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July/August 2014, Vol. 29, #11 Priceless

A forum for the consciousness-raising community of Ontario & Western Quebec

Join Psychic, Healer & Teacher Marlene Stevens July 26 Live in Ottawa for an “Evening With Spirit” New book & Tour Dates: See page 15


Herbfest Ottawa Valley Midsummer

Adam McLeod, one of the world’s most in-demand healers is coming to Ottawa September 13th!

Sunday, July 27

The Mystical Event is coming soon!

September 13 & 14 at Chateau Cartier 1170 chemin Aylmer, Gatineau.



DREAMHEALER Dr. ADAM McLeod, ND Ottawa, September 13, 2014 Integrative Healing Workshop “Adam is becoming one of the world’s most in-demand healers.” - Rolling Stone Magazine Early bird discount available for limited time. All registration online at:

www.dreamhealer.com Experience Self-Empowerment as Adam conducts two unique group healing sessions. Learn how to integrate powerful healing tools into your life.


“Thank you for the energizing and eye opening experience! Your recent workshop has confirmed my belief in the healing power of energy and has self-empowered me to improve my own health. Now I am able to enjoy my life!” - Namaste JD 2

July/August 2014

hatha yoga teacher training SUMMER INTENSIVE begins July 12, 8-day retreat with Laurie Howe and Joe Barnett

100+ Classes per Week, Master Classes & Trainings Free Parking, 30 Day Intro Pkg for 1st Timers $55 52 Armstrong St. near the Parkdale Market

DREAMHEALER’S Integrative Healing Workshop (Dr. Adam McLeod)


ast year for the first time ever a Dreamhealer workshop was held in Ottawa. What a wonderful group of people I had the pleasure of meeting! I wish that we had been able to accommodate everyone who wanted to attend but last year’s event sold out so quickly that many were unable to register. This year we have booked a larger venue at the Ottawa Marriott on September 13 and I look forward to meeting you there and seeing our repeat attendees! Those who attended last year will have enjoyed a year of integrating the techniques and using tools learned to activate your own innate healing. The two unique energy healing sessions at each workshop allow everyone to experience the power of your own ability to heal yourself, while immersed in the healing energy of the entire focused group. This shift allows us each to further explore our own self-empowerment. Learning these simple techniques and practicing them regularly allows you to incorporate self-awareness into your healing program. For those who attended last year, you will enjoy an energetic tune-up at this workshop. Repeat attendees are more comfortable knowing what

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to expect, and usually feel the energetic group healings even more intensely than at their first workshop. This year I have opened a Naturopathic Medical Clinic in Vancouver, as I have graduated as a Naturopathic Doctor. It has been an amazing experience combining the healing tools I have learned as a Naturopathic Doctor with the energy healing that I channel naturally. At the workshops, many people focus their healing energy on themselves; others send their healing energy from the workshop group to loved ones who are not able to attend. Thousands of others join the healing sessions remotely from all around the globe. Become self-empowered. Trust in yourself to do the work and make the difference in your own health. Dr. Adam McLeod (Pen-name Dreamhealer) is a Naturopathic Doctor, an international best-selling author and speaker, and a First Nations healer. His full-day workshops include 2 group energy treatments involving all attendees. These sessions are transformational jump-starts to your healing. All registration for this event is online at www.dreamhealer.com For your discount type code earlybird when registering

July/August 2014


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ould you be willing to take a “walk on the dark side”? It can be very empowering for you and your loved ones in order to more deeply understand and ultimately accept folks exactly the way they are. Whenever people attempt to avoid or deny the challenging parts of their lives they are dragged involuntarily right back into them. The expression that I use in my practice is, “What you project is what you get.” Thus, what I suggest as a solution to any dilemma or emotional “stuck point” is the 5 A’s: Access... Acknowledge...Accept...Assimilate...Articulate... Of course, this is extremely difficult if intergenerational trauma is involved. In this case, it is imperative to learn how to assimilate the trauma, stepby-step, in “bite-size” pieces. A person can get “frozen” in the trauma if they get overwhelmed. When I was a little boy 3 YEARS OLD I entered an orphanage in Boston called the Home for Little Wanderers (HLW). My father had been seriously assaulting my mother. There was no mother’s allowance support system for my mother at that time. The fact that my two brothers and I were in that orphanage was totally hidden from us. Ten years ago I discovered this after I obtained the HLW files under the Release of Information Act. Shockingly, I also found out that my mother (WHEN SHE WAS 3) and her two siblings were in that same orphanage 30 years earlier when her mother died and her father was a very dysfunctional alcoholic. Echoes of abuse. Echoes of trauma. Echoes of hidden secrets. The slogan for the 160 year old HLW orphanage has been, “There is always someone here for you.” That was not just a slogan. It was/is absolutely true. Unfortunately, that was not at all true for the Canadian residential schools for the Aboriginal peoples. Since coming to Canada I have been very involved in Aboriginal healing circles. I only just recently discovered that I am part Mi’kmaq. Without even knowing this I had taken part in a number of pow wows, medicine wheels, sweat lodges and potlatch ceremonies. What I have found most effective in experiential emotional work is “root cause” healing unreachable by therapy. I have worked with many Aboriginal “partnersin-healing”: Inuit from Nunavut, Mohawk from Akwesasne, Haida from Haida Gwaii and Cree from Quebec. Probably the most powerful experience of my whole life was sparked by a Haida wooden mask that caused me to “de-fragment”. I basically exploded into



Healing Inter-Generational Trauma

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a million pieces, disappeared, and became what the Buddhists call “empty”. AND I was o.k. being totally invisible. Paradoxically, when I was a child I was terrified and in trauma because of being invisible. It is not by chance that the 22-year old in Santa Barbara who just killed 6 people said that he was taking revenge for being made invisible by his family, friends, schools, etc. When someone is hateful, be careful not to let them “down-load” their hate onto you. The only way they can do this is to cause you to do something hateful to them or to another. Then you are part of the problem and not part of the solution. Sooooooo...any time hate comes your way, don’t buy into it and go out after that and do 3 loving and kind actions with others. This is quite an anti-dote to hate. If you get trapped and do perform a hateful act, then authentically and abjectly apologize to the hurt person. Another technique that might help you heal is the knowledge that if you “turn around” extreme abuse that was done to you or your folks you can now become a healer/shaman rather than a perpetual victim. Folks can sense when you have been seriously victimized and/or abused and yet have evolved to the place where you can be a true healer. The wounded healer has healed himself/herself and can now EMPOWER others to do the same. This article was written in June of 2014 by: Richard M. Haney, M. Ed., Ph.D. (Counselling and Mediation) Richard has been practising Wholistic Counselling, Coaching, Hypnotherapy and Mediation for the past 25 years in Ottawa. Richard by phone: (613) 234-5678. By e-mail: richard@magma.ca

July/August 2014


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2013-07-16 12:15 PM

Bringing Grief out of the Shadows…

Grief – Support during Holidays Vonne Solís, Angel Therapy Practitioner®


ummer is here. Along with all the wonderful and lazy-feeling things this brings, it can also be a time of great sorrow and struggle for people who lose a loved one during this season. As I’ve written before, it’s worth noting again how isolating it feels when the world goes on holiday and you need grief support. While we cannot prepare for the timing of anyone’s death, sudden loss instantly propels us into a foreign existence. Trying to steer our way while in shock from the trauma of one’s death is not easy. It requires courage, strength, resilience and support to tie up the many loose ends of somebody else’s life, all while having to prepare for the perfect way to say goodbye to them. Contacting extended family, friends and neighbours, colleagues and acquaintances of the deceased to notify them of the death, and rallying support for the send-off being planned (not knowing if the event you are planning is even the right one) is daunting. People go on holiday in the summer. They can be hard to reach. Receiving regrets can feel like a betrayal of that person’s relationship to the deceased. All this and more can add to the already existing dynamite mix of emotions and stress. Support from people who have been there can make a world of difference. In my earliest days of grief, I felt desperate to seek guidance and support from other bereaved parents. Bless my sister’s heart for not giving up on the research she did and the phone calls she made to finally put me in touch with a couple of people from two support groups. While my time of loss was between their respective monthly meetings, and no one was available to meet with me personally because of summer holiday travel, I did manage eventually to physically connect with a long-time bereaved mom in town. I didn’t feel quite so alone. Support is not about someone else having answers for us. It’s about people caring enough and being strong enough to listen to another person’s heartbreak. Usually, in my view, we find this type of support from people who have had the same experience. Having said this, it’s not necessarily true that others with the same loss experience are willing or capable of reliving their own painful experience through someone else’s. Not everyone who has gone through loss attends support groups or is willing to even make their grief known to others. It takes a certain type of individual to want to lend a hand to someone else in pain, who


has been courageous enough in their vulnerability to reach out for help. It takes another type altogether who can do this and actually provide valuable assistance. If you or someone you know has suffered a recent loss, or have a difficult anniversary coming up over the summer when it feels like no one is around, be persistent in calling support groups. Go online or share your feelings with a confidante you trust. If someone truly can’t be there for you because they are catching a flight or leaving for the cottage, don’t take it personally. Find someone else. Get help from family. It feels so often like others don’t care, but I know there is always one supportive person waiting to be found. For more information including a self-assisted grief practice, check out Divine Healing available at Chapters. The Power of Change is available at amazon.com and as an iBook. For grief consultations visit www.vonnesolis.com

July/August 2014

What is Healing? by Gillian Pearlstone


hat is Healing? Healing is anything that takes us from a state of dis-ease to a state of love and ease. Healing can be done on anyone, anything, anytime – people, pets, places, etc. What is dis-ease? Dis-ease is a state of disequilibrium. When we acknowledge there is something not right with us or our situation or our pet, or a place we live or work, we acknowledge it with thanks. Why, you ask, would you thank an illness or situation that is very uncomfortable or potentially fatal? We thank it because it is the Universe’s way of alerting us that there is something out of balance in our lives or our bodies; something or someone needs healing. All dis-ease begins in our subtle bodies. We are energy beings, the Universe is made up of energy. Energy vibrates at different frequencies. Oceans, lakes, tables, beds, cars and people are all energy. Different energy frequencies make some things solid, other things soft, impenetrable and others not so. By the time we are experiencing dis-ease in our physical body it means that we have been walking around with it in our other levels of being – etheric, astral, mental, spiritual (soul) bodies for a while waiting for it to manifest in our physical world. Our fears, our anger, depression, grief, loss, our victimhood, all are felt as physical dis-ease. If you feel you are a victim of your circumstances you may be feeling anger, guilt and loss of your power – and are, therefore, in a state of disequilibrium or ungroundedness. At Ottawa Spiritual Pathways Centre, we are truly blessed with having so many caring, loving, healers who channel the highest healing energies of Unconditional Love. I believe it doesn’t matter what healing energy modality is used, whether it is Quantum Touch, Integrated Energy Therapy, Reiki, Spiritual Healing or any other recognized modality, all Healing is channeled from God, Unconditional Love, Healing Angels, Spirit Doctors, or whomsoever you call upon to use you as a channel for healing. I also believe you can sit with two different healers and feel completely different with both, receiving healing from both. It is so very important that if you are a healer or an intuitive, you clear and ground yourself before working on anyone or anything. You strive to be the clearest and most loving channel, for your recipient, setting aside ego. Anyone can be a Healing Channel. It takes dedication and a will to serve others, as well as a

desire to accept the responsibility to be the best healing channel you can be. At Ottawa Spiritual Pathways Centre, we are most fortunate that along with our many certified healers, we now have the first graduates of our Healing Ministry Program who are dedicated, responsible and loving channels of healing energy. Our healing certification program is part of the larger fully certified Ministry Program, a unique program of interfaith, non-denominational ministry. Available programs of study include Level I – Spiritual Healing, Level II – Mediumship and Intuitive Development, Level III – Teacher of Spirituality Certification, Level IV – Student Ministry and Level V – Ordained Ministry. Each level of intensive study includes theory and practice, mentorship and examinations. The entire program takes approximately five years to complete. Levels I and II are one year each, are stand-alone courses and have no prerequisites. We are very much looking forward to beginning our second year of classes this Fall. Instructors and Mentors are eagerly ready and waiting and our list of students is growing. If you feel drawn to join us this Fall and would like more general information, you can visit our website at www.ottawaspiritualpathways.com or contact us at info@ottawaspiritualpathwyas.com For more specific information on the Healing Program, you can also contact Gillian directly at gillian@ ottawaspiritualpathways.com. For specific information on our other classes, you can contact also contact Rev. Nicole Moronval at nicole@ ottawaspiritualpathways.com

July/August 2014


Critics and Doubters - How to Deal with Them by Amâeil (Melinda Urban RIHR) Healing with Divine heart to awaken the deep truth within.


our worst doubters and critics are not the people outside of you but those inside your own spiritual house. The inner critic doesn’t miss an opportunity to visit you with criticism. Immediately, this inner critic creates tension in your body, and spews emotional and mental abuse. However, its most lethal promise is that it will keep you doubting yourself. When the doubter invades, you lose trust. Left unattended, they create imbalances in your energy bodies, siphoning flow with your God-Source Light. Did you ever wonder why this inner violence is so pervasive in the human condition? Often, the inner critic is born from childhood shaming experiences in this timeline and others. It is an energy pattern you originally created to protect you in your vulnerabilities and stave off external attacks, likely from your primary caregivers. But they also learned this self-diminishment from their care-givers, as did their caregivers, and so on, back in time. It’s an insistent program that is widely accepted as part of being human, but it is not organic to us. The inner critic is mind control, intended by Serviceto-Self controllers to scramble the energy receivers in the brain and neurological system of humans, to disrupt clear communication with the frequency of your Christ Consciousness being, much like radio static. It’s sometimes put into the energy field as a holographic audio insert – an inorganic bending of the light/frequency that changes your reality perception and consequently your mental beliefs about your own worth. It is strategically placed at the 10th-dimensional opening of your core manifestation 12-Tree Grid where Christ Consciousness communication is decoded and accessible. Understanding that it’s an intentional blockage makes it somewhat easier to let go of the self-blame that we perpetuate on ourselves because we can’t let it go. Do you see how insidiously it’s designed? You suffer because of its messaging, and if kept unaware, you suffer because you don’t know why you can’t simply release it. It is possible to address this destroyer. The inner critic will not go away because you insist, nor if you argue with it, since it would rather prefer that you engage in a battle. Positive thoughts alone cannot tame it. Sometimes the best way to meet this critic is to be aware and present to it without allowing it to take over control. When it shows up, stay still and focus on your breath to bring you into the ‘now’ moment with yourself. The more you have practised silencing the mind, the more easily its game is revealed. Its messaging can be very obvious or subtle. Listen to whatever unique message it has for you, perhaps more than one. Allow this to be


Is your self-doubt draining you? We can easily bring clarity & Divine healing to your 12-dimensional spiritual-energetic foundation to help you align with your Highest Self. Specializing in clearing stubborn patterns. pain & dis-ease  attachments  emotional triggers  traumas  ancestry  fears/phobias  karma  inorganic structures 

Amâeil (Melinda Urban RIHR) energy psychotherapy, thetahealing, vocal healing holographic multidimensional ascension clearing in person or by phone 613-253-2888 www.MelindaUrban.com

fully witnessed: do not judge the message, or yourself, as right or wrong. There is no value in this. Simply pay attention to its message. When the message of the inner critic is clear then be sure to get clear of its lies. This can be accomplished through energy psychotherapy where we trace the message to its origin and release the emotions and mental beliefs at this root level, whether it originates in this timeline or multi-dimensional experiences. If it is a holographic insert, it can be cleared with the AoA Hieros Gamos System, also available through my services. There is no place for unloving thoughts about yourself if you choose integrity with your inner core Spirit, so it’s kind to be forgiving of yourself when you get triggered by the critic or spiral into self-doubt: we are breaking eons of programming! Above all, always find a way to return to believing in your God-self. Invite faith into your spiritual house to stay and harmonize often. Only in this way will you cultivate your inner love and come to inner knowing. Copyright 2014 www.MelindaUrban.com All Rights Reserved. www.MelindaUrban.com (blog, resources, case studies). Specializing in clearing stubborn patterns. Integrating holographic clearing of your multi-dimensional blueprint, energy psychotherapy, thetahealing®, and vocal healing. Appointments in person or by phone 613-253-2888. Subscribe to my FREE newsletter – timely articles, tools and inspiration.

July/August 2014

• emotional/physical pain • grieving • relations • regressions • weight • addictions • stress • energy level • healing the past

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take control of your: • emotional/physical pain • grieving • relations • regressions • weight • addictions • stress • energy level • healing the past

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» Lynne Cardinal

ph.d. eastern philosophy, ngh certified hypnotist, coach, teacher

When the night sky descends

Awakening our potential through hypnosis Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that, because what the world needs are people who have come alive. ~ Harold Thurman


e all know that an overactive mind has difficulty accessing the peace and depth of perception and awareness. Our attention remains on the superficial level where the mind is overactive and unclear. However through hypnosis one can reach this deeper part of the mind called, in the context of hypnosis, our subconscious mind. The subconscious mind, unlike the superficial mind, is powerful, clear and wise. This is what is emphasized during hypnosis sessions. Think about the following. When the night sky descends, and the business of the day settles down, it allows our overactive brains to relax and our mind to become present and clear. It is amazing how much we seem to have lost the ability to truly look, listen and feel in our society. Yet, if we pay close attention, we can see that the night sky provides us with a clue to the path back. We have the ability to quieten our mind and reach a gentle and powerful presence. We sense that a present mind gives us access to deeper perspectives and insights. Our minds become highly receptive and truly see what is in front of us. It understands our own predicament and that of other’s—it can read the very book of life! Our subconscious is the entrance into the deeper mind. Through it we open a window into the potential that rests within us and generates a clear effortless determination.

The subconscious controls the body, its chemical balance, heartbeat, blood flow, and so much more. Since it is filled with a higher intelligence, once empowered, it always wins. It is stronger than the doubting mind which knows very well how to sabotage itself. We just need to awaken the wisdom of the subconscious and make it manifest. It is important to understand that during a hypnosis session the client is always in charge. The hypnotist is simply allowed to work as a gentle guide using your imagination and metaphors to attain a mutually agreed upon goal. The gentleness of these tools makes the process highly effective. It is about you, your objectives and how to reach them. With an open mind and clear objectives, you become more alive and it works like a charm! For more information contact Lynne Cardinal. Come and meet Lynne at the Mystical Fair on September 13-14 at the DoubleTree Hilton (used to be called Chateau Cartier) 1170 Aylmer Road, booth A4 Lynne Cardinal is a Certified Hypnotist with the National Guild of Hypnotists, holding additional certifications in Hypnosis Innovative Techniques and Weight Loss. She is certified by Dr. Weiss in Past-Life Regression Therapy and she has a PhD in Eastern Philosophy. In person and Skype sessions are available to clients. Lynne has offered Stress Management and Burnout Prevention workshops in the government and private sectors for over 30 years. Insurance receipts are available. For more information Lynne can be reached at 613.721.7888 or by e-mail at info@kaivalya.ca. You can also visit her web site: www.kaivalya.ca.

July/August 2014


Believe in Yourself


ould you say that you believe in yourself? Your mindset will determine your level of success, or lack thereof. A positive mindset can empower you to obliterate hurdles before they become too challenging. It may be difficult to believe in yourself when everything around you seems to be falling to pieces, but keeping faith is the only way to keep going through the hard times and propel yourself clear to better times. Try these strategies to help you remain committed when you’re feeling the pressure of tough times: 1. Reflect on the past. I’m sure you’ve encountered seemingly insurmountable situations in the past. How have you succeeded in the most unpleasant scenarios? Clearly, your ability to overcome these situations speaks loudly for your strength and abilities. • In some situations, you may be able to emulate your past solutions by adapting them to fit your current situation. Other times, you’ll be able to learn what not to do from past trials and tribulations. • The past does not need to dictate your future. It’s possible to reflect without bringing up old, unresolved feelings. This is a positive exercise. If you begin to feel negative emotions, move onto another technique, which can help you increase self-confidence in your abilities. 2. Act immediately. Rather than retreating into your personal cocoon when a situation becomes intimidating, address it immediately. The longer you allow a situation to sit without attention, the more urgent it will become. A perfect example is debt. • Avoid cornering yourself with urgency by creating a proactive plan now. Or, better yet, have a just-incase plan before the event ever happens. It’s okay to take a few hours to create a plan of attack. But, if you’re still brainstorming weeks from today, you just might be stalling. • Only you can be the source of a solution. You are in charge of managing your life and ensuring its success. Take pride in this power. After all, you’re free - no one commands you! Your life is what you make it. And you can use your power to start off on the right foot each and every day. 3. Believe it. You will make it through. You’ve found your way out of a tough situation before. You’ll do it now and again sometime in the future. There is always a way to get your head above the water - always. You’ll get better at it once you gain experience.


• You have a fan base of supporters. Your children, spouse, and extended family are cheering you on every day. Chances are that no one doubts your abilities the way you do. In fact, they have faith in your abilities because you’ve proven your strength time and time again. • As Bernice Johnson Reagon once said, “Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you; they’re supposed to help you discover who you are.” • Now is as good of a time as any to show yourself what you’re made of. Confirm to yourself that you’re as strong and tenacious as you suspect yourself to be. Everyone encounters tough times - it’s simply a part of life. And a very major part of how you will address these hard times is dependent on your mindset and your ability to believe in yourself, even throughout the toughest of times. Your mindset can be your best friend or your worst enemy. If you allow your mindset to shift into negative territory, you’ll end up with negative results. Remember, you attract the energy you exude! Moira Hutchison CHt CTACC Clinical Hypnotherapist, Life Coach & Energy Healer 613.432.1239; www.WellnessWithMoira.com

July/August 2014

Have you ever noticed that when we feel stuck - we become the expert of everything that does NOT work... The truth is that in order for a problem to exist - the solution must also exist! To get started feeling *unstuck* hop on over to www.WellnessWithMoira.com and sign up for Step One of “The Get Unstuck Method”... It’s free!!

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Listen To Your Heart

Rev. Sherry Harris, MSW, RSW, Psycho-spiritual counsellor, coach, teacher, healer


e think our mind, our head, our ego, has the answers, when our real truth comes from our heart. Our heart is the real center of knowing. It is the energy and wisdom of the heart that knows all life is connected, that we are connected to that Oneness and knows the grandness of who we are. We have been conditioned since we were very, very young to go to our head for the answers. Our parents taught us that because that is what they were taught. Generation after generation have been disempowered by ignorance of their true being. It is time we woke up to all that we are. We are the most magnificent beings ever. We are grander and wiser than the computers we so hold in awe. We believe life is outside of us, when in truth all life lies within us. We are in it, of it, completely in every way connected to it. We are brimming with life, yet so many of us feel dead, depressed, alienated from the very life we are. Get out of your disconnection and misery and start breathing in the life you are. Get out into nature. Open your eyes. your ears, breathe in the glorious smells. You chose to come here. Make the effort to enjoy it. Too many of us have been seduced by our computers to live life vicariously in the internet cyber world of gaming, facebook, twitter,etc. You will not find life there. Life is in relationships to your friends, your family, your pets, your garden. You’ll find it in your walks, your heart to heart chats, your hugs. I see people out walking their dogs, cell phone in hand, totally focused on the phone, dragging their pet along oblivious to the poor animal who is trying to stop for a pee, etc. It is heartbreaking. What has happened to us? How did we get so disconnected from nature, from real life happening around us. Are we so afraid to feel that we stay numbed in cyberspace? Wake up, dear ones. Your life is calling you. Get out and smell the flowers. Hug a tree. Talk to the birds, the sky, the wind, the water. This is where the power lies, in the elements. It is in connecting to the elements of earth, wind, and fire and water you will open your heart and get out of the theater of your mind with its endless melodrama of poor me and isn’t life awful. Life and love are all around us, begging for our attention. Get our head out of your phone, our ipad, your computer and smell the roses. Our world is still absolutely beautiful. Summer in Ottawa is something we wait for all winter, yet many of us are still sitting inside glued to our screens. We need the vibrant energy of fresh

Abundant Life Coach Spiritual Counsellor Psychotherapist 2belight1@gmail.com www. sherryharriscounselling.com 613-236-8852 Insurance Receipts Available air to feed our souls. Our bodies need to feel the earth, the grass beneath our bare feet to soak in the energy. We cannot thrive without this energy. Get out for a walk, get your shoes off in a pesticide free place and let mother earth’s healing energy feed you. Find a clean water source to swim or wade in, smell the flowers and hug the trees. They are their for us. Listen to your heart. It is begging you to get out of your head, away from your screens and out into nature. Life is so beautiful, but you won’t find it unless you go out and look for it. Seeing beauty on youtube is not the same as being in it yourself. One you experience with your head, the other your heart. Your choice. What do you want for yourself? First hand experience or someone else’s interpretation? Go for it, get out, open your heart and experience life in all its magnificence. Why? Because it will awaken in you the magnificence you are. We are all so ready to open to the magnificence we are. Now is the time. Free yourself from the bonds of conformity and intellect and let nature be your guide.

July/August 2014

Rev. Sherry Harris is a psychospiritual counsellor, coach, teacher and healer who specializes in helping people wake up to the glorious truth of who they are. If you are interested in a session please call her at 613-236-8852 or email at 2belight1@gmail.com. I provide insurance receipts reimbursable by most benefit plans.


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Open Your Spiritual Channels with Master Lynda

By Master Lynda Chaplin


any people talk about increasing and developing intelligence. Intelligence comes from the mind, but the most important sources of intelligence are the heart and the soul. Traditional Chinese medicine teaches that the heart houses the mind and soul. If one has heart problems, one’s brain and intelligence could be seriously affected. Memory, comprehension, realization, and more could be affected. Dr. and Master Zhi Chen Guo, Master Zhi Gang Sha’s spiritual father and mentor, discovered a sacred number code for developing the power of the mind: 01777—908—01777—92244. You can chant this code in English, one digit at a time. You can chant this code in any language because the message is the same. It is recommend that you chant it in Chinese because Chinese also carries a special vibration: 01777 Ling Yao Chi Chi Chi (pronounced ling yow chee chee chee) 908 Jiu Ling Ba (pronounced jeo ling bah) 01777 Ling Yao Chi Chi Chi 92244 Jiu Er Er Si Si (pronounced jeo ar ar sih sih) What is the significance of these numbers? They are three separate sub-codes: • 01777 stimulates the corpus callosum, the tissue connecting the right brain and left brain. The cells in this area transport messages from one side of the brain to the other. • 908 stimulates the left brain. • 92244 stimulates the right brain. To develop the entire brain—left, right, and corpus callosum—the practice is very simple. As you chant this code, you are stimulating the central brain cells between the right and left brain (the corpus callosum), then stimulating the left brain, next going back to the center of the brain, and then stimulating the right brain. Repeat this pattern rapidly to stimulate all of the cells in the brain and to develop the connections among them.

Soul Power for Healing and Rejuvenation with Master Lynda and Shirley Cheung

Monday, September 29, 7 – 9 pm • FREE Tanglewood Park Community Centre, 30 Woodfield Drive Learn effective and practical techniques to self-heal, prevent sickness, boost energy, balance emotions, transform relationships, and more.

Everyone can be a miracle soul healer. Learn how! Master Lynda • 647 654 7711 • Lynda.Chaplin@DrSha.com www.ottawakiosk.com/MasterLyndaChaplin.html Facebook.com/LovePeaceHarmonyOttawa


July/August 2014


Sunday, September 28 • 10 am – 5 pm • $50 Saint Paul University, 223 Main Street Open your spiritual channels and connect with your soul in a very powerful way. Learn how to communicate with your spiritual guides to receive their guidance and blessings for your physical life and spiritual journey.

