May 2019 Tone Magazine Ottawa

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May Theme: VEGGIES & HERBS May 2019 Y Vol. 34, #9 ☮ Priceless

Magazine Why I am a Vegan

Lynne Cardinal

Quantum-Touch Therapy: Eating Well and Digestion Aileen McKenna

Spring Health Care Tips

By Ivy Xie-McIsaac

In Search of The Elusive Tea Tree Heather Garrod

Stick to your Diet Eat Low Carb Comfort Foods Pizzas





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May 2019

The fine print …

Tone Magazine, 680 Eagleson Road, PO Box 45024 Kanata South PO, Kanata, Ontario, K2M 2Y1. Published 11 months/year. Circulation 8,000. Layout & Design by Mike “Lemmy” Monner. Printing by Performance Printing -

Purpose …

To provide a forum for the exchange of ideas pertaining to the overall growth of consciousness.

Contact …

• E-mail:; Web: • (613) 435-TONE (8663) call or text • • • 680 Eagleson Rd, PO Box 45024, Kanata, ON K2M 2Y1 snail mail only

The Deadline …

The deadline for submissions is about the middle of month prior to the next issue.

Articles submitted to Tone Magazine may be adjusted for readability but major changes will be referred to the author or group responsible. Articles printed in this magazine do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editor’s Group. Tone Magazine does not endorse or recommend any particular treatment protocol for readers. Tone Magazine supports informed decision making, and articles are included to enlighten and motivate readers. Readers are encouraged to discuss health-related issues with their health care providers. Tone Magazine believes readers should determine the best treatment protocol based on health care providers’ recommendations and their own needs, assessments and desires. The Publisher and Editor’s Group disclaim any responsibility or liability for either content of articles or advertising, and do not guarantee, warrant or endorse products or services included in articles or advertising in this publication, nor do the Publisher and Editor’s Group warrant or endorse any claims made by the writers or advertisers for such products or services.

Tone Advertising Rates …

Display ads… Card $59; 1/6 page $89; 1/4 page $129; 1/3 $179; 1/2 page $229; 2/3 page $299; full page $399. Extras: Colour 20%; back 40% and inside front cover 30%. Classifieds... $15 for the first 3 lines; $2 for every extra line Directory... $15/line/year Go to for more info. We require payment prior to print and you can pay online.

May 2019



the walls of Verona!! Romantic love was eclipsed and destroyed by the human tragedy of family feuding. The ne of the first things I say to couples who come to common expression is, “When you marry someone you my relationships practice is that a good coupling is are marrying their whole family.” Most young people one of the best rewards in our lives do not fully realize this and rush and a bad coupling is one of the worst head-long into what later becomes a dilemmas in our lives. Two people s broken relationship. s s e lln can be excellent partners without we In the English language, we being a couple. Two people can be smokin have the words: “independence”, frui soul-mates without being a couple. “dependence and “interNot all couples are soul-mates. Souldependence”. Interestingly, xie mates are connected Spiritually ty there is no such word as, “inters elf-esteem forever. They are one Spirit in independence”. I suggest two separate bodies. Couples are t this concept when two highly weigh incredibly loyal, honest and capable independent people connect in a of negotiating extensively. Couples COUNSELLING, COACHING mature, deep relationship. I also are very like-minded. Partners can suggest to my relationship coaching have huge areas of difference and & HYPNOTHERAPY CENTRE clients that they ask themselves Richard M. Haney disagreement without the need for if they, and/or their mate, have Ph.D.(Counselling), Hypnotherapist negotiation because they may not “finished their business” with their have as strong a commitment to (613) 234-5678 (613) 726-3636 cross-sex parent. “Finishing their Bank St. (in Centretown) Pinecrest Rd. closure in negotiations as couples business” means radically accepting do. Mature couples often wed the relationship that they have or successfully. It is best if partners had with that parent. Even if it do not wed because they are not was very bad and/or abusive, it sufficiently bonded. is critically important to maturely come When I hear the expressions “get to terms with it. Then, and only then, engaged” and “get married”, I ask people are they ready for a fruitful, meaningful to proceed carefully and consider that it is relationship with another person. Many a process and not just a goal. I suggest the women complain that they are treated like following mature, mutual, patient and stepa mother by their male mate. This means by-step process of becoming emotionally that he has not yet accepted his mother. It closer: Dating...Courting...Engaging... is imperative for couples or partners to be Marrying...Wedding...Deepening... For most emotionally available for each other. intelligent, sensitive and loving individuals Many couples and partners run aground it takes between 3 and 5 years to reach the because they have exhausted their intimate marrying stage. It takes at least relationship skills and are not able to grow this long for them to readily see the stark together emotionally. One or both of them authentically differences in their personalities, negotiate and finally believes that there are limits to how much two people accept these valid differences. Note that Shakespeare’s can grow together. There are no limits unless someone Romeo and Juliet realized their stark differences as a projects that there are. Some relationships are more Montague and a Capulet only when they went “inside” amenable to coaching than counselling. Counselling is mostly about emotional problem solving. Coaching is more about skill-building and learning techniques of communication and negotiation. Just because a person runs out of skills does not mean that there is something wrong with them. They are simply skill-deficient in this area

str e



g tion


Edgar Cayce (Ottawa) Search for God groups Success for the soul

Meditation, study and application in a small group format

(613) 731-4901 4

Richard M. Haney, M.Ed., Ph.D. (Counselling and Mediation) Richard has been practising Wholistic Counselling, Coaching, Hypnotherapy and Mediation for the past 25 years in Ottawa. Richard by phone: (613) 234-5678. By e-mail: richard@

May 2019



Making a Good Impression with Confidence


veryone judges you to some extent within the first few seconds of meeting you. It can take a considerable amount of time to overcome a bad first-impression. Save yourself this hassle by presenting yourself in the best possible light up front. You will make feel more confident and influence people for the good!! Always remember that people ultimately decide how much they like you based on how you make them feel. Make someone feel confident and good about themselves in your presence and you will have a friend for life. It is not difficult to make a good first-impression: • Begin your interactions with a smile. Smiling makes you feel better and helps you to relax. It also puts the other person in a positive mood. Smiling is just a good policy to adopt. Of course, smiling isn’t always appropriate. For example, delivering bad news while smiling would not go over well.

Free Laughter Yoga Classes!

• Practice good eye contact. Make solid eye contact with everyone you meet or speak with. Failing to make eye contact shows that you are either disinterested or lack confidence. Practice with strangers. Make eye contact with everyone you walk by on the street or in a store. • Be comfortable and confident. When you feel good, you make the people around you feel good, too. Have you ever noticed that being around someone that’s nervous or uncomfortable makes you feel uncomfortable, too? Radiate confidence, without being obnoxious, and others will enjoy your presence.


Life is easier when others have a positive opinion about you. It is the little things that count. Eye-contact, confidence and listening skills can go a long way toward putting your best foot forward. When others perceive you favorably, you receive more trust and consideration. People like you more, too. Show that you respect and care about others, and they will do the same for you. It is not that hard to accomplish. Think about the people you know that make a good first-impression. How do they do it? Moira Hutchison Mindfulness Coach, Tarot Card Reader & Energy Healer 613.432.1239

May 13

@ Le Patro Community Centre, 40 Cobourg St., Ottawa, 7 - 8 pm

May 27, June 10, 24

@ MacDonald Gardens Park, 99 Cobourg St All are welcome. We laugh for Health and Happiness

Have you ever noticed that when we feel stuck - we become the expert of everything that does NOT work... The truth is that in order for a problem to exist - the solution must also exist! To get started feeling *unstuck* hop on over to www. and sign up for Step One of “The Letting Go Process” - it’s free!!


May 2019



own inner life. How am I feeling about myself as I relate to this person? What is being stirred within me? Must happiness be dependent on other people doing the Why is relationship so difficult if my “right” thing? To approach self first, means searching it’s supposed to bring us happiness? for the part I play, in situations where I am negatively affected by another (no matter how blatantly at fault the other may be). It seems remember many so much easier to shift years ago sitting in the burden to others. a therapist’s office and asking desperately for A favourite help to understand tendency among difficult relationships. I people is to say, was feeling victimized “You are doing it by my boss, my family, to me.” A subtle Saint Paul University my partner and a slew blaming of others 233 Main St, follow signs to room of other individuals. for one’s personal It seemed the closer unhappiness. Last lecture of the season the relationship, the This is what must greater the pain and be challenged. suffering. Someone Happiness and was always pressing fulfillment are my buttons. What was available to all people 7:00 to 9:00 pm the matter with them? who seek within their Didn’t they know Suggested donation, $15 ~ $5 for members own heart to find the that relationship is Contact Jean:, 613-829-1254 key to relationship supposed to be about problems. Pathwork All welcome joy, intimacy, and giveteaches that a and-take?! Would they powerful way to ever wake up and Lectures are available for free download at grow personally is change their ways? to use the following And yet, I found out approach: “I want to that the important people in my life seek the cause in me, rather than in the were asking the very same question, other person, so I become free to love.” wondering if I (yes, me) would ever Judy Size Cazabon and her change. Given this conundrum, what husband, Benoit Cazabon will discuss could I possibly do to find peace and this topic, Lecture 180: The Spiritual create better relationships? Significance of Relationship at the Pathwork turned my perceptual next, and last, Open Lecture on May world upside down by asking me 15, 2019 at Saint Paul University, to shine the light of awareness on 233 Main Street, 7 to 9 pm. All are myself rather than on the “difficult” welcome. There is a suggested other person. Could it be that donation of $15 for non-members, $5 the individuals I encountered in for members. Follow the signs to the life were simply triggers for my room. emotional reactions? Could it be that unresolved issues inside me were becoming activated For more information about Pathwork Ottawa: while in relationship? And more importantly, that relationship difficulties could actually be a catalyst for For more information about the Pathwork: greater self-awareness and spiritual maturity? In fact, it could be said that relationship problems serve as a doorway into a fuller life. We can either blindly project Judy Size-Cazabon, Pathworker and our unresolved issues onto one another, or begin to Integral Master Coach™ wake up to new possibilities for self-understanding. Judy Size-Cazabon is a long time The great emphasis of this Pathwork is to first Pathworker as well as an Integral approach the self when considering a relationship Master Coach. Her husband, Benoît, is problem. This requires us to get really intimate with our also a coach in integral development.


PATHWORK Open Lecture Discussions 2019

May 15


May 2019

In Search of The Elusive Tea Tree


ne would imagine that the tea tree plant, indigenous to Australia, would be easily spotted while on a visit to‌...Australia. I recently discovered this is not the case. In my mind, I had thought I would be meditating in eucalyptus forests and discovering groves of the tea tree shrub almost immediately. My research had turned up some plantations/essential oil distillers in the areas I was visiting, but the contacts were less than enthusiastic about my visiting behind the scenes or writing about their businesses. We did locate one tea tree distiller while in Byron Bay, but could only see the plants at a distance. I was keen to see these particular plants because, as an aromatherapist, I have worked with the essential oils distilled from tea tree, lemon tea tree (a different species) and four kinds of eucalyptus, and I was curious to see where the oils originated.

I am fond of both oils because of their many wonderful properties, ease of availability, and low cost compared to some other plants, which do not yield their essential oil easily or prolifically. Tea tree is known for its antibacterial properties, but did you know that it is a wonderful wound healer?! Eucalyptus is a wonderful oil to use to relieve congestion and calm the spirit. Lemon-scented oils like eucalyptus citriodora can be used to help ward off mosquitoes. Both eucalyptus and tea tree are also immune-boosting. Perfect additions to any medicine cabinet! Come visit us and explore the over 100 different essential oils we stock at Planet Botanix! Š2019 Heather Garrod is a Certified Aromatherapist and owner of Planet Botanix at 301 Bank St (Near Somerset). As well as providing the ingredients for DIY bodycare, and an artisan bodycare line, the shop provides other wellness products and a holistic clinic. 613.567.4444

Ottawa Spiritualist Temple


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May 2019


Spring Health Care Tips


Wishingtree Yoga

By Ivy Xie-McIsaac, E-RYT200, YACEP

The liver corresponds to the element Wood and the season Spring. The liver regulates blood circulation and acts like a cleaner to clear the toxins out of the body. When we are resting or sleeping, the liver is filtering, detoxifying and storing the blood. When we are active, the liver exports the blood. Part of the functions of the liver include clearing harmful substances in the blood, resisting infections by producing immune factors and removing bacteria from the bloodstream. When the liver works well, we will have a clean internal environment. The free flow of Qi (life force) in the Liver meridian will ensure the free flow of blood. Sleeping too late (after 11pm) or getting up too early (before 3am) as well as alcohol use will over stimulate the functioning of the liver and cause severe imbalance in its function. An imbalance in liver function will cause a person to anger easily. For the body, spring is time to change a heavy diet to a lighter diet, by eating even more vegetables. Spring is also the best time to detox. Lemon juice plus honey helps to cleanse the inside of the body. We can also spend some time to clean the house to create a nice environment. Walking in nature or gardening helps us to be grounded. In Spring, the wind is the main cause of disease and known as the Evil wind(邪气) as the cold from winter is still in the air. A Chinese proverb tells us “In spring, it’s better to overdress rather than underdress even if the weather looks warm.” A direct experience can give us improper perception. In the story of The Blind Men and an Elephant, all


Join Ivy for the 50H Yin Yoga Teacher Training Begins on June 10

the blind men believe they know what they are touching, but they don’t know they are touching an elephant. Traditional Chinese Medicine emphasizes to look at the full picture and find the root of the disease instead of treating only where the symptoms appear. The liver’s opening is the eyes. An eye problem can be a liver problem manifested in the eyes. When we know the cause of the symptom then we can be healed faster. Wishingtree Yoga is offering a 50hr Yin Yoga Teacher Training starting June 10, 2019. Ivy’s geography background and travel have given her a unique perspective. Her book A Complete Yoga Manual is a bridge between east and west, modern and ancient, theory and practice. The book is available at Singing Pebble Books. For more information please visit www.wishingtreeyoga. ca or contact Wishingtree Yoga at wishingtreeyoga@ We will have a booth at the Veg Fest, June 1&2. See you there!

May 2019

Kaivalya Centre®


• Les sessions sont aussi offertes en français

613.836.2355 • Offices in Hull & Stittsville

Empower Your Life-Path!


» Lynne Cardinal


Why I am a Vegan


his month’s theme for Tone is vegetarianism. I want to use this opportunity to share my experience of being vegetarian with all of you. I’ve been a vegetarian for 45 years and mainly vegan in the last decade. As a child, I was always an animal lover. Animals were a source of joy and comfort for me and I spent many hours imitating the sounds of our canary or imitating the sounds of our cat calling her litter of cute, fluffy white balls of fur. Later on in my teens, I met a friend who was a vegetarian. He would invite me and a few friends for meals and I loved the taste and how I felt afterwards. Above all, I loved the idea to keep animals off my plate. When I was 16 years old I became a vegetarian (I ate eggs and dairy, but no seafood, nor fish, nor meat). Now at 61, I take no medication and I have seen my health improve throughout the years. As a child, I suffered from yearly chronic bronchitis. Currently, I haven’t had a cold or flu in the last four or five years. My vegetarianism, along with my husband’s, gradually progressed into veganism about 10 years and we are loving it! Here are five reasons why I believe that it is beneficial to either become a vegan or to consume less animal products: 1. It saves animals from the cruel meat industry that is mainly concerned with productivity. It also saves animals from a horrific trip to the slaughterhouse or just from an early death, assuming that they are free range. Even free range are led to be killed, likely before they would ever choose to. For me that was enough to convince me to avoid meat all together. 2. To be healthier: It is easy to have a balanced vegan diet as vegan recipes abound online and we can

easily find great vegan recipe books. I only take Vitamin D and B12 as supplements. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, vegans are less likely to develop heart disease, cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure compared to meat eaters. Vegans get all the nutrients that they need to be healthy, such as carbohydrates, fats, protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. 3. To prevent starvation: Eating meat doesn’t just hurt animals—it hurts people too. It takes tons of crops and water to raise farmed animals. In fact, it takes up to 13 pounds of grain to produce just one pound of animal flesh! All that plant food could be used much more efficiently if people just ate it directly. 4. Help the planet: Meat is not environmentally friendly. Consuming meat is actually one of the worst things that you can do for the earth. Meat production is wasteful and causes enormous amounts of pollution and the industry is also one of the biggest causes of climate change. 5. Animals are smarter than we know: All animals experience love, fear and compassion. Some are perhaps more evolved then some humans who aren’t really aware of their environment and feelings of others. I believe that they are also a gift to us. They can be healing and remind us to slow down and enjoy life. Lynne Cardinal is a coach and conference leader. She has offered Stress Management, Resilience, Burnout Prevention and Meditation workshops in the government and private sectors for over 30 years. She is also a Consulting Hypnotist with the National Guild of Hypnotists, holding additional certifications in Hypnosis Innovative Techniques and Weight Loss. She is certified by Dr. Weiss in Past-Life Regression and she has a PhD (alternative) in Eastern Philosophy from India. She has studied extensively with Thomas Hübl on Transparent Communication and Principles of Transformation and Healing and Trauma work, and she also trained with Diane Hamilton in Conflict Resolution. For more information call 613.836.2355 or;

May 2019


Transgenderism & Spirituality Confidential Exploration for Individuals

Andrew Salkeld Metaphysics and Spiritual Philosophy. Teacher and Spiritual Counsellor. Transition, grief and crisis guide.

