Monsters' Mark | Sheldon Key Club | October | Volume 1 | Issue 5

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Monsters’ Mark

The Official Newsletter of Sheldon Key Club Sheldon Key Club | Division 7 South | Region 16 | CNH

OCTOBER | Volume 1 | Issue 5 Sheldon High School - 8333 Kingsbridge Dr, Sacramento, CA 95829

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Table of Contents

Inside this issue: Editor’s Message


Meet the Officers!



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Recap of Events


Upcoming Events


Featured Articles


Through A Monster’s Eyes


Monsters of the Month


Contact Us


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Editor’s Message


hat’s up Sheldon Monsters?

It makes me so happy to see new and old faces again! We apologize for the first two meetings; we had many technical difficulties and were not told of the change in location. Despite that, it made me happy to see members interact through meetings again! Thank you to everyone that came to Open Mic Night! It was an amazing fundraiser that received lots of support from everyone, and we are very thankful. We were able to donate $130 to PTP! Woohoo! I hope to see you at more events and socials! We have one on October 2nd, and it would be great to bond and get know each other more. Also, Fall Rally North is coming up on OCTOBER 22nd and will cost $55! YAY! More information will be released shortly, so please be on the lookout for that!

Happy reading,

Tracy Ly

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Meet the Officers!

Justina Voong president Hey Monsters! My name is Justina Voong and I serve all of YOU as President for the 2016-2017 term. I am currently a senior and this will be my third and final year in Key Club. I have four basic things to my life: Sleep, Food, School, and Key Club. Other than that, I'm a huge fan of K-POP and K-Dramas. In my free time, find me taking a nap or serving my community! I'm also a big science nerd and in the Biotechnology Academy at Sheldon and also take lots of AP/ Honor classes. I hope this year, we all will be able to achieve new heights for ourselves and the club. I hope you feel inspired by Key Club, like it has been to me. Overall, I would love to make my last year in Key Club a great one along with all of you! Other than Key Club, I'm involved in other clubs such as Korean Music Club, Chemistry Club, and Asian Club. I look forward to meeting all of you and getting to know everyone, so don't be afraid to say hi when you see me!

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Venh Vong Vice President Hi Monsters! My name is Venh Vong and I serve as YOUR Vice President. A few things that you should know about me is that I loooooove to eat food and I eat a lot apparently. I also love being active and doing outdoorsy things such as running, playing sports, etc. Being an active person has also made me pretty conscious about what I eat. (not really) I just really hate eating sweets because.. It’s too sweet, but I will eat anything else people give me. People say I look really scary, but if you really get to know me... I'm still really scary xD. Just kidding, I'm a very fun loving guy that just likes to laugh, so come by and say hi to me whenever you get a chance. That's about it! If you want to get to know more about me, then I suggest going to service events. :))

Cindy luu Secretary Orange you excited for the new year?! My name is Cindy Luu and I am serving as your 2016-2017 secretary! This will be my first year serving in the Key Club board. Some things you may not know about me are that I am on the women's tennis team, I enjoy looking at plushies in my free time, and I love sleeping whenever I can; I'm also in the class of 2019! I'm usually an active dancing member in KMC and spending time with my loving friends are something that you'll see me doing a lot throughout this year. Although I may be new to this, I will strive to do my best and make this another great year. I hope to get along with you all and make more memories along the way. With Monster Spirit, Cindy Luu

Jenny chen treasurer HELLO MONSTERS! My name is Jenny Chen and I currently serve you all as Sheldon Key Club's treasurer for the 2016-2017 term. As treasurer, I administer our club finances and manage all expenses, fundraisers, etc., to ensure we are at a good standing. I am currently a sophomore, and hobbies of mine include watching Korean dramas, Youtube videos and vlogs, and occasional episodes of anime. This will be my second year on the Women's Tennis team, and I love spend my leisure time with my three cats. In a nutshell, I am just really short person with an unconditional love with Starbucks and boba, so don't be afraid to ask me any questions about anything and everything!