Apply Soul Power to Develop Mind Intelligence

Apply the Four Power Techniques® with this sacred number code to develop mind intelligence: Body Power. Sit up straight. Close your eyes. Place one palm over your kundalini (kundalini energy nourishes the brain) and the other palm on the top of your head. Soul Power. Say hello: Dear soul mind body of my brain and my mind, I love you. You have the power to boost your intelligence. Do a good job. Thank you. Dear 01777—908—01777—92244, I love you. You have the power to increase my mind intelligence. I am very grateful. Thank you. Mind Power. Visualize golden light radiating in your entire brain. Sound Power. Chant or sing silently or aloud in Chinese (or simply chant in English or your native language): 01777 (ling yow chee chee chee)—908 (jeo ling bah)— 01777 (ling yow chee chee chee)—92244 (jeo ar ar sz) 01777—908—01777—92244 01777—908—01777—92244 01777—908—01777—92244 . . . Generally speaking, chant for three to five minutes per time, three to five times per day. If you have major challenges with mind intelligence, such as poor comprehension, brain fog, dyslexia, injury, or other brain TING.COM 613-266-8063 shops February Exhibition at Green Door 4/13 6:008:00

blockages, chant for one to two hours a day. The longer you chant and the more you chant, the better the results you could receive. Divine Healing Hands: Experience Divine Power to Heal You, Animals, and Nature, and to Transform All Life. (Heaven’s Library/Atria Books, 2012). Master Lynda is a Divine Channel, Disciple and Worldwide Representative of Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha, worldrenowned miracle soul healer, soul leader, and Source Channel. Master Lynda offers Soul Healing Miracles Blessings for any condition, personal consultations, soul readings, and workshops in Ottawa. Contact Master Lynda at 647.654.7711 or Lynda.Chaplin@DrSha.com

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July/August 2014


Wheat Triggers Your IBS, Yet You Are Not Celiac? FODMAPs, Not Gluten May Be Your Trigger By Judy Spence, ND(QC), RN


any more people are triggered by gluten or lactose than are those with Celiac Disease. Many people suffer every bit as much as do Celiacs or as those with lactose intolerance despite their not being Celiac or lactose intolerant. This may be why Gluten intolerance appears to be rising faster than Celiac Disease is. Confused? I have seen in my clinics where some people who are not genetically intolerant, react violently to dairy and wheat. With NAET treatment these people may lose most of their allergic reactions most of the time if eaten infrequently and in small quantities. After years of contemplating why their GI reacted when all visible signs of allergy had long cleared the Director of the GPL lab told me about FODMAPs and instantly, it rang true. At last, I had another piece of the IBS puzzle. FODMAPs (Fermentable Oligo-saccharides, Disaccharides, Mono-saccharides and Polyols) are specific carbohydrates found in all categories of food. People who are adversely affected by FODMAPs neither digest nor absorb these carbohydrates and which end up causing them tremendous amounts of pain and discomfort. FODMAP carbohydrates remain in the small intestines and become food, not for the person that ate them but rather, for intestinal bacteria that begin to ferment these carbs producing gas and intestinal bloating. All FODMAP sugars attract large volumes of water into the small intestine which exits forcefully as diarrhea. Gastroenterology researchers at Monash University discovered a link between these undigested carbohydrates and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Those who cannot tolerate them are sickened by them. The Monash researchers developed the FODMAP diet and this humble diet helps control IBS, a disease that affects one person in seven. The chronic, reoccurring symptoms of IBS like abdominal pain and discomfort, bloating, wind, distension and altered bowel habit (from diarrhea to constipation) has no pathologic origin and is controlled through diet. FODMAP include Fructose (fruits, honey, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS)); Lactose (dairy); Fructans, also known as inulin (wheat, onion, garlic, etc.); Galactans (beans, lentils, legumes such as soy) and, Polyols (sweeteners containing sorbitol, mannitol,


xylitol, maltitol, stone fruits such as avocado, apricots, cherries, nectarines, peaches, plums). Stanford University Hospital developed a 6 week protocol whereby patients strictly avoid all the restricted foods of the Monash diet during which time their bowels stop being irritated. After 6 weeks, the restricted foods are introduced just one at a time so that patients can identify exactly which of the foods and in what amount aggravate their bowels. Note the two factors: what food and in what amount is tolerated, if any. Research shows that by eating only small amounts of the offending food, it might be tolerated. Some people, however, must always avoid any amount of the triggering food. There are numerous blogs, charts and lists of good and bad FODMAP foods available on the net. Monash University researchers have developed an app for managing one’s own FODMAP issues. I am trialing their app for my clinics and thus far, I am quite impressed as it is a useful, portable and inexpensive tool. At the NAET Clinics Ottawa and Outaouais we assess FODMAP tolerances quickly by computer reducing the elimination and reintroduction phases of the Monash and Stanford models by months. Our computer testing rates FODMAPs by the degree of tolerance thus eliminating a lot of the guess work as well as shortening the learning curve. For a computerized assessment of your tolerance of the FODMAP contact the NAET Clinics Ottawa or Outaouais to book an appointment with Judy Spence. Gerry Spence, R.Ac. treats IBS with acupuncture and NAET technique. Judy Spence, ND(QC), RN, R.Ac., CHt. treats IBS with Hypno-Acupuncture and NAET technique.

July/August 2014


D re a m s & T h i n g s


am pleased to announce the launch of my new book, Dreams & Things A Guide to Using Your Natural Intuitive Abilities. It features everyday practical ways you can easily access and keep connected to your natural intuitive and healing abilities that we all have. It is a simple to use guide with easy steps and guidance to help you in your everyday life. Please join me, Psychic, Healer & Teacher Marlene Stevens, in Ottawa July 26th for a live “Evening with Spirit”. The cost is $45. per person for an evening of chatting with Spirit. A live channeling event where you, the audience member, can ask questions for your life and get answers. Evening will also include meditation, discussion of activating your inner healer, and instruction in today’s use and importance of opening/ using your intuitive abilities. There will also be a book signing afterwards and some limited space for private and live healing or reading sessions. It is a rare occasion that I do work in public and in-person. Thanks for all the people who asked me to do this event. Please prebook in advance for the live “Evening With Spirit” event or private healing or reading session at www. psychicmarstevens.com Most people are getting plenty of intuitive information coming their way but simply do not know how to read the guidance they are receiving. Dreams & Things will guide you in how to read all the signs, how to ask, how to fully open your intuition, how to access the dream world to heal and to give powerful guidance for your life. Also it will provide readers with a clearer understanding of what intuitive abilities are. Still people come to me believing it is a gift only bestowed on certain people or thinking there is some limit to this ability. There is a lot of misunderstanding and outdated thoughts about intuition that just do not apply to today’s rapidly expanding and enlightened world. For more information on the topics covered in my new book and to purchase a book please go to www. psychicmarstevens.com. Please sign up for my Judy and Gerry Spence are advanced level NAET practitioners at the NAET Clinics Ottawa, Outaouais and Shawville. Visit www. naetottawa.com or call: 613-7282579 or 819-661-1061 to book your FODMAP assessment, your comprehensive NAET assessment, allergy, acupuncture, hypnosis or Hypno-Acupuncture.

Intuitive Readings

Intuitive Development Classes Psychic Readings Medical Readings Healing Sessions Life Coaching

Marlene Stevens www.psychicmarstevens.com psychicmarstevens@hotmail.com monthly newletter on my site for monthly mantras, moon guidance, channeled information, health tips, and psychic & healing events in your area. Namaste By Psychic, Healer & Teacher Marlene Stevens Marlene is a Psychic, Healer, Medical Intuitive, Life Coach & Teacher in Spirituality and Enlightenment. She offers courses in Intuitive Development. Marlene also writes and creates CD’s and workshops. She is available to give lectures & group channeling sessions throughout the world. Email inquiries only at www. psychicmarstevens.com or psychicmarstevens@ hotmail.com



July/August 2014



Are You Happy?

the way). For over a decade she has dedicated her life to the study, practice, and teaching of the science of Self-realization. She speaks from persona; experience when she guides people to access their infinite potential for a highly motivated, inspired, and empowered life!


brief review of your life, or perhaps even your day, will reveal poignant memories, events, and experiences that “justify” your sadness, anxiety, grief, discouragement, or fear. Perhaps you’ve lost your job to cutbacks, your husband to a younger woman, or your good health to a tragic diagnosis. Corresponding thoughts of an impending mortgage, a life of solitude, or progressive physical pain follow you around like a shadow, even on the sunniest of days. Or worse, your SUV is stored neatly in the two-car garage, the best friend you married is nothing but perfect, you enjoy weekends at the cottage and hot vacations in winter months. You want for nothing, or so it seems. To an outsider looking in, you’ve acquired success in all areas and should undoubtedly be happy-even enviably so. And yet, you’re not. There remains within you an undefined wanting, a yearning, an absence of Contact: PHILIPPE KABENGELE the joy that our material culture had promised you would receive upon (RelaxationTherapist Specialist) acquiring the luxuries of modern Website: www.Philgood-Services.com living. You have “nothing to be E-mail: pyk_iv@yahoo.com sad/worried/ upset about.” And Tel: (613) 796-0037 yet, you are. The question surfaces, “What am I doing?! Is this really it? Have too much stress? Can’t sleep? Are you Is this all there is to life?” Welcome to the human condition. Most times experiencing moments of pain or discomfort, My mission is to assist you can stuff the feeling and get on clients by providing have respiratory, digestive problems or other relaxation reflexology and with your day, washing the car or ailments preventing you to being healthy and relaxation music therapy heading to the office. You are not enjoying life? Philippe Kabengele can help you that will create a balance alone. and wellbeing for their by providing relaxation reflexology and But stuffing is getting harder body, mind, and spirit. relaxation music therapy. to do. That thought that bubbles Relaxation Reflexology is a pressure point periodically to the surface of your massage through the feet, hands and ears to awareness is resistant to repression– assist in restoring the health of the body, mind and now you’re curious, ready and spirit as they connect to the nervous to explore it’s meaning. This system which in turn connects to the organs, moment is highly auspicious. It is, in fact, the first step towards your glands, etc. of the body. Relaxation Music Therapy is used to transformation and realization of address physical, emotional, cognitive, social and your infinite potential. spiritual needs of individuals of all ages. Relax-

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ation music therapy improves the quality of life for persons who are well and meets the needs of children and adults with disabilities or illnesses.

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July/August 2014

Heaven knows tour with Matthew Stapley Presented by




TOUR DATES August 8, 2014 — Cornwall at the Ramada Inn August 18, 2014 — Gatineau (Aylmer) at the Ekko September 14, 2014 — Gatineau (Aylmer) at the Mystical Event (DoubleTree by Hilton) October 2014—Kingston—date and venue to be confirmed.

Visit www.heavenknowstour.com for other tour dates in 2015

Cover ...

Adam McLeod: www.dreamhealer.com Marlene Stevens: www.psychicmarstevens.com

Tone Advertising Rates …

Tone Magazine, 680 Eagleson Road, PO Box 45024 Kanata South PO, Kanata, Ontario, K2M 2Y1. C.P.M. agreement # 40011389. July/ August 2014 issue. Published 11 months/year. Available free from selected locations or by mail at $25 per year. To the U.S. please send $35 US (first class only). Circulation 13,000. Layout & Design by Mike “Lemmy” Monner Office Manager - Julie Tierney 613-979-0664 Printing by Performance Printing - http://www.perfprint.ca/ Delivery by M&M Diffusion 819-243-0937

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To provide a forum for the exchange of ideas pertaining to the overall growth of consciousness.

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Articles submitted to Tone Magazine may be adjusted for readability but major changes will be referred to the author or group responsible. Articles printed in this magazine do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editor’s Group. Tone Magazine does not endorse or recommend any particular treatment protocol for readers. Tone Magazine supports informed decision making, and articles are included to enlighten and motivate readers. Readers are encouraged to discuss health-related issues with their health care providers. Tone Magazine believes readers should determine the best treatment protocol based on health care providers’ recommendations and their own needs, assessments and desires. The Publisher and Editor’s Group disclaim any responsibility or liability for either content of articles or advertising, and do not guarantee, warrant or endorse products or services included in articles or advertising in this publication, nor do the Publisher and Editor’s Group warrant or endorse any claims made by the writers or advertisers for such products or services.

July/August 2014



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Courage In Mediation


aya Angelou, the African-American author and poet who died last month, was once asked what she believed to be the most important virtue. “Courage is the most important of all the virtues,” she replied, “because without courage you can’t practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage.” Lately, I’ve been thinking about courage as it relates to mediation. First, it takes courage to enter into mediation. For many, conflict means confrontation, and confrontation causes discomfort, if not outright pain. It can be difficult for separating couples to sit across from each other at the mediation table and try to have a direct conversation with each other, without the buffering effect that separate lawyers can often provide. I once mediated the separation of an experienced divorce mediator himself, who commented at the beginning of the process, “I never realized how hard it is to do this. Now I have a new respect and admiration for couples who can actually commit themselves to this process.” Having made a commitment to try mediation, it then takes courage to think in a true “win-win” fashion. Stephen Covey, in his book The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness, talks about the importance of both parties working together to create a “big win” for them both, with each party saying to the other, “Unless this is a true win for you and you deeply and sincerely feel it, and unless this is a true win for me and I deeply and sincerely feel it, let’s agree right now” to, in effect, walk away from the table. Covey writes that it takes real courage to work this way, but that parties can be truly transformed by a process based on these principles. “Such intense bonding takes place that afterwards they will always be loyal to each other in each other’s absence.” I have found this to be true with couples who have persevered in mediation to create agreements that are deeply meaningful and that work well over the long term. The power of this approach, says Covey, lies in “the initial willingness to sacrifice – to suspend your own interests long enough to understand what the other person wants most, and why, so that you can then go to work together on a new, creative solution that encompasses both of your interests.” This reminds me of one of Covey’s famous “7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” The fifth “habit” was Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood. It is difficult to truly listen to another person with the goal of real understanding, rather than just listening with a view to what we are going to say in reply. A mediator can help a couple take turns at

• 34 years’ experience as family lawyer-mediator • Mediation of Separation Agreements, Marriage Contracts and Cohabitation Agreements • Evening and weekend appointments available • Sliding fee scale • Free initial consultation Evita M. Roche 33 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, ON K2P 0H3 email: evitar@sympatico.ca

613.237.7335 doing this, and a deeper understanding of each other’s true concerns, expectations, values and beliefs can often occur. This place of deeper understanding is the beginning of authentic, lasting agreements. But I think the real courage in mediation comes when people decide to work from the heart and have a real conversation with each other. The word “courage” comes from the Old French word for heart. Margaret Wheatley, an American change management consultant, writes, “We develop courage for those things that speak to our heart…Once our heart is engaged, it is easy to be brave.” So many dispute resolution processes today work from the head, from the top down, falling back on rules and regulations, rather than working from the heart, from the bottom up, to uncover each person’s real interests. Mediation works like this. All it takes is courage. Evita Roche was Canada’s first full-time lawyer-mediator. Since 1979, she has helped over 5,000 couples mediate the issues arising from their separation. In the 1990’s Evita was a Professor of family law and mediation at the University of Ottawa law school, where she received the first Excellence in Teaching Award. Her private practice is restricted to separation and divorce mediation, and she frequently delivers seminars on subjects related to family law.

July/August 2014


Giving Up Smoking: The New Way to Get ‘Rich’ Quick?

by Dr Luke Michael Howard f you smoke, you’re going to be well aware of the health benefits of quitting, but are you fully aware of the difference that giving up smoking can make to your finances? Don’t underestimate the financial benefit of giving up cigarettes; quitting smoking will save you money, and lots of it! If you’re struggling to find the motivation to stop, then looking at the amount of money you could save should really help. If you needed any more convincing just look at the science - recent research has shown that your chance of successfully changing a health-related behaviour increases by 50% if there’s a financial reward at the end of it. Apply this logic to smoking and simply putting a price on quitting should help you quit for good. The good news is that you don’t have to go through it alone; there are plenty of places you can go for free support, and the products that make it easier to stop smoking aren’t expensive either. How much will you save on cigarettes The average cost of a 20 pack of cigarettes is currently $7.98, according to the charity Action on Smoking and Health.


This means smoking 20 cigarettes a day costs you around $2,900 a year! If you think that’s expensive it’s only set to rise further with increased duty on tobacco. The British Heart Foundation website has a useful tool that lets you calculate how much money you could save if you quit smoking. Just enter the number of cigarettes you smoke to see how much better off you would be each week, month and year. Put a price on your habit then think about what else you could spend this extra money on. Then when you’re tempted to reach for a cigarette, just focus on this instead and hopefully it’ll help you resist. Other ways you’ll save by quitting Aside from the actual savings you’ll make by not buying cigarettes, stopping smoking will save you money in other ways too. Cheaper insurance When you don’t smoke life insurance is cheaper; your premiums could drop by as much as 50% once you have been smoke free for 12 months, for exactly the same amount of cover. Once you’re officially a non-smoke everything from your private healthcare insurance to income protection cover and even your home and car insurance could be much cheaper - all because you’ll be treated as a lower risk.


You Can Lose Weight Without Painful Surgery Are you having trouble Losing Weight, Keeping it off & Killing Evil Cravings? Then Dr. Luke Michael Howard can help you even when nothing else has worked. With he's specialist brand of Gastric Band Weight Loss Hypnosis all the way from the UK. Dr. Luke, owner of the LUKEnosis, is a Hypnosis Weight Loss Specialist, has a Masters degree in Hypnotherapy as well as a Doctorate in Psychology. Dr. Luke has been studying Hypnosis for over 17 years now and has trained all over the world. After over a decade, Dr. Luke is still the youngest person certified by the American Board of Hypnotherapy. Dr. Luke has been featured in all forms of media such as Tone Magazine, CTV Morning Live, and CBC Radio. He has developed an advanced hypnotherapy technique that turns weak willed over eaters into empowered, slim & in control people in just 5 sessions. He says “This technique is so powerful we are achieving a 80% success rate. This is incredible when you think that Weight Watchers are only about 30% successful at best. This Powerful Non-surgical procedure has been well documented or FOX,CBS & ABC News as well as the Dr Oz Show.


Dr. Luke explains, “This powerful breakthrough technique combines the latest discoveries in hypnosis and the new science of personal achievement known as Neuro Linguistic Programming. This takes the power of hypnosis to a new level in helping people take back control of their lives.” Many local doctors are so impressed by the power of hypnosis that they are now referring many of their patients to Dr. Luke for his Accelerated Change Hypnoband Programme. Dr. Luke says, “I am currently building a Doctors Referral Network to keep local GP’s informed of my developments and to keep them informed of their patients’ progress. Many celebrities, professional business people, nurses and housewives have benefited from Lapband hypnosis, SO CAN YOU! The good news is that this incredible method of Losing Weight is available locally. The bad news there usually is a three to four week waiting list for an appointment but even the medical profession believes it’s worth waiting for

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July/August 2014

“I walked out 25lbs Lighter!” Kate had been over weight for the majority of her life- nearly 27 YEARS! She had tried every type of Weight Loss Gimmick, Diets, Supplements, Gym Memberships even Personal Trainers but nothing worked, until she met Dr. Luke. She recently sent him this follow up email: “I promised I would do a testimonial for you. Here it is: The hypnosis TOTALLY worked...not only have I lost 25lbs I have not eaten at timmies...I have had NO DESIRE TOO!!! It really has changed my life!” Check out more testimonials at: www.lukenosis.com you can contact Dr. Luke at 613-878-5874 to arrange an appointment.

When you successfully quit, let your insurance providers know this to start enjoying the benefits of reduced premiums. When you’ll be classed as a non-smoker will differ from insurer to insurer (it could be right away, it could be 3 years smokefree) but the sooner you tell them, the sooner you’ll have the added incentive to stick with it. Better health = less time off work Once you quit smoking you should feel healthier and be less likely to take time off work. This will have a positive impact on your income, particularly if you are self-employed. Quitting smoking before it causes you serious health problems that impact your earnings is another financial motivator to kick your habit. What about the cost of quitting smoking? If you’re reluctant to try quitting over concerns that the products you’ll need to help you quit smoking are pricey - especially if you aren’t successful - this needn’t be a worry. Some quit smoking aids are available free of charge and for those that you pay for, it still works out a lot cheaper than paying for cigarettes each week. We take a look at just how cheaply you can stop smoking. Nicotine replacement therapy: Cost: Up to $8.05/week Some people find nicotine replacement therapy helps them deal with the physical symptoms of stopping smoking. It’s available to buy directly from pharmacies, but you can save money by obtaining a prescription for these from your GP or smoking cessation adviser. If you get free prescriptions you won’t need to pay a penny for these products and even if you do pay for your prescriptions, with the current charge for prescriptions set at $8.05, paying this for a week’s supply still works out around a third cheaper than buying direct from your local chemist. Prescription medication: Cost: On a case by case basis Zyban and Champix are prescription medications that can boost your chances of successfully kicking your smoking habit. They’re not suitable for everyone though and your doctor will decide whether you should try them as they do carry side-effects. In a similar way to nicotine replacement therapy, both are available at no cost if you don’t pay for your prescriptions, though you may otherwise need to pay for a course of this therapy. Zyban is typically taken for 7 to 9 weeks and Champix for 12 weeks, though this is a small price to pay if you successfully quit. E-cigarettes: Cost = $10-$18 per pack Although they are not officially recommended as a

stop smoking aid, many smokers do find E-cigarettes a helpful way to quit, and the good news is that they can be cost-effective. Although you will pay anything from $10 to $90 for a starter pack, and then $10 to $18 for a pack of four refill cartridges, with each cartridge equal to 25 cigarettes, it’s easy to see how the savings soon mount up compared to the real thing. Complementary therapies: Cost = Free (depending on location) Hypnosis, acupressure and hypnosis may sometimes be available free of charge through NHS Smoking Services, though depending on where you live you may need to pay for these alternative therapies. Kick the habit! Now that you can see how much money you can save by giving up cigarettes and how little it costs to access smoking cessation support, what are you waiting for? Speak to Dr Luke to find out more about he’s “Stop Smoking in One Hour” system & become smoke free.

THE FOUNDATION FOR SHAMANIC STUDIES a non-profit public charitable and educational organization

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For more information or to register, contact Glenn at glenn@shamanspiritpath.com, 905 430-4953 or www.shamanspiritpath.com

July/August 2014


What is more important – yourself or your relationship?


By Marlene and Bob Neufeld


ost of us have heard the question “would you rather be right or be happy?” Dr. Phil has popularized this question. Couples in our office sometimes respond with, “but I am right, it’s just a fact” or “being right makes me happy”. We then ask the question a different way, “Would you rather be right or have a relationship?” Being right is a lonely place. It’s rare that someone responds with, “yes, you are right, thanks for pointing it out.” We recently spent two days in training with Dr. Stan Tatkin. He has written a number of books; the one written in lay terms is “Wired for Love.” In this book, he talks about creating a couple bubble. He says that the “couple bubble is an agreement to put the relationship before anything and everything else. It means putting your partner’s well-being, selfesteem and distress relief first. And it means your partner does the same for you.” (p. 17) People misunderstand this concept. It is not about one person walking on eggshells or giving themselves away for their partner. It is not about dropping your inner sense of who you are as separate from your partner. It is not about being a martyr or sacrificing your self. It is not about taking more than 100% responsibility for your partner’s needs. It is definitely not about ignoring your own wants and needs, thus leading to resentment. In fact, focusing on the relationship should increase your own well-being, self-esteem and relieve your own distress. If it doesn’t, then something else needs attention. Focusing on the relationship means knowing what matters to your partner, knowing the few things that really bug him or her and knowing what makes him or her feel safe and secure. Marlene has learned that non-sexual touch is the magic move for Bob. When he is frustrated, agitated, defensive, or scared; gentle touch on a shoulder or knee or his chest will almost

ROLFING® Miranda (Dayvis) Greenacre Advanced Practitioner




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Marlene & Bob Neufeld A Couple helping Couples learn life-changing relationship skills

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always calm him down. Couples have responded to us saying that touching him is manipulating him. “No,” we reply, “it’s just giving him what I know he wants. And it doesn’t cost me anything.“ We recently explored with a couple who has difficulties around this concept. One partner would (rarely) ask for something. The other partner would typically resist with “if you ask, I don’t want to give it, don’t ask me.” We were curious about where this person had learned that it wasn’t a good idea to respond generously to a partner’s request. After further exploration, we uncovered issues in both their families of origin around not asking for what you wanted, and not getting what you ask for. Sometimes people say, “what if my partner isn’t this way towards me? What if s/he isn’t willing to be generous with me?” We recommend you do it first, and see what happens. Ask yourself, “What am I willing to do to reach towards my partner, to help them feel more loved, more safe and more secure? What would be the most generous way to approach my partner?” Marlene & Bob Neufeld practice body-centered Coaching and Psychotherapy. They are a couple who help couples learn lifechanging skills and create closer, more loving relationships with one another. To learn more, see www.marleneandbob. com or call 613-594-9248 to arrange a complimentary 1-hour introductory session.

Ottawa Spiritualist Temple Christian Spiritual Ministries Inc.

Olde Forge C.C., 2730 Carling Avenue Sunday Service at 1:30 pm Worship, Healing & Message Service

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& Various Guest Mediums

for Information call 613-521-9711

July/August 2014


Acupuncture During Pregnancy By Steve Ryu, R.TCMP, R.Ac.


n Traditional Chinese Medicine, health and illness are described in terms of the relationships between certain substances and functions within the body. Put simply, yin’s cooling, nourishing substances balance yang’s vital energy, movement, and warmth. It is said in TCM that, “men pertain to yang and women pertain to yin”. A woman’s body, due to menstruation and the demands of nourishing a child while pregnant, has an increased reliance on blood and yin. Reproductive health in women depends primarily on the energetic function of the kidneys, liver, and spleen. The kidneys store prenatal essence, or “jing” and govern growth, development, and reproduction. The liver stores blood, moves blood during menstruation, regulates flow of qi in the body, and keeps a balanced emotional state. The spleen, which is the main digestive organ in Chinese medicine, produces qi and blood from the food we eat and ensures that blood flows within its normal pathways. Once pregnant, a woman’s physiology shifts. Menstruation stops, causing qi and blood to accumulate in the uterus. As a result, the spleen is under greater demand to produce and supply blood and qi to help secure her pregnancy. The kidney lends its yin and essence to the development of the fetus and the liver blood nourishes the uterus. Later in pregnancy, “heat” in the body becomes common. “Heat” in the body can be experienced as feeling warmer or having excessive thirst, irritability, flushing, insomnia, anxiety, hypertension, night sweats, heartburn, or constipation. “Qi and blood stagnation” may cause symptoms such as pain, numbness, swelling, varicosities, reflux, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, or mental depression. A root cause of both “heat” and stagnation is often “qi and blood deficiency” which can also cause fatigue. Acupuncture uses points along the body’s channels to regulate and boost the function of these energetic organs, thus bringing relief of these symptoms. Also, by resting more and eating easily digested, nourishing foods, a woman supports her increased need for reserves of qi and blood. By maintaining moderate exercise and lowering her stress level, she helps her body to circulate qi and blood efficiently. In addition to treating pregnancy related discomforts, TCM offers preventive and supportive measures for mother and baby during and after pregnancy. Intertrimester treatments or “happy baby” treatments are believed to promote the health of the fetus as it develops and offer an opportunity for a woman to resolve any current discomforts so that the next phase of her pregnancy may be as healthy and enjoyable as possible.

New Life Acupuncture &SteveOriental Medicine Center (Eun Kyu) Ryu

, R.TCMP, R.AC Pre-Med at McGill University (B.Sc.), Master Program of Acupuncture at Mercy College, NY (MPA)

Specialized in...