Journey of the Soul or phone: 819 459 4420

‘A great capacity for friendship, astonishing tenderness… Good taste, and aesthetic sense, fostered by the presence of the feminine…insight and tact. Often endowed with a wealth of religious feelings… and a spiritual receptivity.’ Extracted from Carl Jung’s description of the male-tofemale transgender personality.

If you are in transition – at any stage, from curious, to experimenting, to practicing, to fulfilment; and if you are excited or concerned by the spiritual aspects of this journey, then I invite you to join me as we discover all our life potential. A veritable spiritual and metaphysical exploration of Divine Androgyny and the Sacred Feminine.

Life aligned with Spirit and Soul is the richest of all. A life of full aliveness awaits you

Sessions are conducted 30 minutes from the heart of Ottawa, in complete privacy and in complete confidence. Daytime, evening, weekends. I design a course with your situation and needs as the focus. Cost - according to your ability to pay. Contact me for more information and to arrange a friendly initial meeting.

No life is complete without the revelation, understanding and integration of your gender and spiritual path.


A Funded Program for those Newly Diagnosed with Breast Cancer Anne Pitman


cancer diagnosis shatters normalcy. Tests must be done, decisions made and appointments kept. Underneath the practicalities of treatment, fear and anxiety often rise. What is needed at this difficult time,are good companions: people who understand and can sit with the winds of frightening change, who can offer both grounding and solid holistic health information and treatment, and who can help those newly diagnosed, through breath and movement, regain a sense of agency. The Head Start Program at the Ottawa Integrative Cancer Centre offers such support. Meant to fill the gap between diagnosis and medical treatment, Head Start gathers people newly diagnosed, over 5 weeks (with meetings once a week) to: 1) Help with anxiety and fear. Gentle movement and simple breath techniques are offered to help the nervous system mediate the initial diagnosis shock. Slowly and over the five weeks, gentle yoga, meditation and various techniques (such as tapping and visualization), are employed to help the nervous system downregulate. Many establish a home-based calming practice for the weeks ahead. 2) Provide evidence-based information. OICC practitioners offer their expertise in nutrition, naturopathy, acupuncture, massage therapy, physiotherapy, hypnotherapy, yoga therapy, psychotherapy, reflexology and reiki. Topics cover everything from what foods to consider, to how to manage side effects (such as lymphedema and neuropathy). 3) Offer support. As the attendees share their story (or simply sit in silence), a great trust and bond develops. Without exception, all the groups that have attended Head Start, continue to meet years afterward, some at our monthly Head Start Alumni meetings. Continued support is also available through regular clinical appointments, and through programming such as Meditation, Gentle Yoga, and Nutrition in the Kitchen. Friendships made during Head Start flourish long after treatment ends. The OICC is a not-for profit complementary care centre. People (within three months of their diagnosis) are welcome to apply to the Head Start program at Donations, with thanks, for the OICC can be made to the Bryan Murray Legacy Fund at


May 2019

Spring programS at the oiCC

 Head Start program For Women with Breast Cancer

Newly diagnosed with breast cancer? This fully funded program helps women feel less alone and confused, and much better prepared for what lies ahead. Next session starts May 8th and runs for 5 weeks

 meditation many Ways Every Monday, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm This is not your typical meditation class! We try out many ways to meditate – including writing and drawing, movement and stillness, guided and silent. There will always be the option to lie down and be still. $12/class

 monthly nutrition Workshops Last Thursday of the month, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Informative seminars on HEALTHY EATING HABITS provided by our Naturopathic Doctors. $10/class

 gentle Yoga Every Friday, 12:30 - 1:30 pm Enjoy quiet reflection and ease of movement in a unique unhurried yoga class. Open to anyone at any stage as well as caregivers. No experience in yoga necessary. $12/class

register for any of our programs at Acupuncture • Hypnotherapy • Massage Therapy • Medical Care • Naturopathic Medicine • Physiotherapy • Psychotherapy • Reflexology • TCM • Yoga Therapy

May 2019


Quantum-Touch Therapy: Eating Well and Digestion

experiencing extreme distress in the colon at those points where there is a curve, known anatomically as flextures, where they need extra energetic help. It is Aileen M. McKenna, Certified Quantum-Touch® Therapy always amazing when the situation begins to improve, Practitioner/Instructor, Certified Law of Attraction Coach, the movement of fluid and gas through the colon Certified Facilitator, Open Space Technology, and Small becomes clear, either from sounds that we hear, maybe just the feeling I feel as I hold my hands upon the lower Group Processes abdomen or most importantly ating healthy food is a when the client feels the relief fundamental ingredient to our within their body and knows wellness. Together with ingesting that movement is happening, and Breakthrough in Energy Healing food that we know is good for Offering Quantum-Touch Therapy Hands-on will be continuing following our us, and the food group mostly session together. Private Sessions and Training influencing our wellbeing and In Ottawa serving Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec We know that encouraging maintaining our weight is that of And through the use of Distant Healing technique, clients to use vegetables and fruit the vegetable and fruit area. SKYPE and ZOOM, the rest of the world: will help to prevent this situation However, not only do we need Aileen McKenna: from recurring. Certified Quantum-Touch® Practitioner to eat well, processing that food Certified Quantum-Touch® Instructor is having a healthy and efficient Associate Polarity Practitioner Aileen M. McKenna is a Certified digestive system whereby the Law of Attraction Certified Coach QT Instructor and Practitioner, Certified Aromatherapist food that is taken in is put through certified as the first Canadian Aileen’s Oasis our bodies digestive system in a instructor in June 2004. She has 613-228-2272 manner that means it only stays taught classes to 1,000s of students 613-795-3751 within our body for a day or so, across Canada, in the Caribbean and before it is eliminated easily and Scotland and sees 100s of clients efficiently. annually in her private clinic in Regularly, I meet people who Ottawa. Aileen is certified as an are not having this easy and efficient colon action. In fact, having regular bowel movements is not a topic discussed regularly with families, and friends, and most people are surprised MCKS when I ask them this question. I will ask this question, if my client has lower back pain, and/or distress in their Improve your life through the lower abdomen. Simply working on the lower abdomen is usually the only work I need to do to create a more knowledge of energy efficient movement through this system. However, from time to time, I have clients who have been dealing • Standardized courses & mentoring with a problem of impaction for some time, and are




• Individual sessions • Meditations

LEARN BASIC PRANIC HEALING Location: 1226A Wellington West, 2nd Fl Next level 1 Class: 18 &2019 19 MayMay 18/19, | 10:00am-6:00pm Contact: Classes, Healing Sessions, Meditations (by appointment only)


May 2019

Open Space Technology facilitator, and a facilitator of small groups. She offers workshops in other energy work, including Grounding and the Art of Creating Sacred Space. Aileen has been offering energy healing in the Ottawa area for more than 25 years, initially with Polarity therapy and Cranio-Sacral prior to learning Quantum-Touch® therapy. Aileen is now a Certified Law of Attraction Coach. You can reach her at 613-228-2272, at 613-795-3751, and by e-mail at, at, or you can check out her website at, her blogsite at and the QuantumTouch website at

Sri Chinmoy Answers SELF-DISCOVERY through

MEDITATION Free Ongoing Classes Relaxation, concentration & meditation Developing calmness, confidence & poise S Creating a life of inspiration & happiness S S

Sri Chinmoy

Call for dates & locations: 613-422-0308 Offered as a free community service by students of Sri Chinmoy.

Quantum-Touch® Therapy Level I Certificate Training weekend

based on the new updated model Saturday & Sunday, May 25th & 26th, 2019, 9-5pm Aileen’s Oasis Information and Registration Aileen McKenna or 613-228-2272, by cell at 613-795-3751 In a few short hours you will learn how to run energy using meditation and special breathing techniques that will allow you to heal yourself, your friends, family, plants and animals. In fact, by the time you have your lunch break on the first day, you will have created amazing results. You will be learning from the first Canadian Quantum-Touch Instructor, with an amazing record.

LAW of ATTRACTION Life Coaching Practice

Certified Law of Attraction Coach Based on the theories of the Law of Attraction and the concept that we create our lives moment by moment, we use processes and techniques to change our current thoughts and preconceived ideas to begin creating the life to which we aspire. Using proven tools and fun, uplifting processes clients discover within themselves that which will bring them the levels of satisfaction and fulfillment in their lives, whether it be their career, relationships, lifestyles, or the levels of abundance. Everything becomes possible with LoA Coaching with Aileen McKenna at Aileen’s Oasis 45 minutes to one hour in length Give me a call at 613-228-2272, 613-795-3751 or send me an e-mail at

VisionBoard Workshop: Part II –Theme of Wealth

Create your Future with Deliberate Intention using all the tools from the Law of Attraction and the coaching program with that of Creating a beautiful VisionBoard using your imagination, and the playfulness of children in the company of many others using the same tools. Saturday, May 4th, from 10:00 to 3:00 pm Call Aileen’s Oasis at 613-228-2272, or e-mail at for information or registration

Question: Should we always speak the truth or is it sometimes better to remain silent? SRI CHINMOY: We have to know whether by telling the truth we are awakening the divine consciousness in others or creating more hostility in them. Sometimes we tell the truth just in order to say, “I know the truth and you should also know the truth.” But by telling others the truth with that attitude, we are not doing them any good. They will simply be hurt and become hostile towards us. So let us be very careful to remember that often the world is not ready to listen to the truth and accept the truth. The world is ready only to hear appreciation or flattery from us, even if it does not deserve it. We may think that by remaining silent we are simply not antagonising anybody. But our very silence, if it is divine silence, emanates inner divinity. If we truly live in silence, in purest silence, then automatically love and inner joy grow within us. And this inner divinity enters into those who are around us. Then they will really love us, for unconsciously they will feel something beneficial coming from us. They may not actually know what we are offering them, but they will feel that we are giving them something solid, soulful and significant, which they need. God will immediately bless us if we can turn our existence into a sea of silence and free ourselves from this world of turmoil, worries and hesitation. In the sea of silence grows our true divine life. The divine life can grow in each individual only if he can have silence within and silence without. This silence is not the silence of a dead person. It will act most dynamically, most powerfully, but not in an aggressive way. While we are acting, inwardly we remain calm and poised. Everything is done in the inner world, the soul’s world, where silence is most dynamic and most fulfilling. When we have that kind of silence, naturally God will bless us, because we have discovered the Truth and we are living the Truth. Visit for further writings by Sri Chinmoy.

May 2019


TOTAL NUTRITION DIVA Live Blood Analysis Live Blood Analysis is the process of looking at live blood sample through the microscope in order to help the patient arrive at their optimum level of health. Through looking at indicators within the blood we can determine how well the body is handling daily stressors (such as environmental toxins, diet and lifestyle, mental/emotional stressors, medical treatments and procedures etc) and what needs to be done in order to bring the body back into balance. It is a preventative tool that is an extremely useful to bring the body back to its optimum state of functioning. Nutrition Counseling Nutrition Counseling refers to the process of understanding the unique way that each person’s body functions and works at its optimum. Various measures are then implemented in order to bring about balance and health in the patient. A number of methods are used in order to bring forth a deeper sense of health and well being including diet, lifestyle, herbs, minerals, vitamins and minerals. FAQs: LIVE CELL MICROSCOPY What is it?Around the world, the blood is known as ‘the river of life.’ That is because the blood transports oxygen and nutrients to the body’s cells and carries wastes away from them. By projecting a small drop of blood from the tip of a finger on to a darkfield microscope I am able to see my clients blood ecology. What can it tell me?The human body is constantly trying to achieve homeostasis, or, simply put, balance. In conjunction with a nutritional assessment, live cell microscopy can be used to help clients work towards optimal nutritional wellness by detecting possible imbalances such as: • nutritional • hormonal • oxidativestress (free radicals) • liver stress • microbial activity • under-oxygenation • immune stress • over-active or under-active digestion The live cell microscopist then works with the client to design a nutritional and lifestyle plan that supports the body as it attempts to regain optimal balance. Darpan Ahluwalia, R.H.N,C.B.A Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Herbalist, Homeopath, Formulator/ Educator, Certified Live Blood Analyst, Product Knowledge Expert with over 16 years experience!

Live Blood Analysis Consult

Why am I seeing lots of WBC when there is no injury or any other issues like fighting an infection etc?


hronic inflammation starts with the immune system, which is the body’s first defense against any perceived harm. The body’s bone marrow dispatches white blood cells to combat infection and start the healing process. But sometimes signals get crossed and the immune system kicks in when there is no injury but dispatches squads of white blood cells anyway. There’s nothing to heal, so they linger and surround organs and other cells in the body that routinely fight off disease, transforming them into free radicals and causing chronic inflammation, otherwise known as oxidative stress. STRESS - the biggest cause of “Disease” and “Dis-Ease”. Just about anything causes oxidative stress - here’s just a few examples: alcohol, pesticides, exposure to toxins, not eating enough fruits and vegetables, smoking, sugar, air and water pollutants...and the list goes on.

Damage to your cells, or the process of oxidation, can leave you vulnerable to health risks like cardiovascular disease, joint damage, obesity, insulin resistance, memory loss, accelerated aging and depression and so on. You might think that taking a long list of vitamins and minerals is necessary to fight all the damaging effects of oxidation. But just the opposite is true when you take the wrong type and quality and combinations of them.....Come see me at “Manotick Natural Market” so I can guide you on the right path. Darpan Ahluwalia RHN,CBA

Call to book an appointment: Manotick Natural Market 6136921484 *Enquire within for insurance coverage!


May 2019

Exercising Safely & Gradually

Reprogramming the subconscious, re-growing telomeres, and changing the expression of DNA

By MT Martee ThOMus TegTmeyer, Instructor/Consultant/ Practitioner of creative solutions Updated from the April 2019 USA Touch for Health 44th Annual Conference journal


ow you would you like to assist yourself, your family, your clients on how to make your life better with the vibration and frequency of natural healing energy to relieve mental, emotional and physical strain. At the April 2019 Touch for Health USA conference, Martee launched Tegtmeyer Regenerative Integration Method in action (TRIM™) in action, a specialized exercise program, which focuses on effective adjustments and tweaks to turbo-charge physical and verbal exercises. The intent, objective, and goal is functional fitness by “choosing wellbeing over frailty” and thereby improve quality of life “wellbeing is wealth”. TRIM™ is keen on the “wellbeing span” as appropriate to invigorate, re-vitalize clients into functional fitness by slowly and gradually increasing intensity. Each situation may require different tools to be most effective for the needs the clients present on the day of the exercise class. TRIM™ meets clients where they are, and assists taking them to where they are going. This author has had many clients with walkers, some with canes and others in wheelchairs, and many nearing the end stages of life, before transferring to long-term care nursing homes or palliative care. For those who excel, of course, the instructor encourages them to take on new challenges such as “urban poling”, getting out into nature, and/or joining a fitness club of their choice. Illustrating the benefits and advantages of TRIM™ in action Over 25 years Martee has studied the art of creative solutions and has integrated many reflexes: neurolymphatic, neurovascular, Shealy acu-points, brain-spinal - - in the 60 minute exercise routine. Building around a core from the Victorian Order of Nurses, SMART(R) Seniors Maintaining Active Roles Together program, he started by putting in the Touch for Health System 14 priority meridian muscles dance. Then he adapted elements from Masters: Sha, Moy, Chia, Choa; Mrs. Kean, Mrs. Dennsion; and Drs. Schmitt, Deal, Dennison, Shealy. From workshop materials dated 2016 in a March 18, 2017, BONEFIT™ Conference Basic workshop, Osteoporosis Canada recommends “Tai Chi” nine (9) times in print. During the training the instructor informed participants that there were no contraindications for dynamic “Tai Chi” while there are some for Yoga and Pilates. Accordingly, the instructor encouraged the participants to use elements of “Tai Chi” whenever we could.

