Monsters' Mark | Sheldon Key Club | February | Volume 1 | Issue 9

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Monsters’ Mark

The Official Newsletter of Sheldon Key Club Sheldon Key Club | Division 7 South | Region 16 | CNH

February| Volume 1 | Issue 9

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Table of Contents

Inside this issue:

Editor’s Message SOS: Children’s Miracle Network Hospital Recap of Events Upcoming Events Featured Articles Elections

3 4 6 12 14 17

Words of Insights and Tips 18 Monsters of the Month


Contact Us


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Editor’s Message


reetings Sheldon Monsters!

I hope you are all getting used to your classes for the second semester. Thank you for continuing to stay active with us through the past term. With the last two months, I hope we will continue to be together throughout this term and the upcoming term. Please be aware that instead of meetings, we will be having ELECTIONS on the 14th and 21st. PLEASE come and vote for office for the upcoming term. You must be a paid member to vote, but you can come if you would like! Until next time, monsters. Stay golden. Happy reading,

Tracy Ly

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Spotlight o

Children’s Miracle N

Children’s Miracle Network Hospita preferred charities of Key Club! CM with a purpose of hospitalizing child Hospitals contribute directly to bene reaching out to programs and prov cannot pay. Currently, there are ov CMNH.

Did you know? 

Every minute, 62 children enter a Children’s Miracle Network Hospital.

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on Service:

Network Hospitals

als (CMNH) is one of the four MNH is a non-profit organization dren by raising money. CMN efit hospitals by training staff, viding health care for children who ver 170 hospitals affiliated with Spotlight on Service Program The Spotlight on Service Program (SOSP) is a program designed to motivate clubs to participate in the monthly focuses. For February, the SOS is Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals!

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Recap of Events: Janua 1/7/17 Resolution 5K Despite the cold and rainy morning, members greeted the winners with medals and water bottles.

1/7/17 - R for Rhett Breakfast Members helped by cooking scramble eggs and pancake members Running f Rhett. Eve service, K Club is wh the heart

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1/13/17 - XP Family Crab Feed Squeaky clean! To prepare before the big day, Key Clubbers dried wine glasses, unloaded drinks, prizes, and materials from truck as well as set up the tables and ensuring everything is ready. 1/14/17 - XP Family Crab Feed Key Clubbers put their kindness to use as they helped with serving and waiting tables. After the event, members cheerfully cleaned up and loaded the materials back into the truck.

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Recap of Events: Janua

1/14/17 - MLK JR Weekend of Service With a foggy morning, volunteers cleaned, gardened, installed rain barrels, and painted holiday cards for the elderly. What a good way to give back to the community!

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1/14/17 - Division 7 South Conclave Conclave is an event which we elect the next LTG. We are proud to congratulate our fellow Husky, Anthony Chan on being elected as the next LTG! We look forward to next term!

ary 1/2717 - Monthly School Clean Up MR Chair Theresa started a monthly school clean up with hopes of allowing our janitors to go home earlier. Volunteers cleaned the library shelves as well as organized and placed everything in order. Thanks to the huge amount of volunteers, the event ended quickly on a happy note. 1/28/17 - Tet Festival Bright smiles! Sheldon Key Clubbers helped with picking up trash, helping vendors set up, and handing out flyers.

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Recap of Events: Projec

Project Purrfect Gift Vice President Venh and Service Coordinator St planned and coordinated a service project in w dog toys will be made from old T-Shirts. They toy donated to a local animal shelter. Thank you to donated T-Shirts and helped cute and ensemble guys are PAW-some!

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ct Purrfect Gift

tephanie which cat and ys will then be everyone who e the toys! You

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Upcoming Events: February

February 2017 Sun





























Elections No School


20 No School






Sign up here. Page 12


TET FESTIVAL SATURDAY FEBRUARY 4TH AND SUNDAY 5TH Where: 6525 Florin Road, Sacramento, CA 95823 What: Members will be doing various tasks such as picking up trash, helping vendors set up, handing out flyers and much more. Make sure to identify what shift you want to work on these two dates!


