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June 2016, Vol. 31, #10, Priceless

M a g azin e A forum for the consciousness-raising community of Eastern Ontario & Western Quebec for over 30 years

Something Fresh & New is Sprouting up in Carp

The Carp Herb Festival All Vendors grow or produce what they sell! Keynote Speaker: Carol McGrath, Herbalist Pesto Contest! “Ask the Herbalist” table Live Music Tea Tasting Table Wheelchair accessible Free admission Free parking And MORE...

Sunday, June 26 10am-3pm Carp Fairgrounds, 3790 Carp Rd Brought to you by:

Featured Herb:


Veteran Folk Herbalist: Carol McGrath


arol McGrath is an herbalist, folklorist, photographer, poet and foster mother. She is a loyal and compassionate friend and generously gives of her skills, talents and time to her community. This wise woman has agreed to be the keynote speaker for Carp Farmers Market’s inaugural Herb Festival in June. It’s fitting because this farmers market was started in 1990 by Hildegarde Anderson who, like Carol, believed in promoting local healthy food for people in strong communities. Carol’s emphasis regarding cooking with herbs is on local, organically grown, low cost, fresh or properly dried herbs. Having grown up in Newfoundland with ten siblings and a father who was a doctor and the Minister of Health she has a healthy perspective about conventional medicine. It’s strength, she says, is in effectively diagnosing, and treating acute conditions but Carol believes in a well rounded approach to health including nutrition and herbs and lifestyle. Traditional herbalism plays a role in this as a complementary partner. We will be treated to a discussion about the full flavours and medicinal benefits of the culinary herbs we use every day at the Carp Herb Festival, so mark the

date; you won’t want to miss this opportunity. Carol McGrath was introduced to the study of folklore, including folk medicine, at Memorial University in 1968 and began focussing on herbal studies in 1977 in Victoria. Since 1981 she has been practicing and continuing to study and teach Western Folk Medicine traditions, enriched by Native Medicine traditions. For over 30 years Carol lived on a Nature Sanctuary in Victoria, British Columbia where she worked with Jim and Mindy Green (notable authors of “The Medicine Maker ’s Handbook”, “The Male Herbal” and several aromatherapy reference books) in the Health food store they co-owned. At the same time she studied, practiced, taught and provided consultations. She presented at a number of national and international herbal and folk medicine conferences as well as Dominion Herbal College Annual International Summer Seminar; Oshio College of Acupuncture and Herbology; Breitenbush Herbal Conference; Green Nations Gathering in the Catskill Mountains, New York and many more. Carol has been authorized to mark and grade Rosemary Gladstar ’s well respected herbal correspondence course and impressed me with her stories of personal experiences with colleagues who I consider to be the most important herbalists in North

e Cover ...

Carol McGrath and The Carp Herb Festival

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Tone Magazine, 680 Eagleson Road, PO Box 45024 Kanata South PO, Kanata, Ontario, K2M 2Y1. C.P.M. agreement # 40011389. June 2016 issue. Published 11 months/year. Available free from selected locations or by mail at $30 per year. To the U.S. please send $45 US (first class only). Circulation 8,000. Layout & Design by Mike “Lemmy” Monner Office Manager - Julie Tierney 613-979-0664 Printing by Performance Printing -

Purpose …

To provide a forum for the exchange of ideas pertaining to the overall growth of consciousness.

Submissions …

• E-mail: • (613) 435-TONE (8663) call or text • 680 Eagleson Rd, PO Box 45024, Kanata, ON K2M 2Y1

The Deadline …

The deadline for submissions is about the middle of month prior to the next issue.


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The fine print …

Articles submitted to Tone Magazine may be adjusted for readability but major changes will be referred to the author or group responsible. Articles printed in this magazine do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editor’s Group. Tone Magazine does not endorse or recommend any particular treatment protocol for readers. Tone Magazine supports informed decision making, and articles are included to enlighten and motivate readers. Readers are encouraged to discuss health-related issues with their health care providers. Tone Magazine believes readers should determine the best treatment protocol based on health care providers’ recommendations and their own needs, assessments and desires. The Publisher and Editor’s Group disclaim any responsibility or liability for either content of articles or advertising, and do not guarantee, warrant or endorse products or services included in articles or advertising in this publication, nor do the Publisher and Editor’s Group warrant or endorse any claims made by the writers or advertisers for such products or services.

June 2016

Something Fresh & New is Sprouting up in Carp

The Carp Herb Festival Sunday, June 26 10am-3pm

Carp Fairgrounds, 3790 Carp Rd

All Vendors grow or produce what they sell! Keynote Speaker: Carol McGrath, Herbalist Wheelchair accessible Pesto Contest! Free admission “Ask the Herbalist” table Free parking Live Music And MORE... Tea Tasting Table

Brought to you by:

Featured Herb: Basil

Moms & Tots. In Arnprior she has given many talks including at Walter Zadow Public School, 4th Arnprior Brownies, Arnprior District High School ( in three different programs…Biology, Horticulture and Native Studies) and The Fountain (a church drop in centre) a series of 4 classes on Herbs of the Bible. Aside from all this experience and impressive credentials, Carol is a riveting and entertaining storyteller. She has the healthy spirit of a “down home” girl, and an ability to make you smile. Her stories are like parables; they entertain on one level but have a lesson to teach on another. I could listen to her speak for hours (and often have done so). I didn’t even mention the 93 year old Coast Salish Medicine Woman who taught her so much, or her adventures in Central America, The Arctic, England, Ireland, USA, and Mexico. This is truly an elder in the herb community with a rich history and scope of experience to share. Luckily for us, she is willing! Our grassroots non-profit group “The Ottawa Herb Society” loves having Carol as a board member and her input for our monthly discussions and workshops is deeply valued and greatly appreciated. I am truly honored and excited to present my friend Carol at the Herb Festival on June 26th and do urge you to try and make it. Bring a Basil pesto (in two jars) if you feel like participating in a small town country market competition... Reverse osmosis & distilled water delivery in glass bottles or bring your hat and water bottle Water related products, Purification & treatment systems and get some good healthy lunch (or bacon on a bun) in our food court. 911 Richmond Rd. Call 613-729-9289 or 613-620-5330 Ottawa, Ontario K2A 0G8 email: Carp Farmers Market is one of the nicest markets around. “Nicer by a Mastafa Mashkour Ph.D, M.Sc (owner) Applied Geophysics/Geotechnique country smile” is their motto!

America. On the west coast, hosting some of the most prominent herbalists of our time, including Rosemary Gladstar (founder of The California School of Herbal Studies & author); David Hoffman (Author of The New Holistic Herbal); Susun Weed (author of the Wise Woman series of books on women’s health); Forest Shomer (Founder of Abundant Life Seed Foundation) and many more” Carol McGrath was one of the featured herbalists in “At Home With Herbs”, a 13 part TV series seen nationally and internationally. While writing regular columns for two local magazines, she contributed an essay to the book “The Lost Language of Plants” by Stephen Harrod Buhner which won a Silver Nautilus Award in the Ecology/Environment category. By invitation she has lectured to groups across Canada as diverse as various community colleges, horticultural societies, garden clubs, the Lupus & Connective Tissue Disease Association, The Arthritis Support Group, Cancer Survivors & Friends, Elderhostel and Military

Water Universe

June 2016


Hurt Hurts

operate with heart-connectedness, we are acting in a non-reactive way. Nonreactivity is a basic tenet of Buddhism. It does not mean no action. It means that the responding action is solely based on the resonating, heart-connected inputs from the responder’s whole energy field. This ensures that any existing hurt is either gently blocked or reduced, and not compounded. When a person is in this theta brainwave state, it is called supraconsciousness. Supra-consciousness acts as a modulator between the states of simple consciousness and self consciousness. It is a beautiful state in which our Psyche and Spirit are continuously balancing each other. We stay conscious of hurt and dissolve it.


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ne of the least talked about and the least understood of all the emotions is basic human hurt. Most people bury their hurt and it can then become “frozen”. This is depicted very well in the book and the film, “The Stone Angel”, by Margaret Laurence. The less loveable a person is, the more susceptible to hurt they become. Big hurts and little s hurts happen to all of us throughout s llnes our lives. It is therefore important we smokin to know how to assimilate hurt and frui transform it at the conscious level as much as possible. It is also critical xie ty to be able to distinguish between self -esteem “old hurt”, “recent hurt” and “newest hurt” and not let these hurts t weigh aggregate. COUNSELLING, COACHING People who are brimming over with hurt often attempt to “down- & HYPNOTHERAPY CENTRE load” it onto others. They will often Richard M. Haney Richard M. Haney, M.Ed., Ph.D. target happy people and attempt to Ph.D.(Counselling), Hypnotherapist (Counselling and Mediation) bring them down to their hurt level. (613) 234-5678 (613) 726-3636 Richard has been practising They may leave another person Wholistic Counselling, Coaching, Bank St. (in Centretown) Pinecrest Rd. with a hurt that festers. Since they Hypnotherapy and Mediation for are not heart-connected, the only the past 25 years in Ottawa. Please way they can ensure that others will call (613) 234-5678 or send an e-mail remember them is to inflict hurt, or to: even engender hate. Here is a little trick you can use when someone does something nasty or hurtful to you. Respond by doing something kind and loving to the next three people you meet. Let the original hurt be Lumina “like water off a duck’s back” by transforming it into love. Health & Rejuvenation When we operate primarily from the brain, we are Specializing in Micro Light usually acting in a reactive way, whereas, when we

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Rejuvenation Therapy (ELR)

Our rejuvenation treatments include: ELR ther apy, exfoliation, mask, application of a serum or specialty oil, ending with a relaxing facial massage.

Introduction to Bowen Therapy, a free two-hour presentation will be held on July 24th from 6-8pm at the Village Clinic, 361 Churchill Ave., Westboro Includes lecture, demonstration and discussion of the training program. RSVP is required to register. Bowen Therapy training program will be offered in Ottawa starting in September 2016. Info: for information and registration or contact Janet Riley at 613 848-2083 Janet is an internationally licensed Bowenwork® instructor with the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia


The magic of ELR is the use of colour. Colour is how the body communicates on a cellular level. Through the application of colour light at targeted acupuncture points, information is fed to the body. This information goes directly where it is needed to balance the body and bring your innate beauty to a new level that is beyond any other non surgical treatments.

Book a free consultation to see if ELR is right for you. Book an Appointment by calling 613 513 7871 or go online at

Isn’t it time to start taking care of you…

June 2016

June 2016


Self-Awareness Strengthens Your Relationships


elationships are important. They support you, they mold your life, and they help make life enjoyable. However, relationships are also a challenge. Whether we’re talking about relationships with friends, children, co-workers, parents or a significant other, the more you know yourself, the better your relationships will be. They can be more rewarding, supportive, and generally more fulfilling and enjoyable. Let’s take a look at how knowing yourself can help you have better relationships. Ability to Accept Responsibility There are no victims in a relationship where everyone takes responsibility for their actions. It’s a happier and healthier place to connect from. When you know yourself well, you’re in a much better position to accept responsibility for any challenges in a relationship. For example, if you know that you prefer a more open and less rigid parenting style, and your partner prefers more structure, you can accept responsibility when you disagree with each other. And when you know that your parenting styles clash, you can own and accept your role in this clash. This ability to recognize and accept responsibility also helps you build stronger teams. Build Stronger Teams and Partnerships When you know your strengths and weaknesses, you can partner and/or team up with people who complement you. For example, if you’re a lenient parent, your children might benefit from a parent that is a bit more structured. Between the two of you, you can co-create a parenting style that suits both of you and most benefits your children. If you also chose a person that had a lenient parenting style, your children may miss out on the benefits of structure and rules. The same is true in a work environment. If you’re not a detail-oriented person, then having someone on your team that pays attention to the details can help you work most effectively and productively together. Making It Work When you know who you are, it’s much easier to find a common ground with your relationships. You can approach challenges and differences without judgement and blame. Instead, you understand who you are and can more readily create agreements and systems to work with others. This includes your coworkers, your children, and your friends and spouse. It’s much easier to make relationships work when you don’t feel the need to blame or the desire to take on the role of a victim. Your relationships and communications are more honest and patient. Everyone benefits. Relationships are important. You can have better relationships when you’re self-aware. It’s easier to create a supportive and honest relationship when you


come from a place where you know who you are and what you want from your life and your relationships. Moira Hutchison Mindfulness Coach, Tarot Card Reader & Energy Healer 613.432.1239 ~ Have you ever noticed that when we feel stuck - we become the expert of everything that does NOT work... The truth is that in order for a problem to exist - the solution must also exist! To get started feeling *unstuck* hop on over to and sign up for Step One of “The Letting Go Process” - it’s free!!



June 2016


Extended Side Accompanied pose (Trivikramāsana) Story By Rupa


rivikrama is another name for Viṣṇu. The pose is dedicated to Vāmanadeva, the Dwarf incarnation of Viṣṇu. It is said that Bali Mahārāja, the king of the demons, gained control of the world. Bali practiced asceticism and became so powerful that he even threatened the demigods. The demigods prayed to Lord Viṣṇu for help. Viṣṇu then descended on earth and was born a dwarf. At one of the sacrifices performed by Bali Mahārāja, Viṣṇu appeared before him in the form of a Vāmana (dwarf) and begged for three steps of land. Since this seemed very insignificant, Bali Mahārāja agreed to give this land in charity without hesitation. Then, the Dwarf extended his body and assumed a gigantic form as Viṣṇu. The first step covered the entire surface of the Earth and the second step reached the topmost planet of the universe. Thus, Bali Mahārāja was deprived of all his possessions and there was no vacant place where Lord Vāmana could take his third step. Bali Mahārāja offered his own head on which the Lord plants his foot and he becomes a great devotee of Lord Vāmana. Viṣṇu then sends him to the Sutala planet and allows him to be its ruler. Self-inquiry from the story: We tend to believe what we see with our own eyes. We forget that our sense organs have limitation. If we believe our own eyes, then we believe the Sun is smaller than the Earth and the Earth is the centre of Solar system. Of course now we know that the Sun is much bigger than the Earth and that the Sun is the center, because knowledge expands our views and tells the truth. Similarly, the visible physical body is only one layer of the Self. The Individual Self also includes layers that cannot be seen by the naked eye, such as the mind, intelligence, consciousness and the soul; they are parts of what is called the subtle body. When we begin the self-realization inquiry “who am I”, we cannot only look at the physical body, the manifestation of matter; we also look at the subtle body, the manifestation of energy. Spiritual knowledge allows us to see the true Self in its entirety. Can we accept the truth that the physical body is not the centre of the Self? Do we like to have the real eyes to see the Self?

Welcome to Rupa’s Yoga and Meditation classes at Wishingtree Yoga. Rupa Manjari Devi Das (Ivy) has been practicing Yoga since 1996 in China. Her Chinese background and training gives her a natural understanding of this ancient eastern wisdom; her living, studying and teaching in Canada has provided her the opportunity to develop the practice in a modern western way. The experience will let you understand this amazing scientific knowledge and give you practical skills and techniques to use on and off the mat! Join Rupa’s meditation class with Karma Yoga. For more information, visit

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June 2016


Planet Botanix Wellness Clinic Welcome to our healing space. Our holistic practitioners are ready to assist your journey to wellness

Heather Garrod Owner of Planet Botanix and a Certified Aromatherapist, Heather has a passion for all things natural. The store is anchored by her own line of natural body care, and boasts over 100 varieties of therapeutic grade essential oils. Heather gives monthly aromatherapy workshops. Helene Arts Passionate in teaching and guiding individuals and groups in numerous aspects of esotericism and the paranormal, for the purpose of increasing understanding, building skills, and healing. Helene specializes in Astrology, Tarot, Runes and other methods of Divination, and she offers coaching and workshops in the occult sciences and mystical arts. Please visit for more details. Richard Merrill Haney, M.Ed. (Counselling), Ph.D. (Counselling Therapy) I provide warm, heart-connected and empathetic counselling, coaching, mediation and hypnotherapy services to individuals, couples and families. I concentrate on “holistic” healing and empowerment rather than on being clinical and “helping”. My knowledge of Spiritual Emergence and Cellular Consciousness from my hypnotherapy practice leads to the healing of emotional wounds.

sense of well-being. Reiki is a powerful yet gentle alternative healing tool that will assist you physically, mentally and spiritually. Apart from her Reiki gift, she is also a Tarot card reader. Available Friday nights from 6 till 9, please feel free to contact the store or email for an appointment. Patty Chevalier Samm Patty is a medical intuitive, ThetaHealing Instructor and Reiki Master. While looking at physical issues, limiting beliefs and thoughts, and blocks in the flow of life-force energy, Patty works intuitively with you to create change for the body, mind and spirit. Individual sessions and workshops are available. Visit Tracey L. Crocker, M.S., R.Ac, R.TCMP (Acupuncturist & Herbalist) Trained in the art of classical Chinese medicine, Tracey applies her modality to address not only symptoms, but also the root cause of issues so that you can move on to a healthier you! Treatments are customized to your individual patterns. Specialties include pain, women’s health, autoimmune, respiratory, digestive and mental health. Visit for more info.

Julie Larochelle certified Usui Reiki Master and Tarot card reader (bilingual) Julie is a certified Reiki Master and instructor that will bring peace and


June 2016

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take control of your: • emotional/physical pain • grieving • relations • regressions • weight • addictions • stress • energy level • healing the past

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Insurance Receipts Available

» Lynne Cardinal

ph.d. eastern philosophy, ngh certified hypnotist, coach, teacher

Growing Within Your Relationships An article by Lynne Cardinal

For Aristotle, friendship is one of the most important virtues in achieving the goal of happiness.1


e are living among 7.4 billion people on earth. Even though we sometimes long for solitude, we also are, willingly or not, pulled to interact, share and bond with our fellow human beings. National Geographic states in an interesting book called, The Blue Zones, that after exploring pockets of centenarians on earth, looking for their source of longevity, one of the common denominators they found was that the centenarians shared strong bonds with their family or community. These centurions value relationships dearly.

Yet it is not always easy to relate. We get triggered, and we carry our own story, which makes it all the more difficult to communicate in an authentic way. However, when we slow down a little to be more attentive to our needs and others, we see that there is a great potential of personal growth and satisfaction in enhancing our relationships. I have observed that satisfaction cannot manifest in a disconnected way, that it truly can arise only in an integral way. It may appear easier to look or run away, yet it is a far superior experience to learn

to look calmly at our predicament, learn to stay with our reactions, observe them, and learn from them. Then observe other’s predicaments in a calm, nonjudgemental perspective. I have found that if I truly look, observe gently, compassion is effortless. I can sense my own patterns and history and that of others, which helps me communicate from a deeper more compassionate standpoint. It is possible to access our own emotional world, in the way that we live our life together, and learn the high art of living together. We also need to be committed to that because there are so many ways we could fall back into old habits. To enhance your relationship habits I adapt each of your sessions. Hypnosis then serves as a deep meditation to empower your objectives and make them last. The age of judgemental opinions is over. Higher attunement means listening to others without our personal filters. It is to get to a state of inner fluidity where I can join your river and you can join my river. That is our potential. Lynne Cardinal has studied extensively with Thomas Hübl on Transparent Communication and Principles of Transformation and she took a 3 day training with Diane Hamilton in Conflict Resolution. Lynne has offered Communication skills, Stress Management, Resilience and Burnout Prevention workshops in the government and private sectors for over 30 years She is also a Consulting Hypnotist with the National Guild of Hypnotists, holding additional certifications in Hypnosis Innovative Techniques and Weight Loss. She is certified by Dr. Weiss in Past-Life Regression and she has a PhD in Eastern Philosophy from India.