“Exercise is a proven anti-ageing pill” ‘bringing light in to break up blockages of “movement shadows” in motion ranges of ageing muscles; see videoclip: Andrew Kirby Paraphrased consistent feedback from clients include: “I feel tingly all over.” (95 year old woman in retirement home) “We can walk further when walking the dog” (couple in rural class) “I no longer shuffle from fear; I lift up my feet to walk and practice between the house and the barn” (woman in rural class who received lots of pain relief and improved coordination) “I can move my left knee again.” (former boxer, and motorcycle accident victim) “I can stand up and sit down independently without looking behind me or using my arms.” (dual knee transplant recipient) “The pain is gone.” (woman in her 90s) Over a longer term of 22 months, a mid-eighties active woman hunched over her walker with extreme kyphosis GRADUALLY improved her core strength & coordination. With mutual agreement about every seven months, her family moved her walker arm stems up one inch at a time. With her permission, Martee moved the walker arm stems up the last inch….now a total of three (3) inches! -- to the arm stem’s maximum -- ideal for her to stand erect! See photo (photographed & used with permission)! More recently, a woman in her sixties who had been hospitalized four times for 19 days (pneumonia, heart attack, COPD flare-up twice) has not been hospitalized since joining the VON Falls Prevention Clinic & VON fitness classes in 2018. One year later as of April 2019, she stands over one inch taller, has more energy, feels more flexible and confident. Her GP and rheumatologist are referring people to the VON website. In April, a new client with many past trauma events reported that after only four exercise classes, he and others around him noticed his arm and shoulder moving much higher than before. In closing, Martee offers private classes and one-onone personal training for personal bests, and muscle, joint and bone integrity. The benefits include release of physical and emotional strain and higher levels of wellbeing, curiosity, forgiveness and acceptance. To find out more come to the EnergyBEE he has been hosting for the last 20 years. The guest presenter for 6:30pm Friday, May 10, 2019 is Caroline Anderson, Owner of “Faith Hope Love Essential Oils” presenting on Emotion Edge and the benefits of Essential Oils. See advert on page 30.

May 2019


What Is The Breakthrough Experience? Part 3



ut there’s always that thing of momentum. There may be a week, two weeks, three weeks in between sessions where life can throw you a curveball. Where a little bit of motivation may go down. Where a little bit of, what is the word that I’m looking for, a little bit of that effort and that energy that you put in may subside a little bit. It’s almost like pushing that snowball if you will, up the mountain and it takes all that effort, all that volition. So when you come in again for the second session, we’re not at the bottom, by no means. We’re right up there near the end, but we still got to do a little bit more pushing, since some time and effort’s gonna be taken from that. Still, again, it’s still more powerful than about any other form of therapy healing that I’ve found or personal change work out there. But the difference between that breakthrough session is we’re locked in a room for four hours, yay, running away so we have all that momentum is the word I’m looking for. Where

you don’t have to worry about pushing up because once we’ve taken that three hours to push that ball up to the top of the mountain, then essentially we let that sucker go and it just falls away because all the work’s done. And the interesting thing is once we start to delete, delete, delete, one problem, the rest fall in line. It’s almost like a domino effect. And again, if there’s an hour or a week or so in between sessions, sometimes you have to do a little bit more work with setting up those dominoes, but in that breakthrough session, we knock them all down once and for all and it’s gone. It’s essentially doing that heavy lifting and removing that big, nasty, negativity that’s been holding you back. So when you leave there, you feel transformed. You don’t just feel that, oh, I don’t feel anxious anymore, or yippee, I don’t smoke anymore. You feel that your life has changed because your life has changed and it’s an amazing, powerful process and it’s the way that I’m doing more and more of my work these days because I believe in giving people that experience of transformation when they come in. That’s what a breakthrough session is. I can’t sing its praises highly enough.

“I Can Make YouStop Stop Smoking in One Hour”Hour” “I Can Make You Smoking in One If you’re having trouble kicking the Evil Habit Dr. Luke Michael Howard can transform even the most ardent smoker into a healthy non-smoker IN JUST ONE HOUR.

Dr. Luke Michael Howard, PhD

Dr. Luke, owner of the LUKEnosis Complete Mind Therapy organization, is a Smoking Cessation Specialist, has a Masters degree in Hypnotherapy as well as a Doctorate in Psychology. Dr. Luke has been studying Hypnosis for over 16 years now and has trained all over the world. After over a decade, Dr. Luke is still the youngest person


certified by the American Board of Hypnotherapy. Dr. Luke has been featured in all forms of media such as Tone Magazine, CTV Morning Live, and CBC Radio. He has developed an advanced hypnotherapy technique that turns weak willed smokers into empowered Non-Smokers in just one hour. He says “This technique is so powerful we are achieving a 95% success rate. This is incredible when you think that patches are only about 16% successful. We are so confident in the success of this treatment that we offer a free backup session for the remaining 5%. In fact, if after the session any one should need an extra session, it’s theirs, FREE OF CHARGE.” Dr. Luke explains, “This powerful breakthrough technique combines the latest discoveries in hypnosis and the new science of personal achievement known as Neuro Linguistic

Programming. This takes the power of hypnosis to a new level in helping people take back control of their lives.” Many local doctors are so impressed by the power of hypnosis that they are now referring many of their patients to Dr. Luke for his Accelerated Change Stop Smoking Programme. Dr. Luke says, “I am currently building a Doctors Referral Network to keep local GP’s informed of my developments and to keep them informed of their patients’ progress. Many celebrities, professional business people, nurses and housewives have benefited from stopping smoking with hypnosis, SO CAN YOU! The good news is that this incredible method of stopping smoking is available locally. The bad news there usually is a two or three week waiting list for an appointment – but even the medical profession believes it’s worth waiting for.

May 2019

“I walked out a nonsmoker!” Caroline had been a smoker for the majority of her lifenearly 30 YEARS! She had tried every type of stop-smoking aid possible, tried using ‘will power’ to quit cold turkey but to no avail-that is until she met Dr. Luke. She recently sent him this follow up email: “I promise I will totally do a video testimonial for you in the future though, as the hypnosis TOTALLY worked...not only have I not smoked...I have not even WANTED to!!! It really is amazing” Check out more testimonial videos on: and you can contact Dr. Luke at LUKEnosis to arrange an appointment at 613-8785874.

I’ve kind of done a soft launch, if you will, with some clients over the last month or so, and the results have been mind-blowing, even essentially blowing my mind how successful kind of me asking myself why I was not doing this earlier. I don’t know. I guess I was procrastinating, but don’t you procrastinate. Don’t be like me. Change like I did, and reach out and go for that revolution in your life. That change of the breakthrough session. So hopefully now you know what a breakthrough session is. We eliminate and we delete, delete, delete, delete all that negativity. Limited decisions, negative beliefs about yourself. All the stuff that you were told about yourself that’s been holding you back. All those traumas that you may have experienced in your life, we get rid of them all, all of them. That’s right. Even those ones that are lurking back there. Then we set up the future, which is so, so key, because once we’ve cleared all that junk out of the way, there can sometimes be an instance where someone says, “Well, what’s next?” Oh that’s when the second sheet of paper comes in and everything you want, we install in your mind to make it inevitable that it is gonna happen. Let the law of attraction like setting up the inner compass inside that brings you closer and closer to that compelling future so it becomes vivid and it becomes real for you. I’ve been Luke Michael Howard. Owner, and hypnotist of Lukenosis Hypnosis explaining the breakthrough session. Please, if you’ve got any more questions about what the breakthrough session is, what happens in it, please leave your comments below and I certainly will get back to them all Always Believe, Luke Michel Howard PhD Ottawa Clinical Hypnotist

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DIRECTORY • Groups ISUL GROUP INTERNATIONAL. RON CHAPMAN. Meditation classes and seminars. 232-1160. PATHWORK® Practical spiritual wisdom that lays out a step-by-step journey into personal transformation and wholeness. A challenging yet compassionate voyage of discovery to the Real Self through the layers of our defenses, denial and fear, guided by our own inner authority. Follow us on Facebook or contact OTTAWA GURDJIEFF STUDY GROUP is a Foundation connected group. We invite you to join us as we study and work practically with the system of G.I. Gurdjieff, in exchanges, inner work, Movements/Music, and creative activities. Call us for more information at 613-746-6547 or e-mail SRI AUROBINDO STUDY GROUP. A new group is forming in order to study Sri Aurobindo and The Mother’s writings. IS IMPROVED COMMUNICATION SKILLS YOUR RESOLVE FOR 2019?We are here to mentor and celebrate your progress. Percolators Toastmasters Breakfast Club meeting every second and fourth Friday morning 9:15-11:30 at The Best Western 1274 Carling Ave. Restaurant. Contact Muriel (819) 827-1274 or (613) 298-3557

• People NADINE LA BELLE, M.A. Body, mind, spirit Integrative Healing®. 613-258-7492.

TRACY MONTGOMERY is a somatic sexuality educator who offers erotic learning to those who want to expand their capacity for pleasure, love and joy, heal the wounds of sexual abuse and explore the intersection of sex and spirit. | 613-413-1216

• Schools THE CANADIAN SCHOOL OF NATUROTHERAPIES and Spiritual Development is all online! Become a Registered Integrative Naturotherapist or Animal Reiki Practitioner/Trainer.

• A Course in Miracles COURSE OASIS. Courses, support and study groups, spiritual gatherings, books. Mary Anne Buchowski and James Gregory, 613-726-0195. Email: Website:


• Accounting IF YOU HATE NUMBERS … You’ll love Captain Number Cruncher. Providing solutions in accounting, taxation, and services. 613 266-7013. 2435 Holly Lane, Ottawa, K1S 7P2

• Acupuncture CHINESE TRADITIONAL ACUPUNCTURE & NATURAL MEDICINE CENTRE. TCM. DAC. Jia Jun Huang & Annie Huang. Graduate of Shanghai Medical University (1960). Over 45 years experience. Member of Chinese Acupuncture Association of China & Canada. Acute & chronic pain, Accident. Sports injuries, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Depression, Insomnia, Stop smoking, Menopause, etc. Disposable needles are used. Insurance coverage. Free parking. One of the largest herb stores in Otawa. 613-235-5504. 867 Somerset St. W. Ottawa.

• Akashic Records PATRICIA V. LACROIX, PSYCHIC MEDIUM & SPIRITUAL COACH. Akashic Records & Destiny Card Readings. Certified Angel Card Reader™. Reiki Master & Teacher. 12 Strand DNA Activation. Voted one of A-Channel Viewer’s Choice for Ottawa’s Best Psychic. 613-591-6901 SUZANNE TELLIER, B.A. Psych, Psychic Intuitive, CHt, MHt, NGH certified, Certified Past Life, 5 Path & 7 Path self-hypnosis teacher, Certified Gestalt Counsellor. Empower yourself and find your answers within. Free consultation. Facilitation, readings and workshops. www.

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• Astrology JUDY JIBB, Astrology Ottawa, MA Cultural Astronomy and Astrology (2016), Cert.F. Astol.S (1986),, 613 304 4255 EVERY THURSDAY EVENING from 6 to 9 pm @ Planet Botanix, Helene Arts MA is available for astrological consultations. Please book in advance at CAROL KERWIN, Astrologer providing Natal Chart Readings. Understand the cycles of your life so you can work consciously with them. 613-220-3314, email

• Aura Healing RELEASING PAIN AT THE SOURCE. Home visit. Beau, 613-422-5606

• Ayurveda

SV AYURVEDA. Support for gut and digestive recovery. Consultations, therapeutic cooking classes, SVA Vibrational Therapy sessions. www.vibrationofbalance. Marie Amram 613-415-1139

• Ayurveda (Holistic) CHRISTOPHER BARHAM, Certified Akashic Consultant. 819-708-5876,

• Alexander Technique THE OTTAWA-HULL SCHOOL FOR THE ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE, Richard Albert, Director. Health insurance covered. I now offer Alexander lessons in my office or at your home 819-456-3484; or visit

• Animal Communication JULIE OLIVEIRA, certified AC. Identify emotional and behavioural issues, and messages. Visit: Email:

May 2019

VAIDYA HEMANT GUPTA MD Ayurveda, DNM Only Ayurvedic Physician in Ottawa Area. 35 years of Experience Consultation, Therapies, Courses, Phone: 613 422 0936

• B. O. S. LAURIE FRASER, certified B.O.S. practitioner. Excellent results: emotional issues (depression, anxiety, grief), pain, disease, allergies, mould, menopause, infection, insomnia, etc. Spiritual development, chakra work. 613-721-3781

DIRECTORY • Beauty and Health NATURAL BODYCARE by a certified aromatherapist. Natural makeup, cleaning products: Planet Botanix, 301 Bank (Somerset) 567-4444

• Birth Doula BIRTH DOULA offering 3 educational prenatal sessions, continuous birth support & 1 postnatal home-visit. Offering a wide range of holistic resources, including Hypnotherapy, Massage & Aromatherapy for pregnancy, birth & beyond. Visit: 613.282.6001

• BodyTalk KRISTIN PETERSON: Registered Massage Therapist, Certified BodyTalk Practitioner & Certified Acupuncturist or TRANQUIL SWAN Holistic Health Services. Kim Swan Reiki Master, Certified BodyTalk practitioner - offers a variety of alternative therapies and classes. Visit, or 613-240-9716 JAYA HOLLOHAN MA, Advanced BodyTalk Practitioner, Certified Coach, Yoga Teacher & Author. Contact: (613) 866-7091; jaya@ and

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• Books

• Books IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH - The Grail Message, by Abd-ru-shin, is a three-volume spiritual work that teaches us about the cosmic laws that not only govern nature but all of Creation. It also gives clear explanations about our place and responsibility as we journey through life. This work addresses the individual human being regardless of race, creed or nationality; it reveals the true meaning of life and opens the door to true happiness and lasting inner peace. Orders : 1-877-7623077- SEVEN SISTERS is about a remarkable seed chase that is combined with the reclamation of lost heritage and culture of the Wabanaki people. This book and others on farming and gardening practices are available at www.

• Bowen Therapy BOWEN THERAPY OTTAWA, Westboro. Certified, Advanced practitioner. Pain relief, and more. Gentle touch powerful healing, 613-762-4979. Insurance receipts available. THE BOWEN APPROACH - Gently restoring your health. PAIN, digestive & respiratory issues and more. Certified Bowen Practitioner (Advanced) 613-799-3315. BOWEN TRAINING ACADEMY, Janet Riley, RN, Licensed Bowenwork® Instructor. Courses in Ottawa and across Canada. 613 848-2083 NEXT GENERATION PRECISION PROCEDURES for chronic pain, concussion & TBI, sports & accident injuries, TMJ, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, plantar fasciitis, skeletal alignment, bedwetting and more. Carling and Woodroffe. Madeline McBride, advanced practitioner. 613.798.7628

• Buddhism

INTRODUCTION TO AUTHENTIC ZEN TRAINING through instruction in zazen (sitting Zen) and kinhin (walking Zen). First Saturday of each month, 2-4 PM. Pre-registration required: or 613-562-1568. Zen Centre of Ottawa

• Chakra/Aura Balancing THE BOUTIQUE offers a 30 minute Chakra/ Aura Assessment and modification session. Also the Boutique offers many more services, please refer to or call the Boutique at 613 424 9094.

