529 or Andrew 0439 687 281 Food Swap: Location: Adjacent to The Green Room on High St, 8-12pm When: Saturday, every fortnight You can contribute and choose from garden surplus fruit, veges, eggs, cut and or

dried herbs, conserves and potted seedlings. Just drop off your produce, labeled if you think that will help, and choose a few items for yourself. The Healers Market is the third Sunday of each month. Special focus on Health, Healing and Wellbeing and is held in the beautiful Singing Gallery 133 Main Road McLaren Vale. On offer each month is Massage, Reiki & Holistic Therapies, Psychic Readers, Crystals & Jewellery, Himalayan Salt Lamps and more. FREE ENTRY. All welcome. 11am - 4pm healersmarketmclarenvale @gmail.com 83841008 LETS South Markets Barter markets now held fortnightly on High street in Willunga next to the Green Room Organic Cafe between 9.00am and 12 noon. On alternate weeks is the vege swap. For more information contact Secretary Wil Heidt on 0414 484 723 or email enquiries@letssouth.com.au

Visit the website


McLaren District Veterans Golf Association based at the Willunga Golf Course. It is open to golfers who have reached the age of 55 years. Regularly play at various courses across the Fleurieu Peninsula. Darryl 8596 4128 Night Owls Lawn Bowls @Willunga Bowling Club every Wednesday @7.00pm during OctoberMarch Weekly fee of $5.00 For info Bowling Club 8556 2246 Probus Club of McLaren Vale, Willunga & Districts Our men’s club meets at 10 o'clock on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.


Willunga Events The Club is a group of retired men who meet for the enjoyment of each other’s company, an interesting speaker and a cuppa afterward. Our club does not raise funds nor have working bees. If you would like to attend a meeting, telephone Jim on 8556 2540 or Colin on 8323 7952 Rotary Club of McLaren Vale supports activities in Aldinga, Willunga, McLaren Vale and surrounding districts. Meet Monday nights for a dinner meeting at 6.30pm for 6.45pm at the Alma Hotel. Visitors and new members welcomed. Contact Kevin 8556 2968 Singing Gallery Music Market second Saturday of the month 10am-2,00pm Everything to do with music, poetry, storytelling and the arts. Dave 0413 358 618 dave@thesinginggallery.com.au Southern Cancer Club Providing friendship, social support, information & education but will not provide medical advice either clinical, alternative or new age. Meeting monthly on Monday anytime between 9-12 noon & 3rd Thursday anytime between 1-3pm at Christie Downs Community House cnr Morton & Flaxmill Roads. For more information call Jules on 8186 0048 or visit www.fcn.org.au Southern Onkaparinga Permaculture Gathering: Permaculture is a design system for creating a small garden to designing a large office building, farm or entire village. All welcome. Shared lunch and relevant workshops and discussions. Location: Different each month, the third Sunday of each month. Prior contact essential: Jeff Simmons 85289113 Southern Vales View Club (VIEW – Voice, Interests, Education of Women), invites ladies to join our meetings at Carmel’s Bar and Grill, 250 Main Road, McLaren Vale, on the second Friday of each month at 10.30 for an 11.00am start. All very welcome. Contact Marlene on 8323 8861 or email marbarpowell@bigpond.com for further information. Southern Vales Wellbeing group meets at the Singing Gallery every Wednesday from 1.00pm to 3.30pm during school terms cost $4.50 Contact Lesley 8323 8527 STARS - Southern Theatre and Arts Supports The phone number for bookings and information is Carolyn 0438 859 788 visit www.stars.org.au or email starswillunga@hotmail.com The Ladies' Probus Club of the Southern Vales meets for fun and friendship at 10.00 am on the third Monday in the Lutheran Church Hall, Aldersey Street, McLaren Vale. New members and visitors are welcome and for info please telephone Evelyn on 83239504 or Pam on 83239977.