For more information call 613.721.7888 or * Insurance receipts are available.

June 2016


Are You a Good Host to Parasites?

Are you feeling disempowered?

by Amâeil (Melinda Urban RIHR) I specialize in clearing stubborn limiting patterns. Healing with Divine heart to awaken the deep truth within We can bring you freedom with Divine healing of your 12-dimensional self and clearing from the root level. Defining a parasite: If someone was sponging off of pain & dis-ease  attachments  emotional triggers  traumas you, that is living in your house, using your resources to  ancestry  fears/phobias  karma  inorganic structures  survive, never making a move to become independent, addiction patterns  past life  limiting mental programs and intending to harm you, would this be concerning Amâeil (Melinda Urban RIHR) to you? Draining? Unfortunately, parasitic relationships energy psychotherapy, thetahealing, vocal healing like this are too common. To change this far-reaching holographic multidimensional ascension clearing pattern we have to consciously reclaim our spiritual in person or by phone 613-253-2888 house, sovereignty and God-power, and stop being a good host. The parasitic planetary model: The Parasitic relationships: This agenda pattern of consuming what belongs to and their programs filter down into the others without consideration for group thoughts, emotions and behaviours in consciousness is what has played out on human relating. Parasitic relationships Earth. Corruption, greed, deception, and are not symbiotic relationships of mutual predatory behaviour are all rooted in benefit but relationships of imbalance. We consumptive modelling, and the negative may use the term “energy vampire” to alien agenda (NAA) to dominate and describe someone who takes and takes for completely control the human mind, their personal agenda, and intends to harm body and soul. These are the default you, while deceiving you into believing addiction patterns that humanity has that there is a another purpose. They only self-perpetuated into their own disempowerment and know how to meet their own needs at the expense of enslavement. It was designed that way and humans are another. A parasitic individual can also attack with the unsuspecting hosts. aggression or interrogation and act as though they are powerful, but in truth they do not believe they havee


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Mindfuln ess in Movement By Gillian Pearlstone, Director of Healing

have discovered Yoga, or rather, it has discovered me. It has come to me lately that we have to move I did not like Yoga for many years and stayed away ourselves, in mindfulness. Walk in mindfulness. How from it. It just did not resonate with me. However, Yoga has been around for millennia and has many positive attributes. As it was for me, it may be for you, that Yoga just ‘doesn’t do it for you’. I cannot imagine a day without it now. It has taught me many things, to be happy with myself and enjoy the movement and wellbeing in my body, mind and soul. Most of us lead very busy lives and are constantly rushing from place to place or stuck behind a desk. If you are not already doing so, I urge you to move your body. many times have we walked down the street and passed many people with eyes down and fingers flying over power so they disempower or tear another person down their phones texting or speaking on the phone while in order to feel more powerful. They hold no intention walking down a busy thoroughfare or even walking of operating from equality or fairness, and nor do they the dog! All times when our minds could have been seek resolution or win-win outcomes. They operate in the present with ourselves and our surroundings; mindfully breathing in life-giving Prana and being from fear, so they don’t trust others but use others. It takes to “two to tango” in relationships, so…. (for the aware of where we are in that moment. full information, please visit Since beginning the practice of Yoga, I have noticed blog/ or that my breathing has become deeper, which has led to feeling more energized and my brain has more clarity. Copyright 2016 Amâeil (Melinda Urban) www. Even my skin has become clearer, softer and more All Rights Reserved. supple. If Yoga is not for you, and it isn’t for some, if you are Intuitively integrating holographic multi-dimensional able, walking is the best exercise. It lifts your mood, clearing, energy psychotherapy, thetahealing®, & vocal keeps your joints lubricated, tones your muscles and is healing. Specializing in clearing stubborn patterns. In person beneficial in so many ways and it is free! It can be done or by phone 613-253-2888. anywhere from the local Mall in the Winter to the great outdoors in the better weather. Our beautiful Parks and quiet Avenues are waiting to hear your footsteps and greet your energy as it passes by. I urge you to ditch the cell phone while you are out in Nature, taking time to be with yourself. It is quite difficult to be in a beautiful space and stay angry. Walking helps clear your mind, and the conversations within get sorted. Whether you are a Prime Minister or retired, emotional balance is just one of the benefits of being active, being present and showing up for life in the moment. Your heart will be happier and your mind and your body will thank you in countless ways. “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Lao Tzu


June 2016


5 PROVEN Tips To Help You Wipe Out Your Depression So You Can Live A Happy Life By Dr Luke Howard Clinical Hypnotist


re you lonely? Did you know that being lonely is a normal part of our everyday lives. Lets face it, we've all been there. We get depressed when we fail in our exams, when we're rejected by the person we love, or when someone very close to us passes away. That's just part of life. But, depression, however, can be more fatal than just plain loneliness. It could render Life-Long consequences that could ruin your Self-Esteem, Health, and WellBeing in the process. Well, today is your lucky day because I'm going to share with you some great tips to help you conquer the 'Melancholy Mood' so you can get the MOST bliss out of your daily activities. So, with that said, lets go to Tip #1. Tip #1. Do you get enough Light and Sunshine? Did you know that lack of exposure to sunlight is responsible for the secretion of the hormone called Melatonin, which could trigger a dispirited mood and/ or a lethargic condition. Melatonin is only produced in the dark. What it does is it lowers the body temperature and makes you feel sluggish. So, if you are always cooped up in your room (with the curtains closed), it would be difficult to restrain yourself from staying in bed.

This is the reason why many people suffer from depression much more often in winter than in the other seasons. It's simply because the nights are longer. If you can't afford to get some sunshine, you can always lighten up your room with brighter lights to help offset the darkness. Or... You could go have lunch outside the office for a change and take frequent walks in the early afternoon instead of driving your car over short distances. The choices are endless. It's really up to you. Tip #2. Keep Busy and Get Inspired. You'll be more likely to overcome any feeling of depression if you keep your mind busy doing the activities you like doing the most. Do the things you love. If you're a little short on cash, you could engage in simple stuff like taking a leisurely stroll in the park, playing sports, reading books, or engaging in any activity that you have passion for and would love to pursue. Also, set a Goal. No matter how difficult or discouraging life can be, remain firm and have an unshakable belief that you are capable of doing anything you desire. With this kind of positive attitude, you will attain a cheerful disposition to beat the blues. Tip #3. Take a Break. Sit back and Relax. I mean it. Listen to some soothing music you like. Soak in a nice warm bath. Simply take a break from your stressful workload and spend the day just goofing around doing the things you love. In other words, go have fun. Life's to short as it is.


You Can Lose Weight Without Painful Surgery Are you having trouble Losing Weight, Keeping it off & Killing Evil Cravings? Then Dr. Luke Michael Howard can help you even when nothing else has worked. With he's specialist brand of Gastric Band Weight Loss Hypnosis all the way from the UK. Dr. Luke, owner of the LUKEnosis, is a Hypnosis Weight Loss Specialist, has a Masters degree in Hypnotherapy as well as a Doctorate in Psychology. Dr. Luke has been studying Hypnosis for over 17 years now and has trained all over the world. After over a decade, Dr. Luke is still the youngest person certified by the American Board of Hypnotherapy. Dr. Luke has been featured in all forms of media such as Tone Magazine, CTV Morning Live, and CBC Radio. He has developed an advanced hypnotherapy technique that turns weak willed over eaters into empowered, slim & in control people in just 5 sessions. He says “This technique is so powerful we are achieving a 80% success rate. This is incredible when you think that Weight Watchers are only about 30% successful at best. This Powerful Non-surgical procedure has been well documented or FOX,CBS & ABC News as well as the Dr Oz Show.


Dr. Luke explains, “This powerful breakthrough technique combines the latest discoveries in hypnosis and the new science of personal achievement known as Neuro Linguistic Programming. This takes the power of hypnosis to a new level in helping people take back control of their lives.” Many local doctors are so impressed by the power of hypnosis that they are now referring many of their patients to Dr. Luke for his Accelerated Change Hypnoband Programme. Dr. Luke says, “I am currently building a Doctors Referral Network to keep local GP’s informed of my developments and to keep them informed of their patients’ progress. Many celebrities, professional business people, nurses and housewives have benefited from Lapband hypnosis, SO CAN YOU! The good news is that this incredible method of Losing Weight is available locally. The bad news there usually is a three to four week waiting list for an appointment but even the medical profession believes it’s worth waiting for


June 2016

“I walked out 25lbs Lighter!” Kate had been over weight for the majority of her life- nearly 27 YEARS! She had tried every type of Weight Loss Gimmick, Diets, Supplements, Gym Memberships even Personal Trainers but nothing worked, until she met Dr. Luke. She recently sent him this follow up email: “I promised I would do a testimonial for you. Here it is: The hypnosis TOTALLY worked...not only have I lost 25lbs I have not eaten at timmies...I have had NO DESIRE TOO!!! It really has changed my life!” Check out more testimonials at: you can contact Dr. Luke at 613-878-5874 to arrange an appointment.

Tip #4. Maintain a healthy diet and Stay Fit. Avoid foods with lots of Sugar, Caffeine or Alcohol. Sugar and caffeine may give you a brief moment of energy; but they will later bring about Anxiety, Tension and Internal problems. Alcohol on the other hand is a depressant. Many people would drink alcohol to simply "forget their problems." All they're doing is aggravating their conditions in the process. Also, did you know that exercising regularly is a vital depression buster. Why you ask? Simply because it allows your body to produce more Endorphins than usual. Endorphins are sometimes called "the happy chemicals" because of their Stress-Reducing and Happiness-Inducing properties. Tip #5. Get a Social Life outside of work. No man is an island. Your inner circle of friends are there to give you moral support. Spending time and engaging in worthwhile activities with them could give you a very satisfying feeling. And we all know... nothing feels better than having group support. And... never underestimate the power of Touch. What I mean is... doesn't it feel so good when someone pats you on the back and gives you words of encouragement during your most challenging times? Hug or embrace someone today. Get intimate. Establish close ties with your family and friends. The love and care expressed by others could tremendously boost your immune system and fend off illnesses. Best of all, you'll live a more secured and happy life. Now go give those 5 Tips a try and see how they pan out for you.

For more information about getting out of Depression call TING.COM 613-266-8063 613-878-5874 today to book your FREE screening call. shops February Exhibition at Green Door 4/13 6:008:00

Master Choa Kok Sui’s


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you haved the power to heal! •physical/emotional/psychological ailments

•improve relationships • heal the past • manifest goals • increase prosperity • increase success • develop spiritually • increase intelligence • protect yourself with energy hygiene

Jul 13-14 *Basic Pranic Healing BASIC PRANIC HEALING level 1 Aug 10-11 *Advanced Pranic Healing JUNE 11/12 (Sat/Sun, 10am-6pm) *Weekly Meditation on Twin Hear ts Wed 7pm Cost: $350+HST (613) 282-0801

June 2016


Organic Herbs and Veggies Now in Stock: Herbs for all Reasons!


ost of us know about the culinary uses of herbs to enhance flavour-I personally can’t wait til my gardens are producing these amazing plants. But did you know that herbs can also be used to help skin care issues? Basil, for example, can take the itch right out of a mosquito bite. All that peppermint you discovered growing from last year? Make a herbal bath steeped in this herb to relieve soreness and lethergy. Lemon balm, also in the mint family, has antiviral properties, and can be used for cold sores. Just drink the steeped tea (about 1 tablespoon per cup) several times a day. Bonus: this herb is also cheering in times of depression. If any of you are growing prolific comfrey, I can tell you it works wonders on bruising and swelling. A poultice made by making a strong tea, or chopping the fresh herb and blending it with water can be used as the base.


Be careful, this plant is a bit prickly. Wrap the poultice in cotton cloth or gauze and apply to the skin. I find if I wrap the area in saran wrap, it is less messy and the full power of the plant goes into the affected area. Comfrey used to be used internally, but is not recommended. Calendula, one of my all times favourites, is a cheery little plant with yellow or orange petals bursting with beta carotene. I have used it on conjunctivitis, minor wounds, burns and dermatitis. Thyme is a powerful healer, great for fungal infections (think foot soak) and back spasms (think soothing bath combined with Epsom or sea salt). Plants hold the answers to many of our problems-they really are amazing plant medicines! Š2016 Heather Garrod is a Certified Aromatherapist and owner of Planet Botanix, 301 Bank between Maclaren and Somerset. The store is a source for natural alternatives and the Wellness Clinic features several different modalities. 613.567.4444

June 2016

Sports Injuries & Acupuncture

By Steve Ryu, R.TCMP, R.Ac ports injuries are injuries that occur in athletic activities. Some sports injuries result from accidents; others are due to poor training practices, improper equipment, lack of conditioning, or insufficient warm up and stretching. Many sports injuries can be due to overuse of a part of the body when participating in an activity. Other types of injuries can be caused by hard contact with something. Sports injuries typically involve the musculoskeletal system, which includes the muscles, bones, and associated tissues like cartilage. Acupuncture can be of benefit to all types of sports injuries. It is of course always best to treat an injury in the acute stage or as soon after an injury occurs as possible, in order to assist the body in healing quickly and fully. Early treatment also helps to prevent the possibility of


New Life Acupuncture &SteveOriental Medicine Center (Eun Kyu) Ryu

, R.TCMP, R.AC Pre-Med at McGill University (B.Sc.), Master Program of Acupuncture at Mercy College, NY (MPA)

Specialized in...

• Infertility • IVF Support • Menopausal Syndrome • Women's Health • Allergies • Pain Relief

2211 Riverside Dr., Suite 106 For appointments call


Receipts for insurance coverage • Disposable needles • Gift certificates available Affiliated with Riverside Acupuncture and Wellness Centre and Ottawa Fertility Centre for Infertility Treatment

long-term or chronic problems with the injury down the road due to improper healing. However, acupuncture is also very beneficial in any stage of healing and can also be of great help to old, lingering injuries or injuries that did not properly heal. Acupuncture taps into the body’s own resources to encourage the healing process and the body’s optimal functioning. With sports injuries this can mean reduced inflammation, increased circulation, reduced muscle tension, and of course, pain relief. Treating sports injuries, whether Everyone deserves a calm, peaceful, side-effect free life. old or new, can help the body to regain former functioning and health levels and prevent more long-term consequences such as reduced mobility, stiffness, Grace Joubarne, Clinical Hypnotherapist weakness, or arthritis. will help you heal yourself naturally of: Our bodies have amazing abilities to self-regulate and • Anxiety • Depression • Fears • PTSD • Addictions repair themselves. In any injury • Obsessive Behaviour • Chronic Self-Doubt the body attempts to minimize, • Low Self-Esteen • Irritable Bowl Syndrome • Fatigue & Muscle Tension • Chronic Pain repair and overcome the damage • Sexual Dysfunction • Migraines • Unwanted Habits to its normal functions and in many cases, given adequate rest VERIFIABLE CREDENTIALS at and support, our bodies are able Research shows Clinical Hypnotherapy to be safer and more effective than drugs and to recover successfully. However, talk therapy, with fewer sessions and more root-cause resolution of problems. in cases where the body isn’t able to correct a problem on its own, or Do you answer YES to any of these questions? in cases where long-term damage  Medications not working OR medication addiction, withdrawal & side-effects worsening? can occur if left untreated,  Long talk therapy and/or addictions counseling leading to nowhere? acupuncture is a promising  Pain and psychiatric medications creating addiction, withdrawal and health issues? treatment that helps bolster the  Aren’t getting the help and resources you need to wean off health-damaging medications?  Tired of fighting addictions with no end in sight and one struggle replaced by yet another? body’s healing abilities so that we can return to our normal, healthy selves. CALL Grace Joubarne, CCHt, MAPHP TODAY !

Hypnotherapy That Works GracePlace Wellness

Clinical Hypnotherapist with decades of experience in natural healing modalities. Privacy and confidentiality guaranteed, anonymity if requested.

Ottawa & Belleville Ontario • 1-888-390-3553 •

June 2016


Ask a Naturopathic Doctor 'EVT ,IEPMRK 'MVGPI 6IPE\EXMSR 1YWMG [MXL /EME Sunday, June 19 • 2-4pm


Wednesdays • 8-9am; by donation


Tuesdays • noon-1pm; $15/drop-in

8LI &IWX )WWIRXMEP 3MPW Monday, June 6 • 7-9pm

6IPEXMSREP 'PIEVMRK -RXVS Monday, June 13 • 7-9pm

613-839-1198 * requires RSVP

Affordable Healing e already know that unresolved trauma, growing


up in dysfunctional families and mental health issues are often at the core of our inability to be happy, healthy and great at what we do. We also know that people in poverty are most vulnerable to being unhealthy, unhappy and in jail. People often do not have the information and resources to help themselves out of their stuck position. We end up spending millions each year for emergency room visits, social services, police time, jails, shelters and medicare. There is enough research on simple, affordable healing tools that we can confidently start integrating them into schools, offices, community centres, hospitals, churches and disaster zones. An example of this was the use of Emotional Freedom Technique (EMF or tapping) in Asia after a devastating earthquake. Volunteers taught orphaned youth how to tap and teach others to tap. The PTSD rate was significantly lower. Another example was the use of Brandon Bay’s Journey in an African classroom where none of the students were passing due to war and disease. Using a simple visualization once a week resulted in the children passing in a matter of months. Closer to home local healers Jean Wilmot and David Teed have developed the Relational Clearing Technique to lift heavy patterns from ancestral lines, negative relationships and life traumas. They are giving an introduction to their work at the centre on Mon. Jun 13, 7-9pm, by donation. Each participant will receive a brief reading of their own patterns and information about how they can learn to clear them. As well, Kaia Nightingale is offering her time and gifts for a presentation on the healing powers of music on Sun. Jun 19 as part of the free Carp Healing Circles series. Katherine Willow N.D. directs the Carp Ridge EcoWellness Centre, developing educational healing programs for all ages. Sign up for the newsletter and RSVP for events at or call 613-839-1198.


June 2016

Ottawa Spiritualist Temple Christian Spiritual Ministries Inc.