• Church CHURCH OF PERFECT LIBERTY, Ottawa,ON. (613-225-1850)

• Clinics KILLENS REID PHYSIOTHERAPY CLINIC now offering TCM with acupuncture practitioner. Other services, Osteopathy, Vodder Lymphatic Drainage, Vestibular Rehab, Urinary Incontinence Rehab, Massage Therapy, Orthopaedic and Sports Physiotherapy. (613) 594-8512. PLANET BOTANIX, 301 Bank (Somerset) 567-4444: visit our website for a list of practitioners

• Coaching LAW OF ATTRACTION COACHING with Aileen McKenna, Certified LoA Coach www. creates the space where clients become personally empowered. I coach people who feel stuck in their lives, in general, or particularly in their careers, relationships, home and home life. This may be about old issues, dealing with difficult decisions, and/or about changing habits that seem to create dissatisfaction. Call for more information and/or for an appointment. Clients express their satisfaction with the work, and their greater comfort and success in their relationships, their careers, and homes. Call Aileen’s Oasis at 613-228-2272, or 613-7953751, check in at or at .

• Chakra In Motion Rhythm for your Soul CHAKRADANCE™ is a powerful and authentic healing dance. Using spontaneous dance, guided imagery that resonates deeply with each chakra. Bernie Young

• Children ICU-INSPIRING CHILDREN UNIVERSALLY – Reading blindfolded helps children become happier, more confident and academically successful | Crystal Medicine Centre | 613-4358678 | 1572 Stittsville Main Street, Stittsville, ON |

• Chiropractic ACTIVATOR CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC. Restore proper spinal balance safely and comfortably with the precise low-force activator analysis and instrument. Dr. Stephani S.Dunk 613-226-9800. Baseline @ Prince of Wales

May 2019

NOT ACHIEVING WHAT YOU WANT IN LIFE? Moira concentrates on awakening your true potential, inviting and supporting the changes for YOUR highest good. Moira Hutchison 613.432.1239 LIFE SKILL WORKSHOPS INCLUDESAnger, Communication, Denial, Roles, ACOA, Co-dependency, Relationships and Spirituality. Every second Saturday at The House of Hope and Healing. Lynda @ 613-858-7181 CANADAS-COACH.COM Marguerite Tennier, M.A., Fearless Living and wellness coach, Specializes working with over 40 prof. Women Who want to have more energy, live deeper and Transform their life. 613-744-1538 ARE YOU A MIDLIFE WOMAN STRUGGLING WITH GRIEF? Let Anne DeButte, Author & Grief Coach guide you on your journey. Avoid common pitfalls that can keep you stuck. Learn new tools with



WE HAVE WHAT YOU NEED. Whether you are looking for career guidance, self-improvement, or self-empowerment, we have someone to help. Call today and see how we can help you. Mention this ad for your 1/2 hour free consult. 613-859-5389 CREATIVE COACHING SERVICES, Vanessa Coplan B.A., OCADA, M.A., Living Your Art, Creating Your Life; Helping You Connect The Dots. 45 minute individual sessions. $65 ea. 3 sessions for $150

• Cold Laser Therapy CERTIFIED COLD LASER THERAPIST offering mobile services. $30.00 for 45 min session. Effective and safe for pain relief. treatment.

• Colonic Therapy DETOX AND STRENGTHEN THE COLON. Gentle, safe, effective. Experienced Colonic Therapist and Holistic Nutritionist, SatDaya WIlliams at 815 Merivale Rd, Ottawa, 613-761-5982,, By appointment only

• Counselling CAROLINE ELSON a Wholistic Lifestyle Counsellor. B.Sc M.Ed,CCC 613 282 7905, Starting where you are, moving to create the life you want. Explore the physical, mental and emotional through traditional and alternative forms of counselling. Individual and Couple. ROSEMARY MURRAY-LACHAPELLE, M.L.S., M.A., Dipl. Analyt. Psych. Registered psychotherapist and Jungian Analyst. Individual therapy to address your unique concerns. ACADEMY OF COUNSELLING. Richard Merrill Haney, Ph.D. (Counselling Therapy) Specializing in individual and couple counselling and in comprehensive family mediation. Also specializing in bereavement, career and stress counselling. Richard is an empowerment counsellor who is heavily influenced by Roberto Assagioli (Psychosythesis), C.G. Jung, Fritz Perls (Gestalt Therapy), Alfred Adler, Milton Erickson, Ken Wilber and Stanislov Grof (Holotropic Breathwork). 234-5678 or 726-3636. Web: REV. SHERRY HARRIS, MSW, RSW is a heart-focused psychotherapist, certified spiritual coach, counsellor, teacher, minister and energy therapist. She works 7 days a week and


offers receipts reimbursable by most insurance providers. She may reached by phone at 613236-8852 or by email at Her website is www.sherryharriscounselling. com. If you cannot come to her, appointments may be done by phone or Sykpe or in your home (travel costs added to the session fee) Hourly fee: $140. LUC DUMOUCHEL, MA, CCC. INDIVIDUALS/ COUPLES. Anxiety, ACoA, communication, depression, emotional dependency, infidelity, loss, separation, sexual problems, GLBT issues, self-care, spirituality. Ottawa/Hull. Insurance/sliding scale. Bilingual. 613-2359813 ANNA GREEN COUNSELLING & PSYCHOTHERAPY MA CCC, RP) Holistically integrated psychotherapy for individuals and couples by a registered psychotherapist – clinically supervised, receipts available. Downtown. Insurance/sliding scale. 613-2959987 GET RESULTS @ FREE COUNSELLING AVAILABLE for people dealing with death and dying. Also, guidance to achieve your goals in life. 613-828-2836 HEAL, CHANGE, GROW with a supportive listener.Safe and confidential talk therapy, combined with amethyst crystal BioMat, hands-on healing, and crystal singing bowl toning. For women, female youth,and children only. www.healCgrow.comCindy@healCgrow. com SIGNY FRIDRIKSSON COUNSELLING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY M.A. (Counselling and Spirituality). Feeling stuck? Improve relationships,clarify goals, manage stress, and increase well-being. I offer calm & nonjudgmental listening, empathy and respect in a safe, supportive environment. Couples, families and individuals. 613-864-5222

PAMELA HOLM, Registered Psychotherapist, Cert. Music Therapist. Expressive and receptive methods of healing. Spiritually oriented. Children through seniors. Range of issues and conditions. and Deep Soul Energetics. 613-829-1556.

FEEL LIGHTER! Intuitively & compassionately clarifying & clearing the root cause of your concerns. Specializing in stubborn patterns. Energy psychotherapy,

May 2019

ascension education & 12-dimensional clearing. Individuals, couples, children. In person/ by phone.

• Cranio-Sacral Therapy JOAH BATES, D.O.(UK) Biodynamic Osteopathy. Creating a space for self-healing through structural balance. Over 25 years experience. 613-742-0011.

WELLNESS WITH MOIRA: CranioSacral and SomatoEmotional Release Sessions. Specializing in self empowerment for healing and health. Insurance Receipts. 613.432.1239 DENISE GAULIN. Advance-Level Certified Craniosacral therapist offers CST and VM sessions, also has a specialization in pediatric CST and VM. As a certified teaching assistant and study group leader offers monthly gatherings for students of CST and SER. By appt.: 613-738-9080 BODY POETS MASSAGE THERAPY - Skilled RMTs - Many Modalities - Convenient Hours - Online Booking - Downtown Location - Free Parking - Gift Certificates. 504 Kent St. (At Arlington) Visit or call 613-222-0465. Step into the Circle of Care! CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY, Energy Healing, Intuitive Readings. Michelle Perkovic CST. 613-806-1166

• Crystal Healing LINDA ENERGY HEALER - Beautiful hand-picked crystals & jewellery. Workshops. Home parties. Crystal Healing sessions. 613-868-8468. Join my mailing list, send an email to:

CRYSTAL MODALITIES for relaxation, energy clearing and balance. CCH, CRM 613-355-1832

• Crystal Shamanism CRYSTAL SHAMANIC PRACTITIONER, Crystal Healer, Psychic Intuitive, IET master instructor certified Yoga Teacher. Intuitive/psychic guidance given during Shamanic Healing sessions to better help you along your journey. Crystal layouts, chakra clearings, journeying and more. Sessions for children, teens, adults and animals. I also offer Crystal workshops, home crystal jewellery parties, psychic circles, meditation sessions, retreats. Contact: Sylvie_, Facebook: VieYoga and Crystal Shamanic Healing, 613-852-4963.

DIRECTORY • Crystals CRYSTAL MEDICINE CENTRE – Crystal Store, Workshops, Training, Healing Sessions | 1572 Stittsville Main Street, Stittsville, ON | 613-435-8678 ||

• Dental Hygiene PROFESSIONAL TEETH CLEANING - Holistic Hygiene Dental Services - Vanessa Gomez RDH, Downtown Ottawa 613-851-3486

• Dentist DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758;; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa OTTAWA WELLNESS & DETOX CLINIC. 613.256.4886 ION CLEANSE FOOT BATH - Removes accumulated toxins from your body through the pores in your feet. Linda O’Connor 4406 Old Kingston Rd. Lombardy. (613) 272-2739

• Dowsing OTTAWA DOWSERS, 2nd Wednesday of the Month Routhier Community Centre 172 Guiges St.(Cumberland/St. Patrick) 7-9:30pm. Pendulum, L-rod, Y-rod, bobbers and more. 613-596-0260

• Dreams ROSEMARY MURRAY-LACHAPELLE, M.L.S., M.A., Dipl. Analyt. Psych. Registered psychotherapist and Jungian Analyst. Therapy practised with sensitivity to material from the unconscious such as dreams.

• Eco-Friendly ADORIT BOUTIQUE. Fair Trade Eco-fabric Boutique. Tarot Readings every Saturday 12:00 - 6:00pm. 153 York St. Ottawa. (613) 241-8354

• EFT & Energy Medicine COMBINING THE POWER OF DONNA EDEN ENERGY MEDICINE, ENERGY PSYCHOLOGY, EFT and PSYCHOTHERAPY to release blocks and empower you to Live your Best Life. Individual and couple sessions. Catherine McLenaghan, Registered Psychotherapist. Anxiety, depression trauma, life transitions etc. Insurance receipts. Call 613-730-0411 COMBINING THE WISDOM OF DONNA EDEN ENERGY MEDICINE, EFT and the Five Elements Theory, to assist healing of the body, mind and spirit through gentle touch including tools and techniques that you do yourself to help strengthen and align your energies. Certified Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner. Helene Anne Fortin – Tel: 819 459.2161

• EMF Balancing P.W. EMF BALANCERS, Home, Work, Auto. Steve Priebe (613) 842-4758,,

• Emotional Freedom Technique VIOLETTA BOROWSKI, BEd, CHt, EFT Cert-1, SPHE-RE Through this gentle tapping technique, release emotional, mental, spiritual blockages and imbalances on all levels that were preventing you from experiencing peace, happiness and success in your life. A healthy emotional state, will immediately activate physical healing and well being. 613-808-4822

• Energy Healing LAURIE FRASER, B.O.S., holographic healing, Reconnective, facade healing, past life. Excellent results: anxiety, depression, insomnia, hormones, disease, allergies, pain, addiction, spiritual blocks. 613-721-3781. LINDA ENERGY HEALER - Highly effective energy medicine. Stress, childhood issues, depression, pain, grief. In person or distance, people & pets 613-868-8468 VIOLETTA 613-808-4822 The goal is for you to reduce or eliminate your pain rapidly & effectively. Let’s work on you using EFT along with other tools for your mental, emotional, and physical well being. EFT Certified ANNA GREEN, MA CCC, RP — SPIRIT WELL HOLISTICS Reiki, Cranial Sacral, Emotional Freedom Technique, SET, Bach Remedies, Meridians/Qigong. Assisting your journey toward an energy-filled life. Daytime – Downtown. – 613-295-9987 ENERGY HEALING, CranioSacral Therapy, Intuitive Readings. Michelle Perkovic CST. 613-806-1166

• Face Massage FACE MASSAGE (REJUVENATING) The Canadian Centre of Indian Head Massage. Two day Certification course with Debbie Boehlen. 905.714.0298.

• Facial Rejuvenation BURNHAM SYSTEMS FACIAL REJUVENATION is a powerful AntiAging Holistic Therapy. Realignment and toning of facial muscles; Release of physical and emotional blockages; Deep renewal of body and spirit. Gayle Mickelson 613 422 5701

• Flower Essences FLOWER ESSENCES can offer support in every area of life. Gentle release of persistent patterns, blocks & trauma, assistance in acute or chronic issues, physical

May 2019

or emotional. Californian, Pacific and Bach Essences. Will work with animals. Barbara Schuster, FES-certified practitioner; 613-8204303,

• Foot Care NURSING FOOT CARE - IN HOME OR IN CLINIC. Sterilized individually packaged tools, best practices in clinical assessment, infection control, privacy and technologies. Pampered Mani/Pedi, advanced & diabetic Most insurance up to 80% & Veterans 100% 613-621-0012

• Gardening/Landscaping SPARKY TRINE SHAMANIC SUPPORT: Planning, planting, problem-solving, messages and negotiations.

• Gifts PLANET BOTANIX, 301 Bank (Somerset) 567-4444: eco friendly, recycled, unique and inspirational ideas!

• Gum Disease DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758;; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa

• Hair Analysis HAIR ANALYSIS AND NUTRITIONAL BALANCING. Boost the potential of your mind, body and spiritual development through Hair Analysis and Nutritional Balancing. A total healing system that is a formula for anyone who is looking for improved health and wellness. email:

• Head & Neck Pain DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758;; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa

• Healer INTUITIVE HEALING SPECIALIST NOW IN OTTAWA Physical, Mental, Psychological, Emotional, Past lives, Body, Mind, Spirit, Soul cleanse, Fears, Pain management. 613 821 4809

• Healthy Bra HEALTHY BRA - Orthopaedic and Post-Surgical Bra (Medical Device License). No wires. No elastic. Custom-fit. Where health, comfort and shape matter most – Sizes 28A to 44KK. Comfy Posture Solutions 613-521-9100

• Herbalism THE BEST OF NATURE’S CERTIFIED HERBALIST, Miranda V Martel. Herbal Services: Herbal Spa treatments, Consultations for Balancing Health,


DIRECTORY Workshops, Walks and Remedies www. Call: 705-561-5365 E-mail:

• Holistic Dentist DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758;; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa

• Homeopathy J.B. HOMEOPATHIC DISPENSARY. Jo-Anne Bazinet, homeopath. Member of S.P.H.Q., C.S.H., H.M.C.C. 2062 St. Joseph Blvd., Orleans, ON, K1C 1E6. (613) 830-0487. Consultations & products available. MAHA MANSOUR, HOM, DSHM Registered homeopath in Ontario and also over 25 years as an internationally medically trained pediatrician. Homeopathic medicine is safe and effective in both acute and chronic diseases for adults and children. Maha runs a general family practice, with a special interest in ADHD and Pediatrics. Sunrise Wellness Centre, 2211 Riverside Drive Suite 104. Office: (613) 736-5200; Cell 613-402-7379

• Hotstone Healing BODY POETS MASSAGE THERAPY - Skilled RMTs - Many Modalities - Convenient Hours - Online Booking - Downtown Location - Free Parking - Gift Certificates. 504 Kent St. (At Arlington) Visit or call 613-222-0465. Step into the Circle of Care!

• Hypnosis HYPNOSIS. Vivienne Filiatreault B.A. ( H.D.Ed.) Psych / counselling. Certified Consulting Hypnotist with N.G.H. and other International Boards. Over 33 years of experience in counselling. Try something different. For a free consult, call or text (613)301 – 1971 or contact MARIETTE is a certified, clinical master hypnotist with NGH trained by Sheila Granger.