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Receipts for insurance coverage • Disposable needles • Gift certificates available Affiliated with Riverside Acupuncture and Wellness Centre and Ottawa Fertility Centre for Infertility Treatment

Late in pregnancy, if a baby is found to be in a breech or other unfavorable presentation for birth, the use of acupuncture or moxibustion on a point on the small toe offers exceptionally good results in turning the baby. Week 31-32 is the best time for this treatment. Beginning in week 36 to 37, birth preparation treatments are recommended to help the uterus and cervix become ready for birth. Studies have found these treatments to be helpful in ripening and dilating the cervix before labor begins, thus shortening the amount of time spent in labor (especially in first time mothers) and aiding in efficient contractions during labor. If a woman has not begun labor by her due date, acupuncture treatments may be performed that encourage labor to begin. Often, a woman will begin spontaneous labor after just a few daily treatments and can avoid medical induction altogether. Even if medical induction is used, previous acupuncture treatment can facilitate efficient labor, making further medical intervention unnecessary. Steve Eun Kyu Ryu, R.TCMP, R.Ac is a Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner at New Life Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine Center in Ottawa. He is affiliated with Ottawa Fertility Centre and Riverside Acupuncture & Wellness Centre for infertility treatment. For further information or to make an appointment call 613-863-6906 or visit website www.freewebs.com/ newlifeacu or www.acupunctureottawa.com

July/August 2014




keptics don’t believe it. Our governments deny that is a threat to us as we sink deeper into the fog called Electrocution. Mankind is hell-bent on racing headlong into more and more technology: smart meters, Wi-Fi hot spots in your cars, wireless in our schools and at work and even in our national parks. With out fog lights to show you the way so that you can maneuver through your day and reach your destination with your body in tack. My friend, Peter Webb, has developed EMF Balance units that can balance your homes, schools, work and your transportation. Also a water treatment system that takes out the memory of pollution in out water system for your home. Remember that we cannot live without water. Our bodies are 75% water. It is just several of the ways to protect your health against the continuing onslaught of all Pollution. If it’s to be, it’s up to you to think outside the box and do your due diligence on what is effecting your way of life and health. Give me a call to find out how to start you on your healing journey one step at a time.

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spriebe@sympatico.ca • www.emffreezone.ca (613) 842-4758 HAVE A BALANCED DAY P.S. Don’t forget the Energy Exchange Meeting the first Friday of every month at the Ottawa Citizen Bldg. 7pm to 9:30 (by donation) Balanced against EMF Pollution

Qi-matic Research Center Presents

Free Qigong Seminar

July 20, 2014 from 9 a.m. to noon

Best Western Macies Hotel, 1274 Carling Ave, Qigong Master Sifu James from Toronto will give a talk on how to activate your Qi (universal energy) using it for self-healing or to help others. Sifu James was born with ability to see energy and a scientific mind. He has helped people get to the real cause of their challenges, and professionals to reach their higher potential. For information and registration contact Angela Fung at afung46@hotmail.com or call 613 762 8893.

July/August 2014

PA IN by Laurie Fraser


Heal the energ� and the body will follow

ain is a subjective, moving, changing animal... except when it settles in like a rock. In her book, “Pain- The Science and Culture of Why we Hurt”, Jackson writes that any pain that persists after six months has become chronic. Chronic pain is more Allergies • addiction • autism • difficult to be rid of because it has burned pathways candida • depression • detox • disease into the brain and the body has come to expect it. • fatigue • fungus/mould • learning All pain is an emergency. Mainstream medicine disabilities • lymes • infection • doesn’t have a lot to offer for pain- wait it out, surgery, infertility • insomnia • menopausal or take pharmaceuticals which come with side effects. symptoms • pain • past life • skin • From an alternative healer’s point of view, physical spiritual stuff. pain is emotional or spiritual pain that has manifested in the body. It chooses a vulnerable place to settle in and then yells at you: “ Pay attention! Are you listening now?” I communicate with the body’s energy using muscle-testing. This leads the way through menus and submenus to arrive at a procedure. The energy Certified B.O.S. practitioner has chosen the procedure, not me. Holographic healing What is normally chosen to reduce or eliminate Facade healing pain out of the options available through me? Comprehensive healing 1. B.O.S. pain protocols that involve targeting the pain and then taking it out through the spleen using energetic morphine. (The vial contains the energetic imprint of morphine- hey, no side effects 5. Brain work- healing with hands or structural and it’s all the same thing to the body!) adjustments or other- yes, I agree with Jackson, the 2. Structural balances. I recently worked on a client for brain is very involved in the perception of pain. emotional issues but at some point in the session was led to “rib torque”, a B.O.S. technique. That it meant 6. Holographic healing- I pull a holograph out of the body and fix whatever is wrong with it. The body one rib was lower than the other. I adjusted them. He follows. Sometimes I see the actual problem (a stone said that he’d had pain in his side since a fall 2 years stuck in a tube- kidney stone- and I remove it), but ago. The doctor had said nothing could be done and it’s usually symbolic- eg. I saw an old mattress when the client hadn’t even mentioned it to me, he was working a client’s sore foot. The so accustomed to living with it. mattress was full of broken springs. He reported the pain was gone I replaced these. I often find clients immediately after procedure. It curled up in balls, crying in fetal never returned. position- I’m directed to stand them 3. Visitors often show up at healings up, put a sun over their heads, rock at my place- often Archangels or soothe them in another way. I once and Ascendant Masters, but saw a spine filled with red wires. I sometimes relatives who have removed the wires and the client felt crossed over. Sometimes they less pain. have energetic gifts for clients. Fascinating stuff- always different, One man received a leather thong often effective. strung with turquoise beads from Buddha. I was instructed to tie it Laurie Fraser is a writer, teacher and around his hips. He reported his The Word Not Spoken certified B.O.S. practitioner. Sliding a novel by Laurie Fraser back pain immediately lessened. scale, $65/session. Call 721-3781. Check A romantic adventure set in Turkey addresses human 4. Physical pain often leads me to rights, risk and the requirements for love. out her novel: The Word Not Spoken emotional pain stored in organs Find it at Ottawa independent bookstores or order A Turkish adventure addresses human online at Amazon or any of your favourite e-bookstores. and chakras. I remove the old rights, risk & the requirements for love. Watch the video, see photos and read chapter one, stuck emotion and the load is excerpts and more at www.lauriefraser.com www.lauriefraser.com –chapter 1, photos. lightened.

Laurie Fraser 721-3781

July/August 2014


Feeling down? In a rut? Need a change?


ave you noticed how your spirits are lifted after a visit to the salon or pulled down on bad hair days? There is a direct relationship between how you look on the outside and how you feel on the inside. Think about it: when you’re feeling low, what kind of clothes do you reach for? I’m going to bet that the outfit you might choose to put on is probably pretty comfortable, but almost certainly baggy, drab, and not very flattering. Am I right? I am also going to guess that your choice of outfit does little to chase your blues away. Now think about the last time you felt confident and attractive - like a million bucks! Maybe it was an important occasion like a wedding or a job interview. What were you wearing? Starting to see the connection?

When you look good, you feel great! Sometimes it’s easy to feel like you’re stuck and can’t break free of old habits – like wearing those baggy grey sweatpants. Change means stepping out of your comfort zone. Think of it this way: staying in your comfort zone = inactivity. I know you want more and what’s wrong with feeling put together, more attractive and – dare I say – SEXY! “Everything we need comes to us” is one of my mottos. If you’re looking for a fun, easy and economical way to make over your wardrobe, improve your style, and boost your confidence, my book Anew You Style Journal is for you. It’s an allencompassing program to help you make simple changes in your wardrobe and style habits with BIG impacts on your image and selfesteem. Take a calculated risk by following my Anew You program = personal growth, a revitalized wardrobe, renewed self-confidence, and lots of compliments! You have the power within yourself to make positive changes in your life but you have to commit to taking the steps to make it happen. Make a commitment to the most important person in your life – YOU! Wilma Haerkens www.personalstylist.ca wilma@personalstylist.ca (613) 741-1151


July/August 2014


(the Yoga of Dance) workshop August 17 10AM – noon

The supreme union of mind, body and spirit: Nritya Yoga concentrates on the physical, emotional, spiritual, socio-cultural aspects of ancient sacred movement, dance, Yoga and Meditation. Duniya Studio is honoured to bring master instructor Amrita Choudhury to Ottawa.

A healing journey to a calmer state of mind...

www.duiyastudio.com/amrita.htm for registration or more information.

Laurie Berg, RCRT Reflexology Therapist

Please welcome Laurie to the THS team at The Hair Salon. Laurie is a member of the Reflexology Association of Canada and has been practicing for the past three years. Laurie incorporates Reiki stone massage and traditional native practices into her treatment, while customizing individual treatment plans. Laurie is accepting new clients and looks forward to helping you improve your circulation and overall sense of vitality.


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July/August 2014

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Calendar ... Conferences ... Workshops


Love Peace Harmony Ottawa Calendar Listings Summer 2014

Soul Healing Miracles Evening with Master Lynda Friday, September 26, 7 – 9:30 pm, FREE Saint Paul University, 223 Main Street Experience the power of soul healing. You could be chosen to receive powerful healing and life transforming blessings. Open Your Spiritual Channels with Master Lynda Sunday, September 28, 10 am – 5 pm, $50 Saint Paul University, 223 Main Street Open your spiritual channels and connect with your soul in a very powerful way. Learn how to communicate with your spiritual guides to receive their guidance and blessings for your physical life and spiritual journey. Information: Master Lynda Chaplin 647.654.7711 • lynda.chaplin@drsha.com www.ottawakiosk.com/MasterLyndaChaplin.html


Master Sha’s Soul Healing Groups Learn and practice the teachings of Master Sha with Certified Divine Healing Hands Soul Healers! Monday • July 7, 14, 21, 28; August 11, 18, 25 7 – 9 pm, FREE Tanglewood Park Community Centre, 30 Woodfield Drive, Ottawa K2G 3Y5 Contact: Shirley at 613.292.2288 or soulhealer299@gmail.com Tuesday • July 8, 22; August 5, 26 7 – 9 pm, FREE Queenswood Villa, 370 Kennedy Lane East, Ottawa Contact: Susan at 613.276.7132 or ahealingjourney@rogers.com Wednesday • July 2, 9, 16, 23, 30; August 6, 20, 27 7 – 8:30 pm, FREE 2650 Southvale Crescent, Ring #99, Ottawa Contact: Sara at 613.620.1996 (evenings) or sara. pinkrose@gmail.com


Visit www.pranashanti.com or call 613-761-9642 (YOGA) for more information

Kids Yoga Summer Camp with Victoria – July 21 to 25, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Come join us for a fun-filled week of yoga summer camp! With an equal balance of play and rest, kids will learn how to slow down, breathe, and feel joyful! Ages: 4-9 years.

PranaShanti Community Kirtan – July 4, 7:30 pm The primary musical feature of kirtan is the use of call and response. The form is simple: a lead group calls out the melodies and the mantras. The rest of the group responds, clapping and dancing as the rhythms build and accelerate.

New Moon Intention Setting with Devinder Kaur – July 27, 5:45 pm Our class includes an overview of the astrology of the New Moon, breath work (pranayam), a short yoga set (kriya), a prosperity meditation and a deep relaxation with 2 Gongs played at the same time.

Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Open House with Laurie Howe – July 5, 1:30 pm Interested in deepening your yoga practice on and off the mat? Interested in taking your experience to the next level by becoming a Yoga Teacher? To find out more about our upcoming Training, please join us. Learn about our program and ask questions.

Happy Birthday Yogi Bhajan with Devinder Kaur – August 26, 5:45 pm Each year on Yogi Bhajan’s birthday, communities around the world celebrate with a special practice. This year join us at PranaShanti for a very special Kundalini Yoga class including a 30 minute 4 Gong relaxation and meditation. Come for the experience!

Hatha Yoga Teacher Training – Summer Intensive with Laurie Howe & Joe Barnett - Begins July 12 Our program is a total of 200+ hours held during an 8-day retreat and 3 weekends. This format provides future teachers exposure to as much knowledge and hands on practice teaching time as possible. Full Moon Healing Meditation with Devinder Kaur – July 15, 5:45 pm Join Devinder for this nurturing class which includes an overview of the astrology of the Full Moon, breath work (pranayam), a short yoga set (kriya), a healing meditation and a deep relaxation with the soothing vibration of the Gong. Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Open House with Devinder Kaur, July 20 & August 17, 11:45 am This program is life-transforming and is for everyone. Whether you are interested in becoming a teacher or wanting to deepen your yoga practice and knowledge. To find out more about our Training, please join us. Bring your questions! Nritya Yoga (the Yoga of Dance) workshop, August 17, 10AM – noon The supreme union of mind, body and spirit: Nritya Yoga concentrates on the physical, emotional, spiritual, socio-cultural aspects of ancient sacred movement, dance, Yoga and Meditation. Duniya Studio is honoured to bring master instructor Amrita Choudhury to Ottawa. www.duiyastudio.com/amrita. htm for registration or more information. UNVEIL YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF WORKSHOP - Do you ever feel like you’ve lost yourself somewhere along the way? Not sure where you belong? This is a workshop for YOU to reconnect with your higher self, rediscover your passions, and create the happy, healthy life you are meant to live using powerful tools such as Energy Healing, Hypnosis, Meditations and more... Saturday, July 19, 2014, 10AM-3PM, Pine Lodge Bristol, Qu. Cost is $123, lunch included. Register at Stephanie@newleafwellness.ca or (613)498-2952 (Brought to you by New Leaf Wellness and McGuire Hypnosis)

July/August 2014

Quantum-Touch® Therapy Level I Certificate Training weekend Saturday and Sunday, July 26th & 27th, 2014, as well as August 30th & 31st, 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Aileen’s Oasis Information and Registration Aileen McKenna aileen@aileensoasis.com or aileen.mckenna66@gmail.com Aileen’s Oasis www.aileensoasis.com www.quantumtouch.com 613-228-2272, by cell at 613-795-3751 In a few short hours you will learn how to run energy using meditation and special breathing techniques that will allow you to heal yourself, your friends, family, plants and animals. You will be learning from the first Canadian Quantum-Touch Instructor Grounding and the Art of Creating Sacred Space Part I Saturday, July 12th, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. A workshop about creating boundaries, clearing the aura, clearing a physical space, being present and secure in your own energy field. Ideal for energy workers, massage therapists, lawyers, social workers and anyone else working or living closely with others. For further information, a flyer and registration form call Aileen’s Oasis at 613-228-2272, 613-7953751 or by e-mail at aileen.mckenna66@gmail.com www.aileensoasis.com

EDUCATOR’S WELLNESS RETREAT AUGUST 23-24 Relax, Replenish, Renew GALILEE RETREAT CENTRE, ARNPRIOR for Elementary, Secondary and Post Secondary Teachers For more information visit: www.anitamitra.com or www.heartshrinewellness.com

DIRECTORY • Groups ISUL GROUP INTERNATIONAL. RON CHAPMAN. Meditation classes and seminars. 232-1160. PATHWORK® Practical spiritual wisdom that lays out a step-by-step journey into personal transformation and wholeness. A challenging yet compassionate voyage of discovery to the Real Self through the layers of our defenses, denial and fear, guided by our own inner authority. Ottawa info: www.ottawapathwork.ca SUFI ORDER OF OTTAWA http://sufiorderofottawa.webs.com/ SPIRITUAL FRONTIERS CANADA (Explorations) SFC offers monthly explorations as: Talks (1st Thurs.) and Workshops (3rd Sat.). *To attend, see / confirm info on latest and future events in 2 ways: 1. our SFC exclusive email list which has been active for past several years. For new spiritual, evolutionary, wellness seekers, please send ‘email address’ request to jldube@rogers.com (JeanLouis ). Removals on request. and/ or 2. See our ongoing website www.spiritualfrontiers.ca

• People RON CHAPMAN. Classes and seminars, meditation all levels, private consultations 232-1160. NADINE LA BELLE, M.A. Body, mind, spirit Integrative Healing®. 613-258-7492. T. M. (THOME-us MARTee) TEGTMEYER, coaching and teaching transformation: balance@thomasMtegtmeyer.com; Phone: 613.769.5575. CELESTE SUSAN VERMETTE, Naturotherapist, Reiki Master, Life Coach, Tantra Instructor Bodywork ~ chair massage, reflexology, reiki, lymphatic drainage, swedish, Upledger cranio-sacral therapy. Treatments and Consultations 613-5659303. touch_therapies@rogers.com

• Places MOVEMENT OF SPIRITUAL INNER AWARENESS (MSIA) (an ecumenical church), Ottawa-Morin Community. Weekly, Thursday, 7:30 pm services, followed by fellowship, at 103 Westpark Drive, in Ottawa: call to reserve. Marriages and spiritual counselling by appointment. Peace Theological Seminary Courses: as scheduled locally, by correspondence and by internet. For information or to reserve: msia@rogers.com or 613-841-1458

• A Course in Miracles COURSE OASIS. Courses, support and study groups, spiritual gatherings, individual mentoring, books. Mary Anne Buchowski and James Gregory, 613-726-0195. Email: courseoasis@ primus.ca; Website: www.courseoasis.org

• Acupuncture CHINESE TRADITIONAL ACUPUNCTURE & NATURAL MEDICINE CENTRE. TCM. DAC. Jia Jun Huang & Annie Huang. Graduate of Shanghai Medical University (1960). Over 45 years experience. Member of Chinese Acupuncture Association of China & Canada. Acute & chronic pain, Accident. Sports injuries, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Depression, Insomnia, Stop smoking, Menopause, etc. Disposable needles are used. Insurance coverage. Free parking. One of the largest herb stores in Otawa. 613-235-5504. 867 Somerset St. W. Ottawa.

HARMONY ACUPUNCTURE, Rural Kanata location, Alice Kwasniok, Dr. Ac. and TCM, MSc, member of CMAAC, graduate of ACOS, Nelson, BC. Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine for prevention and treatment of a variety of acute and chronic conditions. Weight loss and detoxification, anti-aging facial rejuvenation. 613-832-0658. www. harmonyrevival.com PAIN RELIEF; correction of chronic conditions; addiction relief; weight loss; pro-active tune-up for health maintenance. Meridians Clinic (613) 728-2579 www.naetottawa.com SUNRISE COMMUNITY ACUPUNCTURE clinic offers affordable treatments on a sliding scale from $15 to 35 ( +HST). You pay what you can, no questions asked. There is an additional $10 for the first treatment only. 20 years of experience. www.ottawaacupuncturestudio.com. 613-853-9099. BLAISE T. RYAN, R.TCMP, R.Acu. Specializing in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Qigong and Child Psychology. Experienced & Registered. Adults & Children. Insurance receipts available. Located in Westboro at The Village Clinic. Book online at www.drblaiseryan.com or call 613-702-5377

• Adiewa ACCESSING DEEP INTENTION AND ENERGIZING WISE ACTION Intuitive, embodied inquiry process for deep personal and spiritual growth. Experience your innate knowing, energetic intelligence, Source guidance. Private sessions, healing circles, workshops with Jane Lindsay. 613.761.9249 adiewacentre.ca

• Akashic Records PATRICIA V. LACROIX Psychic Medium, Empath, Akashic Records Counselor, Destiny Card Readings. Email - patriciavlacroix@sympatico.ca

July/August 2014

• Alexander Technique ELENA CALVO. Certified teacher(England) Personalized mind and body work. English, Spanish, and French spoken. Health Insurance covered. (819) 771-0110. THE OTTAWA-HULL SCHOOL FOR THE ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE, Richard Albert, Director. Health insurance covered. I now offer Alexander lessons in my office or at your home 819-456-3484 alextech@magma.ca; or visit www.magma.ca/~alextech BRIGITTE CARON fully bilingual, certified teacher (also speaks Spanish). 317 Chapel (@ Laurier). 789-7972.

• Allergy treatment ALLERGY & CHRONIC CONDITIONS. 10th year serving Ottawa-Outaouais. Judy Spence’s Medical background assures your program is tailored to your individual health needs. NAET is excellent for treatment of allergy & infection as well as Autism, CFS, FM, MCS, ADD & other chronic and conditions including pain. Doctorate of Natural Medicine (DNM), Acupuncturist., Advanced Level 2 NAET, Advanced 2 BioSet, Laser Acupuncture Detox & Lymphatic Drainage. Western medicine meets Eastern medicine to correct persistent and acute health issues.  State-of-the-art computerized testing. The NAET Clinic of Ottawa is a full service, full time practice and also offers Hypnosis, Homeotoxicology, Auricular Medicine, Ion Detox Foot Baths,  Sauna Detox, Weight Loss and Stop Smoking Programs. 613-728-2579. Quebec location: 819-6611061.  www.naetottawa.com.  On parle francais.

• Angel Therapy ANGEL THERAPY PRACTITIONER® Diane Lanthier incorporates various modalities, including family constellation work, into a unique and compelling Emotional Freedom Techniques session. EFT is gentle yet powerful energy work that allows you to release any negative memories and feelings that are blocking you from moving forward in life. 613 297 8293, diane@reiki-light.com, reiki-light.com VONNE SOLIS. www.vonnesolis.com. 613-258-3550 DISCOVER YOUR WISDOM WITH SOUL COLLAGE®. Fun, creative workshops and one on one sessions. www.soulcollage.com, Elise Laviolette 613-864-6377, elise.respace@gmail.com HEALING ANGELS OF THE ENERGY FIELD, Integrated Energy Therapy-Master Instructor and Journey Practitioner. Learn how to connect with your angels and be the best you can be. Contact Susan at 613-220-6551 or email me at angeltherapy_12@hotmail.com


DIRECTORY • Aqualead AQUALEAD ENERGY - Healing water, environmental healing. Level I, II and Master classes. Free of charge, donations accepted. Sabine Blais, Aqualead & Reiki Master. email aqualead1@gmail.com for schedules, www.aqualeadinstitute.org (819) 230-6638.

• Aromatherapy PLANET BOTANIX fills all your pure essential oil needs! We carry over 100 oils and other supplies. Purchase products from our line of all natural bodycare. 301 Bank (Somerset) 567-4444, www.planetbotanix.com AROMATHERAPY MASSAGE, Aroma-Zone Touch, Indian Head Massage, Reiki and healing attunements, Hot Stone Therapy and massage, Bio-Touch, Crystal stone energy. For appointments with Juane at Classy Nails & Spa, please call 613-834-9922 For information, please email relax.and.renew@outlook.com

• Art / Art Therapy

• Aura Photography AURA PHOTO & Chakra Balancing Aura pic & interpretation, Colour therapy, Clear blockages, Healing. Rina Soucy 613-841-8651

• Ayurveda NOEL SMITH-SPARROW: Ayurvedic lifestyle Consultant, phone: (613) 294-7798 noelsmith-sparrow@hotmail.com

• B. O. S. LAURIE FRASER, certified B.O.S. practitioner. Excellent results: emotional issues (depression, anxiety, grief), pain, disease, allergies, mould, menopause, infection, insomnia, etc. Spiritual development, chakra work. 613-721-3781

• Beauty and Health NATURAL BODYCARE by a certified aromatherapist. Natural makeup, cleaning products: Planet Botanix, 301 Bank (Somerset) 567-4444

• Birth Doula

SCULPTURE FROM THE HEART: a powerful creative process working with the whole person, energizing and grounding. Free introductory session. Hilde Paz - BA Visual Arts, qualified Steiner sculpture therapist, Tobias School of Art, UK (1988). individuals and small groups. Info: 613 829-3408

BIRTH DOULA offering 3 educational prenatal sessions, continuous birth support & 1 postnatal home-visit. Offering a wide range of holistic resources, including Hypnotherapy, Massage & Aromatherapy for pregnancy, birth & beyond. Visit: www.empowerbirth.ca 613.282.6001 empowerbirth@gmail.com

JOURNEY THROUGH THE RAINBOW: Participants gain a greater understanding of themselves by exploring the seven colours of the rainbow through art, visualization, sound and food. A “sense”-ational experience! Tammy Smith 613-799-1022 Tammy_reiki@hotmail.com

KRISTIN PETERSON: Registered Massage Therapist, Certified BodyTalk Practitioner & Certified Acupuncturist kristin_peterson6@hotmail.com or http://kristinpeterson.weebly.com

• Ascension Healing NEWLY-ACCESSIBLE LIVING TECHNOLOGY INTELLIGENCE for clearing stubborn, limiting energies from your 12-D Divine blueprint. www.MelindaUrban.com

• Astrology JACQUES GIASSON: Professional Astrologer with a background in psychological counseling and 28 years of experience. Become aware of your path and take advantage of your challenges and opportunities, natal, actual and future. Call: 819-770-9259. JUDY JIBB, Astrologer CertFAstrolS 613 304 4255, personalreadings@gmail.com 11TH HOUSE ASTROLOGY GROUP, open to all levels, to exchange & learn, 2nd Monday of month (Sept.-June), 61 Main St. Ottawa. Info: 613-821-4839. INSIGHTFUL, INSPIRING, and in-depth Astrology Readings. Over 15 years experience. Eve Mari Crete 819-457-1694 www.astrologereve.ca


• BodyTalk

LORI HOLLOHAN MA, Advanced BodyTalk Practitioner, Certified Coach, Yoga Teacher & Author. Contact: (613) 866-7091; lori@ energythrive.com and www.energythrive.com TRANQUIL SWAN Holistic Health Services. Kim Swan Reiki Master, Certified BodyTalk practitioner - offers a variety of alternative therapies and classes. Visit www.tranquilswan.com, tranquilswan@gmail.com or 613-240-9716

• Bowen Therapy BOWENTHERAPY OTTAWA Bette Madigan. www.BowenTherapyOttawa.ca Certified Bowen Therapy Practitioner (advanced) 376 Churchill Ave. Suite 203 (Westboro Clinic) insurance receipts available. Call 613-722-4249 or e-mail bettemadigan@hotmail.com MARIANNA MEDVID, Registered Bowen Therapist, Homeoplus Outaouais Clinic, Hull. Pain relief and body balancing. 819-777-1818 (w) or 613-291-6651(c) info@bowentherapyhealing.ca; bowentherapyhealing.ca. THE BOWEN APPROACH - Gently restoring your health. PAIN, digestive & respiratory issues and more. Certified Bowen Practitioner (Advanced) 613-799-3315. www.TheBowenApproach.ca

July/August 2014

BOWEN TRAINING ACADEMY, Janet Riley, RN, Licensed Bowenwork® Instructor. www.bowentrainingacademy.com. Courses in Ottawa and across Canada. 613 848-2083 janet@bowentrainingacademy.com BOWENWORKS OF KINGSTON, Andrée Boisvert, Certified Bowenwork® Practitioner, 920 Princess St., Suite 105, Kingston, 613331-3625, andree@abholistichealth.com www.abholistichealth.com BOWEN TRAINING ACADEMY, Janet Riley, RN. Licensed Bowenwork® Instructor www.bowentrainingacademy.com. Courses in Ottawa and across Canada. 613 848-2083 janet@bowentrainingacademy.com INTEGRAL HEALTH CLINIC: Chronic pain, stress, carpal tunnel, PMS, TMJ, cancer patient support & more. Gentle touch through clothing, powerful healing. Madeline McBride, Certified Bowenwork® Practitioner. Downtown Ottawa 613.241.0005 or book online www.integralhealthclinic.com

• Buddhism PINE GATE SANGHA - www.ianprattis.com/ pinegate.htm - Engaged Buddhism in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh. 1252 Rideout Cr; 613 726 0881. Thursday meditation and study class 7:00pm; First Saturdays of each month - dharma talk and pot luck supper 5.00pm. Nucleus of Friends for Peace www.friendsforpeace.ca Resident teacher: Dharmacharya Ian Prattis True Body of Wisdom INTRODUCTION TO AUTHENTIC ZEN TRAINING through instruction in zazen (sitting Zen) and kinhin (walking Zen). First Saturday of each month, 2-4 PM. Pre-registration required: info@wwzc.org or 613-562-1568. Zen Centre of Ottawa www.wwzc.org

• Business Consulting NEED HELP ACHIEVING YOUR GOALS? Experienced in research, writing, organizing events, web sites and more – reasonable rates. 613-222-1711

• Ceremonies CARRIE RATHWELL, CEREMONIALIST. Personalized ceremonies created for and with you: weddings, funerals, baby and family ceremonies, rites of passage, pet funerals, shamanic journeys for ceremonies, and more. 613-2371473. www.carrierathwell.com

• Chakra/Aura Balancing www.wellbeingisyours.com Rica 613-257-8362 THE BOUTIQUE offers a 30 minutes Chakra/ Aura Assessment and modification session. Also the Boutique offers many more services, please refer to www.arc-ange-ciel.com or call the Boutique at 613 424 9094.