Olde Forge C.C., 2730 Carling Avenue Sunday Service at 1:30 pm Worship, Healing & Message Service

Rev. E. Stoddard

& Various Guest Mediums

for Information call 613-521-9711

Please refer to to view all of our upcoming workshops. June 2016


Let’s Talk about Grief?

Like all good journeys when you know where you are going it is easier to plan but first you decide your destination and take action. Grief comes in many sizes and is mostly associated with a death, however, there are many life circumstances that can create

Without Death there would be no Butterflies Let your Grief Transform You


Let’s Talk About Grief

he big question is “How” – how do you let your grief transform you? First you have to be willing to go into your grief and not ignore it or run. A death shatters your very core, your very foundation and Come Journey with Anne, Grief like all foundations it will need Guide at Singing Pebble, to be repaired and rebuilt. This is where you get an opportunity to Main St, Monday, June 6th review your life, your beliefs, values 6:30-8:00 and your needs. You will get an opportunity to face your fears, your guilt, your anger. Take a look at what parts of your life are working and what parts are not. Now you begin to see why they call grieving “work”. Thus begins the rebuilding of your foundation. This is an opportunity for you to find meaning for the death of the person you have lost, forgive the past and move into your future with acceptance. For some they will heal their grief by creating a legacy, a trust fund or find they are ready to help and support others on their grief journey. Learn how to use this useful tool to find Peace The above requires commitment, action and support for you to reach the same feelings and emotions. Unfortunately, Society your transformation but I can tell you, it can be done for doesn’t recognize them and these souls suffer alone. I I have walked this journey a little while ago. I believe hope to be inclusive and recognize grieving comes with you can heal your grief, you can remember the person divorce/separation, job loss, miscarriage, pet loss and with love and a light heart. With happy remembrance of leaving country of origin. That’s why I created a tool the memories that bring a smile to your face. called “Climbing out of Life’s Emotional Abyss”. I will be talking more about emotions and demonstrating how to use this tool at Singing Pebble. Each participant attending will receive a free copy to take home.

How to Heal your Heart with Understanding and Action

Documentary Film on the life of Bruno Groening ”There is no incurable, God is the greatest physician”

This film depicts the life and work of this excetional man, and the healings that continue to this day. Many have reported healings during the film from the healing energy.

June 11, 10:00 to 16:30

(three parts with 2 breaks) Festival Boardroom, City Hall Free, donations are welcome



Sharon Anderson (613) 220-8212

Manifesting FOR Life W O M E N ’S H E A L T H

June 2016




How To Restore Your Balance From EMF Pollution (Electromagnetic Fields)


EMF Balancers that dissipate these frequencies from our bodies so that we can have a fighting chance to live a healthier and better life. Our balancers balance your body not your electronic equipment. You can be balanced at home, work, auto, and at play with EMF Balancers, Power Tower, Gold Energy Cards and Plates, ADR Disc. No batteries or plug in required, no recharging, and MADE IN CANADA. A Better Balanced Way To Live! • EMF Balancers Call 613-842-4758 for the June Special. • Cell Phone ADR Disks • Gold Energy Cards • Water For Life System I will be presenting on June 3rd at • Soil Balancer the Energy Exchange Meeting at the • Homes, Businesses, Cars Ottawa Citizen Bldg. (behind Ikea) All products have Zero Point Energy 7pm to 9:30pm. The hall will be balanced for the evening. Come Out Cell 613-795-8827 Steve Priebe Tel 613-842-4758 And Feel The Difference. “Have an Awesome Balanced Month” HAVE A BALANCED DAY!

aking up to your polluted world 21st century, more and more, 24/7, 365 days a year with death by smart meters, Wi-Fi, smartphones, tablets, etc... Everywhere we are, in our schools, coffee shops, restaurants, autos, homes and parks. Take a look on top of apartment buildings, it looks just like a porcupine with all the towers. Every person has a smart phone attached to their bodies. They believe that they cannot survive unless these units are with us, awake or sleeping. On the buses to and from work, it’s like you are in a microwave oven. Children living on tablets. What happened to “go outside and play”? Is this what we are calling an awesome life? Something to look forward to for years to come? Thank God for people that think outside the box by looking for ways to protect ourselves from all of this pollution. Peter Webb has spent the last 30 years creating

Church of Perfect Liberty PL Precept #11 Always be with God

Workshops for 2016

Qi-Matic Research Centre: Workshop by Sifu James June 4-5 Transposing and Mapping July 9, 9:30 -noon Free Seminar July 9-10 Information Healing Info & Registration: Angela Fung ~ 613-762-8893

Mark your calendars everyone, you are not going to want to miss this event. Saturday, June 18th • 9 – 1 pm • 2 events in one day

PL - Garage Sale PL - Funky Monkey Boutique sale There will be something for everyone. For the Garage Sale buffs, we've been collecting all year. Outside as usual (weather permitting) Inside, we will have the FMB sale. This year, we have added brand name purses, bags, one-of-a-kind craft cards, retro and vintage jewelry. PL Church, 1010 Hunt Club Rd. • 613-225-1850 follow blog Facebook, Q and PL-Perfect Liberty

June 2016


Laura’s Numerology News For June 2016 How to calculate your personal monthly number for June Add the day of your birth. Then you will add the number 6 for the month of June. NOTE – If you’re final number adds up to double digits, add the numbers together again, and again, if you have to, until you get a single number. If you still have trouble, email me at 1. I know that this year is a total grind, and it is only half over. You may find a small window of opportunity to factor in some fun, this month. The entire year’s events will create a very deep knot in your forehead, and forces you to get off your butt and work extremely hard. Work and family duty have a big focus, too. 2. This would be a perfect month to take a trip or spend some quality time with the people in your life. Get out of the office, as everything come to a big halt, and will only add frustration to your life if you hang around. Have an adventure. 3. There will be a spring in your step and you will feel a new life in your exhausted bones. The world will seem brighter and there will be more opportunities for fun, vacations and new beginnings. Try to focus on creative pursuits around the home, or with your family.

Swami Tejomayananda June 20 to 25, 2016

4. Have you placed issues connected to your body and mind on hold for far too long? I know that you are very, very busy, but you cannot ignore it any longer. If you do you will get a big slap in the head. Get your act in gear and pay attention, NOW. Fix what needs fixing. 5. Is your work life in a state of chaos or change? Watch your mouth and be very careful that you say as it might get you in trouble later. If there are changes needed at work, take the reins and move forward and promote yourself, now. This is a super business influence. 6. Your attention will be focused on your loved ones, in June. Make an effort to be generous and tolerant of everyone’s flaws or short comings. This whole year will focus on endings, and the month of June is about ending issues around the house or family. Your emotions could run hot so find a vent. 7. Have you thought about your goals, for the future, yet? What are you waiting for? You are in the first year of a nine year chunk of time, and a 7 month, so it is all about you. Do you want a new career, new home or a new love, this year? Make a plan and plant a seed, now. You create your own reality, remember? 8. Career or money restrictions will stop you from either taking a vacation or enjoying it. There will be a surplus of work thrown in your face, this month. You are being stretched beyond yourself. The result will be a new and better you, but you will work hard for it. 9. Pack your bags as it is time for you take a well deserved holiday. If money is low, kick back have a few buddies in for a BBQ. You will experience a few endings in June, but this is important, so you can open new doors as early as July. Do not start anything new, just tie up loose ends and get ready for a light switch to be thrown into the ON position Laura Young is an intuitive numerologist/life coach. Full sessions are available in-person to clients in Ottawa, Canada. Phone, Facetime and Skype sessions are conducted worldwide. For a personal consultation please email: or call 613-725-7232. Check out my website for information and testimonials:

He will be conducting a series of English FREE talks on Srimad Bhagavad Geeta – Chapter 4 the Yoga of Renunciation of Action in Knowledge daily from 7:15pm to 9:00pm (June 20 to 25) Hanuman Chalisa - Morning talks 11:00 am to 12 noon starting (June 21 to 24) At Chinmaya Bharati - 1088 Ogilvie Rd, Ottawa For more information -


June 2016

Erin Lamont is a registered massage therapist (RMT) and owner of Therapeutic Effects Massage Therapy located in the Village Clinic. 613-797-5481

Awaken Your Senses: 7- Day Costa Rica Retreat Dates: Oct 1st – 7th 2016 Join us for a mindful, heart opening experience as we explore the five senses through nature and sound on the beautiful serene pacific coast of Costa Rica. Rest, Relax Restore. Includes accommodation, day trips, meals. Green living duo Dawn and Ian James are delighted to offer this soulful event. Dawn is the founder of , sound healer and author of several books on conscious living. Ian is a 3x Olympian, certified fitness/wellness coach. They share a passion for ‘raising the vibration and consciousness’ of the planet and others. June 2016 Events

See itinerary and register at

Meditation, Tea and Talk Wednesdays 8-9am Drop-in/By optional donation We’re a small group exploring the eight limbs of Ashtanga Yoga and mindfulness meditation. All levels of experienced meditators welcome! Family Retreat for all Ages Saturday, June 4, 9am to 4pm By donation; singles & couples welcome. Cooperative games, picking herbs for lunch, simple healing tools, easy meditations, yoga to music, delicious organic local food! Open Practice, Carp Reiki Community Mon June 6, 7-9pm RSVP All are welcome to either practice and/or experience the gentle healing power of Reiki. Kripalu Yoga Classes with Lynne Jenkins Tuesdays noon to 1pm Drop in/$15 per class. The highlight of our week!

Relaxation with Music ~ Kaia Nightingale Sun Jun 19 from 2-4 Carp Memorial Hall, 434 Donald B Monro Dr. Experience the exquisite voice and harp of yoga/ meditation teacher Kaia and learn about the healing effects of music. Show original message Reiki I, part one and two Mon Jun 20 and 27, 7-9pm Details: RSVP by Jun 13

Grounding and the Art of Creating Sacred Space, Part I • Friday, June 24th 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. A workshop about creating boundaries, clearing the aura, clearing a physical space, being present and secure in your own energy field. Ideal for energy workers, massage therapists, lawyers, social workers and anyone else working or living closely with others. For further information, a flyer and registration form call Aileen’s Oasis at 613-228-2272, 613-7953751 or by e-mail at

Summer Solstice Aboriginal Arts Festival Date: June 17 to 19, 2016 Time: Friday 6 – 9 p.m./ Saturday 10 a.m. to 10 p.m./ Sunday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Location/Venue: Vincent Massey Park City: Ottawa, Ontario, an introduction Jean Wilmot and David Teed Mon June 13, 7-9pm RSVP Participants will each receive an intuitive message to help them clear patterns that limit. Naturopathic Patient Group Healing Katherine Willow N.D. Thurs Jun 16 from 1-3pm, $60 or donation Focus will be on the startling principles of summer health and visualization of our path forward. RSVP

Quantum-Touch® Therapy Level I Certificate Training weekend Saturday and Sunday, June 25th and 26th 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Aileen’s Oasis Information and Registration Aileen McKenna or 613-228-2272, by cell at 613-795-3751 In a few short hours you will learn how to run energy using meditation and special breathing techniques that will allow you to heal yourself, your friends, family, plants and animals. You will be learning from the first Canadian Quantum-Touch Instructor

Celebrating a Healthy Ottawa

Featuring: marketplace, speakers, cooking demonstrations and more Saturday and Sunday, June 4-5, 2016, 10 am to 4 pm RA Centre, 2451 Riverside Drive

613 692 5151 or JUNE EVENTS

Astrology Readings with Sue-Anne June 2/3, 9/10, 16/17, 23/24 • 12-5pm Psychic Readings with Rochelle June 11th and 25th • 12-5pm Rune Readings with Willow June 18th • 12-3pm Energy Healing with Andrew Bray July 4th and 11th • 10am-9pm Psychic Readings with Jessica July 7th • 11am-2pm

June 2016

Ottawa Religious Society of Friends (Quaker) Meeting for Worship Sunday mornings 10:30, at 91A Fourth Ave. in the Glebe. Children’s program and Nursery are available. Everyone is welcome!


DIRECTORY • Groups ISUL GROUP INTERNATIONAL. RON CHAPMAN. Meditation classes and seminars. 232-1160. PATHWORK® Practical spiritual wisdom that lays out a step-by-step journey into personal transformation and wholeness. A challenging yet compassionate voyage of discovery to the Real Self through the layers of our defenses, denial and fear, guided by our own inner authority. Ottawa info: SUFI ORDER OF OTTAWA SPIRITUAL FRONTIERS CANADA (Explorations) SFC offers explorations monthly as: Talks/Workshops on FIRST THURSDAY evenings 7-9pm at the OTTAWA CITIZEN, Baxter Rd.) To attend, please see details. 3 WAYS: 1. Be on our SFC exclusive email list. For new spiritual and wellness seekers/learners, send email address request to (Jean-Louis). Email removal on request. 2. See our web 3. TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION ®. A simple, easy-to-learn technique to enhance creativity and bliss and reduce daily stress. Free intro talk every Wed. 7:30 pm, and Sun.1:30pm (visit to register) at the Ottawa TM Ctr., City Centre bldg (near Albert/ Preston) or call Mary or Gerard at 613 565 2030. OTTAWA WEST HOLISTIC CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Through our monthly Talks, Panels and Presentations we educate, and empower professionals. This venue allows members to share information, brainstorm and form strategic alliances. For more information contact Lise at 613 795 1469, or Visit on-ottawa-west. Join now for $35 discount. FRIENDS OF JUNG OTTAWA: present / appreciate / share ideas of C.G. Jung. Monthly, 2nd Saturday, 2 pm. Please email or see

• People RON CHAPMAN. Classes and seminars, meditation all levels, private consultations 232-1160. NADINE LA BELLE, M.A. Body, mind, spirit Integrative Healing®. 613-258-7492. THōMAS MARTīN TEGTMEYER ca.linkedin. com/in/tmtegtmeyer/ Ultimate Wellbeing EDUCATiON mieux-être ultime www. Self-healing and blessings in person, distance, remote. Founder, (1998). Kingston/Ottawa 613-7695575. Greater mobility, comfort and freedom.


• Alexander Technique

• Places MOVEMENT OF SPIRITUAL INNER AWARENESS (MSIA) (an ecumenical church), Ottawa-Morin Community. Weekly, Thursday, 7:30 pm services, followed by fellowship, at 103 Westpark Drive, in Ottawa: call to reserve. Marriages and spiritual counselling by appointment. Peace Theological Seminary Courses: as scheduled locally, by correspondence and by internet. For information or to reserve: or 613-841-1458. MSIA Canada (; MSIA (

• A Course in Miracles COURSE OASIS. Courses, support and study groups, spiritual gatherings, books. Mary Anne Buchowski and James Gregory, 613-726-0195. Email: Website:

• Acupuncture CHINESE TRADITIONAL ACUPUNCTURE & NATURAL MEDICINE CENTRE. TCM. DAC. Jia Jun Huang & Annie Huang. Graduate of Shanghai Medical University (1960). Over 45 years experience. Member of Chinese Acupuncture Association of China & Canada. Acute & chronic pain, Accident. Sports injuries, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Depression, Insomnia, Stop smoking, Menopause, etc. Disposable needles are used. Insurance coverage. Free parking. One of the largest herb stores in Otawa. 613-235-5504. 867 Somerset St. W. Ottawa.

PAIN RELIEF; correction of chronic conditions; addiction relief; weight loss; pro-active tune-up for health maintenance. Meridians Clinic (613) 728-2579 BLAISE T. RYAN, R.TCMP, R.Ac. Specializing in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Qigong and Child Psychology. Experienced & Registered. Adults & Children. Insurance receipts available. Located in Westboro at The Village Clinic. Book online at or call 613-702-5377

• Akashic Records PATRICIA V. LACROIX Psychic Medium, Empath, Akashic Records Counselor, Destiny Card Readings. Email - SUZANNE TELLIER, B.A. Psych, Psychic Intuitive, CHt, MHt, NGH certified, Certified Past Life, 5 Path & 7 Path self-hypnosis teacher, Certified Gestalt Counsellor. Empower yourself and find your answers within. Free consultation. Facilitation, readings and workshops. www.

June 2016

THE OTTAWA-HULL SCHOOL FOR THE ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE, Richard Albert, Director. Health insurance covered. I now offer Alexander lessons in my office or at your home 819-456-3484; or visit

• Angel Therapy ANGEL THERAPY PRACTITIONER® Diane Lanthier offers Angel Readings, EFT and Reiki. For guidance and help releasing negative emotions and patterns, contact Diane at 613 297 8293 HEALING ANGELS OF THE ENERGY FIELD, Integrated Energy Therapy-Master Instructor and Journey Practitioner. Learn how to connect with your angels and be the best you can be. Contact Susan at 613-220-6551 or email me at

• Aqualead AQUALEAD ENERGY - Healing water, environmental healing. Level I, II and Master classes. Free of charge, donations accepted. Sabine Blais, Aqualead & Reiki Master. email for schedules, www. (819) 230-6638.

• Archetypal Energies USING ENERGIES BEHIND 2 DIMENSIONAL SYMBOLS...runes and much more...for growth & development. Group & individual sessions. Contact Nancy 613-5960260

• Aromatherapy PLANET BOTANIX fills all your pure essential oil needs! We carry over 100 oils and other supplies. Purchase products from our line of all natural bodycare. 301 Bank (Somerset) 567-4444,

• Art ART AND MINDFULNESS: Using sculpture to explore awareness. Individual sessions and workshops. No experience necessary. Hilde Paz 613 829-3408.

• Ascension Healing NEWLY-ACCESSIBLE LIVING TECHNOLOGY INTELLIGENCE for clearing stubborn, limiting energies from your 12-D Divine blueprint.

• Astrology JACQUES GIASSON: Professional Astrologer with a background in psychological counseling and 28 years of experience. Become aware of your path and take advantage of your challenges and opportunities, natal, actual and future. Call: 819-770-9259.