• Hypnotherapy WENDY ARMSTRONG, CHt, MHt, Master Consulting Hypnotist, CCIr. You can create the life you desire NOW! 613-823-3316 wendy@

AVOID THE MEDICATION ROULETTE! Advanced Clinical Medical/ Dental Hypnotherapist successfully treating anxiety, stress, depression, addictions, unwanted habits, fears, pain, smoking cessation, weight mgmt,


obsessive-compulsive behaviours, low self-esteem, self-sabotage and more. Specialist in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Fibromyalgia, Migraine Headaches. Visit for info, verifiable credentials & free Tranquility recording- Grace Joubarne, CCHt, LAPHP 613-422-7027 Toll-free 1-888-390-3553 JAIME PALLEN CERTIFIED Hypnotist N.G.H member. Past lives interfering with your present explore how and what you can do to change it. Make an appointment @613-4541429) or

• Indian Head Massage THE CANADIAN CENTRE OF INDIAN HEAD MASSAGE. Two day Certification course with Debbie Boehlen. 905.714.0298. AYURVEDIC HEAD MASSAGE certification with Jackie Cave, Fusion School of Natural Health. 613-389-4344 or KYMBERLI KER, IHM Practitioner, Relaxing Treatments.

• Infrared Sauna SAGE WELLNESS 340 Gladstone Book online or call 613-235-7243, Detoxify, Treat injuries, Pain relief, Weight loss, Reduce Stress, Improve Skin

• Intuitive Numerology BAD HABITS HOLDING YOU BACK? Hypnosis allows the focus to be placed upon what YOU WANT. Together we make the changes happen in the right way for YOU! Moira Hutchison 613.432.1239 ACADEMY OF HYPNOTHERAPY When talking therapy is just not enough to dissolve old emotional blocks... Create new pathways by trusting and following fresh images, empowering suggestions and inspiring visions. Become whole again by re-membering and re-connecting forgotten parts of yourself. What inside! What outside! Consider the Whole... Richard Merrill Haney, Ph.D.(Counselling Therapy) Hypnotherapist, 234-5678 or 726-3636. HYPNOSIS WORKS! Reach your objectives with Lynne Cardinal, a fully Certified Hypnotist with the National Guild of Hypnotists, holding additional certifications in Hypnosis Innovative Techniques and Weight Loss. She has a PhD in Eastern Philosophy from India. Lynne has been offering Stress Management, Burnout Prevention and Meditation workshops at the government and private sector for over 30 years. Insurance receipts. 613.721.7888 - info@ - SUZANNE TELLIER, B.A. Psych, Psychic Intuitive, CHt, MHt, NGH certified, Certified Past Life, 5 Path & 7 Path self-hypnosis teacher, Certified Gestalt Counsellor. Empower yourself and find your answers within. Free consultation. Facilitation, readings and workshops. www. PATRICIA V. LACROIX, PSYCHIC MEDIUM & SPIRITUAL COACH. Akashic Records & Destiny Card Readings. Certified Angel Card Reader™, Reiki Master/Teacher. 12 Strand DNA Reconnections. Voted A-Channel Viewer’s Choice Ottawa’s Best Psychics. 613-591-6901 Connect with me on Facebook:

May 2019

A NEW SCHOOL OF THOUGHT. Psychic Consultation. Laura Young 725-7232

• Intuitive Readings INTUITIVE CHANNELER/MEDIUM ~ TRACY ROY channels her Spirit Guide, Whitehawk for psychic readings. Visit her YouTube channel:

CONNECT WITH YOUR HIGHER SELF & INNER WISDOM: For insight, guidance, validation, inspiration and support. Readings on-line, by phone and in person. Moira Hutchison 613.432.1239 MICHELLE VEZEAU spiritual guidance to your life’s questions – insightful, profound clarity. (819) 827-2579 LINDA MEDIUM, Palm reader: for appt: Tele: 613-816-1808 INTUITIVE TAROT, angel oracle, fairy tarot and fairy oracle readings by email. Visit or tarotpugs for available reading offers. Email:

CHERYL JIALA DRISKELL is happy to help you find Health, Happiness and Spiritual Awakening. Over 30 years of training and author of 4 books. Wakefield, Ottawa and Skype sessions available. www.intuitivelight. com 819-328-9128 WAKEFIELD Retreats too!

DIRECTORY • Journey JEAN CALLAWAY, Ottawa’s first Accredited Journey Practitioner. Give yourself the gift of freedom, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Reclaim the truth of who you are. Works with children, teens and adults. Energy Medicine (Reiki Master, Shamanism, Universalis) NLP, WEL-Systems TM Institute Master Facilitator. Phone: 613-295-2756.

• Jungian Analysis ROSEMARY MURRAY-LACHAPELLE, M.L.S., M.A., Dipl. Analyt. Psych. Registered psychotherapist and Jungian Analyst. Depth psychology to address your unique concerns.

• Life Between Lives THIS IS THE SPACE between your current life and the one before. The times between death and re-entering the womb for another life. But what goes on in that time-space? What happens to the soul? This is journey to the other side to better understand the reason for which we came on earth. The process is profound, the session itself last up to three hours. Martine Brisson, hypnosis and alternative therapies Gatineau, 819-205-6670

• Light Body Acceleration LIPHE DESIGN.COM. pH Nutritional Microscopy. Donna Porteous 613 253 7467

• Low Impact Yoga LOW IMPACT HATHA YOGA www.zenforyou. ca The Zen for You Hatha Yoga classes are easy to do for people who have never tried yoga before. Manali Haridas, Certified Yoga instructor progressively teaches the yoga postures and different relaxation breathing techniques in a period of 10 weeks.

• Lymphatic NATURAL HEALTH THERAPEUTIC CENTRE. LymphDrainage-Massage-Shiatsu-Reflexology. Receipts. By appointment. 613—798-8385. Free parking.

• Massage Therapy BODY POETS MASSAGE THERAPY - Skilled RMTs - Many Modalities - Convenient Hours - Online Booking - Downtown Location - Free Parking - Gift Certificates. 504 Kent St. (At Arlington) Visit or call 613-222-0465. Step into the Circle of Care! KAREN MUNRO-CAPLE, RMT. Providing Healing, Relief, Joy! 1105-85 Albert St. between Elgin & Metcalfe. (613) 230-3527. RACHELLE BEHRENS RMT now accepting new patients at cozy home based clinic in Kanata. DIANA M SHELDRICK, Registered Massage

Therapist since 2005. Also available, Maya Abdominal Therapy treatments. Please contact Diana at 613 265 7681 or

Born Wellness Centre: 1226A Wellington W. WEDNESDAYS, 7pm. Cost: on donation. RSVP:

FILOSOFI LASER AND MASSAGE CLINIC. Offering Low Intensity Laser Therapy, Massage, Phsyio, Reiki, BodyTalk, ArmaTouch, Cupping and Orthotics. Let us get you back to doing what you love to do! 613-225-1127.

MEDITATION AND PRAYER Thursday evenings 5-7pm. 3015 Richmond Rd. 613-828-2836.

MAGI MASSAGE 530 Kirkwood Ave. welcomes you to my warm home clinic. Call Dora (613) 298-3557

• Medical Intuitive MANUELA WERTHWEIN 613-231-4575. Medical Intuitive, Medium, Energy Medicine Practitioner. Soul rescue. Reiki Master & Teacher. Teaches intuition skills (private or classes). Releasing blockages and stagnated energy grids within the Human Energy Fields takes place regardless of hereditary or environmental factors. Manuela will access the information in your biology and soul using clairvoyance as well as energy scanning with healing and Past Life Information. ANGELA KEHLER, Certified Medical Intuitive

• Meditation CHRISTIAN MEDITATION COMMUNITY – There are about 40 groups in the Ottawa area that meet weekly to practice a way of silent, contemplative prayer using a prayer word or mantra, as taught by the late Benedictine Fr. John Main. For more information contact the Ottawa Area Coordinator at 613-233-6047 or or consult COSMIC MINDFULNESS, Meditation in the Yogic Tradition. Ongoing classes and guided meditations, Tues eve and Wed noon given by Chris Simmonds, including chakra awareness, Pratyahara and Yogic Meditation techniques. Attend an ongoing class or practice group. Advanced personal instruction is also available. Call Chris at 613-298-2447 or email Visit for more info. SPARK OF LIGHT MEDITATION. Learn the life-changing practices of mantra meditation and mindfulness for peace of mind, wellbeing and spiritual awakening. Private and group introductory and advanced classes. Call Jennifer Bernius at 613-721-3787; jenbernius@; MEDITATION ON TWIN HEARTS. A beautiful healing technique for illumination that works on the physical, mental, and spiritual levels to open the heart chakra (emotional heart) and the crown chakra (spiritual heart), making us a channel of divine energies, which we use to bless the earth & every being. Lotus

May 2019

SRI CHINMOY HOUR We invite you to join us every Monday for an evening of meditation and spiritual inspiration based on the teachings of Sri Chinmoy. Evening will include group meditation, singing and videos of Sri Chinmoy. Free of charge. Children welcome. Mondays: 7:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m., The Garden of Light, 1099 Bank Street, Call: 613-680-5727 or 613-413-3743, www.

• Migraines DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758;; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa

• Music & Healing FOR 29 YEARS I have helped clients 2-82yr. with health concerns including ADHD, dyslexia, depression, cancer etc. Hands on approach using musical instruments. Call Shirley Schober @ 613-729-7758

• Myofascial Release Therapy BODYWORK FOR WOMEN, Pain esp. from Surgery-cosmetic, Mastectomy, Scars, Swelling, Carpal Tunnel, Tennis Elbow, Plantar Fasciatis, Neck Problems, Back Pain, Sciatica, Shoulder Issues, Limited Mobility, Incontinence, Injuries, Breast Health,, 613-857-7031

• Naturopathic Medicine DR. KANDIS LOCK, ND. Licensed  Naturopathic Doctor. Digestive Disorders, Allergies, Headaches, Womens Health, Chronic Disease, Cancer. Come in for free 15 minute consult to find out how naturopathic medicine can benefit you (no treatment provided). 210-190 Somerset St. 613-656-9629,

DR. KATHERINE WILLOW ND, fourth-generation naturopathic doctor, has been practicing for 35 years and specializes in German New Medicine (GNM). Call to book an appointment 613-839-1198 or visit for more info.


DIRECTORY • Nutrition LANARK HIGHLANDS GRASS FED beef, organic chicken, garden, 613-268-2772

• Oral Health DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758;; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa

• Orthodontics DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758;; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa

• Osteopathy

and Superbrain Yoga courses in Ontario and Quebec, and holds a weekly Twin Hearts Meditation Wednesdays at 7pm. (, faye@pranichealingontario. ca,, 613-282-0801)

• Psychic Medium PATRICIA V. LACROIX, Akashic Records & Destiny Card Readings. Certified Angel Card Reader™. Reiki Master & Teacher. 12 Strand DNA Activation. Voted one of A-Channel Viewer’s Choice for Ottawa’s Best Psychic. 613-591-6901

• Qigong

JOAH BATES, D.O.(UK) Biodynamic Osteopathy. Creating a space for self-healing through structural balance. Over 25 years experience. 613-742-0011.

CHOW QIGONG. Classes held at McNabb Recreation Centre. Tuesdays, 10:00 - 11:30am. Wednesdays, 6:00-7:30pm. Complementary 1st class. Info:

AYLMER OSTÉO ND. Osteopathy and naturopathy for back pain, sports injuries, and well-being. 32 rue Principale, Aylmer. 819-800-1962.

QI-MATIC RESEARCH CENTRE; Workshops by Sifu James: Information Healing. Contact Angela at or 613 762 8893

• Pain BODYWORK FOR WOMEN, Pain esp. from Surgery-cosmetic, Mastectomy, Scars, Swelling, Carpal Tunnel, Tennis Elbow, Plantar Fasciatis, Neck Problems, Back Pain, Sciatica, Shoulder Issues, Limited Mobility, Incontinence, Injuries, Breast Health, www., 613-857-7031

• Past Life Regression WHAT WE BRING INTO AWARENESS, we bring into healing. To book a session, contact Cheryl Clark at 613-890-2178 or SUZANNE TELLIER, B.A. Psych, Psychic Intuitive, CHt, MHt, NGH certified, Certified Past Life, 5 Path & 7 Path self-hypnosis teacher, Certified Gestalt Counsellor. Empower yourself and find your answers within. Free consultation. Facilitation, readings and workshops. www.

• Pranic Healing FAYE HEALEY IS A FULL-TIME ADVANCED PRANIC HEALING INSTRUCTOR & PRACTITIONER offering in-person and distant-healing sessions. She has successfully treated clients all over Ontario and Quebec, and as far as Saudi Arabia, Paris, Thailand, Japan, England, and Morocco & more. Whether in-person or remotely, Faye treats clients for a broad range of physical, emotional, and psychological ailments, which may include anything from broken bones to PTSD, multiple sclerosis to Pranic facelifts and weight-loss programs, and helping people enrich their homes or businesses through Pranic Feng Shui. Inspired by the benefits of Pranic Healing in her life and the lives of others, Faye teaches Pranic Healing


• Quantum Sound Therapy

YOUR VOICE IS MORE UNIQUE THAN YOUR DNA. Quantum Sound Therapy, will create YOUR unique set of Frequencies designed to remove negative emotions: fear, anxiety, anger, PTS, sadness that sabotage you. By SIMPLY LISTENING, you can let go of subconscious blockages, harmonize your being, SCIENTIFICALLY TRACK YOUR PROGRESS & Realize YOUR Potential. Contact: Lise Desjardins 613-795-1469 Pesi Shroff Golden Light Therapies:

• Quantum TouchTherapy THE POWER TO HEAL Aileen M. McKenna, Certified Quantum-Touch, Instructor/ Practitioner since 2004. First instructor in Canada, improve physical strength, release physical and emotional stress, improve sleep, increase creativity, remove pain. Information on personal appointments, distant healing sessions, as well as Quantum-Touch Therapy Certification training. Call Aileen’s Oasis 613-228-2272, 613-795-3751 or by e-mail at, or aileen., or check out www. or .. If you are interested in taking the QuantumTouch Level I class, you are in the right place

• Quantum Success Coaching Academy CERTIFIED LAW OF ATTRACTION COACH trained by Christy Whitman in the most amazing, successful and powerful coaching model. My ideal client is between 25 and 65,

May 2019

and dealing with issues creating feelings of stuckness. interfering with the emotional and lifestyle satisfaction they desire. We work our way through the processes, teaching clients strategies to become personally empowered thus releasing those blockages that have been standing in their way. Clients begin to find increased physical and emotional energy, buried creativity, demonstrated personal strength physically and emotionally as well as increased feelings of abundance on all levels. Please check out, .. or send me an email at , or at aileen. .. by giving me a call at 613-795-3751, or at 613-228-2272 for more information, or to make an appointment

• Reconnective Healing ALEXIS NICOL – Reconnective Healing® Practioner and the Reconnection since 2005. 613-263-7925

• Reflexology VALCRON REFLEXOLOGY- The healing touch. Registered nurse, RAC certified reflexologist and Therapeutic Touch Practitioner providing services to clients of all ages since 1998. Home-based Reflexology practice in Orleans. Home, hospital, retirement as well nursing home visits provided on request. Valerie also provides Animal Reflexology maintaining animal wellness and healing. For more information contact Valerie Cronin, RN, SCM, BA (Hons), MA, CCRP at 613 852 6129 email: BALANCE RELAXATION THERAPY. Reflexology, Ayurvedic Yoga & YOGA MASSAGE FOR BETTER HEALTH. Lori Chamberland, 613-2557934 NATURAL HEALTH THERAPEUTIC CENTRE. Reflexology-Massage-Shiatsu-LymphDrainage. Receipts. By appointment. 613—798-8385. Free parking. REFLEXOLOGY ASSOCIATION OF OTTAWA offers Individual sessions (foot, hand or ear reflexology), private or corporate events, as well as fund raising events are available. We offer training towards certification as well as membership for professional Reflexology practitioners and students of Reflexology. Contact: ALEXIS NICOL - RCRT - Foot reflexology, receipts provided 613-263-7925. KYMBERLI KER, RCRT, Foot Reflexology. Receipts provided, 613.897.9642 LAURIE BERG, RCRT - Hand & Foot Reflexology with Reiki - 613-722-4004

DIRECTORY REFLEXOLOGY BY RISHMA is a home based practice in Westboro. Sessions offered for 1 hour or 45 minutes. Receipts provided. By appointment only. House calls available. (613) 890-1062 JUST BE REFLEXOLOGY. De-stress and detox the whole body gently with Foot Reflexology at Green Spirit in Manotick or Home Studio in Riverside South. Caroline Chapman 613 915 6778

• Reiki WENDY ARMSTRONG, CRA-RT, Usui & Karuna Reiki Master. Sessions & training for all levels. 613-823-3316 wendy@wellness-centre. com

HEAL. GROW. THRIVE. I am an IET and Usui/ Karuna Reiki Master teacher offering healing sessions, Reiki and IET classes. Frederic Papillon 613 805-3733 ANNA EARLE GREEN, MA CCC, RP, SPIRIT WELL HOLISTICS – Bodycentered process work: Reiki & Classes, Craniosacral, SET, EFT, and more. Assisting your journey toward an energy-filled life. Daytime. Downtown area. 613-295-9987 JARDIN REIKI GARDEN. A universal energy of compassion. Jacinthe Potvin, Usui Master/ Teacher. For Reiki treatments given with all the love my heart contains please call: 819 319-1216 or

ALEXIS NICOL – RMTT, Reiki Master Teacher Trainer. Private sessions and training, receipts provided. 613-263-7925 REIKI IN THE WEST END Stressed out? Aches and pains? Reiki can help you relax and feel better. Flexible sessions from 10 to 60 minutes. Contact Barb at 613-228-9176 or DEBRA DESJARDINS at Angel Wing Reiki. Kanata; Morgan’s Grant. Reiki sessions for all ages. Reiki for animals. Classes for levels 1 and 2 and children. 613-435-2100 FINDING YOUR SELF - Reiki is a gentle technique for restoring and balancing your body’s natural energy to encourage better health. Reiki treatments are available on the Amethyst Bio-Mat. A true mind, body and spirit experience. Reiki Master, Linda O’Connor 4406 Old Kingston Rd. Lombardy. (613) 272-2739

Ask how to Host a Relationship Readings Party with

• Retreats CHARMING RURAL RETREAT COTTAGE NEAR WAKEFIELD. Couples/individuals. Clean, equipped. Year round. Minimum one month. For details text 819-328-3705.