• Channelling DONNA KINNIBURGH, Internationally Renown, Deep Trance Medium (Edgar Cayce Style) Is now accepting Limited Appointments – 613 649-8245 donna@rainbow-lady.com www.rainbow-lady.com

• Child Care Conscious, healthy, heart-centered care and support for your child(ren) and family. Julia Horvath: faeriesfly@yahoo.ca 613-724-8228

• Chiropractic ACTIVATOR CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC. Restore proper spinal balance safely and comfortably with the precise low-force activator analysis and instrument. Dr. Stephani S.Dunk 613-226-9800. Baseline @ Prince of Wales

• Church CHURCH OF PERFECT LIBERTY, Ottawa,ON. www.perfectliberty.ca (613-225-1850)

• Cleaning GREEN CLEANING since 1988. Completely insured and bonded. We clean both homes and offices. Personalized friendly service with all healthy products. www.beauclean.ca 613-731-1532 or email beauclean@gmail.com

• Clinics PLANET BOTANIX, 301 Bank (Somerset) 5674444: visit our website for a list of practitioners www.planetbotanix.com KILLENS REID PHYSIOTHERAPY CLINIC now offering TCM with acupuncture practitioner. Other services, Osteopathy, Vodder Lymphatic Drainage, Vestibular Rehab, Urinary Incontinence Rehab, Massage Therapy, Orthopaedic and Sports Physiotherapy. www.killensreid.com (613) 594-8512.

• Clubs OWLS Club: socially-responsible club for ladies 40+, for friendship, support and co-creation. For info or to join: www.owls-club.com

• Clutter FROM CHAOS TO ORDER - bring on the Flow. Edie Lane Feng Shui Consultant, DeClutter Specialist. 613-565-1919 abundantlivingbydesign.com

• Coaching ACADEMY OF PERSONAL AND RELATIONSHIP COACHING www. ottawacounselling.com Coaching concentrates on healing and empowerment and deemphasizes being clinical and helping. Richard Haney is a wholistic coach who brings a wide range of skills, techniques and modalities to each coaching interaction. He provides

warm, heart-connected and empathetic coaching. Please contact Richard Haney to enhance your life and make the most of each moment. Listening well is the most eloquent sign of caring. Richard Merrill Haney, Ph.D. (Counselling Therapy), 234-5678 or 726-3636. T. M. (THOME-us MARTee) TEGTMEYER, Functional, Integrative and Vibrational transformation. By appointment only. Phone: 613.769.5575 ANNA MARANTA: Coaching, Counselling, and Spiritual Direction from an Integral Perspective. Call: 613.867.5505 or email: maranta.anna@gmail.com MARLENE NEUFELD, MSW, RSW, AND BOB NEUFELD, M.ED., help couples create closer loving relationships. We specialize in two-on-two couples coaching/psychotherapy. Experience our life changing approach which will help you learn skills and techniques that facilitate lasting personal change in a faster and easier way than traditional talk-therapy. We each have over 37 years experience in helping couples/people create more satisfying relationships/lives. For more information or to arrange a one-hour no-charge-to you initial consultation see www.marleneandbob.com or phone 613-594-9248. ANNA EARLE GREEN, MA CCC - providing Personal & Spiritual Growth Coaching, Mindfulness & Body-Mind Healing Therapies. 613-295-9987 www.spiritwell.ca www.annagreen.ca LIFE SKILL WORKSHOPS INCLUDESAnger, Communication, Denial, Roles, ACOA, Co-dependency, Relationships and Spirituality. Every second Saturday from November 9 at The House of Hope and Healing. www.lifelinesofrecovery.ca Lynda @ 613-858-7181 BREATH COACH. LIFE, LOVE, HEALTH AND RELATIONSHIP COACHING. Life begins and ends with a breath – as does everything in between. Celeste S. Vermette, Certified with the Hendricks Institute. 613-565-9303 tantracanada@gmail.com

• Colonic Therapy DETOX AND STRENGTHEN THE COLON. Gentle, safe, effective. Experienced Colonic Therapist and Holistic Nutritionist, SatDaya WIlliams at 815 Merivale Rd, Ottawa, 613-761-5982, www.holisticottawa.com, satdaya@sympatico.ca

• Counselling CAROLINE ELSON a Wholistic Lifestyle Counsellor. B.Sc M.Ed,CCC 613 282 7905, caroline.elson@gmail.com Starting where you are, moving to create the life you want. Explore the physical, mental and emotional through traditional and alternative forms of counselling. Individual and Couple.

July/August 2014

ROSEMARY MURRAY-LACHAPELLE, M.L.S., M.A., Dipl. Analyt. Psych. Jungian Analyst and psychotherapist. Individual therapy to address your unique concerns. (819) 568-0282 ACADEMY OF COUNSELLING. Richard Merrill Haney, Ph.D. (Counselling Therapy) Specializing in individual and couple counselling and in comprehensive family mediation. Also specializing in bereavement, career and stress counselling. Richard is an empowerment counsellor who is heavily influenced by Roberto Assagioli (Psychosythesis), C.G. Jung, Fritz Perls (Gestalt Therapy), Alfred Adler, Milton Erickson, Ken Wilber and Stanislov Grof (Holotropic Breathwork). 234-5678 or 726-3636. Web: www.ottawacounselling.com NURTURING A LOVING RELATIONSHIP with your embodied wisdom thru Focusing, NVC & Yoga. Phone/Skype, in person. Shulamit Day Berlevtov 613-868-9642 www.shula.ca KATHY GLOVER SCOTT M.S.W., professional, experienced Reiki Master/Teacher (Ascended Levels). www.ReikiOttawa.com. Reiki to the 21st degree, 5th Dimensional Consciousness Program, Reiki and Crystals and Root Cause Release Work. Classes and individual appointments (some covered by extended benefits). 613-271-8636 MARY O’KEEFFE, MA., MSc., Clinical member, Ontario Society of Psychotherapists. Mindfulness & Compassion-Based therapy, for emotional balance, anxiety, stress, burnout, grief, relationship and childhood issues. Experienced therapist, Integrative & Holistic...613-608-7809 www.mindfultherapyottawa.com REV. SHERRY HARRIS, MSW, RSW is a heart-focused psychotherapist, certified spiritual coach, counsellor, teacher, minister and energy therapist. She works 7 days a week and offers receipts reimbursable by most insurance providers. She may reached by phone at 613236-8852 or by email at 2belight1@gmail.com. Her website is www,sherryharriscounselling. com. If you cannot come to her, appointments may be done by phone or Sykpe or in your home (travel costs added to the session fee) Hourly fee: $120. LUC DUMOUCHEL, MA, CCC. INDIVIDUALS/ COUPLES. Anxiety, ACoA, communication, depression, emotional dependency, infidelity, loss, separation, sexual problems, GLBT issues, self-care, spirituality. Ottawa/Hull. Insurance/sliding scale. Bilingual. 613-2359813 counselling@lucdumouchel.com ANNA GREEN COUNSELLING & PSYCHOTHERAPY (MA CCC) Counselling couples and individuals toward more peaceful, loving relationships. LIVE, LAUGH, PLAY. Develop more insight and happiness - improve intimacy and reduce conflict. Counselling and mediation services are available. Receipts available, clinically supervised therapy. Downtown area. 613295-9987 www.annagreen.ca


DIRECTORY GET RESULTS @ www.SpiritualCounselling.ca FREE COUNSELLING AVAILABLE for people dealing with death and dying. Also, guidance to achieve your goals in life. 613-828-2836 INDIVIDUAL COUNSELLING SERVICES (ICS) offers Counselling and Psychotherapy for Depression, Anxiety, Trauma Grief & Bereavement. To set an appointment please call 613-720-9003 or email us at soula.k@sympatico.ca www.soulakorovessiscounselling.com

• Couples MARLENE AND BOB NEUFELD help couples who want to create a closer, more loving relationship with one another. Learn how to avoid the common relationship problems of criticism, defensiveness, or just drifting apart. Experience Bob and Marlene’s life changing approach, which includes their ability to bring a couple’s perspective to helping other couples. We each have over 37 years experience in helping couples/people create more satisfying relationships/lives. For more information or to arrange a one-hour no-charge-to you initial consultation see www.marleneandbob.com or phone 613-594-9248. ANNA GREEN COUNSELLING & PSYCHOTHERAPY (MA CCC) - Improve emotional attachment , connection, and communication - reduce stress and conflict. Counselling and mediation services: receipts available, clinically supervised therapy. Downtown area. 613-295-9987 www.annagreen.ca

• Courses

healing. Also decreases depression, anxiety, stress. Increases range of motion, longevity, quality of life.

BELLY DANCING FOR FUN! Awaken your own Goddess of Dance. Tracey @ 613-241-3397 or www.bellydancingforfun.com

DENISE GAULIN, B.A., CST Since the early 1990’s, Denise offers individual CranioSacral Therapy (CST) and SomatoEmotional Release (SER) sessions; she also has a specialization and a vast experience in pediatric CST and Visceral Manipulation (Barral). Denise is a certified CranioSacral therapist and certified teaching assistant for all levels of coursework (Upledger). Tutorials are offered to students of CST and SER. By appointment. Tel. 613-738-9080

PEACOCK DYNASTY DANCE STUDIO: Specializing in Bollywood, Indian Classical Dance Style-Bharata Natyam, Indian Folk, & Persian/Bollywood Fusion. Please contact Sem at peacockdynasty@gmail.com or 613-286-6484 or visit www.peacockdynasty.com

WELLNESS WITH MOIRA: CranioSacral and SomatoEmotional Release Sessions. Specializing in self empowerment for healing and health. Insurance Receipts. www.WellnessWithMoira.com 613.432.1239 BODY POETS MASSAGE THERAPY - Skilled RMTs - Many Modalities - Convenient Hours - Online Booking - Downtown Location - Free Parking - Gift Certificates. 504 Kent St. (At Arlington) Visit www.bodypoets.com or call 613-222-0465. Step into the Circle of Care! ANNA EARLE GREEN, MA CCC Cranio-sacral therapy (Upledger), reiki and body-mind healing from life’s mishaps. CALM. RELAXED. CENTERED. Assists the body’s natural healing intelligence and optimal restoration of immune and nervous system functions for many conditions. Downtown area. 613-295-9987 www. spiritwell.ca

• Crystal Healing LINDA ENERGY HEALER - Beautiful handpicked crystals & jewellery. Workshops. Home parties. Crystal Healing sessions. 613-868-8468. www.lindaenergyhealer.com. Join my mailing list, send an email to: lsteele1122@rogers.com.

• Crystals THE CANADIAN SCHOOL OF NATUROTHERAPIES AND SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT offers distance education courses in Reiki, Intuitive Development/ Counseling, Energy Therapies and Spiritual awareness. Take Individual Courses or become a Registered Integrative Naturotherapist R.I.N. 819-328-9128 www.canadiannaturotherapies.co

• Cranio-Sacral Therapy JOAH BATES, D.O.(UK) Biodynamic Osteopathy. Creating a space for self-healing through structural balance. Over 25 years experience. 613-742-0011. AVIVA COHEN, Happy Body Works on Main Street, happybodyworks@gmail.com, 613-6975644. Receipts available. Light-touch soft tissue and nervous system therapy. Targets dysfunction and honours body’s own intelligence for


ASCENSION HEALING - Comprehensive Crystal Shamanic Healing services for people, animals and land offered for more than 10 years | Crystal Store | 5-Day Crystal Healing Certificate includes “laying on of stones” | 2-year Certification Program provides complete training in Crystal Shamanic Healing | Call Karen Osborne at 613-798-2828 karen@ascensionhealing.ca | www.ascensionhealing.ca

• Dance DANCES OF UNIVERSAL PEACE: Join us in simple, meditative multi-cultural circle dances that use sacred phrases from the many sacred traditions of the earth to touch the spiritual essence within ourselves and others. For more information call 613-594-9248, checkour schedule at www.marleneandbob. com or email info@marleneandbob.com

July/August 2014

SACRED CIRCLE DANCE. Experience joy in movement, well-being, and harmony with others. No dance experience required for this fun, accessible exploration and practice of unity and alignment. Ottawa Circle contact: Anne, annabell2@primus.ca. Aylmer Circle contact: Jen, jenboyes@videotron.ca

• Dementia AN ALTERNATIVE, UNCONVENTIONAL, AND HOLISTIC approach to Memory Loss. Mark Andrews 613-257-0003 www.karmaiskarma.com

• Dentist DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758; info@dolphindentistry.com; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa

• Detoxification

www.wellbeingisyours.com Rica 613-257-8362 ION CLEANSE” Foot Bath Detox, fast, easy, effective way to detox the body in 30 min. Also offering “CHI MACHINE and FAR INFRARED DOMES’ sessions. Insurance coverage. Christianne Akyna-Foley 613-842-3337 cakyna@rogers.com OTTAWA WELLNESS & DETOX CLINIC. www.ottawawellness.com IONCLEANSE™ FOOT BATH with full nutritional support for the ongoing process of detoxing. Nancy 613-596-0260 stonetreehaven@yahoo.com ION CLEANSE FOOT BATH - Removes accumulated toxins from your body through the pores in your feet. Linda O’Connor 4406 Old Kingston Rd. Lombardy. (613)272-2739

• Dowsing OTTAWA DOWSERS, 2nd Wednesday of the Month Routhier Community Centre 172 Guiges St.(Cumberland/St. Patrick) 7-9:30pm. Pendulum, L-rod, Y-rod, bobbers and more. www.ottawadowsers.org 613-596-0260

• Dreams ROSEMARY MURRAY-LACHAPELLE, M.L.S., M.A., Dipl. Analyt. Psych. Jungian Analyst and psychotherapist. Therapy practised with sensitivity to material from the unconscious such as dreams. (819) 568-0282

• Eco-Friendly ADORIT BOUTIQUE. Fair Trade Eco-fabric Boutique. Tarot Readings every Saturday 12:00 - 6:00pm. 153 York St. Ottawa. (613) 241-8354

• EFT & Energy Medicine COMBINING THE POWER OF DONNA EDEN ENERGY MEDICINE AND EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE to release blocks and empower you to step into your magnificence. Catherine McLenaghan, certified Donna Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner and certified Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner. Call 613-730-0411. Private sessions and ongoing classes.www.energywellspring.com

• EMF Balancing P.W. EMF BALANCERS, Home, Work, Auto. Steve Priebe (613) 842-4758, spriebe@sympatico.ca, www.emffreezone.ca

• Emotional Freedom Technique EMOTIONAL, MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL PAIN AND STRESS can lead to physical pain and illness. Life is too short to live with pain of any kind! EFT is an important tool in getting rid of pain - and also in removing the negativity that blocks you from manifesting and attracting the positive and allowing for fullness of self and your divine plan. Tap into emotional freedom - try it on EVERYTHING! Diane Lanthier (613) 2978293 www.reiki-light.com VIOLETTA BOROWSKI, BEd, CHt, EFT Cert-1, SPHE-RE Through this gentle tapping technique, release emotional, mental, spiritual blockages and imbalances on all levels that were preventing you from experiencing peace, happiness and success in your life. A healthy emotional state, will immediately activate physical healing and well being. 613-808-4822 www.SacredPeaceHealing.com

• Energy ENERGY TRANSFORMATIONAL FACILITATOR The Art of Neutrality - sessions available by phone, distance or in person Yvette Marie-Claire Guy 819 771-8858

• Energy Healing LAURIE FRASER, B.O.S., holographic healing, Reconnective, facade healing, past life. Excellent results: anxiety, depression, insomnia, hormones, disease, allergies, pain, addiction, spiritual blocks. 613-721-3781. HEALING FROM WITHIN. Energywork and Bodywork through Inner Knowing. Contact Jim Holland at 613-824-1181 MARTIN DESLAURIERS – Physical and emotional healing. From injuries to chronic

diseases, pain, burnout, grief. Grounding and self-healing group sessions. 819 965-0108 ext 101 – www.MartinDeslauriers.com LINDA ENERGY HEALER - Highly effective energy medicine. Stress, childhood issues, depression, pain, grief. In person or distance, people & pets lsteele1122@rogers.com 613-868-8468 www.lindaenergyhealer.com QUANTUM HEALING -Past Life Regression; Any health issue, Any Question -Dolores Cannon Hypnotherapy Method - Contact Nancy McColl 613-237-4904 email: namccoll@hotmail. com VIOLETTA 613-808-4822 www.EFTottawa.ca The goal is for you to reduce or eliminate your pain rapidly & effectively. Let’s work on you using EFT along with other tools for your mental, emotional, and physical well being. EFT Certified DIVINE CURRENTS. ALS, MS, Alz, Neuro, Sensory. Also Herpes, all viruses. Carlos 613-231-6181 BIO-TOUCH, Reiki and healing attunements, Indian Head Massage, Aromatherapy massage, Aroma-Zone Touch, Hot Stone Therapy and massage, Crystal stone energy. For appointments with Juane at Classy Nails & Spa, please call 613-834-9922 For information, please email relax.and.renew@outlook.com

• Enneagram JANE LINDSAY,MSOD, Riso-Hudson trained, experienced teacher of the profound Enneagram system of personality type and consciousness development. Type identifying, coaching, training. 613.761.9249 adiewacentre.ca janelindsay@sympatico.ca

• Face Massage FACE MASSAGE (REJUVENATING) The Canadian Centre of Indian Head Massage. Two day Certification course with Debbie Boehlen. 905.714.0298. www.indianheadmassagecanada.com

• Facial Rejuvenation Burnham Systems Facial Rejuvenation is a powerful AntiAging Holistic Therapy. Realignment and toning of facial muscles; Release of physical and emotional blockages; Deep renewal of body and spirit. Jurlique Organic Skin Care. Gayle Mickelson 613.422.5701

• Feng Shui BALANCE - HARMONY - ENERGY Enhancing spaces that transform your life. Registered Interior Designer and Certified Feng Shui Consultant. Specializing in Space and Clutter Clearing, Space Planning, Design and Decoration, Colour and Light, Renovation and Construction. Pamela Burns, ARIDO, IDC, Reiki Master (613) 741-4055

July/August 2014

CLEARING THE ENERGY OF YOUR HOME can be magical. Move to the next level of your healing. Contact Edie 613-565-1919 abundantlivingbydesign.com

• Feng Shui Workshops PRACTITIONER/FACILITATOR LINDA THERRIEN from Life Health Healing Center provides two workshops. Introduction to Feng Shui with compass and Advanced Feng Shui with crystals both include certificates. Let Feng Shui in your home and in your life help you achieve Harmony, Abundance, Happiness and more. Workshops are held on the third Saturday or Sunday of each month from 1pm to 5pm. Pre-registration required. Linda is the founder and teacher of Dimensional Meditation with crystals. Call: 613-824-4548 or visit www.lifehealthhealing.com

• Family Planning FAMILY PLANNING CONSULTING using the highly successful Lunar Phase Method. One time fee of $100.00 includes personalized profile and follow up. Nancy at 613-324-4458 or fertility-wheel @hotmail.com. “WOMEN UTILIZING MIND/BODY TECHNIQUES such as hypnosis have a 42 –55% increased rates of conception” Engage the power of your subconscious mind to enhance fertility with hypnotherapy. Visit: www.empowerhypnosis.ca 613.282.6001 johanna@empowerhypnosis.ca

• Flower Essences FLOWER ESSENCES can offer support in every area of life. Gentle release of stubborn patterns and blockages, healing of trauma, assistance in acute or chronic issues, physical or emotional. Californian, Pacific and Bach Essences. Will treat animals. Barbara Schuster, FES-certified practitioner; 613-8204303, www.theflowersofaeksulap.com

• Foot Orthotics DR. JEAN-FRANCOIS GAUTHIER B.Sc., D.C., C Ped (C) is a certified pedorthist, a trained foot health specialist. Providing solutions for conditions such as plantar fasciitis, metatarsalgia, etc. Restore proper foot, knee, hip and lower back balance with confortable custommade foot orthotics. Conveniently located near Rideau Center, free parking: 418 Rideau St. Please call 613-241-3434. For more information contact us at dr.gauthier@sympatico.ca or www.spineandfoot.com

• Gifts PLANET BOTANIX, 301 Bank (Somerset) 567-4444: eco friendly, recycled, unique and inspirational ideas!

• Gum Disease DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758; info@dolphindentistry.com; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa


• Hadoscan HADOSCAN Sessions available by phone, distance or in person Contact Yvette Marie-Claire Guy 819 771-8858

• Head & Neck Pain DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758; info@dolphindentistry.com; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa

• Healing From The Core AVIVA COHEN, Happy Body Works on Main Street, happybodyworks@gmail.com, 613-6975644. Receipts available. Tools for whole body presencing, pain and trauma releasing.

• Healthy Bra HEALTHY BRA - Orthopaedic and Post-Surgical Bra (Medical Device License). No wires. No elastic. Custom-fit. Where health, comfort and shape matter most – Sizes 28A to 44KK. Comfy Posture Solutions 613-521-9100

• Health Kinesiology www.wellbeingisyours.com Rica 613-257-8362. Treat causes, not symptoms

• HeartMath® 1:1 Coaching BREATHE THROUGH THE HEART AND STOP REACTING UNCONSCIOUSLY. Self Regulation, Energy Management, Optimal Performance. Contact Robbin Zrudlo at healandevolve@gmail.com. www.healandevolve.ca

• Herbalism ANNE DRISCOLL R.H. is a traditional herbalist wise in the healing ways of plants. In her practice she blends the wisdom of herbcraft with modern scientific knowledge. She works with individuals to restore the innate balance and strength of the body. All remedies are custom created to address each person’s unique health needs. For both chronic and acute conditions - let plants walk with you on the journey to wellness. Call the Avalon Herbal Clinic at 613-6121181 or drop by on Saturday to Mother Earth Natural Health (747 D Richmond Road.)

• Herbs JUDY’S ORGANIC HERBS Canada’s favourite source for medicinal herbs & health items. Huge selection of highest-quality organic bulk herbs including Premium Herbs from our gardens, vibrant tinctures, oils & vinegars, custom formulas, Ayurvedic herbs, Best-Tasting Krispy Kelp, DEET-Free Insect Repellent, Poison Ivy Remedy, fresh Ginseng, Vita-Mix, LiteBook, Chi Machine, Far Infrared Hot House, large selection of books & more. Mailed to your home or office. Free e-newsletter. Consultations available by appointment. www.earthmedicine.ca 613-832-8241 613-832-8241

• Holistic Dentist DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758; info@dolphindentistry.com; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa


• Homeopathy J.B. HOMEOPATHIC DISPENSARY. Jo-Anne Bazinet, homeopath. Member of S.P.H.Q., C.S.H., H.M.C.C. 2062 St. Joseph Blvd., Orleans, ON, K1C 1E6. (613) 830-0487. Consultations & products available. MARILENA GAVRILA - NUTRIHOM D.I.Hom(Pract.), RNCP, Registered Homeopath for acute and chronic conditions and Registered Nutritional and Lifestyle Consultant; www.nutrihom.com; nutrihom@gmail.com; (613) 842-9328

• Hotstone Healing www.wellbeingisyours.com Rica 613-257-8362 JOIN HOT STONE ENERGY THERAPIST and Reiki Master Pauline Brown A.N.N. member for the utmost in healing, relaxation, and a wonderful state of well-being. $75.00 for 90 minute session. Call: 819-684-7885 or visit: www.healinghandswithpauline.ca. Receipts provided and gift certificates available BODY POETS MASSAGE THERAPY - Skilled RMTs - Many Modalities - Convenient Hours - Online Booking - Downtown Location - Free Parking - Gift Certificates. 504 Kent St. (At Arlington) Visit www.bodypoets.com or call 613-222-0465. Step into the Circle of Care! HOT STONE THERAPY and massage, Reiki and healing attunements, Indian Head Massage, Aromatherapy massage, AromaZone Touch, Bio-Touch, Crystal stone energy. For appointments with Juane at Classy Nails & Spa, please call 613-834-9922 For information, please email relax.and.renew@outlook.com

• Hypnotherapy WHAT DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE? Holistic hypnosis guides you to your unique solutions and a better life! Priscilla Corcoran, www.radiantchanges.com 613-859-3902 AVOID THE MEDICATION ROULETTE! Advanced Clinical Medical/Dental Hypnotherapist successfully treating anxiety, stress, depression, addictions, unwanted habits, fears, pain, smoking cessation, weight mgmt, obsessive-compulsive behaviors, low self-esteem, self-sabotage and more. Specialist in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Fibromyalgia, Migraine Headaches. Visit www.graceplacewellness.com for info, verifiable credentials & free Tranquility recording- Grace Joubarne, CCHt, LAPHP 613-422-7027 Toll-free 1-888-3903553 info@graceplacewellness.com RID YOURSELF OF OLD HABITS AND ADDICTIONS. Hypnosis and HypnoAcupuncture. SLEEP despite your partner’s snoring thanks to hypnosis. Weight loss, Drug, Smoking, Sex, Food and Gambling addictions. Age regression to correct decades old influences.  Hypnosis by Judy Spence (CH), National

July/August 2014

Guild of Hypnotists-certified. Ottawa 613-7282579 OR Gatineau: 819-661-1061. 1st session: $100. Subsequent $80. Insurance receipts. www.naetottawa.com MARTINE BRISSON, hypnosis and alternative therapies. REDISCOVER THE JOY OF LIFE with the help of hypnosis, EFT, NLP, Eye movement Integration therapy, Psych-K, Reiki and IET. I get to the source of the problem to eliminate it. Only certified 5 Path (5 phase advance transformational hypnosis) in the region. Teacher of 7 Path self-hypnosis. Stress reduction, remove fears, anxiety, self-esteem, traumas and more. Insurance receipt available. Gatineau . 819-2056670 www.martinebrisson.com WENDY ARMSTRONG, CHt, MHt, Master Consulting Hypnotist, CCIr. You can create the life you desire NOW! 613-823-3316 wendy@ wellness-centre.com www.wellness-centre.com MOIRA HUTCHISON CTACC DHP Acc. Hyp.: With a blend of Hypnotherapy and Coaching, the focus is placed upon what YOU want and together we make it happen in the right way for you (613) 432-1239 www.WellnessWithMoira.com ACADEMY OF HYPNOTHERAPY www. ottawahypnosis.com When talking therapy is just not enough to dissolve old emotional blocks...Create new pathways by trusting and following fresh images, empowering suggestions and inspiring visions. Become whole again by re-membering and re-connecting forgotten parts of yourself. What inside! What outside! Consider the Whole... Richard Merrill Haney, Ph.D.(Counselling Therapy) Hypnotherapist, 234-5678 or 726-3636. JAIME PALLEN CERTIFIED Hypnotist N.G.H member. Past lives interfering with your present explore how and what you can do to change it. Make an appointment @613-454-1429) or www.hypnosis-in-ottawa.com HYPNOSIS WORKS! Reach your objectives with Lynne Cardinal, a fully Certified Hypnotist with the National Guild of Hypnotists, holding additional certifications in Hypnosis Innovative Techniques and Weight Loss. She has a PhD in Eastern Philosophy from India. Lynne has been offering Stress Management, Burnout Prevention and Meditation workshops at the government and private sector for over 30 years. Insurance receipts. 613.721.7888 - info@kaivalya.ca www.kaivalya.ca

• Indian Head Massage INDIAN HEAD MASSAGE, Reiki and healing attunements, Aromatherapy massage, Aroma-Zone Touch, Hot Stone Therapy and massage, Bio-Touch, Crystal stone energy. For appointments with Juane at Classy Nails & Spa, please call 613-834-9922 For information, please email relax.and.renew@outlook.com KYMBERLI KER, IHM Practitioner, Relaxing Treatments. www.OttawaReflexologist.com

THE CANADIAN CENTRE OF INDIAN HEAD MASSAGE. Two day Certification course with Debbie Boehlen. 905.714.0298. www.indianheadmassagecanada.com AYURVEDIC HEAD MASSAGE certification with Jackie Cave, Fusion School of Natural Health. 613-389-4344 or info@FusionNaturalHealth.com

• Infrared Sauna SAGE WELLNESS 340 Gladstone www.sagewellness.ca. Book online or call 613-235-7243, Detoxify, Treat injuries, Pain relief, Weight loss, Reduce Stress, Improve Skin

• Intuitive Energy Counselling INTUITIVE ENERGY THERAPIST/COUNSELOR and Author Cheryl Jiala Driskell helps you BENEFIT from an ‘Intuitive Approach’ to your health. What is out of balance is immediately made clear and energy therapies bring you back to flow! 15 mins from Island Park 819328-9128. www.intuitivelight.com

• Intuitive Numerology A NEW SCHOOL OF THOUGHT. Psychic Consultation. Laura Young 725-7232 lbaird@istar.ca

• Intuitive Psychic Readings LINDA THERRIEN World Known Medium Clairvoyant. Using Crystals, Chinese Astrology and Channeling Cards, my Readings consist of guidance in your work, health, love and Spiritual Healing. I am accurate, dependable and gifted. I am Founder of Dimensional Meditation with crystals, Past Life Regression Channeling Facilitator and a Reiki Master Teacher Practitioner. (613824-4548) www.lifehealthhealing.com

• Intuitive Readings MARLENE STEVENS 819 483 9915 Intuitive readings & tarot. Medium & Angel card readings. Marstevens@sympatico.ca MOIRA HUTCHISON CTACC DHP Acc. Hyp.: Connect to your Higher Self and your Inner Wisdom. For insight, guidance, validation, inspiration and support. On-line, by phone and in person (613) 432-1239 www.WellnessWithMoira.com MICHELLE VEZEAU spiritual guidance to your life’s questions - insightful, profound clarity. Michelle.Vezeau@sympatico.ca 819 827-2579 KERRY PALFRAMAN RN specializes in a unique intuitive modality, which offers both healing and profound personal insight into the vast depths of your Being. Session recorded on mp3. www.indigowisdom.ca SUZANNE WHITE Bilingual Psychic/Medium, Card & Photo Readings, Dowsing, Psychometry and House Clearing.