DIRECTORY JUDY JIBB, Astrologer CertFAstrolS 613 304 4255, 11TH HOUSE ASTROLOGY GROUP, open to all levels, to exchange & learn, 2nd Monday of month (Sept.-June), 61 Main St. Ottawa. Info: 613-821-4839. INSIGHTFUL, INSPIRING, and in-depth Astrology Readings. Over 15 years experience. Eve Mari Crete 819-457-1694 EVERY THURSDAY EVENING from 6 to 9 pm @ Planet Botanix, Helene Arts MA is available for astrological consultations. Please book in advance at

• Aura Photography Full body & chakra AURA PHOTOGRAPHY & Energy Clearing. Call: 613-699-7238 or click:

• Ayurveda SV AYURVEDA CONSULTATIONS & VIBRATIONAL THERAPY: NURTURE PHYSICAL & SUBTLE BODY. Digestion, Ph bal, stress, ascenscion symptoms, sleep. 613415-1139

• B. O. S. LAURIE FRASER, certified B.O.S. practitioner. Excellent results: emotional issues (depression, anxiety, grief), pain, disease, allergies, mould, menopause, infection, insomnia, etc. Spiritual development, chakra work. 613-721-3781

• Beauty and Health NATURAL BODYCARE by a certified aromatherapist. Natural makeup, cleaning products: Planet Botanix, 301 Bank (Somerset) 567-4444

• Bed & Breakfast

• BodyTalk KRISTIN PETERSON: Registered Massage Therapist, Certified BodyTalk Practitioner & Certified Acupuncturist or TRANQUIL SWAN Holistic Health Services. Kim Swan Reiki Master, Certified BodyTalk practitioner - offers a variety of alternative therapies and classes. Visit, or 613-240-9716 JAYA HOLLOHAN MA, Advanced BodyTalk Practitioner, Certified Coach, Yoga Teacher & Author. Contact: (613) 866-7091; jaya@ and

• Bookkeeping BOOKKEEPING SERVICES for Small Businesses, Non-Profit Org. Practical Accounting for Health and Wellness Practitioners. Bilingual Services, Free Consultation. More than 35 years of experience. Please contact Lucie at 514-7556570 or

• Bowen Therapy BOWENTHERAPY OTTAWA Bette Madigan. Certified Bowen Therapy Practitioner (advanced) Mother Earth Natural Health Store, 747 Richmond Rd. Insurance receipts available. Call 613-7224249 or e-mail THE BOWEN APPROACH - Gently restoring your health. PAIN, digestive & respiratory issues and more. Certified Bowen Practitioner (Advanced) 613-799-3315. BOWEN TRAINING ACADEMY, Janet Riley, RN, Licensed Bowenwork® Instructor. Courses in Ottawa and across Canada. 613 848-2083 BOWENWORKS OF KINGSTON, Andrée Boisvert, Certified Bowenwork® Practitioner, 920 Princess St., Suite 105, Kingston, 613331-3625, BOWEN TRAINING ACADEMY, Janet Riley, RN. Licensed Bowenwork® Instructor Courses in Ottawa and across Canada. 613 848-2083

IN RENOVATED CHURCH with attached Spa: Use of Hot tubs, Cold Tub, FAR Infrared & Finnish Saunas included in B&B price. Massage/Reiki available. Lanark: 613-2599988;

• Birth Doula BIRTH DOULA offering 3 educational prenatal sessions, continuous birth support & 1 postnatal home-visit. Offering a wide range of holistic resources, including Hypnotherapy, Massage & Aromatherapy for pregnancy, birth & beyond. Visit: 613.282.6001

NEXT GENERATION PRECISION PROCEDURES for chronic pain, concussion & TBI, sports & accident injuries, TMJ, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, plantar fasciitis, skeletal alignment, bedwetting and more. Carling and Woodroffe. Madeline McBride, advanced practitioner. 613.798.7628

• Buddhism PINE GATE SANGHA - pinegate.htm - Engaged Buddhism in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh. 1252 Rideout Cr; 613 726 0881. Thursday meditation and study class 7:00pm; First Saturdays of each month

June 2016

- dharma talk and pot luck supper 5.00pm. Nucleus of Friends for Peace Resident teacher: Dharmacharya Ian Prattis - True Body of Wisdom INTRODUCTION TO AUTHENTIC ZEN TRAINING through instruction in zazen (sitting Zen) and kinhin (walking Zen). First Saturday of each month, 2-4 PM. Pre-registration required: or 613-562-1568. Zen Centre of Ottawa

• Ceremonies CARRIE RATHWELL, CEREMONIALIST. Personalized ceremonies created for and with you: weddings, funerals, baby and family ceremonies, rites of passage, pet funerals, shamanic journeys for ceremonies, and more. 613-2371473.

• Chakra/Aura Balancing THE BOUTIQUE offers a 30 minutes Chakra/ Aura Assessment and modification session. Also the Boutique offers many more services, please refer to or call the Boutique at 613 424 9094.

• Channelling DONNA KINNIBURGH, Internationally Renown, Deep Trance Medium (Edgar Cayce Style) Is now accepting Limited Appointments – 613 649-8245

• Chiropractic ACTIVATOR CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC. Restore proper spinal balance safely and comfortably with the precise low-force activator analysis and instrument. Dr. Stephani S.Dunk 613-226-9800. Baseline @ Prince of Wales

• Church CHURCH OF PERFECT LIBERTY, Ottawa,ON. (613-225-1850)

• Cleaning GREEN CLEANING since 1988. Completely insured and bonded. We clean both homes and offices. Personalized friendly service with all healthy products. 613-731-1532 or email DECLUTTER. Revitalize your living space by revamping it to bring more energy into it? Reduce, Recycle, Re energize your clutter, your new open living space will give you that positive and refreshing energy that you require. What would it take to step towards that harmonious direction? 613 407 4498

• Clinics KILLENS REID PHYSIOTHERAPY CLINIC now offering TCM with acupuncture practitioner. Other services, Osteopathy, Vodder Lymphatic Drainage, Vestibular


DIRECTORY Rehab, Urinary Incontinence Rehab, Massage Therapy, Orthopaedic and Sports Physiotherapy. (613) 594-8512.

common pitfalls that can keep you stuck. Learn new tools with

PLANET BOTANIX, 301 Bank (Somerset) 567-4444: visit our website for a list of practitioners

CERTIFIED COLD LASER THERAPIST offering mobile services. $30.00 for 45 min session. Effective and safe for pain relief. treatment.

• Clutter FROM CHAOS TO ORDER - bring on the Flow. Edie Lane Feng Shui Consultant, DeClutter Specialist. 613-565-1919

• Coaching ACADEMY OF PERSONAL AND RELATIONSHIP COACHING www. Coaching concentrates on healing and empowerment and deemphasizes being clinical and helping. Richard Haney is a wholistic coach who brings a wide range of skills, techniques and modalities to each coaching interaction. He provides warm, heart-connected and empathetic coaching. Please contact Richard Haney to enhance your life and make the most of each moment. Listening well is the most eloquent sign of caring. Richard Merrill Haney, Ph.D. (Counselling Therapy), 234-5678 or 726-3636. ANNA MARANTA: Coaching, Counselling, and Spiritual Direction from an Integral Perspective. Call: 613.867.5505 or email: NOT ACHIEVING WHAT YOU WANT IN LIFE? Moira concentrates on awakening your true potential, inviting and supporting the changes for YOUR highest good. Moira Hutchison 613.432.1239 LIFE SKILL WORKSHOPS INCLUDES- Anger, Communication, Denial, Roles, ACOA, Co-dependency, Relationships and Spirituality. Every second Saturday at The House of Hope and Healing. Lynda @ 613-858-7181 CANADAS-COACH.COM Marguerite Tennier, M.A., Fearless Living and wellness coach, Specializes working with over 40 prof. Women Who want to have more energy, live deeper and Transform their life. 613-744-1538

• Cold Laser Therapy

• Colonic Therapy DETOX AND STRENGTHEN THE COLON. Gentle, safe, effective. Experienced Colonic Therapist and Holistic Nutritionist, SatDaya WIlliams at 815 Merivale Rd, Ottawa, 613-761-5982,, By appointment only

• Counselling CAROLINE ELSON a Wholistic Lifestyle Counsellor. B.Sc M.Ed,CCC 613 282 7905, Starting where you are, moving to create the life you want. Explore the physical, mental and emotional through traditional and alternative forms of counselling. Individual and Couple. ROSEMARY MURRAY-LACHAPELLE, M.L.S., M.A., Dipl. Analyt. Psych. Jungian Analyst and psychotherapist. Individual therapy to address your unique concerns. (819) 568-0282 ACADEMY OF COUNSELLING. Richard Merrill Haney, Ph.D. (Counselling Therapy) Specializing in individual and couple counselling and in comprehensive family mediation. Also specializing in bereavement, career and stress counselling. Richard is an empowerment counsellor who is heavily influenced by Roberto Assagioli (Psychosythesis), C.G. Jung, Fritz Perls (Gestalt Therapy), Alfred Adler, Milton Erickson, Ken Wilber and Stanislov Grof (Holotropic Breathwork). 234-5678 or 726-3636. Web: KATHY GLOVER SCOTT M.S.W., professional, experienced Reiki Master/Teacher (Ascended Levels). Reiki to the 21st degree, 5th Dimensional Consciousness Program, Reiki and Crystals and Root Cause Release Work. Classes and individual appointments (some covered by extended benefits). 613-271-8636

KATHERINE ARNUP PhD. Helping you navigate life’s transitions and challenges. Whether you are facing retirement, divorce, or an unexpected loss, I can help you overcome your fears and embrace your life with courage and passion. Expertise in dealing with illness, aging, death and dying. Contact me at katherine@ for a free 1/2 hour session.

REV. SHERRY HARRIS, MSW, RSW is a heart-focused psychotherapist, certified spiritual coach, counsellor, teacher, minister and energy therapist. She works 7 days a week and offers receipts reimbursable by most insurance providers. She may reached by phone at 613-236-8852 or by email at Her website is www, If you cannot come to her, appointments may be done by phone or Sykpe or in your home (travel costs added to the session fee) Hourly fee: $120.

ARE YOU A MIDLIFE WOMAN STRUGGLING WITH GRIEF? Let Anne DeButte, Author & Grief Coach guide you on your journey. Avoid

LUC DUMOUCHEL, MA, CCC. INDIVIDUALS/ COUPLES. Anxiety, ACoA, communication, depression, emotional dependency, infidelity,


June 2016

loss, separation, sexual problems, GLBT issues, self-care, spirituality. Ottawa/Hull. Insurance/sliding scale. Bilingual. 613-2359813 ANNA GREEN COUNSELLING & PSYCHOTHERAPY (MA CCC) Holistically integrated psychotherapy for individuals and couples by a registered psychotherapist – clinically supervised, receipts available. Downtown. Insurance/sliding scale. 613-2959987 GET RESULTS @ FREE COUNSELLING AVAILABLE for people dealing with death and dying. Also, guidance to achieve your goals in life. 613-828-2836 EXPLORING THE POWERS OF THE MIND What are the tendencies of the mind? How can it be directed to be a supportive companion through the journey of grief? In this workshop you will explore practices - including visualization, breathing techniques, concentration and reflection - to help you understand the mind’s powers and expansive possibilities. This workshop will be offered by Swami Matananda, for Bereaved Families of Ottawa in partnership with Yasodhara Ashram. REGISTRATION REQUIRED Wednesday, October 28th, 6:30 - 8:30 pm 211 Bronson Ave $30 contact: HEAL, CHANGE, GROW with a supportive listener.Safe and confidential talk therapy, combined with amethyst crystal BioMat, hands-on healing, and crystal singing bowl toning. For women, female youth,and children only.www.

• Courses

THE CANADIAN SCHOOL OF NATUROTHERAPIES AND SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT At the CSNSD we offer you success as a Certified Animal Reiki Practitioner, a Certified Personal Reiki Practitioner, an Intuitive Counselor or Energy Therapist. You can even become a Registered Integrative Naturotherapist. Also gain hours towards your A.N.N. membership through us! Have a look and Re-Ignite Your Life! 819-328-9128

• Cranio-Sacral Therapy JOAH BATES, D.O.(UK) Biodynamic Osteopathy. Creating a space for self-healing through structural balance. Over 25 years experience. 613-742-0011.

DIRECTORY WELLNESS WITH MOIRA: CranioSacral and SomatoEmotional Release Sessions. Specializing in self empowerment for healing and health. Insurance Receipts. 613.432.1239 DENISE GAULIN. Advance-Level Certified Craniosacral therapist offers CST and VM sessions, also has a specialization in pediatric CST and VM. As a certified teaching assistant and study group leader offers monthly gatherings for students of CST and SER. By appt.: 613-738-9080 BODY POETS MASSAGE THERAPY - Skilled RMTs - Many Modalities - Convenient Hours - Online Booking - Downtown Location - Free Parking - Gift Certificates. 504 Kent St. (At Arlington) Visit or call 613-222-0465. Step into the Circle of Care!

• Crystal Healing LINDA ENERGY HEALER - Beautiful hand-picked crystals & jewellery. Workshops. Home parties. Crystal Healing sessions. 613-868-8468. Join my mailing list, send an email to:

• Crystals ASCENSION HEALING - Complete CrystalShamanic Healing services for people, animals & land | Online Crystal Store and Retail Location | 5-Day Crystal Healing Certificate | 2-Yr Crystal-Shamanic Certificate Program | EOV (Extra Ocular Vision) | Drunvalo Melchizedek’s School of Remembering | 613470-1888 |

• Dance BELLY DANCING FOR FUN! Awaken your own Goddess of Dance. Tracey @ 613-241-3397 or

• Dental Hygiene PROFESSIONAL TEETH CLEANING - Holistic Hygiene Dental Services - Vanessa Gomez RDH, Downtown Ottawa 613-851-3486

• Dentist DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758;; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa

• Detoxification IONCLEANSE FOOT BATH with support for the ongoing process of detoxing. $40.00 (incl HST) Nancy 613-596-0260 OTTAWA WELLNESS & DETOX CLINIC. 613.256.4886 ION CLEANSE FOOT BATH - Removes accumulated toxins from your body through the pores in your feet. Linda O’Connor 4406 Old Kingston Rd. Lombardy. (613) 272-2739

• Dowsing OTTAWA DOWSERS, 2nd Wednesday of the Month Routhier Community Centre 172 Guiges St.(Cumberland/St. Patrick) 7-9:30pm. Pendulum, L-rod, Y-rod, bobbers and more. 613-596-0260

• Dreams ROSEMARY MURRAY-LACHAPELLE, M.L.S., M.A., Dipl. Analyt. Psych. Jungian Analyst and psychotherapist. Therapy practised with sensitivity to material from the unconscious such as dreams. (819) 568-0282

• Eco-Friendly ADORIT BOUTIQUE. Fair Trade Eco-fabric Boutique. Tarot Readings every Saturday 12:00 - 6:00pm. 153 York St. Ottawa. (613) 241-8354

• EFT & Energy Medicine COMBINING THE POWER OF DONNA EDEN ENERGY MEDICINE, ENERGY PSYCHOLOGY, EFT and PSYCHOTHERAPY to release blocks and empower you to Live your Best Life. Individual and couple sessions. Catherine McLenaghan, Registered Psychotherapist. Anxiety, depression trauma, life transitions etc. Insurance receipts. Call 613-730-0411

• EMF Balancing P.W. EMF BALANCERS, Home, Work, Auto. Steve Priebe (613) 842-4758,,

• Emotional Freedom Technique ANGEL THERAPY PRACTITIONER® Diane Lanthier offers unique EFT work to help you release anxiety, grief, anger, fear, sadness, PTSD, etc. 613 297 8293 VIOLETTA BOROWSKI, BEd, CHt, EFT Cert-1, SPHE-RE Through this gentle tapping technique, release emotional, mental, spiritual blockages and imbalances on all levels that were preventing you from experiencing peace, happiness and success in your life. A healthy emotional state, will immediately activate physical healing and well being. 613-808-4822

• Energy Healing LAURIE FRASER, B.O.S., holographic healing, Reconnective, facade healing, past life. Excellent results: anxiety, depression, insomnia, hormones, disease, allergies, pain, addiction, spiritual blocks. 613-721-3781. HEALING FROM WITHIN. Energywork and Bodywork through Inner Knowing. Contact Jim Holland at 613-824-1181 LINDA ENERGY HEALER - Highly effective energy medicine. Stress, childhood issues, depression, pain, grief. In person or distance, people & pets 613-868-8468

June 2016

VIOLETTA 613-808-4822 The goal is for you to reduce or eliminate your pain rapidly & effectively. Let’s work on you using EFT along with other tools for your mental, emotional, and physical well being. EFT Certified ANNA GREEN, MA CCC — SPIRIT WELL HOLISTICS Reiki, Cranial Sacral, Emotional Freedom Technique, SET, Bach Remedies, Meridians/Qigong. Assisting your journey toward an energy-filled life. Daytime – Downtown. – 613-295-9987 AVALON ENERGY HEALING offers empowering and therapeutic in-person and distance sessions using Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy (IET), Therapeutic Touch, Pranic Healing. Workshops for IET Certification Training: Basic, Intermediate, Advanced Levels. Contact Lori Ann (IET Master-Instructor) at or 613-869-4859. RELEASE THE PHYSICAL, mental & emotional root blocks/stresses/traumas. Regenerate, accelerate physical healing, get guidance from your spirit guides and more… To experience a unique energy healing session with Monica please Email to contact@ or call 613-864-4724

• Face Massage FACE MASSAGE (REJUVENATING) The Canadian Centre of Indian Head Massage. Two day Certification course with Debbie Boehlen. 905.714.0298.

• Facial Rejuvenation BURNHAM SYSTEMS FACIAL REJUVENATION is a powerful AntiAging Holistic Therapy. Realignment and toning of facial muscles; Release of physical and emotional blockages; Deep renewal of body and spirit. Gayle Mickelson 613 422 5701

• Feng Shui CLEARING THE ENERGY OF YOUR HOME can be magical. Move to the next level of your healing. Contact Edie 613-565-1919

• Flower Essences FLOWER ESSENCES can offer support in every area of life. Gentle release of persistent patterns, blocks & trauma, assistance in acute or chronic issues, physical or emotional. Californian, Pacific and Bach Essences. Will work with animals. Barbara Schuster, FES-certified practitioner; 613-8204303,


DIRECTORY • Foot Orthotics DR. JEAN-FRANCOIS GAUTHIER B.Sc., D.C., C Ped (C) is a certified pedorthist, a trained foot health specialist. Providing solutions for conditions such as plantar fasciitis, metatarsalgia, etc. Restore proper foot, knee, hip and lower back balance with confortable custommade foot orthotics. Conveniently located near Rideau Center, free parking: 418 Rideau St. Please call 613-241-3434. For more information contact us at or

• Gifts PLANET BOTANIX, 301 Bank (Somerset) 567-4444: eco friendly, recycled, unique and inspirational ideas!

• Gum Disease DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758;; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa

• Head & Neck Pain DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758;; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa

• Healthy Bra HEALTHY BRA - Orthopaedic and Post-Surgical Bra (Medical Device License). No wires. No elastic. Custom-fit. Where health, comfort and shape matter most – Sizes 28A to 44KK. Comfy Posture Solutions 613-521-9100

• Herbalism ANNE DRISCOLL R.H. is a traditional herbalist wise in the healing ways of plants. In her practice she blends the wisdom of herbcraft with modern scientific knowledge. She works with individuals to restore the innate balance and strength of the body. All remedies are custom created to address each person’s unique health needs. For both chronic and acute conditions - let plants walk with you on the journey to wellness. Call the Avalon Herbal Clinic at 613-6121181 or drop by on Saturday to Mother Earth Natural Health (747 D Richmond Road.)