Top Pub Poetry The Old Bush Inn 7.30-9.00pm every 2nd Wednesday of the month. Dinner at 6.30 poetry at 7.30pm Convenor Moira 0451 30 0090 toppubpoetry@gmail.com Trees for Life, Willunga District. (ref 05) General meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month (except January) at 7.30pm in the Eco Classroom at Tatachilla Lutheran College Enquiries to Julie Turner julieturner@ iprimus.com.au or 8556 2401 Wellbeing at Willunga Market first Saturday of each month. This market has a special focus on Wellbeing, Health and Healing. Stalls include massage, reiki & crystal healing, Psychic Readers, Jewellery & Clothing, Gifts & Books, Himalayan Salt Lamps and a Cafe. Free workshop and meditation each month. FREE ENTRY Willunga Rec Centre 9-2pm wellbeingatwillunga@gmail.com 0427793314 Willunga Artisans Market second Saturday of each month 9am -1pm Show Hall Willunga Basketball - new players are always welcome. Men’s comp Wednesday nights Women’s comp Tuesday nights Juniors throughout the week Contact Margaret 8556 2360 or 0421 358 326 Willunga Bowling Club Inc Come and enjoy social bowls Tuesday and Saturday 12.00 for 12.30pm start Fee $5.00 Contact Vic 8557 4030 or Ian 8556 2246 or message 8556 2246 Willunga Business and Tourism exec meets5.30pm, 1st Tuesday of the Month at the Old Bush Inn, High Street, Willunga Willunga CFS training Wednesday 7.00 for 7.30pm at fire station, meetings 2nd Wednesdays of the month. Admin Coordinator Paddy Wilkinson 85562352 Willunga District Community Bus Inc, Lot 104 Lacey Drive Aldinga Beach 5173 phone 8557 7899. We transport the frail aged and disadvantaged door to door Monday to Friday. Willunga Embroiderers meet 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month at The Hub. All welcome. For info phone Val 8556 5556 Willunga Environment Centre Inc 18 High Street, Willunga phone 8556 4188 10.00am-3.00pm Monday- Fri-day 9.30am-1.30pm Saturday Willunga Farmers Market Choir (Soulfood) - A female choir singing acapella for the enjoyment of a wide audience". Waverly Mon nights at 7.30pm. Info Margi Beed 8556 5032 Franka Gerlach 8556 6783 Jill Stone 0407 695 029 Willunga Farmers Market every Saturday 8am -12.30pm Town-ship Square, Willunga 10% members discount ph 85564297 www.willungafarmersmarket.com.au Willunga Garden Club meets every 2nd Thursday of the month except January at the Lutheran Church Hall Aldersley Street McLaren Vale at 7.30pm cost $3 Contact


Willunga Events Chris 8323 7742 Willunga Girl Guides - For girls 5-15 years. Thursdays 5.00 to 6.30pm, Old Show Hall, Main Road. All welcome to come and try. Contact Brenda 8382 6651 Willunga Golf Club always looking for new members. The club has membership category options to suit all golfers. There is NO entry fee and annual membership fee payment is flexible. The golf course is one of the best on the Fleurieu Peninsula We run regular competitions on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. Ring Judi on 8556 4234 or take a look at the Club website www.willungagolf.com.au Willunga Hill Art Group holds meetings at the Waverley Homestead on the first Tuesday of every month at 7pm. Demonstrations commence at 7.30pm. Everyone is welcome. Sharon 0417829617. www.willungahillartgroup.org Willunga Judo club meets at The Old Railway Station, Railway Tce, Willunga Wednesday night at 7.00pm Contact Greg 8552 7074 or Kym 0407 798 803 Willunga Kick Boxing Club meets at The Old Railway Station, Railway Tce Willunga Monday and Thursday at 7.00pm Contact Peter 0407 324 530 Willunga Lions - www.willungalions.com.au Auction on the last Saturday of each month except December at Lions Saleyard, Binney R, Willunga. Contact Lion Wolf Hirsch 8557 7519, Lion Bernie Levering 8556 5230 or Dean Hunt 0414 564 389. Giant Trash and Treasure Market - held every 4 months at the sale yard. Willunga Lions Ladies Auxiliary Boutique - come and see us Butterworth Road, Aldinga Beach - preloved clothes, toys, books, bric a brac etc contact Merle Hirsch 8557 7519 or Margaret Dorton 8556 3591 Willunga Men’s Circle: An opportunity to speak and to be heard. There is no agenda, no discussion, no judgement and no advice. Just the freedom and safety to share who you really are and what is really going on in your life with other men. Location: 62 Aldinga Rd Willunga When: last Wednesday of each month Prior bookings essential: Jeff Simmons 85289113 Willunga National Trust - The Slate Museum and the Court House Museum are open 1pm to 4pm Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Public hols 2nd Sat month 11am - 4pm Inquiries phone 8556 2195 Willunga Quarry Market second Saturday of every month 9.00am-1.00pm Willunga Recreation Park Contact David 0408 897 393 www.willungaquarrymarket.com Willunga RSL, Main Road, Willunga open every Friday 4.00pm to 8.00pm, All Service Personnel welcome Willunga Table Tennis Club New members welcomed. Games played on Tuesday and Wednesday nights starting at 7.00pm cost $3.00 a night Contact John 0413 525 343 Get fit! Join Willunga Tweeters, your local Heart Foundation walking group. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for one hour, beginning at 8 am. All welcome. For more details, contact Chris Horsman mob 0438 131 049 or email chrishorsman528@gmail.com Yoga Studio in Willunga: Classes (beginners to experienced - & Youth Yoga for ages 11 & up), Personal restorative sessions, therapeutic programmes, off-site tuition, tailored workshops & retreats. Ph. Hope Deane 0408 835 723, 08 7510 2072. Disclaimer - All possible care has been taken in the preparation, compilation and collection of information in this publication. However, the Willunga Business and Tourism Association Inc. expressly disclaims any liabilities for the accuracy and sufficiency of the information and under no circumstances shall be liable in negligence or otherwise in or arising out of the preparation or supply of any information aforesaid. Responsibility for content resides with the authors.


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