343-882-6559 info@suesintuition.ca www.suesintuition.ca LINDA MEDIUM, Palm reader: for appt: Tele: 613-816-1808 DEREK VAN DER LIGHT. What are you looking for? Love? Money? Satisfaction? Let me help you meet your needs. Call or text me: 613.252.7509 Email: derek.vanderlight@gmail. com Blog: derekvanderlight.wordpress.com

• Iridology LANE JENSEN is a certified Iridologist and a certified Nutritional/Herbal counselor. Trained in (ERT) Emotional Reflex Technique Assessment, an advanced form of Muscle Testing for Emotional and Nutritional support. For more information and consulting call (613)-424-1647 or (613)-406-8798 Email: thevitalist@yahoo.com www.transitionalhealth.ca will be coming soon!

• Journey JEAN BRAZEAU, Ottawa’s first Accredited Journey Practitioner. Give yourself the gift of freedom, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Reclaim the truth of who you are. Works with children, teens and adults. Energy Medicine (Reiki Master, Shamanism, Universalis) NLP, WEL-Systems TM Institute Master Facilitator. JeanBrazeau@sympatico.ca Phone: 613-295-2756. EVELYNE LEMIEUX-NAULT, Accredited Journey Practitioner/Visionary Leadership Coach. Address the root cause of emotional and physical issues. Open to the wisdom, freedom and love within yourself. English and French. 613-824-3368. evelyne.lemieux-nault@rogers.com

• Jungian Analysis ROSEMARY MURRAY-LACHAPELLE, M.L.S., M.A., Dipl. Analyt. Psych. Jungian Analyst. Depth psychology to address your unique concerns. (819) 568-0282

• Kinesiology CHECK Health Kinesiology / Rica Gerhardt T. M. (THOME-us MARTee) TEGTMEYER. Instructor: Touch For Health,® Brain Gym®, “Beyond Belief Synthesis”, “Ultimate Efficiency”, other. Phone: 613.769.5575

• Labyrinth ST. JOHN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH, Parish of March, 325 Sandhill Road, Kanata offers an outdoor, 11 circuit, paver Chartres design labyrinth open to the public at all times. We also offer an indoor, 7 circuit Petite Chartres permanent,painted labyrinth in the church hall. Contact the Parish Office for availability of our indoor facility. ( 613) 592-4747 or www.stjohnskanata.ca HEALING CIRCLE LABYRINTH Set amid 1,000 evergreen trees surrounded by a garden

July/August 2014

sanctuary overlooking the St. Lawrence River. Paths are lined with chakra coloured plants and stones. Now scheduling workshops and candlelit evening walks. Call Liz at 613-925-1278 or healingcirclelabyrinth@hotmail.com

• Life Between Lives THIS IS THE SPACE between your current life and the one before. The times between death and re-entering the womb for another life. But what goes on in that time-space? What happens to the soul? This is journey to the other side to better understand the reason for which we came on earth. The process is profound, the session itself last up to three hours. Martine Brisson, hypnosis and alternative therapies Gatineau, 819-205-6670 www.martinebrisson.com

• Light Body Acceleration LIPHE DESIGN.COM. pH Nutritional Microscopy. Donna Porteous 613 253 7467

• Low Impact Yoga LOW IMPACT HATHA YOGA www.zenforyou. ca The Zen for You Hatha Yoga classes are easy to do for people who have never tried yoga before. Manali Haridas, Certified Yoga instructor progressively teaches the yoga postures and different relaxation breathing techniques in a period of 10 weeks.

• Lymphatic VODDER METHOD. Effective treatment for acute & chronic conditions. Judy Spence, DNM, RN. 613-728-2579 www.naetottawa.com NATURAL HEALTH THERAPEUTIC CENTRE. Lymph drainage (Vodder), Reflexology, Shiatsu,  Massage. Twenty years experience. Receipts for extended health plans. Free parking. By appointment only: 613-798-8385. Lincoln Heights Rd. www.naturaltherapeutic.ca

• Massage MOVEMENT HARMONY MASSAGE. Spinal alignment work, employing osteopathic techniques, attunement, Swedish & acupuncture massage. 33 years experience treating injuries and chronic back challenges in Orleans. Contact Heather Brown (613) 878-6480. ANN receipt available for insurance. LEARN INFANT MASSAGE. Kind gentle woman would like to teach infant massage to a parent and young child, aged birth to crawling (IAIM curriculum.) The classes will be 5 consecutive Wednesdays at a time convenient for you. We can meet in my south end studio or I may be able to travel to your centrally located home. There is not cost. Friends also welcome. For additional details please call 613.304.3427

• Massage Therapy LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE FOR CHRONIC ILLNESS Effective treatment of many chronic conditions. Judy Spence, DNM RN. 613-7282579 www.naetottawa.com


CALM CONNECTIONS Massage Therapy, 42 Holland Ave. Cathy Chatham RMT, Kirsten Greenleaf RMT. Tel: 613 792 3223 www.calmconnections.ca JENNIFER PRESLEY, RMT. Massage Therapy, Craniosacral, Reiki lll, Shamanic energy work. Vibrant Health Massage, 190 Somerset St W (at Elgin), Suite 208. jenniferpresley@bellnet.ca 613-237-4400 www.vibranthealthmassage.ca NATURAL BALANCE MASSAGE THERAPY CENTRE Located in downtown Ottawa. Specializing in deep tissue / sports massage, pre / post pregnancy care, relaxation / stress reduction, headaches & chronic conditions. Gift certificates available. B6 - 130 Albert Street (between Metcalfe & O’Connor) Phone: (613) 566-3000 www.naturalbalancemassage.ca RIDEAU MASSAGE THERAPY - Feeling stress, pain,or just need to relax? Therapeutic massage can help. Providing treatment for acute and chronic conditions and injuries. Also trained in Acupuncture and Thai Yoga Massage. Free Parking. 418 Rideau St. 613-241-3434. More info at www.lorirmt.ca or contact Lori at lorirmt@gmail.com BODY POETS MASSAGE THERAPY - Skilled RMTs - Many Modalities - Convenient Hours - Online Booking - Downtown Location - Free Parking - Gift Certificates. 504 Kent St. (At Arlington) Visit www.bodypoets.com or call 613-222-0465. Step into the Circle of Care! KAREN MUNRO-CAPLE, RMT. Providing Healing, Relief, Joy! 1105-85 Albert St. between Elgin & Metcalfe. (613) 230-3527. www.kmc-rmt.com RE - SELF - ING, a Journey to Wholeness, orthotherapie, swedish massage, reiki. Insurance coverage. Christianne Akyna 613842-3337 cakyna@rogers.com YONG KAI, RMT, Registered Massage Therapist. Stress & Tension, Back & Neck Pain, Stress & Tension, Muscle Strains, Headaches & Migraines, Sciatica, Tendonitis, Sport Injuries (613) 435-6988, cell (613) 852-4852. Insurance Accepted. yongcai.rmt@gmail.com MAITLAND MASSAGE THERAPY: a healing company.Online booking. www.MaitlandMassage. ca Free parking. Melanie Ransom, RMT, BHSc. 878 Maitland Ave. 613-722-6423 RACHELLE BEHRENS RMT now accepting new patients at cozy home based clinic in Kanata. www.behrensrmt.com DIANA M SHELDRICK, Registered Massage Therapist since 2005. Also available, Maya Abdominal Therapy treatments. Please contact Diana at 613 265 7681 or www.arvigotherapy.com

• Matrix Energetics MATRIX ENERGETICS - Facilitator in the Art of Transformation Certified Practitioner since 2007 sessions available by phone, distance or in person Yvette Marie-Claire Guy 819 771-8858


• Medical Intuitive MANUELA WERTHWEIN 613-231-4575. www. VisionofSpirit.com. Medical Intuitive, Medium, Spiritual and Emotional Counsellor. Soul rescue. Reiki Master & Teacher. Colour healing. Teaches intuitition skills (private or classes). Releasing blockages and stagnated energy grids within the Human Energy Fields takes place regardless of hereditary, environment or inherent factors that may endure. Manuela will access the information in your biology and soul using clairvoyance as well as energy scanning with healing and Past Life Information. www.WindowtotheSoul.com ANGELA KEHLER, Certified Medical Intuitive www.soulbirdconsulting.com/

• Meditation CHRISTIAN MEDITATION COMMUNITY – There are about 40 groups in the Ottawa area that meet weekly to practice a way of silent, contemplative prayer using a prayer word or mantra, as taught by the late Benedictine Fr. John Main. For more information contact the Ottawa Area Coordinator at 613-725-1328 or ottawachristianmeditation@gmail.com or consult www.wccm-canada.ca COSMIC MINDFULNESS, Meditation in the Yogic Tradition. Ongoing classes and guided meditations, Wednesdays at 7:30pm given by Chris Simmonds, including chakra awareness, Pratyahara and Yogic Meditation techniques. Attend an ongoing class or practice group. Advanced personal instruction is also available. Call Chris at 613-298-2447 or email ottawameditation@gmail.com. Visit www.ottawameditation.ca for more info. DYNAMIC MEDITATION. Learn the lifechanging techniques of deep mantra meditation and mindfulness for peace and wellbeing. Introductory and advanced classes for individuals, groups, workplaces. Courses on mastering thoughts, healing emotions, self-care and empowerment, consciousness expansion, development of chakras. Call Jennifer Bernius at 613-721-3787; jenbernius@gmail.com. THE SILVA METHOD. Lise Blouin, Certified Silva Method Instructor. silvamethod@bellnet.ca 1 800 226 4428 GROUNDING AND SELF-HEALING group sessions. Emotion integration and transmutation. 819 965-0108 ext 101 – www.MartinDeslauriers.com A FORMAL INTRODUCTION TO AUTHENTIC ZEN TRAINING through instruction in zazen (sitting Zen) and kinhin (walking Zen). First Saturday of each month, 2-4 PM. Preregistration required: info@wwzc.org or 613562-1568. Zen Centre of Ottawa www.wwzc.org LEARN TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES that will enhance your growth and development to bring the meditative process into daily living. Individual and group classes-daytime/evening. ISUL method. Contact Nancy 613-5960260 stonetreehaven@yahoo.com

July/August 2014

MEDITATION ON TWIN HEARTS. A beautiful & healing technique for illumination that works on the physical, mental, and spiritual levels to open the heart chakra (emotional heart) and the crown chakra (spiritual heart), making us a channel of divine energies, which we use to bless the earth & every being. Sandy Hill, WEDNESDAYS, 7pm. Cost: on donation. RSVP: faye@pranichealingontario.ca, http://bit.ly/TwinHearts SAHAJA YOGA MEDITATION. Awaken your Kundalini energy to balance you, connect you to cosmic consciousness, and bring about your spiritual rebirth. Visit us at freemeditation.com or sahajayoga.ca. Saturdays 3:00 pm Ottawa Public Library 120 Metcalfe (FREE)

• Meditation on CD JENNIFER BERNIUS guides you through 5 soothing and inspiring meditations to calm your mind, relax your body and uplift your spirit. This CD, Into the Silence, with gorgeous musical accompaniment, will revitalize your daily meditation practice, helping to open your chakras and awakening you to the healing power of light. Cost: $20. 613-721-3787; jenbernius@gmail.com

• Mentoring Program FOR OVER 20 YEARS KERRY PALFRAMAN has been a spiritual teacher and healer. This program offers you her personal support and guidance in any area of your choosing. Empowering you towards you your next level of mastery. www.indigowisdom.ca

• Migraines DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758; info@dolphindentistry.com; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa

• Music & Healing FOR 29 YEARS I have helped clients 2-82yr. with health concerns including ADHD, dyslexia, depression, cancer etc. Hands on approach using musical instruments. Call Shirley Schober @ 613-729-7758 DEEP SOUL ENERGETICS – Deep core healing using sound, improvisation, creative visualization, DNA activation & energy healing. Connect with Archangels and Ascended Masters. Pamela Holm MTA. 613-820-1556 www.DeepSoulEnergetics.com

• Music Therapy PAMELA HOLM MTA - Exploring creativity unblocks stagnant energy/problems. Supports insight & healing. www.DeepSoulSinging.com 613-829-1556

• N.A.E.T. ALLERGY & CHRONIC CONDITIONS. 10th year serving Ottawa-Outaouais. Judy Spence’s Medical background assures your program is tailored to your individual health needs. NAET is excellent for treatment of allergy & infection as well as Autism, CFS, FM,

MCS, ADD & other chronic and conditions including pain. Doctorate of Natural Medicine (DNM), Acupuncturist., Advanced Level 2 NAET, Advanced 2 BioSet, Laser Acupuncture Detox & Lymphatic Drainage. Western medicine meets Eastern medicine to correct persistent and acute health issues.  State-of-the-art computerized testing. The NAET Clinic of Ottawa is a full service, full time practice and also offers Hypnosis, Homeotoxicology, Auricular Medicine, Ion Detox Foot Baths,  Sauna Detox, Weight Loss and Stop Smoking Programs. 613-728-2579. Quebec location: 819-661-1061.   www.naetottawa.com.  On parle francais.

• Naturopathic Medicine DR. KANDIS LOCK, ND. Licensed  Naturopathic Doctor. Digestive Disorders, Allergies, Headaches, Womens Health, Chronic Disease, Cancer. Come in for free 15 minute consult to find out how naturopathic medicine can benefit you (no treatment provided). 210-190 Somerset St. 613-627-3880, kandislocknd@gmail.com PURE MED NATUROPATHIC CENTRE Licensed  Naturopathic Doctors focusing on Digestive Disorders, Fatigue and Stress, Pain, Menopause, and Healthy Aging. Come in for a free 15 minute consultation to find out how naturopathic medicine can benefit you (no treatment provided). 298 Dalhousie St., Suite 150 613-216-4661, info@puremednaturopathic.com, puremednaturopathic.com

• Nutrition MARILENA GAVRILA - NUTRIHOM RNCP, D.I.Hom(Pract.), Registered Nutritional Consultant and Homeopath; Nutritional and lifestyle consulting for your individual and unique health concerns. nutrihom@gmail.com; 613-842-0373. www.nutrihom.com BODY CHEMISTRY TESTING & BALANCING for optimal nutrient absorption & vibrant health. Physical & Emotional healing begins at the cellular level. Sensible, Sustainable, Effective Nutritional & Lifestyle recommendations. Iridology, testing for Heavy Metal Toxicity, Adrenal Function, & Free Radicals. 613-7259013; www.magma.ca/~PerfectBalance www.wellbeingisyours.com Rica 613-257-8362

• Oral Health DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758; info@dolphindentistry.com; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa

• Orthodontics DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758; info@dolphindentistry.com; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa

• Osteopathy JOAH BATES, D.O.(UK) Biodynamic Osteopathy. Creating a space for self-healing through structural balance. Over 25 years experience. 613-742-0011.

• Past Life and Spiritual Journeys ALLAN GREEN, Master Past Life and Spiritual Journey Facilitator since 1982; Allan sees what you see & feels what you feel. Eliminate Fears, Blockages, Pain from Past Life wounds. Find your Mission/Purpose, Meet Spirit Guides. Talk with People crossed over. Clear up people issues, that holds you back. www.allangreen.ca journeys@allangreen.ca 1-877-213-7576. I AM YOUR CERTIFIED GUIDE TO YOUR PAST LIFE MEMORIES. I am trained by Brian Weiss MD and certified in advanced regression by Mary Elizabeth Raines in Sedona AZ. Eliminate fears,start healing,unexplained pain or just curious? I will walk there and back with you. Three Hr. sessions. For inquiries, Tlunam@live.ca or Call 613 769 1312

• Pranic Healing FAYE IS A FULL-TIME PRANIC HEALER offering in-person healing sessions at a studio in the Byward Market, as well as distant-healing sessions. Through distant healing, she has successfully treated clients all over Ontario and Quebec, and as far as Saudi Arabia, Paris, Thailand, Japan, England, and Morocco. Whether in-person or remotely, Faye sees clients for a broad range of physical and psychological ailments, which may include anything from broken bones to PTSD, Pranic facelifts or weight-loss programs, and helping people enrich their homes or businesses through Pranic Feng Shui. Inspired by the benefits of Pranic Healing in her life and the lives of others, Faye now teaches Basic Pranic Healing and Superbrain Yoga courses in Ontario and Quebec. As part of her service to her community, Faye holds a weekly Twin Hearts Meditation in Sandy Hill every Wednesday at 7pm. (www.pranichealingontario. ca, faye@pranichealingontario.ca, Facebook. com/ECPranic, 613-282-0801)

• Qigong LAMAS QI GONG Association offers Qi Gong and Tai Chi courses at various locations in Ottawa. The classes are taught by Master Philip Lai (a certified naturotherapist who has 30 years of experience teaching Qi Gong, Kung Fu and traditional Chinese medicine) and associates. Qi Gong helps to reduce your stress, control pain and allergies, strengthen your self-healing ability and increase your energy level. Training to become a certified instructor and private consultations with Master Lai are also available. For more information, contact Catherine at 613-737-0553 or visit www. lamasqigongcanada.com CHOW QIGONG. Chow Medical Qigong exercises and meditation classes held at McNabb Community Centre, 180, Percy Street since 1986. Tuesdays 9:15-10:45am, Wednesdays 6:00-7:30pm. Chow Qigong is taught by certified instructors and helps to relieve stress and promote self-healing. Complementary 1st class. For more information contact OttawaChowQigong@ gmail.com

July/August 2014

• Quantum TouchTherapy THE POWER TO HEAL Aileen M. McKenna, Certified Quantum-Touch, Instructor/ Practitioner since 2004, first instructor in Canada improve physical strength, release physical and emotional stress, improve sleep, increase creativity, remove pain. Information on personal appointments and classes: Aileen’s Oasis 613-228-2272, 613-795-3751, out-of-town enquiries at 1-866-493-0236, or by e-mail aileen.mckenna66@gmail.com and check out. www.aileensoasis.com. www.wellnessunlimited.ca

• Reconnective Healing PATRICIA V. LACROIX, Reconnective Healing Practitionerª. The Reconnectionª and Reconnective Healing¨. patriciavlacroix@sympatico.ca Visit: www.TheReconnection.com ALEXIS NICOL – Reconnective Healing® Practioner and the Reconnection since 2005. 613-263-7925 www.firstlighthealing.com GISÈLE COSSETTE, Reconnective Healing & Reconnection Practionner since 2009. 819-431-3888.

• Reflexology VALCRON REFLEXOLOGY - the healing touch providing holistic reflexology to clients for over 13 years. Home-based practice in Orleans. Hospital, retirement & nursing home visits provided. RAC certified reflexologist, RN, SCM, MA, CCRP. For more information contact Valerie Cronin at 613 837 9435 valcronin@rogers.com BALANCE RELAXATION THERAPY. Reflexology, Ayurvedic Yoga & YOGA MASSAGE FOR BETTER HEALTH. Lori Chamberland, 613-2557934 balancerelaxationtherapy.com NATURAL HEALTH THERAPEUTIC CENTRE. Reflexology, Shiatsu,  Lymph drainage, Massage. Twenty years experience. Receipts for extended health plans. Free parking. By appointment only: 613-798-8385. Lincoln Heights Rd. www.naturaltherapeutic.ca DEB DESJARDINS 613-435-2100. Homebased in Kanata. angelwingreflexology.ca REFLEXOLOGY ASSOCIATION OF OTTAWA offers Individual sessions (foot, hand or ear reflexology), private or corporate events, as well as fund raising events are available. We offer training towards certification as well as membership for professional Reflexology practitioners and students of Reflexology. Contact: www.ottawareflexology.ca ALEXIS NICOL - RCRT - Foot reflexology, receipts provided 613-263-7925. www.firstlighthealing.com ENJOY AN HOUR of head, feet & hands reflexology. Great for stress, relaxation and general well-being. Contact Nancy 613-596-0260 stonetreehaven@yahoo.com


KYMBERLI KER, RCRT, Foot Reflexology. Receipts provided, www.OttawaReflexologist.com, 613.897.9642 LAURIE BERG, RCRT - Hand & Foot Reflexology with Reiki www.rootessence.net - 613-722-4004

• Reiki LIFE HEALTH HEALING CENTER Linda Therrien, Usui-Tibetan Reiki Master/ Teacher. Weekly classes and treatment sessions. Founder of Dimensional Meditation with crystals, weekly private classes. Call: 613-824-4548 www.lifehealthhealing.com VISION REIKI- CATHERINE BASTEDO Holographic-Usui Reiki Master. Personalized Reiki classes in English or French; individual sessions, daytime/week ends. Online Healing Your Chakras clas­ses; Bird Vibes meditation decks. Nature Retreats in Muskoka. www.visionreiki.com. Call 819-778-2590 cbastedo@visionreiki.com RAINBOW OASIS: Usiu Master / Teacher / Practitioner. Experience the natural healing, relaxing and balancing effect of Reiki Energy. For personalized sessions, contact Dianne at rainbowoasis@rogers.com or call 613-733-9481

UNIVERSAL LIFE FORCE-MASTER REIKI CLASSES 3 in 1 based on the Usui Method. New and all levels welcome...individual and small classes. Contact Nancy 613-596-0260 stonetreehaven@yahoo.com

at Classy Nails & Spa, please call 613-8349922 For information, please email relax.and. renew@outlook.com

ANNA GREEN, MA - SPIRIT WELL HOLISTICS – www.spiritwell.ca - 613-729-2775. Bodycentered Process Work, Spiritual Care, Reiki & Training, Chakras, Aromatherapy, Bach Remedies, Muscle testing, SET, EFT, Meridians/ Qigong. Assisting your journey toward an energy-filled life. Daytime - Civic Hospital Area.

PATHWAY YOGA, Wednesday 1-2:30pm, Ease, Soothe mind and body through a series of supported postures nourished by the breath. This Iyengar yoga class is a haven if your energy is low, your stress is high, or you just want to be quiet and go inward. www.pathwayyoga.ca 613 806-9642 346 Richmond Road, 2nd floor

REIKI IN THE WEST END Stressed out? Aches and pains? Reiki can help you relax and feel better. Flexible sessions from 10 to 60 minutes. Contact Barb at 613-228-9176 or barbmartin2010@gmail.com DEB DESJARDINS 613-435-2100. Homebased in Kanata. angelwingreflexology.ca FINDING YOUR SELF - Reiki is a gentle technique for restoring and balancing your body’s natural energy to encourage better health. Reiki treatments are available on the Amethyst Bio-Mat. A true mind, body and spirit experience. Reiki Master, Linda O’Connor 4406 Old Kingston Rd. Lombardy. (613) 272-2739

MANUELA WERTHWEIN, Reiki Master/ Teacher. USUI system of Natural Healing. Private treatment & classes, Level I, II & III. Spiritual and Emotional Counsellor. Medium. Medical Intuitive. Soul Rescue. Body/Mind/ Soul Intuitive. Past-life Information. Colour healing. 613-231-4575 www.VisionofSpirit.com www.WindowtotheSoul.com

JIKIDEN REIKI – FRANCINE MINEAULT, Reiki Master and Shihan, teaches Jikiden Reiki in the Ottawa-Gatineau area, in French or English. www.espacereiki.com / info@ espacereiki.com / 613 446-7307.