• Holistic Dentist DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758;; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa

• Homeopathy J.B. HOMEOPATHIC DISPENSARY. Jo-Anne Bazinet, homeopath. Member of S.P.H.Q., C.S.H., H.M.C.C. 2062 St. Joseph Blvd., Orleans, ON, K1C 1E6. (613) 830-0487. Consultations & products available. MARILENA GAVRILA - NUTRIHOM D.I.Hom(Pract.), RNCP, Registered Homeopath for acute and chronic conditions and Registered Nutritional and Lifestyle Consultant;;; (613) 842-9328


• Hotstone Healing BODY POETS MASSAGE THERAPY - Skilled RMTs - Many Modalities - Convenient Hours - Online Booking - Downtown Location - Free Parking - Gift Certificates. 504 Kent St. (At Arlington) Visit or call 613-222-0465. Step into the Circle of Care!

• Hypnosis HYPNOSIS. Vivienne Filiatreault B.A. ( H.D.Ed.) Psych / counselling. Certified Consulting Hypnotist with N.G.H. and other International Boards. Over 33 years of experience in counselling. Try something different. For a free consult, call or text (613)301 – 1971 or contact

• Hypnotherapy RID YOURSELF OF OLD HABITS AND ADDICTIONS. Hypnosis and HypnoAcupunctbure. SLEEP despite your partner’s snoring thanks to hypnosis. Weight loss, Drug, Smoking, Sex, Food and Gambling addictions. Age regression to correct decades old influences.  Hypnosis by Judy Spence (CH), National Guild of Hypnotists-certified. Ottawa 613-728-2579 OR Gatineau: 819-661-1061. 1st session: $100. Subsequent $80. Insurance receipts. WENDY ARMSTRONG, CHt, MHt, Master Consulting Hypnotist, CCIr. You can create the life you desire NOW! 613-823-3316 wendy@ AVOID THE MEDICATION ROULETTE! Advanced Clinical Medical/Dental Hypnotherapist successfully treating anxiety, stress, depression, addictions, unwanted habits, fears, pain, smoking cessation, weight mgmt, obsessive-compulsive behaviours, low self-esteem, self-sabotage and more. Specialist in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Fibromyalgia, Migraine Headaches. Visit www. for info, verifiable credentials & free Tranquility recording- Grace Joubarne, CCHt, LAPHP 613-422-7027 Toll-free 1-888-390-3553 MARTINE BRISSON, hypnosis and alternative therapies. REDISCOVER THE JOY OF LIFE with the help of hypnosis, EFT, NLP, Eye movement Integration therapy, Psych-K, Reiki and IET. I get to the source of the problem to eliminate it. Only certified 5 Path (5 phase advance transformational hypnosis) in the region. Teacher of 7 Path self-hypnosis. Stress reduction, remove fears, anxiety, self-esteem, traumas and more. Insurance receipt available. Gatineau . 819-205-6670 www.martinebrisson. com JAIME PALLEN CERTIFIED Hypnotist N.G.H member. Past lives interfering with your present explore how and what you can do to change it. Make an appointment @613-4541429) or

June 2016

BAD HABITS HOLDING YOU BACK? Hypnosis allows the focus to be placed upon what YOU WANT. Together we make the changes happen in the right way for YOU! Moira Hutchison 613.432.1239 www. ACADEMY OF HYPNOTHERAPY When talking therapy is just not enough to dissolve old emotional blocks...Create new pathways by trusting and following fresh images, empowering suggestions and inspiring visions. Become whole again by re-membering and re-connecting forgotten parts of yourself. What inside! What outside! Consider the Whole... Richard Merrill Haney, Ph.D.(Counselling Therapy) Hypnotherapist, 234-5678 or 726-3636. HYPNOSIS WORKS! Reach your objectives with Lynne Cardinal, a fully Certified Hypnotist with the National Guild of Hypnotists, holding additional certifications in Hypnosis Innovative Techniques and Weight Loss. She has a PhD in Eastern Philosophy from India. Lynne has been offering Stress Management, Burnout Prevention and Meditation workshops at the government and private sector for over 30 years. Insurance receipts. 613.721.7888 - KELLY McGUIRE Certified Consulting Hypnotist. Hypnosis is a Natural, Gentle and Safe way to make Lasting Changes in your Personal and Professional life. Kelly McGuire is an experienced and trusted Hypnotist who will guide you to become who you wish to be...Free consultation available. 613-402-4766 SUZANNE TELLIER, B.A. Psych, Psychic Intuitive, CHt, MHt, NGH certified, Certified Past Life, 5 Path & 7 Path self-hypnosis teacher, Certified Gestalt Counsellor. Empower yourself and find your answers within. Free consultation. Facilitation, readings and workshops. www.

• Indian Head Massage THE CANADIAN CENTRE OF INDIAN HEAD MASSAGE. Two day Certification course with Debbie Boehlen. 905.714.0298. AYURVEDIC HEAD MASSAGE certification with Jackie Cave, Fusion School of Natural Health. 613-389-4344 or KYMBERLI KER, IHM Practitioner, Relaxing Treatments. Professional practitioner and instructor certification programs.

DIRECTORY INDIAN HEAD MASSAGE & HOT STONE MASSAGE- Professional practitioner and instructor certification programs.

• Infrared Sauna SAGE WELLNESS 340 Gladstone Book online or call 613-235-7243, Detoxify, Treat injuries, Pain relief, Weight loss, Reduce Stress, Improve Skin

• Intuitive Energy Counselling INTUITIVE ENERGY THERAPIST/ COUNSELOR and Author Cheryl Jiala Driskell helps you BENEFIT from an ‘Intuitive Approach’ to your health. What is out of balance is immediately made clear and energy therapies bring you back to flow! 15 mins from Island Park 819328-9128.

• Intuitive Numerology A NEW SCHOOL OF THOUGHT. Psychic Consultation. Laura Young 725-7232

• Intuitive Readings MARLENE STEVENS 819 483 9915 Intuitive readings & tarot. Medium & Angel card readings. CONNECT WITH YOUR HIGHER SELF & INNER WISDOM: For insight, guidance, validation, inspiration and support. Readings on-line, by phone and in person. Moira Hutchison 613.432.1239 www. MICHELLE VEZEAU spiritual guidance to your life’s questions - insightful, profound clarity. Michelle.Vezeau@sympatico. ca 819 827-2579 LINDA MEDIUM, Palm reader: for appt: Tele: 613-816-1808 SUZANNE WHITE Bilingual Psychic/Medium, Card & Photo Readings, Dowsing, Psychometry and House Clearing. 343-8826559 INTUITIVE CHANNELER/MEDIUM ~ TRACY ROY channels her Spirit Guide, Whitehawk for psychic readings. Visit her YouTube channel: MICHELLE VEZEAU spiritual guidance to your life’s questions - insightful, profound clarity. 819 827-2579

GOT A NEED? HAVE A PROBLEM? LET ME SERVE YOU. Derek Van Der Light. Shaman, Teacher & Exorcist. Call or Text: (613) 252-7509. Email: derek. Blog: http:// RUNE READINGS BY WILLOW-MARIE POWER For the turning points in your life when understanding the reasons behind your choices, passions and creativity make all the difference. Those times when you need to know what you really want and what matters most. I offer in-depth, hour-long readings (gift certificates also available). To schedule an appointment email: or call 613-604-5086

• Life Between Lives THIS IS THE SPACE between your current life and the one before. The times between death and re-entering the womb for another life. But what goes on in that time-space? What happens to the soul? This is journey to the other side to better understand the reason for which we came on earth. The process is profound, the session itself last up to three hours. Martine Brisson, hypnosis and alternative therapies Gatineau, 819-205-6670

• Light Body Acceleration LIPHE DESIGN.COM. pH Nutritional Microscopy. Donna Porteous 613 253 7467

• Live Cell Microscopy

• Journey JEAN BRAZEAU, Ottawa’s first Accredited Journey Practitioner. Give yourself the gift of freedom, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Reclaim the truth of who you are. Works with children, teens and adults. Energy Medicine (Reiki Master, Shamanism, Universalis) NLP, WEL-Systems TM Institute Master Facilitator. Phone: 613-295-2756.

• Jungian Analysis ROSEMARY MURRAY-LACHAPELLE, M.L.S., M.A., Dipl. Analyt. Psych. Jungian Analyst. Depth psychology to address your unique concerns. (819) 568-0282

• Kinesiology THōMAS MARTīN TEGTMEYER ca.linkedin. com/in/tmtegtmeyer/ Ultimate Wellbeing EDUCATiON mieux-être ultime www. Self-healing and blessings in person, distance, remote. Founder, (1998). Kingston/Ottawa 613-7695575. Greater mobility, comfort and freedom.

• Labyrinth ST. JOHN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH, Parish of March, 325 Sandhill Road, Kanata offers an outdoor, 11 circuit, paver Chartres design labyrinth open to the public at all times. We also offer an indoor, 7 circuit Petite Chartres permanent,painted labyrinth in the church hall. Contact the Parish Office for availability of our indoor facility. ( 613) 592-4747 or HEALING CIRCLE LABYRINTH Set amid 1,000 evergreen trees surrounded by a garden sanctuary overlooking the St. Lawrence River. Paths are lined with chakra coloured plants and stones. Now scheduling workshops and candlelit evening walks. Call Liz at 613-925-1278 or

June 2016

LIVE CELL MICROSCOPY. Heal yourself at the cellular level. View red and white blood cell health, and contents of the blood stream.

• Low Impact Yoga LOW IMPACT HATHA YOGA www.zenforyou. ca The Zen for You Hatha Yoga classes are easy to do for people who have never tried yoga before. Manali Haridas, Certified Yoga instructor progressively teaches the yoga postures and different relaxation breathing techniques in a period of 10 weeks.

• Lymphatic VODDER METHOD. Effective treatment for acute & chronic conditions. Judy Spence, DNM, RN. 613-728-2579 NATURAL HEALTH THERAPEUTIC CENTRE. LymphDrainage-Massage-Shiatsu-Reflexology. Receipts. By appointment. 613—798-8385. Free parking.

• Massage MOVEMENT HARMONY MASSAGE. Spinal alignment work, employing osteopathic techniques, attunement, Swedish & acupuncture massage. 33 years experience treating injuries and chronic back challenges in Orleans. Contact Heather Brown (613) 878-6480. ANN receipt available for insurance. LEARN INFANT MASSAGE. Kind gentle woman would like to teach infant massage to a parent and young child, aged birth to crawling (IAIM curriculum.) The classes will be 5 consecutive Wednesdays at a time convenient for you. We can meet in my south end studio or I may be able to travel to your centrally located home. There is not cost. Friends also welcome. For additional details please call 613.304.3427


DIRECTORY MOBILE MASSAGE Have a professional massage in the comfort of your home or office. 20 years experience, reasonable rates. 819 962-8704

• Massage Therapy LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE FOR CHRONIC ILLNESS Effective treatment of many chronic conditions. Judy Spence, DNM RN. 613-7282579  CALM CONNECTIONS Massage Therapy, 42 Holland Ave. Cathy Chatham RMT, Kirsten Greenleaf RMT. Tel: 613 792 3223 NATURAL BALANCE MASSAGE THERAPY CENTRE Located in downtown Ottawa. Specializing in deep tissue / sports massage, pre / post pregnancy care, relaxation / stress reduction, headaches & chronic conditions. Gift certificates available. B6 - 130 Albert Street (between Metcalfe & O’Connor) Phone: (613) 566-3000 RIDEAU MASSAGE THERAPY - Feeling stress, pain,or just need to relax? Therapeutic massage can help. Providing treatment for acute and chronic conditions and injuries. Also trained in Acupuncture and Thai Yoga Massage. Free Parking. 418 Rideau St. 613-241-3434. More info at or contact Lori at BODY POETS MASSAGE THERAPY - Skilled RMTs - Many Modalities - Convenient Hours - Online Booking - Downtown Location - Free Parking - Gift Certificates. 504 Kent St. (At Arlington) Visit or call 613-222-0465. Step into the Circle of Care! KAREN MUNRO-CAPLE, RMT. Providing Healing, Relief, Joy! 1105-85 Albert St. between Elgin & Metcalfe. (613) 230-3527. MAITLAND MASSAGE THERAPY: a healing company.Online booking. www.MaitlandMassage. ca Free parking. Melanie Ransom, RMT, BHSc. 878 Maitland Ave. 613-722-6423 RACHELLE BEHRENS RMT now accepting new patients at cozy home based clinic in Kanata. DIANA M SHELDRICK, Registered Massage Therapist since 2005. Also available, Maya Abdominal Therapy treatments. Please contact Diana at 613 265 7681 or FILOSOFI LASER AND MASSAGE CLINIC. Offering Low Intensity Laser Therapy, Massage, Phsyio, Reiki, BodyTalk, ArmaTouch, Cupping and Orthotics. Let us get you back to doing what you love to do! 613-225-1127. OTTAWA SHIATSU. Massage & Bodywork for All Ages. New Edinburgh Square. 35 Beechwood Ave., 3rd Floor. 613-620-0415.


• Medical Intuitive MANUELA WERTHWEIN 613-231-4575. Medical Intuitive, Medium, Energy Medicine Practitioner. Soul rescue. Reiki Master & Teacher. Teaches intuition skills (private or classes). Releasing blockages and stagnated energy grids within the Human Energy Fields takes place regardless of hereditary or environmental factors. Manuela will access the information in your biology and soul using clairvoyance as well as energy scanning with healing and Past Life Information. ANGELA KEHLER, Certified Medical Intuitive

• Meditation THE SILVA METHOD. Lise Blouin, Certified Silva Method Instructor. 1 800 226 4428 CHRISTIAN MEDITATION COMMUNITY – There are about 40 groups in the Ottawa area that meet weekly to practice a way of silent, contemplative prayer using a prayer word or mantra, as taught by the late Benedictine Fr. John Main. For more information contact the Ottawa Area Coordinator at 613-233-6047 or or consult COSMIC MINDFULNESS, Meditation in the Yogic Tradition. Ongoing classes and guided meditations, Wednesdays at 7:30pm given by Chris Simmonds, including chakra awareness, Pratyahara and Yogic Meditation techniques. Attend an ongoing class or practice group. Advanced personal instruction is also available. Call Chris at 613-298-2447 or email Visit for more info. DYNAMIC MEDITATION. Learn the lifechanging techniques of deep mantra meditation and mindfulness for peace and wellbeing. Introductory and advanced classes for individuals, groups, workplaces. Courses on mastering thoughts, healing emotions, self-care and empowerment, consciousness expansion, development of chakras. Call Jennifer Bernius at 613-721-3787; A FORMAL INTRODUCTION TO AUTHENTIC ZEN TRAINING through instruction in zazen (sitting Zen) and kinhin (walking Zen). First Saturday of each month, 2-4 PM. Preregistration required: or 613562-1568. Zen Centre of Ottawa BRIDGE THE MEDITATIVE PROCESS with daily living using tools & techniques.Nancy 613-596.0260 MEDITATION ON TWIN HEARTS. A beautiful healing technique for illumination that works on the physical, mental, and spiritual levels to open the heart chakra (emotional heart) and the crown chakra (spiritual heart),

June 2016

making us a channel of divine energies, which we use to bless the earth & every being. Vanier WEDNESDAYS, 7pm. Cost: on donation. RSVP: faye@pranichealingontario. ca, SAHAJA YOGA MEDITATION. Awaken your Kundalini energy to balance you, connect you to cosmic consciousness, and bring about your spiritual rebirth. Visit us at or Saturdays 3:00 pm Ottawa Public Library 120 Metcalfe (FREE) MEDITATION AND PRAYER Thursday evenings 5-7pm. 3015 Richmond Rd. 613-828-2836.

• Meditation on CD JENNIFER BERNIUS guides you through 5 soothing and inspiring meditations to calm your mind, relax your body and uplift your spirit. This CD, Into the Silence, with gorgeous musical accompaniment, will revitalize your daily meditation practice, helping to open your chakras and awakening you to the healing power of light. Cost: $20. 613-721-3787;

• Migraines DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758;; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa

• Music & Healing FOR 29 YEARS I have helped clients 2-82yr. with health concerns including ADHD, dyslexia, depression, cancer etc. Hands on approach using musical instruments. Call Shirley Schober @ 613-729-7758 PAMELA HOLM, Music Therapist Accredited A sound, music, and energy-based approach to therapy and healing for all ages. 613-829-1556

• Music Therapy PAMELA HOLM MTA - Exploring creativity unblocks stagnant energy/problems. Supports insight & healing. 613-829-1556

• Natural Healing THōMAS MARTīN TEGTMEYER ca.linkedin. com/in/tmtegtmeyer/ Ultimate Wellbeing EDUCATiON mieux-être ultime www. Self-healing and blessings in person, distance, remote. Founder, (1998). Kingston/Ottawa 613-7695575. Greater mobility, comfort and freedom.

• Naturopathic Medicine DR. KANDIS LOCK, ND. Licensed  Naturopathic Doctor. Digestive Disorders, Allergies, Headaches, Womens Health, Chronic Disease, Cancer. Come in for free 15 minute consult to find out how naturopathic medicine can benefit

DIRECTORY you (no treatment provided). 210-190 Somerset St. 613-656-9629,

• Nutrition MARILENA GAVRILA - NUTRIHOM RNCP, D.I.Hom(Pract.), Registered Nutritional Consultant and Homeopath; Nutritional and lifestyle consulting for your individual and unique health concerns.; 613-842-0373. BODY CHEMISTRY TESTING & BALANCING for optimal nutrient absorption & vibrant health. Physical & Emotional healing begins at the cellular level. Sensible, Sustainable, Effective Nutritional & Lifestyle recommendations. Iridology, testing for Heavy Metal Toxicity, Adrenal Function, & Free Radicals. 613-7259013; LANARK HIGHLANDS GRASS FED beef, organic chicken, garden, 613-268-2772

• Oral Health DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758;; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa

• Orthodontics DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758;; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa

• Osteopathy JOAH BATES, D.O.(UK) Biodynamic Osteopathy. Creating a space for self-healing through structural balance. Over 25 years experience. 613-742-0011.

• Past Life Regression TAKE A JOURNEY and heal energy blocks at a soul level. To book your session with Monica please Email to or call 613-864-4724. SUZANNE TELLIER, B.A. Psych, Psychic Intuitive, CHt, MHt, NGH certified, Certified Past Life, 5 Path & 7 Path self-hypnosis teacher, Certified Gestalt Counsellor. Empower yourself and find your answers within. Free consultation. Facilitation, readings and workshops. www.