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Meet the Officers!

Tracy ly Bulletin editor What’s up Sheldon monsters? My name is Tracy Ly and I serve you all as the Bulletin Editor for this 2016-2017 term! This newsletter you’re reading and our flyers you see is what I create! I also manage Sheldon Key Club’s Instagram page along with Jenny and am in charge of any other publication. I am currently a sophomore and besides Key Club, I am involved in the Biotech Academy as well as Science Olympiad. My hobbies include sleeping, hiking (sadly, I’ve been so busy to go!), and making others laugh! Please feel free to greet me anytime and don’t be shy! I look forward to seeing you grow on your Key Club adventure! ((:

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THERESA NGUYEN MEMBER RECOGNITION Hi, my name is Theresa Nguyen and I am a senior. Please don't confuse me with the ten other people on campus with the same name as me. However, because I have tennis games on Tuesday, you probably won't know me until November so let's play "Guess Who" when that month comes, right? Anyways, I don't want to sound fake on here so if you want to know the real me, then come see me. I'm down to talk anytime because I know that if you are reading this, then you are a really dedicated members who loves Key Club as much as I do.

Stephanie illaga Service corrdinator HEY MONSTERS! My name is Stephanie Ilaga, serving as your 2016-2017 service coordinator. I’m currently a sophomore, but still feel like a freshman. I have the tendency of looking at stuff I can’t afford. Whenever I have time, I enjoy baking, hanging with friends, and of course volunteering on the weekends. Let me serenade you, because I also play ukulele and guitar. I may seem shy and quiet, but according to certain people I’m a wild creature. P.S. I always bring señorita bread to socials so I SUGGEST that you come to them. YAGA OUT!

DALE MATIAS TECH EDITOR Hey monsters! My name is Dale Matias and I'm your 2016-2017 Tech Editor! I handle the photos, videos, website, and most of the club's technical aspects. I decided to take up this role because I liked how pictures and videos capture the emotion of a moment no matter how long ago it happened. Naturally, when I saw this position, I wanted to apply those same principles to Key Club. If you ever see me around, don't be afraid to ask me a question, say hi, or even take a picture together!

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Spotlight o


“UNICEF, the only organization of the United Nations dedicated exclusively to children, works with other United Nations bodies, governments and nongovernmental organizations to assist in children’s needs through communitybased services in primary health care, basic education, and safe water and sanitation in more than 150 developing countries.” Source Page 8

on Service:


Did you know? 

 

Key Club has been helping UNICEF by Trick or Treating for UNICEF and donating the money to prevent maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT) through The Eliminate Project. MNT kills one baby every 11 minutes. It takes only $1.80 to protect one woman and her future babies by giving the tetanus vaccine.

Spotlight on Service Program The Spotlight on Service Program (SOSP) is a program designed to motivate clubs to participate in the monthly focuses. For October, the focus is UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund). Page 9

Fall Rally North What is FRN?

FRN stands for Fall Rally North. Divisions from Northern California gather together at Six Flags to fundraise for Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP). The division with the most spirit wins the spirit stick! LTGs and the District Executives are “auctioned� off to Divisions. The auction funds and portion of the ticket prices goes towards PTP! It is all for a good cause!

When? October 22, 2015 How much? $55 Where do I pay? At the AO window. Page 10

Tips & Tricks for FRN! 

Water - Always stay hydrated! You may lose your voice from cheering! Cough Drops - Why? To soothe your throat after all that cheering. Spirit Gear - Division T-Shirt? Monster ears? Tutus? Deck it out with orange! Money - You will get hungry! Bring money to buy food or for other activities. Know Your Cheers! - Make sure to review the cheers and get ready to show your monster pride!