DARLENE PLOUFFE, Reiki & Numerology. 613-769-7313 HOLY FIRE REIKI treatments and courses with Martha St. Pierre. 613-422-7286; ladymjs50@;

INTIMATE RETREAT/WORKSHOP Space in Orleans; wellness, holistic B&B. Hosts 25, sleeps 7. Text 613-405-6395

REIKI IS LIFE FORCE OF ENERGY. It helps for relaxation and stress. The best way to experience is having a full treatment. Call Laura at 613-608-9750.

KYMBERLI KER, RCRT, Foot Reflexology. Receipts provided, HEALING CONNECTION: Usui & Karuna Reiki Master, Lightarian Reiki, QuantumTouch, Intergrative Energy Therapy, EFT and Magnified Healing. These holistic therapies will help you to relax, relieve stress and heal on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. Roger, 613 322 7585, email;

• Relationship Readings

SURROUNDED BY 190 acres of forest, connect with nature in a guided or self-guided retreat. We offer healing retreats throughout the year or you can create your own. Call for more info 613-839-1198 or visit

DONNA DILLMAN, Usui Master - Circa 1894 Day Spa, Lanark. Use of tubs/saunas included. 613-259-9988;

CATHERINE BASTEDO, MA, RT-CRA, ICRT, USUI-HOLOGRAPHIC & HOLY FIRE II KARUNA REIKI® MASTER, JIKIDEN Practitioner. Bilingual. Personalized classes; Reiki Master/Teacher Program; individual sessions; online Healing Your Chakras classes; Muskoka retreats. 819-918-3436.

Healer), Psychic Medium, Empath, and Witch. I also provide Card Readings.

• Rolfing® Structural Integration MIRANDA GREENACRE (Dayvis) Advanced Rolfing Practitioner 400 Pleasant Park Rd. Ottawa, On. K1H 5N1 (613) 866 2427

• Room for Rent Workshop space and therapy rooms available at Planet Botanix, 301 Bank (Somerset) 567-4444 GERMAINE DE PERALTA (CRA, ICRT). USUI HOLY FIRE II REIKI MASTER/ TEACHER and HOLY FIRE II KARUNA MASTER/TEACHER. Reiki Certification Classes in all levels of Usui Holy Fire II Reiki (Level 1, 2, and ART/Master) and Certification Classes in Holy Fire II Karuna Reiki Practitioner/ Master/Teacher. Mentoring Program. Scheduled classes or by request. Crystal Healing workshops. Healing sessions (Reiki with Crystals). Specialize in relationship stress and mental/emotional/spiritual issues. Contact: Reiki Wanderlust at the RW Healing Centre, Westboro, Ottawa, K1Z 1E7. Tel: 613-697-3105 or email:

ROOMS FOR RENT. Shared bathroom. Utilities included. 3015 Richmond Rd., 613-828-2836 OFFICE FOR RENT by the hour ($25), half day ($55) or full day ($95) in Gatineau (Hull sector, Quebec) for March. Perfect for health professionals. Massage bed on site.

• SensoriMotor Repatterning SENSORIMOTOR REPATTERNING (SMR): Resolve chronic pain by correcting faulty movement patterns that have been generated by old injuries, surgeries, emotional trauma and stress. COLIN LIGGETT RMT. Westboro. 613 867 9299.

• Shamanism DIANE GODIN 819-665-3187 (Ottawabased). Reiki is a spiritual therapy that provides healing energy to recharge and re-balance the human energy field, working with physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing. Reiki works well with stress, anxiety, chronic pain and much more. I am a Certified Reiki Master Practitioner (Energy

May 2019

HEALING SESSIONS+2-Yr CrystalShamanic Program - evolved training in the ancient Arts | Crystal Medicine Centre | 613-435-8678 | 1572 Stittsville Main Street, Stittsville, ON || LINDA ENERGY HEALER - Highly effective Shamanic sessions for anxiety, childhood issues, depression, abuse, pain, grief. In person or distance, clients worldwide. People & pets. 613-868-8468


DIRECTORY TRADITIONAL CEREMONIES for physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Chakra Balancing, Cord Cutting, Past Life Journeys, Animal Totem Journeys, and many more. Please contact SatDaya Williams 613-761-5982

• Sound Healing COMBINING CRYSTAL BOWLS, tuning forks, chimes and other sound healing instruments to create a relaxing experience. Individual sessions and group meditations. Julie 613-254-8469.

• Spiritpainting SPIRITPAINTING SELF-RENEWAL & SOUL-CARE through belief-triage subtle energy healing system by Diane Oliver, Urban-Elder 613261-1602 SPARKY TRINE SHAMANIC SUPPORT: questions, soul retrievals, power animals, extractions, project support, ceremony. APPRENTICESHIP, classes, ceremonies, and healing services in the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition of Cross-Cultural Shamanism.

• Tea Leaf Reader TEA LEAF & COFFEE GRIND reader. Crystal & obsidian balls. Object reading, Dowsing, Tarot, Zen & other cards. Helene Gibeault 613-7487419.

• Thai Massage BODY POETS MASSAGE THERAPY - Skilled RMTs - Many Modalities - Convenient Hours - Online Booking - Downtown Location - Free Parking - Gift Certificates. 504 Kent St. (At Arlington) Visit or call 613-222-0465. Step into the Circle of Care!

• Therapeutic Touch

Learn to “UNFOLD THE MYSTERY” with the Lightwolf method. and email

• Spiritual Counselling

THERAPEUTIC TOUCHª - profound relaxation & pain relief; supports healing all levels. Can be applied in acute, chronic or emotional conditions. House calls, hospital visits available. Will work with animals. Barbara Schuster, TTNO-Recognized Practitioner. 613-820-4303,

• Therapeutic Yoga

• Shiatsu TONYA GARTSHORE, Dipl.S.T., RMT. Registered massage therapy, shiatsu, reflexology, acupressure facial, Thai massage, cupping & acupuncture. (Hunt Club & Greenbank)

ANCIENT JAPANESE HEALING ARTS increase vitality, unblock energy, reduce stress, relieve muscle pain, heal injuries. Sho Takeda, RMT.

• Skin Care NATURAL BODYCARE by a certified aromatherapist. Natural makeup, cleaning products: Planet Botanix, 301 Bank (Somerset) 567-4444

• Somatic Sex Education

SOMATIC SEXUALITY EDUCATION offers a new way of understanding our bodies, inviting integration of body and spirit, expanding consciousness and allowing access to our most powerful source of creativity, healing and joy. 613-413-1216


INTEGRAL SOMATICPSYCHO-SPIRITUAL PSYCHOTHERAPIST: Unresolved embodied trauma underlies many common psychological issues such as anxiety and depression. Therefore, I employ a variety of somatic methods such as EMDR, IBP & a somatic mediation, which activate the body to reveal where trauma is stored, the imagination to remember it, & the heart to express and release it. Clients are in awe of the experience activated by these methods, & grateful for the transformative results. I am covered by health insurance plans under psychological services. Contact information: Carol Dignam, 613-4229396;

• Tarot JUDY JIBB, Tarot and Astrology Ottawa, MA Cultural Astronomy and Astrology (2016), Cert.F. Astol.S (1986),, 613 304 4255 PAST LIVES & NEW PERSPECTIVES to Present Problems. Life Path & Purpose, Guidance & Confirmation. 25 years Professional Experience, Spiritual & Practical:

• Tapping Modalities LISA KOPIL, Meridian Tapping, Stress Management, Life Coach. Tap into your Life by changing your mind. Private sessions, workshops, drop in sessions. (613) 899-4994

May 2019

I‘LL DEVELOP YOUR OWN PERSONALIZED YOGA PROGRAM that includes poses, breathing exercises, meditations and healthy lifestyle tips to help you cope with anxiety, depression, weight loss, sleep problems, etc. Contact Linda for your free consultation at mountainsoulyoga@gmail. com or 613-862-4614.

• Visceral Manipulation DENISE GAULIN Advance-Level Certified Craniosacral therapist offers CST and VM sessions, also had a specialization in pediatric CST and VM. By appt.: 613-738-9080

• Weddings

REV. PATRICIA ROSE. Call/Text: 613-2978960. Or visit:

• Wholistic Dentist DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758;; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa


DIRECTORY SACRED SPACE Levels I, II, and III is a workshop taking place over 3 days, all about creating boundaries, clearing the aura, learning how to clear a space, how to be present and secure in your own energy field. Ideal workshop for energy workers, massage therapists, lawyers, social workers and anyone anywhere who works with or lives closely with others. For information and registration call Aileen’s Oasis at 613-228-2272, or by sending an e-mail to QUANTUM-TOUCH: The Power to Heal Certificate workshop in Quantum-Touch therapy, a powerfully simple modality that will transform your ideas about your health and your life. This wonderful modality can be used with other modalities and is very helpful for self-healing, distance healing, working with clients, friends, family, pets, water and gardens. For information, call Aileen’s Oasis at 613-228-2272, and at VISIONBOARD WORKSHOP: Would you like to know how to attract and create the life you love? Would you like to participate with others in using some amazing tools to help you to discover what you really want in your future life, and how you can create that future and feel as if you are already in the future life. Using imagination, fun and play, you will learn about how to create the job you want, the lifestyle, and the level of wellness you want to achieve, fitness, and relationships. It is all about being able to imagine what you want, and to take the actions needed to bring it into reality. For more information, or registration, please all Aileen’s Oasis at 613-228-2272, and at

• Yoga SATTVA YOGA - A Kanata Yoga Experience Classes taught integrating a variety of yoga styles (Kripalu, Viniyoga, Structural Yoga, Vinyasa) as well as Somatic Movement & Pilates. A practice of balance, integration and compassion is offered: centering, breath work, warm-ups, flowing & static poses, relaxation, meditation and reflection. All levels welcome. Jo-Anne Stasiuk, MA. Professional Level Yoga Certification. 592-5936 or PATHWAY YOGA. A beautiful, welcoming studio in the heart of Westboro. Learn how Iyengar yoga can lead body and breath, heart and mind along a brighter, healthier pathway. 613 8069642 346 Richmond Road, 2nd floor

WISHINGTREE YOGA — Simply Yoga. For beginner to experienced practitioner. 200h Traditional Hatha Yoga & 50h Yin Yoga Teacher

Vesak Day Celebration May 5 in Ottawa City Hall

Ian Prattis he roaring beat of Cambodian temple drums opens the day with a bang. They are followed in procession by the monastic Sangha walking mindfully to their places next to the podium, led by Bhante Savath from the Cambodian Temple in Ottawa. From the monastic chanting all the way through to the finale – the day unfolds in a majestic way. City Hall is decorated with beautiful artwork, food tables and booths for Asian embassies and other community groups for this celebration of Vesak Day. It is always a stunning day. Asian Buddhist communities in Ottawa – from Cambodia, Vietnam, Korea, Indonesia, Laos, Sri Lanka, Taiwan and Thailand - created this Vesak Celebration with Visita Leelaratna organizing the many parts of the day. He is the founder of this celebration. The first Vesak Festival in 2014 received guidance from three spiritual advisors – Master Bon Dat, Bhante Rath Sam and Dharmacharya Ian Prattis. They each come from different Buddhist traditions in Ottawa and three different countries – Vietnam, Cambodia, Canada. They established a common cause to spread the seeds of Buddha Mind across Ottawa by creating an atmosphere of generosity, humility and kindness. The Vesak and Asian Heritage nature of the event brings messages from the Governor-General, Prime Minister of Canada, and the Mayor of Ottawa. This is a wonderful support for multi-culturalism and interbeing from all levels of government in Canada. The vigorous Lion Dance from the Vietnamese Youth Group always lights up the crowd. A talk on Loving Kindness is offered by the Buddha Meditation Centre in Toronto. Lawrence Greenspon also talks about his tour of Buddhist World Heritage sites in Asia. Connections are made, bridges are crossed and the organizers and audience went home very happy. Here is some background about Vesak and the Buddha. Buddhism is based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, who lived and taught in India ca. 2,600 years ago. 550 million people in the world identify Buddhism as their religion or way of life. Vesākha Day is the day Buddhists remember the birth, the enlightenment, and the passing away of the Buddha. The United Nations marks Vesākha Day as an official holiday, worldwide. As Buddhism spread from India, it was adapted to many cultures, and consequently Vesākha Day is celebrated in many different ways in various countries, such as China, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Burma, Tibet, Bhutan, Thailand, and Nepal, the birthplace of Siddhartha Gautama. Some will visit their local temple before dawn, to raise the official Buddhist flag, which represents a rainbow. Some may bring simple offerings of flowers, candles and incense, which serve as a reminder that just as the beautiful flowers will wither, and the candles burn out, so too is life subject to impermanence. In some countries, birds and animals are released in a symbolic act of liberation. Vesākha Day is therefore a time when we reach out across the various Buddhist traditions to celebrate, and to non-Buddhists to enjoy dialogue and harmony. And that is what happens in Ottawa City Hall on May 5, 2019!


May 2019


Learn To Access Your Personal Akashic Record Wisdom In this first course, you will learn how to access your own Akashic Record, using a vibrational key in the form of a sacred prayer, thereby opening the door to divine guidance from the library of your soul. BONUS: Expected visit by Lisa Barnett through Zoom! June 8 & 9, 2019, 9:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. 1545 Carling Avenue, Ottawa Free Parking, Bus access $400 CDN, $300 if registered by May 11th TEACHER:Christopher Barham WEB: business-directory/2696/christopher-barham/

Rainbow sunshower Planting my garden, Seeds of love and care, In harmony with Earth And all she has to share Sunshower-rainbow-veggies, Fruits and fragrant nectars And earnest-gathered honey To enchant the eye, Sustain the body, Lift Spirit high. Purest food and feast of plenitude.