• Pranic Healing FAYE HEALEY IS A FULL-TIME PRANIC HEALER offering in-person healing sessions as well as distant-healing sessions. Through distant healing, she has successfully treated clients all over Ontario and Quebec, and as far as Saudi Arabia, Paris, Thailand, Japan, England, and Morocco. Whether in-person or remotely, Faye treats clients for a broad range of physical, emotional and psychological ailments, which may include anything from broken bones to PTSD, multiple sclerosis to Pranic facelifts and weight-loss programs, and

helping people enrich their homes or businesses through Pranic Feng Shui. Inspired by the benefits of Pranic Healing in her life and the lives of others, Faye now teaches Basic Pranic Healing and Superbrain Yoga courses in Ontario and Quebec, and holds a weekly Twin Hearts Meditation in Vanier every Wednesday at 7pm. (,,, 613-282-0801)

• Psychic Counsellor MARIE-SUZIE “The Heart Whisperer” The Holy Spirit guides me. Let’s talk, I listen. 613-591-1860.

• Qigong CHOW QIGONG. Chow Medical Qigong exercises and meditation classes held at McNabb Community Centre, 180, Percy Street since 1986. Tuesdays 9:30-11:00am, Wednesdays 6:00-7:30pm. Chow Qigong is taught by certified instructors and helps to relieve stress and promote self-healing. Complementary 1st class. For more information contact QI-MATIC RESEARCH CENTRE; Workshops by Sifu James: Jan. 16, 9:30noon Free Seminar; May 13-15 Retreat; June 4-5 Transposing and Mapping; July 9, 9:30 -noon Free Seminar; July 9-10 Information Healing. Contact Angela at or 613 762 8893

• Quantum TouchTherapy THE POWER TO HEAL Aileen M. McKenna, Certified Quantum-Touch, Instructor/ Practitioner since 2004, first instructor in Canada improve physical strength, release physical and emotional stress, improve sleep, increase creativity, remove pain. Information on personal appointments and classes: Aileen’s Oasis 613-228-2272, 613-795-3751, out-of-town enquiries at 1-866-493-0236, or by e-mail and check out.

• Reconnective Healing PATRICIA V. LACROIX, Reconnective Healing Practitionerª. The Reconnectionª and Reconnective Healing¨. Visit: ALEXIS NICOL – Reconnective Healing® Practioner and the Reconnection since 2005. 613-263-7925

• Reflexology VALCRON REFLEXOLOGY- The healing touch. Registered nurse, RAC certified reflexologist and Therapeutic Touch Practitioner providing services to clients of all ages since 1998. Home-based Reflexology practice in Orleans. Home, hospital, retirement as well nursing home visits provided

June 2016

on request. Valerie also provides Animal Reflexology maintaining animal wellness and healing. For more information contact Valerie Cronin, RN, SCM, BA (Hons), MA, CCRP at 613 852 6129 email: BALANCE RELAXATION THERAPY. Reflexology, Ayurvedic Yoga & YOGA MASSAGE FOR BETTER HEALTH. Lori Chamberland, 613-2557934 NATURAL HEALTH THERAPEUTIC CENTRE. Reflexology-Massage-Shiatsu-LymphDrainage. Receipts. By appointment. 613—798-8385. Free parking. REFLEXOLOGY ASSOCIATION OF OTTAWA offers Individual sessions (foot, hand or ear reflexology), private or corporate events, as well as fund raising events are available. We offer training towards certification as well as membership for professional Reflexology practitioners and students of Reflexology. Contact: ALEXIS NICOL - RCRT - Foot reflexology, receipts provided 613-263-7925. GREAT FOR STRESS, relaxation and general well-being. $40.00 Nancy 613-596-0260 KYMBERLI KER, RCRT, Foot Reflexology. Receipts provided, 613.897.9642 LAURIE BERG, RCRT - Hand & Foot Reflexology with Reiki - 613-722-4004 REFLEXOLOGY BY RISHMA is a home based practice in Westboro. Sessions offered for 1 hour or 45 minutes. Receipts provided. By appointment only. House calls available. (613) 890-1062 JUST BE REFLEXOLOGY. De-stress and detox the whole body gently with Foot Reflexology at Green Spirit in Manotick or Home Studio in Riverside South. Caroline Chapman 613 915 6778

• Reiki WENDY ARMSTRONG, CRA-RT, Usui & Karuna Reiki Master. Sessions & training for all levels. 613-823-3316 wendy@wellness-centre. com HOLOGRAPHIC-USUI REIKI MASTER; Karuna Reiki® Master. Personalized classes in English or French; Reiki Master/Teacher Program; individual sessions. Online Healing Your Chakras classes; Bird Vibes meditation decks. Nature Retreats in Muskoka. 819-918-3436. MANUELA WERTHWEIN, Reiki Master & Teacher. USUI System of Natural Healing. Private treatment & classes, Level I, II &


DIRECTORY III. Energy Medicine Practitioner, Medium. Medical Intuitive. Soul Rescue. Body/Mind/ Soul Intuitive. Past-life/Akashic Information. 613-231-4575 KYMBERLI KER, RCRT, Foot Reflexology. Receipts provided, HEALING CONNECTION: Usui & Karuna Reiki Master, Lightarian Reiki, QuantumTouch, Intergrative Energy Therapy, EFT and Magnified Healing. These holistic therapies will help you to relax, relieve stress and heal on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. Roger, 613 322 7585, email; PESI SHROFF Traditional Usui Reiki Master/ Teacher & Reiki Practitioner Lise Desjardins are committed to self-empower individuals who commit themselves to healing & personal growth. They offer Hands-on & Long Distance Reiki Treatments; Reiki Level I & II courses & Reiki Masters. Reiki is used for: Pain, Stress & Chronic Medical Condition Management; Anti-aging & Health maintenance; Improving Immunity, and more. Also See Workshops section. Visit; Pesi: 613 829 0224; Lise: 613 795 1469; “Empowering one person at a time” ALEXIS NICOL – RMTT, Reiki Master Teacher Trainer. Private sessions and training, receipts provided. 613-263-7925 3 in 1 BASED ON USUI METHOD. New and all levels welcome (individual & small classes) Nancy 613-596-0260 REIKI IN THE WEST END Stressed out? Aches and pains? Reiki can help you relax and feel better. Flexible sessions from 10 to 60 minutes. Contact Barb at 613-228-9176 or DEBRA DESJARDINS at Angel Wing Reiki. Kanata; Morgan’s Grant. Reiki sessions for all ages. Reiki for animals. Classes for levels 1 and 2 and children. 613-435-2100 FINDING YOUR SELF - Reiki is a gentle technique for restoring and balancing your body’s natural energy to encourage better health. Reiki treatments are available on the Amethyst Bio-Mat. A true mind, body and spirit experience. Reiki Master, Linda O’Connor 4406 Old Kingston Rd. Lombardy. (613) 272-2739 JIKIDEN REIKI – FRANCINE MINEAULT, Reiki Master and Shihan, teaches Jikiden Reiki in the Ottawa-Gatineau area, in French or English. / info@ / 613 446-7307. HEAL. GROW. THRIVE. I am an IET and Usui/ Karuna Reiki Master teacher offering healing sessions, Reiki and IET classes. Frederic Papillon 613 805-3733


ANNA EARLE GREEN, MA CCC SPIRIT WELL HOLISTICS – Body-centered process work: Reiki & Classes, Craniosacral, SET, EFT, and more. Assisting your journey toward an energy-filled life. Daytime. Downtown area. 613-295-9987 JARDIN REIKI GARDEN. A universal energy of compassion. Jacinthe Potvin, Usui Master/ Teacher. For Reiki treatments given with all the love my heart contains please call: 819 319-1216 or DONNA DILLMAN, Usui Reiki Master. 1 hour Circa 1894 Day Spa visit included in treatment price. Lanark. 613-259-9988.

• Restorative Yoga PATHWAY YOGA, Wednesday 1-2:30pm, Ease, Soothe mind and body through a series of supported postures nourished by the breath. This Iyengar yoga class is a haven if your energy is low, your stress is high, or you just want to be quiet and go inward. 613 806-9642 346 Richmond Road, 2nd floor

• Retreats TARA SHANTI RETREAT CENTRE Near Montebello, Qc. Large property, quiet location. Open year round. Max 5 persons. Yoga, polarity and Esalen massage. Also silent retreats.

• Rolfing® Structural Integration MIRANDA GREENACRE (Dayvis) Advanced Rolfing Practitioner 400 Pleasant Park Rd. Ottawa, On. K1H 5N1 (613) 866 2427

• Room for Rent Workshop space and therapy rooms available at Planet Botanix, 301 Bank (Somerset) 567-4444 ROOMS FOR RENT. Shared bathroom. Utilities included. 3015 Richmond Rd., 613-828-2836 GORGEOUS ‘VIOLET FLAME HEALING ROOM’ available at Green Spirit, a cosy, high vibration spiritual store located at 5558 Manotick Main St in Manotick. Very reasonable rates. Flexible schedules can be accommodated. Various forms of advertising included.

• Schools ASCENSION HEALING - 2-Yr Crystal-Shamanic Healing Program: evolved training in the ancient arts | 5-Day Crystal Healing Certificate | EOV (Extra Ocular Vision) | Drunvalo Melchizedek’s School of Remembering & more… 613-470-1888 |

• Shamanism ASCENSION HEALING - Comprehensive Crystal Shamanic Healing services for people, animals and land offered for more than 10 years | 2-year Certification Program provides complete training in Crystal

June 2016

Shamanic Healing | Call Karen Osborne at 613-798-2828 | | LINDA ENERGY HEALER - Highly effective Shamanic sessions for anxiety, childhood issues, depression, abuse, pain, grief. In person or distance, clients worldwide. People & pets. 613-868-8468 TRADITIONAL CEREMONIES for physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Chakra Balancing, Cord Cutting, Past Life Journeys, Animal Totem Journeys, and many more. Please contact SatDaya Williams 613-761-5982 SHAMANIC ENERGY WORK IN PERSON OR AT A DISTANCE for physical, emotional and spiritual healing and well-being. Also animal totem workshops. Janice Land (613) 834-6677. CRYSTAL SPIRIT OWL Crystal Shamanic Practitioner, Reiki Master, IET®, Energy clearing & balancing for mind and body. Crystal layouts & grids. In person or distance, summary provided for distance. Contact: Brigitta at or 613-355-1832

• Shiatsu OTTAWA SHIATSU Massage & Bodywork for All Ages. New Edinburgh Square. 35 Beechwood Ave., 3rd Floor. 613-620-0415 NATURAL HEALTH THERAPEUTIC CENTRE. Shiatsu-Massage-Reflexology-LymphDrainage. Receipts. By appointment. 613—798-8385. Free parking.

• Skin Care NATURAL BODYCARE by a certified aromatherapist. Natural makeup, cleaning products: Planet Botanix, 301 Bank (Somerset) 567-4444

• Sound Healing DEEP SOUL SINGING – Healing Vocals & Singing Bowls. Body/Soul/Mind. Individual/group. Singer/songwriter/musician: Pamela Holm MTA 613-829-1556. SOUND THERAPY WITH FIBONACCI & SOLFEGGIO TUNING FORKS. Expand your consciousness and promote healing on all levels of your being, across all dimensions. Bring your soul back into perfect alignment with its own ‘song’! Contact Kay Aveling at Green Spirit in Manotick, 613 692 5151 or 613 795 1970.

• Sound Healing Massage COMBINING CRYSTAL BOWLS, tuning forks and other sound healing instruments to enhance your relaxation experience. Julie

DIRECTORY certified Orthotechnician (massage) since 1994. 613-254-8469.


• Tea Leaf Reader TEA LEAF & COFFEE GRIND reader. Crystal & obsidian balls. Object reading, Dowsing, Tarot, Zen & other cards. Helene Gibeault 613-7487419.

• Thai Massage HOT TUBS, Cold Tub, FAR Infra-red & Finnish Saunas & more. By the hour, ½ day or day. Massage/Reiki/B&B attached. Lanark: 613-259-9988;

• SPHE-RE NEW TO OTTAWA! In Pain? Experience this new Divine healing energy.

• Spiritual Centre OTTAWA SPIRITUAL PATHWAYS CENTRE, Weekly Non-denominational services, Sundays 10:30 a.m. at the Westboro Masonic Hall, 430 Churchill Ave. N. All welcome.

• Spiritual Counselling FACILITATOR & GUIDE: ConstellationWork, Soul Talk, creative meditation practices, reiki. Workshops/individual sessions Diana ClaireDouglas. 613-820-8850.

• Spiritual Direction A ONE YEAR ONLINE TRAINING PROGRAM for spiritual directors. The program is grounded in the Jewish wisdom tradition with an integrated interfaith component. Visit our website or email us at

• Spiritual Medium ANGELA AZARIA, PSYCHIC MEDIUM & SPIRITUAL COACH,, 613 913 8511,

• Systemic Constellation Work CONSTELLATIONS WITH SPIRIT: personal, family, & soul transformation individual & group sessions Diana Claire Douglas. www.inspiritworks. com 613-820-8850

• Tarot TAROT AND CARTOUCHE READINGS: I have been reading cards since 1986 and use the Mother Peace Tarot deck as well as the Cartouche deck. Eleanor Ann Rowan 613-746-6778 PERSONAL READINGS Tarot-Astrology Judy Jibb 613 304 4255, PSYCHIC GUIDANCE WITH TARA MEGHAN. Angel/Tarot Card Readings $40.

• Web Design A WELL-DESIGNED WEBSITE will help spread your message and grow your business. Contact us, and get an effective online presence today!,, 613-236-5758.

LORI MACKAY RMT- Thai massage stretches the whole body and helps remove deeply held tension in the muscles. 418 Rideau St. 613241-3434 Free Parking. For more info contact Lori at or

MINIMEWEBSITES.COM Affordable websites, banners. Free Consultation: 613-824-9348

BODY POETS MASSAGE THERAPY - Skilled RMTs - Many Modalities - Convenient Hours - Online Booking - Downtown Location - Free Parking - Gift Certificates. 504 Kent St. (At Arlington) Visit or call 613-222-0465. Step into the Circle of Care!

CLEAN & SIMPLE website design. Launch a brand new website for your business in 2-3 weeks. What if launching a professional website for your business was really easy? 613-220-3126

• Therapeutic Touch THERAPEUTIC TOUCHª - profound relaxation & pain relief; supports healing all levels. Can be applied in acute, chronic or emotional conditions. House calls, hospital visits available. Will work with animals. Barbara Schuster, TTNO-Recognized Practitioner. 613-820-4303,

• Therapies & Healing PAST LIVES AND KARMIC HEALING. Through deep meditation reconnect with your past lives to heal hold wounds and free yourself from karmic links. Nathalie Hillman in Gatineau, French or English. nathalie@ 819-930-2290

• Theta Healing FILOMENA LAVIGNE is a spiritual - intuitive, advanced certified Theta Healing Practitioner, Reiki-Master and IET Master-Instructor: She believes wherever you are is always the perfect place to start uncovering, healing and evolving into the song of your truest heart. The song that declares your divinity and wholeness and brings forth into your life the beauty that is residing in your truest brilliant-self. Appointments in person or by telephone at 613-596-9249 or email at DO YOU WONDER IF THINGS ARE EVER GOING TO LIGHTEN UP... or if anyone can help? Experienced, compassionate, intuitive, adept at clearing the way. Several methods tailored to your situation and needs. 45-minute appointments; central, phone sessions. Lynda Anderson lyndaan85@gmail. com

• Visceral Manipulation DENISE GAULIN Advance-Level Certified Craniosacral therapist offers CST and VM sessions, also had a specialization in pediatric CST and VM. By appt.: 613-738-9080

June 2016

WEBSITESBYDARLENE.COM - One small business helping another. From $250.

• Weddings WEDDING CEREMONIES. Rev. Evelyn Richter 613-596-2817;; CO-CREATE THE GOWN OF YOUR DREAMS! Wedding, handfasting, commitment ceremony attire for all - bring your ideas to life for your special day. Tracey at 613-241-3397 or email Online portfolio: MARTINO‘S BRIDAL ALTERATIONS AND TAILORING. 30 years experience Tailoring for the whole family .by app. 613-739-5034

• Wholistic Dentist DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758;; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa

• Workshops GROUNDING AND THE ART OF CREATING SACRED SPACE A two-day workshop about creating boundaries, clearing the aura, learning how to clear a space, how to be present and secure in your own energy field. Ideal workshop for energy workers, massage therapists, lawyers, social workers and anyone anywhere who works with or lives closely with others. For information and registration call Aileen’s Oasis at 613-2282272, or by e-mail at QUANTUM-TOUCH: The Power to Heal Certificate workshop in Quantum-Touch therapy, a powerfully simple modality that will transform your ideas about your health and your life. This wonderful modality can be used with other modalities and is very helpful for self-healing, distance healing, working with clients, friends, family, pets, water, and gardens. For information, call Aileen’s Oasis at 613-228-2272, aileen@ and BUSINESS TRANSFORMATION, SelfEmpowerment, Counseling & Developmental Workshops by Reiki Master Pesi Shroff & Reiki Practitioner Lise Desjardins: Bring about the Paradigm Shift from a mindcentered to a heart-centered approach.




SPIRITPAINTING® WORKSHOPS WITH JENNIFER “LIGHTWOLF” JONES in Ottawa. Learn Basic, Advanced, Practitioner and Instructor levels. Learn to “Unfold the Mystery”. No previous art training necessary. See www. for more information. Or contact

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS with an esoteric approach using hypnosis and NLP. For more info visit www. or call 613.699.4555 Check out WWW.PLANETBOTANIX.COM for a full listing of upcoming workshops/certifications! 301 Bank (Somerset) 567-4444 WORKSHOP SPACE AVAILABLE days and evenings. Maximum 25 people. 3015 Richmond Rd. 613-828-2836

• Yoga RAMA LOTUS YOGA CENTRE Are you stressed? Anxious? Overwhelmed? Exhausted? We’ve got you covered. With 100+ weekly yoga and meditation classes in a variety of styles there is something for everyone (sometimes even soup!).Come shop, socialize, sip on our house tea, read from our community library or drop off a food bank donation. Can’t afford yoga rates? Let’s talk. Work exchange, student rates, early morning, donation, like we said, we’ve got you covered, because yoga is for everyone With 100+ weekly yoga and meditation classes in a variety of styles there is something for everyone. Work exchange, student rates, early morning, donation. 613.234.7974 342 Gladstone Ave YOGA & TEA STUDIO. Located on 10 acres of land in the beautiful village of Carp, near the Carp Farmer’s Market. Over 20 classes a week, for all ages, sizes and life-stages! Beginners, Hatha, Yin, Kundalini, Hot, Gentle, Restorative, Prenatal, Baby&Me, Kid’s yoga and more! Yoga Teacher Training certification course available - see website. Nice selection of yoga mats, bolsters and other props, DVDs, CDs. Complimentary tea after each class! Experience yoga in the country fresh air just minutes from the urban outskirts! Conveniently close to Kanata, Stittsville and


Almonte! Beautiful drive, peaceful setting, lots of free parking, why go downtown? 613-3046320, SATTVA YOGA - A Kanata Yoga Experience Classes taught integrating a variety of yoga styles (Kripalu, Viniyoga, Structural Yoga, Vinyasa) as well as Somatic Movement & Pilates. A practice of balance, integration and compassion is offered: centering, breath work, warm-ups, flowing & static poses, relaxation, meditation and reflection. All levels welcome. Jo-Anne Stasiuk, MA. Professional Level Yoga Certification. 592-5936 or MAITREYA YOGA STUDIO offers you an amazing atmosphere where you can take a break from everyday life and find your own authentic mind/body experience. Over 25 classes weekly on our Open Class Schedule. Visit us online for our Registered Classes and Workshops at or contact us at 613-692-1515. PATHWAY YOGA. A beautiful, welcoming studio in the heart of Westboro. Learn how Iyengar yoga can lead body and breath, heart and mind along a brighter, healthier pathway. 613 8069642 346 Richmond Road, 2nd floor

• For Sale

ZYTO ELITE HEALTH ASSESSMENT device for sale…Fully updated and new. Asking $8K. Paid $12K USD. Email: or call 613.697.0140 for more info about device.