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Recap of Events: September September 10th - Festival of Colors “We helped set up the Festival of Colors event and before the it started, we tried to do yoga. Even though it was somewhat difficult to copy what the person was teaching us, it was fun because instead of everyone complaining and giving up, we were struggling and laughing together. When the event started, our club was selling shirts, bandanas, and colors. Also, it was great to see how accepting people are to other cultures during the festival.� -Angelica Lopez

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September 10th - Kiwanis Fall Workday

“I always looked forward to Kiwanis Fall Workday because it was a day out of the entire year where we were able to spend time and bond with the whole Kiwanis family members! The day was filled with various projects including weeding, painting sheds, and cleaning inside the house. The best part about it all was that with our participation, it ensure that our Kiwanis Family House continues to be a safe and comfortable home for all of the families staying.” -Mindy Phan

“While the work itself was not exactly something to be excited about, the people that I worked with and the impact I knew I was making on the community definitely made it a memorable experience.” -Jule Dao

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Recap of Events: September September 10th - Open Mic Night

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Recap of Events: September September 17th - Great American River Clean Up "I got to clean up trash while having fun getting to know the other five people there. The memorable thing about it is that it was my first key club event, and also Venh was there." -David Nguyen

September 18th - Let’s Roc 5K At the Lets ROC 5K event I worked at the pancake station handing out pancakes to the runners and volunteers. I had a great time working this station because I got to see all the bright smiles of the runners as they came up to get their pancakes. I also met a few new Key Clubbers from Monterey Trail High School that were really nice and welcoming of me. Because I arrived late, they helped me to get settled down and informed me of what was going on and what to do. What was crazy was that I even got a ride home from one of the person I just met from MT! This goes to show the generosity Key Clubbers display to each other no matter if you are friends or strangers. Overall, I had a blast at Lets ROC and hope that in the future you all will experience the generosity that I experienced. -Venh Vong, Vice President

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September 18th - Moon Festival

“It was fun watching everyone enjoy making balloons and making the little kids happy.� -Brian Vu

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Recap of Events: September September 24th - Region Training Conference (Picture Credits: Tommy Dang)

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Riddle of the Month: What is at the end of the rainbow? (First one to tell me the answer at the next meeting gets a prize!)

September 24th - Farm to Fork

“It was fun! We got to meet up, get to know each other a little better, and took some pictures.� -Nicholas Meskell

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Upcoming Events: October

October 2016 SUN




































Sign up here. Page 20

DCM + Spirit Fest.

Fall Rally North



SATURDAY OCTOBER 1ST | 12PM-4PM (ARRIVE 30 MINS EARLY) Where: Cal Expo, 1600 Exposition Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95815


SATURDAY OCTOBER 1ST | 8:30AM-12PM Where: Southeast Corner of State Capitol (12th and N street)


SUNDAY OCTOBER 2ND | 5:30AM-9:30AM or 9AM-1PM Where: William Land Park


SUNDAY OCTOBER 2ND | 3pm-7pm Where: 8216 Medeiros Way Sacramento ,CA 95829


FRIDAY OCTOBER 7TH | TIME TBA Where: CAL EXPO 1600 Exposition Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95815


FRIDAY OCTOBER 14TH | 5PM-8PM Where: Fite Elementary


SATURDAY OCTOBER 15TH | STARTS BETWEEN 5-6AM Where: William Land Park, 3800 W Land Park Drive, Sacramento, CA 9582


FRIDAY OCTOBER 21ST | 5PM-8:30PM Where: 9180 Brown Rd, Elk Grove, CA 95624



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A Refreshing event - Emily tran


A recent event I attended was the Froyo Run on August 20th. I’ve always been scared to attend service events or socials for no reason aside from me being anxious of new opportunities, but this event, I promised I would go to see where I could push myself out of my comfort zone. The event was more fun than I expected because I was able to see a close friend who recently left and spend the morning with a friend working the water station, who I haven’t connected with in a long time. Even though it was only the water station, I appreciate the opportunity to get out and do something that I didn’t know I would enjoy. I know that this is only the beginning of a great term and I hope that I can raise my own expectations for myself and come out of my comfort zone more in the future to reach new goals.