WENDY ARMSTRONG, CRA-RT, Usui & Karuna Reiki Master. Sessions & training for all levels. 613-823-3316 wendy@wellness-centre. com www.wellness-centre.com

HEAL. GROW. THRIVE. I am an IET and Usui/ Karuna Reiki Master teacher offering healing sessions, Reiki and IET classes. Frederic Papillon 613 805-3733 www.crystalheartlotus.com

iHEALING CONNECTION: Usui & Karuna Reiki Master, Lightarian Reiki, QuantumTouch, Intergrative Energy Therapy, EFT and Magnified Healing. These holistic therapies will help you to relax, relieve stress and heal on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. Roger, 613 322 7585, email; rlrivera1111@yahoo.ca

ANNA EARLE GREEN, MA CCC SPIRIT WELL HOLISTICS – Body-centered process work: Reiki & Classes, Craniosacral, SET, EFT, and more. Assisting your journey toward an energy-filled life. Daytime. Downtown area. www.spiritwell.ca 613-295-9987

VERA & PESI SHROFF TRADITIONAL USUI Reiki Master/Teachers, are committed to selfempower individuals who commit themselves to healing & personal growth. They offer Reiki Treatments and Reiki Level I & II courses & Reiki Masters. Reiki is used for: Pain, Stress & Chronic Medical Condition Management, Anti-aging & Health maintenance, Improving Immunity, Increasing Vitality to bring Peace, harmony, balance, love, joy in one’s life. Reiki Exchange Healing Group every Thursday 7:00 p.m. Contact: Vera or Pesi at (613) 8290224 or email: divinelight21@hotmail.com ALEXIS NICOL – RMTT, Reiki Master Teacher Trainer. Private sessions and training, receipts provided. 613-263-7925 www.firstlighthealing.com


KYMBERLI KER, RCRT, Foot Reflexology. Receipts provided, www.OttawaReflexologist.com

FIND YOUR WAY, HEAL YOUR PAIN, and move forward with intuitive messages from your Angels. Visit www.threelightshealing.com to begin your powerful healing journey. ASCENSION REIKI HEALING SESSIONS and training for Mastery, accompanied by Spirit.Celeste S. Vermette, Reiki Master 613-565-9303. touch_therapies@rogers.com THE WRITTEN REI! Written Clairvoyant Readings. Read what your Heart has to say! Detailed Report, English or French. (613) 227-4497or ceragagnon@gmail.com REIKI AND HEALING ATTUNEMENTS, Indian Head Massage, Aromatherapy massage, Aroma-Zone Touch, Hot Stone Therapy and massage, Bio-Touch, Crystal stone energy. For appointments with Juane

July/August 2014

• Restorative Yoga

• Retreats TARA SHANTI RETREAT CENTRE Near Montebello, Qc. Large property, quiet location. Open year round. Max 5 persons. Yoga, polarity and Esalen massage. Also silent retreats. m_dekking@yahoo.com MAPLE KI FOREST * SPIRIT WATERS Unwind, Unfold, and Emerge Renewed. Secluded lakefront/woodland setting. Restorative, soothing atmosphere. Beautiful accommodations. Superb whole foods / Veg. cuisine. Yoga / Healing Bodywork / Infrared Sauna / Jacuzzi / 700 sq.ft. Yoga space, Workshop Studio. Welcoming individuals, couples & groups. 2 1/4 hrs. S.W. of Ottawa, near Tamworth. (613) 379-2227 info@ mapleki.com www.mapleki.com BEAUTIFUL LOG CABIN by a pond in a wooded area, private, ideal for retreat or peaceful getaway. Located near Killaloe, close to Algonquin Park. For rent all seasons call 613-625-2200. www.lindenpondcottage.com ALLAN & CATHERINE GREEN Personal customized Up-levelling Retreats for people using our services, on the Canadian Shield in OMPAH, 45 minutes North West of Perth. www.allangreen.ca www.catherinegreen. net www.crystalearthhealingspa.com 613479-0299 ascensionportal@xplornet.com iamthatiam@xplornet.com

• Rolfing MIRANDA GREENACRE (Dayvis) Advanced Rolfing Practitioner 400 Pleasant Park Rd. Ottawa, On. K1H 5N1 (613) 866 2427

• Room for Rent Workshop space and therapy rooms available at Planet Botanix, 301 Bank (Somerset) 567-4444

• Schools THE 8TH FIRE - School for professional training and development in the Algonquin Healing Arts of Shamanism, Spiritual Healing, and Energy Medicine. Two-year professional training program and certification offered, among the most comprehensive Shamanic Training programs in the world, taught by a Traditional Algonquin Medicine Person. Many teachings are unique and exclusive to this training alone. Phone 613) 274-3708 or www.The8thFire.com for more info. ASCENSION HEALING - 2-Year Certification Program provides complete training in

the ancient arts of Crystal and Shamanic Healing | 5-Day Crystal Healing Certificate | Drunvalo Melchizedek’s Awakening the Illuminated Heart Workshop and more… | Call Karen Osborne at 613-798-2828 | karen@ascensionhealing.ca | www.ascensionhealing.ca

• Shamanism (Traditional & Authentic) ALGONQUIN MEDICINE MAN - Spiritual Healing & Energy Medicine, offering a comprehensive listing of services and ceremonies to help facilitate healings on the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Traditionally trained Algonquin Healer available at (613) 274-3708 or www.The8thFire.com. TIM YEARINGTON NATIVE TEACHINGS Algonquin Traditional Knowledge: Medicine Wheel teachings, Thunderbird medicine, Serpent medicine, Seven Grandfather teachings, Manitous & Animal totems, Fire Bird healing ceremonies, Sacred Fire ceremonies, spiritual counseling, personal medicine work & training, guided medicine walks in nature & wildereness vision quests. Also public speaking & storytelling. timyearington@yahoo.ca 613-725-5225 www.timyearington.com

• Shamanism ASCENSION HEALING - Comprehensive Crystal Shamanic Healing services for people, animals and land offered for more than 10 years | 2-year Certification Program provides complete training in Crystal Shamanic Healing | Call Karen Osborne at 613-798-2828 | karen@ascensionhealing.ca | www.ascensionhealing.ca LINDA ENERGY HEALER - Highly effective Shamanic sessions for anxiety, childhood issues, depression, abuse, pain, grief. In person or distance, clients worldwide. People & pets. 613-868-8468 lsteele1122@rogers.com www.lindaenergyhealer.com IN A SUPPORTIVE ENVIRONMENT, experience traditional ceremonies and medicine that promote physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Distance Healing also available. SatDaya Williams at 447 Holland Ave Unit 3, Ottawa, 613-761-5982, www.holisticottawa.com, satdaya@sympatico.ca

• Shiatsu NATURAL HEALTH THERAPEUTIC CENTRE. Shiatsu, Reflexology, Lymph drainage, Massage. Twenty years experience. Receipts for extended health plans. Free parking. By appointment only: 613-798-8385. Lincoln Heights Rd. www.naturaltherapeutic.ca

• Skin Care NATURAL BODYCARE by a certified aromatherapist. Natural makeup, cleaning products: Planet Botanix, 301 Bank (Somerset) 567-4444 HOLISTIC ESTHETICIAN provide organic skin care product that purifie the skin - incorage skin self regulate. 613-526-1255.

• Sound Healing DEEP SOUL SINGING – Healing Vocals & Singing Bowls. Body/Soul/Mind. Individual/ group. Singer/songwriter/musician: Pamela Holm MTA www.DeepSoulEnergetics.com 613-829-1556.

• Sound Healing Massage COMBINING CRYSTAL BOWLS, tuning forks and other sound healing instruments to enhance your relaxation experience. Julie certified Orthotechnician (massage) since 1994. 613-254-8469.

• Spa Days www.wellbeingisyours.com Rica 613-257-8362

• SPHE-RE NEW TO OTTAWA! In Pain? Experience this new Divine healing energy. www.SacredPeaceHealing.com

• Spiritual Centre OTTAWA SPIRITUAL PATHWAYS CENTRE, Weekly services, Sundays 10:30 a.m. with Rev. Nicole Moronval, President and Founder, Westboro Masonic Hall, 430 Churchill ave. N. ottawaspiritualpathways.com

• Spiritual Counselling FACILITATOR & GUIDE: ConstellationWork, Soul Talk, creative meditation practices, reiki. Workshops/individual sessions Diana ClaireDouglas. dianaclairedouglas@bell.net 613-820-8850.

• Spiritual Direction A ONE YEAR ONLINE TRAINING PROGRAM for spiritual directors. The program is grounded in the Jewish wisdom tradition with an integrated interfaith component. Visit our website trainingforspirituality.ca or email us at trainingforspirituality@gmail.com

• Spiritual Medium ANGELA AZARIA, PSYCHIC MEDIUM & SPIRITUAL COACH, angela@loveheals.ca, 613 913 8511, www.loveheals.ca

• Stress Reduction EXPLORATION OF 4 THEMES and simple strategies to reduce stress. Gisèle Cossette, B.A.,Wellness & Life Coach, 819-431-3888, cossette.gisele@gmail.com

• Systemic Constellation Work CONSTELLATIONS WITH SPIRIT: personal, family, & soul transformation individual & group sessions Diana Claire Douglas. www.inspiritworks. com dianaclairedouglas@bell.net 613-820-8850

• Tai Chi WEEKLY TAI CHI (Yang style) classes at PranaShanti (PS) Yoga Centre. Every Tuesday night from 7:30-9pm. Suited for

July/August 2014

both beginner and intermediate practitioners. For more info call Jürgen Portz at 613-7217888 or PS at 613-761-9642.

• Tantra YOGA OF LOVE AND RELATIONSHIP. The pleasurable way to Enlightenment. Course and consultations for individuals and couples. Celeste S. Vermette, certified with the Chandra Bindu Tantra Institute. 613-565-9303. tantracanada@gmail.com

• Tarot TAROT AND CARTOUCHE READINGS: I have been reading cards since 1986 and use the Mother Peace Tarot deck as well as the Cartouche deck. Eleanor Ann Rowan 613-746-6778 PERSONAL READINGS Tarot-Astrology Judy Jibb 613 304 4255, personalreadings@gmail.com TAROT READINGS with DAVID CLOUDS. If you’re looking for a Reading, it’s a good indication that you would benefit from having one. I have a home practice and make house calls. Please visit my website, davidclouds. com, or ring 613 619 5977 TAROT INTERPRETATION BY SUZANNE DUC. Private consultation and party readings available. Home page at www.facebook.com/ sdtarot. Contact (613) 841-2597 or suzanne. duc1@gmail.com to arrange an appointment. HAVE AN ORACLE CARD READING with Daniel Tigner. Look into relationships, career, money, where things may be going, what are your best choices, tools to transform.... Call or email to book a reading in-person, by telephone or Skype: 819-682-0205, dt@essences.ca

• Thai Massage LORI MACKAY RMT- Thai massage stretches the whole body and helps remove deeply held tension in the muscles. 418 Rideau St.613241-3434 Free Parking. For more info contact Lori at lorirmt@gmail.com or www.lorirmt.ca BODY POETS MASSAGE THERAPY - Skilled RMTs - Many Modalities - Convenient Hours - Online Booking - Downtown Location - Free Parking - Gift Certificates. 504 Kent St. (At Arlington) Visit www.bodypoets.com or call 613-222-0465. Step into the Circle of Care!

• Therapeutic Touch THERAPEUTIC TOUCHª - profound relaxation, pain relief, supports healing all levels. Can be applied in acute, chronic or emotional conditions. House calls, hospital visits available. Will treat animals. Barbara Schuster, TTNO-Recognized Practitioner. 613-8204303, www.theflowersofaeskulap.com


DIRECTORY • Theta Healing FILOMENA LAVIGNE is a spiritual - intuitive, advanced certified Theta Healing Practitioner, Reiki-Master and IET Master-Instructor: She believes wherever you are is always the perfect place to start uncovering, healing and evolving into the song of your truest heart. The song that declares your divinity and wholeness and brings forth into your life the beauty that is residing in your truest brilliant-self. Appointments in person or by telephone at 613-596-9249 or email at aura.bella@hotmail.com

• Visceral Manipulation DENISE GAULIN, B.A., CST offers visceral manipulation sessions for adults, children and infants. She is a certified CranioSacral therapist and has a specialization in pediatric CST and VM. By appointment. Tel. 613-738-9080 AVIVA COHEN, Happy Body Works on Main Street, happybodyworks@gmail.com, 613697-5644. Receipts available. Gentle hands-on abdominal treatment dialogues with body’s proprioceptive awareness, facilitating physical and emotional trauma release. Improves structure and function. Complements conscious eating, exercise and supplementation for optimal health.

• Visionary Art SPIRITPAINTING® – using the Lightwolf method. Offering workshops, exhibitions, books, reproductions, and originals on paper and larger pieces on canvas. Commissioned spiritpaintings® and readings are also available. For more information contact: Jen 613266-8063 spiritpainting2002@yahoo.com or see www.spiritpainting.com

• Web Design A WELL-DESIGNED WEBSITE will help spread your message and grow your business. Contact us, and get an effective online presence today! www.dewpoint.ca, info@dewpoint.ca, 613-236-5758.

• Weddings WEDDING CEREMONIES. Rev. Evelyn Richter 613-596-2817; revev@sympatico.ca; www.revev.ca CO-CREATE THE GOWN OF YOUR DREAMS! Wedding, handfasting, commitment ceremony attire for all - bring your ideas to life for your special day. Tracey at 613-241-3397 or email tracey@tav-creations.com. Online portfolio: www.tav-creations.com MARTINO‘S BRIDAL ALTERATIONS AND TAILORING. 30 years experience Tailoring for the whole family .by app. 613-739-5034 Martino2527@hotmail.com

• Weight Management LOVE YOUR BODY WORKSHOP ~ discover the power of proven hypnosis techniques to easily re-pattern your thoughts, beliefs, habits


about food, your body & yourself. Imagine what it would feel like to make friends with your body - forever. Visit: www.empowerhypnosis.ca 613.282.6001 johanna@empowerhypnosis.ca

• Wholistic Dentist DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758; info@dolphindentistry.com; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa

• Workshops GROUNDING AND THE ART OF CREATING SACRED SPACE A two-day workshop about creating boundaries, clearing the aura, learning how to clear a space, how to be present and secure in your own energy field. Ideal workshop for energy workers, massage therapists, lawyers, social workers and anyone anywhere who works with or lives closely with others. For information and registration call Aileen’s Oasis at 613-228-2272, or by e-mail at aileen@ aileensoasis.com QUANTUM-TOUCH: The Power to Heal Certificate workshop in Quantum-Touch therapy, a powerfully simple modality that will transform your ideas about your health and your life. This wonderful modality can be used with other modalities and is very helpful for self-healing, distance healing, working with clients, friends, family, pets, water, and gardens. For information, call Aileen’s Oasis at 613-228-2272, aileen@ aileensoasis.com and www.aileensoasis.com.

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS with an esoteric approach using hypnosis and NLP. For more info visit www. TheSuccessRoom.ca or call 613.699.4555

YOGA & TEA STUDIO. Located on 10 acres of land in the beautiful village of Carp, near the Carp Farmer’s Market. Over 20 classes a week, for all ages, sizes and life-stages! Beginners, Hatha, Yin, Kundalini, Hot, Gentle, Restorative, Prenatal, Baby&Me, Kid’s yoga and more! Yoga Teacher Training certification course available - see website. Nice selection of yoga mats, bolsters and other props, DVDs, CDs. Complimentary tea after each class! Experience yoga in the country fresh air just minutes from the urban outskirts! Conveniently close to Kanata, Stittsville and Almonte! Beautiful drive, peaceful setting, lots of free parking, why go downtown? 613-304-6320, www.yogaandtea.com GENTLE YOGA AND MEDITATION. Mondays in Crystal Beach (just west of Bayshore). 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Maki House Community Centre. 19 Leeming Drive. Julie 613-254-8469 PRANASHANTI YOGA CENTRE. A full-service wellness centre in the Hintonburg area of Ottawa near the Parkdale Market minutes from downtown and numerous public transportation stops. In our custom designed eco-friendly 8,000-sq.ft centre, our dedicated team of teachers and therapists offer a wide variety of classes in 4 spacious studios and specially designed therapies in our Consultation spaces. Our soothing atmosphere and inspiring setting will help you cultivate a deep inner state of body centered restful awareness that will benefit every aspect of your life. Our spa-like change rooms with ample showers, Infrared Sauna and full service boutique further support your healthy lifestyle. Open 7 days/week, 80+ classes/week. Workshops, teacher training programs, concerts and events offered throughout the year. 100+ free parking spaces, complimentary tea served all day. Relax, take your time, leave feeling renewed. Drop in for a visit! 613.761.9642 (YOGA) www.pranashanti.com

Check out WWW.PLANETBOTANIX.COM for a full listing of upcoming workshops/certifications! 301 Bank (Somerset) 567-4444

• Yoga MOUNTAINGOAT YOGA CENTRES serving Ottawa’ west end in Nepean and Kanata since 2003. Over 30 classes per week per location. Hot Power, Hatha, Yin, Prenatal, Restorative. Workshops and teacher trainings. www.mountaingoatyoga.com RAMA LOTUS YOGA CENTRE is your yoga studio. Are you stressed? Anxious? Overwhelmed? Exhausted? We’ve got you covered. With 100+ weekly yoga and meditation classes in a variety of styles there is something for everyone (sometimes even soup!). Not in the mood for yoga just yet? Come shop, socialize, sip on our house tea, read from our community library or drop off a food bank donation. Can’t afford yoga rates? Let’s talk. Work exchange, student rates, early morning, donation, like we said, we’ve got you covered, because yoga is for everyone. www.ottawayoga.com 613.234.7974 342 Gladstone Ave

July/August 2014

Billings Bridge Shopping Center

2277 Riverside Drive Ottawa, ON, K1H 8K2 Telephone: 613-737-9330 billings@naturalfoodpantry.com


5537 Hazeldean Road

Kanata, ON, K2L 1T9 Telephone: 613-836-3669 kanata@naturalfoodpantry.com


205 Richmond Rd

Ottawa, ON, K1Z6W4 Telephone: 613-728-1255 westboro@naturalfoodpantry.com

What’s Stopping You? Written by Alexis Nicol


re there times in your life that you don’t do something or not go somewhere because you are too afraid? Perhaps you hear about an amazing workshop coming to town so you quickly sign up. A confirmation email arrives and in it more details are shared, like you’ll need to bring paper and crayons, think of a topic you are interested in sharing, etc. Suddenly you think, Oh S#!@ I’m going to have to draw something – I can’t draw, then I might have to speak about it, will everyone laugh at me? OMG what other things will I have to participate in? The list goes on. You become more and more anxious, breaking into a sweat you feel really uncomfortable. You end up sending them an email to say that you are very sorry, but ……and you create a fabulous excuse for not being able to make it. This isn’t the first time either and with each cancellation the guilt piles on and we feel more and more like a failure, crippling our dreams and aspirations. In fact you are denying yourself the opportunity to learn and grow. It happens and until we are ready to do the work and heal, the cycle will continue. Try confronting your fear by asking yourself questions like: Why am I afraid of going? Is it because I may make a fool of myself? Will I be laughed at? Will I fall? Will I make a mistake? When is the first time I felt like this? What will happen if I do go? How do I feel? What’s the worst case scenario? Is it worth it? It’s important to be truthful with yourself or you’ll just remain in the same cycle of fear and anxiety. The best part of this is that nobody can embarrass you but yourself – who’s looking – just you! So have fun with it, be as foolish as youwant and most importantly don’t be too hard on yourself. You may receive answers straight from your ego at first, but press on – keep asking. Eventually you will be led to the root cause of your anxiety. Then you can choose to look at the situation from another perspective. Look at the people that embarrassed you, called you stupid or said don’t listen to her she’s doesn’t know what she’s talking about, etc. Maybe you told a lie – can you forgive yourself, why did you lie, was it to get attention, did you just want to feel a part of the group, were you feeling lonely and looking for LOVE? Maybe they just weren’t interested and didn’t have had a clue how you felt. In any case, finding the source and forgiving yourself and/or others is the key to removing these barriers we have put in place. These are some of the coping mechanisms we create to prevent us from being hurt again. Sometimes they work, but clearly we can be falling into the Egos clutches by believing that we have something to fear. In truth we create our own baggage and it is up to us to peel each bag or layer of false protection off. Doing so will allow our brilliance

Alexis Nicol

 Reiki  Reflexology  Reconnective Healing®  ACIM www.firstlighthealing.com 613-263-7925 to shine. Until we are able to shine without fear we will remain in the shadows. I know it may not be a very pleasant experience, but I can tell you that pushing yourself through your anxiety and fear can become a beautiful thing. Recognize that these are opportunities for you to grow exponentially and guide you to further enlightenment. Alexis believes in a Wholistic approach to healing mind, body and soul. She combines Reiki, Reflexology, Reconnective Healing®, the Reconnection® and ACourse In Miracles in her practice. www.firstlighthealing.com 613-263-7925


J U LY 6 - AU G U S T 3 1

“Make a joyful noise unto the Lord!” – PSALM 100

Sundays 9:00 AM St Luke’s will be hosting a ‘drop-in’ choir during the summer months. Come to the rehearsal at 9 am to sing at the 10 am Holy Eucharist. A great opportunity for choristers who are ‘choir-less’ for the summer, or for those who just want to sing! WWW.STLUKESOTTAWA.CA 760 Somerset West, Ottawa, ON

July/August 2014




conscious mind and it can support us or sabotage us! Perhaps you have heard of the “placebo effect”. This is where, in an experiment, one set of people is given an experimental medication and another set is given a sugar pill (a “placebo”) but believe that it may be the by Darryl Gurney, Certified Advanced Level Psych-K® medication. Often a very significant number (around Workshop Instructor 30% of the group) respond favourably to the placebo. What made them better? It wasn’t the sugar pill, it was “Truly the greatest gift you can give is that of your own self- their belief! transformation.” In one famous placebo study, patients with gastric “If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into cancer were divided into 2 groups - one was given an place.” experimental chemotherapy medication, another was Chinese Philosopher – Lao Tzu given a placebo. Amazingly one third of the placebo group suffered the side effects of real chemotherapy ave you ever met someone that has a phobia such including hair loss, nausea and as public speaking, snakes or vomiting. The mind is indeed very “…The ‘Secret of Life’ is flying? Have you noticed that they Belief. Rather than genes, powerful. This begs the question: are completely paralyzed and can’t Is it possible to harness this even attempt to approach their it is our beliefs that control power without tricking the mind? fear, even if they wanted to? our lives. So we can Fortunately the answer, as we will The part of us that wants to is say that our lives are a discuss, is yes. our conscious mind. It is the part of Bruce Lipton Ph.D., Cellular reflection of our beliefs…” us that creates goals and direction Biologist and author of the bestin our life. But just like when someone has a phobia, selling book “The Biology of Belief”, says: “The ‘Secret there is also a part of our mind that can paralyze us from of Life’ is Belief. Rather than genes, it is our beliefs achieving our goals and keep us from living the life we that control our lives. So we can say that our lives truly want. This part of our mind, the subconscious are a reflection of our beliefs. These beliefs, usually mind is a million times more powerful than the subconscious, are the cumulative effect of life-long

Is your whole mind working for you ... or against you?


DIRECTORY continued ADI SHAKTI YOGA CENTRE IN ORLÉANS/ OTTAWA EAST serving with gratitude since 2003. Director/Owner: Lise Ram Das Latulippe. Ottawa’s Home of KUNDALINI Yoga: humanity’s most ancient yoga. Beginners & Advanced classes of uplifting, fun & highly informative Kundalini Yoga taught by professionally certified teachers. Enjoy our healing ambiance, heavenly music, a cup of tea & community spirit. Private classes; Personalized Health-Longevity-Vitality Program; Yogic Numerology; Nutrition consultations; Reiki treatments & training; Vedic cooking classes; Yogic workshops; Annual Women’s Yoga Retreats; Concerts; Gong relaxation evenings; Pre-natal friendly yoga; Sunrise Kundalini Sadhana; Eng. & French classes; Books, CDs, DVDs, soaps, teas, mats, clothing. We are the Yoga gem of Ottawa East - Come Feel Great... One Breath at a Time! 1445-A Youville Drive, 2nd Fl., Orléans. www.AdiShaktiYogaCentre.com Call 613 824-9189

SATTVA YOGA - A Kanata Yoga Experience Classes taught integrating a variety of yoga styles (Kripalu, Viniyoga, Structural Yoga, Vinyasa) as well as Somatic Movement & Pilates. A practice of balance, integration and compassion is offered: centering, breath work, warm-ups, flowing & static poses, relaxation, meditation and reflection. All levels welcome. Jo-Anne Stasiuk, MA. Professional Level Yoga Certification. 592-5936 or sattvayoga.ca MAITREYA YOGA STUDIO offers you an amazing atmosphere where you can take a break from everyday life and find your own authentic mind/body experience. Over 25 classes weekly on our Open Class Schedule. Visit us online for our Registered Classes and Workshops at www.maitreyayoga.com or contact us at 613-692-1515.

361 Churchill Avenue N, Ottawa ON, K1Z 5C4 Telephone: 1 (613) 686-6650 Email: info@villageclinic.ca


July/August 2014

PATHWAY YOGA. A beautiful, welcoming studio in the heart of Westboro. Learn how Iyengar yoga can lead body and breath, heart and mind along a brighter, healthier pathway. www.pathwayyoga.ca 613 8069642 346 Richmond Road, 2nd floor WISHINGTREE YOGA CENTRE—Yoga in Kanata. For all ages, beginner to experienced practitioner. Traditional, Hot Power, Hatha, Sound, Kundalini, Yin, Ashtanga, Restorative, 50+, Hatha flow, Meditation, Kirtan and Family Yoga. May your wishes come true. www.wishingtreeyoga.ca GENTLE YOGA, YIN & MORE. Right in Osgoode, drop in or registered classes. www.innerathletes.net

• Zenith Omega CATHERINE GREEN, CANADIAN REGIONAL: Teacher/Facilitator Dissolve Emotional, Mental, Physical Blocks. Embrace Positive Change. DNA Upgrade Long Distance Available. ascensionportal@xplornet.com 613-479-0299 www.catherinegreen.net


of your mind byPerhaps changing that sabotage greater peace and happiness, subconscious “programming.” youbeliefs got the message when kind of “mental keyboard”. It isrelease a user-friendly way to you were young that ‘Children are meant to be seen rewrite the “software” of your mind by changing beliefs you into beliefs that support you...quickly and resistance to experiencing your connection with and not heard’ and therefore you became shy and have that sabotage you into beliefs that support you...quickly easily. PSYCH-K ® can help you discover beliefs divinity. Plus you can learn how to create your difficulty speaking your truth, or you heard ‘You will and easily. PSYCH-K® can help you discover beliefs that that can help you to own belief never amount to anything’ and as a result you lost your can help you to deeply appreciate and accept yourself, deeply appreciate and you confidence and never realized your full potential, or create beliefs that support you statements in having so healthy, accept yourself, can leverage the you heard ‘Money create is the root of all evil’ and you ended loving relationships, replace old attitudes about money beliefs that support you it away and wondered why and increase your aptitude forpower of yourreduce up subconsciously pushing prosperity, prosperity evaded you. These emotional stress, and program in havinghas healthy, loving subconscious mind are just a few examples of some of your body/mind for optimal “…create beliefs that support relationships, replace old in helping you the many limiting beliefs that may you in having healthy, loving health and deal vitality. It helps attitudes about money any unique reside in your subconscious mind. increase your self-confidence relationships, replace old and increase your challenge you may and willingness to take positive By changing subconscious aptitude for prosperity, facing. attitudes about money and and decisivebe action in You your can life, beliefs, people have achieved reduce emotional stress, view the full video increase your aptitude for resolve painful memories and successes with phobias, and program your depression, prosperity…” “The and Biology of find greater peace happiness, stress, anxiety, release subconscious resistance to body/mind for health optimalproblems, health and vitality. It helps Perception and The Psychology of Change” procrastination, experiencing your connection with divinity. Plus you smoking, loss, relationships, sports performance, increaseweight your self-confidence and willingness to by bestselling author Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. and can learn of how to create your belief statements manifesting abundance and much, much more! take positive and decisive action in your life, founder PSYCH-K® Robown Williams, online at:so you can leverage the power of your subconscious mind Changing subconscious beliefs that may be sabotaging http://www.spirit2000.com/bruceliptonretreat.htm resolve painful memories and find in helping you deal any unique challenge you may be well-intentioned actions is similar to reprogramming facing. a personal computer. You need a kind of “mental keyboard” to your own brain so you can increase “cross You can view the full video “The Biology of Perception talk” between the two brain hemispheres, thereby and The Psychology of Change” by bestselling author achieving a more “whole-brained” state, which is ideal Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. and founder of PSYCH-K® Rob for changing subconscious beliefs. Williams, online at: PSYCH-K®, a very simple process that can be learned in a weekend workshop, can provide you with this www.spirit2000.com/bruceliptonretreat.htm

“…create beliefs that support you in having healthy, loving relationships, replace old attitudes about money and increase your aptitude for prosperity…”

For more information on PSYCH-K® and upcoming workshops, please visit www.health-quest.ca or contact Darryl Gurney of HealthQuest at 250.418.1779 or by email at gurn@telus.net