SUNDAY FEBRUARY 5TH | 8:30AM12:30PM Where: CSUS Hornet's Stadium (6000 J St, Sacramento, CA 95819) What: Volunteers will be handing out food and water at the finish line.


When: February 13th, 11am-2am Where: 8469 Elk Grove Blvd. Ste 9, Elk Grove, California 95758 What: Come by T4 on February 13 to help support Franklin Key Club! 20% of purchases made WITH A FLYER will go to their DCON trip! Give your receipt w/ your name on it to any officer to be entered into a raffle! Winners will get to DARE an officer of their choice to do something!


SUNDAY FEBRUARY 26TH | TIME TBA Where: Crocker Park (211 O St, Sacramento, CA 95814) What: Members will be doing various tasks such as water station, registration, course monitoring and more!

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A Time to Remember - Cindy Luu


On December 21, Sheldon held a social to celebrate the Christmas spirit with the Key Club family! With the attire as pajamas, everyone looked cozy with Christmas spirit. The social consisted of many delicious foods, thanks to the members, games, and even several videos and movies afterwards. The games were super fun to play, and it looked like everyone was having a blast! After the sun had set, we watched many interesting things from scary videos to sad Korean movies. This was a moment where members and officers gathered together and cozied up with each other to enjoy the movie. Wrapped up in blankets, wearing comfy pajamas, hot chocolate, what could’ve made it any better?! Pictures; many pictures were taken of the entire ohana! We were all capturing memories of this day, and it will be saved forever. This night will never be forgotten; from the all the varieties of delicious foods to the movies with hot chocolate.

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Cool times - Michael noronha

I enjoyed Caroling for cans after December’s Division Council Meeting. Everyone went door to door in separate groups, asking people if they wanted to donate cans. We sang Christmas carols to people who donated. I met friends who I could relate to, talking about video games, classes, and what inspired us to join Key Club. Throughout the event my favorite carol was Jingle Bells, through which I was surprised when I found out only one person asides from me said the “Hahaha” part which wasn’t on the paper. It was interesting to see the people of the neighborhood being generous, and the variety of people willing to donate food to the poor. I initially thought that all the cans that we would gather would be insanely heavy for one to carry in a cardboard box, but I later found out that a Circle K member used a car to help out. It was also funny how houses that initially seemed like they were not available had opened right after our group was about to leave, leaving everybody speculating on what a good wait time was for each door. At the end when the groups reunited at the park, I talked with friends about how their experience was, and was sad when my parents told me I had to go, I enjoyed this event.

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Featured Articles

Here comes Santa Claus - Emily nguyen

The Santa Run was a really fun event because I got closer to people that I just met this year. Even though it was really cold, we all had fun cheering on tons of santa runners with bells. There were so many santas all in different sizes and ages as well as dogs too! After the event, we all were able to get free shirts and some even got santa suits which made them look so cute. Going to this event after finals was the best thing, because it made the start of winter break really fun. It was my first time actually interacting with more people other than close friends and having fun with them. These people made me forget how tired I was after a long week of studying. I’m glad that I was able to talk to them since they made that moment one of my favorites at a Key Club event.

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Elections are coming up really soon! In order to vote, you need to be a paid member. However, you can still come to elections if you are not. We really hope you come because your votes are crucial to electing officers for the future of Sheldon Key Club. Elections will be held on the following dates: 


Tuesday, February 14th - Bulletin Editor, Treasurer, Secretary Tuesday, February 21st - Vice President, President

Because we do not want you to stay after school for too long, there will be NO general meetings. Please do not vote for your best friend, but someone who you think will be capable. We hope to see you there and elect the future executive board of Sheldon Key Club!

