Willkommen-Bienvenida-Bienvenue-Welcome to our January issue! Whether
this is your first time visiting our shores or you are returning once again to
trace the steps of your distant ancestors, here at Travel Ireland we hope in
some small way to be able to gently guide you as you plan your stay here.
In our latest issue, we shine a spotlight on some fantastic events happening
across the country. These include magician and mentalist Keith Barry’s
touring show Insanity, the Bray One Act Drama Festival, Dublin Bowie
Festival, Belfast’s Out to Lunch Festival and the Shannonside Winter Music
Festival in Co. Clare.
We also give readers the low down on the best theatre to see across the
country – including the Gaiety’s star-studded The Lieutenant of Inishmore
and the touring play A Holy Show. Meanwhile, Pat Liddy writes about the
history of St Stephen’s Green.
Whatever you end up doing, we at Travel Ireland wish you a hefty and
heartfelt céad míle fáilte and hope you enjoy your stay.
Taisteal sásta (Happy Travels).