In the Presence of Beauty

By Yola Dunne, practitioner of the Healing & Shamanic Arts ~


n the presence of Beauty the mundane becomes magical. The ordinary becomes extraordinary. We get a glimpse into a world that belongs in the realm of goodness, a place where the soul makes its home. Beauty is ever-changing, transforming itself as it is touched by the loving heart of the beholder. Beauty holds powerful medicine. It is capable of transforming all woes. The reverent state that Beauty entices makes us forget, if only for a moment, the intricate details of our lives. It gives amnesia to suffering. It makes a broken heart blind to separation and all of a sudden makes it whole again. In Beauty, we belong. Beauty is where heaven and earth meet. It is where the sun and the moon dance an ancient waltz. It is where the mind is sweet-talked by the heart into softening its stance. It is where presence finally takes hold of the soul. It is a place where discord takes a respite in the embrace of wholeness. In the sacred territory of Beauty we are re-membered. We breathe in the power of life and finally allow ourselves to be nourished by it. It is a land that belongs to all creatures, a land that is owned by no one but tended by All. It reminds us we are a passerby on this good earth. The Beauty Way is one that returns us to what is important and essential. It is made of starlight, of tears, of a child’s smile and the call of the wild. It is found in the soft touch of a lovers’ hand, the intimate song of the river, the thrilling hoot of the owl in the depth of night. Within us beauty can never be destroyed. It shares sacred space with grace and eternity. To summon Beauty within daily life is a rich ritual filled with divine scent. When we follow its exquisite fragrance it takes us to our altar grounds, to our friends and families and loved ones, to the crack that lets light in to the darkest places. Summoning Beauty teaches simplicity and the infinite potential of our humanity. Beauty is the language of the soul and the imagination that inspires evolutionary consciousness. May our earth walk be gentle and be blessed with the Presence of Beauty.

Monica Timbal 28

May 2019

Treating Mind-Body Syndromes with SensoriMotor Repatterning


n an ideal treatment session, I treat all clients for faulty movement patterns arising from physical injuries and surgeries, then I treat them for compensation patterns resulting from emotional trauma and stress. The first is an easy sell for most clients. The latter, which is critical for physical well being, is understandably a much harder concept for people to comprehend and accept. I’m a great believer in Dr. Sarno’s theory on the mind-body connection. Dr. Sarno believes our brain can create physical pain as a distraction from emotional, unconscious pain. If I treated every patient just by focusing on past and present trauma/stress, I estimate 80% of all my clients would recover from their symptoms. With SensoriMotor Repatterning (SMR), I look for faulty sensory input that is causing the brain to create incorrect motor control output. To do so, I test many muscles of the body. Those that test “weak” are actually neurologically inhibited. As the brain wants to be optimally functional, I can show the brain the dysfunction, the cause of the dysfunction, and a more functional way to operate. The effect is an immediate and lasting strengthening of the previously “weak” muscles. Historically, I got great results from treating inhibited muscles from previous injuries, but I recognized that some people would return with the same or different symptoms. I began to understand that there was underlying stress in these clients that needed to be addressed to truly correct the dysfunctions so that the physical body remained strong and pain-free.

I spent much time learning various methods of destressing the body of previous trauma. The meridian system of the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) was by far the best approach. For millennia, TCM has understood the mind and body are interconnected. Implementing various meridian treatments into SMR gave me an elaborate feedback loop to help indirectly release stress/trauma stored in the body by the mind. My ability to help people with all kinds of bizarre and “untreatable” conditions expanded exponentially; I could have people pain-free in just a few sessions when clients had tried to find cures via physiotherapy, etc. for years. When I was developing the stress/trauma treatment protocols for SMR, I had to be mindful as a Registered Massage Therapist to stay within my scope of practice. For this reason, I do not need to know the nature of the stress or trauma that may be causing current symptoms. I can identify muscles that are in an inhibited or overactive pattern, use the techniques to offset the stress/trauma within the body and re-check if the muscles have returned to normal function. This provides a unique feedback loop for the client; they can experience changes in how their body functions within a session and see a prime example of the mind-body connection. About the Author: Colin Liggett RMT is the creator of SensoriMotor Repatterning. He created SMR to correct faulty compensation patterns generated by injuries, surgery, emotional trauma and stress. Colin is originally from N. Ireland and moved to Ottawa in 2016.

May 2019


EnergyBEE Schedule 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm 6:30PM: WELCOMING WORDS. Honour Fee: $10 or more; CONTRIBUTE WHAT YOU CAN. Net proceeds go to for First Nations & Allies initiatives to restore the Ottawa River Watershed 6:35PM: Guest Presenter Circle introductions: 1) name, 2) your intention for this evening

Energy Balancing Exchange Event (EnergyBEE) Otherworld Treasures, 29 Marier near Beechwood Friday, May 10th, 2019

8:45 PM: Start of Energy Balancing Exchanges/ Integration Conversations 10-15 minutes each giving, or receiving, multi-lateral, bi-lateral. Required: Curiosity, active listening, active observing. Holistic modalities welcome. Miracles are invited.

Guest Presenter: Caroline Anderson, Owner, Faith Hope Love Essential Oils, Emotion Edge Workshop with doTerra Essential Oils

9:45 PM: Closing Circle 10:00 PM: Venue Doors are locked

About Caroline Caroline has a real passion for dōTERRA essential oils. She has used them for physical and emotional comfort since 2011 (long before essential oils became so popular!). She loves teaching about oils, and in her spare time makes beautiful aromatherapy jewellry. Check out Faith Hope Love Aromatherapy Jewelry on Facebook. You can reach Caroline at: 613-316-3847 Describing the benefits Discover how essential oils uniquely align with your physical needs, personality, mood and emotional state. Learn about the top 10 oils and their healing properties. Know where to find doTerra products. Sharing take-a-ways Greater awareness of significance and power of essential oils and their healing properties. Demo for a Make and Take where each person will discover which blends of oils best suit them. During the second half of the evening, participants have the opportunity to get assistance to compose a blend to take home will cost them $10.


8:15 PM: SHANGHAI RESTAURANT Veggie SNACKS! networking 30 minutes

Notes For ‘serious conditions’ consult a licensed medical professional. … please like FB: TWOGBD & follow. Send Message or text to recommend guest presenters you would like to see present. For more information call 613.769.5575 & email Sponsors & supporters Longstanding supporters include:, Christina Xina Lamothe; Ruby Hair Studio, Michael Rawbe.


For more info please contact Steve Priebe at 613.842.4758 Christina Xina Lamothe




May 2019 613-601-9926

Your host: Martee ( has Ottawa office hours & playshops: 6-8pm Sat May 11 at Otherworld Treasures 29 Marier near Beechwood Original Physical/Emotional Trauma Release (OPETR) . HANDS-ON: Learn & apply to yourself & others. Registration: at store $75. 11:30 am to 7:30pm, June 15 at Otherworld Treasures, 29 Marier near Beechwood K-Power®: Your DNA is not your Destiny turn off the genes of aging”. 1 day stand alone workshop 5 Energy Cycles; Expanded Five Elements Emotions; 12 Epigenetic modulators; 12 Universal and 10 common gender fears; 8 common Work stresses; 25 common relationship issues. A system to work on yourself and others. Registration at store: $275; early bird full payment (savings of $50) by May 18 is $225. Instructor certification available with repeat... with 40 case studies on self & with instructor agreement. Certified Touch for Health System instructors are required to only take one day for K-Power® instructor certification and 20 case studies on self. 3-5pm Fri May 10 @ Shanghai Restaurant 651 Somerset St. W. near Bronson Vitality, rejuvenation, longevity clinic…including chronic pain, stress, past & current trauma relief thru priority epigenetic modulation. Special 25$ for 10 min. Regular: 147$ for 1 hour. May First Time Special: 3 new clients may share a 1 hour appt. at no charge. Mindful of this free service, we invite you to make a small donation to www.freethefalls. ca. You may Book in person and phone appts. online at FB: Twogbd Text/Voice 613.769.5575 email:

Sproutgrowers & Ultimate Wellbeing Education @Twogbd

May 2019


Thoughts to Share Written by Rev. Alexis Nicol


t was raining and dreary outside as I sat in a little café enjoying a latté and studying a chapter to be discussed. Suddenly I felt pulled to get pencil and paper and write down thoughts that began pouring in. The following are those thoughts: ‘Some people feel or believe that they are conscious just because they are awake, in the literal sense. This is being unconscious. When we are truly conscious, we are one with the Divine Love residing in us all (life/everything). Being conscious is when we move, think, trust with ease the natural untainted energy within. When we are frustrated, agitated, nervous, anxious, etc. we are associating with the ego mind. Being in a calm and still state we allow ourselves the presence to receive our Spirit/Soul’s messages of Loving guidance. These will always be loving and have Love at the core. Somewhere in the Bible it is written that God knows our needs before we do and will provide us with all of them – obviously this is not a direct quote but hopefully you get the drift. If we stop “trying” or thinking that we need to have this or that or be a certain way, we will open ourselves to receiving more than we could every dream of. The “Universe/God/Creator” provides us with all God needs us to have in order to fulfill His/Her/It’s purpose. It is this purpose we are here to serve. Jesus is the perfect example as he trusted and was/is One with the Father/Creator.’

For me these words contain a message that we aren’t listening to the God within if we are struggling, needing or wanting. The mind, when relaxed and clear is more fully open to receiving the messages that guide us towards the fulfilment of our earthly mission – to be of service. Together, our consciousness will become One brilliant Entity of Love. Stilling the mind by practicing Yoga or doing anything that brings you to the awareness within is destined to be a beautiful thing. Alexis believes in a Wholistic Metaphysical approach to healing mind, body and soul. She combines natural healing modalities in her practice. 613-263-7925

FEELING GREAT MATTERS -In Your Workplace -In Your Relationship -In Your Own Skin

SACHA HORVATH, M.A., CCC 613-324-3120


May 2019

Afternoon Energy Therapy Workshop:

Get your energy flowing and health thriving!


o you ever feel that the energy in your body is stuck or that your mind keeps looping the same thoughts and your behaviour is stuck in the same patterns as well? Our energy needs to be flowing to keep our bodies vital, healthy and strong. “Flow follows function”, e.g. our bodies’ energies animate and support its physical structures and their functions. If our energy becomes stuck, we will often physically feel stuck, as well as on the mental/emotional levels, e.g. relationships, work, environments. Our energy can become blocked for various reasons, e.g. excess toxins, muscular or other constriction, interference from other energies, prolonged stress that keeps us in survival mode, etc. In particular, when our Sympathetic Nervous System (fight or flight response) and/or Parasympathetic Nervous System (rest and digest and also freeze) are stuck on “on,” we will often feel that we are either in overdrive, crashing from fatigue, or unable to feel much of anything. Various kinds of trauma can leave our Nervous Systems overfiring and our bodies and minds feeling stuck, overwhelmed and fearful. During my BodyTalk session with Jaya, she energetically released an old, angry surgical scar on my body, which was followed by a huge release of energy that flowed up and down my body - I was in awe! It was awesome to know that I can still feel that kind of energy, which I really haven’t felt in decades. It feels as though the joy in me has been set free and is once again spontaneous and just jumping out of me! I am so grateful to feel this again and many of my other symptoms fading and/or disappearing - this work is a big WOW. ~ Carolann, Psychotherapist, Ottawa If you would like to get your energy flowing, feel free to come in for BodyTalk energy therapy and/or Somatic Experiencing trauma integration therapy session with Jaya Hollohan by booking in via her website at: www. To learn more about how to use

the principles and practices of BodyTalk and Somatic Experiencing Therapies to optimize your own health, please join Jaya’s Energy and Trauma Integration Therapy workshop on Sunday, June 2nd from 2-5pm at Inner Revolution Yoga Studio in Kanata. For more info and/or to register, please visit: www.innerrevolution. ca/workshops. Jaya will be leading a guided neuroplasticity meditation on Parliament Hill on Monday, May 13th at noon as part of the Peace on Parliament series happening every Monday throughout the summer, presented by the new downtown Meditation Studio, The Peace Room: Jaya Hollohan MA is a Certified Advanced Parama BodyTalk Practitioner, Cranial Sacral, Lymphatic Drainage, Mindfulness Life Coach, Reiki Practitioner, Hatha Yoga Teacher and is currently completing Peter Levine PhD’s 3 year Somatic Experiencing Professional Training, which assists in trauma resolution. She has been working in the healing field for over 10 years and has a busy energy therapy practice in Ottawa and Gatineau. Jaya is Author of the book: “Who We Are When We Thrive: Remembering Happiness and Rediscovering Health”.

198 Main Street, Ottawa, ON • 613-234-9597 •

May 2019


Moving Away From Safe



ECO-URBAN ORGANIC HAIR STUDIO Tel: 613.440.2734 Fax: 613.440.2560

Daniel Roy


Principle Instructor / Certified Financial Planner




Saint Germain Foundation Ottawa From the Highest Octaves of Life Our Beloved Saint Germain has brought the Original Ascended Master Teachings on the “Laws of Life”, as a free gift of Love for all mankind. We welcome all interested individuals who wish to know more of this Original Ascended Master Teaching. For further information please call us at 834-8896.


ver the years I have been in situations where I wanted to go after goals but was unable to muster the required energy to do so. The result of this inaction was that these goals were never achieved, and many remain on my “To Do List” to this day. I’m sure that you have been there as well. What causes us to stay put and not go after these goals? I would argue that humans have this natural desire to avoid pain therefore when they are confronted with a choice that will require them to get out of their comfort zone, they will choose not to move forward. Being safe is a good thing because of the familiarity with that whole environment. At this point in your life, you must ask yourself this fundamental question: How has this desire to stay safe served me? Have I walked away from dreams that could have changed the course of my life if I had decided to go for them? What have I missed out on because of my fear of moving forward? What pain have I inflicted on myself and my family for not moving away from this safe zone? What is the price that I have paid for doing nothing? Take a few minutes to reflect on your life then answer these questions as they pertain to your own situation. Maybe the feeling of regret will surface and nothing else will come of it. Maybe you will get all fired up because today is the day that you will finally do the leap of faith to go after your elusive dream(s). Maybe you have reached a point in your life where moving away from safe will be less painful than staying where you are now. Lock your vision onto that goal(s) and take the first step away from safe. Dare to Dream! Daniel Roy is the principal instructor of the Ottawabased Praxis Wealth Institute. He is a Certified Financial Planner as well as a Certified Retirement Coach and public speaker. He is the author of “The Essential Guide to Retirement Readiness”. He conducts workshops and courses on the subject of wealth management as well as designing meaningful and rewarding retirements. ~

May 2019

Darshan with Mother Meera By Reza Shadman am very happy to announce that after a few years gap Mother Meera will be back in Ottawa on Saturday, May 11th. It was very exciting to hear that a North American tour has been arranged even though Mother has been very busy with touring European cities and schools in India. On behalf of Mother Meera’s Society, I invite you to experience Mother’s Darshan, her offering of light. This is a free event but you need to register at www. Mother Meera was born in India and was recognized to be an Avatar from early on, a Divine incarnation who appears for the purpose of uplifting humanity. She travels the world extensively and offers Darshan in silence:


her light brought me joy. I felt happy during and after Darshan and that was enough to follow her. She has supported me ever since. I asked for help for my father and he received it, not knowing where it has come from. A dear friend, Minoo, was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and was open enough to reach out to Mother. She now has the utmost respect for her. I invite you to experience this light for yourself. We are looking for volunteers. You can call 6137940677 or email

embodiment of the Divine Mother

no teaching no ritual

“people are too active and rarely sit quietly. In silence, one can receive more because all one’s activities become concentrated at one point. My teaching is to give only the essence, Divine, that which is necessary. I give exactly what is needed to each person.” ~ Mother Meera ~

a silent blessing Mother Meera is traveling around the world. Her work is to bring down the Light and the Divine Consciousness into the world’s consciousness in order to accelerate the transformation process of each individual as well as the world.

