SDN Academy On-demand: Learning on Your Time, at Your Own Pace Russian and Chinese language courses kick-off The SDN Academy recognises that sometimes attending our live, online courses does not necessarily fit into our students’ hectic schedules, or their time zones. That is why we are (quietly) debuting a new on-demand platform to support those of you who require online learning opportunities outside of a fixed schedule.
The SDN Academy is launching this new initiative to provide service design practitioners of all levels with compelling content through a platform that makes it possible to learn at their own pace. Follow a course, pause, and then resume it as many times and as often as you like. On-demand courses also offer the
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added benefit of a course preview, to help ensure a course meets your expectations prior to purchase! On-demand course offering To start, we are pleased to release two original courses from two acclaimed and seasoned professional trainers.
For our Russian-speaking community, SDN-Accredited Trainer Olga Strelnyk has developed a ninehour, fully-immersive programme designed to 1) delve deep into the topic of service design 2) learn about the various methods/tools involved in its application and 3) genuinely understand how the practice is positioned to solve real-world challenges. That’s service design education from A-Z. The second course in our on-demand line-up comes from invited trainer Cathy Huang, who is well-established as a service design pioneer in China. This Chinese-language course looks to explore how service design has emerged as a product of a new era, thanks to the transformation of global industrial structures from an “industrial-based economy” to a “service-oriented economy”, from her perspective in China. Watch Cathy break the geographical barriers and take you, in under an hour, into a new world of applications of service design. Learn more about the courses and sign up at