PSYCH-K Basic Workshop ®

Ottawa - Gatineau . September 20th - 21st REGISTRATION

$395 by Sept 1st, $450 thereafter Bring a friend $350 each Optional Practice Day $50 – Sep. 22nd (½ day) Prices include tax

Non-refundable deposit of $100, remainder due at beginning of workshop



FOR COURSE INFORMATION, CONTACT Darryl Gurney: 250.418.1779 - gurn@telus.net or visit www.health-quest.ca

July/August 2014


Laura’s Numerology News for July & August 2014

Add the day of your birth to the month of your birth. Then you will add the number 5 to your number. NOTE – If your final number adds up to double digits, add the numbers together again, and again, if you have to, until you get a single number. If you still have trouble, email me at lbaird@istar.ca



Try not to get into arguments. If it means walking away, do it. Stay as Zen as possible, please. July. Do you have extra money? Spend it now. Try to concentrate on purchases that will benefit your home and family. Careers morph during this period, too. Aug. Time for you to plug into the universe and get reenergized. Rest, slow down and take a well deserved time out. You will need lots of juice to get though the balance of the year, so take Aug. off if you can. July. I wish everyone under this influence could chill for the entire month. There is no doubt that you are seriously reevaluating your life, now. Try to close as many doors and finish as many projects and take care of yourself this month. Aug. There will be some endings or changes connected to your career. You could receive a new opportunity that could start now or in Oct. July. Financial gain and new business endeavors are on the horizon. Do not take a vacation now. Get your cash together to pay for trips that would start in Aug. This is a great time to buy or sell anything and this includes you, so get busy. Aug. Long distance travel is a wonderful use of Aug. You may experience some unexpected situations that you might label as “dramatic”. Stay loose and trust that all is well in the bigger picture. July. Are there friendships or relationships in a state of transformation? Your emotions will be very close to the surface and will have trouble hiding them. Take some time to rest and heal. Aug. - You should have a fresher outlook, in Aug. You will meet new people and the past will make more sense, now. New endeavors, friends and partnerships materialize. This whole year is tough on your emotional equilibrium so try to relax and trust

1. July. Hey, it is time for you to kick back and have some well deserved fun. I know that you have been on a long and crazy journey and you are pooped. Lighten up, socialize, travel and focus on creative pursuits. Think personal healing on all levels. Aug. Duty calls, and it is back to the grind, big time! 8. You might be able to still factor in a little bit of some fun, but it would be around family or work obligations. 2. July. Keep your wallet in your pants this month. You have many details and expenses that you have to attend to. Everything moves very slowly now, so be very, very patient and remain Zen. Aug. You have probably already sensed this is a very heavy work year, but you can feel free to have a small vacation now. Is there a wedding or reunion in your 9. plans? 3. July. Are you still in the office? Get the heck out! You will not be productive anyway, so take some or all of this month off. This is the best month for holidays, so book your time off now. You will be better for it in the long run. Aug. Put your credit card away and focus on paying off your outstanding debt. Hunker down and force yourself to be responsible. Remember, this is a year Laura Young is an intuitive numerologist and core belief of many big changes. Be on guard. modification coach. She is located in Ottawa, but can conduct 4. July. “Domestic responsibilities” are the words for phone or skype consultations anywhere. For personal the whole year and much amplified in July. A family consultations please email: lbaird@istar.ca or call 613-725-7232. holiday in Aug is perfect. Money is tight, so think practicality and thriftiness. Aug. Are you looking for a change Our core sexual energy must integrate with or perhaps a new love? Get our authentic spiritual power to fully address excited, clean your glasses, watch our daily issues. your posture, and get your hook As an integrative consciousness teacher, in the water, now. Factor in some coach and counsellor, I have 20 years of fun with your family, too. training and life experience supporting this 5. July. Get your motor running and emerging paradigm. head out on the highway. Can Access the root of your sexual pleasure and you do this alone? You need a spiritual power through Divine Tantric Touch break. Try to meditate and calm and Meditation Sessions. your overactive mind if a holiday I cater to individuals and couples of all ages won’t work. Self care is required. and backgrounds. Aug. An old family issue could float to the surface, and slap you Devi Bliss, Tantric Educator, Ipsalu Tantra Kriya Yoga in the back of the head this month. thetantrictouch@gmail.com ~ www.divinetantrictouch.com


July/August 2014

A Course in Miracles and The Bible by James Gregory


A Course in Miracles and The Bible DO ANY OF THESE APPLY TO YOU?

n a recent contest to write the most dramatic • Raised Christian but disillusioned with traditional Christianity newspaper headline ever, the winner was “Jesus • Puzzled by conflicting teachings in the Bible • A fan of Jesus, but feel that his teachings have been distorted Returns!” And no wonder…although he travelled no and misunderstood more than a few hundred kilometers from his birthplace, • Ready to let go of sin and all the guilt associated with it held no political office, commanded no army, Jesus • Heard of A Course in Miracles and want to find out more was one of the most influential persons to have ever If so, then consider joining us for an in-depth comparison of A lived. His teachings turned the status quo on its head Course in Miracles and the Bible, both of which are considered the and have been influencing our belief systems for 2,000 inspired word of God and feature Jesus as their central character. years. Time literally restarted when he was born. The Offered by Course Oasis, A registered charitable organization Bible is one of the best selling and most widely read dedicated to A Course in Miracles books in the world. And whether you are Christian or Six Monday evenings, September 8–October 20, 7 to 9 p.m. not, references to Jesus and his teachings permeate all Fee: $60. aspects of our culture. To register, or for more information, call Course Oasis Yet many Christians feel disenchanted with the (613-726-0195) or email courseoasis@primus.ca teachings of traditional Christianity, which seem website: courseoasis.org irrelevant and confusing and leave them wanting more. If Jesus were to return, what would he say and sense of a confusing and fearful world and our place in how would he go about saying it? A Course in Miracles it. It contains passages that are as familiar as a forgotten may very well be his message for the modern world. song, and others that will challenge your current belief Considered a modern spiritual classic, “The Course” system to its very foundation. appears to be a complete spiritual path authored by Is A Course in Miracles the “Third Testament”? Come Jesus himself. It includes hundreds of references to the and find out for yourself as we spend six weeks this fall Bible, correcting, clarifying and adding new insights. In exploring the teachings of the Course and its connection the same way that the New Testament is the fulfillment with the Bible. (See the of the teachings of ad on this page for more the Old Testament, details.) One thing is the Course seems to A Course in Miracles certain, once you have represent a natural At been exposed to the progression from the Course, you will never be Course Oasis New Testament. the same again. The author speaks Text Study and Workbook Practice Groups, with authority and James Gregory is a life-long Meetings, Courses, Individual Support, gentle kindness, like an reader of the Bible, a former Books and Other Resources elder brother showing candidate for the priesthood, a lost and frightened Mary Anne Buchowski a student of A Course sibling the way home. 613-726-0195 courseoasis@primus.ca www.courseoasis.org in Miracles and the coThe Course makes founder of Course Oasis.

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Active Listening


eteran mediator, educator, and blogger, Tammy Lenski, has shared in many of her workshops the Chinese character ting meaning ‘to listen’. By her own admission, she hasn’t ever posted it in her blog until now.

Arnold Zeman, M.A., Acc.FM (OAFM) Transformative Mediator

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Active listening of the kind represented by this Chinese character is the starting point of all approaches to mediation, be they facilitative, evaluative, narrative, or transformative. In the latter framework, we often speak of the capacity ‘to listen like a cow’. This synecdoche is taken from a passage in Radical Presence: Teaching as a contemplative practice by Mary Rose O’Reilly: “Pay attention…Just be there. Don’t be thinking about a solution, or how you should fix it. Just listen hard and try to be present. It’s very bad business to invite heartfelt speech and then not listen…What I’m trying to construct here is a theory of attention that depends little on therapeutic skills and formal training: listening like a cow. Those of you who grew up in the country know that cows are good listeners…We don’t need fixing, most of us, as much as we need a warm space and a good cow. Cows cock their big brown eyes at you and twitch their ears when you talk. This is a great antidote to the critical listening that goes on in academia, where we listen for the mistake, the flaw in the argument. Cows, by contrast, manage at least the appearance of deep, openhearted attention.” (emphasis added) But parties don’t seek out mediators only for “deep, openhearted attention”. Mediators use active listening instrumentally with an implicit or, hopefully, explicit


objective in mind. For transformative practitioners, that objective is to identify opportunities that arise momentby-moment in party interaction for empowerment (strength of self, of agency) and for recognition (openness or responsiveness to the other). A transformative mediator will intervene only to support the parties’ own efforts to shift to empowerment and recognition. Such listening doesn’t consist of thinking about a solution, of how to help parties fix things; rather, its purpose is to support the parties’ own shifts, in the midst of their interaction, to a view of themselves and of the other that is more amenable to their creating a resolution, if that is what they wish to do and if resolution is possible.

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July/August 2014

A Conversation with Your Soul: A Soul Mate Oracle Card Reading By Daniel Tigner


pick a card, 10 is Grounding. The soul is at home in this body. We are on a journey, we walk on the earth to which our physical body belongs, we are a union of earth and sky. A Soul Mate Oracle Card reading is a creative process, answers bubble up… what is there to be learned in the moment? In a reading a single card is picked to start with and the chosen card unfolds into a complete answer to the question being asked. For example, if you ask a question about a soul mate and the answer is card number 42 – Goodness, then goodness is the key flavour, but meaning can be further delineated as 4 is the number of support and 2 is the number of attraction. Often 42 is a very positive indication for relationships. Then 4 and 2 are added together giving 6 which is the card of inner and outer beauty. Meaning is intuited from the basic dynamic elements found in the cards. Goodness may show that much light is surrounding the soul in regard to the question asked or it may indicate a direction to follow or open to. The cards open the possibility of a deeper dialogue about real life questions, things that might be holding us back, forces at play, unconscious patterns, tools that will support us and directions that we can follow. What is my role as a reader? I experience the reading as a dialogue between me and you and a process of mutual discovery, a learning with you. I find the energy of the question funneling down as if in a spiral. A key is to invoke the right atmosphere and conditions. This means to be truthful and real: so we begin by having you vocalize your real question (what you really want to know), then when the card is chosen the answers begin to funnel down. As a reader I am open, feeling and listening to you and your soul and to the answers that come as words, images or messages that I convey to you. Some background about the Soulmate Oracle Cards: they were originally published in 2007 in Japan by Light Works Inc (jma-healing.com) and are currently only available from them in Japan. The beautiful artwork is by Japanese artist Akiko Komai. The card text and structure was the result of a collaboration between myself, Daniel Tigner, and Celine Cloutier. We are co-creators of Canadian Forest Tree Essences (www. essences.ca). The soul mate oracle cards help reveal the path to follow, obstacles to avoid and, most importantly, how

we may be in tune with the natural flow and forces of our personal universe. Each image may be meditated upon with each word and number having meaning. The cards are a tool to help us truly look into our questions about romance, love, sex, finance, money, health, relationships and creativity... I am often asked as a reader: Can you see the future? Is a Soul Mate Oracle Card Reading divination? I pick the card 25, Trust, for the answer to that question. If we are in tune with our soul and its purpose for being here, then trust becomes available to us so that our lives will unfold in a way that helps us to grow and to fulfill our purpose. The 2 means we attract what is in us, what we vibrate with, what our resonance expresses. The 5 is an indication that we create our future, so it is not about predicting the future, rather distilling trends, patterns and forces at work. They can then be examined, so that we can make better choices, opening ourselves up to seemingly random opportunities, such as meeting a soul partner. The total is the number 7, which is the card of synchronicity. When we are in tune with our souls, when our thoughts and actions and consciousness are congruent or in alignment with our soul’s highest purpose, synchronicity happens, we are in balance, in the groove. I invite you to come for a Soul Mate Oracle Card Reading. I give readings in Ottawa at the Singing Pebble Books 613-230-9165 and at Serendipity Books 613-722-3400, and at my home in Aylmer, by phone or Skype: For an appointment with Daniel 819-682-0205, dt@essences.ca

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July/August 2014


Quantum-Touch Therapy Workshop: Teaching Students to Use Hands-On Healing Techniques

process creates an even more powerful effect, both within the being of the student as well as person upon whom he places his hands. Astonishingly enough, the use of these totally natural techniques, skills that Aileen M. McKenna, Certified Quantum-Touch Therapy we have been using since those very first moments following our birth, can create a healing environment Practitioner/Instructor, Empathic Life Coach for ourselves and others that can uantum-Touch therapy return our state of health and wellworkshops are an exquisite, being to an unbelievable state that delightful discovery of what is was present before we were affected possible when we human beings by the DNA following conception. learn to use their breath and The evolution of this amazing healing imagination in the intention of doing modality, “Quantum-Touch Therapy” hands-on healing. The smiles and is actually providing humanity with expressions of excitement are such In Ottawa area serving Ontario & the potential to live in perfect health a great experience for an instructor Western Quebec for a very long time. This potential to witness as I monthly bring this Quantum-Touch Level I workshop AILEEN MCKENNA for extremely high levels healing to training to those interested in the Certified Quantum-Touch® Practitioner occur beneath the hands of QuantumTouch Therapy practitioners is Ottawa area. Certified Quantum-Touch® Instructor truly just beginning to be realized, I’ve been teaching this work here Associate Polarity Practitioner and the results that are possible are in Ottawa, and in other centres across Certified Aromatherapist finally beginning to penetrate our Canada, as well as in the Caribbean consciousness. AILEEN’S OASIS and in Scotland since September, I love meeting new students on 613-228-2272 2004, and I continue to be enthralled the first morning of class, when 613-795-3751 and keen to see how each group of everyone introduces themselves and aileen@aileensoasis.com new students, as well as those who shares their reasons for attending www.aileensoasis.com are taking the class for the second, www.quantumtouch.com this wonderful two-day training third or even the fourth time, (those in Quantum-Touch therapy. Their wanting to be certified practitioners reasons vary, but recently, I’ve been realizing that those need to take the class a second time and those wanting of higher vibration are being attracted to the class, and to be instructors are required to repeat the course at that their reasons for coming have been evolving as least three more times) are always surprised when they being more interested in the healing of humanity than feel the increase in energy, or their awareness, or even the response of the other students when they begin to simply in the healing of their friends and colleagues. do their practice sessions using their new discoveries of We are truly entering into a time of great altruism where our aspirations are taking on huge proportions and that how to use the energy skills. the sense of ego and selfishness and the use of this work So, I’ve decided that it may be interesting for readers for personal gain, are becoming outdated motives and to get a peek into a Quantum-Touch Therapy Level I the greater good for all is the motive of the day. workshop and how the work of running energy is As a great fan and lover of the work of Joseph taught to students, and how each step in the learning Campbell, I refer often to these words of his,” We must be able to let go of what we had planned to make room for what is out there waiting for us…… Joseph Campbell.” And as one of my friends says, what we can dream is too small to live.


Breakthrough in Energy Healing



Aileen M. McKenna is a Certified QT Instructor and Practitioner, certified as the first Canadian instructor in June 2004. She has taught classes to 1,000s of students across Canada, in the Caribbean and Scotland and sees 100s of clients annually in her private clinic in Ottawa. Aileen has been offering energy healing in the Ottawa area for more than 20 years, initially with Polarity therapy and Cranio-Sacral prior to learning Quantum-Touch® therapy. You can reach her at 613-228-2272, or by e-mail at aileen.mckenna66@gmail.com or you can check out her website at www.aileensoasis.com and the Quantum-Touch website at www.quantumtouch.com

July/August 2014

Ask a Naturopathic Doctor Katherine Willow N.D.

How to Rejuvenate at Midlife


t is a common experience to feel depleted by age forty or fifty after decades of working, raising a family and following dubious lifestyle habits. Energy wanes, digestion becomes sluggish, muscle mass decreases in contrast to adipose tissue around the waist, libido diminishes, memory fades and overall quality of life recedes with the hairline. People with strong constitutions don’t typically notice the change as much as those more sensitive, but the latter have the advantage of getting the message early enough to make changes while their more robust counterparts are able to plough forward until they get sick or drop. Another pattern is overriding the body with one’s mind, enthusiasm and will, thinking one has lots of energy which in reality is adrenaline wearing away the body with constant stimulation. The first and definitely most difficult step towards better health in this harried, pain-driven culture is to SLOW DOWN. For those who manage to get out of the overactive box, much potential opens. It is said in older traditions that investing in three months of deep rejuvenation gives ten extra years of life. Once time is freed up, the next step is to REST MORE. This is accomplished by early bedtimes between 8:30 and 9:30pm, depending on one’s level of fatigue, and strategic power naps of 10 to 20 minutes during the day. All organs and body systems need rest to recharge. Watching screens, doing puzzles and reading don’t count as rest. Eyes need to be closed and muscles relaxed. Feeling more rested gives us more control to EAT WELL. This is where the process needs to be individualized by body type and condition. Essential criteria is how much a person is depleted versus being congested/toxic which will determine if the diet needs to be nourishing or cleansing or a mixture of both. EXERCISE falls into the same category of needing to be individualized. Restorative yoga, however, benefits everyone. Once energy is high enough, interval training (aerobic and with weights) is one of the most effective methods of building muscle and restoring human growth hormone for vigour. It takes literally 20 minutes two to three times a week. Add stretching to this and within weeks to months the body will begin to feel renewed. Science tells us that 9 months of intensive training can reverse aging factors by ten years. When the body is balanced, one can more easily undertake EMOTIONAL HEALING in order to release negative feelings and their corresponding tensions held since childhood. Much energy can be gained in this way.

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www.ecowellness.com When we are able to sit peacefully without climbing the walls, CONTEMPLATION and MEDITATION deepen mental rest and access one’s spiritual source to receive guidance about what to do with our renewed self. PURPOSE keeps us living well. BASIC PRODUCTS helpful to rebuild health include: digestive enzymes, adrenal support, thyroid support, multivitamins/minerals and cleansing herbs such as milk thistle, dandelion, cleavers and psyllium. Then there are more sophisticated products such as homeopathic remedies, Ayurvedic combinations and modern discoveries of cell recharging substances. However, consistent results require lifestyle changes… Sometimes it takes a specific product to break a pattern of low energy in order to be able to move forward with one’s lifestyle. Other times it requires a person’s support--a friend, family member, coach or healing practitioner who believes in us and helps us take those small realistic steps into the destiny of the second half of our lives. Katherine Willow N.D. recently retired from practice in order to follow her own advice after too many decades of various excesses. She will do some writing and teaching while restoring her health and supporting family and can be contacted through www.ecowellness.com NOTICE: CARP RIDGE NATURAL HEALTH CLINIC WILL BE CLOSING ITS DOORS AS OF AUGUST 29. New locations for practitioners will be posted at www.ecowellness.com Cabins, a yurt and two tents with heat and toilets will be available for small businesses/healing spaces. The clinic building to be rented as a residence & optional home business. Contact info@ecowellness.com for information. Thanks to all our patients and best wishes for the future!

July/August 2014


Sri Chinmoy Answers Question: What steps can a person take to find inner peace?

SRI CHINMOY: The greatest misfortune that can come to a human being is to lose his inner peace. No outer force can rob him of it. It is his own thoughts and his own actions that rob him of it. Worries—mental, vital and physical—do exist, but it is up to us whether to accept them or reject them. They are not inevitable facts of life. Since our Almighty Father is all Peace, our common heritage is peace. We all need peace, but when we think of peace we try to discover it in our mind. We use the term ‘peace of mind.’ We feel that peace can be found only in the mind, and if we can discover peace there, then all our problems will be solved. However, I wish to say that the mind we are referring to is the physical mind. This mind is the doubting mind, and in the doubting mind we can never feel the presence of peace. We can feel the presence of peace only in the loving heart. We will own peace only after we have totally stopped finding fault with others. We have to feel the whole world as our very own. When we observe others’ mistakes, we enter into their imperfections. This does not help us in the least. Strangely enough, the deeper we plunge, the clearer it becomes to us that the imperfections of others are our own imperfections, but in different bodies and minds. Whereas if we think of God, His compassion and Divinity enlarge our inner vision of Truth so that we come to realise and accept humanity as one family. What steps can a person take to find inner peace? On a practical level, do not expect anything from others. Just give and give, like a mother who gives everything to her child thinking that the child is not in a position to give her anything in return. Do not


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expect anything from the world; only love the world and offer your capacity, your inner wealth, your joy. Everything that you have, give to the world unconditionally. If you expect anything from the world, then you will feel miserable because the world does not understand you, the world does not care for you. If you can do anything unconditionally, then you will have peace of mind. Another way is to meditate on the heart, where there is constant joy and love. At that time you will not cry for appreciation from others. You will all the time depend on your inner Source, where there is infinite peace. We must resolve here and now, amidst all our daily activities, to throw ourselves, heart and soul, into the sea of peace. We are mistaken if we think that peace will, on its own, enter into us near the end of our life’s journey. To hope to achieve peace without spirituality or meditation is to expect water in the desert. We welcome everyone’s participation in the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run torch relay in Ottawa on August 5th, 2014. For further details, visit www.peacerun.org or call 613-233-7475. Visit www.srichinmoylibrary.com for further writings by Sri Chinmoy.

ROLLANDE THOMPSON Since 1974. Renowned bilingual tarot card reader, palmistry, numerology. Accurate, honest and dependable. My readings consist of guidance in your work, health, love and your finances. I respect my work and will give you only my best. Individual consultations at your service. House parties and my own psychic line. Only a phone call away. Formerly on CFRA, CHIP & Rogers TV Telepsychic Show To book an appointment, please email: info@themystical event.com Rollande is looking forward to seeing you at The Mystical Event September 13 & 14 at the Chateau Cartier, 1170 chemin Aylmer, Gatineau. To book an appointment during the day before, during and after The Mystical Event, please contact info@themysticalevent.com For more information please visit www.themysticalevent.com


July/August 2014

Reflexology For Summer Heat & Swollen Feet

by Kymberli Ker, Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapist of Ottawa Reflexologist


ummer Heat Swollen Feet…does this apply to you? You’re finally enjoying the warmer weather, the sunshine and the fresh air!! You’re happy to be rid of those winter boots, heavy coat, scarf and hat. Even your FEET are enjoying the freedom from closed shoes and preferring the openness and spaciousness of open toe shoes. But when that heat comes along, are you among the many who experience edema or swelling in your ankles, calves and feet? Depending on the severity of the swelling, you may be experiencing extreme discomfort or even pain. Maybe even resorting to wearing shoes 1 size larger just to accommodate that swelling. And if you’re on certain medications, that too could be adding to that swelling. If you have ever experienced swelling in your feet, you know it’s no fun.The pressure, the heat, and the achy feeling that accompanies the swelling is something we would rather avoid. There are great ways to reduce the swelling and I often advise my clients to put their feet up the wall or submerge their feet in water with epsom or Himalayan sea salts to reduce the swelling and pressure. Even rub their feet with coconut oil before going to bed. Another great way to reduce swelling in the feet is with soothing, relaxing and therapeutic Foot Reflexology treatments. I use essential oils both in the foot soak and the massage lotion to help reduce swelling. Coupled with the massaging and stimulating acupressure of the treatment, the swelling reduces if not eliminates completely by the end of the treatment!!! The client is left feeling invigorated, refreshed, relaxed and with HAPPY FEET to boot!!!! If you suffer from summer heat swollen feet and you have yet to give Reflexology a try, I encourage you to give it a shot. I am an Ottawa based Registered Reflexology Therapist. I am also a registered yoga teacher with a passion for all things Yin Yoga. For more information on the benefits of Reflexology and locations where you can have treatments, please visit my website at www.OttawaReflexologist.com. Health insurance receipts provided to those who have coverage under their health insurance policies.

July/August 2014


8th Annual Ottawa Peace Festival:

“Peacing Together the Canada We Want” by Daniel Mauro


he Canadian Peace Initiative (CPI) together with Ottawa’s peace and justice groups will be holding its Annual Peace Festival from September 21 to October 02 (2014), marking the United Nation’s two International Days of Peace and Nonviolence. This will be the eighth year that this festival celebrates Ottawans’ activism in building a culture of nonviolent peace in the nation’s capital. This year’s festival theme is “Peacing Together the Canada We Want” which will be reverberating through all activities being planned. Preparations are underway to mount approximately two dozen events in different locations across the city. Highlights of the Festival include a month long photo exhibit in September on nonviolent peace champions South Africa’s Nelson Mandela and Canada’s Algonquin Leader Grandfather William Commanda. Also, a day-long celebration of music, dance, peace awards, and silent auction organized by Friends for Peace Group takes place at City Hall on September 27. (See ad for Ottawa Peace Festival details). Throughout the festival period a number of art, film and musical events as well as public forums on topical peace themes are being organized. These events cover topics of climate change, lessons learnt from past wars, the value of inner peace in resisting violence, peace and reconciliation, civil liberties and public surveillance, and the need for creating a peace centre in Ottawa. Like previous peace festivals, a key objective is to promote awareness of the culture of peace among the public and civic leaders. “With a different kind of peace event every day throughout the 12 day festival period, every citizen has an opportunity to get out and participate, and to reflect on how peace, unity, and harmony can be achieved in today’s world.” The festival convenors, Bill Bhaneja and Peter Stockdale say, “We hope these fun and friendly events will give folks a chance to know what’s happening in Ottawa to build community peace and be convinced that there are alternatives to violence and war in Canada and abroad.” Over the past seven years, the festival organizers have been able to mount an extensive program because of community groups’ enthusiastic involvement without


any funding from government sources, building it with their passion and conviction for peace and justice. Its expansion over the previous seven festivals shows that there is a longing in the public for increased citizen participation in nonviolent peace building at home and abroad. For more details on the evolving festival calendar, watch the blogspot: http://ottawapeacefestival. blogspot.com/ The Festival fits well with the inclusive vision of the Canadian Peace Initiative (CPI). In its role as a facilitator, together with Ottawa’s peace and justice community, it aspires to involve citizens to work towards building cities of peace, to enhance women and youth participation in peace-building, to promote interfaith dialogue, and explore ways of resolving conflicts through nonviolent means. For more on CPI, visit www.departmentofpeace.ca For further information, you may contact the festival convenors: Peter Stockdale, drpeterstockdale@gmail.com, 613.852.4527 or Bill Bhaneja, billbhaneja@rogers.com 613.244.1972. All events are FREE and open to the public.

Feature reports on previous festival including photos by Koozma J. Tarasoff are available at: http:// ottawapeacefestival.blogspot.com/

July/August 2014

T h e B u r n i n g Tr u t h


e use candles to celebrate birthdays, get togethers, holidays and to bring a little calm and serenity into our otherwise hectic lives. Â So it might be surprising to know that you may be, unknowingly, introducing a toxic ingredient into the household. Most candles, especially cheap ones, are made from paraffin wax. Paraffin is created from the sludge waste when crude oil is refined into gasoline. Not what you would want for you or those you love. The petroleum is blended with other additives like toluene and benzene, which are known toxins. So a lit candle actually releases the petroleum and chemicals into the air you breathe, and the soot it produces is also very harmful. Unfortunately, this is not the end of the story. The wicks in many candles are metal: some may contain lead, which is released as the candle is lit! As for scented candles, the story does not improve. Most synthetic fragrances are petroleum-based as well. According to statistics, up to 95% of fragrances have this as their origin. These chemicals can cause all sorts of damage to humans and pets as well. Many of the compounds are derived from benzene, which has the reputation of being one of the most carcinogenic ingredients known to mankind. At the very least, these chemicals can contribute to asthmatic conditions and dermatitis. I should also point out that detergents that are described as unscented or fragrance free may still contain some of these chemicals which neutralize the odours produced during their creation (say what?!!).