Darshan is done in a specific way. An exact description is You are invited to experience available at www.mothermeera. Mother Meera’s Darshan. com . You can also watch this free entrance process and Q and A’s on YouTube. www.mothermeera. Darshans are free of charge and upon reservation. To register and more informations : com/livestream/ is another MAY 7 2019 QUEBEC Travelodge Hotel important link to weekly live 10 am – 1 pm 3125 Hochelaga Blvd, Ste-Foy (Quebec) videos and meditations. I MAY 8 2019 SHERBROOKE Delta Hotel by Marriott Conference Centre 10 am – 1 pm 2685 King West Street, Sherbrooke highly recommend meditations MAY 9 2019 MAY 10 2019 MONTREAL Holiday Inn Montreal Downtown 10 am – 1 pm – 4 pm 10 am – 1 pm 999 Saint-Urbain Street, Montreal on Livestream. MAY 11 2019 OTTAWA / GATINEAU Best Western Plus Hotel Conference Centre I first met Mother Meera 10 am – 1 pm 131 Laurier Street, Gatineau about 10 years ago. Receiving MAY 12 2019 TORONTO Ramada Plaza Toronto th






10 am – 1 pm

May 2019

300 Jarvis Street, Toronto


Mother’s Day

by Dr. Reverend Martha Creek I found myself walking up to greeting card displays for Mother’s Day several times lately. The first time or two, it just really struck me that I won’t be sending a card this year. It is the first Mother’s Day with momma in another dimension. This transformational workshop by Dr. Rev Martha Creek is designed precisely for a time of rapid change and supports participants to: The last time or two I walked up to the card displays, I allowed • Develop courageous patterns of relating to old patterns without being hostage to them myself to read them, peruse, • Learn to focus on strengths & cultivate options for an empowered future remember, think about what I • Boost confidence in responding to life’s challenges with less anxiety would say to her, shop for a card • Learn to lead with calm connectedness toward your own goals • Guide self toward healthy functioning and presence to source so to speak, without purchasing. • Gain skill/mastery in staying present during difficult times – resourceful and resilient While doing so, it was as though my mind opened and I realized “Martha Creek is an enlightened being and passionate speaker who how limited my world was engages and facilitates an honest realization of who we truly are. believing that “mother’s day” Profoundly real and liberating, Martha walks her talk and challenges was only for one mother. Not each of us to do the same.” Rev. Greg Coles, M.Div. true - Mother’s Day is for all Friday, May 24: 6- 9 pm & Saturday, May 25: 9- 6 pm people. Humans who “mother” others, naturally and in Spiritual investment: $97 (early bird) and $117 after May 15 uncommonly motivated ways. Mothering that requires stamina, Martha will be the guest speaker at Unity on Sunday, May 26 at 10:30 am resilience, purpose, intention, followed by a mini- workshop from 1- 3 pm on a donation basis and grace beyond anything Location: The Good Companions Centre we can understand from this (670 Albert St.- plenty of free parking and bus stop at the door) dimension. My heart opened when my mind did. I was able to For more information: or see the ways I mother; the ways Email: ~Unity Celebration of Spirit, Sundays at 10:30 a.m.~ I am mothered by many - both genders; the ways the youth in my life mother to me, hugging, integrated living and dying benefits them in profound nurturing, sharing and providing; the ways life itself ways. I am grateful for this of course and I am hopeful mothers me; and the ways the divine presence infinitely that all we learn is applied for a strong foundation for mothers me. I am unspeakably grateful for my momma, each of our continuing life’s journey. Oh, and by the all she provided, taught, demonstrated, shared, created, way - send some flowers to someone you love WHILE and made possible for my soul’s progression. I am even they are alive. more grateful that my relationship with her is actually I hold momma and you in my heart in greater and eternal and infinite, not just in theory. Unexpected greater ways. Appreciating what I’ve been blessed with Grace. and looking forward to what comes. I’m excited about I purchased some Mother’s Day cards for women the upcoming events I get to facilitate and invite you in my life who I wanted to thank and acknowledge to prioritize yourSELF in finding a retreat or renewal as mothers and went about my business. I hear from time somewhere and someplace. I would love it to be people routinely how much hearing about momma’s with me. life journey, her illness and death, and the ways we

Journey Within- Self Mastery Workshop

Join acclaimed spiritual teacher Martha Creek the weekend of May 24-26 for the Journey Within workshop, as well as her message at Unity Spiritual Centre Ottawa, Sunday celebration, 10:30 am, The Good Companions Centre. email: officeunityottawa@ or website:


May 2019

The Key to Healing Abandonment by Amâeil, Energy Psychotherapy and Ascension Healing


bandonment is a painful wound, whether you experienced it as a child, or re-experience the pattern later in life. Feeling mistrust of others, uncertainty that someone will be ‘there’ for you when you need them, or a sense that you’re unworthy of having your needs met, fosters hurt, disappointment and fear. To keep looking for reassurance from others results in more pain, and yet this is often what people do. There’s a yearning for acknowledgment, and needs turn into neediness. You compromise your boundaries and tolerate a lot in return for a sense of security, to the degree that you abandon what is true for you and your own needs. Ultimately, healing abandonment comes from facing your worst fear of feeling alone and powerless, and learning to support yourself: * If you feel that someone is not responding to your needs as you would like, turn inward toward the awareness of your own feelings so that you can tend to them with loving care. This is what your inner child has been needing. Be willing to listen to his/her emotions, and hold steady in your own power. Fulfill your own needs accordingly. * If your tendency is to almost automatically look to others for opinions, support, or distraction, take some time to be with yourself first and look to your own company or inner wisdom. Each occasion that you do this cultivates self-trust and self-reliance, and fortifies your authentic power. * If you feel rejected, don’t take it personally. Recognize that another’s behaviour is a reflection of their wounds. Instead, reassure your own inner child that s/he is okay no matter what has transpired. Deepen your bond with lovingkindness and acceptance of him/her.

Take the time to know your inner child, and be his/ her loving God-Parent. You need not feel powerless anymore. This is the love you’ve wanted all along. This is your freedom! 18 yrs. experience: intuitive energy education, counselling, healing & multi-dimensional ascension clearing. Appointments in person or skype/phone 613-253-2888. Free newsletter, free resources: www. Melinda Urban 2019

Dolphin Dentistry Oral Health is Now Essential for Total Health

Jenni Tipper, MSW Integral Master Coach (613) 858-2799

Call for a free consultation 613 234-5758 May 2019


Story Healing & Emotional Wellness


ay House graciously offered me the opportunity to listen to a free seven-part documentary on “The Truth About Cancer” by the Bollingers. Once a day interviews by leading medical doctors specializing in cancer treatment appeared in my mailbox. The bottom line is that cancer is not a death sentence. We need to understand that cancer incubates for a minimum of ten years before it can be detected. So the recommendation from all of these medical doctors from the Orient is why not consider a wellness plan to life? (The Bollingers have a website, the truth about cancer and books that you can explore.) I do not give an opinion about cancer treatment yet there is one subject where I can assist in healing. These doctors put their clients through what they called emotional detox and story healing as part of their service. These are two components that are crucial to explore in any serious health issue. It’s not only about treating the physical symptoms but treating the individual as a whole. In my shamanic reflexology practice, I have developed a healing approach unique to me. It involves emotional detox and story healing. I worked with a woman, I’ll call her Jane, who had an advanced, aggressive cancer. Her friends asked her to see me. She was also doing acupuncture. I saw her twice and asked she continue acupuncture.

She went through standard medical treatments and continued acupuncture. She defeated all odds and after several months, was declared cancer free. The family went on a holiday and when they came back, the doctor whom she trusted, recommended she start taking a particular pill in case the cancer came back. Within a short time, she passed away from the side effects of this pill. Her immune system was too weak to fight it. Her husband called me to let me know of her passing. He wanted me to know that of all the people his wife had seen, and he didn’t know what I had said or done, whatever happened between us, ended up being the most effective and most helpful. She passed away peacefully in his arms. A little while later, I had a vivid, lucid dream where Jane was shaking me awake – all she kept on saying was “You have to tell them, they don’t know”. She never told me what that was. Yet through understanding the complexity of illness, it has been proven in the Orient that energy work is beneficial – especially when it comes to emotional detox and a spiritual practice. This is what we, in the Western world, have not yet connected to enough. They claim that everything starts in the mind and that our traumatic stories need to be heard and energetically healed. In June, I will host a story-healing workshop “for women only” called “Footprints in the Sand”. We will explore the energetic subtle body, emotional detox, and suggestions for a wellness plan you can implement for you and your family. Watch for details in next month’s Tone and visit my website at If you want to meet with me before then, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Soundara Rajan

Daughter of Professor Krishnamurthy

Diane Oliver Energy Medicine Woman 613-261-1602

Practicing and Teaching Stellar and Vedic Astrology Guiding people since 1959 in Finances, Career, Investment, Relationship and Family. Teaching meditation Individual service as well as follow-up queries 1 Woodthrush Green, Ottawa, ON, K1V 0A9

737-5206 • Fax: 739-2973


May 2019

LET US BEGIN Channelled by Lisa Virtue


t is time to understand more about yourselves. It is time to know more about who you are underneath your human personality and the busyness of your dayto-day lives. We have written often of the true self and knowing that you are loved beyond the mind’s reason. This is to be a basis of understanding from now forward. This we shall now move beyond to explore the self and others as they relate to oneness. Today we bring to you the idea that you are part of the One, the All-ness of creation, of existence. As you breathe, your awareness is finite in the limited scope of this life as who you see yourself as. The human person with a name. As you feel, you feel with your sensing abilities. As you think, you ruminate with a mind of creative power, born of the physical, yet inspired often from an intangible source. How you interact in the world is a manifestation of the focus given. Your self lies beyond all of these sensations and physical life knowings. Your self is vast beyond comprehension of parameters that appear to exist here for you in this life. Yet the perceived limitations and experiences you have here, do not change the truth of the vast consciousness that is the nature of your essence. The dream does not change the dreamer, if you will. When you sleep, you have experiences in your dream worlds, yet awake once again back to who you have been all along. The dreams felt real. The scenarios had importance to them. In fact, many of your dream scenarios help the physical person that is you to make sense of the goings on in your life. Insights come forth to aid your progression and enrich your life experience. The dream that is this life you are experiencing has far more staying power than those during the night. There is a greater permanence to this exploration you are on. So you feel a great connection to this life self and what it is made of.

The dreamer beyond this dream of life on Earth is vast in consciousness. Unlimited by space and time the constructs of the world of the dream. You have created a vast universe as a playground for exploration. Wherever the minds and imaginations take you is available to explore here. So the self you seek to define as your greater being or essence is truly incapable of being described in the context of the dream. In your quest for enlightenment and some form of ascension beyond these limits you live within now, you seek definition that may be understood within the context of this dream. Here we are coming to you in your realm to assist the thoughts you have, to coax you towards a more “lucid dream”. An experience of realizing you are dreaming, yet having enough awareness from your other, awake self to realize you have the power to manipulate the experience to some extent. That the rules are less solid than they seemed. The largest, and most confounding rule you have been following is that of fear. This is the primary rule we aim to assist you in recognizing no longer needs to be perceived as having truth to it. The adjustment of this concept alone in your consciousness alleviates 90% of life’s ills. So let us begin this leg of the journey together now. We will explore the greater essence, the Oneness, and ways in which you, here in the dreamworld, may elevate your consciousness to be more lucid in experience. We thank you for your attention, interest and dedication to knowing your true self in greater and greater ways. Great Divine blessings are yours always, The Oneness within, and a part of you.

Dileep Korah, D.O.M.P., ND Bilingual Osteopath and Naturopath 32 rue Principale, Gatineau (Aylmer). 819-800-1962

Lisa Virtue is a gifted healer and channel. She will be in Ottawa mid-June to mid-July, offering private sessions and group events. Spots sold out quickly last visit. Book now so you don’t miss this opportunity while she’s here. Visit for details. Contact:

May 2019



AwAkening The 3 CenTres A D i a m on d Approac h S e min a r The Head, Heart, and Belly are subtle centres within our individual consciousness, sometimes referred to as subtle organs of perception and action. When these centres are opened and activated, they help guide one’s soul to deeper realms of our True

Nature. In this seminar we will work to understand and open each centre, through inquiry, sensing, and meditation practices. The Belly centre is where the soul meets the ground of the earth. It helps to ground our realization and deepen our connection to our body, and allows us to function more optimally in the world, bringing a lived Presence and practicality to our lives.

The Heart centre brings attunement, sensitivity, empathy, and the capacity to feel one’s emotions and qualities of essence. When the Heart centre is open, we taste life to its fullest.

The Head centre is fundamentally the centre of awareness, discrimination, and understanding. When it is open and able

to freely engage experience, it is characterized by a complete open-mindedness, where we feel we are free of historical perspectives, positions, and identification. Then we can become open to the mystery of who and what we are. June 28, 29, & 30, 2019


• Friday, June 28 6:30pm – 9:30pm (registration begins 5:45pm)


Lisa Barrett and Carolyn Cerame


For registration and information, please contact Lisa Barrett at


• 2019: Sept. 5, 6, 7, 8

• Saturday, June 29 9:30am – 5:30pm • Sunday, June 30 9:30am – 5:30pm LOCATION:

Saint Paul University 223 Main Street, Rm L142 Ottawa, ON K1S 1C4


$425 + HST $300 + HST Full-time students


• 2020: February 8 & 9 (Zoom Webinar) April 16, 17, 18, 19 June 25, 26, 27, 28 Sept 17, 18, 19, 20

The Diamond Approach ~ A path that engages and leads to the discovery, development & preservation of the Human Essence.

May 2019

DIAMOND APPROACH, RIDHWAN DIAMOND APPROACH and RIDHWAN are registered trademarks of the Ridhwan Foundation. The Ridhwan “HU” symbol is a trademark of the Ridhwan Foundation.

The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition:

Cross-Cultural Shamanic Arts for Personal and Planetary Renewal Do you seek harmony, health and community in your life? Wishing to experience a deeper relationship with nature and unseen realms? Are you called to a path of healing service? “The PMT apprenticeship has changed who I am to the core and given me the ability to navigate life with grace and purpose. Connecting to this lineage has healed parts of me that were disconnected or broken. It has given me words for truths that I have always instinctively KNOWN, and given me a community of family that understands the world in the same way. My path of service is clear and I feel empowered to follow it with joy, wisdom and support.” ~ Alaina H., Sebastopol, CA

This Apprenticeship has been carefully crafted to offer people from all walks of life a heartfelt initiation into the healing power and earth honoring ceremonial artistry of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition (PMT), as originated by world-renowned kamasqa curandero don Oscar Miro-Quesada. Inspired by the living soul which sustains the various ancient traditions of Peruvian Curanderismo, the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition maintains contemporary relevance in its dedication to compassionate personal and planetary transformation. Sanctioned by the PMT Lineage and by don Oscar, curandera and stellar teacher YOLA DUNNE is offering the PMT Apprenticeship in Chelsea, Québec with two alternative opportunities to attend Part One, The Call to Heal (see below). As a PMT sanctioned teacher, Yola draws on over 30 years of practice and experience in the healing arts. Her path began in 1993 in the Dür Bön Tradition, a pre-Buddhist shamanic tradition of Tibet where she assisted in many ceremonies. These profound experiences paved the way for her service as auxilia (ceremonial assistant) to don Oscar, and her deep apprenticeship in the living lineage of the PMT. Yola serves her community with a thriving private healing practice, ceremonial offerings, and workshops.

NEW Apprenticeship Series Offered in Chelsea, Québec, Canada

The Heart of the Healer A Shamanic Portal into the Universe of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition


The Call to Heal (Releasing the Past) The Call to Heal – Alternate Weekend A Balance of Power (Transforming the Present) The Condor’s Quest (Creating the Future) The Hummingbird’s Ascent (Living the Mystery) The Shamanic Self (Serving the Earth)

March 15-17, 2019 May 17-19, 2019 August 9-11, 2019 November 15-17, 2019 February 21-23, 2020 May 29-31, 2020

Contact Yola Dunne at or call (613) 291-0315 or visit Cost: $450 CDN (per weekend). Pay by e-transfer, cheque, or PayPal. Fees include tax. For more information about the PMT visit our website.

May 2019 Walk a path of ancestral healing wisdom in the modern world


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