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Words of Insights and President Justina Voong

Hey everyone! Its election season for Key Club and that means many of you are preparing to run for office. Here are some tips that you can all use:  Start early. Don't push your speech to the last minute. It requires a lot to get to know the position you desire, make goals, a speech, and prepare to present it.  Be YOU. Not only are people looking for what you can do, they want to know who you are as a person and some characteristics of you.  Be confident. Confidence shows your audience you know what you're talking about.  If you don't know what to say anymore, don't continue saying nonsense. You may be asked a question you don't know how to answer. It's better to let them know you don't know than give a completely wrong answer. Also, if you have nothing else to say, rambling on can be a bad thing.  Capture the attention of your audience. This keeps people focused on what you're saying.  Eye contact is important. If you're uncomfortable with eye contact, look on the top if people's head. (they

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won't be able to tell the difference)  Enunciate and project your voice. Make sure people can hear you and can understand what you're saying.  Don't be monotone. It can be boring if you are, make sure to capture your audience when you're talking.  Know your speech and goals. There's nothing worse if you don’t know your own speech or goals. People can and will ask you about your speech and goals during caucus.  Be professional. Running for office is a serious thing. Being professional shows the audience you're serious about what you do. This includes dressing professionally too.  Pace yourself. Don't talk too fast or too slow. Both will cause your audience to lose interest or focus.  Memorize your speech. It is good to memorize it, but NOT completely necessary as long as you know the majority of it. Make flashcards if you can't remember. Those are just a few tips while you run for elections! All these tips can be carried to other elections or interviews. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time! I wish you luck in these upcoming elections and any future endeavors!

Vice president vong

Hello beautiful Elections is com and I know you some tips to he through it. Elect be very scary a but don’t worry you aren’t alon are people goi the same thing are. Take this tim have some fun from your expe When you go u present your sp take a deep br down your train thought, and g that you’ve got convey your po Remember, it is make mistakes throughout you Just stop and p from where you the end of the be scared to fa there is nothing lose. Be proud o for taking the in run for an office because it isn’t something very take on. I hope these tips into consideration, a you at election


t venh

people! ming up u want elp you tions can and stressful y because ne. There ing through gs as you me to and learn eriences. up to peech, reath, slow n of give it all t to oints! s okay to

ur speech. pick up u left off. At day, don’t ail because g for you to of yourself nitiative to er position t y easy to e you take

and see ns!!

Secretary cindy luu

What's new, Monsters? With the term ending soon, it's time to finish it off as best we can. It also means that elections are coming up quickly. BUT DO NOT FRET! Going through this process is not as bad as it may seem to be. Some tips to help all of you through the elections is to stay calm, confident, and professional. While you're presenting your speech, you will want to stutter and forget what you planned to say. If this happens, simply take a deep breath and continue where you last left off. If you have fear of public-speaking, you can look at the back of the room, or at the top of the members' heads. Remember, do not look at one person, look at all of the members around the room and smile! When you are listing things, or pointing out ideas, use hand gestures. Hand gestures enable the members to know the things you have spoken about. Last and most importantly, bee yourself!! Although you want to be professional, be original. Speak loud and clearly so everyone is able to hear you. Show the members who you are and how you can contribute your originality to the club! I wish you all the best of luck!

Treasurer jenny chen

Hello everyone, how are you doing? As elections are approaching, here are 3 tips I highly recommend: 1) Start EARLY!! Do NOT wait until the last minute to begin writing your speech or to start creating your presentation. Otherwise, you are more likely to mess-up and stress yourself out. It’s always better to be over-prepared than to be under-preparedit is obvious when you are. 2) Practice answering caucus questions before the real thing. Caucus questions can be scary on the spot, but to avoid that- think about how you’re going to convey your honest answers as best as possible. 3) Sound confident. When you are in front of your audience, project your voice and to place emphasis on key words. When you sound confident, it shows you are prepared, and understand your goals and duties. This allows your listeners to be engaged, and more likely to listen to your entire speech.

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Words of Insights and Bulletin editor tracy ly

First off, I want to congratulate you for taking the initiative to run for your desired position! It takes a lot of courage to run for a position, and I am very proud of you. Be confident (even if you don’t feel like it), know your goals and how to execute it, as well as your tasks. Regarding more specific election tips, the officers have basically gave all their tips from personal experiences. Thus, I will have tips regarding interviews for you if you are interested in going for an appointed position! Please be aware that not all appointed positions this term will also be available the next term - it depends on the new board.  Go for a position that makes YOU happy. Don’t go for it just because of the title. You want be sure that you will enjoy and be happy about doing your job.  When it comes to interviews, the first thing is to dress appropriately. Dress business casual—you want to give a good impression to the officers and let them you know you mean business.  Know your tasks, goals, and how to execute them. Officers want to know that you are capable of your job and have goals to improve from the previous term as well as a plan to execute them.  Study caucus questions. Yes, you are not running for office, but officers may ask you questions to make sure you are knowledgeable about key Club as well as knowing how to handle situations. I hope these interview tips for appointed will help you! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask us! I wish you all the best of luck!