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My first Kiwanis takeover - jenny chen

In the month of August, I had the opportunity to attend my first Kiwanis Takeover at Rancho Murieta along with the rest of the Sheldon and Pleasant Grove board. But - what is a Kiwanis Takeover? A takeover is essentially Key Clubbers "taking over" a Kiwanis meeting. Presidents from both clubs lead the Kiwanians through pledges, opening, and transitions. The drive was far for a Thursday night, but it was completely worth it to listen such dedicated people who want to contribute to their community. It was really adorable seeing everyone sing together, and do notable acts of charity on their free time. They were very welcoming and friendly, and overall, very selfless people. Tuning into this meeting not only was fun, but unexpectedly made me appreciate how we are to be living in a suburban and developed area. To these Kiwanians, a closest pharmacy or grocery store is around an hour away, or they lack the transportation to get there in the first place. This takeover was eyeopening and so gratifying to know that there are people who are trying to implement change for their problems. I would definitely attend another Takeover in the near future, and hope to interact with more Kiwanians when given the chance to! Page 23



Being away from home for the summer meant being away from community service. But not only was I away for the summer, I was EXTRA lazy! When I was away I missed waking up in the mornings to help serve my community but while at home my laziness kept me from going outside, even to my own living room... With school about to start and the attempts of pulling myself out of that dark hole, I started signing up for the service events once again. Although it was early my first service event in a long time made me remember how much fun I had alongside with friends as well as other Key Club members and afterwards, I didn't even know why I chose to sit in bed all that time; well maybe I did a little, I'm still halfway in the pit of lazy. Now, Elaine, what was the point of this ramble? It's always nice to lay in bed and lounge around but at times, try waking up a little early, enjoy the outside air and not the AC!

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Articles THROUGH A Monster's EYES - Justin Dui

(Picture Credits: Tommy Dang)

Why did you join Key Club? At first it was because Nic told me to, but then, once I got into it, it’s fun! What event changed your perspective of Key Club? RTC. I liked the spirit, the hype, and how everyone was flipping water bottles during lunchtime. Page 25

Monsters of the Month

Member and officer of the month Member of the Month - JESSTINE LINTAG This beautiful young lady has BLOSSOMED as a key clubber. Since her freshman year, you would see her at almost every meeting. She would invite her friends and by now, she probably persuaded over 10 others to dedicate their souls to the organization that she has come to love. Over the summer, she stacked up (Picture Credits: Tommy Dang) on hours with service events and attended our summer social! Trust me, my senior year wouldn't be the same without her. She has a bright smile and she loves to show it off to the world. At the recent Color Run, she was in charge as escorting guests onto the stage. Of course, with her bubbly, outgoing character, she had no problem! (If anything, the staged also was super duper hyped because she is so fun and cheerful!) If I were you, I would attend more events just so I could meet Jesstine. #KeyClubBucketList

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Officer of the Month - DALE MATIAS Shucks y'all, Dole Mighty Awesome is our favorite officer from North Carolina. He stays up late at night until the rooster wakes him up to cook spam in the morning. Not only is he working on all those honors classes, but every time we have a service, social, and division event, this boy edits all of them and creates a video before it strikes midnight. His achievements have soared above and beyond his goals. He is organized, talented, and did I mention he makes some bomb spam? He loves contributing to our socials no matter the cost, labor, or time it could consume. Now, as he is remodeling our website, we truly see his talents. He applies all the skills he learned from school and is currently saving up funds for a new camera. Although his achievements are already noteworthy, I can't wait to see what's more to see, especially because all his works will be in our scrapbook. Thank you Dale Matias!

Theresa Nguyen Member Recognition Page 27

Contact Us President

Bulletin Editor

Justina Voong

Tracy Ly

Vice President

Member Recognition

Venh Vong

Theresa Nguyen


Service Coordinator

Cindy Luu

Stephanie Ilaga


Tech Editor

Jenny Chen

Dale Matias

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Instagram: @sheldon_keyclub

Like us on Facebook @Sheldon High School Key Club

School Loop us for any inquiries!

Check out our website! (Click on image) Page 29

Thank you for reading!

Click on image for website!

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