Are there alternatives? Absolutely! Are they easily available? Yes, right here in town! The first place to start is by questioning the ingredients and origin of the candles you already have. Some of the better waxes that are clean burning include soy, palm and beeswax. And use candles that are scented with pure essential oils instead of fragrances. Not only will they smell better, but essential oils actually contribute to overall health and keep the air at home cleaner and fresher. Another alternative is to make your own candles. If you have access to a local beekeeper, you can purchase beeswax to melt and pour into molds or other containers (and yes, being aware of the precarious position the bees are finding themselves in may influence whether you choose a plant based wax instead). Soy wax comes in flakes, easily blended with your favourite blend of essential oils! The general rule of thumb is 10 drops of essential oil for every 25g of soy flakes. Use caution when heating and pouring to avoid burns. And where can you find these goodies? Why, Planet Botanix, of course!

July/August 2014

Š2013 Heather Garrod is a Certified Aromatherapist and owner of Planet Botanix at 301 Bank St near Somerset. She gives workshops on creating natural bodycare and has been creating natural bodycare for over eighteen years. The shop offers natural alternatives to commercial products and features a holistic therapy clinic. www.planetbotanix.com


The Water Element

Ian Prattis Excerpt from Chapter Six of Trailing Sky Six Feathers. The setting is Sedona, AZ. I simply marvelled at the surrounding scenery. It felt like being in nature’s cathedral, in the centre of a natural temple. The Red Rock country emanated a sense of familiarity that many people visiting for the first time feel intensely. I was no different. After settling into my simple yet comfortable cabin, on that first evening I took a flask of coffee, bread and cheese and sat at the foot of Eagle Rock, the aboriginal name for Bell Rock, not far from Quail Ridge. I carefully looked over maps of the area to acquaint myself with the region’s ambience. I saw that Oak Creek ran through the Red Rock country like a thread drawing the canyons together. My exploration began with this Water element. This was one component of the Five Great Elements in Buddhist thought that I was familiar with, Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Space. I understood the sequence as the correspondence of all things to each other driven by the feminine vessel of enlightenment. I have always thought of the present millennium as the century of the daughters. Not so much as a gender separate thing, but as attributes of a holistic, nurturing presence of mind. This is why I began my exploration of the region with Water. Oak Creek was fed by spring water from the sacred canyons and she carried their unique energies in one stream. I began at Red Rock Crossing, fully aware that I was being guided by the feminine qualities of the region. But not aware of how deeply this river ran through me. I arrived at the crossing by taxi and asked the driver to return for me just before sunset. I stopped to look around at the awesome vista around me. This was where Oak Creek runs by the west side of Cathedral Rock, a majestic, soaring rock formation that defies imagination. I looked for the tall figures in the central towers, representing a Male and Female figure standing back to back. The myth was that they embodied the eternal values of harmony with all elements, earth and peoples. Black Elk’s prophecy of the hoops of all nations interconnecting with harmony, no less. Cathedral Rock’s sandstone towers cast a shimmering reflection in the waters of the creek. Water, rock, sky, wind and fire, elements bound together in a seamless continuum. That is what I felt as I walked in the shallow waters with my hiking boots strung around my shoulders. From Buddha Beach, what an apt name, on a bend of the creek, I found a trail that led to the sandstone towers. I chose not to climb them. It was enough for me to stand in awe below them, with my feet firmly planted in the waters of Oak Creek. This day was about Water, not my ego.


Pine Gate Mindfulness Community Nucleus of Friends for Peace Canada Teachings every Thursday 7.00pm - 9.00pm Pine Gate Meditation Hall 1252 Rideout Cr, Ottawa, ON K2C 2X7 Contacts: iprattis@bell.net chill.carolyn@gmail.com • 613 726 0881 www.ianprattis.com/pinegate.htm I learned more about Oak Creek and its surroundings with several days of exploring Oak Creek Canyon to the north of Sedona. Always, I waded into the water so I could feel with my feet the pulse of the arteries of the entire area. I would lie down on larger, flat, dry rocks in midstream or perch atop rock rills and watch the water swirl around my feet, feeling a great sense of familiarity with this dramatic and melodious river. It was easy to explore the rim of Oak Creek Canyons, as the Schnebly Hill Formation was available by road from North Sedona, as it stretches into the highlands of the Colorado Plateau. I also took Brewer Road to the end and walked down the path leading to perhaps the most beautiful part of Oak Creek and listened deeply to the rhythm of this river. Ian wrote Trailing Sky Six Feathers (www.ianprattis.com/TrailingSky.html). Zen teacher at Pine Gate since 1997, he has given talks and retreats all over the world. He now stays local with Friends for Peace Canada www.friendsforpeace.ca to help turn the tide just a little in his home city so that good things begin to happen spontaneously.

Soundara Rajan

Daughter of Professor Krishnamurthy

July/August 2014

Practicing and Teaching Stellar and Vedic Astrology Guiding people since 1959 in Finances, Career, Investment, Relationship and Family. Teaching meditation Individual service as well as follow-up queries 1 Woodthrush Green, Ottawa, ON, K1V 0A9

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Experiencing Mother Meera By Reza Shadman


Free Darshan

he first time Mother Meera Ottawa, ON looked into my eyes I smiled for Sun. July 20, 2014 24 hrs and that was enough to make Mother Meera is an enlightened 10AM, or 1:30PM me a fan. I had heard from a cobeing from India who is described worker that someone enlightened Best Western Plus as an incarnation of the Divine is coming to town and in my Gatineau-Ottawa Mother. Her mission is to help innocent mind I wanted to see how 131 Rue Laurier, uplift humanity by opening people an enlightened person looks like. Gatineau, Qc Needless to say Mother Meera looks to the divine light, so they may J8X 3W3 like me and you. All I needed to become more peaceful and happy. attend was to register and a couple This transformation of of days later I found myself in a consciousness is accomplished large hall of about 300 seats. through the silence of Darshan as While chatting with others, I Mother Meera transfers light to learned we are there so that Mother Meera can transmit her special light every part of your being, to help to us, a process known as Darshan. with physical, mental, vital and The organizers explained that she spiritual healing. does so in silence. No words-Mother would gently hold each persons “The whole purpose of my work is head, lightly touching the temples, in the calling down of the then she would look into the eyes Paramatman Light and in and that’s it. They also explained it is best to stay for the duration, helping people. For this I came – even though one can leave after to open your hearts to the light.“ receiving Darshan. Everyone was Mother Meera sitting quietly or in meditation, Darshan is free however registration is required for waiting to be called row by row each person who wishes to attend. to meet Mother’s eyes. When she looked into my eyes I perked up and www.MotherMeera.ca by the end of the session I was all To register smiles. Eager to know more about her, I purchase a book and literally pranced to the bus station. Aren’t we living in an exciting time! A time of great Light is given whether we feel it or change, and many beings are here not. Not everyone feels the effect of to help us with this transition. Darshan and sometimes people feel it Mother Meera is bringing down a a day or week later. Mother explains special light onto this planet so we however that we receive exactly what can create a more loving and aware is needed: humanity. She will touring Canada starting July 15th, and will be in “I do not speak but my force changes Ottawa Sunday July 20th. Darshan people completely. The power of the is free, however you need to reserve Divine works in the silence and will a seat at www.mothermeera.ca . I change things according to your aim sincerely invite you to come and and what you ask for. Sometimes say hi and experience Mother’s I can give immediately what you beautiful light. have requested. Sometimes it takes time. Some people ask for each and FREE DARSHAN and every small thing and others ask July 20, 2014 10am or 1:30pm and go on asking – it depends on the Must reserve a seat at www.mothermeera.ca individual. However, whether you ask or not is not Best Western Plus Gatineau-Ottawa important, I will give what is necessary.” Answers part I 131 Rue Laurier, Gatineau QC

July/August 2014


3� édition / 3�� Edition

13 - 14 SEPT. 2014 Click here


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waiting for you /vous attendent yoga, Qigong, energy healing, holistic therapies, alternative medicine, massage therapy, reflexology, natural products, tarot, astrology, palmistry, mediumship, Reiki, shamanism, angel therapy, past life regression, life coaching, aromatherapy, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) hypnotherapy, and much more.


Sat./sam. 13 Sept. 09:00 - 18:00 Sun. /dim. 14 Sept. 10:00 - 17:00



anciennement/formerly Château Cartier 1170, chemin Aylmer, Gatineau Natural Presence Magazine www.naturalpresence.ca

A bilingual well-being event that connects the mind, body and soul

Salon bilingue sur le mieux-être qui relie les niveaux mental, corporel et spirituel 11 Sept. 2014

12 Sept. 2014

13 Sept. 2014

Pete Bernard

Jennifer Clark

Sylvie Brûlé

Algonquin Medicine Man (In English)

Professional Spiritual Teacher (In English)

Thérapeute angélique (en français)

14 Sept. 2014

15 Sept. 2014

Matthew Stapley Nathalie Renaud Psychic Medium (In English)

Watch for Matthew Stapley’s Heaven Knows Ontario Tour

Médium et guide spirituel Souper spectacle avec messages et guérison de l’âme

(en français)

Visit www.themysticalevent.com for more info and to buy tickets

Visitez www.lesalonmystique.com pour de plus amples renseignements et pour acheter des billets


July/August 2014

Young Yogi

Despite the Threat of Rain


n whatever we do, whatever we have planned for the day, or for our lives, there is a chance of showers. We can plan ahead and take precautions, or throw caution to the wind and assume the best, that we will have plenty of time to get our things done before thunder strikes. Either way, we have chosen to move forward and embrace the rainstorm, whether or not it actually appears. It can be the same along any healing journey and along the spiritual path in general. There is always a

J ulie Desmarais & Asso c iates

Be Your Own Healer

Create Your Own Future Follow Your Own Path

Julie Desmarais & Associates Celebrates 20 Years in Business Thank you to all my wonderful clients! How time flies! It seems like yesterday I had a vision from an angel who told me to start a healing centre. It all began with starting a healing practice out of my little apartment and then moving to Aylmer to be a Reflexologist. One thing led to another, and before I knew it, my 3rd eye opened as a result of a Reiki class and I started seeing into my clients’ Energy Fields! Next stop was a visit to Boston for a workshop with the renowned Barbara Brennan. This inspired me to start teaching an Advanced Intuitive Energy Program which I am still leading today, along with Reiki Master Teacher Training. I still have my full time private practice in which I connect you to Your Higher Self (in person or by phone or Skype), so we can visit your angels, guides, archetypes, past lives, totems, living and deceased loved ones and pets, which allow us to clear mental/emotional/ karmic baggage. I also teach all levels of Holographic-Usui Reiki in groups and privately, as well as leading Forgiveness Circles and Chakra Blessings. All this to say, ALWAYS LISTEN TO YOUR ANGELS because you just never know where they will take you! I ALSO WANT TO SAY THAT I AM ETERNALLY GRATEFUL TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU WHO HAS SUPPORTED MY PRACTICE AND ALLOWED ME TO DO WHAT I LOVE THE MOST...HOLD SACRED SPACE FOR LOVING, EMPOWERING, JOYFUL, GENTLE TRANSFORMATION TO ALLOW YOU TO BECOME YOUR OWN HEALER, FOLLOW YOUR OWN PATH AND CREATE YOUR OWN FUTURE..... From my heart to your heart, Julie Interested in Julie's work? Contact her at info@juliedesmarais.ca or 613-688-1717. She will be teaching Phase I of her Advanced Holographic Energy series, "Metamorphosis of the Spirit," which is an in-depth journey through your own chakra system, starting Sept 2014. This 10 week class is only run once a year, so space is limited. If you would like to learn how to manage your precious energy much more efficiently, by connecting with and understanding your own chakra system, catch the early bird price and sign up today! For more details: www.juliedesmarais.ca U P CO M I N G SU M M ER / FAL L E V E N TS: Chakra Blessings - July 9, July 23, August 13, and Aug 27 Reiki I - Sept. 20/21 • Reiki II - Oct. 18/19 • Reiki III - Nov. 22/23 Sacred Truth Forgiveness Circle - Sept 19 and Dec 12

July/August 2014

constant threat of rain, of not having the time allotted to meditate or to exercise or to write or to take care for ourselves. Ahhhh, and this is where we learn to apply the highest yogic arts; of walking meditation, of conscious and conscientious movement throughout our days, of using mantra to train the mind while being externally focused and of seizing any tiny opportunity to go inside and notice what is going on for us. Most importantly the true yogi is of service, and any action can count, from holding oneself in peace and calmness, emitting a high vibration for the benefit of all, to helping out another being with a specific task. The hardest part can be remembering that these little things add up, that they matter too. We may not have time for an hour jog but we can sprint across the parking lot, so to speak. Don’t give up, ever. Despite the threat of rain, we will come full circle again. The only constant is change, so despite our preference for routine and predictability, we have to learn to be good dancers, to shimmy, shake and two-step our way around and through everything that pops up in our paths. Remember everything counts, even one simple, intentional, long, deep, conscious breath per day. AUM. *Cera Gagnon uses reiki to write personalized messages from the Universe, expresing the InnerVoice, the landscape, the current ‘story’, of one’s highest self. Sessions include a 1-2 page written report. Also available in french. Please call (613) 227-4497 for more info.


Everything changes. We make choices. Some are easy, some aren’t.

Rune Readings by Willow


ave you ever felt as though the best choice, the one that’s most resonant with your truth is hidden? You just can’t seem to hear that small still voice. It’s as though it’s drowned out and while you want to hear it, you can’t. Call it inner knowing, intuition, embodied knowledge. Regardless of the name you give it, that voice needs clarity, especially when you know the choice you make will have far-reaching effects. So, what can you do to turn down the noise? How can you resolve inner conflicts and competing wants and desires so you can hear that voice and re-write your story, your personal narrative? The method I use is casting my Runes. What are the Runes? They’re ancient Nordic symbols passed down through the ages by sages, healers and spiritual alchemists. Each Rune stone has a symbol on it with a meaning related to the creative force of the psyche- they’re an alphabet of transformational images that help quiet and harmonize your mind/body. That way, you can sort through rival impulses and act only one the ones that reflect what you really want, not what you’ve learned to want. A Rune reading does more than just help you hear the voice of your deepest knowing. It’s a way to move out of the past and future. Each stone is a step that brings you back to yourself in the present moment by privileging your lived experience and accessing the wisdom you’ve gathered. It helps you take stock of the insights and strengths you already have - qualities you might not be consciously

at The Crystal Dawn Saturday, July 5th & 19th Book now: 613-241-2262

aware of. It’s not that you don’t know what to do, you do. You only need to hear. A reading helps you do that. Rune readings call up your awareness and help you focus it on the inner knowing and ability you have to make the change and choice you want most. Your life story needs to be told and lived in your voice. It’s your personal truth. It matters. To book an appointment for a reading on Sat. July 5th or 19th, please call The Crystal Dawn at 613-241-2262. Willow-Marie Power, Rv.M., D.M.P., M.A., Consultant, Coach, Author, “real, Coming of Age - Keeping our Soul” available for sale at The Crystal Dawn. For more info visit http://willowmariewrites.com

Extra Ocular Vision Program in Canada

“Traditional Ancestral information while at the same time, new on the planet.” August 21 to August 25 (5 days) Carp, Ontario (25 min from Ottawa) $999.00

This 5-­‐day course provides complete training to become a certified instructor of The Extra Ocular Vision Program for Children in Canada. Workshop participants will learn how to teach children to “see” and “read” while wearing a blindfold. Some children may even develop 360 degree vision or learn to see with other parts of their body such as their hands, feet or backs. Children who receive this training experience improvement in acedemic performance, memory, self-­‐esteem, maturity, resposibility, self-­‐respect, respect for others, consciousness expansion, awakened intuition, psychic ability, freedom from painful and limiting beliefs.

Instructor: Rossi Barrera Oaxaca: is a certified Instructor of the Fiat Lumen Center for Children’s Blindfold Vision and Brain Development in Mexico City. Contact: Karen Osborne | 613-­‐798-­‐2828 | karen@ascensionhealing.ca


July/August 2014

Why Diets Don’t Always Work

The Stress And Weight Connection


t may be difficult to believe, but our brain actually plays a larger role in whether or not we lose weight than our food intake does! It is astounding to learn that 70-90% of all visits to primary health care practitioners in North America are due to stressrelated illnesses. As astounding to learn, are the statistics regarding obesity and weight. 65% of North Americans are overweight, 31% are clinically obese, 6.8% are morbidly obese. What is the connection between chronic stress and weight? Our modern ways of living, where we are rushing through our lives, sleeping less and trying to multi-task our way to success, are wreaking havoc on a number of regulatory processes that control what we eat, how much we eat and how our food is processed and assimilated in our bodies. Living in this stressed state, our stress hormone levels are much higher in our body than normal, creating a number of complex interactions within the body, making it much more difficult to lose weight. Cortisol, also known as adrenaline, is our fight or flight hormone. It allows us to run out of harm’s way and have strength in situations of danger. It raises our blood pressure, increases our heart rate and changes the way we burn fuel in our body. But cortisol levels and other stress hormone levels that are chronically too high, alter our regulatory systems. These systems perform various tasks in the body - controlling hunger, inhibiting food cravings, balancing blood sugar levels and various tasks involved in food breakdown and assimilation. What is the result when these systems are

not performing optimally? We have difficulty losing weight, despite diets, exercise, and perhaps, endless determination! From a Naturopathic perspective, excess stress can be addressed on many levels. At the Integral Health Clinic, we are interested in addressing the imbalances of stress

hormones to promote wellness and weight loss. This is done with various tools, including specific blood, saliva and other naturopathic test, the use of natural supplements, nutritional modifications, Homeopathic medicine, and lifestyle modifications. Our goal is to rebalance sleep patterns, heal glandular changes that are contributing to increase cortisol levels, and regulate systems which promote healthy eating patterns and help to maintain a healthy weight. Please join us for our upcoming seminar “The Stress and Weight Connection”. Please contact the clinic for more information. 613-241-0005 www.integralhealthclinic.com info@integralhealthclinic.com

Reconnecting: Women’s Weekend Getaway In Wine Country Heart & Soul’s Women’s Weekend Getaway in Wine Country, October 10, 11 & 12, 2014, consult the Heart and Soul Coaching and Retreats website at www.heartandsoulcoaching.ca. To register, contact Christine at 613-739-0009 or email to retreat@heartandsoulcoaching.com. Register by July 4, 2014 and save $50 CDN (pay only $530 CDN + HST)

July/August 2014


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Peace & Happiness, Jane / Lila




July/August 2014

YogAwakening Body-Mind-Soul Delight ~ Saturday, July 12th

Stretch your body, relax your mind, end the stream of stressful thinking, and awaken joy in your life. By Cindy Teevens


nhale deeply…lavender delights the air as you enter the clear, loving, comfortable and safe space. YogAwakening is a complete sight, sound, body-mind, and heart experience. All of your senses will be used and awakened. The day starts gently with yoga to live guitar, followed by guided and silent meditations, experiments with the body-mind and experience, selfinquiry, and the practice of The Alchemy of Love and Joy™ which will provide opportunity for you to expand beyond your past ideas about who you thought you were, stripping away old thoughts and limiting beliefs, and creating new openings for your true potential. You will learn how to access the good feeling that is an inseparable part of your very being. Then, feeling good, you use that to transcend the habits of ego and of “past” and “future,” and you come into the freedom of now with access to infinite intelligence. This is what practicing Alchemy does. When you do the practice, there is often not only a “release” around the situation; there can be humour about how you could have thought, believed or acted any other way. Someone once said to me, “I am too tired of coming up with new visions of truth. I want to cut through imagery and reasoning and go to the root of my being.” Somehow it is recognized that there is some thing… more. Oh yes! There is—and it is very good news! This is not self-improvement. You will not become something more—you cannot become more perfect than you are, but you can see, know, and experience with perfect eyes. Discover the truth about happiness and the happiness lie, which has kept generation after generation miserable. You can learn how to detach and to feel good no matter what is going on around you. Become self-fulfilling, and know the rock-solid foundation and freedom that being self-fulfilling creates. Become so self-fulfilled that you

can’t be hurt, and can’t hurt anyone. Fill yourself with so much love that it cannot be contained and overflows onto others. I have come to know that there is a way to end the stream of stressful thinking, to awaken joy in your life, and to clear the path to realize who you really are. And while you can get the principles from a book, there is nothing like experiencing and applying it in your being. So I have designed a workshop, based on the book Alchemy, and more importantly, based on my experience, to help people realize the same freedom I know and to awaken joy in their lives. When you practice Alchemy you find inner solutions to outer problems—the only kind of solutions you can truly rely on; the only ones that never leave you. You can learn to use Alchemy to resolve relationship issues and experience more genuine love, intimacy, and joy in life than you have lived or imagined possible. Cleansed of any need for the outside, you learn how to look for—and at—“the treasure house within.” How you feel inside is what appears to manifest on the outside, and you can learn how to use this now. Join the next YogAwakening, there are a limited number of spaces available. For singles and couples. Gourmet Vegetarian Lunch included. RSVP now: AlchemyLovejoy.com Cindy Teevens is one of the leading inner peace and happiness facilitators, exceptional and unique in helping people shift their state and transform their lives permanently, from the inside out. Six years after the violent suicide of her father, in one moment her own intense suffering was swapped for amazing joy, altering her life. Understandings began to come about how we have been living backwards, how we have mistaken the outside for the inside, and how we have tethered ourselves to the uncontrollable winds of change in the midst of freedom—and how we can return to truth, sanity, and peace. Months after discovering joy, one day in the woods she was knocked to her knees by an explosion of love, and when she looked up at the trees, she saw them as herself, as everything is. Uncontrollable laughter belted out from the belly of being, tickling every cell in her body as it laid on the snow, laughing and crying in love at the cosmic joke.

July/August 2014


Are you a Spectator to your own Life? By Daniel Roy CD, BA, MA, CFP, EPC, CIM, FCSI, CIWM, CRC was chatting with a friend of mine the other day about a variety of subjects and we ended up talking about our career choices. As it turned out, we were both very happy with the choices that we had made many years ago and we were equally excited about how things were unfolding for us. I walked away from that discussion knowing that we had both made some great choices and that we both had been highly involved in determining the outcome of our lives. Yes, there had been some setbacks along the way but for the most part, through our persistence and perseverance, we had been successful in guiding our lives thus far.


The lifestyle that my family and I enjoy is in alignment with the vision that I had for it many years ago. This is not by chance, this is by design. As the vision for my life evolved over the years, so too has the lifestyle that has unfolded. The achievement of these goals has led my wife and I to continually sit down and dream up new ones, always building on our past accomplishments. Keeping things static has never been an option for us. How involved have you been in determining the outcome of your own life? Are you a passive spectator to this whole process or are you fully engaged in creating the life that you want to live? The research is providing us with some very compelling evidence that people who are living on purpose, who are engaged in creating the lifestyle that they want are infinitely happier and healthier than people who are not engaged in this process. I have seen this firsthand with my own clients who, over the years, have been able to create the life that they wanted. They are totally living their lives to the fullest. It is important to start designing this vision at an early age. The key element to all of this is that you will have to create the financial structure needed to support the lifestyle that you have dreamed of. This process takes time and self-discipline. At the end of the day, it’s the income generated from your invested capital that becomes the vehicle that lets you live the life that you have envisioned. Being financially free provides you with the ability to pursue your dreams knowing that you have the resources to do so, without worry. Money gives you options and this is when life gets really interesting! For me, not being a spectator to one’s life means that you have made the conscious decision to be fully engaged in the process of creating the life that you want to live. You have calculated the financial cost to this decision and you are fully prepared to implement it. Life gets really exciting when you have the ability to pursue opportunities that present themselves knowing that you have the financial resources available to support these decisions.


daniel@praxiswealthinstitute.ca www.praxiswealthinstitute.ca Tel: 613.440.2734 Fax: 613.440.2560

Daniel Roy


Principle Instructor / Certified Financial Planner

As you approach your retirement, you have probably accumulated the critical mass of money needed to look after yourself once you leave work. But have you truly designed the vision for the lifestyle that you want to live during this next phase of your life? Have you gone back to the drawing board to see what it is that you want to accomplish knowing that you have the time to do these things? As I say to my clients all of the time, “Don’t retire from something…Retire to something” and make this next phase of your life the most exciting one ever! Regardless of your present age, take a short break from life and reflect on what it is that you want to accomplish in this lifetime. What do I want to have? Where do I want to live? What places in the world do I want to travel to? Get specific and write these things down on paper and don’t hold back. Design the life that you want and then work towards developing the income stream needed to support your choices. Your golden goose will be the accumulated capital that you have saved and invested for this specific objective. Don’t be a spectator to your life. Become fully engaged and Dare to Dream! Daniel Roy is the principal instructor of the Ottawa-based Praxis Wealth Institute. He is a Certified Financial Planner as well as a Certified Retirement Coach and public speaker. He conducts workshops and courses on the subject of wealth management as well as designing meaningful and rewarding lifestyles.

daniel@praxiswealthinstitute.ca www.praxiswealthinstitute.ca www.yourretirementcoach.ca

July/August 2014

Are You Feeling Inspired? Channeled by Lisa Virtue


eing inspired has such a stigma around it. How do you feel if you aren’t inspired? Are you shamed due to that? Are you feeling inadequate if you do not have inspiring thoughts or a heart-inspired mission? How many people question themselves because they Energy Healer & Medium hear the words about being and living an inspired life, yet feel they are far, far from that? We would like to help you. First, it is not necessary to chase inspiration. Inspiration comes when you least expect it. Inspiration is a form of communication, actually. It is a communion between you and your inspired self. That is to say, the part of you which lives in its mighty, heart-centred, God-essence. Inspiration is what guides you daily when you stop to listen to your inner truth, your inner-voice, or your gut as some call it. It is not always a loud shout with an “a-ha!” attached. Would it be nice to feel Divine inspiration every day that is so tangible you’re lifted off your feet and floating through life? Yes, that would make it easy and recognizable. Are you sometimes inspired to this level? Some people are, some of the time. Is everyone? Not always. So how do you live if you haven’t felt “blessed” with such obvious inspiration? Again, you look for the more subtle. Can it be that inspiration is more aligned with what feels right than what feels hit-over-the-head amazing? It can. Inspired can simply mean that you are following your instincts as to what feels right for you; what feels like the best action or thought or desire at that time.

Come into stillness for but a moment... see if you can recognize that quiet, inner-voice. It’s always there, but frequently drowned out... by the chatter in your own mind, or that of those around you.... by preoccupations, busy-ness... How often do you leap away from moments of stillness? Is it habitual to grab a device, or a book or anything to fill the space in time? Might you be afraid of what you’ll find if you ask within? Could it be that you instinctively know what the answers are, and are afraid of the change those would imply? Perhaps you do not realize that the fear of seeking those answers that lie within you also keeps you from receiving the guidance that shows you how to implement those changes or steps in a fashion that suits you... that feels right. For once you are over the initial fear of what it may mean, you will find that the answer to each baby step lies within you also. Not one thing in your life need be done without the guidance of your inner-self, if you so choose. So this is the practice of quietude you hear so much about. It is about coming into stillness of doubt and questioning so as to allow that internal knowing to come forth to inform you. Go with our blessings into your day now with a newly informed manner of being. One that allows your inspiration to come in snippets, flowing with you as you go through your adventure here on Earth. With peace and love, Your Guiding Friends. Lisa Virtue is a channel, healer and teacher. Come explore guiding words with Spirit through live “Spirit Speaks” events and recordings as well as private sessions. Lisa will be scheduling events often, so stay upto-date via her newsletter and website. www. LisaVirtue.com Workshops are also being scheduled. Find that inner stillness while the weather’s nice via Connect Through Nature, which makes it super easy! Connect with your Spirit Guides and Angels is coming towards Summer’s end. Be sure to sign up ASAP as space is limited. For all your spiritual needs, seek first at www.LisaVirtue.com or call Lisa at 613-296-4271 Namasté

July/August 2014





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