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Member recognition Th nguyen

It’s that time of the year aga elections! Elections are nerve I have to admit that it is a ha for the club since we will be new board pretty soon! I will some of you are going to cry cried freshman and sophom where I ran and got nothing. was no longer needed beca didn’t put the check next to the ballot. I wasn’t good eno them. I cried because I felt re useless, but here I am now.. I You don’t need to be on the board to inspire, motivate, a good enough for myself, and good enough for you. I found pursuit of happiness. I had th to serve in different ways. Ins moping around like a sack o up back on my feet and sad “Things happen for a reason meant for something else.” Y get rejected sometimes, but because you will find someth Throughout my Key Club car for at lest 10 things and did I them? No, however, I have t serving not only once, but TW Division Spirit Coordinator an regret nothing. Say congratu new board with a light heart have to prove your “worthine scared of them, they aren’t t at you. Don’t let this momen activeness in Key Club! There many opportunities out there



ain...time for e racking, but appy moment installing the be honest, y. I cried, I more year . I felt like I ause they my name on ough for ejected and I was wrong. e executive and strive. I am d you are d my own he opportunity stead of just of dust, I got d to myself, n because I’m Yes, you will t don’t worry hing else. reer, I applied get all of the honor of WICE as the nd honestly, I ulations to the t. You don’t ess”. Don’t be there to get nt ruin your e are many, e!

Service coordinator stephanie ilaga Running for the next term of office? Here’s what you should do. 1.) Know the responsibilities of what position you want to go for and look for a position that best suites you. You don’t want to go up for a position without knowing the duties of an officer. 2.) STUDY CAUCUS QUESTIONS! BEE prepared to answer any questions and to go into depth when up there. The members are going to want to know what you can contribute! 3.)Don’t be afraid to ask any of the current officers questions. Us officers are always here to help you guys! Another suggestion is to use the CNH website for additional resources. It’s KEY!

Tech editor dale matias Hey Monsters! I remember when I interviewed to become Sheldon Key Club's Tech Editor. It was extremely nerve wracking, especially with it being on the same day as my AP world test aha. When it came time for the actual interviews, my heart was beating out of my chest and I wondered if the interviewers could hear it from where I was standing. Still, I knew that in order to be successful, you have to be confident, genuine, and professional. Personally for me, I do practice a bit with people asking me interview questions but I end up going into the interview without much practice. I think that speaking from the heart tends to show one's character a lot more than just reciting an answer. But the number one thing to remember is to stay calm, breathe, and just be yourself!

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Monsters of the Month Member of the Month - Nicholas meskell As a freshman, Nicholas shows great enthusiasm for Key Club by posting about our club on social media and always wearing his club shirt during school! He's been super spirited by showing others how much he loves Key Club! Thank you Nic for always smiling during our service events as well as socials and DCM’s and giving off a positive atmosphere!

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h Officer of the Month - venh vong Venh has been constantly working hard lately to ensure the FB Page is updated as well as the Google Form with event reminders for members to check and sign up for events. In addition, he tried his best to encourage members to come to the XP Family Crab Feed in order to reach the attendee goal. Despite his busy schedule, he tries his ultimate best to attend almost every service event. Thank you Venh!

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Contact Us President

Bulletin Editor

Justina Voong

Tracy Ly

Vice President

Member Recognition

Venh Vong

Theresa Nguyen


Service Coordinator

Cindy Luu

Stephanie Ilaga


Tech Editor

Jenny Chen

Dale Matias

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Instagram: @sheldon_keyclub

Like us on Facebook @Sheldon High School Key Club

School Loop us for any inquiries!

Check out our website! (Click on image)

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