• For Rent FURNISHED, BRIGHT, SPACIOUS BEDROOM in a 2 bedroom house. Ideal for student or contract professinal. Bright, furnished, room in lower level with male/ female professional couple. (Male stays once or twice per week). All-iclusive rent includes wifi and utilities. Cable and home phone are negotiable. Walk-in closet, shelving. Own fridge, own freezer. Near General Hospital. 15-20 min bus ride to main campus U of O (86 route). Elmvale Mall, Bus Stn, Metro, Loblaws. Along 114 route. Non-smoking, respectful, mature, must be cat-friendly (1 have two of them). Female preferred. Parking $30 extra. $250 down payment. Please email me with any questions and info about yourself. Negotiable time-frame. Modest 2 bedroom row-house with a Country-feel and back yard.

WISHINGTREE YOGA CENTRE -- Yoga for Selfrealization. For all ages, beginner to experienced practitioner. 200h Traditional Hatha Yoga Teacher Training.

LA TROPIQUA CAFÉ-Lounge, Yoga Studio and Spa, a new and innovative gem at 1292 Wellington St. West. An oasis for relaxation and healthy living. Contact: 613-695-CALM (2256) YOGA IN-HOME or AT-THE-WORKPLACE, RYT/insured. Individual or small group. Lessons and classes. Book your time. 613271-8583,


1230 Wellington, Ottawa, ON 613-729-5973 June 2016


Workshops: 1) Letting go of False Ego; 2) Releasing Self-limiting Thoughts; 3) Releasing Unpleasant states - Fear, Anger, Frustration, etc; 4) Forgiveness, the Easy Way; 5) Energetically Harmonizing Your Relationships; 6) Energetically Quietening Your Mind. Also see Reiki section. Visit www.; 613 829 0224; 613 795 1469; “Empowering one person at a time”


Céline Cloutier

Présidente | President Coach de vie, médiatrice Life Coach, Mediator

Our core sexual energy must integrate with our authentic spiritual power to fully address our daily issues. As an integrative consciousness teacher, relationship coach and counsellor, I have 20 years of training and life experience supporting this emerging paradigm. Access the root of your sexual pleasure and spiritual power through Divine Tantric Touch, Meditation and Ecstatic Embodiment Sessions. I cater to individuals and couples of all ages and backgrounds.

A healing journey to a calmer state of mind...

Devi Bliss, Certified Tantric Teacher ~

Shiatsu Thai Yoga Massage Ayurvedic Therapies Reiki Reflexology Lomi Lomi Sound Healing Tree Essences Couples Services Crystals Advanced Skin and Body Care Therapeutic Massage RMT Organic Skin, Body and Hair Care

45 Rideau at Sussex, 2nd floor Telephone: 613.241.7770 email:

Free talks on

Srimad Bhagavad Geeta – Chapter 4 Jnana Karma Sannyasa Yoga The path of inspired SelfLess Action

June 20-25, 2016 Daily from 7:15pm to 9:00pm

Hanuman Chalisa

June 21-24, 2016 11:00 am to 12 noon

Location: Chinmaya Bharati 1088 Ogilvie Rd. Ottawa, Ontario, K1J 7P8

For more information: email: June 2016


Susan Rondeau Lecorre gave this speech at her East Ottawa Toastmasters club on April 4, 2016. In it she talks about a subject which is very dear to her heart, and which she has reflected on for many years, to form her own personal philosophy of life.

The Meaning You Give It


id something ever happen to you that was so special you felt you were guided there by unseen forces? Other people looking at your life might say, oh what a nice coincidence, but to you it was more than a mere coincidence. It had a very personal meaning. My purpose in this speech is to show how the meaning you yourself give to experiences in your life can make all the difference between feeling disappointed, devastated or instead feeling blessed; and how life can take on a miraculous feel if you’re ready to notice the miracles. Now, when I say miracles, I don’t mean it in the religious sense. In my mind a miracle is not the Webster dictionary definition of “an extraordinary occurrence that surpasses all known human powers or natural forces and is ascribed to a divine or supernatural cause.” Instead, for me a miracle is a natural occurrence but with a very special personal meaning and which may strike you with a sense of awe. In fact, to me, life itself is a miracle – plant a sunflower seed and watch it grow – isn’t that miraculous!?! Nor am I the only one. Here is some of what poet Walt Whitman says in his poem entitled “Miracles”: “As to me, I know of nothing else but miracles. ... to me, every hour of the light and dark, every cubic inch of space is a miracle.” Now I know that some people tend to read more into things than common sense would have us believe. Even so, you don’t have to be a Pollyanna or superstitious to see some things as both ordinary and extraordinary, at the same time. What, in my opinion, makes up a so-called miracle, or wondrous happening? I can think of three important elements: 1) synchronicity 2) reframing 3) personal meaning Therefore, if you are interested in having a brighter or deeper outlook on life, here’s what you need to notice. The term synchronicity was coined by renowned


psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung and has the definition of “a meaningful coincidence”. Synchronistic events are are two random occurrences that happen simultaneously, to collide into something that seems much more than a mere coincidence. In my own life, I can give you the curious example of my birthday of a few years ago. On that day I was in the Byward Market with my husband. I entered a store looking for a large wicker basket which I would use as a clothes hamper. I had been looking for just such a basket for the right price for months. I really didn’t want to pay more than $25 which was maybe asking too much. I found one basket in the back of the store with no price on it and brought it to the front to find out the cost. The cashier told me that it was originally $68, but they had been trying to sell it for over 3 years, it was a bit damaged and if I was willing to take it off their hands I could have it for free. I couldn’t believe my ears! I was overjoyed at receiving this incredible birthday present. I felt that the Universe had guided me to that very spot on the day of my birthday and dropped a present in my lap. It made me wonder how many other things I had been guided to in my life. This was synchronicity. As to the term reframing, seasoned counsellor Martha Beck gives the perfect example in her article “How to Turn Accidents into Miracles”. In the article she talks about her client Annette who had been in a serious car crash. Another car, driven by a meth head, had run a red light and slammed into her vehicle at more than 70 mph, flipping it. Her crushed car rolled, bounced and came to rest upside down. No one could believe that she had walked away from the accident. As Martha Beck says, “Accidents are never pleasant, but if you choose to see meaning in them they can be useful.” This accident could have caused Annette to zero in on hopelessness (eg. feeling completely vulnerable to all the bad things that can happen in the world in spite of the fact that she had done everything right and followed all the rules)

June 2016


or, on the other hand, it could become a catalyst for growth. With Martha’s help, Annette was able to reframe the feeling of fear and vulnerability the accident had provoked, into one where, because she had miraculously survived, she now felt able to release her fear of death and go on with greater serenity. And of course, these special incidents all have a personal meaning which is very subjective. It is not a meaning you can prove when describing it to others and they disagree. It is real for the individual experiencing it and cannot be denied. I’ll give you the case of my Dad. Many years ago he had been suffering with a kidney stone over a period of several weeks. X-rays showed the stone was too large to pass and he was scheduled for major surgery. My husband Joël and I had read in Prevention Magazine that people sometimes had success getting rid of kidney stones by taking magnesium and vitamin B6 supplements. Because my parents had always been so wary of taking anything not prescribed by a doctor I hesitated to call them with this information. I was sure they would just pooh-pooh and ignore it. Finally, on the day before Dad’s scheduled surgery, I called and told him about it, on the off chance he would dare to try it out. To our amazement, Dad followed through and took a few doses during the rest of that day. The next morning he was off to the hospital for his operation. The doctors X-rayed him first, to determine the location of the stone. To their surprise, that unpassable stone had disappeared. It had dissolved and the surgery was cancelled. One evening I recounted this incident to my writers’ group, and one fellow who was a scientist told me he could guarantee that the magnesium and

B6 supplements had nothing to do with it, and if an X-ray had been taken just before Dad took the pills, the stone would have already been gone. Scientist or not, I still believe those supplements saved my Dad from major surgery. And in the meantime, I believe it even moreso because they have done the same thing for my husband as well – saved him from surgery!. To me this incident had a very personal meaning. It showed me how people are connected at an intuitive level, where we are sometimes inspired to intervene in the lives of others at an opportune time. I’m sure any one of you could think right now of a similar-type situation that has happened in your life, or the life of someone close to you ... Maybe you ran into the right person at just the right moment and something important happened, or you were witness to two things happening simultaneously in a very special way. Or perhaps something that felt like a hardship turned out looking like a godsend because it enabled you to learn important things about yourself and the people around you. Skeptic or not, reframe your vision and it could happen to you! Whatever the case, I hope that, for your own gratification, you can more often give yourself permission to see the extraordinary in the ordinary and rediscover your sense of awe and wonder. Whether it really is unseen forces guiding us is nothing I can prove, but incidents like the ones I mentioned make me believe that we are all treated to secret glimpses of an unfolding Universe from time to time, and that we each make a difference.

“7 Times Saved” tells the true-life account of Holly A. Kline’s seven near-death ordeals that involved spiritual connections that saved her from a dire fate. This book begins with retelling her life as a little girl in the hands of an abusive mother and continues through six other life-threatening situations, including: being shot at on the firing range while serving in the military, a drowning experience in Lake Huron, flat-lining twice during childbirth, rolling in a car accident, being electrocuted, and falling 65 feet in an elevator, plummeting at the speed of 125 km/hour. Readers will find in these pages an inspirational tale that harnesses faith, hope and the will to live. Each reader can enhance their own inner strength and attain peace of mind to overcome their own life challenges, find comfort in difficult times, and forge ahead no matter what. The life messages found in Holly’s words give insight on how to rebuild a life after hell breaks loose, how to rekindle connections with spiritual guides, how to find your soul’s true purpose, and how to build a happier more meaningful life. June 2016 206 Main St, Ottawa ON K1S 1C6


Let Go For Dear Life!


hat things do we hold onto? Resentments, unforgiveness, opinions, judgments, the past, anxiety/worry about the future…need for control! Are you ready to let go? Then just “Let go and Let God”, or leash ego and unleash our Divine Nature. When we lose our keys, we run around franticly getting all stoked up…then when pause. Creating that pause is similar to taking time to pray and connect to the higher self. When we let go, we know what to do next. This also happens when we “sleep on it.” It’s why the answer comes to us in the morning. Sleep is like Letting Go and Letting God. From the book The Quest “the human need to control is a blueprint for disaster. We try to control the events in our lives and the people in our lives so we can feel secure. Yet no matter how hard we try, if we are relying solely on our human resources, we will surely fail.” To release control, we must realize that our humanness ALONE is not enough to bring us to the greater level expression we are seeking in life. What makes it difficult to let go is our attachment to an outcome—a job, or finding a partner. Our attachments cause us to hold on for dear life, whereas letting go for dear life is what has life transforming power. Letting go means letting go of the outcome and relaxing all concerns about the results. The Let God part means calling on your higher self, your Divine Nature. When we Let God, we become attuned to our spiritual consciousness and open to new ideas and attitudes = energy for creative living rather than defensive living. (excepted from a Sunday lesson by Rev. Roxanne Buckle, Unity Spiritual Centre Ottawa.

~ Sunday Celebration at 10:30 a.m. ~ Our Kids in Unity program welcomes children ages 3-12 for a joy-filled learning experience. ~ OM Hour Meditation (last Wednesday of the month 7-8 p.m.) Location: The Good Companions Centre (670 Albert St) For more information go to or call us 613-700-6489 or email us We are an inclusive, joy-filled community celebrating Oneness. All are Welcome!


The Heart and Soul of the Matter


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Daniel Roy CD, BA, MA, CFP, EPC, CIM, FCSI, CIWM, CRC Certified Financial Planner/Certified Retirement Coach 613.440.2734

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June 2016



ifu (Teacher) James Foo who lives in Toronto, has been coming to Ottawa to give Qi-Matic Qigong workshops since 2011. His close contact with the Medical Community, his special abilities, and his knowledge of Chinese Medicine, have made his Qi-Matic Qigong special and different from others. Through the years he has helped many who came to his workshop or as clients. The following are a few testimonials: Healing: Sifu’s private healing sessions are awesome. He can see (actually see the energy) what is wrong and remove any energetic blocks. He has helped me several times this way – one with a meridian blockage that had been contributing to a bladder infection and once with back pain. Also, I had had a two year-long digestive system issue and Sifu correctly saw that the issue was not physical but caused by emotions. This was indeed confirmed when I had the emotional clearing done at a later date – the condition was simply gone overnight. And, incidentally, although it had caused me great and prolonged distress, all the Dr’s testing could find nothing physically wrong – further confirmation of what Sifu found. Teaching: Sifu is one of my favourite spiritual teachers. He is the most advanced and adventurous teacher I have known – never sticking to any set of rules that someone else made up but always researching, trying new things and bringing new information to his students. The teachings are ever changing and always exciting and new. One of the most valuable things I have learned, in a practical sense, was a technique he taught which I use every single night to fall asleep. After over 10 years of struggling with sleep I find that his new technique works every time – for falling asleep at first and also when I wake up in the middle of the night. (this is the ‘528 8’ technique) - By Wendy. I have attended several of James Foo’s workshops and have learned many both interesting and useful things. There is much to learn from this generous and knowledgeable teacher. I›ve been especially happy and astonished to have been able to clear away pain from several people by dealing with energy blockages. - By Abbie I have attended many of Sifu James workshops over the last few years and found them to be very helpful both personally and professionally. As a Human Being, on my own healing path, I used the techniques to move forward. As a Reiki Practitioner and Teacher, I have used many of the healing techniques he offers as an adjunct to the Reiki in the sessions I offer. But most of all, his sessions are fun as well as informative. Sifu’s goal is to help us all access our “Inner Healer”. Many, many, thanks Sifu James. - By Katherine

Qi-matic Research Center PRESENTS

FREE Qigong Seminar given by Master James Foo July 9th, 2016 ~ 9:30am - noon. At Kitchissippi United Church at 630 Island Park Drive

What is Qi-Matic Qigong. What is Qi and how to activate it for healing. Energy paper and its use. Information and Registration : Angela Fung or 613 762 8893 Sifu James’ teachings take you past what you believe is possible with energy. His kindness and generosity are evident in his classes. He wants you heal and learn how to heal yourself. I highly recommend his class. - By Lynda Sifu James will be in Ottawa July 9, 2016 give a Free Seminar at the Kitchissippi United Church. Consultation with Sifu James available to Seminar attendees at $50 per session. Contact Angela at or 613 762 8893. FUTURE WORKSHOPS: Core of Qi-Matic Qigong, Sept. 10-11, 9:30am-3:30pm Structure, Emotions and Qi, Nov. 5-6, 9:30am-3:30 pm Angela Fung, Retired R.N. BA Psychology, Coordinator of Sifu James Qigong and Bowen Practitioner

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June 2016

Joah Bates, D.O. (UK)


Over 25 years experience


Rhythm of the Year

“I was taking a few weight loss herbs for about a month to a month and a half and they weren’t really helping. I added the Body Image Essence to my regime and I started losing the weight. I lost about 10 lbs, which was my goal.” L.G., Ohio, USA


(a monthly series about the vibration of the month and trees) by Celine Cloutier and Daniel Tigner

Bathing Suits & Tree Essences


oes a bathing suit have anything to do with consciousness or vibrational healing? Well, I would say, EVERYTHING! Picture this: You are invited to a cottage by a lake with sandy beaches or you are going to a pool party, and you need a new bathing suit. How do you feel? You stomach turns and you remember the last experience of purchasing this garment. You walk into a store, pick up a few and hope they will help cover the extra bulging. You walk towards the changing room and you notice the ‘poster on the wall’ with a perfect model, perfect bathing suit, perfect beach, perfect …. You enter the “torture” chamber. The lighting is bright, you almost look green and you now think you should have gone to those tanning sessions. You try one on, look in the mirror and say, “NOPE,” not that one. The sales person keeps bringing different models, different sizes and it gets worse. You make a decision…. You are not going to the beech nor to any pool party until you lose those 20 pounds. So tell me, does this story sound familiar? The story is just a caricature…but what are you truly looking for? Is it merely to fit nicely in a bathing suit your size and feel comfortable? Or, is it to feel better about yourself and be more confident? When you leave the store, you will probably be determined to go on that DIET or use that coupon for a 3 months membership at the gym AGAIN. We all try to make sensible choices to reach a healthy and happy life but there is another level to look at. You may have heard the expression, “We eat our emotions.” Understanding patterns, becoming more aware of emotions are part of our ability to achieve success. We have been so conditioned to improve, to achieve, to change. How to do that? The key is to learn the art of witnessing, observing. Vibrational tree essences reach a very deep place within us and help awaken the beauty and confidence that resides inside each and every one of us. One combination essence in particular supports us when it comes to how we perceive ourselves. It is called the Body Image Essence, and for some people, it has made all the difference.


“Most of my life I have struggled with my weight. I have attempted and failed many, many different diets and weight control procedures. I purchased BODY IMAGE from Canadian Forest Tree Essences and in 4 months have lost over 30 lbs. This product is truly amazing, I have not felt like I’m starving myself to death and substantially have cut back on my food intake without any conscious attempt to do so.” J.B. Ontario, Canada May the trees support your process of self-discovery and gaining confidence in your actions!

Céline Cloutier et Daniel Tigner Canadian Forest Tree Essences 819-319-6162

55 Burnhamthorpe Crescent Toronto, ON Canada M9A 1G6


June 2016

Survivors of Suicide:

Healing Comes from Compassionate Understanding


dedicate this article to Teddy, my late husband and soul mate, who took his last breath on this earth March 23/2001, upon completing suicide. Consequently, I became dedicated to the work of reaching Survivors of Suicide, those who are grieving a loved one, or family member who died by suicide. My personal trauma offers me a much more sensitive perspective on which to draw from. One of the complexities of mourning a suicide involves the added shock of a sudden death, in which the bereaved may not feel they had the chance to ask or say what they needed to. Only 1 in 15 leaves a note to explain their reasoning, or say goodbye. The second tier of this grief involves a violent death. Many mourners suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, particularly if they have discovered the body, as I had. This often adds to a sense of sur-realness, or not fitting in with the rest of grieving society. The support system of survivors of suicide may be weaker than those afflicted with other types of mourning. Loved ones may pull away due to their own sense of helplessness and discomfort, leaving them with a further sense of isolation and loss. Survivors

require guidance regarding how to talk to children about the manner in which their loved one died. Postdeath experiences including dreams, along with visits from the deceased, are often more prevalent in these survivors. Due to the many complexities of this process, survivors of suicide may get stuck in any particular phase of grieving, or take much longer to complete them. Due to all of these challenges survivors require enough safety to share their story with others, whom they feel can understand the uniqueness of their pain. There are few resources for survivors in the Ottawa region, as The SOS Support Program, once sponsored by the Canadian Mental Health Association, had been discontinued. I am currently considering restarting this Ottawa group, as I feel it’s need, and requirement for specific training and experience, to assist those in this very special category of mourners.

For those interested in taking part in the re-establishing or participation, of the Ottawa SOS group in September, please contact Barbara (613) 225-3732 Barbara Freedman, M.Ed:Specializes in Bereavement, Abuse, & Trauma Counselling E-Therapy (Phone & On-line counselling) Mobile counselling for seniors (613) 225-3732

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Alexis Nicol

 Reiki  Reflexology  Reconnective Healing®  ACIM 613-263-7925

Taking Care of Ourselves

Written by Alexis Nicol aking care of ourselves is one of most wonderful gifts we can receive. By doing so, we are placing our mind, body and soul in a state of grace and gratitude. Our energy becomes more vibrant, resonating to those we come into contact with, like our family members, friends and even those we deal with while out doing our daily activities. What I love is to receive a Reiki and/or reflexology treatment. I find this to be one of the most relaxing, calming and reinvigorating things I can do for myself. Each treatment seems to connect, balance and give me exactly what I need at that moment in my life. Receiving a session once every month or two seems to keep me going for a good while. My clients will often comment on how much better they feel afterward especially if they waited too long. In my experience, I have noticed that by incorporating Reiki with Reflexology it tends to bring the added advantage of receiving their benefits on a deeper energetic level. Of course, any time of year is a good time to take care of ourselves, but the summer is a wonderful time to treat your feet. We tend to be out and about doing a lot more running around. Our days are longer, we’re busy entertaining, travelling and our lovely, well worn feet are more exposed to the elements that ever. There is plethora of information on the internet about reflexology and Reiki. I find a great option is to actually speak to the practitioner(s) you are drawn to, you can ask them about your personal concerns and relevant questions. It’s always best to make an informed decision whether this is for you or not. Whatever you choose to do to take care of yourself, I wish you all the best in taking a “step” toward enjoying a relaxing summer.


Alexis believes in a Wholistic approach to healing mind, body and soul. She combines Reiki, Reflexology, Reconnective Healing®, the Reconnection® and A Course In Miracles in her practice. 613-263-7925


Free Ongoing Classes Relaxation, concentration & meditation Developing calmness, confidence & poise S Creating a life of inspiration & happiness S S

Sri Chinmoy

Call for dates & locations: 613-232-2387 Offered as a free community service by students of Sri Chinmoy.

Sri Chinmoy Answers

Question: What is the difference between admiration and jealousy? SRI CHINMOY: In sincere admiration, you have the feeling of an ideal in your life. Perhaps you cannot do what other people have done, but you admire them and their actions. That means that you have a spontaneous eagerness to achieve or grow into the very thing those people have achieved. This kind of sincere admiration is not a sign of inferiority. Rather it is often a sign of the reciprocal recognition of souls. Jealousy, however, is something altogether different. If you are jealous of someone’s achievement, you will feel that you are ready to stab that person if you are given the chance. You may try to hide your jealousy but the very presence of jealousy inside you is extremely harmful. Sometimes jealousy comes from a feeling of competition. We want to surpass the achievements of others. But let us not compete with others to show our supremacy. Instead, let us think of the necessity for our progress. Let us only try to transcend our own capacities. If we spend our time cherishing negative thoughts about others then, in effect, we are making that person our master. We should be very careful of how much time we spend in thinking of others. If we waste time thinking of others with our doubt, jealousy, anger and other negative forces, then our own progress will be delayed. We should not criticise anybody or speak ill of anybody. We have enough problems of our own. Let us not criticise; let us strive only for our own perfection. We shall be responsible for ourselves and let others be responsible for themselves. In this way, we will all have ample freedom to reach our own goals. What is of paramount importance is our attitude as an individual. We have to feel that we are transcending our capacities, not for our own glory but in order to increase the capacity and improve the standard of the world. Visit for further writings by Sri Chinmoy.

June 2016

Cleaning the Garden Summer Solstice Celebration By Daniel Roy CD, BA, MA, CFP, EPC, CIM, FCSI, CIWM, CRC ow that the snow is gone and the warm weather is here to stay, it’s time to get busy and clean out the garden of all the weeds and leaves that were left over from the winter. You will have to spend time trimming back your plants, turning the soil and then giving them a good dose of fertilizer. It’s a lot of work but you will see your garden come to life after you do this task.


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Daniel Roy



Principle Instructor / Certified Financial Planner

How much time do you spend cleaning out the garden that resides in your mind, in your heart? Have you ever considered this to be a required task as well? I would argue that we all need to do some “spring cleaning” to keep ourselves functioning at an optimal level. I suspect that you would not dare run your computer without an anti-virus program able to protect it from all of the malicious attacks that are being launched on a daily basis. We get bombarded regularly with negative thoughts and many of these manage to attach themselves in our psyche. If you want to grow, if you want to move forward I would argue that you need to take some time to clean out your own personal garden of all unwanted ideas and beliefs that are not serving you anymore. Sit down in a quiet place and reflect…go inside and take note of what comes up. Challenge your beliefs, your behaviors and replace them with ones that do support your new and expanding vision of what you want to create. Make your garden bloom! Daniel Roy is the principal instructor of the Ottawabased Praxis Wealth Institute. He is a Certified Retirement Coach, Certified Financial Planner as well as public speaker. He is the author of “The Essential Guide to Retirement Readiness”. He conducts workshops and courses on the subject of winning the game of wealth creation.

n the northern hemisphere Summer Solstice occurs between June 20th and June 22nd. This year for those of us living in Ottawa the earth will reach its maximum tilt towards the sun (which represents solstice) Monday June 20th at 6:34 pm. Celebrating solstice is an ancient and global experience. We see people from all walks of life, traditions, religions and beliefs engaging in varied rituals to honor this special day. Additionally, regardless of the location, Summer Solstice celebrations are often about bounty, growth, nourishment, inner fire and our ability and courage to follow through and take our experiences to their full expression. It is a time to honor the value of light and our own potential to lighten and brighten up. At the same time it is a willingness to honour our shadow and include it as our expressions and manifestations. There are many ways to celebrate Summer Solstice, which include private meditations; connections with nature; expressions of gratitude; and dance. Yoga also enables to bring all of the above mentioned qualities to light and remind ourselves to breathe life into them. Sunday June 19th I am offering a Summer Solstice Mini Yoga Retreat (1:30-4:30 pm) that will include basic and yet integrative asanas (yoga postures), visualization, breath consciousness, meditation and relaxation designed to welcome the external and internal summer. Visit my website: for more details. You are invited! Sylvie Gouin

June 2016


Quantum-Touch Therapy:

Breakthrough in Energy Healing

The Eloquent Solution to Wellness Using Distant Healing

In Ottawa area serving Ontario & Western Quebec

AILEEN MCKENNA Certified Quantum-Touch® Practitioner Certified Quantum-Touch® Instructor Associate Polarity Practitioner Certified Aromatherapist

Aileen M. McKenna, Certified Quantum-Touch Therapy Practitioner/Instructor, Empathic Life Coach, Author of Forthcoming book ‘Life Begins at “70”’


ecently I’ve become more aware of a part of my practice that has not been front and centre, and that is the practice of doing distant healing. I’ve used it often over the past 20 or more years, and more so when I learned Quantum-Touch therapy, and the method Richard Gordon recommended to use with distant healing, and now as a member of the Quantum-Touch therapy Facebook group, I’ve been using Distant Healing more than ever, and am even more impressed with the results that are being reported to us from those who request our assistance. One of my clients called me recently, to tell me about her brother who had fallen through the wooden floor in the barn to the cement floor in the stable below. He landed on his head, and the wood from the floor above landed on top of him. I stated that I would work on him for 5 minutes daily for the next 2 weeks, and took the story and my commitment to the FB group. That was on a Tuesday, and on Thursday, we had some news from the doctor, and that was that there were no broken bones, he could respond to questions with less need to concentrate, knew his name, could recall recent events, and not only recognized his family members, was asking them about their recent illnesses. This was my personal experience. In another case, a member of this group asked for help with a young early school aged child who had a brain tumour. There had been some kind of therapy and the doctors were contemplating surgery. The group worked on this boy using Quantum-Touch Distant Healing tools, and after about 3 days, the doctors had examined him, and stated that with the improvement they were witnessing, there would be no need to do a surgery.


613-228-2272 • 613-795-3751 •

There are many more stories I could tell you from my own practice, and from the FB group, but I’m wanting to simply share what is possible using this amazing tool that is so very simple to learn, and so very powerful to experience. You can find more stories and information on training and services at my website. Aileen M. McKenna is a Certified QT Instructor and Practitioner, certified as the first Canadian instructor in June 2004. She has taught classes to 1,000s of students across Canada, in the Caribbean and Scotland and sees 100s of clients annually in her private clinic in Ottawa. Aileen has been offering energy healing in the Ottawa area for more than 25 years, initially with Polarity therapy and Cranio-Sacral prior to learning Quantum-Touch® therapy. You can reach her at 613228-2272, or by e-mail at, at or you can check out her website at, her blogsite at and the Quantum-Touch website at

Edgar Cayce (Ottawa) Search for God groups Success for the soul Meditation, study and application in a small group format

(613) 731-4901 42

June 2016

FREE TAROT READING (in exchange for your feedback donations also welcomed)

Email your general situation, first name (and last, ideally) to: No rush orders! Entertainment Only but hopefully it helps!

June 2016


• Journey with us on a day of Self-discovery and Unity • Explore the wide-ranging and awe-inspiring concept of the temple and its importance for us on the path of Self-Mastery • Discover the three phases of ini>a>on by which we transform our lives and increase our capacity for service • Encounter once again your Inner Self, always there to guide you when needed



June 2016

The Evolutionary Method Mastery Healing Program “All disease begins in the gut.” Hippocrates


fter having had a chronic, digestive, autoimmune illness for nearly 20 years, I completely healed my “incurable” disease and am now living with incredible health, vitality and joy. I have found what works and what doesn’t; what the body and mind need to heal and what prevents that healing. This program is like a fire starter that, with your commitment, can completely change the way your body functions. In this program, we draw upon the wisdom of Evolutionary (ancestral) diet, movement and socialization in order to get your body back to a state of vibrant health and wholeness.

• Exactly what foods are healing your belly and which foods are hurting your belly • A bio-individual diet and meal plan that allows you to shop and prepare amazing meals that will finally nourish your body and mind • Discover what your cravings mean and how to see them from a different perspective so you can heal them • Learn how the environment you live and work in affects you and how to manage it • Learn about the importance of ancestral movement and find out what kinds of movement best suits your body type • Delve into how your social connections are feeding you. Are they leaving you hungry or happy? • How your past traumas and wounds may still be playing a role in your body and how to let them go I invite you for a 20 minute FREE Discovery Session. During this session, I learn a little bit about you and you learn a little bit about me. We see if we jive together and I fill you in on what our work together would look like. I invite you to come and see what’s possible for your life!

This Personal, One on One Program Is Right For You If: • You’ve had persistent digestive issues (bloating, diarrhea, constipation, Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, unexplained or hard to get rid of belly fat, ADHD, chronic skin issues (eczema, acne, psoriasis), ear infections, Autoimmune Disorders) • You’ve tried conventional medicine and have not seen resolution to your struggles • You want to see what the body is capable of doing when you give it the proper tools, diet and nourishment • You want to heal your body at the root of the dysfunction, rather than suppress your symptoms • You’re tired of feeling tired all the time and are ready to step into the fullness of your being This program requires a 3 month commitment from you. It requires you to be open to finding out what emotional triggers you are still dealing with (by which your body has been compensating through illness or discomfort). It allows you to see exactly what your ideal diet looks like and what your body needs to be properly nourished. This program gives you every single tool that you will require to recover and move into a thriving and healthy space. Specifically, during the 3 months you will learn and receive:

For more information about The Evolutionary Method Mastery Healing Program, please contact Ann Jarvis at (613) 218-6899 or go to: for more information.

Your name at birth is not an accident. A name is much more than a label. It can mean the difference between success and failure. Find out the true meaning behind your birth name and your date of birth through having a complete and unique Pythagorean Numerology chart done, which will give you approximately ninety to a hundred pages all typed, giving you a full personal description, plus a comprehensive direction and guidance on your whole life. Henriette M. Alig, Master Numerologist For a quote please call: (613) 805-5243 or email: Free palm reading with your chart

June 2016


Shifting Upwards

Sherry Harris, MSW, RSW, OM, psycho-spiritual counsellor, coach, teacher, healer


n these rapidly changing times it can feel hard to get a grip on anything solid. In this ascension time we live in, our one and only goal is to raise our consciousness so we can move along with Gaia into her new home in the fifth dimension. This is not an easy process and many of us feel ungrounded, uprooted, anxious, fearful and depressed. As a counsellor these are the most common issues coming forward these days. Add to that sleeplessness and this list represents to some degree what most of us are experiencing in this wildly changing time. So what can you do to feel like you are doing everything you can to elevate your consciousness so you may make the leap from 3rd dimension to 5th? We are all currently on the bridge of 4th dimension popping back and forth between the two dimensions. This explains why we often feel so ungrounded. I have two strong suggestions. The first is the Inner Child work, which I have been championing since the early 90’s when I began my work with John Bradshaw. We have to clear our subconscious mind, our emotional body (which is our inner child) of all the hurt, frightened, angry, shamed and resentful patterning we are carrying from childhood. Having been a counsellor for over 25 years and having worked with many modalities, this is by far the quickest and most effective for healing the childhood wounds that continue to rule our lives.


Abundant Life Coach Psycho-Spiritual Counsellor Wedding Officiant 613-236-8852 Insurance Receipts Available The second suggestion is to come work with the amazing TrinFinity8 (T8) system my partner, Doug Henderson and I are presenting. This incredible system works with Fractals, Solfeggio tones, and digital programs of Divine Healing Codes to heal, balance, restore, relax, expand consciousness, and increase wellbeing in a myriad of ways. Developed by Dr. Kathy Forti after a near death experience in which her new 8, 9 and 10th dimensional guides let her know she would be bringing in a totally new healing system that would eclipse the old ways of healing and be a major tool for bringing people to ascension. If you read her book Fractals of God, or watch her YouTube videos, you will get a very clear explanation of how this system came to be here at this time. If you would be interested in a free demo of the TrinFintiy8 (T8) please call me at 613-236-8852. My partner and I will be offering group-sharing sessions on the T8 on Tuesday nights at 7 p.m. Each night will have a different issue we will be working on. Please call if you are interested. There will be a $10 fee to attend. It is a great way to get introduced to the vast healing potential of the T8. Sherry Harris, MSW, RSW, OM- 613-236-8852

June 2016

Why Do We?... Channelled by Lisa Virtue


s humans, you are often looking outside of yourselves for purpose. “Why do we do what we do? Why do we choose what we choose?” All of the questions you ask are about your role in experience. Your reason for being, existing. “How do we best ‘be’ in this world? What is acceptable and how do we do it?” Whereas the questions are backwards. The seeking, reversed. The expression that you are isn’t in question. How you decide to perceive it is. How you live is up to your preferences. How you ARE, is what we are getting at. How are you in relation to others? How are you in connection with those you love? What is the essence of your being saying? It doesn’t matter what you do or how things come about. What is important is how you function with what you’ve got. Your being is showing you in every moment what it is. It is controlling your very environment. How you are, is the point. Decide on an alternative direction and your being goes right along with you. So it does not matter what you are choosing or even the why of it. What matters is the ISness itself. BE and you will flow. BE and knowing comes. Acknowledge that your state simply is, you are what is underneath it ALL. Dear ones. Knowing more about anything in particular doesn’t shift your being. That is about living experience. Rest now in the knowing that your ISness is enough. It is perfection. The rest, an experience. Temporary. Transient in nature. Who you are is beyond the paltry limits of this reality. Why are we sharing this? Because it changes your relationship with creation. BE. Know. That is all that matters. Live, and you will see change. Stop being about the intimate details of the shifts, changes and ways of expressing and you will know more fully the extent to which you truly exist. Change what is, and it changes. BE and you always are.


Energy Healer & Divine Channel Live your authentic life. 613.296.4271

Be at peace, loves. You are eternal. The channelled team of Divine love for all. Lisa Virtue is an Energy Healer, Angel Channel and Teacher. To book a session email: or call: 613.296.4271. Visit for more infor.

Learn To Connect With Spirit Guides And Angels Sunday June 26th, 2016 ~ 9:30-5:30 @ Lisa Virtue’s studio, 66 Muriel St, 210a in the Glebe Limited Spaces Need guidance with decisions, health, direction, finances, relationships? Want loving advisors available 24/7 who know you and what would be amazing for you better than anyone in the world? Let me introduce you to your team of Spirit Guides and Angels - always on call and working behind-the-scenes. This workshop will teach you to connect to them directly, any time you wish! Never feel alone or unsupported again! GET CONNECTED. 613-296-4271

R.P., C.C.A.C., C.T.S. Registered Psychotherapist Canadian Certified Addiction Counsellor Certified Trauma Specialist 613-266-8063 Ottawa, On

June 2016


Drumming Workshop Painting Workshops Costume Contest Ar tisans, BBQ Fish Pond Music Face Painting Vendors, Henna Psychic Readings Healing Treatments


New this year - Costume Contest 1 pm, inside stage - prizes awarded Categories: 1. Babies/toddlers 2. Children 5-12 years old 3. Teenagers and adults 4. Vendors

"Introduction workshop to Instruments and Drum Rhythm Circles, for all ages" Hosted by: Rolling Rhythms 1 - 2 pm, COST: pass the hat-donate what you can. REGISTER: The day of the FaeryFest

Faery Painting on Canvas Workshop with Annalisa 2 classes available: 11am-1pm & 2 pm- 4 pm, COST: $43 Contact Annalisa to PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS: 613-430-4138 or

Sunday June 19th 11am to 4pm

Perth Civitan, Hwy. 43 Contact Cheryl, 48

Suggested Admission: $2.00/ Adults, $1.00/Children June 2016 All proceeds from door goes to L.A.W.S

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